How to talk about transgender ideology (with Jason Evert)

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The Counsel of Trent

The Counsel of Trent

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In this episode Trent sits down with Jason Evert to discuss his new book on transgender ideology.
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@blitzzkrieg1400 Жыл бұрын
To everyone who is afflicted with gender dysphoria, you all deserve a great life that does not involve hating your own bodies.
@MsMsmak Жыл бұрын
and a church that doesn't make one do so.
@ironymatt Жыл бұрын
@@MsMsmak the fallen world we're born into is what makes people think such, and that isn't the fault of the Church. It's through the teachings of the Church that we can know we're *all* created in the image and likeness of God, and therefore have hope in Him, despite the corruptions and false hopes peddled by a culture that hates Him.
@MsMsmak Жыл бұрын
@@ironymatt Fascinating. Talk about delusional thinking...everything you say is literally made up nonsense.
@ironymatt Жыл бұрын
@@MsMsmak made up nonsense? The alternative to the idea that the world is fallen is that the world is perfect, ie there's nothing wrong with it. Do you believe there's nothing wrong with the world?
@kevinkelly2162 Жыл бұрын
To all you poor folks out there, you all deserve a great life that does not involve hating being hungry or homeless.
@TheJmlew11 Жыл бұрын
Trent’s one of the few channels where I can like the video immediately without even finishing it.
@leonhewitt4744 Жыл бұрын
Yep it’s the first thing I do!
@veryexciteddog963 Жыл бұрын
yeah I don't even listen to what he's saying, I just assume he's right because we share the same faith. that's the power of God 🙏
@MsMsmak Жыл бұрын
@@veryexciteddog963 No, that's called fascism.
@mike-cc3dd Жыл бұрын
Dont be a shill. Actually listen to the video and actually give him real feedback.
@mike-cc3dd Жыл бұрын
@@MsMsmak don't be cringe
@killianmiller6107 Жыл бұрын
Saying something like “if you don’t trans your kid, they’ll commit suicide” sounds a lot like a hostage situation
@ntmn8444 Жыл бұрын
Of course, it’s emotional manipulation. It’s hard to be a kid, it’s hard to go through puberty. But it’s especially hard now because of social media and what they’re exposed to online. Children shouldn’t be on social media. Heck, no one should be on it. Facebook, Instagram, tiktok, Snapchat, all that stuff is pure poison.
@killianmiller6107 Жыл бұрын
Yea. As a kid, I had always been averse to social media because I learned in class that it was addictive, and I figured the best way to quit addictions is to never start one.
@supernerd8067 Жыл бұрын
I agree, Killian Miller. This statement is a textbook abusive relationship line.
@vaderkurt7848 Жыл бұрын
It's quite the opposite the moment they become Trans a lot of them do attempt to commit suicide. It is statistically proven even when they do get a lot of support than the long waiting game happens either because they are old or figured out the people who "accepted" them don't do so genuinely and deep down realize they are only playing along. Even the ones where they are happy at first after genital mutilation because depressed. (And of course some advocates will try to argue this but fail to realize they have a confirmation bias I seen Muslims dismantle these ridiculous arguments and fallacies causing the transexual to insult the Muslims religion and lose the argument because they never have been arguing around the objective reality around them and no I am not endorsing Islam by any means but if other religions are able to tell and dismantle it that should tell you something.) Of course some would try to argue "they didn't get the support they needed" isn't true in other countries how ever there will always be people that will not affirm for whom they are because the idea a man can become a woman or vice versa is an absolute absurdity and is asking people to change but humans do not work that way. You will have people that do not care about anyone other feelings and confront them about it. How ever even other groups that have been under a worse of scrutiny do not face the same suicidal rates as seen in trans. I guess the simple phrase is this. Disorder leads to more disorder. Are we to cut an arm off because they are people that think they are better without it? Are men multiple limbs because they are people born with them it must be the norm and not an abnormality?
@Molotov49 Жыл бұрын
This is the dumbest thing I've ever read.
@carolynkimberly4021 Жыл бұрын
All of a sudden the McDonald's guy I had seen for years suddenly showed up in earrings, lipstick, and a ponytail. I just said, "I see you've changed your look". That's just the simple truth.
@PauloRicardo-ez4ud Жыл бұрын
What a great enlightening conversation. Thanks for sharing such wisdom with us, Jason. And, Trent, as always, for asking the best questions. God bless you two!
@daviresende5059 Жыл бұрын
Koé, mano
@clq2461 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video. My heart has been heavy on this topic because it feels like our bishops and pastors have not been speaking out on this. It sometimes feel like the Catholic church waits until it is an issue within its walls before it will finally speak out against it. I am happy that Jason has put this together to help us laity know how to approach this topic in our daily lives.
@WillHerrmann Жыл бұрын
While bishops and pastors should be speaking out on this, they also need the support of laity. I'm confident that people like Trent Horn and Jason Evert-along with you and I-speaking out on it will lead to the clergy having the tools they need to also speak out on it.
@julialopes5054 Жыл бұрын
The fact is that sometimes priests aren’t as integrated in “worldly” culture as lay people. Some priests where I live even live quite lonely lives, because people on the pews won’t invite them into their houses, just ask them for prayers or the sacraments, which is great, but priests are people too. They need friends.
@leaverus Жыл бұрын
how can one know how to identify as something they've never been before? that is illogical.
@angelalemos9811 Жыл бұрын
@mike-cc3dd Жыл бұрын
This conversation sounds like a death of a thousand acquiescences.
@youkokun Жыл бұрын
Do you mean "by" a thousand...?
@mike-cc3dd Жыл бұрын
@@youkokun good catch
@tortillamilk Жыл бұрын
That was a wonderful conversation. Thank you.
@marieseibert4901 4 ай бұрын
Thank you, Jason! This is what I needed to hear
@mj6901 Жыл бұрын
Some extreme trans activists are against the terms “biological female/male” which makes it extremely difficult now. The chanting of “trans women are women” and “trans men are men” leave very little room for discussion and understanding 😢
@blutausbeherit Жыл бұрын
Jason is a wonderful man with a wonderful heart, but we can't ever let it get out of sight that this is a social contagion that cannot exist without explicit grooming from autogynephiles
@bennyv4444 Жыл бұрын
I agree, but I think he is talking exclusively about dealing with the victims of this evil, not the perpetrators of it
@MsMsmak Жыл бұрын
Oh please. Stop watching Fox news for a minute,
@annb9029 Жыл бұрын
This happened to Chloe Cole at 15
@blutausbeherit Жыл бұрын
@@MsMsmak I do not watch Fox. I simply use my eyes, ears, and brain to see what is happening for what it is.
@MsMsmak Жыл бұрын
@@blutausbeherit Ah yes. That's what passes for Catholic deep thinking. LOL
@elainejan Жыл бұрын
What a wonderful enlightening conversation. Thank you. I see a parallel between what is happening today and what happened during the sexual revolution. Lives get pushed off course by cultural ideas and ultimately people live out unintended consequences. Not to their benefit.
@lejoromi Жыл бұрын
At least partially, most people are talking about the arguments because so much "transness" isn't anywhere real dsyphoria, it's a social thing. We have to combat the trans lies that the media and trans activists spread. I also don't know that we can always take people's claims as honest - even as being honest with themselves.
