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@beargrill42 2 ай бұрын
More like heywoke (jokingly)
@mrbigbollum0 2 ай бұрын
Got em gg ez
@FamousJX 2 ай бұрын
Jesus. That's super how'd a nitwit like you get so tasteful.
@Whorabl3 2 ай бұрын
This is going to stick...
@douggibson2030 2 ай бұрын
4 HeyWoah videos in the last two weeks? Feels like witnessing the stirring of an enormous slumbering beast, roused to action by the fast-approaching 4th ed.
@hailhydra7959 2 ай бұрын
It’s important to remember that there are no good factions in 40K, because they never made an Ogor faction for 40K.
@Questioningbasics 2 ай бұрын
Ogryns have left the chat
@SuperDuperHappyTime 2 ай бұрын
Good as in Good Guys, or Good as in Quality Faction? Yes.
@hailhydra7959 2 ай бұрын
@@Questioningbasics Be a proper faction or gtfo
@globalelite3042 2 ай бұрын
The imperium stopped feeling like satire a long time ago when writers kept baking justifications for fascism constantly
@assistantref5084 2 ай бұрын
I honestly think it's less evil and more incompetent than this. At some point there was a directive from somewhere on high that 40k was getting a reputation as being a bit faschy, because the actual fascists were ignoring the satire and treating 40k like it was actually serious, and thus giving the IP a bad reputation. So the instruction was given to tone down the fascist satire and try to steer the IP more into a more conventional superhero narrative, to appeal to more "mainstream" audiences and de-toxify the IP in the process. But the people giving that direction were too stupid to realize that when you start to clean up what is an intentional satire on fascism, it starts to look pretty indistinguishable from being actually supportive of fascism. So they ended up in this awkward middle spot where they are trying to turn the Imperium into the good guys but that means turning an explicitly fascist satire into the good guys and you can't really do that without, well, making it look like the fascists are the good guys. So ironically in an effort to distance themselves from fascists they have actually produced something that is more fascist-friendly than the original satire was.
@Bluecho4 2 ай бұрын
@KingAtlon 2 ай бұрын
@@assistantref5084 That's extremely well put.
@ssnakeshitful 2 ай бұрын
​@@assistantref5084 just play the Germans in Bolt Action and you don't have to worry about this entire issue😅
@Canadish 2 ай бұрын
The Imperium is the most interesting when they are fascist and cause all their own problems. They are most boring when GW forgets this and tries to w*nk the Spess Mureens off endlessly.
@jodypschaeffer 2 ай бұрын
Speaking of lore updates: the Old Ones were originally Snotlings. True story.
@DwightOfTheDead 2 ай бұрын
I will in fact click on anything
@telethus4387 2 ай бұрын
@earnestwanderer2471 2 ай бұрын
@shimi3739 2 ай бұрын
@keyanklupacs6333 2 ай бұрын
Damn so true bestie. 😉
@Hy93Ri0n 2 ай бұрын
I could listen to HeyWoah read the fucking phonebook. Smoothest delivery in the Warhammer community.
@LokkesBoerlin 2 ай бұрын
For real bro has those 4am late night radio in 1974 tones
@pongwong5463 2 ай бұрын
“ I don’t care what team you’re on, I care if you’re right” honestly a based take
@ReaverEternal 2 ай бұрын
It's true you don't see many Custodes women. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, that they were often mistaken for Custodes men. And this has, in turn, given rise to the belief that there are no Custodes women. And that Custodes were just "made by the emperor".
@Fritz_Foyer 2 ай бұрын
Sums it up great. 90% of my custodes army is fully armored and wears helmets. How am i supposed to know their gender?
@seraphsong6162 2 ай бұрын
"It's the beards"
@danielo9141 2 ай бұрын
What that heresy Valdor model do though 👀
@myzorbos 2 ай бұрын
literally how people should've taken it... i feel like i'm living in a bizarro world as someone who only came back to Warhammer for AOS
@bobshoby 2 ай бұрын
The imperium satire is pretty thin nowadays. They struggle to include bad protagonists and invariably the 'bad' imperium is either a direct antagonist or impediment in most plots. The natural response from most of the fanbase is obviously liking the 'good' imperium that is our window to most of the setting.
@globalelite3042 2 ай бұрын
Yep. Character does horrible thing but actually is justified is a writing trope beaten to death by gw.
