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Jimmy on Relationships

Jimmy on Relationships

Ай бұрын

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@KyuuKirigaya 26 күн бұрын
“Do you only care about fairness when it applies to you?” Damn that hits home
@miragedown 21 күн бұрын
This applies to everyone in every situation
@Bubblegum_Girl 21 күн бұрын
I immediately thought of all the blokes who only shout about men's rights on women's day
@xa5150 21 күн бұрын
@Bubblegum_Girl And not the far more prominent and socially accepted Sheila’s who shout about women’s rights every day, including Father’s Day and how women should be celebrated on that day as well, despite being the most protected and privileged class in the west? Speaks volumes, then again… you’re deaf to any but what benefits you, right?
@kiraragner6049 21 күн бұрын
@@xa5150 Are you really out here trying start an argument over a simple comment? Wow the sexism is strong in this one 😂
@Bubblegum_Girl 21 күн бұрын
@@xa5150 hi friend, you have misunderstood my comment. in short, I observed the men who don't do anything worthwhile on i.m.d., but they will start a small war on i.w.d. if you would kindly re-read my initial comment thanks, see that the pivotal point is on the word "only", as in an unexplainably large group of socially inept, easily offended, yet woefully self-absorbed men -- who (key point here)... do nothing to celebrate or uplift their fellows on international men's day (19 November), BUT they do direct an unhealthy amount of time and an alarming amount of energy into causing misery & nonsense arguments on international women's day (8 March). please be well 👋
@FabulousCucumber-ip9hu Ай бұрын
Yeah.... I gave the engagement ring back when I realised my ex just did whatever the hell he wanted but I needed to justify everything.
@ShivamSharma-5622 Ай бұрын
Good. That probably took a lot. You're strong.
@FabulousCucumber-ip9hu Ай бұрын
@@ShivamSharma-5622 🙏
@echaleagua Ай бұрын
Good, smart move.
@Shuen.Li.Spirit Ай бұрын
@phill6859 Ай бұрын
I had to justify everything, she did what she wanted. I'm pretty sure she feels the same way
@clairestanley2905 24 күн бұрын
My ex was exactly like this. He would call it baby sitting. It's not babysitting when it's your own kids!!! 😮‍💨🙄😒
@sianais 21 күн бұрын
My older sister got herself one of those despite everyone's warnings. It obviously blew up in her face and did not get better. Couldn't convince her the guy was shit for almost two decades and nothing he did woke her up (and he did plenty). Only recently did she realise he was and will always be a worthless piece of excrement unworthy of even that term. But he refuses to give up on his meal ticket. He actually asked to be paid to watch his kids and pick them up from school.
@rhiannonh.7463 20 күн бұрын
That’s when you tell them, “Oh okay, so when do you owe me back pay for BABYSITTING the kids? Cause if not, just do you know, babysitters don’t share DNA with the kids they are watching…. so tell me again why you call it baby sitting?
@asherthegreat8687 17 күн бұрын
As the oldest child to a step dad who didn't give a fuck, and a mother who never got the chance to have a childhood/grow up I stopped calling it babysitting (they never paid me like they promised) and called it like it was, raising THEIR kids. And that's what I would say. "How was your day? I got your kids up for the bus, made them breakfast and made sure they took their meds. Did I take mine? Can't remember. By the way my teachers wanna have a meeting. What's that? You want me to do the laundry, dishes, vacuum, and still find time for a shower before bed at * gasp * 7:30? Gosh, I'll try! And even if I'm in the middle of a chore you'll give me 3 melatonin's AND my Trazodon? And yell at me if I fall asleep standing up? That's just the luck of 13 year old me I guess!"
@julia_3142 16 күн бұрын
​@@asherthegreat8687 That's abuse😢 sorry your childhood was like that.
@chantezj18 16 күн бұрын
@ttiger86 10 күн бұрын
My dad was ahead of his time! Worked 5-7 days a week and still did housework on his days off. He was always looking out for my mom and still does! Lots of people told me I’d never find a husband who would do his part around the house. I looked at my dad and knew I wanted a man like him! My husband and I are a team. Love it!
@tomatochemist 3 күн бұрын
Us too!! I always felt growing up it’s better to be alone than another adult’s maid and chef. It’s teammate marriage or nothing. My dad was a great role model too of what to look for.
@SusieQ3 24 күн бұрын
We have had this conversation before. It was genuinely a matter of he really didn't realize. Now we have a "night before" discussion about the things we hope to get done the next day. Like if I want to ride our stationary bike for an hour, I let him know and the next day, he makes sure I can get it done, and shower afterwards. Depending on the time, he may have made the kids, and me lunch, straightened up the living room and kitchen, and gotten at least the youngest ones down for a nap. Sometimes, he just takes the kids to the playground to run around, or he will take them out into the garage with him. The toddler has a swing bolted to the rafters , and the others get scraps and sandpaper to "work" with. He really is a great husband and father. Your videos are a constant reminder that I am so blessed by him, and to not take him for granted ❤
@Quirkyalonester 22 күн бұрын
Love this! Something else I don't think many people get is you don't have to do it the same way someone else does, you can be supportive in whatever ways work for you and your partner. And be open to working on things. Nobody is perfect, but trying and being willing to learn/change etc..... is big!
@Sandyyyyyyyyyy 22 күн бұрын
The same thing happened in my relationship. It took quite a bit for me to realize I was burnt out and why, then a few conversations with my partner to get on the same page. Neither of us realized the roles we had placed ourselves in and how hard that made life for me. I'm a morning person, so I have a "clock-out" time where he handles 99% of the kids' stuff because my brain/body/patience just shut down at a certain point. He's a night person, so I take on the kids in the morning while he sleeps in or has alone time to get moving for the day. It helps both of us so much in the long run.
@Quirkyalonester 22 күн бұрын
@@Sandyyyyyyyyyy love this! Being able to respectfully communicate is huge! (I'm a night person myself and thought about if we could work it just like this if I ended up with someone who is a morning person. )
@naekki18schlumpf 21 күн бұрын
Exactly, talking is everything. Often he complained that I would disturb him in the bathroom. I told him, we have only one bathroom and no one needs to sit on the toilette 30+ minutes. He argued that he needs his down-time after work. One day I took a shower while he was tugging in the two-year old and watching the newborn. He was irritated that it took me 15 minutes to shower, because our newborn had been crying for 10minutes of it... I simply answered: showers are my down-time. His response was a surprised OOH! Now we both are more aware of each other. talking is the key!
@elisethearmy6451 20 күн бұрын
I love this! I hope to have a relationship like this!
@NB-ky5ol 25 күн бұрын
2 months after I had my daughter my ex ripped me apart because I took a nap one day. I hadn’t barely slept the whole last trimester and I was the only one up at night with the baby because he worked. I was so sleep deprived. I had his lunches made for him each morning, breakfast as he walked out the door and dinner ready when he came home and barely looked at me as he sat in front of the TV. I left him when she was 3 months old. Never again will I let a man talk to me like that.
@Bethany342 22 күн бұрын
Sounds like you did the best thing, especially so your daughter doesn't think this is OK.
@monicahotchkiss4017 20 күн бұрын
I used to SCREAM just bcuz you do overtime, doesn't mean I do overtime!!! Selfish, selfish selfish men.
@winterwolves5272 20 күн бұрын
GOOD. People need to always get away from horrible husbands and wives, its toxic and shouldnt be normalised. Everyone should be patient and in the end we will all find the one who is perfect for us (not someone who treats u like trash).
@karena5230 20 күн бұрын
3 months too long😊
@elisethearmy6451 20 күн бұрын
so happy you left 😤🫶
@mbranch2023 22 күн бұрын
As someone who got sick and tired of asking for basic human needs (shower, time for a walk, or even time away from everyone for mental health - at the advice of mental health providers), thank you for illustrating this. Cause when I stopped asking and just did, then I was the one "abandoning" and "not taking care of the family."
@amandasmith3504 16 күн бұрын
Sorry you married such a ball and chain.
@NickNackPaddywack 13 күн бұрын
So just go shower? Seems like you were making your life more difficult for s**** and giggles
@keetasingletary 13 күн бұрын
​@@NickNackPaddywack ahhhhh to live in a world where the second the water hits you a child doesn't need something at that EXACT moment
@sparkyblue7016 12 күн бұрын
​@@NickNackPaddywackYou've never taken care of anyone ever have you?
@jamesmcdonnell2455 11 күн бұрын
​@@sparkyblue7016it's always hilarious to see you idiots make these claims with a straight face. Newsflash, if even half of what you are implying was true, you and everyone else would be dead.
