John Salley's Contradiction on the greatest player ever

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12 жыл бұрын

Now all of a sudden John Salley's opinion ranks higher than proven Hall of Fame players. Ok, so for him to say Magic is fine, but that goes in part with Det not being able to beat the Lakers, and the Lakers were able to beat their big brother. The Celtics were their big brother and the team they had a hard time finally beating, so for him to say Larry Bird makes sense. I've beat on a lot of cats, but it didn't mean a thing until I beat my big brother. Hakeem was the toughest person he had to guard, true, Hakeem is great and also all that says is that he didn't guard Mike which is true. Isiah is the greatest person he played with, he sticking up for his boy, but I also agree with that statement cuz he didn't play when he was with the Bulls or the Lakers, he was Juwan Howard on the oak collecting rings and keeping seats warm. Also lets ask Stark, Oakley & Ewing how MJ feels about going left. And last but not least, if hand checking made MJ a better defender, then doesn't that mean the people guarding him were made better as well??? And if it's all about hand checking, then that s**ts on GP "the glove" as well as 2 of his teammates Rodman & Dumars who guarded Jordan. I don't recall the Bird Rules or the Magic Rules, however I do recall the Jordan Rules. And by the way, Mike was still killing Detroit, it was just a lil harder cuz they hacked him. And Scottie Pippen was scared in his younger years.

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@DESX312 12 жыл бұрын
Awesome, good job on the upload.
@MiggsMultiple 10 жыл бұрын
Just came from the interview where Salley made a list of people who he thinks were better so now he just looks like he has bipolar.
@baselinejordan1744 6 жыл бұрын
Joe Davola same here lol
@weluvy 5 жыл бұрын
I would say that too if ESPN paid me 5 grand
@collins444 11 жыл бұрын
I agree with you 100%. Remember, Jordan had skipped a season and played a partial one the year before. In that partial one, he was very un-Jordanesque down the stretch against the Magic in the playoffs and they lost. How a Bulls fan can then become bored after all that when Jordan comes back with a vengeance to prove himself and the team plays that well is beyond me. If a lot of fans in Chicago became bored that year (which I doubt), they didn't deserve the team.
@burghsfinest 12 жыл бұрын
I never discredited anyone elses game, but he didn't have a weakness on the basketball court. Great scorer and a lockdown defender period, a complete player who played every style (shooter, slasher, post player). Dr. J wasn't a shooter, Magic was an average defender, Dominique was a scorer etc. He is still relevant in a lot of ways because of his shoe craze. Not saying that his game didn't leave enough of an impact, but kids now love Kobe & LBJ but want Jordans without ever having seen him play.
@modeo92 11 жыл бұрын
I should say they technically came out last year. Among the other interesting facts in the book is that when John Stockton got injured, the probable replacement was going to be Joe Dumars. He and his backcourt mate were on the opposite ends of the popularity spectrum. The head coach of the Dream Team? Chuck Daly.
@burghsfinest 12 жыл бұрын
exactly, cuz in that other interview, when he mentioned Isiah, you heard him get that "and he shouldve been on the dream team" plug in there.
@JCR1992 11 жыл бұрын
Exactly what I was thinking. It makes you wonder as if something personal happen between the two. But still in recent years maybe around 08 or 09 Jordan and Salley were in a picture together at the Kentucky Derby.
@CammedC6 10 жыл бұрын
Everyone talks about Lebron being better than Jordan. Do you all realize who Jordan played against. We are still today talking about Ewing, Drexler, Barkley, Malone, Olajuwan, Dr J, Bird, Magic, Kareem, Mchale, Parrish, Payton and the list goes on. I am a huge Lebron fan and was probably one of the few on here that still liked him after the so called "decision" but come on. If Lebron played against those guys back in the day he would still be good but not like he is now. Jordan is the best ever!
@suave_d 11 жыл бұрын
That's true. I'm still trying to figure out when this interview was held. If this is how he "really" felt, say in 2000, if his views are different in 2013, does this really mean he contradicted himself? Afterall, people change their opinions all the time as they reflect on experiences and gain more knowledge. We have to consider the context of the time, and as you mentioned, the media outlet when he made those comments. I think this youtube video is misleading.
@Chris-is1rd 11 жыл бұрын
and most importantly - the defense was HARD. hard fouls, hand checking, just a more physical game...teams like the Knicks and Pistons beating the shit out of everyone... the defense allowed today is nowhere what it was back then.
