Story about a monk with psychic powers

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BSWA Retreats 2011-15 & Media

BSWA Retreats 2011-15 & Media

10 жыл бұрын

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@jjayallan 6 жыл бұрын
This is simply HOW MUCH POWER THE MIND HAS...when it's not DISTRACTED
@enstigatorofficial 4 жыл бұрын
it is more about seeing the world as dream-like and moldable
@michaelazar9339 3 жыл бұрын
Its the power of satan
@littlehitta1305 3 жыл бұрын
@@michaelazar9339 why would it be the power of satan
@lordbyron3603 8 жыл бұрын
Everybody these days wants some form of psychic powers or some fantastic ability like .... the ability to fly, to walk through walls, to read minds, to see into the future, to travel forward and backwards in time, to alter matter, to be the fastest, to be the strongest ... Etc. The real "true power" is the ability to free yourself from your delusions and suffering! That is real power!
@khanakim9550 7 жыл бұрын
That's true! I agree. Suffering makes me crazy, want to find ways to get out of it!
@vtecpreludevtec 7 жыл бұрын
Khana Kim The Dharma,set u freeee!
@awiralupadhyay4656 6 жыл бұрын
well said mate
@Heavy2deep 6 жыл бұрын
@jdemeulenaer123 6 жыл бұрын
This abiolity to dreaom of exending yourself and wishing to be able to do better and more than you can is perfectly human. Why can't we fly naturally just by wishing it? Wouldn't that be wonderful? Snapping your fingers and have a meal on the table? Or just
@deela262 3 жыл бұрын
Buddhist stories are abound with incidents of those who gained psychic powers as well as the troubles that befelled them ... The Buddha's main focus in His Teachings was to go past their allure and develop insights into the true nature of existence (after gaining adequate level of samadhi).
@creativecompanion Жыл бұрын
So many teach that lust and anger are bad and that we must avoid them or have ugly consequences. These things are a natural part of life. Without lust humans would cease to exist. Without emotions we would be expressionless.
@waynedombrowski7568 6 жыл бұрын
Bingo!So that's what happened!A year ago I was on the mountain top,a four-month-long peak experience,a physical,emotional,intellectual & Spiritual high,planning only to go higher,when the cosmic sense of balance asserted itself:car broke down,money ran out,illness and death of loved ones..I had a crash-landing.What a fragile thing our state of mind is.Ahh..seeking refuge in the Sangha..thank you,my dear Monk!Namaste.
@cavelion84 6 жыл бұрын
I like his style of storytelling)
@garoulightstar8815 3 жыл бұрын
Maybe, as the veil starts to rip, schumann resonance frequency, alien assistence in the 4th dimension shift we will manifest easily psychic abilities, flying is a little far fetched but telephaty, telekinesis, remote viewing, instant healing would be more common.
@nasirzhangpro 3 жыл бұрын
@srimvy 5 жыл бұрын
You never study about Buddha’s Theory and never practice. It’s not strange that you don’t believe it. Buddha Law is Natural law that he found it not created it like Newton Law ,Albert Einstein law , they just found it in nature not created it. Buddha Law of Jhanas (8 steps) 1- rupa Jhanas (form Jhanas) : 4 steps - Delightful Sensations - Joy - Contentment - Utter peacefulness 2- arupa Jhanas (formless Jhanas) : 4 steps - Infinity of space - Infinity of consciousness - No-thingness - Neither perception nor non-perception Step 9 of Jhanas = Vipassana =>( Nirvana) Buddha didn’t force anyone to believe him , he just told the path to goal, only yourself who walk to goal. If you do experience by yourself show that it’s not true don’t believe it .
@mael-strom9707 5 жыл бұрын
Everyone wants to fly through the air like a Buddhist monk ...much easier to use QANTAS frequent flyer.
@WH-hi5ew 3 жыл бұрын
Thats what Anagarika Muindra said... and he taught at least one student (Dipa Ma) siddhis.
@marx875 6 жыл бұрын
Good story.
