Teaching a guest about gender affirming care

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Jovan Bradley

Jovan Bradley

4 ай бұрын

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@gallaxrpg 3 ай бұрын
This is why we trust experts and doctors over parents. Because parents think they have experience when they dont
@jurassicsmackdown6359 3 ай бұрын
It's like I say, you don't ask a cake decorator how to diffuse a bomb
@CharlieApples 3 ай бұрын
Also, every parent will _swear_ that every decision they make is what’s best for their child, but that simply isn’t true. The idea that they know their child better than anyone else is also not true. If these concepts were true, there’d be no child abuse or neglect, and no parent would ever be surprised by something their kid says or does. The very fact that so many parents try to punish the gayness or transness out of their kids instead of accepting them for who they are is evidence that simply having good intentions isn’t good enough.
@clayc5929 3 ай бұрын
@@CharlieApplesYou could say the same thing about doctors and medical malpractice and misdiagnoses tbf
@LeonardoMastrogiovanni 3 ай бұрын
@@clayc5929 there is a huge difference because doctors don't base their answer on just opinions and as you already said, malpractice would be them not doing their job right. If they do it right it would be based on years of scientific studies which are objectively true. Not just "In my opinion we should give this child the care it needs proven by years of scientific studies prving that this is what we should do." it's quite literally a fact that giving a person the care they need is going to help them. Doctors don't just decide to give a child specific care out of nowhere. A doc wouldn't put you into chemo just because you said that you feel like you might have cancer. Same with gender affirming care.
@antoniusgrave1348 3 ай бұрын
“Under my roof” is not at all a sufficient justification to deny any sort of medical necessities.
@clayc5929 3 ай бұрын
The data doesn’t suggest it’s a necessity
@DingusButDead 3 ай бұрын
​@@clayc5929That's a case by case basis. Transition reduces suicialuty by more than 70%. If a kid is suicidal, and gender affirming care would reduce that, I'd say it's a necessity.
@SapphicFlora Ай бұрын
@@clayc5929howdy! i am trans. i think this is an obviously case by case basis. i, for example, would be just dead if i wasn’t lucky enough to get hrt when i did. if my parents said “not under my roof” i’d have run away or died. my dysphoria was pretty severe. anyway i bring this up because there are trans youth in the same position of pain and dysphoria that won’t get treatment they need and i can guess many won’t even have access to social transition considering the kind of parents who say “not under my roof”. the likelihood of causing harm by forcing someone to wait until they are 18 for gender affirming care is more likely than letting people go through the process of receiving affirming care. a trans teen who needs the care and doesn’t get it because of a parent could kill themselves.
@Pickles_526 3 ай бұрын
Why is this condition the ONLY medical care they aren’t ok with? Literally any other condition, disease, sickness, diagnosis, etc. they are completely fine with treating children because it’s MEDICAL CARE. But gender dysphoria? No way. They’re just kids. They can’t consent
@clayc5929 3 ай бұрын
If you legitimately want to know, it’s because for a while the data didn’t support decreases in suicidality and even today the lack of methodological rigor leaves that particularly topic very open to a type 1 error. There’s also countless researchers and even universities that admit that this topic isn’t something they’re allowed to research because of the potential negative PR that could come with findings that aren’t supporting transitioning. 😊
@UnholyLia 3 ай бұрын
You truly think that, huh?@@clayc5929
@joeyhernandez5375 3 ай бұрын
⁠@@clayc5929This is ridiculous levels of cope, but it's clear you don't care about the actual data since you immediately ran to "ideological capture." The PLURALITY of research on the topic show a reduction in suicidality by at least 70%, and when it comes to methodology, there has yet to be an anti-trans study that has been methodologically sound.
@clayc5929 3 ай бұрын
@@joeyhernandez5375 You’re welcome to believe that every researcher that mentioned that there were barriers to publishing research that could receive backlash are all conspiring to lie. You’re welcome to think the research institutions and journals wouldn’t value their reputation over a single study that could make them look bad. Maybe every researcher that has ever mentioned the File Drawer problem was just making the notion up. Maybe it _is_ all a conspiracy. Or maybe, just maybe, it’s _possible_ an organization that spent years building their reputation doesn’t want to risk it publishing something they know will garner negative attention. But Joey, legitimately what research are you looking at? Because I don’t think that’s even _close_ to a fair representation of the data. Where did you pull this 70% from? The odds ratio from Almazan and Keuroghlian? I know you can’t send links so just the title and first author will suffice, because I legitimately am fascinated by how people can arrive at these conclusions.
