The anti-consumerist manifesto to save the planet | Bonus Pubcast with Take The Jump's Tom Bailey

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On this week's bonus episode, we're learning the extreme ways individuals can cut a quarter of global emissions by taking six big steps. Tom Bailey from Take The Jump gives us the lowdown on how to reduce your impact on the planet.
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@Mr.Dextrous 10 ай бұрын
The real question is, 'Will wealthy people ever vote for legally restricting their own freedoms?'
@michaelrch 10 ай бұрын
They will when they notice that the food supply is breaking down. But it will be too late by then.
@catarinamargarido4608 10 ай бұрын
If we're talking about celebrities who want to please their public, then they may change if they're called out on their lifestyle
@catarinamargarido4608 10 ай бұрын
Like Leo DiCaprio when he got blamed for the trees that got cut down during the filming for The Beach
@alunwebber9750 10 ай бұрын
No, and even if the rest of us might out-vote them, wealthy people will always bypass the rules. Rationing during the WWII did not affect them. The rich travelled by private jets during travel restrictions. While the rich use a massive amount of resources per person compared to ordinary mortals, there are far more ordinary mortals, but ordinary mortals won't be willing to vote for the huge reduction in their consumption and lifestyle to prevent climate and societal disaster.
@samdegoeij6576 10 ай бұрын
You force them by mobilizing the 99%.
@davidbates3057 10 ай бұрын
The problem with many electronic appliances is that they're designed to break after x number of years so that the manufacturer can sell new ones. One of my GCSE Chemistry classes from 25 years back has always been burnt into my memory, where we were basically asked given two materials in car manufacturing: iron and aluminium, where iron is cheaper to acquire, is heavier and will require more petrol to move, and rusts over time, whereas aluminium doesn't rust, is lighter and will use less fuel to move with, but is more expensive to produce, which one would you use? For me in my naive youth the answer was obviously aluminium. For capitalism as taught in UK schools, the answer should obviously be iron, because it reduces production costs, sells more petrol, and the consumer will be forced to replace the vehicle every so many years. This is fundamentally what's wrong with society, and something we cannot overcome if our lives are ruled with the goal to make money, something that cannot be done if you're producing things to last rather than replace.
@888ssss 10 ай бұрын
not one apple product can be recycled.
@888ssss 10 ай бұрын
you are living in the past mate... @@PorthLlwyd
@viperzvapourz4738 10 ай бұрын
​@@PorthLlwydYour phone is designed to stop working after a few years. I would rather pay much more for a phone that will last longer.
@Zemmmmmmmm 10 ай бұрын
Great comment. It reminds me of when we talk about climate solutions being “commercially viable” (such as carbon capture). If a solution needs to be profitable before it can be implemented at scale, then we’re missing the fundamental problem and will forever fail to adequately address it.
@Zemmmmmmmm 10 ай бұрын
@@PorthLlwydWhy would I demand that my phone last 2 years instead of 5-10? Corporations manipulate demand through lobbying, marketing and artificial scarcity.
@jeffjefferson7384 10 ай бұрын
Tax the flip out of private jets.
@katetorode8411 10 ай бұрын
We need cheaper domestic holidays. It can be cheaper to fly abroad with kids than a beach in UK
@susanb4816 10 ай бұрын
Rent a caravan?
@karenhopwood891 10 ай бұрын
If you want to sit in the cold and rain on holiday... go for it! I prefer hot sunshine thanks.
@peterrayment5826 10 ай бұрын
not in the school holidays it bloody isn't
@paddyandhisguitar2831 10 ай бұрын
@@susanb4816 caravan in school summer holidays can be very expensive. Often over a grand.
@nicksfault 10 ай бұрын
Tom's ability to calmly answer every question and reassure every doubt was very heartening. He is the sort of person who can get people on board.
@battmarn 10 ай бұрын
I'm vegan, i don't buy clothes or random crap, i don't drive, i fly less than once a year. I still feel like nobody else cares
@davidcooks2379 10 ай бұрын
About you? Why would they? What good have you done but making everyone else feel guilty?
@camilleodonoghue3322 9 ай бұрын
It feels really satisfying to adhere to your values, even when its hard - in fact, especially when it's hard. Guilt is the horrible sense of not living to your values. If you feel guilt, it means you've got awesome values, which is great. Let those values take over your life and enjoy!
@stakkalyrics9875 10 ай бұрын
Re. Eating green. Specifically eating all food you buy. I'd say if your eating mostly plant based, you could start growing your own, if you have room, and therefore composting any fruit and veg that doesn't get consumed. Allowing it to not get wasted as it will add to the nutrition of the earth around us.