@MarkYurasits 6 жыл бұрын
The true "power" is getting to the other "side" and realizing there was never anything or anyone to be liberated.
@enstigatorofficial 4 жыл бұрын
that explains the dreamlike nature of reality, a karmic creation. In your dreams if you help all the dream beings you encounter you gain great merit and karma. However emancipation is seeing the unreality of the dream situation.
@psytescene 2 жыл бұрын
In Zen Buddhism, this is set out in the Prajna-Paramita-Hridaya Sutra. It is a short text that shows one way of achieving enlightenment, as in, going over to the far shore. It is a wonderful piece of poetry and ultimate wisdom. The mantra here can be a lifelong companion, accompanying a person through all aspects of life, and will lead to liberation, and after, so as to spread the word. So as to spread the love! Take heed, you will resonate with this wisdom. Stay blessed my friends.
@phali168 4 жыл бұрын
@ragingwarrior8098 4 жыл бұрын
Namo Siddhartha Gautama buddha 🙏
@xCookiee 9 жыл бұрын
@GandawinHein-oq3qm 5 жыл бұрын
You are Right ...Sayar Daw...You are teaching us right way. Thanks
@phnx4life 3 жыл бұрын
For one so advanced enough to even fly and to lose such in an instant?..could not of been true because such a being would know that physical attraction is an illusion and passes and would not have registered with him at all, if he were at that point/level.
@titaa56 3 жыл бұрын
..also, for one so advanced enough makes it sound like his reproductive system is way more advanced than his psychic abilities! It’s like, why have reproductive organs and feelings at all if it has to be made to sound it is lower frequency or just bad thing to have in general!? As humans, we need those for human species to survive. Why must we suppress that part of life and make it sound naughty or bad in a sense and not make it in harmony with the psychic abilities too?
@umarkhayam4403 4 жыл бұрын
♡ Mengenal Siapa Avarokitesvara ♡ ♡ Kisah Bodhisatta Avarokitesvara ada di Pitaka Sutram Saddhamma Pundarika bab 25...(Mio Fa lien hua Cing bahasa mandarinnya),Avatamsaka Sutram Pitaka (Wu Liang So Cing) dan Amitabha Sutram pitaka (Amitho Cing).. Sedangkan kisah Avarokitesvara anak gadis ketiga (Yang bernama putri Miao San) dari raja yg melegenda itu hanyalah sebuah legenda kekayaan filosofis yg indah... Dan bagian dari kekayaan legenda rakyat Tiongkok yg sangat populer, bukan historis aslinya Avarokitesvara... Note: "Karena legenda ini mengandung filosofi kebajikan,maka tidak dipermasalahkan..." * Dalam ajaran Buddha, Bodhisatta Avarokitesvara merupakan Bodhisatta tingkat tinggi... Karena semua makhluk yg berwelas asih dan cinta kasihnya tinggi dapat dijuluki dengan sebutan Bodhisatta/Bodhisatva juga... Sedangkan Avarokitesvara adl Bodhisatta tingkat tinggi,makanya dijuluki Dhyani Bodhisatta... Dhyani Bodhisatta adl Bodhisatta yg memiliki ikral aspirasi yg sangat agung utk menolong makhluk Phutu Jhana (Makhluk yg masih di borgol oleh Samsara,yg blm lepas dari hukum lahir,tua,sakit dan mati...). * Avarokitesvara dibahasa mandarinnya adl Kwan Se Yin Phusat yg artinya: • Kwan artinya mengamati