I am NOT a Crossdresser

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4 жыл бұрын

Surprisingly not what you think it's going to be about.
Also obviously, again, this is all my own personal experience. Just me. One singular trans person. Do not apply this to everyone you meet.
And yes I realise this is definitely a very smart thing to tell the internet /s but actually the effect this word has on me coming from someone actually trying to hurt me is Way less than someone trying to put that label on me as some kind of validation thing? I dunno, probably because I've developed thicker skin around the first out of necessity.
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@Salvanas42 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a cis gay guy but I relate to this super hard. I've done a lot of gender exploring and I'm definitely cis but I love wearing skirts and shirts that fall into the blouse category. I like dresses as well but I'm 6 feet tall with a long torso relative to my body so that makes something that fits comfortably really hard to find. I also love makeup and jewelry but I don't want anything I do to be called drag. I'm a man in a dress and I don't want any other label forced upon me.
@adem9599 Жыл бұрын
I've always found it funny how it's okay for women to dress in steretypically masculin clothing but not vice versa.
@Runningonram 2 жыл бұрын
I know this is an old video but thank you, that mindset of clothes not being gendered has helped me immensely with feeling a lot less dysphoric generally.
@SingingSealRiana 2 жыл бұрын
It is quite an interesting video, in my mind, cloths are gender coded, it is just really not a big thing. like a recommendation but no rule. What ever one wears, or likes, has as a hobby or whatever, does not change who they are. Having a male dominated job will not make me grow nuts and I do not get, why it should impact my gender identity. I never struggled with chosing non gender conforming cloths, I did not get why it should matter and I got odd looks and comments no matter what any way . . . but getting someone elses perspectiv on a thing is always fasinating
@gailasprey7787 8 ай бұрын
@@SingingSealRianaI agree. There are clothes that are feminine in a way but you can wear that if you want of course.
@grasswithflowers2991 2 жыл бұрын
This is gonna make me cry, this is similar to how I feel. I am afab non-binary and have been wanting to get back into wearing dresses. What's stopping me is the fear that people will percieve me as a woman. I am not a woman. I'm just someone having fun with clothes. I'm getting a little better at it. I used to want to call it crossdressing, to try and distance myself from the femininity, I guess? But this sounds like a much better idea. My clothes aren't girl clothes, they're my clothes. Thank you for sharing your thoughts 😊
@dantethespoon1087 2 жыл бұрын
yeah, I'm trans masc and I wanna wear dresses but I don't want people to think "they can't be trans cause they're wearing feminine clothing"
@SingingSealRiana 2 жыл бұрын
@@dantethespoon1087 what has wanting to dress up to do with ones gender though? Wearing mideaval cloths will not make me a time travler, nor wearing a crown a queen. My choice of wearing mens throusers for they have actual pockets in them, will not make me grow nuts either . . . it is so weird how much value and meaning people tend to asign to cloths. Sometimes there really is no meaning, it just looks pretty ^^ whith which I do not try to invalidate your feelings or fear, people can be judgmental asjoles at times and it is sad and frustrating as hell, that you have to take other peoples reception into consideration there, robbing you of the fun and carefreeness
@alexdoorn234 2 жыл бұрын
Same i'm a trans masc nonbinary person but I want to wear a skirt and have long hair again but I don't want to be perceived as a girl. I wear nail polish and jewelry sometimes and that makes me feel good. So I sometimes like looking feminine but i'm still a guy.
@sienaneff3108 Жыл бұрын
✨Where whatever you want! As long as it isn’t physically harming someone, it’s not anyone else’s problem✨
@gailasprey7787 8 ай бұрын
It would be funny to put on a dress that had the nonbinary flag. If anybody misgenders you then point to the dress colours and say “What do you think this flag is? I don’t think it looks like the UK flag does it?” 😂
@SystemofEleven 2 жыл бұрын
Waiting for my beard to come in so I can go in public wearing corsets and wooshy skirts again. Because no matter how masc I'm presenting and no matter how big of a pronoun flag I'm wearing, I get invariably called "ma'am" or "miss" by anyone who is not *also* wearing pronoun indicators of some sort. And that causes my heart to turn into a raisin and suck my stomach into it like a black hole. I would rather be harassed as a dude in a dress than be called a "tomboy" or "girly girl" one more time by people who knew me in childhood.