@davidcooks2379 10 ай бұрын
Need to force supermarkets to sell smaller portions without extra cost and extra packaging. Otherwise, single people or couples will always have to either overeat or throw away the waste.
@End-Result 10 ай бұрын
@FAS1948 10 ай бұрын
I started worrying about climate change more than 40 years ago after studying oceanography, and I ran out of worry a long time ago, but I still try to do what I can. I don't drive, I don't eat meat, my clothes all came from charity shops, it's more than 20 years since I boarded an aeroplane, and that was because it was the only way to get to France to sign documents in the time available, but I still felt guilty about it. I live the way I do because it is an internal compulsion, not because I think it will do any good.
@christinavuyk2026 10 ай бұрын
Haven’t flown for 15 years so I’m due 3 trips 🤔😉
@spacechannelfiver 10 ай бұрын
Just had my first flight in 5 years a few months back.
@davidpanton3192 10 ай бұрын
I'm 60 and I've never flown so you can have my 12.
@shinywarm6906 10 ай бұрын
The obsession with flying is very recent but sold to us as if it were a fundamental right . Growing up in the 60s, I didnt take a plane flight until my late 20s. I took my last flight in 2012. If no-one else you know is doing it, you dont feel you're missing out. An air miles ration, doled out to everyone equally, is a very reasonable response in a world that is literally on fire
@cynicalpenguin 10 ай бұрын
I grew up in the 90s and noughties, have always had access to plane travel, and I agree with you completely. Good on you for taking that step.
@public.public 10 ай бұрын
Absolutely agree with that. In addition Twice the miles value by airship. And no rationing of sailing ship miles.
@bencaton1514 10 ай бұрын
The reactions of these three (well, mainly Ollie and Ava) say it all… something tells me that if flights did become ten times more expensive and trains were better and cheaper (i.e., system change), they’d just argue that travel is a human right and shouldn’t be just for the rich - like Ava’s comment that working-class people should be able to over-consume too. Well yeah, but is getting everyone to an equally unhealthy level of consumption really the answer to inequality? Like Tom says, you have to try and change the culture as well as the system. But at the end of the day most people don’t want to give up the things they enjoy. People will study conversations like this in 30 years I reckon… rising levels of cognitive dissonance before any real sense of urgency kicks in. Until then, keep advocating a system change that you know deep down isn’t coming anytime soon, and carry on as normal :/
@Momme- 8 ай бұрын
@bencaton1514 it is not about the system changing the people, but more about the people changing the system. Yes, maybe traveling is a human right, but destroying the environment is definitely no human right. The “Take the Jump” campaign does not focus on completely forbidding those joys, the goal is to reduce your consumption onto a level that is fair toward the environment. Ava´s comment is obviously trash, the campaign agues, that consuming less will actually make you happier, not the other way around. So there would be no point for anyone in consuming much (not for the poor, neither for the rich). Your statement, that people will not give up things they enjoy, so it wouldn’t make sense to change the culture and the system is on the same level as the comment from Ava. Changing this mindset is one of the key goals of the wanted changes relating the culture. Yeah you are completely right, people will someday study conversations like this, to understand how they ended up in a destroyed World with no future for their kids. Such a system and cultural change will not happen as you mention it tommorow, but you have to start at some point. As we can see this change is the only possible way out of a complete environmental disaster, because at the moment with the current system and culture we don’t get any near the goals we need to achieve :/
@tbrehm5877 8 ай бұрын
Hey Ben, basically I agree with your approach and in times like these it is really depressing to see how people are so stubborn regarding this topic. Especially with this topic it feels like that people need to lead by example. People need to have relatable roll models to look look up to and gain motivation from. Right now a lot of people are very stuck in their mindsets and change is for sure always difficult. But other movements in the past have shown us how people for different backgrounds can gather behind one person or a group. We need that right now and the majority will just answer with resilience if certain measures are force upon them. I'm not saying that it is possible without those drastic steps but the change should come from a positive and motivated standpoint.
@KtHa123 10 ай бұрын
Great video! Just a quick mention, I love using Vinted for second hand stuff. Not only is it cheaper than buying new, most of the time people sell stuff that's never been used. I recently bought 2 vintage jumpers, a dress and some old books for less than £15. All arrived in perfect condition. I live on an island with no access to a clothes shop. So it's perfect for me. We should be showing pre-owned items more love.
@davidcooks2379 10 ай бұрын
Yes, if you don't need to look good and professional, that probably works. Doesn't work for shoes though
@KtHa123 10 ай бұрын
@@davidcooks2379 you are literally part of the problem with a snobby attitude like that. Some of the items still have labels on and have never been worn, but you've taken pre-owned to mean tatty rubbish. Shopping second hand isn't beneath you. And the beauty of Vinted if you didn't like the item you brought you can always sell it on.
