Is there heaven and hell

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BSWA Retreats 2011-15 & Media

BSWA Retreats 2011-15 & Media

10 жыл бұрын

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@cliffllewellyn7623 3 жыл бұрын
Elvis music in heaven sounds great
@elizabethhjenkins6172 4 жыл бұрын
Such a good reminder that it is up to me where I go. Blessings..
@billyoumans1784 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you. I needed this. I have done many wrongs; this compassionate message has helped me forgive myself. I was not well, and didn’t know what I was doing.
@Souldivided 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for that talk. Still nobody really knows what will happen, when the soul leaves the body. All we humans have, is words. Lots of words, but words cannot describe reality or in others words, God. I do believe forgiveness is very very important, to escape from the suffering mind.
@ChrisOakesCO 4 жыл бұрын
That's why I tell people religion, bible, church ect is NOT what God said, it's what man says that God said! We all know right from wrong by the Feeling in our Hearts! Treat others with respect an Love, not just people but All living things! Then you have a clear conscience! Love does NOT require blood an suffering to forgive. It will be done onto you as you did to others..
@weslymahanama6403 2 жыл бұрын
Both heaven & hell are within us and that is the reason omniscient Buddha presented a method to escape from such miseries
@oliverford5367 6 жыл бұрын
I want to go to Jackie Evancho Heaven! Listen to her beautiful "Pie Jesu" and "Angel" on youtube. My heaven will be her singing for a maha-kalpa :-)
@pinixlee5150 4 жыл бұрын
@sorrenable 7 жыл бұрын
this man is just amazing..!!!
@wildfeuer 5 жыл бұрын
@abdullahal-shimri3091 2 жыл бұрын
I have a portable bodhi tree
@PossessWithin 7 жыл бұрын
thank you, it helped me so much.
@Simon0 6 жыл бұрын
Do the different hell's described exist since fear of going to these hell's or other lower realms has made my human life fearful and a bitiserable
@ChrisOakesCO 4 жыл бұрын
Don't look to religion, church, books ect for the way to heaven. Look at the Feeling in your Heart! I believe it'll be done onto as you did to others. Not just people but All living things. I've never believed that forgiveness requires a payment of blood an suffering to forgive or that belief something is required.
@mael-strom9707 5 жыл бұрын
Satan is one hell of a guy but he knows absolutely nothing about love and compassion.
@gav25x 4 жыл бұрын
A bit like the god of the bible
@KevZen2000 6 жыл бұрын
Do heaven and hell exist as a place, we simply do not know. However, we don't have a lot of evidence to verify such. What we do know, is that our stories of these places, seem very human like, versus an accurate description.
@ragingwarrior8098 4 жыл бұрын
But Buddha told there are heaven and hell exist as places. So I believe the word of Lord Buddha
@sheeltushar798 4 жыл бұрын
18.9 THE SOUTHERN DOOR IS OPENED. Bhikshus, some time or other, at the end of a long period of time, there comes a time when the great hell’s southern door is opened. He runs towards it, treading quickly. As he does so, his outer skin burns, his inner skin burns, his flesh burns, his sinews burn, his bones turn into smoke. It is the same when his foot is lifted up. 18.10 At long last, bhikshus, he reaches the door, but it is shut. 18.11 There he suffers sharp, piercing, racking pains. Yet, he does not die, so long as the result of that bad deed is not exhausted. 19 Bhikshus, some time or other, at the end of a long period of time, there comes a time when the great hell’s eastern door is opened. 19.2 He runs towards it, treading quickly. As he does so, he outer skin burns, his inner skin burns, his flesh burns, his sinews burn, his bones give out smoke. 19.3 It is just the same when he uplifts his foot. 19.4 He goes out through that door. The hell of excrement 20 Bhikshus, immediately next to the great hell [185] is the vast hell of excrement (gūha,niraya). He falls into that. 20.2 Bhikshus, in that hell of excrement needle-mouthed creatures bore through his outer skin, and having bored through his outer skin, they bore through his inner skin, and having bored through his inner skin, they bore through his flesh, and having bored through his flesh, they bore through his sinews, and having bored through his sinews, they bore through his bones and devour his marrow. 20.3 There he suffers sharp, piercing, racking pains. Yet, he does not die, so long as the result of that bad deed is not exhausted. The hell of hot embers 21 Bhikshus, immediately next to the hell of excrement is the vast hell of burning embers (kukkua,- niraya). He falls therein. 21.2 There he suffers sharp, piercing, racking pains. Yet, he does not die, so long as the result of that bad deed is not exhausted. The forest of simbali trees 22 Bhikshus, immediately next to the hell of burning embers is the vast forest of simbali trees (sim￾bala,vana), a league high, bristling with thorns sixteen finger-breadths long, burning, blazing and glowing. 22.2 They make him climb up and down these trees. 22.3 There he suffers sharp, piercing, racking pains. Yet, he does not die, so long as the result of that bad deed is not exhausted. The forest of sword-leaf trees 23 Bhikshus, immediately next to the forest of simbali trees is the vast forest of sword-leaf trees (asi,patta,vana). He enters therein. 23.2 The leaves, stirred by the wind,
@ChrisOakesCO 4 жыл бұрын
Religion, church, bible ect is NOT what God says! It's man saying that God. We all know right from wrong by the Feeling in our Heart! I believe it will be done onto you as you did to others. Not just other people but All living things! Love doesn't require a payment of suffering to forgive.
