How was Sebastian's Crime Covered Up in Hogwarts Legacy?

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Sam Bram

Sam Bram

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(Spoilers, obviously) A look into the finer details surrounding Sebastian's actions near the end of Hogwarts Legacy. How did his crime go seemingly unnoticed?
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Comment below whether you think Sebastian should be punished. #hogwartslegacy #slytherin #avadakedavra
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@SamBram Жыл бұрын
It's occurred to me that my wording of 'getting away with murder' here criminalises Sebastian in a way that I didn't intend. Whilst the cutscene deliberately stages it so that Sebastian didn't NEED to kill Solomon in that moment, the term 'murder' may not be the most appropriate here, given the fact that this was during two-sided combat. The intent of this video is not to pass any judgement on Sebastian either way (I personally chose not to turn him in though). Rather, this is just exploring what happened around the events of Solomon's demise, which prevented other characters from asking further questions, and explained why he was no longer alive. I may do a future video exploring the morality of Sebastian's decision, since there's evidently a much wider debate to be had there, but this video is not it. It's merely designed to explore and inform. Thanks! Edit: Also just found Solomon's grave. It's shadowed by the fence and log pile to the right of the front door of the Sallow Residence. The soil looks fresh and there are some flowers growing on it. Anyway, I shouldn't imagine anyone would be suspicious over his burial regardless, as by the sounds of it there's no question that he didn't die in his sleep.
@inova6165 Жыл бұрын
You weren’t exactly wrong tho considering one must be fully aware and have intent to kill when using the killing curse
@mermaid_picaro Жыл бұрын
Yeah no he committed murder. I just completed this quest line and the game, he didn’t need to do what he did. He did it out of anger, and he had to MEAN IT. Everything he said afterward, that was him trying to justify what he did. Hell, the entire time he was trying to justify using the dark arts. I sympathize with Sebastian, he did want to save his sister, but that’s not an excuse. His uncle wasn’t his enemy.
@louisamay9615 Жыл бұрын
​@@mermaid_picaro his uncle straight up attacked me, so I would consider him the enemy.
@VeSpEr7iNe Жыл бұрын
The kid is a murderer 🙄 get over it
@emmasilver2332 Жыл бұрын
​@@inova6165 Intent and desire are two different things. In Deathly Hallows, we learn that Voldemort was forcing Draco to cast the Cruciatus curse, a task that Draco was thoroughly uncomfortable with. This shows that you don't have to WANT to cast an unforgivable curse, you merely have to INTEND to. Since Sebastian is clearly upset by what he did, we can deduce that he never actually wanted to do it; he just felt he had no choice. Same thing when Ominus was forced to cast the Cruciatus curse on muggles. And while a rational mind could have come up with other solutions to those problems (Obliviate or Immobulus could have worked just fine in Sebastian's case, and Ominus might have been able to get away by casting the disillusionment charm and sneaking off), people are rarely able to think rationally when emotions are running high
@noitedesextafeira Жыл бұрын
i go around killing a bunch of people all of the time, and no one bats an eye. Sebastian kills his uncle ONCE and suddenly they want to send my boy to azkaban? not on my watch
@incurabletrickster1191 Жыл бұрын
Well he can't exactly kill his uncle TWICE, now can he? 😅
@tamiwatchesstuff Жыл бұрын
@@incurabletrickster1191 Sure he can, he can just turn him into an inferi. 🤣😁
@smb7452 Жыл бұрын
I think we are not killing them, but putting them into "faint" status. There is a ward at St. Mungo's dedicated to the main character's "fallen" foes. 😉
@noitedesextafeira Жыл бұрын
@@smb7452 YOU may not be killing them! i make sure to use avada kedrava tho
@booknatic1660 Жыл бұрын
He was extremely impulsive. I send him to Azkaban lol. I really do felt bad for him, but what if he kills someone else by “mistake”? He was so damn ambitious. Sebastian have a lot of red flags, like when he insult us/argue with us, and then act like nothing happened lol. He was kinda weird. I’m a Gryffindor, maybe that’s why I do not stand his actions 😂. He was obsessed with dark magic/arts and it was not only because of Anne… Anyway, we all know that Gryffindor and Slytherin’s are like oil and water 😂
@Evil0tto Жыл бұрын
There's a fresh dug grave right next to the Sallow family house. I found it when I returned there to loot the house... err, I mean check on Anne.
@shubhamsingal3840 Жыл бұрын
@Cruznik02 Жыл бұрын
@TherealGethmeister 6 сағат бұрын
Yeahhhh, check on Anne…
@modman287 Жыл бұрын
I don't understand how Obliviate isn't an unforgivable curse, it literally takes away your memories and therefore who you are
@grizzlyadamblack Жыл бұрын
U could say that for any spell
@soham4741 Жыл бұрын
Unforgivables are not called unforgivables because of the amount of damage they do, they are called so because they are easily accessible to anyone, and because they have a singular purpose. The only thing you require to cast them is intent. Spells like obliviate are constantly used to erase memories of muggles who were traumatized by magical accidents. Arthur Weasley's entire department works with the obliviate charms. You can repurpose obliviate to harm someone, but its initial intention is not necessarily to harm. Same goes for spells like Diffindo(used to cut plants), incendio(probably used to light campfires or so).Unforgivables are made to do exactly what they do and nothing else. So TLDR : They are called unforgivables because they have a singular purpose and are easily accessible to anyone with malicious intent. The fact that a 15 year old Sebastian can learn and use them without guidance is enough to indicate how dangerous they truly are.
@jakubzov Жыл бұрын
@@soham4741 By this logic avada Kevadra shouldnt be an unforgivable though. Wasnt it stated somewhere that the spell was originally used for disenfication during the middle ages?
@soham4741 Жыл бұрын
@@jakubzov I'm pretty sure that's not true, AK's only purpose is to immediately kill on contact,considering that it was derived from the muggle phrase "abra kadabra" which they used to denote any Shady behavior from the magical kind.
@peterzimmerman1114 Жыл бұрын
@@jakubzov That would have been quite the twist, if the intent of the caster was to kill germs it did that then? :D Never heard that one though.
@amber7368 Жыл бұрын
The thing for me is, my character is in Hufflepuff, and therefore actually went to Azkaban and saw what happens to those who are sent there. Seeing an innocent person suffer at the hands of dementors and completely lose herself, I decided my character could not bear the thought of Sebastian suffering the same fate, and therefore decided not to turn him in.
@harryanderson9681 11 ай бұрын
I felt the same way. Even if he hadn't seen Azkaban, it would've been extremely DISloyal for my character to turn him in, not to mention hypocritical
@SashGirl34 6 ай бұрын
Me too. My character was a Hufflepuff...and seeing what those in Azkaban went through is a fate worse than death. Only those that truly deserve it need to go there. Namely the dark wizard who willing wanted to kill. Sebastian did use the killing curse...he instantly regretted it....and the other characters were also torn on the matter of turning him in.....him living with the guilt the rest of his life...and Anne basically disowning him for what he did....that's punishment in itself. Being everything he did was save his twin sister....and he shunned her away because of his actions.
