Robotwars Series 5 Heat C Part 1

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14 жыл бұрын

The fifth wars saw a return to the same fighting format as Series 3, with 4 one on one clashes for round 1 and it was similar to Series 3 with 8 contestants a heat. The question on everybody's mind was if the two time and current Robotwars UK Champion Chaos 2, could clinch an unthinkable third title. The familiar faces of Craig Charles and Johnathan Pearce remain in the spotlight and Phillipa Forrester has returned for the fifth wars. The 8 robots in Heat C are Stinger, Hippobotomus, General Carnage 2, Guzunderbot, S3, Plunderbird 5, Mousetrap and Shredder.
BBC 1998 All Rights Reserved

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@abrewer1996 10 жыл бұрын
Fair play to the Plunderbird team for being gracious to the S3 team
@TheTradge 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah the Plunderbird team were always gracious in defeat and always recognised when they were well beaten, all the big fighting talk was just part of the act, and I always enjoyed seeing them on RW.
@rysdaleryan01 11 жыл бұрын
yes pussycat's weapon is technically a saw blade, but actually the first vertical spinning disc is from a robot called daisy chopper (from series 3) but it didnt do very well.
@athull08 13 жыл бұрын
Plunderbird were really unlucky to be drawn against S3 in the first round. But I don't have any problem with S3 continuing to attack. If you don't want to risk your robot being destroyed, don't enter in the first place. I would have thought battles like this, and of course, Hypnodisc's battles, would shut Ian Lewis' mouth.
@JustSiobhan 7 жыл бұрын
It's a shame that in this series, there was less footage of the teams in the pits and more gimmicky graphics. The worst bit about it is that before every battle, they waste time reminding us over and over of the house robots stats. Thank God the battles are good.
@MarkSW 8 жыл бұрын
I wish they'd show more clips of veterans of wars. Because S3 and Shredder had missed a war I had trouble trying to remember who they were and their past robot.
@alf513 11 жыл бұрын
S3 is no rookie the team fought preaviously with sting and sting 2
@DoMw94 13 жыл бұрын
ive been looking for a video of the plunderbird/s3 fight for years! i almost cried when i found this video! :'D
@Lilac_Lotus 11 жыл бұрын
Plunderbird are just absolute class, top top team.
@derpychicken8868 10 жыл бұрын
shame this is plunderbird's last appearance :(
@leoli6116 8 жыл бұрын
+Derpychicken8 Teared apart. Plunderbird 5 was totally sabotaged that Plunderbird 4 had to battle with M2 in 2002.
@SyberSqueegy 11 жыл бұрын
Pussycat's weapon was actually more of a cutter then a disc... If I remember correctly, that robot was actually disqualified once because they used a hardened blade and it shattered.
@ToaArcan 8 жыл бұрын
Oh hey, that's what happened to my Plunderbird minibot's claw.
@Giratina70 11 жыл бұрын
You really know your facts man! I knew that Daisy Chopper was the first vertical flywheel in Robot Wars, but not too many know that.
@A9132robotwars 12 жыл бұрын
Milly Ann Bug (First demolished both drums of the robot, before realising they couldn't finish the job, so the picked the wheels off, then attacked it a little more afterwards) Tornado (All stars final, Tornado was dead early on but Razer kept coming back) All Torque (1st World championships, they were dead, Razer kept coming back) Technolease (Was dead, Razer kept attacking until cease was called) I don't even know how this excelled to this to be honest. TBC.........
@VenatorRobotics 13 жыл бұрын
I hate it when robots get smashed to bits. All that work and money that gets put into the robots, gone in seconds!
@anduril38 8 жыл бұрын
I loved S3; such a powerful robot.
@tufty1990 14 жыл бұрын
Its so sad that the legendary Plunderbirds ended with that fight would've been nice for them to go out on a high. You could tell they were really cut up about it as well they weren't doing their usual 'We'll be back' attitude. As much as I like S3 they were a little ungracious to keep attacking after Plunderbird had been clearly immobilized
@StFidjnr 8 жыл бұрын
LOL on the Shredder team's suicide
@TeamBombersportsUK 12 жыл бұрын
@A9132robotwars It deserved respect for many reasons - mainly because it was the most successful robot in RW history in terms of wins and titles won. You can say it's boring, you dislike it (many people did), but you have to give them credit for their record, driving skill, and consistently devastating weaponry. Unlike other robots who faded out as robots' armour got tougher, Razer remained dangerous and damaging.
