Thank God for Women Preachers?

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smart christians channel

9 ай бұрын

T.D. Jakes says we should promote women preachers

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@aurelie1303 9 ай бұрын
I am a woman who fears the LORD and yes it is not an issue of ability but an issue about order. A woman being a pastor disrupts the order that God wants in the Church.
@donaldotoks5000 9 ай бұрын
You are right, it is really NOT about ability, it is about order. very true. God's way is God's way, how can we become Christians and want to change it? I don't understand. We can't just do what we like surely?
@Mrs.CGraves 9 ай бұрын
Yes! Look at the Family. We removed Fathers as head of the Family. Women want to be co-equal. We are not equal. Equal value, equal worth yes.. but GOD DESIGNED THE ORDER. He wanted is in this way for the Family Unit, for balance, design. We have all these aggressive masculine women out of order. I have found the most Joy, Peace, purpose, structure and stability not trying to be a Co-Equal . Take that burden. I will go get back in my lane, and do what my instinct and design asks. Women do best, and society and Family really thrives with a strong number 2, doing all the things on the home front so the Man can go provide, and thrive. Don’t forget to tell that Man how proud of him, and thankful for him and all his accomplishments. If we do our jobs and remove all distractions from his life He really thrives. Women today don’t “want” to do all that work. They want the Boardroom to be like a Man. We are out of balance. We are supposed to minister and evangelize to our kids. Who is doing that? Who is raising our kids up to be good kids? Who is investing into the future? Not many, mothers are trying to be Fathers. It’s a crying shame.
@Mrs.CGraves 9 ай бұрын
@@donaldotoks5000yes. It’s become Man’s way. These women are out of order, and society shows this.
@jamesgorham7125 9 ай бұрын
​@@donaldotoks5000You got that right 100 percent 😊
@joycewatt800 9 ай бұрын
@Romans6_23 9 ай бұрын
I’m a woman. I submit to God’s order out of love and respect for Him. If a woman can’t submit and follow God’s order then she has no fear of the Lord. I will have to give an account for my actions and that includes my attitude towards His Word.
@creativelychimaine110 9 ай бұрын
Thank you. You just put it in words that clicked in my struggle on this.
@user-iz8np3vv4i 9 ай бұрын
I suggest my short and free essay on Deborah. Men and women are perfectly equal spiritually. She was a pastor, according to the scriptures. This is how the Judges are described in Chronicles, by God. A woman could only be given the authority by God to execute a man for his sin, if women are spiritually equal to men. A Judge could judge homicide cases according to Deuteronomy. Therefore Deborah, as a Judge, could execute a man for his sin. A Judge was cleared to teach from scripture as he/she gave a verdict, according to Deuteronomy. Since in Judges 4, men went to Deborah to be judged, a woman could teach men, even in the Old Covenant.
@kelvinbarber1765 9 ай бұрын
@user-iz8np3vv4i Liar!!! Deborah was a judge, not a padtor.
@user-iz8np3vv4i 9 ай бұрын
@@kelvinbarber1765 The Judges were pastors/shepherds. As it says: Wheresoever I have walked with all Israel, spake I a word to any of the judges of Israel, whom I commanded to feed my people, saying, Why have ye not built me an house of cedars? -excerpt 1 Chronicles 17 verse 6 KJV Major modern English translations like the NASB use the phrasing ...whom I commanded to shepherd My people... [PASTOR - Origin: late Middle English: from Anglo-Norman French pastour, from Latin pastor ‘shepherd’.] In all places where I have walked with all Israel, have I spoken a word with any of the judges of Israel, whom I commanded to shepherd My people, saying, ‘Why have you not built Me a house of cedar?’ -excerpt 1 Chronicles 17 verse 6 NASB translation Also I will ordain a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, and they shall dwell in their place, and shall be moved no more; neither shall the children of wickedness waste them any more, as at the beginning, and since the time that I commanded judges to be over my people Israel. -excerpt 1 Chronicles 17 verses 9 and 10 KJV -God speaking to Nathan the prophet ******************************** When the shepherd over Israel died, the people went back into sin. That is because the Judge was the most important spiritual leader of this time period. ******************************** But it came about, when the judge died, that they would turn back and act more corruptly than their fathers, in following other gods to serve them and bow down to them; they did not abandon their practices or their obstinate ways. -excerpt Judges 2
@caroleimani9754 8 ай бұрын
​@@user-iz8np3vv4iAre you a troll??😮
@ChristsSheep 9 ай бұрын
I love God soooo much that if He says a woman can’t be a pastor, I agree 💯 percent.
@user-iz8np3vv4i 9 ай бұрын
I suggest my short and free essay on Deborah. Men and women are perfectly equal spiritually. She was a pastor, according to the scriptures. This is how the Judges are described in Chronicles, by God. A woman could only be given the authority by God to execute a man for his sin, if women are spiritually equal to men. A Judge could judge homicide cases according to Deuteronomy. Therefore Deborah, as a Judge, could execute a man for his sin. A Judge was cleared to teach from scripture as he/she gave a verdict, according to Deuteronomy. Since in Judges 4, men went to Deborah to be judged, a woman could teach men, even in the Old Covenant.
@caroleimani9754 8 ай бұрын
​@@user-iz8np3vv4iAre you a troll??😮
@kelvinbarber1765 8 ай бұрын
​@user-iz8np3vv4i She was a judge, not a pastor. You do know the difference, Einstein. What are the qualifications of a bishop or elder? Corey just laid it out to you with scripture and u r still rebelling. If u go to hell you earned your right to be there. It's called structure and Gid want men to lead his church. Its not up for debate and God doesn't want your opinion. If u respect the order of marriage then u should respect the order of the church because it reflects the order of marriage. Man is the head of his wife like Christ is the head of the church.
@nyeshamclilly7524 7 ай бұрын
@leewebb3843 7 ай бұрын
Thank you so much, for first submitting to God, not man because if allowed the devil will come and tear the church up but Jesus made sure that the Gates of hell cannot disrupt his Church. God always used men to preach his gospel, though there were women who carried the word across and helped the Gospel to move forward. But God charged that a man should hold the office of a bishop and a bishop is a leader of the church most likely being a pastor as well. In addition the order of the church or should I say the administration of the Church was first given to 12 men apostles on the day of Pentecost, (read Acts 1st Chapter and then carried forward to where we are now, but during the linage of this disposition some have come to pervert the gospel so that they can make money or otherwise cause problems. But God's Church requires that we repents of our sins, and receive the Holy Ghost, This is done through the name of Jesus and the subsequent baptism in his name. Read the book of Acts, and you will see) So I'm indeed that you are happy with the way they are teaching you in your church about respect and love for you King God Jesus Christ and I'm certain that you life will achieve even more of God's goodness and love for you.
