How To Spot a Filthy Casual (Star Wars)

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J.J. Plagiarisms

J.J. Plagiarisms

7 ай бұрын

In this video, I'm going to properly define a term I commonly use, and give some key examples of some Filthy Casuals who have no idea what a Revan is.

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@jaffarebellion292 7 ай бұрын
The casuals aren't really all that annoying to me, so long as they don't profess to be diehard fans. I'm a huge Mass Effect fan, and could probably quote most of the codex from memory. But I'll never claim the same level of knowledge for something like Warhammer 40k. I know the basic information necessary to enjoy the franchise, but I'll never profess to be a Warhammer lorebeard. It's okay to have a casual interest in things. Just please at least be fucking honest about it.
@DICEBOY22 7 ай бұрын
As a "Casual" I actually enjoy talking with lore masters of the Expanded Universe when I meet them its always such a fascinating talk.
@tyrannozilla 7 ай бұрын
Me too. I've been trying to catch up on my reading of the E.U. and will continue to catch up as much as I can, but I also enjoy listening to experts who know a lot about the E.U. and can make detailed videos and journals that summarize the information and make it interesting to want to know more. I'd recommend a user called Manda-Lore, aka, Captain Fordo. His videos on the E.U. are some of the most detailed and informal videos I've ever seen. One of them I'd recommend is his video on the life of General Grievous.
@xxcaptninjaxx4301 7 ай бұрын
@@tyrannozilla I watch his video his content is amazing
@BrandontheAwesome 7 ай бұрын
@@xxcaptninjaxx4301 Check out Open-Airlock Policy's Expanded University, those are very solid.
@tyrannozilla 7 ай бұрын
@samiamtheman7379 7 ай бұрын
Honestly, my standard for if someone is a "casual/normie" is if they believed the Stormtroopers were all clones because that tells you they only saw the movies at most and never bothered to get more story from any other form of media.
@annekelly3485 7 ай бұрын
While I agree with almost all your points, there are 2 bones i have to pick with you. You say that TIE pilots and stormtroopers are poorly trained and equipped. This is not necessarily true. First for TIE pilots, while their craft was initially inferior to X-wings, most Rebel pilots view the TIE Interceptor to be on par with their craft, with only the shields being the difference maker. Second, alot of Star Wars best pilots were trained at the Imperial Academy to fly TIEs before defecting. Examples include Han Solo, Wedge Antilles, Tycho Celchu, and I think Biggs Darklighter but could be wrong on that. The Fel family are also known as brilliant TIE fighter aces, and their 181st Fighter Squadron being feared by Rebel amd New Republic fighter pilots. Third, the Stormtrooper Corps are considered to be some of the best trained soldiers the Empire has, surpassed only by the Imperial Guards and Stormcommandos. Fourth, it is routinely mentioned that one of the problems that the Empire and Imperial Warlords have is that they don't have enough stormtroopers to go around, and are instead forced to rely on Imperial Army and Navy Troopers instead, who were less well equipped and poorly trained. Finally, while the movies seemed to contradict this sonewhat the books do depict the stormtrooper armor as being protective against some blaster fire and impacts, saving the lives of the wearers. I just recently got back into the EU after dealing with Star Wars fatigue due to the Mouse, and your videos proclaiming the good news of the Star Wars multimedia project were a great help in getting back into this lovely universe. Before I left, my main area of interest was the Imperial Era and post-Return of the Jedi, thus the reason for this critique. I am doing this mainly from memory so if I am wrong on this, apologies, and thank you for informing me. My sources for this info come mainly from the X-wing Novels by Aaron Allston and Michael Stackpole, Allegiance by Timothy Zahn, and various other post-Return novels that Im not exactly sure which ones. I'm more confident in the TIE stuff than the storm stuff, because i really loved the X-wing books and would highly recommend them if you havent read them already. Thanks for the vid and your time.
@samiamtheman7379 7 ай бұрын
Honestly, my bar for if someone is a filthy casual/normie when it comes to Star Wars is if they believed all the Stormtroopers were clones. That alone tells you that they only watched the movies at most and never bothered to look at any other form of Star Wars media.
@Wade_Tyler 7 ай бұрын
I was watching Pirates of the Caribbean again recently, and I realised that the first 3 movies have more than 1 main character. (Jack, Will and Elizabeth) Just like The Phantom Menace. Sucked in Plinkett!
@MkzTz Ай бұрын
Except Pirates of the Caribbean was good
@Wade_Tyler Ай бұрын
And the phantom menace wasn’t?
@MkzTz Ай бұрын
@@Wade_Tyler Most Definitely. The phantom menace was dreadful
@Wade_Tyler Ай бұрын
@@MkzTz Get lost mate, I’ve heard it all before. 😒
@maxmaple3520 7 ай бұрын
“bUt ThAt’S jUsT mY iNtErPrEtAtIoN. i WaSn’T tHeRe.” - Mike Stocklasa aka Harry S. Plinkett.
@clonetrooper2003 7 ай бұрын
Also E;R’s favorite word
@tyrannozilla 7 ай бұрын
I enjoy E;R's content, specifically his takedowns on Korra, but I wholeheartedly disagree with his stance on the Star Wars prequels. @@clonetrooper2003
@clonetrooper2003 7 ай бұрын
@@tyrannozilla ok yeah. Makes sense. I do like his tone of presentstion. Speaking of disagremeents however, I am curious to hear why you dislike korra like you do. I used to korra because of e;r but got over it after watching matt cmg. I would like to discuss anf perhsps even debate this topic if interested
@tyrannozilla 7 ай бұрын
One reason I don't like Korra is that the character never learns from her mistakes and blames everyone else but herself. She learned everything too fast and was a Mary Sue to boot. The other reason is that the show ruined the lore of the Avatar universe by introducing Rava, who was never mentioned or hinted at in the original series to begin with. I know the Star Wars prequels introduced characters who weren't mentioned in the OT, but that felt more genuine in comparison to Korra. At least in the original star wars trilogy, I can believe that Obi-Wan didn't have time to tell Luke about Qui-Gon or some of the other Jedi. Also, it's possible that Luke tried to learn as much as he could on his own in the E.U. but was limited in his teachings, either do to time or because most of the information was destroyed by Palpatine. Rava, on the other hand, blatantly felt like she was put in at the last minute and the show runners didn't even attempt to integrate her well into the lore, so she ended up feeling jarring. But that's just my two cents. Let me know what you think. Peace. @@clonetrooper2003
@clonetrooper2003 7 ай бұрын
@@tyrannozilla thank you for the respinse. Lets dive in: Oh boy the Korra = ma-rey sue argument. How is she a mary sue? She is tortured, sturggles with airbending, is traumataized by zaheer and amon (no unalaq does not count that guy just sucks), almost loses her bending forever, cirppled for years, etc. a mary sue is a female character that ahd no struggles, flaws, and is liked by everybody. #NotRey Plus it contradicts with E;R’s, whoops I mean your argument that she leanrs nothing through the series. She does. She becomes more mature and patient. Yes she does make some moron mistakes like when she is a jerk to her parents in the turf wsrs comic but nobody is perfect and she lesrns to regret those mistakes almost immediately Yes, I am not sure why they decided to not go with the old explanation of the avatar being the embodiment of the earth’s conscience. Ravaa is a boring character and should have not been so one dimensional. Yeah, ravaa and vatuu really hurt the civil war plot they wanted to go for in season 2 and replaced it with spiritual crap (which did at least help make jinora one of my favorite characters tho)
@jeremyallen5974 6 ай бұрын
It's funny how people say that Disney Star Wars is for casuals when Ahsoka expected the viewer to be a die-hard Clone Wars/Rebels fan who knows the series inside and out to actually """"understand"""" what's going on in the live action show
@saberiandream316 6 ай бұрын
That's Filoni making shit for his audience, though, who are the only people he cares about outside himself.
