Mark & Carrie: The Anger Will Out

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Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs

Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs

4 жыл бұрын

Recorded June 5, 2020
Mark Blyth, political economist at Brown's Watson Institute, and Carrie Nordlund, political scientist and associate director of Brown's Master of Public Affairs program, share their take on the news.
On this episode: What this podcast can add to the conversation (and what it can't); the economic ramifications of systemic racism; America's uniquely violent, militarized police system; Trump's escalating rhetoric and actions in response to the week's unrest; making sense of the growing corporate support of Black Lives Matter; catching up on Tuesday's primaries; how police violence, civil unrest, and coronavirus intersect.
[Recorded June 5, 2020]
To hear more visit: / markandcarrie , or download on your favorite podcast app
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@theduder232 4 жыл бұрын
"The Hamptons are not a defensible position." --Mark Blyth
@ttystikkrocks1042 4 жыл бұрын
I think it's time to spread this idea far and wide.
@overcorpse 4 жыл бұрын
You're forgetting that the right owns all the guns.
@overcorpse 4 жыл бұрын
@@unhappyallthetime8445 Meh. BLM really need to get into their head they account for 13% population. Because if they keep prodding the bear, things will turn ugly. And quickly too.
@connorfinnerty1366 4 жыл бұрын
@@overcorpse Yeah, for the bear
@overcorpse 4 жыл бұрын
@K HOf Course, they will. Until universities start getting shot up and then Left will start crying in their mocha latte's and wondering where the police are.
@johnconnors4508 4 жыл бұрын
The Capitalist system is the biggest problem.
@gazlives 4 жыл бұрын
Crony capitalism actually
@mikefay5698 4 жыл бұрын
@@gazlives Gangster Capitalism actually. Heaps of guns, cops, troops and Nuclear bang bangers! US Democracy is pick your killer!
@EclecticSceptic 4 жыл бұрын
@@gazlives No other kind. Any deviation is only partial, geographically isolated, and fleeting (on the order of ~10 years, not ~100 years).
@buzoff4642 4 жыл бұрын
@AudioRevolt "Capitalism demands ever increasing growth" No, it doesn't. Decades back, steady 5% returns on investments were considered respectable. What we have is corruption, not capitalism. Not capitalism: bailouts, subsidies, importing a labor glut, etc. etc.
@mrfranksan 4 жыл бұрын
The best articulator is James Baldwin many decades ago. Hint about lack of structural progress.
@ericrobinson7184 4 жыл бұрын
Mark has always tried to use cold logic and a good heart to cure the perilous stain of prejudice, he's one of the few intellectuals I respect.
@ramatgan1 4 жыл бұрын
Also important to state is money. Cops in US can kill you but IF they are 'sacked' they will end up with a very comfortable police pension for the rest of their lives. Which is what George Zimmerman is getting. He is not suffering the family of the boy he killed is suffering. So they don't care. Killing is better because they can go home and still get money and on top of that is the doctrine of 'qualified Qualified immunity which is the doctrine that really shields them from prosecution.
@jimc4880 4 жыл бұрын
Appreciate the podcast and always good to hear your views on the issues
@cryptomime1429 4 жыл бұрын
This will be the biggest black swan that no one, not one, ever imagined would actually come to fruition.
@stevehow7899 4 жыл бұрын
I've found u from the UK and u are an outstandingly brilliant, entertaining, objective and soooo cutest economic pod cast ever 😂 great points too
@ramatgan1 4 жыл бұрын
Also important to state is money. Cops in US can kill you but IF they are 'sacked' they will end up with a very comfortable police pension for the rest of their lives. Which is what George Zimmerman is getting. He is not suffering the family of the boy he killed is suffering. So they don't care. Killing is better because they can go home and still get money and on top of that is the doctrine of 'qualified Qualified immunity which is the doctrine that really shields them from prosecution.
@buzoff4642 4 жыл бұрын
@@ramatgan1 Zimmerman was not a cop.
@MrValz0 4 жыл бұрын
Mark unfortunately forgot the one fact he's keen to mention when talking about unemployment in America, the amount of firearms owned. The difference between policing in America and most European nations is personal gun ownership. Imagine pulling a car over for a speeding violation and not knowing if the driver had a weapon? No wonder they're combative or on edge... And no, I don't know the answer.
@MrOliverwoods 4 жыл бұрын
Loop thinking. Useless.
@roc7880 4 жыл бұрын
same people who defend second amendment also defend police. you need to chose
@aliasoma 4 жыл бұрын
Cop are cutns in Republican run hell holes, too.
@bramsanjanssan4908 4 жыл бұрын
I had this little idea on how the "weapon paranoia" (I "invented" this therm, and I'm not an academic so..) creates a tension in society that edges it towards fascism.
@MrValz0 4 жыл бұрын
@@MrOliverwoods Very constructive, thanks for your contribution.
@webfreakz 4 жыл бұрын
Just when I was listening to this show and heard Mark's comments about Secretary Esper being fired next, this article came in:
@vphiameradisogaarwa 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Thank you! I have been listening to your program for years, I am so glad you dove into the numbers and observed the processes leading to them - white economists so often exclude mass incarceration in their economic analysis.
@the1onlynoob 4 жыл бұрын
My mother is a middle-aged Asian lady living in Australia. When she heard about George Floyd and watched the video, she was unmoved and I was curious. When our conversation moved to this topic, she made numerous statements about how Floyd: must have done something to deserve it, or there must be something that forced the police to do this to him. The remarks were, on their face of it, racist and I was agitated, so I explained the details surrounding Floyd's allegedly counterfeit bill and all the lead up. Yet she persisted in supporting the police. It took me a solid 15 minutes during the conversation to realise this: my mother is not a racist person, nor is she actively supporting the police. What she is having immense difficulty with is simply that she cannot comprehend how a person, a police officer no less, can mercilessly slow murder someone in such a humiliating and painful manner without provocation or cause. To that end, she is looking for any story or left out detail to help her understand. She has so much faith in her conception of the police officer, she could never reconcile with what she saw in Floyd and what a police is suppose to be. Keep in mind, this is a person who lived half of her life in Communist China during the turbulent years after the death of Mao, then lived in Australia for the other half of her life. Yet despite her interactions with some very racist Australian cops and some very authoritarian Chinese cops, this was so far removed from what was acceptable and 'policeman like', she could not imagine the Chinese/Australian police doing this. After I realised this, I calmly explained to her all the circumstances and slowly getting her to realise that no real justification can allow the police unilaterally to kill an individual. She understood it was raw, uncensored and unmitigated racism. In her realisation she asked: 'What about that 'I have a dream!' guy? Wasn't that in America? Wasn't that years ago?' To that, I said: " I hate to burst your bubble mum, they killed him too." and I had no heart to explain that it was very likely that the FBI were the assassins.
