Pet Owners, What have your pets DONE that is WORRYINGLY SMART? - Reddit Podcast

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Am I the Genius?

Am I the Genius?

11 ай бұрын

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@amithegenius 11 ай бұрын
🧠🧠finish listening to ALL the stories here instagram - @amithejerk twitter - @amithejerk
@KenFullman 11 ай бұрын
I have a cat and for years he has been waking up my wife to be fed in the morning. Lately I haven't been sleeping well at night so will sit on my computer in the corner of the bedroom. So I've been awake when he attempts to wake the wife for his food. To allow my wife to get more sleep I have been telling him to stop then wash his bowl and refill it. Lately I've noticed that now, he just hops up onto the bedside cabinet and holds his paw near my wife's face and, while staring at me, starts to meow. I'm sure that he's actually saying "Give me food or she gets it" rather menacingly.
@Placeholder93 11 ай бұрын
How does a dog iraq?
@haplessasshole9615 11 ай бұрын
@@KenFullman Hatch a plan with your wife. Tell the cat, "Do it, and see what it gets ya." Then, when he wakes your wife, she should scare him silly. He'll figure out a new way to let you know he's prepared to allow you to deliver food offerings unto him. Cats are stinkers, but yours is a truly stinkin' stinker.
@haplessasshole9615 11 ай бұрын
I will cheerfully give our little shelter pup a kiss on the noggin for ya, AITG. He's a good boy. Looks like a Muppet when he needs grooming. Rescue critters are amazing.
@RiseLeon_Turtle 11 ай бұрын
Smartest thing my cat has done was open the bathroom door and pooped in the tub cause we gave him a bath, second smartest thing he did was open a pizza box and eat the cheese off the pizza.
@BrunoMaricFromZagreb 11 ай бұрын
Why was the Oculus Rift discontinued?I haven't heard about it until now.
@cyberra0180 11 ай бұрын
My cat once pulled an entire pizza off the table so she could steal the green peppers
@DonatelloHamato. 11 ай бұрын
Teenage Mutant Ninja Cat
@RiseLeon_Turtle 11 ай бұрын
@@DonatelloHamato. yes! Donnie yes!
@clevercart79 11 ай бұрын
​@@BrunoMaricFromZagrebthat's so random
@jessetwentenaer441 11 ай бұрын
We had a bunny who was free to walk around in the house. He loved to play with balloons. He knew he wasn't allowed in the kitchen, sometimes he would jump against a balloon to launch it into the kitchen. Then he would go to the kitchen and other parts of the house to explore. When he got caught he would casually hop towards his balloon, grab it and walk to the living room where he was allowed. It really looked like he used the balloon as an excuse with a 'dont mind me, I'm just getting my toy' attitude. Might be imagining it but it was a really smart animal
@thomassandifer612 11 ай бұрын
When I was a kid, my mom had a toy poodle. One day after a trip to the groomer, she couldn't walk or stand. We took her to the vet and she was diagnosed with a slipped disk. She was treated and sent home. Mom babies that dog for 2 weeks before she could walk again, albeit with a limp. One day after a month of limping, we figured this was her new normal. One day in the yard, I threw her ball. That dog ran full speed for the ball. Grabbing it, she started running back, then saw we were watching. She stopped and started limping back. She knew she got more attention when she limped. The jig was up though and she knew it and started walking normal again.😂😂
@dutchvanderbilt9969 11 ай бұрын
I actually have a sarplaninac/ marema who is ridiculously smart. When he was a pup I was trying to reach him not to go into my garden as I didn't want him making a mess of things. But when I was planting onions he walked up behind me and I was about to a scold him but then I realized he was in the path between the rows. He had been watching what I was doing and where I was walking and figured out that he just wasn't supposed to walk in the rows but rather between them. And he would follow me all around the garden never stepping in the plants.
@samurai2871 11 ай бұрын
I had a pug once that we house trained to use pee pads. We would give her a treat every time she used a pee pad. She realized this and started peeing a little amount then getting her treat and peeing again four or five times getting many treats. We responded by not giving her any more treats and she immediately stopped used the pads and went back to peeing on the floor.
@toriamansfield2999 11 ай бұрын
She sure showed you, didn't she? XD
@ChromicQuanta 7 ай бұрын
@@toriamansfield2999 What a tongue twister lol
@laureendavis2369 11 ай бұрын
I had a poodle that was scary smart. You could literally just tell him something once and he understood. Like he would try to get a new bone everyday, even though the bone he had was fine. I told him "Reilly, if you want a new bone, you have to give me an old one". He did it. Told him once and he did it for the next 10 years. He even tried to give me a stuffed bone toy in trade. This is just one small thing he did. The best was when I flew back home after a work conference and I started feeling bad and started having trouble walking (I have a rare autoimmune disease so this happens occasionally) By the time I got home my husband had to help me to the bed. Reilly came up and curled up on top of me. He wouldn't let my husband take him away. He went almost 2 days with nothing to eat and not going out to do his business. I said to my husband, you know how sometimes dogs can tell when something is wrong? I had him get me into my rheumatologist as an emergency and by the time we made it home, they were calling me and telling me that my blood work came back critical, that my muscles were being attacked by my AI and if I hadn't come in, well.. my heart would have stopped. After that he was able to let me know ahead of time when a flare was coming. It was great that he could do that because I can go from normal to 106 degrees in under 30 minutes. I owe that little apricot fluffball my life. He took a big chunk of my heart when he died in the middle of the night, laying next to me.
