India War of Independence ft. Hikma History | 1857CE - 1859CE

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Al Muqaddimah

Al Muqaddimah

4 жыл бұрын

On March 29th, 1857, there was a commotion at Barrackpore in the Bengal province of British India. A young man named Mangal Panday, intoxicated, opened fire at his British superiors of the 34th Bengal Native Infantry. After quite a bit of fighting, Mangal Panday was arrested. The shots he fired that day became the first shots of the Indian War of Independence.
Watch the second part by Hikma History here - • Video
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@UsefulCharts 4 жыл бұрын
Nice to see a collab between your two channels. I was hoping that might happen.
@smofficialeducation 3 ай бұрын
You Are Awesome Useful Charts 📊💕💖❤ I Love You ❤😘 !!!! @ 5 April 2024
@takshashila2995 4 жыл бұрын
Finally, He made a video on the Indian subcontinent! Also, Your pronunciation of Indian names is good.
@billyb6001 4 жыл бұрын
@toxic masculinity that's a type of India.
@billyb6001 4 жыл бұрын
@toxic masculinity no. Culpable said that.
@billyb6001 4 жыл бұрын
@toxic masculinity yes
@takshashila2995 4 жыл бұрын
@@majeeronak7610 He doesn't live in Pakistan. He is a wannabe western saheb.
@devapala879 4 жыл бұрын
except for Tantia "Top"
@the_major 4 жыл бұрын
That's why I love this channel, you can be in Andalusia one week off to India the next. How on earth do you make these videos so fast??
@AlMuqaddimahYT 4 жыл бұрын
Fast? :| Who makes videos fast? I'm super lazy.
@suchismitachakraborty4164 3 жыл бұрын
@@AlMuqaddimahYT You have written Kanpur as Cawnpore. Please correct the spelling to Kanpur.
@manujsingh7765 3 жыл бұрын
@@suchismitachakraborty4164 Earlier Kanpur was called Cawnpore by the British.
@humblebee8334 3 жыл бұрын
Manuj Singh shouldn’t it be Khanpur
@manujsingh7765 3 жыл бұрын
@@humblebee8334 Kanpur's ancient name was Kanhapur ( on Bhagvan Krishna ) , When Britishers came they found it difficult to pronounce and changed it to Cawnpore.
@HikmaHistory 4 жыл бұрын
Great work, man! I have a feeling your video will receive much less backlash than mine, haha. Gotta brace myself!
@AlMuqaddimahYT 4 жыл бұрын
Haha, good luck. Lock your doors tonight.
@rajinicant7913 3 жыл бұрын
What backlash? 🤔
@jurtra9090 3 жыл бұрын
The comment section was surprisingly calm. There are some skirmishes happened but so far it did not blown out into full-fledged keyboard war
@theyoungottoman3533 4 жыл бұрын
In the US school system, the Indian War of Independence is still known solely as the Sepoy Mutiny - legacies of colonialism die hard. Wonderful video, I don't know much of the war besides the Siege of Delhi (which William Dalrymple discusses beautifully in his portrait of 1850s Delhi, The Last Mughal) and it will be fun to learn more.
@billyb6001 4 жыл бұрын
I can tell you it wasn't. Because it wasn't covered at all in the 90s
@greatmike3120 4 жыл бұрын
@@billyb6001 Yeah I literally wasn't taught about india or the British empire at all in my highschool. American history was required but world history was an elective taught by the music teacher who let us watch TV. This was in the 2000s.
@K_Shahid 4 жыл бұрын
If you are interested you can watch Vinay Lal lectures : History of British India.
@Benji567891 3 жыл бұрын
No it's not, you've made that up for some reason, you literally do nothing on this at school.
@sappert1952 3 жыл бұрын
I honestly didn’t even know about this war until now. I live in the US and graduated in 96
@arsalanshaikh3763 4 жыл бұрын
Thanx a lot sir ... respect and love from india a very happy independence day to all my fellow indians
@عٻڈآلْلْه 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Thanks for submitting the video
@suhridguha2560 4 жыл бұрын
Great content man. Love from India. I have seen almost all your videos. Really fascinating stuff. P.S not muslim though I love learning about cultures and history. I have currently joined a farsi language school cause I really find the language fascinating and being Bengali there are a lot of literary works of bengal in the farsi language I would really love to read the originals.
@tefstepho 4 жыл бұрын
Another amazing episode. Thank you!