@RobJuneau 4 жыл бұрын
Video hangs at 27:37. I appreciated what I heard until then. Thanks, Mark and Carrie!
@KenH-wq8jk 4 жыл бұрын
Pair of most thoughtful people on planet thank you
@rattylol 4 жыл бұрын
Police in America just like the IDF, same deaths, same prison population, just much younger.
@kirabarsmith9353 4 жыл бұрын
So glad to see someone else bring up the IDF. Thank you.
@spitezor 4 жыл бұрын
Mark, thank you for explaining your understanding of white privilege. As a white Canadian, I held the same views as you did for a long time. It was only as I became aware of how differently - and with what a disturbing frequency and intensity - minorities and particularly black people are treated, that I realized what it means. I still don't like the term "white privilege" - I feel it's a bit... antagonistic and divisive. I feel there should be a term designed to explain the abuse that visible minorities (again, especially black people) receive, but I can't think of a better alternative.
@actionflower6706 4 жыл бұрын
Police on housing estates in Manchester have a suspicious and ant antagonistic relationship with “scallies” and in Glasgow with “schemes”. These terms might be translated into American English with an underlying racial assumption to fully capture their meaning. There are equivalent European words, “Gopnik” in Russian, “Gopnika” for girls, “racialle” in French, “chingas” in Portuguese, the list goes on. The underlying racial presumption is of whiteness. Here’s the question: is RACE the most important determinant in this hostile relationship? Or is it the eternally hostile relationship between police and the criminal underclass? Is it the case that perfectly decent and law abiding young men on mountain bikes wearing tracksuits are searched for knives more often than young women? Yes. Is this an issue of sexism? Are YOUNG men under more scrutiny than old men? Is this an issue of ageism? ....look...preventative police work IS profiling. It cannot be otherwise.
@spitezor 4 жыл бұрын
@@actionflower6706 There's absolutely a class element to it. Underclass vs ruling class, where the ruling class co-opts the middle to their side. However, if you look at what's going on in America and many multi-racial states, even once you control for class (i.e., compare lower class to lower class), the visible minorities - in particular blacks - get shafted much harder. In the US this is *especially* prevalent.
@BigHenFor 4 жыл бұрын
@@actionflower6706 Does that explain the treatment of Stephen Lawrence, his family, and the other victim of the attack in which Stephen Lawrence was killed? And I'm sure urban black families in America experience the same disgusting institutional racism from those who are supposed to protect and serve them. This goes beyond any ideas of profiling. This is an entrenchment of prejudice as a world view.
@actionflower6706 4 жыл бұрын
I agree that controlling for class black people in big American cities and in London suffer disproportionately from crime and its consequences. You could do worse than go look up Candace Owens and Larry Elder for some thinking about why that is. I regard London as my birthplace. I take its people to be my people. I think “unconscious systematic blah blah dog whistle witch finding training” is not just cringingly dull leftist virtue signalling by posh Gaurdian readers I think it is also child abuse. When I went to nursery school and primary school there was NO part of the curriculum telling us what colour skin we had or what that might signify. As a 10 year old I had the impression that roughly half of Britain was white skinned and the other half dark skinned. I gave the matter no thought at all. All of my friends were of various skin complexions...which accidental feature was very much the least interesting thing about them. Much later I became aware of disgusting thugs called the NF in the business of shoving dogshit through people’s letterboxes. Bizarre obsessive twisted people intent on creating misery. No use to anyone I used to think. How WRONG I was. Dull witted 1970’s skinheads were and are a huge gift to a gigantic subsidised race relations industry doing nothing but teaching children to imagine that their top millimetre of skin IS who they are. That depending upon the colour of that top millimetre you are either 1) a beneficiary of evil and tyranny 2) an eternal victim of same surrounded by people in class 1) who wish you ill...or by Gaurdian readers who are such nauseatingly self righteous idiots that contempt for everything is the lesson you learn. If hundreds of young white men were joining knife gangs and killing each other in Hampshire the police would descend like the wrath of God on them and stamp it out. No danger of any accusations of racism. Where young black men carry knives in fear of their lives....all is well. The police do not stop and search them so that Gaurdian readers may be assured that no student activist speech codes will be violated in the course of such stop and search.
@StuntpilootStef 4 жыл бұрын
I'm very glad to hear a different side of Carrie this episode. She's just calling a spade a spade instead of being IMO too diplomatic.
@darrelmcdonough9290 4 жыл бұрын
Carey, have a look at the record of some of these 'caring Police Chiefs' at Greyzone.
@R00365 4 жыл бұрын
Love these two.
@davidanderson9664 4 жыл бұрын
Drug war and unequal sentencing (crack v cocaine as an eg.) is responsible for our wildly out of scale mass incarceration. Great podcast as always. I look forward to your excellent chats. D.A., J.D., NYC (fmr defense atty, Queens & Mhtn)
@buzoff4642 4 жыл бұрын
"unequal sentencing (crack v cocaine...", still on the books.
@henrikvendelbo1117 4 жыл бұрын
Danish theory about spread is that superspreaders dominate, by limiting their max potential you get outsized effects. So big crowd settings are the main cause, not average interactions for average spreaders
@mortenreippuertknudsen3576 4 жыл бұрын
its still only a theory and not vetted at all... (jeg er dansk)
@hornetobiker 4 жыл бұрын
Rubber bullets are typically a metal slug with a rubber coating. (eg UK in N.I. )In israel it's common for soldiers firing on Palestinians to peel away some of the rubber to maximise the impact and damage. Many US police forces send their recruits to israel for training.
@antediluvianatheist5262 4 жыл бұрын
You're also supposed to bounce them to suck up some of the force.
