Sore Winners in Dead by Daylight

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Scott Jund

Scott Jund

Күн бұрын

Going over why so many people are sore winners in this game.
/ scottjund

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@BasementDweller_ 3 ай бұрын
I’m guessing sore winners are the result of angry people who are fed up on losing over and over so when they win they lash out on the losing players.
@duanescott878 3 ай бұрын
This is usually my theory. They must not win very often if they think they need to show thier ass after a victory
@nolanthedude 3 ай бұрын
It’s emotional incapability. It’s the same people that get cut off in traffic and then immediately cut somebody else off to “feel better”.
@HockeyM.M. 3 ай бұрын
yes, that is it exactly, and it's why you see killers do it more
@killmaim4 3 ай бұрын
@@HockeyM.M.shut up lmao it's a dbd player issue not survivor or killer issue
@Paxonize1 3 ай бұрын
i play a bit more try hardy and toxic if i have had hard losses for few rounds and dont regulate my feelings well. i can imagine other players doing just that but more extreme honestly.
@ValravnPrince 3 ай бұрын
I attach electric wires to my nipples. Every second I'm in chase the current gets stronger and stronger. It's the only way to get better at the game, every match of DBD is a literal fight for my life
@moonwarden6473 3 ай бұрын
I dunno man, I think you're just kinky... Not shaming tho...
@celticbear714 3 ай бұрын
Next Michael Scott video
@xerithonk5316 3 ай бұрын
@bingusmb6191 3 ай бұрын
you must be my solo queue survivor pickup
@scar6822 3 ай бұрын
You’re the most skilled DBD player.
@Jugglets 3 ай бұрын
"Trash p100 Oni ez game go next" A survivor said to me after 4 escaped...I even put ggwp first. Some people, will just simply never be happy
@vividwizard6166 3 ай бұрын
People can just be incredibly mean for no reason. I was a billy player before his rework, and still am to this day. I always played casual back then and let survivors 4 man out and just focus on chasing everyone cause it makes it fun for everyone. Whenever I would see a streamer in my lobby I would go and listen to them while I played with them cause I enjoyed hearing people's reactions to my gameplay, until one time someone was just insulting me the entire time for literally no reason. Insulting me if I missed a chainsaw, insulting if I hit a chainsaw, it didn't matter. I even still let them escape besides that and they were still jerks about the match. That was the last time I ever went into a stream of someone I either was going to go against or had already finished a match with. Also for the record I have never used streams as a way of getting an advantage on my opponents, of course I would know if they were on a gen or healing but I would just play as if I never heard it.
@johnwarner4178 3 ай бұрын
And had you won they would have said “of course you try hard for a 4k, baby killer”. You can’t ever make people happy
@CEOofAutism 3 ай бұрын
@@vividwizard6166I do that too love hearing the reactions
@anidiot8845 3 ай бұрын
⁠@@vividwizard6166to be fair for the person insulting you, if he didn’t do it in the endgame chat then it’s fine. Some people might just enjoy insulting people while they play against/with them and that’s fine, as long as they don’t actively attack that person. No one gets hurt when a survivor calls the killer a cunt mid game (and the other way around as well). For most people it’s simply venting.
@Irondragon1945 3 ай бұрын
i feel you bro
@felsics9441 3 ай бұрын
You also gotta remember not everyone else playing DBD is in their twenties. Some of them are 14. And you can tell, because there is a noticeable increase in people being shitheads during fall, spring, winter break times.
@clusterfeld8192 3 ай бұрын
some of them behave immature because they literally are immature. Sometimes its that easy.
@BrightWulph 3 ай бұрын
Reminds me of a Wraith I played against recently, one of our players DCed right off the bat (could have been unlucky timing, as this had happened to me) so this Wraith, instead of easing up (whixh he is well wothin his right not to do) is onto of us the entire time, none of us could reset nor work on gens. He would slug and "allow" pick-ups, but not full healing, nor allow us to work on gens. Finally he killed all of us, and in the end game he typed "EZ". The way he typed, he had to have been twelve or something because he sounded so immature and was oddly combative when we told him he should have just hooked us all, instead of wasting time. Because he also robbed himself of points by not letting us do gens, chasing us off and then kicking them. In the end sure, he got the most BP (about 20k) but it was mere pocket change from what he could have gotten if he had played, not correctly, but hadn't played like a dick the entire time.
@Kramillion 3 ай бұрын
I have always noticed in gaming that is more often the grown ass adults are the shitheads rather than the literal children who will just say they tucked your mom. And generally people scapegoating children are the ones being the most toxic
@TravisTLCdrumming 3 ай бұрын
The whole waiting at the exit gate for the entire countdown is one of the most baffling confusing forms of passive aggressive behavior I’ve ever seen. It literally makes no sense at all.
@TravisTLCdrumming 3 ай бұрын
In all my years of killer I can’t even begin to count how many times I played 100% fair 2 hooked everyone and they all escape but wait at the exit gate for the entire countdown for literally no reason and then message me to get cancer and kill myself. It’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen.
@Doncroft1 3 ай бұрын
I just go around the map, break pallets, practice techs, and talk with my chat while the survivor does nothing.
@TravisTLCdrumming 3 ай бұрын
@@Doncroft1 yea I’d usually just put the controller down and go pee or get a drink etc etc. they only ever wasted their own time.
@ChaseJonas75 3 ай бұрын
@@TravisTLCdrummingI remember the 2nd game I was playing Clown, and it was probably around 5 hours of playing in general. I tried to play nice and even went after the stronger runner when everyone else was 2 hooks, but all four escaped and teabagged me at the end of the match since I stopped pressuring the players actually doing gens. I messaged the one playing on Xbox about why they decided to teabag a player that was new, and they just said it was part of the game. I couldn’t help but laugh.
@keys5595 3 ай бұрын
lol and I’ve seen people make the excuse that they do it so that the killer can go kick pallets. Like yeah sure, the killer was super thankful for the extra minute they spent in the game to get 500 bp kicking pallets instead of just leaving to go onto the next game.
