Kendal is NOT a good guy | Succession: Season 4 Episode 8

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Succession Season 4 Episode 8 Recap and Ending Explained
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0:00 Roman
1:29 Greg
2:16 Tom
3:35 Shiv
4:45 Kendal

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@nont18411 Жыл бұрын
Kendall is a PROTAGONIST, not a HERO.
@earnthis1 Жыл бұрын
"Everything I do is for my children" Logan and Kendall both parrot this lie to cover their greed. Sickos using their kids as armor.
@TSLR2323 Жыл бұрын
Jeremy strong calls him an anti-hero which I think is a fair assessment
@kamoheloiannk617 Жыл бұрын
Season 3 kinda broke Kendall's idea of being a hero. That conversation he had with Logan in ep8, his realization of why his dad kept winning and why he wanted out, but now has to rise to the occasion cause the sibs would fuc it up. He's trying to keep the family in power, shiv doesn't care she's cozied up with the new boss and Roman actually supports the fascist.
@ceceliaz Жыл бұрын
@@earnthis1 I agree with this in general but honestly don't believe Kendall suffers from greed per se. Being obsessed with power and ego, yes.
@Simox17 Жыл бұрын
i dont think there is a hero in this show
@shivanijoshi9252 Жыл бұрын
Out of all the siblings, Kendall is always the one I find myself rooting for and feeling empathy towards because the show does such a good job at showing us his vulnerable side as well as his caring nature when it comes to the people he loves (him standing up to Logan for his son/ Roman, telling Tom to watch it, being Roman’s emotional support in the last episode etc, etc) but the sad part is that even though some part of Kendall is good, it’s not enough. He will never be emotionally mature and altruistic enough to actually care about other people instead of his own desires and wants. It’s funny because you often hear Kendall talking about therapy and mental health and how he wants to do the “right thing” but it’s all just a false reality that he’s creating to delude himself into thinking that he’s not a bad person. That he’s not his father that he’s better when in reality he’s really not. He’s so much easier to root for than Roman because Roman is self aware. Roman knows he’s a shitty person and doesn’t care because he’s open about putting himself and his interests first
@jessicadomijan9092 Жыл бұрын
'Even though some part of Ken is good, it's not enough.' Yes, THIS! And now, we Know it for sure...and he does, too, I think, judging by the looks on his face at the end. There is no going back from this...for him or for us, from here. Pitch black but so well done.
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
nice shoutout to Kendal standing up to Logan about his son. another good (and similar) example was when Logan slapped Roman and Kendal snapped at him. the way he and Logan looked after each other's mental and physical health in S2 was pretty cool. and even little "thanks, greg" type stuff is nice to see but as you said, he's got a bunch of bad stuff too. its frustrating as a fan who wannnnts to root for Kendal lol
@HagarLevy Жыл бұрын
Very interesting. I think Kendall IS better than his father. But it is not enough for HIMSELF. He’s not has an example of a valuable life without the power.
@rishabhaniket1952 Жыл бұрын
@@bridge4 Why frustrating??? Why are we expected to root for perfect saints and heroes. I find conflicted and grey characters more interesting and I usually root for them.
@throbinhood9945 Жыл бұрын
Tom running around ATN doing coke and freaking the fuck out over touchscreens is honestly a mood
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
lol. im too old to know how to use "is a mood" in a sentence. But i could tell what you meant by that, and LOL. thats funny. it was totally a mood!! im with ya
@jeviosoorishas181 Жыл бұрын
Shiv trying to punk Greg is probably a testament to why she'll never win the game. Back in Season 3, there's a scene where Logan is trying to persuade Greg to sign an NDA so he can weaken Kendall's case against him. He initially starts trying to be extra nice to Greg. Once he realizes Greg wants to be given something but doesn't really know how to negotiate, Logan drops the act, admits that Greg has some leverage, and tells him to get back to him and tell him what he wants and ends the meeting. Logan understands that in business you have to appeal to people's self interest as a form of persuasion. This is slightly different in politics where you appeal to people's ideals as a form of persuasion. Shiv is actually good at this: when she helps to persuade that girl who is going to speak at the hearing about the cruises scandal, she does an amazing job appealing to her political ideals to win her over. However, when it comes to Greg, and Tom by extension, she always comes off trying to get her way through brute force, fear/manipulation and disrespect, which works until it doesn't.
@cparkrun Жыл бұрын
Excellent comment, IMO
@jcnom6606 Жыл бұрын
This may have been Kendall’s final battle within himself. The killer Logan wanted won, the kendall that didn’t want to become his father lost and it took another betrayal from a sibling to do it. I think Ken is done with them and yes kendall was also planning on betraying shiv and Rome but kendall showed his cards to shiv and was honest about everything. About them still being involved but he’s at the top alone, kendall was honest. Shiv couldn’t be as honest, worst is her deal doesn’t include a place for her brothers.