@BuzzFish 7 ай бұрын
When I was about 3 years old, my dad introduced me to Star Wars, and I fell in love with it instantly. Growing up, I loved Clone Wars, LEGO Star Wars complete saga, and various other aspects of the franchise. However, the sequels left me heartbroken. They altered much of what I cherished about Star Wars. Despite this, I found solace in shows like 'The Mandalorian' (at least the first 2 seasons) and other content on KZfaq, particularly the random lore videos that resonated with me. Last year, my Star Wars enthusiasm reached an all-time low until I stumbled upon the Thrawn trilogy. Reading those books felt like rediscovering the essence of the original Star Wars. Delving further, I dived into the Darth Bane trilogy, which became my absolute favorite book series. 'Plagueis' also stood out as a fantastic standalone. While attempting to explore the expanded universe through the Darth Revan book and 'Knights of the Old Republic,' the turn-based mechanics just didn't click with me. Overall, I'm grateful for the mountain of Star Wars content I could fall back on. I genuinely hope for more adaptations of Legends novels into movies because there's an immense wealth of untapped stories. I'd describe myself as somewhere between a casual fan and a super nerd, but my love for Star Wars is unchanging. My only wish is for Disney to preserve this universe or consider passing it on to others who'll honor its legacy.
@BrandontheAwesome 7 ай бұрын
It's not Legends, my friend, it's real name is the Expanded Universe.
@brianjordan3841 6 ай бұрын
I would also accuse them of being incredibly arrogant thinking that they know better about Star Wars right up to the point of thinking they know better then George Lucas
@BrandontheAwesome 6 ай бұрын
Filthy casuals are so narcisstic.
@brianjordan3841 6 ай бұрын
@@BrandontheAwesome amen brother amen
@dancorneanu9144 5 ай бұрын
I think that makes them a Filthy Casual vs just being a Casual that is just new.
@cowboys8897 5 ай бұрын
Being a casual is fine but to act like you know more than diehard fans is just dumb🤦. I myself have only been a fan for a few months. I've watched the OT and prequels, clone wars and other lore videos online. I've even read some comics and plan to read star wars republic and EU books. So I guess I am what you would call causal fan and is still learning about the world of star wars but I would never claim to have the knowledge of someone like Loremaster. and you know what's funny, is that RLM is suppose to be a diehard star wars fan yet in his videos he fails to understand basic lore that a causal like me could understand🤣
@trevturp6891 6 күн бұрын
Who’s RLM?
@jeremyusreevu237 7 ай бұрын
Great video. On its own, there's nothing wrong with being a casual. Not every person needs to be an absolute expert on the movie, book, or show they like in order to enjoy it, and there's nothing wrong with just simply enjoying the basic material of a franchise, without having a huge investment on said franchise. The problem with filthy casuals though, is that they have an overexaggerated sense of self importance. They think that because they like a franchise, and they know the basic material about it, they're representative of the real fanbase, that they're experts on the franchise, and that they know everything there is to know about it. And whenever someone calls them out on their BS, they respond with garbage like "JuSt LeT uS eNjOy ThInGs" or "YoU'Re JuSt HaTiNg FoR tHe SaKe Of HaTiNg". They feel like the only way to be a fan is to be mindlessly positive towards any new content that can be released, with the only Star Wars content that they're ever critical of being Rise Of Skywalker, and The Book Of Boba Fett. And even then, I've genuinely seen people who hate Rise Of Skywalker whine about people who hate Rise Of Skywalker. I'm dead serious. Imagine being so stuck in a toxic positivity bubble, that you get mad at people for stating a negative opinion that YOU YOURSELF AGREE WITH!!!!!!!!! TL;DR, there's nothing wrong with not knowing every single in and out of your favorite franchise and having a more impersonal relationship with said franchise, but when you act like you know everything there is to know about a certain franchise, when you act like you represent the real fanbase, because you like a property, and know the basic information about it, when you insult the real fans for calling you out and not being positive enough, you go from an innocent normal casual, to the pretentious "filthy casual."
@user-jz5cd7vs5s 4 ай бұрын
I agree, I'm a casual myself, and I admit I've barely seen anything from the EU. And I really don't like how so many people just adore Filoni, and think Kathreen Kennedy is the only problem.
@themerchantofpueblo 6 ай бұрын
I can’t begin to describe how much I needed this video. Brilliant work JJ
@trevturp6891 3 ай бұрын
@LowLevelLemmy 5 күн бұрын
I have nightmares about being trapped in an elevator with cosmotard (who never read the Star Wars books)
@JinxTheLooneyToon915 7 ай бұрын
Alright, another JJP video! Let's go! Feliz Navidad, JJ🎄🎉🎁🇵🇷
@tyrannozilla 7 ай бұрын
I consider myself a casual to some extent, but have tried to learn as much as I can about the E.U. Let me try to explain my position the best I can. I have tried to read what I can of the Expanded Universe since around 2005 or 2006. My knowledge of the E.U. mainly comes from some of the older (pre-Filoni) guide books. One of my favorites would be that of the Ultimate Visual Guide from D.K. I actually have two versions of that book (both of them pre-Filoni). I also want to get that 3 volume encyclopedia from 2008. Yes, I know it has some of Filoni's stuff in it, but since it was from 2008, there might not be that much of his stuff in that book. I also get my information from your videos and other channels, such as Manda-Lore, aka Captain Fordo, O.G. StarWars and Saintmillion. They provide summarized accounts of the Expanded Universe and even from their videos, it's far more interesting that what Disney has done lately. Now I have read a couple of the novels. I read the novel "Death Star" (twice), read one and a half of the X-wing novels and half of Darth Plagueis (awesome from what I've read). I also have a large collection of pre-legends versions of the E.U. novels and comics, so I have plenty to read. Unfortunately, personal things in life can get in the way and I don't always have time to read a book all the way through. I will say, though, I will try to read more when I get the chance. I'm currently interested in reading the Darth Bane Trilogy. It might take a bit since I'm dealing with online classes and some personal situations at this point which leave me exhausted at the end of the day. Currently, I'm on break, so I might have time for the first Bane book. I have also played some of the video games back in the day, mainly the Rouge Squadron games. I love all three of those games to death (especially the original N64 game). I'm currently playing Dark Forces, but might install a current mod that updates the controls because the old controls are not as comfortable, imo. Still, I like what I've played so far (hate those Dianoga, though) and Kyle Katarn can beat Andor's ass in a quarter of a second. I've also watched the clone wars micro-series and enjoyed it quite a bit. Grievous was an absolute beast in that show and Anakin and Ventress' lightsaber duel is my favorite next to Luke and Vader's from Empire Strikes Back. Now, this is probably going to be controversial, but there are some things (keyword, "some") that I like from Disney-Wars and even then I separate it from the E.U. I still enjoyed TCW for what it was (especially in the correct order), and yet can't put it alongside the E.U. because of its gapping problems. I don't agree with the notion that most of the clones have free will as that should've been reserved for the Commandos, and Anakin shouldn't have had an apprentice. I'm still more in Anomaly Inc's camp, in that I can still enjoy the series on its own terms while understanding the criticisms it's received from E.U. fans. What's sad is that despite the problems that show had, Disney can't even do anything better. Now, I know Filoni messed up a lot of stuff in the series (don't like the guy, either), but at least George was there to an extent (should've been there more) and came up with some of the material. I did enjoy the season six finale that depicted the Whills. However, after George left, the cracks started to widen on Filoni's screw-ups and his disguise crumbled after crap like Mando and Assoaker. Now most people see him for the hack that he is. The only other Disney-Wars series I'm interested in at the moment is the "Sad" Batch. At least that show (compared to Assoaker and Anbore) has a few interesting ideas that I can at least sit through it. Also, it's going to end after the third season, anyway. I might also view Rebels sometime, I don't know yet. After that, however, I'm done with Disney Star Wars for good. I'm especially done with their Live-action shows and refuse to sit through Acolyte and Skeleton Crew. I'd rather watch your reviews of them in the future and I know you'll "commence primary ignition" on them. One last thing. As much as I appear to be a casual compared to the biggest E.U. experts, I still despise the shills you brought up, especially Cosmonaut. Jeez, that guy can't stay consistent with his viewpoints, not just on Star Wars, but with everything else. That's all I have to say on the subject so far, J.J. Let me know what you think when you get the chance. May The Force Be With You. P.S. I still can't wait till you rip apart HelloGreedo's recent video about the special editions.