@Nikforallthesereasons 18 күн бұрын
I used to get told all I had to do was ask. I pointed out how relaxing it must be to just do whatever you want until someone asks or directs you towards a task, in your own home. I asked him to imagine if I did nothing until he asked me to. There was a glimpse of recognition, then amnesia quickly set in. Interestingly, most of the time I had already asked more than once, so I pointed out that asking him didn't work anyway. I was told to just ask nicely. Years ago I stopped trying to reason with someone who was happy with the status quo, and the only question left to ask was for him to leave.
@Julia-lk8jn 8 күн бұрын
Oh F---- , that "ask nicely". I've had variations of that crop up when I cornered somebody, e.g. "is a woman allowed to be glad when after a week of her being responsible 24/7 , child care opens again" . When he ran out of arguments, he regrouped to "but the tone she did it in" . Don't know if it makes it better or worse, but he really was a nice person, helped out with his niece on a regular basis and didn't get loud or aggressive when being questioned.
@pamelamccarthy1412 28 күн бұрын
My X lost his job. He wanted me to take off of work to take the kids to the dentist. You're at home.
@heneverforesakesme4038 23 күн бұрын
why tf, do they do this? I have known a few women in my past, whose husband lost her job and he INSISTED they still go to daycare, while she was at work, and he wasn't doing anything at home. Just watching television for six months. Why they put up with it, I DO NOT know but this was the 80's and 90's
@Jjojooo 23 күн бұрын
Their excuses are literally ‘You know all of their information’ as if they’re not the parent too and should be informed of their kids’ status (and their birthdays)
@rosaspinosa85 22 күн бұрын
​@heneverforesakesme4038 I mean... nowadays I guess they might be worried the kid would lose their spot at daycare and they wouldn't be able to find childcare to start a new job when they get one? That's if they're actively looking of course. No idea what it was like in the 80s and 90s.
@rosaspinosa85 22 күн бұрын
Absolutely ridiculous, I can see why he's your Ex 😮
@J_Fine1582 22 күн бұрын
@@Jjojooo It sounds reasonable. But they can’t learn overnight what you’ve been collecting since day one. Besides, even the most doting fathers usually, of course there are exceptions, simply aren’t good at that part of the job…remembering all those details. That’s not to say they shouldn’t try to know a few things…in case they need to sometime…but it’s certainly not their strong suit. Not an excuse-just a fact.
@fadekesalami6061 Ай бұрын
I love the fact that you highlighted that it is really about being considerate to your partner. That is really the crux of it all..that helps the relationship be fulfilling and fun, not a chore.
@jd-iw2et Ай бұрын
He's trying to undo the history of misogynistic societal brainwashing we all have. It's a big job!
@ajregalia1334 Ай бұрын
Yeaaaaah buuuuut looking both at the pattern of his videos and the stories in the comments seems like women don't really need to learn this lesson (or if they do it's more about learning how to stand up for themselves from guys being inconsiderate in relationships) so it is kinda about how primarily men are bad and need to do better.
@WilliamDancin Ай бұрын
@@ajregalia1334 It's not his fault that so many men don't take their role as a father seriously enough. There's a whole societal problem of people acting like the default childcare provider is the mom, instead of both parents splitting the parenting duties equally.
@ajregalia1334 Ай бұрын
@@WilliamDancin I agree! That's why I feel it'd be better if he stopped pretending this is something women don't already know
@WilliamDancin Ай бұрын
@@ajregalia1334 I guess I see it more as him bringing awareness to the problem, rather than him telling women something they don't already know. I'm glad he's making the skits to help model two different ways this kind of interaction could go (the first half = unhealthy, the second half = healthy). I hope more people watch and become aware of the patterns/biases they've fallen in to, and are able to choose a better, more equitable way to relate to each other. It's an admirable goal!
@Greedsmith 15 күн бұрын
Damn. No towel, but an actual wig. That’s dedication.
@princessmimi6776 9 күн бұрын
A good looking wig to boot! Impressive
@SiberianTeacherHistory 23 күн бұрын
Do mothers have literally the same problems all around the world? This is so accurate! If I ask for a break from kids, it's either to take a shower, do household chores or work.
@Ohne_Silikone 17 күн бұрын
Difficult question. In Dutch culture not so much, but we tend to be more practical and very direct by comparison. If you ask me what is lacking in this situation is communication in advance, which leads to expectations not aligning. Guys don't just understand, like women don't just understand why their partners don't pick up on things. Tradition might be just one thing in the equation and braking tradition demands communication, but other things require this as well. I am a house father and my wife works up to 50+ hours a week. She still does quite some shores of her own volition. When I do things differently than she would like, she takes over. I allow that, but don't feel the need to change my approach as I see nothing wrong with when I do things the way I do them. I do things on my own schedule and can find it quite inconvenient and annoying if she interrupts this. She however sees it as a practicality, whereas I as an admonition. She feels the emotional need to add something to the household, so she is glad to take some things from my back, because she kind of recognizes that I kind of keep things going at home, while she is free to have her irregular working hours and good night sleep.
@Electr0fleur 11 күн бұрын
Having kids is a nightmare. Single Mom here with ZERO HELP. One horror date in 2 years. He screamed the whole time because he was jealous or so. My advice. Do a psychological test with him before you actually have unprotected sex. And take off the dann Rosa glasses. They won't help you when the Horror Show starts.
@jamesmcdonnell2455 11 күн бұрын
There's literally nothing stopping you from doing chores with the kids. Unless of course you either do unnecessary chores or are trying to raise a spoiled brat. The absolute audacity of women with modern appliances to act like child rearing is so difficult when your foremothers managed to do it cranked up to 11. Not only did they have more children to care for at a time, literally every chore took far longer to complete. It's beyond pathetic. Child rearing is literally so easy that we allow literal children to do it, and yet you will somehow claim it's more difficult than repairing an industrial furnace while your boots literally melt out from under you.
@paniccake1219 11 күн бұрын
@@jamesmcdonnell2455insane take
@ebonyqueen86 11 күн бұрын
@@jamesmcdonnell2455 I literally thought about this the other day on how in the world women back then raised so many kids! For modern women, I think it boils down to selfishness. Many woman today wait until their 30s to have kids and adjusting from caring for their selves to caring for children might be a huge mental adjustment that makes it “so difficult.”
@Daysgobye52 Ай бұрын
This is very real. I would come home from work, at 1am and I always knew if the garage was open and no porch light was on, the house would be a wreck. That always meant my husband was passed out. I'd come into a messed up kitchen, dishes on the table from dinner, and the living room a disaster. Many nights, I woke everyone up to clean up their mess while I went and took a shower.
@yazajag Ай бұрын
It's ridiculous that you have to tell people to clean up after themselves, they should be willing and want to do that on their own. Imo. That would make me extremely upset. You shouldn't even have to ask and you definitely shouldn't have to wake everyone and make them do it, they should just be considerate that you were out all day (not making that house messy) and do that out of common courtesy.
@radschele1815 Ай бұрын
I mean... it's OK when you do that to teenagers and children. They're learning. But that's a whole different thing with a man child. Without ADHD, of course, this needs a whole different approach. And still the person with ADHD needs to work on their rejection sensitive dysphoria and just acknowledge their short comings. While the NT partner has to work on their expectations. Not all of them, but some. (Which is very hard)
@brijessie1521 Ай бұрын
​@@yazajagunfortunately it's rare to find people that have common courtesy like you described 😔...if only everyone was like that, I feel like the world would be a bit better 🤔
@mindonthespirit1543 Ай бұрын
I feel ya. I go to bed having cleaned the place and when I wake up it looks like somebody had a frat party. 🤔
@RoMed1167 Ай бұрын
I feel for you too, except it was my wife on the couch and the kids were still in their pajamas, so I would feed the and get myself ready for my next shift.
@frankieis Ай бұрын
The point made about asking if it's ok to take a shower, and actually having to defend that request, when the dad wouldn't consider asking and just do it, is SO spot on. I was sick of having to ask for "help" around the house and to watch our kids (pssst fellas, it ain't babysitting if they are YOUR KIDS). Ultimately our relationship dissolved. One good thing - this shit won't fly with gen z - love those sassy badasses!! The very same who saw this in their parents wont let it go on.
@julievdw6748 Ай бұрын
I love that point when I first heard it. A father isn't actually helping when he watches his babies or kids for awhile. He isn't babysitting. It's his responsibility they his kids. My husband was just such a sod. Having to explain why I need to bath and then having to bath at the speed of light and not even get a chance to brush my wet hair afterwards and so on.
@kodakoala 29 күн бұрын
I'm a millennial and watched mom and grandma live that life so I set the standards at the beginning of my relationship. It's not perfect but I'm vocal about it and I won't do it all and I won't have my kids see it that way and repeat. I feel like it's not love it's having a mommy,made,chef, cleaner when you treat wives like that. Then they wonder why the woman arnt sexually stimulated.... Hm😅
@grace52775 29 күн бұрын
Psst, fellas. It also isn't "helping clean the house" when you're reminded over and over to simply throw your own trash away, still after over ten years of marriage.