@blasteroid9143 Жыл бұрын
Logan: "ya gotta be a killer, you're not a killer" Kendall: *kills democracy
@jordanjordan4648 Жыл бұрын
I feel like Kendall, if separated from ATN entirely, could be a decent guy, but he’s been forced into sticky situations from birth. This episode in particular shows how he really has nobody to rely on because no matter what he will be someone’s pawn. The only person who’s ever really cared for him in a genuine way is Frank
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
exactly!!! thats why ive been hoping they all leave the company. The siblings are cute together when they arent focused on the political games of the business, and Kendal specifically seems like he could be a decent human if he wasn't obsessed with his dreams of being the CEO
@kathrynorozco5416 Жыл бұрын
He’s a good guy when he’s not around his family. They bring out the worst in him especially his father, Roman and Shiv
@rominaakemi5540 Жыл бұрын
Shiv could have been honest about Jimenez not willing to compromise himself and tried to convince him on a moral "good guy" basis. But Shiv is terrible at winning people over and doesn't seem to have the patience.
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
but she was so close to winning him over anyway. It felt like she fumbled the ball on the 1 yard line with him. then her secret got exposed! lol
@shytguy Жыл бұрын
It seems she’s a typical corporate democrat. Speaks about caring about the future of the republic/democracy, but is really guided by her own corporate self interests. She keeps talking about doing the right thing when it comes to the election and I think part of her believes that, but not enough that it supersedes her own greedy and spiteful interests.
@billbaggins1688 Жыл бұрын
I hate the way Shiv so easily became a shill for Mattson.
@louisjones2653 Жыл бұрын
Greg betraying Shiv was also a nice parallel to season 1 when he first capitulates to Shiv and "forgets" the documents in his first loyalty test amongst the Roy siblings.
@tokyojehorala Жыл бұрын
Watching Shiv threatening Greg was so adorable. Logan never went to Greg without a deal and Greg was scared of him and still asked Logan what he can get. She hasn't learnt that side of the business yet. She did the same to Tom and he betrayed her and now doing to Greg and got burnt. Have a deal!! I hope she learns this fast.
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
On the one hand, i hate the idea of blackmail paying off. But the way she handled it was very poor. In contrast, Tom promoted Greg after learning he had stolen documents. And Kendal's response in the s1 finale was the best. "I see you, Greg. I like it!" or something like that lol
@JoelBrousseau Жыл бұрын
@@bridge4 he says “You little Machiavellian fuck. I see you, Greg. I like it."
@JadeEyeland Жыл бұрын
@@bridge4 "greg you machevellian fuck, I see you"
@kamoheloiannk617 Жыл бұрын
Remember season 3 episode 4/5 Lion in the Meadow... Kendall tells Logan, no respects shiv, cause she's a dipshit... Her attempting to threaten Greg instead of play to an angle is direct evidence of shiv not being ready. She sucks at reading situations, she's inexperienced
@Twtybird1 Жыл бұрын
I happen to agree. Kendall likes to think of himself as a “good guy”. That’s as far as he can take it. Also, Kendall will not seek custody. He knows his kids are better off with their mom.
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
what do you think his final line meant? i actually didnt come up with that last bit in this video until i was 95% done and came up with that idea and rerecorded the last few sentences
@shivanijoshi9252 Жыл бұрын
I also think he doesn’t actually want raise his kids. We barely ever see him spend time with them and even when they are all together, they’re always with attendants and caretakers and such
@nont18411 Жыл бұрын
Dude is even shameless enough to call Rava after announcing Mencken president.
@Twtybird1 Жыл бұрын
@@bridge4 I got nothing when I heard it the first time! I've read and listened to explanations since then, and some make sense, but who knows?
@sharersale6480 Жыл бұрын
@@bridge4 I think he was referring to himself, maybe in a self-pity kind of way. Because in this episode, he seems to have been the only one who couldn't make a deal and depended on his siblings to get his way. Shiv ended up betraying their deal, and he was left out of the Mencken deal because Mencken only wanted Roman. As well as the end when he couldnt even negotiate with Rava something as simple as to see the kids. It's always been rough for Kendall in negotiations. I mean, even Connor made a deal!
@rouxbe3595 Жыл бұрын
Tom is done with Shiv. Reminded me of Gerri’s reaction to Roman’s apology.
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
is he!?!? i totally didnt think he was at the end of the last episode. and i still dont think he is ... but now im actually wondering ... you might be right!!
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
to play devils advocate, after she walked away, he had a very confused/sad face on as he stood there...
@rouxbe3595 Жыл бұрын
@@bridge4 He did look confused, I’m guessing he might be trying to figure out how long she’s known she’s pregnant, how long she’s been withholding that information from him. His behavior after she tells him is consistent with him being completely done with her. All of his many decisions that advantage Menkin could be attributed to his goal of getting the highest ratings for ATN by feeding the audience what they want to see, because his job is so precarious right now. But I believe his decisions were also driven by his desire to hurt Shiv, to decrease her power, and her value in the eyes of Mattson & Nate, just as she did to him the night before. Most telling of all, I think, was when he cut her off in the room with Ken, Roman, Darwin, and Greg. She was agreeing with Darwin (Tom’s expert!) and telling Roman he was full of shit. Tom cut her off and said very pointedly and patronizingly, “Shiv, Shiiiiiiv, you sound a little unhinged.” He seized the opportunity to belittle and humiliate her in front of everyone. It was so bad that Kendall shouted at Tom, “You fucking watch it, Tom!” Tom’s done with her.
