How i found Christ... (From psychedelics to Jesus)

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4 жыл бұрын

Hey Hey Read me...
So this is my Story how I became a Christian.
If you are new to this channel I know there are not a lot of English Videos from me.
But this will change now. I Try to change my Channel in an English Channel.
I know my English isn't the best. But I hope this will change in the Further.
So i will upload on this channel many different thing but manly story's that I had encounter with Jesus.
So leave a Like here and a Sub.
See ya in the next Video :)

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@Zuecheltv 3 жыл бұрын
Hey, Guys Thank you so much for watching this video and the great response to it. It's such a blessing to see that. I just wanted to firmly ask you if you would consider subscribing to the Channel I uploaded every Week a Video about things God has given me on my heart. The quality of the videos is in my opinion better but the message is still the same. Stay blessed!
@cristianoheaven1518 3 жыл бұрын
One of the supporters here...great testimony...Jesus bless you and your family 🙏👍👍👍
@Zuecheltv 3 жыл бұрын
@@cristianoheaven1518 Thank you for the Comment. Be blessed :)
@user-uc3qg3pq4w 2 жыл бұрын
Id suggest studying some traditional orthodox Christian interpretations of the Bible, thats really where the full depth of ancient Christianity and the Bible comes alive and into view, the book "the mystical theology of the eastern church by Vladimir lossky" is a good one, any book by st symeon the new theologian, st john chrysostom who lived 1500 years ago, st gregory of nyssa who lived 1600 years ago, any book by a saint really,they are the eastern churches equivalent of the Hindu holy man etc, or our contemporary fr seraphim rose whos biography alone is a brilliant look into authentic Christianity as it exists today, unfortunately for most people in the west there idea of what christianity is is Protestantism, which is like a whole other thing compared to actual traditional Christianity,l and doesn't really have an inward spiritual aspect to it at all, it lost it a long time ago when it became to focused on the letter rather than inner experiential spiritual knowledge as traditional Christianity does, spiritual practices not just beliefs etc Anyway concerning psychedelics and traditional plant medicine ceremonies, the difficulty of a foreigner like myself authentically participating in a traditional plant medicine ceremony is alot more complex than people may think, traditionally the use of plant medicines by people is just one small aspect of a much larger tradition and all encompassing way of life, a complex system of religious beliefs and other spiritual practices, on a continuum from more exoteric to esoteric, certain ethical and moral principles, various rules and regulations, different social roles and duties, a knowledge of and connection with all other members of the tribe, usually from birth etc, a whole particular mentality, psychological and emotional that has developed and been cultivated by these particular people, etc etc etc, so it was very different for them as one could imagine compared to someone like me from the west who may come in and stay for a while then leave. what i am getting at is that a commitment to the tradition and way of life would seem to be a prerequisite for its participation i believe, a conversion to use a different type of Language, ultimately an initiation that is for life and implies one is going to seek god following that particular mode of following god with all that the tradition implies otherwise there will always remain this sense of one being a tourist in a way, just hoping to come in without any true lifelong commitment and have an experience, it has this materialistic western consumer feel to it, just happens to be in regards to spiritual things uno, its like spiritual shopping, but i believe the commitment and the sacrifice that a proper engagement with spiritual/religious things implies is one or the most important parts of the effectiveness of the whole thing and determines the degree of benefit one may get from the ceremony uno. Because if you look at all of history and mans spiritual/religious searching and way of life then it os always the case that only one particular tradition is followed by any given individual, individually or culturally they commit to one way of life, one religion, one path etc and follow it to the desired goal which is the attainment of an experiential union with god, in fact it was so important that different paths to the same goal not be mingled together or one person not practice two ways that there was many restrictions in every culture existing to guard against this, this is where we get what is misinterpreted now as a bigoted exclusivity in religion in relation to how it sees other religions but in reality it is just an attitude that had to be taken for the protection of each religion which is whole and complete in itself and can lead man to the same end as another one, when two paths are confused and joined tho then it may destroy both because they are so radically different in the mode in which they do things that they externally appear not to even have the same end in sight etc God bless brotha
@lucaswaterhouse 3 жыл бұрын
I had a similar experience at 17. I was sober and following Christ for 6 months, then I started doing drugs and alcohol again. It took another 20 years before I had a second chance. I am now 42 and celebrating 5 years of being free from drugs and alcohol. Don't be like me and waste 20 years!
@kenshi2606 3 жыл бұрын
i wish you the best
@musiccreators6683 2 жыл бұрын
I wouldnt call it wasted, instead a long battle and from that battle u gained strength.
@massivepump3059 2 жыл бұрын
@@musiccreators6683 Amen!
@massivepump3059 2 жыл бұрын
5 years! Good on you bro!!
@createinmeacleanheartohgod6871 3 ай бұрын
Finding Jesus is not a battle of "WHEN", God's grace and mercy is always about , "FINALLY".
@Lunariss_ 2 жыл бұрын
The new age philosophy that Jesus was just another ascended master is ALSO a deception. Jesus is the only way, the truth the the LIFE.
@jskok3280 4 ай бұрын
You are 100% correct. Glory to Jesus Christ.😊
@Pjayjay 3 ай бұрын
No its not, the deception was him getting to believe countless fools that he was born of god, but literally in the bible it was said he was made thru the seed OF DAVID 😂
@karalstonalexstine7939 Ай бұрын
Wha i dont get. Why is the bible true is the quaram is true, if the torah is true, if the holy book of hinduism is true?
@ohlookitsethan 3 жыл бұрын
This helped me more than you can imagine . You are in my prayers friend .
@Zuecheltv 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you !:) All Glory to Jesus.
@stenxo1345 3 жыл бұрын
Really did
@bronsondiamond2025 3 жыл бұрын
My intellectual pursuits got me stuck in the occult too. It's crazy how we have to guard ourselves from our own minds.
@mightytattz6752 3 жыл бұрын
Beautiful story! Exactly what I went through in a sense. I was deep into New Age and it's empty philosophy that left me feeling empty as usual, I also indulged in psychedelics every few months. Until I had a pyschotic break on my last trip and I was in hospital wanting to kill myself. The worst week ever! But only through that suffering did I dedicate my search to God and now I'm in the process of changing my life around and giving over my heart to God.
@fionalynskeyy Жыл бұрын
That is amazing and I Pray that you are walking with God today and the rest of your days 🙏🏻
@Andrew-sj9tr Жыл бұрын
What did you take if you don’t mind me asking?
@karalstonalexstine7939 Ай бұрын
A lot of new age philosophy is older than jesus though.
