Jeff Kinley on the Fate of America

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Christ In Prophecy

Christ In Prophecy

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Has America passed the point of no return? Is there still hope? Find out with guest Jeff Kinley on television's "Christ in Prophecy."

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@texascommtech7153 6 жыл бұрын
I LOVE these videos by these people. I feel they are one of the best, most trustworthy, most easily understood sources of this kind of information on the internet. Thank you to all who are involved in producing these wonderful videos.
@LoriChiov 6 жыл бұрын
@tiranadurresi5977 5 жыл бұрын
@roxannaalejandro1961 5 жыл бұрын
Heavenly Father, in Your love for us, protect against the wickedness of the devil, those helpless little ones to whom You have given the gift of life. Touch with pity the hearts of those women pregnant in our world today who are not thinking of motherhood. Help them to see that the child they carry is made in Your image, as well as theirs, made for eternal life. Dispel their fear of selfishness and give them true womanly hearts to love their babies and give them birth and all the needed care that a mother can give. We ask this through Jesus Christ, Your Son, Our Lord Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen
@chattykathie7129 6 жыл бұрын
The true Christians are being clearly identified and those who are against Christ are being exposed.
@billbrasky12 2 жыл бұрын
This is very true. Thank you, that's precisely what's happening. The Left is embracing wholesale evil agendas.. there is a full acceptance by them and a mass hysteria supporting it. The light is growing brighter the darker it's getting.
@carstenbode8251 6 жыл бұрын
Not just America and Europe are on a brink to fail totally in terms of our LORD. This happens all over the world. This is another sign that we FOR SURE living in the end times.
@hopeking3588 5 жыл бұрын
You explain this stuff good
@gordo191 6 жыл бұрын
i recommend a video on utube called from Babaylon to America it is very interesting worth a look
@gordo191 4 жыл бұрын
@@bigbruno56 see for yourself
@teresaj.9829 6 жыл бұрын
Oh Jeff Kinley!! PLEASE PLEASE come to MOUNTAIN HOME, Ar. There is not ONE sound church here!! I came here from Las Vegas, Nv. where I attended Pastor Billy Crone's Sunrise Bible Church. So So unknowing here.
@bekind9886 4 жыл бұрын
YES David Reagan, you are right, people do not understand how GOD views sin.
@lajlasivertsen962 6 жыл бұрын
In your belive you know their is a lot of hope and if the fait are trut and stong you doont need to fear at all since he take all fear away
@fp515 4 жыл бұрын
@joec783 4 жыл бұрын
Patience is a virtue...need to be more patient and let the guest talk,we already know your views.Thank you so much.
@j.c6533 6 жыл бұрын
@roxannaalejandro1961 5 жыл бұрын
Prayer at Daybreak O Lord Eternal and Creator of all things, Who of Thine inscrutable goodness didst call me to this life; Who didst bestow on me the grace of Baptism and the Seal of the Holy Spirit; Who hast imbued me with the desire to seek Thee, the one true God: hear my prayer. I have no life, no light, no joy or wisdom; no strength except in Thee, O God. Because of my unrighteousness I dare not raise my eyes to Thee. But Thou didst say to Thy disciples, ‘Whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer believing, ye shall receive’ and ‘Whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do’. Wherefore I dare to invoke Thee. Purify me from all taint of flesh and spirit. Teach me to pray aright. Bless this day which Thou dost give unto me, Thine unworthy servant. By the power of Thy blessing enable me at all times to speak and act to Thy glory with a pure spirit, with humility, patience, love, gentleness, peace, courage and wisdom: aware always of Thy presence. Of Thine immense goodness, O Lord God, shew me the path of Thy will, and grant me to walk in Thy sight without sin. O Lord, unto Whom all hearts be open, Thou knowest what things I have need of. Thou art acquainted with my blindness and my ignorance, Thou knowest my infirmity and my soul’s corruption; but neither are my pain and anguish hid from Thee. Wherefore I beseech Thee, hear my prayer and by Thy Holy Spirit teach me the way wherein I should walk; and when my perverted will would lead me down other paths spare me not, O Lord, but force me back to Thee. By the power of Thy love, grant me to hold fast to that which is good. Preserve me from every word or deed that corrupts the soul; from every impulse unpleasing in Thy sight and hurtful to my brother-man. Teach me what I should say and how I should speak. If it be Thy will that I make no answer, inspire me to keep silent in a spirit of peace that causeth neither sorrow nor hurt to my fellow. Establish me in the path of Thy commandments and to my last breath let me not stray from the light of Thine ordinances, that Thy commandments may become the sole law of my being on this earth and in all eternity. Yea, Lord, I pray Thee, have pity on me. Spare me in mine affliction and my misery and hide not the way of salvation from me. In my foolishness, O God, I plead with Thee for many and great things. Yet am I ever mindful of my wickedness, my baseness, my vileness. Have mercy upon me. Cast me not away from Thy presence because of my presumption. Do Thou rather increase in me this presumption, and grant unto me, the worst of men, to love Thee as Thou hast commanded, with all my heart, and with all my soul, and with all my mind, and with all my strength: with my whole being. Yea, O Lord, by thy Holy Spirit, teach me good judgment and knowledge. Grant me to know Thy truth before I go down into the grave. Maintain my life in this world until I may offer unto Thee worthy repentance. Take me not away in the midst of my days, nor while my mind is still blind. When Thou shalt be pleased to bring my life to an end, forewarn me that I may prepare my soul to come before Thee. Be with me, O Lord, at that dread hour and grant me the joy of salvation. Cleanse Thou me from secret faults, from all iniquity that is hid in me; and give me a right answer before Thy judgment-seat. Yea, Lord, of Thy great mercy and immeasurable love for mankind, Hear my prayer. Amen
@garyloger9416 5 жыл бұрын
In Romans 1, Paul is making reference to believers/christians, not nonbelievers.