@delfra70 11 жыл бұрын
Isaiah was a truly great player, but two things in his career really hurt him and helped keep him of the famous '92 'Dream Team'. One was the way he classlessly handled that '91 sweep by the Bulls, the other is when 'Magic' announced he had HIV , 'Isaiah' questioned 'Magic's' sexuality, suggesting he might have contracted it through homosexual affairs. As i'm sure you know 'Magic' & 'Isaiah' we're really close friends at one time, their friendship has never been the same since.
@burghsfinest 12 жыл бұрын
Well he and everyone else was no holds barred on "The Best Damn Sports Show" and he never spoke like that. Honestly, he was looking out for his boy Isiah, and whether you wanna say TOLD or not, the proof was in the pudding, MJ produced and was flawless. Media now is just a lil more bold with the likes of skip bayless to challenge everything, but no one ever stopped anyone from having an opinion or be fired
@modeo92 11 жыл бұрын
Jordan's mid-range game was where he was most lethal. I'd put many people ahead of him in longer range shots.
@burghsfinest 10 жыл бұрын
That would make sense if he were talking about Lebron James, but he's talking about guys were already retired while Jordan was still playing. So the same highlights they had during this video were the same highlights they had when he did the other video
@kristion9774 4 жыл бұрын
burghsfinest facts
@delfra70 11 жыл бұрын
Eventhough i disagree with some of 'Salley's' comments, i have to give him credit for one thing. After the Bulls swept the Pistons in the '91 Eastern Conference Finals on their home court, Salley was the only Piston player who congradulated the Bulls, the rest of the Pistons left the court without shaking Bulls players hands or congradulating them. That was always one of the most distasteful cowardly moves i ever seen. The Bulls never did that when Detroit was eliminating them.
@dhew2001 11 жыл бұрын
Do you even know what "hold your own" means? It just means that you still did your thing even though the other guy was clearly better. Dropping 40 at his age at the time is MORE than holding your own no matter who he faces. Even if it was mostly free throws it would still be impressive. Nobody is denying that Kobe or Vince was better on whatever night you're talking about, but "how you gon' let a ol' man drop 40 on you like that"?
@Bheezy999 12 жыл бұрын
Damn right he contradicted himself. Nice vid.
@GREGNASTY 11 жыл бұрын
I agree! In one o' the documentaries I clearly hear John Salley shouting at Tony Kukoc:'Hey is the MAN!' And that was during the finals '98 or '99! Come on now, John. You yourself got to admit MJ took over a game! So WHAT if MJ didn't guard all 5 positions?So WHAT if MJ isn't as big as LeBron? So WHAT if during MJ's reign you were able to handcheck and nowadays you can't anymore? Fact of the matter is (I'm sounding like The Rock here) MJ could dominate a game (most of the times) sheerly by WILL!
@delfra70 10 жыл бұрын
Dumars did the same thing as the rest of the team, and that was out of character for him. He still was a great player just like Zeke was, they just didn't handle defeat with dignity and class. Don't get me wrong now, I would have been pissed after losing and getting swept on my home court as well. The Bulls we're always gracious in defeats by the Pistons the previous years, the Pistons should have just shown the same respect, that's all.
@TheRiggedBA 11 жыл бұрын
That was the very first thing that came to my mind too. You couldn't be on NBC at that time unless you absolutely gushed over Jordan. It was almost creepy at times listening to the commentators and analysts robotically praise Jordan at every opportunity.
@delfra70 11 жыл бұрын
Yeah you may be right, Dumars seemed like he was a pretty cool dude.
@DickBArbiter 11 жыл бұрын
Yes, it is contradictory. Now somebody answered it.
@modeo92 11 жыл бұрын
The context is that the Dream Team documentary and book came out this year and Jordan owned up to giving an ultimatum. That is, that if Isiah Thomas was on the team, he wouldn't be. So Salley is sticking up for his buddy Isiah, saying he should've been on the Dream Team and that he was the best teammate he ever played with. And saying that Jordan was "just another player" on the Dream Team. Yes, just another player who had won the previous 2 regular season and Finals MVPs. There's your context.
@burghsfinest 12 жыл бұрын
Yare absolutely right. Just Like Wilt Chamberlain, he was great and probably the most dominant, but he never left the block. So to score all your points off of dunks and drop step post moves over powering your opponent doesn't mean you are the greatest either.