@rmzzz76 Жыл бұрын
The question is what did Greg get from Kendall to give over the information... By time the conversation behind the glass happened Greg is now fully engaged in Corp politics and understands information can be a commodity. He got something offered, we just don't know what yet.
@w0mblemania Жыл бұрын
There are no good guys on this show. Everyone is flawed. Some, much more than others. And that's why I love it. It doesn't pander to the usual sensibilities. All of Logan's children are damaged goods. They're all children. And, oh, god, I loved Conor's crazy speech.
@breezus3928 Жыл бұрын
I think if Shiv did call Nate and got a no, Kendall still would have called the election, he just would have needed a little longer to rationalize an argument convince himself he could call it AND be a "good guy" (perhaps thinking "I totally can use ATN to blackmail Menken into being less bad!!!")
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
yeah, i hate to say it (because ive been trying to convince myself otherwise), but my instinct was that he would've called it for Mencken too (after struggling for a bit and finding a way to rationalize it, as you said)
@AdviceFromAHipoCrite Жыл бұрын
Also…y’all remember when Shiv took Greg’s last 20$ in the first two episodes and never gave him his change…
@svlagonda7417 Жыл бұрын
The way you relate the explanations to things the characters have said in previous episodes is fantastically helpful. These sociopaths have selective amnesia and change their narratives to suit their own interests!!
@jramnani7 Жыл бұрын
How is Greg better at playing the field than shiv?! 😂😂😂
@jaiza_one Жыл бұрын
They burned it all down before Logan was in the ground
@lunacascade1125 Жыл бұрын
This episode was mind blowing! Every one of them is better than the last. Not what the characters do but how the show is written. Next episode the funeral will be cutthroat. Like weddings funerals are where people show up and show out. Who knows who will come out alive! As always. Great rrecap and review 😊
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
hey luna. just two more to go!! i read on an MMA forum yesterday that the finale is a 90 minutes episode tho =))
@sitori663 Жыл бұрын
GREAT review. One of the best. 👏 👏 👏
@rouxbe3595 Жыл бұрын
I think Kendall still would have gone with Menkin. He blamed his decision on Jimenez, “some people just can’t make a deal”
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
thats a good point!
@kamoheloiannk617 Жыл бұрын
In a world this grey, it's never as simple as good or bad... Maybe there aren't any good guys on that level of business.
@youtubemom497 Жыл бұрын
maybe there aren’t any purely “good guys” on earth? Maybe that’s why we’re so drawn to flawed characters , we want to see them battle their demons?
@marknoahsotelo316 Жыл бұрын
I wouldn't say Greg built a relationship with Matson, he hung around to be bullied and made fun of and because Matson can't keep his mouth shut, Greg got some good info. That doesn't mean in the sober ( and I do mean sober) light of day Matson has any use for Greg.
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
yeah, i hear ya. i just felt id be remiss to not mention it
@kormanproductions8943 Жыл бұрын
He twice mentions getting info from Greg, the second time, being during the election events. Seems to me that Matson had continued talking to Greg even after the night at the bar
@tokyojehorala Жыл бұрын
@@kormanproductions8943 thats true. thats why SHIV threatened Greg.
@sharersale6480 Жыл бұрын
Other than to get information, which he was doing and mentioned so to Shiv.
@SenseiSeagal420 Жыл бұрын
I think Tom acted appropriately, Shiv was trying to play both sides the whole time and still kept throwing him under the bus. Plus all 3 siblings were on his ass this entire episode and then in the middle of this very important day she dropped that baby on him(she deserves no sympathy)
@nont18411 Жыл бұрын
Kendall: Saying he did everything to protect his children. SIX CONTINENTS! Also Kendall: Crowning a Nazi into a president just to spite Shiv and Matsson while putting his own children in more danger.
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
lol, well said!
@Jules-oo4rr Жыл бұрын
@nont18411 Жыл бұрын
@@bridge4 The interesting part is when Tom ranted to Greg about how if he made the wrong decisions, the US might get a wrong president and the conflicts with China could escalate. I know that scene was portrayed as a joke but thinking about this, since what Tom predicted came to pass and now Mencken became the president which could make the conflict with China worse so that means Kendall started World War 3 just to spite Shiv
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
yeah, Tom's hyperbole in the beginning was funny. he implied that the world might go all the way back to amoebas if Greg didnt get him coffee or something lol
@lorraineioannou Жыл бұрын
The same way he tried to manage Logan’s care while he was dying, he thinks he can use his resources to protect his family. Everyone else may be endangered but he’ll send protection for his. Warped thinking.