@JP-xp6pf 3 жыл бұрын
As much as it grieves me seeing the degradation of America, I know it grieves God way more 😵
@AnthonyTolhurst-dw1nc 13 күн бұрын
Amen to that. Cannot believe how patient our God is, being grieved by the second of every day. When His Wrath be released, I pray the harvest shall be great, and His Righteousness shall be Glorified to all; sheep or goat. Jesus alone, truly is the way, the truth and the life.
@gingipw 2 жыл бұрын
The beast from the land a lamb like head with two horns.....
@stevenburger7158 5 жыл бұрын
@AlbieSol 5 жыл бұрын
Shouldn’t you change the name to wolf and lamb as the scripture now says?
@sharonbenjamin9156 5 жыл бұрын
I believe Lamb and Lion has to do with Christ dying as a lamb and coming back as a lion. It is not referring to Isaiah scripture.
@angeloantonio5483 3 жыл бұрын
its just so disturbing. watching after 2020 election, and its gotten even worse
@roxannaalejandro1961 5 жыл бұрын
Are we to be like the three monkeys who see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil? According to our Biblical teachings, we are to be exactly the opposite. We are to observe and hear about the evils in this world and then speak out against them. This is a key component to having dominion over this earth. To do otherwise, actually makes us a slave to the evil, corrupt, and violent things of this world, which actually promotes their spread and magnitude. Let's continue and look at the next two verses (Isaiah 1:16-17) for they tell us the beginning of what we are to do: Wash yourselves, and make yourselves clean; Remove the evil of your deeds from My sight. Cease to do evil, Learn to do good; Seek justice, Reprove the ruthless; Defend the orphan, Plead for the widow. How do we know how to remove the evil and violent things from ourselves and the sight of God? We come to know, because we learn the difference between good and evil, and what the Lord requires of us. With our eyes and ears, we learn to do good and reject evil, and seek justice for the whole of creation. With our mouths, we speak out to reprove the ruthless people of this world, and we defend the orphans and plead for the widows and all oppressed people and defend the unborn babies that are being slaughtered through the abortion clinics. It's as we read in Micah 6:8: He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God? All of this requires us to see, and to hear, and to speak out to make a positive difference in this world. We can no longer afford to blind ourselves to the truth of the evils in this world, and to close our ears to the pleas for all that are suffering. We must speak out with loud and clear voices to end the evil, suffering, and violence in this world, or our silence will continue to promote violence, and our hands will continue to be covered with the blood of the innocent victims. And this blood will also be upon our hands if we fail to warn the evil doers of this world to cease from doing evil and to learn to do good (Ezekiel 3:17-21)
@danielmeegan6259 4 жыл бұрын
Jonathon Cahn would make a great guest on the founding time lines blood moons of America our true purpose & 490 years after christopher Columbus sailed America is the most charitable & allows missionaries to spread the gospel throughout the worl as abraham told lot come out from among them return to the Lord
@blostin 5 жыл бұрын
Rome, an empire fell (we know why). The USA IS falling down too.
@garryh3126 5 жыл бұрын
because the USA is the daughter of ROME...
@arontttt3333 6 жыл бұрын
The Christ is reborn.