@leonardbrown601 9 ай бұрын
These so-called preachers and teachers they are running a family business.
@HoneyBee-nd5bh 9 ай бұрын
I say the same for some of these pastors' wives. I never believed that "all" the pastors that are called to preach, that the wife is automatically a preacher or a doctor too.
@Saltandlight77 9 ай бұрын
@@HoneyBee-nd5bh your so right. It’s become a church trend.
@cowel8734 9 ай бұрын
Kenneth Copeland "!!!"
@Sheep0417_ 9 ай бұрын
It comes off as nepotism and using the Bible as a part of their grift. Church planting for them is just franchise expansion.
@chriscurry4646 9 ай бұрын
Facts…. Co-pastors, multiple pay checks
@reneemcdade1297 9 ай бұрын
The Bible says that a pastor, a deacon, or a bishop should be blameless, and the husband of one wife. The husband, not the wife of one husband!!@
@Mantleofrestoration 9 ай бұрын
Phoebe was a female deaconess. Junia was a female Apostle. Deborah a Judge & prophetess & many other women Prophets & Evangelist in ministry. This is preaching, teaching, etc. the Bible also says that there is neither male or female in the spirit. God can anoint & chose whom he may. Why would a women disobey God if he called her??? It’s truly sad that we are still having this conversation with all the evidence that God also anoints his daughters/women. Pricilla & Acquilla/husband wife led -Pastored with the wife & the wife was in the forefront… do a study of the commentary & New Testament when Paul tells them to pray for the women that led with him. It take a lot of strength & faith to obey God when your treated this way. It’s so sad to continue putting women down sharing the gospel walking in obedience unto there father. There were much more women in authority…ministry…
@zeroch1ll150 9 ай бұрын
​@Mantleofrestoration The office of PASTOR, Leader is reserved for men by God. Your understanding has been influenced by flawed teaching.
@caroleimani9754 8 ай бұрын
​@@Mantleofrestorationtheir Father.
@caroleimani9754 8 ай бұрын
​@@Mantleofrestorationyou're treated.
@caroleimani9754 8 ай бұрын
Show me where (in the Bible).that Aquila and Priscilla were PASTORS...I would like The Book, The Chapter, and The Verse, please... And I want to see the word, PASTOR, not "helper" or anything like that😮............
@thewordofgod2012 9 ай бұрын
I am at this moment submitting my discourse paper on "How do cultural and societal norms intersect with theological interpretations to influence the acceptance of women pastors and ministers in various Christian denominations?" As a woman who was ordained as a Pastor over 20 years ago and came to my senses and denounced this position in the church, I find this so sad. Many in the church have rejected me for my (or should I say God's position) on this. Even after pointing out scripture in context to support my stance, they can not hear or see the truth.
@kgar5String 9 ай бұрын
If it was God’s position he would have called women when he called the Apostle’s, he broke all other norms.
@browneyes1310 9 ай бұрын
I stand with you sister that’s GODS order
@jamesbass6283 9 ай бұрын
How many people were in the upper room before the holy spirit fell on them? We know the 12 disciples right? also lets assume there were other men as followers, lets say 100 right? Now Out of the 20 left lets take off the 12 disciples and that leaves us 8 women inclusive of mary. This would create a big problem with that script, Luke would not ignore such a big presence of men and deliberately mention women in such a very conservative culture where women would not be counted. All evidence point to a large presence of women. So, In a such conservative ancient culture, someone might ask, what in the world were women doing in a single house with a large group of men for days? In their days this would have been a big scandal, which means the women were bigger in numbers normalizing their presence in the upper room. Women can be used by GOD as equally as men because Gen 1:27-28 should be the foundation of this debate. The creator created both of them in his image, then equally blessed them equally. Fast forward to 100AD and 2023 and God can't use both?
@christianmarshrosey1977 9 ай бұрын
oh my. People have tied their lives and identities to this. They say God has no problem with them so you cannot face them with this.
@wshyangify 9 ай бұрын
@@jamesbass6283 Women are emotional and can't reason rationally, there's a reason why women are forbidden to preach.
@Ministry_of_Reconciliation 9 ай бұрын
My ex Pastor was a advocate of women Pastor's... I shared my views on that very subject, biblically.... he told me to live in today's society - I left the Church. I will not compromise God's word
@jamesgorham7125 9 ай бұрын
Amen Amen 😊
@Kingjamesbible161 9 ай бұрын
Amen I pray that you don’t but sooner or later you might not be going to church at some Point I’ve been saved for 20 year and still learning growing of course and for many reasons have found out that I will never belong “to a physical chitcj building ever again bevause of the mess that’s going on in them all of them ! So I’m good knowing I am the church and I talk to do belivers hear and their and my hubby is saved so we study read and of course look and study research and listen compare teachings like this post and Charles Stanley Billy Graham and Peter ruckman Charles Lawson Robert breaker and other older saints too many to name and the beauty and blessing is if somtging is off I can turn it off to something else or turn to something that is without dealing with church folks physically so it’s been such a huge blessing to have so much info people to study research and fellowship online but wherever man is there will always be something lacking or they get wrong intentionally or unintentionally it is what it is so to avoid the drama I stick to the Holy Spirit of God teaching leading me and having proper discernment of who to listen to and when and why abd compare it all to scriptures
@freddhernanadez2230 9 ай бұрын
Amen! God bless you and the rest of the Remnant worldwide.
@user-iz8np3vv4i 9 ай бұрын
I suggest my short and free essay on Deborah. Men and women are perfectly equal spiritually. She was a pastor, according to the scriptures. This is how the Judges are described in Chronicles, by God. A woman could only be given the authority by God to execute a man for his sin, if women are spiritually equal to men. A Judge could judge homicide cases according to Deuteronomy. Therefore Deborah, as a Judge, could execute a man for his sin. A Judge was cleared to teach from scripture as he/she gave a verdict, according to Deuteronomy.
@Ministry_of_Reconciliation 9 ай бұрын
@@user-iz8np3vv4i thank you for your reply, can you show me in the scriptures where Deborah is deemed a Pastor.. Being spiritually equal doesn't qualify nor does it disqualify someone..what does is order, and not just any order - but order of creation.
@Mrs.CGraves 9 ай бұрын
God uses women every day, he sees our inherent value, but we are supposed to be teaching and preparing towards our CHILDREN. How many women are in their lane raising up a good Future? A Godly Future?