@bobbrowning9821 4 жыл бұрын
Excellent discussion. Glad I returned from "boycott" to hear your thoughts
@roc7880 4 жыл бұрын
privilege also is the benefit of not being stressed when seeing the police. of not being afraid your kid will walk into a cop
@johndally7994 4 жыл бұрын
A typical teacher makes as much as a police, but goes to college for six years. Police should be made personally liable for the harm they inflict on innocent people.
@doctorgonzo207 4 жыл бұрын
Mate, ordinary, veteran beat cops make around 250k in most jurisdictions. Show me a teacher who makes that much.
@buzoff4642 4 жыл бұрын
@@doctorgonzo207 Maybe Boston. Maybe NYC. But that's far from the norm around the 375 cities in the country, let alone rural. However, they are hourly, ask for overtime, and receive it.
@SumBrennus 4 жыл бұрын
In your next show could you address the remarkable event of the creation of an anarchist commune in Seattle?
@itcamefromthedeep 4 жыл бұрын
I'm old enough to remember the Patriot Act, when all of us on the not-right rolled our eyes. I remember how insulting it was that the Republican Party thought we were stupid enough to believe that anyone who opposed the bill lacked patriotism. It turns out that lefties are, to my dismay, stupid enough to fall for this trick. "Antifa" stands for "Antifascist Action" which was the paramilitary arm of the German Communist Party in the Weimar Republic. Do a reverse image search on the flag. This is as opposed to the Iron Front or any of a wide variety of street gangs that opposed the NSDAP. They are remembered for prioritizing the defeat of the social democratic forces as a means to force social democrats to side with the Communists against fascism (we all know how that plan fared). The most famous member of this street gang was Erich Mielke, who went on to run the East German police force known as the Stasi, arguably the most oppressive government agency in human history. If you do some casual poking around their literature you immediately find that by "fascist" Antifa means anyone who isn't a revolutionary Communist (which was exactly the policy of their '30s counterparts). These days they use the tactic referred to as "black bloc" where everyone dresses in black and hides their face so as to make it difficult for law enforcement to identify an individual in the crowd and insulate members from prosecution for assault and property damage. I'm happy to field questions.
@kegan51 4 жыл бұрын
Mark is spot on about Glasgow police.
@rabindranath22 4 жыл бұрын
We need mandatory voting similar to the census and Australia elections.
@XMcBethX 4 жыл бұрын
Billy Eeehlish xD
@JoaoSantos-lv4rc 4 жыл бұрын
éélish. élish.x))
@Confucius_76 4 жыл бұрын
@jeffthomas645 4 жыл бұрын
Is this having the same effect as a massive labor strike?
@AntonShields 4 жыл бұрын
“Some people will not tolerate such emotional honesty in communication. They would rather defend their dishonesty on the grounds that it might hurt others. Therefore, having rationalized their phoniness into nobility, they settle for superficial relationships. ~Author Unknown” “The paradox of innovation is that it is accepted as an innovation when it has become imitation.” Piero Scaruffi “To dissociate politicians from capitalists is slightly disingenuous, to put it mildly. U.S. lawmakers are competitive and auction themselves to the highest bidder via the lobby system.” Tariq Ali “If we feel our way into the human secrets of the sick person, the madness also reveals its system, and we recognize in the mental illness merely an exceptional reaction to emotional problems which are not strange to us.” --"The Content of the Psychoses Carl Gustav Jung, The Psychogenesis of Mental Disease That last quote by Carl Jung, encapsulates everything that I believe in and is one of my guiding principles and how I analyze economic, class, and race. I want to try to keep this short(this is a lot shorter than some of my other writings)... for those who are not aware the killing of George Floyd is a catalyst, a symptom of a decaying system that has ignored and forsaken it’s constituents and citizens. The country spirit is dead. Why do I say this even though there’s riots going on? R1: when our government allowed several corporations, with the help of both political parties to extract or better yet loot the treasury/FR, and yet we did nothing. And yes I understand their pandemic which is still going on with and fresh in our minds, but when I’m critiquing is complacency. We seen this movie before. It was called Obama Loves corporations. R2: this headless movement, which is better to not have any real leaders because we know what happens to them, lacks direction and a deeper analysis of the country’s ills. This is not just about race and police brutality. The police brutality is working as intended by its original creation. If we want to stop that then we are going to have to defeat that from within by dealing with the behaviors that manifest with in police stations and taking some of their immunity away they often get with the unions. More cameras and defunding the police and supporting only certain businesses who have little effect. Why? You are not addressing how the cops either who are taught to devalue from either their own cultural biases and experiences before becoming cops, or they begin to devalue certain groups through repetitive actions and perception which can lead to strong opinions which will lead to certain biases over time, or there neither of these categories of behavior I mentioned but still have to practice silence for the good of the team even when they see bad behavior because if they don’t it’s like the mafia. Some cops if they try to report bad behavior or misconduct find themselves not receiving help from their colleagues because he may have ratted out one of them. I have talked with at least 100 maybe 120 cops they have admitted to me they have seen unruly behavior from their colleagues but silence often is far a better option than the alternative. To bring the Point home, The reform we want won’t result into real change of behavior it only address the accountability piece of police brutality but not the systemic natures nor the protection from the unions nor the “Good Ole Boy” systems they still practice, especially in the south. Lastly I’ll say this, we need a coalition of working class people that all creeds can resonate with and can sign up without having to pass a purity test knowing the full analysis or extensive history of race in America past and present. There’s only two areas in my opinion that will generate the amount of passion tenacity and commitment we need. And that is economic justice with freedom from debt peonage to alleviate a burdened working class who currently gets crumbs. And second is I want to create a non-funded government system that the police force will pay and the WC . This system have very thorough psychiatric evaluations for police officers with the minimum of every year, if there are no prior acts of misconduct on record. This is not too micromanage the every behavior. This is really to give them a real outlet I will opportunity to give them support mentally. I’m fully aware of the PTSD police officers often have. It’s a major factor in why alcoholism is a factor for many police officers. And I want to be clear