makhluk phutu jhana yg memiliki potensi karma parami pendukung yg masih bisa dibantu dan ditolong... • Se artinya alam Dunia makhluk phutu jhana yg masih diborgol hukum samsara... • Yin artinya mendengar suara kelah kesuh penderitaan makhluk phutu jhana... • Phusat artinya Bodhisatta dlm bahasa buddhis Pali,yg artinya makhluk suci yg menempuh kalir jalan jalur suci menuju kebuddhaan dgn mempraktekan 30 parami selama 4 Asamkheyya ditambah 100 ribu kalpa (Seperti yg telah dipraktekan Buddha Sakyamuni) selama bertriyun triyun lamanya kalir yg ditempuh dari bumi yg satu hancur terbentuk hancur terbentuk hancur terbentuk lagi dan melewati masa Samma Sambuddha yg satu ke Samma Sambuddha berikutnya yg membulatkan aspirasinya utk menjadi makhluk suci Arya Samma Sambuddha (Manusia Buddha) agar bisa membantu membebaskan lebih bnyk makhluk lagi menuju kesucian pembebasan mutlak/akhir ,menuju perealisasian kesucian tertinggi Nibbana.. * Pada saat Avarokitesvara diperkenalkan ke Tiongkok dari India, wujud bodhisatta Avarokitesvara masih dlm bentuk wujud simbolis pria berpakaian ala pangeran kerajaan India zaman dulu dan simbolis wujud rupaka Avarokitesvara dlm bentuk wujud pangeran India masih dipertahankan diwilayah wilayah penganut buddhis tradisi Vajrayana yg merupakan bagian dari tradisi buddhis Mahayana juga... Pada masa dinasti Song berkuasa di Tiongkok, para wanita ditiongkok klu ingin berkeluh kesah hanya kpd makhluk suci wanita maka dari situ agar wanita buddhis Tiongkok bisa berkeluh kesah maka wujud simbolis rupaka Avarokitesvara diubah menjadi wanita cantik, anggun,rupawan keibu ibuan dgn berbalur pakaian adath Hanfu etnis Han dgn berkerudung ala India utk menghormati asal Avarokitesvara dikenal... ♡ Pada saat ajaran Buddha sudah berkembang pesat di Jepang,sang ratu buddhis Jepang mengutus seorg bikkhu Jepang utk mengambil satu simbolis rupaka Bodhisatta Avarokitesvara dari Tiongkok utk dibawak ke Jepang,agar rakyat Jepang juga punya kesempatan agung utk memiliki dan menghormati Avarokitesvara Bodhisatta juga... Dikatakan simbolis ini tidak mau ikut menyebrang dibawak ke Jepang hingga diperairan phu tuo San kapal pun terhempas hempas dan simbolis rupaka Avarokitesvara pun ikut terhempas kelaut phu tuo san dan secara gaib simbolis rupaka Avarokitesvara naik keatas air alias tidak tenggelam dilaut selatan diwilayah dekat pulau phu tuo San..... Sehingga dijuluki Bodhisatta Avarokitesvara laut biru selatan dan pulau phu tuo san dijadikan salah satu tempat ziarah suci agama Buddha... Inilah sejarah julukan laut biru selatan utk Avarokitesvara... ♡ Aspirasi agung dari Bodhisatta Avarokitesvara (Kwan Se Yin Phusat) adl: " Jika saya tidak bisa menolong makhluk phutu jhana yg memiliki potensi karma parami pendukung utk bisa ditolong dan mendengar kelah kesuh penderitaan mereka, maka saya belum mau memasuki Parinibbana sebagai arya suci seorg Buddha"... ♡ Di Pitaka Sutram Amitabha dikatakan bahwa Dhyani Bodhisatta Avarokitesvara berada disisi kanan Dhyani Buddha Amitabha dan disebelah kiri Dhyani Buddha Amitabha adl Dhyani Bodhisatta Mahastamaprapta (Ta Se ce phusat)... Ditanah suci