@Anonymous-qh9gq 5 ай бұрын
Sebastian also used the killing curse when emotions were incredibly high in a moment of extreme desperation and immediately regretted it. Sebastian resented his uncle because of his complete lack of support. Sebastian was a teenager who was overwhelmed by grief and wasn't ready to accept his sister's fate. If Solomon had shown even an ounce of compassion and empathy toward Sebastian, he probably wouldn't have gone down the dark arts path. Sebastian needed kindness and guidance from his uncle, but instead, he was scolded every time he expressed the desire to save Anne or showed any form of grief. At that moment when Sebastian cast the killing curse, all of that resentment and anger came to the surface, and for a brief moment, Sebastian wished his uncle was dead, and that split second was all it took. I also think there's a strong possibility that Sebastian's artifact corrupted his thoughts and brought those negative emotions and dark thoughts to the surface, like the locket Horcrux in Deathly Hallows corrupted the mind of anyone who wore it for too long. Sebastian doesn't deserve to go to Azkaban. He isn't a heartless killer who deserves to rot in a prison cell for the rest of his life. He’s a boy who needed empathy and guidance. The adults around him failed to see what Sebastian needed, which gave him no healthy outlet to express his grief. Sebastian isn't beyond redemption. The Hufflepuff thing to do is to stick by him and cover up his crime so that he has a chance at redemption and to help him on the path towards redemption. Sebastian needs a strong support system now more than ever, and that support system is limited since Anne understandably doesn't want to speak to him, and chances are that neither does Ominous. Sebastian’s story isn't over; he needs us now more than ever, and a true Hufflepuff would stick by their friends no matter what
@SashGirl34 5 ай бұрын
@@Anonymous-qh9gq Exactly. I was nothing but supportive. Through everything...and the relic itself may have corrupted him. Sebastian even grateful as you're the one person that stuck by him. If you talk to him in the aftermath. Ominius still cares for Sebastian. He doesn't want to turn his friend in deep down. Willing to not turn him in....and is the one that talk with Anne. Who would agree as well. If say don't. They still care for him...and despite it.
@ren09rn Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry, but the night at the Restricted Section when Sebastian took the fall for MC was the very moment I decided I would die/kill for him.
@Mr_Jish Жыл бұрын
Bro SAME. And he pretty much never brings it up again. I got sorted Slytherin but picked Hufflepuff, but storywise I love that they include little bits where you can really express the values your house exemplifies. Loyalty towards Sebastian from precisely that moment on already felt like a must, but given it's one of those Hufflepuff values it also storywise helped make sense.
@internetkurator9256 Жыл бұрын
Quite right!
@MsAMVMaker 10 ай бұрын
He took the fall for you because he knew he could get away with it and that you'd owe him a favour for it. It was manipulation, pure and simple.
@moonlit_sky127 9 ай бұрын
@@MsAMVMakermc manipulates him throughout the story as well, and both of them do it willingly and knowingly which is why it doesnt hurt their friendship (and why the main character makes most sense as a slytherin or hufflepuff)
@MsAMVMaker 9 ай бұрын
@@moonlit_sky127 The MC never manipulates Sebastian.
@FranWest. Жыл бұрын
Plot twist: When Solomon takes the relic and touches it with his wand, from that point on, NOT ONE of the infiri attack him, they only attack the mc and Sebastian. (If you take that at face value, like you do the "pause" between the actual fight and the killing curse, then Solomon was using the infiri to attack us) Story wise, I wouldn't say it's "murder", more self defense, from the second Solomon starts attacking you and Sebastian, he is out to kill you, he isnt using spells to stop you (it's not like he couldn't use a non lethal spell to stop us in our tracks), nor does he listen to reason when the MC and Sebastian try to talk to him several times during the fight. The only part that IS bad, is the end of the fight/beginning of the cut scene, where, idk if its for story reasons or editing reasons, Solomon is "stopped" and Sebastian uses the killing curse. Had there not been that "pause" It would have been 100% self defense. Sure, using the killing curse is bad, but Seb was under attack by a superior wizard, an auror no less and he only has limited knowledge compared to his uncle, he acted in a moment of instinct and self preservation.
@SamBram Жыл бұрын
All really good points! Especially that one about the inferi! Whilst it goes against how Solomon has established himself as anti dark magic up to that point, if it's the case it makes him a hypocrite as well as overly set in his principles. I think the pause and cutscene element of this whole thing is brilliant for the dramatic moment. But you're right, the pause sells it as murder more so than it otherwise would be. Personally I chose not to turn Sebastian in. Azkaban ain't exactly a rehabilitation center, and I want to see what he does next in DLC/sequels
@FranWest. Жыл бұрын
@@SamBram According to the story, it may be hearsay, but it IS mentioned that as an auror he DID use the unforgivables against dark wizards and its hinted that is why he left.
@SamBram Жыл бұрын
@@FranWest. oh okay, very interesting indeed! Is that info that can be found in game or published by the Devs somewhere. Would be a cool clip to have if it's NPC dialogue
@FranWest. Жыл бұрын
@@SamBram - It's a dialogue with Sebastian. *not verbatim* But basically he says his sister heard (or read) it somewhere.
@ttuanmu Жыл бұрын
Thank you. I actually was feeling really bad for not turning him in, but now I feel better, LOL!!! 😂 I wanted to roleplay my current MC as someone who has mixed/flexible/grey moral values, so I wanted to learn the curses. I feel bad for betraying him, but also feel bad for not turning him in, hahaha..... 😓😓😓
@TomoMomoDomo Жыл бұрын
I couldn't turn him even on an evil playthru... the guy's like... 15...16 at most and if you turn him in, you're literally giving him a life-sentence to azkaban. it's too much-
@lifedeath5262 Жыл бұрын
Since when does it matter what age you are to go to jail, if you kill someone on purpose you deserve a life sentence in prison or azkaban since you took someone's life away with your own hands means you lose your life in return. Anyone who kills does not deserve a good life.
@BrunaOneGirlBand Жыл бұрын
@@lifedeath5262 If I was in his situation, I too would kill anyone who tried to stopped me saving the one person I loved more than anything in the world. I think Sebastian was justified in his actions.
@lifedeath5262 Жыл бұрын
@@BrunaOneGirlBand Well no matter what you say murder is murder, since he still killed without any reason. Also his sister just wanted to live a peaceful life till the end meaning he hurted the so called person he loved for his own selfish reasons. He wanted his old sister back and never cared about anybody's concerns, he just wanted to have his sister back and could never accept the reality of the situation. He was never there for her, all he keeps doing is giving his sister useless hope constantly instead of being with her till her demise. Also if he truly loved her he would listen to her wishes rather than doing his own thing.
@dragonagegirl Жыл бұрын
@@BrunaOneGirlBand True and not only that but Solomon clearly was abusive towards Sebastian. I mean, Sebastian lost his parents only two years before when he and Anne found their parents dead in the basement after their parents had accidentally ingested poisonous fumes. Can't imagine a 13 year old coming across that type of scene. Plus only a year since Anne was cursed, meaning the only family that Sebastian had left that actually cared about him was Anne. Yet Solomon doesn't even try to be understanding. I mean, look at how Solomon destroyed the fruit Seb brought Anne. What harm would it be to just let him give it to her? And not to mention the fact that Solomon being a former ministry member didn't even think about contacting Ministry Curse Breakers who may have known something, or that could look into leads for a cure is just bad. Plus the bad way Solomon speaks on their parents and uses them as an insult to refer to Seb as "his fathers son". He has no empathy. Sure he takes care of Anne, but he also isolates her which is unhealthy. And Solomon was known to have used unforgivable curses on dark wizards which is why he isn't an auror anymore. He could have come from a place of understanding and empathy, explaining and teaching why unforgivable curses would be a bad idea, instead of yelling and insulting him. Sebastian clearly regrets what he did, and the fact he has to live the rest of his life with the fact he did that as well as lost contact with his sister is punishment enough
@Roseberry606 Жыл бұрын
Ikr man, if it was something else then maybe i would turn him in but spending the rest of his life in azkaban is just too much man 😭
@dawnriddler Жыл бұрын
It would be interesting if the sequel is Sebastian trying to harvest our ancient magic in order to save Anne, since we never agreed to help him do it.