I’m not excusing any types of behavior but this is how I can be helpful by analyzing some of those behaviors before they manifest into explosive and unforgivable problems. Those who have misconduct on the record will be evaluated and and we will have a “talk.” We have two fixed behaviors and we’re not gonna do that until we analyze them. Currently we are misdiagnosing a lot of the behaviors we seen and I get the quick to rationalize certain actions because of their impact emotionally, but PTSD will manifest into many different forms. It can manifest into spouse abuse or child abuse or violence to some unsuspecting civilian in the community who gets his life taken. The last thing I want to do is make it more stressful for them because we need the cops. damn and I was supposed to make this short. Anyways we’re gonna have to have a consistent momentum because this riot we have now will soon die as soon as the unemployment gets seized up because people won’t have any money. We need to be able to practice real civil disobedience and let our government know we can shut it down if need be. Voting alone is not going to do enough and that should be self evident. There’s too much lobbying and money in politics currently so your interest by design are not met because the working class doesn’t have money. So we need a two prong attack strategy. We need to be voting at the local level cleaning up the refuge. And practicing civil disobedience especially when the government gives trillions of dollars to corporations. And one last thing get ready for the Rent crisis that’s coming. Landlords have already started doing illegal evection‘s and raising rent in some cases by 30%. Areas that have been going under gentrification are now turning in rental properties in some cases. Mobile homes are being bought up by other corporate interest. They learned in 2008 that mortgages are unstable right? But rent is ongoing. Simply because the tenant has very in the form of rights. Some People are already are living in the cars. 2.3 million people kitten afford to pay rent last month because they had to feed their kids. And we may have a hold on certain mortgages for the time being but how is anyone going to pay those mortgages when they resume? Neither political party give a shit about the working class so if we can’t be intuitive enough to fight for what is already due to us then we’re gonna have to let The situation here in America hit critical mass like South Africa. And critical mass just means when we have enough numbers of people who actually care about economic justice that results and not socialism but paying people more than crumbs because the working class is the backbone of the country and we shit on them like veterans. We have no connection to the war as we commit across the globe. We are still in Afghanistan being the longest war we’ve ever been in and I hear no resistance from hardly anyone. I have friends still there. What will it take to convince people you don’t have the luxury of waiting for some magical president or some savior complex. We the people are going to have to do this. Do I need to tell you guys the suicide rates before COVID-19 to tell you how serious this really is? There are 800,000 suicides currently of 2019 globally. This does not include opiate deaths of any kind. The largest age group with the most suicide rates is the age group between 14 and 49. This is collective data I’ve gathered for the last four months but this data has no reference to the covert situation and to be honest I don’t want to see it. I don’t wanna even see the increase rate of suicides that I already know exist. It’s like Emily Durkheim, he was right on the nail by creating a word for the depth of the spares that result in hopelessness. A word call anomie. Tick-tock.
@ivandafoe5451 4 жыл бұрын
Your post is full of pretty good stuff, with which I mostly agree. Unfortunately, your presentation (like so many others who have a lot to communicate) discourages others from reading it. The main problem is overly-long paragraphs containing too many short sentences, multiple scattered themes, numerous typos and grammatical errors. Huge blocks of text like this (textbook writers take note) is an impediment to communication. What you are doing here is a "stream of consciousness" artsy style that once was in fashion, but is very frustrating and tiring to the reader. I'm sure that after putting in so much thought and time into this post, you'd prefer that it be read, rather than passed over and will take these remarks as helpful pointers, to improve your writing skills to match your observational abilities. I'll even give you your (for content only...ha,ha) first thumbs up!
@Hippiekinkster 4 жыл бұрын
@25:00 - "people understand the risk." I'm not so sure. I live in a +55 senior complex in Marietta, about 10 miles from Buckhead, and the residents are majority minority. Nearly every night there is a group who sit by the elevator, ground floor (I'm on the 1st floor; 2nd in Europe), talking, sipping beer, water, other no-EtOH, sometimes with a little music, on occasion cannabis. Social distancing is not done, and they don't wear masks. I can't speak for the other buildings. Grocery store about 3mi. away just resumed midnight closing, and I like to go late (less traffic, fewer people). I'd estimate that those wearing masks range from 40% to 60%. When I go by the "book club" and/or to the store, you'd better believe my mask is on and my face shaved for an effective fit. I carry alcohol-soaked wipes and gloves, and I spray the elevator buttons and the door handles, light switches etc. in our flat with a bleach solution. I don't socialize, and a 4SD difference doesn't typically result in an information-rich conversation.
@mrfranksan 4 жыл бұрын
Mentioning schools necessitates mentioning property taxes. Quality x zip codes.
@R2D6_10 4 жыл бұрын
My best friend and i since preschool, both soldiers. Have been saying for a long time soldiers make poor policemen. Its a different set of job skills.
@buzoff4642 4 жыл бұрын
Some police departments are 80% ex military.
@thecatsman 4 жыл бұрын
Carrie gabbles, Mark is clear as a bell.
@belgoblax1596 4 жыл бұрын
31st anniversary of the tiananmen square "putdown", I think the word you were searching for was "massacre".
@shamisengupta984 4 жыл бұрын
Hi M&C Actually the cases in several states have spiked again. Such as Arizona. I was watching the Majority Report yesterday and they discussed how many communities around America have not taken Covid seriously and that the curve that was beginning to flatten has now been broken or assumed a V shape.
@LesleyPearson 4 жыл бұрын
I get mildly irritated when Carrie starts a sentence, doesn't finish it and starts another...FFS!! FOCUS! I know this is a chat but you really mess with my mind!
@xchazz86 4 жыл бұрын
lol bunker boy thats a good one
@szymborska 4 жыл бұрын
If Americans have been okay with making it illegal to protest Israeli apartheid why would they then be shocked to see it made illegal to protest fascism in that of itself?
@benhill70 4 жыл бұрын
Nice to hear them take this on.
@L3one3 4 жыл бұрын
Duncan Lemp. Daniel Shraver. Levoy Finnicum. Tony Timpa.
@gerokron3412 4 жыл бұрын
In Germany, 82 Mio inhabitants, police is fireing about 50 shots at people. Per year, in the whole country.