@joycewatt800 9 ай бұрын
4 ай бұрын
Exactly. Like both jobs are so important. Motherhood is being totally disregarded
@Mrs.CGraves 4 ай бұрын
@ that’s NeoFeminism. They shame and disrespect Mothers taking the role as seriously as Hod intended it to be. I was shamed by women at schools, neighbors, family and the worst is the Church. I raised WIVES. Wives who were prepared and understood the importance and becoming mothers. Supposedly it was too antiquated and narrow. They are wives, who support their Husbands and see JOY in motherhood, raising Godly children. I could not be prouder. If they chose to go to college or work, I’d be happy for them but the true purpose is raising their own children.
@candiceking7422 9 ай бұрын
😅😂 I so enjoy this channel. I'm a woman who once had no understanding of scripture. So grateful for God's patience w/ me as He through His Spirit regenerates my heart.
@caroleimani9754 8 ай бұрын
I can't believe that woman said: "If you don't like Lady Pastors, you are going to hell." Now I have heard everything 😮!!!.
@fayewood1377 7 ай бұрын
proof of why women should not be a pastor.
@alanacharya7132 5 ай бұрын
Excuse me ? What does marriage indicate ? Are you acknowledged the order of God in Church? Please discern.
@carolynhughes9205 9 ай бұрын
Im married to a pastor and I speak the word of God unapologetically. I'm not a pastor, dont want to be. But the Holy Spirit moves in my life.
@sylviaa5785 9 ай бұрын
As women we have a plethora of things we can do for the Kingdom, our families and community yet its never enough...some want to take a mans role too. What's funny is that only woman can carry and birth a child, yet you never hear men fighting for that gift lol.
@user-iz8np3vv4i 9 ай бұрын
I suggest my short and free essay on Deborah. Men and women are perfectly equal spiritually. She was a pastor, according to the scriptures. This is how the Judges are described in Chronicles, by God. A woman could only be given the authority by God to execute a man for his sin, if women are spiritually equal to men. A Judge could judge homicide cases according to Deuteronomy. Therefore Deborah, as a Judge, could execute a man for his sin. A Judge was cleared to teach from scripture as he/she gave a verdict, according to Deuteronomy. Since in Judges 4, men went to Deborah to be judged, a woman could teach men, even in the Old Covenant.
@absolutetruth3979 9 ай бұрын
​@@user-iz8np3vv4iI suggest you go back to God and pray about that because the reason why Deborah was a judge in Israel's time is because it's real society was so atrocious. Have you read Isaiah chapter 3? Clearly you don't understand the scriptures because even though men and women are equal spiritually, they have different positions in the church and the body of Christ different functions God is not an author confusion. Well we have to understand is we supposed to humble ourselves. It's all about humility. Why are people trying to jock for leadership because they feel like they have anointing from God. The anointing is surrendering to God and allowing the Holy spirit to use you. God the son will never try to usher authority of a god, the father God, the Holy spirit will never try to usher a thought over God, the son when are we going to learn this when the Bible says hero israel the Lord thy God, the Lord thy God is one in other words that united nothing can put a wedge between them. Y'all are allowing culture to put a wedge in the church, so please pray about what you're talking about. Question your motives gain some godly wisdom
@camerongraham3372 9 ай бұрын
With all due respect this is spiritual incorrect. Let me explain in the book of Judges is clearly highlighted that this was a time when the children of Israel were out of order with God. This is why all throughout the book of Judges it's highlighted who God call to be a judge, With God called, appointed, blessed, etc. Deborah was not called by God to Judge.
@user-iz8np3vv4i 9 ай бұрын
@@camerongraham3372 Now Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lappidoth, was judging Israel at that time. She used to sit under the palm tree of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in the hill country of Ephraim; and the sons of Israel went up to her for judgment. -excerpt Judges 4 “If a case is too difficult for you to decide, between one kind of homicide or another, between one kind of lawsuit or another, and between one kind of assault or another, that are cases of dispute in your courts, then you shall arise and go up to the place which the Lord your God chooses. So you shall come to the Levitical priests or the judge who is in office in those days, and you shall inquire of them and they will declare to you the verdict. -excerpt Deuteronomy 17
@Mrs.CGraves 9 ай бұрын
When a Church compromises on this issue, they compromise on all or many others. The church was meant to guide people to The Gospel of Repentance and Salvation of the SOUL, and connection with God.
@JesseJones-oq9ty 9 ай бұрын
Read ezekiel 17:18
@jwm66 9 ай бұрын
As one deepens their respect for the order of marriage, he or she would understand the importance of church leadership REFLECTING that order.
@sylviaa5785 9 ай бұрын
@Cesar-pq2ck 5 ай бұрын
Perfectly said!
@tre6442 9 ай бұрын
Shes actually proven why they shouldn't be pastoring 😮
@leviticusemmanuel4421 9 ай бұрын
She's a feminist. These types hate seeing men being in charge.
@wewuzwolves4428 9 ай бұрын
@ec4116 9 ай бұрын
If she only knew 😅 I guess we should be thankful for her lack of self-awareness.
@freddhernanadez2230 9 ай бұрын
@rosemarietolentino3218 5 ай бұрын
She has three children from three different men. I have seen on the internet.
@joycewatt800 9 ай бұрын
God is NOT interested in numbers. He’s interested in saved, sanctified, set apart souls! Filling up stadiums and conference centers and even church buildings DOES NOT MATTER and it will not matter when we STAND before God in the end. Of course there are many problems in today’s church but we have to get it together from the start and that’s with the leadership. God is a God of doing things decent and in order…His order.
@pitAlexx 9 ай бұрын
Ever notice that if you are dealing with a female pastor, you are not dealing with preaching on repentance? In all the ones I saw, I didn't hear anything about sin, what it is, what you must do, and how God dealt with sin. It's all just as if you are looking at a motivational speech, "God has this planned for you", "you are so special to God", "You need to find your true self, and...". It's almost like a dead giveaway.
@cowel8734 9 ай бұрын
Yep so true, they preach about magical powers from God. Its all about power, wealth, and their abuse of the word "increase" These fake women just want to be powerful and manly and only preach about power and self enrichment
@wewuzwolves4428 9 ай бұрын
The moment "Blondie" opened her mouth, she proved Paul's point and provided a rock solid argument against female preachers.
@foxybrown2 9 ай бұрын
No this did not prove anything there are men Pastors who don't know scripture either. yes is does say woman should not be over men. But what you are trying to use for proof is not right.
@wewuzwolves4428 9 ай бұрын
​@@foxybrown2 Yes it did, as does the Bible. I never said there weren't male pastors who don't know scripture, but that's literally neither here nor there, as the subject of my post is the "Blondie" (I updated my original post to clear up any confusion) in the video who was talking out of her posterior. She's literally trying to make a case for female preachers but every word out of her mouth proves her to be biblically ignorant and quite foolish. My point still stands.
@freddhernanadez2230 9 ай бұрын
​@@foxybrown2shaking my head. Your satanic feelings ALWAYS supersede what the God of the Bible said. Till when will you stop!? What if you become a reprobate?