@kalo8524 28 күн бұрын
Men will destroy their mind and body working to support a wife and children and that's still not enough lol
@hatchett122 28 күн бұрын
Unless your kids are under 6 nobody should be asking 😂
@jasminbebe2488 21 күн бұрын
Thank god I have the husband that I do. Today, as an example, I woke up with awful hip pain. Already got a massage and when I went to lay down for a bit he immediately told the kids “I better not catch you bugging your mom, whatever you need you come to me.” Didn’t even have to ask him for help, all I said was my hip was hurting and that was it. Very blessed. If your partner isn’t matching you when it comes to the kids and other responsibilities then there’s a huge issue. ESPECIALLY if you’ve made it clear to them.
@braininjurydiy Күн бұрын
sounds like a keeper
@re--dacted 24 күн бұрын
Being single just looks better every day.
@roflpill 17 күн бұрын
Relationships are work and if that scares you off from all the wonderful parts in between, then maybe staying single is the best option.
@Mama_Meows 17 күн бұрын
Ooops!!! You spelled "childless" wrong! I'm married and we both don't want kids for this same reason. 🤣😂 Don't want to sacrifice for them. We do so much better things like charity work and he can play video games whenever. 🤘🏻🤘🏻
@lologoldsmith3996 12 күн бұрын
It’s having kids are why people breakup not the other person , kids make everything harder ..not for the weak and irresponsible
@xxRikuKHx 12 күн бұрын
​@Mama_Meows child-free life is the way to live 🎉
@flannelpillowcase6475 12 күн бұрын
being single and childless is by far the best option, and anyone who tries to shame you for that has glaring mental issues of their own they need to work on
@lisapanger9460 Ай бұрын
I warms my heart that a guy made this video. At least one man gets it.
@PascalxSome 29 күн бұрын
And he shows how a possible communication about this issue could look like. Calm and understanding. A bit defensiveness is normal, but I wish people would react like the guy did :D
@sonofhibbs4425 28 күн бұрын
I’d like to ask him how he felt when he discovered it vs how he felt before, and what made him finally SEE?
@ajregalia1334 28 күн бұрын
@@sonofhibbs4425 Cause he cheated on his partner, that's why He screwed up in one of the worst ways possible so is trying to be better
@sagenosnibor9173 28 күн бұрын
It's his wife telling him the hidden gems shhhh🤫 lol
@sonja_rademacher 28 күн бұрын
​@@sonofhibbs4425Don't wait for them to see😂 It's one in a million
@cecoleman1 26 күн бұрын
If a woman actually made this video, she would seem very bitter to society, but I am glad a man understands this perspective...
@elisethearmy6451 20 күн бұрын
true, it seems like women have to work extra hard to be taken seriously or we're otherwise labelled as "emotional"
@Janperday 20 күн бұрын
What’s wrong with being bitter to society when this is our reality, so bad that even MEN are saying something about it… I’ll decide wether I “hate men” on my own after living through sexism my entire life thank you very much
@Cybertech134 20 күн бұрын
@@elisethearmy6451 Because usually women are being overemotional over something you really don't need to be.
@J_Fine1582 20 күн бұрын
@@Janperday Well…he’s not a typical man. You do understand that, right? I’m not saying he’s better-just different.
@elisethearmy6451 20 күн бұрын
@@Cybertech134 so are men.
@oshkoshbjosh 24 күн бұрын
This is precisely why I work, cook, clean, and also watch my kids. Even as much as you may love your kids you still deserve a break from them from time to time.
@gingerfellah5665 23 күн бұрын
My marriage was like that except my ex would say “is there any dinner happening?” Then he’d criticise what I’d cooked and accuse me of “saving up” the laundry for the weekend.
@Shuen.Li.Spirit Ай бұрын
Boom!! Exactly! My ex did that - free time means he gets to play his comp games or work in his garage and my free time is cleaning the house after work when I should be resting before next day’s work. No wonder so many women are compromised on their creativity. Imagine if we (full time working moms) had more time to pursue our hobbies, we can create much more meaning to our lives, family and society, like a ripple effect.
@cheezykrafts8134 Ай бұрын
And people wonder why I don't have kids. Fact: as a woman, I have hobbies and interests that aren't cleaning.
@108ladylena Ай бұрын
@justmewhoelse85 Ай бұрын
Mine would spend the weekend out fishing or whatever and I’d spend it doing housework and/or watching the kids. My “break” was when he’d take the kids with so I could clean without being interrupted. Then I’d get asked why I never did fun stuff with them. Because we need clean laundry. And dishes.
@julietruesdell.371 29 күн бұрын
So true
@meganmoore6410 29 күн бұрын
This is why we prioritize me staying home. So that I can offer all of me to my family instead of an exhausted mess. We do make a lot of sacrifices to make ends meet but that's our choice.
@effy-ik9ih Ай бұрын
This is so triggerring for me. Had to use vacation days to take our child to doctor appointments and when too sick to go to daycare. But he used his vacation days to play golf.
@scarletkistner3186 27 күн бұрын
This comment hits the closest to home. I’m getting grilled at work for calling off when my kids are sick, but he won’t do it. So someone has to.
@karenk2409 27 күн бұрын
Mine too.
@jimstam6137 27 күн бұрын
Yeah, but he probably brought home a lot more cheese than you did
@VioletFlame-Ivy 27 күн бұрын
@@jimstam6137 All you brought home was her thinking she should divorce you sooner or later
@christianandjesse7370 26 күн бұрын
@@jimstam6137 he doesn't deserve a better life than his own wife.
@silher4454 22 күн бұрын
I love my husband. He always says 'you go out whenever you want i get the kids'.
@miss_bhello7925 10 күн бұрын
@thefishingpol 23 күн бұрын
When I informed my 1st was going to go out to get the shopping done, he replied "what? I have to babysit the kids?! Well ain't that about a b*tch?!! Me having the nerve to ask him to stop watching football and look after OUR CHILDREN so I could go get a chore done. How dare I.
@muzziklady2536 13 күн бұрын
A father doesn't babysit their kids! They're a father! That's their job! Good on you for standing up for yourself
@somewhereupthere785 29 күн бұрын
I am loving being single.
@Charybdismoon 26 күн бұрын
Don't change it, you will regret it
@Faerytech 25 күн бұрын
As someone who just got out of a ltr, my ex has already started dating again and I'm just like, nah I'll give it a bit 😂 I'm taking my time, I've found my peace and I'm not rushing into invite new drama into my life. Plus I've got pets and it turns out I didn't really need a man, just cuddles 😂😂😂
@somewhereupthere785 25 күн бұрын
@@Faerytech Right now, I can't imagine having to compromise on so much of my life or things I like. I know that's part of relationships, but it can feel hella one sided sometimes.
@Faerytech 25 күн бұрын
@@somewhereupthere785 exactly, it's how I am with friendships too. I just spent too much time alone and tbh I love it. I watch what I want on TV without considering if it's someone else's thing. I eat what I want for dinner. I sleep how I want in the bed, just, when you're living with someone or even just in a relationship or friends, there's a constant pressure to accommodate them, and I used to be soooo accommodating, and it just wore me out and I eventually realized other people weren't really doing the same thing. Now I'm like, whatever, I'm going to do this, you can come if you want lol, I'm gonna be my weird self and if you don't like it that's cool. My dog doesn't judge me for taking an afternoon nap or watching dorky cartoons. If you can't be as accepting as my dog we can't hang out lol.
@ZeroNumerous 24 күн бұрын
Right? God women are insufferable these days. I'm so glad I can live my life, handle my things, and not be screamed at in my own home.
@SophiaAphrodite Ай бұрын
My sister was engaged to a guy who owned his own business and one Friday he and his buddies hopped on a plan and headed to Vegas for the weekend. He told her as he was headed to the airport. She moved out over the weekend.
@Bshdjdj-lt7by Ай бұрын
Why? 😂
@sharicoburn5475 29 күн бұрын
@sharicoburn5475 29 күн бұрын
I'm so proud of her
@husky3g 28 күн бұрын
That's honestly much worse than being selfish and doing hobbies/etc at home without consideration. The things that people do in Vegas are rough. Escorts, drugs, drinking, etc. That's a major red flag. Something like that absolutely needs discussed and I don't blame her for breaking the engagement.
@WigglyTuffStuff 27 күн бұрын
I'm so happy for your sister 😂❤
@trishashaffer8278 23 күн бұрын
I love these men that show actual scenarios and that they have a higher standard of how to treat their partner. This is like a big hug and makes me feel safe.