@assistantref5084 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, the Imperium has really been rewritten almost completely over the last two decades. It's now a pretty clearly "good guy" faction. There are corrupt individuals and ineffective bureaucrats and anonymous far-away higher-ups like the High Lords of Terra engaging in very questionable behavior, but pretty much everybody who actually matters is a good guy doing good-guy things. Including the Emperor, who IMO they really screwed up drastically in the Horus Heresy books by making him far too much of a good guy. The extremely problematic nature of the Imperium was what originally made the setting so compelling, but that's almost all gone now. 40k has mostly gone from grimdark satire to superhero soap.
@Hy93Ri0n 2 ай бұрын
Early edition 40k and modern 40k are basically different things at this point.
@arcwarden1593 2 ай бұрын
@@assistantref5084 Absolutely, and it's not helped by what I have found to be the two broad types of imperial characters in 40k novels. There are the zealous true believers who the readers are obviously meant to see as blinded by their faith; but, then there are the more rational, world-weary, or "realist" characters who see the Imperium's flaws but deem it a "necessary evil". What most readers don't get is that both of these types of characters are factually wrong, the Imperium of Man sucks for basically everybody, and almost any system would be better than it. GW writers often make that second type of character seem to be correct, and anyone with legitimate grievances with the IoM is considered a "traitor" or "heretic".
@Jachra 2 ай бұрын
I prefer to say that there are good people in the Imperium *despite* itself. It's a bad nation which conducts a lot of human evil, but within it are individuals who act heroically at great risk
@cjyoubusta5072 2 ай бұрын
I can't believe GW invented women to sell more Custodes models
@elevenone 2 ай бұрын
I like it when the ogre man wears a hat
@solidus4734 2 ай бұрын
Had a discussion with one guy that claimed that this would destroy the Yin Yang and the harmony between custodes and sisters of silence and that the setting was all about harmony and equilibrium (sic!)
@4thehobbyattic 2 ай бұрын
This is well-written. Thanks HeyWoah
@Malendor 2 ай бұрын
Well, there goes my plan to read the Brian Herbert books. THANKS!
@ggb3248 2 ай бұрын
Media literacy? In this economy?!
@emperor_slime_ 2 ай бұрын
I can appreciate where you're coming from. I guess I don't really see having women serving in the military of the grim dark imperium as "kind" or "good" or "better" than them being excluded. That seems at least as bad and dark to me. I feel like GW's tone for the imperium (with or without showing an art with a woman) has softened to the point that it's not even satire anymore, and for some reason the idea of including women (which is good for humanity and the hobby in general) is getting caught in the crosshairs. Adding women isn't the problem. Women can exist in traditionally male roles _and_ it can be grim dark and bleak and satire and commentary. If GW screws up the tone of their setting, women aren't the problem. Adding women to Warhammer or any other thing where they've been excluded is 2 things: first and foremost, it's an attempt by a corporation to monetize more people so they can enrich capital owners. Capitalists rejoice! More money is more product (probably, maybe...) and second, it's a way to bring a broader community to the game, who bring new perspectives and ideas and that feels objectively good to me. This all feels like misdirected anger at women again for trying to exist and take up some space in male dominated spaces, when I think the actual problem is that GW lost its teeth for grimdark-ness, probably to appeal to your little cousin more and hook a lifelong warhammer-er. Maybe check in on how the women in your community feel about the inclusion of women or the online reaction they're perceiving before frothing at the mouth about it (if you're prone to frothing). They may have perspectives that surprise you!
@matad1917 2 ай бұрын
I think you have interpreted the situation very wrong. For starters we are far beyond just adding women somewhere where they are excluded. There have been women in the lore for a long time throughout most branches of the imperium. Space Marines and the Custodes (considered a form of a space marine) are the only branches where they were truly "excluded", based on the lore reason that the augmentation in not compatible with a woman's physiology. Lately it has been revealed that the reason this lore was even introduced was that female models simply didn't and don't sell well according to some former GW employee. So basically you have capitalism to blame for that not the other way around. Now as I'm sure you know, in the Imperium there are branches of only women as well as branches of only men. To most people this is probably fine as long as the rules and reasons are well explained and consistent. So why would there be a need to suddenly and forcibly change the long standing and accepted rule of the universe? It's because of modern day politics. This is where we come to the real problem people have with this. I don't think most people even have a problem with female Custodes overall, they have a problem with shoving that lore in the way it was. And where does it lead? I think many of us 40k fans have seen franchizes crumble largely as a result of forcefull inclusion of todays politics into a fictional universe and basically taking precedent before everything else. And the fear rising with the notion of that happening to 40k is the result of the outrage. I certainly don't think anyone right in their mind is blaming women for this. That's just absurd.