@ifeifesi 9 ай бұрын
she only proved she doesn't know scripture or holds a low view of it. Even if she knew Scripture she would still be disqualified as a pastor because she is a woman.
@GodSaid777 9 ай бұрын
God said… Is enough said .
@gretchenguichard1623 9 ай бұрын
I like you comment!!!! 😊I'll be using that one😂 ❤
@evafox2953 4 ай бұрын
God speaks direction in his word, we must search the scriptures to make sure we are following the directions of God.
@LollesLyfe 9 ай бұрын
Thank you my brother in Christ for not only speaking the truth but also going over scripture that supports the truth..
@ashermarcus5242 9 ай бұрын
Nothing we hear about Phoebe would lead to understanding women pastors are acceptable biblically. There are so many helpers in the church but not all can stand in the office of lead pastor in the church environment. My wife is under the influence of a female pastor and just refuses to adhere to and understand scripture in many teachings of the bible. By the way we are East Indian and live in Ontario Canada. Unfortunately the more I study and read the bible it saddens me how mislead the Lords flock is in these countries. 20:26
@user-iz8np3vv4i 9 ай бұрын
I suggest my short and free essay on Deborah. Men and women are perfectly equal spiritually. She was a pastor, according to the scriptures. This is how the Judges are described in Chronicles, by God. A woman could only be given the authority by God to execute a man for his sin, if women are spiritually equal to men. A Judge could judge homicide cases according to Deuteronomy. Therefore Deborah, as a Judge, could execute a man for his sin. A Judge was cleared to teach from scripture as he/she gave a verdict, according to Deuteronomy.
@caroleimani9754 8 ай бұрын
​@@user-iz8np3vv4iAre you a troll??😮
@vincentbriggs0682 7 ай бұрын
Very mislead and most just except it!
@christinalisamartinez4776 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for this teaching…a lot of women are not married and or don’t have strong godly male figures in their lives whom can protect guide them as GOD has intended due to our sinful and fallen state…so I am very grateful that GOD has shown us his mercy and is using social media to give us his true and glorious gospel…Thank you brother for explaining and helping us to understand the Bible 🙏🏻🙏🏻
@Voc4444 8 ай бұрын
You took the words and thoughts out of my mouth. God bless you?
@katherinelyn 9 ай бұрын
Thank you Corey. I think some people mistake your passion for arrogance and pride. I love your zeal for serving God and teaching the word. Never stop contending for the faith! I continue to learn from you. God bless!
@jayyyyyyeeeeee 9 ай бұрын
Yes I agree!
@homeydaz 9 ай бұрын
@freddhernanadez2230 9 ай бұрын
Amen! God bless him ; you and the rest of the Remnant worldwide.
@khangelamathebula6940 6 ай бұрын
He has been given gift of a teacher, he search scriptures and every believer should search scriptures themselves too like church of berea
@ThecrosseyedTexan 9 ай бұрын
Well that lady at the beginning there seems to be unencumbered by the bounds of Scripture. Telling people that they're going to hell because they don't agree with women pastors I think is worse than the actual issue of women pastors.
@jamesgorham7125 9 ай бұрын
You are correct, that Lady is a certified fruit cake that need to be delivered 😊
@cowel8734 9 ай бұрын
Agree. Shes trying to manipulate people to believe her evil ways like some demonic harlot guiding souls towards hell
@sylviaa5785 9 ай бұрын
Believe on the Lord Jesus and Female Pastors and you shall be saved!!
@Mz_Latee 9 ай бұрын
Exactly this
@kelvinbarber1765 9 ай бұрын
@sylviaa5785 female pastors? Yeah ok!!!
@candusmitchell299 9 ай бұрын
I'm so glad!! God's word has never changed! And I am so glad everything is being revealed to us in these times!
@leewebb3843 7 ай бұрын
Praise God for his continuous word warning us to wants about to happen.
@Kingjamesbible161 9 ай бұрын
I’m not sure what the lady with blonde hair is talking about the only sin anyone goes to hell for is the sin of unbelief
@jamesgorham7125 9 ай бұрын
Amen Amen Amen 🙏 you are right 100 percent 😊
@carlmillbrooks9044 9 ай бұрын
@bookerwellsviews-nq1xr 9 ай бұрын
Isn't T.D. Jakes "church" more so actually a "family business"? Not judging, but false Prophets often have a huge following, Reverend Moon is an example.
@homeydaz 9 ай бұрын
@homeydaz 9 ай бұрын
Making church a family business is a dangerous thing to do. Lord help your people!
@ContrabandTube 9 ай бұрын
Peter isn’t the rock. Nor are any of the apostles. The rock is Christ.
@cussetabolden3724 9 ай бұрын
This is so helpful Cory. In my current church have women assistant minsters and I questioned my pastor about this a year ago now because I don't agree and gave him some scriptures. He told me he received my email and would respond shortly after receiving it, but never did which leads me to believe he can't justify having women ministers in our church. My spirit is so unsettled about this and I feel led to change my membership. But it so many Baptist churches here in the South doing this now and I'm praying for direction now from the Lord. Either he open my pastor's eyes to see this is not biblical to do or led me to another church.
@user-iz8np3vv4i 9 ай бұрын
I suggest my short and free essay on Deborah. Men and women are perfectly equal spiritually. She was a pastor, according to the scriptures. This is how the Judges are described in Chronicles, by God. A woman could only be given the authority by God to execute a man for his sin, if women are spiritually equal to men. A Judge could judge homicide cases according to Deuteronomy. Therefore Deborah, as a Judge, could execute a man for his sin. A Judge was cleared to teach from scripture as he/she gave a verdict, according to Deuteronomy. Since in Judges 4, men went to Deborah to be judged, a woman could teach men, even in the Old Covenant in a public setting.
@christaylor7916 9 ай бұрын
Yes I am also unsure about women preachers. Pray about it, which I'm sure you already have, and I will pray for you as well. God bless you
@HowToLoseWeightDaily 8 ай бұрын
bounce----all "denomnations" directly or indirectly BRACE YOURSELF will get rid of u----AVOID "denominations" !!!
@caroleimani9754 8 ай бұрын
​@@user-iz8np3vv4iAre you a troll??😮
@gwendolynjackson8802 6 ай бұрын
Get ready to move. I believe He has already spoken to you.
@truthbetold9781 9 ай бұрын
Wow AMEN!! "God is not about ability, He's about Obedience" ❤❤🙏🏾🙏🏾 if a woman could or should preach, wouldn't Christ had easily chosen one of the 12 to follow Him?