Sukhawati (Si fang cilek Seciek) disebelah barat dalam istilah bahasa para Dhyani Buddha utk mengistilahkan tanah suci para Dhyani Buddha dari 10 penjuru tanah suci para Dyhani Buddha... • Ditanah suci Sukhawati (Si Fang Cilek Seciek) Bodhisatta AVarokitesvara ikut menjadi guru membimbing para makhluk phutu jhana yg terlahir ditanah suci Sukhawati agar tidak jatuh lagi menjadi makhluk Phutu jhana (Niraya/Neraka,Hewan/Binatang,Peta/roh gentayangan dan Ashura/jin/makhluk yg memiliki kekuatan seperti dewa dewi di 6 jenis Surga nafsu indriya...). Note: * AJARAN BUDDHA MENGENAL 28 JENIS SURGA DALAM CATATAN KITAB SUCI BERBAHASA SANSEKERTA TRI PITAKA DAN DALAM KITAB SUCI BERBAHASA BUDDHIS PALI TRI PITAKA TERCATAT 26 JENIS SURGA... • 26/28 jenis Surga ini makhluknya masih tergolong kedlm makhluk Phutu jhana yg masih diborgol oleh Samsara lahir dan mati lagi... Krn selagi mereka blm menjadi makhluk suci Arya Sotapanna,Sakadagami,Anagami dan Arahat... • Makhluk suci Arya tidak akan lagi terlahir dialam rendah (alam Apaya= Niraya,hewan,peta dan Ashura). • Arahat adalah makhluk suci Arya yg sudah merealisasi pembebasan mutlak tingkat kesucian tertinggi Nibbana .. ♡ Nibbana artinya penyebab kelahiran dan kematiannya telah padam total dan sudah terlepas dari ikatan borgol Samsara... • Ada kelahiran pasti ada kematian... Sedangkan Nibbana adalah padam dari kelahiran dan kematian... • Nibbana bisa dicapai dan direalisasi selagi masih hidup... Sedangkan Surga bisa dicapai setelah kematian... • Nibbana bukanlah suatu ketiadaan maupun tanpa ketiadaan... • Nibbana juga bukan suatu kekosongan maupun ketidak kekosongan... • Nibbana bukan juga kehampaan ... • Nibbana adalah Anatta (Tanpa inti,tanpa aku,tanpa jiwa,roh,wujud atau tanpa sesuatu yg solid). • Nibbana telah membebaskan diri dari keakuan dan kemelekatan akan ini milikku dan ini milikmu... • Nibbana telah menghancurkan 1500 jenis killesa (kekotoran bathin) sampai keakar akarnya tanpa sisa secuilpun... • Tiada lagi kelahiran ulang bagi mereka yg telah merealisasikannya (Nibbana)... • Nibbana bukanlah diatas,dibawah,ditengah,disamping,dibarat ,maupun ditimur dan juga bukanlah sebaleknya.. • Nibbana itu tidak ada yg menciptakannya alias tidak tercipta juga tidak tidak terbentuk apalagi berubah-ubah.. • Selengkapnya pemahaman Nibbana hanya bisa dipahami jika kita sudah memahami Sutram Pitaka,Vinaya Pitaka dan Abhidhamma Pitaka secara jelas, baik dan benar... • Dan pastinya Nibbana hanya mereka yg sudah mencapai dan merealisasikannya baru bisa mengetahui secara pasti Nibbana itu seperti apa... ♡ Orang yg sudah memahami ajaran Buddha yg berpedoman pada kitab suci Tri pitaka secara baik dan benar ... Tidak akan menanyakan lagi apa anda atau saya Theravada,Mahayana atau Vajrayana lagi... Mereka yg masih sangat buta akan ajaran Buddhalah yg masih mengotak-ngotak dirinya dalam saya atau anda Theravada,Mahayana,Vajrayana ...