@woodysmith4608 3 жыл бұрын
Hey Timon, I really felt your story. I used to do a lot of drugs, mushrooms, heaps of weed, MDMA, speed, oxycodone, the whole lot really except for the really hard stuff, and a lot of lsd at a pretty young age, and like you i would have the monthlyish urge to do it, sometimes very large amounts(now i know was from the devil). and I used to have anger and spitefullness at Christians and God and stuff, an irrational anger that looking back was demonic. I have only been a Christian for a few months, and despite some backsliding I am completely sober and delivered from heavy smoking addiction that i tried to kick 100s of times before Jesus did it for me. With Him all things are possible, much love from australia mate, God bless
@Zuecheltv 3 жыл бұрын
Woow such a beautiful testimony! Our God is such an awesome God. Stay blessed that's so beautiful to hear. God is just good!
@grandmasterlucien 3 жыл бұрын
Amazing to hear how God has changed you! Surround yourself with a good local church and christians to help you grow! Have you watched the bible project videos on youtube too? They're great.
@woodysmith4608 3 жыл бұрын
@@grandmasterlucien Yeah I have a local church, its mainly family oriented and I'm the only 19 year old in it, mostly older people and kids. so I go on youtube for the convicting heavy hitting sermons, one day I would like to go to a more hardcore church. I have watched the bible project, their videos definitely helped me get inspired to read the Old Testament, which is definitely important. The Gospel and the letters are easy to read, but the OT is very important, as the amount of interlinking stuff and prophecies and all that concerning Jesus Himself is very cool, and reading the OT helps not go lukewarm because its some heavy duty stuff, Gods grace is amazing and beautiful but the fire and brimstone are still real. God bless you friend.
@bradhenry7317 Жыл бұрын
Praise God!!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼❤️❤️
@justaguy-69 7 ай бұрын
i was an atheist until i took LSD and it showed me the truth in christs teachings like no church ever could, thank god for psychedelics and making our brains the way he did!
@panoslianos7312 Ай бұрын
Feel you God bless
@Jed77777 2 жыл бұрын
This hit home to me, brought tears to my eyes. I’ve been smoking weed since I was 12 recently come to Christ a couple of years back I’m 28 and I’m still smoking weed, the thoughts you have before giving weed up is exactly the same as how I’m feeling right now. Bless brother🙏
@Zuecheltv 2 жыл бұрын
I'm praying for you :)
@throughthefire-isaiah432ch7 3 жыл бұрын
This testimony was so powerful and beautiful. So cute and sweet to watch. Thank you for sharing!!
@flutterbylesley3731 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing brother :) your spirit makes me smile. God is so incredible. So happy for you . Much love
@wearethesaints4854 3 жыл бұрын
This was beautiful brother! God bless you!
@logancombs1430 Жыл бұрын
Sorry for the huge book, but I pray that those struggling will read this and find some peace through Christ. This video helped me tremendously! I was introduced to Christianity on my mothers side of the family when I was younger and have always believed in a God and Jesus, but my parents split at a young age and my father was never spiritual. Around age 9 or 10 I moved in with him for good, Christianity slowly faded because I wasn’t directly exposed to it and I became more focused on fitting in at school, etc. Around age 15 I was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma (bone cancer) and had to go through grueling chemotherapy, also was exposed to medical grade Narcotics, pain medicine (Morphine, Dilaudid, Oxy, etc., nerve medication such as Valium, they gave me everything. I realized that I began liking the way that they made me feel. I didn’t realize at that time that this would be a precursor to a long and dark path. Both of my parents were addicts as I had always told myself I would never do drugs, but in this contained environment I felt it was okay. So during my treatment I had bowel complications as a result of chemo which forced me to go into emergency surgery, I was medically induced in a coma for around 7 days with brief moments of consciousness, in this time I nearly lost my life, I prayed going in that my life was in Gods hands and asked for forgiveness wether he wanted me to live or die, although I hadn’t been very spiritual I still believed and felt it necessary. I come through the surgery, they removed around 20 inches I don’t remember exactly of my small intestine, I countinued to heal and made a full cancer free recovery and am now 5 years cancer free. After this is where the real battle came into my life. My father and stepmother did not let me have a healthy relationship with the rest of my family during this time (my family has always pulled me 4 different directions emotionally, grandparents fighting for custody bc my parents were addicts up until my dad finally got treatment, parents using me as a pawn to hurt each other, etc) also during this time I had a girlfriend cheat on me and emotionally manipulated me and when I broke things off she lied and turned everyone at school against me aswell. So I began to emotionally isolate myself from everyone, started sneaking and getting into my father and my grandfathers alcohol, smoking weed, etc. I then found a prescription of Hydrocodone, for anyone who doesn’t know it’s a Opiod (narcotic pain medicine). This was the beginning of an addiction to anything and everything I could get my hands on, eventually it got to the point of using amphetamines and even occasionally when at the right place and time Heroin. None of this I was proud of but the shame continued my addiction. Finally I had had enough and I walked away from everything hard and went back to just smoking weed and used suboxone to manage cravings and make me feel “normal” without drugs. All this had done was create another addiction to the suboxone and I could not go without them or I would have intense physical withdrawals. I still continued to suffer with depression, anxiety, etc. and continued to isolate myself from everyone but my girlfriend. I eventually looked into Physcedelics, I had heard they could help with spiritual and emotional healing. I had tried LSD before in my days if active addiction but it was mainly to just see cool stuff, etc. So I bought an ounce of Magic Mushrooms and over the span of roughly a month did numerous trips and thought I was healing, I was also big into alien culture during this bc the two go hand in hand. I was grasping the idea of the existence of aliens but still believed in God and had internal conflicts trying to prove both to myself. During the last few trips I started having thoughts coming into my head that didn’t seem like they were mine, I started believing that through physcedelics there could be the possibility of communicating with extraterrestrial or inter-dimensional alien beings. I could do regular tasks better, etc and I had high hopes that I was having a breakthrough and could use this to help my own progression through life, wether it be monetary gain, etc. During my last time using them I suddenly had the realization of what I was actually encountering, and once I realized the possibility that it could be demonic the entire feeling in myself and the room changed and I could see a dark shadowy figure everywhere I looked and it seemed it was trying to scare me as much as it could because I saw it for what it was, I had been so isolated from Christ by the Devil that I never thought to even call upon him so I just sucked it up, and sat and endured it until the trip ended. So I had made up my mind I was never doing those again, but I continued smoking marijuana and also had the suboxone addiction but it didn’t get me high it just made me feel normal so I didn’t think it was wrong. About a month later I smoked some dabs which is a concentrated form of THC, which is all I smoked at that point bc my tolerance to Marijuana was so high I couldn’t feel it any other way. I started having a bad trip and it was almost like music was playing in my mind and I couldn’t turn it off and something was telling me go play this on your guitar, I immediately thought back to the mushrooms and what I had encountered so I began to get scared again, but this time something told me to call on Christ and I did, I started praying for forgiveness and truly submitted to the will of God and accepted Christ in my heart on my own without influence of family members, etc. I suddenly felt the warmest feeling in my chest which I now know is the Holy Spirit and can feel it daily whenever I’m in deep prayer. From that moment I said okay, lead my life, Jesus is King, and memorized Matthew 28:20 “I am with you always, even until the very end of the age”. In almost the flip of light switch all my desires and interests completely faded away and all I wanted was to know Christ. I could feel the Holy Spirit telling me I needed to quit all my addictions, I cold turkey quit Suboxone, Tobacco, and Marijuana at the same time and put my faith in him and never felt sick at all, yet I used to not be able to go longer than a day without feeling like I had the worst flu of my life. I kept having a voice telling me I wasn’t worthy of gods love, that I was going to hell and there’s no hope, etc. But the more I prayed and trusted God those thoughts completely left my mind, now my only fear is that of God, and I have no desires other than living for him. For about a week I kept have flashbacks to all the times I took physcedelics and would see the demonic influence that I had while using them that I wasn’t even aware of at the time. Physcedelics are 100% a tool of the demonic, and using them will open a barrier for them to try to influence you and control you. I thank God every day and pray all throughout the day to him about anything that comes into my mind I wanna share with him! Good, bad, etc. I’ve not had this much joy in my heart and smiles on my face in years, Jesus did for me in an instant what I searched years for. He continues to restore me every day and I pray that all those out there who are battling addiction, feeling unworthy, whatever is afflicting you, put your faith in Christ, completely put your trust in his will and he will work wonders on you. This is my testimony and I hope it helps those out there also struggling, never give up, he loves you and wants nothing more than for you to let him in your life. God Bless!