@SingingSealRiana 2 жыл бұрын
funnely, I, a woman, feel like cross dressing, when wearing very feminine clothing. I find them pretty and fun, but they are not me. Probably because feminine beauty is heavely sexualised and I am a very not sexual person and therefor have a tendency towords neutrality. I might step a toe into agender or demi, but I never asigned gender that much value to really dwell all to deep there. Wearing mens throusers that have endlessly much pocket space is much more me, then a frilly dress, for practicality is importent to who I am, even if it is not my fist choice. My first choice though, when practicality in not as needed as for work, are longs skirts and dresses, feminine but covered, colorwise subtil. I do not feel as imposed wearing male cloths, as wearing hyper feminine ones, but then again, I would not pass as male, while wearing the opposite gets me into the uncanny vally of kinda but also not. What I wear has not impact on how I percive my gender, but sadly it does very much how others do . . .
@terryh.9238 2 жыл бұрын
Huh this is really interesting to me as another trans guy. I don't tend to wear feminine clothes, but the rare occassion I would, "crossdresser" is a term that brings me comfort. But that only makes sense for me cus it's deviating from what I normally dress like, it's an exception. Like many loaded terms like that, it's not something you should label someone as without their permission and comfort with it, and it's good to be reminded of that with videos like this. Also interestingly enough, although I wear clothes that are from the men's section they tend to be quite an alternative style to what the other guys around me dress like. So I don't really feel like I'm fitting in with how society expects me to dress as, even if it is a masculine style. Clothing really does have no gender, because what seems to effect my ability to pass more than the "gender" of my clothes is how close they "fit in" to what is expected of guys to wear. Doesn't matter if it's a masculine/men's section piece, if it looks even a little not normal, people are way more likely to misgender. Strange stuff.
@alexdoorn234 2 жыл бұрын
Same I guess i'm ok with the term crossdresser my nonbinary friend referred to me as a femboy which brought me a bit of comfort. I thought it was weird as a trans masculine person to wear feminine things again. Something I didn't like when I thought I was a girl. Except for long skirts, I have always liled long skirts and dresses. A reason why I at first thought that I was agender. In truth i'm a masculine presenting nonbinary person. I'm fine with masculine terms, boy, he etc but i'm not completely a boy. My gender identity is fluid but I never liked she/her pronouns. So here I am existing as a genderfaun person that goes by any except for she/her pronouns. Also I wear alternative clothing too, I am a goth. So yee my gender was a mystery to me for a long time and my gender expression still puzzles me.
@snapbaxtoytalk 2 жыл бұрын
I believe gender is a construct and clothes have no gender. Anyone should wear anything they want. I've probably mistakenly used the term "Cross dressing" in the past when referring to how it's OK for people to wear clothes that are commonly assumed by society at large to be for the opposite gender. This video is a great education about being careful with terminology, context and considering how words used might be interpreted by others
@skyhideaway 11 ай бұрын
as a genderqueer person, the idea of gendering things that dont really have to be classified by gender always irritated me. i remember once asking my dad if he had a razor and he was like "i only have men's razor, you can't use those". like.. why not? is the men's razor too sharp for my fragile female skin? no. men's and women's razors are the same thing with the only difference that one is pink and have flowery patterns on it -and is sometimes really brittle compared to the men's razors- my dressing style also usually depends on my moon, so sometimes i prefer to dress feminine and masculine other times. and i've always noticed i get more compliments when i look more feminine, not because it suits me, but because that's what I'm *supposed* to wear. most of the compliments are also somewhere along the lines of "you're finally dressing like a girl" or "you should wear dresses more often". i'm not "finally" dressing like a girl, i'm wearing feminine clothes because i feel like it. and i decide whether i want to wear dresses more often or not.