@zzc8505 Жыл бұрын
exactly, real dysphoria was so rare that hardly anyone knew about it. What's going on right now is not dysphoria, but socio-cultural insanity and should be treated as such.
@MarianMetanoia Жыл бұрын
@@zzc8505I think social contagion can bring about real gender dysphoria. It’s similar to how a teenage girl can develop body dysphoria from observing other women in her life struggling with eating disorders. We learn from those around us who model gender norms. If a young girl observes her female friends and relatives unhappy with their own femininity, she might internalize those attitudes as normal behaviors for women and learn to genuinely hate her own femininity. So, yes, social contagion is certainly at the heart of the issue, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that the people affected by it aren’t experiencing real gender dysphoria. It’s a complex issue that must be handled delicately, as Jason and Trent stress.
@zzc8505 Жыл бұрын
@@MarianMetanoia "real" gender dysphoria should be a medical condition with clear symptoms and a diagnosis. No "social contagion" can bring about a real medical condition. Not everyone observing other women in life struggling with body image develops body dysphoria --- hence, one has to prove scientifically that such observation causes body dysphoria. You may want to really study a bit deeper what constitutes a "real" medical condition and what constitutes the result of brainwashing and psychological manipulation. So, no "real" gender dysphoria cannot arise from social engineering.
@UncensoredChristian Жыл бұрын
Part of me wonders where we draw the line when discussing all of these made-up nonsensical terms as If they are words we should be taking time to understand. At what point do we say enough is enough?
@Molotov49 Жыл бұрын
Speaking the same language is the prerequisite for all discussion. It's either you adapt to the words of today or you lose your voice and with it your relevance.
@bullyboy131 Жыл бұрын
You should know the words that they use, but you don't have to speak like they do. For example, if someone says that they are Pro-choice but yet kill babies we do not affirm that they are really Pro-choice. We bring to light that their choice is not a baby's choice, or ask what about the choice of the father/mother that doesn't want to abort the baby. Also, what about people having a choice to take a vaccine. At the end it comes down to that they are Pro-abortion and not really Pro-choice.
@youkokun Жыл бұрын
The point is long passed. They took the culture by force. We should tell the truth point blank and let the confidence in truth draw them back rather than take this feminine nurturing please oh please just talk with me approach.
@amyraab8326 Жыл бұрын
Love you guys ❤ Keep up the good work 🙏
@oldfashioned9461 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for posting this conversation. I appreciate this topic being addressed more online recently given how prevalent it has become. It's so challenging to stand firm against this without alienating loved ones, so definitely a worthy topic to address in depth.
@mikeyangel1067 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Trent, I really appreciate this insightful topic. It needs to be addressed from a solid Christian and psychological perspective. Tnx
@Anastasia-uj2bk4ml8p Жыл бұрын
It always feels odd to me that the disconnect that girls feel from womanhood because of outside influenced is much more emphasised than it is for boys. I know that boys often feel disconnected from manhood but I've never heard anyone talk about it in this context, even though it seems rather important. It's hard to not say that boys aren't really taught to be men and that's a large reasoning that a number of them transition.
@boguslav9502 Жыл бұрын
Not only that, take into account that most boys are institutionally mentally abused for most of their schooling and young life, this is often present in their homes where their parents express similar positions to the institutions that they, for being boys, are evil and bad. They are being told every day of their lives that the things they love they should hate, and what they hate they should love. Its just like the fat acceptance movement. Its nothing more than mental abuse directed towards society to further gain from the suffering of a minority that is then used as 1) A whip to whip people into line for political popularity (soft political orthodoxy) and 2) shut down all dissent by using the suffering of these people (who are convinced that their suffering is actually happiness) as a shield. (hence always: "WHAT ARE YOU AGAINST WOMEN! WOMENS RIGHTS! YOU HOMOFOBE)
@daviresende5059 Жыл бұрын
What an absolutely CATHOLIC talk. Thanks, both of you!
@timboslice980 Жыл бұрын
I know a woman who I used to be interested in a while back. She had lost her husband to cancer and had two little girls. She rejected me and decided to become a lesbian, the little girls were as upset as I was. Fast forward 10 years and I spoke to my old friend and turns out one of her kids is trans. She's 16 and my friend is totally against this so the school labeled her a bigot and began hormones at 16 against my friend's will. The school is going to get her name changed and has plans for surgery asap. My friend has no relationship with her daughter anymore and it's just destroying her life. I feel so bad for her. It wasnt the time to preach when we spoke at that time but later on i told her that disorder leads to worse disorder. You can't go against what God wants and not expect consequences. Her daughter asked me years ago am I gonna be their new dad? I told her no that her mom and I were just friends. I couldn't even say the words that Michelle is gonna be her new dad. I mean it was all just so wrong but my friend made her choice. She was one of the first lesbian couples to be legally married in MD. 10 years later the state says she's a transphobe bigot. See how fast we went down the slope? The nonbinary kids now will be bigots to their children if they manage to have them in 10 years.
@IISeverusll Жыл бұрын
Huh, wierd, it's almost like, good men sat around and did, NOTHING. *whips out tiny violin* Keep crying
@pixelprincess9 Жыл бұрын
Gee, I wonder why she rejected you.
@timboslice980 Жыл бұрын
@@pixelprincess9 Well I'm happily married now with two kids. Whatever you think of me the example proves my point. Hope you haven't taken something I've said out of context or in a tone I didn't intend to convey.
@timboslice980 Жыл бұрын
@@IISeverusll I hadn't spoken to her in 10 years when I found out about all this. Now we regularly speak.
@mike-cc3dd Жыл бұрын
The left eats itself. You dodged a bullet. Sadly the kids didnt
@auk7447 Жыл бұрын
It's a good to hear a Catholic perspective that is curious and respectful about another's experience, able to be open and not rigid in response, and kind.
@johannaquinones7473 Жыл бұрын
This was really helpful, thank u both
@acr164 5 ай бұрын
I am so encouraged by this conversation. I am not gay; not at all. But a close friend's son commited suicide because he was going through this crisis and the church he went to (evangelical bible based church) offered no listening ear; just making it clear that homosexuality is a sin. I am absolutely sure that this is more like a Phrisee than Christ. Life is not that simple. This boy was kind-hearted and polite. He listened well. But it all became too much for him. God calls us to holiness. But the Pope seems to understand a great deal more about this struggle than all his many critics on this subject.
@thatwifeofhis7815 Жыл бұрын
My willingness to play along with this sort of outrageous narcissism is shot, and I found the approach starting ~ 24:30 simply uh-mazing. Thanks for the vid!
@pinesap34 Жыл бұрын
Excellent episode per usual
@billyhw5492 Жыл бұрын
Should we even be discussing such perversion? We need to protect our children from even hearing about such evil.
@ntmn8444 Жыл бұрын
Yes we have to talk about it. Keeping your kids from this conversation is also a mistake. You need to address disorders as a parent so they are better prepared to handle when they see it, because they will see it sooner or later, and they need to know how to address it. “Teach a child the way they should go…” I live by that proverb. It’s one of my favorites, because it’s true. I encourage you to look it up and reflect on it.