@cambriaofthevastoceans6721 2 ай бұрын
​​@@clayc5929 science changes. You still believe in flat earth?
@PurpleM70 3 ай бұрын
We really don't give adolescents enough credit or autonomy.
@vdub2014 3 ай бұрын
your answers were succinct and addressed every one of her points, this is a top tier call.
@panic5343 3 ай бұрын
Nah that comment she said at 40:41 about "Accepting yourself as you are?" was the most revealing thing. It makes me question if she actually sees transitioning as valid even for adults.
@bleepbloop404 3 ай бұрын
This. 10000% Thing is, to come to the conclusion that transitioning is necessary is accepting yourself. Like, sui has happened because people try so hard to just pretend to be a gender theyre not. Transitioning is literally accepting that your identity & body dont align thus changes are made to come in alignment with that identity. 🤦 She is projecting sooo hard with the body dysmorphia stuff she has/had going on. -.-"
@eccod 3 ай бұрын
Even if we were to grant that teenagers may not be fully equipped to make lifelong decisions for themselves, why does she think she knows better than medical professionals who actually know the person? People like her don't realize that "not making a choice" IS making a choice when it comes to gender affirming care. They always talk about the risk of regret, but never the risk of inaction.
@clayc5929 3 ай бұрын
My understanding is that empirically speaking, it doesn’t decrease the risk of suicidality. Because it doesn’t decrease mortality risk, the lack of robust longitudinal data, and the rate of children detransitioning is likely artificially deflated (due to how Universities refuse to allow the research to be done out of fear of backlash and the topic has even been removed from being able to be debated at conferences.) many people would rather chemical castrate their child so they develop in a physiologically standard way until they’re old enough to be more resilient to the social pressures that would be encouraging the procedure.
@clayc5929 3 ай бұрын
In regards to knowing the person, how much time do you legitimately think the doctor has spent with the individual?
@bibsp3556 3 ай бұрын
​​@clayc5929 can you cite anything to back that up? Or do you just feel like that
@Polcat94 3 ай бұрын
​@@clayc5929 the thing we also have to take into consideration when speaking about the rates of suicide and transitioning is that society isn't welcoming them pre or post transitioning. Which means suicide from outside force due to bullying and harassment continues even post transitioning.
@bibsp3556 3 ай бұрын
@@abcxyz2927 so? Its medicine, not miracles
@Popper_Drop 3 ай бұрын
The phrase that children shouldn't be having sex followed up by they're ALSO not able to understand the weight of having an abortion?? Honey... How about the weight of having a CHILD. A child going through pregnancy with her view should be WAY worse because pregnancy inflicts a lot of hormonal changes on your body, potentially altering your body forever AND at the end, your life isn't the only one it affects, now there's a whole new human in the world you have to be responsible for. At least with gender reaffirming care if you DO mess up despite it being incredibly unlikely, it's just on you, not force upon someone else 💀I truly hope that she comes around on this issue, for her own sake. Really toxic mindset for herself
@greysoncat6036 3 ай бұрын
This person has genuinely underestimates the way kids perceive themselves and the world around them. They also don't know what a contradiction is.
@somethingwayward 4 ай бұрын
It always seems to come down to adults telling people (because it’s not always children) that their feelings and beliefs are wrong and that they are not deserving of the same care and support as other people. If your child is at high risk for SI/SH that there is something you can do to help and you choose not to then you are a shitty parent. You can’t claim to support the health and well being of a person under the age of 18 while simultaneously belittling their intelligence and disregarding their choices.
@togsana 3 ай бұрын
Well it is factual that they aren’t as intelligent or mature as an adult, can a 5 year old solve physics equations or know how to provide for themselves? No, you gain that through aging and maturing. Once you are done maturing and growing then you should be able to make those decisions
@toat_ 3 ай бұрын
​@@togsanaNumber one! They don't decide. Their parents, psychiatrist, doctors, and therapists do. Number two! You will ignore what I said on number one, so, I hope you carry this same logic when kids get diagnosed with cancer.