@Zuecheltv Жыл бұрын
Such a beautiful testimony! Thank you so much for sharing be blessed :)
@logancombs1430 Жыл бұрын
@@Zuecheltv Thank you for taking the time to read, praying others who are going through similar experiences as you or I will see and get the strength to pull through and give their lives to our Lord and Savior, God bless!
@WonderlustThing 7 ай бұрын
Dude psychedelics aren’t a “tool of the demonic”🤦🏻‍♂️theyre sacred medicines that god created to heal humans.
@WonderlustThing 7 ай бұрын
Not everything unknown and misunderstood is “of the demonic” 🙄
@mcdawol 2 жыл бұрын
I can absolutely believe that when it came to people like Moses who “met god” can easily have been tripping balls on DMT
@priscillaahumaraeze5290 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing this video with us. God is good!
@fondusportfolio 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing. God bless!
@RonCopperman 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Dude, good job. .. glad for ya !
@laylascott6096 2 жыл бұрын
Very beautiful testimony! You have such a joyful spirit. God bless you
@This_is_Turpui 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for that lovely testimony, I pray the Lord continues to guide you 🙏
@jasminesmith3987 2 жыл бұрын
Love this so much ✨, so glad we are apart of such a beautiful family 🤍
@kgeo2686 3 жыл бұрын
That is so amazing. Praise God. Thanks for that
@IJay3000 2 жыл бұрын
This is a beautiful testimony, God bless you for sharing with us
@DanielBurns1987 3 жыл бұрын
Happy for your journey.
@MarlieMazing Жыл бұрын
Beautiful testimony. Glory to God! He also delivered me from drugs and anger. He has given me a new heart 💙🌺 thank you Jesus
@randyrawdingii5135 Жыл бұрын
Hey bro, just saw your testimony and was very moved. I grew up a Christian (learned much of the Word and I love God) but I struggle against my desires as a single man. I need a home church and since I don't want to be deceived, I'm not sure where to go. I've prayed about it but need direction... Thanks for sharing your testimony. The power and love of Jesus is so beautiful! God bless!
@xniki4x 4 жыл бұрын
thank you for sharing this! i have my personal doubts yet in a similar journey and obstacles..thats how i found your video.
@jorgerivera4588 2 жыл бұрын
We have SOOOO much in common. I teared up a little because I am still struggling a little bit. It's definitely a spiritual warfare going on. A constant battle im fighting. Thank you for sharing. I too hope one day I can share my experience
@massivepump3059 2 жыл бұрын
You just started a bit right here Jorge, I hope the journey helps you find what you are looking for brother.
@johndavidtackett 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing your testimony bro!!!
@drea2167 2 жыл бұрын
Wow thank you for your testimony!
@CRCH714 3 жыл бұрын
Awesome testimony brother!! Happy for you God bless
@brandonshaffer6255 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing this Timon, I am a fairly new Christian who wrestles with doubting Gods existence and whether or not Jesus was who He said He was. I found this because I had questions about psychedelics and whether or not could prove or disprove Gods existence and I’m so glad I found this, it has answered a lot of those questions that I had about psychedelics and has shown me that they truly are demonic and not from Jesus! Thank you so much my brother and friend!
@goodvibesandhealing 3 жыл бұрын
I started being Christian after being born in Iran to a family who was Atheist, and growing up in Canada as an Atheist myself. I have had over 50 psychedelic trips and I can say I have been that hippie/ psychonaut crazy friend but one acid trip literally led me to believe in God. I was a Christian for a few weeks after being at summer camp but I stopped because I didn't understand it. I went through a spiritual journey and found God. Now my Journey is with him. Everyone's jounrey either leads to Satan or God
@exposingbullies260 2 жыл бұрын
So then did the demons create the molecules Psilocybin, LSD, and DMT? To me that seems presumptuous.
@kataneolewis9418 4 жыл бұрын
Great testimony!!!!
@jacobh771 Жыл бұрын
One of my favorite testimonies brother I watch weekly
@SommyLogic 2 жыл бұрын
Aww this was an awesome testimony!!
@orondahwali5852 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing your story bro, God bless
@christoffernedredal861 2 жыл бұрын
Beautiful testimony brother
@VeggieStraws3 2 жыл бұрын
Such a powerful testimony!!!
@tafefe1230 4 жыл бұрын
Good on you for finding Christ
@Noelsterrr 2 жыл бұрын
I met Jesus on LSD, his light was so bright I had to look away but I could feel his immense love. I'll never forget that experience. I did LSD one more time after that and it was horrible so I haven't touched it since.
@brycekotz4833 2 жыл бұрын
Hey man! I’ve been thinking about doing shrooms, After reasearch I’m starting to think shrooms are of the devil. But God still uses it to reveal himself to them to those who don’t know him. I wanted to take some to get closer with him but I’m starting to think I shouldn’t. Any opinion?