@omaronnyoutube 3 жыл бұрын
MALAY SUBTITLES Part 3 of 3 08:32 Semasa ini berlaku di Delhi, ada kisah yang berbeza di Kanpur di Kanpur yang mana pemberontak mengepung British di 08:39 orang Inggeris di sana terpaksa menanggung pengepungan dengan sedikit atau sedikit bekalan. Jeneral Britain, jeneral mereka, Villa mempunyai hubungan baik 08:46 Nana Sahab Bhishma, dia mengharapkan Nana Sahab bersikap baik kepada dia dan anak buahnya setelah beberapa minggu 08:51 Nana Sahab membenarkan British mengungsi pada 27 Jun Nana Saab menyediakan kapal yang akan membawa mereka ke mana sahaja mereka mesti pergi 08:58 namun begitu 08:59 Semasa evakuasi sedang berlangsung, kekecohan berlaku seseorang melepaskan tembakan dan panik meletus British 09:05 Jumlah yang banyak dibantai di sana setelah tembakan berhenti, mangsa yang selamat dikumpulkan dan membunuh wanita dan kanak-kanak disandera 09:13 Akhirnya hanya empat lelaki yang keluar dari Kanpur hidup-hidup 09:17 Bala bantuan British tiba di sana pada bulan Julai dan bimbang bandar itu akan diambil tidak lama lagi. Tebusan dibantai 09:24 Mereka tidak ditembak ketika para sepoi enggan membunuh wanita dan anak-anak 09:27 Sebaliknya tukang daging dipanggil untuk membunuh mereka, tindakan kekejaman yang tidak dapat dibayangkan ini menjadi tangisan pertempuran bagi pihak Inggeris 09:34 Sesiapa yang menjadi penyokong orang India tidak lagi menjadi orang lain 09:37 beberapa sumber mengatakan bahawa ini adalah pembalasan pembunuhan orang India yang dilakukan oleh jeneral Neel pada bulan Jun ketika dia melakukan 09:44 Tanpa sengaja membunuh ribuan orang India dan membakar kampung di sekitar Jalan Grand Trunk 09:49 Setelah mengambil Kanpur, tentera Inggeris di sana bergerak menuju Lucknow 09:53 Lejano juga telah berada di tengah pengepungan oleh pemberontak terhadap British yang ditempatkan di sana 09:58 Mereka meninggalkan kekuatan tidak cukup kuat untuk mengakhiri pengepungan dan peminat terpaksa menyertai pasukan pengawal 10:03 ini disebut pertolongan pertama Lucknow pelbagai pertempuran kecil diperjuangkan hingga bulan Mac 10:09 1858 ketika Lana akhirnya dijamin oleh British pada akhir tahun 10:13 1857 India Utara sebahagian besarnya dijamin oleh pihak komunikasi British 10:18 Berjalan di seluruh negara dengan bandar-bandar seperti Delhi Darbar dan Agra kini berada di bawah kawalan mereka 10:23 British kini beralih ke India tengah 10:26 Sebahagian besar India tengah adalah negeri-negeri yang dihormati oleh Inggeris selama beberapa dekad yang lalu 10:31 Ketika Inggeris sibuk dengan utara negeri-negeri ini menjadi huru hara 10:35 Somerville sementara yang lain mula bertengkar dengan kepala Chauncy pada bulan Jun 10:40 1857 beberapa tentera Britain berlindung di sebuah kubu untuk menyelamatkan diri dari pemberontak setelah diberi jaminan oleh permaisuri Jhansi 10:47 Bahawa mereka akan selamat dan diberitahu untuk mengusir pemberontak yang membunuh mereka 10:51 Peranan Ratu masih diperdebatkan kerana tidak ada pihak berkuasa Inggeris di wilayah tersebut Ratu mengangkat panji-panji dia sebagai pemberontak 10:58 Juga pada bulan Mac 1858 ketika kempen India tengah bermula, Chauncey adalah salah satu tujuan pertama mereka mengepung British 11:06 24 Mac kubu itu dipertahankan dengan baik, tetapi ia tidak dapat ditandingi oleh British 11:11 Oleh itu, Ratu meminta pertolongan dari Daddy di atas perintah kedua Nana Sahab, Peshwa 11:15 Dia dan tenteranya membantu mereka tetapi tidak dapat mengakhiri pengepungan pada 5 April Inggeris 11:21 Sepenuhnya mengambil alih Chauncey 11:23 Ratu telah melarikan diri dari kalbi yang lebih tinggi dan Cal b2 segera diambil 11:27 Kekuatan sekutu ratu Jhansi Rani Laxmi Bai dotty di atas dan Rao Sahab anak saudara Nana Sahab tanpa kubu 11:34 Mereka tidak mempunyai tempat untuk pergi. Oleh itu, mereka berjalan menuju Gwalior yang telah setia kepada Inggeris pada 1 Jun 1858 11:40 Mereka mengalahkan Maharaja of Collyer dan menguasai bandar 11:44 Namun, kemenangan ini tidak lama lagi, Inggeris mengejar mereka dan pada 17 Jun di co taki sera 11:50 Dia Inggeris mengalahkan pemberontak dan ratu Jhansi dibunuh Tatia atas dirinya tetap dalam pemberontakan 11:56 Tetapi akhirnya dikhianati oleh anak buahnya dan dihukum mati oleh British pada bulan April 1859 12:02 Gwalior segera diambil pada tahun yang sama 12:05 Pengisytiharan kerajaan kami dikeluarkan untuk menggantikan Syarikat India Timur dengan Raj Inggeris Syarikat Hindia Timur secara rasmi dibubarkan 12:11 Masih ada pemberontakan yang lebih kecil di seluruh India 12:14 Tetapi pemberontakan itu kurang lebih, pemberontak yang ditangkap mati diadili dan dilaksanakan 12:19 Sebahagian dengan menggantung beberapa dilemparkan dari meriam kekejaman yang dilakukan oleh kedua-dua belah pihak 12:26 Maharaja didapati bersalah pada 29 Mac 1859 12:29 Perdamaian diisytiharkan secara rasmi pada 8 Julai 1859 12:33 Perang telah berakhir sehingga British terus mengambil alih seluruh India 12:38 pelbagai negeri pembesar akhirnya dibubarkan 12:41 Ketiga-tiga tentera itu digabungkan menjadi satu tentera India yang memerlukan 19 tahun lagi sehingga Inggeris akhirnya masuk 12:48 1947 negara itu dipecah menjadi dua negeri, Pakistan dan India 12:53 Sentiasa terkurung dalam permusuhan atas jenayah yang dilakukan oleh British 12:57 Jumpa lagi lain kali 12:59 Terima kasih kerana menonton video ini 13:00 Video ini merupakan bahagian pertama dari kerjasama dua bahagian 13:03 antara saya dan Sejarah Hikmah pergi ke salurannya untuk menonton videonya di bahagian India
@asresalim6145 4 жыл бұрын
Great to See A New Series. Your Middle East Series was Superb. Keep up the Good Work. May God Bless you.
@irvanfarasatha969 4 жыл бұрын
Love this channel. Educating contents packed in a beautiful way. Keep it up!
@chiefrabbi6735 2 жыл бұрын
British: can we rule your land, if we make you titular king Indians: oh yes definitely British: can you use this gun with cow/pig fat cartridge Indians: wait that's illegal
@fahadullahibnmahmoud4901 4 жыл бұрын
Another great video bro keep up the good work👍
@billbir6113 4 жыл бұрын
Another beautiful masterpiece.