@NotSoRandom_ Жыл бұрын
Tom should never have taken that bump 😂
@sizdimitri Жыл бұрын
You always point out the small details we forget. :)
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
watched it three times. there's a lot of other stuff i was tempted to say, but the video was running long as is here's one though. Willa's facial expression at the end of Conner's speech was curious ... she seemed scared of what he was saying
@patrickrichartz662 Жыл бұрын
I really do feel like this election isn't over yet, and for so many reasons. what do you think about the conversation greg had with jess before confirming Mencken's win, and jess' reactions &action after greg turns his back and walks away? feels like a big Chekov's gun to me
@bakedpotato1717 Жыл бұрын
Not looking forward to the recently unhinged Roman saying Logan’s eulogy 💀 feel like we’re in for a train wreck
@TheKrazysexykool Жыл бұрын
The very first episode in the very first season introduces us to the principal characters of the Roy family and their business associates. I hated every single one of them. I thought they were out of touch, entitled sociopaths who are absolutely horrible people. Throughout the series, there has been some character development and a glimpse that explains why the Roy children are the way they are. They are the product of two emotionally unavailable, sadistic parents who enjoy pitting the siblings against each other. The siblings are so damaged and at times, one can't help but feel some empathy towards them. Then we see episode 8 of Season 4 and I was reminded of the characters to whom we were introduced in the very first episode of the very first season. They were despicable then and even though we know why they are the people they are, they are still despicable. Roman was the worst. Tom and Greg tied in Second Place and Kendall came in third. I hope Roman and Tom suffer great fallout for cheating the American people out of a free and fair election. The Roys do not deserve to come out on top. I hope the board removes Kendall and Roman as CEOs and that Matsson gets the deal. Anyone who would crawl into bed with fascists deserves to lose and lose majorly
@earnthis1 Жыл бұрын
Mattson is a psycho too though... Sicko 1% money grubbing, greedy, hateful liars, all of em.
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
i know right?! they showed us who they were, but we ended up loving them anyway. and now they are all acting sooooo dirty. its sad (but great TV!)
@TheKrazysexykool Жыл бұрын
@@bridge4 It is FANTASTIC tv but I wanted to just slap Roman Roy upside the head.
@nont18411 Жыл бұрын
I still don’t understand why the audience love Tom so much while despising Shiv. Dude is a textbook opportunistic gold digger who has no moral spine, just like Littlefinger in Game of Thrones. Meanwhile, yeah Shiv is not a likable person and loves to hurt people so many times but I feel a lot of pity for her because she’s too pathetic and her karma always blows up to her face. And also, albeit it’s for her self-interest with Matsson, Shiv’s decision to support Jimenez is better for the common folks than Ken’s decision to support Mencken. I don’t want anyone to win this. Especially not Tom and Greg.
@thengakola Жыл бұрын
Shiv is worse than Roman
@inspectorvideos3781 Жыл бұрын
At the 47:30 mark of S4E8, Roman is on fire for a full minute hurling sexist remarks: “he’s not wishy-washy, he’s a guy; the country’s just a bug p waiting to get f; bosom of history; damsels in distress.” What a script they give this guy!
@kormanproductions8943 Жыл бұрын
I think most of Toms actions in this episode was less about Shiv and more about a desperate self preservation.
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
I'm not sold that his choices didn't have malicious intent to them, but I'm totally with ya in terms of him being broken. And i didn't address that at all. As a big fan of Tom, that's a shame on me for not speaking to that. good call!
@globalmovement5141 Жыл бұрын
We all know that Darwin will come out on top
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
lol, i see what you did there
@nont18411 Жыл бұрын
@@bridge4 But unlike you, Darwin can’t see because of the wasabi and lemon juice (very natural and medical, not that lemony) in his eyes.
@suedaniels4722 Жыл бұрын
Darwinism always reigns supreme
@JotaP1n Жыл бұрын
I am completely agree. Some people is "defending" somehow Kendal because Shiv o Roman are plotting in political matters only for their own agenda in Waystar while Kendall is having doubts because the election is being manipulated and because Mencken seems "dangerous" for the safety and all that. But that's only the surface, like Shiv saying she is worried about democracy and all these bullshit only to hide her own interest. Kendall doubts roots in 2 things: he is not a good leader after all, when the family comes in starts to lose control over the situation, and 2, and probaby most important, he knows supporting Mencken is maybe not so good for him, because that guy is Roman's wing man, so by doing that, even if that what he needs to break GoJo's agreement, could lead Roman to be "the number one" and that is the Kendall's worst nightmare is that.
@JoJoJoker Жыл бұрын
Greg continues to inch his way to the top. Royco is a news organization and Greg Roy has the inside scoop. S1E1 foreshadowed all of this. Glad to see my multi-year predictions are coming to pass with each new episode.
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
"honor is dead, but ill see what i can do" lol
@rafeeqwarfield9690 Жыл бұрын
I mean this wasn’t rocket science
@JoJoJoker Жыл бұрын
@@rafeeqwarfield9690 seems to be for many ppl.
@rafeeqwarfield9690 Жыл бұрын
@@JoJoJoker never said they were mutually exclusive
@alannahprestaynofbraavos5759 Жыл бұрын
I don't know why I keep thinking that Matsson is lying about his numbers and is going to put all the Roys out on their a$$es.
@aaronarguelles8322 Жыл бұрын
Another strong analysis
@mqureshi79 Жыл бұрын
My prediction for the end... Kendall slits everyone's throats, takes his children from Rava through bullying and making a deal with her, takes Tom and Greg under his wing and wins everything. And like Michael Corleone, he's won everything at the cost of everyone. He's the King and he's utterly alone. He succeeded Logan and becomes what he hated most, his own father.
