Is the Promise of Xbox Game Pass Over? | Unpacked

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Second Wind

24 күн бұрын

Xbox doesn't seem to know what direction it wants to go in.
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@LordHonkInc 22 күн бұрын
Hi-Fi Rush wasn't just good, it won 5 awards and was nominated for another 19. They "sold" (i.e. including game pass) more than 3 million copies in six months, on a new IP in what was supposed to be a niche market. Closing a studio like that is insane.
@user-Cata7sti7ma7 22 күн бұрын
If the competant people of the studio leaved the studio for doing thier own stuff or going on more interresing project for them. then the closure of those studio without competant people anymore make sense. Its like Konami without Kojima. thier are shit doing nothing good since thier lost thier only competent writer and lead devs. We know as fact that Tango was lacking Workforce for a sequel and also that Arkane Austin lost the majority of his devs directly after the release of prey and even more during the developpement of RedFall. when you stop thinking about the Logo and the name and what actual matter aka the People behind it. you know why these studio as been close.
@Deviraux 22 күн бұрын
@@user-Cata7sti7ma7 I very much agree with that being a possibility. Either way though xbox handled it badly. If the devs really did go of their own accord why didnt they tell us that? Corps LOVE covering their ass and shifting the blame. I sometimes wonder if they even know how to do anything else tbh.
@JacksonJinn 22 күн бұрын
And this was done on *zero* promotion from the company or publisher! ZERO! Same day announcement and release! That's not to say promotion makes a game *better,* it doesn't, but it pushes it into the headspace and interest of people who might otherwise miss it or be unable to plan a purchase around it. Hi-Fi Rush was so damn good it achieved *all that* without a dime spent on getting in front of people! Microsoft treated it like an indie title not worth 5 seconds on the backroll of a Nintendo Direct and it still made Game of the Year status for so many! *And they still decided to kill off Tango!*
@NYKevin100 22 күн бұрын
@@Deviraux Because if they did that, then the journalists would quickly move to the "where are they now?" question, and that means coverage of Microsoft's competitors.
@krookedvulture 22 күн бұрын
Doesn't matter to Microsoft if a game is good or not. They're only interested in "high impact" games. Games like Hi Hi and Hellblade don't move the needle for Microsoft's aims.
@paulseager9737 22 күн бұрын
The answer from Xbox’s head just there was the most non answer I’ve ever heard. They’ve messed up with Game Pass and they know it.
@RomaraAhallow 22 күн бұрын
It was legitimately upsetting to listen to.
@GeoToni13 22 күн бұрын
Honestly she could become a politician for that answer! Or none answer I should say.
@xsanguine8 22 күн бұрын
She said more than any politician would, and some of it was from the heart even. The problem is in the information she managed to get out, while under her company restraints, that success and failure for a game company are not things you would recognize if you're looking at it from the outside, and that it could be different for each company/studio.
@GC13 22 күн бұрын
What that answer desperately needed was a followup question. "If it's different for every studio, let's put aside generalities and focus on Tango. What went wrong with them? What could have stopped them from being closed?" She wouldn't have answered of course, but it'd be very telling when she didn't.
@chrismcelligottpark6416 22 күн бұрын
My guess is “we didn’t see how we could make as much money as we want from the thing they’re working on now,” whatever that project is. It’s not about past performance. It’s about “what are you doing for me next, and what’s my confidence you’ll succeed at that?” I think it was a terrible move and the closures are upsetting, don’t get me wrong. But when trying to understand the lens through which managers making decisions, I think this is the only one they use. Which is not a good thing.
@manvslife271 22 күн бұрын
Classic tech business manuever: Have so much money from the start that you can afford to operate on a loss to corner a market and gain lots of users and kill off competition, and then heavily monetize those users to start making profits who no longer have other options as the competition died off.
@nohbuddy1 22 күн бұрын
Smells like Amazon
@guus19900 22 күн бұрын
The existence of indie games compeletely ruins that strategy though. They'd somehow need to control all publishing, rather than all development. Because you will never be able to control all development,
@gutsmasterson2488 22 күн бұрын
@@guus19900 if the rumor is true about Microsoft buying Valve, they could control publishing. But that’s unlikely for a number of reasons.
@kringhetto 22 күн бұрын
Remember Walmart Rollbacks?
@anthonywheeler2082 22 күн бұрын
Wal Mart did the same thing.
@jacksonjabba 22 күн бұрын
The comedy of Sarah bond talking about how hard it is while the camera man pans to the massive Xbox growth in the background.
@TediI47 22 күн бұрын
Just had a solid laugh at your post dude, incredibly cynical.
@tetchedskate3366 22 күн бұрын
She was basically saying what the chart was showing us, just was trying to sugar coat it as much as possible, because she knows she can’t just say “we did it for money”
@skeletor8951 22 күн бұрын
That cameraman is a goddamn hero.
@Robstafarian 22 күн бұрын
That was a cut to a different camera, implying that the director made the call.
@mrshmuga9 19 күн бұрын
I can’t read the timeline but I’m pretty sure that huge boost is because they bought Activision so their profit is “Xbox’s” profit.
@jcace13 22 күн бұрын
I’d I were that interviewer, I would’ve asked the same question again immediately afterwards because it wasn’t even remotely answered.
@ralphengland8559 22 күн бұрын
It was a poorly framed question. It allowed for a very general answer. What was needed was a follow-up. Something like, "Yes, but why Tango rather than any other studio? What confidence can gamers have that their favorite studios won't be closed after making a successful game?"
@JacobPaul-ix7oc 22 күн бұрын
Interviewers are given a script they must adhere to. The "free press" has been bought and paid for, nothing more than propaganda machines and gate keepers. From the 1773 Rothschild Plan 12. Use the Press for propaganda to control all outlets of public information, while remaining in the shadows, clear of blame. 14. Create financial panics. Use hunger to control to subjugate the masses. 15. Infiltrate Freemasonry to take advantage of the Grand Orient Lodges to cloak the true nature of their work in philanthropy. Spread their atheistic-materialistic ideology amongst the "Goyim" (gentiles). 17. Use systematic deception, high-sounding phrases and popular slogans. “The opposite of what has been promised can always be done afterwards... That is of no consequence.” 19. Masquerade as political, financial and economic advisers to carry out our mandates with Diplomacy and without fear of exposing “the secret power behind national and international affairs.” 20. Ultimate world government is the goal. It will be necessary to establish huge monopolies, so even the largest fortunes of the Goyim will depend on us to such an extent that they will go to the bottom together with the credit of their governments on the day after the great political smash.” 21. Use economic warfare. Rob the "Goyim" of their landed properties and industries with a combination of high taxes and unfair competition.