@togsana 3 ай бұрын
@@toat_ cancer is a medical condition that can kill people, that is different from someone’s feelings. Number 2 in the end they do because they can refuse and there is legally nothing they can do to force that child to have medication
@toat_ 3 ай бұрын
​@@togsana Fun fact! The way you feel can also kill you! Google "suicide", also, no! It never comes down to the child's opinion or decision, it's decided based off multiple people's understanding.
@togsana 3 ай бұрын
@@toat_ yes it is the child’s decision like in this own video he used the example of hugging, why can a child not consent to having hormones injected into them while they can decline a hug? Tell me. Also if the child refuses and they still carry it out it can be considered child abuse
@bimm7930 4 ай бұрын
This girl sounds like a conservative hiding. She is VERY controlling and contradictory
@uncomfortableshirt3870 3 ай бұрын
I mean you don’t really hear conservatives say “you’re right” and “good point”.. She just sounds like she hasn’t been educated in these topics
@youtubeuserremainsanonymou9022 3 ай бұрын
I think she has a lot of ingrained attachments to meanings of the world natural and difficulty accepting change from what she knows. She could be a neolib; which are often a touch slow to affirm rights
@sonicboy5 3 ай бұрын
Don't just assume people are conservatives in hiding. The system that we've grown up in has indoctrinated beliefs in alot of people. Debating and asking questions is the way that these types of people break free of the brainwashing. We need to strive to change these people's mindsets so they can see the lies they've been told thier entire lives are just that. Lies.
@Ramen_Noodl3 3 ай бұрын
It’s so weird to me that people think I WANT to have to go through multiple surgeries to feel like myself, I wish I could just be okay with what I see in the mirror but that’s just not how it works
@Simonecms 3 ай бұрын
You’re a worthy person. That’s it, that’s all. You deserve to be happy and live the life that makes you happy. Period. As long as the choice was yours and it’s not hurting anyone and you educated yourself, that’s all that matters.
@ashlimartinez6805 3 ай бұрын
had I had GAC I would not need multiple surgeries. so yes I get what you’re saying.
@nickledeepickle 3 ай бұрын
One thing I wish would've been brought up more is how a lot MORE trans people regret the effects of a natural puberty than HRT. I find that cis people's feelings on this are predicated on taking the effects of puberty hormones for granted while seeing HRT as something extraneous. If cis people were threatened with the prospect of going through a puberty that threatened to give them features associated with the wrong sex, and there was a way to prevent that, i am CERTAIN people wouldn't be freaking out that preventative measure.
@kiddpaddle8503 3 ай бұрын
Yes. I wish cis people could just understand the absolute dread that natural puberty can be for trans kids. There's a reason alot of trans people I know are into body horror as a genre.
@bimm7930 4 ай бұрын
How about these people worry about themselves.
@toat_ 3 ай бұрын
but then how would they make money ☹️☹️☹️☹️
@jurassicsmackdown6359 3 ай бұрын
That would contradict the conservative 101 playbook It's mandatory that they meddle in the lives of anyone they dont like in order to make those peoples lives worse
@sEdJ1281 3 ай бұрын
​@@toat_ by doing something else that will make them money
@melynn_0355 3 ай бұрын
She's def right leaning
@LeonardoMastrogiovanni 3 ай бұрын
It's quite funny to watch people who refere to themselves as "centrist" or "moderate" in the US (and most other places) because they think the democratic party is a left wing party and most of the time they're basically a right wing conservative in a closet lol
@Vynjira-chan 3 ай бұрын
There it is, @41:21 I was already going to comment on her repeatedly saying Dys-Morphia.. in regards to Gender Identity.. It's Dys-Phoria.. just because these words sound similar, does not make them similar. There is no such thing as Gender Dysmorphia. It's also not an older term for Dysphoria.. it's a completely different term altogether. Psychology is not the same or similar to Psychopathy.. Dysphoria is to Euphoria, just like Dystopia is to Eutopia etc.. Body Dysmorphic Disorder is actually more of the opposite of Gender Dysphoria. From what it is, to how it's diagnosed, to how it's treated, etc.. Her experience with BDD, gives her arguably far less understand ing of what it's like to Experience Gender Dysphoria than someone no Experience of either BDD or GD.. People who have been Gaslit (and I mean this Clinically) actually have a much better understanding of what it's like to be Trans and have Society Gaslight them into thinking they are Delusional. _____ Letting a Child be traumatized for years while their brain is still developing, is actually the best way to to create a life-long psychopathology. However if you treat a Child early enough, you can completely prevent the development of any Psychopathology. Thus why we have much better results treating Trans Youth than Trans Adults. Trans Youth have the highest rate of Suicidal Ideation.. which means, waiting til they're an Adult isn't an option. A dead Child cannot wait til they're an Adult for treatment.. it's also pretty messed up to let a child suffer from something you can treat for years.. because you have subjectively determined the risk of treatment is greater than the risk of them dying.