@senti5468 2 ай бұрын
It would be so much better if they ditched the whole peudo reasoning why women can't be marines and instead just go with "It's a backwards, stupid culture and that's the rule".
@danielo9141 2 ай бұрын
As a friendly neighbourhood Word Bearer, i disagree. As it makes the emperor "super scientist extraordinaire" even more of an ass with a genetic process that either a. only works for xy chromosomes and couldn't do xx, or b. Process could do both, but for some reason he didn't want or apparently need to, Malcador implies it was E's choice or option c. The emperor saw the astartes as weapons first if nothing else. There will only be war, the legion and brotherhood. Till they are no longer required then who knows what? d. Worse still, no loyalist legion has ever questioned it, seemingly not even deus-ex-Belisarius Cawl with his child catching primaris programme...
@danielo9141 2 ай бұрын
But as a person irl, i agree its real stupid! Looking forward to seeing/adding aos fem and nb lookin stormcast heads on my shiny palace guard faction minis
@senti5468 2 ай бұрын
@@danielo9141 I'll concede that. I think making the Emperor just obviously be Immorten Joe levels dumb would have been the way to go for the Horus Heresy.
@mirchiamemeina1524 2 ай бұрын
As someone who's only experience with 40k is watching "If the Emperor had a Text-to-Speech Device", I didn't even know Custodes *weren't* Space Marines until this video!
@starslayer2438 2 ай бұрын
I love all the memes that came out of this. Reminds me of that time when that Resident Evil trailer introduced Lady Dimitrescu.
@winter945 2 ай бұрын
Honestly another benifit to this is it sets apart custodes from space marines a bit more
@mason103 2 ай бұрын
"If you always think the opposite of your enemies, then they still control you" fucking write this in the sky in gossamer teardrops
@haarzuilensboy0308 2 ай бұрын
heywoah cooked so good, he can open up a 6 star restaurant
@Metal_Maoist 2 ай бұрын
My main argument against the "it makes sense for there not to be female space marines because the Imperium is sexist" is that it seemingly only applies to space marines and sisters of battle. Women are perfectly capable of becoming soldiers, cops, planetary governors, etc. In general, 40k is a setting that criticises most societal issues through metaphor rather than adressing them directly. Things like racism within humanity don't seem to exist on any significant scale, and instead, they are externalised and coated in metaphor and analogy. The setting operates on a sort of "this is what fascists genuinely believe" principle. "Look, these fascists genuinely believe that people of other races are all horrifying aliens that want to kill all real humans." "These fascists genuinely believe that poor people are disgusting mutants that inevitably lead to societal collapse if they're not brutally opressed." "These fascists genuinely believe that having a different religion destroys the literal fabric of reality and you deserve to be burned alive for it." "These fascists genuinely believe that being inducted into the military as a literal child and suffering horrible abuse that'll most likely kill you makes you into an übermensch supersoldier." Just transposing modern-day sexism into that kind of setting is going to feel jarring, especially if it only applies to two extremely specific aspects of this society and is entirely absent otherwise.
@ragnarcroughs2784 2 ай бұрын
The message is strong with this one
@FPSDIESEL 2 ай бұрын
Well said HeyWoah I said the same thing on stream last night. I for one, am totally for oiled up muscles custodes allowing women in their ranks... for no reason particular.
@bob3ironfist 2 ай бұрын
I feel like at any given point in time when I get a peek into the 40k community it's just people being mad all the time
@Eg007 2 ай бұрын
Thats a well reasoned, thoughtful response. In an age where no one seems to want to calmly talk things through it feels like a rarity. I understand where you're coming from in your stance with female space marines and I think you make a good point. However, I feel like you could still satirize this far flung fascist regime with female space marines you just need an appropriate angle to explore. Perhaps there are a few female only chapters that approach it similar to how Kislev approached magic (Men cannot be trusted to wield it). Perhaps there are mixed chapters that lean heavily on the "in these desperate times any child soldier is a good child soldier" theme. At the end of the day the lore exists to sell toys and while removing some restrictions may make the satire less visible thats only if you don't replace it with more satire. To be honest something 40K could really do with if it wants to stick to the 'Everybody is Bad' vibe without accidentally encouraging rabid fans of fascist space soldiers to grow.