@doingithigh7235 21 күн бұрын
I would have just told her that if she didn't want to answer the question to just say so.
@SageofStars 22 күн бұрын
Effectively, they're looking at THIS quarter's profit margins, ignoring that next quarter they now will have that fewer games coming out, meaning fewer sales, which means even smaller margins, which they'll blame on a flagging game market, no matter HOW said market is actually doing.
@MangoMotors 22 күн бұрын
And this is ever so much more frustrating because Microsoft could take this hit and not even flinch. These tech companies are showing growing stock value, but are doing layoffs? Make it make sense
@Azerkeux 22 күн бұрын
@@MangoMotors Profit is not enough, it's about growth. If you make the same amount you made last year you are 'failing' in the eyes of investors doesn't matter if that profit is measured in the hundreds of billions, needs to be trillions to make wallstreet happy.
@JacksonJinn 22 күн бұрын
@@Azerkeux And that's the point. An investor is not about profits, they've *never* been about profits. They've been about *growth.* Specifically growth since they invested, since that's what makes them more money. The South Sea Trading Company bubble is a phenomenally stupid example of this, with the short form being "a company is more valuable to investors if it looks like it's making money than if it *is* making money."
@krookedvulture 22 күн бұрын
Whatever impresses the shareholders at the *_next_* quarterly business call right? ... all this talk about sustainable growth is farcical.
@MangoMotors 22 күн бұрын
@@Azerkeux jokes on you. they won't even be happy with trillions. I mean look at apple/ you need infinite nonstoppoing growth
@Zelager 22 күн бұрын
I cancelled Game Pass this month after hearing about the studio closures. I realized I was paying Microsoft instead of the studios who were making the games I wanted to play. A subscription model doesn’t make sense for the way I play games, I end up paying months of subscription for one or two games that would cost less to buy separately.
@happyspaceinvader508 22 күн бұрын
Same here. Took me a while to realise Gamepass is a false economy.
@cyanthrope 22 күн бұрын
I've only used gamepass as a free trial. But that's how I approach all subscription services. Like, no, photoshop, I will not be paying a recurring fee to license your program for ultimately far more than I would pay for a one-time copy of literally any editing software that allows one-time purchases. I refuse to give infinite money for finite products.
@Horvath_Gabor 22 күн бұрын
@@happyspaceinvader508 It works great if you have lots and lots of different games you want to play... but most people aren't like that. Add in the fact that more and more games are snaring people into live-service models, where one plays certain games daily to keep up with the new updates, and it means even the active gamers are getting less and less likely to branch out and play multiple games at the same time. It's just a no-win situation for GamePass.
@fal_pal_ 21 күн бұрын
Good on you for being this intentional, if only more ppl followed this mindset.
@roadtoau 21 күн бұрын
Sadly, in my country, the cost of a single AAA game would pay for 20 months of a Game Pass subscription. Next gen price adjustments have not been kind to countries like mine. Regional pricing seems to have gone out the window. Even with that insane value proposition though, I too let go of my Game Pass subscription. I found myself playing one Game Pass game a month, on a good month. There's a ton of games on Game Pass, but a subscription service needs a CRAP ton of options. And as big as Microsoft is, they can't offer that.
@foregone_roulette 22 күн бұрын
I always kind of thought that gamepass was a cynical move to pump Xbox's speculative value based on increasing subscriptions, but was assured that wasn't the case. Not happy to be proven right though
@Diphenhydra 22 күн бұрын
After seeing what happened to Netflix over time, it was very shocking for Microsoft to bill itself as the "Netflix for gaming."
@krookedvulture 22 күн бұрын
And I bet you got called a _"hater"_ a _"fanboy"_ a _"fearmonger"_ and other silly names just because you pointed out the obvious.
@spaceman_spiph6695 22 күн бұрын
Its funny how they claim video games are an art form, then remove the artists in favor of contractors and/or dont want to pay the directors to keep them. "Microsoft gaming" isnt xbox. Its a software company interested in keeping players playing whatever IP they can aquire, not making good games.
@AtillaTheSean 22 күн бұрын
This is why I've always been against the label of "content" in regards to actual art. Imo the point of the word has always been to devalue the effort required to create art and conflate it with all the slop on social media that exists only as attention-bait/rage-bait. It's intentionally dismissive language from the AI-art types who only care about aesthetics and their personal gain. It's just such a slippery slope: Is a painting in a gallery "content" if there's no pictures of it online? Is a nice meal "content"? Is every thought ever put to paper "content"? As somebody with immense respect for individuality and the human spirit, I think it's all a clear "no." But embracing the human element of art would be far too expensive of a pill for our agoraphobic tech-leaders to swallow.
@SimuLord 22 күн бұрын
@@AtillaTheSean On the contrary, I like the word "content", because anyone who uses it to describe what they put out is telling me in a single word that they don't value creative art. That's useful to me as a consumer and lets me confidently spend my money on someone else's work.
@anezay4987 22 күн бұрын
By golly, I'm starting to think that the infinite growth for shareholders economic model of Capitalism might not be good for video games. Just video games, nothing else. Don't look into that.
@twincherries6698 22 күн бұрын
Ah I remember high school, good times
@aetherbreak8070 22 күн бұрын
Being realistic, that's an unsustainable business model everywhere. Infinite growth in a finite market only exists in 1 place: medicine. And doctors call it cancer.
@cousinpatsey2471 22 күн бұрын
​@@twincherries6698 if you stopped thinking capitalism was bad after high school, you just got dumber as you got older.
@Robstafarian 22 күн бұрын
Capitalism is not good for creators or their customers; it only benefits exploiters.
@BradyRamaker 20 күн бұрын
​@twincherries6698 theyre correct, you're just in denial to the obvious elephant in the room
@CRL_One 22 күн бұрын
6:15 Such a corpo-speak non-answer, incredible.
@TonyOstrich 22 күн бұрын
It was so mealy mouthed. She should have really been grilled by the interviewer on it.
@Nuthouse01 20 күн бұрын
She actually did not address the question in the slightest
@scrub_jay 17 күн бұрын
@@Nuthouse01 She did actually, it was just a long-winded and unspecific "No."
@samleheny1429 22 күн бұрын
Just once, I want to see an interviewer say to their guest "You didn't answer my question."
@scrub_jay 17 күн бұрын
She did answer the question in a blustery way. The interviewer asked if critical success should ensure the future of a studio and Bond answered in a word salad version of "No."
