how to find your gender expression

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hey guys! this week I wanted to have a really honest chat to hopefully give some insight to people who maybe struggle to find their gender expression. I love you guys and I hope you can find this helpful.
love always

Пікірлер: 198
@Makingemi Жыл бұрын
Trying to get to as many comments as I can on this video because I know this stuff sparks personal questions!!! Ill be checking back tonight to get to more people! Love you guys
@cymaticc Жыл бұрын
we love you too 🫶🏻🥹
@cadesboye Жыл бұрын
as a smol baby gay, I appreciate this, you're an honest genuine no bullshit person for us to look up to. Love you for it ❤
@Makingemi Жыл бұрын
im happy to hear its finding it audience, thank you
@ArtificialSuicid Жыл бұрын
Once I saw a tweet that said: "If your mom doesn't like your clothes, then you're probably doing something right". I know it sucks to hear people you love criticising you, but they've learned it this way, we can only work to be comfortable in ourselves, so don't let nobody make you ashamed of doing what you want.
@proudatheist2042 10 ай бұрын
The utility of your statement is predicated on what exactly do people want. There are people in this world who want to intimidate, harrass, bully, and/or physically harm other people. For example, there are trans identified males who thinking nothing of making violent threats against women who assert the rights of women and to keep men who identify as women out of their spaces.
@juicemonster127 Жыл бұрын
I found out I was non binary a while back and Mak had a hand in it. I had always felt pretty uncomfortable presenting at all feminine. I after all was a 6’7 black dude to most people who knew me. I had Christian parents and grew up in an extremely abusive and homophobic household. Once I moved out I was so conflicted with who I thought I was and the friends I had who I knew would shame me for who I wanted to be. I moved out at 18 after my mom threw me on the street. I came across creators like Mak and a few others and found myself identifying with their sense of style and flare and the confidence to be who they are despite their struggles. I turn 20 in a few weeks but to anyone of any age if you ever feel like you’re alone you aren’t. If you feel like you can’t change know that you can. It’s a journey and it has its ups and downs but don’t give up. Keep it pushing💖 I dressed as a nurse for Halloween last year and sometimes I kiss boys. For many it doesn’t sound like much but to me it’s something I will never take for granted.
@cadesboye Жыл бұрын
Damn you're a strong person, wishing you the best❤
@rey._rose Жыл бұрын
As a lesbian teenager whose family isn't supportive, Mak's videos have helped me come to terms with so much about myself . In the start of my freshman year, I got outed to my whole friend group all at once while sitting at our lunch table talking about crushes. The only person who I had told accidentally let it slip that I liked girls. I can remember it as if it just happened. My face felt hot and there was this loud noise in my ears, I felt like I was suffocating, like I couldn't breathe. I was in such a shock and a panic that the only words I could get out were "oh shit." . I looked around at my friends shocked faces and all I could think is that its over, I've lost all my friends, my secret is out. This actually wasn't the case though. Most of my friends had been asking if I'm gay since the fifth grade, its always just been obvious, but I was in an environment where I was told it was wrong so I always denied it to the people around me. There was 2 out gay guys in our group but even they we kind of ultra conservative like the rest of them so I was still scared. But it was ok. They were kinda surprised but it ended up fine. their faces of shock and disbelief turned into sympathy and they told me it was ok. They said they'd always support me and always be their for me and i felt this wave of relief wash over me. These people are like my family now, I've never felt safer than I do with them. Even though the way they found out wasn't ideal for me, Id like to believe that it was part of Gods plan for me and that it was meant to happen. I go to a catholic school, so to find a group like mine where we were all accepting and loved each other was rare. I've still been called slurs and had people give me a look of disgust when they overhear a conversation about the girl im into, but from watching Maks videos I know that I will get better. One day, Ill move out, Ill find a girl I love, We'll buy a house and start a family and everything will be ok. I have hope for my and everyone else like myself futures. Thanks for showing us it gets better Mak.
