My Coming Out Story: A Testimony Story

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Caleb Michael

Caleb Michael

2 жыл бұрын

Hey, everyone! This video includes a short version of my coming out story with a small twist in the end. So, I hope you take some time to watch this video with an open mind!

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@kurmit-ih1yn 2 жыл бұрын
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay. It is humans who twists thing and decides what is "right" and what is "wrong". "God" made you that way. Love yourself for who you are and are attracted to.
@sadiemurbarger 2 жыл бұрын
@Madamemedusa1986 Жыл бұрын
God doesn't want anyone to be gay your the one that is twisted
@tonybennett4159 Жыл бұрын
@@sadiemurbarger There are plenty of non-gay Christians who fully embrace and endorse their gay friends. Caleb needs to listen to those voices before he makes a decision. Let's not forget that Leviticus, and Saints Peter and Paul either advocated slavery or found nothing wrong with it, yet today we find such an idea abhorrent. Believing that everything in the Bible needs to be observed 100% can lead you down some very dark and confusing paths.
@patcola7335 Жыл бұрын
@@tonybennett4159 We will all become slaves of the government more and more so what are you talking about? NWO is a real thing.
@tonybennett4159 Жыл бұрын
@@patcola7335 NWO? What's that? New World Order? You're making your own definition of slavery to suit the particular bee in your bonnet. The Bible says it's OK to own slaves and to pass their offspring on to the owners, it's OK to beat them to within an inch of their lives. Slavery means you work for no money. Of course people are exploited but that's not the same as slavery.
@jonjohnsoniii3668 Жыл бұрын
Not a coming out story, rather a homophobic rant from a wounded person.
@andrelevesque2405 Жыл бұрын
You don’t decide being gay or otherwise; you are born this way. There’s nothing wrong with that. Period.
@krpbdp Жыл бұрын
This is misleading...not "coming out"; rather you are "staying in."
@franklinshouse8719 2 жыл бұрын
You have made it through some rough emotional times. I hate to say it, but religion poisons everything it touches. It saddles us with unnecessary guilt. I can't imagine any god that would create a devil or enemy. That would be an enormously cruel god. Religion twists and contorts things so much. It makes people unnecessarily unhappy. I learned this and have discarded religion. Life is so much better.
@tomdimartino7361 2 жыл бұрын
I had to tell him also, he needs to stay away come young kids!
@jwb52z9 2 жыл бұрын
Please don't tell yourself you're not gay anymore. My father was a preacher, so I understand the ideology. One day, you'll realize that you can't deny it and the Bible doesn't actually say being gay is evil.
@patcola7335 Жыл бұрын
Yeah but the feelings for your own sex will eventually lead you to either pornography or acting out in some way. I came to Christ 22 years ago and I still struggle in the flesh with this. Maybe that is why Jesus told us to deny our self take up our cross and follow him. By his power we can overcome if we truly believe and know his work in our life.
@dyinteriors Жыл бұрын
@@patcola7335 you must be kidding!!! I am with my gay husband for 27 wonderful years. We are 100% monogamous in our relationship. We still adore each other after all these years and we are about to enjoy our upcoming retirement together. Love is love and any book that would talk crap about who I love is not worth the ink and the paper it is written on. Sadly, Christianity is a blood cult that wastes people’s lives. Credulity is not a respectable character trait in my book. I am sad you have denied yourself the wonderful companionship I enjoy with my husband in exchange for a superstitious belief in an imaginary deity.
@patcola7335 Жыл бұрын
@@dyinteriors Doesn't matter what I think. The LORD never sanctioned the union of man with man. It is condemned anywhere it is mentioned because it goes against his design. I'm waiting for one of you who oppose God's word concerning this to show me some credible proof where this is permissible ? Believe me I wish I could find it, but I don't see it anywhere. Jesus himself speaks of marriage being between a man and a woman and there is no mention anywhere of marriage of a man and a man or a woman and a woman. Before you try to say Jesus never spoke anything about gays he also never brought up child molestation or many things that aren't directly mentioned in the pages of scripture. Jesus didn't abolish the law he came to fulfill it. So he took the punishment of what was forbidden. This is very hard because I am same-sex attracted and I struggle with this but I know ultimately that is exactly what this is is a struggle. Jesus didn't say the road will turn a life was easy. He said it was narrow and difficult. Gays don't want to sacrifice their pleasure that they get now for the eternal benefits they'll get with the power of the holy Spirit to help overcome your fleshly desires. Everyday we have to make a choice. I struggle with pornography but. It is a struggle between the spirit and the flesh. I sometimes have victory and I sometimes fail but I get back up and carry on.