@SunTzuSaidFight 3 ай бұрын
another thing I'll point out is that lead to the perception of survs as being more toxic is that survs have more "explicit" ways to be toxic - tunneling and camping are mechanically incentivized and it can be hard to tell the difference between "This guy is tunneling because he's an asshole" and "This guy is tunneling because 3 gens just popped and he needs pressure", while a survivor dropping bags and clicking their flashlight after getting 1 pallet stun is pretty obvious
@MrRivech 3 ай бұрын
Carrying a survivor to a hatch and closing it is probably the most egregious version of this I've seen.
@robmister2 3 ай бұрын
This video was made as a DIRECT ATTACK to the Quentin that spun Scott.
@officerhonks6278 3 ай бұрын
The only thing that really gets to me about sore winners is just the refusal to be honest with themselves. The "tbagging at the gates and waiting for the killer isnt bm" crowd are the dumbest people in this game. I dont normally go into endgame chat to argue with people but yesterday I had a group that played for GOJ in a four man with bgp (run what you want but dont be an ass about it) and swore up and down they didnt want GOJ after tbagging at the gates while I just wanted a daily. Lo and behold I get them again an hour later and they play a map offering to Borgo, they die at 5 and dont GG back. Shocker.
@Atzros 3 ай бұрын
ngl slugging a sabo squad for the kill is poetic - i like it. the 0 hook 4k lmfao
@felix135ful 3 ай бұрын
I had to do that once, just cause they also brought the oak addons, and then they cried about slugging. Well, if they dont wanna be near a hook, they wont ever be.
@nathangothan601 3 ай бұрын
@@felix135fulgod forbid a survivor bring tools made to help them win lmao
@russeshe001 3 ай бұрын
@@nathangothan601 God forbid the killer play around the tools the survivors bring...
@nathangothan601 3 ай бұрын
@@russeshe001 slugging and bleeding out is a reportable offense for griefing/not playing the game as intended. The bleed out feature isn’t a way you’re *supposed* to kill survivors - it’s to keep them and the killer from holding the game hostage for an hour.
@Riley1393 3 ай бұрын
@@nathangothan601 slugging and bleeding out isn't a reportable offense its a strategy because then sabo squads could be considered as a reportable offense cause they are not doing the objective and holding the game hostage to some degree
@jamestercool4412 3 ай бұрын
i think its bad that this is the most wholesome community you've been in
@OOO-yn2ko 3 ай бұрын
Yea this is by far one of the worst
@AntiHank104 3 ай бұрын
Only reason slurs aren't said anymore is because BHVR robloxified the damn chat
@orpheusii4582 3 ай бұрын
Absolutely. I completely disagree with his statement about it. DbD's community is BY FAR one of the worst ones ever. 🙄👎
@cyr2097 3 ай бұрын
​@OOO-yn2ko Nah not even close. Games like Overwatch, League of Legends, and Rainbow Six Siege will have your teammates AND enemies talk shit to you mid match to the end of it. Dbd has the least possibility of having someone displaying toxicity to the other side in general.
@OOO-yn2ko 3 ай бұрын
@@cyr2097 most toxic gameplay
@Kuperman1291 3 ай бұрын
The amount of matches where I make the conscious decision to not hook someone again right away even if I find them fully healed so they won't cry about "tunneling" only for a 4 man escape when I had 8 hooks and still t-bag and say shit like "ez" on post-game chat is staggering.
@WutTheDeuceGaming 3 ай бұрын
This is why I'll never advocate to play fair 24/7. Survivors claim to care about fairness but they don't recognize when it's happening. Don't ever feel the need to be responsible for the other players' fun. You're not wrong here, I have found this to be very common. I won't tunnel but if a survivor does something like you said, I'm just gonna take it. At the end of the day, they made a mistake. The tunnel is of their own doing, so it's fair game imo. Playing fair in no way is gonna make other people respectful, which is why I will not go out of my way to play fair. You give me an easy hook or kill, I'm taking it regardless of what happened beforehand. Going out of your way to play fair, it's just not worth it because the bagging and "watch me leave" mindset does not care about how nice we play. Play YOUR game, worry about YOUR fun.
@maximusthegoat8034 3 ай бұрын
@@WutTheDeuceGamingthe best part is that the people who are good people and don’t rage at the other side generally don’t care if you play sweaty or tunnel and will still say GGWP but the entitled survivors will take advantage if you cater to them and be Mr. Nice guy and will be assholes anyway, you can’t make them happy and the sooner you accept it that makes playing dbd more enjoyable
@dakota9821 3 ай бұрын
@@WutTheDeuceGaming Skill issue + baby ego. Grow up.
@mccvvnuh 3 ай бұрын
@@dakota9821 oh dear the redditor arrived with his + signs between every two words. I hope everyone is taking shelter this comment section is about to have a fowl smell.
@Leaf__22 3 ай бұрын
You can hide the chat
@spencerbowden2979 3 ай бұрын
Dbd is the only game I have ever played where I have seen someone be a sore winner when they have actually lost the match.
@therandomgamer8107 3 ай бұрын
I just like to think I’m playing against 4 Eric Cartmans who are just whiny
@callofduty2551 3 ай бұрын
If you were going against 4 Eric Cartmans and winning against them, your whole bloodline would be going into chili.
@maximusthegoat8034 3 ай бұрын
@@callofduty2551I don’t understand this joke but it’s fucking hilarious
@nathangothan601 3 ай бұрын
@@maximusthegoat8034 an episode of south park “Scott tenniman must die” He bullies cartman, so Cartman kills his parents and feeds them to him in a bowl of chilli as part of a prank.
@callofduty2551 3 ай бұрын
@@maximusthegoat8034 Look up Eric Cartman and chili contest.
@orpheusii4582 3 ай бұрын
@@maximusthegoat8034 Ask Scott Tenorman. He'll tell you all about it. You probably will have to look for him at some insane asylum though, a la Mikey Myers. 💀
@MrHades-dx7oc 3 ай бұрын
Reasons behind a sore winner: Scott: Overcoming something that a person perceived as unfair. Me: Some people just want to watch the world burn.