@user-iz8np3vv4i 9 ай бұрын
I suggest my short and free essay on Deborah. Men and women are perfectly equal spiritually. She was a pastor, according to the scriptures. This is how the Judges are described in Chronicles, by God. A woman could only be given the authority by God to execute a man for his sin, if women are spiritually equal to men. A Judge could judge homicide cases according to Deuteronomy. Therefore Deborah, as a Judge, could execute a man for his sin. A Judge was cleared to teach from scripture as he/she gave a verdict, according to Deuteronomy. Since in Judges 4, men went to Deborah to be judged, a woman could teach men, even in the Old Covenant.
@candancewashington8335 9 ай бұрын
Women can teach not preach
@user-iz8np3vv4i 9 ай бұрын
@@candancewashington8335 What does that even mean?
@ifeifesi 9 ай бұрын
​@@user-iz8np3vv4iDeborah was a judge and not a preacher or teacher. She was a judge who did as one of her duties judge & arbitrate issues between men. In fact Judges 4 & 5 describes her as a judge, military leader, songwriter, and minstrel as activities. She resided in Ephraim and likely was of that tribe. She was not even of the house of Levi from where priests the descendants of Levi were drawn from. You have read into Scripture facts that are not there just to suit your position. Satan did the exact same.
@user-iz8np3vv4i 9 ай бұрын
@@ifeifesi A Judge had the same authority to judge as a Levitical priest. A Judge could execute a man for certain sins. Such as premeditated murder. “If a case is too difficult for you to decide, between one kind of homicide or another, between one kind of lawsuit or another, and between one kind of assault or another, that are cases of dispute in your courts, then you shall arise and go up to the place which the Lord your God chooses. So you shall come to the Levitical priests or the judge who is in office in those days, and you shall inquire of them and they will declare to you the verdict. -excerpt Deuteronomy 17 you wrote: Deborah was a judge and not a preacher or teacher. A Judge was cleared to teach from scripture, to men. Since Deborah (or any Judge) could judge homicide cases, the 'law' below refers to certain Old Testament scriptures. Then you shall act in accordance with the terms of the verdict which they declare to you from that place which the Lord chooses; and you shall be careful to act in accordance with everything that they INSTRUCT you to do. In accordance with the terms of the law about which they INSTRUCT you,... -excerpt Deuteronomy 17
@ablkthng 9 ай бұрын
It's truly a sad thing that myself and my wife of 28 years haven't been part of a local church since the beginning of covid. We realized that within about a 40 mile radius of our home, the churches I or we've visited have been greatly lacking in sound doctrine. The things coming from those pulpits are scary. More and more they're non denominational and multi cultural leaning. HARDCORE on tongues & tithing, health and prosperity. One pastor told me that he carries the King James Bible because it's the one Jesus "toted". The common denominator in ALL of these churches is a female CO-PASTOR that definitely has a prominent role in their respective church. At the church closest to my house they actually conduct a seminary. The pastor has made it a practice to try to teach new converts how to "speak in tongues." A couple of other churches have started "Schools for Prophets." This has proven to be a very difficult search.
@freddhernanadez2230 9 ай бұрын
1st Timothy chapter 4 in full effect.
@robertjohnson7719 9 ай бұрын
There were schools for prophets in the Old Testament. I’m not disagreeing with you I’m just saying they existed even back then. The teaching of tongues thing I’m sure that isn’t biblical though.
@ablkthng 9 ай бұрын
@@robertjohnson7719 I'm sure Samuel's school if in fact that's what is was, was nothing at all like some of these around here led mostly by women "Apostle's" decreeing and declaring and phophelying lol
@PrettiBrownEyesMisha 9 ай бұрын
i’m a woman who intends to marry, build a home and help my community. I could not imagine being a preacher if my husband is meant to be my covering. And chile… the responsibility of keeping the flock supersedes the family. Nuh uh, no thank you.
@jeremiahjones4224 9 ай бұрын
What text do you have to support, "leading the flock superseding the family"?
@Saltandlight77 9 ай бұрын
Corey, I was a female elder in my church, and after being fully convinced that this was not where I belonged as a woman due to studying the scriptures, I met with my pastor and informed him that I had to leave the church. Why? Because of this very issue. I was told I had to preach and teach as part of the duties I was responsible for carrying out. I was never comfortable preaching, though I was comfortable teaching. I left because although I respected my pastor I couldn’t choose him, nor the friendships I had made over Gods truth. I also didn’t want to bring confusion to the church. I would be showing up when it was a man speaking, and not showing up when it was a woman speaking. Of course I never knew when a woman was going to preach so it was best for me to leave rather than do this juggling act. The fascinating part of this was that my pastor, my shepherd, never offered me any information about this subject although he said he was okay with his belief. I left with no fight or information provided to prove the case for staying. Women as preachers, and leaders, appear to be seen as a very light thing to those who accept it and act in this capacity, but disobedience is sin. It’s often looked at as a light thing in relation to other kinds of sin. I would say to those who are unsure of this subject “don’t enter into this arena unless you have studied it.” While having discussions with many women I discovered that they have never taken the time to study the subject, and are really going by hearsay and regurgitating what they have heard and seen the culture doing (these were their honest words). Many have mistaken an ability or gift to be a calling or simply, “want what they want.” Women have roles in the body of Christ that need to be performed which have been left undone. When this happens a door is left open for satan. Women are vital in the support of men, ministerial roles, for the children, and the unsaved, their own family members, and their homes. I thank God for putting me on the right path. There is only one truth, not many. May we all find the right road, and travel upon it without going astray. And if we stray may we allow God to lead us back onto the right road. Blessings! I pray this helps someone.
@erisdiscordia7439 9 ай бұрын
Preach it, sis! Oh wait…
@aurelie1303 9 ай бұрын
@@Saltandlight77 thank you for these wonderful words ❤️
@misfitking_0143 9 ай бұрын
Christ is the Head of Men 🚹 the Man is the Head of the Woman 🚺 then comes the Fowls... then everything that creeps on the earth... Amen ❤🙏 Be Blessed!!!
@GodSaid777 9 ай бұрын
God said… Is enough said . It is written
@fayewood1377 7 ай бұрын
can't get much clearer than that!
@ImaWitness2 9 ай бұрын
Since when did God need to fill a 40k stadium when he only used 300 soldiers for Gideon?
@ifadamhadcorrectedeve4003 9 ай бұрын
And that’s after He sent hundreds away. Didn’t need them!
@ImaWitness2 9 ай бұрын
@@ifadamhadcorrectedeve4003 and that's why there's an elect
@penzilt6090 9 ай бұрын
Enjoyed the teaching Corey🙏🏾❣️
@tiffany-sheriwageman.3702 9 ай бұрын
I am a warrior princess of the Almighty Jesus Christ! I would not want the role of a pastor or priest. It's a very difficult position requires much logical manner.