@CharlieApples 3 ай бұрын
More than anything I wish people with these kinds of fears would stop and consider the opposite side of the coin; that many of the effects of natural puberty are PERMANENT and cannot be reversed after they’ve happened. I very often people hear say, “Just wait until you’re 18 to make those kinds of decisions!” *But puberty doesn’t begin at 18, it has already happened by then.* So what they’re really saying, in effect, is to just allow your body to develop into the body of *an adult of the sex that you don’t want to be,* and hopefully you’ll just change your mind about not wanting that later on. Hopefully. Maybe. But either way, even if it means you’ll have missed your one and only chance to go through the type of puberty which aligns with your inner self, and you’ll be stuck with an ugly misaligned body that you hate for the rest of your life…that is still preferable to allowing 16 year olds to take testosterone or estrogen, or simply hormone blockers which delay the permanent effects of puberty. And they think this is preferable because they genuinely think that gender dysphoria and gender identity are like, silly little fads that teenagers shouldn’t be allowed to indulge in. But that’s a lot like saying that teenagers shouldn’t be allowed to be gay, because everyone knows that it’s just a fad to develop feelings for people of the same sex, and everyone turns out straight in the end. It’s wrong, it’s ignorant, and it contributes to real world harm for kids to try and force them into puberty against their wills.
@ashlimartinez6805 3 ай бұрын
Thank you, I hate the “ cut off” ect guess what I don’t need to cut off breast if I never developed them in the first place. They just want breading machines.
@CharlieApples 2 ай бұрын
@@ashlimartinez6805 I HATE that term. Worse yet is “chop off”. They always use such hysterical and violent rhetoric because they know it will scare people. *Except minors don’t get bottom surgery.* Even top surgery (breast reduction) is very rare for trans kids, but breast reduction for cisgender girls
@ericyoung1210 3 ай бұрын
This woman seems committed to her position regardless of what the facts, evidence and reality are...
@panic5343 3 ай бұрын
Congrats on the $100 Patreon tier!
@bimm7930 4 ай бұрын
Stop calling teenagers(adolescence) children they are not children. Its another appeal to emotions calling a damn 17 year old a child!!
@llGemini19 3 ай бұрын
It's like these people forget that trans adults were once trans kids. And when trans adults are saying that GAC for children is necessary along with the medical professionals, idk it's a pretty damn safe bet that there's something to that! I can speak from my own personal experience. I started transition at 28. My only regret with that decision is not having done it way sooner. And I knew my gender identity at around 8 I just didn't understand what that meant nor did I have the language to express it. I don't get why people think that trans people themselves aren't a great source to go to for this kind of thing. Especially when the vast majority of us are saying the same damn thing.
@AGent87- 3 ай бұрын
The way she kept running into the point over and over...
@oakcanary4040 2 ай бұрын
"Why can't they wait?" "Because they'll be at risk for suicide and self harm" "...And?" is basically what i got from this
@georgialilly7467 3 ай бұрын
The other thing about waiting until you're an adult is that transitioning gets more and more difficult the older you get. You wait too long and your body has already developed irreversibly into the kind you don't want it to be. A person who waits until they're 25 to medically transition is not going to get the full effects compared to someone who is allowed to start when they're younger.
