Terence McKenna, Psychedelics, Psilocybin Mushrooms, DMT, Carl Jung, Culture | Dennis McKenna

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Mind & Matter Podcast

Mind & Matter Podcast

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Nick talks to ethnopharmacologist Dr. Dennis McKenna, who is the brother of psychonaut Terence McKenna and author of the book, "The Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss." They discuss: the lives and psychedelic adventures of Dennis & Terence McKenna; experiences with psilocybin mushrooms & DMT; Carl Jung & psychology; the medical relevance of subjective psychedelic experiences; drugs, culture & society; and more.
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ABOUT Nick Jikomes:
Nick is a neuroscientist and podcast host. He is currently Director of Science & Innovation at a technology startup in the legal cannabis industry. He received a Ph.D. in Neuroscience from Harvard University and a B.S. in Genetics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

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@MindAndMatter Жыл бұрын
All M&M content is available on Substack. I only respond to questions & comments on that channel: [mindandmatter.substack.com] If you enjoy M&M content and want to provide further support, read this: [mindandmatter.substack.com/p/how-to-support-mind-and-matter] Thanks!
@Suzume-Shimmer Жыл бұрын
Terrence was a grand poet of wizardry wordsmithing and a one of a kind visionary who beckoned many to the psychedelic worlds . However, sometimes , he also presented overconfidently about imaginary realms as if they were solid & factual . Dennis isnt half the extravagantly fluent and wide ranging speaker as his brother, yet he is more grounded perhaps because he has lived through the experience of the last few decades which unfortunately Terrence was never able to witness. So while we all miss the wisdom and wonder of Terrence , Im very glad Dennis is still with us and that he is willing to offer his own perspectives to help balance the McKenna family vision. Thank you Dennis, please carry on 👍💛
@Error_-qz2zr 10 ай бұрын
he could see what people like you cant, thats whats amazing about him he went into those places and described it with such detail so even a person that never was there could understand in a way, why do you think your reality is any more real or solid than the reality of a dmt dimension? even science, quantum physics can tell you that reality is not what you think it is, its really not solid or factual in any way more than your experience and perception of it, its all inside your own head, he was a modern day shaman travelling into places i would not dare to go myself right now and bringing back information about the nature of universe ,it really is an infinite mathematical fractal or atleast that how the human mind can comprehend it, with the language of mathematics, what im getting at you waking up every morning drinking your coffee isnt any more real than diving into a psychedelic dimension that was one of his core messages
@jerrykinworthy9225 7 ай бұрын
If you have ever exspeeienced a high dose psychedelic trip, you will know that they can be very eeal and very solid. You are just the only one who it appears to.
@Ryan88881 7 ай бұрын
That’s because Terrence noticed after comparing his notes/effects with other peoples’ experiences that there was clearly an undeniable degree of intersubjective motifs and recurring/underlying themes and that psychedelics appeared to have this quality of “aboutness” to them. Even Nightshade deliriants presented this phenomenon. I’ve never heard his brother Dennis disagree with him on that… Does he in this video? Because them comparing notes with each other, as well as just assessing the repeating motifs and archetypes of other peoples’ trips on certain substances and basically taking it all into account (including context and presumed individual degrees of conditioning, etc.) nevertheless (presumably both of them together) were able to reconcile and outline that there was a more or less; characterizing “structure“ and type of topology (a ‘shifting topology’ as Terrence once put it). And that there nevertheless, even given the variability and broadness to the content of trips that there is still something “trying to poke through”, something thematically consistent and recurring. And if we have to give Terrance credit for *anything* we have to give him credit for his descriptions on the “aboutness” inherent in the phenomenological/topological landscapes of psilocybin mushrooms and ayahuasca. That is hands-down what he was most accurate about and always has been most accurate about. Now although maybe not 100% on ALL “details”, especially in his assessment of the