@killianmiller6107 Жыл бұрын
If they don’t hear it from you, then I’m afraid they’ll eventually hear it from the groomers, and they’ll be much more vulnerable to transgenderism. Of course we should maintain the innocence of children, but we should be ready if the question ever comes up.
@bullyboy131 Жыл бұрын
Before any of this is spoken to a child the child first needs to know about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Not just what's said on Sunday's, but they should read the four gospels.
@u4iadreams 10 ай бұрын
Assuming perversion is your bigotry showing. Just because *you* would feel perverted if you went through transition doesn't mean others do. It just means *you* shouldn't transition.
@Seethi_C Жыл бұрын
This is a great pastoral approach! On the technical philosophical side, you should try to have Dr Tomas Bogardus on to talk about these issues. Make it happen Trent!
@den8863 Жыл бұрын
Makes one wonder how much of this gender dysphoria is due to psychological or psychiatric disorders or disease or because of some sort of abuse or neglect to varying degrees during childhood development…
@MarkJBosse Жыл бұрын
In the balance between the anathema approach and the Jesuit approach, this conversation was too Jesuit for me. I'm all for avoiding being a jerk, but this was a bit too wishy washy on the truth aspect. If you acquiesce to using the left's terms and definitions, they've already won half the battle. No one should ever use the term "biological male" or "biological female". To do so is to imply there is another kind of male or female. There's room for "accompanying" in the Church, but there is also room for "shaking the dust from your feet". Let us not feminize the Church so much that we only ever use the former approach, and never the latter. I'm a big fan of both of these guys, so I'm not typing this in total disagreement, just with slight disappointment in the emphasis. If 0 is total false compassion and 100 is heartless truth and 50 is the balance between the two, this was 40-ish, when I hoped they'd be a bit closer to 50.
@doctoreggman21 Жыл бұрын
well put
@pixelprincess9 Жыл бұрын
Our Lord dined with sinners to bring them to repentance and be closer to him. So should it be with us.
@MarkJBosse Жыл бұрын
@@pixelprincess9 And I'm not saying we shouldn't. But let's also remember, that when Jesus gave His followers the teaching on the Eucharist, all but His 12 apostles walked away, and He let them. But if we're putting ourselves in the mind of Jesus, which do you think is more likely? He comes back and you ask him to address you as Michael instead of Michaela as you identify as a boy. Do you think He starts referring to you as Michael? Or do you think he says "My precious daughter, I change names all the time when I want to give someone a new identity. But your identity has not changed. You want to be called Michael, which means: who is like god? Well my sweet girl, you are not God, and therefore cannot change your identity. And so, while I still love you, because I love you, I must refer to you as Michaela. Because that's who you are."?
@screwlessartur Жыл бұрын
Yep. Give them a hand they will take an arm.
@NPC-gl8xp Жыл бұрын
@stooch66 Жыл бұрын
In my whole childhood, I never met one of these people…and none of them have since gone thru this (I know almost all of them on Facebook or about them thru friends). Now, we are talking about 6 or more in grade at a school! Of course, we should be loving…but I also think we need to take the social contagion aspect of this very seriously. We are changing kids bodies over the latest childhood rebellion mode!
@MsMsmak Жыл бұрын
Patently ridiculous assertion. I wish some of you people would actually get out and meet some trans people.
@stooch66 Жыл бұрын
@@MsMsmak patently ridiculous? Transgender was barely a thing (it was less than a tenth of ya percent of the population) until it took over the internet 3 or so years ago. I have now met multiple people who claim to be transgender. All of them showed no indication before a couple years ago. There are clusters of girls suddenly coming out as transgender in high school and many are on the spectrum. They showed no indication before then. These are just flat facts. Do I think there are those who legitimately struggle with identity issues? Absolutely. What we are going through now is not that. There are still those who legitimately struggle, but there are now thousands more who are caught up in the craze. What is worse about that is that we are immediately “affirming” them at any age and giving them body-altering medications or worse yet, surgeries, when they aren’t anywhere near old enough to understand the life-long consequences. There will be a reckoning for this. There are already many who have tried to detransition only to find out they are now sterile and have lasting physical ailments. I know you believe you are being the loving one…but you are actually allowing children to take steps that will destroy their lives. It will come out one day. Heck, in Europe, they are already pumping the brakes on this stuff. And, as to my childhood anecdotal evidence. It is all true. And, if not allowing people to be affirmed causes them to commit suicide, then you would expect mass unexplained suicides from all those who were prevented. But, actually, suicides are higher now that it is more acceptable. Heck, not just acceptable, but praised by the culture. Do data sets matter when discussing science? So, there is nothing ridiculous about what I wrote.
@ToxicallyMasculinelol Жыл бұрын
we're not just changing their bodies. that would be bad enough. but we're literally castrating children. cutting their breasts off. sterilizing them for life. preventing them from going through puberty so they become deformed, sickly, diminutive people who will never be taller than 5'3". we're permanently destroying their ability to have sex or an orgasm. we're condemning them to extreme medical complications like infections of the synthetic holes that have been carved out of their groins. to having their voice permanently ruined. we're cutting 10+ years off their lifespan, and that's assuming they don't commit suicide first. the consequences are so unbelievably horrific. there's no word for this but evil.
@stooch66 Жыл бұрын
@@ToxicallyMasculinelol thank you. I was being too careful with my language.
@MsMsmak Жыл бұрын
@@ToxicallyMasculinelol That is such absolute bullshit. Were you homeschooled in backwater Mississippi by an illiterate dog walker or something? How utterly incredibly stupid do you have to be to say that stuff??
@jonandps Жыл бұрын
Hi Trent. Would really like your thoughts on the Protestant version of “revival” like the ongoing one at Asbury university that has been going on for a few days. Thanks!
@adkisol Жыл бұрын
Oh, I'm so glad I watched the whole video. Your musical theatre comments made my day! Hugh Jackman for the win!
@janetbolden597 10 ай бұрын
I need Trent to just discuss the illigic of "nonbinary." I've discovered that my child has been introduced to these ideas in middle school, that some people are neither boys nor girls. I know the school is just planting seeds. I want tools to combat these ideas for my child while teaching him not to be hateful or demeaning to people who are taken in by such ideas.
@johnpatti3560 Жыл бұрын
Jesus wouldn’t accept them in their sins. No doubt He would love them and dine with them, but in order for us to follow Him we must repent of our sins.
@bullyboy131 Жыл бұрын
Yes he would love them, but I would argue that the sinners would dine with him and taught them to sin no more.
@portland9880 Жыл бұрын
What sins are those
@rachelwilson2487 Жыл бұрын
JK Simmons also a manly man from a musical theatre background. Great episode Trent and Jason, thank you both.
@CodiiLuv Жыл бұрын
There are plenty of research and discussions on the topic. Problem is its all being banned. Transgender industrial complex is good at it. I also thinking "gender dysphoria" is kinda a cope. But no way to really study it 🤷🏼‍♀️ Plenty of young girls becoming "men" because they are really obsessed with the dynamics in their favorite anime yaoi. But no one wants to talk about the fetish stuff.