@Makingemi Жыл бұрын
this comment made me cry a little. this reminds me a lot of my own story with coming out, I was outed too by the one person I trusted to tell. The feeling of betrayal is intense. It made my heart warm to hear that your friends accepted you. I used to watch Shannon Beverage a lot and I remember her saying "you never know how someone is going to react until you tell them". This is so true and so hard to remember when you're caught up in your head worried about the versions of people you have in your heads. As for the bullying, im sure you've heard this but bullying truly is just projection of self hatred. Ignore them and hold your head high and proud, you're a badass. Catholic school can especially be hard, but you've got this Rey! Im rooting for you
@cadesboye Жыл бұрын
We're all rooting for you and your wife and your house -the lesbians
@rey._rose Жыл бұрын
@@Makingemi thanks so much mak ❤️
@hannarchy6554 Жыл бұрын
It's so cool to see people out here doing amazing stuff like you. As somebody who transitioned over the last year or two, the idea of honouring your curiosity REALLY struck home for me. One of the first (and best) things I did was browse cheap online clothes stores and just go with whatever struck me. No second-guessing, no judging myself, once I had an idea for sizes I just grabbed anything that caught my eye if I could afford it. Surprisingly, I've only had a couple of misses - I love just about everything I bought from that period. Which, I feel, is another key part of the queer experience - learning that you can actually trust your feelings. Cis-heteronormativity constantly tells you that you can't, but I promise you can. You know what you need and what you want, your feelings are valid and real and you can trust them
@Makingemi Жыл бұрын
This is so true, and sounds like a great strategy for those who can afford it! Learning to trust yourself again is something I've struggled with too. sending hugs!!!
@weewaa13 Жыл бұрын
the part about recognizing that you have hidden parts of yourself for so long while many people around you have been confidently expressing themselves for ages is so important and really validating to hear right now ❤
@yourfavouritepigeononyt Жыл бұрын
i don’t think mak ever realises how much she helps the queer community as a whole i hope she understands at least a fraction of the support she gives and we give her in return
@LorieHassy Жыл бұрын
Hi! I'm grateful for this video because it made me think. It works the opposite way around too, you know? I am a straight girl who grew up with her dad, and always leaned towards masculine clothes. But I always envied girls who dressed so elegant and romantic with all the flower patterns and stuff. Only in my 20s did i allow myself to try being girly, soft, unguarded. It was a mental battle, trust issues and stuff. Today I don't feel weak if i wear a long dress and let my hair grow out. Just needed the confidence to try - so i totally agree.
@Makingemi Жыл бұрын
this is a really cool perspective. mine is just one experience of many! thanks for sharing yours :)
@jessieworsham Жыл бұрын
I'm just now allowing myself to dress in a way that feels authentic. Even though I'm in my 30s, I realized it's never too late! Thanks, Mak, for all the encouraging videos. It means a lot. 💜
@bren0012 Жыл бұрын
"Welcome that curiosity and honour it", I really needed to hear this. I just started exploring my style, and I often second guess because of fear of judgement. I still have a long journey ahead to truly find myself. But I'm done hiding, I will continue to honour my curiosity! Thank you for making this video, you're an inspiration.
@rosephinebakerson2701 Жыл бұрын
I had a critical queer awakening while consuming your thoughtful and funny content. When my now-gf asked if I have a "type", I answered with you (she was flattered because you two bare a striking resemblance, but I was also flirting so thanks for the assist). That was a year ago; we live happily together in our little oasis in Missouri and are building a life together. I've been in the process of exploring my gender identity for quite some time, but only just recently have come out to her and select folks around me. This video couldn't have had better timing. Thank you. I wish you and your LDR the best. I'll DM you a wedding invite when I propose next year 😉
@Makingemi Жыл бұрын
nice to hear from another Missouri queer :,) we are few and far between lol. So excited for you and your partner, and Ill be waiting for that wedding invite ;)
@rosephinebakerson2701 Жыл бұрын
@@Makingemi I'm holding you to it 👩‍❤️‍👩 Watch your DMs 👀
@DarkFury486 2 ай бұрын
Wishing you luck on your proposal if you haven't already ❤
@intergalactic_butterfly Жыл бұрын
I'm in my unlearning phase, not just in a gender sense, but a neurological sense, and that intersection is soooo challenging!! Been unlearning for almost two years, and I still don't think I'll be authentic and comfortable with myself for some time unfortunately :( You, among your internet contemporaries, give me hope and inspiration. I appreciate you and your content, even if I don't always watch every video of yours.