psilocybin an ayahuasca “entities” themselves; his ‘maps’ of the experiences in terms of just the overall archetypal composition were almost basically complete and at the very least; fairly comprehensive. So since he noticed that these experiences didn’t just have a thematic composition, but that these themes were actually noticeably and statistically intersubjective and essentially “universal“ despite being quite peculiar and specific oftentimes that one could theoretically “map out” the spaces. This is why he advocated the “alone in silent darkness” methodology because it mitigated as much of the potential outside influence and input from other people and all the other stuff that could compromise this as much as possible. To see “what the thing was for itself“. And you know… His “maps” if you could even call them that for the ‘archetypel profiles’ of say LSD and Datura; although they were presented to some degree, they were clearly incomplete. But they still were more or less ‘accurate’ even in their own respects and limited formatting. Even if some elements were merely ‘hinted at’ or suggested rather than confidently declared. And Terence himself also even admitted that his own DMT trip and his modeling of it seemed “pretty radically different from everyone else’s“ yet still maintained that his descriptions of psilocybin and ayahuasca were essentially universal and therefore generalizable, which they were. Now, he may have glossed over a few details one could definitely say, or that he left out some rather key nuances and prefaces and did have some “miscongruencies” but unless we’re being *that* nitpicky (which I do tend to be) he still, in his overall picture and modeling of the phenomenology of psilocybin and ayahuasca (often for the purpose of intentional contrasting) is still the best representation of their intersubjective archetypes by far. And his proto-models for even LSD and Datura were certainly provisional and required further analysis and work to be done but we got to give him credit still I think for pretty much nailing the other stuff. And his position of “self-testability” works pretty well in regards to this concept, the only thing you really have to worry about or lookout for is whether or not you heard his descriptions before or after you tried to analyze the actual contents yourself. Thankfully I have the benefit of knowing my experiences that *do* match-up, pretty much identically to his descriptions and which occurred BEFORE I listened to them. Either way, he was correct about the universal archetypes and ‘themes’ for psilocybin and ayahuasca was my point, and he was ‘starting to get there’ with others like acid or datura or even salvia (although he did almost entirely ignore mescaline) and I honestly probably could’ve helped him come up with more comprehensive mappings of the archetypes for a least the acid and datura, but I still have to give him credit where credit is due. Anyways, I don’t really see Dennis McKenna arguing against THAT idea specifically at least. Especially since he’s seemingly touched on this kind of stuff even in contemporary times, and has even gone into more detail (possible expounding) such as how ayahuasca seems to represent the “counselor” archetype and psilocybin is more of a “teacher”, etc. Or how the mushrooms “are very mischievous” and all that. Or how ayahuasca seems to go more in the direction of the whole “plant-human-symbiosis thing” than psilocybin. If you’re not referring to the intersubjectivity of the core archetypes of individual substances then my bad but as far as I could tell; however the archetypal mapping seemed to be among Terrence’s top ideas and issues to emphasize. Most all of his other more “far-out” beliefs and hypotheses he seemed to only have partial faith in.
@christomorpho Жыл бұрын
"it is a fundamental right for living organisms to form symbiotic alliances" 💚
@lafrancois6323 Жыл бұрын
I love seeing the old wise using technology to spread their knowledge.
@TheBhannah Жыл бұрын
We are so lucky to be able to learn from such an interesting person !
@arijitchatterjee9443 Жыл бұрын
It's always a pleasure listening to Dennis McKenna. He gives out so much of amazing information, you'd have to go through many books and many difficult journeys to understand what he summarized in an hour. Thank you for such great content!
@torbjornkarlsen Жыл бұрын
Dennis is such a lovely guy. His voice reminds me of Frank Oz which makes me think of Dennis as a sort of Yoda of the psychedelic sphere 😅 that, and his wisdom and good nature of course.
@lcarthel Жыл бұрын
I would like to one day see someone create an AI Terence McKenna chatbot that could actually speak and sound like he really did.
@domeniclicciardello9864 Жыл бұрын
It's out there already....