@Dwilson1282 2 ай бұрын
another thing though, is why are the custodes a playable faction in 40k? they’re almost wiped out during the horus heresy, and the entire group of them are handmade special projects of the emperor himself… and he ain’t working on them while he sits on the throne.
@OrigamiShinigami 2 ай бұрын
They literally got bored of sitting around being useless for 11,000 years, and decided they were technically outranking Lords of Terra, and could use some exercise/PTO to ensure their skills were sharp. Also, their posthuman arrogance got high enough they decided they'd go tell the little degenerates running the Imperium exactly what they thought, since they knew the Emperor personally and can vouch what shit he would or would not have put up with in his name. All of which is technically a dereliction of duty.
@Ryan30z 2 ай бұрын
It's not only the Emperor who knows how to create Custodes, it's just extremely secretive and time consuming. It's been 10 thousand years, I don't think people realise quite how long that is. It's almost twice as long as human civilization has existed. It's more than enough time to replenish a force of 10 thousand.
@VaultBoy1300 2 ай бұрын
These short vids before stream are fantastic
@rkc61595 2 ай бұрын
40k player here to confirm your theory
@hkwiv8044 2 ай бұрын
I had to say this to a bunch of local guys last night and man I’m glad I’m not the only one to have a good take on this. Heywoah the pog.
@markpandelidis2079 2 ай бұрын
Penny arcade reference let's GOOO
@Johnnekaiser 2 ай бұрын
I was tempted to get Custodies stuff like the New Battleforce. I Love Cutodies, I Enjoy their lore. But I had an Ich on my gutt, a Hungry Ich. I Decided to get back into my Ogor BOys and get their vanguard box to add to my collection. Thank god I did because After seeing how the custodies had fallen from grace. I'm just glad their combat Patrol is updated
@surriad1140 Ай бұрын
I just wanted sisters of silence and to me it felt like the Writers at GW would rather knowingly do something controversial than give them content
@JohnnyCoyote Ай бұрын
Every Custodian is supposedly a singular piece of art, so I don't see why they couldn't be female, even if that's a retcon.
@atragonx7939 2 ай бұрын
Stop being reasonable, more shouting!
@J.B_alpharius 2 ай бұрын
First sane take on this whole thing
@MisterDragon 2 ай бұрын
10/10 commentary from an actual adult with a nuanced and thoughtful take, delivered succinctly. Femstodes are awesome, good retcon imho but it's not because of any weird "agenda" or "woke" or whatever BS people are screeching about and this won't or shouldn't herald female marines or whatever next. The imperium is still a shit hole, just this particular part has more ladies than we thought.
@oswaldrabbit1409 2 ай бұрын
Maybe, only time will tell I suppose. If you're correct I don't have a problem with it, so I better just hope for the best!
@plasticcraic8936 2 ай бұрын
Hadn't really thought about this at all, cos it's only 40K - and as such, I got a lot out of this. Disagree on the broader Retcon angle somewhat - I quietly dislike even King Brodd cos he was retconned away from being an Aleguzzler, even though Mega Brodd is objectively way more awesome. So even if you like (or can accept) good Retcons, some of us just don't like Retcons per se, even the good ones. Rest of it was very much on point though. Good discussion, thank you.
@McFatson Ай бұрын
Aww man you coulda called it "Games Wokeslop" to REALLY ham it up
@WhiterThanAginger 2 ай бұрын
40k player here and I click
@StimmBehr 2 ай бұрын
In terms of lore pureness, I don't see why they can't do it. In terms of themes I am disappointed. I liked the built up duality of the SoS and Custodes and it was still never fully explored. It felt like a cerebration of differences with one force complementing the other and now it's dampened. Could go either way on it. Anyways L HeyJOKE!!!!
@willhicks6963 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for a well-reasoned and thoughtful take. You have changed my mind.
@aaronmartin7858 2 ай бұрын
Being an adult. BIG
@redrumssam5888 2 ай бұрын
What's the difference between sisters of battle and female Black Templars
@BrotherVoidBomber 2 ай бұрын
Kinda figured this was your take. Honestly just wish this was what the sisters of silence 2nd wave range of models would have been. Golden sisters of battle beef cake amazonians who become augmented to go head to head with the Imperial banana boys. Meh it's whatever Jimmy space says.