@lucas-fu9yn 2 жыл бұрын
It fluxuates wildly from fabulous to amazing uwu
@JamesClark993311 4 жыл бұрын
I'm bi curious and I'd love to be able to go out in public and wear a dress without being looked at funny
@phantomcat7990 2 жыл бұрын
I know this was posted a year ago but I long for the day this is seen as normal. Men in dresses absolutely slay! And they have excellent airflow for the summer. So, if you haven’t already, I hope you one day go out there in a beautiful dress and show the world that gendered clothing is nonsense
@ladymanga6575 2 жыл бұрын
I second phantom cat. You don't have to immediately go out in one either if you don't feel ready, but at least buy one you can wear somewhere you feel comfortable and confident. Hopefully that place is home, but if not, hopefully you have somewhere that feels like it to you. ❤👍
@SingingSealRiana 2 жыл бұрын
I honestly really like the look of purposfuly not genderconfom dressing. Nailpolish, high heels and or dresses on men and traditionaly male coded cloths and accessories on women . . . it is simply very pretty if one can pull it of and I do not get why people confuse it as mandatory for a person to like that to be trans and I really whished it would become more socialy accepted and commen. I do also not get why gender/sex is seen that universaly importend and alldeterminig of who one is and what one is to do . . . I do not like that dressing feminine invites sexual harresment no matter of the wearers actualy gender and of sex and I really have no understanding why awesome tophats, lipstick, highheels and ties should be in their awesomeness exclusiv to one gender . . . Why cant we all just wear what we like and look awesome?
@aquatis1721 9 ай бұрын
I really appreciate you making this video . As a trans masc person with some investment in fashion, I’ve found myself really frustrated working with traditionally masculine clothes. There are so many limits on choices and self expression often feels really muted or even absent. I personally limit myself to traditionally masculine clothes since it alleviates dysphoria, but I often find myself wishing I could lean more into the traditionally feminine clothes given how much better their selection is. It feels really validating to know that other trans masculine people have similar experiences and have found ways to comfortably wear clothes labeled as feminine.
@BestFriendsWhoLiveTogether 2 жыл бұрын
Remember: gender identity is different to gender expression. You wearing typically feminine clothing doesn’t make you any less of a man
@Whightknight16 2 жыл бұрын
0:16 just wanted to say that you look real cute in that picture and you can wear whatever you want more power to ya!
@lady_apocalypse178 2 жыл бұрын
Yess I wanted to say the same...
@pasteldoll7274 Жыл бұрын
I relate super hard to this, I'm a trans person, I dress feminine, I identify as nonbinary, and it took me years to be comfortable with the feminine things I liked. for years while taking T and before that I made myself reject it because else I didn't fit into the box of what a man or masc person is supposed to be. I was forced into a fem girl role as a child and fought super hard to be able to explore outside of that with masculine things, as well as my identity. But now as an adult finding my role I realized while I was super masc that the things I loved and enjoyed the most is considered feminine. and i struggled so much with that because any time I would express liking to the feminine I was just labeled as a faker, and the worst part of it being kicked out of the trans afferming hospital because I was to feminine to continue transitioning. It was super hard to deal with. But thanks to my fiance I was able to except the feminine things I love so so much, and now am able to fully express myself exactly how I want. Weather it be feminine or masculine. I also hate being called a cross dresser because that simply isn't what I am, and it took so much fucking work to get to were I am today. I am not a man, and I am not a women, I dress exactly how I want with the clothes I like, and I will not let my identity be downplayed ever again.
