People who have SURPRISINGLY Woken up in a HOSPITAL, what happened? - Reddit Podcast

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Am I the Genius?

Am I the Genius?

10 ай бұрын

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@amithegenius 10 ай бұрын
@dogofwar6769 10 ай бұрын
Story 11: I developed PTSD and anxiety after a brain tumor, but it didn't even really become a serious problem until about 2 years after the fact. Sometimes it just take a while for trauma to really settle in.
@hazeelford9288 10 ай бұрын
I have OCD and was struggling with a compulsion to take way too much of my medication. I woke up 2 days later in the emergency room with an oxygen tube and a cannula. Apparently my intrusive thoughts won that day my roommates called an ambulance after I was found passed out for the second time that night. The first they found me I was laying in a puddle of milk. They woke me up, took me to my bedroom to change and when I took too long they found the empty packet of meds and me passed out in my underwear near my heater... I had my medication adjusted and have been in psychotherapy since. I'm doing better a year on
@NeedlessExposition 10 ай бұрын
This was definitely the worst experience I’ve ever experienced in my life. I blacked out during a car ride with my dad and stepmother and when I woke up, I was in a bed with a breathing tube and monitors attached. Turns out I had an ectopic pregnancy that caused my fallopian tube to burst like an overinflated tire and coded twice but was brought back each time. It was terrifying but I had a lot of support from my family and my husband who helped me get through it.
@godzillaburger903 10 ай бұрын
I don't remember much but I was asleep for apparently several months and I woke up in a hospital i was crying a lot, because I had just been born.
@maxellaroe 10 ай бұрын
Back in January of this year, I was off my meds because my prescription lapsed and my doctor refused to write one for an emergency supply until I could get in for an appointment. I don't have a car, I can't drive at the moment, and my roommate and fiance work a lot. Well, if anyone's ever been on Duloxetine, you know the withdrawals are horrific. I don't remember any of this because I was so off my rocker at this point, but I ran down to the liquor store, no idea if I even paid for it, and took it back home. Well, I drank a ton, way more than I ever had before. I'm a recovering alcoholic, so I called my fiance and drunkenly cried about relapsing and he left work to come help me. I also ended up relapsing with self harm as well, and I had drank so much that by the time he got there, my arms were minced, there was rice all over the floor for some reason, and I had stopped breathing. My fiance did CPR on me until the ambulance got there, and I woke up in the hospital having absolutely no idea what happened and how I got there. The worst part was, they wouldn't let me see my fiance, and they wouldn't let me do ANYTHING. Couldn't walk around, couldn't have my phone or even some crayons and paper. Eventually I got to a point where I was just sobbing and couldn't stop because I was so utterly understimulated (ASD) and the nurses felt so bad that the expedited the process of getting me checked out by the psych doc, and she was infuriated to learn that my doc refused to write a script for an emergency supply until I could get into the doctor. She wrote me a script for my meds, gave me the stamp of approval, and I was allowed to go home. I have a different doctor now who takes me very seriously, and is always willing to give me an emergency supply if I can't get in for an appointment right away.
@kathleenchaffin2591 9 ай бұрын
Can confirm. Duloxetine withdrawals had me completely out of my head.
@fu3zy 10 ай бұрын
happened to my dad......twice. he got kidney stones that he had no idea about. they got infected and cause him to go septic while driving. the first time he caused an accident.
@TJDious 10 ай бұрын
My car broke down in the middle of a busy street. Last thing I remember we were discussing getting me off the street. Apparently I messed up and ended up going off the road and hit some guys wood pile. Seems I had a mental breakdown and just checked out. I'm told I was catatonic for around 18 hours before I resumed proper capacity.
@dragonriderabens9761 10 ай бұрын
for the last one, yeah...from an outside (and sober) look, I can see that the surgery was the best bet because their alternative was pretty much "you will die" a 50% chance of living is a hell of a lot better than 0% chance after some generous rounding of living
@UnicornOfDepression 10 ай бұрын
I was involved in a helicopter crash in the Army. Woke up with no clue as to why I was there. Don't remember anything from that day at all. Shattered left ankle, broken right ankle, and a nasty concussion.
@michaelterrell 9 ай бұрын
I worked at Cairn Airfield, in the early '70s, at the flight school. I maintained the WeatherVision system. I as an E2, in an E5 slot.