@tristanthorburn8473 4 жыл бұрын
Awesome vid!
@sapnakhan7040 3 жыл бұрын
What an amazing channel. Well researched content. Much love from Pakistan. I always felt there is abundance of content for western philosophers but not much about the east. You did it bro.
@harkabirsingh1122 2 жыл бұрын
Yes he is the best Pakistani youtuber Love from India
@sanasama2209 4 жыл бұрын
One more master piece👌Proud of you bhaijaan
@blastoff2moon429 Жыл бұрын
Loved the video ❤️❤️
@kunalbadade7815 4 жыл бұрын
Salute to tatya tope who faught till 1859.He also fought when delhi, zansi, lakhnav all fell and all leaders of were dead or imprisoned.
@felixalmeida481 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely reliable, factual and, most important of all, your pronunciations of Indian names is remarkably authentic! What was most significant was that you concluded your narration by placing the crime of dividing the country right into the blood-stained hands of the british. It is imperative, in order to undo british colonial propaganda, to always refer to the division of the Great Subcontinent as the bRITISH Partition of India. The Great Subcontinent’s eminent Historiographer, Manan Ahmed Asif, has documented his research in his mind-opening book “The Loss of Hindustan, The Invention of India”. In it, he points out that the british Partition of India was begun even before they colonized it. First they colonized our history, by defining Hindus and Muslims as different people, then they colonized our country.
@arahman3809 4 жыл бұрын
It was neither war of independence nor Indian mutiny, rather it was uprising of 1857.
@bernardmcavoy1864 3 жыл бұрын
You are quite right. The uprising was by no means a war of independence. This is Indian Nationalist revisionist history.
@vibhavdeshpande8196 3 жыл бұрын
@@bernardmcavoy1864 It was a kind of Independence from British but not exactly in a modern Indian sense. But it's not difficult to see why Indian nationalists have projected it as a war of Independence. If you read Savarkar's "1857 Indian War of Independence" it will be very clear. Apart from being a history book, it was clearly written with a purpose to instigate Indian revolutionaries against the British. The idea was to instigate reballion within British Indian Army like in 1857 to secure Independence for India.
@yogeshjog6072 3 жыл бұрын
@@vibhavdeshpande8196 are u of opinion that there was still no national (nationalistic-one nation) sense in then india ?
@vibhavdeshpande8196 3 жыл бұрын
@@yogeshjog6072 Yep. There wasn't. I mean there was a civilizational sense. But not a nationalistic sense. You just have to look at the geography over which the reballion was spread. Mostly northern India, UP, bengal, Bihar, etc. There was almost no reballion in South. Sikhs fought from the side of the British because they hated Mughals more than they hated British, Nepal helped the British. There was no coherent response to British as one-nation from Indians. Compare that with later freedom struggle. All different movements. The revolutionaries were active throughout India, Congress presence was there throughout India and people from entire India joined into INA. So the feeling of nationalism had started to develope in 1857. But it had not fully developed in a modern political sense at that time.
@GrigRP 3 жыл бұрын
@@yogeshjog6072 There wasn't. No one called themselves Indian then. Only their state or ethnicity. India as one entity is a modern concept.
@SoMoh714 3 жыл бұрын
I'm from Barrackpore, westbengal, India ❤... near where mangal was hanged
@chiefrabbi6735 2 жыл бұрын
I am from Lucknow where we massacred British
@adibmdnoor8407 4 жыл бұрын
great work in the video man.. can i ask what reference did you use for islamic history..??
@rehanulhaq6285 4 жыл бұрын
thank you
@nehaabbasi5029 4 жыл бұрын
Woo..hooo .... very nice.....and good explanation.... i appreciate
@ShinAgro 4 жыл бұрын
Can (auto-generated) subtitles be added for this? It's not that I can't understand you, it's just a PITA to be multitasking at the same moment and have to rewind if I missed just a second or two of your speech :( Love your content though!
@AlMuqaddimahYT 4 жыл бұрын
Haha, sorry. I am working on the subtitle but can't finish it today. You're gonna have to make do.
@captainflirt1848 2 жыл бұрын
Fantastic vedio.
@omaronnyoutube 3 жыл бұрын
MALAY SUBTITLES Part 2 of 3 04:39 ms53 04:40 Senapang sebahagian dari bulan ini harus ditawar cukup sebelum dimuat ke dalam senapang peluru sedang dibuat di India 04:46 Dan segera timbul desas-desus bahawa ia disapu dengan lemak haiwan khususnya lemak berasal dari lembu dan babi 04:51 Lembu suci dalam agama Hindu dan jadi tidak boleh dimakan dan babi adalah Haram dalam Islam sehingga mereka tidak boleh dimakan khabar angin itu benar 05:00 Walaupun pada Januari 1856, peluru itu bebas dari minyak, penduduk asli tidak dapat mengeluarkannya dari fikiran mereka 05:06 Ini dicampuradukkan dengan khabar angin bahawa Inggeris ingin mengambil alih nasib orang asli dan ingin menukarnya menjadi agama Kristian 05:12 Inggeris telah campur tangan dalam urusan agama tempatan dengan misalnya mengakhiri tradisi sati pembakaran janda dengan suami mereka yang mati 05:19 Oleh itu orang India memutuskan untuk mengambil sikap beberapa sumber mengatakan bahawa pemberontakan Mangal Pandey seperti yang mereka sebut 05:24 Itu adalah sebahagian daripada rancangan pemberontakan yang lebih besar 05:26 Tetapi Banda di bawah pengaruh punk mabuk memutuskan untuk melakukannya sendiri