@individualthought3844 4 жыл бұрын
@johnnymac9457 6 жыл бұрын
All the heavens and all the hells and all the God's are within you... and to the Christian's that leave stupid comments on here guess you are going to hell cause of your judgement of others..!!!
@kritisrivastava9393 2 жыл бұрын
@kritisrivastava9393 2 жыл бұрын
5:26 am
@sheeltushar798 4 жыл бұрын
cut his hands and cut his feet, and cut his hands and cut his feet. They cut his ears and cut his nose, and cut his ears and cut his nose. 23.3 There he suffers sharp, piercing, racking pains. Yet, he does not die, so long as the result of that bad deed is not exhausted. The river of caustic waters 24 Bhikshus, immediately next to the forest of sword-leaf trees is a great river of caustic waters.79 He falls into that. 24.2 There he is swept with the current and against the current and both with and against the current. 24.3 There he suffers sharp, piercing, racking pains. Yet, he does not die, so long as the result of that bad deed is not exhausted. The red-hot metal ball 25 Bhikshus, next the hell-wardens pull him out with a fish-hook, [186] and placing him on the ground, they ask him, ‘My good man, what do you want?’ ‘I’m hungry, bhantes,” he says. 25.2 Then, bhikshus, the hell-wardens prise open his mouth with red-hot iron tongs, burning, blazing and glowing, and they throw into his mouth a red-hot metal ball, burning, blazing and glowing. 25.3 It burns his lips, it burns his mouth, it burns his throat, it burns his chest, too, and it passes out below taking with it his intestines and mesentery. 25.4 There he suffers sharp, piercing, racking pains. Yet, he does not die, so long as the result of that bad deed [bad karma] is not exhausted. The red-hot molten copper 26 Bhikshus, next the hell-wardens ask him, ‘My good man, what do you want?’ ‘I’m thirsty, bhantes,” he says. 26.2 Then, bhikshus, next the hell-wardens prise open his mouth with red-hot iron tongs, burning, blazing and glowing, and they pour into his mouth molten copper, burning, blazing and glowing. 26.3 It burns his lips, it burns his mouth, it burns his throat, it burns his chest, too, and it passes out below taking with it his intestines and mesentery. 26.4 There he suffers sharp, piercing, racking pains. Yet, he does not die, so long as the result of that bad deed is not exhausted. 27 Then the hell-wardens throw him back again into the great hell.
@LvLocks1915 Жыл бұрын
The Jains describe Hell in a similar way makes you think there is some truth, terrifying thought.
@annafaboartado 5 жыл бұрын
Please' Can you translate to Spanish language? 🌷
@jackquinn7446 3 ай бұрын
hay cielos e infiernos, ¿cómo es ahí abajo? Si vas a los templos en Sri Lanka, en Birmania, en Tailandia, ves estas pinturas de tinajas y personas hervidas en las tinajas y estos seres que parecían sacados de una película de Steven Steelburg o de un libro de dibujos animados que te golpean con palos subiendo por el árbol de espadas o lo que sea y eso fue, a la gente realmente le encanta mirar esas pinturas porque en aquellos días antes de que tuvieran películas, eso era, sabes, se excitaban, no sé por qué a la gente le gusta ir a cámaras de tortura, recuerdo a la señora En la segunda galería entró más gente en la cámara de los horrores que en cualquier otra galería. Hay algo raro en la gente a la que le gusta ver a la gente sufrir, así que en aquellos días ese era el entretenimiento que pintaban en las paredes de la galería. Hay algo extraño en la gente a la que les gusta ver sufrir en esos días, ese era el entretenimiento que pintaban en la pared del templo, para que la gente pudiera ver todo esto, pero miré hacia atrás y me pregunto si han pasado 25 siglos. Desde entonces sabes que la tortura se ha vuelto más Vance. De hecho, hay formas mucho mejores de torturar a la gente que pinchar con palos. Sabes, por favor, esto es para ti y Robin, toda la gente de Pinang. Hace dos o tres años, cuando fui a Pinang para hacer el retiro, volveré el mes que viene. . Era la noche de Navidad y después de terminar la charla, ya sabes, arriba en el pasillo de arriba y volví a mi habitación. Son aproximadamente las 10.30 en el lado opuesto de la carretera. Estan haciendo una fiesta para la noche de Navidad una fiesta de karaoke Dios mio esto esta sufriendo, he estado enseñando todo el dia y con ganas de descansar y la gente cantaba karaoke y si cada esta es la primera vez que escucho