@TiredLowBrass8048 7 ай бұрын
honestly I really get this. Our gender changes a lot (probably because I'm a system with 2 gender fluid members), so we often find ourselves completely decked out for a completely different gender than what we feel in the moment, because hours ago we felt different. I'm not a crossdresser by doing that, I'm just genderfluid and a system.
@justisdraws2412 Жыл бұрын
I remember when I stopped wearing dresses, bc I didnt want To be flirted with I started To feel awful around women. I thought I just could not look at their beauty, bc they propably would not see me as the Man I am. Then one summer day I stepped out of a little store. There was a woman In a swing dress spinning and jamming To music. I walked padt her fast and only at home I realised I had looked away before getting to her face. I realised I wasnt Bitter for propably not ever again getting female attention... I was jealous. I did not want the person I wanted the dress. Still working on this issue. This summer I will get a nice dress and go out with a good understanding friend. ☺️
@TheArtsWizard 2 жыл бұрын
Love the video, and I was surprised but also super happy that you play Animal Crossing too. Would love to see an island tour one day ❤️
@arktype586 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing your stories, i always learn something new with your videos!
@YukiDNDLegends 2 жыл бұрын
If you want my opinion you look amazing! I mean at least your animation does not that you need mine or anyone's validation.
@Jackiesnotebookpages Жыл бұрын
I’m cis female and I love suits in fact I wore one to a dance. I just wear gender neutral clothing because clothes do not have a gender
@BestFriendsWhoLiveTogether 2 жыл бұрын
What is a cross dresser?
@Oakwyrm 2 жыл бұрын
Someone who dresses in the clothes of the "opposite gender" (eg. a man who dresses in women's closing, a woman who dresses in men's clothing)
@BestFriendsWhoLiveTogether 2 жыл бұрын
@@Oakwyrm ok, thanks. I don’t think ‘cross dressing’ should be a term, tbh. Like, trousers (or pants, for the Americans) are typically masculine but women wear them all the time so idk why typically feminine clothing like skirts/dresses aren’t a usual thing for men to wear.
@SingingSealRiana 2 жыл бұрын
@@BestFriendsWhoLiveTogether it is a bit more then just wearing cloths asigned to the other gender/sex, it is dressing up, playing a role in a way, a way of selfexpression by stepping out of the expected. It is quite delightful but should not be confused with being trans or doing drag or simply choseing male cloths out of practicality or female ones for they are pretty and fun. Oh, the female coded throusers are very different from male coded ones if one takes a closer look. Just as both wear t shirts but usualy of very different cuts, often they are unmistakable, so crossdressing is a valid thing . . . even though I would highly encourage to see gendercoding in cloths more as a post it of who in average wears them, instead of a hard and fast rule where we need to asign meaning if someone choses to diverge from that average. (dresslike gowns where worn and still are worn all over in history by males too by the way) There is absolutly nothing wrong with aknowlaging an average, as long as one also aknowlages that there is nothing wrong with not conforming to it. There is no harm calling some qualities female or male as long as we do not asign value acordingly and dont make a dogma out of it. If we deny differences, we also deny trans people . . . and turn a blind eye on so many things( like the need for diverse and also "female" dummies in carcrash tests). But in breaking the dogma and incurage all the shades of how one can play with gender, one makes their lifes a lot easyer and the wold a more colorful place.
@marcocollazo9870 Жыл бұрын
You are a pretty man.
@brookgordon1793 2 жыл бұрын
I wear what I feel like wearing. I'm me. We can only be who and what we are. I think half of what I wear would be considered men's clothing. I've been asked all my life You do ur a,girl right? Even my mom asked. Now I just say I'm a Mom. Also u do look very cute.