♡ ☆ Ada 4 jenis manusia: 1. Jenis manusia Uggakitanyo • Jenis manusia yg sudah menempuh kalir paraminya selama berkalpa-kalpa lamanya dimasa kehidupan para Samma Sambuddha masa lampau dan dikehidupan Samma Sambuddha Sakyamuni (Gotama) sekarang yg hanya sedikit mendapatkan ajaran Buddha sudah bisa membuat ia tercerahkan alias menjadi seorang Arya suci Arahatta alias menembus kesucian Nibbana. Dan paling tidak menjadi makhluk suci Arya Sotapanna,Sakadagami dan Anagami... Note: Jenis ini sudah punah. 2. Jenis manusia Wipankitanyo • Jenis manusia yg membutuhkan lebih detail mendapatkan ajaran Buddha baru parami pendukungnya bisa membuat ia merealisasi kesucian Nibbana sebagai Arya suci Arahatta.. Dan paling tidak sebagai makhluk suci Sotapanna,Sakadagami dan Anagami... Note: Jenis ini sudah punah juga. 3. Jenis manusia Neak Puggala. • Jenis manusia yg harus berlatih sangat keras baru bisa menjadi makhluk suci Arya Sotapanna,Sakadagami,Anagami dan menembus perealisasian kesucian Nibbana sebagai Arya suci Arahatta... ( Syaratnya Saddha tidak membuta,10 Parami sering dipraktekan,Vipassana jgn bolong-bolong,sering ikut pariati). 4. Jenis manusia Padakhparama • Jenis manusia yg berlatih sekeras apapun belum mampu menembus kesucian Arya Sotapanna,Sakadagami,Anagami dan merealisasi Nibbana sebagai Arya suci Arahatta... Karena praktek 10 parami pendukungnya blm cukup... Dan tentu praktek dikehidupan sekarang akan menjadi pendukung dikehidupan nanti atau di zaman Bodhisatta Maitreya turun dari Surga Tusita menjadi Samma Sambuddha (Manusia Buddha...)... ♡ 10 praktek Parami syarat pendukung pencapaian kearyaan menuju perealisasian kesucian tertinggi Nibbana: 1. DANA (MELATIH KERENDAHAN DAN KEMURAHAN HATI). 2. SILA (MELATIH KEMORALAN). 3. NEKKHAMMA (PENOLAKAN/MENOLAK HAL HAL YG TIDAK BERMANFAAT ,YG DAPAT MENGHAMBAT ASPIRASI,TEKAD,LATIHAN PARAMI, DLL). 4. PANNA DIBACA PANNYA (MELATIH KEARIFAN DAN KEBIJAKSANAAN,AGAR BISA MEMBEDAKAN MANA KEBENARAN HAKIKI/Konvensional Dan mana yg tidak pantas/tidak bermanfaat dan bukan merupakan kebenaran hakiki atau konvensional). 5. VIRIYA (ENERGI DAN SEMANGAT BERJUANG UTK BISA SECEPATNYA BISA TERLEPAS DARI BORGOL SAMSARA MENUJU KESUCIAN ARYA SOTAPANNA,SAKADAGAMI,ANAGAMI,DAN ARAHAT). 6. KHANTI (Melatih kesabaran) 7. SACCA (Memahami hukum kebenaran hakiki) 8. ADITTHANA (TEKAD UTK TIDAK MUNDUR DAN PATAH SEMANGAT). 9. METTA (PANCARKAN CINTA KASIH KEPADA SEMUA MAKHLUK ,TANPA MEMBEDA-BEDAKAN KAWAN ATAU MUSUH,SEAGAMA ATAU BUKAN,SATU RAS ATAU BUKAN,SAUDARA ATAU BUKAN DLL). 10. UPEKKHA (KESEIMBANGAN BATHIN AGAR TIDAK MUDAH GOYAH SADDHANYA,LATIHAN PARAMINYA,VIPASSANANY DLL).
@nasirzhangpro 3 жыл бұрын
Sutra Palsu itu
@darrylsveganhub6639 3 жыл бұрын
Dang, so that means that in order to fly you’d need to abandon sex all together.
@deela262 3 жыл бұрын
Well not if you can afford an air ticket😊
@yapky5497 6 жыл бұрын
The best part only about to start when the video about to end…
@lindaglendenning8332 6 жыл бұрын
@abhigna_talakeri 6 жыл бұрын
Which form of Buddhism follows the original teachings taught by Buddha himself ?
@tobiaszb 6 жыл бұрын
indianindian ptt All, but in new context. is one that says it does it. I am pleased with those universal teachings.
@harrymcnicholas9468 6 жыл бұрын
We do not know. In the first century BCE thee were 20 schools with different vinaya. Three of those vinaya remain today.