@dyinteriors Жыл бұрын
@@patcola7335 it would appear that you assume that I believe in the 66 holy books, Christians call the Bible. I do not. According to the Bible, the Jesus figure is an immoral monster, if you ask me. The Jesus of the Bible upholds the institution of slavery and commands slaves to obey their masters, including the cruel ones. I could never worship anything that would make such an edict. The Jesus figure introduces the idea of hell and claims you have to love him or burn. If I took my husband on a date while we were courting, and I told him that he better fall in love with me or I would be left with no choice but to take him into my basement and toss him into my coal furnace and burn him forever, the choice is his, do you think there would be a second date? Knowing my husband, the answer would be no way Jose! In fact, he would go to court to get a restraining order against anyone who proposed such a proposition in a courtship. The Jesus figure does just this and is clearly insane, cruel and immoral in doing so. No sane judge would quibble with the need for protection from such a nut. I too, look at your Jesus in this way. He is clearly an extortionist if he in fact ever lived at all. I could never even begin to respect such a figure and I do not much care for what the Bible says as it is a book of complete nonsense and immorality in my humble opinion. I studied in seminary for three years and was a devout Christian who cared very much what the Bible said in my twenties. That is how I came to put so much effort into understanding my own Christianity and the 66 book of the Protestant Bible. I was on my way to becoming a minister and when I fully read the Bible cover to cover with a more studied and skeptical eye, I found it to be one of the most evil books ever written in all of fiction. I certainly did not set out to discover this to be the ultimate truth of my faith. I am certainly happy to be rid of it’s abhorrent preachments. My own well reasoned morality is far superior to that of the Yahweh and Jesus figure written about in the Bible. I could go on and on, but I will leave it here for now and give you a chance to respond. I look forward to what you have to say. I am no stranger to faith or scripture. The floor is your’s, as they say.
@johnathan1693 Жыл бұрын
@@patcola7335 So if the path is so narrow and difficult, why is it that straight couples seem to carry on just fine? I also want address your comment on child molestation. Perhaps it isn’t mentioned in the bible but there is something inherently wrong about the abuse of a impressionable and vulnerable human. Indeed we all agree on that despite it not being in the bible. However, that is not comparable to two consenting adults. They’re not even close to the same category.
@okimlistening2u 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Caleb, it is my privilege to talk with you. You are a worthwhile, honest, sincere young man. I am also a life-long follower of Jesus from before you were born. I have learned some things from university, the young, and life: the main thing I have learned is from theology: God loves all of his creation regardless of sexual orientation: from biology I learned: sexual orientation is set in the embryonic stage of human development, it is no more of a choice than being right-handed or left-handed; from psychology, I learned that you are well-balanced; from organized religion I learned that some minsters will distort the teachings of Jesus to gain power and control over others. Love you, bro............Ray
@johnboltz2768 11 ай бұрын
Not sure how to feel about this I didn’t hear that you were actually changed just that you have learned to suppress it. I used to feel the way you do now. I thought if I just do what is expected of me and live my life the right way then God will change me. I got married had 4 kids went to church all of it but my feelings never changed inside and over time I got to the point that I thought about suicide all the time because I couldn’t change how I felt I would never be able to be what God wanted me to be. It wasn’t until I excepted who I really was that the suicidal thoughts went away and I started to feel happy again. I know what the Bible says but I also know who I am. If God wanted to change me he would have but he didn’t so I had to figure out what to do with that. In the end I decided to be myself and ask God for forgiveness if I’m not following the right path but I have to follow the path that was laid out for me not the one I thought I should take. Is it really Gods plan to lie to yourself and everyone around you about what you feel inside? Only you can decide what is right for you in the end but as they say sometimes the path that seems like we should take is not always the right way one.
@jonjohnsoniii3668 Жыл бұрын
Sad how you’ve been manipulated. Hope you’ve found your real self.
@Jasona1976 2 жыл бұрын
Be brave, be strong. Don't let the religious idiots get to you, it is they who are ignorant and wrong. Not you!!
@robertocupaniopsisanacardi9458 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Mate thanks for sharing your story. I'm not that much older than you it seems, I've found in my own life that quieting the mind and directing the attention to the moment can bring clarity to many of lifes tribulations. You are you, be yourself and love yourself as a kind person and above all seek internal peace. If you're gay or bi, so what it's no one elses business. Be true to yourself is my recommendation, this comes from my own direct experience in life.