@kas977 Жыл бұрын
I love “honor your curiosity”! Good stuff, thanks for sharing!
@kierayerdon1632 Жыл бұрын
I came out at 14 as bi and my style kinda stayed the same I just was more confident in what I liked and just more confident in general! Thank youu for the representation!
@lilydeboda6969 Жыл бұрын
I used to feel very insecure about shopping in the men’s section. I wouldn’t even set foot in it because I thought people would judge me or something. I have very big and wide feet, so it’s hard to find shoes that fit in the woman’s section. A really long time ago, I was shopping for doc martens except they only had ones that would fit in men’s. Inside, I was panicking, so I refused it. Now I know that that was so stupid. Late 2022, I went into the men’s section to find hoodies and had never been so in awe. Really wish I had overcome the delusion that clothes have a gender and had just gotten those amazing doc martens. They were really so cool.
@Yasmin.Guastella Жыл бұрын
honestly, these have helped me out so much in terms of being able to figure myself out and who i want to be. Being pushed into the closest without realising is so damaging and hurtful especially when it’s your friends, and i speak from experience so i always try to be there for people that go through the same thing. But also, Mak, thank you so so so much for being able to be so open with us and showing us that it’s okay to go through questioning stuff. Big big thank you
@eyeseajujubee Жыл бұрын
Thank you for making this video and for being vulnerable with us all. I came home from a dance class that brought up a lot of negative thoughts about myself and my body, and found this video. It really helped me to be kinder to myself and to be okay with changes in how I want to dress or be 💜
@ArtificialSuicid Жыл бұрын
Omfg you have no idea how much I needed to hear this. It's been years that I have been wearing my mom's and sister's old clothes and I've been feeling so down, so bad about every single piece of clothing. It's come to a point where I don't like none of my clothes, they don't make me comfortable. I've been thinking about selling them to get money to redo my entire wardrobe, I wanna present more masc. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for this video, I really needed this. It was so comfy to hear and see your journey ❤️
@pikameer8325 Жыл бұрын
Style is something I really struggle with. I like to present very masc-leaning androgynous and I have similar dysphoria around my chest which leaves me wearing the same cargo pants and hoodies every day because I truly just don't know how to present myself in a comfortable way. I also get misgendered often because of my short hair and clothing, so I'm trying to work on finding a balance that really represents me while also letting me be comfortable in it. It's challenging, but I'm trying to figure things out one step at a time. Thank you for making this video, I'd love to see more similar content if that's something you're interested in doing.
@cadesboye Жыл бұрын
I'm not Mak obv, but I believe in you! Figuring things out is hard, but think about the person you're going to be in the future, looking back on the person you are now, and how proud of you they're going to be.❤
@elizabethgrimm6211 Жыл бұрын
i'm currently in the process of trying to find my own style and what makes me feel comfortable. since middle/ high school, i always tried so hard to fit the typical feminine presentation and dress, but it never really felt like me. in early 2021, i chopped my hair off, and having a bit more of a masculine presentation was something i enjoyed but had some trouble getting comfortable with since i felt that it "outed" me. now that my hair has grown out again, i'm finding myself dealing with those feelings from before. finding your content and hearing about your own journey has been really encouraging, relatable, and comforting, so i just wanted to say thank you :')
@xeniahaberditz5472 4 ай бұрын
The part about unlearning is so true. My journey was tomboy until middle school, then felt that I needed to wear dresses and skirts because I'm a girl. Did an exchange year in Japan during that time with school uniform and all, the gender envy I felt towards the boys was unreal. That's also were I felt the least comfortable in my body. That was 10y ago. I only really started to express myself with more masc clothing about 5y ago and I've been trying lots of things like a binder a year ago. I'm at a place where I'm happy with my gender expression and also able to speak up for myself, eg no dress for formal wear but a masc suit. Anyway, good luck on anyone on the journey 🧡 I'm rooting for you !