@Cybertech134 20 күн бұрын
You were never in danger. Calm down, Trisha.
@miss_bhello7925 10 күн бұрын
​@@Cybertech134 You don't know her life.
@auntiem873 24 күн бұрын
I stopped asking, which is what he wanted. 20 years later he wonders why I still know what’s going on in everyone’s life and he has to ask me. I even told him years ago, if he doesn’t take an interest now they will not take an interest in him later on. The kids all have my sense of humor, my ethic’s, my family traditions. I basically raised them without his interference.
@lesley5387 Ай бұрын
I've seen a few female friends/relatives in this situation and complaining about it. Yet, the way they raise their sons and do everything for them shows me they're raising the same type of men they complain about. I don't have kids, I can't tell you how to parent, but many men out there were raised with low expectations of themselves when it comes to giving and high expectations about receiving from the mothers, sisters, and other females in their lives.
@raraavis7782 Ай бұрын
Yeah, that. Even today, girls are often automatically expected to help out more with household chores or babysitting siblings. Boys, if anything, help the dad with typically male chores, like yardwork. Not in all families, obviously. But the general pattern is still very much there.
@rd6458 Ай бұрын
100% this.
@privatename2426 Ай бұрын
Yes, exactly.
@privatename2426 Ай бұрын
BUT men are adults too and they shouldn't even be in the position where they are liable to be "enabled" because they are adults and not children.
@thaloblue Ай бұрын
Finding a way to blame women for men being bad partners. What a male thing to do.
@user-bj4cv1vl9x Ай бұрын
Man, you're great! You're teaching women out of their shyness to give a reasonable pushback! In general, we're totally crushed by his first 'no' and become so frustrated that we sabotage ourselves. Don't see any good to keep going like that. So you're doing a good job for sure! Wishing you only the best man, you're amazing!
@grace52775 29 күн бұрын
Some of us women do try to have the above conversation with their husbands, and they turn into horrible monsters: throwing a fit, insults, change the subject, assign feelings and intentions, name-call, focus on their own feelings, gaslight, manipulate, dominate the conversation, then stone wall when none of that works and we stick to the topic. The mental and emotional abuse just pours out of them so they can get what they want - which is to tread all over your basic rights as a human being, like disallowing you to take a shower once a month. And, then they pour salt on the wound by saying you're the crazy one who loves to fight. No, I have one request: to be heard and considered.
@Charybdismoon 26 күн бұрын
​@@grace52775 I felt every single part of this comment.
@juliashireen6195 26 күн бұрын
It's not about the shyness damnit
@blueberriesrfine5538 23 күн бұрын
@@grace52775 Everything you just said, I'm living it. End up doing everything myself (with resentment) to avoid the absolute inability on his part to communicate like an adult.
@grace52775 23 күн бұрын
@blueberriesrfine5538 I completely understand. It's like, the only way the house wouldn't get into total chaos is if I followed him around to pick up, put away, or finish every single little thing g he touches. Literally wait on him hand and foot. I clean up after him for, no kidding, EIGHT HOURS (having no time to invest in our children), only to have him come home to totally wreck all my efforts in a few hours. It's absolutely maddening. And, trying to have an honest conversation with him about it leads to him emotionally, verbally and even physically harming me.
@megan5867 11 күн бұрын
My husband and I of 14 years had to work through this at first. It was hard, but I made it clear that it was non-negotiable. I learned how to communicate my needs without yelling about it, and he learned to listen and anticipate. Marriage is hard work, but as long as both people are willing to work, it can be done.
@braininjurydiy Күн бұрын
yea that's it, they have to be willing, most will say they will help then just be incompetent or drift back into being the same hoping the wife will give up asking, workers comp use the same tactics.
@JB-bm1to 16 күн бұрын
Jimmy was a big part of what made me wake the hell up and leave my ex. The kids and I are very happy and treated much better now.
@smachael07 Ай бұрын
I have a great partner that doesn't need to be asked or told anything about the kids or chores. He knows our kids shoe and clothing sizes, what shows they like, what they like to eat. He does the dishes more than I do. He doesn't ask if he has to do things, he just does them. But with my ex, the first time I left him with our daughter was for an appointment for a one-hour massage. The minute I'd been gone for an hour, he was calling asking when I was coming back. I don't think the guy did dishes once the whole time we were married. He's on his second divorce now, I'm guessing because he didn't learn much from the first one.
@WilliamDancin Ай бұрын
I'm glad you dropped his sorry ass and found a partner who knows how to be an adult!
@tammyd.970 Ай бұрын
Wow, where did you buy the current model??! Holy crap! He sounds like a dream. I hope you go out of your way to return any lovely favors and extras. I'm still stuck on knowing the kids' shoe sizes. And I don't even have kids! You absolutely have won. Congratulations!!
@nothingelseitriedwasavailablee 29 күн бұрын
What a blessing to have a true partner! I'm sorry you had such a difficult first marriage, but it sounds like things are good for you now. ❤
@lisapanger9460 29 күн бұрын
Has he got a brother?
@meganmoore6410 29 күн бұрын
I buy the shoes and I don't even know their sizes 😅
@craftymom3159 24 күн бұрын
I lived this when my hubby's former friend moved back to the area. Friend and his 3 kids ( and uncontrolled dog) were at my house several days a week. Friend's wife would mostly be at work. The two guys were getting fun, hobby time and I DID support that. It devolved into me watching my son, the 3 boys and the dog almost the entire time alone. Fixing snacks (hungry kids) and trying to keep things neat. I barely got any of my yard work or house projects done, snuck grocery runs in with a neighbor and barely had time to make bathroom runs. On the times the mom came along, she would be there long enough to get the kids settled and rake off with the hubbys to see what cool stuff they were doing. I forgot to mention that only one of the 3 boys even wanted to go outside. My hubby is normally not that tone deaf, but it took a few months for the visits to stop. This went on (with me asking for either less visits per week or some help with the kids) for almost 6 months. They have not been out since, and I dont miss it. The two guys are no longer friends. Same thing happened when the 2 families went fishing. I ended up watching a bored 2yo and 5yo, while the 3 other adults went off and fished. Who leaves unattended toddlers out of view next to a large body of water? Hubby and I communicate a LOT better since then.. I still am showing him this video..
@lizc4438 11 күн бұрын
That’s fucking bonkers, I’m so sorry they did that to you
@user-bc3bv7ie6x 10 күн бұрын
This is so accurate. All my life, I heard this from my parents...just pushback or judgement when I wanted to just be a person. My parents took out their unfairness with each other on me, so my mom had issues when I'd go out somewhere and my dad left her alone at home a lot. They both had fulltime jobs, but she chose to stay married to someone who just didn't care as much as he should've and did go out whenever he wanted. And my dad put up with her never doing anything about anything at all, not learning any skills, she knew the bare minimum and keeps complaining, but neither ones does anything about it. I'm so glad this issue is really brought to light these days. Thank God. It will save so many lives from being unnecessarily stressful 🙏
@DoesItReallyMatter25 23 күн бұрын
Ha! This is my life! I’m 38 weeks pregnant, just finish chemotherapy a week ago, planned all my daughters summer activities & extracurriculars, shopped & prepped for our new addition by myself, finishing up my college degree and my husband is complaining about being “overworked” during his 8 hour daily shift at work, and 20+ weekend hours of computer games, saying he no longer wants to work 😂😂😂😂😂Ohhh man, I try and warn young women all the time, RUNNNNN during the first signs. So many men are poorly raised and these conversations usually turn into huge arguments.
@deborahdean8867 21 күн бұрын
Sounds like you martied a boy and not a man. Itll be alot easier to tell him to grow up than leave him. I mean, IF you actually care about the marriage
@DoesItReallyMatter25 20 күн бұрын
@@deborahdean8867 you’re 100% correct. I did marry a boy who I believed was more mature because that’s what he presented at first. We’ve been married for 15 yrs this September and I do care about my marriage for my kids sake. Unfortunately he’s extremely hard to talk to. Constructive criticism, loving criticism, joking criticism is all taken and he begins to cry and yell and make personal attacks. I’ve done therapy on my own because he refuses solo or family therapy, arguing therapy is a joke and only gives people theories to project onto others, and my therapist sees how hard I try. Bending myself into a pretzel just ask simple questions. I use to think it was just a “me” thing … like maybe I’m just a difficult person but I don’t have issues having deep convos with anyone else AND my 8 year old prefers when he isn’t around too. He’s the type that literally got upset at ME when we found out our first child was a girl because he so badly wanted a son. Now our son is due in 2 weeks and he’s yet to help with anything … foot rubs, baby shopping, nursery clearing/painting or anything. I try hard for my kids because I didnt have a dad growing up. Not at home or to contact, neither did my mom or brothers so I’m trying to “do better” but it’s mentally/physically/spiritually/emotionally draining. I just don’t know honestly. Sorry for the long reply lol. Hope you have a blessed and sunny Sunday ❤️
@isa196954 20 күн бұрын
Girl nooo I'm so sorry. Congratulations for finishing chemotherapy! You deserve better ❤
@lollian2782 20 күн бұрын
There isn’t enough ‘better’ out there for everyone.