@saberiandream316 7 ай бұрын
I'd recommend Jedi Apprentice and Young Jedi Knights.
@trevturp6891 7 ай бұрын
Did you watch The Book of Boba Fett, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Tales of The Jedi?
@trevturp6891 7 ай бұрын
What are your thoughts on Mando Seasons 1 and 2?
@tyrannozilla 7 ай бұрын
I've thought about reading them, but need to get them for my collection. Thanks for the suggestion.@@saberiandream316
@tyrannozilla 7 ай бұрын
I have seen Obi and Boba. Obi-Wan is the worst of the bunch. That show took one of my all time favorite characters, as well as one of my favorite actors, and destroyed his legacy, all so they can put an unlikeable, screaming, hand-chopping, child killing psychopath, as the "sympathetic" lead. As for Boba Fett, I liked the chemistry between the actors who played him and Krenic, but they weren't given good material to work with, so their chemistry suffered as a result. I hated the biker gang he teamed up with. They didn't look or feel like Star Wars characters. Also, they had Mando take over his show and made him look better than Boba. I'm sorry, but when I'm watching a show called "Book of Boba Fett," I want to see "Boba Fett." I haven't seen Tales of The Jedi and I'm not interested in seeing it. Thanks for the questions.@@trevturp6891
@BrickMasterMax 7 ай бұрын
Mike Stoklasa (It's pronounced STOW-CLAWS-UH) has no idea what he's talking about when it comes to star wars. People need to stop idolizing everything he says.
@dancingvalkyrie 7 ай бұрын
He doesnt have to because youre not supposed to know shitty comic book lore to understand a movie.
@BrickMasterMax 7 ай бұрын
@@dancingvalkyrie when did I say that? When did anybody say that? I just don't like how people blindly agree with plinkett that's all, and since when did you need comics to understand any of the movies?
@j.j.plagiarisms7149 7 ай бұрын
I love how you assume the comic books are shit by default instead of putting in the actual effort to check them out and see if they are something you'll enjoy. That's the problem with filthy casuals: they're unwilling to widen their range.
@BrandontheAwesome 7 ай бұрын
@@dancingvalkyrie #FakeFan
@dancingvalkyrie 7 ай бұрын
@@BrickMasterMax The video itself is a complaint on fans who dont care about shitty content outside of the movies lmao
@elpatron6537 6 ай бұрын
Filoni is doing nothing more than fan fictions of his own created characters like a teenager
@Daniel_Huffman 6 ай бұрын
Calling those shows fanfictions is a disservice to actual fanfictions, which are written by people who actually care about the franchise. Then again, there isn't exactly another good word to refer to those shows as.
@BrandontheAwesome 6 ай бұрын
@@Daniel_Huffman FACTS.
@General_Kenobi_212 4 ай бұрын
You're right, his characters are stuff you'd typically see in a bad fanfiction, especially with Rebels....In that show we've got Space Aladdin, a Hot Topic Mary Sue Mandalorian, an annoying Droid that any sane spacer would scrap, and a big dumb strong guy that keeps saying "karabast" over and over like he's a 5 year old trying to invent a new curse word, awful Inquisitors in ugly armor with helicopter lightsabers 🙄 (They're a disgrace to Jerec) Even the animals are lazy in that series, you're in space so you can make any exotic creature you want....and he makes "Loth"cats, magic wolves, and space, really? That's the best you can come up with? 🤨
@Ayahuasca98 2 ай бұрын
Not fanfics, I’d say corporate fics.
@Ayahuasca98 2 ай бұрын
@@General_Kenobi_212dude I’m not even joking chopper is literally my least favorite character in Star Wars
@wixsonzyax22 Ай бұрын
So Star-Wars-Explained is a tratior.
@maxmaple3520 7 ай бұрын
5:39 Film only has like one real advantage over digital. It’s a big one but it’s only one. It can be scanned at any resolution with no worry of limits since the only true resolution it has is grain.
@Do_not_at_me_bro 6 ай бұрын
I Watched Video Tech Explained's video on StarWars Remastering. That was an eye opener. Sad how we may never get to see the prequels in true 4K considered it was shot digitally.
@HyperJohnua 7 ай бұрын
outro: cities in dust, really good song, first heard it in the transformers fall of cybertron demo
@kristianwhite1061 7 ай бұрын
I had to find out the hard way that Star Wars Theory is one as well. During his live streams I would ask him questions about the books, and then he wouldn’t know what I was talking about and would need pressing to admit he hadn’t read them. Yet for some reason, he had videos on things like the NJO. He literally would just use Wookiepedia to make bulletpoint videos and pretend to have read the books. Lost a lot of respect for him after that honestly. The only books he might have read are Darth Plagueis, Shatterpoint, Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader, the Bane books, and that’s it. Also, THANK YOU FOR MENTIONING HOW MUCH OF A POSER COSMONAUT VARIETY HOUR IS. It pisses me off when he acts like his opinion is gospel because he “is a real nerd and has read the comics/books” as if he has some higher authority on what works for these fandoms. Literally stolen nerd valor lol.
@BrandontheAwesome 7 ай бұрын
It makes me wonder how the heck SWT made it as far as he has if he is such a hack.
@saberiandream316 7 ай бұрын
He's a Filoni simp who promotes the EU. That's just shameful.
@BrandontheAwesome 7 ай бұрын
​@@saberiandream316Especially given that the EU and TCW contradict each other.
@haljordan777 7 ай бұрын
SWT used to annoy me due to how many basic facts he got wrong. He no longer annoys me because I stopped watching his videos.
@saberiandream316 7 ай бұрын
@@haljordan777 He's gonna be using deepfaking in a fan project. Someone asked Mark Hamill if he had permission to use his likeness. Mark gave a very calm "no" and SWT made a vid claiming Mark hates him. Jesus Christ! That guy sucks.
@xxcaptninjaxx4301 7 ай бұрын
real fan watch 1-6 films watch clone wars micro series 2003-2005 played lot of Star Wars games from 1990s or 2000s/early 2010s who read lot of comics from dark horse comic and novel from EU author who do actually research without using wookieepedia also if you have pc played Star Wars games with mods you are real fan too
@ulty1472 7 ай бұрын
films aren't needed the EU is the only good part of star wars and you know it stop sucking George off
@BrandontheAwesome 7 ай бұрын
Also denounces Disney Star Wars.
@gameoveror7970 7 ай бұрын
Also respects other people opinion on the franchise
@BrandontheAwesome 7 ай бұрын
​@@gameoveror7970Disney shills and filthy casuals don't deserve respect. #FakeFan
@ulty1472 7 ай бұрын
@@BrandontheAwesome and the mid movies like all of them all you need is the EU not George's useless canvas of saga or disney's failures.
@brianjordan3841 6 ай бұрын
Does listening to read along books count as a filthy casual fan bcuz I listened to Droid World n Planet Of The Hoojibs when I was younger n still do from time to time
@BrandontheAwesome 6 ай бұрын
It's a step in the right direction. There is plenty of audio books for the EU.