@jomr4249 2 жыл бұрын
@@brycekotz4833 My opinion after shrooms: the only reason shrooms turns you to God is because you realize how much you need him. So you turn to God in SPITE of shrooms, not because of. I highly do not recommend. Why? Because you can be communicated with from other beings that can give you intrusive thoughts and make you believe things that aren’t true. It can ruin your life at the drop of a hat after just one bad encounter. Just know that you need God, and nothing else matters, but still be forgiving always and always let simple matters go. Because that’s where you will be tempted to go down the wrong path. Evil is like a parasite infecting humans and it’s mostly through our thoughts, which makes you even more vulnerable on psychedelics . Hold onto every little light in your heart that you can and don’t let go. There really are things out there that want to destroy! We don’t necessarily need to see those things because it overwhelms us with fear and doesn’t allow us to get through. Please don’t do psychedelics. But also, don’t be complacent with your life.
@brycekotz4833 2 жыл бұрын
@@jomr4249 done it twice now. I love it. I feel like I know the truth & the Bible & could distinguish if lies were being fed to me by other bad spirits. Thankyou a lot tho for your reply
@jomr4249 2 жыл бұрын
@@brycekotz4833 having a good experience once or twice doesn’t mean anything. You can take heroin once or twice and love it. I’ve had fun experiences as well. The risk outweighs the reward. In my opinion.
@liamperrylloyd Жыл бұрын
@@brycekotz4833 I experienced some horrifying stuff on Shrooms, its not worth it, choose Christ.
@ryanm8733 Жыл бұрын
Blessings and peace be with you bredren. Yeshua be praised and Jah be loved 🙏
@elliemichel7560 2 жыл бұрын
Loved your testimony
@pajamakitty332 3 жыл бұрын
Amennnnn right on dude 😁😇
@Zuecheltv 3 жыл бұрын
Thanl you :) God is just good! :)
@kassiecastillo3479 4 жыл бұрын
Im a Christian and about 4 years ago I had the worst weed trip of my life and I think it changed my life forever. As a Christian I keep having these weird anti christian thoughts and sensations that I know are not from me . Ive had many deliverances and I pray about it all the time . I take medication and went to therapy but it really feels like nothing can help . No one I talk to understands what Im going through and Im so close to giving up . I dont think God is going to heal me . I feel like the only way im gonna get better is if God miraculously heals me .
@Zuecheltv 4 жыл бұрын
Hey Sister First of all sorry that it took so long for me to response to you. It was just a lot of going on and i wanted to take me time to answer you. So i have been praying for you and i just had this picture where i see you on your'e knees praying and reading your'e bible. And it was like the more you where reading the Bible all the Dark things needed to go and til you were completely full of light. I really think that relationship with Jesus is key. I saw also another Picture where i see Jesus with his loving eyes looking at you searching for all the needles that are in your'e Body and taking one for one out of your'e Body. Jesus Loves you and he is healing you. You are free in him. He died for you. And i really have the feeling he just wants to spent time with you. Just to love you. I really think that when you will go in prayer and spend time with him alone that will be the place where he wants to free you. He is so desperate for you. He really just wants to spent time with you. Be Blessed I pray for you: )
@calaesthetics2297 4 жыл бұрын
Whether or not you are still hurt inside I pray for you❤️. Just find the balance in life and follow the Ten Commandments. Don’t go too hard on yourself and don’t compare yourself to other people. God has a plan for you and it may be way more beautiful than you could imagine
@cookaboorra 3 жыл бұрын
God is not understable. But he opened a door for Christ to enter into human soul. It's the meaning of Christian tradition. So, sit down in a calm place you like, and start pray. Even little formulas are good, don't mind. You will feel lightness, follow it. In the days you will find warmth, as a warm presence around you. Keep on going. You are asking for help from your very soul, which is buried into layers of horrorful shit build up by modernity threwn towards you by jet set people, lost soul devoted to nothing, worshipping money, having lost the Image of Men a pure man should have. So, let Consciousness awake. Don't think, but feel. Reason will approach laughingh at you, telling you are going mad. Untrue. Consciousness is focusing. Who are you. What are your steps. who loves you. who you love. The meaning of loving as an enlightened mind can bring other men as pure love. This is the aim of a while life lived into truth.
@sjannekeful 3 жыл бұрын
I prayed for 5 years for God to deliver me, 2 years in church, they tried deliverance but it’s only after 2 years demons started leaving. Deliverance often takes time
@ramsaval 3 жыл бұрын
Hey Cassie! How are you now?
@theonlyway4366 4 жыл бұрын
You see you had a demon when during that lsd session you started feeling that cloud in your stomach. That's when the demon possessed you. And how beautiful is that God warned you in a dream days before. Praise God. Through Jesus we are totally free! We are no longer slaves of satan..
@johnnygibula 3 жыл бұрын
How do you know that was a demon? This is just coming from a place of curiosity not conflict.
@theonlyway4366 3 жыл бұрын
@@johnnygibula I went through similar experiences. That sudden shift and the physical manifestation after that trigger is due a door officially opened. God bless you!
@Samperor 3 жыл бұрын
Never experienced that. Is all prospective.
@Aus10en 3 жыл бұрын
That is right. Any comfort aside from that of the Holy Ghost, it is not of God, but an unclean spirit. They will do anything to dwell inside you, and Jesus himself said, Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation. Matthew 12:45 KJV I struggle with stopping to smoke weed. Even that proves to be a battle.
@jensandersen7011 3 жыл бұрын
@faith5704 4 жыл бұрын
Amen brother 🙏🏼 I struggle with letting go of weed and I think your accent is nice.
@Zuecheltv 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you! :) i pray for you
@Zuecheltv 4 жыл бұрын
@Patrick William Yes amen that's so ture Jesus paid it all
@faith5704 4 жыл бұрын thank you :)
@nellyt8947 Жыл бұрын
JESUS bless you friend! 🙏🏾🙌🏾✝️‼️
@AriaKyan 4 жыл бұрын
Yasssss 😁🙌🏻🤗
@jorgeascenciophoto Жыл бұрын
Praise our Lord Jesus Christ!! ❤❤❤
@lovethyenemy435 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly how I used to feel, I was ‘spiritual’ it was ok though or so I thought coz I was into white magick and meditating as well as lots of psychedelics Jesus Christ is Lord and saviour
@dannyfuhrer8438 2 жыл бұрын
Man this is exectly what I went through. I’d love to talk to you sometime. I’m so grateful for god showing us what he did. I don’t know anyone else that went through this
@Zuecheltv 2 жыл бұрын
You always can dm on instagram zuechel_
@rrose_artistt7594 3 жыл бұрын
Yessirrrrr God is good
@abundantharmony 3 жыл бұрын
Wow I've heard this before. God brought me right back
@Lunariss_ 2 жыл бұрын
Praise the Lord Jesus Christ , amen !
@johanneshaukanes4531 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, interesting.
@rayashleigh494 3 жыл бұрын
May The Lord Bless you 🙏
@Zuecheltv 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you :) you too
@CupofTea3 Жыл бұрын
I don't understand psychedelics, but as a Christian I know it connects you to the spiritual world and it isnt the good side.