@vividwizard6166 3 ай бұрын
DBD turns everyone playing it into the joker one way or another. All it takes is one bad day...
@femboyChristmas 3 ай бұрын
Im not normally a toxic person unless somebody shit talks me then I defend myself, BUT there was a time against a skull merchant that tried to 3 gen on haddonfield. We escaped, I said "fuck you and fuck this killer" and I went next so I do feel like there are cases where that is the reason
@LargeToastie 3 ай бұрын
@@vividwizard6166 Basement Bubba's had to be born somewhere. Perhaps we are the monsters behind them.
@clusterfeld8192 3 ай бұрын
@@LargeToastie What are you talking about? They are extinct by now.
@DrIronbuddah 3 ай бұрын
It really boils down to entitlement, refusal to admit one's wrongs, and not understanding what led to the win. People genuinely refuse to believe they're bad and that it wasn't the map/perks that hard carried them. There's a reason the same perks are run, the same maps are burnt for. Mostly by survivors. Not to mention it's 4v1 in game, and the chat. Sometimes the other players will call out the other(s) for being a dick, but more often than not they'll straight up enable the behavior and join in. Can't tell you how often I've gone for 12 hook only to be met with pure vitriol. However, if I play to win and match the energy I'm still a noob killer who I should [insert insult here]. You can't win against those types of players.
@orpheusii4582 3 ай бұрын
Yeah... the same thing can be said about d*ck killers though. You're a killer main so I understand your "mostly by survivors" pov but let's not ignore the facts here: DbD's community IS ONE OF THE WORST ever. So BOTH killers and survivors can be despicable. There's no "survs are worse" here. Like Scott said, some ppl are just "bad". So those come with the territory and there's nothing you can do about it. But for the most part this is a case of a very toxic community spawning very toxic members. Simple as that. If all killers would play nice survivors will do it too. But when you have abusing killers... you're just multiplying abusing survs. And thus the endless toxic cycle begins. 🤷‍♂
@Lil_lunatic 3 ай бұрын
Just last week i was playing knight for adept against a ttv. I 4ked but tried to play nicely without tunneling, proxying, etc. and i only used my power to patrol and bother gens rather than the boring anti loop style But despite that the ttv called me sweaty, a tunneler, a loser etc etc I went to their chat to say "hey, im sorry it was a tough match, i wouldve given hatch if not for the adept, i had fun and i hope you did too, and i hope theres no hard feelings" and he apologized in turn saying hes been having one bad match after another and was just generally frustrated with the game. He also said my skin was really cool uwu Point is, whether youre the frustrated one or on the receiving end of someone's frustration, you never know what the other player is going through and should show kindness regardless. The best way to stop the cycle of players making each other angry is by being good sports, showing kindness, and not giving in to our rude thoughts. Its our job as the community to make the community a nicer place for everyone, so do your part no matter how small it may be.
@pr4208 3 ай бұрын
I get you, but it depends. I recently had a survivor message me saying "Trash Billy, get reported" after I got a 4k. I would blatantly leave survivors I just hooked and didn't tunnel, didn't camp, and even let a survivor do a glyph. If I had the power to do so, I would have banned them from playing DBD for a while, if not indefinitely. Reporting people (whether it amounts to anything or not) because you're upset you lost is just too far. Some people don't deserve charitability and deserve the blowback
@billcipher147 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, even as a survivor main, I have to admit, some of us are little shits who will teabag and flame the killer for so much as breathing in their direction. I can understand being upset if the killer played like a dick, but the amount of times I see solo-queue teammates teabagging a killer who went out of their way to play as nice as possible makes my blood boil. Not saying killers don't do similar things (they absolutely do) but you get to see it way more often with survivors, and usually completely unprovoked.
@user-iw2bn3gz1n 3 ай бұрын
If I get a survivor who tbags after predropping the first pallet they get too I will go out of my way to tunnel them out for it😂
@GeriatricGaming 3 ай бұрын
Excellent take. I recall Otzdarva saying something in a video once along the lines of "Be humble in victory, and be gracious in defeat". That's a lesson that's good, not just for DBD or any game/sport, but in life in general. Also, people who are sore winners should remember that there's only one "best in the world" at something. Unless you're that "one", there's always someone out there better than you are, and you may run up against them at some point.
@lordpoonslayer7808 3 ай бұрын
Scott is objective… i recently just got dbd for PC and in no other game do i constantly get steam comments on my profile of people just crying and complaining, now ofc there are people like this everywhere specifically in dbd like 1 out of 5 matches there is always someone so rude in endgame chat and then comment on my profile with nothing but negativity. Community is 100% toxic
@yesh9602 3 ай бұрын
Do you play killer by any chance? I feel like people who main killer have to deal with this a lot more. I mean I know its 4v1 so you see 4x the amount of survivors, but I have like 1300ish hours almost all survivor and only ever got like 3 bad comments. All from other team mates.
@westdannyjr 3 ай бұрын
Usually negative comments towards those people who play a killer who is unlike (skull merchant, knight, or legion with never sleep pill addon) and start tunneling at 5 gens awhile proxy camp on first hook.
@lordpoonslayer7808 3 ай бұрын
@@yesh9602 yeah i mostly play killer. In no other game i see this much negativity, i’m playing rn reading this comment and had 2 different people call me a loser, and one even left another comment on my steam page. Its just the default response for like half the people that play dbd
@lordpoonslayer7808 3 ай бұрын
@@westdannyjr from what i’ve learned from all my hours on killer, it seems more of just the entitlement of survivors having the game go their way. I play alot of trapper and freddy, and still get comments the same as if i were playing Good Guy or Nurse. To me, it just seems dependent on who the survivor is, and if they are in a good mood or not
@SwedishDwarf 3 ай бұрын
I feel your pain brother. If I had a dollar every time I've been told to off myself, or that I do nothing but play games in my moms basement on my steam page comments, I'd be rich. And in no other game I play, jave people do that. I feel I play pretty fair aswell so I can imagine how bad it is for people who consistently tunnel and camp. Try not to let it bug you. Quite honestly I find a lot of the comment I get amusing
@STHking15 3 ай бұрын
its most annoying when you play killer and the gates are open but every surv waits till the last second of the endgame collapse to leave, ik you could push them out but I dont want to give them the satisfaction of tbaging at the end
@HockeyM.M. 3 ай бұрын
then you're winning by wasting their time when they think they're wasting your time
@UncontainablePickle-_420 3 ай бұрын
I love it when those idiots do that. I start kicking pallets, doors, or spamming my ability for extra points. I certainly won't give them the satisfaction of walking to each exit gate just to watch them leave. I genuinely don't care.