@brianjordan3841 6 ай бұрын
@@BrandontheAwesome yes I listened to 2 out of the 3 Darth Bane books but haven’t gotten the chance to listen to it yet I listened to the Thrawn trilogy once n haven’t listened to it again at least not yet I listened to the Dark Empire trilogy at least 3 times I think it’s my favorite I try to watch Evannova95’s Star Wars vs matches as that’s the closest connection I have to the Expanded Universe not to mention he does such a great job with the fights he sets up just so insightful n analytical
@jiifigmentforever 7 ай бұрын
I'll admit, there was a time I was far more invested in Star Wars, reading book after book, playing game after game, and at least getting an understanding of the comic storylines as the Dark Horse stuff was vital to overall Canon. I'm less into it now because the Disney stuff is childish in comparison. Filthy Casuals will also actively say the new stuff is better and in defense of their sacred cow cherrypick old EU material from the 1980s to show the EU being terrible. Yes, we had children Ewok shows and Marvel green bunnymen in the 1980s. They weren't considered of high importance any longer. Not when KotOR, RecCom, Thrawn trilogy, Outbound Flight, Labyrinth of Evil, CW microseries (which laid the current CW groundwork but watch them all deny that), Yuzhan Vong series, and SO MANU OTHERS filling in stuff with good content. But if they're not positive they don't get invites and freebies from Our Mouse Overlords.
@ulty1472 7 ай бұрын
dark horse > every SW movie Lucas and Disney era
@BrandontheAwesome 7 ай бұрын
​@@ulty1472Lucas SW movies and EU > Disney Lucas's six movies are amazing, even without the EU. Real fans know that!
@theblueabyss63 6 ай бұрын
they’re everywhere and seem deceptive so we can’t trust our eyes man they are just feeding on what’s left of our beloved Star Wars. Amazing video man
@BrandontheAwesome 6 ай бұрын
And that's why people like me exist to gatekeep, to keep these weirdos out!
@Do_not_at_me_bro 6 ай бұрын
I will still consider myself a casual, even if I do catchup on all the books and comics that I missed a lot of, I wouldn't be able to retain everything. Growing up I watched the movies, the ewoks ones and the droids and genndys CW, played Episode 1 Racer, Shadows of the Empire, Rogue Squadron, StarWars Episode 3 ROTS, The Clone Wars (PS2) Battlefront 1&2 (ps2) Lego StarWars 1&2 and TCS, Force unleashed 1&2 I've read some books set before TPM, between TPM and AOTC, some after ROTS like with Ferus Olin being a double agent and Boba Fett. Leter Years I got into Kotor and TOR, and I'm yet to do a playthrough of Kotor2. Recently I played through Republic Commando, am playing through Rogue Leader and Rebel Strike. Might have to emulate some of the Playstation games and Xbox ones to play the rest. I am aware of how many StarWars games there are, but for books and comics I'll need a guide to help me on that for future. I might need to listen to audiobooks although Print would make me want to read them because I haven't read a physical book for so long it would be nostalgic. I have read books digitally but its not the same as picking up a physical book, opening up and reading it. I do remember searching for second hand copies of anything StarWars from the secondhand bookshop or library though and reading through them.
@BrandontheAwesome 6 ай бұрын
Hey, at least you aren't a shill.
@ivanthehighman177 6 ай бұрын
There used to be this link i had to read a lot of the eu comics online for free, if anyone knows the site name, let me know.
@ntnbbkv 6 ай бұрын
Look up readallcomics
@totallynotdio1311 7 ай бұрын
damm. i guess i may b a filthy casual after all... i didnt look at extended universe material that came out after 2009, and what knowledge i have from star wars mostly comes from the 6 movies, clone wars rebels, games, and some ocasional book here and there. i guess i really have to read then...
@BrandontheAwesome 7 ай бұрын
Yeah, because otherwise you just admitted to being a #DisneyShill
@clonetrooper2003 7 ай бұрын
@@BrandontheAwesome yes but he we can bring him to the dark side…..
@BrandontheAwesome 7 ай бұрын
​@@clonetrooper2003Absolutely my friend and fellow Knight!
@SolurVoludun 3 ай бұрын
@@clonetrooper2003*light side
@tyrannozilla 6 ай бұрын
Speaking of casuals, HelloGreedo has put out two new videos talking about the new Mandalorian movie and the Game Of Thrones creators' failed Star Wars project. Even after all that has happened (the disastrous Season 3 of Mando and Ahsoka) he still has some level of excitement for the Mando film and is confidant that Jon Favreau will deliver a good product. Greedo is in denial that Jon has caused just as much damage to the saga as Filoni and Kennedy. In his video on the abandoned Star Wars film, Greedo talks about how he still wants creators to play in the sandbox when it comes to creating more stuff for the brand. Of course, he means for the complete destruction of the established rules and lore of the saga. Please, give the videos a look when you get the chance. I think they will provide plenty of material to riff on.
@OfficialRaveBlitz 6 ай бұрын
"There is no Hierarchy of fans" - Matt Wilkins.
@BrandontheAwesome 6 ай бұрын
There is just real fans and fake fans.
@-obamium5320 21 күн бұрын
You don’t need to read and know it all to see how scummy the act of pretending to be an expert is but claim others are elitists when called out for pretending. I see is behavior everywhere now saying stuff like “as a doctor” “professor here”
@Calveydassillygoose 7 ай бұрын
Yeah I'd think it's self explanation. Pepleni come across on star wars talk I have to turn and walk away. Just a npc poor babies. Ps I spread the word about phonolnyfan and talk down to them you sir do nothing but a public service thank you.
@russellharrell2747 14 күн бұрын
You know what a filthy casual is? Someone who never read any of the original Marvel comics run of Star Wars. Or someone who never read the original comic strips. Or hasn’t read Splinter of the Minds Eye, the original Han Solo and Lando trilogies, or listened to even one of the Radio Dramas. Also if you saw RotS and weren’t upset that it gave no room for the Droids cartoon (or comic for that matter) to exist between the OT PT, then you are the filthiest of casuals.
@dieharddougie 22 күн бұрын
the prequels are for filthy casuals... I need muh CGI to like my movies.
@KylePhantomK94 7 ай бұрын
My issue with "filthy casuals" I mainly call them normie casual Star Wars "fans" or they should just be called consumers who would blindly consume garbage. (On the side note, I find it funny and ironic that some of these are the same people that criticize and shit on the prequels, but yet give the sequels and other DSW media a pass. Hypocrisy much?) Is that they aren't very smart to either have their own standards and tend to bend the knee to the popular opinion or can't necessarily think for themselves and do their own research and use their own brain. They have to rely on cuck KZfaqrs like RLM, Cosmonaut, the list goes on and on for their opinion. I have many issues with Star Wars fans in general, but that's a different topic. Normie fans are pretty much common in pretty much every fandom. It's why I think gatekeeping is a good thing. Me as a Star Wars fan, while I respect George's six movies. I don't agree with everything he did with the films and some of his decisions with TCW. (Even though some of it also comes down to Filoni as well.) But, I have a very unique opinion when it comes to Star Wars. I've realized that a lot of stories in the EU and the EU in general are better than the films themselves. And the filnms are the weakest part of the franchise when it comes to all this better content that just adds so much more than the films (or any films) could ever hope to dream to do. Whenever people say, that Empire Strikes Back is the best thing ever in Star Wars. I always role my eyes and say no. That goes to things like Kotor 2, Thrawn Trilogy, the Darth Bane books and various other Star Wars EU media.. There is a common opinion that the prequel novelizations are better than the films themselves, and thats something I agree with. While I think the prequels movies were the best they could be, but the books add a lot more context to the films that the films either missed or didn't have time or couldn't to iterate on. Of course a book is going to be better than a film, and that's my point because films are the most restrictive and limited art form, especially live action films and sometimes shows for that matter. It's why I don't really like films that much, especially live action movies/shows for that matter. It's why I think live action movie/show adaptations of anime or cartoons or even books are a bad idea, it's why I think it should either remain it's original material or if it's adaption of a book it should be an animated series instead of a live action movie or a show.
@BrandontheAwesome 7 ай бұрын
While I disagree with your opinion on the six films (in part due to the fact I love those films with all my heart) I agree with most with what you say.