@A9132robotwars 13 жыл бұрын
@Jin4815162342 They were not newcomers though. They entered in series 2 and 3 with Sting. I hate it when Robot Wars forgets old competitors.....
@A9132robotwars 13 жыл бұрын
@SeriousGamer2009 Tbf they did. They were just keeping their hardcore faces on during the fight and they even said well done and made a few jokes. at least they didnt go all Ian Lewis on us. I DO believe that S3 acted fairly because this is what Robot Wars is about, but the Plunderboys were NOT being moody and sore losers.
@razerdave 11 жыл бұрын
JP error: said plunderbird is tracked. All previous plunderbirds/plunderstorm's have been tracked, this was their first and only wheeled one.
@111111hakar 7 жыл бұрын
always liked the mousetrap team, they were just so polite and unassuming humble in victory gallant in defeat and had one of the most unique and thematic robots in the series yeh the design was outdated by series 4 but that’s not the point it was always good fun and they were a constant force in RW, less known fact is they were in RW 7 with black and blue the second dedicated clusterbot i believe.
@Gavin17259 12 жыл бұрын
Razer hardly demolished both of the Milly Ann Bug drums, it nipped it a couple if times then went straight for the wheels. Once the wheels were off Razer came back to have another go at ripping the last wheel off which didn't rip off properly then Razer went after Matilda. Hardly unnecessary post-immobolisation damage. Also, when Razer was against Tornado, Razer left Tornado alone once they were sure it was immobolised. (Ok, they may have nipped it one more time but hardly any damage was caused)
@Gavin17259 12 жыл бұрын
Razer never attacked robots once they were immobolised. They usually pitted them or left them for the house robots. Name me one time when Razer did unnecessary damage to a robot once it was immobolised.
@uhegbu 12 жыл бұрын
It is the same old story for the Plunderbird team.
@SteelRhythm_YT 12 жыл бұрын
@unprocessedbeast Yeap. but that can run either on its feet, or on wheels lol
@angelburnley682 6 жыл бұрын
Lol! I'm watching it in december 2017. What a battles! S3 killed Plunderbird5, and Schredder dissapeared in the pit like Behemoth in Series 10. Lol
@jordan9415 6 жыл бұрын
Angel Burnley it never gets old
@TheOnlyOneFTW 11 жыл бұрын
s3 was awsome.
@beautifful999 11 жыл бұрын
pussycat was disqualified in series 3 and u got the reason right too!:)
@kemp10 12 жыл бұрын
god its good to see plunderbird get completely pwned. its too bad they were biggest buffoons of all time bc they were by far the best shit talkers
@StFidjnr 14 жыл бұрын
weapon gone armour gone hope gone
@VenatorRobotics 13 жыл бұрын
@A9132robotwars When I say that, I mean the most severe cases. Like Plunderbird vs S3 in this video or Splinter vs Hypnodisc in series 4. I feel so sorry for the teams who put them together.
@IndianaJoel93 11 жыл бұрын
Pussycat's was more of a saw, this was the first proper vertical flywheel.
@omfggala3913 8 жыл бұрын
why is it Jonathan pierce is the only person to actually be informed! phillper and Craig have had so many wrong facts, it can't be that hard to fact check it before recording it or hell why don'y the contestants correct it .
@BulletDrummer 12 жыл бұрын
@A9132robotwars What happened prior to the seventh wars with Ian Lewis? Haven't heard about that.
@A9132robotwars 12 жыл бұрын
@tufty1990 Hmmm you raise good points but I still have answers. First off I have nothing wrong with confidence it's post battle confidence I can't stand. Want an example? 1st world championship match with All Torque. Simon and Vinnie gave props to All Torque for being a tough opponent and Ian just stood there not saying anything, as if he was the king or something. To be continued because of limited characters.....
@SW3Ishida 13 жыл бұрын
5:01 That's where S3 should have stopped. Still a cool robot though but I wish Plunderbird came back or made a song of leaving.
@smithyboy777 12 жыл бұрын
From ancient willy?!?!?! LMFAO!!