@toryrods Жыл бұрын
Great video as always; but has it always been confirmed that Sophie is adopted?
@drewo698 Жыл бұрын
I agree w your thinking “Kendall taking his kids back point”. Just like Logan did with his kids
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
ohhh, i didnt even make the connection to Logan. good call!
@SaltyPatriot12 Жыл бұрын
I was waiting for your recap all day! So good! Kendall is definitely the anti-hero & I think he’s right about not being a good dad. Not for the Presidential race either. For every other reason through season 1-4. I think Shiv got what was coming to her.
@fitzofpassion Жыл бұрын
I don’t think Sophia is adopted. The name “Rava” is of Indian origin, and as is the case with all children, there’s a chance for a kid to come out heavily favoring one set of grandparents versus another (ie skip a generation), look at Shibhon.
@kathrynorozco5416 Жыл бұрын
I think Kendall is a good person who is just very flawed. He’s certainly better than the rest of the family
@teresajennings1243 Жыл бұрын
I think Jeremy Strong is so good at portraying Kendall that I have wanted to root for him, but I know that though he has vulnerability and a desire to be good, he has been raised by such a morally bankrupt parent that he just cannot let go of the desire to win at all costs, no matter who gets hurt. This is the figurative cross Shiv and Roman have to bear also, but somehow Kendall touches my heart more than those two.
@azmoe99 Жыл бұрын
Roman is the only one who hasn't sold his soul. He is who he is
@KazimierzStaszewski Жыл бұрын
There is a possibility that Mencken offering to terminate the Matsson deal in exchange for help was actually Matsson's idea. Matsson probably initiated the chain of events by starting to speak with the scary guy
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
so you think Mattson's back and forths with Shiv (in which he seemingly wanted Jimenez to win) were just an act?
@KazimierzStaszewski Жыл бұрын
@@bridge4 I think Matsson was using Shiv and Mecken was using Roman, Greg was a very, very useful device in the process. I think siblings are fuc...
@KazimierzStaszewski Жыл бұрын
@@bridge4 and one more thing: Kendal just broke every promise to Nan Pierce
@zachscott5420 Жыл бұрын
Kendall’s daughter will say something profound to mencken at the funeral and he will bite back. Or he will see the disdain in her eyes seeing her father speak to him. And Kendall will blow it all up for his children. Reversing the cycle
@raymondsims7042 Жыл бұрын
That would be awful 😂
@shivanijoshi9252 Жыл бұрын
I actually interpreted final scene as Kendall realizing that he might have fucked up when he chose Mencken as president. It starts with the zoom in on Kendall’s face when Mencken is talking about “something clean in this polluted land” and “welfare Kings and queens” is kind of a this was the moment he knew he fucked up. That’s why he wanted to go see his children afterwards.
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
Interresting. the "welfare kings and queens" was a tricky line. At times, i was tempted to think he was referring to the Roys and implying that he lied to them. But I backed away from that since he called Roman right away. There was actually a line in my rough draft about how Mencken's speech spoke about being non-corrupt, but it was B.S. since he was working with Roman. In terms of welfare kings and queens, I ended up assuming that he was referring to an agenda to cut social programs (while secretly doing deals with the elites)
@mmmuuuuuuuuiiiiiiiiirrrrr Жыл бұрын
I just don't really believe that Shiv altogether changed Kendall's mind. I think he was probably ALWAYS going to do what he was going to do. All that the reveal of Shiv's betrayal REALLY did for Kendall was to give him the small, quick burst of hurt & anger that he needed to get it over and done. His righteous indignation in that moment gave him the little push he needed, kind of like when you get angry at your partner and go clean up the kitchen alone. (If anyone can relate to that, idk?) ALSO, props to the actors for selling it in that scene. Imho, it was a rare weak spot in the writing: the brothers finding out everything bc Shiv pretended to make a phone call, and Kendall oddly follows it up with HIS OWN call, which doesn't make sense, really. Why would Kendall suddenly believe that he could could do better when he JUST GOT SHIV TO DO IT bc he thought Nate might be more willing to play ball with SHIV? And, it was SO QUICK. We watch through the glass, and don't hear either side of the conversation, (for the best, bc the conversation would need to be longer to naturally reveal Shiv's secrets, &would sound weird &abrupt if Nate had exposed Shiv that quickly. I mean, Nate &Ken JUST SPOKE.
@chriswilson8487 Жыл бұрын
Disagree. He doubted her because she was stuttering and vague and flakey when he asked her what Nate had said, and so had to ask her AGAIN “but what did he actually say!?”…. Still she gave him zero so he calls himself because a lot is riding on getting Jiminez across the line on blocking the deal…and probs says something like …hey I know you just spoke to Shiv but…and all Nate has to say is huh? I haven’t spoken to Shiv tonight? BOOM. Totes believable. He knows she lied because she was a flake moments earlier and now it all makes sense.