@PuffleFuzz Жыл бұрын
I NEVER thought of the ancient magic the player has, as a way to save Anne. This is a good theory/idea
@dawnriddler Жыл бұрын
@@PuffleFuzz Did you play the game? Isadora was using it to take away the pain, and when Sebastian saw it, he even suggested to talk to the keepers about it, but we said something along the lines of that the magic is dangerous and that they won't tell us even if there was a way.
@elid3630 Жыл бұрын
@@dawnriddler well Isadora only started turning when she began consuming the pain she was taking from people. I think it would have been different if she only took away and stored it as opposed to consuming it for more power, it quite literally went to her head.
@mabilleaudrey2154 Жыл бұрын
@@dawnriddler Isidora killed her father and turned him into a puppet. I don't think the end was so good for his father tbh. Lost all emotions is terrible and makes him a shell without any life.
@serenitythesiren5031 Жыл бұрын
Oml you are a genius.
@anthonyroberts7486 Жыл бұрын
So not turning Sebastian in is canon.
@SamBram Жыл бұрын
Looks Like it
@_Ai_Angel Жыл бұрын
If you turn him in your hypocrisy is unreal that you run around with unforgivables
@hallowtide93 Жыл бұрын
I was wondering which would be canon in the sequel or DLC. I’d say you’re right
@anasonyc3983 Жыл бұрын
@@_Ai_Angel why assume everyone's playing that way?
@darvamehleran786 Жыл бұрын
his uncle was annoying, he would be dead anyway, sooner or later, maybe even by own hand of main character
@evest7829 Жыл бұрын
I was quite surprised at the "end" of his storyline because it didn't seem finished yet. Ominis said "whatever comes next, we must face it together". If I remember correctly, Sebastian also said something about meeting again (I didn't turn him in) and then... nothing happened. That was it. So there will most likely be DLC or even a whole sequal to this. The fact that this is only the fifth year and they kept stressing our character being a fifth year throughout the whole game makes me think that they might even turn this into a trilogy, otherwise they could have made MC a seventh year. Such story telling decisions usually aren't made arbitrarily. And there are still so many unanswered questions that would really be... ambitious to tackle in a shorter DLC. What happens with Anne, especially now that we know who cursed her? What about Ominis' friendship with Sebastian, will he pick a side between Anne and Seb or find a different way? What about our MC's ancient magic powers? The story ended with us still barely understanding what we could do with it and where it came from (MC even told Sebastian that they still don't understand how it works after they finished the triptych and knew what Isidora was doing). I'd be really surprised and kind of disappointed if they just left it at that.
@ivanhunter6492 Жыл бұрын
MC *kills 100's with the unforgivable curses* okay Sebastian *kills his uncle in a moment of rage* Not okay
@orcinus6802 Жыл бұрын
Sebastian is still 100% loyal to you even if you choose to betray him as he could’ve easily turned you in to the Ministry of Magic as well for using the three Unforgivable Curses.
@MsAMVMaker 10 ай бұрын
No he couldn't because he couldn't prove it. Ominis, Anne, and the MC were all witnesses and report Sebastian if you choose that route. Not to mention, not every player learned the Unforgivables. I didn't.
@flouserschird 8 ай бұрын
My character never used those spells, so this argument falls apart. Sebastian was a dark, and I couldn’t go along with him killing his uncle even after Anne screams at him to stop,
@nikable Жыл бұрын
so much more interesting than our main storyline lol
@peblezQ Жыл бұрын
I feel like the cutscene taking place after the boss battle makes it appear more uncalled for, but if you consider that perhaps the cutcene was in the midst of the battle canonically, it would definitely come across more as a spur of the moment decision on Sebastian’s part, making it appear more like self defence. And like, even though he claims to have done the right thing, he seems genuinely remorseful about it still. He actually seems to have a hopeful looking future if you don't turn him in.
@grunefeder2768 Жыл бұрын
There IS a grave behind the Sallow house.
@MuiKaHo Жыл бұрын
Also, the studio has come out and said there is NO DLC planned.
@esels99 Жыл бұрын
​@@MuiKaHo what does dlc mean?
@thatmeanpersononlineoffend9376 Жыл бұрын
@@MuiKaHo No CURRENT plans for DLC. They want to, but they wanted to get the game out on older platforms first and fix a few more bugs before getting DLC out. They'd be stupid not to do DLC at all and they know it.
@thatmeanpersononlineoffend9376 Жыл бұрын
@@esels99 Downloadable content. Things they put up on the store that you can either get free or pay money for to add it to your game. That could be anything from minor game changes, mounts, clothing looks, room of requirement items, and small quests to full on game expansions that add another big story experience and more places to visit.
@zeroentertainment3502 Жыл бұрын
​@@esels99 downloadable content, basically extra things (like new zones, quests and story) added to the game that is already out.
@nikhilpaleti3872 Жыл бұрын
I believe Sebastian's story is complicated. Solomon was horrible. He didn't want Sebastian to even bring fruits or whatever to keep his sister happy. He, for some reason, banished Sebastian for saving Anne (Imperio). His madness is what caused Sebastian to get crazier, and try to dive into the Dark Arts. However, killing his uncle, I believe, was too far.
@dollface2907 8 ай бұрын
i can understand the saving ann with imperio, he could of used alot of other spells, the fact he went straight for imperio is sort of messed up, as for the uncle if he was making anne life happy then thats one thing but basically isolating her and banning anyone from talking about it make me wonder if he new or was apart of getting anne cursed, because instead of trying to talk to sebastian he just rejects him outright
@willewiking98 4 ай бұрын
@@dollface2907 i mean, could he really though? the only spells that can't be protected from or shielded from are the unforgivable ones, any other curse or spell he couldn't have been 100% sure that the goblin wouldn't be able to resist or deflect, so imperio might have been the only fool proof choice :/
@dollface2907 4 ай бұрын
@@willewiking98 i think the biggest issue is solomon was so fair in denial that maybe instead of getting mad at the player for trusting a goblin he instead asked to speak to our goblin friend to see if there is a way to stop it, i mean the main ending is his sister runs away and just vanishes, though my hunch is she hopefully had a friend to go to, cant really defend sebastian given in all the stories he just ends up hating people
@almostpalindrome2957 Жыл бұрын
just my two cents but Solomon has no redeeming quality and I don’t pity him once. That guy was just pure bitterness. He was bitter to not only Sebastian but also his parents. And his adamant refusal for Anne being able to cured is extreme behavior. Makes me kinda think like he knew something about Anne’s curse and unilaterally decided if St. Mungo couldn’t cure her then so shall be it. anw, please let it be a DLC about the Slytherin trio 🙏
@princessbanannahammock3925 Жыл бұрын
Question: wasn't there something regarding using the relic and an ultimate sacrifice? I knew going in to that catacomb that someone ended up dead but wasn't sure who, and I assumed Sebastian would kill someone as a sacrifice to the relic in order to save Ann. If a sacrifice really was needed, that fact was completely forgotten by the game plot and adds another layer to this conversation because Sebastian seems immediately stunned that he killed his uncle, and if a sacrifice to the relic *was* needed and he knew that...*who* was he planning on that sacrifice being, if not his uncle? 🤔
@hablahabla6653 Жыл бұрын
Oooh good point. You’re a genius! Now I really think Anne’s curse lifted and there should be a dlc in the future where the siblings can reunite
@ally_m 10 ай бұрын
Oh wow, now I'm mad! Seb took Anne and Ominis to the catacomb that time, he did not invite us. Since Anne was the one to be healed, did he plan on sacrificing my boy Ominis?!