@silverhoneycat Жыл бұрын
There really is a privilege between those who already fall comfortably under heteronormative styles/roles and those that have a more complex journey. I'm learning SO much! Mak, creators like you are trailblazing the way to universal understandings, empathy, and allyship, and I'm just so grateful education like this is more accessible and being normalized. Stay the course for as long as you can- It's helping a lot of people! Thank you 🙌
@gabrielle-dominiquebriffe9864 Жыл бұрын
I love this kind of videos, your insight really is helpful and comforting 🖤
@marylouis-yl1pv Жыл бұрын
I got outed by my teacher to my entire school last week, immediately came to this channel to make me feel better and am slowly finding my style. thankyou x
@katiechamberlain3938 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Mak❤I so appreciate this. As someone who was bullied for looking like a boy when I was younger, it’s taken/taking me a long time to piece apart what was placed on me by force and what is truly my unique expression. Just holding a space of curiosity towards myself is truly a healing piece of wisdom. I’m very grateful for you!
@emilym321 Жыл бұрын
this is beautifully made, thank you for this 🫶
@Makingemi Жыл бұрын
thank you Emily :)
@GrimMoire123 Жыл бұрын
I've been trying to find my self-expression for literally YEARS Hope to get there soon 😅 Thanks for the tips ;) I really love your style and I'm always so happy whenever I see you happy and serene in your relationship. Yall are lovely ❤️
@chyaa92 Жыл бұрын
I've had such a style journey trying to find what's right for me. I have 4 year old kids, dealing with my body changes after having twins and then coming out right after made finding my style so difficult. I found I often just wore clothes that were loose to hide. With my girlfriend, I've been able to start dressing the way I want and finding it so much easier to shop because I know what I look good in. She helps me feel secure and confident in myself to wear what I want. I love crop tops and tighter clothes but was scared to embrace that until now.
@teganayre2708 Жыл бұрын
Mak 😭 this is amazing, as someone in her early 20s who is still struggling with her gender expression and has been out for about 5 years, this video was so amazing and I love seeing how much your content is making a positive impact on the community
@miajavor1112 Жыл бұрын
Hearing some stuff you said in this video really helped me and gave me a feeling of comfort and hope I'll find a way to express myself. Gender and self expression is complicated but I think I'm starting to figure it out
@mariannetfinches Жыл бұрын
Wise beyond her years. I would have hugely benefited from content like this growing up. So happy this is available for those who need it 😊
@FrequentlyUnstable Жыл бұрын
After moving to University and getting away from my home town, getting new friends etc. I have come to realize that I might be Bi. And your videoes and the chosen family podast has inspired me to experiment with more masc outfits and expression, and I honestly feel so confident. So thanks Mak!💛
@Jucogi Жыл бұрын
Gender expression is such a hard thing to discover, thank you for the video Mak! I'm an afab and recovering from an eating disorder combined with obsessively working out for the past 3 years. I'm at a healthy weight for a while now. I recently found out my gender expression leans more towards the masculine side. Which - at the time- made me want to eat less and less to be skinny and have the ideal body I had in my mind. I love to have more muscle, a defined jawline, less hips and butt etc...I was losing my self worth and really wanted to know who I was. I don't feel like a woman and not fully male either. Yet I'd love to be more manly expression wise, but I'm also attracted towards men- so if I'd actually change my appearance to what I'd wish for it'll be complicated for me to actually find a male partner who accepts me for who I am. I also want to try out binders but my parents do not like the fact it presses your chest, because I'm still their daughter and wearing a binder will make me flat. Ugh, it's hard to the point where I think I'll just have to accept my body for what it is and not being in this cycle.. Because I keep anxiously holding onto my ideal body. I really look up to you Mak, it makes me happy to see you've found your true self. Much love. ❤️
@novanightshade2829 Жыл бұрын
Now THIS is the video that I needed! Mak always posting at the right time, thanks!! 🥰
@soppPPp Жыл бұрын
started cutting my hair shorter at 14, because one of your videos. you looked so cool, and i tought, why not? i loved the haircut, but i still trying to figure out my style, and im sure, with this video that i will be even more confident at trying out new outfits.