@tylercanales5794 10 ай бұрын
I had a story that would fit in with this video. When I was 14 I accidentally overdosed on a painkiller over a week. My dad took me to the hospital and I don’t remember anything from when I was in the hospital. But from what my dad and mom told me, I thought off five nurses trying to hold me down. They tried to sedate me three times before the fourth one worked and I guess you stayed in my birthday suit around the hospital room for two days straight. Woke up in the hospital on day three not knowing what happened and being extremely scared. Still don’t remember any of that to this day. Oh yeah, I also ripped out a catheter so I’m concerned about not being able to have kids lol.
@nerokun7787 10 ай бұрын
I don't have a particularly bad story hopefully. I went to the hospital myself and went thro the process of being admited (albeit being sick enough to need it but concious) a few days for some reason I forgot about it in my sleep and got woken up by someone asking my to sick up to draw blood, I was hardly awake tbh so I just stared at her in confusion like???? it took me a few minutes to remember where I was then I went back to sleep.
@michaelterrell 9 ай бұрын
Yes, I woke up in the base hospital, during Basic training, in 1972. Our day's schedule had been changed from an hour of PT, an indoor class, another hour of PT, then another class to two hours of PT, followed by two classes. The classroom was quite hoot, and only had a tiny desk fan sweeping across the large room, with no effect.. I stood to ask for help, only to be yelled at to shut up and sit down. I woke in the emergency room. They had tried for over an hour to revive me, then I was accused of faking it, in spite of the medical records.
@kavinaderrow3269 10 ай бұрын
The only time I've ever had to be put under was for my wisdom teeth removal surgery. They'd gone through the steps of putting the IV in, putting a heated blanket on me, etc. Well, my autistic mind liked the blanket, so that was the first thing I talked about when I woke up.
@michaelterrell 9 ай бұрын
You're lucky. I underwent over two hours of oral surgery without painkillers while in the Army. Two broken upper teeth had to be removed, and the roots were grown into the bone. The Dentist (We had no oral surgeon on that tiny, two company remote base) kept stopping to ask if I really wanted to continue. I would roan, "Just get it over with" By the time all the root fragments were removed, I had bent the old cast iron dental chair so badly that they had to replace it. Once my mouth was packed with gauze, I had to go on duty for 20 hours, dripping blood from my mouth, still without pain killers..
@richardperks7776 10 ай бұрын
I once woke up in the hospital, the last thing I remembered was going to bed. Apparently I had gotten up late at night to take a leak, had a seizure, fell into the bathtub, smashed up my elbow, and gotten a concussion. The way my mom described it when she went to see what the noise in he bathroom was “it was like a horror movie, there was blood everywhere”. Anyway, the doctor told me that the seizure was due to catching COVID. I’ve been on anti seizure meds since then
@richardperks7776 10 ай бұрын
Also when I woke up in the hospital I was attached to all sorts of stuff including an IV drip, some sort of breathing apparatus and a heart rate monitor
@GrifoStelle 10 ай бұрын
Three *MILLION*. Tell me you're American without telling me.
@seanmessick9330 9 ай бұрын
When I was in 8th grade, I was in art class and dropped a plaster mold and had some other difficulties with hand-eye coordination. Next thing I knew I was walking up in an ambulance on the way to the hospital after having a grand mal seizure. That was how I found out I had Epilepsy.
@burpolicious 8 ай бұрын
I was biking back to a friends house a few years (decades) back. The next thing I knew the nurse was saying "Oh, I think she's coming around. Don't try to get up. What' your name?" I didn't know. No ID on me. "Do you know where you are?" A hospital obviously.... Wait, an American hospital. "Are you not American?". "Heh heh heh... I dunno." My backpack had a Canadian flag on it, but no ID. My friend who was looking for me when I didn't arrive found me at the hospital, brought my ID and passport. (Why was I out of friend's house without my passport?) The next couple of months were about looking into my life from the outside. A very interesting experience. It took more than a year for my memories to filter back to me. I had to retrain at work, reintroduce myself to my friends. I still don't remember the accident, but I have read the witness statements. Somebody hid a cinder block in a pile of leaves in the path, and I went over the handlebars, landed on my head while the bike just stopped and fell over sideways .... "like in a cartoon". I was lucky it wasn't worse.