@twilitezn 4 жыл бұрын
It would be interesting hearing you both - but especially Mark - talk about how White Supremacy spread throughout all of the European Colonies - of which the U.S. was one - but manifested differently. I am from Bermuda, and while we don't have the severity of Police violence against the Black Population here in comparison to the States, we also know that the Establishment would have no qualms about using it if push comes to shove. What was used here as weapons are Economic Violence and Immigration i.e. shipping out Black Malcontents early in our history (Turks & Caicos) and using more subservient Low Income Wage Workers (Azoreans/Filipinos/Goa Indians etc.) as a wedge between the Black community AND to force down wages. There is also (openly) the practice of discouraging the interaction between the White Middle Class Expat Workers and the Black Population. Economically there was Segregation, Mortgage pulling, land seizure and so on...
@ramatgan1 4 жыл бұрын
Also important to state is money. Cops in US can kill you but IF they are 'sacked' they will end up with a very comfortable police pension for the rest of their lives. Which is what George Zimmerman is getting. He is not suffering the family of the boy he killed is suffering. So they don't care. Killing is better because they can go home and still get money and on top of that is the legal doctrine of 'qualified immunity' which is the doctrine that really shields them from prosecution.
@buzoff4642 4 жыл бұрын
@@ramatgan1 Wrong.
@buzoff4642 4 жыл бұрын
Sounds like much of the West/Westernized world.
@stuckp1stuckp122 4 жыл бұрын
It is a good sign that people went to the streets. It is an eye-opener to hear that the average African American family has 1/10th the wealth and 3x the chance of being shot or jailed. Aparteid in South Africa came to an end. Let's hope for that happening here.
@drew96 4 жыл бұрын
Who was it that said that the methods a country uses to make war on populations overseas are eventually applied to its own citizenry?
@MarijuanaNirvana-lofi 4 жыл бұрын
love this podcast! Mark should get a new headshot though...
@victortatevosyan4001 2 жыл бұрын
I grew up in a neighborhood where I was stopped by the police at least once a week usually when I was hanging out with my black friends, they wanted to know if we were selling drugs it's 😔 😟 sad
@noahfreedmanm.d.2163 4 жыл бұрын
I was watching this last night "the 13th" which really made it a whole lot clearer for me how policing and control of black and other underclasses is a direct expression of racism in the USA. 1/3 African- American males have been in prison. 1/3 of African-Americans in Alabama cannot vote in b/c of felony records and the disenfranchisement that follows, among other interesting facts. Thanks Mark and Carrie for your comments today.
@lawrencebrown3677 4 жыл бұрын
Seems sending them to prison is a deliberate plan to disenfranchise people who are most likely to vote for the democrats.
@buzoff4642 4 жыл бұрын
@@lawrencebrown3677 Last I researched voting, Florida also looked like it was felonizing for disenfranchising, and like Ferguson, for revenue bilking (fines and court fees).
@GabrielTinqMarques 4 жыл бұрын
Mr. Mark you spoke well about all that. It applies to America, no reason to doubt that, but as far as it concerns me, that view is your alone. I came from a neighborhood where if I was being mugged, which was a constant reality of my adolescent life, both robbers and robbed would run if the cops were to turn the corner. So, in my personal experience, no, I saw no previlege in being mugged and have to run myself not to get in extra trouble; never know how they'd see the whole thing. That reasoning may serve you, doesn't serve me.
@mikefay5698 4 жыл бұрын
Mark is clear as chrystal and totally cogent. Corrie rambles, hard to pick up what she's getting at circuitous maybe. Mark seems to understand her!
@gking407 4 жыл бұрын
Worth listening to just for the reference to Billie Eilish’s tweets on “all lives matter” holy shit
@ramatgan1 4 жыл бұрын
Also important to state is money. Cops in US can kill you but IF they 'sacked' they will end up with a very comfortable police pension for the rest of their lives. Which is what George Zimmerman is getting. He is not suffering the family of the boy he killed is suffering. So they don't care. Killing is better because they can go home and still get money.
@totonow6955 4 жыл бұрын
I hope you have reconsidered your understanding of the false pics kneeling with protesters.
@mortenreippuertknudsen3576 4 жыл бұрын
Dear Carrie, i love your podcast with Mark (im a dane living in copenhagen all my adult life) - i do have a problem with you beeing a tad too ignorant every now and then. The Flint, MI sherif and the Huston chief of police: check their records. Greyzone covered both of them and both of them are for sure greenwashing themselves. Its not a f****** parade! As for police reforms : Camden, NJ is a very good example, same is the NYPD's protest which backfired. Michael A Wood Jr is forgotten in the US by now because your attentionspan is so short, but he actually has quite a few very good points even though Baltimore, Delaware and even Obama/Biden ignored his testimonies - He even applied for the job of Police chief of Chicago.
@breft3416 4 жыл бұрын
True, but they are sensing an opportunity to change things.
@Jrood1989 4 жыл бұрын
I came here to say this too. It's COPropaganda, they kneel with the protesters for the photos and then pepper spray them minutes-hours later.
@Der_Thrombozyt 4 жыл бұрын
Carrie: The "few bad apples" is actually the correct metaphor. A few bad apples rot the barrel. That's the saying and it admonishes you to throw them out at once and carefully expect all other apples for signs of rot so that is doesn't spread. So if you call violent cops "a few bad apples", you are actually calling for them to be removed from service ASAP and for an investigation into the entire force to make sure that this behavior has not spread.
@barbarajohnson1442 4 жыл бұрын
I am choosing hope! Thank you both for the interesting reflections!!!
@mj.l 4 жыл бұрын
nice to see you guys totally understand "antifa". so many commentators don't seem to understand that antifascist activism is a tactic and loose ideology. so much of the commentariat seems to take the trump hysteria at "anteefa" (props for pronouncing it correctly also) at face value.
@AntonShields 4 жыл бұрын
I hope to get to a point were we can stop saying white privilege and just say white obliviousness because that’s what it really means. Many white people don’t have to think about some of these concepts. That doesn’t mean they’re not real, it just means you’re not going to have any awareness of the problem if you are oblivious to the problem. Usually someone has to help you in that scenario.