@chakradarrat8832 2 ай бұрын
didn't they just get new ones
@BrotherVoidBomber 2 ай бұрын
@chakradarrat8832 They got a new Character. Nothing else.
@heiroftheredeemer2828 2 ай бұрын
Thank you HeyWoah, very cool.
@BotRetro 2 ай бұрын
In my opinion, Necron retcon in 5th was too distant from the faction vision in 3rd/4th. It definitely had people that liked the change (as every change will), but it disappointed people that preferred the previous version. New version of necrons now has 5 codices of lore development while oldcrons received their codex during the edition where codexes were ~40 pages long with very little lore. Of course they were underdeveloped. Every faction would've been, if they only ever had 3rd edition codex.
@connormurray5526 2 ай бұрын
Im embarrassed to say I like warhammer because of the kind of people that think this is a big deal 😂
@markmcdowell2733 Ай бұрын
I also shrugged.
@link670 2 ай бұрын
I don't disagree with you on the whole satire point, but I will say that GW as a whole seems to be moving away from that angle, with the imperium becoming more and more the good guys of the setting with each edition, with many of their abrasive edges long given way to tacticool nonsense and objectively good primarchs. . As such, might as well make it more inclusive since most of the satire was lost long ago.
@robertthornton5106 2 ай бұрын
I honestly think in AoS they should start phasing out the stormcast... maybe until there's a handful remaining as heroes in the armies of order. I just find the notion of them being reborn over and over again removes any notion of jeopardy to them fighting and thus any possibility of heroism. Nor do i find them losing their identity over time enough to counter this. They just feel like a lazy way of replicating marines in a setting where weak humans standing against powerful monsters would be much more compelling.
@orpheonkatakrosmortarchoft4332 2 ай бұрын
Well I agree with your point on satire, but in recent years the satire has been towned down more and more and SM have been described has more heroic.
@TrexGrimStud 10 күн бұрын
his view on this is mostly wrong 40k stopped being satire or silly by 4th . and yes the imperium are the goods because they are fight mankinds survuval . but are in a universe thta hard choices have to be made.and his understand on custodes being different from space marines is also wrong .because they are based on the same science and tech .instead of using gene seed the custodes use DNA from the Emperor . and being a work of art is just poetic speech the steps in making one are the same just carefully control and adjusted for each custode and more steps the easiest way to understand it is one is gourmet food the other is burger king . on top of all that the Emperor would not waste his time making a inferior weapon .
@AltoStratusX1 2 ай бұрын
Seriously my response and any fans I know personally can be summed up in 12 second family guy video - OMG who the hell cares. I could listen to HeyWhoa talk about anything though.
@AzagYT 2 ай бұрын
Im worried about female skeletons in my soulblight gravelords army
@schmlondaysxd9504 2 ай бұрын
unironically the best take ive seen regarding this whole situation, common heywoah W
@dangerouslycheezy5429 2 ай бұрын
Misters of battle new army faction leak soon 🤞🏼
@DarkLolification 2 ай бұрын
Yeah that's the problem with work of arts, they're made in a specific space and time, and lacks substance out of this context. The lore of 40k was done in the 90s and at that time it made sense to use satire. Maybe because it worked, it was subversive. Now it's complacent and cliché. Just like any work of art that spread for too long, like the simpsons. Maybe they should double down on the satire to make it obvious.
@KarmaSpaz12 2 ай бұрын
40K entering Age of Sigma, am I right??? It's a joke, a joke. The whole thing is a crazy ride. I don't know what I like about this upload the most, the pleasant background, the lore take, the Dune take or the reference of the fine arts degree.
@samaltschul4605 2 ай бұрын
Brian Herbert didn't just write the worst Dune books, he wrote some of the worst books period. First book I ever threw in the trash was a Brian Herbert book.
@malloc7108 2 ай бұрын
being an author isn't hereditary, that's for sure.
@stormcrow7611 2 ай бұрын
A considered, thoughtful, and nuanced opinion that eschews the programmed talking points of any particular faction in order to respectfully present the audience with a well-rounded point of view that seeks neither to coerce their obedience nor banish them for the audacity they might dare to hold a differing opinion....Did you realize this was the internet? We don't do that here.