@MrDilley777 4 жыл бұрын
America's destiny in Bible prophecy= (America The Babylon) by Richard A Coombs. Google it and purchase the CD-ROM of the most extensive Bible study and research Bar None!!!
@panagiotiskostastheoktisto6709 2 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately for you I do judge a book according to its cover
@kenseipp9792 5 жыл бұрын
Constitution does not support separation of state and religion.
@barbkitts759 5 жыл бұрын
If you equate 'going to church' with true Christianity, you have lost your credibility. Most of today's churches do NOT preach the true Gospel and many are leaving for that reason. There are a great many people occupying pew seats and do not know, nor have ever known, Jesus as their Savior. :-(
@AwesomeDaysAhead 4 жыл бұрын
You said it.
@robinresre818 2 жыл бұрын
like I said read your Bible not his book
@Kay-tc3go 6 жыл бұрын
This is the very reason I don't believe in a Pre-Trib rapture anymore.
@robinresre818 2 жыл бұрын
you guys need to read your Bible you'd figure it out
@arontttt3333 6 жыл бұрын
God is only forgiveness and love. Your next life is your rebirth.
@kennethmills5470 6 жыл бұрын
How about Sodom and Gomorrah ??? God gave them over to there depravities
@keyahkeron 6 жыл бұрын
God is Holy and Just, and to say a blanket statement that He is only love and FORGIVENESS is incorrect because people will believe that and won't see themselves as wretched SINNERS in NEED of a SAVIOR. HELL is REAL place and people go there every few seconds because they REJECT Christ. John 3:36 is also part of the Bible.
@billbrasky12 2 жыл бұрын
No next life rebirth. No reincarnation. Hebrews 9:27 And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment,. The problem of lies and false religion destroying mankind comes from starting down the road of straying from God's very words in the Bible. Only truth friend. Only book with God's words and truth. Prophecy of future events showing God's Spirit speaking. Only book ever written with true prophecy.. proven without question.
@ah5355 5 жыл бұрын
The question is which God! Our founders were into Egyptian Gods, which is why you never hear the founders mention the name of Christ. The US has never been a godly nation. How can you be a godly nation and have the very people "true" Israel in slavery. The African American is true Israel! Zachariah tells us end times Babylon will be the Nation that has Israel within her gates...enslaved. Prophecy is not hard to understand when you know who the true people are. End times/last days are all about the Most High coming back to deal with the Nations of the Earth about how they dealt with Israel, true Israel...see Joel 3.....
@Redeemed.of.YHVH.thru.Christ 5 жыл бұрын
A Hopkins, The claim that all African Americans are Hebrews ignores the historical and scientifically verifiable fact that African slaves were brought from a multitude of diverse countries in Africa. Consequently, the Black Hebrew doctrine conflicts with the ethnic diversity of African Americans. The Black Hebrew Israelites is one group that has infiltrated black communities to preach a gospel that is contrary to Scripture. A familiarity with the history of African American Christianity will shed light on the origins of this movement. Tracing the Exodus motif in early African American Christianity reveals that the claims of Black Hebrews originate from a shift from symbolic to literal identification with the biblical Hebrews. In other words, black people went from feeling like they suffered many of the same things the Israelites in the Bible did to making false claims to actually be descendants of the Israelites, which has been proven a lie through blood tests that prove they have ZERO lineage to the ancient Israelites of the Bible. The Jews in Israel however have blood evidence of lineage to the tribes of Israel. Blood tests showed unequivocally that these black folks were not the lost tribe. Although one group of black people were identified through blood tests to be the lost tribe, and those were the Falashas from Ethiopia. At the end of the 19th century, Frank Cherry and William Saunders Crowdy both claimed that African Americans are descendants of the Hebrews in the Bible, and this was solely based upon a vision Frank Cherry claimed to have received from God identifying African Americans as the true Israelites of the Bible without any evidence proving this to be true. I can claim to have a vision all white people are Japanese, but if our blood tests show ZERO lineage to Japanese people then it’s exactly what the Black Hebrew Israelite movement is, a lie. Bible prophecy clearly shows the Jews in the nation of Israel are the descendants of Jacob, the Israelites of the Bible. Ezekiel 38 prophecy concerning Russia (Magog) & Arab nations forming an alliance against God’s people, Israel, is unfolding right now in the Middle East. Every time America has been involved with making Israel give up part of the promised land for peace, God has brought swift judgment against America. Link: God has made it clear who the true Israelites are, and they are in Israel on the land God promised them. Unless you think God made a mistake in 1948 when He fulfilled His promise to return His people to their homeland. I know God doesn’t make mistakes, and He put the Jewish Israelites back on their land as promised. I would rely on the living God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and not lies started by Frank Cherry’s “vision”.
