Incubator Automation ONI Tutorial

  Рет қаралды 7,013

Engineer Troy

Engineer Troy

Күн бұрын

Welcome to our Oxygen Not Included Incubator Automation Tutorial! In this video, we will show you step-by-step how to automate the incubator in Oxygen Not Included to ensure your duplicants can efficiently hatch and care for critters. Whether you're a beginner or experienced player, this tutorial will help you optimize your base and save valuable time and resources. Happy hatching!
#OxygenNotIncluded #ONITutorial #IncubatorAutomation #oxygennotincludedspacedout
0:00 Intro
0:12 Research Prerequisites
1:02 Incubation 101
1:57 The Numbers
3:27 Single Incubator Setup
3:43 Nine Incubator Array
4:21 Automation Explanation
4:59 Overlays
5:18 ODB Array
6:06 Overlays
6:17 Conclusion

Пікірлер: 58
@nigelking4892 3 ай бұрын
To speed up the lullaby task I install a pressure sensor under the left square of each incubator and connect the automation to a light so the dupe gets the lite workspace bonus when lullabying the eggs. There’s probably a more efficient way to do this too.
@engineertroy_ 3 ай бұрын
That’s a great idea. I totally forgot about that!
@kamikadzeto7 9 күн бұрын
A simple design I came up with is getting the rancher in her/his own room that he cannot exit from where he enters, then he has to walk through the room with the incubators and in order to trigger priority, once he enters the sight of the first 2 incubators they activate with a dupe motion sensor, the door locks for 1 second (also there's a lamp), this goes for every 2 incubators and takes some time for the 1 sec door locking in order for the priorty to kick in but it's pretty simple to setup. If you want it more fancy - auto sweepers can load the eggs and so on later on when you have the metal for it. EDIT: If anyone wonders how the automation works: I'm using a filter gate (1 sec) connected directly to the motion sensor and output goes to an XOR gate. The other input of the XOR gate is the motion sensor itself as well. And finally there's a NOT gate infront of the door so it keeps the door open. The motion sensor cannot be in the corner, but the light can be.
@deanyanev453 3 ай бұрын
Great to see new and good ONI content on YT. Keep it up. Would love to see someone delve into automation a bit more like automated rocket deliveries and stuff like that.
@engineertroy_ 3 ай бұрын
Thanks! I will definitely look into it as we get deeper into the current let’s play series.
@PaFig Ай бұрын
Могу скинуть схему автоматизированной ракеты ,но это очень сложная схема .
@nigelking4892 3 ай бұрын
Genius, I love this design. I’m currently running a colony for the carnivore achievement (along with locavore and super sustainable) and I’m using 2 arrays of 12 incubators. Each incubator is powered for 45 seconds which is enough time for my 7 ranchers to lullaby the eggs. I’m using a timer sensor for each incubator and managing/setting the timing on the 24 sensors is a nightmare. Using the gates is such a great idea,I’m definitely switching to them. I’m giving up on my first run as I’ve realised my games settings are on easy so all the dupes are fasting and only consume 500 kcals per cycle. Starting the second run tonight with normal difficulty. Thank you for the timely video, I’m looking forward to using you design😊
@engineertroy_ 3 ай бұрын
Awesome! Glad you like it. Let me know how it goes!
@tarkin6226 3 ай бұрын
@yashjadhav2406 3 ай бұрын
thanks I was going to make the gcfungus design but ur's looks way better imo
@engineertroy_ 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for the comparison, I'm glad you like the design!
@rmoraesf 3 ай бұрын
i love your oni content. congrats!
@engineertroy_ 3 ай бұрын
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it!
@koroxo1152 2 ай бұрын
Yo, what a fantastic video. Picked up the game recently and this is one of the best, fun, easy, and my monke of a brain can understand it
@engineertroy_ 2 ай бұрын
Glad you enjoy it! Thanks for the comment. More content is coming soon!