@iwasntreadyforitall Жыл бұрын
You're awesome Mak. Thanks for the tips and encouragement and for sharing about your own personal journey, it helps a lot
@norab3341 Жыл бұрын
Love this! Thank you so much for ur content, it helps waaay more people than u probably expect :)
@brrrrrrrrit2663 Жыл бұрын
The insight at your age is wonderful and refreshing. Many of my friends growing up asked me why I was changing or growing towards something they thought was different. Be kind to others, everyone’s on a journey. Drink 😉
@fabstems3388 Жыл бұрын
This video was very relatable lmao, late last year I began to embrace my femininity through the use of makeup. I had been scared shitless about how my peers would react and if anyone would confront me about it. But I had a lot of good reactions and it spurred me on to try more feminine things in the future. My style is severely lacking, in both a masculine and feminine sense, so over the following year my goal is to widen my wardrobe and to find a style that fulfils both my masculine and feminine desire. Thank you for this video, I find that it's the universe telling me i'm on the right path and that I should hold my head high!
@Makingemi Жыл бұрын
Love when people share their experience with experimenting in both masculine and feminine styles, its great reminder that you don't have to pick one if that doesn't serve you!!! Thank you for this
@ingvarvalgeirsson4627 Жыл бұрын
While I'm pretty confident in myself and my self-expression this video was still really nice to watch and it felt really nice and comforting to hear someone that I look up to in the queer community say that they went through the same kind of struggles that I did. Great vid Mak!!
@4er1e Жыл бұрын
Wow thank you this is really helpful to me, I just asked my brother yesterday if I could borrow some of his clothes since I like his style and he was actually really supportive of it!
@leolovsen1448 Жыл бұрын
Jade Fox for fashion!!!
@Shyknit Жыл бұрын
And for a poc perspective she's great! 😃
@Makingemi Жыл бұрын
THIS!!! can't believe I forgot her, thank you for mentioning
@Cc44444 Жыл бұрын
Yea yea yes Jade Fox all the way!! 🫡
@jordanspyker5586 Жыл бұрын
This video hit my feed at a really important time I think...I've had a lot of difficulty figuring out my "gender expression" my entire life, and am currently trying to even settle on what my gender *identity* is--and I'm 27. I feel like I'm so behind, and for some reason watching this video has also made me realize just *how much* being a heavier person affects my difficulty with gender expression tbh. When clothes aren't really made to fit you even when you're wearing what society tells you to, it's even HARDER to experiment with that curiosity Mak mentioned. Also, it's difficult to feel comfortable in a body that is looked down on and ridiculed regardless of your gender presentation. I'm not out here saying I have it the *worst*, but queerphobia is somehow made so much worse with fatphobia as well, and makes any form of self expression so difficult. Does anyone have any advice for a bi/pan genderqueer(?) fat person who's trying to experiment with gender expression???
@blip2579 Жыл бұрын
I feel you, im also currently trying again to finally find clothes/hair that align with who i am, and it is a struggle. I am not fat so i cant imagine what its like to have to deal with fatphobia on top of that, but i thought i'd share what helps me with body dysmorphia and exploring gender expression. So first of all i will recommend buying clothes online. Not only theres more options in sizes but also it allows you to try new things in a environment you feel comfortable in (in my case i often feel like shit when im in public but its mostly ok at home). I will also say try to pay attention to the people you feel gender envy towards. Try to to pin down what exactly makes you envious, and write it down (just remember it doesnt have to make sense, and you dont have to share it with anyone so try to not judge yourself!). When you have a list, try to picture someone with all the elements you noted and see if you can see yourself be that person. Finally, i'll say follow people online with very diverse gender expressions, but with your body type, see if you can picture yourself with their style/expression. So yeah thats a few things that helped me, but i know its really not that simple. Remember to be kind to yourself, and try to experiment when youre mentally in a good place, otherwise it can really send you in a spiral and that becomes unhealthy and unproductive. I hope you can find what works for you, its never too late!