@MsMsmak Жыл бұрын
LOL. Now that's what I call a conspiracy theory! From Trans Ideology Central Command": HEY EVERYONE!! LISTEN UP. We're now banning ALL traces of ANY trans related material that doesn't say what we WE want it to say!!! Got it?? OK, now everyone go out there and find that crap and DELETE it from the internet, and science journals, and medical association publications, and university libraries, and ANYWHERE else you can find it!!! LOLOL
@youkokun Жыл бұрын
Absolutely! The sexual perversion angle is deliberately deemphasized here and i have no idea why when Mr. Evert does know about young women and pornography/erotica. Yaoi, fandom culture etc poison hearts and minds.
@Jkp1321 Жыл бұрын
It's all fetish
@DeannaWillistonOFS Жыл бұрын
Did Jason really make a comment about “treating them like lepers” when the stigma around leprosy is one of the top reasons people don’t get early treatment ? Early treatment stops damage, but is more difficult to get in rural areas and third world countries. I invite to learn more about Servant of God John Bradburne and the history of Mutemwa Leprosy Catholic and Care Centre in Zimbabwe.
@thomashammett8777 Жыл бұрын
Jason brought up a fair amount of statistics and research, which is awesome and I don’t doubt anything presented, and I’m sure he cites these in his book, but where can we find the research? Any resources that are open and not behind journal paywalls? What publications or researchers could I be trying to search for? I feel like being able to cite the actual research itself is more compelling than referencing stats that came from a KZfaq video/podcast and I would like to learn more about these things from directly from the research side. Any links or advice on where to start, like researchers names or best search terms would be appreciated.
@vaderkurt7848 Жыл бұрын
Ncbi is a good start. "Personality Disorder than the controls. Fifty-three percent of the mothers of boys with GID compared with only 6% of controls met the diagnosis for Borderline Personality Disorder on the Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines or had symptoms of depression on the Beck Depression Inventory. Results of the Summers and Walsh Symbiosis Scale suggested that mothers of probands had child-rearing attitudes and practices that encouraged symbiosis and discouraged the development of autonomy." "Gender identity disorder (GID), recently renamed gender dysphoria (GD), is a rare condition characterized by an incongruity between gender identity and biological sex. Clinical evidence suggests that schizophrenia occurs in patients with GID at rates higher than in the general population and that patients with GID may have schizophrenia-like personality traits."
@youkokun Жыл бұрын
Try the Ruth Institute.
@MM22272 Жыл бұрын
Man, the Church is not merely struggling to give an intellectual response but a potent and universal response to most of the moral issues and questions. If they did, Catholic apologists could have their work lightened. As it is, the ecclesiastical negligence provides a sufficient enough breach that apologists have no shortage of work.
@lumpichu Жыл бұрын
Interesting that St. Therese of Lisieux was particularly fond of Joan of Arc, even wrote plays about her and played her.
@nightyew2160 Жыл бұрын
Jason Everton has the most well thought out approach to this that I have ever seen. I only hope that if anyone I love ever transitions, that he or she forgives me if I never accommodate pronoun preferences. It's not an attack or anything like that. It is just that the way I was taught to use pronouns is so firmly engrained in me, I don't think I can even ever get used to the "singular they." As someone who confuses everyone I grew up with by starting to go by my middle name and doesn't sweat it when someone still calls me by my first name, I think people should understand that some people will just not be able to get used to everyone's unique pronoun preferences, no offense intended.
@gameologian7365 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely right stuff here. We need to learn to stop hitting people with the bible instead sit down with them and read it to them
@MsMsmak Жыл бұрын
How about LISTENING to them instead. Maybe you'd learn something.
@vaderkurt7848 Жыл бұрын
@@MsMsmak How to spot someone in bad faith. Let's honest you are not here at all in good faith thus no one here is obligated to entertain with your bad faith positions. Coming here with misnomer. I mean no disrespect but there is almost nothing worth listening about a delusion only the human experience and what got them there in the first place. Catholics do not oppose the truth and reality that we are bounded to.
@MsMsmak Жыл бұрын
@@vaderkurt7848 Really? You espouse reality but then believe that a wafer is the actual body of your christ, and the wine is his blood. You then EAT it. If that's what you call reality, then I laugh in your face.
@bottomtext7700 Жыл бұрын
@@MsMsmak bad faith party of one.... Your table is ready.
@kevinkelly2162 Жыл бұрын
@@vaderkurt7848 A guy that gets his beliefs from a book that contains a talking snake and a talking donkey is talking about 'good faith'???? At least Balaam's donkey had an excuse, ie it was a donkey; what is yours?
@MM22272 Жыл бұрын
Your advice is admirable, but it sounds like evangelizing these transgenders is a long Labour of love, not a brief conversation. When many of them are on the tyrannical warpath, investing the time into modest potential yields seems a questionable allocation of resources. So, bravo for the game plan, but we'll leave the long conversations to you.
@antoniomoyal Жыл бұрын
I always find inspiration in Trent
@pdxnikki1 Жыл бұрын
💯. We gotta listen first. If we don't they ain't gonna listen to us.
@MsMsmak Жыл бұрын
That's not something Catholics do. Catholics are used to taking orders from above. When was the last time you sat down in church and had a "discussion with a priest" during mass? They tell you what to think, and how to act. The only listening the sheep are permitted to do is to the shepherd
@rachelpops9239 Жыл бұрын
We need some real programs for parents and teens to dig into these issues in the Church.
@MrCheesywaffles Жыл бұрын
Deep discussion. Slight correction: names like Pat and Terry/Teri are not "nonbinary", they are binary, but commonly used for males and females in a number of countries. Words like unisex, nonbinary etc. are dehumanizing in my book. P.S. Fetus is latin for baby, feel free to use it, but it's wise to point that out. Kinda like calling child murder "Kinder slaughter" ought to be explained that kinder is a different languages word for child.
@bullyboy131 Жыл бұрын
Yes. Using words like "nonbinary" just affirms its belief.
@vitamin_eszett Жыл бұрын
How many gender identities can dance on the head of a pin?
@MsMsmak Жыл бұрын
Answer: the same as the number of angels.
@vitamin_eszett Жыл бұрын
@@MsMsmak that there are only 2 angels? :P
@screwlessartur Жыл бұрын
@@MsMsmak You're in every comment, and in every comment you're incapable of saying anything remarkably intelligent or useful. You're simply obsessed with us Catholics.
@MsMsmak Жыл бұрын
@@screwlessartur LOL. I used to be one of you. My Grandfather had one of the very few consecrated chapels in a private home in America. He founded the Catholic Medical Mission Board. My oldest Aunt served in the Maryknoll missions and was imprisoned by the Japanese in WWII. My father spent years in the Noviate but left and married my mother. I went to Catholic elementary school and catholic HS and then to a Jesuit College. So I've been through your indoctrination process from day one, and it taught me a few things. Your belief system is disgusting. You pray to an imaginary god. You pretend that a woman got pregnant without a man. You worship using cannibalism as your model. You believe in bukllshit miracles for profit. Your church has started wars just because of a power trip. Your favorite icon is a dead man nailed to a cross. Your church leaders are or support pedophiles. Your church hoards its massive wealth in the face of global poverty. Everything about your belief system is profane and immoral. And you have to gall to complain about people calling you out on it. EL OH EL.