@davidcooks2379 10 ай бұрын
@@KtHa123 snobby != professional. I noticed very well how my career improved when I started to wear suits vs jumper
@alex4251 10 ай бұрын
Fossil fuel companies and governments 100% need to be taken to task on this stuff. But, consumers are a key part of our current systems. When 1,000s/ 1,000,000s of people make small, coordinated changes, that will have an effect on the system as a whole. A company won't keep making things that aren't selling, and governments are more likely to change laws when there is public appetite for it as a result of cultural change, built on the daily habits of many people. Every bit of single-use plastic you avoid, every disposable item of clothing you don't buy, and piece of meat you don't eat counts. Don't let perfect be the enemy of good.
@TheStevenWhiting 10 ай бұрын
Haven't flown in several years now. The worse part is when you're in IT yet companies still insist you visit a site that is in another country that you could fix remotely.
@tauIrrydah 10 ай бұрын
As a man who constantly gets literally 'ragged on' about the holy T-shirt I've had for twenty years, and the green tracksuit pants that I wore until they were nearly totally white mesh, I feel vindicated.
@George57 10 ай бұрын
😂😂😂 good on you
@kalebdaark100 10 ай бұрын
I got you beat mate. Two days ago I was wearing the t-shirt I bought at a U2 gig in '93. That is a top quality t-shirt. I rarely listen to the band these days though.
@benjamin_rr 10 ай бұрын
I gave up flying in 2019 and haven't missed it anywhere near as much as I thought. You can have great international travel experiences just by train. The last few years I've taken the Eurostar onto various destinations across mainland Europe. It can be more cost prohibitive and it definitely requires more upfront planning, but I prefer getting to experience the journey and see places along the way. There's a whole debate and discussion to be had about the subsidies in air travel, ghost flights to maintain airline slots in scheduling and the broken industry of carbon offsetting. Continually taking flights, like much of consumerism, is like borrowing against the planet's increasingly high interest credit card with the knowledge we're already in a shitload of debt.
@georgebeswick7549 10 ай бұрын
My grandparents regularly went on holiday to south France via the Train or Coach and said they enjoyed it so much, unfortunately my grandad isn't well enough to do it anymore
@michaelrch 10 ай бұрын
I agree completely. That's my experience as well.
@timharbert7145 10 ай бұрын
Google maps street view tours of Paris are nice. Easy architecture tours at the click of a mouse.
@michaelrch 10 ай бұрын
I used to fly for work about 20 times a year. I was off work for a couple of years from 2016 and when I came back I just said I would go if any more. We just changed all the interactions to online stuff and it worked fine. I still travel 3 times a year but I do it by train.
@starling86 10 ай бұрын
Last holiday was by train from Mannheim (Germany) to Ljubljana (Slovenia) and Trieste (Italy). 4am start, 2pm arrive. €55 single pp. Booked two weeks in advance. ❤ the EU!
@danm8412 10 ай бұрын
Great initiative. There's a real nirvana fallacy at play here. 'There's no point in me changing because the system isn't changing' . It doesn't absolve us of our moral obligation to do what is right.
@davidcooks2379 10 ай бұрын
Nobody should feel guilty for getting as much personal benefit from the system as possible, but still try to change the system. That's why it's called a "system"
@reedwiles7078 10 ай бұрын
It does feel hard sticking with ways to do your bit with the environment when you see that Neymar has travelled to Saudi Arabia from Paris in a private Boeing 737 jet, what is washing out my tomato tin going to do when that is happening regularly.
@user-sd3ik9rt6d 10 ай бұрын
Sounds good to me, start at one flight a year and work up. If you dont fly anywhere you get free flight voucher you can sell to the highest bidder.
@evolassunglasses4673 10 ай бұрын
Do you think the oligarchs will be doing this? Or just the working class
@piccalillipit9211 10 ай бұрын
*IVE VISITED 55 COUNTRIES* but I stopped 10 years ago. It was part of a radical life change - I now live a very tiny minimalist life and that included not jetting off around the world I don't believe this "My actions won't change a thing, look at the people in China" If you belive that - why do you vote??? 1 vote had NEVER changed an election in the UK I also don't accept corporations pushing 100% of the responsibility onto consumers. But is an EVERYBODY and EVERY COMPANY problem - we ALL have to change.