@loganagle746 3 ай бұрын
Hey there, man! I just randomly happened upon your Channel, and I have to say that I am impressed with your video-output so far and see a LOT of potential in your content. So far you seem to be doing a good job as far as balancing being concise & to-the-point with being properly detailed & informative, as well as balancing being informative with still being at least somewhat humorous & entertaining. I say that so long as you stay on your current course and continue to output videos like this, while _also_ seeking to gradually improve & being open to constructive input, then it will only be a matter of time until your Channel hits that all-important "stride" with the YT Algorithm, and once it does it's _inevitably_ going to start getting the Subscribers & Views that this kind of quality content deserves. My advice to you; at least for the time being; is to keep making content with the same level of quality and the same amount of effort put into it, and to not be discouraged by middling Metrics in regards to things such as Views or general engagement. It invariably takes some time for the momentum to get going on those things actually seeing any returns, so in the meantime just keep at it. 👍 However, there's one thing in the information presented in this video that I wanted to seek some clarification on: Why, at 0:49 in the video, are you recommending the use of the *Rock Crusher* to acquire the Refined Metals needed for this project rather than the *Metal Refinery?* To Explain: The Rock Crusher, while technically available earlier in the Tech Tree, has that absolutely ghastly 50% Ratio for Efficiency when converting Metal Ore to Refined Metals (i.e. meaning that *half* of the total amount of Metal Ore converted by it is simply "lost"; in this case converted into Sand rather than the Refined Metal of choice) and is the single least Efficient of the three options for creating Refined Metals in the game, i.e. the Rock Crusher, Smooth Hatches & the Metal Refinery (in ascending order of Efficiency). By contrast, the Metal Refinery _does_ technically take a little _more_ Research to unlock and requires a Super-Computer to research; but it's only "later" by one step of Research-options and the Super-Computer is _already_ required to have access to some of the other components listed here as necessary. While it also requires a little more to get it up & running; i.e. more power than the Rock Crusher as well as liquid being pumped through piping to serve as a Coolant Medium, these are very *moderate* requirements that are 100% possible, if not comparatively outright _easy,_ to establish & have access to even in the Early Game. By the time a player needs; let alone is able to build & power; nine (or even more) Incubators, especially Automated ones, I think it's safe to say they will _also_ easily be able to get their Refined Metals from a Metal Refinery (and probably exclusively from it). In exchange for this slightly larger investment, 0% of any Metal Ore will be "wasted" when making Refined Metal due to the Metal Refinery's 100% Efficiency Ratio. The importance of Efficiency in creating Refined Metal and conserving Metal Ores becomes far more urgent when in the context that raw Metal Ore is a _finite_ and thus very limited resource even, in the best of circumstances, and it remains one throughout all stages of gameplay. In the Early Game you are limited to however much you can dig your way to having access to (and in the Vanilla version of the game outside the paid DLC you're generally limited to the finite amount your individual Map & Biomes spawns with). In the Later Game there _is_ the option to tame Metal-producing Volcanoes as an alternative and renewable/infinite way of getting Refined Metals, but assuming that your Planetoid even _has_ them the fact remains that Volcano-Taming is a *very* resource-intensive & complicated process, relegated to some of the _latest_ stages of most Colonies. And even at that, that is only a way to acquire _Refined Metals;_ many other structures actually *require* raw _Metal Ore,_ making Metal Ore an important but generally truly finite resource (one of the few in the game). While you in all likelihood _can_ get away with "wasting" even a decent bit of Metal Ore by choosing to use the Rock Crusher as your means of getting Refined Metals for longer than the minimum time needed, I make getting the Metal Refinery up & running one of my priorities in any Colony, at least _before_ beginning any projects that require large amounts of Refined Metal (in fact, I personally only use the Rock Crusher to create enough Refined Metals to get the Metal Refinery itself up & running, which isn't much, and then do _all_ subsequent Metal-Refining through the Metal Refinery). With this Automated Incubator Farm requiring what could be called a _significant_ amount of Refined Metals it may be worth warning people new to the game about that pitfall, _or_ just outright instead recommending the Metal Refinery as one of the project's listed "Requirements" in the first place instead, as well as keeping that recommendation in future videos about any project or design that requires lots of Refined Metals. But I'm always open to being proven wrong & corrected if I'm off-base in any strategies pertaining to this game, so if you or anybody else knows something I don't feel free to let me know. 💡
@engineertroy_ 3 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for taking the time to watch my videos and provide such detailed feedback. You are 100% correct about the metal refinery!
@HeshamAhmedEtBrigade 3 ай бұрын
Ok this so cool I built 5 room (2pips,2 settle 1,grub) 7 incubator each now I can't even count how many critter i have and the amount of meat PHENOMENAL. Now going to adjust my hatch ranch incubation
@engineertroy_ 3 ай бұрын
Very cool! Glad you like it!