@rijento4975 8 ай бұрын
I went out drinking with a co-worker in college. Little did I know that he was a functional alcoholic that sipped 151 proof rum out of a thermos. He fed me some drinks and egged me on: I think the final count was 4 shots of 151, a shot of rumplemintz (which I still can't drink to this day), and a cocktail in the span of about an hour and a half. I blacked out at some point and faded back in giving a family member's phone number to the nursing staff. The nurses told me that I had to stay awake, because my O2 kept plummeting when I dozed off, or they would have to intubate me. They saved me a tube in the throat by poking me regularly, but for about a month I would occasionally wake up gasping for breath and thinking "need to stay awake, need to stay awake." To this day, I will not let anyone buy be drinks.
@Chirkrasia 10 ай бұрын
thank u for including what rabdo is!!
@tryagain3975 10 ай бұрын
The story of the dude being hit by the repeat offenders makes me mad. Mostly because the county i live in im my state deals with repeat offenders all the time and guess what their record breaking prison sentence is here. 3 years.
@jamesbriggs5740 Ай бұрын
I was waiting for the bus, saw it coming, stepped off the curb, and woke up in the hospital. I was hit by a car that instead of turning right at the light ended on the shoulder (not a lane). Had a concussion. Took several weeks to recover. Kathy B
@marieguillou8808 9 ай бұрын
I never woke up unexpectedly in the hospital, but I surprisingly woke up with two EMS people on top of me. I am epileptic and if it had been diagnosed, until then I had only had "absence" seizures, that is to say that my contact with reality was cut off for a few seconds. But this time no. I was watching a web series with a friend, then I saw two parametics above me. My first thought was “damn, did someone get hurt?”. It was my first seizure by convulsion, and when it was explained to me, my reaction was "oh no, why did I change my type of epilepsy, I preferred the other." This story always makes me laugh so much. For the curious, my calm in the face of the event did not come from a lack of understanding (I was 15 years old and in full possession of my means although tired by the seizure). Just that I take my epilepsy in a cool way. From my point of view, it's just annoying, like having skin sensitive to sunburn. Something that I find funny is that the very rare times (5 in almost 25 years of existence) where I had generalized seizures (by convulsion), everyone was worried except me. Once I went to sleep at a friend's house and she asked me what she should do in case of a seizure. I didn't really know what to say to her, it's not like I was the one handling this. I just told her to call an ambulance and make me a glass of water because afterwards I was thirsty. Convulsing makes you thirsty. She was not amused. Another funny time I remember! ^^ I was on the top bunk of my bunk bed watching something with a friend, then I realized I had obviously missed something so I turned to him and said "I'm sorry , you can put it back, I think I fell asleep.” Then I saw my father on the ladder. Apparently I had a seizure, but my friend had fantastic reflexes and stopped my laptop which was thrown from my lap from going overboard. So much the better, these things are expensive. Then the EMS people arrived. I waved to them. Another time there was a paramedic who pinched my nipple to revive me. I don't know if it worked or if it was just that the seizure was over, but the first thing I realized was that I was in really bad pain and so I hit her. I aimed really well, especially since I hadn't even opened my eyes yet. Now if I'm doing something and I see EMS people above me, I know why! It pisses me off because I have to spend hours under observation in the emergency room, but since I'm basically just sleeping during that time, I don't get bored. It's just that my bed is much more comfortable.
@Eevee_133 8 ай бұрын
Story 15 is kinda like what happened to me. I have type 1 diabetes and have had it for 22 years now, so when this happened I was not undiagnosed. May 2018, I was still living at home at 21 and my parents were out of town and my grandmother was staying with me because she needed a full time caretaker. Well, I wasn’t checking my blood glucose levels properly (yeah, I know, I was stupid) and my insulin pump had failed on me and was no longer giving me insulin. Fast forward 3 days later, I’ve had 0 insulin that entire time mind you, and my entire body is in severe pain. It started off with what I thought was a bad stomach bug but continuously got worse. My glucose levels were high enough that I was hallucinating and had no idea what was going on. I vaguely remember talking to my mom on the phone. Then I vaguely remember going into the ambulance, arriving at the ER, and nothing for the next 14 hours. My glucose level had gone to 1,030 mg/Dl and I had gone into DKA and a diabetic coma. I remember waking up in a hospital room thinking “wtf just happened.” After that I have been religious about checking my levels properly.