@BrunoMaricFromZagreb 11 ай бұрын
Madam,your dog deserves a statue & a salute.
@warriorofdramaclan8107 11 ай бұрын
My dog started barking at a rattlesnake while we were fishing, but she didn't straight up attack it. Thing is she pretty much saved our lives that day because we were out there for an hour or so and we didn't even NOTICE the snake until Sam started barking. She must've known it was venomous, as like I said before, she didn't attack it, just barked, and we all went inside.
@im_dead_ghost 11 ай бұрын
I have chickens in my backyard and they’re the sassiest animals I have ever met. They love digging so when I walk into their coop they’re almost always working on a hole. One day the chickens are digging and I walk in. One of the chickens was digging with her beak and had gotten dirt all over it. So she walks up to me, wipes her beak on my white pants, then walks away. This was almost a year ago and I’m still not over it
@catharsysgaming 11 ай бұрын
I have two stories. Friend of mine had this cat named Kitty, very sweet orange tabby. I was staying over a while, and while my friend was napping, I was playing a game on the snes. I was hunting for a save point, and after a few hours STILL could not find it. The cat came in, was watching me, kept asking for attention. Instead of petting her more than a few mins, I had given her a quick pet , went back to the game. After about 20 mins, she got annoyed, walked over to the console, SWIPED THE HELL out of the reset button, game was gone, all progress gone. I was stunned, laughed hard, picked her up and held her, shaking my head, while giving her loves. Anyone else would have probably been annoyed. I figured I deserved it. My own puppy, Hopper (yorkshire terrier). He's smart as in no training and can tell when I'm going to black out, have a seizure, or a migraine and vertigo is coming, as he'll start hopping against my leg and tap me hard to get me to lay down. Took me a few days to figure out what he was doing, and he still does it now (a year later), still doing it anytime. The naughty part of his smartness came to when he had this tent he would sleep in. He figured out if he couldn't jump out of it to get to where ever he wanted, he'd make a hole. And would get out (until i found where it was), and keeps trying to escape just to have fun (ya know, tralalaing around the place), trying to hide if he's found out. Thank god that's pretty much the worst of it so far haha. if i think of more, i'll edit this post :)
@amithegenius 11 ай бұрын
@haplessasshole9615 11 ай бұрын
Sounds like a terrier to me! "Look how clever I am! Tag! You're 'It'!" Ours is a Maltese/Yorkie mix. I swear to goodness, he's part mountain goat. He does like to climb.
@catharsysgaming 11 ай бұрын
@@haplessasshole9615 OMG yes ours does too! He decided early on that he was going to get on top of my mothers bed (about a 4 or 5 foot jump, never measured) and he SOMEHOW MADE IT! and not just once! He does it all the time, jumps OFF and its like OMG ARE YOU FLYING?? as for climbing he's gotten on top of things we didn't think he'd get to, and all to find something to take, chew, spit out and destroy... He is a menace and yet i love him so much xD am i terrible? ^^;;
@catharsysgaming 11 ай бұрын
@@amithegenius I don't have reddit sorry.
@fifi3649 11 ай бұрын
My cat used to open the front door by jumping on the handle and pulling it down. I guess she was tired of meowing for our attention and then wait for us to open the door for her. That kitty was so intelligent! Unfortunately, she was hit by a car a few years ago. I miss her a lot!
@autisticwitch7581 11 ай бұрын
This was back when I first got my dog and was still learning how to communicate with her. At the time, we were cleaning a rental house with all carpeted floors. One room had a plastic tarp over the carpet. My dog had to go potty but didn't know how to tell us, so she peed on the tarp. Needless to say, we were happy she didn't pee on the carpet but don't know why she didn't.
@niteloon6073 11 ай бұрын
Through the years we have taught our cats not to get on certain pieces of furniture. We had a simese, MESI, who would jump on my hubby's dirty clothes bin, then onto the printer on top of the buffet, hop over to the top of the computer monitor on the table. It was a warm spot! Couldn't get mad at her she never touched the buffet or the table. When she got down she would just jump down to the floor. We now have another cat, C.A.T., who jumps on top of the shredder, then to the closed laptop on the table and on to the window sill. Reverse process to get down she is 16 1/2 years old!
@Vinemaple 11 ай бұрын
A client had a very elderly German Shorthair hound with a deep hunting instinct, a massive tumor on her belly, and a slow-burning, deeply-cherished hatred for all other living beings. She wasn't as decrepit as she pretended to be. She would laboriously inch her way out to the lawn and slowly ease herself down, then lie there as if utterly exhausted for more than an hour, until one of the rabbits decided she wasn't a threat, and got too close, at which point she would lunge at it like a 3-year-old dog. She concealed her intentions. You couldn't trust her around smaller dogs, because she would stand there drooping and give the other dog a token sniff, until they relaxed and gave her an opening, at which point she went for their neck. She never showed any sign of aggression or fixation. She faked having to pee. If you take care of a lot of dogs, you get to know that when you're out for walkies, dogs behave differently when they need to pee, need to poop, or just smelled something interesting by the side of the road. Some deer had left their very-young fawn in a bush in the forest, and this dog never shows a single ear twitch, but just keeps on plodding until she suddenly starts sniffing the grass, then trying to squat, so I stop for her. Instantly there's a terrified squeal as she glomps the fawn I had no idea was even there. The fawn survived somehow, though. I saw it a week later. She figured out the door into the storage space was broken and so she could open it, so she went in and found the owners' massive stash of dog treats from Costco. Does she hide it? No, she deliberately does this while I'm playing with the incredibly stupid other dog, and brings her packet of dog treats out into the yard to tear open and eat right in front of me. That's the attitude we're dealing with. She only had two facial expressions: murderous glare and senile blankness.