@junns 2 ай бұрын
This is Oni gold!
@engineertroy_ 2 ай бұрын
@L1SSU1N 2 ай бұрын
The memes, you make me crack 😂 I am TOTALLY using your incubation and ranch setting on my next play (i intend to do a all achivements run, wish me luck) Keep it up!
@engineertroy_ 2 ай бұрын
😆 😁 Good luck!
@hotzbro 3 ай бұрын
@engineertroy_ 3 ай бұрын
@nolan4339 3 ай бұрын
I find that timer-dependent incubation is pretty prone towards some cycles getting skipped, especially when rancher labor is more restricted. There is a pressure-plate method that is a bit more reliable, using a maxed-time triple buffer gate for the time, but it is also more resource intensive.
@engineertroy_ 3 ай бұрын
Nice! I’ll have to look into that.
@insomnia2411 3 ай бұрын
@engineertroy_ 3 ай бұрын
@justineckard9589 3 ай бұрын
Math and Automation are my two favorite things how convenient
@engineertroy_ 3 ай бұрын
@cedriccouderc9647 3 ай бұрын
Nice build. I like the setup simplicity and the robustness. Maybe you could have tell that the incubator need to be the high priority for the rancher, so he come directly when the incubator is activated to not miss the actived window. I had a similar build when i first started messing around with incubators. But instead of starting the chain with the first timer sensor, i only use the first timer sensor to make the rancher come. Then i used a pressure plate and a filtergate at the first incubator to more precisely activate the other incubators. Indeed the first need a lot of time as green to make the rancher come, but the following have a rancher just right next to them so it can be done more quickly. Anyway, your design is more robust to not miss any lullaby (so maximising for egg's lullaby uptime). In my design, when lullaby spree unsync with the rancher schedule (bedtime in the middle of lullaby), the other rancher didn't have the time to come for the next lullabies because he was far. In your design, the second rancher can come from afar, but at the cost of a lot of travel time in between lullaby. This is a ok trade off if the rancher are dedicated to lullaby, not so much if prevents any grooming. Let me explain this, it's not self-evident : Like in all thing in ONI, it depends on what you want to optimise for. For the same number of full ranch critter, the incubator does 0 improvement in production. The production capability are the same with or without them. It does however reduce the delay for the production to arrive and this is important when you have a time constraint (emergency food or the carnivore achievement or to fill the ranches quicker) However, missing a "grooming" task does reduce the production of the ranch. All the time the critter stays at 0% reproduction is lost production for the ranch. So by prioritising lullaby uptime, you can actually lower the production if you don't have enough rancher available. I hope it make sense to you. For now, i didn't find any design that can cover all the thing : - good uptime of lullaby egg - good rancher commute time - handle the unsync for bedtime /multiple rancher (It's always a balance between lullaby uptime, and rancher labor/commute) - handle the unsync from the time baby is not remove from the incubator (maybe doable with critter sensor with unchecked egg and a room for each, but costly in term of space) - handle the "already incubated time". In your design it's always 0% /1% when it arrives in incubator, which make it pretty consistent and incubator uptime is only dependant of the previous point. But meanwhile you have almost hatching egg in the evolution chamber. There was a recent design on reddit with falling egg throu door with cycle sensor to have a approximate timer on the already incubated time but a incubator-less design. In the end, it's only important when you use incubators to refill the ranches but then it's better to have nursery to have readily available adults as anytime passed where the ranch is not full of adults lower the production. - power off the incubator when lullaby. - doesn't have dedicated rancher for hugs. To be honest, once i understood the incubators doesn't actively improve production, i lost interest in them outside of filling ranches for carnivore, where you can have any kind of setup, and yours is perfectly fine here for that. And it doesn't have the drawback of the painful setting of the array of timer sensor. Fun story: i once did a single incubator setup (very short on refined metal) where i manually drop lullabied eggs, putting them aside and continued to lullaby all the eggs with the same incubator (micro management nightmare). Using the fact that lullabied eggs don't even need to stay in the incubator, you can even optimise for incubator uptime and egg's lullaby uptime. Omg i ranted for so long again, sorry i lvoe this game. TLDR: good build optimised for simplicity, perfect for tutorial.