@modelmajorpita 22 күн бұрын
executives view creating video games like an assembly line, where they can just layoff workers when they need to cut costs and then bring in new folks to work on the IPs later. But game devs aren't interchangeable, the skills and experience and ideas each person provides is unique.
@JacksonJinn 22 күн бұрын
Hence why the industry heads *loathe* big-name personalities and devs like Kojima. Some aren't as great as you'd hope outside of their original comfort zone (Inafune, Naka) but it's harder for corporate to shove out the door their developers once people know their names.
@SimuLord 22 күн бұрын
C-suite executives wouldn't know creativity if it bit them on the behind. They have little peanut brains that only know how to reduce things to arithmetic you can teach to a second-grader; anything requiring that unique spark of everything beautiful in humanity is alien to them. We keep talking about replacing jobs with AI, seems to me that we should start at the top because even a basic system any video game designer can cook up to lead troops in a single-player war game is better leadership than Corporate America's got.
@GreyWolfLeaderTW 22 күн бұрын
*Rolls eyes That is a massive assumption there. A unique personality (which really only actually means a one-off combination of widely seen individual personality traits) of a human creator doesn't translate to having skills/ideas no one else does/will have and doesn't mean they will create a good or service that has no near-peer, competitor, or imitator. Ideas are not "unique". There's pretty much no such thing as a new idea under the sun. Just new generations of people who are encountering ideas that are novel to them. Heck, 99% of what are called "new ideas" are actually two or more well-known existing ideas being mashed together.
@wintermute5974 22 күн бұрын
Game dev is probably more like a factory job than you think, but the thing about factory jobs is that you pick up a lot of practical know-how the longer you're there. It's called institutional knowledge, that's what tend to get lost in layoffs because it's a skill set that doesn't appear on spreadsheets.
@wintermute5974 22 күн бұрын
@@JacksonJinn That's objectively not true. Kojima fell out with Konami and immediately went out and got a vast amount of money from Sony who new his name was free marketing. Any dev noteable enough for you to have heard of is a marketing asset, and the industry loves that.
@BIGRED47 22 күн бұрын
Bonds reply to the closures was such a festering load of shit it made me gag
@JV-ll1cu 22 күн бұрын
But she is hot, though
@paulbennett2284 22 күн бұрын
@@JV-ll1cucasting couch hire?
@janematthews9087 22 күн бұрын
MS now intends to pivot into making CoD their premier "Exclusive"(whatever the hell that means) videogame they will port to every other console and PC moving forwards. Pretty soon, they'll make the same mistake ActiBlizz did and strip all their studios out of their identities and add them to growing faceless mobs in the CoD mines. Because that's what you do when you get CoD, apparently. Turn into a CoD machine.
@essneyallen6777 22 күн бұрын
I have said for years that corporate is just a universal paperclips engine. No thought, only maximization.
@jcace13 22 күн бұрын
They’re gonna have to sell a hell of a lot of COD to pay back that $70 billion.
@loveless131 22 күн бұрын
I hope they do port everything out. Their consoles suck now. There are some games I'd play, but nothing worth buying their obelisk over.
@AtillaTheSean 22 күн бұрын
That's a bold move on their part. I bought Hi-Fi Rush the moment I built my gaming PC but I have never bought a Call of Duty and never will. The whole series is like a flavorless beige paste. Not to mention trends are moving AWAY from competitive multiplayer. I can't picture this playing out as well as they think; they've clearly got the wrong people making decisions, but that's typical for an American corporation.
@mrECisME 22 күн бұрын
Activision has continually made record profits year on year for decades.
@jinxhijinx1768 22 күн бұрын
wow its almost as if shareholders don't know anything and should be ignored
@The_Jovian 22 күн бұрын
Fiduciary duty makes that impossible
@Y2K2PointO 22 күн бұрын
Just sit back, and let the well blow gold all over the place
@ThePlayerOfGames 22 күн бұрын
It's illegal to not make profit for shareholders in USA, they can literally take you to court for it Plus the entire C-suite is shareholders
@makoaki9071 22 күн бұрын
@@ThePlayerOfGames So eventually every business is going to commit crimes, because infinite growth is impossible?
@yracpontiferous4846 22 күн бұрын
⁠@@makoaki9071just publicly traded ones, and this isn’t a new phenomenon.
@razputinepanzerfaust 22 күн бұрын
The damage the decision to shut down Tango has done to Xbox’s reputation is astounding. To quote something I saw on Tumblr: “thank god I finally got rid of that damn goose laying all those golden eggs! Now I just have to wait for the cash to come rolling in.”
@mrshmuga9 19 күн бұрын
Tango was likely only moderately successful, and I doubt most of those “3 million players” were _payers._ That along with Starfield probably not being as big as Bethesda hoped, and Arlene Austin putting out two bombs, is probably what did it. MS/Xbox could’ve stepped in and at least saved Tango since they put out a recent hit that could bring in more attention in a sequel, but they take a hands-off approach to everything. Which defeats the purpose of signing up with a bigger company anyway.
@Lastkoss 22 күн бұрын
This video had the best statement. Make it make sense Microsoft.
@ge4029 22 күн бұрын
Ive heard the theory floating around that Microsoft hasn't promoted Hellblade 2 much in order to have an excuse to shut down Ninja Theory and that terrifies me.
@marwynthemasterful6369 22 күн бұрын
If you already plan to shut it down, why spend money on marketing? I see it advertised a lot on KZfaq though.
@mrECisME 22 күн бұрын
Hellblade was never going to be successful for its budget. Pumping money into a sequel for a game that had mid range pricing and mid budget and mixed reception is the most baffling thing Xbox has done. I say this as someone who thought Hellblade was one of.the best games recently.
@mrshmuga9 19 күн бұрын
@@mrECisMEIt’s funny because the team/director said they were proud of how they were able to make the original modest/cheap for a AA-AAA game. Now the budget is inflated at least x2 or x3 and not a whole lot to show. Looks better? Sure, but at what cost? Probably a lot of staff or maybe the studio. Watched someone stream it a bit and he said they dumbed it down from the original. Beating you over the head with “hints”, taking away control too frequently, even simpler combat, and apparently they’ll make you miss counters on purpose just to keep up tension. Could’ve been a modest feather in their cap, but now it’s an inflated mistake.
@hipsnowsis7374 22 күн бұрын
"Why did you close tango when it was so successful" "by redefining success"
@brunoberti8790 22 күн бұрын
The problem is that Xbox can't afford to be the good guys anymore. Xbox expenses were just a calculation error to Microsoft. That changed when they bought Bethesda and Activision. Now they have to cut costs and show they're profitable.