@Chizuuru 8 ай бұрын
omfg, I like your voice. Easy to follow the stories
@DaZebraffe 9 ай бұрын
Not exactly the same, but when I went in to have my wisdom teeth taken out, the doctor put the mask on me and told me to start counting down from ten. I got to about eight or seven, and the next thing I remember, I'm out in the lobby, procedure done and all the drugs worn off. As far as memories are concerned, it was like somebody turned a switch to off position, waited an hour or so, then turned it back on.
@Babihrse 8 ай бұрын
I woke up in a hospital was asked a few questioned answered them went back to sleep. Was told i hit my head and was found by a passing ambulance after a night out. Got discharged. Felt right embarrising to end up wasting A&E resources.
@charleshines2142 10 ай бұрын
I doubt illegal driving with one arm if you can do it safely. Besides when it is an emergency do they expect you to be stranded and suffering? F- that!!
@Amanda_Heaven 9 ай бұрын
My mum was on her way back from work when a tiny little doggo ran into the hind half of her bike. She apparently slid a fiew meters and layed unconsious. Bike fully broken. (Yes she drives quiet fast) She didn't wear a helmet so she got some serious head injuries, plus multiple broken ribs and a number of bruises and scratches/ bleedings. She said the first thing she remembered was throwing up on the nurse after talking a sip of water. Can't recall anything of the acident or what happened before. The dogs fine, the owner didn't run away or anything. Mum is fine now too, tho it was a close call, If the dog we're to come from the other side she probably would've gotten into traffic. So please, leash your dog near any traffic, bike, cars, skaters whatever and anywhere you are required to and please wear a helmet. It saves lives, brain bleeds and big head wounds aren't fun at all. And get a new helmet once you've fallen in/on it. Stay save and keep save.
@itt2055 4 ай бұрын
For more than 10 years, every Friday and Saturday nights I would wake up in hospital. I was a suicidal alcoholic and drug abuser. I still have suicidal thoughts, but once I stopped drinking and taking drugs, I can now just accept those thoughts as just thoughts that my broken brain creates and just ignore them.
@Magavynhigara 10 ай бұрын
4 years ild playing with my hotwheel cars on my grandmas carpet, alot of fun. Wham! Massive asthma attack. Put into a medical enduced coma whwn they say a had a few infections in my lungs that needed very strong medications. Woke up 4 months later alone in a hospital and freaked out, started tearing out the needles and semsors, doctors came rushing in so i started trying to stab, bite and claw at them because i was scared out of my mind and had to be sedated. Found out later i have to be strapped in whenever im sedated because of the way my body reacts to it.😅
@thatanimeguy8461 10 ай бұрын
@holeastroud3899 10 ай бұрын
New upload yoo!!
@geo4322 9 ай бұрын
9:17 the hells that DA doing
@Glamrock_Freddy_Plush2 10 ай бұрын
@chloskyskies4399 4 ай бұрын
1st story: going to sleep probably saved their life. Similar reasons to why drunk drivers often have less severe injuries.
@shadowpuppet8192 10 ай бұрын
I was sitting at home watching a Bicentenial Man with my step-family when I started getting that hazy vision I tend to get when I'm about to fall asleep. I try to stay awake, but eventually I black out. I gain semi consiousness as I'm being wheeled out of the house on a stretcher bed, then I black out again. This proceeds to happen once in the ambulance then once more upon arrival at the hospital. When I finally regain full consiousness I am alone in a hospital room and have been changed out of my clothes and into a hospital gown. Turns out the medication that was being forced onto me would sometimes cause seizures and this one was so bad it apparently caused me to stop breathing for a little bit. But at the same time, the help my step-family was providing me also could've killed me.