@screwlessartur Жыл бұрын
@@MsMsmak Funny. Anything else, apostate?
@everetunknown5890 Жыл бұрын
We were all made in the image of God. When we see a person we can't tell is male or female we should zoom out a little and treat them as a human made in the image of God. "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." -Genesis 1:27
@mike-cc3dd Жыл бұрын
Their image.... was self created. Due to leftist brainwashing.
@maryme2263 11 ай бұрын
I was molested as a toddler and for years taught that I wanted to be a boy when I grew up.
@grayrim 9 ай бұрын
Jason Evert seemed to suggest that rigid gender stereotypes seem to be causing or atleast contribute to the transgender phenomenon. But I can’t imagine that gender stereotypes today are any more rigid than they were in decades or centuries past.
@annb9029 Жыл бұрын
Ann B I think some people do have Dysphoria , But the real cases are rare , most of these kids are doing it to be cool or different ( think piercing your nose or getting a tattoo ) the difference is a nose piercing can heal cutting your genitalia off not so much. We need to council the people who really suffer with that disorder but the one’s trying to be hip need to be stopped . Blair White a trans person who I don’t agree with on all things does a good job talking about who really has this illness like Blair does and those just trying to be cool , Blair is not for children having surgery Blair says it’s a fad for most
@MsMsmak Жыл бұрын
No where, NO WHERE are children having surgery. That is some seriously made up conspiratorial nonsense.
@annb9029 Жыл бұрын
Chloe Cole At 15 had it done now regrets it
@williammcenaney1331 Жыл бұрын
Stop saying "biological man" and "biological woman" since they suggest that there may be nonbiological men and nonbiological women. Trent said "biological man" and "biological woman" in other KZfaq videos. God knows I use those phrases, too, when I should speak more precisely. After all, those phrases suggest that we're agreeing with the supposed difference between gender and sex. Since I'm a Thomist, I believe that my body and my soul are parts of me. If St. Thomas is right, I'm not my soul. That's why I can't reincarnate. It's why I can't turn into anyone else. For example, I can't become Jussi Bjorling, my favorite opera singer. But sometimes the Bible suggests that St. Paul is his soul. See 2 Corinthians 5, for example. Fr. Chad Ripperger, FSSP tells his students that our immortal souls adapt to our bodies because maleness and femaleness are biological properties that our souls don't have. After all, since an immortal soul isn't a biological creature, it doesn't have any biological properties. Do you see the possible problem? Suppose that St. Paul is his soul and that a soul isn't either male or female. Then a Christian gender theorist could use 2 Corinthians 5 to argue that he's not either male or female.
@vaderkurt7848 Жыл бұрын
To argue that soul is seperate from body is trying to argue from cartial dualism or just dualism. Even in apparitions of saints they still very much like how they were on earth. When we are resurrected with new bodies our bodies would be very much how they were on earth but purified.
@williammcenaney1331 Жыл бұрын
@@vaderkurt7848 Since souls don't occupy space, it's hard to believe they have eyes, noses, or other things like that. So I'd love to know what makes them look as though they have properties that bodies have. No one I know of believes that since my body and my soul have eyes, I have four eyes, two noses, and four nostrils. I'm sure nobody will watch my soul float to the ceiling when I die.
@vaderkurt7848 Жыл бұрын
@@williammcenaney1331 I don't know since I am not dead unless there is internet in heaven that can contact earth. 😅 But we are to be careful not to argue from dualism since it is strongly has its roots found in gnosticism. Because God originally intended the human body and soul to be one and the same. It is quite difficult to explain.
@williammcenaney1331 Жыл бұрын
@@vaderkurt7848 The Catholic Church doesn't believe that the human body is a soul. No, it thinks that opinion is a heresy. So I believe Catholics need to know that there may be orthodox, non-gnostic kinds of dualism. Catholics rarely call St. Thomas Aquinas a dualist since he believes that each human person is composed of a body and an immortal human soul. Plato, Descartes, and Dr. William Lane Craig are substance dualists because they believe they are their immortal souls and that their bodies are their homes if you will. St. Paul compares his body to a tent, suggesting that he's not his body. St. Augustine is a substance dualist who rejects Gnosticism. So for his theology about the soul to be logically consistent and orthodox, he must reject Gnostic dualism. Prof. J.P. Moreland from Biola University agrees with St. Thomas Aquinas on the relationship between the body and the soul, and Moreland is hardly a Gnostic. See his book bout the soul, where he argues that the Bible distinguishes between the body and the immortal soul. Distinctions are essential, my friend. Most Seventh-day Adventists quote the King James version when they talk with me about soul sleep. But they may forget that some other Bible translations say "living being" instead of "living soul." Maybe Adam began to live when God breathed his immortal soul into his, Adam's nostrils. After all, "living" is more general than "living soul." Our Adventist friends conclude that we're our souls when those Christians quote a Bible verse saying "The dead know nothing." But if my soul is an immortal part of me that will survive and stay awake when I die, guess what. Although I may not know anything after I die and before Christ resurrects my body, a part of me, my soul, may still know things. That's why I hope you'll read St. Justin Martyr's second-century First apology, where he says that ours souls survive and stay awake after we die. He writes, "For reflect upon the end of each of the preceding kings, how they died the death common to all, which, if it issued in insensibility, would be a godsend to all the wicked. But since sensation remains to all who have ever lived, and eternal punishment is laid up (i.e., for the wicked), see that you neglect not to be convinced, and to hold as your belief, that these things are true. For let even necromancy, and the divinations you practise by immaculate children, and the evoking of departed human souls, and those who are called among the magi, Dream-senders and Assistant-spirits (Familiars), and all that is done by those who are skilled in such matters - let these persuade you that even after death souls are in a state of sensation; and those who are seized and cast about by the spirits of the dead, whom all call dæmoniacs or madmen; and what you repute as oracles, both of Amphilochus, Dodana, Pytho, and as many other such as exist; and the opinions of your authors, Empedocles and Pythagoras, Plato and Socrates, and the pit of Homer, and the descent of Ulysses to inspect these things, and all that has been uttered of a like kind. Such favour as you grant to these, grant also to us, who not less but more firmly than they believe in God; since we expect to receive again our own bodies, though they be dead and cast into the earth, for we maintain that with God nothing is impossible." Here's another fun fact to reflect on if you reject body-soul dualism. In the Garden of Gethsemane, I think, Our Blessed Lord says that his soul is "sorrowful unto death." But that's a strange thing for him to say if he's his soul when he could have said, "I am sorrowful unto death" instead. Do you know anyone who thinks he differs from himself? If you do, you might ask him whether he's alluding to a property he gained or lost. I'm three hours older than I was at 2:06 a.m. this morning since it's not 5:06 a.m. But aging didn't change me into anyone else. Again, I'm not Jussi Bjorling, my favorite singer. If I had the nerve to compare my voice favorably to his, that would insult that wonderful Lutheran. Worse, if I were a woman, I'd insult Elina Garanca when I said I sang better than she did.