@DharmaLily1 Жыл бұрын
Hi all, this video spoke directly to my heart. Thank you Mak for sharing your journey and insights. Wonderful job, keep up the hard work 💕❤️💖☀️🥰 The having friends part has been an issue for me particularly. Transbian married 19 years, out for 4 months GAHT. Other than my amazing bi wife and her extended family, I don't have any friends. Oops 🤭. On the other hand, I have 30 years of repressed fashion urges to indulge. It's getting real freaky up in my closet these days 😂 Love y'all and have a fantastic day. Uh, here's some words of wisdom or whatevs: STRENGTH HAS NO GENDER. CELEBRATE YOURS, WHATEVER IT IS.
@deli5194 Жыл бұрын
when i saw the thumbnail i thought that was another person im soo schoked. you had SUCH a glowup you look so much more confident
@tuvamartinsgard3402 Жыл бұрын
I love you❤ you are so smart and you really help out me and other people💕 Thank you for this video Mak :)
@sienna_forsyth Жыл бұрын
mak thank you so so much for this omg. im recently out and finding my gender expression has been really difficult so thank you.
@annischwans4479 Жыл бұрын
this video was so thoughtful and so validating, thank you
@Probablycryingrn Жыл бұрын
Mak you are an inspiration ✨✨
@laurararararara Жыл бұрын
"at 20..." me as a 28 year old newly out trans girl: ".....yes, 20...." haha, thanks Mak, this video was really useful! :) loved the finding people you can be yourself with tip - only just realising how important this actually is after thinking 'yeah i should do that' for a while.
@sj-vc5ks Жыл бұрын
also to the people who came out later in life: YOU'RE badass. it takes so much courage to reestablish yourself in adulthood, and i look up to you!! amazing vid mak, you can tell the work you put into it!!
@christina-clairegeorges3661 Жыл бұрын
This is a very thoughtful piece of content. Thank you.
@dawnmolloy9351 Жыл бұрын
When I first came out I felt the need to look more masculine and to “look” gay. That didn’t last long because it wasn’t me. It’s a process. 😊
@zuzanna6468 Жыл бұрын
Bravo mak, truly beautifully made, you described the whole process perfectly. I'm 25, finally understood I'm a lesbian, and I'm living our my sweats fase and I love my clothes, but feel like my true style isn't discovered yet fully
@1441musiclover Жыл бұрын
Found your channel last night. I'm in love
@Mkp14084 Жыл бұрын
I have a question, how did you test the waters with some of your friends to see if you could confide in them? and btw thank you so much, you have been such an inspiration
@Makingemi Жыл бұрын
this is a great question. I would say that if you're nervous about talking to them about stuff then put on some sort of media with lgbtq+ representation involved in it and start dialogue based off that! This way you're not making yourself the target of the situation but you're still able to learn about their opinions. Keep in mind with this though that sometimes we can teach our friends what it means to be more open minded and accepting. Not everyone is born with an open mind a lot of people have to learn it! Complicated subject but I hope this can help!
@andrewhelmich7952 Жыл бұрын
Tysm Mak for always being a bright spot in my week
@Makingemi Жыл бұрын
Hey Andrew! Im sorry to hear your friends are experiencing some trouble with their mental health, I know how challenging this can be especially in a society that doesn't often support men expressing their emotions. My best advice would be to ASK THEM what to do in those situations. When they're in a normal state just see if they are comfortable sharing some things you could do to help. Everyone is different, some people love to be hugged, others want as much physical space as possible. This is why I think asking is the best. I hope this helps you sending hugs
@andrewhelmich7952 Жыл бұрын
@@Makingemi I'll ask them! thanks for taking the time to respond, I can't stress enough how safe I feel in this community, hope you're well❤
@evasage14 Жыл бұрын
“it’s our civic story to the roles we signed up for at our gender reveal parties” wow. it really does feel exactly like that. i hate the binary gender roles and heteronormative conditioning we are all subjected to. i just wanna be me, even if i don’t who that is yet. thanks sm for this video Mak, i have a lot to unlearn-like a copious amount of bullshit and i think this is a pretty good start. thanks again, you have such a comforting presence and beautiful soul💓
@kitkatpdx Жыл бұрын
Currently watching this vid while applying sparkly purple eyeshadow
@LoganDavey Жыл бұрын
As a trans guy you really helped me find the kinda style that I like and feel good in so thanks for that 🙂
@Makingemi Жыл бұрын
Happy to be able to offer some Inspo, sending you big hugs and wishing the best of lucky in 2023 :)
@ragreen2 Жыл бұрын
I'm not the target audience, but these were indeed wise words. Thanks for being you ❤
@JuMixBoox Жыл бұрын
I never dared to change my hair throughout my life, always just letting it grow longer and longer and clinging to it but never really caring for it properly. I am trying to branch out a little: I donated my hair a year ago expecting I would have short hair afterwards, I even tried dying my hair purple on one side last week, but neither really worked. I can definitely feel myself getting bolder, though.