@rvnsglcr7861 4 жыл бұрын
I am retired military. I am also black. The idea about military vs police in the case of dealing with the public is backwards. Police = monoculture Military = polyculture In order to accomplish military objectives, many different professional specialties are required. This makes the entire system more diverse in every sense, not just by race. For instance, when I was still in uniform, I was in cyber operations. That field comes with the cognitive, psychological, and, social norms you'd expect from a tech nerd culture. This matters. Important sidenote: I've spoken to more military members and veterans who are interested in being "deployed" to manage the police than the public. Why? Police are showing no weapons discipline and no professionalism at best, but a terrorist posture at worst. The police have been militarized in only one way, weaponry. That's the problem. We gave insanely efficient offensive infrastructure to an infantry-only organization, with perhaps the worst HR function known to human kind. Buried negative psych evaluations, buried negative reports, collision with the prosecutorial arm of the justice system. It's not rocket science. Police are essentially a gang.
@Kharmazov 4 жыл бұрын
Not just weaponry but also tactics. Since the 1980's the use of SWAT raids has increased tremendously.
@mistorWhiskers 4 жыл бұрын
When the anti-fascists are labeled terrorist that makes fascists the freedom fighters and that scares the shit out of me. We're all enslaved until everyone is free! ✊✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿
@michaelspencer6318 4 жыл бұрын
so the police have very strong unions, they vote ,their kin vote ,the admin needs the vote,the media is owned by the rich and will support the police nothing will change until the voting system does and the media is put into the hands of the public
@dameongeppetto 4 жыл бұрын
The tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants.
@LadyLuck8_4 4 жыл бұрын
The voting system is subservient to the central banks
@mikevidzdev 4 жыл бұрын
that blue lives matter play at the end was very sad
@isaacrussell3143 4 жыл бұрын
The best way to understand privilege is that more than one exists. There are obstacles that black people face because of their skin that white people do not. However, being born into money is privilege, as is economic class. So there are obstacles because of the financial privilege some whites face that others do not. Saying there is white privilege does not mean white people do not face struggles they must overcome, they just do not face the obstacles from the color of their skin when engaging in societies' institutions.
@Snakeit100 4 жыл бұрын
There's also something called Majority Privilege. White people are the majority racial group in the US. They'll be more likely to be born into wealth, police are more likely to be white, politicians are more likely to be white, etc. Most privileges an ethnic group receive all flow downstream from being the majority. The same applies in Asia, the Middle East, Africa, etc
@stleonards1066 4 жыл бұрын
So how do you explain things like affirmative action? White people are not allowed to access this privilege
@buzoff4642 4 жыл бұрын
@@stleonards1066 Affirmative action is a tiny weight on the scales of justice, severely out of balance with the thumbs on the scales of those who've rigged our governance balance against them. Furthermore, the focus on affirmative action is bizarre, given so many of the seats are taken up by white "Legacy Admissions". Very strange you don't see "Legacy Admissions" as the underlying issue to be resolved. I was walking in snow behind a coworker who's son was quite literally following his mother's footprints into the building. Two engineer parents, to spoon feed him through engineering college, and into a position at our company, that he for the most part "inherited". We also had VP sons and daughters thrown at us, some competent, some not... "Legacy Admissions". All the worse from totally unnecessary glut of foreign labor, brought in for exploitive wage suppression of all, and for "market growth", and by offshoring productions that were living wage jobs. The opportunity "ladder" is entirely inaccessible, to far too many citizens now, be they majority or minority. And still Wall St clings to this, as their only "growth" model. They're in effect, "lazy", using it for easy money/easy "growth". Lose/lose for everyone but Wall St. Moynihan, Bank of America CEO, on Charlie Rose, @12:00 Re: immigration, "If we don't grow the population, everything's harder." @28:15 "Immigration ... is a growth acquisition program"
@henrychoy2764 4 жыл бұрын
Here's a simple answer: have a cop of each minority present at each incident. It's a de facto jury of your peers.
@ConsciousnessisRough 4 жыл бұрын
Did you not see black cops beating the shit out of peaceful black protesters? BLM came about under a black President and AG, these are systemic problems that can't be fixed by a few more token diverse faces.
@ramatgan1 4 жыл бұрын
Also important to state is money. Cops in US can kill you but IF they 'sacked' they will end up with a very comfortable police pension for the rest of their lives. Which is what George Zimmerman is getting. He is not suffering the family of the boy he killed is suffering. So they don't care. Killing is better because they can go home and still get money.
@buzoff4642 4 жыл бұрын
@@ramatgan1 Wrong.
@IM2L84F8 4 жыл бұрын
What about guns per capita. The US has over one gun per citizen. This might help answer the question... "why a tank"
@arthurspoerner4329 4 жыл бұрын
This is America damit
@gregorymiller1021 4 жыл бұрын
It's hard to believe the genuineness of professor's employed by universities who've taken a public position on this. Unfortunately
@delos2279 4 жыл бұрын
Yea on the topic of masks, yesterday I ran into someone claiming masks are a virtue signal. I don't even... It seems like nowadays every commonsense position is controversial for some reason or another.
@sarawarlestedt7242 3 жыл бұрын
How can you tell if a country is fascist? They criminalize anti-fascist.
@dweller6065 4 жыл бұрын
Regarding remarks about US cops being decked out as quasi military (automatic weapons and armored vehicles) Vs Glasgow cops (no guns) (at about the 14 min mark) is the fact that ownership of guns in the US is out of control. A patrol cop in Minnesota pulling over cars, I reckon in an 8 hour shift would come across 4 or 5 instances where a suspect is armed. Sorry Mark, but you don't take a knife to a gun fight. That cop needs a gun, otherwise you get a lot of dead cops. To deescalate the lethality of the situation is a long term program and MUST involve gun control. Why don't the police unions in the US be more vocal advocates of gun control, given their members are in the firing line?
@CrazyUncleSam24 4 жыл бұрын
I will say Antifa can be rather decentralized and there are objectionable actions done in their name. Whether that's worthy of being a terrorist group is entirely different. I was at Georgia Tech when a student chose suicide by police. It was tragic although the decision came on the side of the officer. Georgia Tech students mostly organized peaceful protest and mourning although a group claiming to be Antifa rallied and quickly turned violent, a car was torched and campus was shut down. They lost credibility in my eyes when that happened.
@fightsports66 4 жыл бұрын
There are also reports now that white supremacists are doing things and claiming to be antifa. Facebook shut down a page that claimed to be antifa but it upon investigation it turned out the man who put up the page was a member of a nazi group.