@cyberra0180 11 ай бұрын
My cat knew how to open the fridge. There was a bbq chicken in the fridge, one if the whole rotisserie ones from the deli. She teamed up with the dog to open the fridge and retrieve that chicken. By the time we got home there was nothing left by an empty plate and a wad of plastic wrap
@achimsinn6189 11 ай бұрын
my current cat can count to three. I accidentially trained her to do so by always giving her 3 treats just before we're having breakfast and dinner. At some point she started to just walk away after she got the third one. Later when only two treats were in the bag, she kept on sitting in front of me meowing untill I opened another bag to give her another treat. I wanted to give her an extra one as an apology for making her waiting, but she only took one and left before I could give her the fourth one. The cat I owned before was entirely different. He managed to open a catproof box with treats. That box had one of those lits where one would have to press down on one side to be able to open the other side. He got that box, pushed it into a corner so that one part got pushed and then opened the lit Then he ate every single treat in that box, got really sick from eating too many treats and after that day he wouldn't ever touch those treats ever again. I had to get a different brand of treats because of that.
@kavinaderrow3269 11 ай бұрын
My Pittie knows that when I put on my shoes, it's time to go outside. Also, when she's hungry or thirsty, she'll make noise with the respective bowl. She knows when a toy or treat is meant for her. She lingers in the kitchen during meal prep, waiting for something to be dropped.
@ceewood3358 11 ай бұрын
My dog never did anything that Worried me per se, but she never responded to dogs on TV as she knew they weren't real or ate things that weren't Food---she was never a Stupid dog. But the intelligence of Crows scares me. There is a video where a Crow clearly understands the concept of water displacement. Apparently there was little water in the area and it found a tall, narrow container with a little water at the bottom. There were small stones in the area, and the crow started dropping stones in the container, noticing that the water level rose to the top a little each time. Soon the water was high enough for it to drink! This was a few years ago, and I remember thinking I would have DIED of thirst because, I'm not sure that idea would have occurred to me right away....especially as a shower-taker (I hate bath tubs).
@amithegenius 11 ай бұрын
@opstellar 11 ай бұрын
I had a English/Australian Shepherd who hated loud distant noises (mostly thunder and routine bomb detonation from the nearby air force base) so much that she would have seizures and destroy things. When we locked her in a room and noises happened while we were away, she chewed off the doorframe and drywall to get around the door. If we used a cage, she chewed the hinges supporting the frame. One time, we locked her in the garage and she chewed through the wires on the motion sensor, causing the garage door to open itself. When she wanted out, she always seemed to know how to get out, but she bled a lot trying so we had to give her to another family who lived elsewhere in a more peaceful region of the country.
@EternalVoid74 11 ай бұрын
My cat would always open the door to the bathroom as I was taking a shower, close the door, and walk in the shower with me, wtf
@kathrinsides2838 11 ай бұрын
Yesterday, I was giving my puppy girl some treats. She has discovered that she loves salmon treats recently. So we’ve gotten her some salmon treats and salmon food for her. When I was giving her some treats, she actually shook her head when I tried to give her some treats that weren’t salmon because she wanted the salmon treats FIRST & was only willing to eat the other treats after the salmon ones! I’m convinced that she will talk to us eventually because she’s so freaking smart. I wish I was joking.
@Vinemaple 11 ай бұрын
Don't feed chickens leftover popcorn or they will refuse to eat anything else
@studbyte 11 ай бұрын
when I had my cat in 2016, she would always open the house door and knew how to unhinge the outer metal door from its place, effectively running around the neighborhood all day, then come back when she feels like it.
@rabbit0664 10 ай бұрын
My dog had an outdoor doggy pool. One time after coming in I left the towel on the floor for her to sit. Usually she'd run around and try drying off on the sofa. Instead she began rolling around on the towel to dry herself off and actually stayed on it until she dried. Didn't teach her that.
@mollycontent 7 ай бұрын
My boa used to have a special cup for warming up her frozen mice... until my cat learned that cup = mouse and started stealing them whenever I would look away while thawing one. Now we have to use different cups with lids!
@nancysilverman495 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for this post it was really fun. They are such characters aren't they? LOL!
@kaj2554 11 ай бұрын
My cats figured out how to undo the screw top jar containing their food. I changed their food to a container that has clips on the lid instead. I came home one day to find that container on its side with two of the clips undone. If they had gotten the third one they would have gotten that container open too.
@Avrysatos 11 ай бұрын
we need more awesome wholesome stuff like this!