@DoesItReallyMatter25 20 күн бұрын
@@lollian2782 never thought of it that way but you’re right.
@dillp2267 Ай бұрын
This conversation would never go far with my spouse. As soon as I start making comparisons about fairness, he shuts down the conversation with me and tells me that my problem is that I make everything tit-for-tat. It leaves me feeling infuriated and defeated.
@yazajag Ай бұрын
The last person who tried that with me was in his twenties and it wasn't a serious relationship, i stopped talking to him because he was very unfair and also a liar. But I am sorry you have to deal with this because adults should be considerate of their partners.
@mishynaofficial Ай бұрын
I'm sorry he doesn't care about you.
@julievdw6748 Ай бұрын
My husband did this too. Gaslighting. He could understand. He was selfish and decided I could burn both ends, he wanted the same self life he had before a baby arrived. He got his own way. The years went by. I no longer have a meaningful relationship with him.
@theBear89451 Ай бұрын
My suggestion is to lean in and tell your husband, "Yes, let's try making everything tit-for-tat over the next month." There is a good chance at the end of the month you will be able to empathize with your husband's position.
@WilliamDancin Ай бұрын
@@theBear89451 Can you expand? Why would she need to empathize with his position? If he's constantly expecting her to be the default parent, it sounds like he's the one who needs to learn empathy.
@user-um8zt2ke8o Ай бұрын
I cant remember the last time i didnt have to ask for a chore to be done. You should be able to use your big adult eyes and see what needs to be done without me 'hounding' that basic daily chores need to be done.
@tanyald498 Ай бұрын
Yes!!! My partner has adhd and that makes it kinda hard to notice and remember stuff so they, like the adult they are, found a way to help them remember without my interference. (They use whiteboard lists posted on doors) Wow it's almost as if partners are expected to be equal adults in the household, not guests.
@Kelli-ru7yy Ай бұрын
😂 Big adult eyes. Truth.
@aaronjohnson9876 Ай бұрын
I had it out with my partner one day about this. He told me I need to tell him what to do and he’ll do it (which literally never happens) and I told him that’s weaponized incompetence. I told him he’s a 37 year old adult and that I should not have to tell him to do chores because I’m not his mother. I told him he has eyes so he needs to look around, see what needs to be done and just do it. I also told him the idea of me having to tell him to do chores and then worry and or do them myself because he didn’t do them is emotional labor and a chore in and of itself.
@tanyald498 Ай бұрын
@@aaronjohnson9876 God that's painfully accurate. I had the same talk with my partner when we first moved in together. Luckily they understood and does better now. But it's disgusting how often women are expected to take up the mommy maid and arm candy role in relationships. I hope yall were able to resolve it healthily. Did he understand what you were communicating at least?
@pipeliner4029 Ай бұрын
​@@tanyald498 My husband and I had the same conversation multiple times over the course of years. 😂 He finally understands. I made a little weekly chore list because he has a hard time figuring out what needs to be done and was always asking me. That seemed to really help. My husband has MUCH lower cleaning standards than me. So I lowered my standards and he raised his standards to meet in the middle. If there's something I really want done "the right way" I tell him I'll tackle it because I want to be the one to do it and that I have no ill feelings about him not doing it. It works pretty well now. I tell him how much I appreciate his effort and how good of a job he does and he absolutely loves all the appreciation and positive attention.
@lakrishajohnston3334 22 күн бұрын
A family is not one sided, a family is a unit. Remember this men AND women
@barbaralachance5836 Ай бұрын
And that my friend is where my marriage crumbled... there wasn't any discussions to be had about it. 🥴
@grace52775 29 күн бұрын
Why aren't men the slightest bit interested in the fact that their wife has needs and rights just as much as they have needs and rights?
@barbaralachance5836 29 күн бұрын
@grace52775 it's so strange right. He eventually told me because he was paying for everything (I wasn't working at the time) that it was freeing him from all these tasks. 😵 years on I woke up every single night and morning, was never offered just a lame 8am morning once a month no ...
@B.Harper7 29 күн бұрын
They were sold a lie by their male family members "Get a job, marry a woman, and she will have your babies, tend to your every need, and love you NO MATTER WHAT abuse she endures!" Unfortunately for them, a simple conversation with their grandmother's, moms, or aunts would tell them all about how they weren't able to get a house/car/ bank account, or takeover property without a man until the late 1970s!!!!! They had to for survival, it often had very little to do with how much they loved their abusive husbands 😕 😢
@grace52775 29 күн бұрын
@B.Harper7 My abusive husband wouldn't even listen to his mother about the most basic things, like not isolating me at the house without a car for 10-16 hours a day, alone with a newborn, while he screws around with other women like a dog in heat. Men are just entirely selfish, oblivious, and dgaf. And, when their childish needs to unleash their emotional instability out on their wives is challenged, they let all fury out in an emotionally, mentally, and physically abusive meltdown. That's just how they are, and they're never going to change. Ever. No amount of feminism, counseling, or court judgments, or laws are going to help the issue. In fact, in many ways, those end up hurting women even more. That's my two cents from my 40 years experience on this shithole, unfair planet.
@SinNeighbor 28 күн бұрын
How was it before marriage? Did things get worse overtime or did you just stop accepting it?
@lidiastarkova2323 Ай бұрын
Exactly how my divorce played out 🤷‍♀️
@WilliamDancin Ай бұрын
I'm glad you protected yourself from someone who refused to grow up and face his responsibilities as a partner & a parent.
@vanessamallard1111 24 күн бұрын
Everyday I’m reminded it’s a blessing to be single and child free. 🙌🏻
@KE-xj9vm 23 күн бұрын
I’m no single and not childfree but often don’t get why people are so desperate to get to this place
@MissKellyBean 22 күн бұрын
@naekki18schlumpf 21 күн бұрын
Everything has two sides, it can be blessing and a curse. I had way more time to myself and my interests than I was still single. But I also felt lonely and feeling like missing out on something. Now I am married with two kids, both under 3 and I wished for more me-time... until my son comes to me and asks for hugs and cuddles or starts pointing at something and asks: "What is that?" Those moments show me purpose in a otherwise completely mind-numbing rot. Or my husband complimenting me on a good diner or handling a stressful day extraordinary well. But, yes those moments happen, because we only have our own perspectives.
@deborahdean8867 21 күн бұрын
Because you cant handle a simple relationship? I guess you ARE alone if you cant have simple communication with somebody.
@KE-xj9vm 21 күн бұрын
@@deborahdean8867 it’s not just communication or that simple. For me it’s everyone depending on me and needing something from me. It’s the mess, the noise.
@Stefanos07520 23 күн бұрын
Bro reloaded his save to pick the right dialogue option.
@heather9130 Ай бұрын
My husband and I check in with each other before starting projects or hobbies, so that we can make sure we're both on the same page for who is handling the kids while the other gets things done. He asks if I'm good so he can work on his car or cut the grass. It took a while to get to this point though. He used to just start projects expecting me to handle our baby. He had to learn that it doesn't work like that, that I also have things I want to do. Lots and lots of communication helped to adjust expectations and share the load. it helps that we have mutual respect and listen to each other. You'll never get anywhere if you can't even have the conversation.
@sharicoburn5475 29 күн бұрын
I really applaud your communication and discussing and balancing these things. I will also add that when people want to have children then both need to actually want to raise children and that means spending time with children doing children things not doing our car hobby which can wait until the children are older.
@heather9130 29 күн бұрын
@@sharicoburn5475 Absolutely. It's such a huge transition, and I think it really caught us both off guard how little time we would have for ourselves. He's paused all of his hobbies now that we have two kids, and he says he's happier for it. We go on adventures with the kids every weekend, and it's wonderful. I just wanted to show anyone struggling that even if you're not on the same page now, as long as you have open communication and respect you can work together and make things better. You can get on the same page.
@JohnTyler-oh5rs 27 күн бұрын
Interesting how you define "cutting the grass" to be a hobby for the man instead of counting it among the chore load that should be shared. Gardening can be a hobby. Landscaping maybe. Mowing and trimming is just work, and it's work that women tend to make damn sure doesn't get counted when "dividing chores evenly".