@serge3463 3 жыл бұрын
Amen bro
@junkettarp8942 8 ай бұрын
Praise God.
@AntonioRodrigues-cc2fw 2 жыл бұрын
Glory to Jesus Christ and Lord Jesus Christ bless you.
@tulsiannerose8810 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, God showed you with a dream. Some people never accept or understand it is an open doorway to the Demonic. God blessed you to see truth. May you continue to be blessed by Jesus Christ our Lord. 🙏
@brycekotz4833 2 жыл бұрын
So shrooms are an open doorway for demons to attatch to you? But God can also reveal himself to you threw shrooms? So it’s risky? Sorry I’m trying to research before I do shrooms. I’m close with god but I don’t want a demon near me
@Saurajit-rx4nc Жыл бұрын
What an absurdity The bible itself has no historically verified miracles and it accuses other religion's miracles of being demonic Just tell me from ur bible one miracle that satan is not able to perform and we will accept that challenge too Waiting for ur response
@cookaboorra 3 жыл бұрын
"Beware of unearned wisdom"
@loonojuno9778 3 жыл бұрын
Nope. This is earned
@BarryWillBuck 4 жыл бұрын
good video
@YehoshuaGod 26 күн бұрын
Wundervolles Zeugnis!
@frankjoseph6071 Жыл бұрын
i was in a similar situation. deceived by new age and taking psychadelics. i began to question religion and christianity. then i was involved in an accident. and God showed me the truth.
@frankjoseph6071 Жыл бұрын
i do feel like weed connects me to the holy spirit. i feel kindness and forgiveness. there was one instance when i was publicly humiliated by a teacher. i went straight home, smoked, and felt so much love and forgivness and started crying. it can be abused though. i believe it is ok in moderation
@cryptic4446 3 жыл бұрын
I think the Salem witch trials had a similar thing happening in relation to your dream ; the rye they ate had some sort of hallucinogen / psychedelic .
@wethepeople8280 11 ай бұрын
Ergot poisoning. LSD is derived from ergot
@mariahcusack9082 Жыл бұрын
I actually found god through psychedelics. I have a spiritual connection through tripping.
@sabalalalalalal 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing this emotional story ! This story touched my heart
@tonee7104 3 жыл бұрын
I’m currently battling the same battle to the T. I need Jesus more than ever after this
@Zuecheltv 3 жыл бұрын
I pray for you :) You can dm me on my insta zuechel_ if you need help or if you want to talk
@tonee7104 3 жыл бұрын
@@Zuecheltv I’ve always searched for his face and have a relationship with him currently I’ve had my best friend who has been messing with my head using lsd and secret black magic during my trips together 4 days ago I took it and he showed his tail a lot I had a horrible trip and saw weird ancient names come up on the screen he was trying to show me , I was freaking out so bad and just knew my spirit was getting played with .. for his enjoyment.. I know Jesus is telling me to only seek his face and the one truth but I being so spiritually inclined thought there’s more to this than what the church had led on .. but now I know Jesus is the truth and only truth and to hold onto his love
@Zuecheltv 3 жыл бұрын
Amen so true Brother :) glad you found Christ
@H0lyPh3n0m 3 жыл бұрын
@@tonee7104 what’s up bro how are you doing now?
@danielanaranjo7309 3 жыл бұрын
Don’t do psychedelics this is real, don’t play with this stuff there is something about them that can really affected you, I hope God protects all of you.
@robheffernan 3 жыл бұрын
Luckily they are not as harmful as religion!
@maxzuniga1836 3 жыл бұрын
Yes they can affect you, in both good and bad ways depending on a lot of things, if you have a very good trip you get the exact same themes all these religions have, love everyone, forgive, live your best life, etc.
@robheffernan 3 жыл бұрын
@@maxzuniga1836 How about the actual religious themes, including the promotion of slavery, the disempowerment of women, sacrificing of children, and the like? Let us not make religion out to be something it is not!
@maxzuniga1836 3 жыл бұрын
@@robheffernan I’m not arguing for religion, I’m saying most of the key themes that all the major religions have is to be a better person and live a good life. The exact same thing you learn on psychedelic trips, it’s very possible a lot of these prophets were just ingesting psychedelics and thinking they were talking to god cuz they didn’t know any better
@robheffernan 3 жыл бұрын
@@maxzuniga1836 Fair point, though I would argue that many of their themes are extremely dangerous. Interestingly, you reminded me of some evidence available that suggests the burning bush Moses was praying to was actually the Akasha Tree, which is rich in DMT!
@andreasstrunk5575 4 жыл бұрын
Liebe deine Geschichte! Gott ist soooo gut!!!!
@elJossu 4 ай бұрын
Glory to Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior
@yamchathewolf7714 3 жыл бұрын
What is your view on the ego death experience so many have trough psychedelics? These people describe the experience of merging with God, feeling the deepest love and bliss and forgetting they're individuals, forgetting their identities, even their families and all of their individual values they have in this lifetime. This concept that our individual existence, identities and values in this life are just illusory and temporary has destroyed me, given me huge existential anxiety. What do you think is happening to these people who have the ego death experience? Doesn't it suggest that non duality is the truth? (only God is real, individuality is temporary)? What do you think our individual essence consists of, are our values derived from our essence or is it just neutral consciousness and our values are determined by our experiences?
@Zuecheltv 3 жыл бұрын
Hey sorry that it took me so long to answer you. I had a lot of Work this week. So maybe I will give you now a little boring answer to all of that. But before I found Christ I was so searching for that Ego Death experience. Look I really believe that we are in a spiritual warfare. I believe that God has created us so we can be friends with him but that he also doesn't want to force us into a relationship with him. That's why we have free will. I was searching for this higher connection in so many different ways. And I really believe that there are two sides like God Jesus and the Dark the Devil. I really think because I had a similar experience before I experienced christ that all those experiences that you have without Christ are just a big illusion to keep you captive. So that you believe in everything else but not in Jesus. Because only in him we can become completely free. Because I had a similar experience but after I first encountered christ it was like I would see clear for the first time in my life. After that, I realized for the first time in what a big illusion I was living in. If you want to write with me a little bit longer or so you can write me on my Insta: Zuechel_ feel free. But I hope that answered your question And I believe that when we die and we have chosen Jesus we will be chilling with him in heaven. :)
@dummythicc5164 2 жыл бұрын i hope this will help you
@mrsansty 3 жыл бұрын
You can't lay a bombshell like "flipping your Bible open and God was speaking to you" and not reveal what book, chapter, and verse it was.
@mattgarrity3876 4 ай бұрын
Lsd is truth. Maybe you were ready for the experience you must surrender.