@kukivave 11 ай бұрын
my bunny learned to turn of my alarm clock, he sleeps in bed with me and would wake up, sit by my bedside table right before my 6am alarm, then headbutt it just as it went off, then jump back into bed with me... took me 3-4 days of being late to work before i realized what he was doing and had to relocate my google nest to the dresser... He also learned how to turn on/off the tv, i would leave the tv remote on my bedside table and come home to find my TV on some days... checked my pet camera and found that when i leave for work, bunny would jump up push the power button then layin the middle of the bed and watch TV...
@mi-da2920 11 ай бұрын
My cat knew how to open doors. Always made sure to put a lock in places where I don't want her going in. My aunt's cat knew how to shit in the toilet and only shat in the toilet. He still used litter to pee. She never had to scoop poop at least.
@minisnakali 11 ай бұрын
My cat used to unlock the door and open it in the middle of the night to let herself in. I'd be sleeping and the front door would be wide open because she decided she wanted some fresh air.
@Jan-fg5ik 11 ай бұрын
we had a cat that could open the fridge and any door in general that wasnt a knob and then we found it sitting in the fridge eating cake with the mouse
@Jade_1872 11 ай бұрын
Cat that loves drinking running water learned which way was cold, which hot on tap faucet, and then it learned how to turn on the purified drinking water spout instead using his head.
@AtlasArtAnimation 11 ай бұрын
What My dog does is more like she can tell me when she wants out or if there is something she needs to show me. How she does this is that she runs to me, runs towards the direction she wants me to go, and then wait to make sure I am following me. I also know of a service dog trainer and the stuff they teach the does throughout their entire lives is amazing
@silverpuppi1827 11 ай бұрын
When my Chihuahua Mia was around 8 months old, she figured out how to open a chocolate bar. I don’t even know how she did that because she doesn’t have opposable thumbs. Mia didn’t eat enough chocolate to cause harm since I caught her before she could. Needless to say, we keep the chocolate out of her reach now. She is now 7 years old and living a good life.
@ArchiniaxOasiswatcher 11 ай бұрын
does my cat going to her food bowl 15 minutes before it goes off and patiently waiting until the food comes out count? Twilight... you're stunted at 6 months old and you're 14 pounds... you're not going to die...
@cactus2763 11 ай бұрын
I used to have a cat (RIP Billy) who knew when it was Christmas. Every December 25th he would be sitting outside with a dead mouse or bird as a gift
@TheChampionEccentric 11 ай бұрын
I remember some time ago i saw a horse in a stable about to be fed. Upon seeing the farmer approach, the horse opened its own stable door, allowed itself to be fed, and closed its own door, all unprompted.
@Emilyweasel2023 11 ай бұрын
I have a home pod in our bedroom. The cat has worked out if she taps it and blasts whatever music was playing before in the middle of the night we will wake up and pay attention to her. She does this with google as well. No matter where I put the HomePod. She is evil. She used to remember if I left my computer on when I had a desk in the room and stand on certain keys with a keyboard shortcut which made a horrible loud noise because the computer wasn’t logged on. Same result. Edited to say I think she learned how to do this because I’m slightly hard of hearing and sleep like the dead so I guess meowing wasn’t cutting it
@FluuJFlug 5 ай бұрын
On Christmas my cat Govy was very grumpy and upset about something. We thought she was sick but it turns out she thought we didn’t get her a present! Luckily my younger brother got her a lovely gift that she loves. She perked up after she got her gift!❤❤❤
@Techlifeandmore 11 ай бұрын
13:03 this dog exacted malicious compliance.
@dazzlingdexter5060 11 ай бұрын
The horses stealing hay is so funny 🤣
@mathgeniuszach 11 ай бұрын
My family's dog has one of those toys with treats stuck inside where you really have to smack it hard to get the treat to come out. One time, when pulling and jumping into her dog bed in a certain way, the toy flung itself into the air, smacked down onto the ground, and dislodged the treat. Now, everytime she gets the toy she carefully drags her bed and the toy and jumps into the bed to repeat the situation. It's crazy how methodical it is.