@KylePhantomK94 7 ай бұрын
@@BrandontheAwesome Which is fine, I haven't enjoyed the movies in a long time. Infact my enjoyment of the films was largely ruined thanks to the fans. The EU is the main reason why I remain a Star Wars fan. I didn't have that alternative I would've given up on this franchise a long time ago.
@BrandontheAwesome 7 ай бұрын
@@KylePhantomK94 I feel sorry for you my friend. The EU and those six films keep me going even during these dark times. Don't let the shills and fake fans ruin your love for those films or the franchise.
@XTHHedgehog 7 ай бұрын
... So basically I'm a filthy casual. Damn 😭 With the exception of not doing research and being real rigid. I've watched most of the movies, read a couple of the books and watched all the shows pre Mando Season 3. I do tend to listen to reviews of the other shows and I listen to a LOT of the Versus stuff from guys like EvanNova95. His stuff, Jensarrai1 and Antoine Bandele were responsible for so many hours of character knowledge for me 😂 I've also played a lot of the games, from Jedi Academy to the original BF2 to Survivor, though Unleashed 1 is my favorite.
@BrandontheAwesome 7 ай бұрын
More or less, but you have the potential to be more, as long as you disregard Disney Star Wars.
@American-patriot. 5 ай бұрын
Sorry guys late to break it to you but I'm kind of a casual but I can say that the clone wars and the sequel trilogy sucks but I do like the prequels and the tarikovsky's clone wars.
@BrandontheAwesome 3 ай бұрын
Hey, nothing wrong with being a casual. If you ever want to get into real Star Wars, look me up.
@BoltofMystery 19 күн бұрын
Not a star wars fan, love the universe, the force, and lightsaber fights so I can’t say much on that front. The one thing I do in fact want to bring up is how you explain how a “filthy casual” works. Why do you need to know most to all of the Star Wars lore/stories in order to be a “true” fan? Why can’t they know the basics like from films and games in order to be considered an actual fan? I really hate the term “filthy casual” and “Normie” because it feels like you’re belittle their knowledge instead of helping them get more involved with the fandom. It also feels like gatekeeping because it comes off as the typical “Oh your a ____fan, well name every ____ ever released”, which is the reason why many don’t get involved in fandoms anymore. Overall actually go touch some grass. TL/DR: Not a star wars fan, but people shouldn’t use “filthy casual” & “normie” to belittle & gatekeep people out of fandoms.
@tristanmoore9653 5 ай бұрын
“Prone to rigid thought on Star Wars.” So you’re a filthy casual?
@BrandontheAwesome 5 ай бұрын
JJ is a passionate Star Wars fan, he has dived into the EU and helps bring awareness to it. The only filthy casual here is you!
@tristanmoore9653 5 ай бұрын
@@BrandontheAwesome But he listed “prone to rigid thought on Star Wars” as a casual trait, so I guess that makes him and you casuals?
@BrandontheAwesome 5 ай бұрын
@@tristanmoore9653 No, what he means by that is that casuals refuse to listen to the facts and pretend like they know everything. JJ and I are real fans since we actually research facts and logic and pass it on to others.
@tristanmoore9653 5 ай бұрын
@@BrandontheAwesome I think what he means by “rigid thinking” is someone who thinks they’re right no matter what. Which sounds like you and JJ.
@BrandontheAwesome 5 ай бұрын
@@tristanmoore9653 Except we are right, we have the facts on our side. The difference is that filthy casuals don't have all the facts yet pretend like their word is law when they couldn't be farther from the truth. You fit the bill more than we do.
@BrandontheAwesome 7 ай бұрын
I see this happen all the time with shills who think Miles Morales as Spider-Man. Every time I argue with them it is very clear they have never cracked open a comic in their life or done any proper research. Filthy casuals are some of the worst that fandoms have to offer.
@saberiandream316 7 ай бұрын
Miles Morales IS Spider-Man.
@BrandontheAwesome 7 ай бұрын
​@@saberiandream316No he isn't. Peter Parker is Spider-Man, Miles Morales is Miles Morales. There is only one Spider-Man.
@matthewofcolumbus5610 7 ай бұрын
​@@BrandontheAwesome He's just Peter Darker.
@BrandontheAwesome 7 ай бұрын
​@@matthewofcolumbus5610Exactly! Brian Michael Bendis, his own creator, confirms this!
@NostalgicGenius 7 ай бұрын
Bro can’t comprehend objective facts
@GodismyjudgeJesusislord 2 ай бұрын
Hope you are all having a beautiful day. Jesus loves you, God Bless.
@user-tj8jz3hk9k 4 ай бұрын
Honest question: Why the fxck do I have to do homework to watch 6 fxcking movies? Why must I spend what is possibly 1 million dollars to buy over 10 000 books that I might not like? Pretty sure George Lucas never intended for an expanded universe to be made. All that matter to him was his movies, you know, what HE created? Third party is just that: THIRD. PARTY. Extra stuff. It shouldn’t be requires to read them. If the movie product requires to read a bunch of books to be read to fully understand a movie, then the movie isn’t good, not is it? This is the same critisim towards the sequels, except those books are made to fix plot holes caused by J J and Rian.
@clonetrooper2003 3 ай бұрын
You misunderstood what he said entirely
@markgarrett3647 4 ай бұрын
Another Cringequel video I see.
@quinten2529 2 ай бұрын
@Hanoua2 7 ай бұрын
In my book there is different level of "casual". LV 0 (not a fan): you just don't like star wars and never care to watch it. You think "laser sword" are stupid LV 1 (general audience): you watched one of the trilogy as it was coming out in cinema at the time because it was popular, but you never really care to watch anything else LV 2 (casual): you've watched most of the 9 movies and enjoyed them for what they were, but never really got deeper than that. LV 3 (Fan): You've watched all of the movies but you also watched the tv shows like clone wars, rebel and Mando. You might have played some of the games, you do love the franchise and its world. LV 4 (Super Fan): not only do you consume Star wars media, but you also go out of your way to watch lore video, read books, write fan fiction, debate online about the philosophy of the force and it's rules. It's a part of you. But then you have sub categories like: -Original trilogy purist who hates everything after the 2000s -Dave Filoni worshipper who mostly loves the cartoon and the prequels. -Sequel trilogy fan who only got into star wars when disney bought it from George -Book reader who loves the expanded universe -George Lucas followers who consider episode 1-6 and the clone wars to be the true canon -Online activist who doesn't watch Star Wars but goes on twitter to call the fans racist and sexist -Disney chill who claps and scream when a cameo shows up in a Disney+ tv show -both side of the youtube world where they either defend and shill for Disney and praise everything they do for gift and interviews. or the haters that complain and hate everything that Disney has ever done for clicks and views.
@BrandontheAwesome 7 ай бұрын
And where do you fall in this lineup of yours?
@Hanoua2 7 ай бұрын
@@BrandontheAwesome probably somewhere between lv3 and lv4 because I'm not a big fan of reading book lol
@BrandontheAwesome 7 ай бұрын
@@Hanoua2 At least that's better than watching Disney's garbage. But I suggest giving series like the Darth Bane trilogy a shot. Some of the best the EU has to offer. I myself am trying to read every single piece of Lucas-era Star Wars content out there, games, books, comics, action figures and merch is a bit of an exception.
@butcherpete2286 Ай бұрын
I'm definitely closer to a Lucas follower. But man the Dark Horse comics will ALWAYS hold a special spot in my heart and soul.
@saberiandream316 7 ай бұрын
I'm so happy to have coined the term "Filoni groupies."
@lukescrew1981 7 ай бұрын
Yeah it's very easy to spot someone who doesn't know shit
@BrandontheAwesome 7 ай бұрын
Says the guy who refuses to admit Andor is garbage and Dr. Aphra is one of the worst characters ever...