@Technature7567 3 ай бұрын
@@HockeyM.M. It doesn't feel like that. I wonder how many hours of my life could have not been spent waiting to move on with my life on a normal basis.
@cake2531 3 ай бұрын
"don't want to give them the satisfaction" so it's equally petty and you're not the victim but hopefully you're aware of that
@UncontainablePickle-_420 3 ай бұрын
@@cake2531 I don't know how validating some survivor that wants to teabag at the exit gate is somehow petty on my part. But at least your logic makes sense to you, just you know, nobody else on Earth.
@revenge3265 3 ай бұрын
As someone who's also been in the COD, R6, OW, LOL, SMITE, and other various other known toxic communities,, DBD is definitely up there IMO lol.
@user-iw2bn3gz1n 3 ай бұрын
The difference is those games are balanced better than dbd. Dbd is almost impossible to perfectly balance yet they decided to add mmr 😂
@dineez627 3 ай бұрын
I don't know, as someone who was part of the R6 community for a long time, they were pretty toxic.
@revenge3265 3 ай бұрын
@@dineez627 Yeah?... That's why I mentioned them lol
@AlexTheFurboi 3 ай бұрын
I mean, I generally agree with pretty much everything said here, minus one part. I (personally) hate the idea of "if you want to have an enjoyable match and not get tunneled out of your mind you didn't bring the -right build-" I've always hated the idea of NEEDING to bring a build almost 100% of the time just to avoid one person who could just.... not do that. It's like "let's just not be able to use 50% of the perks because I wanna bring DS" *DS buys you nothing because of poor map rng, killer redowned you and kills you anyway. "Okay well then I'll bring deliverance, OTR, and DS every match!" But like... that's just as lame as seeing pop, pain res, sloppy every game too. There should definitely be a much bigger effort to find a way to make the game more dynamic and feel like you're not throwing if you do it.
@randalloses2748 3 ай бұрын
My solution was just bringing the meme build regarless and loosing a lot so now my mmr is kinda low so not bringing META perks isnt as detrimental, on the other hand my teammates are also kinda new (dont wanna say they are bad per se) so it balances itself out haha
@AlexTheFurboi 3 ай бұрын
@randalloses2748 and that is fine, but it shouldn't be a stale "this build is how uou have an okay match" at higher levels. That is boring, and ultimately benefits no one, especially people who may not want to buy those characters as well. (I have all of them, but other people do not) It should just.... be not shitty? Lol
@SuperDdall 3 ай бұрын
@@AlexTheFurboi It would be nice if you had some good ideas for how to go about that. A meta will always exist unless everyone is on the same exact playing field, and there's not really a way to do more than discourage tunneling. Perhaps they could introduce a fuckton of new perks so that there's more viable options to choose from, but seeing how hard it is to release a few perks per update without one or multiple being busted or broken, I don't think that's gonna happen.
@AlexTheFurboi 3 ай бұрын
@SuperDdall I do not know what the solution is, as the current game and game play is complicated and hard to fix. That doesn't mean they shouldn't attempt to put some thought into it. They have already shown that they are not against making certain aspects of certain perks base kit (see Borrowed time as an example to try and make tunneling a little less annoying) I'm not sure, and I'm no expert. Any idea I give would have an equal amount of the community at my throat for daring to alter the balance, but regardless of all of that, my point still stands. That is lame and boring to be required to bring the same perks. Metas do exist, yes, but usually playing off meta doesn't actively make you unable to play in a quite hefty amount of circumstances. Playing off meta in Siege, for example, yes you are not at the advantage you would be if you ran meta, but you are not doomed to die just because you didn't. "I guess you should have just brought the AUG instead! Oh? You don't wanna buy that character? I guess you just can't play!" That is unreasonable in any other game, it's time to stop pretending it's okay here.
@SuperDdall 3 ай бұрын
​@@AlexTheFurboi I mean you went ahead and mentioned the BT change, so I'm unsure why you are acting like they're not trying? I mean don't get me wrong I don't care for Behavior but they have made a decent effort as of recently. I feel it's a bit questionable and maybe even disingenuous to use Siege as a comparison here, especially focusing on guns and not the operator abilities which are most certainly a more obvious comparison between the two. The games similarities end with "is a game" and "has a meta". You can use different guns in Siege for the same reason you can use different guns in CoD and do good -- the TTK is very short. The differences aren't that big because no matter what you use as long as you're hitting your shots nobody's gonna survive very long. In a game like Halo, the weapon you are using can be a LOT more decisive due to the TTK being much longer. But ultimately shooters are not a good comparison because they're not the same kind of game at all. Perks are, well, pretty obviously different in every way. They give you new abilities, they can alter mechanics or add mechanics. They are not just pew pews that do the same exact thing just in a different way (though there are some that do). What this means is that they are both impactful and much more diverse when compared to a gun in Siege. Some perks are just conceptually better than others and no amount of balance changes can fix that. It is the nature of the system. It is what it is. Nobody likes it but it's inevitable and no good solution that perfectly solves it exists as far as I'm aware. Besides, of course, removing perks entirely.
@Denvigen 3 ай бұрын
I find it kinda interesting scott gets more sore winners as killer than as survivor. The only times I really get sore winners is on killer and its usually when I do something EXTREME, and I dont mean dbd entitled surv main extreme (which usually means you didnt actually even do it) I mean like extremes like slugging for long long periods or camping pretty hard or something equally BM'y. As a survivor however, I have gotten so many sore winners playing against killers for usually just playing the game, looping too long, cleansing their favorite hex, using certain perks etcetc.