@4nshale Жыл бұрын
Very sad. One day, I hope that you will be able to love who God made you to be.
@williamdelgado3232 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting Video. The title says it's a "Coming Out" Video but it is not. Lie #1. You proceed to describe your middle school experience but then completely leave out your high school days and experience. Lie #2. On to college days where this mysterious force kept you from acting on your emerging feelings, and attractions. The mysterious force Caleb, was fear. You should admit it. Lie #3. Fear is natural and should be recognized as it's our tool alerting us something is wrong and there was something wrong. You were not being honest with yourself. So, it was best you stayed away from people because you would had inflicted your own fears, self-hate, and agnst onto your partner. You go on and say after the discussion with your mother, you see "the enemy" but you never state who is "the enemy". Lie #4. Now you say you're "Saved". Saved from what, from whom, ... yourself, possibly? You're not a bad kid. You do regulate those who do not believe as you or are the same as you, with your experiences as bad, though...or as you say "the enemy". You are very young and if you truly are a Christian, you hopefully, will spiritually grow to one day see the beauty in God's creations in all their humanity and not a "us and the enemy." You have a lot to learn about being a Christian. Try to find where Jesus condemned homosexuality. You won't find it. You will find where he said, "Come, follow me." And "I come to bring you a new commandment..." and that's it. Good Luck, regardless if you chose to embrace your nature or not, you will always be you as God intended for you to be. The question is will you? God doesn't make mistakes.
@rjcarter2904 2 жыл бұрын
In fact, there is reasonable evidence that Jesus was gay.
@okimlistening2u 2 жыл бұрын
William Delgado, Bravo! You articulated exactly what I wanted to say above but was afraid of running out of space. I totally support all of your remarks, thank you.......Ray
@williamdelgado3232 2 жыл бұрын
@@okimlistening2u Thank you. 😊
@patcola7335 Жыл бұрын
The enemy is Satan and if you don’t believe that demons are real it’s because they already have you
@patcola7335 Жыл бұрын
Jesus came to fulfill the law not to abolish it. One of the laws was is that a man shall not lie with a man as he lies with a woman. Thank God there is mercy with Jesus because the law required you be stoned to death if you were caught in the act of sodomy or had witnesses that brought you to the judges. There was no forgiveness of that sin in the Old Testament. I also have same-sex attraction and I am “gay”. I prefer not to label myself because I don’t fit in with that scene. I believe this is the kind of thing that makes a lot of people who struggle with faith and the passions of the flesh leave the faith to get that moment of passing pleasure in this life. God have mercy on our souls who struggle with this proclivity.
@auldfouter8661 2 жыл бұрын
Son you're making what is already a hard road to traverse , much more difficult for yourself and I fear for your fulfillment ultimately. If you believe in an all knowing and all merciful God , then he doesn't need to torture you for the rest of your life.
@giantdog3518 4 күн бұрын
As a Buddhist, I don't fully understand your faith or how you connect to God. However, as a gay man, I completely understand how you feel inside. In buddisn, being gay is not considered a sin, so i have no conflict in this point. I hope you find your right path and remember to be true to yourself.
@MattMoore83 2 жыл бұрын
I’m sorry you had to go through struggles as I can relate to a lot of them bro. Being gay or bi has its downsides but we overcome them. If you are truly happy with the path you’ve chosen then stick with it. You seem like a really nice guy, but I think you’re seeking sanctuary with God as a way of avoiding homosexuality. Your parents might consider the acts as a sin but God is cool with us gays. Wish you happiness and strength regardless of your choice. God bless.