@errol2605 10 ай бұрын
damn, I did something similar to the third story but not quite as severe. my dad thought it would be an excellent idea for me to learn to ride a bike without training wheels along these sandy gravel roads, and after... maybe two metres, I hit a thicker patch of gravel, fell over, and all along the side of my face I got gravel rash and abrasions. you can still see some of the scars over fifteen years later, if you know where to look. thankfully I escaped a lot more unscathed than the op of the story, though
@samliveshere88 7 ай бұрын
16:46 feel this one was ment to go hang out with friends 1 night, went to see doc because I was in pain a few days before, got results in turns out I got type 1, probably had really bad DKA was certainly in denial about it for some months spent the night I was ment to see my friends crying and was in hospital the next day and spent a week there. woooo diabetes
@lydiapetra1211 10 ай бұрын
I wish everyone the best❤
@emilydonut3262 10 ай бұрын
Funny Enough I was in school fell asleep in class woke up in Hospital ICU I was in a week long coma apparently the classroom had a rat poison problem and I was close to vent it's the type of posion that you can't smell so I inhaled the smell on accident and Boom week long coma I was the only kid out of 3 that woke up sadly one of the kids passed away from being brain dead, and the other one woke up 2 weeks after me but had to be in a wheelchair for the rest of their life
@kimberlytifft810 10 ай бұрын
My parents would never of left me alone at the hospital they would of had to kick them out of the hospital for knight before they would of left voluntarily on their own.
@LittleMissShadow15 9 ай бұрын
Story #9: I live an 1 1/2 hours away from Lawrence Kansas.
@BlitzTheFoxi 10 ай бұрын
@drplankton257 9 ай бұрын
Dude sounds like duke nukem
@Avant-uh3nr 10 ай бұрын
@turtlesquad3548 10 ай бұрын
1:08 (no offense) Drunk Driving Ads Be Like
@squiddwizzard8850 Ай бұрын
Yeah, bit of a disconnect
@carmium 9 ай бұрын
It's not "rabdomilliosis" but rhabdomyolysis: rab-doe-my-oh-LIE-sis
@Bella-hk3ds 6 ай бұрын
11:03 21:30
@squiddwizzard8850 Ай бұрын
Not to be a shill for the industry I work in, but if you are in the US please have adequate bodily injury insurance. These accidents add up.
@pathecat_ 6 ай бұрын
2:15 your the one whos mid
@lisastariha6974 8 ай бұрын
@bloomjuliaeslavin525 8 ай бұрын
Wow, we’re coming to story number 10 I feel for OP number healthy. If you are right motorcycle does come with more safety concerns about the car even if you use it all the way safety gear in Fong the rules of the road in writing properly you don’t know what’s gonna happen why is my mom‘s old coworkers lost, her daughter because of motorcycle accident my mom’s old coworkers daughter was on the back of the boyfriends motorcycle. They were wearing all the protective gear possible he had just gotten his bike out of the shop from having the tires rotated. They were on some back roads going actually a little under the speed limit. I think they were going like 14 or 13 in the 15 area went to take a turn and the axle broke. They both died on scene. They were both doing everything right all the protective gear, following the world, going one or two under the actual speed limit and even down the boyfriends Motorcycle just came out of the shop from having the tires rotated and they don’t always check that doesn’t freaking sitting with Axa speaking on that tournament. Sometimes it doesn’t even take somebody else being stupid. Sometimes it just takes a freak incident like the axle breaking and because of that freaking sent my mom’s old coworker lost her daughter in, the parents of her daughters boyfriend lost their son she was like 25 at the time I was maybe 10 which means this was like 20 years ago so her daughter would be 45 now if that freaking cent never happened go to Sawyer you never know when you’re on a motorcycle number. How will you protect yourself how well of a condition the bike is in how well the person operated it is an even if there’s no stupid people on the world oh to cause an instant sometimes for Kristen’s cell take your instead And that’s why you’ll never catch me on a motorcycle non-this lifetime I’m not gonna stop by and buy from doing it themselves. OK may be my future kids someday but that’s different but just be smart and know that not only could other drivers be the ones who calls the essence dense that could cause you left. All them boss was just freaking incidence take it from somebody who’s constantly hearing about how their mothers coworker lost their daughter to such an event as a passenger with nobody doing anything wrong answer of that person being 15 years younger than the coworkers daughter have now because of it outlived them by five years. Just remember that if you can’t go out on a motorcycle I know it does. It always really make a difference depending on what happens but at least to know that’s a possibility. Hope is not but no it is.
@user-vq2jv3gc7s 10 ай бұрын
@Abimations7 9 ай бұрын
That dude who was 12 in 1982 is the same age as my dad
@serenitynow85 5 ай бұрын
The commentary ruins it
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