@awkwardcultism 10 күн бұрын
Xbox was never the good guys. Remember the Red Ring of Death?
@thecrabmaestro564 22 күн бұрын
Ive always been on the side of subscription services being bad. I hated it when play music was discontinued and forced me to subscribe to youtube music in order to listen to music I'd already bought. People are getting super annoyed about the whole "not owning the games you buy" thing but thats what subscriptions are - temporary library cards that can be revoked whenever the business feels like it or decides to stop providing that service. Games are not a service, they are art and they are products. You dont buy a monthly subscription to the painting you want to put on your wall or to your taps
@BadgunmusicII 22 күн бұрын
The ride’s almost over. I knew that as Gamepass became more and more like Netflix, the more it would be like how streaming services are now. They hook with high quality for the price then it eventually dwindles in its returns while increasingly becoming more expensive. Now that Xbox, scratch that, Microsoft leadership has shown how incompetent they are with the recent Tango games closer… it’s become obvious Phil doesn’t have the wheel as much as we probably want and he’ll be trapped in the train wreck too.
@onebear6504 22 күн бұрын
Gonna be playing a hater act here _-Or Phil was in it from the start and people just wanted to cling on something so he gave them the sweet words they wanna hear-_
@Thanatos2k 22 күн бұрын
Stop pretending like the current state of Xbox is not Phil's fault and things would be better if only they listened to him. He's been there for 10 years. He's a liar and has no idea what he's doing.
@MrInuhanyou123 22 күн бұрын
Phil pushed for the actiblizz deal. Stop cheerleading corporate PR people
@AtillaTheSean 22 күн бұрын
If I could get one piece of legislation passed today it would be to ban this exact scam of building services with unsustainable business models until your competition starves out, then you switch to a more predatory model once people have no other options. It's becoming the norm and it always ruins any industry it's done in: ride-sharing, streaming, and online dating are all completely fucked right now because of this exact grift. Worst of all is they're bleeding money too, and would instantly cease to exist without their inflated market share.
@mrshmuga9 19 күн бұрын
Xbox One was marred with tons of failures under his watch: Lionhead Studios (closed), Scalebound (cancelled), Phantom Dust reboot (cancelled), Crackdown 3 (broken, bad/mediocre, didn’t really use the cloud as advertised), Sea of Thieves launched with little content, Halo Master Chief Collection buggy for years, and that’s just off the top of my head. It’s why a buyout makes little to no impact on the studio, because they don’t manage and do quality control, and he’s said as much (letting the studio manage itself). It’s why they keep “apologizing” so much, only to repeat the same mistakes. Heck, the lady who runs Halo said after 5, they wouldn’t launch another game without split screen co-op. Infinite not only launched without it, it wasn’t even going to release as a year 1 feature, and they ended up cancelling it anyway. They’ve learned nothing. It’s why they’ve been on a buying spree. They can’t manage/develop talent on their own so they buy studios with big, established IP to draw people in. That Perfect Dark reboot studio is just another example. Made a new studio, with solid people behind it, and have nothing to show with lots of people leaving (especially key people), and now hired _another_ studio to help them make it. What’s even the point of the original studio? Might as well close it if you’re contracting Crystal Dynamics for “co” development. They’re probably doing the majority of it.
@thedudewhoeatspianos 22 күн бұрын
I get not wanting to get into monetary policy here, but this also is linked to the end of cheap credit. You can bet on huge growth longshots if you can borrow for free. You can't if the loss also comes with a 5% interest rate.
@divinecomedian2 22 күн бұрын
The everything bubble is about to burst
@SimuLord 22 күн бұрын
On the upside, this is exactly why I _advocate_ for higher interest rates. It throws the brakes on rampant devil-may-care speculation and requires businesses to stick closer to the fundamentals if they're going to be successful. Of course, this is going to be _painful_ for a lot of people while it shakes out, but it will ultimately be a societal equalizer in the end.
@Uebelkraehe 22 күн бұрын
MS isn't borrowing.
@thedudewhoeatspianos 22 күн бұрын
@@Uebelkraehe oh man, even if they have tons of assets they're doing lots of borrowing. That's how finances work at that level
@thecactusman17 22 күн бұрын
​@@Uebelkraehe They absolutely borrow constantly. The majority of company value is in stock shares. Selling those shares to cover a billion dollar investment all at once would hurt the stock price. But using them as collateral for a low interest loan is a tax-free way to suddenly have the money for investments. This is also how private super-wealthy individuals use their stock portfolios to fund their lifestyles while making a "salary" of $1 per year.
@aidenklass9767 22 күн бұрын
Ive started to worry about Double Fine being closed after the recent studio closures. The flowery, free thinking era of the 2010s seems to have been dead for ages at this stage.
@cyanthrope 22 күн бұрын
they're still around? That's actually a relief
@firesupotree 22 күн бұрын
Just look at the flowers, Obsidian
@joseaca1010 22 күн бұрын
Id say Obsidian is one of the studios that still has a chance, they can always put em to work in the Fallout mines But Double Fine, inXile and Ninja Theory? Yikes, its so over 22 күн бұрын
Working for Microsoft almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter
@Thanatos2k 22 күн бұрын
@@joseaca1010 No they're done after the next game flops. It's looking like Redfall at the moment with massive development difficulties.
@spagootest2185 22 күн бұрын
I hope Josh Sawyer would be able to find a new studio, Pentiment is so underrated
@firesupotree 22 күн бұрын
@@joseaca1010 Maybe. The Fallout mines is what I (and they) wanted a decade ago. But we all know Avowed isn't gonna do anywhere near Skyrim numbers and they're gonna get shafted.
@nicklager1666 22 күн бұрын
As a european i have a slightly different approach to XBox. Maybe its a generational thing but for me the XBox console from Microsoft alway s felt more like an american thing most of us here focused more on Nintendo, Sega and Sony. And while things have certainly changed since then i just dont have the whole up in arms feel when it comes to decisions regarding game pass. For me Microsoft still is PC. Anyway i enjoy the chill theme music of the segment.
@titheproven954 22 күн бұрын
It also depends on your age. If you where around when Xbox 360 was king then it has more prevalence in you mind. Though I went PC Gamer after that generation so I only care about what games in general come out.
@YellaChickenOG 22 күн бұрын
Same here on both counts, as a European the trend is more towards Japanese machines but yeah, OG Xbox was popular and 360 but now it's all Playstation and Nintendo again. The PS3 put me off consoles for life tho when every new game needed an OS update followed by multiple game patches and I thought "why am I not using my PC to do this?"