@jessgirr1728 Жыл бұрын
You're awesome and the *cutest* omg. I'm a straight woman but was always a tomboy. I was outdoorsy and always in the dirt, I remember getting mad at my third grade teacher for calling my backpack a 'purse' 😂 It wasn't until my 30's that I opened up to more feminine expression (if you'd told me at any point in my 20's I'd be wearing long ass fake nails I would've laughed in your face) That said I'm still probably wearing jeans ;) I just follow my heart, try to stay away from labels and try not to become too absorbed in thinking about myself. 💗
@rlwis Жыл бұрын
so as someone who may or may not be a baby gay you have been sooooo helpful so i really appreciate your videoss (also react to sam and deena from fear street in your next ship video 🛐🛐)
@ArtificialSuicid Жыл бұрын
When I was younger and went shopping with my mom for an special occasion or smth like that, we would look around the entire female section and I wouldn't like anything, my mom would get annoyed and ask why I didn't like anything. Sometimes I'd get so frustrated that I cried in the dressing rooms and didn't even understand why. Little did I know, what I wanted was just in another section of the store.
@chiararicci7237 Жыл бұрын
So wise girl SO WISE
@Cc44444 Жыл бұрын
As a masc non binary lesbian, i def get some fashion inspo from you!! I need to up my sweater game to keep up with you 😍 and thanks for sharing some of your fave accounts, i will for sure check them out!
@thehumanfrommarz5889 Жыл бұрын
Yess!! Thank you mak. This is so cool!
@kamelyapietz Жыл бұрын
as a baby gay this is really helpful!! i've been experimenting with my style a lot more in the last few months, but i'm still in school and i just can't get past being scared of sticking out among the other kids. i love your content though and it makes me excited for when i can truly be myself.
@RenAmamiya15200 Жыл бұрын
You’re sooo pretty,where did you get your hat from?,I also like your hair
@Pram-zw8tf Жыл бұрын
My parents are trying hard to make me wear girly clothes and make-up. Maybe because I'm financially dependent on them, I can't say much and I haven't been able to find what suits me best. Would there be a way to tell my parents that the clothes they picked up for me make me feel uneasy without having to come out to them yet?
@oddgamer15 Жыл бұрын
Thanks mak this actually helped me a lot :)
@lanarowland Жыл бұрын
I really wish i had power over my timeline but i am right now not allowed to cut my hair and am told to dress differently by those who have influence and power over me so unfortunately i actually have to wait like 3 years before i can fully feel comfortable in how i appear to others
@ToxicWaste528 Жыл бұрын
Thank you this helped me a lot.❤❤💕
@CB-jv6cj Жыл бұрын
I am 27 in 2 weeks, and I don't know who I am. I've come out of the closet nearly a year ago, and it is a long journey but I will find myself again. It's also a fun journey, trying to play around with my style and seeing what suits me. It doesn't help that I'm on a weightloss journey and have lost nearly 10 kg, so everything is new me haha
@emm7510 Жыл бұрын
Bro she is so pretty
@hubear6607 Жыл бұрын
Thankyou for this kinda educational content!🙃
@22nika Жыл бұрын
I was just thinking about this! You read my mind!
@Makingemi Жыл бұрын
@Katieforty4 Жыл бұрын
Let's hope this goes mega viral... for those of you over 21, go grab a drink 🍺🍸🍹
@Makingemi Жыл бұрын
haha cute
@divyanjalinegi6494 Жыл бұрын
Hey! I admire and adore you a lott. You are my inspiration. I don't feel like coming out in the surrounding I am in. I don't have any support and I don't think I can discuss about being non binary. When I told my mum I wanna get a hair cut she refused saying why would you even want that you are growing up now and this is the same with the clothes and dressing style. It scares me what if I come out and it would just be an phase. And you have brought me comfort. Thank you for sharing your experiences and lookin out for people like us.