@chrisyoung3082 2 жыл бұрын
Best wishes. ... sending love your way ...❤
@Billy193 Жыл бұрын
I’m touched because I wasn’t expecting to find a coming out story involving religion, this is a real gem because I’m quite literally in the same situation. I am raised in a catholic asian household and I truly firmly believe in Jesus Christ as the lord. But I’ve had gay thoughts since elementary school 😮. I told myself I would be perfectly fine if I brought this secret to my grave (I truly feel no urge or interest to come out, I do not see this as a denial of myself in anyway). I’m 28 now. But things changed a few months ago when something snapped and I downloaded Grindr out of curiosity. Now I’m experiencing a “gay awakening” and I’ve just been diving into the gay world like crazy. Learning all sorts of new stuff, slow and steady. This past week I had dinner with a new gay friend on Grindr and even came out to one of my old friends. This is stuff I never pictured me doing. It’s exciting because Im finally acting on these gay thoughts. But Im extremely conflicted because I also firmly believe in the Bible. How I’ve reconciled this inner conflict is this: I believe my gay awakening is just a phase of experimentation. And I DO intend to experiment, my feelings are just too strong and repressed to ignore. But I believe this phase will pass and I will lose interest eventually. I also believe the church will accept anyone who believes, no matter how sinful. I think once my experimentation phase is over, I’ll go to confession, have a clean slate in my eyes. Will I still be gay? Yes, but I am also a child of God. I’m sorry if non-religious folks can’t relate, but think of it as if “you’re in an extensive weight loss program. You lose a lot of weight and make lots of progress. And at some point you feel a powerful urge to pig out. So you pig out because you know that that such urges aren’t forever and any setbacks can be reclaimed again”
@endswithme555 3 ай бұрын
I had a spiritual awakening like what you described here last year. Haven’t been the same since and I’m even more comfortable in my being gay. Hope you find peace with God and more importantly YOURSELF. Screw what anyone else has to say
@aacloz8723 2 жыл бұрын
I wanted to thank you for posting your testimony, I know this had to be so hard but I am struggling with the same thing and it was really encouraging to hear someone else talking about this. Stay strong and continue being a light in this world of corruption and darkness!!! ❤️
@kurmit-ih1yn 2 жыл бұрын
Read Franklin's House's comment. It so true.
@calebmichael9378 2 жыл бұрын
Pursue Jesus and the truth, and Jesus will bring you healing on time
@williamdelgado3232 Жыл бұрын
@@calebmichael9378 Hope you really believe it. You will need it.
@zerdanphunrab Жыл бұрын
I was born into a Christian family. I'm so happy I'm not Christian. Being gay is an expression of love. Best wishes. I love you. ❤🏳‍🌈🙏
@tomdimartino7361 2 жыл бұрын
I had to stop listening to you half way through, you made me sick to my stomach.
@JamesH.-iw1yr 2 ай бұрын
Thank You!!
@joebonaiuto5554 2 жыл бұрын
God is love, not hate, male or female your soul mate will fulfill that earthly love and God will celebrate with you both.
@ehirudit 2 жыл бұрын
Faith is an amasing thing who can guide you, the fact is your faith is something personal, when people want you to change to fit their believe and tell you love will sent you to hell it's nothing about love of god, it's only about hatred. Find your true self and your true faith by yourself. Hope your way will be full of love and kindness, the hardest road are often those who rewards you the most in the end, but you have to fight for it, questionning yourself and taking your own way trought life isn't a sin as long you keep respect of yourself and as long you are kingdwith other people. Dont be afraid to live and take care of your heart.
@splinterbyrd 2 жыл бұрын
I'd never have guessed 🙂
@jugularvein595 Жыл бұрын
This was my mentality 2 years ago as a 20 year old muslim student, but it definetly changed after I left Islam because there ain't anything harmful with being gay, in fact it was more harmful being a muslim. I had the same feeling of being happy and finding the truth about God, the mysterious mission of choosing me to be the gay one and all that, but it was all delusional. You might have a similar or a different experience, regardless, I wish you all the best ❤️
@booboogaloo2152 2 жыл бұрын
He's lost into religion. He'll never see the truths of the world blinded by his god. I'm outta here...
@calebmichael9378 2 жыл бұрын
It’s quite the opposite. I’ve seen what the world has deemed “true” and it turned out painful and false. Jesus is the way the truth and the life. I was blinded but now I see. I hope the same for you.
@booboogaloo2152 2 жыл бұрын
@@calebmichael9378 Your life is ruled by your innate fears. Your so-called "truths" are what others tell you. So, you are stuck believing the falsehoods that make belief Jesus is the way. You'll get as much reward or results talking to, and spilling your guts out to, your closest telephone pole. Don't believe me? Try it!