@burghsfinest 11 жыл бұрын
That's why its a team sport genius. Magic got 2 more rebounds with 3 more rebounds. Point being everyone has a role on a team to fulfil their duties. How many 40pt games did Magic have? 4. How many did Jordan have? But Magic also played with multiple HOF players that took on most of the scoring load. That is no discredit to Magic's scoring ability, that wasn't his role. As far as Jerry West & Big O there were 8, 9 & 14 teams in the league so it was easier to dominate the same guys over & over
@burghsfinest 11 жыл бұрын
I've pretty much left this alone, it's to much back & forth, but to your point of anything for TV ratings, I believe More people will tune in to hear why Michael Jordan is "Not" the greatest than they would to hear another athlete proclaim his greatness again. So you are absolutely right about Anything 4 ratings. Salley's glory years were with the Pistons just like Parrish with the Celtics and they both won titles with the Bulls, but their hearts will be with their original teams in their prime.
@croweziec 6 жыл бұрын
Somebody need to email John salley this video.
@burghsfinest 11 жыл бұрын
I say he was on the team, just like he was on the team with Kobe, but he didn't play... He was the Juwan Howard of those teams, just getting a ring
@justletmeuseit 10 жыл бұрын
People in the public spotlight aren't allowed to change their minds on anything.. no matter what they learn or come to realize after the fact. Yes, some idiots actually think that being a stickler to bad ideas is a good quality.
@CaptNewAmerica 11 жыл бұрын
aaahhhhhh, yes
@burghsfinest 11 жыл бұрын
No team is gonna win a title in 11 out of 13 years with 30 + teams. And if there are 8 teams in the league and 82 games, then atleast 10 times (not including playoffs) you will face the same guy. So if you just gave him 35pts, what you think he gonna give him 7 the next game. He's on dimensional but a great scorer and defender. Thats 2 things my man. And he had assists as well and a solid rebounder. His teams in the 80s werent as seasoned as others but they had some success just not a title
@collins444 11 жыл бұрын
Jordan had plenty of bad shooting nights throughout his career. But he shot 11-12 from the line in the game you mention and still wound up with 22 points. And had 9 rebounds and 7 assists, When he shot poorly, he found other ways to contribute. But if you find similar cases in other playoff games as having 2 turnovers in the final 10 seconds of a close game or shooting once in the final 3+ minutes of a close game, let me know. Or one case nearly as bad. Those were truly "un-Jordan."
@qs4177 10 жыл бұрын
Magic was better, He is the GOAT, Name another player who as a 19 year old won the Championship for his team in his first year. Name another player who constantly battled Hall of Fame Players year in and year out for 12 straight seasons, took his team to 9 NBA finals, Won 5 in the toughest Era of Basketball, MJ didn't get his stride going until after the great Names of the 80's were gone, and for those of you who say that MJ beat Magic in 91, people often forget that Magic had taken his team to the finals yet a again with a third coach, a third system, without Kareem and then in game four of the finals two of his teammates get injured and were taken out of the series....shoot they probably would have won in '89 as well if Byron Scott and Magic Johnson hadn't gotten injured people need to learn your history, MJ as great as he was, was nothing more than product of the Marketing campaign to globalize basketball
@kjoseph33 10 жыл бұрын
MJ is the greatest, Magic even acknowledges the fact that he is. Look at how many hall of fame players did not get a ring because of Jordan. Barkley, Ewing, Reggie Miller, John Stockton, Karl Malone, Drexler just to name a few.
@qs4177 10 жыл бұрын
yeah in a weaker decade, with 7 more expansion teams that diluted the league and spread out the talent around it's easy to say how he was able to pull that off, like it or not you are judged by the compeition around around you and MJ's decade was far weaker than Magic's decade...people tend to gloss over the fact that Magic is a humble man, just watch every time someone has said he is the GOAT he's never denied it, Magic unlike Michael is a humble man who won't, and rightfully so, campaign for the title of GOAT, even though in my opinion he is
@tenzinalexander8832 10 жыл бұрын
Yeah, but Magic had better teamates than Jordan. Hell, the 87 Lakers had 3 hall of famers and 7 all stars on the team!!!