@ah5355 5 жыл бұрын
Your facts are inaccurate, African Americans were brought into slavery primarily off the West Coast Africa during the Transatlantic Slave Trade, hence the name “SLAVE COAST”... what most people do not know is that literally just above the “slave coast” is the Kingdom of Judah (please google the 1747 English Map of the Kingdom of Judah (Negroland) and you will be shocked to find out that the Hebrew people migrated into Africa after the Romans invaded Jerusalem in 70 AD). I really don’t know why people are surprised that this occurred because if we study, we would find that the Israelites always fled into Africa (to blend in) throughout scriptures at the first hint of trouble. Even our Lord and Savior was told to hide in Egypt (I assume you know that the Egyptians were a black people…) when Herod was trying to kill him. Every single African American DNA hap lo group will put their origins literally right in this area (Ghana, Niger, etc.) Even as you state above which is only part truth, the Falasha's are "black" Jews, please tell me how you can have dark skinned black Jews and Caucasians from the same tribe? The Jews in Israel today do not have blood evidence supporting their right to the land (this is precisely why there is a war going on in the middle east, they believe (Palestinians) that the Hebrews (whom they refer to as brothers) left the promised land black people and came back white), even their own people (see Arthur Koestler the 13th Tribe reveals that these people are in fact Khazarians) Here is something to think about. If the people in Israel are truly Israelites, why are they not still scattered to the four corners of the world where the Messiah said his people would be when he returned? Why are they not currently living under the curse of Yahweh since they could not be redeemed or forgiven of their sin since they have not accepted Jesus as Lord? The entire TANAK/OT (which they claim to live by) is about the blessing and the curse of obedience and disobedience, since they have not accepted the new covenant (in Christ blood), then how can they be as prosperous of a Nation as they are and still be in sin. Yahweh specifically states that the curse will come upon the people for disobedience. Did you know that Tel Aviv is now the leading Nation for the LGBQ lifestyle on the planet, how is this possible and Yahweh’s people are not under HIS curses? Currently, the Jews are the riches people on Earth…Is it not His word that declares, “Whom I love, it is he that I chasten? The fact of the matter is, Yahweh’s people today should be at the bottom of every race, at the bottom economically, should be known as a byword (nigger???) amongst the Nation, should have gone into slavery in ships (tell me how this prophecy in Deut 28 was fulfilled with the current Jews), and should STILL be a people in distress around the globe … if the Word of God is true. ******I do not agree with the Black Hebrew Israelite teachings because our God is a God of love and they teach the opposite (for the most part)***** By the way, the reason why none of these so called prophecy teachers are ever accurate is because they have established Yah’s time clock around the wrong people. If you want to know the truth about when Christ returns, look around the globe to include the US at the condition of the African American, they are the true picture of what Israel should look like when comparing the people of the book. Slavery … check, sent into slavery in ships … check, lost their National heritage and identify (where they come from) … check, known as a byword … check, appears to be forsaken as a people … check, completely lost as a people…check, in jail … check, considered akin to the beast of the field … check! Now, go read Deut 28 and tell me which people in the history of the world fits ALL of those descriptions. This will be the CURRENT condition of Yahweh’s true people…suffering! By the way, according to the prophets, for example Zechariah 1, true Israel should still live within the gates of mystery Babylon (the US???) right before it is destroyed by Yahweh in the last days. This is why the Apostle John says, “come out of her my people.” I do agree that Russia is about to move but it will be against the US (see Rev 17/18) as the Beast destroys the great whore (Babylon.) in the last days. Looking forward to discussing this some more if you are up for it. Humble servant of Jesus.
@ah5355 5 жыл бұрын
​@@Redeemed.of.YHVH.thru.Christ Additionally, the people going into the land was a true fulfillment of prophecy (1948), just not the one that most people teach? Christ told us that the He would allow Jerusalem to be trodden down by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles is complete (Luke 21). My question, is the time of the Gentiles complete? This statement literally means are there non Hebrews still being saved around the world? If so, then Jerusalem should still be populated by Gentiles and not true Israel. Which is how you know that true Israel is STILL scattered to the Nations, awaiting the Messiah to redeem them.
@AwesomeDaysAhead 4 жыл бұрын
Part of what you are saying is correct but don’t lump believers today, SAVED, WASHED and BAPTIZED in the HOLY GHOST, as being part of a nation of ungodly people. There is a CORE body of Christ that is operating in the body of Christ to glorify him.
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