@scutfarkus8631 6 жыл бұрын
It's supposed to be the theravada school of Buddhism.
@cariyaputta 5 жыл бұрын
Just follow the Sutta Pitaka and Vinaya Pitaka, regardless of forms.
@mael-strom9707 5 жыл бұрын
Look within, thou art Buddha. All schools are formed from within.
@vijayasimhan.s.8483 5 жыл бұрын
Very true , real spiritual life is inculcating the characteristics of GOD in us which is not so practice of following the will of GOD we achieve this by his grace.
@claudelamballe6097 6 жыл бұрын
The sound is not good. So sorry
@jadel9732 8 жыл бұрын
He really believes it?
@cariyaputta 7 жыл бұрын
Because it's a true event.
@TaiganTundra 7 жыл бұрын
Prove it.
@solidsnake7302 6 жыл бұрын
I think it's child story with a more valuable morals behind it.
@srimvy 5 жыл бұрын
Buddha didn’t force anyone to believe him , he just told the path to goal, only yourself who walk to goal. If you do experience by yourself show that it’s not true don’t believe it .
@deela262 3 жыл бұрын
It's not at all hard to believe when we learn the law of mind ( chitta niyama) as explained by The Buddha.
@johnnyhakka 6 жыл бұрын
What have you been smoking ?
@JDMaya 5 жыл бұрын
@o_o9841 4 жыл бұрын
Not only giving up about sexual desire but also giving up all of Lawki which means wants and needs and almost everything. Yes we all have trade something to get the another right ? That's how Buddha found the way to end the suffering. When you have nothing bad inside such as wants,jealous, and etc, you will find the peace
@etherealaesthetics4706 3 жыл бұрын
Your like a lowly woman who exposes them selves for coins. He's was Mara,the prior of the latter. Peace and Love
@TaiganTundra 7 жыл бұрын
@keithnicholas 5 жыл бұрын
The power of rational scientific thought is far greater, it sees through charlatans, and will let you fly through the air without falling if things get all lustful, in fact, it will let you join the mile high club if your lust finds a willing partner while airborne :)
@cariyaputta 5 жыл бұрын
Get to the 4th Jhanas and fly for yourself, no need to be a rational guy here. Here is your guide: Your senses and mind are very limit, don't judge what you can't understand yet.
@Kubaaa555 4 жыл бұрын
@@cariyaputta Any videos of monks displaying pshychic power besides that Discovery episdoe where monk hooked himself up to the back of curtain?
@enstigatorofficial 4 жыл бұрын
@@Kubaaa555 mind reading is pretty easy, you gain that as a stream winner
@enstigatorofficial 2 жыл бұрын
@@LVX888 I wonder if one just shuts down all the internal chatter then they are more of a receiver. It could just be body language and other clues that give an indication of another person's intent. Then again it could be more than what is considered scientifically possible.
@enstigatorofficial 2 жыл бұрын
@@LVX888 I'm not disputing what you say. I am saying i don't need that sort of proof, a scientific study. I had a dream once and I was not sure if i was dreaming so I took out a yard stick and measured the chair I was sitting in. In the dream I had scientifically proven that the dream chair exists. As odd as it sounds communication occurs between minds in ways that seem to defy space-time. appears to actually exist in certain subjects. I am not sure what conclusion to reach over this revelation.
@kyzorend.tirrem4457 6 жыл бұрын
I don't think he actually lost the ability to fly... I think the monk CHOSE not to fly, cos' he'd get an instant boner if he saw the princess... The time it took to regain his flight, was actually him trying to control his lust before flying again... Else everyone would've been able to see it while he flew, which would've been super embarrassing...
@kyzorend.tirrem4457 6 жыл бұрын
I think THIS is why Superheroes like Superman where tights... Their suits hold it down for them...
@enstigatorofficial 4 жыл бұрын
a boner changed the airflow and caused him to crash
@loujudson2684 6 жыл бұрын
Why is this guy shooting videos in a bathroom? Whaaa?
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