@vaderkurt7848 Жыл бұрын
@@williammcenaney1331 Your right meant to say we are rather incomplete without soul or body. But this is quite interesting.
@PrincessRedine 10 ай бұрын
Its rather ironic when they accuse traditionalists of hating the human body.
@canibezeroun1988 Жыл бұрын
I think this is where we need to distinguish between chauvinism and masculinity and feminism and feminity. The former in both are rigid constructions that our society pushes to create disorder. The macho archetype devalues the long history of men creating institutions, literature, art, and prose. The feminist personality extends a desire for improvement into a nagging spirit that assigns oppression to all actions men do.
@kevine9474 10 ай бұрын
I wouldn't say "trans influencers" are the main cause of wanting to be trans (maybe not main), but rather the anime and bts community. I notice alot of girls try to look like the boys in those respective mediums.
@jameswinkle8056 Жыл бұрын
No mention of Matt Walsh?!?!?
@MsMsmak Жыл бұрын
He's a tool, and in it for the grift. No wonder no one mentioned him.
@mike-cc3dd Жыл бұрын
He is small potatoes
@EW-go1xw Жыл бұрын
I really like how the guest alludes to gender specific trauma or shame being a big factor in transitioning to another gender. There are a lot of troubled young people who simply don't be who they are because of their issues.
@fixpontt Жыл бұрын
this conversation was as confusing as any other conversation about this topic
@paulmualdeave5063 Жыл бұрын
I like his points. People will listen to you if they respect you. You can tell them the truth, but without respect, it has little value. A great example of what not to do was the Republican politician that recently asked a Trans person if the person had a penis. There were a thousand great questions he could have asked and this just shows the politician was not able to think of a valid question. Even if they are a political activist, you can still defeat them with facts.
@kevinkelly2162 Жыл бұрын
Of course the answer is 'Buy me a drink and you might find out."
@NomIntrouvable Жыл бұрын
The claim was genital operation would save lives (because of suicide), the reason the politician asked was so it could be clear people do not need the operation, because trans people do not necessarily kill themselves if they haven't gone operation. That's why this trans doctor testified in the first place, to optically have credibility. Of course he could have phrased it better than as a rhetorical question but people are clearly showing bad faith when being offended and not understanding the question. Don't forget the hearing was about minors' "gender-care". With liberals it's just an optics game and unfortunately the ones who aren't paying attention fall to their propaganda.
@Jkp1321 Жыл бұрын
@pdxnikki1 Жыл бұрын
@claritasyoutubechannel3312 Жыл бұрын
Very interesting and helpful video. I knew that transgenderism has had a very bad grip on my community, but I had no idea that it was predominantly women who are being effected by this. Level-1 Autistic women do indeed have a lot struggles in today's society including society's view, or lack of view of us; for many years the media has portrayed all Autism as Level-3 Autism and because of that, many view us Level-1 Autistic people as not really Autistic because to be frank, from their assumptions we do too well and are too happy with being who we are. There needs to be more awareness and understanding of Level-1 and 2 Autistic people, hopefully this video and discussion will help. I myself of course will also be contributing, Lord-willing when I start my own podcast soon, I hope to reach out to a lot Autistic people gripped by Leftism in general.
@youkokun Жыл бұрын
God bless you and your endeavors, sorely needed.
@claritasyoutubechannel3312 Жыл бұрын
@@youkokun Glad to help. :)
@carlosux Жыл бұрын
as a liberal leaning Catholic. outside of abortion. This has been my biggest issue. i love the discussion. however i’m not sure how your talk track at 24 is really going to play out in a more buttoned up professional environment.
@annb9029 Жыл бұрын
Blair White with whom I don’t agree with all the time has good balance on not wanting kids involved in this Blair is trans
@mike-cc3dd Жыл бұрын
Maybe start leaning the right way
@screwlessartur Жыл бұрын
If your obedience to your ideology comes before your obedience to the Church, then I'm sorry to tell you but you're not Catholic. As a Catholic your priority should be to attempt to understand the reasoning of the Church in a subject that you feel contradicted at. And if you end up not being able to understand it at all then that's when obedience comes in. Just obey. We are soldiers, for Christ's sake.
@radiorain5665 Жыл бұрын
In Canada they outlawed counseling.
@marcihf217 Жыл бұрын
Oh wow! 😣😥
@gunsgalore7571 Жыл бұрын
That is an absolute outrage.
@mike-cc3dd Жыл бұрын
And are fast tracking suicide as medicine.
@radiorain5665 Жыл бұрын
@@mike-cc3dd Yes. It's pure evil.
@youkokun Жыл бұрын
Yeah no duh that's what concession and playing along by THEIR rules gets you.
@mnmmnm925 Жыл бұрын
@pulsar403 Жыл бұрын
I read the Stringer book re: porn a few years ago, and I did not find it helpful. Mulling over what unmet needs you might have had or what traumatic event led you to porn might be an interesting exercise, but porn quickly becomes its own thing.
@bqgin 2 ай бұрын
36:43 Why do you say "theatre, poeatry and art" are stereotipically feminine? For entire history, it were men who were the best at these things. How many classical writers, painters and poets can you named that were men, and how many women? For a long time, men even played female characters in theatre. Social revolution made the uneducated worker the norm for men and suddenly men are only allowed to like war, sports and machines.
@alecfoster5542 Жыл бұрын
My choice is to call it out for what it is: evil. Then not talk about or dwell on it. If children "identify" as the opposite sex, call child protective services. Go after the parents.
@theearlofelm9168 Жыл бұрын
Gender dysphoria has become more of a fad than an actual condition since it has been touted on social media so much. It can come from the home as we have seen some sick parents mentally abusing their children but I believe a majority is through media and gov. funded schools.
@mike-cc3dd Жыл бұрын
Cps is filled with leftist shills. Doubtful it will do anything
@screwlessartur Жыл бұрын
Yep. It's distortion of creation and comes from the immensely selfish view that our Sex is a tool for our mundane happiness therefore we can change it at will.
@Oera-B 2 ай бұрын
12:50-13:11 Who's this guy, and why is he spouting freudian lunacy?
@CristinaaaMx Жыл бұрын
@Oera-B 2 ай бұрын
12:50-13:11 Yup, he's outright spouting freudian theories here. Doesn't seem very Catholic.
@punchbowlhaircut Жыл бұрын
I've been wondering how to talk about transgender ideology with Jason Evert for ages. Now I finally know.
@screwlessartur Жыл бұрын
28:33 No, it's not. The Truth is clear, if people don't want to embrace it that's on them. "Moving the conversation forward" means nothing.
@basharalassad6854 Жыл бұрын
They should be arrested
@screwlessartur Жыл бұрын
@@basharalassad6854 No, hold on. Look, we shouldn't arrest or harm them them in any way because if God allows them to pursue these craziness then who are we to forbid them? But we should have a harsher, firmer moral stand against sin and unfortunately, against people wanting to spread it in society, we are past the point of just conversing.
@basharalassad6854 Жыл бұрын
@@screwlessartur The way you have a harsher and more strict view of sin is to make it illegal, the law is about morality. Just because God allows for a murderer to roam free doesn't mean we should let them free.