@xxcaptninjaxx4301 7 ай бұрын
flithy casual watch 1-9 watch mainstream disney plus show like mandalorian mid at best played only EA Star Wars and Fortnite also preaching for EA make battlefront 3 but never happen after battlefront 2017 at launch care about Star Wars game only in Disney canon Who read marvel Star Wars comic and novel but mediocre/garbage at best probably look up this stuff from wookieepedia who think Expanded universe 90% or 100% garbage who use wookieepedia doing their research not actually do it yourself aka fat lazy bunch who think Dave filoni lord and savior of this franchise who think next George Lucas but he never really be like George Lucas who watch Sellout KZfaqr like Star Wars explained hellogreedo and many other who watch shill KZfaqr like turf nation
@epicsavagebros7400 7 ай бұрын
Yup this is what the video argues is a filthy casual despite all of this being hundreds of hours when combined. I am someone who has read a lot of the EU but honestly half of it is mid at best and even the good stuff is just a less engaging way to enjoy the series than watching a movie or tv show.
@BrandontheAwesome 6 ай бұрын
@@epicsavagebros7400 And thus you just gave yourself away as a fake fan and a supporter of Disney shills.
@JohnSmith-cb9hb 4 ай бұрын
Squardron. He shot down twi
@gerbalskerbal766 4 ай бұрын
-Terrible at Research. Coming from the same guy who didn’t bother to research behind the scenes of TCW and just claims all is Dave Filoni’s fault. He wasn’t even a lead writer. He only wrote 10 (+13 in Disney’s Season 7). He was the director, voice director & executive producer. If you actually did research, you would know this, something youtuber Working Jellyfish did in his ”Ahsoka and the Crimes of Dave Filoni” video. Btw, if you did do research, it was GEORGE LUCAS who created Ahsoka Tano. Not Filoni. Not anyone else. He supervised her character development and saw it was good, and didn’t cope like you by claiming it was ”artificial”
@j.j.plagiarisms7149 4 ай бұрын
Yeah I never believed Dave Filoni when he claimed he looked at what the EU Mandalorians were like and showed them to George. That's incredibly hard to believe given Filoni's track record. That's the exact kind of crap Dave Filoni would make up to make himself look like an expert, especially with what he's done since. I've found many things they stated in the behind-the-scenes stuff to be unreliable.
@Azure_Fire 4 ай бұрын
In recent days, I've come to believe that if they complain about a character surviving a lightsaber stab, they're a casual who didn't have the visual dictionary in their middle school library.
@BrandontheAwesome 4 ай бұрын
Nah, you're the casual since you don't understand how lightsabers work.
@Azure_Fire 4 ай бұрын
@@BrandontheAwesome case in point
@BrandontheAwesome 4 ай бұрын
@@Azure_Fire Yeah, you. Starkiller was stabbed in the stomach and got immediate medical attention. Reva didn't.
@Azure_Fire 4 ай бұрын
​@@BrandontheAwesome Hopefully you read my other comment, but I would like to talk about this. Reva's survival actually bothers me, because Vader didn't make sure she was truly dead. That's plot contrivance. Even though I could probably headcanon an explanation, I can understand why here case makes people mad. I'm talking more about the people who think Sabine should be dead after being stabbed by Shin. That even if the wound was to the side of her stomach, her insides should have melted. This annoys me, because as you yourself said, Galen also survived being stabbed. Vader survived being stabbed, Kyle Katarn, the Outlander, etc, etc. There's a huge fan misconception about how hot lightsaber blades actually are. I've got idiots telling me they're a million degrees, or as hot as the sun. But there's actually a very simple explanation for why a lightsaber stab won't melt your insides, despite Qui-Gon melting a blast door. And it's pretty clearly pointed out in the 1998 visual dictionary I mentioned.
@BrandontheAwesome 4 ай бұрын
@@Azure_Fire Reva's survival was the moment I knew Disney Star Wars was crap. They didn't even bother to address how she got healed or why Vader left her alive. Sabine was stabbed in the chest in the actual episode, yet the next episode pretends it was her side when that was not the case. Filoni likes to think the audience is stupid enough to not notice. And while yes, I would agree, the difference is that Disney Star Wars plays by a completely different set of rules than what came before. But what is especially weird is that Qui Gon was stabbed in the stomach and was dying, but one could say he could have survived if given immediate medical attention.
@alebacci3673 7 ай бұрын
@BrandontheAwesome 7 ай бұрын
Seethe and cope!
@alebacci3673 7 ай бұрын
@@BrandontheAwesome 🤓
@BrandontheAwesome 7 ай бұрын
@@alebacci3673 #Crybaby
@alebacci3673 6 ай бұрын
@BrandontheAwesome 6 ай бұрын
@@alebacci3673 #Triggered
@papawedge7396 Ай бұрын
This video is just elitist garbage, touch grass. Sincerely, a fellow EU fan.
@mrtoast7425 28 күн бұрын
fr I can smell him behind the screen
@papawedge7396 20 күн бұрын
@@mrtoast7425 LMAO
@Foobie07 7 ай бұрын
I hate to admit it but I'm one of them.
@maxrebo2466 Ай бұрын
This video is everything wrong with the Star Wars fandom. Demeaning anyone who hasn’t read everything or played every single video game. Calling them filthy casuals and shills just because they like things you don’t like.
@epicsavagebros7400 7 ай бұрын
I mean specifically for the anyone can use the force camp George said as much. Is it dumb and not make any sense given how basically everyone would use the dark side? Yes. Is his word more canon than basically all novels before selling to Disney? Yes especially considering all novels, comics, and games were canon until he decided if they were or not. I mean look at all the novels that were deleted due to the prequels even existing.
@BrandontheAwesome 7 ай бұрын
Um, nothing was deleted due to the prequels existing. And no, George did not say anyone can use the Force
@saberiandream316 7 ай бұрын
@@BrandontheAwesome He did, but George changed his mind and contradicted himself constantly. He's not a reliable source of information. It was also in the early 1980s, before he made the prequels.
@BrandontheAwesome 7 ай бұрын
@@saberiandream316 Ah, okay. So he made that statement moot with the prequels. Makes sense.
@epicsavagebros7400 7 ай бұрын
⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠@@BrandontheAwesome The orginal Thrawn trilogy added details to the clone wars never before established including these details: The Clone Wars were 40-50 years before A New Hope. It’s also implied that this was a series of conflicts as opposed to one massive civil war. -The Republic has a standing military staffed by natural born soldiers and supplemented with clones. In the Prequels it’s established that the Republic did not have a standing military until the Clone Army is revealed. -The wars were caused by a batch of clones going insane. Part of the cloning process led to mental instability and whole batches of clones ended up snapping and fighting against the rest of the Republic. -There is no mention of Separatists or droid armies. You know the second biggest part of the clone wars! -The Emperor was in power, as the Emperor, and Darth Vader was his enforcer, during the Clone Wars. It’s heavily implied that Vader and the Emperor worked side by side with the Jedi during the Clone Wars and that the Purge may have been several years after it ended. So arguably the most popular EU book series had a number of things flat out wrong and reconned by the big G himself
@epicsavagebros7400 7 ай бұрын
⁠​⁠@@BrandontheAwesome The point is that wether anyone can or cannot use the force is really up to what you want to believe since every story is written to fit one canon.
@tk-6967 7 ай бұрын
9:56 Well now hold on, that bit about stormtroopers and TIE Pilots simply isn't true. Even though there are some contradicting sources on equipment, TIE fighter pilots and stormtroopers are still said to be elite soldiers in the EU, and the TIE fighter pilot training process especially is supposed to be very gruelling and only 20% of candidates even pass or something along those lines. It is Filoni who has started implying that Stormtroopers and TIE pilots are actually shit (even though in the EU and even in wider Disney Canon this is clearly some weird in-joke amongst the rebels that isn't at all true). Most sources I have read seem to say that the weapons and stormtrooper armour used by the Empire are very effective, and most of the sources that say negative stuff were supposed to be providing an explanation as to why stormtrooper are bad in the films. This is of course unnecessary since it is explained in both Episode 4 and 5, but sometimes a few EU writers would miss some details, but this wasn't a purposeful shitting on Stormtroopers and the Empire like with Filoni. Cosmonaut is still wrong because TIE fighters are shitty ships with pretty bad manoeuvrability even if they are fast, and they have a much too large profile for such a weakly armoured ship, making them easy to hit. Also, Luke clearly does have experience with shooting stuff since he even mentions that he used to shoot womp rats and such (which are probably harder to hit), You are also right that he is ignoring the EU to benefit his arguments, since from the EU we know he used to fly airspeeders with his friends where he would have no doubt fired at womp rats.