@Warsaw130 2 ай бұрын
you make an excellent point about it satirizing the real world. however the lore reasons on why female space marines never felt like satire. alot of the reasons you can find state that they couldnt make it work for a biological reason not a social reason. then theres the meta reason where GW wanted to appeal more to the men buying it. SoB i feel does alot better job of feeling like satire by being founded thanks to a loophole. Imperim makes a law so the church doesnt have a private army but they Cheat and figured out how to get one anyway. Sisters were designed with gender in mind, space marines weren't. I am personally a fan of the idea that they dont exist so they couldnt reproduce on their own, as they are Mutants and go against the ideas of human purity the imperium has. It being a way to keep them dependent on the imperium and not go rogue. Though that doesnt seem to be cannon and space marines went rogue anyway
@raspberrymilkshake5782 2 ай бұрын
People like to say space marines are like monks but. No they fucking aren't! The sisters of battle are obviously metal nuns with bdsm undertones, they are visually and thematically built around evoking religious iconography. Space marines are big guys in suits- if they had more visual ties, more actual satire, them being all male would make sense to be- but they don't. Wheras design wise the rest of the imperium evokes crumbling empires of history and religious fervor, space marines are stupid bad G1 Joe ass looking mfers, theres nothing funny or really even grimdark about the space marines. The setting would be a million times better without them, but if you have to keep the dumb power fantasy superheros atleast throw in some woman.
@NapGod 2 ай бұрын
I'd watch the shit out of HeyWoah talks movies and media content.
@sandpirate1662 2 ай бұрын
Heck yeah, agreed
@TheOniraf 2 ай бұрын
Dude has been literally on fire in the last weeks, good we need some grow up no nonsense opinion.
@klocks2543 2 ай бұрын
It’s pretty simple. 40k has broken into the mainstream enough that it has to make a decision about representation in a fictional universe regarding super soldiers. Pop culture and mainstream media can’t tell, or won’t allow, the difference between fiction or satire seemingly at odds with its popularist virtue. To continue growing and acceptance by the mainstream GW has to have a fallback on the super soldier representation “issue.” But it’s a sad and damning creative brief when narrative decisions are made on cultural acceptance for corporate growth to ultimately appease shareholders and media opinions to sell more plastic toys and books.
@Lindwurm_Nx 2 ай бұрын
Finally an adult talking about it. Thanks
@Whorabl3 2 ай бұрын
This has been my take since the wingeing started and in fact if you read the HH books they're very progressive in a sort of ironic manner. Well said HeyWoke!
@j453 2 ай бұрын
I think it really depends on the models. If they look as good as the fem-stormcast that came out in 3rd, the crying will subside and everyone will just keep buying plastic. Now, if the models suck??...
@christophriess5274 2 ай бұрын
I shrug away the drama, but I much appreciate your levelheadedness! Kudos, well elaborated.
@TheBigRedColossus 2 ай бұрын
Of course I clicked on it, your content hits
@thomaskamkar5197 2 ай бұрын
I have a lot of respect for the way you use your platform, props for being a rational voice in a reactionary media space.
@greenghost2008 2 ай бұрын
I own and have read a ton of Brian Herbert books. They are alright I just wish he never did the inbetween books. Go and ahead and make sequels and prequels but don't screw with the original material like that. I'm also salty about how he did Hasimir fenring. I'm also salty about how he gets you to like hecate in the machine crusade and then kills her and two other characters in the most stupid way possible.
@greyboi9550 2 ай бұрын
for me ultimately I do not care if 40k has fem marines or custadoes because the satire of 40k died with matt ward and long died after gulliman came make and the imperium MADE PROGRESS, also aos is just a better game with a more welcoming fanbase who doesn't complain every 5 minutes
@brianwalsh1339 2 ай бұрын
40K was never satire, Rick Priestly himself said it.
@torcaace 2 ай бұрын
this. the only time i ever saw the aos fanbase complain was with the recent armies that were removed and even then, most of the overreactions were from creators who did not play or cover aos and just wanted to drama farm. AoS fans took it like "oh that's a bummer. The time and money i spent on my guys is now wasted" when we've seen literal meltdowns and the burning of armies in other GW games. point is, aos is super chill
@modelcitizenvlad 2 ай бұрын
Videos like this always make me sad I can't just have HeyWoah on speed-dial irl. Limitless charges of "cast greater insight".