sebelum rakan-rakannya siap 05:32 Saya tidak pasti adakah ini benar, tetapi semasa saya mengikat darah pertama dan memulakan perang kemerdekaan 05:38 Banda ditangkap dan digantung pada bulan April pada bulan yang sama 05:41 Terdapat pelbagai pemberontakan yang lebih kecil di seluruh India di barak di Agra al-abaad dan Ambala 05:46 Terdapat pelbagai kes pembakaran namun mengakui ada kisah berbeza Kolonel kiri Britain di sana George 05:53 Carmichael Smith memerintahkan latihan latihan 05:56 Melibatkan kartrij baru semua kecuali lima tentera enggan melakukannya, mereka semua ditangkap dan dimasukkan ke dalam penjara 06:02 Sebanyak 10 tahun keesokan harinya keesokan harinya beberapa tentera India dari sekitar bandar yang diketuai oleh Kalvari ke-3 06:08 Memutuskan untuk memecah mereka sejak hari Ahad 06:10 Sebilangan besar pegawai kanan Britain menghadiri gereja panik pecah dan pemberontakan sedang berlangsung 06:16 Pemberontak menuju ke Delhi hanya 40 batu di sana. Mereka memanggil Bahadur Shah Zafar Kaisar Mughal untuk bergabung dengan mereka 06:22 Mereka juga membunuh sebilangan besar orang Eropah dan Kristian kerana mereka dapat menemukan pasukan yang lebih kecil dari dalam dan sekitar yang bodoh dan segera bergabung dengan mereka 06:30 Hampir semua orang di Delhi kini bersama pemberontak 06:32 Bagaimana tidak melihat pilihan selain bergabung dengan mereka juga 06:34 Dia mengadakan pengadilan untuk pertama kalinya dalam beberapa dekad dan itu mesti mendapat namanya 06:38 nama model masih banyak memberi makna kepada masyarakat India dan banyak orang berkumpul di bawah panji-panji mereka walaupun pada hakikatnya 06:44 Pemerintahan Kaisar Mughal meluas hampir ke tembok istananya 06:47 British mengumpulkan pasukan mereka dan melawan a 06:50 Sebilangan besar kekuatan mereka terdiri daripada enam dari Punjab enam orang ini 06:54 Mula-mula membenci model kerana orang-orang Mughal telah berusaha membunuh agama Sikh pada masa awalnya dengan membunuh pemimpin agama mereka 07:00 atau guru 07:01 Kedua, mereka membenci orang-orang Timur Bengali dan yang lain kerana telah menolong Inggeris mengalahkan Empayar Sikh Khalsa 07:07 Pemberontak berjaya mendorong British ke pelbagai lokasi pada mulanya seperti Haryana dan Bihar 07:12 Tetapi mereka tidak memiliki kepemimpinan yang tepat walaupun secara teknis mereka semua berada di bawah komando maharaja Mughal 07:18 mereka bertindak seperti 07:19 pasukan bebas daripada bahagian tentera yang lebih besar 07:22 Pemimpin tempatan seperti Bach Khan dan laluan ke Lara dapat membimbing anak buahnya mencapai beberapa kemenangan 07:27 Tetapi mereka juga akhirnya dikalahkan Inggeris juga terlibat dalam Perang Krimea dengan Rusia pada masa itu 07:32 Mereka kurus dan mereka harus memanggil pasukan mereka dan mengumpulkan mereka di India 07:36 Memerlukan waktu sekitar dua bulan hingga saat itu pemberontak telah melakukan sejumlah besar kerusakan 07:40 tetapi tidak ada yang kekal pada bulan Jun gabungan pasukan Inggeris dan penyokong mereka yang merangkumi Principality of Kashmir dan the 07:46 Kerajaan bebas dari Nepal bertemu dengan pemberontak di Sarai tetapi bocor 7:50 pagi Pemberontak dikalahkan dan dipaksa kembali ke pengepungan Inggeris ke Delhi bermula pada awal bulan Julai 07:56 Mereka telah mengepung kota, tetapi pemberontak masih dapat mendapatkan bantuan dan bekalan 08:00 Pengepungan berlanjutan seperti ini sehingga pada 14 Ogos tentera Inggeris di Punjab memperkuatkan pengganas 08:06 Pemberontak menyedari bahawa mereka berada dalam masalah dan oleh itu mereka menawarkan syarat-syarat yang ditolak oleh pihak Inggeris di 08:12 September Inggeris terus menyerang bandar tersebut akhirnya mereka berjaya masuk ke bandar itu korbannya berat tetapi Inggeris berjaya 08:20 Mahadev Shah telah melarikan diri dari Benteng Merah yang ditangkap dari kubur itu pada 20 September 08:25 Anak-anak Hadassah dieksekusi di pintu berdarah Billy telah jatuh dan Empayar Mughal tiada lagi
@sharadowasdr 4 жыл бұрын
In the North the main power that existed after the Mughals were the Marathas under the Holkars not the Sikhs. The Sikhs only secured one relatively small area in the North West.
@AmanSingh-ke4zc 4 жыл бұрын
Before the British came to india the Marathas suffered heavy defeat against aghanistans abdali forces and they were declining .and Sikhs at that time got stronger and captured some aghan Durrani Empire territories like kashmir ,punjab and peshwar so they were powerful when British started to colonies india
@kshitijs2041 3 жыл бұрын
@@AmanSingh-ke4zc yes offcourse. But Sikhs were strong only in north west Frontier side. In rest of India, Maratha did retained their power. After Third battle of Panipat, Peshwa Madhavrao did tried to restore the strength and glory of Marathas. Holkars in north and Sindhiyas in Gwalior, Gaikwars In baroda and western India and Peshwas in Maharashtra n South did reatnied the power and had many successful campaign later 1761. Brits had to play internal politics and fought 3 battles to lessen the power of Marathas finally. On the other hand, after death of Ranjit Singh any Punjab, Brits had to put hardly in efforts to finish the Sikh kingdom. Rather Tipu Sultan gave more fight to Brits.
@akshaysudhi8706 2 жыл бұрын
@@AmanSingh-ke4zc even after the third battle of panipat the Marathas were a strong force. It was only with the second Anglo Maratha war that their power faded.
@AmanSingh-ke4zc 2 жыл бұрын
@@akshaysudhi8706 yes i know that after Battle of Panipat they again reached gates of Delhi .