@BrandontheAwesome 7 ай бұрын
It baffles me that you know so much about the EU, yet you wish for its destruction.
@tk-6967 7 ай бұрын
@@BrandontheAwesome I am simply correcting JJP's lore mistake with facts from the EU. I didn't even disagree with his point about Cosmonaut either. And if you are trying to bring up the stuff about our differing opinions on how to save the EU, I am not interested in re-going over that discussion at this time, it is Boxing Day. Besides, my point was that it was ridiculous to criticise people who like the EU so much that they are going against Disney's wider campaign of destruction and label that as 'lazy copy pasting'.
@BrandontheAwesome 7 ай бұрын
​@@tk-6967Save the EU? Don't make me laugh! Your way would only lead to its destruction! And yep, you are crying again. Slapping EU lore into Disney canon is only going to piss off fans even more because guess what? Now it is linked to all the terrible garbage Disney has spat out.
@tk-6967 7 ай бұрын
@@BrandontheAwesome Here we go again... No, your way would lead to its destruction! EU fans are beginning to cut themselves more and more off from the wider fandom. Yes, plenty of people dislike Disney, well done, but that doesn't mean they are interested in the EU. As I have said before, if the majority of fans had it there way, Filoni would take over the company, and that would be objectively worse than under Disney's already shitty management. Most prominent EU fans are who you guys would classify and sellouts, and they almost always sing Filoni's praises. The only real criticism of Ahsoka from the bulk of the fandom was that it was 'flawed' or that 'Filoni should stick to animation'. That type of criticism proves that these people aren't going to bring back the EU. EU fan numbers are objectively not growing. People bring up the fact that the EU isn't Canon all the time, even when it doesn't contradict canon. Most anti-Disney people are pro-inhibitor chip. I've had to explain to people that Death Watch are really bad people and not the good guys for goodness sake. You are far too optimistic if you think that by removing Disney from power (which you still haven't explained how that'll happen), you will be able to fix Star Wars.
@jimmyboy131 6 ай бұрын
This one particular time I was at work, and I happened to be standing near the secretary at the front desk. I had a kind of (for me normal) look on my face of some confusion and uncertainty. She asked, "Is there anything I can help you with?" Without even thinking about it or skipping a beat I replied: "Not unless you can alter time, speed up the harvest, or teleport me off this rock." She just stared at me, blinked, and said "...wut?" Only a real hard-core (nerd) fan would or even could go through life with the elite ability to drop context- appropriate quotes like that, at a moment's notice. Don't even speak to me of "casual" anything.
@BrandontheAwesome 6 ай бұрын
Depends, do you know the ins and outs of the franchise? Read the EU? Because hardcore fans know that kind of stuff.
@jimmyboy131 6 ай бұрын
@@BrandontheAwesome I stopped paying serious attention to the EU back in the 90s because it was becoming absurd to me. Now, after the prequels and certainly after the sequels and most if Disney era stuff the EU is seen as relatively great by comparison but I'm still not a fan of a lot if it.
@BrandontheAwesome 6 ай бұрын
@@jimmyboy131 So you are a casual. And a prequel hater. Good to know. #PrequelHater
@jimmyboy131 6 ай бұрын
@@BrandontheAwesome I've ascended beyond the mundane casual vs hard-core debate. I saw the prequels in the theaters many times each, at least six times each, and saw The Phantom Menace in the theaters nineteen times. Then I bought them all on DVD when they were released. Actually I bought the Phantom Menace on VHS because that's what came out first and I couldn't wait. Everything is relative, though. The prequels have some great things but some obvious horrible or wrong things. I'm not a prequel hater, I'm a "sequel" hater and generally a Disney era hater.
@BrandontheAwesome 6 ай бұрын
@@jimmyboy131 There's nothing wrong with just liking the movies and being a normal casual dude. But saying you are more than a casual when all you do is watch the movies is technically wrong.
@skorting5952 7 ай бұрын
So to enjoy a movie we have to read and watch all of the content made after the movie was released? Got it, gonna go read the SW bible to understand why jar jar's left nipple caused order 66.
@benclark4823 7 ай бұрын
So (your saying in order) to (properly) enjoy [Star Wars as a whole] (you) HAVE to read and watch (a significant amount of) the content made after the movie(s) (where) released? 🤥 Their I fixed your strawman for you. 🤡
@BrandontheAwesome 7 ай бұрын
No, but to understand the world of Star Wars you have to read the EU.
@fullnelson4986 7 ай бұрын
Eu isn't cannon, and never was, so idk what the guy is on about in the video. lol calling ppl fake fans for not reading them. The movies is really all u need
@BrandontheAwesome 7 ай бұрын
​@@fullnelson4986The EU was, and still is, canon. And real hardcore fans love it. Casuals can enjoy the six films all they want, but they can't call themselves a diehard fan if they haven't even scratched the surface.
@BrandontheAwesome 7 ай бұрын
@NostalgicGenius 7 ай бұрын
More like upping the standards to make yourself look superior
@BrandontheAwesome 7 ай бұрын
More like upholding the standards of being a real Star Wars fan. But I wouldn't expect a Miles Morales shill to understand.
@NostalgicGenius 7 ай бұрын
⁠​⁠​⁠@@BrandontheAwesomecongratulations if someone were to believe this it makes you guys look more like average or decent fans more than a wild enthusiast
@BrandontheAwesome 7 ай бұрын
@@NostalgicGenius Actually, all real fans believe this. Because unlike casuals, we actually care about the franchise rather than consume the garbage Disney spits put.
@epicsavagebros7400 7 ай бұрын
@@BrandontheAwesome Dude it’s too much stuff to the point that no one has read every EU book and has found a way to make sure every EU book fits into a timeline. Heck even George was going to make a sequel trilogy that would have effected a ton of books. Your not a true fan if you think others are lesser for not treating Star Wars like their religion and spending thousands of hours reading, watching, playing, and listening to all of it.
@BrandontheAwesome 7 ай бұрын
@@epicsavagebros7400 Thank you for exposing yourself. #FakeFan
@dancingvalkyrie 7 ай бұрын
The original trilogy appealed to casuals because they were simply good movies. Casuals hate both the shitty prequel and sequel trilogy because they both require shitty comic book or novel lore in order to understand and enjoy them lol
@j.j.plagiarisms7149 7 ай бұрын
Can you actually name any of the specific books, and what they specifically convey that makes you "understand and enjoy them?" because that coming from someone like you, I think you're just riffing off what other people said.
@BrickMasterMax 7 ай бұрын
@dancingvalkyrie Well which comics did you need to read to understand the movies can you name some? Because I have no idea what you're talking about.
@BrandontheAwesome 7 ай бұрын
@ulty1472 7 ай бұрын
@@BrandontheAwesome ehh this guy seems more like an OT Purists imo
@dancingvalkyrie 7 ай бұрын
@@j.j.plagiarisms7149 I don't know, im not a fucking nerd that cares about shitty prequel lore.
@dumbo1950 7 ай бұрын
So nobody can critique the prequels unless uve read important books, played specific games saw all the movies and watched all the shows......
@BrandontheAwesome 7 ай бұрын
You can critique the prequels, but you can't say you are an expect on all things Star Wars if you haven't even scratched the surface.