@badcreations9527 11 ай бұрын
Props to the reading dude for doing Marmalade with a cat accent. I think he did pretty dang well. Even my mom had to come check it out
@emeraldqueen1994 11 ай бұрын
I have two goldfish, but one, Sherbet, understands people VERY WELL… I had her when I lost a different goldfish AND a betta… when I told her my second betta passed, she flapped her fins as if saying “ I’m sorry, I’m here if you need me” both current goldfish knew how to get food from a feeder toy at one point… retraining them with food ball… first Etta fish watched me dancing in my bed room and LEARNED one of my routines…. Currently have a cat who can seemingly understand more human than the other two, loves ALL things tech and studies how they work… EDIT TO ADD : we were trapping / relocating raccoons (WILD ANIMALS) they opened the spigot for our pool for revenge!! I once asked a wild raccoon if he (or she) wanted food… raccoon CHARGED right at me barely giving me time to get inside to get his food and go back out to give it to him (or her)
@emthatyourefuse2494 6 ай бұрын
We have a formerly feral cat (previously a teen mom of 5 who was found with her kittens in someone's basement) who is very definitely the smartest person in our building. She's very affectionate in her own way and snuggly with other cats, but VERY anxious. She has a terrible fear of humans reaching for her; I'm her favorite and it was years and years before she'd allow me to occasionally pet her. I have literally watched her realize that her food was laced with the sedatives we were giving her so that we physically could get her into the carrier to go to the vet for a UTI. It was two doses, one the night before, so she must have realized that the slightly different-smelling food was what had made her feel weird and sleepy earlier. She *literally* stopped eating after a few bites, sniffed the plate suspiciously, and walked away. You could see the lightbulb going on over her head. She settled down on a chair nearby and apparently zoned out. After she hadn't moved for a while, we figured she must have eaten enough for the sedatives to have kicked in, and my wife went to grab her. Reader, the sedatives had *not* kicked in. She took off like an ICBM. Thank god she's a runner, not a fighter, or at least one of us probably would have lost an eye instead of having to just physically sweep her, WITH A BROOM, into the carrier from the litter box where she'd gone to ground. We felt horrible, but she'd been in obvious distress from the infection. Fortunately they were able to give her a shot of antibiotics so we didn't have to worry about pilling her. They also told us not to bring her in again unless something else was obviously really wrong, because the vet who had to purrito her for the shot literally thought she was going to have a heart attack right there. She let the other two cats act as her food tasters for like a week after that. Wouldn't touch her wet food until she'd seen them eat without getting woozy. I love cats, but I am under no illusions about how intelligent they usually are. Our other two are dumb as a bag of rocks. This one is different. She just has this unmistakable look of humanlike intelligence and wariness in her eyes. Everyone who's seen a picture of her has remarked on it.
@edwardfabbrucci3437 11 ай бұрын
One of my mums neighbours had 2 dogs, 1 who was your typical springer spaniel and 1 who was a mutt, bit of everything and he had learnt that if she uses the phone then gives them dinner in a while someone will deliver better food and would refuse to eat his dinner thinking he could get better food, he figured out she was ordering fast food to be delivered, after she had him put to sleep (due to the big C) she got another dog, a beagle poodle cross and he figured out the same thing, they never figured out that they wont be getting any of the food but knew she was ordering better food
@Zerokey77 11 ай бұрын
My brother’s dog was training with speakers button to alert when. She wanted to eat , poop, etc. but then his cat figured out what the button were for and kept spamming the eat button until it broke.
@slendygirl3894 11 ай бұрын
When I was a couple months pregnant I had a very nasty case of morning sickness and when I was throwing up my cat hopped on my back and proceeded to lick my hair as a form of comfort ,every time I got sad or depressed he was hopped in my bed and licked my hair
@amithegenius 11 ай бұрын
if you'd like to potentially be featured in the videos feel free to submit your stories. It can be about this or anything you think would it via the link below. 👉 SUBMIT YOUR OWN STORIES HERE ▶
@blueridinghood5375 11 ай бұрын
I have a story. When my non-pure black lab was named Lightning, when he was still alive. He was 15 when I was 16. He taught himself when he was younger,how to tell my family that he needed to be let out into the backyard to use the bathroom. Which the way he did it. Was that he would make sure that one of my family members was watching him. As he walked to the door, that led to the backyard. And turn his head again to as a silent hint that he needed to use the bathroom. After a few times he did it, my family caught on, and it stuck to us. Till he had to be put down due to thighroid problems and his back legs stopped working. Which caused the top of his back feet to be rubbed raw, from dragging them a lot.
@SyntheticCupcake 11 ай бұрын
We recently had to switch my 13 year old cat to all soft food, since his teeth just can't handle kibble anymore. We keep the cans on a shelf in the kitchen, and within two weeks he had figured out that those cans were his food, so now when he thinks he should be fed, he'll meow at one of us until we follow him to the kitchen, where he'll just sit there staring at the cans until someone gets him one. This same cat, as a kitten, learned how to turn off my Xbox. I lost a two hour long Fable 2 session that way as a teenager. Nowadays, he knows that if the Xbox turns on I'm going to be sitting in one place for a while, so he just curls up next to me.
@noxlupa2996 11 ай бұрын
I will riot if I don’t see that picture of the cat on the toilet
@sandrasteyn9017 11 ай бұрын
Had a cat when I was still in school, so little over twenty years ago. My dad would always wake up at around 5 in the mornings on weekdays to get ready for work, he would get up feed the cat and go about his morning. On weekends my dad liked to sleep in, the cat didn't like it at around 5 on Saturday and Sunday mornings the cat would climb on my dad's chest and lightly 'slap' his cheek until he got up to feed him. Biscuit was a clever little bastard
@amithegenius 11 ай бұрын
if you'd like to potentially be featured in the videos feel free to submit your stories. It can be about this or anything you think would would make it in via the link below. 👉 SUBMIT YOUR OWN STORIES HERE ▶
@dazzlingdexter5060 11 ай бұрын
Dogs are so smart 🤣 the winking Eye
@valerief1231 7 ай бұрын
The marmalade reenactment was great!
@raphaeld4313 5 ай бұрын
When my cat (F) was still 1-2 years old, I was about to ask my mother if the cat had eaten yet, so that I know if I needed to feed her or not. I jokingly asked my cat if she had eaten, and I could have sworn I saw her immediately nodding her head sideways, as a means of saying no. Today I can't process if I sort of hallucinated, or if she really did nod for whatever reason.