@chiefrabbi6735 2 жыл бұрын
@@AmanSingh-ke4zc Marathas were ruling central and south India.
@connectedhistories5587 3 жыл бұрын
Totally agree with the issue of nomenclature. Because 1) the concept of India (pan Indian nation) wasn't formed yet and 2) there were other wars of independence by Polygars, Odia groups, Keralite kingdoms and so on. But yes, this was the biggest one.
@GanzotheSecond Күн бұрын
an alt history on if the revolt had won would be very interesting
@sharadowasdr 4 жыл бұрын
The war in Central india had no link with the Mughals, Nana Saheb was even crowned Peshwa by the trio lead by Rani Laxmi Bai and Tantya Tope. Nana Saheb was the last peshwa.
@None-wi2co 3 жыл бұрын
Lots of wrong info. Princely states were never dismantled or abolished after 1857/1858. There were 565 Princely States when British left in 1947. In 1793 British took control over former Mughal provide of Bengal-Bihar. It took them nearly more than 100 years to capture many others parts of South Asia. In 1947 before their departure, British controlled around 49% of territory of India. Rest were autonomous Princely states (vassal sates) , who thru alliance with the British retained their autonomy.
@faheemfaisal4406 2 жыл бұрын
The first rebellion was the fakir mutiny or the darwish Mutiny started from bengal. But the sepoy mutiny also started from the berakpur Cantonment of bengal. On that time many muslim soldiers of british navy were hanged on the bank of brahmaputra. And many muslim soldiers of bengal regiment were hanged on Victoria park in Dhaka which is now known as Bahadur Shah park.
@suadrifkoplak 4 жыл бұрын
Great work, and maybe i suggest like why South East Asian is rapidly islamizing just 1 century in 16th century
@saqibkhan2908 4 жыл бұрын
Love your videos, great videos 👍, I wish I can contribute to your efforts, can I be of help anyhow ?? I’m a history major
@darkwi90 3 жыл бұрын
Video on tipu sultan
@sharadowasdr 4 жыл бұрын
You miss out the fact that most of India did not take part in this North and Central Indian uprising. there were numerous mutinous acts before Mangal Pandey, once in Orissa and another time in Vellore. Extremely low pay was another factor beside just the greased musket balls. Point is, there were material reasons too beside the religious and cultural ones, behind the soldiers' mutinying.
@apostolispouliakis7401 3 жыл бұрын
Having grown up and lived in Eastern and Southern Europe all my life I can tell you that there is not a single memo in our school books about Indian history except that one time we almost campaigned against them
@jurtra9090 3 жыл бұрын
@jhonshephard921 3 жыл бұрын
Europe outside of the British has little presence. There was Portugal in Goa and the French and Americans were briefly allied with Tipu Sultan and his father. I don't think other foreigners had anything to do with India until the Free Indian Army which was helped by World War 2 Japan. Also fun fact, when Gene Rodenberry was on a flight from Karachi which crashed when he thought of the idea of Star Trek.
@Ivan39 4 жыл бұрын
Guys Im currently fixing the subtitles XD It'll be done soon, then u all can enjoy these video better with better subtitles :D
@kidszone.108 3 жыл бұрын
When you will create videos on Ottoman Empire
@johnkilmartin5101 4 жыл бұрын
Really great summary of the conflict! I have read five or six books all by Europeans with varying degrees of racism e.g. Mandy Pandy is the name used. None of them gave context to the Sikh involvement. The only point I might have added was that of paramountcy being a factor in the motivation of some of the Princely state involvement.
@sumitsingh7835 3 жыл бұрын
Actually Sikh Kingdom disintegrated after death of Maharaja Ranjit Singh and then The British Conquered Punjab region. The same Sikhs who were serving Sikh empire now recruited by The British and were used in supressing 1857 revolt
@quiasnoorzad 3 жыл бұрын
@@sumitsingh7835 sad! Instead just imagine if the sikhs didn’t Join the British colonialism empire and instead resisted colonialism and kept fighting for its independence?!
@bhanupratap1063 3 жыл бұрын
@@quiasnoorzad Maharaja Ranjit Singh plan was to unify India and Establish Khalsa rule all over the country but his uncle betrayed him and joined with britishers and didnt let him expand south of Sutlej River.
@quiasnoorzad 3 жыл бұрын
@@bhanupratap1063 no sadly that’s not true. Sikhs actually always sided with the British colonialism empire in india. Even ranjit Singh joined the British colonialism empire invasion in Afghanistan and elsewhere in india
@scott2452 3 жыл бұрын
Overall a decent summary. No explanation would be complete without discussing the Doctrine of Lapse though. You also made a small error in saying the Crimean War was ongoing (it had already ended). I’d like to see a source behind saying “the rumours were true”...the sources I’ve seen show the British made every effort to allay concerns; from tours of the factories, to waxed instead of greased cartridges & allowing sepoys to tear, rather than bite. It’s also a bit generous to Nana Sahib to say the Ghat Massacre at Kanpur wasn’t a planned betrayal. Numerous British and loyal sepoys were executed as they marched to the river & I can think of no innocent explanation for why artillery was in place to fire on the boats.
@rafaelbrgnr 4 жыл бұрын
Where are the subtitles?
@jurtra9090 3 жыл бұрын
Anyone wants to play Empire: Total War?
@diboriz6219 4 жыл бұрын
Please do video about Delhi Sultanate and Muhgal Sultanate.
@godfather2415 3 жыл бұрын
Correction :(first war of independance) 1817-Palki rebellion, Odisha 1847-renadu rebillion, Andhra pradesh
@stevenwheeler5324 3 жыл бұрын
You cant have a rebellion when its against a private company so it was called a mutiny. When the crown took over and replaced the company then it would be a rebellion. It's just because of British protocol and British law it's not classed as a rebellion.
@sharadowasdr 4 жыл бұрын
What's wrong with just calling it the Indian rebellion ?