@dumbo1950 7 ай бұрын
@BrandontheAwesome it's a movie first and foremost if ur good at critiquing movies then ur more than qualified to critique a shitty movie like the prequels. Infact everyone should watch the prequels to see how not to write movies. They are not special films that only the fans understand they are simply bad movies.
@BrandontheAwesome 7 ай бұрын
@@dumbo1950 Ah, a prequel hater. Probably a worshipper of RLM. The prequels are great movies, hands down. They should be studied as to how to actually write prequels.
@dumbo1950 7 ай бұрын
@BrandontheAwesome I love the idea of the prequels I h8 how they are as the finished product. If uve watched any other media besides starwars you would understand why it's stupid to watch and read so much outside content to find excuses for 3 terrible films that's not how u should live life bruh.
@BrandontheAwesome 7 ай бұрын
@@dumbo1950 The EU is not needed to understand the prequels. What the EU does is *expand* on the ideas set forth by the movies. It is not a requirement to enjoy all six. Although it is interesting to dive in and see how expansive the world of Star Wars can be. But the bottom line is that objectively, the prequels are good films, great films even! And you don't need the EU to see why. If you want proof of this, check out Revenge of the Prequels. And you'll probably see what I'm talking about.
@colbywidener7092 7 ай бұрын
J.J plagiarism isnt really one to talk about "filthy causals" because what kind of true star wars fan hates the clone wars and tried to shit all over them and then says he is a george only fan. George made the clone wars. So, mr. J.J plagiarism is a major hypocrite that he doesn't really even seem to acknowledge and will probably attempt to sound macho and use some sweet words in his response which just incriminates him as a hypocrite and a "casual" fan himself
@saberiandream316 7 ай бұрын
George only financed TCW, other than that, it was Filoni's show. George has never been a story guy, but more of a camera guy, that's what got him interested in making movies. And anyway, watch the Clone Wars Microseries commentaries. He was pretty hands-off when it came to a major lore decision - how Jedi are knighted. The same likely very strongly held true during his run over TCW.
@BrandontheAwesome 7 ай бұрын
@Cartmansrevenge42069 7 ай бұрын
lol he is a buttmuncher for sure.
@colbywidener7092 7 ай бұрын
@saberiandream316 He did more than finance the show. He signed off on each episode, go and actually do your research
@saberiandream316 7 ай бұрын
@@colbywidener7092 He signed off on the EU too. I know you haters don't like hearing that, but it's true, he was sent checklists that he had to say yay or nay to.
@Adoogna 7 ай бұрын
This really sounds like gatekeeping. This is unhealthy, touch grass, man. I'm a huge EU fan and I'm not a big fan of Disney Star Wars like almost everybody but you can't talk about casual enjoyers like this. This is childish.
@epicsavagebros7400 6 ай бұрын
I have been saying this as well. The way this video is presented just makes him seem like a jerk. Especially since the EU isn’t even canon anymore meaning every new fan shouldn’t need to worry about it especially since getting into it can be pricey and time consuming not to mention is in a medium the younger generation just doesn’t use as much.
@BrandontheAwesome 6 ай бұрын
Lemme spell out what J.J. is saying (because you clearly didn't get it the first time): There is nothing wrong with just enjoying the six movies. But there is the problem of acting like you know everything about the franchise when you haven't taken the time or work to dive into the other pieces of media.
@BrandontheAwesome 6 ай бұрын
@@epicsavagebros7400 So let me get this straight, you would prefer new fans consume Disney's garbage instead of exploring the finely-crafted EU. You have no right to call yourself a Star Wars fan.
@ActualLee42 6 ай бұрын
​@@BrandontheAwesome Only true fans will pay thousands upon thousands of dollars to consume every piece of crap, I mean "product", I mean "story" I churned during my time as head dictator of Lucasfilm. I'm George LuCash, and remember I sold my racist movies to "white slavers"!
@Adoogna 6 ай бұрын
@@BrandontheAwesome I’m not going to speak on his behalf but from my opinion, most of the stuff Disney makes now is bad, but if people enjoy it you shouldn’t try and rain on their parade, if it makes them happy then you should be envious not spiteful.
@user-bj6ed1fw9m 7 ай бұрын
You’re also just too consumed by a made up story that doesn’t matter in real life. Just let people like what they like.
@BrandontheAwesome 7 ай бұрын
It's that kind of attitude that is the reason we are now stuck with Disney shills. Gatekeeping is the only way to keep fandoms alive!
@Cartmansrevenge42069 7 ай бұрын
⁠@@BrandontheAwesomeGatekeeping destroys fandoms as the old fans, well grow older they have less time to spend on the fandom or just move on to other things. Imagine if D&D was still something that only 50+ yo dudes played, there would be no new editions and it would just make the game stale and dead after the original players passed away. You need new people to discover things for the first time or that thing will die. But who am I kidding you used shills as a noun you’re too consumed by hate to think logically.
@BrandontheAwesome 7 ай бұрын
@@Cartmansrevenge42069 The problem is that nowadays people don't know any better. It's up to the old fans to teach the new, but the new fans don't care. They would rather have sloppy seconds then discover what made something great. But you are too #Triggered to understand, given you think I'm too consumed by hate. Keep crying.
@Cartmansrevenge42069 7 ай бұрын
@@BrandontheAwesome Are you finished? You’re the one who cries that people wanna join your super special club without reading hundreds of books first. You’re not based you’re cringe and a have a tiny peen. You can only call people triggered when they disagree with you. Tiny baby man crys when people like things he doesn’t like how sad 😭
@BrandontheAwesome 7 ай бұрын
@@Cartmansrevenge42069 Sounds like someone is projecting! Get a life loser.
@Abzero-mx2pb 7 ай бұрын
dont care, star wars makes no sense.
@BrandontheAwesome 6 ай бұрын
Ever heard of a suspension of disbelief?
@Abzero-mx2pb 6 ай бұрын
@@BrandontheAwesome that's not what I'm referring to. I'm talking about internal inconsistencies within even the movies.
@BrandontheAwesome 6 ай бұрын
@@Abzero-mx2pb Continuity errors happen all the time. Not everything can be flawless. But just so we are the same page, give me a few examples, if you would be so kind.
@Abzero-mx2pb 6 ай бұрын
@@BrandontheAwesome midchlorians, obiwans age, Obi-Wan and darth Vader not remembering anything from the prequels in the originals, the end of rogue on and the beggining of the first movie, etc
@BrandontheAwesome 6 ай бұрын
@@Abzero-mx2pb Okay, then. Let me explain it as best as I can: Midichlorians actually fix a plothole because it explains why not just anybody can use the Force and become a Jedi. Because if you look at it from the perspective of the OT, what's preventing someone like Han Solo from learning the Force? Obi Wan's age. It's actually a fact that people who spend a long time in a desert will look old and battered, a simple Google search fixes that. Obi Wan and Vader do remember events from the prequels, but why would they bring it up? Vader would ratyer forget the past because of the pain it brings him and Obi Wan and Yoda don't want to bog Luke down with all of that history. Now THAT's a good one. That is why we consider Disney's stuff non-canon, because it is obviously clear you can't explain that away.
@LordSidious066 6 ай бұрын
I don't care if you have had trouble with trolls in the past as you have stated, *NOTHING* gives you the right to call people casuals if they don't know a lot of star wars or if they like Disney's stuff. It just makes you extremely toxic.
@BrandontheAwesome 6 ай бұрын
@LordSidious066 6 ай бұрын
@@BrandontheAwesome #GrowUp
@BrandontheAwesome 6 ай бұрын
@@LordSidious066 #FakeFan
@LordSidious066 6 ай бұрын
@@BrandontheAwesome I'm not going to deal with you anymore. Karma will get everyone last one of you and it will be glorious to watch. I'm muting you. Goodbye.
@BrandontheAwesome 6 ай бұрын
@@LordSidious066 Sure, karma will get us. I'm so scared. You and the rest of the shills have lost. #CopeAndCry
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