@LilianaSolaris 11 ай бұрын
My eldest cat 1.5 years old we call him People smart, cat dumb, he can open doors, shove open sliding doors, shake and open his food dispencer, we now use baby locks on majority of things we figured out he can open
@louiseogden1296 11 ай бұрын
King Charles Cavalier Spaniel learned to open the larder door and find the dog biscuits. We only realized when he did it in front of us when we had made ourselves food to watch TV with and he decided to get the biscuits to join us in a snack. Almost felt sorry for him because I used to do the same thing when I was a small child. He was just too obvious about it...
@1992kdog 10 ай бұрын
The other day my sister kitten (age 1) shocked us. When she hears post likes to run to the door. Sister asked me to bring it to her (she was in kitchen) but before I had moved the kitten was woddaling thoue the living room with a letter in her gob, I called my sister just in time for her to see this smol ball of fur dragging an standerd letter in her gob Was one of the most adorable things I've seen that cat done
@lyndaprado2311 11 ай бұрын
My potbellied pig figured out how to open the laundry shoot so he could oink down at us when we're in the basement. We put a slide bolt on the laundry shoot door and he figured out how to open that too. We finally had to board up the laundry shoot hole so he wouldn't fall through. He also figured out how to open a tub of butter and he ate the whole thing. My brother had a cat that taught itself to use my neice and nephew's potty chair.
@dawnclark4635 11 ай бұрын
Our dog,Maddy,was good at judging people and she proved it one day when I started dating this guy and I told him,"If she doesn't like you this is over." and at first she did but one summer she decided she didn't like him anymore. He got in an argument with me and when we got back to the cabin that day he went up in the loft and I stayed on the bed,watching Tv,and he came down,after getting stuck in the loft,and came down. He started rubbing my legs and she wasn't particularly happy about it. She dove across my legs to stop him and let out a low growl. My ex was stunned. She adored him prior to this and he even said,"No,no,baby. Daddy's not mad." but Maddy was more interested in protecting me.
@princessmarlena1359 7 ай бұрын
Had a cat who knew how to hit the button on my alarm clock radio. She watched me setting up the time and wake up times, she would push the button to turn on the radio which came on as my primary alarm, buzzer for secondary. She would wake me up earlier than I was supposed to wake up, she wanted her breakfast.
@neko6803 3 ай бұрын
I have one. I have two cats, they are twin-sisters. They are less than a year old and incredibly curious and pick up on human (and each others) behavior incredibly fast. Finja, the... a bit.... lets say "sturdier" one of the two loves watching the birds in our garden. So one morning i got awoken by her sitting next to me on my bed and meowing at me. I thought she wanted pets but no, she decided to run to my door, look at me, meow again and starts pacing there a bit. I open the door and she runs out of the room to the staircase in the hallway, looks at me, meows again as if to say "follow me" this goes on the entire two staircases down to the livingroom with her running a few meters and looking back if i follow and if i dont, she would meow at me. Once in the livingroom, she DARTS across to the Window and taps it twice. I was irritated at first because tapping something is usually Fiona's behavior where she would tap for example a toy like a ball she wants me to pick up and throw for her to run after. I must have visibly hesitated because Finja came running back to me, stood in front of me, meowed again and walked a few steps before looking if i follow. She then guides me to where i have to go to open the blinds, jumps on the window sill and taps the window again. Then it clicked: This genius of a cat correctly assessed that her sister tapping something means her sister tries to tell me to do something with said item. She also understands that i have the power to block and unblock her view on the garden at will. And then used her galaxybrain to tell me to open the blinds so she could watch birds. Needless to say she got a treat for that incredible feat of ingenuity
@kawaibakaneko 11 ай бұрын
My parents cat (may he rest in peace) watched very intentively when I was playing a fighting game, he looked at the screen, looked at the ps controller.... He put his paw on a button while looking at the screen! Sadly it did nothing, it was the wrong button :( So he slept against me and never tried again, I forever feel sad he didn't chose the right button, playing video game with a cat would have been awesome. His sister saved my parents life! My dad accidently put a bush on fire while killing weed, it was discreet enough he didn't notice and he had joined my mom in the house, the house right next the burning bush... The cat came running to my dad mewling and pulling on his pants with her teeth, startled he followed her to find the bush engulfed in a fire! He used the water hose to put out the fire. Since then the cat is treated like the queen she is :D
@ninomitchell2039 11 ай бұрын
One of my dogs has epilepsy and 2 of my other dogs know when dog a (and seemingly my cousin who also has epilepsy) is going to have a seizure and have a distinct bark that is a general "somethings wrong" bark that's more intense for the seizures. No training whatsoever. The dog with epilepsy and another dog (not one of the 2 from before, i have 5 dogs) have separate toys and, normally, don't mess with the others toys and to boot, the epileptic dog will also seem to position his toys as if they were actually living animals. The amount of times I've seen, for example, one of his stuffed dogs looking like it was going to eat from an actual dog bowl or comfortably laying in his bed is remarkable.
@carolynjohnson6213 11 ай бұрын
This is the best video ever! It made me smile and laugh! Please have more like this.