@swirlyfry 3 жыл бұрын
So honestly since I've done psychadelics for the first time dating back to around the beginning of 2020, it really feels like God is just this concept that humanity has developed over time. I used to be Christian, but even though over the years I struggled with my beliefs and got to the point where I said, alright, I'm "God" and religion is just a scam, I STILL to this day think about Jesus. Can never get the guy outta my head. I feel that it's mainly due to my mother, she hammered him into my head and continues to do so, which I can't understand. The only reason I can't prove or disprove anything is because I'm not dead yet. Regardless, I'm familiar with a good amount of religious/esoteric symbols and imagery from browsing about these past 2-3 years, and in my opinion, most concepts seem to bounce off one another or garner inspiration from one another. It seems to me that the whole concept of God is off. It doesn't make sense and raises more questions than it's ever shown answers for. I mean no disrespect, obviously you can tell I'm still on the fence and am searching for something, I encourage you to continue doing what you're doing. However, it's almost like I half believe in this Jesus concept and I half don't. Part of it being because every time I look in the mirror I'm reminded of him. It's like it's some kind of test almost but am I the universe testing myself or is it "God" testing me? As a matter of fact, my whole life seems to be some grand joke or a euphemism for the universe trying to accept/reject itself. I'm actually scared I might be the real God. If God is real, that means I'm God, you're God, we're all God. Collectively, we make up God because we cannot exist without God and God cannot exist without us. Otherwise, what is the point of sentience, consciousness, and our very existence? My opinion of God is that if he/she/it/other created us, obviously they were lonely. And thus, imagined people. With that being said, there could be no such thing as perfection or divinity. This is the only world. Psychadelics have kind of removed my faith in the supernatural. If something occurs that seems unnatural, it's a mere matter of perspective, and it's only a matter of time before the old supernatural becomes the new natural. And I get it, each individual has their own take on God but Jesus especially, and they tend to be quite radical. However, I don't believe in getting purified through some baptismal ceremony, or holy water or anointing oil or whatever have you. And regardless of dabbling in the new age and such, I don't own crystals or mystical objects, or this that and the 3rd, I mainly only smoke weed now, I don't really drink at all anymore, and like I said I stopped doing psychadelics, especially due to how they run my mental processing power at a million miles an hour. I've even read the bible and watched religious videos while on a couple acid trips, etc. I've only tried DMT 4 times and I can't seem to break through. It seems like every time I've done a psychadelic, I was in the right place at the right time, no matter how comfortable/uncomfortable the trip. These days I've stopped because I abused it and after my last trip I felt like I just didn't need psychadelics anymore. I only like they way weed makes me feel. But honestly, just curious about your thoughts. There's a lot I can share but right now I'm just trying to pump out as much information as I can because I can only use one hand currently.
@Zuecheltv 3 жыл бұрын
Hey man i'm writing you that you know i saw your comment i will answer it soon i hope i have a lot going on right now and i want to take me some time thank you verry much for your openess really apreaciate it :) if you want you also can text me on insta: @zuechel_
@Zuecheltv 3 жыл бұрын
Hey, I took me now long to write you back. Sorry I'm right now studying to become a nurse there is a lot going on. So anyway look how you feel about religion was kinda the same for me for a long time that's why i tried out all those different things. And no i don't belive that you need oil or wathever. But i think a lot of people lost what it means to follow God because he created us to be his friends and that's why he just wants an relationship with us. And we rejected him. I really do believe that if you ask him if he is real he will show it to you sooner or later. And you know the part of the supernatural and i really pray for you that you will have an encounter with jesus. because all those psychedelics I took , mediation I did and so on. I always could kinda box thoes experince in and knew why thoes things happen. But when i first experienced Jesus and the holy Gost for the first time this kinda changed everything. I can't compare this experience to anything I ever felt or saw. I can understand how you feel about Jesus because so many people say they know him but don't really know him. I once told a friend of mine that he should just for one time go somewhere and pray and wait and see what happen. He did that and after that, he wrote me that what he experience was so beautiful. I don't want to sound now to religous but Jesus loves you man and he is chasing you brother. I just have like a picture in front of me with all those questions that you have and i fell like Jesus wants just to come with a big light and surrender you. He wants to show you how he really is. Even if you don't believe in him please just try it out for one time, search a quiet place and play some worship like upperrom and ask Jesus that he should show you who he really is. Because religion destroys so many things but he wants to show us how he really is. i really belive that we are in a spiritual war and that everything tries to distract us from the one main thing and that is knowing jesus. Man if you want a longer chat you also can write me over on Instagram :) zuechel_
@swirlyfry Ай бұрын
Hey man, I didn't rewatch this whole video but I was looking through my comment history over the past few years and saw this comment thread. It's interesting how long ago it feels, yet it truthfully wasn't very long ago at all. I just wanted to say that if you're still around, or online or whatever, I finally came back to Jesus. I had my first ever encounter with Him last year around the end of summer/beginning of fall, after almost 25 years of being on this earth. It was a gradual process for me unlike a lot of people where their lives change in an instant, or how their entire worldview shifts instantly. The truth is, I was still seeking for a long time. I wanted to understand where the idea of the divine and "God" came from. I finally started getting my life together awhile BEFORE I came back to Jesus, but He finally allowed me to feel His presence when I started seeking Him with all my being, and when I was convinced that He was the way, the truth, and the life. Ultimately, I had no "vision" or hallucination, I heard no voice(s). I finally humbled myself and prayed to Him. All He said to me without audible words was, "I know you. Now, you know Me." I just want to say thanks for being part of this whole learning process.
@queenesther8505 Жыл бұрын
God is good,Ameen.
@rambojoe2323 2 жыл бұрын
I appreciate you sharing your account here. Your feelings are your own, and no one can take that away from you. I do however have some observations from what you shared. Your dream of ergot did not seem to describe either what people experience from LSD in real life or even your own positive experience. The tone of what you described in the dream was also one of shame. You shared that you argued with your parents forcing you to go to camp, but that you weren't forced. If that was the case, what was the argument about? It sounds like coercion was actually a factor. As a proponent of responsible psychedelic healing, it seems to me as though it wasn't the psychedelics that were ultimately the problem, rather that your shame surrounding them and incongruence with your Christian identity were causing you distress. If you found healing through Jesus that's a good thing. My experiences though uprooted a toxic and fear based religious ideology and replaced it with open-mindedness and love. There is nothing in the Bible that forbids psychedelic exploration, and there's actually quite a few Easter eggs in the bible suggesting plant medicines as an integral part of the revelatory process. If anyone is interested, ask and I'll share them. In any case I hope that you have a happy life, and are able to think for yourself without shame, coercion, or needing to deny any experiences you have had that were transformative in a positive way, whether they be religious or psychedelic. Much love. ❤️
@wethepeople8280 11 ай бұрын
I’ve done much research over the years involving psychedelics in religion and mystery religions. I’m curious which references you are referring to in the Bible? Kaneh bosem aka cannabis is used in the Old Testament for the foot anointing oil is just one thing that comes to mind.