@heather9130 27 күн бұрын
@@JohnTyler-oh5rs I didn’t feel like making a super long list of various chores for us lol. Yard work is his chosen task. I do almost all of the homemaking tasks. Cooking, laundry. It works for us. We don’t keep score anymore, so fairness isn’t the goal. The point is no, he can’t just leave me with the kids and go out to mow the grass without checking in that I’m good with the timing. Doesn’t matter if it’s part of the shared load. Sharing it means communicating it. Edit: we have very young children, 2.5y and 3 months old. So that’s partly why it’s so important we each tell the other when we want to work on something, chore or hobby. When the kids are older we should be able to just do more independently and not worry about it
@JohnTyler-oh5rs 27 күн бұрын
@@heather9130 Put that way it sounds reasonable. The need to communicate it completely makes sense - you'd need to know where he was, so you'd know if you're alone with the kids or not. A lot of women ignore outdoor work, home maintenance, and other traditionally male tasks when talking about dividing labor. Sometimes even referring to them as "hobbies" or "doing whatever he wants". Listing it together with working on his car (assuming it's a project car and not a broken-down daily driver) caused me to assume you were doing the same thing. But it seems you're not doing that at all. For someone that says that "fairness isn't the goal", what you describe sounds pretty fair to me. At least you're considering what he does to be work, instead of only considering tasks inside the house to matter, like many other women do.
@jeremiahhayes Ай бұрын
I assume this is quite typical. That being said, when I was married, I stayed home with the kids in the evening so she could have a social life. I woke up early in the morning so she could sleep in, even when I worked till the middle of the night. There are some men who try to be considerate.
@evelynn1173 29 күн бұрын
Oh yeah, like there are absolutely gender swapped cases of this or cases where guys are Chad's but it wasn't the usual, maybe it's changing though.
@cherylcc4035 28 күн бұрын
My husband does that for me too. I get to have Saturday nights out and weekend mornings to sleep in till 9, as he in an early riser. But he sleeps all weekend afternoons while I maintain the house and kids. I’m very grateful for the once a week outing as I am a full time home maker. That means that the Sat nights out is my only interaction with adults apart from him. I do get annoyed that the house is a complete mess when I get home on Saturday night. But it’s understandable as he has less practice with putting the kids to sleep. We do our best to support each other.
@angrydragonslayer 27 күн бұрын
​@@evelynn1173i can't speak on this topic in specific but new data from new circumstances actually suggest a total average closer to 50% of either partner being "the bad one" For instance, circumstances like gay and lesbian marriages have allowed us to see a strong correlation between a woman being in the relationship and domestic violence (
@moonkavilli77 27 күн бұрын
⁠@@angrydragonslayerThat statistic is very misleading. The original study that most people are talking about asks whether they EXPERIENCED domestic violence in any relationship. A lot of times, gay/lesbian people come out when they’re in a straight relationship. So perhaps, gay men experienced less domestic violence when coming out than gay women. There is just no proof to say which one of us is right.
@angrydragonslayer 27 күн бұрын
@@moonkavilli77 that's a lovely BS you got there. those are stats for my country, not the US. i am so used to your kind that it's honestly getting boring.
@esteban5628 11 күн бұрын
I really appreciate the clarification at the end with the text . It’s a nice touch
@kpalmer7044 22 күн бұрын
I 100% enjoy being single and doing all the chores so I don't have to have any of these types of conversations I 100% would need the looney bin
@sabrinacortellini6922 Ай бұрын
The thing is being married with a man like this is a completely waste of time, he's ok using and abusing of your time, his lack of respect is major, he believes his time is more valuable than yours therefore he doesn't believe you both have the same worth, it's like trying to aducate an spoiled kid who thinks he deserves better than you...
@julievdw6748 Ай бұрын
Every word you said is spot on.
@MommaARA Ай бұрын
That is being married to a bad man. A good man is the opposite.
@Hello-hello-hello456 Ай бұрын
Absolutely true and sad that many women have to accept this as normal. It really shouldn't be normalised, but there just aren't that many good men out there.
@karinesavard2016 28 күн бұрын
Exactly!! 💯
@kimmcleod5368 28 күн бұрын
@mala_jama 29 күн бұрын
We both ask if now is good time to take a shower. It's considerate and mostly is the answer:"ofc, I'm managing everything right now" and fewer times happens:"can you help me with this chore before?" I like this system, doesn't leave me frustrated.🎉
@shadybot7001 22 күн бұрын
My life as a new mom is summed up here really well.
@geminiots2121 20 күн бұрын
The fact that there's a dicussion about it is crazy!! Singlehood is fantastic!!
@odduckOasis 26 күн бұрын
I had this problem so many times. When it was the weekend, I'd tell him I'd like to go do something on my own for a bit (or go shopping alone), he'd want to know for how long cuz he kept track of the time each of us was with our child- like it had to be equally split to be 'fair' but him being at work, while I was home for 8+ hours with our child didn't count. So glad I don't have to deal with that anymore.
@hsh44534 29 күн бұрын
I don’t know whether to feel comforted or horrified by how common this is. I relate so hard but didn’t expect to see so many women in the comments section expressing the same.
@dgmt8789 21 күн бұрын
When was the last time you took out the garbage or defended your husband from an attacker?
@Cybertech134 20 күн бұрын
Or made sure all his bills were paid?
@kimnara9817 23 күн бұрын
That "break" part really relatable to me ❤
@sweetpea1989 15 күн бұрын
I honestly think this just shows how communication is key. Letting your partner know what you need, when you need it and having each other’s backs is just healthy relationship goals we all should want
@synsrfem4428 24 күн бұрын
That is NOT how he would react. Every man I have ever met drops into full tantrum
@MissKellyBean 22 күн бұрын
TRUTH. They often try to make you REGRET ever sticking up for yourself so it won't happen again!
@adeolaobayan7735 22 күн бұрын
I just said something like this
@Ms.Bianca- 22 күн бұрын
Hehehehe time to find new circles of guys. The good ones exist, they hang out together and resent the ones who throw tantrums and make the "male species" stereotype terrible. And they treat the women in their life like queens. 👑 Don't settle, do work on yourself to become the person you wanna be (I am not assuming you don't, BTW), and don't hang around people who treat you like less than you are. 🙏🏻❤️
@pamelamccarthy1412 21 күн бұрын
I'd love a tantrum. Mine would threaten me through clenched teeth.
@Cybertech134 20 күн бұрын
You think that's bad? You should see how women react to being expected to carry equal responsibility. Pay the majority of the bills? "That's a man's job!" Defend the family from attackers? "That's a man's job!" Fix the car, mow the lawn, and take out the trash? "Nah, man's job!"
@carolynclitheroe3588 Ай бұрын
I just don’t want to have to educate men in my break either anymore
@Faerytech 25 күн бұрын
Imagine a man who spent as much time thinking about how to be a good partner as women spending thinking about it... I can't, it's not possible, if they exist the alpha chicks are hoarding them on a private island somewhere 😂
@steezydan8543 24 күн бұрын
@@Faerytech Maybe you're not worth it.
@alyhowerton4386 24 күн бұрын
My mom used to ask us if we were cleaning with our eyes closed. Then make us clean again because acting like you don't know how was not a valid excuse.
@jefdby 24 күн бұрын
This is the FOUNDATIONAL POINT here. Women wish that men would spend at least as much time thinking about how to be a good partner as they do... how to be considerate, what their partner needs, how to balance the work, etc... If that were the case then we could at least START the discussion about what each of us. needs.
@akiraic 24 күн бұрын
and I don't want to educate woman about dealing with it and leaving me be
@susrs2497 24 күн бұрын
When my husband and I have a day off he wakes up earlier than me to start cleaning the house and making breakfast so I can sleep a little longer with my toddler (once she wakes up none of us can take a nap 😅).
@samanthawilson103 18 күн бұрын
The thing that hit me the MOST was the SECOND CHANCE!! People can make selfish decisions, but if they continue to make them when someone brings it to their attention that is when it is a problem. He IMMEDIATELY got the message and switched it up so they could go about their day in peace.
@MiketheNerdRanger Ай бұрын
The fact there needs to be a disclaimer is telling.
@consciousobserver629 Ай бұрын
Too real. The shower thing is spot on!! Although my partner does take over with the kids when I need a shower, it seems like there's always a pause when I ask. 😅 I can work with that though.
@glacietheglaceon5584 Ай бұрын
I just ask my family (this video is about relationship, i understand that) that out of habit and bad experience with one particular family member. However, I understand that ... Like, asking is strictly a me thing. Granted, i aint got kids either so like hold up, wait a minute 😅xd
@fadekesalami6061 Ай бұрын
😂😂😂😂 @ the pause but I can work with that.