@sc-wp5gz 4 жыл бұрын
Went to visit family in US about twenty years ago. Great visit. But I had funny feeling about the place. I felt I was protected because I was in a Scottish Irish tribe. Never felt that anywhere else. Are they breaking down into their tribes. Or am going daft. Cause if it's tribal it will create some weird scenarios. I stay in the Dutch Land . Never felt that here ,just fun joining in mocking the Germans and French.
@64tubebaby 4 жыл бұрын
Until recently, I was concerned that the BLM and the general concern for the welfare of the black community and the protection and expansion of their rights in general (Latinos included) on the part of whites would be limited to change which requires no direct involvement or reduction of existing services (ie. privilege) in the white community. And thus, when push came to shove, the white liberals would oppose such changes. But the coronavirus lockdown, the 40million lost jobs (many never to return), the evictions and closing of small businesses right around the corner, the EVEN GREATER DEPRESSION that is almost upon us, the necessary reduction over time of the social safety net (food stamps, unemployment compensation, social security, etc.) and the inevitable need of the elites to protect themselves and their property from the economic upheaval and revolution that all this will create through police and military violence, has and will continue to make poor and once middle class whites to become black by experience. "Freedom is another word for nothing left to lose." I am thinking - and hoping - that racism was essentially an expression of economic insecurity among lower class whites, apart from the institutional racism of elites who simply did not like people whose skin was black. Once economic insecurity has become a shared experience -which is now has become - and those similarly situated are your allies - irrespective of color - in the building of a new society and economic paradigm, racism on a fundamentally economic level will become a thing of the past. People's skin color may differ from person to person and race to race, but there is no difference in the color of blood running in the streets.
@JohnHighmerSmith 4 жыл бұрын
from the first sentence...
@troywalkertheprogressivean8433 4 жыл бұрын
this is racism over the decades: black: "youre doing that thing" white: "no im not" black: 😑 go to 10
@Confucius_76 4 жыл бұрын
Billie EYElish
@RKarabeckian 4 жыл бұрын
Anti fascists and bird watchers, name a more subversive duo.
@stryker126 4 жыл бұрын
The training is not the issue, because the police can decide when they do and do not remember that training, and can be confident they won't be punished regardless.
@enricomammarella7579 4 жыл бұрын
Slow clap, Comrades. You’ll be safe in your academic towers. Until you’re not.
@johnahearn4058 4 жыл бұрын
I don't consider it ok if someone is genuinely afraid at the sight of a police officer. The fact that this is true alone is a problem in a well-functioning society. I don't even really disagree with the explanation of the concept being attributed to the term of "white privilege" that Mark provides because it is based on truth, but I detest the term itself. As much as that term is used to try to articulate the difference between a person who would be considered the majority race in this country and a minority race and how they are treated by some people, the term is also used as a means of shouting down any discussion involving racial terms by those who are angry about this treatment and seem to be more interested in getting even than in correcting injustice. To pretend one meaning for the term exists and the other doesn't is a disservice to the center of politics where a large number of people in this country would like to meet to try to solve this issue. It isn't something I asked for, and it isn't special treatment I can opt-out of, yet I am often blamed for its existence even though it predates my own existence. Yet, if you watch left-wing media I am a bigot, and if you watch right-wing I am being oppressed. Words matter, and how they are chosen is important. This entire term needs to be thrown out if the left is going to use it as a weapon to shout down honest discussion rather than as a means to describe a feeling of the state of affairs in this country. I don't particularly have a problem with the phrase black lives matter, but you already see how the racial terms embedded in the name is being used as a weapon to shout down the point trying to be made. This is a similar problem. I will close with this: While I detest that our country continues to have these issues, as a believer in individual responsibility I can never accept blame for the actions of evil people just because they look like me. As long as that is respected, the argument is more about the way the words are used and abused rather than the content and meaning behind them.
@damnthetorpedos1691 4 жыл бұрын
I can see you peacocking around the mic as you read the names off...
@roc7880 4 жыл бұрын
you just project your own self
@toepopper 4 жыл бұрын
Calling US police forces militarised isn't quite right. Militaries have rules of engagement and discipline. The main problem I find with US policing, having lived in New York and Chicago, is when police view themselves as separate from their community.
@gnomadD_ 4 жыл бұрын
Intro was totally unexpected and gave me goosebumps. THANK YOU!
@listener523 4 жыл бұрын
I think like 3 of those were innocent victims.
@valk5045 4 жыл бұрын
listener523 , so you mean to say that the rest deserved to die?
@listener523 4 жыл бұрын
@@valk5045 Where on earth did you get that idea? Of course not.
@valk5045 4 жыл бұрын
listener523 , sorry but it seems like a logical implication to take from your comment.
@gnomadD_ 4 жыл бұрын
@@listener523 Even if they were serial killers they still do not deserve police execution!
@Camcolito 4 жыл бұрын
I can't agree that voting for Joe Biden is a morally superior choice to not voting.
@danielbtwd 4 жыл бұрын
Can't believe combat veterans would engage with their own civilians or any civilians.
@lutherblissett9070 4 жыл бұрын
You kidding, right?
@danielbtwd 4 жыл бұрын
@@lutherblissett9070 maybe in some tinpot dictatorship with half baked warlord malitia, however most military would find this kind of behavior appalling.
@rianmonnahan 4 жыл бұрын
Have you had a closer look at the French anti-riot police?
@terencequinn2682 4 жыл бұрын
No one admires the French anti -riot police. This point is meaningless.
@moossyn5015 4 жыл бұрын
@@terencequinn2682 they did talk about the difference between policing in Europe and the US. The French CRS don't seem that racist, they tear gas and beat the shit out of anyone, French cops are very racist 52% of them voted for the far right. Try telling anyone who comes from a city in the UK that cops are not racist see how that goes.
@mortenreippuertknudsen3576 4 жыл бұрын
@@terencequinn2682 France is not exactly what you would call desireable. Check policeing in denmark, norway, sweden, iceland and finland - they have their problems too when it comes to profileing when it comes to immigrants from the middleast, but they are not killing or even beating immigrants (police does harass immigrants here though) . And we do not call the police a 'force'.