@briansonof 9 ай бұрын
I was inclined to balk at the "princess" title but if we're adopted brothers and sisters of the King of Kings, there's something to that maybe. Regardless, yes, women and men both make mighty warriors for Christ!
@caroleimani9754 8 ай бұрын
@tiffany-sheriwageman.3702 8 ай бұрын
@@briansonof my position is with God as the King and we are all Prince and Princess in the Kingdom. We are warriors and do the work that needs to get done.
@tiffany-sheriwageman.3702 8 ай бұрын
@@caroleimani9754 I am sorry I misspelled a word.
@MihesoEugene 4 ай бұрын
​@@tiffany-sheriwageman.3702I think you are hiding under/in your words. We are all the same in God's eyes but He chooses the order in which to lead His children. We can all belong to a certain school but there are those chosen to lead the school. We are under The Kingdom, and God has established the way that Kingdom is to be ruled. He is not the Lord of confusion He declares, He establishes order and that order is clear.
@MT-. 9 ай бұрын
I whole heartedly agree with Mr. Corey. There is an order and when we veer from this order it leads to destruction and ruin. However we have a growing number of female pastors in churches and it will continue to grow and I believe there are a few factors to this: 1. It is a direct correlation to the age we live in where men have forfeited their leadership and the natural result of this is that women will step in (remember in Gen 3:16 where God indicated that the results of sin would cause the woman to desire her husband meaning that the natural order of things were disrupted and women would now seek to rule). 2. Churches are no longer a sacred sanctuary where we come to commune with God but have become a business where we work to sell God so, if it's a business we don't care about the biblical order and have no hesitation to hire whoever is capable of doing the job.
@AashaMarieArtist 9 ай бұрын
Mr. Corey you beasted this video! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 I thoroughly enjoyed this! You came with biblical facts!
@brandanbaker13 9 ай бұрын
Praise God for the brethren who rightly divide the word of Truth....Breaking down the Holy scriptures is vital for survival 🙏 🙌 👏 💪
@homeydaz 9 ай бұрын
Praise God 4 you my sister. Be encouraged. 🙏
@Ash-sx3is 9 ай бұрын
I have notice that when I speak about God word to fellow saints I wonder if they read the word of God or have a problem reading. The more we go on in this life the more the word of God reveals itself. Myself I am far from perfect but the Lord is my God the only sane & stable source the Holy Sprit that keeps me, Thank you Lord. It seems like we are now living in a time when wrong is right & right is wrong, mark those who cause division also some are sent by the devil, but I am still praying for the Church. 🙏😊😊
@cherisemelf4758 9 ай бұрын
@Ash-sx3is, God's word is HARD to understand without The Holy Spirit. Youve got too get in that word, and start somewhere. I remember feeling stupid not knowing God like the church I went too. It was on Fire! Baby Christians will never grow if they dont put God and Church First. Its real easy for the enemy to pull him away. He needs a bunch of Godly Babysitters in his life. That he can trust not to be a bunch of blabber-mouths. God wont use you if He cant trust you. Stop hurting people, and start loving them. They just got saved, they have no discipline yet. Be careful what you critisize and to who. I speak from experience, and got spanked bad by God. Im still learning that one. Our mouth is the hardest too control. Help each other, not judge, and be the church blabber-mouth. Im not blabbing, I just want then to be prayed for. Thats a lie and God knows it! Shut your mouth if God sends you someone thats unlovable and lazy, and all sorts of troubles. God is trusting YOU with His new baby Christian. Dont screw it up by judging what you see.
@heidigreen2454 9 ай бұрын
Thank you Corey for all you do! God is good!
@josepharavanis9463 9 ай бұрын
Brother remember the fact that there is none so blind as those who are unwilling to see!
@josepharavanis9463 9 ай бұрын
Corey you are correct, rightly dividing the words of truth!
@tinah3673 9 ай бұрын
Hallelujah 🙌 This is now my favourite KZfaq Video thus far 👋👋👋 The end is banging!!! Praise God 🙌
@orangeandslinky 9 ай бұрын
What a great bible study. This is a forget your feelings bible study.
@marktravis5162 9 ай бұрын
Like Jesus being anointed with the spirit to preach the gospel, that’s the thing that would disqualify women from preaching is if they haven’t also been given the spirit, because it’s those who receive the spirit that are called to preach the word of God
@vicentarobinson6330 8 ай бұрын
Thanks! Mr. Cory! Be blessed🙏🏾🙏🏾
@smartchristians 8 ай бұрын
Thank you as well
@go28 9 ай бұрын
Thank you Bro. Corey!!!!
@darleneanderson109 7 ай бұрын
Excellent podcast. Thank you Bro. Corey
@vimeyer2498 9 ай бұрын
Thank you Corey for your channel and for explaining the Bible so that we may have a better understanding of the word.
@charl_k 6 ай бұрын
A little off topic, but a phrase that brought a wry smile to my face and one that I'm definitely going to use from now on "... When you hear ignorance, you put your head cover your head..." Yep, definitely going into my repertoire.
@BADDMIXX 9 ай бұрын
Brother Corey. It's Time To Tell EVERYONE Who GOD Really Is! KJV - Psalms 50 : 22 “Now Consider This, YE that FORGET GOD, lest I TEAR YOU IN PIECES, and THERE BE NONE TO DELIVER.”
@candusmitchell299 9 ай бұрын
Yes sir! Praise God!
@yayabowie7829 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for clearing that up about Deborah the Judge of Israel.
@Saltandlight77 9 ай бұрын
I’m cracking up at the “I bet you don’t know’s”😂
@cherisemelf4758 9 ай бұрын
There is a HUGE difference between being a Preacher, and a Pastor. They are not the same position. If you think so, go read the Last words of Jesus to His kids. He told ALL of us, to go out and Preach the gospel all over the world. Preaching is not being a Pastor.
@wilfredomendez3450 14 күн бұрын
Reading is fundamental as well as good hermeneutics too. Excellent presentation and thanks for sharing. 1 Peter 3:15
@delaciwoods8864 8 ай бұрын
Aquila and Priscilla were paul described them as fellow workers
@financialtruthacademy9052 9 ай бұрын
The lady with the opening statement is so misguided and needs to repent
@Kingjamesbible161 9 ай бұрын
Actually repent and step down woman arent supposed to preach anyway
@Grace_Peace_Miguel 9 ай бұрын
She is under the teaching of apostle Katheryn Krick, she is falling into the “prophetic” circles like Passion Java, Lovy Elias and are operating in the doctrines of demons.