@michaelcalle2981 Жыл бұрын
@@calebmichael9378 You should be ashamed of yourself by click baiting your title into thinking you were really coming out and to help others who are struggling with their sexuality, instead this video is more like calling yourself ''ex gay'' to please your god to make others feel guilty of who they are. Shame on you
@ifsaica 4 ай бұрын
Hello Caleb. My name is Alex and I live and work as a teacher in Los Angeles. I expected some harsh comments. Our stories remain similar, since I was raised in the church. I wish people would not confuse religion and spirituality. It’s true our Savior does not make mistakes, by His grace we were born this way. I believe it is up to us how we live our life as someone who was created gay. I still have trouble wrapping my mind around this, I just have to trust in His plans. I keep thinking His plans are always greater for us. I would like to chat with you, however I noticed you stopped posting. I guess I will try another way? Hope things are going well for you. Be well. Alex from LA
@johnjonen1725 Жыл бұрын
Very interesting coming out story. Not sure what to say exactly… but I’m 66 years young, raised in a very Conservative Catholic family and small town… have suppressed my dreams and desires. Never been involved with a man nor woman. However, I believe in the universe or God and the Beatles had it right in the mid-60s and early 70s… “All you need is Love, Love is all you need”… just humans loving humans, God is within each and every one on this planet.
@surapatjadpoon2885 Жыл бұрын
How cute you are!!! really wish you luck...
@johanneshendrikslabbert8185 7 ай бұрын
I just want to raise my opinion: I was born a gay guy, I experienced my feeling for guys, quite early in my primary school days, yet I could not identify what was this feeling called. I never was taught sex education, I had to hear it from fellow learners at school. I had an experience, where I was sexually molested at high school and decided to commit suicide, however GOD let me survive the ordeal. To make a long story short, I experienced in a church, being strangled in spirit. Then I bought a DVD at a Christian Bookshop, and in and out of my car, a soft wind blowing. So I was told the Holy Spirit, is with me. A while after that I was spiritually told to go home: I objected, but the voice got louder. At a busy inter section, time stood still for two minutes, nothing moved, it was like a slow mowing movie: then I looked up and out of a cloudless sky: above me, was the crucifixion of Jesus Christ in detail: His face, his eyes, the thorn crown, His hands spread out on the cross: then I knew Jesus died for me on the cross, and He lives! That moment moved my soul: I love JESUS CHRIST mire than I ever had before. I am single and a gay person still, but I just believe GOD does not want me to end up in hell, He loves me too much. So I made peace that GOD only wants the best for me, and He knows what is the best way to follow. Yes, I do get tempted, yes, I do fall off His path for me, but I make sure to return for His forgiveness and grace
@gavinmccune93 Жыл бұрын
Only you know who you are. Consider all of the context, and then you'll understand what you read.
@francisnguyen5700 2 жыл бұрын
@francisnguyen5700 2 жыл бұрын
Your coming out story is very touching. I can feel the pain that you have gone through. I am sure that there are people out there who will accept and love you for who you are. God makes all types of different people, and all of us are very special. There’s nothing wrong with being different and people should open their mind and stop being prejudice.
@michaelcalle2981 Жыл бұрын
@@francisnguyen5700 This really isn't a coming out story, it's more like him suppressing himself and calling himself ex gay instead. This whole video is click bait.
@francisnguyen5700 Жыл бұрын
@@michaelcalle2981 I do not understand what ex-gay means. If you are born gay, you are gay. It seems like he is struggling with his own sexuality.
@michaelcalle2981 Жыл бұрын
@@francisnguyen5700 Yeah he is, I just don't get why he put the title as coming out when he wasn't even coming out in the first place. It's more do with him being insecure with himself because of his god fearing religion which is why he's saying he's no longer gay.
@patcola7335 Жыл бұрын
Caleb my brother please don’t give up on Christ. He gave himself for us.
@dyinteriors Жыл бұрын
Pat Cola, did Jesus really die for you? I mean he was alive three days later if you believe this mythology scribbled down in what some refer to as a holy book. So really, he only had a bad three day weekend for you if you think about it. And he knew he would not die forever in the first place if he was really omniscient, as most Christians claim. The whole story of Jesus is full of ridiculous and contradictory claims like this. I personally could careless what an immoral monster like Jesus, as depicted in scripture, has to say about pretty much anything. I am more moral than the Jesus figure and so are you. I mean, you would never tell someone to obey a cruel slave master would you? I would not and I doubt you would either.
@patcola7335 Жыл бұрын
@@dyinteriors Well the truth is right there for you and if you don't believe it that's fine. Yes Martyrs around the world are being killed for this supposed "mythology" as you claim that you will NEVER hear reported on by the likes of CNN,FOX,CNBC or any other news outlet.