@JV-ll1cu 22 күн бұрын
I am an european and Xbox Series X is my only gaming machine at the moment and I'm also a Game Pass subscriber.
@chefrowlet 22 күн бұрын
fwiw that's part of Xbox's problem. It's pretty much an American console and that lack of global sales is holding them back more than they realize. And now that they've shut down a perfect opportunity to break into the Japanese market, idk if they're even trying
@legitplayin6977 22 күн бұрын
As a polish person, literally nobody here has a Nintendo console. It’s still pretty much Xbox and PlayStation, but the vast majority just has pc’s
@Jack_Cooper_RFC 22 күн бұрын
"Microsoft has bought up a lot of beloved studios in the last decade. Hopefully they're not going to face the same fate." Unfortunately, until a larger hand (like governments or maybe unions) steps in and forces Microsoft to stop gutting companies, this will definitely keep happening. They took Halo from Bungie, and there's nothing stopping them from doing the same to Blizz games, or any other studio's games.
@JacksonJinn 22 күн бұрын
Infinite Growth is Impossible. The sooner the industry *(ANY industry)* accepts that, the better off we'd all be.
@OzixiThrill 22 күн бұрын
Infinite growth IS possible. Infinite growth within a short timescale, however, isn't.
@Luanmm 21 күн бұрын
@@OzixiThrill no, my friend, it is not possible. It is exactly the opposite: in a short timescale, you may have (apparent) exponential growth, but it is just the first phase of a logistic curve; sooner or later, the limits (number of new consumers, feedstock, whatever) WILL become relevant and hinder/halt the growth.
@thrillhouse_vanhouten 21 күн бұрын
This is a lesson that business is incapable of learning.
@OzixiThrill 20 күн бұрын
@@Luanmm Why are you using exponential and infinite interchangably? They are not even remotely the same. The original comment, the one I was replying to, was talking about ininite growth. Your points about exponential growth, while not incorrect, are therefore irrelevant.
@Luanmm 20 күн бұрын
@@OzixiThrill in business they are usually talking about exponential growth. Not only they eager to grow their profit, but grow it at accelerating rates, each year growing more than the previous one (from that, the exponential) But whatever, my argument stands regardless of the growth being exponential, linear etc: in a shortsight, it may appear as infinite, but in the end there are limitation that will prevail
@nohbuddy1 22 күн бұрын
I really liked Game Pass. Played plenty of stuff that were honestly just worthy of a one time play through like puzzle games, narrative games with no replay value, or something like MLB The Show which is new every year and I don't have to drop $60+ for an updated roster.
@AtillaTheSean 22 күн бұрын
As somebody who always does their best to support the artist services like gamepass always give me major pause. If it looks too good to be true, it always is. It's all the Spotify model of preying on small artists by asking them to give their work away for pennies in exchange for wider accessibility, which seems like it could be fair. Unfortunately this all subsidizes the company doing the fleecing as they buy more market share and kill competition, harming all future artists going forwards. There's no clean solution as a consumer or artist, we really just need regulation in the U.S. but the same companies I talked about are the ones currently paying for our "public servants" lavish lifestyles.
@rundown132 22 күн бұрын
Unless they raise the price, yeah this is not sustainable.
@familiarbit5319 22 күн бұрын
If they keep raising the price it will just not be worth it anymore for people. It's unsustainable, period.
@Code7Unltd 22 күн бұрын
Sounds like Sega Channel back during the time when the Genesis was relevant. Heck, the whole of Microsoft feels like what would happen if Sega continued on as a hardware manufacturer.
@JulesNekro 22 күн бұрын
they should just stop offering it for 1$ to people
@familiarbit5319 22 күн бұрын
@@JulesNekro The problem is that then you have less people trying out game pass. Microsoft aims to have more, more, more paying users paying users every month. And that's stupid, of course. Sooner or later you can't go up any further, in fact game pass *has* hit its ceiling quite a while ago. And now they're cutting costs to maintain the illusion of growth.
@BainesMkII 22 күн бұрын
It was never sustainable. Making it all worse is that it should have been obvious from the start that it wasn't sustainable, but Microsoft did it anyway. I don't know if they were caught up in the typical corporate trap of focusing on short term profits or the other corporate trap of chasing infinite growth, either approach brings you to the same result.
@Rysterc99 22 күн бұрын
The real shame is since they gobbled up all these studios they also have all their IP's under lock and key. We may never see evil within ever again with tango's shutdown and while the people from their studio could theoretically start a new studio they'd also need to make new Ip's and if it gets popular again there's nothing stopping a big company from repeating the cycle
@AtillaTheSean 22 күн бұрын
If the past has taught me anything the devs can still reunite 15 years down the road if there's enough interest and make the legally distinct "the darkness inside." You gotta hope the paycheck when they got bought out was worth losing their IP but it rarely is in the long-term. It's like selling a family antique when you're strapped for cash
@aerrae5608 22 күн бұрын
The way to stop a big company is to not rely on a big company. We should know by now, publishers aren't worth it. They'll steal your IP and sit on it forever and never let you have it back even if they do nothing with it ever again.
@jinrex015 22 күн бұрын
6:39 She definitely has a Degree in Yapping.
@LeoJGym 22 күн бұрын
Sarah Brand's non-answer should be examined by speech classes in college as to how to completely avoid a question.
@HaragothNAR 22 күн бұрын
I don't know what people saw in the Microsoft acquisition of Acti/Blizz that they thought was good, really wishful thinking imo. Microsoft does not have a track record of allowing their studios to do their own thing, they don't mange their studios well. Additionally, I don't get why people thought the Gamepass was going to be a good idea either, both for consumers, and studios. I feel like people are seeing everything through an extreamly overly optimistic lens. Better to be skeptical and pleasantly surprised than to be overly optimistic and get shafted in the process.
@GayBearBro2 22 күн бұрын
I'm just glad this doesn't directly affect any games I'm passionate about, but it's still going to suck for the industry going forward.
@JetZV 22 күн бұрын
The courts tried to fight the Activision/Blizzard acquisition over concerns regarding the monopolizing of the industry... turns out, they were right. That acquisition should have never been approved.
@Danmarinja 22 күн бұрын
The single and double-A space in the next few years is going to be stellar as the devs being pointlessly laid off realise that publishers don’t have the control they used to.
@SecondWindGroup 22 күн бұрын
The independent-AAA space is also quite exciting. So much of the talent that built a lot of these big-name studios have left and formed their own studios again. Remember, A's are just a budget moniker, nothing more.