@MikeYohe 2 ай бұрын
3:19 I'm not religious myself, but I'm led to understand that this point is deeply seated in certain denominations. There are lines that are interpreted by some denominations to mean "NO GIRLS ALLOWED" (like basically every other point made in the Bible, there are at least 2 interpretations minimum). And, if you believe that the Bible is the word of God, and believe that your denomination got that interpretation right, then that's why it can't follow the same logic as today's more inclusive sensibilities. All this to say, it's not the same as saying something like "women can't be CEOs", it can be seated in a genuine belief that God (or someone real, real close) said so.
@GDPanda69 2 ай бұрын
BIG shrugs
@malloc7108 2 ай бұрын
I love clicking
@KamronFultz Ай бұрын
My man!
@phaedrosx 2 ай бұрын
I clicked thinking you were gonna be a reactionary, I stuck around because you once again proved you were chill and level-headed.
@Mr_J1984 2 ай бұрын
Finally, ladies get to be Giga Space Fascists too. True equality
@BaranzarCobralVOD 2 ай бұрын
thank you for this, I must admit I have been feeling really up off form warhammer due to both sides toxicity and this video has been a breath of fresh air when I needed it most
@HC_tim 2 ай бұрын
This is take earned and like and subscribe.
@briochepanda 2 ай бұрын
I mean, I'll give them that. They introduced her, trying to destroy earth to test its defences because that's how the ten thousand roll. Usually a blood game is depicted as interior Palace defence and our new golden girl is like "RAMMING SPEED". I can respect the moxie.
@jimmythesound7536 2 ай бұрын
I cant wait for the trans sisters of battle!!!
@paulferner2826 2 ай бұрын
I definitely agree with the largest part of everything you've said, what makes the joke so good is the characters in it. But, even more than the satire, is that the characters are badass and people are attached to them, and I think lots of people are worried about if things change too much, that will slip away as well, along with the joke. It was only a couple thousand years ago Cesar boasted of killing a million gauls, but we/the world definitely progressed past that. To have a war nowadays you need to come up with a good excuse, and we generally frown on the killing of millions. I bet, in the same way that a little edge to the game's mechanics might not be totally balanced but make the game more fun, these edges do the same thing narratively for the lore-enjoyers.
@fliky90 2 ай бұрын
I don't play custodes so I don't care.. I also have too much shit to do outside of my hobby to care..
@telivan776 2 ай бұрын
I feel like there's a problem to your "it's meant to be satirical" argument. In that 40k as satire just doesn't really hold up so much these days, or at least it's become severely less cutting. For example with female space marines as a concept GW never really goes into how or why the imperium is sexist, but still keep the "no girls allowedness" of the space marines. It's like they're trying to have their cake and eat it too by both saying that 40k is satire and that the imperium are the bad guys, while at the same time barely showing how the imperium is bad. Like if they would just say something outright like "there's no female space marines because the emperor is ´that kind of gay´ or something else to show his misoginy" instead of saying "there's no female space marines, because there's no female space marines" would make the farcical nature of the imperium so much more real. It's like cutting watchmen off before Manhattan says the "nothing ever ends" line. The satire becomes much less clear. And of course they don't do this because because by keeping the satire of the setting vague you don't alienate anyone and stand to profit significantly more. It's like South Park: Really dark, crass, and grim while not ever really saying much of anything.
@unintentionally_edgy5867 2 ай бұрын
Honestly, if gw hadn’t said anything in twitter all we would be left to do is the correct thing and just assume we hadn’t happened on any of the stories including the women of the 10,000. That’s fine, hell chapters other than the ultramarines exist.
@jamesb.7859 2 ай бұрын
I read the comment from that guy that decided to unsubscribe because of this post. I did not know this channel existed prior to 10 minutes ago. I subscribed because of this post. 😊👍
@Nekorook 2 ай бұрын
Hey woah post and I click, simple as.
@barty1995 2 ай бұрын
Worth noting, a HH novel last year did point out they might well exist. And no they weren't Sisters of Silence, else the narrator (Sanguinous, a psyker) would feel disgusted by their presence or take note of them specifically because... well, psyker + blanks = bad for psyker. It's a small thing, but it is there.
@silentsorrowbane 2 ай бұрын
wrong. Read the book again. He was indeed refering to the Custodes and Sisters
@Green-wd8xz 2 ай бұрын
I clicked cause I am 40k people. But I'm also heywoah people.