@jackmiller9239 Жыл бұрын
Yeah this exists
@PigBenis4U Жыл бұрын
It sounds like his voice, but it's no where near HOW Terrence spoke about these things. It just sounds like a scripted chat.
@justinliebich6748 11 ай бұрын
Terrence was special. We need more people like him... not bots that replicate his cadence and speak the wisdom he knew. You do have 100s of hours of his talks available and if you are imaginative and patient enough you can have a sort of intellectual connection of your own with him. Not the same as a conversation but we have to be flexible or only dissatisfied we will be. Listen to a segment of his talks, pause it mentate on the idea or philosophy and form your own questions or ideas and look for awnsers in his other talks or in your pwn searching of the collective intellectual artifact that is the net. I hope this message finds you well. As Terrence said to live in ecstacy is the best expectancy.
@russellm7530 10 ай бұрын
I don't like the idea of that kind of thing. The AI is not him or anyone living but could become possessed with demonic entities like haunted houses and other inanimate objects can be possessed by entities.
@SqueeblesMcklooflin 11 ай бұрын
I'll never forget the story when Dennis gave Terence the key out of nowhere lol.
@josuecornejoponce 10 ай бұрын
With a loud SQUACK
@SynchroMystic Жыл бұрын
Amazing, conscious and heartfelt
@peacefulsuperman8302 Жыл бұрын
Hell yeah to Carl Jung he would've loved this 2nd revitalization of the counter culture revolution. Thank you for your hard work, you and your brother are my heroes, I love how at such an early age during college you both had the courage to go further than everyone else in your respective circles. Definitely hope to see more of that same will and patience in my generation. Many thanks and good wishes, Prof. McKenna!😎🍄
@danelawrence5256 6 ай бұрын
Thank you Nick
@MindAndMatter 6 ай бұрын
Thank you! Subscribe to my free newsletter if you wanna stay up-to-date on the podcast and other stuff: mindandmatter.substack.com/
@donaldbuckley9304 Жыл бұрын
Keep on keepin on.
@Harshharsh111 4 ай бұрын
Terrance is the best phenomenology narrator.
@soulsuccess Жыл бұрын
I love this interview and appreciate all the foundational work of the McKenna brothers. The notion made by Dennis that if you take more you don’t get more effect couldn’t be further from the truth. The effect changes exponentially depending upon the dose. I recommend looking into the work of Kilindi Iyi and his accounts of taking ultra high doses.
@Jay_Hendrix 11 ай бұрын
I wouldn't hasten to dismiss Terrence's time wave just yet. I think it's more likely that the "end of time" was less an end of the world and more of a beginning of a very strange *new* world.
@gaian639 10 ай бұрын
I agree
@Virracocha444 11 ай бұрын
Whenever Dennis is asked about Terence, his ego shows. The man asks to speak about who Terence was and all he elaborates on is how the “time wave” theory is wrong and how he didn’t like modern science. Ridiculous. Terence was a great man, speaker, philosopher and quite frankly changed my perspective of life.
@truBador2 10 ай бұрын
Yes, things are batshit weird around here. Back in the day I listened to Roy of Hollywood at KPFK radio in LA who gave Terrence really great exposure. Those were the days!
@LM-uq9nv 11 ай бұрын
" wordsmith " implies a selectivity of one's subjective opinions in order to construct a controlled message for the listener. Terrence seemed ( to me) more like an objective messenger, aware of the limited perceptions of the average listener, and willing to painstakingly attempt to meet them where they stood, and expand those limited perceptions using his superior proficiency in language.