@smitaju 3 жыл бұрын
One video on conversion happened in India during moughal rule. How Mughal emperors harassed common people. Brutal killing happened in Koorg and Mysore by Tipu sultan.
@billyb6001 4 жыл бұрын
Its funny watching this after a talk about how much the indians love pg wodehouse
@ralphmathid2141 3 жыл бұрын
Why isn't South India included in history , i mean South indians conquered srilanka Phillipines and noone knows this and i wish you could make a video about this
@SagnikSanyal88 2 ай бұрын
Good video, however; I have to make one very important correction..... The Crimean war ended in 1856..... by 1857 India housed the bulk of Crimean war veterans as a peace posting because of which many of them brought their families along with them...when the rebellion broke off the mutineers actually faced off these veterans of Crimean war.
@lastword8783 4 жыл бұрын
RIP to all the heroes of the uprising.
@Red-hh7dm 3 жыл бұрын
you mean the men who butchered women and children? yeah real heroes
@lastword8783 3 жыл бұрын
@@Red-hh7dm yes real heroes aren't paragons of virtue. You think the heroes that society adores these days didn't kill women and children in World War 2? You think all the women and children magically weren't present when they fire bombed dresden? how many women and children did the British kill in their colonial fuckery? They don't even count on the pages of history.
@sumitsingh7835 3 жыл бұрын
Indian States(Ruled by Indian native rulers ) helped The British in supressing the 1857 revolt. State of Patiala, State of Hyderabad,Rajputana State, State of Jammu&Kashmir, State of Gwalior and many more( sides with The British )
@ibrahimkalmati9379 3 жыл бұрын
it more like uprising then rebellion
@divyankchhetri7068 4 жыл бұрын
hey.... please make video on delhi sultanate and mughal empire
@jacaranda5794 2 жыл бұрын
Hey dude I think the map is wrong, the British didn't take Nepal ig Nice video tho
@arunabhadas8799 4 жыл бұрын
3:40 Not higher caste, British recruitment was from "Marshal race" which is punjabi,
@muhammadtayyab8874 4 жыл бұрын
Actually, the martial race theory was developed AFTER the mutiny. While it did include "races who were physically gifted", it is also important to know that the other trait which the British included in a martial race was servitude. Loyal servants. Punjabi, Sikhs, Rajputs, Gurkhas, etc while fighters, were also believed to be less likely of rebelling.
@sumitsingh7835 3 жыл бұрын
It was created by The British , martial race was based on castes (it was deliberately done) Now after 1857 Bengali, Bihari,Awadhi soldier recruitment declined because they took part in 1857 revolt.
@quiasnoorzad 3 жыл бұрын
@@muhammadtayyab8874 that’s true! The marshal race was BS propaganda to make Indians feel good about joining the British colonialism empire!
@bhinbhinkaka6514 2 жыл бұрын
Original Martial race were Upper caste Brahmin and Rajputs of Awadh and bhojpur. Its only due to mutiny of 1857 their requirement was reduced and to counter Russians and Nepoleon their requirement ground moved to Punjab and Himalayan Hill states
@satyanaik3521 4 жыл бұрын
What was the intention to go directly to 1947 and saying that most of the kasmhiris wanted to join pakistan ...this video is made few days after india abolished art 307..
@AlMuqaddimahYT 4 жыл бұрын
You can use the link in the description to see the video about 1947.
@yogeshjog6072 3 жыл бұрын
PaKistani propaganda is the intention 😀🙈
@smitaju 3 жыл бұрын
@@AlMuqaddimahYT one video on Kashmi Hindu macscare pls
@bhinbhinkaka6514 2 жыл бұрын
@Satya Naik It's a Muslim channel so they focus on Kashmir, even tho it has nothing to do with freedom movement.
@SuperSanic.. 2 жыл бұрын
@@smitaju it happened in the 90s while kashmir has been bleeding since 47
@NarutoDora 3 жыл бұрын
I think Madras Regiments were loyal to British as far as i Know didn't participate in Rebelion .. One of main reason for Failure of Rebelion is naming Mughal as Emperor.. It took centuries to decimate Mughals just to Delhi by Natives (Both Hindus and Ancient Muslims) who the Hell wants Mughals in Power again. Even Indian Muslims Consider Mughals as Foreigners.
@sadshitpoorpoop 3 жыл бұрын
When you read too much bjp rss history, that is exactly the conclusion you draw. It was never about hindu muslim back then. Standing under the banner of a mughal was the only sensible option. Even though the then emperor was basically powerless outside his castle and was somewhat forced/coerced to stand up to the british. After americans and some european countries I believe India to have the most brainwashed people and fabricated historical material even.
@jauzihalwa 3 жыл бұрын
Please makes videos on the Deccan and the Indian invasion of Hyderabad!
@sumitsingh7835 3 жыл бұрын
😂😂 Huderabad was not always an independent state it was under Mughals. And Nizam were governors appointed by Mughal Emperor. Nizams were officials of Mughals that's it. Huderabad remained there even after Mughals declined because The first Nizam (Nizam u Mulk Asaf jaha) was shrewd he played Maratha Sardars against Maratha Empire and he also checked Mysore State. But after his death , Hyderabad was defeated many times, conspiracies by power hungry nobles started at court. Finally The Nizam decided to save his position by signing subsidiary alliance with the British.
@jauzihalwa 3 жыл бұрын
@@sumitsingh7835 okay??? Can they still make the video lmfao
@nazeershk2 3 жыл бұрын
why there no name of tippu sultan in indian british history...?
@leanderbarreto6523 3 жыл бұрын
India will reunite one day
@apooru241 4 жыл бұрын
The potrait is not of nana saheb but kunwar singh
@gtanj 3 жыл бұрын
0:07 Mangal Pandey was not intoxicated, he discovered the British use of beef and pork fat in cartridge seals which could only be opened using one's mouth. It incensed Hindus and Muslims alike, it was and is considered quite disgusting in India. 0:18 That was the Sepoy mutiny. The warrior classes in India had seen a lot of power shift. Most warriors would not look to take up a different profession, they would serve any master. The British came in as traders initially but when their evil designs became clearer, people realized their guild and revolts were a natural consequence. 2:35 India is a spiritual land, radical religion has no place here. You have no idea how terribly a radical version of Islam was imposed upon the people of India. 9:07 A British design, a complete parallel to what they did in the Americas, Australia and New Zealand.