@gud3742 Жыл бұрын
How do you comunicate so much beauty? It's Incredible. I just look at it and it brings me to tears. Because I'm looking at it and I'm looking at myself. Yeah you've never really seen porn until you've seen it on 5meo DMT. Until you recognize that it's you and that's basically what Infinity is. Sort of like I love you, no I love you, no I love you, no I love you, no I love you more, I love you more, I love you more. Who can love who more? And whoever can love who more is God. You see that long laundry list of stuff about you that you don't love. God loves all of it. I'm sorry for not loving more, that's the only thing you have to be sorry about. Thank you. Thank You For Love! And at this point you realize that that's it, that's the point. That's the only lesson in life. That's my only job. Is to love. Everything else is idiocy and then what you do is you say I love you. For the first time in your life you say I love you because you really understand what that phrase means and you fall in love with God. But as it throws it out there, it's gentle so he throws it out there but then you say oh I can't love it and then what God will say in return is, it's okay. I love that you are not capable of love. I love that. And when that hits you. That's what fills you with enough love to overcome your resistance to love even that next level thing that you could do. No it can't be love. Of course it's love! what else could it be! It's love! No oh my God this is impossible! Of course it's love how could it be anything else!? How could I be so stupid as to think it's anything else. And God is like of course it's love.
@brycekotz4833 2 жыл бұрын
I been thinking about taking shrooms to get closer with god, do you not recommend it then?? Shrooms are bad?
@LodanPointerMusic Жыл бұрын
I can't tell you what your God means to you, but God means for me quite a lot, natural psychedelics are the key to un corrupting your mind and finding God.
@owrah2198 Жыл бұрын
Stay close to God. He is Love. He is very Awesome.
@wooops6400 4 жыл бұрын
How does someone go from knowing that they are God to being saved by Jesus Christ.?
@Zuecheltv 4 жыл бұрын
That's a good question I would'd say pray for him every day and just proclaim in your'e prayer that he is free of that mindset even if right now he isn't Because he need's to find Jesus. You know I had a similar experience with ea really good friend. He didn't thought he was God, but he was very deep in Drugs and Demonic Stuff. And I prayed just for him I think over a year. At the beginning he was really open for Jesus but at one Day after he took some shroom's he came to me and say'd he didn't'want to have anything to do with Christ. So I asked God what I should do he said I should'd just pray for him. A half year later he meet Christ in dream and now he is a Christian. I think in situation like this is it the best to just pray and to trust in Jesus. I will soon make a Video about this Story. I learned from that story really that God is the only one who can convince a person. I know at this time I said so many times to God " I could meet him and convince him” but he just answered “ Timon Just Pray for him".
@Zuecheltv 4 жыл бұрын
@Jessica Hicks that's so powerful So true Thank you for sharing! Be blessed in Jeus Holy Name
@percubit10 5 ай бұрын
I gave up on Jesus. I practiced self compassion.
@elJossu 4 ай бұрын
He didnt gave up on you, he still loves you. He just recently saved me from demonic attacks, after i was deep into psychedelics and new Age. I made a playlist with all the New age to Jesus Christ Testimonies i have found on KZfaq. And i just keep finding more and more testimonies. Heres the Playlist my Friend. Just give it a shot. You dont need to believe it, just be open minded thats all.
@msm_12 4 жыл бұрын
wenn ich s nöd uf KZfaq gseh het, würdi dich im nächschte Camp nümm erchänne😂
@Sdwheaton08 6 ай бұрын
John 3:3-7 + Acts 2:38 = New Testament Salvation the New Birth!!! ❤❤❤❤
@voooodo94 2 жыл бұрын
This "dark Cloud" you saw that only when you was on "L" or Its like a Daily stuff? (Like HPPD)
@diegoramirez8306 3 жыл бұрын
I'm healing from a bad experience with fake acid lsd last two times I felt like I almost got posses was left suicidal and confused doing high doses last time was just one hit the funny thing is I saw this video before having them horrible experiences but I was judgemental I thought oh I'm not Doing witchcraft or nothing boy was I wrong drugs are bad i still don't weed is that bad but Ima just stay away from it lol i was tripping balls xD
@xxkillshot5xx 4 жыл бұрын
Hey Timon, I think I came to a revelation about psychedelics and whether or not Christians can use them. I will try to provide a bit of back story. In ancient Greece, they used to make what was called "Dionysian Wine." This wine was usually a mixed wine that contained other compounds that were possibly hallucinogenic. Along with this rite of passage, people used to travel to the Temple of Demeter to consume mushrooms yearly. You can find this information in "Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World" by Peter Stamets, which before I found this video, I was using to learn how to identify magic mushrooms in the wild. These cults or rituals were both more secretive, and much of the information about them has been scattered, just like the rituals from Natives in the Americas who used mescaline or DMT to invoke spiritual experiences. Furthermore, the more psychedelics I did and the more I researched the topic the more I started to see a similar image: a girl figure. She seems to represent Mother Nature, or the wild. I'm not sure. Is this the Whore of Babylon? I don't know I thought, and I could never figure it out. Well, Last Night I prayed to God for answers to some of the questions that I had and he had me open up Proverbs. Upon reading Proverbs 23:29-35: "29 Who hath woe? who hath sorrow? who hath contentions? who hath babbling? who hath wounds without cause? who hath redness of eyes? 30 They that tarry long at the wine; they that go to seek mixed wine. 31 Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his colour in the cup, when it moveth itself aright. 32 At the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder. 33 Thine eyes shall behold strange women, and thine heart shall utter perverse things. 34 Yea, thou shalt be as he that lieth down in the midst of the sea, or as he that lieth upon the top of a mast. 35 They have stricken me, shalt thou say, and I was not sick; they have beaten me, and I felt it not: when shall I awake? I will seek it yet again." In these few verses, it touches on addiction, drunkenness, possibly porn or maybe a symbol of a women, and also of "perverse things" being uttered. When you take LSD, you seem to start speaking about things that don't seem to come from you, am I wrong? Like when you're trying to wrap your head around the universe and ideas start to come, and you can't hardly put them together but you try to tell other people anyway? And if you're all tripping, you all nod in agreement, even though some of things I've seemed to say on acid were completely illogical yet somehow made sense? Like ideas about whether we are in a simulation, or whether aliens exist, or whether there are dimensions about and below ours. I know that I've thought these things an acid. What do you think?