@tokuguythereviewer4496 Жыл бұрын
0:00-0:10 thanks for the info and i will watch the rest of the video
@bdariamihaela Жыл бұрын
There are no universal experiences trans or not
@SingingSealRiana 2 жыл бұрын
This is a prime example of how uniquly every single persons associations and sensibilities are. In my mind, there is absolutly nothing wrong, bad or judgmental about the word crossdressing. It would never come into my mind that someone take offence in it, unless if someone being trans gets dismissed as dressing up. Dressing up after all does nothing to change who you are and wearing feminine coded cloths at times or even often has no impact on you gender . . . With which I do not try to say, that you are in the wrong, not at all, if you are uncomfortale with it, of cause it is wrong to force that lable on you and knowing I of cause respect that, so thanks for opening my horizon there, I had no clue that could be a problem and will try to learn from that to be more mindful. But even if she hurt you there, she was not wrong either, for there was no way for her to know it even could be a trigger for you. It is simply impossible to know every single trigger of everyone around and misstepping due to a lack of information in contrast to deliberate ignorance is not their fault. It hurts all the same, but placing blame there is unfair. Of cause one can try to avoid potentialy loaded words, but that ends with no one ever being allowed to say anything at all. I really do not mind being a foster child, someone else might be triggered as hell, but unless we communicate that, there is no way for people to know that and act acordingly around us. I one the other hand get really furious, if people come up with *the argument* against asexuellity "but how can you know if you have not tried it?" In that spirit, go hug a cactus . . . but I try to seperate there, is it simply lack of education, or is that person deliberatly ignorant. Just blowing up into their face will not improve their view o the matter, if they simply never had a chance to think it through . . . So thank you a lot for making this video, it is a great step into helping people understand the complexities of gender dysphoria, spread awareness and know it is a thing to be mindful of ^^ Your view of cloths not being gendered is quite interesting to me. I never cares much for dressing gender conformative. I see the gendercoding of a skirt or cargo thousers as a recommendation, not a rule. There is an average of who wears something like that, but there is nothing wrong in defying it. The idea that wearing cloths associated with one gender has any influence on the wearers gender apears absurd to me. I like men in high heels, and women in suspenders and top head. Whatever I decide to wear does not change who I am, why should it? Having a male dominated profession does not make me male either, just to confom to the average there. You look absolutly stunning in dresses, so what? why would wearing them be a statment on you gender? If you need to make some mental gymnastics to get to enjoy it, who am I to judge? A piece of cloth is exactly that, a thing, it can be pragmatic, or pretty or both and who ever wears it is meaningless to it, as it does not hold any value you yourself are not asigning to it, everyone else can screw themselfs.
@zkme2734 2 жыл бұрын
Idk why trans people sometimes gives too much credit to clothes and accesories, i thought those things didnt have a gender
@Poedoco 2 жыл бұрын
cuz for a lot of trans ppl “passing” is very important and validating… it wont change until the world de-genders crap sadly 💔
@SingingSealRiana 2 жыл бұрын
@@Poedoco degendering might leave us with devalidating trans people as well and in a gray mush of of uniformaty, but stopping to asign value to gender and being dogmatic about conforming to an avarage? I am all in on that!!! To me, a dress and high heels will not ever be not "female coded" but that is not an argument against men wearing them in the least. I chose a male dominated profession, but just as me doing the job does not change who in avarage does it, dong the job throws no shade on me being female, nor does wearing thousers made for men for they are so much more practical pocket wise . . . Tends and avarages are not bad in themselfs, nor is diverging from them, the artificialy and outdated values we asign are the problem.
@refracted2500 Жыл бұрын
This video makes me feel like I’m being talked down to at all times
@ronjaj.addams-ramstedt1023 Жыл бұрын
That sounds like a You problem.
@skyhideaway 11 ай бұрын
@FireflyIsSamusAranSister Жыл бұрын
I think its okay if a man wants to wear female clothing but personally i think it doesn't look good 😅
@skyhideaway 11 ай бұрын
no one asked
@FireflyIsSamusAranSister 11 ай бұрын
@@skyhideaway its a comment section so no one need to ask me.