@JamesBurgoon-qs6nw 7 ай бұрын
God bless you brother keep fighting the good fight 💪💪💪💪
@tinah3673 9 ай бұрын
19:01 Amen an Amen 🩸🙏
@greghampton5214 9 ай бұрын
Its good to fact check these people who spreading bad doctrine with conviction, good job Brother for exposing the truth 😊
@lisaoverton3216 9 ай бұрын
😂😂😂 it’s a Shame didn’t wanna listen from the beginning 😢😢😢I need a church LORD PLEASE HELP US
@misfitking_0143 9 ай бұрын
The Tabernacle of God is amongst MEN 🚹 🎉🎉🎉 Blow the Trumpet of WARNING!!! Christ has Risen!!! ❤ King 👑 of GLORY!!! Amen!!! PRAISE ye the LORD!!! 🎉 Christ is King 👑 🎉 OVERCOMER!!! 🎉🎉🎉
@colemansquestforthehunt6423 7 ай бұрын
Because just serving isn't enough not realizing the least shall be the greatest and the last shall be first behold the bridegroom cometh!
@garykingdom20 9 ай бұрын
A peroxide blonde telling people they are going to hell? Something must be wrong with the hair.
@Cam4Jess 9 ай бұрын
Does anyone know what Bible program he's using? Amy Simple McFearson...Polly Wigglesworth? These names sound like residents of Rose Nylund's (The Golden Girls) home of St. Olaf .
@rosalindmiller4519 9 ай бұрын
@jaliaskilo 7 ай бұрын
I am a not a woman, thankfully, and yes, i tell women “pastors” to shut their pie hole & floozies to shut their legs - COMMON SENSE ✅✊🏽😎😘
@ronaldisom1922 9 ай бұрын
The Bible clearly says that God has Not given the green light for women to be pastors
@user-iz8np3vv4i 9 ай бұрын
I suggest my short and free essay on Deborah. Men and women are perfectly equal spiritually. She was a pastor, according to the scriptures. This is how the Judges are described in Chronicles, by God. A woman could only be given the authority by God to execute a man for his sin, if women are spiritually equal to men. A Judge could judge homicide cases according to Deuteronomy. Therefore Deborah, as a Judge, could execute a man for his sin. A Judge was cleared to teach from scripture as he/she gave a verdict, according to Deuteronomy.
@AngelDegrees 6 ай бұрын
PT2 1982, member of a new church. Our Pastor was in his 30's. Nearly everyone was in the 20-30 yo range. We did have wonderful elders who were teachers also. We learned the word, couldn't wait to get to church. Late 80's early 90's our pastor and his wife linked up to the word of faith movement. Price, Copeland, Robert's, Shambock, Hickey, Thompson, J&P Crouch, Hagen, everything TBN. That was the beginning of the end. The Sunday our pastor announced that his wife was co-pastor, from that moment on she became so arrogant, bossy, like a mini dictator, nothing like her husband. She single handedly tore our church apart. So many Godly people left quietly. Later found out that they had to sign NDA & Non compete agreements, so they couldn't start a church within a certain mile radius. Since then, I knew it was totally out of order for a woman to lead over a man, and scripture supports that She made pastor look weak as a man. Watching the young lady in the video reminded me of our pastors wife. In my previous post, I said we want what we want no matter the consequences. This young lady's mouth and her emotions could potentially destroy people's faith. Many walked away from the church because of pastors wife, some have maintained their relationship with the lord and are strong believers, others NEVER recovered from that. I still pray that God will move me from any ministry that's not of him. I was so glad he moved me before the final destruction.
@pvtwhitfield1 7 ай бұрын
Beautifully said. 🙏🏾🌹
@kathyneufeld2080 9 ай бұрын
PLease please share what Bible site or app you are using with the English and Greek side by side
@jeremiahjones4224 9 ай бұрын
I think it's logas app.
@zargoogle6914 9 ай бұрын
Amen, Amen
@JAG1762 7 ай бұрын
Rick Renner, a pastor in Russia is very well known and highly respected in WOF. He visits the church I used to attend often as that church financially supports him as a missionary. His wife has a stunning opera voice. I used to silently question some of his Hebrew and Greek because it seemed he was usually appealing to WOF doctrine.
@hiphopliberationmovement3156 9 ай бұрын
@malcolmjackson8258 9 ай бұрын
Corey why is the volume so low on your KZfaq channel..... love your knowledge of the word ....but volume need adjustment....may the Lord keep you strong 💪 in his service 🙏
@andrescott7168 9 ай бұрын
My lord! I haven’t heard sound doctrine like the is ever!
@wesleymason8064 6 ай бұрын
@TriciaPerry-ef7bi 6 ай бұрын
I am doing everything but the HOLY GHOST and Gospel I started out right but now in error. I hate this and feel lost. What to do. I don't want this world and ran. I hate this.
@wesleymason8064 6 ай бұрын
@raymak0234 6 ай бұрын
We should read Titus 1:5 -7 that shows the requirements for being an Elder/ Pastor.
@anthonybarber3872 9 ай бұрын
Corey's position reflects my sentiments exactly! Too many times I have heard that the women were the first witnesses/ preachers of the resurrection. Then they make the leap in logic to women pastors. You can't do that. Go get em tiger!
@user-iz8np3vv4i 9 ай бұрын
I suggest my short and free essay on Deborah. Men and women are perfectly equal spiritually. She was a pastor, according to the scriptures. This is how the Judges are described in Chronicles, by God. A woman could only be given the authority by God to execute a man for his sin, if women are spiritually equal to men. A Judge could judge homicide cases according to Deuteronomy. Therefore Deborah, as a Judge, could execute a man for his sin. A Judge was cleared to teach from scripture as he/she gave a verdict, according to Deuteronomy. Since in Judges 4, men went to Deborah to be judged, a woman could teach men, even in the Old Covenant in a public setting.
@caroleimani9754 8 ай бұрын
​@@user-iz8np3vv4iAre you a troll??😮
@KhayalakheSkosana 3 ай бұрын
@michaelconyer2106 9 ай бұрын
So as a man of God who has been surrounded by annointed woman prophets and teachers. This issue is perplexing Because I can't question the validaty of God using these women to edify both women and men. But I know what scripture says and believe my word.
@kgar5String 9 ай бұрын
What do you mean by anointed, and how do we know other than by the scripture.
@cowel8734 9 ай бұрын
How were they annointed? What does an annointed women have that regular women don't? Beware of these decievers who exalt themselves and give themselves these magical titles. We don't need prophets because we have the word and access to knowledge Also Gods prophecies haven't been fulfilled yet so theres no need for new prophets Everyone who calls themselves prophet, prophetess, apostle, etc.. are robbers and thieves who only seek to enrich themselves to feel powerful
@jeremiahjones4224 9 ай бұрын
Well faith without works is dead, and now that you know better, what are you going to do about it.