@kingmaker5602 3 жыл бұрын
@gtanj 3 жыл бұрын
@@kingmaker5602 Is that your middle name?
@Red-hh7dm 3 жыл бұрын
liar, those "rebels" raped and slaughtered women and children
@user-tn7kl3sq2r 3 жыл бұрын
what’s a cartridge seal?
@NaveenKumar-lb5cx 3 жыл бұрын
Sorry for complaining. But Vellore Mutiny predates this by half a century.
@matthewmann8969 4 жыл бұрын
It is a great debate whether Arabs or Europeans did more harm to The Indian Subcontinent even today
@MS-qd1jj 4 жыл бұрын
Or... you know India itself 😂
@MS-qd1jj 4 жыл бұрын
@Wargolldur Deva he was talking about races not religions, India would have never got this far without its muslims and hundreds of thousands of indians find employment in the Arab gulf, so its pretty fair to say Europeans and the truth is they've never got what they deserved. No karma in that.
@MS-qd1jj 4 жыл бұрын
@Wargolldur Deva they can't dispel Israel, because of the same reasons you can't dispel Pakistan. Nukes.
@MS-qd1jj 4 жыл бұрын
@Wargolldur Deva take a look at Indonesia, turkey, saudi, Pakistan and egypt combined their forecasts top indias
@MS-qd1jj 4 жыл бұрын
@Wargolldur Deva islam never lost its heartland in last 1400 years. India did multiple times. Noone exploited India more than the Europeans
@Torag55 4 жыл бұрын
Really low move on the British adding cow or pig fat to the ammo cartridges.
@Red-hh7dm 3 жыл бұрын
the rebels literally raped and slaughtered women and children and all you care about is grease? which was removed anyway?
@ibrahimkhaleelulla8460 3 жыл бұрын
Nice documentary. But you did not talk about Hazrat Tippu Sultan. His contribution was also significant.
@yogeshjog6072 3 жыл бұрын
Wrong period man. He existed n perished 100 yrs before.
@sumitsingh7835 3 жыл бұрын
He came to the picture in late 18 th century. He managed to survive in the face his enemies The British , Hyderabad, Marathas. But eventually he died while fighting ,he did significant stuff as well.
@araibirshad8294 3 жыл бұрын
He was active in an earlier period, not during this time.
@sharadowasdr 4 жыл бұрын
There were probably equal number of Gurkhas to Sikhs on the British side.
@quiasnoorzad 3 жыл бұрын
No actually the majority were sikhs
@deepansharekere4486 3 жыл бұрын
Mangal Pandey was not intoxicated when he fired the shot The author of the book (who's name I don't remember) was sued in the Indian supreme court and later he had to apologise and rewrite the book but by then most people had already read the book and the misinformation spread
@Red-hh7dm 3 жыл бұрын
@demiansolis 3 жыл бұрын
Hi. I am from Mexico. I just wanted to let you know that I like your channel enormously. I am passionate about the Arab/Muslim cultures. I found this video particularly interesting because. I always wondered how it was possible that a tiny island like the UK had conquered such a huge subcontinent like India. I'd love to see you make a video about Andalusia. The Mexican culture is heavily influenced by the Arab Andalusian culture, even if the regular Mexican is unaware of that. Thanks
@jhonshephard921 3 жыл бұрын
That explains why some Mexican food in the US is similar to Indian/Pakistani food. I don't think there is any difference between a soft tortilla and roti and there is a lot of similar taste and spice profiles.
@pax4370 4 жыл бұрын
Kya hota, agar Hindustan, miljul kar rah pata. Shayad humlog dunya ka sabse influencial country me se ek hote 🤔
@rohandalvi6476 3 жыл бұрын
Aaj bhi agar reh paye saath toh badi kamiyabi hogi
@AayanKhattak 3 жыл бұрын
The indian subcontinent has always been important in politics. But only when there is 1 power (i.e Maurya, Mughals, Gupta, Ghurids). Unfortunately unless this new india is EXTREMELY secular i don't think this would happen.
@bhanupratap1063 3 жыл бұрын
@@AayanKhattak also the Chola Dynasty they made India Naval Superpower and also conquered South-East Asia but it is underrated
@bhinbhinkaka6514 2 жыл бұрын
Kya chityapa hai. Europeans koun sa mil Jul ke rehte the. India main hi French,Britishers aur Dutch ladte rehte the.
@MRconfusedboy 2 жыл бұрын
holy damn i didnt know they used to burn widows with their dead husbands, can you imagine
@thispodcastisnotimportant6667 4 жыл бұрын
1857: Indians be like. Britbongs get out!
@Red-hh7dm 3 жыл бұрын
yeah and then slaughter there women and children, yeah!! go rebels!
@ghazalsuna9861 4 жыл бұрын
Do a video on Aurangzeb Alamgir.
@mujii_22 4 жыл бұрын
Imagine if this happened during ww1, or even ww2 from the discontent of broken promises sad that the mughals died out
@ramraghuwanshi2562 3 жыл бұрын
They were long dead before this.. Maratha and sikh were the biggest in 1857
@hirenahir76200 Жыл бұрын
Bengali sultan:i am declaring myself independent on this mughal maratha clash Mughal,maratha:do you know how to stay independent Bengali sultan 5 minutes later: proceed to loose to British💀
@KingIjazMalik 4 жыл бұрын
@MetatronsRevenge613 2 жыл бұрын
3:31 because Bengalis were constantly starving due to Raj policies
@SouthRoyal 4 жыл бұрын
Will you please make video on how Aryan people came to India and history of Dravidian people.