@qs4177 10 жыл бұрын
yeah and he also had better competition, Bird had a team full of Hall of Famers and that's my point. You judge the individual based on his competition as well as his individual talent and his ability to make those around him better. alot of people keep saying what you do but people forget that he made this hall of famers better just by having him (Magic) as their team mate plus he had tougher competition.
@kjoseph33 10 жыл бұрын
MJ dominated in an era where basketball was at its peak in physicality and in an era where the NBA was dominated by big men.
@shutterbugblues 11 жыл бұрын
What a way to twist my words around. Nowhere did I say that Grant was the deciding factor for the Magic. My point was that the Bulls didn't have him. It was the Bulls' loss more than the Magic's gain. Look at the history: 1994: Pippen and Grant, no Jordan = 2nd round exit 1995: Jordan and Pippen, no Grant = 2nd round exit (same!) 1996: Jordan and Pippen, add Rodman = NBA championships until they break up So what am I saying? That trio system was the best in the league. They needed each other.
@usnate1 11 жыл бұрын
CONTD: When the league is bigger its not harder its easier...It happened in the mid 70's, expansion teams added league is easier to get a great seed in the Playoffs, same in the mid and late 90's. MJ's first 3 were legit, but even still he didn't face superteams like in the 80's. "We wouldn't get 72 wins against 80's teams, no way." Dennis Rodman On the subject of the '96 bulls. In the 60's and the 80's you NEEDED superteams or you weren't taking home any hardware. Period.
@shutterbugblues 12 жыл бұрын
People have to understand that Salley was on a TV network here. When he 'contradicted' himself, he was on a radio show. MJ is the only player in history where media and marketing TOLD everybody he was the greatest. It was to the point that journalists and commentators had to conform to that notion, or else they'd risk losing their jobs due to having an unpopular view. I think Salley was just conforming for TV, but really let out his sentiments on radio.
@shutterbugblues 11 жыл бұрын
Did you live in Chicago in the 90's? I did. And lemme tell you there were many of us who got bored during the 72-win season because we knew how ridiculously watered down the league had gotten. There was close to no competition for the Bulls. Other teams had to overachieve to beat them.
@burghsfinest 11 жыл бұрын
Pippen can get his just do no doubt... With that being said, Kareem played with how many Hall of Famers again???
@ericjordan6059 5 жыл бұрын
Exactly, starting with his first ring playing with the Bucks.
@burghsfinest 11 жыл бұрын
It's not fair to, because a PG or SG has the ability to do more things, and gain more praise because they have the ball. As a person who played on the block I can relate to that even more. Just like in the NBA all star game, they refer to that as a guards game. Most big men won t have the opportunity to bring the ball up and or setup the offense. Unfortunately thats the reality
@nbagoats4819 11 жыл бұрын
The Pistons had absolutely no respect for MJ and the Bulls. Isaiah had total contempt of Jordan. Went to his home town and became the household name. Isaiah had hopes of being the greatest player ever.
@burghsfinest 11 жыл бұрын
Maybe, but not every one was GREAT. There are certain names that people know, but that's it. When Wilt scored 100 Bill Russell wasn't guarding him. No one even knows the guy guarding him was 5in shorter and 75lbs lighter. Not taking anything away from Wilt who I think was the most dominant ever, but there were scrubs in every era. Someone has to win and someone has to lose. I can appreciate the healthy convo we have had without insults and internet threats. Peace
@burghsfinest 11 жыл бұрын
I didn't say Wilt had it easy, I highlighted 1 particular game. Wilt was the trend setter for how the game was to be officiated today & forever, so with that being said the refs were learning as well and didn't know what to call because he was so dominant. There will always be a despute btw fans of a particular star. Making a case for Magic who was atleast 6in taller than whoever guarded him will come up. They can't help who they are and when they played, their jobs were to dominate and they did
@usnate1 11 жыл бұрын
I don't think there is just 1greatest player of all time. I think the media has conceptualized the idea of GOAT. There are too many variables to determine it. 1) We both know that you need many things to happen to win.Scoring, rebounding, ball movement,& defense.2) Comparing different eras is impossible, where one era was tougher, the other era is weaker its give and take, & all the greats haven't played each other either.3) There are 5 positions on floor all doing 1 thing better than the other.
@Welcome2HDiiTV 6 жыл бұрын
I still support you Salley air was just a balloon fluck him #MICHAELJORDANNOTTHEG.O.A.T.