@The_Atheist_Carpenter5625 Жыл бұрын
For those interested in looking for information beyond a catholic echochamber, I recommend Forrest Valkai's video "Sex and Sensibility" he approaches the topic of gender from a biologists standpoint and both his presentation and his references are impeccable.
@chloewilson9898 Жыл бұрын
Interesting. Thanks for the recommendation
@The_Atheist_Carpenter5625 Жыл бұрын
@@chloewilson9898 your welcome✌
@andreasadi591 Жыл бұрын
what about women priest ordination?
@thedogofmary Жыл бұрын
First viewer Trent sir
@pixelprincess9 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Jason for treating trans people like people.
@laurykristensen6239 Жыл бұрын
You are a person first and foremost. I respect you. I sense you truly respect others as well. Cheers!
@guillermoelnino 6 ай бұрын
step 1: point step 2: laugh
@kimmyswan 6 ай бұрын
“Lead them to the truth”? Who’s truth? God’s? Yours? Scientific truth? Psychological truth? Correlation is not causation. I agree that in SOME cases, autism, sexual trauma or societal pressures can correlate to gender identity. But, gender identity (and gender nonconformity) is not the same as being transgender. The vast majority of people who identify as transgender have felt a sense of dysphoria from a young age (before puberty). The body is important, but if your mind does not match your body it is much easier and more effective to change your body than to change your mind. The definition of what it means to be a man or a woman has changed and continues to broaden. Teens today have access to so much more information and so many more options for gender expression. At the same time, acceptance for different gender expressions and even transgender identity has been growing for the past couple of decades. Biological and psychological research is advancing and there is a greater understanding of the connection between sex and gender. I’d like to see this guest site his sources for the statistics that he espoused in this episode. I cannot find any reliable research study on an increase of transgender suicide rates following gender affirming care except from the Aggressive Research Intelligence Facility (ARIF) whose findings are outdated and no longer accurate. I did read some of the original studies from Sweden and The Netherlands though. They site the lack of familial and societal support as a factor for 3.8% of patients who regretted gender affirming care. The vast majority of research aimed at studying the effects of gender affirming care, report an overwhelmingly positive results on patient’s psychological wellbeing. Jason Evert has a masters in theology and an undergraduate degree in counseling. He should not be counseling young people who are suspected of having gender dysphoria. He probably shouldn’t be counseling anyone if he is not licensed. Statistics do show that 80% of youth that show gender dysphoria tendencies do end up identifying as cis, but they are also very likely to identify as homosexual as well. However, Evert’s claim that detransition lawsuits are “starting to flood in” is blatantly false.
@bullyboy131 Жыл бұрын
Before talking to a child about transgender disability make sure that child is knowledgeable of the Gospels. Every thing needs to be in the context of the Gospels. All praise and glory to our Lord Jesus Christ!
@Mish844 Жыл бұрын
why should knowledge of sacred scripture be a condition to get medical help? Did I miss smth?
@bullyboy131 Жыл бұрын
@@Mish844 Yes. Christ first and center in everything we do!
@Mish844 Жыл бұрын
@@bullyboy131 don't take it as a testimony against your faith, that's against you specifically - if your faith must cost your child health, without causing you any reflection, you might not be good follower of Christ, but instead a good cult follower.
@bullyboy131 Жыл бұрын
@@Mish844 You don't understand Christianity. Christ first in everything!
@Mish844 Жыл бұрын
@@bullyboy131 god knows how many years inside it, but sure - I don't understand it. It's not like by your own admission safety of your child comes 2nd to faith. It isn't that values of christianity impose certain duties on you, right? Things like taking care of the weaker, or your children. "Christ first" doesn't mean that you're supposed to respond to every fooking issue with bible, it means following his example ffs. If you can't grasp that much then you simply are less of a christian than a stereotypical atheist.
@u4iadreams 10 ай бұрын
You know who would be great at talking to kids questioning their gender? Trans people who transition successfully. They have the most knowledge and wisdom on these things, but y'all will just call them groomers even though most kids will realize they aren't trans if they talked to them.
@kevine9474 10 ай бұрын
Like asking a cultist to talk to potential new members and convince them how its all dandy. Anyways, if you really think they should, do you think we should also let detransitioners talk to those struggling or do they not count?
@MsMsmak Жыл бұрын
Fascinating. As a trans person, I find myself totally unable to believe any church teaching because there is just no explanation that they can give that makes THEIR belief system real while making me feel UNREAL. How does one believe in the sacrament of the eucharist (transsubstantiation) while disbelieving in actual, real life people telling you what they feel. One one hand we're supposed to believe that a bread wafer is now the "actual body of christ" while denying lived experiences of people. I'm now an atheist because of that. My truth is MY truth, and no amount of church silliness is going to change that. If you think people who are actually experiencing life in their own ways an "ideology" without calling the church teaching (or even the very belief in a god) an ideology in the same breath while asserting THAT ideology is "the truth", well then my bullshit meter goes off in a big way. And using nonsense science (rapid onset dysphoria) as some thing to be concerned about is just really troubling, because it IS junk science, and everything you talked about in that segment is just outrageous bullshit. PLEASE get real education on the topic before you spout such crap.
@gunsgalore7571 Жыл бұрын
I would say that you misunderstand the point of these teachings. Catholicism very much accepts the fact that there are people, like yourself, who experience serious discord between their feelings and the bodies they were born with. You statement that the Church believes that transubstantiation is real but your feelings aren't shows that you are misinformed. The Church does not claim your feelings aren't real. The issue is that the Church is also a strong believer in objective reality, or the idea that the truth remains the same regardless of our feelings. So while our feelings are real in and of themselves, they don't change reality. Feeling like a member of the opposite sex doesn't make you one. What is does make you is... well... a person who feels like a member of the opposite sex. In other words, this is the Catholic understanding applied to you. You are real. Your feelings are real. But they cannot change objective reality. Sex is a biological trait. It isn't "assigned." It's observed. So while you can feel like a member of the opposite sex, it does not make you one, because sex, like, say, height or hair color, is a physical fact. Everybody's body is either ordered towards pregnancy or impregnation, in other words, female or male. Now, as for ideology... as a Catholic, I've never thought that my religion isn't an ideology. You claim that the Church doesn't believe that its own beliefs are ideology, but that's just not true. Beliefs and ideology are the same thing. (Notice "ideology" is "idea+ology," or the study of ideas.) Religion is just ideology when applied to the big important questions, like whether or not there is a God, etc. etc. All are based on evidence or reason of some kind. That includes yours. And so I would say transgenderism and Catholicism are both ideologies. I'm fine with that label. As a transgender person, I think you ought to be fine with it, too. After all, in any debate, one of the ideologies has to be wrong and one is right. But remember never to lose sight of what the debate is about. From the Catholic perspective, any feeling you have is granted. We aren't here to tell you that you're not having serious issues caused by gender dysphoria. To us, the argument is simply about physical facts, like whether or not a biological male can be a woman. To us, the whole idea seems nonsensical, because the word "woman" was literally created to designate adult human biological females. A biological male is thus excluded by definition. Anyway, there's my two cents (probably more like half a cent, but whatever). May God bless you in all your trials.