@fart63 3 ай бұрын
I think killers are whinier than survivors honestly. People like to say that survivors constantly complain about everything or that they feel entitled to win, but killers basically complain about every survivor perk as well. I get way more salt playing survivor than I do killer, though I main perkless billy and don’t tunnel so maybe I’m missing out on something.
@Asdfboy_ 3 ай бұрын
This matches pretty well with reality. I've had quite a few friends that say that the Killer is "tunneling", when in reality he has hooked someone else and they even got healed, but they still say they were tunneling for no reason. And you guessed it, the worse the player, the more he complains. Players who are good rarely complain about tunneling, and often even want the Killer to tunnel them (me for example, but not because I'm good, just because I love chases).
@Asdfboy_ 2 ай бұрын
@@Timothee_Chalamet_CMBYN I know, and completely get that, but you absolutely ignored my first point. Which is that the people who complain, rarely even suffer tunneling, you can't complain someone is tunneling you when they clearly are not. Also, the most fun part about DbD is the Killer-Survivor interaction, and it's the reason the game is fun most of the time. The reason people complain about getting tunneled is that they are bad at the game, if someone tunnels you and you survive you're having the time of your life and tbag the fuck out of the Killer at the end (and you are absolutely entitled to, Killers who take the easy way out are just as stupid as people who complain about tunneling). The thing is tunneling is only unfun when the Killer is better than you, and most people don't want to learn to position better, to path better, to learn how to consistently get fast vaults, learn map layouts, etc... And that is completely on you. You can't complain someone is playing the game and just because they are better you start crying and kicking because you can't last long enough in chase. Get better, learn, and kick Killer's asses next time. That is the point of the game.
@rxzesereniti9750 3 ай бұрын
The toxicity in dbd is so cheesy it’s funny honestly, “omg he’s tbagging and flash light clicking” 😂
@KenoughsEnough 3 ай бұрын
Years ago, when I started playing the game, your channel got recommended to me and I asked you about this because I have a hard time with the sore winning. Bag me at a pallet, bag me after a stun, do the weird spinning wave that they're doing now, I don't care. But rubbing in a win always felt weird. I've never really gotten better at taking it tbh, especially as the community is so anti-tunnel and I go out of my way to try and make the games "fair" even at my detriment. But I never came back to say thanks because in a lot of ways, you being so chill about it helped me mellow. I always just say "gg wp" and move on, unless I have something actually positive to say.
@flaminggaming7975 3 ай бұрын
Little Scott sure was playing pretty good for wearing that blindfold the whole match!
@randomunlistedvids 3 ай бұрын
Scott Rants are my favorite lunch content
@x3mslayer 3 ай бұрын
I love when Scott is reacting to Batman playing DbD!
@williambutterworth6693 3 ай бұрын
random thought. why doesnt BHVR remove the ability to crouch at the exit gates? also maybe point / beckon potentially. might be a good idea?
@broken1boness 3 ай бұрын
I think the only time it’s ok to be “sore” in a game is if the game genuinely robs you of something or being sore with yourself if you mess up when you hold yourself to high standards
@TimmyDatooth-fr5df 3 ай бұрын
Speak for yourself when you constantly get steam rolled for 13 games straight
@randalloses2748 3 ай бұрын
​@@TimmyDatooth-fr5dfat that point why keep playing that night? Somedays we are just unlucky or whatever its better to take the L and play something else for the day if you are actually being railed 13 games in a row
@TimmyDatooth-fr5df 3 ай бұрын
@@randalloses2748 I mean I'd agree with you but MMR doesn't care when you stop it will be right there when you come back
@Biglordchungass 3 ай бұрын
Scott do the Scott shaker
@stickfigure805 3 ай бұрын
the Jund shaker
@sarahdumby 3 ай бұрын
i know he can shake it
@azura7702 3 ай бұрын
The Vile Shaker
@Peachrocks5 3 ай бұрын
I agree with you on the community being not as toxic as some. However the problem is that the gameplay itself breeds toxicity. Merely playing to win in some cases can be seen as toxic behaviour. Tunnelling being the most obvious culprit. This gets confused for toxic behaviour and thus the level of toxicity within the community is misjudged,
@CoOlKyUbI96 3 ай бұрын
I actually don’t mind it if players easily beat me. Whether it be as Killer or Survivor. But what does tilt me a lot if when they deliberately stall. Such as just waiting by the exit during endgame or just watching someone bleed out after everyone else has been eliminated
@SWishV13 3 ай бұрын
Very sound theory there Scott. Love it.
@johntenconnary144 3 ай бұрын
am I a sore winner if im pissed after winning a chase with a backrub instead of a cool curve
@jdawg4510 3 ай бұрын
Not sure been a few years since I played but it was the only game I had to go private on Playstation to stop the kill yourself messages every time someone didn't like how a match went.
@anettelma123 3 ай бұрын
Scott what do you think about ds "buff" - not 5 sec stun?
@MrNoodless 3 ай бұрын
Scott gets it. These are my thoughts exactly, I just have a hard time explaining to people what I'm really trying to say and this video was worded perfectly.
@comestayin4552 3 ай бұрын
The only time i tbag at exit gates is when i or a teammate successfully gets to one after being camped/tunneled not when we get a 4 man escape, i usually feel bad for them and leave my item behind as a parting gift
@evan5102 3 ай бұрын
Exactly sometimes people have bad games we all do I usually like leaving my item to and then instantly leaving to show I'm not gonna be toxic
@CreamCheeseTho 3 ай бұрын
I wonder if solo Q has any effect on the “sore winner” theory (going off the assumption that majority of soloQ games are lost, or the soloQ player is the last alive and felt they’ve accomplished something over everyone else that died. But also according to dbd article 433 where the average win rate is almost 60% (The top killers almost reaching 70% while the lower ones are at 51 & 54 percent). Which I think could also be a factor for “sore winners” for survivor. This honestly was a great topic.