@suave_d 11 жыл бұрын
When was this interview with Salley? For all we know, this interview could have been held 10 years ago. Just because one's views may change over time, does this necessarily constitute a 'contradiction?'
@burghsfinest 11 жыл бұрын
By all means Kareem can still be considered the greatest, this really is a matter of preference. But you cant say "give pip credit" and not expect me to say give the big O, Magic, Worthy, Mcadoo, Worthy, Wilks credit as well
@suave_d 11 жыл бұрын
I know what the word means. The point I was making is that one has to take into consideration the "timing" of his views. If there is a significant amount of time in between both comments, then it's not necessarily a contradiction. Do you hold the same views you may have had years ago? If your answer is no, then does that make you contradictory?
@burghsfinest 11 жыл бұрын
The reason I say it is contradictory is because he is not talking about players that came after Jordan, he is talking about the same players that were retired when he did this interview. Yes he can change his mind, but the as I said before more people will listen to why MJ is not the greatest vs another former player proclaiming his greatness once again. Isiah is the greatest person he played with, cuz he didn't play when he was with the Bulls or the Lakers, he was on the oak keeping seats warm.
@burghsfinest 12 жыл бұрын
He hosts reality tv show reunions, so he's used to trying to create drama
@modeo92 11 жыл бұрын
I rooted for MJ and the Bulls, but there was better team basketball in the 80s with Bird and Magic.
@DESX312 11 жыл бұрын
Yeah, but the difference is that Michael has said TIME AND TIME again that it is impossible to know how the greatest ever is. This is while Wilt and Kareem both DO think they are the best players ever. Lebron even stopped wearing number #23 because of his reverence for MJ and was trying to get the number retired from every team in the league. MJ said that his number shouldn't get retired from every team in the league unless the #'s of all the greats were as well.
@DickBArbiter 11 жыл бұрын
Jake nailed it. He's getting back at Jordan regarding Dream Team. The comment about MJ being just another player on DT is very amusing but this is my favorite: "In 1991 (it was 92)...I watched Michael Jordan play and literally get ridiculed for taking a jump shot in the championship game that went off the backboard and they won." Ridiculed and off the backboard? Where is he getting that? In this age of youtube, this can be easily checked and show what an flat-out liar he is.
@CaptNewAmerica 11 жыл бұрын
After all the comments I made, the best thing you can do is attack his Wizards years, that IS pathetic. I know for a fact that even at such an advanced age, he was still outplaying many of the top guards in the NBA. He was an all-star both years and put up multiple 40-plus games. I never said he outplayed Vince or Kobe, I was basically saying he held his own. He was waaay past his prime, and was only playing in an effort to move into the Wizards front office!!!
@delfra70 11 жыл бұрын
Man I watched all those series from the late 80's to the early 90's. Sure MJ got some superstar calls, so did Magic, Bird, Isiah Thomas as well. But if you're trying to tell me calls we're the only reason the Bulls got by the Pistons in '91 than you need your eyes checked my friend. The Bulls we're quicker, faster, hungrier, more athletic, explosive and just flat out superior in every way. The Bulls just swept them aside in '91 like a hurricane.
@burghsfinest 11 жыл бұрын
Well lets take music for example... If a song I liked was hot in say 2000, how valuable would my opinion be if all of a sudden I am acting as if I never even listened to it and just wanna say it is decent. My opinion on somethings have changed, but what was great then is still great now. That's why shoes are re-released, and songs are re-made and remixed. Salley knew people would listen, that's why no one on open court or any other worthy show have payed him any attention.
@usnate1 11 жыл бұрын
If the talent pool is big, and the league is smaller that means you would be going up against tough teams EVERY NIGHT. HOFers every night.
@collins444 11 жыл бұрын
There's a lot more to the 3+ minutes than just the one shot. He just looked so tired and out of shape. It was an airball, he rarely handled the ball during that time and had an out of control pass. "Very un-Jordan." Bad shooting games? Very common actually.
@collins444 11 жыл бұрын
Game 6. Bulls up 102-94 with over 3 minutes remaining. Magic score 7 points to bring them within 102-101. Jordan didn't shoot once. Then with a minute remaining he finally shoots. Airball. Magic go up 104-102. With 13 seconds left, Jordan turns it over on yet another bad pass. Magic win 108-102. Jordan goes 0-1, an airball, in that final 3:24. 14-0 run by Magic. Yeah, that's typical. Grant, the deciding factor? He was on the bench this entire time since he shot 2-8. There's your facts.