@Dan016 22 күн бұрын
Little nitpick for future shows under Second Wind, can you standardize the intro to make sure we know who’s the one talking? I was like, is that Jack’s voice? Which makes sense with the name of the show and his last name (Packard) but yea, also to give credit (in a visible way) to the person speaking. Anywho, love your guy’s content and can’t wait to see more!
@samuraispartan7000 22 күн бұрын
"...sold moderately well" There it is. That was the problem with Hi-Fi Rush. "Moderately well" is not good enough for any AAA publisher. If it's not dominating the sales charts, if it isn't breaking records, and if it isn't raising the stock price by more than 10 percent, it's a failure. Pure and simple. Moderate success, or just the notion of moderation itself, is intolerable in the eyes of modern corporate executives. You either maximize the corporation's profits by the next fiscal quarter, or you get replaced by someone that can.
@AtillaTheSean 22 күн бұрын
To be fair if Microsoft was so concerned about sales they could've got their head out of their ass and made a PlayStation port. I wanted to play it since launch but only got it a few months back after building a PC, I'm sure there's a lot of people in the same camp.
@Creepernom 22 күн бұрын
​@@AtillaTheSeanThey're starting with PS ports, Sea of Thieves has just released there
@thelazyworkersandwich4169 22 күн бұрын
@@AtillaTheSean The game is available on Ps5 right now.
@PinataFreaks 22 күн бұрын
The silver lining of all of the corporations going on a game studio shut down speedrun is that we're going to see so many new indie studios formed from this. Ones that wont fall for corpo lies and sell their company again.
@MTheKing09 22 күн бұрын
I'm scared for the people at Double Fine. I love Tim Schaffer and his team and it would be a shame to see them lose everything they've worked so hard to build for themselves.
@eldiaz3527 22 күн бұрын
I think there is nothing xbox can do to double fine. Even if they shut it down Schafer has enough of a following to keep going. They can just do another kickstarter campain for a new studio. Because unlike most other studios Double Fine has a personality, and that personality will remain even if xbox does something stupid.
@MatheusNiisama 22 күн бұрын
That answer from the president of Xbox, I don't remember the last time I felt this much disgust from a corporate answer such as that one, that was fucking gross
@bpb210 21 күн бұрын
Wow, Sarah Bond gave the most non-answer non-answer ever in that interview!
@Jacob-se1hu 22 күн бұрын
Im not gonna be buying Microsoft products anymore if they're going to just shut down studios that do good work like Tango, im genuinely mad.
@gutsmasterson2488 22 күн бұрын
Good luck with that.
@Jacob-se1hu 22 күн бұрын
@@gutsmasterson2488 thanks I'll try, it'll be hard but I was already looking at switching over to Linux before this shitshow.
@johnmarstall 22 күн бұрын
@@gutsmasterson2488 It's really not hard..? I don't have an Xbox or a Windows computer, and I'm happy enough.
@gutsmasterson2488 22 күн бұрын
@@johnmarstall The problem is of work related programs. I don’t know what Linux has, but I know Microsoft Office and Google Drive for work stuff. I also don’t know how someone could do certain jobs without Office, Google Drive or an internal system.
@divinecomedian2 22 күн бұрын
Then studios like Tango will definitely fail. Your statement is counterproductive to what you want.
@extremepayne 22 күн бұрын
Whoever put the Xbox yoy growth up on the screen and had them cut to wide right then is an absolute genius
@Buretsu 22 күн бұрын
7:11 "Yes, the game was a massive success that everyone loved and won tons of awards, but the money we made off the game wasn't enough to finance Bobby Kotick's new yacht, so we had to let them go."
@moorjammin 22 күн бұрын
Maybe game pass never made financial sense. I got years of it for free with Microsoft rewards, and even with that gone you can still get it cheap in other ways
@infinitenex8165 22 күн бұрын
Then instead of closing good studios, why not shut down the failing Gamepass model? Why close branches that may bring in money in the future instead of continuing a system that clearly doesnt bring in as much as expected. Again, a sign of corporates looking 2 feet in front of their noses instead of investing in the future.
@cousinpatsey2471 22 күн бұрын
​@infinitenex8165 MS can't admit the Gamepass model isn't working. They think the PR of that would be far worse for them. They've been playing up how it's an "amazing value for players" for years, if they axe it its going to be bad pr for years. They value their image more than they value anything else. They won't admit the center of their business model for the past half decade doesn't work.
@SecondWindGroup 22 күн бұрын
@@infinitenex8165 Game Pass brings in $500M+ a month according to Jez Corden. It's just not "enough".
@LateNightOddity 20 күн бұрын
I still get gamepass through MS rewards. Haven't paid for it in over a year at this point. Not sure if I'd keep using it if I had to actually pay for it.
@jeffstewart2083 22 күн бұрын
3:16 Who slid in clips of Phantom Dust 😂? I don't know anyone else that played that weird slice'o'fun. Psychic shooter, action, strategy, card battler, post apocalyptic, existential nightmare game!
@cipherenigma 22 күн бұрын
The only Xbox game I was excited about was a Hi-Fi Rush sequel. Now...what?
@chloemchll3774 22 күн бұрын
I’m hoping that MS has the rights and the insight to allow another studio to take over the IP, and perhaps bring in some of the creatives who worked on the original game. It sucks that they shut down Tango, but just because a studio dies doesn’t necessarily mean their IP dies with them. Granted, if this was the case MS would probably tell us, just to spin the negative PR a little better. But who knows?
@essneyallen6777 22 күн бұрын
​@@chloemchll3774 eff that, eff the IP :( I'd rather follow the developers and see what *they* come up with next. I just hope they find a way to fall on their feet :(
@chloemchll3774 22 күн бұрын
@@essneyallen6777 I see no reason why that’s mutually exclusive- follow the developers and hope an IP I like gets a chance to survive the closing of the studio responsible for creating it both feel within my capabilities. Also, I see no reason to be angry toward the IP for a decision made by the current board at MS (not Xbox, higher up the chain) which seems to be both much more short term focused than previous iterations AND much more prone to micromanaging Xbox rather than leaving the division alone to do its thing.
@InsomniaNest 22 күн бұрын
@chloemchll3774 21 күн бұрын
@@essneyallen6777 I fail to see any reason to root for the IP to fail, especially if you liked the IP and especially if the creative team behind the original comes to whatever new studio ends up with the IP (or if they spin off and form their own new studio, this time away from MS’s direct control.) I also don’t see why you can’t both root for the IP to get a second life AND follow and support the creative team behind the original should they work on some other new project next; I know I can and am doing both.