@Gumardee_coins_and_banknotes 4 жыл бұрын
@@moossyn5015 Well when you get beaten by the Algerians and Vietnamese, and have not won a war since 1815, it does that too you.
@rattylol 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah Spanish police same, thing is the police there don't actually murder people in the street for alleged pilfering
@markbrownner6565 4 жыл бұрын
there's an incredible silence from the successful wealthy black celebrities actors athletes producers directors musicians etc..where is oprah eddie murphy morgan freeman LeBron James spike lee denzel the hip hop-pers and others with lavish lifestyles....why aren't they getting out front of this and speaking..??
@hornetobiker 4 жыл бұрын
It's about class not race.
@buzoff4642 4 жыл бұрын
Racism is an offspring of classism.
@scod9746 3 жыл бұрын
Mark is awesome, but his class privilege is reflected in how he says whites (as though only blacks can be mixed race) never have to fear cops. Some of us grew up running from the cops in white neighborhoods, and yes cops shoot thousands of lower class whites too, more so because there are more of us by total count (not percentage). Certainly white power protects some whites, but legal authority gives cops privilege to beat and arrest "whites" too; maybe not as many of the upper class like Mark, but yeah whites can look "like criminals" too even if it by life choice of style, which is freedom of speech but for some reason only counts when profiling not when talking about rights. Many of those "blacks" have white dna too, and they have a right to be recognized as part white as well. Part of the problem of racism is continuing to label using such a confusing artificial category, that does not recognize how profiling problems are more about class, dress, personality, luck, and ethnicity (cultural group), and less about dna combinations. Yes some racist idiots focus on racial bigotry, but there are plenty of other things to bully people about besides skin color that cops will just find something else if they have to. People who appear more white are not only attacked by cops at BLM protests, so it is good they brought up the militarization of police in general. My skin is light colored and ive been almost shot by police several times simply for being and looking weird. Too many people getting shot, arrested, and harassed by police (period).
@raythevagabond3724 4 жыл бұрын
Uhm, what war against fascism? I think what Mark meant was the war against the Germans, where many/most of them have been nazis living under a fascist regime. If the reason for participating in that war was because of fighting fascism, the U.S. would have intervened much earlier, even in Italy and Spain aswell, instead of waiting for the Japanese attacking Pearl Harbor and Germany declaring war on the States. But the majority of the population in the U.S. (sadly) didn't give a flying fart about the fascism in Europe, as they don't care nowadays about what is actually going on in many countries. That's not what they fought for or rather against. So, please, just for the purpose of keeping this audience well educated, let's stay with the facts.
@Der_Thrombozyt 4 жыл бұрын
When using the numbers on Net Worth of minorities vs Whites, wouldn't medians be more useful?
@itcamefromthedeep 4 жыл бұрын
I have more wealth than about third of humanity combined. This is, of course, because a lot of people are in debt and have negative wealth such that it nets to zero somewhere up the chain such that any homeless guy on the street has a higher net worth than a large chunk of the population.
@buzoff4642 4 жыл бұрын
15M in US live in 3rd world level poverty. I'm sure they'll feel a whole lot better if we use median to further hide from that.
@johnschmit6815 4 жыл бұрын
Look at the crowds in Mpls and notice how many white people are marching as well. Is this an episodic revolution event still trying to find a focus?☕️🐸
@michaelweber5702 4 жыл бұрын
Your love of people is most appreciated and realization of the need to have fairer police and that they shouldn't be using military tactics and equipment , I agree . But hatred of white people to such a huge extent has been drummed up so very much in the last several decades , though our country is much less racist than it used to be . . this hatred has been taught in university along with political correctness and identity politics along with lies about the trans fad even to the extent of insisting that males are not males and females are not female (?) . Perhaps inadvertantly you two decent people have bought in on some of the inaccuracies . You spoke of antifa (supposedly anti-fascist ) . Antifa is a terrorist group , for years now these masked so-called progressives have attacked , beaten and nearly killed a number of people , many who are very old and also less importantly destroyed lots of property . I would just suggest to you that you investigate your assumptions a lot more . Please pardon me if I've criticized you too much...
@dhank2242 4 жыл бұрын
The fk was that intro? Those are the only people whose lives were taken from them unjustly? So disappointing.
@thelawenforcerhd9654 4 жыл бұрын
I don't agree with Mark's point at the start here. He (and I) are middle-class-we don't have issues with the police. Poor white people are treated differently. Whether that is the same as black people is debatable, but it clearly isn't the case that an economics professor is going to be treated the same as someone living on a council estate.
@Silkbandito 4 жыл бұрын
Idk wtf mark is talking about. America has a rich history of declaring war on abstract concepts.
@davidpearn5925 4 жыл бұрын
The freedom to not vote has consequences.
@Kharmazov 4 жыл бұрын
Ford Blood Gods sake please do some research before talking about "police militarization". First and foremost the "trend" started in 1960's with the formation of SWAT teams used for situations average officer where not able to handle (e.g. terrorism). The use of such tactics later expanded during the 1980's war on drugs and also an average police officer was more likely to find himself in an active shooter situation due to the rising violent crime rate hence first the push to exchange the old time 6 shooter revolvers for semi-automatic pistols with the proliferation of body armor etc. finally culminating in AR-15 becoming a widely used "patrol rifle" replacing or complementing the shotgun. As for armored vehicles these are also widely used by police agencies across other countries US not being any different in that regard. In Poland for example every police station has usually a stock of AKM's in the armory to be given to officers during an emergency.
@Sandler311 4 жыл бұрын
I like you guys, but a lot of the parts you guys are missing or not understanding may come from a review of war as a form of economics and the role of police in economics since the civil war. As for police, I do not believe this is a training problem but more of a culture problem. There is info social media info out there to show cops saying one thing and doing another. I have a few friends who were cops and left over the years due to the lies that they had to live through. A small read on this culture problem you can find here. If you put the use of police since the civil war 20 year bursts, you can think about it as who trained this generation of police, what did they train them, did any of that stop and when. Even if you just start at the civil rights era instead of the civil war era, it starts to show as a culture problem.
@hornetobiker 4 жыл бұрын
Don't use the expression bad apples, it's really suggestive of your white privelege. eg you don't get it. The us police attitude to the UNDERCLASS which include minorities but is certainly not exclusive to them is appalling.
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