@selmabm3409 Жыл бұрын
What annoys me is that it could’ve been avoided had Solomon made more effort. You’re trying to tell us that an adult, let alone an ex-auror, couldn’t find any solution to keep a 15 year old away from dark magic ? Sure, maybe talking and reasoning didn’t work since they’re both stubborn. But Like, I dunno, take away his wand ? Alert someone about the book? Get more supervision at Hogwarts? Therapy? Ask him to leave Feldcroft and stay by Anne’s side for the remaining time they have instead of doing it behind his back ? Because pushing him away and chasing him out of his own home sure didn’t help, it made things worse. I still don’t understand why Sebastian would react differently depending on who tells him about Rockwood. It sure is a way of telling us what’s canon and what’s not but whatever the decision I don’t think Sebastian can avoid what’s coming to him either way. Once he’ll realise he’s completely alone, maybe that’ll push him to redeem himself.
@cora2658 Жыл бұрын
I love reading comments and logic people use to argue Sebastian’s fate. Like seriously if the developers don’t give us some kind of quest where the MC gets to argue his case either for or against in a ministry court, it’s a big missed opportunity.
@katia1932 Жыл бұрын
For me personally, this choice would be hard to make if the MC had at least some character and awareness. When it comes to Hogwarts Legacy the main part that makes me somewhat mad is that our MC does not have any personality at all. They do not reflect or question their actions in any possible way. If they do something questionable or evil, they do not get any negative feedback on it even from their professors (come on…). I remember similar choice in life is strange game, I think in Seb’s quest the devs tried to make logically same morality choice. However, the LiS choice hit me hard, since my character had personality, showed attachment to her friend and was at least somehow aware of the consequences of what she did with the power she got. In Hogwarts Legacy we, in fact, have a somewhat psychopathic MC that goes killing (by game logic that make our rivals vanish after we defeat them) poachers and dark wizards (=people), goblins, etc here and there. and ALL the thoughts that they produce is something “oh my, no one to share my victory with”. seconds earlier: possibly uses all unforgivable curses at once on one person and just continues living. Why should i turn in some boy but still can’t send the MC to Azkaban by that logic if we are talking about ✨morality✨ in general? And remember, this is our character who in fact “defeats” Solomon boss (which by game logic should be finally meant as killed) so all this thing with Avada casted by Seb doesn’t make much sense to me. And due to that the final choice of turning in or not doesn’t make the sense that the devs tried to imply, too. *sorry, I am just so disappointed in what the storyline and character part turns out in this game, I can’t…
@VitalyaSpardow Жыл бұрын
LiS is a story-based game while HL is open-world RPG. Along RPG games with line plot it is quite normal when in gameplay your character kills hundreds of people, but in cutscenes he suddenly struggles to kill one person. Same problem with "morality choices" was in Last of Us, for example. We create our character, so it differs to pre-defined character's story. It is hard to combine freedom in role-playing with linear plot. Nonlinear plot, more options, more consequences of actions - all this need more resources and can cause more technical issues. And fun fact: as immortal NPC Sebastian actually CAN kill his uncle all by himself. From time to time he is the one who gave last hit to enemies.
@katia1932 Жыл бұрын
@@VitalyaSpardow i can agree. however, i think that this type of morality quests in rpgs may be questionable and weird in general (for me personally) since mcs do not have their unique character = principles and moral coordinations. and in this case, it is hard for me as a player to make morality decisions. nevertheless the npc can kill the enemies and does it, i still feel myself (as a player) as guilty, as the npc if not more. Because it is technically the mc (=me) attacks the boss most of the time, possibly uses other unforgivables if they are learned earlier, and it is done on purpose to open the cutscene where the boy goes mad and just finishes our work. and idk i feel somehow uncomfortable about it. so the more proper choice for me here would be something like should we both (the mc and Seb) get turned in or not. idk, such formulation of the final choice would’ve made me think about what’s right or wrong. i understand that this is impossible bc of the main storyline, but meh…
@didisim7138 Жыл бұрын
Finally someone with logic! I applaud you for this awesome explanation. Like cmon if ure gonna give these characters a personality, a background and a story do it properly. Heck they even left Seb and Anne's story unfinished! We spend so many hours gettin to know Sebastian and findin a a cure for Anne, only for their endin to be trashed aside!? Nah! But since they done this, they also should fix it and go for a continuation for both endings with Sebastian meanin that for every ending there should be a begining, just like they did with Hogwarts houses quests. Also in my first playthrough my ass didnt even knew about the bad ending or good ending so in the last mission i chose to take that Isadora's power for myself thinkin this way I can help Sebastian's sister . P.S Im not blamin the voice actors at all especially Alfie cause he done a great job with Seb, but im " blaming" the devs for not puttin a lil more work in the morality department
@shihoblade Жыл бұрын
All the witnesses like Sebastian more than they liked Solomon. Plus that village is under constant attacks by dark wizards and goblins because of Isadora. No one is gonna bat an eye at Solomon's death.
@erickg162 Жыл бұрын
The game made the player complicit in a murder. We are all Dark wizards.
@snitches9670 Жыл бұрын
The Player is a murderer himself, not only a complicit. We kill poachers and ashwinders left and right while crossing the map. We also steal everything we can get our hands on and "rescuing" animals is just a nice word for being a poacher ourself. Let's be honest, we all sell these animals at one point because there simply is no room left for them anymore. Jep, very dark wizards indeed! XD
@erickg162 Жыл бұрын
@@snitches9670 agreed lol
@gilzineto 3 ай бұрын
regardless of whether you learn Avada Kadabra or not theres no combat you enter in that doesnt result in your enemies dying. Your character has killed more people in one school year than Valdemort has killed in his entire time at Hogwarts. Your character is a fucking scary MF.
@orcinus6802 Жыл бұрын
Who’s to say that you didn’t in fact kill Solomon Sallow? After your fight with Solomon, he’s seen slowly staggering about holding his guts in with his arm, perhaps mortally wounded. All Sebastian does then is deliver a final blow to an already dying man. In this instance Sebastian would merely be an accomplice to a homicide that was actually committed by you.
@captaintweet4281 Жыл бұрын
I'm lamenting that we didn't have option to tell Seb/Anne/Solomon about Muggle medicine. Up until 15-16 year MC lived as a Squib/Muggle, so they knew about it more than wizardkind and could just bring up this idea. Maybe Anne's curse was no curse at all? Maybe it's just a bad internal trauma that magic couldn't properly heal. Rookwood didn't curse us when he tried to kill us, y'know There's so many missed opportunities and I have a lot of questions to Seb's questline. I wish there were choices that would allow us to have a better ending than the one we got. Like, during the attack on Fieldcroft we could just Depulso that goblin into oblivion before Seb could use Imperio on him. Yes, I just want everyone to be alive and slap some sense into Seb without needing to sacrifice someone to make him see the wrongs of the path he walks😒
@broadwaydream93 Жыл бұрын
As interesting as that would be, pureblood wizards, like the Sallows, have natural repulsion (possibly preservation based) towards the muggle realm, also medicine being what it was in 1890 would have done Anne more harm then good. Doctors were being awarded for subpar and rapidly performed surgeries.