@orelyosif5852 Жыл бұрын
I don't remember needing your permission for anything. At least not until you ask me for any permissions. Those rules should work both ways
@bdariamihaela 2 жыл бұрын
I find it weird that a man wears skirts and dreasses, but if that makes you happy who am I to disagree
@iwantdoppiodakimakuraplsd1811 2 жыл бұрын
Saying that is downputting. Just. Don't say your negative opinion.
@bdariamihaela 2 жыл бұрын
@@iwantdoppiodakimakuraplsd1811 but it's not a negative oppinion
@ronjaj.addams-ramstedt1023 2 жыл бұрын
@@bdariamihaela "weird" is generally understood as negative.
@bdariamihaela 2 жыл бұрын
@@ronjaj.addams-ramstedt1023 I don't consider it that way. I'm weird and I'm ok with it
@ronjaj.addams-ramstedt1023 2 жыл бұрын
@@bdariamihaela ah, I see now. But in text-only communication nobody can know that unless you include it, for example "who am I, a fellow weirdo, to disagree" Signed: Yet Another Weirdo
@savosavic1222 Жыл бұрын
preapero to be really trash talked in this essay that i wrote so if u dont want to read i understand warnings aside let's begin i found queer theory to be just stupid thing that disrespects everything that every animal, suciety and other forms of living in this whether you like it or not you are biogecly still man or a woman and no amount of theyory can justify it rock will be always a rock no matter in how many shapes it will come look you can be men who has more femene personality and you will be still male same thing for women. down is for even more contravirtial stuf i mean often not always trans ppl are more sensitive and to soft in case of words bc they just get offended by small things that none can predict unless it know your history and opinions that it becomes impossible to talk about some subject and not feel negatively comparason that i like to bring is allergies they form when kids don't expiriance mostly dirt dust or something in that matter and their bodys don't know the difference between dangerous and neglegable that in some cases they just can't be even in proximity of said allergy so yeahh ( you are hearing this from a man in one of most ultranationalistic countrys in Evrope so in comparason for my environment that says it is bad and have no good arguments and don't want to talk about it later I'm doin pretty good) in summary after 20 years of this you will never find true happiness and meaning in life when you realise you are just waisting time....
@skyhideaway 11 ай бұрын
it's so hilarious that you're aware that what you're saying is wrong and offensive, and you even put a warning but still chose to say it anyway. you could have saved all the time you spend writing this comment and done something more worthwhile, buddy.
@savosavic1222 11 ай бұрын
@@skyhideaway nah i have plenty of time wasting away on Roblox and controversial videos bc i like to argue and be afk whole day and also who said I was wrong and it depends on what type of wrong we talk about wrong 1 bc it's factually incorrect it debatable and I want you to try to prove me wrong wrong 2 bc it is offensive to some ppl and they might have indetery crisis after reading this (yep I'm totally awere of that and I just don't care I will put my thoughts out there to try to offend ppl and have some kind of debate)
@skyhideaway 11 ай бұрын
@@savosavic1222 maybe you should spend some of that free time trying to better your writing skills because while i understand that you're being a bigot, most of what you are saying is incomprehensible because of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. it really takes away from the apparently compelling argument you have and I'm not surprised no one apart from me has replied to you yet or even liked your comment. i, too, would get a seizure trying to read your comments.
@savosavic1222 11 ай бұрын
@@skyhideaway yea English not my first leanguge I usually want to hear both sides when it's some controversy goin on and for this I usually don't agree with most things that you are both are saying I just see this as same ppl with different ideals (2 sides of same coin) for me I just see 2 sides saying that THEY are in disadvantage with rlly bothers me bc i don't see how it is true bc internet is large place and you can find anything in large numbers if u search hard enough but also both sides are ignorant about how that are dealing with their propaganda and how bullshit logic both are using (1st left does something anyithe then right react same or worse way and that say that is justified bc left had done that too in different light and not to mention how ilocical feelings can be...) also I have bias toward that right bc I'm from BaLkANs and if u are at least little bit familiar with ppl there u can see were I'm coming from
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