@user-iz8np3vv4i 9 ай бұрын
I suggest my short and free essay on Deborah. Men and women are perfectly equal spiritually. She was a pastor, according to the scriptures. This is how the Judges are described in Chronicles, by God. A woman could only be given the authority by God to execute a man for his sin, if women are spiritually equal to men. A Judge could judge homicide cases according to Deuteronomy. Therefore Deborah, as a Judge, could execute a man for his sin. A Judge was cleared to teach from scripture as he/she gave a verdict, according to Deuteronomy.
@caroleimani9754 8 ай бұрын
​@@user-iz8np3vv4iAre you a troll??😮
@user-dg9qh5eg2i 6 ай бұрын
Hi, I’m new to the channel but I’ve found it very insightful and I like the conversation a lot. So good job Corey! Tim 3:8-13 8 Likewise must the deacons be grave, not doubletongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre; 9 Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience. 10 And let these also first be proved; then let them use the office of a deacon, being found blameless. 11 Even so must their wives be grave, not slanderers, sober, faithful in all things. 12 Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well. 13 For they that have used the office of a deacon well purchase to themselves a good degree, and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus. Corey, I just wanted to say that it appears that Phoebe was a deacon according to the Greek word diakonos. (Sorry about the spelling! Haha) Now deacons are servants in the church but according to 1 Timothy, I find it interesting that one of the qualifications of a deacon is that they be the husband of one wife and rules his household well. Thats odd because that’s also the qualification of a bishop too. Now we agree that Phoebe was a deacon, but if she was, then that would mean when Paul wrote the qualifications of a bishop, it’s possible that he wasn’t saying the office was to be held solely by men. Otherwise, how do we explain Phoebe being a deacon?
@AaronEbright 7 ай бұрын
Christ is the Rock the chief corner stone.
@ashermarcus5242 9 ай бұрын
Would love to know your input on Tulip of calvanism. Just started watching your channel
@kgar5String 9 ай бұрын
Calvin spoke French, Tulip is English, other people added tulip.
@sylviaa5785 9 ай бұрын
Before that prayerful consider listen to: Leighton Flowers Mike Winger Faith on Fire Living Christian Alana L. Great Light Studio
@ashermarcus5242 9 ай бұрын
@@sylviaa5785 I do watch some of them... especially Flowers. By the way I not a calvanist. But often it hard to discern who is calvanist or not. I don't consider myself a Continuist either.
@caroleimani9754 8 ай бұрын
@maryannlee9591 7 ай бұрын
Corey you are a good in the word.i am woman.
@theladyd503 9 ай бұрын
What I don't understand is WHY... are all these channels being used to be criticize and judge pastors, bishops and ministers of the gospel right or wrong. If people will read the word for their selves the holy spirit will lead them into all truth. So instead of preaching the gospel yourself and getting souls saved on these channels and leaving the judging up to God. We have no heaven or hell to put ANYONE in. Only God knows a person heart. Matthew 7:1-2, Jeremiah 17:10. It's like every KZfaq channel is another pastor or minister talkin about another Pastor or minister why don't you guys preach the gospel the message of Salvation and repentance and let God deal with man's heart. I just think it's such a waste of time listening to these ministers talk about each other and point their short coming and faults. People need to be saved and delivered not here by other preachers faults. This is so sad... 😔 GOD IS THE ONLY ULTIMATE JUDGE!!
@tinah3673 9 ай бұрын
Yes people should read thier Bible's... God has appointed under shepherds to guide them through the Scriptures and that's why 👉Ephesians 5:11 👈 And yes we should glean from all scripture as it is profitable for teaching.... Mathew 7 : 1-2 was to the Jews.... 1 Corinthians 2 - 15 is to the body of Christ... 2 Timothy 2 - 15 kjv 👈 We are Saved by faith, the Gospel of God's grace.. I Corinthians 15 - 1 to 4 kjv...
@ilikefooty5380 9 ай бұрын
He's trying to warn people because he cares about them . And some men don't like God being mocked .
@lc3507 15 күн бұрын
I just saw this...but "Gomer was in those streets" was hilarious! Not only hilarious but true.
@JayBeenCbosen 5 ай бұрын
Does any know what’s that translation website or app that he using
@paulaivens8063 7 ай бұрын
Agree with your points well said 👏👏 the Messiah said “He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me, and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.” (John 14:21) According to Scripture this is how we know that we really love Him and that He dwells within us. Those teaching another doctrine clearly deceive themselves and others.📖🔥. The faults she is throwing at those who keep to scripture are just what she is guilty of doing herself. The reason they throw insults at us is because it’s the only way they can respond because they can’t quote the scriptures faithfully. It’s all head knowledge not God’s Holy Spirit, which means it’s an evil spirit.🔥🙏📖🙏🔥
@jackpalmer5067 9 ай бұрын
Ty for voicing God's truth. God established His great order to things. Eve was not put on this earth as an equal to Adam. But to be a helper to Adam. Apostle Paul teaches in Corinthians women should be silent in the church. People please read doctrine, not for what you want it to say but wheat the Holy inspired word of God tells us to do 2 Tim 2:15 study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly diving the word of truth
@user-iz8np3vv4i 9 ай бұрын
I suggest my short and free essay on Deborah. Men and women are perfectly equal spiritually. She was a pastor, according to the scriptures. This is how the Judges are described in Chronicles, by God. A woman could only be given the authority by God to execute a man for his sin, if women are spiritually equal to men. A Judge could judge homicide cases according to Deuteronomy. Therefore Deborah, as a Judge, could execute a man for his sin. A Judge was cleared to teach from scripture as he/she gave a verdict, according to Deuteronomy. Since in Judges 4, men went to Deborah to be judged, a woman could teach men, even in the Old Covenant.
@caroleimani9754 8 ай бұрын
​@@user-iz8np3vv4iAre you a troll??😮
@jd3l3on 9 ай бұрын
she does not suppose to be preaching and TD Snakes knows this
@Sarah-su8ju 6 ай бұрын
I about died when you inserted arsenio 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
@donnawilson1375 8 ай бұрын
@theresaglass1831 7 ай бұрын
Even if there is a woman who knows how to rightly divide the truth of God’s Word, doesn’t matter. It’s about God’s government/order. Mary was sent to the disciples to testify that Jesus has risen, she was NOT teaching. 🙄
@maryadams1331 9 ай бұрын
Well I for one found out the hard way and trust me I learned my lesson God has a certain order that we are to abide by in the women.
@kelvinbarber1765 8 ай бұрын
What happened?
@dllee9724 9 ай бұрын
Brother Cory, what is the name of the Greek software that you use?
@DesireeRobinsonComposer 9 ай бұрын
That's what I want to know!
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