@emmasilver2332 Жыл бұрын
When Sebastian cast Imperio on the goblin who was about to kill Anne, I wished MC could've cast Obliviate on the goblin instead. Make the goblin forget his loyalty to Ranrok and reprogram him to fight for us. That would've been epic. Immobulus or Petrificus Totalus could have stopped the goblin too, and also could have stopped Solomon without killing him. I think the only Unforgivable that couldn't have been avoided was the Cruciatus curse in Slytherin's scriptorium. As far as muggle medicine goes, we've got to remember that this takes place during the 1800s, much of the medicine we know of today didn't exist back then. And even if there was a muggle medicinal practice back then that could've cured her, I doubt Solomon would've been willing to give it a try.
@vignotum132 10 ай бұрын
Of course magic could fix internal bleeding and such, it has to be a curse
@Catlover-eo3ke Жыл бұрын
I felt in that end fight that Solomon was hiding something and out to maim Sebastian to the fullest. I actually thought in the midst of the battle that Solomon was actually one of Ranrock’s followers. This seemed to make more sense of his anger at Sebastian. And Sebastian was fighting for his life against his uncle…totally self defense.
@digitaladventurer2142 Жыл бұрын
Nah Solomon was a good guy in my book. Yes I admit he was angry and harsh but so was Sebastian whenever they were around each other, and if you watch the cutscenes of the game closely you see Solomon never once attacked Sebastian or the MC. The only attack he threw was at the Inferi and after the fight Sebastian was doing all the attacking and Solomon just defending himself. Again this is only in the cutscenes and I feel the bossfight just had him there because no one else could fill the role. You can clearly tell Anne loved her uncle and was becoming more and more frightened by what Sebastian was doing, and some people mention Sebastian covering for you in the library but honestly at best you were looking at some detention and lost house points but Solomon gave both the MC and Sebastian a break after clearly seeing his nephew use and unforgivable curse. He could have turned us in and gotten us expelled but he covers for us and gives us a warning.
@asuraofwrath Жыл бұрын
​@@digitaladventurer2142 but he also activaly got in sebs way of finding a cure and destroyed anything he brought her even if there isn't a cure what is the harm in letting him try that's the only reason seb even went down the path he did to find the cure making him extremly not only that but for your argument of never attacking during cutscenes and thus never attacking at all just doesn't make sense your telling me an ex-auor cant just walk away from a fifth year attacking him with the amount of protective spells he should know or that he isn't able to take out a small group of inferni in a few spells that fifth years can destroy with relative ease and as well as clearly abusing seb emotionally with consent insaults and not only that Its a bit suspicious that he doesn't explain any of his reasons for denying an attempt at finding a cure except that no magical healers could help her even then there are clearly things that they haven't tried or even attempted and your telling me a random ass goblin can use a curse so powerful no one can heal it sure it was a ranrok loyalist but still a random goblin isn't going to know a curse so powerful there is no known cure
@90lancaster Жыл бұрын
Seems more like Murder isn't really the right description for the actions here. If he killed his uncle out of desperate defense of the means of her restoration then that would be look smacking someone with a fire poker when they go to smash a vile or rare medicine that would be irreplaceable before someone died... one assumes he's on the clock here and also has only the one dark arts book so threatening that is like taking away someone medicine knowing they'd be unable to get another dose so the murders (from a certain point of view) is the Uncle not the Nephew. Also knowing what I do about abusive relationships it looks like the Uncle is in some ways or other not a nice guardian. As the feeling and claims of loving the abuser is a common troupe in abusive relationships, as is blaming the one who "failed to protect them" so her resentment and even Sebastian's actions may well be hinged entirely on a subtext the game isn't owning up too for fear of triggering some unpleasantness in it's audience. I would wonder though, what happens if you partially engage with him or never speak to him at all except if forced too by the plot. does he still show up at the end or is he removed ? I would suggest it might have been fun to set a trap for the Uncle so he's encapsulated some how and prevented from interfering and Sebastian's actions are successful... that would be an interesting trick ending to have. Heck it could even be used to "convert" the Dark spells to light ones as they react to being used for good instead of evil. something like that could be a fun revision perhaps and a way to add extra content too.
@SamBram Жыл бұрын
I don't think uncle Solomon was the most pleasant guy, and even if not abusive, was totally unwilling to budge from his morals even if family members were at stake. Earlier on Sebastian uses Imperio on a goblin to stop it killing his sister, and rather than commending him, Solomon is furious. I do think Imperio was an option for Sebastian here as well though. I know it would've had consequences and further issues down the line, but no way did he NEED to use the killing curse. Not to say I can't see the logic going on in Sebastian's mind, but I'd call it murder on account of it not being the only option. Sebastian got caught up in the moment is all. Unfortunately there seems to be no way to avert this ending as you mention either. Most of the game runs completely the same regardless of small decisions. The only big story beats affected by a choice are down to what house you choose at the start of the game. A shame though because that would be cool...
@LewisRJHope Жыл бұрын
@@SamBram I mean, using imperio might not even be the main issue. The fact that he forced that goblin to kill itself when it was already immobilised and no longer a threat is a major red flag to me. And I do agree that it was murder. It wasn't the only option and it's a curse that only works if you want to kill the target, so Sebastian wanted to kill his uncle.
@broadwaydream93 Жыл бұрын
There's too much evidence to support Sebastian's innocence. Every Unforgivable Curse he cast was in an act of desperation and defense. Solomon had it out for him, like somehow Solomon managed to blame Sebastian every time something bad happened to them. Sebastian was bearing the weight and responsibility of his twin's life and no one helped. Healers said no, his Uncle said no, the Ministry said no, and the Professors are too busy to see the pain, stress, and fear he's crumbling under but they were quick to stack up detentions if he tumbled out of line. Should he have killed Solomon? No. But he was under duress, his twin was dying he was losing 1, possibly 2, best friend(s), and his Uncle was assaulting him and his friend, along side the inferi. Obviously the killing curse being his knee jerk reaction to a state of intense duress doesn't look good but it's likely a fresh spell that he likely learned an hour ago.
@AggiePlz Жыл бұрын
I mean his Uncle did try to harm- if not k!||- his nephew and his friend (us as the MC) severely. 🤷‍♀️
@justcow400 Жыл бұрын
Jokes on you ive murdered 1000000 poachers and im fine
@SamBram Жыл бұрын
Quite unnerving really how many of the population in the scottish highlands are poachers and crooks...
@fehyndana7725 Жыл бұрын
@@SamBram 1890 was a wild time in the wizarding world apparently. Wild West level lawlessness😂
@abbiem5357 Жыл бұрын
He is both a desperate boy at the end of his tether and someone who is interested, unhealthily, in the Dark Arts. But I think he craves that power because horrible things have happened in his life that he couldn't control and that deeply affects him (Anne's curse & parent's deaths). Add to that a very strained relationship with an uncle that never bothered to connect with him or teach him in an effective way, and you get this tragic mess. Whilst Solomon didn't deserve to be murdered - and has good intentions - he could have approached all of this a lot better too.
@zemoi Жыл бұрын
Yes!!! This video literally explains everything I’ve been thinking. For those who turned Sebastian in, there’s NOTHING stating that Ominis brought up the use of an unforgivable. Hence why I think Sebastian would return either way. All he has to claim is that his Uncle tried to kill him when he was trying to help his sister Anne. If he plays his cards right, he’ll return to Hogwarts! All of these people are saying they sent him to Azkaban, but I distinctly remembered that Ominid said he was facing trial at the ministry… NOT that he was going to Azkaban.