@porcelainboy264 11 ай бұрын
I knew a cat that would go "Hello? 🥺" if she was locked out of her human's bedroom at night
@kayelynnegrant-haefner2303 11 ай бұрын
When my 10 year old cat Anubis was a few months old, he decided to play a trick on me. I was talking to my mom on the phone at the same time I was cooking a pot roast. He snuck behind me to unplug my computer. Still distracted I went to plug it back in. When I stood up, he was on the counter with a piece of pot roast in his mouth...... I've been sleeping with one eye open ever since....
@amithegenius 11 ай бұрын
if you'd like to potentially be featured in the videos feel free to submit your stories. It can be about this or anything you think would would make it in via the link below. 👉 SUBMIT YOUR OWN STORIES HERE ▶
@ellesandralady8596 11 ай бұрын
My kitty babies is being adorable and knows that my fluffy carpet under my bed is comfy. And when my family dogs ( Lucy, pumpkin, and buddy) hear my mom pull up in her car when she gets home from somewhere and greet her. And pumpkin layed down near her ( btw he had a growth spurt since he is a German shepherd looking dog ) and some times try to hug her
@Aurochhunter 11 ай бұрын
Had a cat that went through about 5 collars because he kept getting them off somehow, could never find the discarded collars afterwards which is why they had to be replaced.
@mineandmine4528 11 ай бұрын
My dog has turned on the stove, unlock the sliding glass door, open the gate, and open the car door from outside and inside. He would also shut the fridge door on me.
@alexandrafernandez2439 11 ай бұрын
I have one story: It was about 12 something in the morning when I was with my dad in the kitchen I gave my dog a snack. My dad sent me off to bed and that’s when he stopped chewing the snack and with the snack in his mouth he followed me to my room and finished chewing it in my room.
@coltondodger 11 ай бұрын
I have had 2 different very smart cats. One learned to go in a toilet by watching me when he was as a kitten, The other figured out how to open doors
@meganhirschi6248 11 ай бұрын
My smart chickens always come tell me when the stupid chicken is being stupid again.
@ladymorrigan5950 11 ай бұрын
My dog (Boston/poodle mix) seems to know when my blood sugar is off. She’ll wake me up if it gets low when I’m asleep. She stares at me and sticks to me like Velcro until I treat the low. My dachshund grand puppy knows how to open peanut butter jars to get at the yummy goodness inside.
@chase1146 11 ай бұрын
These stories are great
@Plazminx 9 ай бұрын
Our Rotwiller Black Mouth Cur mix can open unlocked doors. She taught herself, we didn’t teach her. So sometimes I’ll just be minding my own business in my room and she’ll barge in, help she’s going to learn how to rob someone one of these days
@megandorrian4802 9 ай бұрын
One of my cats can open my front door. One of my other cats can tell if someone is sick and wants to sit on your knee when you are sick.
@Opnn8d1 11 ай бұрын
"We had a dachshund growing up. That's it. That's the story." Thing is, anyone who has had one of those dogs could probably tell you that that is all the story they need. They've got attitude. They can do some pretty sneaky stuff and if you get onto them, they look at you like YOU are the one who did it and are just trying to blame them. And for being small, they can be ferocious if irritated. My mom had all sorts of stories about how spiteful hers was when she was younger. One time, the thing kept pooping on her patio. My mom would get onto her, and she'd slink off looking sorrowful. Later on, she got on the patio, went to the exact center, stared at my mom, and pooed, then walked off as if to say "What are you gonna do about it?"
@hiroshi4569 11 ай бұрын
If you posted i know that its good
@antares8476 11 ай бұрын
My female cat. Figured out after two litter kittens it hurts, and has kittens bothering her all summer. She beat up all male cats in the neighbourhood. I kid you not. She made one blind on one eye and teared ears off. We found the ear in the garden.
@valerierosales-montero4535 11 ай бұрын
Smartest thing that Nutella (a guinea pig) has done, is wake me up at 3:00am because my Fitbit was vibrating due to my heart rate dropping under 60bpm (beats per minute) then insisted on keeping me awake for two hours. He kept spooking me every now and again to keep my heart beating long enough to stabilize. By 5:30am, he was calmer and went to nap, I fell asleep. My husband was very confused about why Nutella was growling at him when he was about to wake me up. He's learned to read Nutella's little ques to know if my blood pressure is dropping or if my heart starts acting up. This guinea pig is supposed to be an emotional support animal but he's doing more than emotional support. 😂
@etherealrosess 11 ай бұрын
i don’t know how smart my kitty actually is, but, she ABSOLUTELY hated my ex, like, wouldn’t let them pet her, ran away from them ect. this ex turned out to be very emotionally abusive and just generally not a very good person. i think saundra kitty has some pretty good intuition:)
@Bysthedragon 11 ай бұрын
I have a Conure Parrot as well named Oscar. He would totally do that if he could but his wings don't work and he has a mangled foot, we adopted him from his previous owner who was too old to take care of him. Despite being crippled he still manages to cause mayhem but we love him
@amithegenius 11 ай бұрын
if you'd like to potentially be featured in the videos feel free to submit your stories. It can be about this or anything you think would it via the link below. 👉 SUBMIT YOUR OWN STORIES HERE ▶
@dallasl3688 11 ай бұрын
Okay, seriously, when you were trying to say, "Marmalade," in cat speak, my cat was freaking out. You're doing well.