@engineertroy_ 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for taking the time to write detailed and thoughtful comment! You are 100% right, this incubator array was created for filling ranches to get carnivore and adds 0 production value once eggs are being laid at capacity. The one incubator setup is a clever solution in a pinch but yeah, sound like a micromanage nightmare. Lol
@CurtCoBabble 3 ай бұрын
Much love, Oni isnt a game that has a lot of content creators.
@engineertroy_ 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for the love! Oni is definitely a unique game.
@supremespark4755 2 ай бұрын
Manual switches would be best for carnivore, simple with only "Smart Home" as a research requirement. It needs micromanaging but is more efficient.
@engineertroy_ 2 ай бұрын
Totally doable! I personally hate having to micromanage. The joy I derive from ONI is in creating things that ultimately run themselves. Thanks for the comment!
@NoMusiciansInMusicAnymore 3 ай бұрын
Wow, I love it!, All of that can run without using more than 1k watts? that's awesome!! I don't think I'd change anything. I'd love to see what you'd do with pacu! I have a great little enclosed box design for drecko farming I need to retest since the change to critter happiness/reproduction update
@engineertroy_ 3 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for your positive feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed the video.
@imaginaryfinality3392 3 күн бұрын
Is it because of my potato PC? When playing at 3x speed, my filter gate and buffer gate go out of sync.
@engineertroy_ 2 күн бұрын
Hmmm, I haven’t ran into this yet but it sounds like it could be lag related due to the activation and trigger times being equal. A possible work around could be to set the filter gate to one second less than the buffer gate. However this will cause two incubators to be active for one second during the overlap. If you make the entire array that would be four incubators causing a power spike of almost 1000W for one second every time they switch.
@TheAntoine185 3 ай бұрын
Ohhh you're using a cuddle pip
@engineertroy_ 3 ай бұрын
Yup! I was experimenting with them during the incubator tests.
@flutterbree 3 ай бұрын
definitely implementing the timer/buffer/filter system!! Do you have any tips on how to help determine the number of duplicates you need? I used your strategy to get the carnivore achievement for the first time!! Now i want to see if i can pull it off with all Bottomless Stomach dupes, but not sure if I'll have enough for all the labor 😂
@engineertroy_ 3 ай бұрын
Two ranchers on on different schedules that don’t overlap on downtime should be enough to tend the incubators and the ranches they are filling. Hopefully I understood the question correctly. 😁
@flutterbree 3 ай бұрын
@@engineertroy_ I'll def have 2 for ranching, my question was more directed to overall labor needs. i struggle with figuring out whether i need more dupes to carry out commands or of I'm just getting ahead of myself and starting too many projects at once 😂 i spend too much time in the pause menu instead of letting dupes work
@engineertroy_ 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, I'm guilty of that sometimes too. I find that setting different priorities for different projects helps when you have a lot going on, sometimes leaving a few numbers gap between them to ensure task focus. But yes, if it's taking a few cycles or more for duplicants to get to tasks you may need more dupes . A good way I have found that works for me is to look at the errand queue # for a task. When they get above 50 or so I have a lot going on for the amount of dupes I have. But a high queue # could be OK for a low priority task, say priority 2 or 3, that is more for keeping dupes from idling. I could be wrong here but that's my experience so far.
@TheAntoine185 3 ай бұрын
Next video: the Pacus ranch :D
@engineertroy_ 3 ай бұрын
@junns 2 ай бұрын
Evolution chamber!!!!
@TinyPirate 2 ай бұрын
How can you automate the evolution of surplus critters you've incubated??
@engineertroy_ 2 ай бұрын
You could put a critter drop off and automate a door to drop them into a evolution chamber. I did something like this in my Carnivore Achievement video.
@TinyPirate 2 ай бұрын
@@engineertroy_ combine the egg single tile with a double tile evolution downing chamber type thing? But then I feel like I would lose the lovely automated farm restockkng. Hmm
@engineertroy_ 2 ай бұрын
I’d be interested in hearing what you come up with! I haven’t built this yet in an actual play through however when I do I plan on using it to jumpstart my hatch ranches to see how quick I can get carnivore.
@nazgu1 3 ай бұрын
Oh look, another poor victim of ONI-addiction curse :)
@engineertroy_ 3 ай бұрын
@beekey9501 15 күн бұрын
This comment contains nine words consisting of at least three symbols.
@engineertroy_ 15 күн бұрын
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