@modeo92 11 жыл бұрын
yeah, i read the "dream team" thing. i could see how salley went on a quest to discredit mj. it's pretty amazing he got/is getting so much attention for it. then again, i'm here giving it attention. saying mj isn't the greatest ever is fine. you can argue for a few guys. but isiah was better than jordan? lol he was a great player, but that's just silly. i can't wait for joel anthony to tell us who the greatest is in about a decade
@shutterbugblues 12 жыл бұрын
If MJ had none of the marketing muscle he had, would everyone still sing his GOAT praises? It's hard to say. Media power is quite something. I have friends around the world who know Michael Jordan and the Bulls and not much else. I used to live in Chicago and everyone was in love with his media image and persona that it was blasphemous to think of him as anything less than the greatest. To say he's flawless is silly and unfair towards past greats whose careers were JUST AS stellar as his.
@LonelyBoy15145 11 жыл бұрын
That's not a contradiction, John Salley said that when he was still playing, but he never said that Michael wasn't the best until after he stopped playing,he changed his mind but that's not a contradiction, a contradiction is when you say two different things at the same time, and he only said two different things at two different times and stages of his life and career.
@diamondspectrum 7 жыл бұрын
Wilt - 73% FGP is the best ever. That's almost like having an extra guy out on the court for your team.
@honorfirst7506 6 жыл бұрын
diamond spectrum wilt never shot 54% from the field until like his 6th year in the league. Also in the playoffs he always underperformed. His points went down 15 points for one playoff run. And he had the most shot attempts average per game in history. And he played in a weak era. He went from 50 points regular season to 35 no ring in the end. Show Jordan dropping down 15 points in the playoffs per game. Wilt regular season career average is 30 his playoffs career scoring average is 22. Mike's playoff is higher than his regular season
@CaptNewAmerica 11 жыл бұрын
I have no idea what you are asking, unless you just dont comprehend what the word means. But nothing else can be described as a contradiction. Do you have a different definition for for the word that Im not aware of?
@CaptNewAmerica 11 жыл бұрын
If I changed my mind to suit a particular situation, then YES, I am contradicting myself. I dont have a problem answering that...Pound for pound Jordan is the greatest. He dominated (IMO), the greatest era of Basketball, the 90s. It is the era where old school clashed with new school. You still had Bird, Magic and Isiah in their prime. He beat Magic in the Finals! Gave Boston 63. Knocked out the Pistons, and dominated the deepest era ever for big men. How anyone can dispute it is ludicrous.
@lakerstr8killurteam 11 жыл бұрын
Kareem is the best. and it wasn't just mj that won that chip give credit to pip!
@CaptNewAmerica 11 жыл бұрын
I know how Magic's career ended, everybody does!!! I wasnot suggesting that he retired "immediately" after losing to Jordan. But following his lost to Jordan, his retirement would soon follow. Makes sense to you now? Magic knew his run was over, HIV or not. And to my point, Magic was still in his prime when he was dominated by the Bulls/Jordan in the finals, losing 4-1. Jordan never even played in a game 7 in the Finals! Thats how much he dominated his competition. He left no doubt!
@usnate1 11 жыл бұрын
I disagree, the NBA has changed the rules in order to boost guard play through marketing especially. Bigs used to be the stars, but they still are key. Chandler in Dallas..Bynum in LA etc. Bigs are just as if not more important.The greatest big men in history are more effective than the greatest Wing players b/c they can do more just by the shear physical advantages alone.Dribbling is the only thing they can't do.Rebounding, shot blocking, steals, points the great bigs did do at a high rate.
@Catchthis101 10 жыл бұрын
Why is he still on television?
@chitownref 11 жыл бұрын
No MJ played for the Wizards to get OUT of being a part owner. He had a small ownership stake in the Wizards and the only way to get out of that was to comeback and play because due to NBA rules a player CANNOT own any part of a team. However you are correct that MJ is the GOAT and a FAR better player than Kobe, Vince or Lebrick.