@alexandracarrillo4014 Жыл бұрын
I love this kind of content
@sourceofheat9999 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for uploading this video. I am lucky enough to live in a city with quite a few amazing thrift stores, and like to browse this one bin where every item only costs a buck each, which is great, and have found some incredible pieces both there and in other places, but am starting to run out of storage space, partially due to my inhibition when it comes to buying seasonal clothing (e.g. christmas sweaters) and gag garments/collectibles. As someone who likes to bounce between styles and is still figuring out her gender expression, is there a more space-efficient way of folding clothes you could recommend, should I Marie Kondo my wardrobe or should I just pick a style and stick with it? Also, how would I decide whether I should buy an interesting piece of clothing if I won't necessarily wear it but it looks cool and is only a dollar, and I happen to have a spare dollar in my pocket?
@Makingemi Жыл бұрын
uhhhh if you figure it out let me know LOL
@vikytorijanko Жыл бұрын
i’m sorry, but i can only pay attention to that flying word on TV 😭
@ROCKONplaceboforever Жыл бұрын
So helpful mak thank u 💓
@summerxdani Жыл бұрын
thanks for this video Mak 💖
@BayAreaBerk Жыл бұрын
Good stuff Mak. You'll never really know who you might have helped, not to a certainty, but I for one find it useful and comforting. (and my 'jourrneeeey' isn't Gender related...) Still, kudos.
@ireniancc Жыл бұрын
yeah honestly i've always leaned more tomboy but now that i'm more out i can't tell if i don't feel comfortable dressing feminine because of low self esteem and feeling like i can't pull it off, gender expression weird feelings, or just not wanting attention from men
@ah649 Жыл бұрын
I wore a very similar dress as Mak for my high school graduation 😂
@paulinak7582 Жыл бұрын
First thank you for this video Second THIS VIDEO IS SO GOOD TO LOOK AT in artsy way hope u know what i mean
@im_just_vidu Жыл бұрын
Waiting until this goes mega viral. I'm 25, but I'll just drink apple juice instead. BTW thank you Mak for this video 💖
@noahalexis3100 Жыл бұрын
nice comforting video
@NEIYUWN Жыл бұрын
This is a beautiful video. Thank you so much 💫❤️‍🔥🫶
@graceconnolly5765 Жыл бұрын
I struggle really bad with style. I would like to present more masc but I have a conservative family and since I went through my “coming of age” years in quarantine I didn’t have any outlets to experiment with my own style since I was just in pajamas most of the time lmaoo. After my school went hybrid and I saw all me queer friends with super awesome styles I felt weird and it was a confidante crumble. I have a very curvy body which makes it hard for me to feel comfortable in masc clothing without it accentuating my hips or chest. Any tips from anyone wither either where to get clothing or good outlets for style inspo are welcomed lol.
@susanhinderliter5463 Жыл бұрын
Mak you are intelligent beyond your years
@lyndseyglasko5571 Жыл бұрын
Anyone have suggestions for a more middle group balance of fem and masc? I feel like my brain goes to either extreme (hyper fem style or super masc). For context I identify as a woman and I like feminine energy but I also like masculine energy. Idk if what I'm looking for is androgynous or if I'm looking for non traditional feminine style??? Send help lol
@brokenanklesarentfun Жыл бұрын
I'm nonbinary gender fluid and swing from one extreme to the other every few years. Either shaved head baggy clothes 90's Sinead O'Connor, or full on 60's glam with long curly shag. I also don't have a preference for my partner's gender expression. I'm autistic so it all just seems made up to me anyways 🤷‍♀️ That's just my experience anyways 😊 Just wanted to share in case others feel the need to settle in one lane. It makes for a big wardrobe though... hahaha
@emilyscloset2648 Жыл бұрын
@cnbhppsix6795 Жыл бұрын
Mak is 🔥
@hnysdn Жыл бұрын
This was so wholesome, Mak. I feel like I need to go watch some @ashgavs to balance it out :)))
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