@Noops_AU 22 күн бұрын
On what planet was the activision deal good for anyone?
@15oClock 22 күн бұрын
I've heard that they’ve been interested in Valve lately. I think that would be the real second video game crash.
@RaxusXeronos 22 күн бұрын
I don't think Valve needs them though. They already make bank with Steam.
@tornadoawe 22 күн бұрын
@@RaxusXeronos I'm glad Steam is a private company, because i doubt many public companies would be able to resist "Big ol Microsoft wants to purchase me? I'm honored!"
@cousinpatsey2471 22 күн бұрын
Valve won't sell. So long as it remain privately owned, they have no reason too.
@Lazerfaced 22 күн бұрын
If Gabe Newell ever sells Steam I will eat every shoe I own
@browal14 22 күн бұрын
Yea steam is safe It is the biggest PC game marketplace Microsoft and sony come to them to sell games on pc while epic store barely hits the radar of most
@patarfuifui 21 күн бұрын
What was the game on screen around the 3 minute mark with "triple laser" and other prompts? I don't think I've ever seen what that is.
@limeyjoe1632 22 күн бұрын
Companies are unrealistically trying to get infinite growth, but it's impossible! As companies find their growth slows, they get desperate. Then they make worse and worse decisions until inevitably the shareholders realise they have squeezed as much out of this cash cow as they can, and move onto the next company. Typically it leads to shareholders and CEO's getting rich, and the regular workers getting screwed.
@awkwardcultism 10 күн бұрын
I keep hearing this repeated over and over again in the comments , but I really don't think it resembles reality like you're convinced it does. I have never sold any of my stocks. I bought them and I've kept them. I don't intend to sell them for another twenty, thirty years. There are plenty of people like me. Corporations too; Berkshire Hathaway operates like that. Obviously pump-and-dump shareholders exist, but what percentage of shareholders actually are they? It might be surprisingly small.
@Agonylord52 15 күн бұрын
What were the games at 7:37? The blue crystal one, and the medieval sword fighting one.
@EricWeichhart 15 күн бұрын
That is Avowed, the upcoming game from Obsidian Entertainment
@NewExile 17 күн бұрын
You could use that Bloomberg interview as a Body Language 101 course on how to spot lies and disinterest through visual ticks...
@Sirscruggz 22 күн бұрын
Man I’ve even stopped paying for the game pass recently. I personally dont get any more value out of it
@matiasjauhojarvi9551 18 күн бұрын
Great video.
@Hyziant 22 күн бұрын
I understand that game pass in the present is a good deal for the consumer, but I really don’t want gaming to go the way of TV with all those streaming services. My concern is that game pass is cheap because Xbox wants to push this new subscription model. If the model is successful enough, I’m sure we’re going to see a price spike, as well as “game passes” going the way of streaming services with you needing to subscribe to many different services to play all the games you want. I just want games to stay individually purchasable- I don’t want to have to subscribe to stuff to play games
@kumo34sans 22 күн бұрын
that 2013 reveal of the xbox one was the biggest foreshadowing of xbox’s future as a whole
@Lynxan 22 күн бұрын
I was hoping the idea was to make it where the profits would not need to be made on games Xbox made, put them out on other platforms, see if they break even and they have a free game adding more value to game pass and keeping that value up. This puts less risk on any project lands to lower margins and if they pull off something that sells gangbusters, it is just a bonus.
@cpepx2888 22 күн бұрын
I'm curious if rising interest rates in the US could be a factor here. When rates are 2% or so, it's cheaper to borrow money to fund acquisitions. You can also impress investors with slower growth. Why? Because when rates jump to 5% or 6%, like they did post-covid, now anyone with money can get a guaranteed, sizeable return by buying a 5% government savings bond. So now a publisher needs to "beat" a higher growth number to keep investors and it's also way harder to borrow money (something like a 3% increase in rates can double the cost of payments over a certain term, I think) to finance any potential growth. I don't know the nitty-gritty details, but it feels like the heyday of Gamepass and these recent closures happened on different sides of a big shift in the overall market, and in a volatile industry. Shuttering Tango was short-sighted, but I think the overall theme of Gamepass' rise and fall makes sense in context. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, so it'd be cool if the effect of rising interest rates on these types of closures was investigated.
@AnnoyingRandom 22 күн бұрын
recently did a lan with mates. we bought game pass and just played a few of those worked pretty well. ended up cancelling subscription but buying 2 games outright that we got into
@soykac 22 күн бұрын
Cod Player roast was real. lol
@Th3BadThing 22 күн бұрын
As a former COD player, yes lol
@AbbreviatedReviews 22 күн бұрын
It seems like the metrics necessary to be considered a "success" have gone from being either a) A critically acclaimed game or b) a money-printing live service to requiring that games are *both.* Though I'm sure the latter is much more important than anything. Especially in a future where everything needs to justify the value of Game Pass. Now that we can pay $120-$180 a year to play the equivalent of many hundreds or even thousands of dollars worth of games, they want to be able to draw that money out of their userbase through whatever monetization means they can get.
@regularguy305 22 күн бұрын
3:40 is it sales? While there's a boat with sails being shown. I see you, editor
@Vonragnier 22 күн бұрын
Mcbiggity Cameo at @3:00 ! Also I feel like this video is better at 0.9x speed.
@themonthlyonlinereviewofsp7261 21 күн бұрын
As soon as I heard "as someone that has been in corporate meetings where cuts were made without any thought put behind them aside from looking at spreadsheets" I thought "ahh, so this be what Nick's voice sounds like"
@SecondWindGroup 21 күн бұрын
Lol! Yea, might be a good suggestion to put our names with the show titles in the intro.
@Darkflo23 22 күн бұрын
Honnestly, after the 360 era Xbox basically disapeared here in France, everyone who owned one just picked up a PS4 to play with friends. I remember regaining a bit of interest with the Gamepass announcement, thinking a Netflix of videogame could be fun, but i cancelled it after a few months, since i didn't have the time to play all these games. I really think their strategy of buying succesful studio to work on their shits liveservices was a bad idea.It's been what , 15 years since Xbox was good ? Sadly i don't think it will ever manage that in the futur.
@Leif_Nobody 22 күн бұрын
Shout out to KC weather being hella chaotic.
@lighthaze5777 21 күн бұрын
i don't know much about how this all works so i have a question. do the people in the closed studios have a clause in there contracts that they cant make new/independent games or open a new studio for X years after closure ?