@A9132robotwars 13 жыл бұрын
@CowsPetYeti Yeah but at least the teams laugh it off and find it fun. Yet Ian Lewis gets two scratches on Razer and he has a hissy fit ¬_¬
@tufty1990 12 жыл бұрын
@A9132robotwars To say he'll never be a sportsman just because he lost his temper when it was 10 years ago for all we know completely resolved and none of us know him personally I thinks unfair. If you think he was a bad sportsman thats your call, I respectfully disagree I think he was a decent guy that lost his temper, said something stupid and apologised for it. And from my perspective they took Millys wheels off to immobilize it and then laid off.
@anduril38 12 жыл бұрын
If only Plunderbird 5 had decent armor, it would probably have fared much better. It wasn't a half bad robot to be honest.
@anduril38 12 жыл бұрын
Pussycat's disc is more a circular saw, not really a virtually mounted disc in the weight/style like s3/Xterminator etc
@Gavin17259 12 жыл бұрын
And then against Technolease Razer left them alone once they were immobolised unless you count Razer lifting them up with it's tail as unnecessary attacking. I suppose with All Torque Razer did attack them even though they were immobolised but cease as called very quickly and Razer didn't really have time to do much unnecessary damage. But one occasion 1 year before his complaint is hardly a good justification to call him a hypocrite.
@A9132robotwars 12 жыл бұрын
@tufty1990 Continued AGAIN!!!!: And in case you hadn't noticed, Razor's wheels were still moving when it fought pussycat. Team cat thought they were stuck and were trying to free them! Also, like I said earlier THIS IS ROBOT WARS! We WANT damage, carnage, destruction! And if you say "well that's what the house robots are for" then let me tell you something. A. If that's the case whats the point of the weapons on competitor robots? and B. Did you see how quickly Dead Metal pitted Razor? TBC Again
@IkeFanBoy64 12 жыл бұрын
10:00 Hahahahahahaha XD
@TeamBombersportsUK 12 жыл бұрын
@A9132robotwars He wasn't the only one to get annoyed when someone broke the 'gentlemen's agreement' and trashed their bot - I think the Stealth team were angry with Hypnodisc in Series 3, and others beforehand. Yeah he was pretty childish, but he got over it pretty quick - their grudge match in Extreme 1 was staged largely, they'd already made up about it. When they started actually winning things they seemed to grow up and become less precious about their machine.
@MegGriffin45 13 жыл бұрын
S3 isn't a rookie.
@lampini 12 жыл бұрын
it irritates me that punderbirds slicer dicer never works
@A9132robotwars 12 жыл бұрын
I mean it started with me just stating that the whole point of this is to have a robot smashed up and it is silly to expect anything different, even when one machine looks like, well, Splinter after it met hypnodisc. Sure I did mention the Razer team and that started this whole debate. I'm sorry, I seem to keep doing this. Lets agree on this? We all of our own views on robots and teams. :) Also, the whole point of this show is risk getting your robot smashed! :D
@A9132robotwars 12 жыл бұрын
@tufty1990 This is the last time!: And finally I understand frustration with controversial judges decisions. But it was the RAZOR TEAM that decided that Tornado should go through. And also, not many teams take their anger our on their own team mates just because they think they should withdraw. If Ian was such a sportsman as you call him, he would have acknowledged the fact that Razor was dead for ages and would have let Tornado through. Would a sportsman lash out at his own team mate? NO!
@MasterofMayhem1394 11 жыл бұрын
Not a flywheel.
@harrisonward6574 11 жыл бұрын
poor plunderrbird 5, first good machine and they get s3
@A9132robotwars 12 жыл бұрын
@BulletDrummer Basically in extreme 2, the European Championships when Razer won against tornado via the judges (unfairly because Razer was dead and Tornado wasnt) Simon and Vinnie decided to let Tornado through which let to Ian rage. Ian claimed that Vinnie didnt help make the robot so he wasnt an officail team member. This led to Vinnie quitting the team and shortly after so did simon, ending the Razer tean and their chances of entering again. Good riddance!
@magicalrobster 7 жыл бұрын
what were plunderbird using for armour?
@unprocessedbeast 13 жыл бұрын
Haven't seen a vertically mounted disc before? Ummmm... Pussycat?
@SpitfireFortyFour 8 жыл бұрын
S3 weren't rookies were they? I swear s3 was just Sting3
@111111hakar 7 жыл бұрын
it was ut chacnes are the team didnt want people to be reminded of their failures.