@Hello-hello-hello456 Ай бұрын
The bar is on the ground
@crissyc9831 29 күн бұрын
The worst is when they tell you, "I don't think we're going to have time for you to shower..." What?!?? That's when I say, well I'm not asking this time, I'm telling you that I will be showering and I'm sorry if that pisses you off 😂😂😂
@AaaBbb-pg8lj 29 күн бұрын
You shouldn’t. The pause is a passive-aggressive response to a very legitimate need that should not be negotiated any more than HIS behavior is negotiated. Stand up for yourself, girl! This DOES NOT GET BETTER. As time goes on it will only get worse.
@CDavLee 11 күн бұрын
It is healing to this kind of video! Thank you 🙏 😭 ❤
@aimeemerlino 22 күн бұрын
Love that these videos bring massive amounts of validation. Hate how triggered I feel after watching them. 14 months free from my abuser and my body remembers it like yesterday.
@zeldaweeb1738 27 күн бұрын
Everyone deserves to have some real rest. It’s sad how many times the work in relationships is just dumped all on one person.
@nannywhumpers5702 25 күн бұрын
Having just come out of a 34 year long abusive relationship, I love to watch these videos. If I ever start being with another human again, I want to have the right expectations of both of us. Thanks for helping some of relearn.
@jennahiltunen3757 13 күн бұрын
So happy for you that you got out! I hope you feel proud of putting yourself first and are living your best life. 💙
@belisare4397 23 күн бұрын
New mom here! Both gamers. Dad and I. He keep on playing video games. While my "time off" is just cleaning and ironing the baby's clothes chores etc.
@ktm5130 23 күн бұрын
Situations like this really make me appreciate my husband. I deal with a lot of mom guilt about wanting to do things for myself. I always feel bad going to work out and leaving my husband with the kids, but it's all in my mind. My husband actively encourages me to pursue my health goals and hobbies. It's me and my mom guilt that sometimes keeps me from doing things these sorts of things. I am getting better at doing self-care without massive amounts of guilt about putting myself first sometimes, but having a very supportive husband actually helps..
@invisiblespirit5476 24 күн бұрын
The problem I run into is my husband takes almost no time for hobbies or downtime. He lifts heavy and runs, but he does it all at 4 AM so he’s not taking time away when everyone is around. Because of this, he expects the same from me. Like it’s unreasonable to want time for myself.
@ptowzapotato4157 25 күн бұрын
Taking a break from taking care of the kids vs taking a break from a hobby you choose to do that brings you joy
@brookssnozek4153 15 күн бұрын
Love this exchange and I thought their communication skills are on point. They must love each other because they are vulnerable to each other and without yelling or mean, just honest.👍🏼
@ManicMuzee 23 күн бұрын
My husband is currently watching our kid while juggling work. I am sitting in the dark folding laundry with a barf bag waiting for migraine meds to kick in. Trust me, its not fair. But we do the hard things because our goals are aligned. Not everyday is gonna be a win but its done as a united front.
@fthisimout3332 24 күн бұрын
If I go do chores that ain't a break. That's just switching from thing to other thing.
@b.c.2836 17 күн бұрын
Yea I get your point 100%. But it is sooooo much nicer to do the chores without the kids interupting every 3 seconds while youre trying to get sh*+ done 😅
@fthisimout3332 16 күн бұрын
@@b.c.2836 That makes sense. It may not be a full break, but it is a break from the kids!
@user-cr4vb4zb6w Ай бұрын
If women push that hard in real life, we get divorced. Truly. To stay married when a man acts like that is to put up with man baby or be abandoned because “ life isn’t fair.”
@GoOutside321 29 күн бұрын
EXACTLY!!!!! Women “suck it up” to stay married
@dissipatedfog 29 күн бұрын
I realized at 26 that I didn’t want to have kids. At 27 I decided if I didn’t want a child in the house I shouldn’t get married either. I’m 54 and have zero regrets!
@evelynn1173 29 күн бұрын
​@@GoOutside321is that worth being married though like if my husband wasn't doing just fair share and refused to get better I'd want to divorce him. I'm meant to be happy in a marriage. Are you?
@ajregalia1334 28 күн бұрын
I am continually perplexed how it gets to the point of a commitment as big as marriage without seeing these patterns beforehand. Seems like breaking up when these occur early would be much easier than divorcing later
@teedub1990 28 күн бұрын
@@dissipatedfog Same here.
@blueberriesrfine5538 23 күн бұрын
The way the husband in this skit reacted would be a dream come true! OMG, I'd pass out cold if I got that instead of an angry outburst full of blame, threats and vitriol followed by pouting and stonewalling.
@averymanning-nd5le 16 күн бұрын
Leave him. You deserve better than that
@ceci5946 9 күн бұрын
"Value yourself. The only people who appreciate a doormat are people with dirty shoes." ~ Dr. Leo Buscaglia.
@Cekatu 29 күн бұрын
He is actually a healthy person. He listened, accepted responsibility, and then quickly recalibrated. The wife did not berate, belittle, shout. She maturely addressed the issue. In the end they both comunicated in a respectful manner.....the way adults should.
@ajregalia1334 28 күн бұрын
To be fair they were both being passive aggressive, he didn't initially listen, had to have the imbalances in their relationship that must have been pervasive enough to form a pattern pointed out to him, and her voicing her frustrations (while valid ones) were cited off more like a "gotcha" that she's been holding onto rather than communicating imbalances she's felt that have been affecting her with him earlier so it could be nipped in the bud. It's not the worst but adults should ideally communicate better and more often than this
@Imagineitwrite123 Ай бұрын
Im lucky to get 15 minutes to do something like a project after working 12 hrs. This dudes just going at it for three hours and has the balls to be like….. lol
@BuggySticky 16 күн бұрын
Jimmy your contents are high-value and meaningful to women, especially young women who have been in the traditional environment for so long that they feel frustration and hurtful when such things like this happen but they don't know what it is, yet still enduring because that's how "it is" for women. Including me! You have helped me a lot and I'm grateful for the thoughtful lessons
@AsYouLikeIt_Zendi21 17 күн бұрын
100% facts. When they’re off they do what they want we ask if they want to do something and well it’s tired or have something to do.
@Eniral441 Ай бұрын
Where was this video 20 years ago!!! It is spot on with how I felt and what was happening.
@somewhereupthere785 29 күн бұрын
A way to make it fair would be saying "NO one gets to play if the chores aren't done, that includes the kids."
@kellysong2256 16 күн бұрын
PREACH! says just about every mother in the world
@reannastart7540 9 күн бұрын
I love that someone is actually being realistic about things instead of going off the deep end either way or being completely flippant and dismissing the actual points of frustration. We are all just people on earth bumping around each others lives. As much as our own life matters it’s almost equally as important to respect the influence/effect you have on others lives. No matter gender, race, or creed.
@julievdw6748 Ай бұрын
This is very good Jimmy. Thank you for thinking on this. What a succinct skit. My husband thought ( and largely did) think he could continue living a normal self centred man life when our 3 children arrived while my life was like this and I had so many difficulties. Difference is I did point out these differences to him. I could see it. Over and over again. He didn't care, and neither do I now my eldest is 16. I love my children, not him. Now he is trying to act like Mister Helpful - now the children are all mostly capable, the youngest is 7. I couldn't care less. The desperate years he just thought he would have an easy pull back life and say he doesn't know how to watch a small baby or child while I just sank with no relief, and now they can do maths and talk he thinks he is a hero and very busy taking them places.
@ashleycesario6089 25 күн бұрын
Just had this convo with my friend talking about how she needed to do her husband's laundry on her day off and he fishes on his. When I was incredulous she does this I accidentally caused her to teach him to learn how to use the washing machine. Twice. He is 60 and she had to show him more than once. Then he whines "what about drying them"....This is so pervasive. And why I am blissfully single.
@NeuroNotTypical 20 күн бұрын
When my husband tried to use that (just something he didn’t want to do), I just looked at him and said, “you’re one of the smartest people I’ve met. I’ve seen you take apart and rebuild much more complicated machinery than this. Look at it and figure it out.” Basically just pointed out to him that he just called himself stupid. Never been a problem since 😊
@Cybertech134 20 күн бұрын
If your friend is paying the lion's share of the bills, then why is she with a man like that?
@tegridy9569 20 күн бұрын
They always pretend not to know how, or just ask 200 questions for a 5 min chore. They know it's irritating and we'd just end up doing things ourselves out of frustration, when really, home aplliances nowadays can be operated by a 5 year old.
@ashleycesario6089 18 күн бұрын
@@Cybertech134 I did not reference finances in any way so I do not know why you thought that. He is actually a great guy and I love him dearly. Men use weaponized incompetence to get out of stuff all the time. It is often subconscious and goes all the way back to Mommy fixing it when they cried as kids a lil too old to be crying for Mommy. It became a habit. She did not notice it was unfair until I pointed it out. He does his own laundry now.