@MsMsmak Жыл бұрын
@@gunsgalore7571 I'm laughing at your position on the church's view of reality. To me, the whole idea that the church is based on reality is just complete nonsense. Tell me about the physical fact (that the church propounds) that transubstantiation is real because no one with any true grasp of reality would agree with that. Tell me about the belief that the church holds that your Mary was a virgin, and yet birthed a child. Objective reality??? Please, tell me what kind of reality one must believe in to accept the idea that the very same child grew into a man, and then rose from the dead (after he "died"). Because NONE of that is based on objective reality. One thing I find fascinating about Catholic ideology is that one must be brainwashed into it as a child in order to hold the beliefs as an adult. I think if one looks at the churches teaching as an adult, one would find it severely lacking in believe ability. And if you haven't taken a course in biology, I suggest you do so, because male and female are not as binary as you (or the Catholic church) think they are.
@elinorris1739 Жыл бұрын
@@MsMsmak i understand that you're only engaging in this comment section to get angry at people, but i think it would be beneficial for you to be a little more charitable to those who's opinion you so vehemently oppose. it's extremely understandable to me that you would think the idea of a man coming back to life is impossible, but saying that it has no basis in reality and people only believe it if they grew up with it as a child just isn't true. take for example Lee Strobel, a staunch atheist who tried incredibly hard to disprove the resurrection, only to end up being convinced by all of the evidence and becoming a famous apologist. I want to be able to understand why those who are transgender feel the way they do and what the best way to deal with those feelings is, I really do. Academic studies, such as "Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden", have show results that, although transitioning may alleviate feelings of dysphoria, after sex reassignment people have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population. that seems to indicate to me that transitioning may not be the best option for treating gender dysphoria. alternatively, there is data to show that children who express dysphoria in childhood that do no get put on puberty blockers largely desist when entering adulthood and do not experience higher suicidality and psychiatric morbidity. i am not trying to look at this in a way that harms or attacks trans people or those who experience gender dysphoria, i want the best for them. I just think the data points towards other solutions beyond transitioning, and i hope youre able to see that.
@vaderkurt7848 Жыл бұрын
@@elinorris1739 This never mind the fact "is not as binary" is a bunch of pseudo science nonsense founded by mad Men like John money that had to rely on a dualism which is rooted in Gnosticism.
@MsMsmak Жыл бұрын
@@elinorris1739 “I understand that you're only engaging in this comment section to get angry at people, but i think it would be beneficial for you to be a little more charitable to those who's opinion you so vehemently oppose. it's extremely understandable to me that you would think the idea of a man coming back to life is impossible, but saying that it has no basis in reality and people only believe it if they grew up with it as a child just isn't true.” I find the position of the Catholic church extremely disturbing. Vehemently opposed is putting it lightly. The good the Catholic church has done pales in comparison to the harm it causes. “Take for example Lee Strobel, a staunch atheist who tried incredibly hard to disprove the resurrection, only to end up being convinced by all of the evidence and becoming a famous apologist.” Using one example to demonstrate that an adult person can go from being an atheist to a Catholic doesn’t change the fact that if children are left alone to discover their own belief systems, they wouldn’t choose to worships the Catholic version of god. Brainwashing them at an early age just brainwashes them into it. I have no information on Strobel and his childhood, but I would bet dollars to donuts that he was raised Christian of some kind, then became an atheist, and then converted to Catholicism. "I want to be able to understand why those who are transgender feel the way they do and what the best way to deal with those feelings is, I really do. Academic studies, such as "Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden", have show results that, although transitioning may alleviate feelings of dysphoria, after sex reassignment people have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behavior, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population. that seems to indicate to me that transitioning may not be the best option for treating gender dysphoria." Nowhere in that study is there any mention of the social cost of transitioning. Loss of job opportunities, housing discrimination, social rejection by friends and family, the loss of spiritual support, the medical hurdles one must go through ALL point to the incredible difficulty of life after transition. It’s called Minority Stress. The conclusion you raise is one of missing the point. Correlation is not causation. The conclusion should be that social acceptance of the trans experience is the key to reducing risks. If one is going to be persecuted just for existing, no amount of healthcare is going to change that. For more information on this, and a more recent study on a much larger group of trans people, see affirming healthcare “Alternatively, there is data to show that children who express dysphoria in childhood that do not get put on puberty blockers largely desist when entering adulthood and do not experience higher suicidality and psychiatric morbidity.” Please cite the source of the data you are referencing. Mine shows different outcomes. “I am not trying to look at this in a way that harms or attacks trans people or those who experience gender dysphoria, i want the best for them. I just think the data points towards other solutions beyond transitioning, and I hope you’re able to see that. Actually the data convincingly says otherwise. I appreciate your attempt to be civil. It’s very hard to have any meaningful conversation when an entrenched religious belief system is used to harm people rather than help them, and it’s doubly difficult when science is outright ignored or misrepresented by that belief system.
@Theunspokentruth77 Жыл бұрын
Someday Roman catholic Church will make God gender neutral and the public will cheer for that, specially Roman Catholics.
@brittoncain5090 Жыл бұрын
No we won't. That's an awful take.
@blutausbeherit Жыл бұрын
Protestants really lead the charge on that nonsense and have totally exposed their fraudulent churches
@smedrano1964 Жыл бұрын
Jesus Christ is true man and true God. Jesus was a biological man in his humanity and God in his divinity. Jesus called Yahweh God the Father and told us we could cry out Abba because he was also our Father... So in a real sense he is our Father. Not in a biological sense but in a spiritual sense. And because he is the creator of everything biological/ material l and spiritual. On the other hand some saints have said the Holy Spirit is spiritually feminine These are just opinions. . Because the Holy Spirit is described creating ? like a woman in travail. But then the Holy spirit is also described as masculine in spiritual nature because he overshadowed the Virgin Mary and is considered the spouse of the Virgin Mary. So we cannot describe God as having no gender because he himself assigns gender to himself both biologically/ spiritually in the case of Jesus Christ and and spiritually in the case of the God the Father and the Holy Spirit.
@TheJmlew11 Жыл бұрын
I helped out at a priest assembly in a diocese that leans slightly more liberal. The topic was on transgenderism and I have to say that every priest was on board with the Church’s teaching. So a bit of encouragement that no. The Church will not go down this road.
@Theunspokentruth77 Жыл бұрын
@@smedrano1964 I agree that true Christians will always call God 'The Father '. And that's correct and true. But what would you do if Roman catholic Church and the pope try to make you believe the other way. The church of England already did that. Already Roman catholic Church and Mr. Francis is working so hard for the lesbians and homosexuals.
@NPC-gl8xp Жыл бұрын
God bless you guys for having the grace and the charity for these conversations cuz God knows I don't. We’re at the cusp of the collapse of our republic, of western civilization, and polite society, but children wanna make believe that they're the opposite sex and people with authority not only indulge them but enable them. I hope you're book and method helps, God I really hope it does.
@0135172990 Жыл бұрын
Out of two thousand birth, one may has sallow sex organ which is confusing, but on that particular person the bone structure of the hip cannot be confused, for a woman has wider hip bone than a man .
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