@psychoboo8581 Жыл бұрын
The unforgivable curses are very useful. The imperial curse is great when you are fighting more then one enemy you can use that smell on one enemy to help you fight. The avada kadavra curse is good for the hard to beat enemies like trolls or if you bump into a enemies that is a bit higher level then you.
@thecrazycharlatan5295 Жыл бұрын
I didn’t turn him in. In order to understand darkness we must research it. And Sebastian’s uncle kept thwarting his attempt to try and help his sister. Would I prefer him not to kill his uncle especially with the curse? Mostly yes. Was it justified a little? Yes.
@joshmanchester5873 Жыл бұрын
Not to mention he straight up attacked sebastian and his friend
@thecrazycharlatan5295 Жыл бұрын
@@joshmanchester5873 instead of fighting the dead. Absolutely
@ArnoSchmidt22 Жыл бұрын
Actually what Sebastian did to his uncle was NOT murder. Murder is killing an innocent human being, but his uncle destroyed the relic, making a whole bunch of Inferi attack you and then attacked you at the same time. He was trying to kill both of you, Sebastian acted on self-defense.
@tekakiuluy3221 Жыл бұрын
There were no longer inferis around. Salomon was limping and trying to talk it out by that point, he was no longer attacking us. It really is cold blooded murder
@fransthefox9682 Жыл бұрын
He didn't want to kill tho...
@digitaladventurer2142 Жыл бұрын
nah the devs just needed a "boss" figure and Solomon was the only one to fit the bill. If Ominis or Anne had been there they probably would have made one of them fill the role. I base what happened on the cutscenes and in the end Solomon was struggleing just to defend himself and Sebastian seemed fully fresh and no way would a former Auror who was trying to kill lose to 2 students.
@serahmatsu6906 Жыл бұрын
I’m Sebastian’s defence, we as the MC have bombarda-d multiple humans, goblins, spiders, trolls and some even cats and no one batted and eye. If he has to be sent to Azkaban for his uncle’s death, I guess we have to book a whole week for dates with Dementors full of kisses 🥸
@snitches9670 Жыл бұрын
So true. When I got to the point of turning him in or not I was thinking about this and came to the conclusion that there is really nothing to think about. If we turn Seb in, than we can go straight with him and be cell-buddies in Askaban. We as main character are way worse than Sebastian has ever been in this whole game. Hell, if you go by moral than you also have to turn Natty, Poppy and Amit in since they all killed some poachers, goblins and ashwinders during our quests with them. So turning Sebastian in is really not an option if you ask me..
@serahmatsu6906 Жыл бұрын
@@snitches9670 I mean, killing your uncle is bad, but using Levioso on goblins with a fear of heights and taking down a whole camp with just Petrificus?? Not to mention using Alohomora on random homes and stealing their chests 🥸🥸
@snitches9670 Жыл бұрын
@@serahmatsu6906 Jup. We just go and steal everything we get our hands on and kill whatever is in our way. I guess Sebastian really is an innocent sheep compared to ourselves xD
@SHOGUNTE Жыл бұрын
Couldn't turn him in. Hufflepuff playthrough... He's a friend and that demands loyalty! Plus, I've SEEN Azkaban. Seen what happens to someone who's been there since she was Sebastian's age until she was an old lady, tormented for decades. It's not a prison you send people to. It's actually Hell. Eternal suffering... Couldn't do that to my buddy. Though Anne's note to him was terribly sad...
@vanessagalang4656 Жыл бұрын
I must admit...I was against dark arts at first..until I used the first of the three unforgivable curses. I just felt..invincible. I felt power..well maybe it's just because I was so just immersed.😅
@SamBram Жыл бұрын
The way it zooms on your character exclusively for unforgivables is very cool! 'I like being bad. It makes me happy...' - Eddie Brock, Spiderman 3
@Phoenix-pm2qr 7 ай бұрын
same... I didn't use any until I fought Rookwood... he shot the illing spell at me in the duel... I am mad and used Crucio.... and since then everything changed hahahah
@adameleliott1777 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for highlighting these dialogs and letting me hope that we’ll be able to see Sebastian return in the almost-certain-sequel ! Sebastian being quite the charming and well spoken boy I want to hope he’ll manage the trial if turned in. Also do you condemn a kid to a miserable life of full despair and suffering in Azkaban for what could be seen as a duel that went (awfully) wrong ? I want him so bad to come back, learn about his mistakes and be a romance option on year 7 when all characters can be of age !
@christinesinclair6938 Жыл бұрын
I didn't turn him in, but I also didn't learn AK until after the main quest line ended for role play reasons. idk Solomon did show up and just start hexing BOTH teenagers-even though the Player Character was clearly not involved with Sebastian's shenanigans, The fact it gets covered up and ends up the same is a bit wtf.
@Rachel-qr8kv Жыл бұрын
The vilain ending is to turn in Sebastian & keep the ancient magie for ourself.
@lordtabaro302 Жыл бұрын
Though I cannot abide what Sebastion did myself, I sympathize with him, and I believe he was just trying his best to help his sister when everyone else gave up. I can't fault him for any of what he did.
@Lunasera Жыл бұрын
I feel sorry for Sebastian. I really dislike his uncle, but Sebastian would have needed someone to save him from himself. His obsession with saving his sister ist understandable but definitely took him off the deep end. And his uncle acting against him and giving up on his niece definitely made it worse. We don't get the full picture but he seems to dislike his nephew even before Sebastian dabbles into the dark arts. Wish there had been a dialogue option to influence him unto another path. I really liked him before he got obsessive.
@sophiestelfox7544 Жыл бұрын
If you look at the back of the house where Soloman and Anne lived, there's a grave there. From what I recall, it doesn't say whose it is but I'm not sure if it was there before Soloman died.
@AlexField Жыл бұрын
This is why MC couldn't use Ancient Magic to cure Anne: It is heavily implied that not only does Isidora take away their pain, but ALL of their emotion which is the consequence of using that type of magic. If MC did the same thing to Anne, inevitably she would lack all emotion and just be a shell of herself which is worse than the Anne who is cursed. That is why the keepers stopped Isidora and why the trials, especially the third, implicate that the light and dark balance each other and just because you can get rid of the darkness doesn't mean you should.
@boushido1 Жыл бұрын
Sebastian did the things he did with the best intentions. But as a wise man once said. "Some of the worst things imaginable have been done with the best intentions." I wouldn't be surprised if he would become the main antagonist of the serie.
@gaho9734 Жыл бұрын
I love how it is turned into this huge debate on the internet..bottom line is it is everyone's own decision, being hypocritical or not. With that I think it is important, why the whole storyline is included in the game in the first place. It is to show a very similar route that Isidora takes. Both Seb and Isidora started of as passionate people, trying to do anything for the people they most cared about (whith those people practically being their only family members). They both saw their means justifying their actions, eventhough both were told not to do that by a senior person of authority (their master or uncle), and they both went against this. And when they were tried to being stopped, they both attacked these people. Now, based on each player, the story told through Sebastian is supposed to tie you closer to or push you further away from Isidora, leading you towards either one of the endings - basically the only decision that has some effect on the story. So how they decide with Sebastian is everyones own decision, and I think should be respected as such. I turned Sebastian in, one because I played as a good character, and as such I always tried to be supportive of him, as a friend - but this was where I drew the line. For one, Ominis did make us promise multiple times that we stop, and Seb promised each time, just to ask for our help right after that. Also while Seb is a charming character, and is not inheritently "evil", he still did and said some things that made me raise my eyebrows. In the beginning when we were visiting the restricted section of the library, he said something along the likes of liking when his friends are in debt of a favour to him. Also I felt he was very manipulating, and if you didn't support him, he would come with the "please do it, if not for me, then for Anne" while Anne clearly knew she could not be helped, and I think even told Seb to let it go. Also does it help Anne that Sebastian killed his caretaker? I also found it weird how Sebastian also "happened to know" the unforgivable curse that was needed - which he taught himself alone. While I did learn Crucio and Imperio, I never used them in the game, and even I would not have betrayed Sebastian if he avada kevadrad a poacher, a troll, a goblin, whatever. But a family member? I felt while I did not like Solomon, Avada Kevadraing him was not called for. And if he did that to his family member at 15-16 years old, how would that not happen in the future? I still felt like shit betraying him, but it seemed like the right thing to do. Also true, he showed some remorse, but that doesn't mean he would not do it again - just as he never kept his promise to Ominis to stop with dark magic..who is supposedly his closest friend. Also I would like to state this again, this was just my opinion (I also have had my personal share of manipulave people, and in my experience "once a manipulator always a manipulator", so I probably wasn't as forgiving..)