@mmmuuuuuuuuiiiiiiiiirrrrr Жыл бұрын
@@chriswilson8487 Okay, I JUST did a rewatch if the scene, and I didn't really catch that. He mentions he called bc he was suspicious of Shiv in one line, but Ken is SO hard to read, now, and I didn't see it at first. But, I'm sorry to say it still plays like a moment in a sitcom. How could Shiv NOT expect that to be discovered, and why was she so unprepared to tell Kendall Nate's "response"? She had to know they wouldn't DO it. She KNOWS Jimenez. So, she knew it would come out. Why not just tell the lie that they said, "yes"? That would get her what she wanted in the moment, and everyone was always going to find out she was working with Mattson EVENTUALLY if her plan went her way. Why else would he make her CEO? If she'd just said they said, "yes," and said it confidently, she'd have accomplished all of her goals. Why is she being picky about what lies she tells? Why is she a stuttering fool, all the sudden? It just all feels EXTREMELY sitcomy.
@AdviceFromAHipoCrite Жыл бұрын
What that moment said to me 3:03 Is that even if shiv gets cut out… tom is down
@billbaggins1688 Жыл бұрын
Kendall's introduction in Season One is him singing the Beastie Boys Letter to New York. "Asian, Middle-Eastern and Latin. Black, White, New York we make it happen." I was gutted that he chose the far right extremist for his own self interest, over and above what is good for his family. Team Gerri all the way. The kids are all narcissistic chips off of the old block - I hope they end up with zero control.
@jt7638 Жыл бұрын
I cannot feel that bad for Kendall. With billions in the bank, he has every means to build a happy life.
@avidodd26 Жыл бұрын
if this show is based on reality, none of the ethical or legal concerns you have mentioned will matter at all.
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
lol touche. unfortunately, thats true
@docmychedelic9153 Жыл бұрын
WTF people. Almost 2k views and 98 likes. Show Bridge some love for Honor’s sake.
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
"honor is dead, but ill see what i can do" - kaladin stormblessed LOL
@docmychedelic9153 Жыл бұрын
@@bridge4 I really wanted someone to come in with that. A little sad it had to be you. Appreciate your stuff for as long as it will last. Trying to drum up some support like a Parshendi.
@shelleyscloud3651 Жыл бұрын
I know!! Not watched your vid yet, just going on your title - he was totally my emotional centre of the show and now I realise nope...he’s just as broken, empty, cynical, narcissistic, sociopathic & venal as them all! 😮
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
i didnt word it that way, but thats totally what i was thinking!! Although Tom grew on me very much in s3 and into first half of s4, i always had a soft spot for Kendal. one line i actually took out of this script was something along the lines of "as a longtime fan of Kendal, I was disappointed in him" lol
@shelleyscloud3651 Жыл бұрын
@@bridge4yes, there was a point where I thought Tom was going to come good too. Really just down to how brilliant the script writers are - knowing we need emotionally to engage with someone (else, if you’re like me, you get halfway through Atlas Shrugged before giving up entirely….& I NEVER give up on a book….)!
@janwouter5215 Жыл бұрын
Shiv was/is unhinged.
@kipbop1215 Жыл бұрын
It's really hard to see where the show can go with only two episodes left. I can't see who, if anyone will be on top at the end of the day. Maybe they'll learn basic human decency in a trailer park if ATN blows up.
@jtymon24 Жыл бұрын
I can't think of one character in this series that's actually a good guy
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
Of the main cast, i hear ya. If we extend beyond that though, Rava seems pretty cool. Comfry too maybe?
@jtymon24 Жыл бұрын
@@bridge4 comfry yes.. and i like that she gave Greg a chance.. Rava I'm not a fan of she's had some privileged moments. Ebba maybe? Not to mention the parents of the kid that Kendal killed
@SeamusClarke1 Жыл бұрын
Can someone help me? With the revelation about Gojo’s Indian numbers at the end of episode 7 I thought the deal was D-E-A-D as Mattson had basically committed fraud on a huge scale? So why is Roman and Kendall so keen for the fascist to win in order to kill the deal?
@OfArgento Жыл бұрын
Yeah that's what I thought too. The plot is not really making a whole lot of sense to me right now. Especially with them "calling" the presidency as if their word actually dictates who gets elected. It's just kinda thin
@jimmylee9120 Жыл бұрын
Shiv is trash aswell let's be honest. But this episode they did something very illegal. They only way there is any backlash is if Menkin didn't actually end up winning. If Menkin lost I think they whole company will get fucked. Will no longer be credible
@Siggkins Жыл бұрын
Kendall and Shiv should run things together and Roman should just go to sleep and never wake up.
@kurtisstoddard2744 Жыл бұрын
Shiv should have just called Nate and told him to tell Kendall they’d tank the deal. I doubt she’d be so dumb as to just fake that phone call.
@samlasley798 Жыл бұрын
If Mencken is smart he'll have a deal on the cards with Mattson. We know that Mencken is hot shit compared to Waystar, “6G vs Betamax” as Roman said. If we weigh up who has the better nouse for the future/tech it's probably Mattson; even if he’s not a coder himself, he's wise and sane enough not to fire his general counsel in the middle of a buyout. If Mencken could make the India problem go away, could he have the whole of GoJo and ATN onside? P.S. I really hope next week's “inopportune news” is a DOJ investigation into ATN. Roman fucking deserves it
@nicholasniedzielski4707 Жыл бұрын
when did they say that kendalls daughter is adopted?