@sonicboy5 3 ай бұрын
I find that most of these videos are not even debates but him educating the person he is speaking ro in areas that they have no idea about
@Gundamman 3 ай бұрын
I felt like this person was religious.Hiding their power level
@louzerreviews 3 ай бұрын
"I don't have a problem with medical affirmation, I just have a problem with the age it happens at?" Alright, who tf asked u? If you think it's a genuine medical concern, then that's the fuckin doctor's call, period.
@Lewpsman 3 ай бұрын
She just needs to marry the fence already
@Wade.Stikmann 3 ай бұрын
She's so close. Like, gurl, you're staring the answer in the face, please stop pretending it's a wall.
@sonicboy5 3 ай бұрын
She's not pretending, she's brainwashed. You have to realize that.
@Wade.Stikmann 3 ай бұрын
@@sonicboy5 I am aware, yes, but being brainwashed, misinformed, or indoctrinated in anything doesn't always negate ones own sense of curiosity or the ability to build new understanding. I don't believe it's impossible to teach anyone something new, even if it takes longer for some.
@cambriaofthevastoceans6721 2 ай бұрын
I think its interesting that people are so focused on the potential (🙄) life altering changes of puberty blockers and hormone therapy. But not about the lifelong changes of youth sports like football and ballet. Football, obvious potential for trauma. But ballet also changes body morphology permanently.
@ashlimartinez6805 3 ай бұрын
I think people like her literlity would need to see the child suffering they need to see the pain in their eyes.
@caseywright846 3 ай бұрын
I doubt they would care even then honestly.
@MoreThanAMia 2 ай бұрын
Can someone please tell me what the "basketball joke" was? I couldn't see it on the chat window.
@1337GameDev 22 күн бұрын
I think a big part of her argument is "gender affirming care" == "gender reassignment surgery" which 99.99% of the time is not true. Most of the time it's a nickname, hobbies, bathroom, clothes, makeup, etc.
@ilyzoe1089 3 ай бұрын
“If my child has schizophrenia, I’m going to wait until their an adult to get them medication” lol NO if your kid has a medical issue you will want to treat the medical issue. I swear these mfs only apply this to trans youth.
@1337GameDev 22 күн бұрын
20:16 - Yup. 100%. Sex is MAINLY a bonding/fun activity. Very low % of the time is it for intended reproduction. We "should" encourage kids to think about partners, and choose partners based on bonding/safety for sex, but they also will experiment anyways. We just want to have a positive pressure against their impulsivity, which is 100% natural and not against them at all -- that's part of growing up.
@adyce6303 3 ай бұрын
I love how this lot constantly do the whole "well, I a cis person was sad once as a kid and I'm not trans now, so i guess trans kids are the same as me" FFS, you're comparing apples to oranges, you can't use your own lived experience as an argument when it's different!
@orinjayce 3 ай бұрын
Must be hard for the caller to live with so many overlapping double-standards.
@parkersauter6927 3 ай бұрын
Debate Ben Shapiro or a true conservative, that would be dope.
@tamiaharris3910 3 ай бұрын
The fact that she’s fighting so hard against something that she doesn’t know about is infuriating
@bibsp3556 3 ай бұрын
People will go to great lengths to not learn lol this was just a feely feels argument from the caller
@carrina1006 3 ай бұрын
I think that hormone blockers should be more accessible than they currently are, and that HRT is about right. Ultimately, as this is a medical decision, I believe it should be made between medical professionals and their patient and it’s completely ridiculous that people with a middle school understanding of biology think they are qualified to make this decision for strangers.
@jussimattsen4583 2 ай бұрын
Amazing how some people are completely unable to admit they might be wrong. It's always "well I feel" well facts don't care how you feel. Trans kids that need help should receive it and you hating trans people isn't an excuse.
@leelindsay5618 3 ай бұрын
Nice cup - reuse, recycle, keep that ice.😅
@alloypaulson7520 3 ай бұрын
Why is Gen-z so much more prudish than past generations?
@warmachineorwhat 3 ай бұрын
@27:15 🎶🎶
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