karaoke que haces Primero que nada tienes que estar borracho y luego piensan que pueden cantar como ya sabes, Frank Sinatra o algo así y no pueden y está desafinado y sabes que se olvidan de la letra y está gritando. Ahora, si estás borracho, no lo notas, pero para las personas sobrias como yo, como los monjes, fue un gran sufrimiento, y no terminaron hasta aproximadamente la 1 en punto. Olvidé qué hora era y me levanté temprano en la mañana, así que no dormí mucho esa noche porque me di cuenta de que si alguna vez el peor tipo de infierno en el mundo será el karaoke, olvídate de ser hervido en estos grandes. Tinas y demonios que te golpean con palos. Probablemente el karaoke sea mucho peor que eso. Así que sí, hay infiernos en los que te inventas cómo crees que mereces ser castigado, así que si fuera un mal monje, eso es lo que haría. Me enviaría al karaoke "¡mal monje!" Sabes, toma eso por un tiempo, pero ¿por qué te enviarías a esos lugares de todos modos? Si no, alguien más no te envía allí, te envías a ti mismo allí porque eres lo suficientemente estúpido como para pensar que necesitas ser castigado y buscas el castigo y te compensas con el castigo por lo que piensas. Mereces durante cuanto tiempo te mereces que las puertas del infierno estén siempre abiertas. Puedes salir en cualquier momento, quieres que la gente lo haga porque piensan que no merecen ser felices y puedes enviarte al cielo, puedes inventar tu propio cielo para mí, ¿has visto fotos del cielo en estas pinturas del templo o leer sobre ellos en los sutras, me parecen muy aburridos. Pueden ser un lugar mucho mejor. Tienen ambrosía y Cielo, quiero pescado con patatas fritas. Tienen música de corazón. Prefiero a Jimi Hendrix. ¿Podemos tener algo de Elvis? Por favor, no pises mis zapatos de gamuza azul. pero si quieres en el cielo, Elvis tocará todas las noches. Creas tu cielo que realmente construyes si estos son reinos creados por mí y te envías allí porque crees que te lo mereces. Date un respiro te mandas al infierno si no sabes sobre el perdón y nadie más puede perdonarte, puedes rezarle al Buda, puedes rezarle a Jesús todo lo que quieras, nadie podrá perdonarte. Sólo tú conoces a la persona a la que lastimaste, puedes acercarte a ella y te dirá: Te perdono. Realmente no funciona. Ayuda porque lo más importante es que te perdones a ti mismo, lo dejes ir y fue un maravilloso alivio y refrescante ver que en el dharma del budismo, eso es lo que te perdonas, te das un respiro, reconoces, perdonas, no más castigo, amnistía total y aprendes. Es una experiencia en crecimiento. Cometiste un error. Aprende de ello pero no hay castigo que es tan hermoso y eso significa que nunca más te enviarás al infierno. Puedes disfrutar del lindo cielo en esta vida cuando todavía estás vivo y también cuando mueres, incluso ahora, la gente vive en el infierno y no pueden perdonarse a sí mismos por lo que han hecho. Por qué eso realmente ayuda a alguien a castigarse a sí mismo? ¡no! Perdónate a ti mismo, déjalo ir directamente a un trozo de papel higiénico tirado al inodoro, hazlo con eso y luego podrás ser feliz y en paz y simplemente seguir adelante en la vida y luego siempre retroceder para que el inodoro y haya algunas personas que Quiero ir al baño, así que será mejor que me meta en problemas, son más de 20 minutos.
@ragingwarrior8098 4 жыл бұрын
But Lord Buddha taught there are heaven and hell exist as places. And how it's look likes. So I believe the word of Lord Buddha
@ChrisOakesCO 4 жыл бұрын
Man telling you what God said is NOT God saying. We all know right from wrong by the Feeling in our Heart! Love doesn't require a payment of blood an suffering. Just treat others with love, not just people but All living things! Then you have a clear conscience.
@Greggorious123 4 жыл бұрын
Raging Warrior No one knows what the Buddha actually said. The sutras were written hundreds of years after the Buddha died. There’s also many things in the sutras that have now been debunked.
@paingpaingpp 4 жыл бұрын
Yes, hell may exist but it's your mind's state that sends you there. Most people who did bad deeds may remember all their bad karma through-out their life near death and poof, straight to hell. But you can't just say "I don't do this" and end up, you still have that memory. So you have to train your mind to be straight and self-concisous, and that's the half of Buddhism. It's philosophy and psychology.