@burghsfinest 11 жыл бұрын
The point is he made it like he never said it at all if you want to be technical. And the same "retired "players that he mentions in his later interview on "The Herd" were still "retired" during this interview so what changed?? There is the contradiction because it is inconsistent. This video is attached to the other video. Watching this first may cause you to think why is it titled this. Now if Magic, Isiah or Bird played after this interview, then he would have every right to change his mind
@CaptNewAmerica 11 жыл бұрын
You can have whatever opinion you want. But no one that Ive seen, read about or seen footage on, displayed complete excellence in ever facet of the game like JORDAN. Bird even said before the titles, that "He is God in basketball shorts." He dominated his contemporaries without any competition whatsoever. None of his finals series went to a game 7. He dominated on both ends of the floor with equal efficiency. He has no weaknesses whatsoever. What other player in history can you say that about?
@suave_d 11 жыл бұрын
This still doesn't even come close to addressing my question. But I'll leave it at that; it's not even worth discussing anymore.
@delfra70 11 жыл бұрын
Haha, you think so huh. It sure seemed like it whenever the Pistons played the Bulls. When Ahmad asked 'MJ' was he offended when the Pistons walk off the court without congradulating the Bulls after he swept them and he said no, after getting their asses kicked they probally wanted to leave the court as soon as possible, haha.
@burghsfinest 12 жыл бұрын
he basically didn't have him in his top 5 (Magic, Bird, Kareem, Hakeem & Isiah)
@burghsfinest 11 жыл бұрын
I just realized he said MJ was a terrible outside shooter LOL ok sure. People gave him the jumper because he was more of a threat driving. Not to mention that driving the lane presents contact, which gets people in foul trouble etc. And the triangle is just a highly popular offense that everyone speaks on. That doesn't guarantee a title. Pat Riley played with and coached GREAT players. When he became VP of the Heat he retired MJ's number, not Magic's who he won 4 titles with. Why is that???
@SimonLYW 11 жыл бұрын
It's kinda similar to the LeBron vs Chicago games now
@CaptNewAmerica 11 жыл бұрын
PUHLeese makes a case for Magic or Bird being better than Jordan. I would like to hear/read this!
@loyalaszsdot 12 жыл бұрын
if yall could pick 1 player to start your team with it wud be micheal jordan nd yall kno it means he the greatest
@delfra70 11 жыл бұрын
The Pistons could have been spotted 2 games by the Bulls and they still would have lost in 6 games in '91 bro. The Bulls didn't get by the Pistons because of calls, they got by the Pistons because they finally mastered how to get through that dirty grimy play of the Pistons and put they asses to sleep. The Pistons we're a great squad but the lacked class and sportsmanship, walking off the court like sore loser after getting blew out on their home floor by 21 points, ran off their own gym.
@DickBArbiter 11 жыл бұрын
If you change your views with good reasons, fine. What Salley said in that ESPN interview came off as having an agenda(to me and many others) with nothing backing it up; along with negative comments about MJ that made no sense.To give him some credit, he did say the following recently, which is a good reason (you can't compare eras) for not calling Jordan the GOAT. "They asked me who the greatest of all time was... MJ was the best of the '90s, but you can't say he's the greatest of all time."
@DickBArbiter 11 жыл бұрын
Ok, I checked back and you're still arguing something different. At least you're consistent.
@burghsfinest 11 жыл бұрын
And the mid 90's 2 teams were added, and 72 wins became the record from a team that won 69 games playing against the same 9 teams. Rodman was pro Piston & Lakers so that comment doesnt mean much. The Bulls didwhat they were supposed to do, beat on the comp they faced. The teams in the 80's were great and as I said before, the bulls were successful just didn't win it all. I'm done wasting my time on this, all this speculation has nothing to do with the video or will ever happen so....
@CaptNewAmerica 11 жыл бұрын
And Jordan's Bulls destroyed Magic's Lakers in the Finals!
@gekkodrome 11 жыл бұрын
Horace Grant had low numbers only in Game 6 because the rest of the team did great. Shaq, Penny, and 3D all scored over 20 points each. You're dismissing Grant's contributions for the whole series. He averaged 18 points and 11 rebounds for the Magic in that series, hardly a slouch.
@DickBArbiter 11 жыл бұрын
Ok, I'll try again. "Droppin 40" is not the equivalent of "held his own." And he did not hold his own against KOBE AND VINCE, Not even close. That's my point. If you intended something else, well, I'm not arguing that. We're involved in semantics and having 2 different arguments. Or about 7.