@Zuecheltv 4 жыл бұрын
Maan sorry that it took so long for me to answer you. Thank you so much for this! This is so good. That's so true. i really believe that trough psychedelic, Satan tries to capture you in illusion of your own mind. So that you start to think about everything else but not about God. Are you still taking psychedelic? I just had this picture before me where God has given you a great gift. I really think the Holy Spirit is on you. You were studying something and then I just saw this great big light that came upon you. That was so much mightier and better than everything that you ever studied. I think this stands for the Holy Spirit and that god really wants to fill you up with his Spirit. That you can be complete in his Glory. And that he wants to give you new better knowledge through the holy spirit. That you will bring with the Holy Spirit many people to Christ. Man you can do with this what you want. Be blessed brother :)
@xxkillshot5xx 4 жыл бұрын
@@Zuecheltv Hey brother, I hope that you are right when you say that God will use me to bring people forth, but only if it be his will. Personally, at this time I feel unworthy. However, the best I can do is become a vessel for the holy spirit, and from there only God knows what my life will become :) As for psychedelics, I am not taking them anymore. I also quit weed and started to read the Bible every night. Since that experience I have been doing what I can to come closer to God, and I think that the psychedelics and weed were making me easy prey for the devil. I want to thank you for this, if I didn't find your video I wouldn't have thought twice about doing mushrooms again, and I fear I may have eaten a deadly lookalike from the wild and died. I even had a fight with my dad about this, but I was prideful and assured that I wouldn't die. I was going to experience mushrooms from the wild... I'm so blessed that I'm free from that impulse. Thank you Timon, you helped save me man. Every time someone asks me about this topic, I redirect them here. God Bless you man.
@Zuecheltv 4 жыл бұрын
@@xxkillshot5xx Man yes Amen to that and always remember you are free and worthy in Jesus his blood has set you free I really have like this picture in front of my eyes i see like Jesus is pointing with his Finger on you and saying "you are worthy i made you whole my blood has cleansed you " Maan that's so good what you have written me i'am so thankful to God for that great testimony i'am always amazed how God work's Jesus is so Good. Just keep praying and reading the Bible. The Holy Spirit will take you deeper in to his revelation.
@lulumoon6942 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this! 🙏❤️
@actsunseen 3 жыл бұрын
9:00 had me laughing hahahahah
@Andrew-ez9ft 2 жыл бұрын
what is the name of the song in the intro??
@johnny6448 2 жыл бұрын
what about psychedelic music is that demonic?
@austinleap5924 2 жыл бұрын
i wish i could experience this
@liam_mushyviainstagramgots7181 2 жыл бұрын
Yea sure u can
@austinleap5924 10 ай бұрын
@ThomasLucky-wt5js ?
@wolffur2761 4 жыл бұрын
What about Eternity witch you can see under psychodelics?
@Zuecheltv 4 жыл бұрын
Hey Yes I know what you mean. And please don't get me wrong on this one. But I Think that when you take psychedelics you open yourself for "Spirit's". But this Spirits are not from God they are from the enemy from God, and they try to make an illusion. They just want you to believe in anything but not in the presence of God. So that you think you have seen eternity but it isn't the real eternity. Because we are in a Spiritual warfare and God is fighting for you. You know like Jesus said in the Bible “Trough me you come to the Vater". John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. When you are on psychedelic or even on an astral trip those things can feel really real. But when you experience the real Presence of God the presence of Jesus Trough the holy spirit you will see and know what I mean. When i for the first time experienced the holy spirit it was like that i finally could'd see. You can't compere Jesus presence with things like this. Because when his Love enters's in your'e room, you will see that the other things can't hold up. I pray for you that you can experience God's love.
@aceBOOM89 3 жыл бұрын
what I've seen on psychedelics is undeniable truth. truth that God is love and we are all one and connected and that the ego is a mere illusion. And things like art, music, and humor are ways in which bring us together and alchemize the suffering of the world. I feel like so many people misinterpret the symbolic message of Jesus and still live in fear and ego centered. In fact all religions talk about the same One God that pervades all of the cosmos, but the sacred text has been taken literally and skewed to keep people in fear of god and controlled for other people to be in power. As long as ones mind is in the heart, that is the key to liberation. The kingdom is within. But all this being said, I don't think psychs are here to abuse and use as a crutch for spirituality, they simply reflect yourself.
@bencourtney2269 2 жыл бұрын
Everything youve said has come out of my mouth. But after I actually studied religions and read doctrines I found that a lot of what I believed about religion was largely incorrect. In particular, the idea that cannonical Christian doctrines in the Bible were compiled by the power elite to control people is just straight up bad theology. Just a brief overview of the history of the Isrealites and the apostles (the early Christian church fathers) will snuff that idea into oblivion. You can say other religions were created to maintain societal structure, Hinduism, Islam, Zooastrianism, what have you. But not Christianity, or early Judiasm for that matter. What reward or power did they enjoy with their beliefs? Absolutely nothing, just persecution. The apostles were hung upside down on crosses, boiled in vats of oil, stoned to death, among other things, for their claims to see a ressurected Christ. Dig deeper than the surface and this at least is abundantly clear.
@rickycastro9932 3 жыл бұрын
Bro me too I feel that n I’m 15 the devil will try to deceive u
@DeityDestroyer Жыл бұрын
God made all things under the sun, including drugs. I love ALL of God's creations 😁
@jhq9064 4 ай бұрын
Have you internalized John 1:29, 4:42, 12:32? Also Acts 3:20-21. Romans 5:18, 11:32-36. 1 Cor. 15:22. Colossians 1:16-20 etc. yet? Robin Parry and Ilaria Ramelli live closer to you in Europe than I do in America, God bless you brother!
@bobsinger7127 3 жыл бұрын
I too feel ominous dark cloud in me stumetch
@catemcall 3 жыл бұрын
Ask Jesus to help.. you may need to get the Spirit out.. I recommend fasting and worship, but also the books by Charles Kraft, how to cast out demons by dealing with the root of how it got in.
@catemcall 3 жыл бұрын
I want to do inner healing (exorcism) and this is interesting to know, thank you for sharing.
@autumxxleaves4186 3 жыл бұрын
Watch Isaiah salvidar on KZfaq he’ll teach you how to do a personal exorcism. And how to conquer all evil spirits ✨💕 this is the beginning of the end for that demon 😊✝️
@bobsinger7127 3 жыл бұрын
@@autumxxleaves4186 me tried isiah savildar but still have dark heavy spot in me stumetch
@autumxxleaves4186 3 жыл бұрын
@@bobsinger7127 wow okay I’ll say prayers for you. Keep your head up bro, keep trying some only come out through prayer and fasting
@andrewgreendige9551 3 жыл бұрын
When you really start paying attention to what your brain does you notice that it plays to your fantasy belief in anything is a powerful thing look at how your brain plays tricks on you stop the allusion don’t lie to yourself are you sure that’s good or you talking to yourself ✊🏿
@tonyvarona4332 3 жыл бұрын
I think you experienced ego death and you were lost of reality? happened to me😂
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