@LoveThomas07 3 ай бұрын
Reminds me of yesterday, I was playing Bubba and just having fun, got a 2k, but then this one Nea just sat in the exit gates waiting, and I wanted to go next so I went over to "watch her leave" and she still waited because she wanted me to forcefully push her out. Like, she sat there for 4 mins (someone was on hook) instead of leaving.
@MangoNvi 3 ай бұрын
I quote, and i cannot express this enough - "Again" "Let me reiterate" "Again"
@jasdesgs 3 ай бұрын
i dont tbag but i stayed at the exit cause u get more bp the longer youre in the game, not sure if still a thing tho
@bowii9993 3 ай бұрын
then theres people like angrypug, idk if he still does it but i remember he made t-bagging his thing and always did it just because whenever
@Wiseguy150 3 ай бұрын
Scott speaks my language on a lot of topics. I love that we often agree on things and I couldn't agree more about this topic. I never BM as killer or survivor because those that do it regularly are probably immature and have 12 yr old mindsets. It's just a game. I can count on one hand the times I've teabagged and each of them was because the killer was a jerk first yet we somehow overcame.
@Darkoxx226 3 ай бұрын
I think the other thing that's hugely forgotten about during this conversation is the fact sometimes youre matched up against 3 or 4 man high MMR survivor squads or Iridescent rank killer for your first match of the day. When you're an ash killer or survivor no less Encountering that pretty frequently will make you eventually go down the Tbag/Slug rabbit hole when you finally manage to win. That doesn't make it okay but there are so many things on the systematic level that dbd needs to work on
@AI_ReviewsD2 3 ай бұрын
Will you really the opnion of the guy who got spun?
@BrightWulph 3 ай бұрын
Honestly, being a sore looser is one thing. Its understandable salt, because many losses in a row can be exhausting mentally. But being a sore winner, is just mega cringe. Congratulations, your bullyed a new player or a player who was just trying to relax.
@Barec76 3 ай бұрын
Bullying is highly overused. Bullying is not teabagging. Bullying is using slurs or awful remarks.
@cameronstandifird8210 3 ай бұрын
Funny enough, when I was climbing to iridescent I sent good game messages to everyone I played against who was on the same console as me. I found that when players lost they were far less likely to respond with another good game message. When I would get a four-man swf on the same console, I found that I was far more likely to get responses from one or all of them if I lost the game, but if I got a 4K I would almost never get a response. This was the case for solo que gamers as well. I got the occasional shit talker too, but those were rare.
@DorkLord69 3 ай бұрын
I've definitely slugged a sabo squad before. Not because I felt like it was impossible to win, but because it was annoying. I don't see a problem with that
@AlsoMeowskivich 3 ай бұрын
sometimes I win, sometimes I lose, but at all times I'm sore because I slipped and fell this morning.
@serioustable8659 3 ай бұрын
Survivor reasons to be a sore winner, if the killer does any of the following: Playing a killer they don't like Using a perk they don't like Sent to a map they don't like Using a charm/cosmetic they don't like Hooking the same person twice in a row without hooking someone else first Chasing the same person for more than 30 seconds Didn't leave the hook soon enough or stayed near the hook Coming back to the hook after a save instead of going after someone on the other side of the map Trying to avoid/bypass someone who is bodyblocking Downing someone who bodyblocked with BT Kicked/patrolled gens too much Left somebody on the ground too long Found somebody that was trying to be stealthy Looked at the wall when picking up, or otherwise avoided being blinded Avoided/predicted/countered a perk/build the survivor was trying to use Existing Breathing Standing Killer reasons to be a sore winner, if the survivors do any of the following: Using a perk they don't like Using an item they don't like Using a survivor/charm/cosmetic they don't like Having a username they don't like Sent to a map they don't like Suspected of being in a party Vault the same window several times Get too many pallet stuns Get too many grasp escapes/saves Last more than 30 seconds in chase Crouching of any manner Any kind of gesture of any kind Try to bodyblock for any reason Doing gens too close to the killer Being too helpful to their team Not being helpful enough to their team Trying to play stealthy or being too difficult to find Being too brazen and trying to get the killer's attention Making too many noise notifications Dodging/trying to dodge a killer's attack Rescue a teammate too close to the killer Avoided/predicted/countered a perk/build/power the killer was trying to use Existing Breathing Standing
@grahambo63 3 ай бұрын
I am constantly getting messages from survivors who go out of there way to look up my xbox account just to tell me that I'm trash at a killer.
@SkullKanji 3 ай бұрын
I think it mainly comes from people who play only one side - eventually they get to the point where they don't see people queuing up for the opposite role as people anymore, just another 'Killer' or 'Survivor' that they see as their mortal enemy with little regard to any actual person behind the screen
@didyoufow9770 3 ай бұрын
idk if it's just cuz I'm dumb but I always saw the tea bagging at the exit gate as a funny little gg and I never got mad at it. If anything it made me feel better but that might just be me.
@groudonmario 3 ай бұрын
Ever since cross console i rarely get anything in post game or on my steam profile
@pffffffffffffffffft 3 ай бұрын
The power difference in sore winners is pretty vast though. The most survivors can do to me is tea bag in the exit gate and I smack them out. A killer bleeding you out for 4 minutes is just wasting your time and you can do *nothing* about it short of just disconnecting. (Speaking of, just had a game where the killer was a Twins and absolutely was not hooking anyone and just deciding to bleed out so I disconnected because the 1 minute penalty is shorter than sitting there for the full bleed out timer.)
@ikosmic-5126 3 ай бұрын
In my opinion there’s “tunneling” and tunneling, survivors who get unhooked sometimes stay injured and run to do gens and a killer will run around a while and then find them or a group and go for them cause they are the injured one and the survivor goes down and gets mad and then there’s the people who straight up follow you after first hook at 3-4 gens
@quadpod1 3 ай бұрын
ive been playing alot of trapper just using agi and lightborn cuz its funny quite frequently i get tbagged at the exit gates which doesnt really bother me at all i dont expect to win at all playing with no slowdowns and trying not to tunnel
@watchmehope6560 3 ай бұрын
You can point, u can click,tbag, hit on hook,etc. But once the gate is opened, like good sportsmanship. I always say gg. Good luck next match, a compliment. Regardless of what role i play. But holy moly some of these people make it hard sometimes.