@Charlie-502 11 ай бұрын
Jus listening to this got me trippin 😵‍💫 Dennis's headset is disappearing
@lullbluetooth 11 ай бұрын
SUMMARY: 🍄 Dennis McKenna is an ethnopharmacologist known for his psychedelic experiences with his brother Terence McKenna. They became fascinated with DMT in the 1960s and wanted to find a longer-lasting oral form, leading them to search for ayahuasca in South America. 🗺 In 1971, Dennis and Terence traveled to La Chorrera in Colombia searching for the psychedelic plant preparation ayahuasca. They ended up finding large quantities of psilocybin mushrooms instead and consumed high doses daily. 👽 At La Chorrera, they reported hearing a sound on high mushroom doses which led them to conduct an "experiment" trying to manifest objects using this sound. They had grandiose ideas about condensing an object called "the stone" which could transform reality. 🧠 Terence became known as a lecturer and writer on psychedelics, philosophy and the nature of time. He spoke about ideas like time wave zero, the ingression of novelty into the universe, and the impending technological singularity. 📚 Dennis wrote a book about their experiences called The Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss. He went on to study ethnopharmacology and become an expert on psychedelic plants. 🧪 Dennis believes the psychedelic experience itself is essential for lasting therapeutic benefit in psychedelic medicine. Simply tweaking receptors without the experience may not lead to robust changes. 🎭 He admired Terence's humor, quick mind, and fearless promotion of "funny ideas" that made people think. Dennis misses Terence's unique character and wishes he was still around today.
@or8t Жыл бұрын
I'm aware how crazy and in-isolation this anecdote is. Bitcoin hit $20 December 2012 & never revisited a price lower than that. Novelty. (And nobody noticed).
@asemic Жыл бұрын
@Suzume-Shimmer Жыл бұрын
Is he actually wearing headphones or are they just a hallucination ??? 👀
@0ptimal 11 ай бұрын
Around 1:18:00 Yea I agree, i don't think you can bypass the element of experience and expect to reap it's rewards. I mean you sort of do with psychedelics, in the way they seem to optimize perspective and perception just from the drug, but still you're going through a psychedelic "experience" to get that. I don't trust pharma to develop a psychedelic derived drug that is not more detrimental than beneficial. Whatever they develop will have a couple key factors top in mind which is dependence and money, whatever effectiveness it has will only serve as the bait.
@kerri5595 23 күн бұрын
Timestamps please! You can't have just a transcript for a 90 min conversation
@VladyslavKL Жыл бұрын
@dmtjnani9951 Жыл бұрын
The Aum creates Form ; without a doubt. These guye got it right. Come to Uruguay to dissolve with me, Dennis. Everything on me; home, icebath, consciousness foods, & the most sacred of all. Anyway, SEE you in a few days , Guruji Terrence ( monthly ceremony). Jai , Terrence & Dennis.
@Sophia-mn5mb Жыл бұрын
I acquired mine from an online dmt psychedelic store they ship discreet¿?¿
@Sophia-mn5mb Жыл бұрын
@Sophia-mn5mb Жыл бұрын
@abyss8677 11 ай бұрын
Did they Consumed 5meo?
@jameskim3915 11 ай бұрын
He's on Instagrams also on Telegram with the below handle as...
@jameskim3915 11 ай бұрын
@feneliaalleyne7725 Жыл бұрын
@MrAwesomeRage 6 ай бұрын
Pro tip: take k2 vitamin with vitamin d, because k2 carries the d to the right places more efficiently. I cant remember the right amounts, but heres a grain of information, look it up! 🙏☺️
@Csio12 11 ай бұрын
I think ethnobotanist is his preferred term
@jessemontano762 Жыл бұрын
Dennis im sure is super burnt being asked about Terence. Lol.
@Davewheelz Жыл бұрын
👀 @psychedtripx got ............all kinds of........ Psychedelic stuff ......
@Davewheelz Жыл бұрын
@ly6203 7 ай бұрын
I always wonder why Dennis and Terence have zero similarity in their features, Terence looking like Irish King Arthur, dennis more like ralph Abrahams brother😅
@dumberdrumerstickz0534 9 ай бұрын
BING-O00H---- A.G.I. which grow's into S.A.I.--____-- = Singulariity!!!
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