@sean_relics9868 11 ай бұрын
My cat knows how to knock doors, one time he knocked on my door just so I can come out and let him into my parent's bedroom
@sillywolfgirl.offical 10 ай бұрын
i have a hamster, and my hamsters cage has a hole on it. and he somehow learned how to climb out of his cage, so one day when i woke up i tried to check on brownie (my hamsters name) but i saw that he wasn't in his cage. of course i was very worried, but then i saw something in the hallway, and i realized brownie was in the hallway staring at me. when i tried to pick him up but he kept on biting me, now i have to close my doors so that brownie doesn't get out again
@TellyKNetic 9 ай бұрын
My parents had a pug that loved to get on the bed with them. Mom wouldn't allow it, but eventually she'd fall asleep, and the dog would end up on the bed anyway. That's not the clever part. The clever part was when my dad was on hospice (liver cancer) and was bed-ridden. The dog somehow knew not to get on the bed. Never once did he even try.
@FoxxiPlayzz 11 ай бұрын
1:57 my cat can do that! We have to lock all the doors to ensure he doesn't get out.
@kariann430 6 ай бұрын
we had a cat that learned how to turn on the tv, he would walk acrossed the remote to turn it on. then rub on the buttons to find his fave channel, we found this out by comming home to a turned on tv. i one day watched him do it
@sherlockwho5714 11 ай бұрын
My cat and The motion sensor air blasters to keep him from killing the tv. Approaching one of them he proceeds to use his paws to turn it around. There by making a path to the TV. Little bugger did it multiple times
@CatsOverBrats 7 ай бұрын
I had a hamster that had a cage with a small tunnel into a small compartment or cube. (Not sure of the English word here. Sorry.). He learned how to unscrew the lid to the cube. I watched him do it one day. It took him about 15 minutes but he didn't give up. The lid came off and he escaped to freedom.
@AnyoneMining 11 ай бұрын
My sisters guinea pig sometimes tore down the fence of the cage on the lawn (idk what those are called in English) to get back to his other cage.
@tiffanyverbeck7041 11 ай бұрын
The amber story reminds me of my late cat tanis. He would hold grudges too. Piss him off and your favorite breakable item ended up broken on floor later on if there was not a breakable item he would spray you in your slee9 then claw your legs to make you aware of what he did yowling down the hallway once he was found out. I miss that mean vengeful ahole
@IShy2 5 ай бұрын
I was told by my dad that my cat would listen to me talk through the vents I think it's cute but some would consider it worryingly smart, so, here we are Also, he's an orange cat, so not all orange cats are stupid
@weegee-hehehe 11 ай бұрын
I used to have a hamster who was an artist, his cage was near a wall where I put some paintings in 3rd grade. He would stick himself near the back of the cage and pee out of it. The paintings looked like they had drips running down them. His penis is his paintbrush.
@Emerald2Angel 11 ай бұрын
FINALLY!my time to shine, i had a dog that was a germen shep/blue nose pit mix and he is just the best doggo in the world. well my baby was also super protective of the family so when i started getting to know a stray cat he would like to hang out ont he roof to mess with my dog. well after about a week of this my dog came up with a plan!my parents window over looked the back yard and we were in there chatting about a new sims expansion when we her somthing, our trash can that was back there because we did yard work the day before was push infront of said window,how? well our dog was able to just kinda shove it and roll it along the little concrete walk way he makes it up to the trash can , onto the roof, and scares the cat he didnt think about how to get down but he achived his goal lol
@Donkeyearsa 11 ай бұрын
I had a donkey who was smart even for a donkey. He ended up getting off the property and I had to get rid of him because the cops where threatening to have me arrested for him running around on the street and my boss was threatening to fire me because I kept having to leave work to take care of him by putting him back on my property. I had him since he was a baby I really miss him. I bet he would have been really good to teach tricks to as he was so smart and got board easy.
@Amanda-C. 6 ай бұрын
Chihuahua smoke alarm fear... honestly, I don't think it's the alarm. I think it's the treats they're using to try to train him not to be afraid. Most dogs wouldn't learn a persistent association like that if it wasn't being reinforced by somethingzl, and the memory of one or two smoke alarms isn't going to do it.
@thefallenangel6864 11 ай бұрын
I have a dog, Chester. He's 2 and a half years old. He may be an idiot, but he's not stupid. At some point last year it was exam period, and my mom would help me study. We had to close my bedroom door because Chester, not understanding the concept of homework, would stomp over my books and have his chew toy in his mouth. Whenever we were about to close my door, Chester would try to get in, but after doing this multiple times for over a week, he stopped trying and just stared. I found out we accidentally taught him that when I had to do my homework, and, something I hadn't realised I was doing until then, when I was standing infront of the door, almost halfway into my room, Chester got the message. I don't share my food. I mean, ok. If I'm eating chips, then ok. But otherwise, I don't share my food. Chester, normally, like every other dog, tries to get people's attention whenever they're eating food. Yeah, after a months of barely getting any food from me, most of the time he would just star at me for a little, and then go beg my parents. Still do. A few days ago, Chester found out how to open the sliding door that leads to the living room. He just pushes, and when the opening is wide enough, he puts his muzzle in, and opens it even further until he can get through. I think he has done that only twice, but vacations won't stop him from doing it more after we return.
@amithegenius 11 ай бұрын
@Mr-yb9zn 11 ай бұрын
I taught all three of my dogs how to open doors.
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