@emichi0_043 3 ай бұрын
I once got bleed out by a knight player doing a 3 gen because it took too long to finally down me, because he kept leaving chase... to 3 gen... like you can't make these up.
@Footballfan896 3 ай бұрын
I went against a sabo, boil over, no mither squad a few weeks ago. Even if it was in my favor for three survivors to harass me while one guy did gens, I perceived it as obnoxious. Even if it was a long process, I had no hook for them, so I slug camped them (because of no mither). I may have been a sore winner when I finally had a handle on them, but yeah, it felt like I had overcome a tough challenge, and they had come to harass me. Like, they had come out swinging, and I was like “two can play this game” or “you messed with the bull now here’s the horns.”
@blightedcat2137 3 ай бұрын
I'm 100% tbagging every double iri blight I manage to somehow escape against
@jamesticknor1134 3 ай бұрын
I would make it where teabags block the exit gate for 10 seconds for the teabagger.
@mitragolab8905 3 ай бұрын
How about the p100 nurses who slug 5 minutes at 5 gens and refuse to pick anybody up and hook them, and after that saying "gg" in end game chat?
@grenadier4702 3 ай бұрын
I don't even remember a sore killer winner
@jakeinfactsaid8637 3 ай бұрын
This is right and something I’ve observed in myself. You wouldn’t let someone take control or your arms and legs, why would you give them unfiltered access to your emotions and mind?
@ShoKasaki2k12 3 ай бұрын
I only do toxic things if toxic things are done to me first, and even then, I have to decide if I even care to do so.
@tiedye1631 3 ай бұрын
Idk but this is the only cross play game where I have ppl from other platforms come and try to message me with fake accounts. No other games I played at least has done this
@tomasherrero3197 3 ай бұрын
I'm a killer main and I don't go to the exist gates when they are open anymore. If you want to lose some time waiting for me to appear and tbag me, you can wait all you want, I don't mind losing some minutes
@tokyonotghoul9066 3 ай бұрын
can you win whle tbagging 100% of the time?
@erikstark16 3 ай бұрын
Sometimes it's just playstyles that people find annoying even if they can beat it
@theshoal12 3 ай бұрын
definitely agree. I really like your take on "not toxic but bad sportsmanship" bc a vast majority of people I play against are super chill when they speak in end game chat. with that said, Im still new to the game (~150 hours) so I lose a lot, so it took me a while to get over seeing survivors being disrespectful and tbagging at the end gate, but now it bothers me less. one memorable game I had, I got tbagged at the exit gates and everyone escaped. I was super frustrated, to the point that I was about to type something salty in end game chat (which I have never done), but I swallowed my pride and said gg instead. and the steve was super chill and told the other survivors that the tbagging wasnt cool and told me I played well. then the other survivors were chill in endgame chat too, even though they were just tbagging me. I remember that steve way more than any given survivor who tbagged me so if you ever get a see an opportunity to be nice to someone in end game chat, go for it! it doesnt take much kindness to cancel out a lot of negativity.
@searchingforhisaxe2293 3 ай бұрын
Had a Unknown slug me and a Jake in Haddonfield until we bled out. Had plenty of hooks nearby and could have easily ended the game faster but decided we deserved to bleed out for some reason.
@victhefoxygamer_6180 3 ай бұрын
Im not gonna lie, Im aware Im not great at the game, so when things are challenging, and I overcome it, I dont really react to it. I sit there after the game and think about what happened that changed the flow of the match. Something happened during the game that gave me the upper hand. What was that thing and how did it help? Most of the time, I wont be able to and where as that makes me feel bad. However, when that inevitably happens, I actually ask the survivors what they think I could have done better. (Most of the time theres no answer or people just flat out troll) One time someone told me that I was over+committing to chases I had no justifiable reason to extend. I took that into account and can happily say that my ive attempted to learn how to "weigh the chase" as in to say if I feel that the particular chase is giving others too much space or that its taken too long I'll just move on.
@jay2theMFd 3 ай бұрын
As killer I'm insulted if I don't see teabags in the exit gate
@novadragon1488 3 ай бұрын
I got bled out by a scratch mirror myers because my whole team dc at 5 gens 😐
@ICorro007 3 ай бұрын
The reason is I can play with DS, DH, Windows and Distortion...all my matches but I noticed I escape alone, and makes altruism harder....makes these games more boring specially going against Trapper, Wraith, etc you know those mid tier killers, but if I try a more relaxed build like Botany, Bond, WGLF, maybe nefted MFT then you get those insane P100 killers or Nurse/Blight - I guess all im saying is I wish we got the info on the killer or to know if we wanna game or really compete
@steveslothstorm1155 3 ай бұрын
In a scenario where the killer intentionally avoids unsportsmanlike play, and survivors still act as sore winners, is this always routed in douchebaggery or are they trapped in a bad habit which they developed from playing against unsporting killers?
@peebozuna 3 ай бұрын
Great video but why is your room smothered in vaseline
@Deadly_Doger 3 ай бұрын
Sore winners tend to stab themselves in the feet by staying in when certain perk triggers
@MI_TurkeySlayer 3 ай бұрын
That's exactly it and a bit of the chain reaction from other matches. I am a very strong survivor and I find myself teabagging more than not at the exit, but I've only ever justified it if I see the killer doing something or playing absolutely scummy. I especially do it when they try to facecamp/tunnel me and fail and so that will always be my response in the exit. But never really thought of the idea that maybe the reason they're trying to play scummy or why they are bm'ing me, is because of something in their previous match. There's an argument to be said that they shouldn't be taking things from one match to another. Like I wouldn't get facecamped out of the game at 5 gens and then go and demolish a baby killer and teabag him in the gate when they had nothing to do with my previous match.