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
good question!! i dont recall them ever saying that in the show, but the creator (i think) mentioned it in the official podcast for episode 8
@CollectionLearning. Жыл бұрын
2 white parents with an indian daughter? Sounds biologically plausible
@paigefulton691 Жыл бұрын
tom was extra dark n unhinged bc he was on drugs
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
yeah, i avoided talking about that bit because he only did one bump. and as someone who used to be very addicted to it, i couldn't get myself to believe that he would be anything more than a little amped up for 15 minutes but part of me believes that the show was trying to imply exactly what you said regardless of whether thats how blow works in reality
@nont18411 Жыл бұрын
But that’s kind of scary, isn’t it? The point that a guy who’s on drugs was the one who called the election that decides the fate of 300+ million people. Greg could use this as a weapon against Tom as well because he saw Tom snorting coke and since Tom is being demonized by the media now, Greg could throw Tom under the bus big time.
@flygod. Жыл бұрын
Kendall's eyes are becoming lifeless.
@nosaobasuyi1302 Жыл бұрын
greg is gonna win the biggest in the finale.
@AdviceFromAHipoCrite Жыл бұрын
Wait is everyone so dumb…. Jess went down on Kendall’s orders to Greg to get him to morally block it…. Greg decided not to… did we all miss that?????
@tdreamgmail Жыл бұрын
Why would Ken send Greg to block his own orders? That doesn't make any sense.
@kamoheloiannk617 Жыл бұрын
I'm probably in the minority but I say it's all Shiv's fault. If Shiv wasn't working so hard on her own angle and actually tried to get Jimenez to kill the deal so the family can try running Waystar & PGN, Jimenez would be president
@AdviceFromAHipoCrite Жыл бұрын
Wait am I the only smart person…….. bruh…. Kendall sided with Rom and blocked Shiv cause duh, then he sent down Jess to try and get Greg to wait “just two minutes” to call it…. Yes Kendal “fucked over shiv” but he also wanted to stop Makin
@a.oh.k.9161 Жыл бұрын
Roman is unhinged Kendall is emotional Shiv is useless Greg is just Greg Tom is primed for CEO of Waystar
@emjay5983 Жыл бұрын
After this episode I think Tom and Shiv are both out....I'm still rooting for them to go to New Zealand and become sheep farmers and teach scuba diving. LOL I'd like that ending. I think anyone who stays ends up dead inside. Get out while you have a chance....and one more thing I thought it was pretty funny when Ken called Shiv a piece of dirt when he found out what she's been doing while he's been working to get rid of her and Roman. Which is blacker the pot or the kettle?
@Jules-oo4rr Жыл бұрын
Could be
@robweissman5952 Жыл бұрын
Tom should-ah laid off the bl0w... It didn't do him any favors in an already stressful situation.
@clutch2827 Жыл бұрын
Are you faking blow? lol!
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
i was going to address that, but i was afraid that my take would be inaccurate and possibly harmful. i used to do alooooot of blow. like way too much, way too often. at first, i was going to say something along the lines of how he might regret doing that before his convo with Shiv but then i thought about how he only did one bump. and all that will do is make you feel great for 15 minutes. it wouldnt take him to crazy land. but then i realized that the shows intent might have been to imply that he was messed up anyway. so i decided to just steer clear of it all together lol but you're right. it wasnt a great situation for him to party!
@Jules-oo4rr Жыл бұрын
He's got gregg right where he wants him blackmail cocaine
@robweissman5952 Жыл бұрын
@@bridge4 Yeah, I've had a pretty close relationship to the stuff too... Honestly, I don't know how people do it with out drinking. Not to mention the come down just making you feel awful (even after one bump).. In any sort of professional environment I'd say it's best to stick to coffee, no matter how tired you might be.
@nadagabri5783 Жыл бұрын
Most people think Tom not believing shiv about her pregnancy is understood why. And what was shivs agenda by telling him then. Anyway. Not my fav recap-per bye
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
its open to interpretation, but for what its worth, the show creator said that Tom responded that way 1) to buy time to think and 2) because he was mad that she told him during such an important/stressful night at work
@nadagabri5783 Жыл бұрын
@@bridge4 I looked at HBO yt channel not there, no behind the scenes for this episode, so curious where you watched the creator say that, as it had to be said only after episode aired, I’d be interested to view, Most recap channels and commenters I’ve watched & read, understand why Tom didn’t believe her in that moment given how many lies she has told him etc. I did find that moment an interesting time to reveal that info as she was in a spot hence felt it was gaged and came with an agenda. That said I’m a fan of shivs.