@sidean8413 11 жыл бұрын
I think if there was some one who stacked up better than MJ won all his awards and rings they still would not be the greatest. Everyone would still call MJ the greatest player ever so no point even getting into a debate about anyone being as good or even better than him. I think MJ is the greatest player of all time for his position no question. But from a overall difference maker i would argue he isn't in his own sphere.
@Builder75 11 жыл бұрын
john salley needs to make up his mind who is the greatest
@lakerstr8killurteam 11 жыл бұрын
all im saying is the guy isn't giving credit were credit is due. The guy makes it seem that pippen sat on his ass while jordan did the work and handed him a ring.
@ericjordan6059 5 жыл бұрын
No. What happens is Jordan seems to get less and less credit as the years go by. No one talks about Pippen bitching up the year before in a game 7 situation. No one talks about Pippen and Grant not being starters in their early years. No one talks about the staff placing Pippen with Jordan to learn the tricks of the trade. If Kobe can emulate Jordan's style and become a top 10-15 of all time player, what the fuck makes you all think he couldn't groom Pippen when he worked directly with him??? Give them each their credit but you all need to stop the bullshit rhetoric!
@menacemc 6 жыл бұрын
This is what im talking about. Even Bill Walton said he was the greatest THEN later said Jordan was average lololol. All these people said Jordan was the greatest NOW they saying hes not....what happened? Jordan didnt send you the free shoes?
@MistahUnknown 5 жыл бұрын
Magic Johnson and Salley have both said on numerous occasions that Jordan wasn't the GOAT. But when Jordan was playing for Chicago they both got hired by NBC, a network that promoted Jordan to such an extreme that NBC was said to stand for "Nothing But Chicago". While on NBC, both Magic and Salley praised Jordan to the heavens as the GOAT. Magic continued working with the networks and continues to say it. Salley doesn't work for them anymore and now says that Jordan isn't the GOAT. This is the same with Walton too. That's how it goes.
@NallePu83 12 жыл бұрын
Nobody put Isiah in top 10 :-P
@usnate1 11 жыл бұрын
"Pound for Pound" is a stipulation, it's a technicality, a way of saying "If you use this set of criteria you have the greatest player ever."With that said, what about all the OTHER criteria.I know all of the reasons you have as much as you do..I've heard them all, and I love and know basketball as well.I even used to believe that MJ was the bar none the greatest..but their are certainly others I'd take at different spots before him,therefore b/c he can't play as the best PG,SG,C,PF, SF ever,no.
@MrDurant123 11 жыл бұрын
@suave_d 11 жыл бұрын
Jake didn't "nail" anything. You don't know if Salley is trying to get back at MJ; that is speculation at best. And again, nobody really answered my questions. I'll ask again: if he held a view in 2000, and the view changed as of 2012 or 2013, does that make the person contradictory? Are people not allowed to change their views without being contradictory? I still believe the title of this video is misleading.
@10topowerof8 10 жыл бұрын
what about dumars?
@usnate1 11 жыл бұрын
I wasn't saying you specifically. I was speaking for the general basketball world. Absolutely, so do you think you can compare a PG to a C? Just curious.
@usnate1 11 жыл бұрын
Yes he did, he was a terrible outside shooter, an avg rebounder, hardly ever did he crack double digit assists..and many say had a better b-ball IQ he could have won in a system other than the triangle. Others have a case for GOAT...and you can't compare an SG to a C or other positions.
@CaptNewAmerica 11 жыл бұрын
Political candidates are held accountable 4 their thoughts and actions, no matter how early in their careers. And so are public figures. Besides, Salley has always been a publicity hound, always smiling for the cameras & trying to be noticed. He understands that saying MJ is not the greatest is controversial & will get him publicity. He should not be taken serious. ANybody who had a heartbeat when Jordan was playing knows he is the greatest,or you must be a Jazz, Lakers, Sonics, or Suns fan. lol
@burghsfinest 11 жыл бұрын
Jerry West 3rd greatest rebounder at 6'2??? Jordan avg 6.2rbs and 5.3asts... He could only score and play solid D thats what makes him less dangerous lol. Bird avg 6.3 asts what more do you expect mike to do? There are only 48 mins in a game. Of course you are entilted to your opinion, just make sure it makes sense. As far as positions go, the big stay down low, mike posted up, he shot jumpers and he slashed to the hoop. Kareem & Wilt stayed in the paint thats it
@burghsfinest 11 жыл бұрын
No I was laughing with you
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