@Epicness560 3 ай бұрын
And there's me, 8 hooks, no kills with all 4 tbagging at the gate
@Yoshiinite 3 ай бұрын
I've had so many sore winners in this game, like they win and they're still salty, at this point i just click next and get out before they even get a chance to write an essay or talk shit in chat lmao
@mondooowada3537 3 ай бұрын
Where's your iconic BreatheRight strip and Ghostface costume?
@CRS-by5dm 3 ай бұрын
Ive never understood being tunneled as being annoying, the most enjoyable part of the game is being chased so if I'm being chased all game then that's just a win in my books. Obviously there are certain times where tunneling means u are killed quickly but most of the time I only see it as a good thing because I'm participating in the most enjoyable part of the game. Being chased.
@diskographi 3 ай бұрын
Playing killer sent me right back to playing survivor. T-bagging at the exit gate is aggravating or whatever but constant end-game chat toxicity when they win / checking my profile and making personal attacks is why I set my profile private. Might have to go private to do killer challenges. Inb4 I don't purposely camp/tunnel run meta etc
@s5079282 3 ай бұрын
I think that's the reason why survivors are more likely to be sore winners. It's the harder role so it's hard to just escape once if you're new.
@MrRumbleRoses 3 ай бұрын
i've played DBD for a good long while now, which according to my PS App is about 1605 hours as of writing this. and i've not had much in the ways of sore winners. though i have had people who tbag at exit gate sometimes. but the one sore winner i really had, was during a match where i played as Tiffany on Haddonfield i believe. i get a 3K & then looking for the last survivor. now i'm not gonna resort to say they were cheating, but i couldn't find them whatsoever. anyway. i end up finding the hatch to close it, and i patrol the exit gates. then somehow, one of them got opened. and t he last survivor was tbagging all the way out more or less. and then after the match, they messaged me cause we were on PSN. and they spouted all kinds of crap, talking bout how they outsmarted me and bitching bout my perks. and what makes this even more stupid and also kinda pathetic. is they were playing in anonymous mode. and here they are, messaging me showing me who they are. and they were in a SWF as well, cause someone else who was on PSN. i was talking to them (who btw was super chill) told me they were in a SWF and it was a friend of theirs
@shimmley4677 3 ай бұрын
I played siege for the first time in years and an hour in I was invited to an enemy team’s party so they could all tell me to off myself one after another
@WTFisAuserFRCKINname 3 ай бұрын
“People of all creeds” lol
@Pichudiamond3 3 ай бұрын
One of the only times I bled survivors out for the full 4 minutes was when I was playing this stupid-ass RPD match, and I had killed 2 players with 3 gens remaining. They managed to do 1 of em, then stealthed around. I thought alright I’ll just go patrol the gens for a bit and find em, and after like 15 minutes of checking every corner anywhere near the gens, I found them crouching and just hiding out near the banisters in the main building, so after I finally found them, after they had wasted my time by literally doing nothing, I wasted their time and bled em out for 4 minutes while I went and got a cinnamon roll. I wouldn’t have even dreamt of doing it if they hadn’t been planning to just sit there hiding and wasting my time when they had already lost
@michaelraimondi6931 3 ай бұрын
i only teabag when i get tunneled and escape. killer i hit them on hook when they flashlight click and teabag after they drop a pallet
@michaelraimondi6931 3 ай бұрын
but if its a skull merchant u deserve it
@KozmoPoly 3 ай бұрын
If you have 1 sore winner per match, 4 in 5 times that player will be a survivor. I was slugged and relentlessly humped by a Huntress once because of something on my stream profile (I know this because they left a comment), no hard feelings; when playing killer survivors sometimes let comments telling me I'm trash at the game, or that I tunneled/ camped them, some wholesome survivors call me cute/ good sport, some killers call me baby surv ez, some compliment my looping; you get all kinds of people. I agree DBD does have a mostly wholesome community, not even just by comparison, me and all people that I've become acquainted with through DBD have mostly positive interactions in the game. I truly believe that players who think DBD is full of toxicity either: don't know what toxicity is; play in ways that invite toxic behaviour; or forget about the neutral/ positive interactions and only remember the negative ones. I guess playing CoD and CS:GO in the past made me not care about what dumb kids say.
@BlackxNails666 3 ай бұрын
to be fair i only do it if they killer is running 2+ slow downs, like how much do you need to be carried oh yeah over half of them
@giannisxalkis1965 3 ай бұрын
i dont understand the sore part
@DozleZabi 3 ай бұрын
usually its "sore loser", it doesn't really make sense youre just switching it to be "sore winner" to represent the same idea but on the other side
@bobbyestel 3 ай бұрын
I will slug survivors under a single circumstance and that's if they repeatedly run to an area with boil over where I have no chance of hooking them. I'll try the first time and if they run back to that spot, I leave them there. Outside of that, I don't even go to the exit gates in end game unless I can guarantee a down
@Kaffeebohne122 3 ай бұрын
from my experience this happens way too much even without any provocation from the other side. sure, if the killer tunnels someone out at 5 gens and then still plays so bad that they get 3 man outded, who cares, BM them at the gate and "gg ez" them, I get it. but there is so many games where people are just being assholes for absolutely no reason, several examples that all happened within the last few weeks of me playing: - I was playing solo survivor, we got a deathslinger that was clearly not very experienced, only got 4 hooks or so and everyone escaped. random teammates in the endgame chat were like "gg ez lol, so bad, deathslinger? more like flopslinger haha" - no reason for that but being an asshole. - I was playing doc and got garden of joy, I played fair despite the shit map but still got "gg ez'd - you suck" in the endgame chat, as if wininng on the most surv sided map in the game against an M1 killer was anything sepcial. similar thing also happend a few days ago where I was playing nurse for a daily, I'm a bad nurse so I got 4 man outed and holy shit these people were so mad simply because I was playing nurse, the BM simply for my killer pick that I'm not even good with was insane. I could name even more examples and I also see this quite often on streams I watch, sometimes one side just gets overly aggressive for no reason. that's what sore winners are for me, you had a completely normal game, you won, yet you're being a massive asshole about it. it's somthing I just don't understand.
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