@drag0nwolf Жыл бұрын
The only video on this channel that's not biased. The rest.....despite claims of being unbiased.....try to gloss over the Islamic bigotry against other religions.
@magma9000 Жыл бұрын
Fuck off keyboard warrior
@KingIjazMalik 4 жыл бұрын
@NarutoDora 3 жыл бұрын
Rebels should have allied with another Ruler like Marathas or Sikh Empire or Even any Small Kingdoms.. Fighting a Sikh regiment is Almost Losing war.
@quiasnoorzad 3 жыл бұрын
Did you listen to the whole video? The sikh were destroyed by the British after 2 wars and the sikhs all joined the British colonialism empire and even helped the British colonialism empire in fighting against fellow Indians and always took the British colonialism side! Even ranjit Singh son when he grew up in Britain he tried making a secret deal with Russia if they helped him get Punjab back he’ll help the Russians to get all of India for their themselves!
@VK-wf9qe 4 жыл бұрын
You got to do a video on Islamic invasions of India. It would explain why many Hindus still have resentment towards Islam. Also many were converted forcibly through jihad. This would help for a better discussion and understanding between Muslims and Hindus. I truly trust you that you will be unbiased with this. This would help south Asians as a whole. You did miss out the fact that before Islam Kashmiris were Hindu. 800 years of Islamic rule has wiped out most of the Hindu culture in northern and western India and Islamified them through conquest and force. The decedents have forgotten their ancestral roots. Same thing happened to the pathans in Afghanistan. They were pagans and many were Hindus.
@aayushigoyal8337 4 жыл бұрын
This channel only knows to support their religion. With manipulative facts, presenting invaders as great leaders. How far can you go?
@quiasnoorzad 3 жыл бұрын
The afghans before Islam were Zoroastrian and Hindu/Buddha people from india traveled to Afghanistan for economic purposes and some afghans converted to Hindu religion that’s how you got Hindu in Afghanistan but when Alexander the Great reached Afghanistan he mentioned in his letter to his mom that the people of this land majority practice a religion called Zoroastrian and they had some of the most exotic eye colors that Alexander had seen. But there were already thousands of Hindu people from india that traveled to Afghanistan. Also there were Jews there as well
@bhanupratap1063 2 жыл бұрын
@@quiasnoorzad Pakhtuns were Hindus. Panini was a Hindu Pakhtun from Charsadda (Pushkalavati). Afridis were Hindus they were known as Apariti.
@quiasnoorzad 2 жыл бұрын
@@bhanupratap1063 what difference does it make???!
@Ma_ksi 4 жыл бұрын
Actually the widow burning was already ended by some of the previous rulers
@Red-hh7dm 3 жыл бұрын
no it wasn't
@quiasnoorzad 3 жыл бұрын
The Muslims tried ending it so I believe that the British colonialism empire finally put an end to it
@None-wi2co 4 жыл бұрын
Lots of misinformation. Princely states were never abolished. There were 565 Princely states in 1947.
@SadaqatAli-ei5rd 2 жыл бұрын
so Punjabi blood is traitor to their land proud of martyers love from Pakistan
@SadaqatAli-ei5rd 2 жыл бұрын
@@hassankamboh8866 All punjabis are one punjabis are not muslims at all 🙃
@chiefrabbi6735 2 жыл бұрын
British abolished caste system. Had Indian mutiny succeeded, lower castes would still be slaves.
@anitathakur9340 2 жыл бұрын
Souce: trust me bro
@Indian_Marschall Жыл бұрын
British farts This guy : they are very good at creating music
@cameronhansen2306 2 жыл бұрын
Great Britain eh 🤷‍♂️
@peterchaloner2877 6 күн бұрын
Sepoys' Indian Mutiny-- disgraceful. Ungrateful traitors.
@amer_freestyle1143 4 жыл бұрын
Panjeet Ranjeet
@takshashila2995 4 жыл бұрын
Muhammed Ali ,ali Muhammad
@catalinsoare1261 4 жыл бұрын
What can a drunken guy do?
@devapala879 4 жыл бұрын
"mostly because these higher castes were always fighting each other...." doesn't sound like a well-researched statement in a video that I would otherwise rate well for the difficult job of condensing a complicated political situation into a few minutes. Like, which groups specifically? what battles did they fight? and why would the British recruit them if they couldn't function together as an army? I think you are referring to the "Purabiyas" (literally, Easterners) or the Brahmins-Bhumihars from the Bhojpuri belt, and it would be interesting to know how the East India Bengal Regiment came to be dominated by them.
@sharadowasdr 4 жыл бұрын
The fall of the Mughals began with the beginning of the 18th century, they were already supplanted by the Marathas by the 1737 (Battle of Delhi) the Mughals were their tributaries and then protectorate. They were SUBORDINATE to the Marathas. They were the dominant force before the British took over.
@wizardmongol4868 4 жыл бұрын
lol Mughals cucked the entire subcontinent and you're celebrating the scarps have you forgotten that the maraths got cucked by their own vassals in just 50 years time and then became British bootlickers lol
@kingmaker5602 3 жыл бұрын
@vixenjl Жыл бұрын
There was a great Muslim ruler of South India.he was known as the Tiger of Mysore.i'm sure you've heard of him.he fought 3 wars with the British.why don't you make a video of him...if you can.let's see if you can make an unbiased opinion of his you did of Aurangzeb.
@zaynkhan3431 2 жыл бұрын
British ended sati that's the only good thing they did
@leanderbarreto6523 3 жыл бұрын
Time to join Kashmir with Punjab again
@sumitsingh7835 3 жыл бұрын
Kashmir was not part of Punjab. What are you talking about. I mean one dynasty becomes powerful it captures the other. The same way Punjab was conquered by The British in 1849. Kashmir is culturally, linguistically, historically different from Punjab.
@bhanupratap1063 3 жыл бұрын
@Free Kashmir from Indian occupation you Muslims are not original Kashmiris fake kashmiri Kashmir is the land of Maharishi Kashyapa and Land of Hinduism Original kashmiri are Hindus
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