@Cybertech134 18 күн бұрын
@@ashleycesario6089 Finances are not unrelated here. If he is paying her bills and protecting her like he's her father, then she has no place to complain about being a "mother" to her man.
@Jeremy-wp4yh 17 күн бұрын
Now ask her to continue doing the woodwork lol
@kingkat_ 18 күн бұрын
said this on one of your other shorts, i'll say it again. this stuff isn't only good for intimate relationships, it's so good for familial ones too. i've used a fair amount of stuff i've learned from you with my grandparents and it's helped so much with our relationships. i still have a long way to go, but you've helped me get a lil bit of a jumpstart. thank you
@yazajag Ай бұрын
The fact that you have to tell another adult to be considerate of their partner 😖 this should be automatic, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@vkrgfan 27 күн бұрын
The problem is if you already have children it’s not so automatic. This is why women should be more in touch on how their partner behaves prior to marriage, though some of them are great chameleons, they might be excellent partners before children.
@yazajag 24 күн бұрын
@@vkrgfan i couldn't agree more
@ZeroNumerous 24 күн бұрын
Yeah, it's really hard and sad. I've never once had a partner be even vaguely considerate of my problems. I've had to do everything myself, and get argued with whenever I did anything that was wrong. But oh wait. I'm a man, so I should just accept that right?
@girlwithflowers8058 Ай бұрын
IRL the guy would not even let you finish but immediately stonewall and pretend you're not there. EDIT: Before you decide to spew vitriol in my comment section in the name of peace and love, I used the word "guy" because in this skit it's the GUY who is in the wrong. It's a literal man. Thereby the use of the word "guy".
@SerenEnfys Ай бұрын
Yep. And they certainly aren’t getting these vids in their suggestions let alone watching them.
@glacietheglaceon5584 Ай бұрын
Literally me, literally a guy. Literally here to say, it was literally in the video, about it literally not being about guys. I understand you are traumatized, and men can be shitty, but, so can women, and regardless, making Overgeneralizing statements based on your subjectively personal experience actually fosters and habituates pain that isn't needed for anyone. Not any observer, certainly no reader deserves to percieve prejudicing words. But quite genuinely the video said that it is about being considerate of your partner's wants, desires, and beliefs and such.... There can be a litany of ways I can stoop to your level, or I can help you to see that this is a inward lesson that you must introspect upon, as quite literally I am the thing that goes against everything you stand for and just expressed. Hi, I'm that. And I'm here to tell you, hahaha not true. So anyway, i understand that some one was unfair to you in your previous relationships, but, there are ways to seek therapeutic and efficient help, than slandering everyone else in a comment thread making accusational claims that just don't permiss or facilitate growth and love. ❤ im here to tell you growth can happen for you.🎉
@LAboltzz Ай бұрын
Women smh. Sucks the baby daddy’s are not good because they decided to have kids with losers lmao
@lavishlyvice Ай бұрын
​@@glacietheglaceon5584 the mayor of yapcity has spoken
@BaeliiBee Ай бұрын
​@girlwithflowers8058 seems like you were making wild assumptions about all men. You said "irl the guy" meaning it doesn't matter what guy right? I don't mean to be all "not all men" but I can tell you all of my ex boyfriends would be the one you described but the partner I have now is the complete opposite and is amazing and actually listens to what I have to say
@Eevanova 23 күн бұрын
I'm 29 y.o. single mom and NEVER had a thought about that. Wow.
@erikaplante-jean7745 9 күн бұрын
Ah yeah my I love my hobbies! Laundry is my favorite one because I can sit while I fold it
@yvonneneal8063 Ай бұрын
If only that would have worked in my relationship. It immediately turned into an argument in his favor.
@gladiola8126 Ай бұрын
Almost 23 years ago, my husband and I decided he would “work” and I would stay home with the kids. TO THIS DAY, I do EVERYTHING and he “works”.
@blueberriesrfine5538 23 күн бұрын
SAME! It's so frustrating. Been almost 23 yrs. for me as well. Now I'm sitting here with very little work history and not much for retirement savings, while he pursues "self employment". I won't go into that...
@gladiola8126 23 күн бұрын
@@blueberriesrfine5538 oh what have we done! All the best to you. You’ve worked hard. 💝 WE’VE worked hard!
@Cybertech134 20 күн бұрын
The fuck you mean "works". Why is "work" in quotes? You women really think men just stand T-posing in some void when you can't see us, huh? If you do EVERYTHING, that must mean that you are the one who pays all the bills and does all of the housework, both inside and out. In which case, you chose to stay with a man like that.
@lovellsinlovellsin8351 22 күн бұрын
Dannnng!! That is my life! My free time midnight, just showered bhahahaha
@lauratunes4098 9 күн бұрын
These types of videos should be shown at schools. Really, we need to educate tomorrow's adults . There are cooking lessons, n money management, why not relationship management. Learning how to in a relationship is a life skill which could stop a lot of unhappiness 😊
@Mmmmkaaay 29 күн бұрын
Why are women asked how they juggle family and career but men are never asked that question?
@brianmoren3780 26 күн бұрын
They do. Don't patronize millions of people based on sexist prejudice, please.
@La_Pascualita 23 күн бұрын
​@@brianmoren3780kindly pin down the link to the interview. It's so refreshing if theres exists one.🎉🎉
@user-hh7mr7qy6w 23 күн бұрын
​@@brianmoren3780fragile man detected
@fireflythinking1290 Ай бұрын
I'm single, no children and even for me to watch this is so infuriating, I would HATE to find myself EVER in this situation with a man. I liked her comebacks, well said. I don't know that I would be so patient, I'd be tempted to dump him at the first instance of him taking me for his mom and not partner.
@Bshdjdj-lt7by Ай бұрын
Thats why you’re not in a happy relationship with a family i guess
@fireflythinking1290 Ай бұрын
@@Bshdjdj-lt7by Well you guessed wrong, I don't want children and I didn't just pick the first man that comes my way (I'm 25)... And why would you just say that to someone ? It's rude, and you should reconsider jumping so quickly to false conclusions...
@Mmmmkaaay 29 күн бұрын
No. It means they're self aware enough to not choose a sexist loser to marry. Trust me. I suffered a fool like this guy for 13 years. It's not fun. ​@@Bshdjdj-lt7by
@veryberrytalks 27 күн бұрын
​@@Bshdjdj-lt7by​ you say that like what fulfills a woman is ultimately becoming a mother and wife, even if it means putting up with that crap lol im sure your parents must be content with each other, and not at all just putting up with the other assuming they're still together
@evantesseract737 27 күн бұрын
​@@fireflythinking1290this person is in the comments all over the place being as hateful as possible. You're doing fine 💜 you have plenty of time to build the family you want to build
@olive-yello 20 күн бұрын
I always ask “do you think it’s fair” because many men genuinely do not have empathy
@jamessanders145 13 күн бұрын
I'm sorry but empathy isn't a gender thing
@desireemcnicol6155 13 күн бұрын
​@jamessanders145 it might be humans have more empathy for their own gender, but I must admit, more men seem to suffer from selfishness.
@Kui-l7s 6 күн бұрын
I didn't ask my hubby. I informed him when he had to watch the kids & basta , away I went 🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️🤩
@jillalexandrarock9217 Ай бұрын
I feel it's programming. Home-making, housework, and child-care is not REAL-WORK, because it doesn't generate INCOME. Media reinforces this, too, the fallacy that NOBODY wants to manage and love their own homes. Also, It seems that even in spiritual, New Age, communities, SELF-CARE still by default, cannot include home-making, decorating, cooking, cleaning, and just managing one's home. It is not our fault, but it is our problem. Personally, I feel those working 35+ a week should receive a housekeeping subsidy from our cheap, lying USA government. Just like France's cheap, lying government.
@wartgin Ай бұрын
One of the futuristic series I like has a lot of stuff still wrong but one of the things I like is that you can register as a professional parent if you want to go the stay at home route and it seems to include a stipend (at least if the family income is below a certain level although it's not specifically mentioned).
@FabulousCucumber-ip9hu Ай бұрын
Is there a government that isn't cheap and lying?? 😂
@jillalexandrarock9217 Ай бұрын
@FabulousCucumber-ip9hu France government is cheap and lying, but it will provide support and services for new mothers at home. Part of their FMLA, I think. Norway, I heard, has some integrity and few human rights violations...I might be wrong. 🤣
@AngelaMastrodonato Ай бұрын
I would prefer being able to write off any paid outsourced housework or have some employer sponsored benefit that allows having housekeeping expenses taken out of the paycheck using pre-tax money to lower taxable income
@jillalexandrarock9217 Ай бұрын
@@AngelaMastrodonato Yes. Good ideas.
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