@sunitagiri70 8 жыл бұрын
yeah, its here in our mind the concept of heaven or hell. why even think of dying to see it.
@constipatedbowels3473 6 жыл бұрын
U may go to hell for saying dat ....
@mael-strom9707 5 жыл бұрын
On Earth we are born, on Earth we get our roasting. May as well enjoy ourselves, break out the marshmallows and flip Satan the middle digit.
@mentalelf9689 8 жыл бұрын
I can't
@simoncosgrove7004 7 жыл бұрын
Mental Elf you can
@PossessWithin 7 жыл бұрын
yes you can. It might not be easy, but you not only can, you will, you deserve it
@oliverford5367 6 жыл бұрын
You can. Release the past and live in heaven.
@TheSushiandme 3 жыл бұрын
My pastor uncle says all monks go to hell... is this true?
@adekumis4402 5 жыл бұрын
please.. translate to Indonesian language..
@translinearlight6132 6 жыл бұрын
We don't make our own heaven or hell, it's not a state of mind, it is a real plane. Buddhist suttas and Buddha's words are quite clear on this subject. It is not a metaphor. Serial killers, mass murderers, war criminals can just forgive themselves, according to this talk, and enjoy in peace. In suttas, Buddha talks about hungry ghosts, demons, devas, heaven, hell quite openly. I know it's not fancy nor popular today, but like all other enlightened beings, he said that these are real places and we do not construct them with our minds by imagination.
@ivanwong3273 6 жыл бұрын
translinear light your software will suit a hardware that are compatible with it. Software = mind. Hardware =form. Enlightement= software that does not react good or evil/plesant or unpleasant. Equaminity software
@constipatedbowels3473 6 жыл бұрын
Yes,but a lot of so-called rationalists and agnostics wnt accept dis...I think datz why ajahn Brahm gave a modified description ...Besides how does one know ,If such places exist...dey can only be experienced in subjective states of deep meditation,........
@constipatedbowels3473 6 жыл бұрын
@@ivanwong3273 ya even I personally have dis software/hardware conception of reality... consciousness as software and physical body as hardware and mind, intellect and senses as interface...or attributes of software...such a kind of analogy z dere in Sankhya philosophy,I mean not exactly a computer science interpretation,but dey do have this notion dat ,all of reality z divisible into two existential units, consciousness and matter , and dier interaction results in mental processes as interface,....But abhidhammic description of universe as concieved of four basic units z much more precise...
@wildfeuer 5 жыл бұрын
@surendrasharma1798 5 жыл бұрын
@Santiago Franco According to Buddhism, even human realm is not real. This whole universe is an illusion
@JuniorLewingKoo 6 жыл бұрын
I believe both heaven an hell are very real. Hell is horrifyingly real. Please don't go they!
@constipatedbowels3473 6 жыл бұрын
I have come from dere....m Satan disguised as a boddhisattva.....!!!...not anymore apparently....
@mael-strom9707 5 жыл бұрын
Hell is reserved especially for those who believe in it. All phenomena is created by mind, guard against the mind, think positive happy thoughts and you never know may find the Buddha within.
@ragingwarrior8098 4 жыл бұрын
But Buddha taught there are heaven and hell exist as places. So I believe the word of Lord Buddha
@thatone8085 2 жыл бұрын
Why ask him ? He also got all the answers in the books. He is just a confused monk like you and me . But i know at least he does not have to pay for his rent. Everything is free for this smart boy. Time to use your brain.
@thetruth1043 6 жыл бұрын
@MINHBINH-vp2kp 6 жыл бұрын
The Truth don't drag ppl into other rel , be what be don't be ashame ppl talking crap about ur rel
@destinystapleton7356 5 жыл бұрын
Getyourbuddhaon📿 true
@MINHBINH-vp2kp 5 жыл бұрын
@@destinystapleton7356 are you like this "guy" ? If you are then I have nothing to say
@wildfeuer 5 жыл бұрын
Hahahahahaha! Ok see you then!
@god_is_for_love7320 5 жыл бұрын
Getyourbuddhaon📿 Really or you just don’t like to think about it
@thetruth1043 6 жыл бұрын
@ranganaify 6 жыл бұрын
The Truth Jesus father is the God to my knowledge
@thetruth1043 6 жыл бұрын
rangana jayakody the father is the most high God and the father is in Jesus Christ the flesh
@MINHBINH-vp2kp 6 жыл бұрын
The Truth is buddha is a " intelligent " too , so don't compare jesus with other God
@rohinihurohuttya2350 4 жыл бұрын
We should not boast regarding particular religion rather we should be humanist
@TheSushiandme 3 жыл бұрын
@gaute4245 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you, this helped me very much.
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