@theraven.4 Жыл бұрын
I have dealt with manipulative people as well. To be honest, I never really excused Sebastian for many reasons. I could see right through him from the beginning. But, it did make me think about a scene from the show Supernatural. The Horsemen of War calls one of the main character his poster boy and mentions the saying "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" which is true. Wars very often will be fought with good intentions, but often the people on both sides will suffer as a result for a party's gain. For a person, I judge them not by their intentions, but rather their actions. Sebastian was never going to stop until he got his way and that type of person, is very dangerous to be around. It begs the question of how far would he have gone to cure his sister. He was clearly villianifying his uncle. But, his uncle according to what other people said in their comments did everything in his power to attempt to help her besides the dark arts. To be honest, considering what magic usually is in fiction. The cost for the cure if he could do it likely would have been another life.
@ag4103 Жыл бұрын
Where do you get that white robe in 5:20
@thedarkmage9181 Жыл бұрын
Theory here but ominis gaunt has always said he is not scared to use his family ties so maybe he is the one keeping it hush cause he would still care for Anne if not sebastian.
@d.b.hemlock Жыл бұрын
Sebastian did NOTHING wrong. His Uncle deserved years of Crucio, not the quick and easy route. His Uncle practically destroyed every single idea and chance for Sebastian to attempt to help Anne. He was relentless to the point of even attacking us to stop Sebastian. I actually expected to find out the uncle himself was involved in her curse, that's how much I hated him. Believe me, if Sebastian hadn't killed him we would have. His uncle was a piece of shit, and got exactly what he deserved.
@Djenzh Жыл бұрын
3:21 right next to Sebastian and Anne's house is a grave after the mission.
@digitaladventurer2142 Жыл бұрын
actually popular misconception about the scar is that it was left by the rebounding killing curse but in truth it was from Voldemort's soul fragment latching itself onto him.
@EGGPLAYUH420j9 10 ай бұрын
Anyone think Sebastian’s story is similar to anakins one in revenge of the sith the music here 1:05 even reminds me of the song anakins dark deeds
@tomriddle7168 Жыл бұрын
So, I was originally going to turn him in, but I thought about what ominous had said so I ended up letting him off the hook, but I do not know if ominous nor I will have as much trust for him in the future, as much as I love Sebastian in my current gameplay I am doing what I would actually do at hogwarts.
@jadeayla7548 8 ай бұрын
What really adds to his desperation for me is that they've already lost both their parents and Anne isn't just his sister, she's his twin. We all know twins are close and on top of that her being his last family member (let's be real, Solomon doesn't treat him as family, at all) makes it just so much more understandable. I want to save Anne *for* him 😢
@tbuggz415 Жыл бұрын
it’s like a reincarnation of isadora. she was trying to do the exact same thing but with her father. now sebastian doing the same thing to try to save his sister. lol weird way to take it as, but that’s how i think of it lolol
@spinoraptor7776 Жыл бұрын
Perhaps that’s actually true, honestly I didn’t expect you to bring up Hot Fuzz
@SamBram Жыл бұрын
No luck curing them sisters then?
@spinoraptor7776 Жыл бұрын
@michaeld8280 Жыл бұрын
Sebastian was the best story by far and easily the hardest to weave into the story going forward, going to be interesting to see how they do it.
@Ancaryvan Жыл бұрын
Then to story arch would be like Dumbledore Greenwalt situation. Close friend turned enemy.
@Garruslove4me Жыл бұрын
I think people "forget" that he is a teenager...teenagers brain are not developed,no impulse control and I feel like Solomon was abusive to Sebastian. He yells at him about shrivel fruit , destroys it and then uses his dead dad against Sebastian. I don't really like Anne, I know she is in pain but she doesn't seem to have any courage whatsoever. She is very whiny and very judgey. I think Azkaban is wrong for a teenager.
@la-ariemartinez3184 Жыл бұрын
Sebastian did say Anne was turning into a complete shell of herself and was changing, so I don’t blame Anne for her behavior too much. Especially since she’s isolated with only her uncle who didn’t deserve to die but is definitely a hypocritical ass who handled the situation poorly. It’s understandable his uncle was stressed but he directed that stress at a kid trying to help his twin sister
@kingtrode Жыл бұрын
I will always stand by my boy Sebastian.
@ericsullivan145 Жыл бұрын
The uncles reactions towards the attempts of healing Ann need more of an explanation than a fear of dark arts. And the game does not go into other healing magic or arts.
@Angel_Auraa 11 ай бұрын
I’m guessing it’s because Solomon hates Sebastian’s father and disrespects his parents, therefore hates and disrespects Sebastian
@Angel_Auraa 11 ай бұрын
Which sucks. He just doesn’t trust anything Sebastian says or does.
@kingmarcusrich Жыл бұрын
Ok I thought I was the only one that wanted to cover up for Sebastian! That’s my brother! ✊🏾✊🏾
@grizzlyadamblack Жыл бұрын
Gryffindor using unforgettable curses? Wormtail senior even the looks
@yspegel 5 сағат бұрын
His uncle convinced a weakened Ann that she could not be cured, Seb had to search for him self. Not only did his uncle not support him but actively worked against him and being unreasonable angry at him. Don't forget, Seb is still a teenage boy. It's not weird that Seb becomes a bit of an unguided projectile, making wrong choices in desperation. Then his uncle, instead of letting him rage and cast a few spells he goes full berserk against Seb and you (while you were innocent). That uncle did everything he could to drive Seb mad, psychological abusing/mistreating him, physically attacking the mc (actively bringing mc in life threatening danger with the inferno's around) and therefore makes the minor aged Seb not guilty.
@hawthornfx Жыл бұрын
2:12 ""Has somebody done a Hermione's parents"" LOLOLOLOL
@davidstorm2224 11 ай бұрын
There’s so many little hints about how you would be a great Auror I hope that’s where the next game is leading.
@isaiahnolan1565 Жыл бұрын
I wonder if Anne and Sebastian met after, and Sebastian used the artifact to cure her. She realized their uncle was wrong, not necessarily at fault or evil, and forgives Sebastian. She then tells Sebastian to leave and devises a lie to cover up the death.
@heartstopper88 3 ай бұрын
When Sebastian says "Oh Anne, what have you done?!" I feel he's talking to Anne, but himself as well after what he just did.
@Nuhuhuhuh1313 Жыл бұрын
I would love to see Sebastian but evil after just escaping azkaban! We then have to fight our ex-friend with ominus and try to make him realise what hes done!