@patcola7335 Жыл бұрын
@@dyinteriors The point is he died as a human in the flesh and the sin was condemned in the flesh. The only way we could ever be made right with God because he is holy and does not go back on his word. The WORD of God took our punishment upon himself in the form of one of us. In other words for him to be perfectly just and to justify us would be to step in our place as if he had done those sins which he never did. I don't know what you are reading from scripture but that sounds pretty twisted if you think Jesus is some monster. It's like you're about to face a life sentence in prison and death row and somebody comes in and overturns your case and pays the fine for you and steps in your place. That's what he did for you dyinteriors. That's how much he loved you so you wouldn't have to spend an eternity and hell like all of us who deserve to go there. Your very life right now and the breath you breathe is because of Christ. The very existence of everything right now is because of him, seen and unseen.
@dyinteriors Жыл бұрын
WOW Pat Cole! Your response in the private message is so ignorant and I have no respect at all for the drivel in the blood thirsty holy book of nonsense. The Jesus figure depicted there is one creepy dude indeed. If he thinks extortion and blood sacrifice, in order to make a way out of the gross contract he proposes is any kind of gift to anyone, he is one deluded criminal who deserves handcuffs, not respect. I am quite well versed in biblical literacy and I will not be talked down to by anyone who claims their deified monster has any sovereignty over my life. The behavior of this savior figure is an insult to intelligent men who know better. And hell hath no sway over me, as it too is an invention without trace of validity, to scare the credulous into a fool’s submission to mere myth intended for the brainwashed and gullible. I feel your pain buddy and it is not too late to leave the cultish fold and live a real and authentic life. They have you in imaginary chains that can be undone with a little effort on your part. Love and companionship await free men who have free thoughts and free minds. You have all the power you need to free yourself from the slavery I associate with faith based belief.
@b4804514 2 жыл бұрын
Caleb The good news is your adolescent brain is not fully developed until you are 25+ You will change your thoughts and actions as you mature. You are in a confused brain state now so look forward to your brain maturing into a full human adult that can control your own thoughts and actions without control from some other fantasy.
@heart_on_sleeve Жыл бұрын
Oh man. I do pray and meditate for you to see the true light. The true God is clearly described in the New Testament and I live by that one statement. "God is LOVE". If you have now realized a desire for a female companion in this life, good for you. But if you are denying true love for another human to share your life with because they are also male, I hope you will one day see how that is against the true God. Believe me, I do not have all the answers but I do know that if you truly are still only attracted sexually to other males you are going against your true plan. Those feelings are not evil and having a monogamous partner of either sex and embracing true love and sharing it with others is something I would consider a sin. I am mostly spiritual, not religious, I moved beyond that. There are many religions in this world because the true God of love doesn't care how you get there to love, just get there. Be a testimony to other men who feel the same. Show a loving and righteous path with your male partner. Having said that, if you are truly now attracted to females, then of course pursue that and do the same, but shaming and putting a guilty burden on others who have a righteous path different than yours is imo a sin. May the true God and the spirits God surrounds you with let you understand what I am trying to say to you.
@freddenker9537 Жыл бұрын
It makes me very sad to see how lifelong brainwashing through religious superstitions leads a young person to deny his own sexuality, I feel so sorry for the young man, his story of suffering is far from over...I'm in a big worry about him....his religion is homophobic and he is trying to subordinate himself to it...he won't be able to do that in the long run...maybe he will find his own way as a gay man to distance himself from the homophobic religion,maybe it will help him Think about how Jesus always hung out with men and never had an interest in a woman and that David had a lover in Jonathan. Religions are more of a curse than a blessing...maybe he will realize this and face the consequences instead of breaking heresy and ruining his life.
@LarryBanks85 Жыл бұрын
@a.j.stauft1779 2 жыл бұрын
I know exactly friend right down to seminary. I will say as one who had a ministry. Did the expected and raised 5 kids on my own. Wrote my exegesis for doctrine ..god is one .the same yesterday, today,and forever!! He is perfect and without error. He is unable to error or sin. I am his creation; therefore my healing came from realizing it was my hiding and denial that was sin. I have to accept myself and realize my perfect creator made me and my feelings. To deny that is to deny his perfection and he doesn't make mistakes. Now with all that said what I do with it is another story. Even my sons tell me dad he made you this way it's your feelings ...but you choose how you live. So yes I have all my desire..I would love to find a soulmate; however I don't live a promiscuous or lascivious lifestyle and I still love my creator with all my heart. We have to be his creation and fulfill that we don't live for people even mothers,brothers,children that's scripture!! True to self and to your perfect creator😊👍❣
@mattemery9575 2 жыл бұрын
Damn you are so handsome. I think you being shirtless would help if you wanted to talk longer😘. I hope things are going well for you!!