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
all their after episode podcasts were pretty good. nothing spectacular, but all pretty solid. not sure if they hold up weeks out from the episode, but the latest is worth the listen if you've got time =)) for what its worth (i sort of eluded to this but shoudl've been clearer), i vaguely recall the host saying that she interpretted it the way you did, and he didnt tell her she was wrong. so thats why i said the "open to interpretaiton" part my favorite author said something similar about his books. he says they arent done when he finishes writing or when they hit the book shelf. they are only done when they come to life inside someones head. and readers have line-item veto power. so even though the creator listed his intentions, you're interpretation is also correct since its not his story. the story that lives in your head is your story =))
@cbob213 Жыл бұрын
@danielrmz40 Жыл бұрын
Nobody in this show is a good person that is what is so interesting about it, there are levels of bad, all of the characters are evil, selfish and self centered
@rmc8100 Жыл бұрын
Why is this guy on team shiv. Good to see Tom standing up for himself
@mosesotieno7964 Жыл бұрын
Name one good guy in that show ... The show is about how bad one can be to get to the top ... So don't blame Kendall while literally everyone's scheming
@Jules-oo4rr Жыл бұрын
@docmychedelic9153 Жыл бұрын
I guess Kendall has never seen Breaking Bad or is a typically hyper oblivious to irony or self awareness, billionaire.
@CarmenRosaMarisolZoila Жыл бұрын
I can t see how people keep wishing for Roman’s demise. Roman just proved these past episodes that even though he may stumble he still gets to where he is going. He s literally the only one that manages to do deals or to execute something. Roman actually went to Menkins hotel to see if the deal is in place if the man can be of use for the Roys. Shiv and Ken did absolutely nothing but empty phone calls and staying out of it while Roman made things happen, went down to the newsroom, went to the hotel, gave orders, secure deals, negotiate with Darwin on the legality of calling Milwaukee. That night there was one man calling all of the shots and it was Roman. He did not trust anyone but himself. Didn’t let Shiv make him doubt himself, stood his ground with Kendall. He learnt from past episodes that having the president in his pocket is what will make all of his past errors go away and secure his future. Something only Logan understood. Roman is the true heir in my opinion. the most competent one at least.
@mschell8022 Жыл бұрын
Roman is literally installing a fascist into government because he's nihilistic and doesn't understand the scope of his actions are you insane
@seanforbes3937 Жыл бұрын
Had to turn this off a couple of minutes in. Youve got a weird way of looking at things, and you make too many assumptions
@shegocrazy Жыл бұрын
"Partly her fault" say what?? She deserves to stew.
@annaraine1290 Жыл бұрын
Are you a good guy? Actually I’m not so sure! Stop judging characters while exposing your true color 🤔💉💉💉
@I.AM.JUPITER Жыл бұрын
WOMAN BASHING NARRATIVE You haven’t even mentioned, how fucking cold Tom was, somehow that shiv’s fault, and how she tried to Roman to do this, blah blah i’ve never ever in my life heard a mygonist recap on fictional characters and blames the woman character in every scene! Man, U don’t like women. -am I wrong?
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
i hope you feel better
@bridge4 Жыл бұрын
here are a few lines about Tom from my script: In episode 4, Shiv blamed herself for her father’s death, and Tom tried to assure her that it was not her fault. In this episode, he explicitly said that it was her fault. At least, partially. That was a truly digusting thing to say, and if he is still in love with her, then it was also a counterproductive thing to say. You could say that Tom was unhinged. Ironically, he said this about her. “You sound a little unhinged.” And, no. I don't hate women.
@I.AM.JUPITER Жыл бұрын
@@bridge4 ok, let me take script apart and apply your narrative to each character +/- and esp the last few of ur releases it’s IMHO the narrative is so strongly against Shiv in your recaps that screamed at misogyny to me. I was not looking for it - Roman was the biggest snake of that episode and you spent 45 seconds on him? Again IMHO - and you be well too and FO! 😂
@I.AM.JUPITER Жыл бұрын
@@bridge4 doubt it, I gotta live in menopause 6 years now and deal with idiots - so NO, I’m not ok! 🤣🤣🤣
@Twtybird1 Жыл бұрын
@@bridge4 You know, sometimes a person has a bug up their skirt and there is nothing you can say to them and no reasoning with them. You don't need to defend yourself. You just happened to be the one today. Tomorrow, it will be someone else.
@I.AM.JUPITER Жыл бұрын
Interesting that all the characters came around to SHIV’s narrative? Got a problem with powerful women? I swear to God misogyny all over the place. YIKES! Man, you need help
@tdreamgmail Жыл бұрын
Great analysis except for the last part, Ken is not torn between doing the right thing. He's just been betrayed by his sister, just discovered she has been actively working against the brothers trying to subvert their plan. So of course Mencken must win, logically to block the deal and to punish Shiv for her actions by choosing someone she ideologically despises.
@leilaonline2787 Жыл бұрын
"Everything I do. I do for my children. ( Except Conner)." ~Logan Roy "Everything I do. I do for my kids. (Except the one with really dark skin.)" ~ Kendal Roy
@raymondsims7042 Жыл бұрын
Yeah why is Kendall’s daughter dark? is she adopted?🤔
@citizen_wayne Жыл бұрын
@3:00 why the fuck would he want her back? I think the confrontation on the balcony was him/them being "done". So, everything you said about Tom and Shiv here reads as cringe simping. I'm not trying to be hateful. Just trying to help you improve your product.
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