@MK209701 Жыл бұрын
There is a grave next to the Sallows house, it’s to the right
@Phoenix-pm2qr 7 ай бұрын
There is a tomb right next to her house
@bookmarkobjectanimations123 7 ай бұрын
Anne's letter there is absolutely amazing, honestly, she really handled this in the best way!
@bob6920 Жыл бұрын
i always thought that the uncle was in league with rookwood
@WaqManVR Жыл бұрын
Tbh he could have used a different curse, but it was self defence I tried doing it myself but it wouldn't work.
@snotchy1 Жыл бұрын
She burriee hime next to their house. U can see the gravestone there after he dies (some time later)
@Shelbs_101 11 ай бұрын
What would be a cool dlc is visiting him in askaban or in a future game he becomes a dark wizard and main villain
@Angel_Auraa 11 ай бұрын
But he doesn’t go to Azkaban. Ominis says he’s too young to be sent there, they’ll just punish him a bit. Plus the murder was covered up.
@Angel_Auraa 11 ай бұрын
They won’t make Sebastian a main villain because he’s a fan favourite character. Lots of people want romance with him, too.
@jakexx2 Жыл бұрын
personally feel soloman's death could have been avoided if he just talked to sebastion even in the fight itself he doesn't even try to talk
@Rxmexalxne 11 ай бұрын
I actually want the second game to just be a continuation of what happens next and the main character’s story can be the B story
@Angel_Auraa 11 ай бұрын
I agree, I want Sebastian’s quest line to be the main quest line of the next game. I think the developers will do it since they know Sebastian is the fan favourite.
@figloalds Жыл бұрын
I personally identify a lot with Sebastian because I too would go to the darkest darks to uncurse my sister if I was him.
@danielgodfrey4415 Жыл бұрын
With the dlc you visit Azkaban to break him out or his sister took the blame you and Sebastian have to break her out.
@lazytomcatranch Жыл бұрын
The Devs HAD to find a way to introduce the unforgivable curses into the game, and they used Sebastian Sallow to do it. Im sure I was not the only one to get some Star Wars Episode 2-3 Anakin/Darth Vader vibes off of Sebastian during the game. Almost every quest with Him, He became more unhinged, and the words "I have to save Padme, er I mean Anne, yeah Anne, thats what I meant to say." Were in every quest with Him after a certain point. Even knowing this part of me wanted to turn Him in, but I didn't. I mean the part where you choose is coming up next and I am not going to. But this is one of those choices where either way, there are arguments for deciding the other way. I love imperio, its fun and strategic, and of course the killing curse is OP with talent buffs so yeah. But I have not yet used crucio in spite of learning it, and I do not plan on using it because it is not strategic or OP like imperio or the killing curse. In fact I would have my doubts about the sanity of anyone who said crucio was their favorite spell. Personally I think Bombarda buffed with lvlIII traits is my favorite spell. l)J
@elid3630 Жыл бұрын
I can’t both want him to go down the dark arts path and then turn him in for wanting to do what we both want him to do. He was an eager participant and boy did I find those curses fun. Would be rude to turn him in when he actually regrets his actions and I’m a murder hobo.
@AutisticAl 11 ай бұрын
Was it just me who did everything to support Sebastian right until the very end? Like I turned him in after the murder... Mental storyline
@greenprimalranger 11 ай бұрын
As a Slytherin, I was "Ride or Die" for Sebastien and Ominis. We crossed the point of no return when we entered Salazar Slytherin's private chambers. I was not going to punk out on Sebastien because he took so much heat and got his hands dirty. He really believed he could cure Anne and Solomon squashed every hope simply because the old man was complacent and didn't want his way of life to change.
@crazyfedd5773 Жыл бұрын
I have already played this game three times and never passed Sebastian, not only because he is my favorite character, despite the fact that I have never been a fan of the Harry Potter universe. I'll tell you my thoughts. Even before the start of the game, life had already battered Sebastian: he lost his parents at an early age, presumably, relations with his uncle were not going well even before Ann's curse, he mentioned that his uncle claims that he never cared about them, even though during the battle with Solomon, uncle himself says that he and Sebastian also cares. When Sebastian's sister was cursed, the boy clearly wanted to help her, but did not know how, even more gnawing is the fact that no one gave him emotional support from the family. The lack of support drives Sebastian to despair. And it's his desperation that makes him even more immersed in Dark Magic. I think my character (MС) would not want such a life for Sebastian, who lost everything and drowned himself even more in grief and guilt in Azkaban. His possible catharsis is yet to come.
@LanaVentus Жыл бұрын
Speaking of hot fuzz the star of that movie voiced
@wampir221 Жыл бұрын
What you mean ? Sebastian is a good lad teached me good spells. That spell got my attention XD.😆Those who turn in sebastian, they are snitch. Ezy
@WardenWolf Жыл бұрын
Solomon's death could have been covered up in numerous ways. He died in his sleep, or he was ambushed by a dark wizard. The latter is entirely believable given all of the activity in the area. It's also not 100% untrue.
@theschools5220 4 ай бұрын
Obliviate should ld be an unforgivable curse because for something to be a unforgivable curse it must A. Kill or torture something and cannot be undon and B. Messes with your free will hence imperio witch obliviate messes with gour free will
@lexl4029 Жыл бұрын
Okay but hear me out. What if the book was a horcrox and coerced sebastian into killing his uncle. Even though anne destroys it, if you go back and check the catacombs after these events, the book still sits there, in tact
@flying-magpie Жыл бұрын
probably a bug
@tekakiuluy3221 Жыл бұрын
What really makes me wonder is how the developers are going to handle that situation in the next game? Because it's really hard to integrate theses vastly different storybranches and develop a NPC around that. From what I'm seeing, they have three choices : reduce Seb's role drastically to one optional side quest if you don't turn him in (doubt that considering he is the best character), ignore our choices and pick the one that fits them best, or converge the timelines
@Angel_Auraa 11 ай бұрын
I actually have a headcanon that his uncle locked up Seb and Anne’s parents in their library cellar where they died of CO poisoning. I don’t know why they couldn’t open the door to their own cellar. Plus it’s canon that Solomon hates Sebastian’s father and that’s why he hates Sebastian. This could somewhat justify him killing his uncle. (Plus his uncle also using Unforgivables while he was in Law Enforcement.) Its like he got even angrier when he got Sebastian and Anne in his custody. Solomon was an awful man. The way he spoke to Sebastian showed it too.
@lockskelington314 Жыл бұрын
We NEED DLC for this Game. I want more companion Content!!
@Angel_Auraa 11 ай бұрын
I’d also say it’s canon that Sebastian doesn’t go to jail. Even Ominis says they won’t send Sebastian to jail on a technicality of his age but at the very least they’ll punish him a bit. (Real ones won’t even let that happen though.)
@nyx_moonwalk Жыл бұрын
his uncle used fiendfyre in that fight, which is a form of dark magic, all while being mad at his nephew for using dark magic. that man is a huge hypocrite.
@Trakker1985 9 ай бұрын
Solomon didn't deserve to die, but my god was he a total ass hat, he wouldn't even entertain the possibility that anything could help Anne at all. Just "nothing can help her, i wont even investigate any possibly solutions you present" [closes book]. And that attitude pushed Sebastian so hard to get more an more reckless, and thus we reached this conclusion
@sfisabbt Жыл бұрын
I sent Sebastian to Azkaban, I never learnt an unforgivable spell and nobody seem to care how good of a wizzard I am.
@missslinkydiva Жыл бұрын
I turn in Sebastian, I felt he went to far. I hope they bring more games out, as I don't want it to end
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