@watermelonridge 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your story. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
@aloquicious 2 жыл бұрын
Hey Caleb, please take a look at Sam Harris references on Christianity or Wayne Dyer on spirituality on youtube. In my opinion, you are punishing yourself and the whole world is losing out by not having the person that God intended to be here.
@robbieanson1218 Жыл бұрын
I want you to know that God does not hate you for being gay you don’t have to have that as an identity or anything like that he loves you for who you are and it does not matter. Of who you are or how are you feel if you think that you have failed somehow or another. But you should know God does not care if you are straight or homosexual as long as it does not become you just be who you are being gay is not an identity. Because it is my own identity that I also fight and struggle with so I can tell you from experience was that so you don’t have to worry about being gay is it in a daddy crisis or anything like that no. It is you that defines you for who you are that’s what God wants you to know and he also wants you to walk your path that you have A path and your mom is right you don’t have to live your life for. Others always you will not be you or are you believe in your life for somebody else and that is a dangerous path for you to fall that’s what your mom was trying to tell you. And don’t let people tell you how to live your life you should live your life for your self living your life to the fullest that’s what God wants you to walk in his grace and with his wife love. It doesn’t matter who you love or who your heart is worth as long as you keep the focus on him God you should play the radio 989 I am also a Christian to but I don’t like labels on someone like that I don’t believe in labels just because I haven’t to be a Christian but I am a biblical liverwurst and I am also a conservative Christian to I am a student of understanding of in your goal apocrypha and science Be blessed and walk in that path I walk your path be in the grace of God don’t want people tell you how to live your life for them you live the way that you live it doesn’t matter who you are and God will meet you there
@dyinteriors Жыл бұрын
There will be a second coming out story latter. It will be more heartfelt and more honest too. Time will help this poor young lad!
@hawkjohnson4235 Жыл бұрын
Even if you're gay God still loves you Jesus died on the cross for you love who you want to love this is America it's 2022 you have to love the loan yourself before you love somebody else
@dilshadansari4305 2 жыл бұрын
Love you Caleb
@paulmiller6647 Жыл бұрын
Great video.
@andrewtwyman3653 2 жыл бұрын
So sad - so very sad - to hear how twisted your concept of God is
@montsetse 2 жыл бұрын
Have you even read the old testament? God is a sicko
@jwb52z9 2 жыл бұрын
@@montsetse Most western organized religious observers don't understand the proper context of the Bible or they'd know that it doesn't really say being gay is evil.
@dyinteriors Жыл бұрын
@@montsetse you are so right. The god of the Old Testament is one hellacious monster of a charter. Jesus is no better with his, “love me or I’ll see to it you burn forever,” proposition. Creepy! It is so tragic seeing good people brainwashed into a terrible cult that makes them believe they are worthy of eternal punishment and torture for being merely human.
@davidbeach5563 Жыл бұрын
Oh boy brother! You have a shit storm of pain and confusion heading your way! Btw... Take it from these other people that replied...You can be gay and still be a Christian!
@alexanderirizarry-camarill6277 2 жыл бұрын
Caleb, I’ve also read some of these comments, my I had no idea that a human can judge, and wonder who the enemy is? You keep doing you, you’ll be fine.
@rloper6885 2 жыл бұрын
Keep your faith! I struggle the same way you do. The world can be so enticing.
@Watchalone 2 жыл бұрын
Send some love for you as an irreligious ; people should be happy with your true-self without religious involved.
@JamesH.-iw1yr 2 ай бұрын
I don't feel bad for you at all. Being gay isn't a sin. People don't choose what their sexuality is. It's sad that your mother fed you the wrong information. Suppressing your feelings is going to catch up to you. I did that for years making people think I was straight. Eventually I lost my identity. You can say that you're not gay until the cows come in. The bottom line is you're gay and always will be. . I respect where you're coming from. In your coming out story you're basically saying it's wrong to be gay. Coming out stories, at least all of the ones I've seen, give support to people who are confused about their sexuality. Hopefully someday you'll be true to yourself.
@missricka6801 Жыл бұрын
Caleb, thank you for your testimony and the courage and honesty it took to post your video. I believe God has led me down a different path than he has led you in terms of reconciling my faith and my relationship with Him and my sexuality. But, watching your video was very humbling for me and that is what I want to thank you for. Regardless of where I believe the Lord is leading me I have learned to seek Him and be obedient should He lead me in another direction. (The scripture comes to me , ' “No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.”)