@jewosjowos2832 2 ай бұрын
i get the point of "theyre not the good guys, so why would they be in favour of equality?" but for me the fact that ppl in 40k seemingly dont care about skin or gender made it feel so much more futuristic, like they actually have a completely different culture from ours. on the other hand we dont blink and eye when somebody has a finger too many or too few, probably just and accident or weird genetics, but in 40k these would be the people getting all the bigotry "mutant!!!!" so i actually like those hyper religious fascists being surprisingly chill about gender. its 38.000 years in the future and at least two major apocalypses happened, i would hope we have figured out new bigotry other than skin and gender
@Specterish 2 ай бұрын
Path to Redemption by Mike Brooks actually has a really good instance of that kind of skewed tolerance. The main character is an ex-Redemptionist who was in a gay relationship with another Redemptionist until he was find out. Their sexuality is treated as a complete non-issue though because the Redemptionists were more concerned with their real sin - intimacy of any kind in the first place. Well worth reading if you want a story focusing on the Imperium's twisted and warped religious beliefs.
@Gapis321 2 ай бұрын
I always thought 40k to tackle the nuanced differences between genders in a smart and respectful manner. We see the universe from the perspective of the imperium, it makes the setting at least partially grounded in our reality. Humans are different, therefore a masculine body lends itself better to the sort of crude combat enhancements prrimarch/custodes/astartes get? Cool, makes sense, adds nuance to the factions. On the other side of the spectrum can you have athletic build eldar waifu kill one of those chunks of ceramite and meat in melee combat? Sure. Space genetics and alien technology beyond our understanding. Makes sense to me. I also take no issue with female stormcasts standing side by side by their male counterparts - it's literal gods magic. But imperium in 40k is very much based on science fiction/fantasy, outdated, primitive tech that "just about works" for its purpose. It made sense for things to be how they were up to this point. But the biggest concern I have is that this sort of thing shafts excellent factions like sisters of battle and (what could be one if given proper care and attention) sisters of silence. There is so much to work with here already and I don't want them to become "custodes but worse in every way imaginable".
@Zakon673 2 ай бұрын
The Imperium has enough external threats and legitimate internal threats that they don't need to invent new ones to maintain power as real life fascist governments tend to do. Which is kind of a problem for the sake of the setting's satirical elements. This is the reason why, despite being a big fan of 40k, I enjoy it because of... basically everything except for the Imperium. Chaos and all of the Xenos species are a lot of fun and don't have any elements which make me kind of uncomfortable since they're so totally divorced from reality. Except for the T'au, but the fanbase has no problem telling you how the T'au aren't actually good guys, so it's fine.
@LyubenV 2 ай бұрын
I'm pretty sure Stormcast were originally male only, I don't think the first tome, like Custodes, ever mentioned any female ones. The models too were all male.
@ARCHANGEvideo 2 ай бұрын
Not true. In the early age of Aos, Underworld season 1 dropped. In it, was a Stormcast Eternal female with a pretty badass armor.
@LyubenV 2 ай бұрын
@@ARCHANGEvideo Shadespire was like 2 years after the launch of AoS
@DevotedpupaVODs 2 ай бұрын
I personally think this just adds sauce to the internal conflict in the imperium
@annaleas2091 2 ай бұрын
a lot of reactions on the issue i saw seemingly boiled down to "hey, your misogyny is showing"
@Zydlik7 2 ай бұрын
I don't see a problem in it. For lore reasons; custodes are made from the ground up. I don't see reason why that couldn't be done with women. And for non lore reasons; it's a fantasy game, they can do what they want
@mosab79 2 ай бұрын
The new chapter in Warhammer 40K should be named ((The Rise of 3D Printing Machines))
@Fritz_Foyer 2 ай бұрын
90% of my Custodes minis wears helmets. How am i supposed to know their gender? The only lore argument people seem to state is a single sentence from the 8th edition codex. I'm sorry but that excuse is not good enough to never bring up female custodes again. We had way worse retcons. This one seems tame in comparison
@Fritz_Foyer 2 ай бұрын
We only know a handful Custodes by name, the number of books on Custodes is pretty low. Their impact on the 41st millenium even lower with the exception of two, maybe three characters. There should be enough wiggle room to just let it slide.
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