@tufty1990 12 жыл бұрын
@A9132robotwars Thats unfair he was always confident before matches but whichever member of the team it was Razer would never finish a bout without giving the other team their dues, two incidents apparantly ruin 6 years of that and name one battle where they attacked after it had been counted out and its been like 10 years at the bare minimum to say he never will be is unfounded and I cant reel off every time but I remember specifically Ian complimenting Cyrax and Spawn Again
@bluehairedgirlstudio 12 жыл бұрын
and um...daisy cutter
@feathertopDT 8 жыл бұрын
Is Mousetrap the worst robot to ever make the semi finals from Season 4 onwards?
@lilsunny7399 8 жыл бұрын
+FeathertopDT Splinter is the only one i can think of, though if you take S3 into account we had Trident and Pitbull
@leoli6116 8 жыл бұрын
+Macho Pony Really? Splinter did have its strengths.
@lilsunny7399 8 жыл бұрын
durability was not one of them as hypno disc proved, it had an easy heat when its only "competition" was Eric and Killerhurtz but as soon as it hit the big boys in the semis it got mangled. even look at S5 first battle against a newcomer they won pretty easily. second battle against much improved bigger brother. absolutely destroyed.
@leoli6116 8 жыл бұрын
Macho Pony Didn't you even watch the Extreme Series 1?
@leoli6116 8 жыл бұрын
Macho Pony Do not underestimate its strengths brought by speed and onslaught. Despite HD's massive damage, its wedge and claws could precisely control the opponents, making their weapon useless.
@tufty1990 12 жыл бұрын
@A9132robotwars I think its unfair though to tarnish six years of sportsmanship with 2 incidents where he lost his temper, 1st one is a fair point of view because I dont remember Razer ever attacking a robot once it had been immobilised, the 2nd one I agree that when controversial judges decisions go against you, you have to take it the judges have to make the decision its right to say both times he didnt need to lose his temper but overall he had a good attitude on the show
@awddsfefe 12 жыл бұрын
Why not song/ rap :( Plunderbird ftw!
@A9132robotwars 12 жыл бұрын
@tufty1990 Continued: And another thing. Ever heard of overkill? That's exactly what Razor did to the majority of it's opponents. Example? Milly Ann Bug, Vercingetorix and others were all obviously dead yet Razor continued to attack. Now don't get me wrong, this is robot wars, this what we expect. But for people to defend him by saying he didn't do the same thing is just plain unfairness and bias. To be continued again ¬_¬
@A9132robotwars 13 жыл бұрын
@CowsPetYeti Then why are you watching this show? That's the main point behind robot wars....
@A9132robotwars 12 жыл бұрын
@tufty1990 Yes but you see your wrong. Razor ALWAYS attacked robots when they were dead and how many controversial judges decisions have teams lost to then shake it off and accept it? But Ian can get away with it? that's fair! Also Ian was never a sportsman. Vinnie and Simon were sportsmen. If you hadnt notice they were the ones to give all the congrats to teams whether they won or lost yet Ian just stood there and boasted. So yeah he was NEVER a sportsman and NEVER will be.
@A9132robotwars 12 жыл бұрын
@NightFightah Yes I know it was staged but still, Ian had a hissy fit non the less. And at least the other teams didnt order a camera to come to them and make a stupid speech about it. And yeah they growing up AFTER they started winning. Kinda childish right? Not to mention the fact that Ian Lewis had ANOTHER burst of temper which cost Razer returning for the seventh wars....... Not so grown up was he?
@VenatorRobotics 13 жыл бұрын
@A9132robotwars I couldn't agree more! I completely lost resect for the Razer team after Ian Lewis' rant and gave me more statisfaction to see Razer lose in later fights.
@A9132robotwars 13 жыл бұрын
@CowsPetYeti Tbh I didnt respect it in the first place. It never deserved respect. look at it. It's ugly and dull as hell! People say it's destructive. Hypnodisc was destructive, Razer was dull. lol
@acenace24 13 жыл бұрын
plunderbird always sucks, and phillipa is hott
@TheDanny6114 7 жыл бұрын
All that time and money to appear on Robot Wars and get destroyed in round one, Plunderbird is useless. Plus they are annoying.
@StFidjnr 14 жыл бұрын
LOL on the Shredder team's suicide
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