@roydollins 2 жыл бұрын
So much fuss and trouble for nothing. There's an easy fix though: remove god from the equation and everything will work out fine. Btw, you chose christ over that guy, how on earth is that a solution - you've just changed boyfriend really.
@alexanderirizarry-camarill6277 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Caleb, I am totally with you, and I know one day the Lord will let us know why some of us were created this way? I still fight that temptation knowing I’m attracted to men…at night when I say my prayers, I feel like such a small child asking for forgiveness yet again for my weakness. Then I realized we’re not prefect, and like a small child I still will tumble and fall? After all, that is why He died for our sinful ways. As long as we continue to work on ourselves and carry the faith that one day it will be made abundantly clear to us? We all just keep taking baby steps. You know I attend a Bible study from this guy named, Stevie from New Jersey, and he has a remarkable testimony as he was at one time an out and about gay man. On TikTok, he is under The Holy Flame. He really is God Fearing, and a good brother in Christ. Take care Caleb and stay safe. I’m Alex from Los Angeles.
@rloper6885 2 жыл бұрын
I don't know if there is a way to love a comment on KZfaq like on Facebook but I love this one.
@calebmichael9378 2 жыл бұрын
Hey, I’ve come to believe we aren’t born this way but born with a sin nature causing us to be susceptible to commuting any sin. This is why Jesus tells us to be born again so we can gain that new renewed mindset and new spirit in Him.
@ramryn592 2 жыл бұрын
'My family isnt tolerant and accepting because they are christian'. Kinda weird and also disgustingly hypocrite: acting religious and trying to live in a 'good'way but still having hate in your heart for gay people
@desmendixon8642 2 жыл бұрын
I'll pray for you 🙏🏾 because the enemy has you. One day the truth will set you free. Religion, which is man-made, has truly corrupted and manipulated God's true love which is through His son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Jesus loves unconditionally. I pray you will find your true path and not what your mom or church wants to see just to make them comfortable. By the way, did you choose to be gay from the start? Think about that. Nevertheless, God is good and may His love shine upon all of us through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen! Your time is coming.
@jwb52z9 2 жыл бұрын
Save your breath and your time. He'll either eventually realize you don't choose to be gay and that the Bible doesn't really say being gay is evil or he'll live in repression for decades and probably marry a woman and have kids only for one of two things to happen and neither of them are good in the end.
@frankmarter6845 Жыл бұрын
Your story is not unique. Many have tried praying the gay away. I’m glad you have a firm connection to God. It will help you in many ways. However you really should see a psychologist. You still have conflicts of interest that need to be settled. Being gay doesn’t define you any more than having dark hair. It’s just a part of you. What do you intend to do with your life? Stay celebate? You are young and have urges. Women are never going to satisfy you. Don’t even think of getting married. It will never work. Guilt can be a very disturbing factor in your life and I think it has changed your perspective of who you are. A good psychologist will allow you to see the reality of life a little more clearly. Don’t let guilt scar you. It’s done enough damage as it is.
@faithtaylor5475 2 жыл бұрын
I’m so incredibly proud of you Caleb! You are such a wonderful young man of God and I’m so excited to see where God takes you!
@LenHealsU Жыл бұрын
You did great Caleb! Nowhere in the 10 Commandments does it say being Gay is a sin. Other parts in the Bible have lost their original meaning from the ancient Hebrew / Aramaic. What is a sin is humiliating another, especially in public, embarrassing another, which is a form of murder, one of the Commandments. Being Gay is no more a sin than being left handed, instead of right handed, is a sin. People will electively "select" from Bible what is part of their egotistical self serving agenda. God loves EVERYBODY who loves. Don't sacrifice your happiness by trying to please others, many of whom you don't even know.
@joeyvillarreal4643 2 жыл бұрын
Great synopsis for those of us struggling with homosexuality. Joey
@Th3UMPC 10 ай бұрын
There is nothing wrong with you. There is nothing wrong with being gay or gay relationships. I chose to not live a life driven out of fear from my family’s religion. I hope you can too, because this story was pretty sad.
@davidschroyer6049 2 жыл бұрын
Caleb. I'm proud of you. God is in control of your life. Obviously these negative comments are from non believers who have no clue. You do, by God's grace and His mercy. "In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path." The world is blinded by Satan. The world has never had the correct answer for anything. God is your anchor. Remember that. I'll be praying for you, Caleb.
@GowithJerome Жыл бұрын
I’m happy for you for being out from the closet. Being true to yourself will set you free. 🌷❤️🫂
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