@JademusSreg 22 күн бұрын
Despite all the dreary reality of the situation, I'm still glad to have seen StarCraft 2 make it into the video. 🖤
@jeanpauldormehl 22 күн бұрын
Well said.
@RacoonCitySlayer-cb6mo 22 күн бұрын
What do you mean? HiFi Rush did not show Tango could work without Mikami. Mikami was the producer of HiFi Rush.
@hosvet_animation 21 күн бұрын
That non-answer to why they killed a studio after a smash hit is one of the worst corporate speaks I've ever seen.
@jonskowitz 21 күн бұрын
Between the Bloomberg interview and looking at my boss, I've been forced to conclude that the people in charge are really not very smart
@progrok6926 22 күн бұрын
I do think that Microsoft thought that more people would sign up for the service than actually did. I can seriously see them going third party only, maybe with a streaming console for game pass
@fullmetalarshole 21 күн бұрын
I always find it super ironic and hilarious when a company makes a decision for the investor's benefit, that lowers the stock price.
@DMBLaan 22 күн бұрын
It hasn't been confirmed, but I've heard some people point out that given how Xbox has been handling their studios very hands off, there's the possibility that a big driving force behind the closure of those 4 studios could have been Zenomax themselves with minimal input from Xbox higher ups. It's still not a good look, if true, but it would make sense with how little "interference" Xbox has had in Zenomax's choices so far.
@jorelplay8738 22 күн бұрын
Something tells me that Hellblade 2 won’t meet Microsoft’s profit expectations
@danudey 22 күн бұрын
If they can get Call of Duty on Game Pass and get the COD-heads to sign up for Game Pass instead of buying it outright, it could be a consistent revenue stream that's never going to go away (because they'll keep playing this COD until the next COD comes out to replace it). I'm assuming that's their strategy. Throw in some kind of value-add (like a battle pass or discount on battle pass) so that they don't switch to buying it once and it could be a huge benefit. Not sure if that's their plan, but it might be... something.
@SavaanahTrick 22 күн бұрын
I feel nervous for Obsidian and Double Fin now. Cuz who knows what will happen to them now.
@NickW855 20 күн бұрын
Fiscal quarter is coming up, you cut the biggest studio that has no ongoing projects to minimize projected losses from a dismal fiscal year due to the incredibly short-sighted decision to spend $77B plus operating costs. That studio was Tango. Three months from now it'll be Ninja Theory. The only safe studios are the ones with multiple big projects coming up, which is essentially just Bethesda at this point. Tango and Arkane weren't cut based on their success or lack thereof, they were cut because they were done with their projects and hence, cost the least amount to shut down. Believe it or not, it does cost money to close a company, and the cheapest time to do it is right after they finish a project. Any company under the Xbox aegis with projects coming up would be wise to start pitching the hell out of new ventures.
@liquidoussolid 22 күн бұрын
Man I miss phantom dust, it was such a good time, wish they remade it
@Mike-mu7tk 22 күн бұрын
Xbox should have asked EA from the early 2000s how that plan would go. They did *literally* the same thing with EA Games. Grab ton of medium/small studios. Hoping the tent pole stuff would sustain the money train needed to generate new IP's they can build franchises on. Hoping for more and more big franchises. Here's the thing. Shareholders don't give a FUCK. $1 now > $2 tomorrow. That's it. You have a public company. That's the rule of law. To make it a bit more clear. Don't think of shareholders (finance companies) as "Investors". They're rapists. "What does a rapist want from its victim?". If you look at it like that a lot of modern finance makes more sense.
@awkwardcultism 10 күн бұрын
They only way someone can have stock in your company is if you give it to them. Calling that situation rape is hyperbolic edgy nonsense.
@FireCamp105 22 күн бұрын
"infinite growth"
@jorelplay8738 22 күн бұрын
“Let’s close recently acquired studios because they didn’t make all the money within last year. That would drive our gamepass subscriber number up for sure!” I just can’t imagine how these corporations think. What exactly would bring more people to gamepass if you’re reducing the number of the available (future) games? How exactly would you recoup the money you just spent on buying all these studios if you’re shutting them down within an year?
@paperwatt 22 күн бұрын
That interview 😂
@astarothgr 21 күн бұрын
Yo, that sarah bond reply was so slimy, I feel icky just having listened to it!
@MazeFrame 22 күн бұрын
What do you mean, infinite growth in a finite world is not sustainable?! Mild Shock, I say!
@grievuspwn4g3 22 күн бұрын
The shareholders (or their stockbrokers) saw the buying spree, cashed in, moved on. I imagine ActiBlizz's predation problem has brought everything forward.
@Cryten0 22 күн бұрын
I suspect that many people rented the games for a month that interested them and then unsubscribed. Which in turn caused game pass to fail to recoup costs on its prestige games.
@merose3 22 күн бұрын
The weather in Kansas City will give you whiplash! 🤣🤣🤣
@Dark3y3 22 күн бұрын
That corpo double talk from Xbox at that Bloomberg interview pushed me over the edge to finally cancel game pass. I hadn't played anything off note on there in months. I kept posting for it though because I thought that I was helping to subsidize games like Hi-Fi Rush. That is obviously no longer the case and I'm back to mostly buying physical copies of games.
@ramadjones 22 күн бұрын
Man, closure of Tango Gameworks really was a statement in the gaming community. It doesn't matter if you create a good product or not. It doesn't matter if it reviews well and sells well. If your numbers don't look good to the bean counters and execs, the job of you and your entire team can get wiped away. Wild.
@user-kj7zj3zs3v 22 күн бұрын
Tango gameworks being closed is gonna make me sad for such a long time. They coulda made amazing games for such a long time with their IP potential. I feel so bad for them.
@ScaerieTale 22 күн бұрын
ABK was such a monkey's paw. I have a lot of friends who are former Blizzard employees, and it was heartbreaking watching what Kotick did to the company, and now it feels like MS will be just as bad. Sarah's answer was such a corporate bullshit non answer that I laughed out loud though. Damn.
@raracha 22 күн бұрын
Gamepass works if they bring in older games and defer releases day-one. The subscriber number looks good on paper if only you are profitable.
@mattwesto 22 күн бұрын
What you don't know is that Xbox rewards were recently slashed, and previously, free games for gold need to be purchased if you ever go away from gold. A lot of slashes have already been made
@rooklordofmagic 22 күн бұрын
Interviewing corpo figureheads must be so exhausting. Id like to see someone just ask her that question over and over until she gave up on that wall of text and said something real
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