@starling86 10 ай бұрын
What is your response to someone who says, in all caps, I also want to visit 55 countries and then realise I have seen what I need to see and can go about 'a radical change'
@bevmilward4933 10 ай бұрын
This guy is right. Look at how consumers changed to free range eggs or drink driving. Do what you can.
@PorthLlwyd 10 ай бұрын
Lovely happy free range eggs? Look up chick maceration and you'll see the egg industry isn't that lovely.
@ardenwarwick1087 10 ай бұрын
Hmm. I'm not in bad shape for this one. Not big on buyin new clothes and quite happily what I have until it's threads. Haven't been on holiday since 2017. Have a minimal meat diet that could quite easily transition to veggie. I forgot the rest, not gonna lie. Feel like I can spin my exceptionally depressing life into a win!
@albertbrammer9263 10 ай бұрын
One thing Labour could do to raise money for improved public transport is have taxes on private planes which increase with each flight.
@davidcooks2379 10 ай бұрын
Makes sense if you want to reduce flights within the UK, just need to make sure people don't feel suffocated compared to other countries, so any such measure must be at least pan-European, or better still global
@D_Rogers 10 ай бұрын
Fortunately, much of what you can do for the environment is also good for your bank balance! :) Seal the airgaps in your home and add insulation to your windows, you'll waste less resources on heating and cooling. Grow celery as house plants, it likes indoor conditions, keeps your air fresh and can be harvested as needed. Dwarf root stock fruit trees can be grown in containers next to windows. Blueberries, black currants and raspberries are good options. If you have outdoor space, add biomass to the soil to compensate for all the dead soils humans create. Then you can grow bamboo for construction, or fuel plants, or food. You can buy fire brick makers that turn green waste, packaging and junk mail into winter fuel. Build with timber if you can, buy timber furniture. Everything timber is a carbon sink. Buy less appliances that save effort, physical activity is good for you! Don't use a garbage disposal or green waste bin. Compost if you have a big outdoor space, have a little worm farm if you don't. Anything you do to curb your own power bill is saving you cash and reducing emissions. So, home insulation is king. If you rent, you can still fix temporary insulated storm shutters over your windows in the depths of summer and winter. Expect jack from governments, people need to work on this stuff at the grass roots level. Most people use the 'I don't have time' excuse, but I think mostly that's just a cop out...... :D
@kdog4587 10 ай бұрын
The problem with travelling local is, especially parents, you have to go during the same time so locals in the beauty spots are overrun already, so what would it be like if everyone did? We only camp and we camp in the UK with our kid and even now with many many people going abroad, Devon/Cornwall/skye/lots of places in wales during summer are absolutely wild with people and so therefore so much more expensive
@alicequayle4625 10 ай бұрын
Try the Isle of Man we've usually loads of space. Dunno fares situation ATM. Just avoid tt and mgp. Lots of good beaches glens hills railways. And Ramsey is usually sunny. Laxey has a good little campsite by the vintage railway and near beach. But quite steep roads. Peel campsite is next to a swimming pool.
@jesseparker8878 10 ай бұрын
Coastal towns like Weston-super-Mare used to be rammed with tourists before casual flights were around and now they are extremely deprived. Would be a massive boost to local economies imo.
@njpringle 10 ай бұрын
The majority of people already living like this in the west are typically ultra socially Conservative, like the Anabaptists ie. Amish and Mennonite (usually less strict than Amish, might have a car, but very few electrical items, modest living, no excess consumerism, home made clothes) and some very rural living people like Boer farmers in SA. Even Britain just 30 or 40 years ago was less consumerist than now. Shops were closed on Sundays, pubs were closed in the afternoons, very few short flights, events like Halloween involved buying some black crepe paper at the newsagent, not huge aisles packed with mountains of plastic items, more home made meals not ready meals and fast food.
@django3422 10 ай бұрын
Spot on. I'm 34, I've seen a really big shift towards consumerism and materialism just in my short lifespan. Yet so many people insist we can't change our way of life as if its some ancient tradition. But the truth is its a system younger than most its proponents.
@rungus24 10 ай бұрын
18:26 There's a type of passionfruit that can be grown outdoors with delicious fruit in colder climates, and it was probably that that your colleague saw. Passiflora incarnata, commonly known as maypop because the fruit pops if you squeeze it or step on it, is apparently delicious and grows quite far north in The US, and can be grown here in the UK.
@End-Result 10 ай бұрын
Great point
@DJWESG1 10 ай бұрын
I think people should just reduce whatever it is they overconsume by 50%. A small thing we can all do, doesnt need laws, rules or dictates from above, doesnt even neeemd any complicted thinking or philosophy, you just cut your sugar in half, or your coffe in half, or your holidays in half.. whatever you do too much of. No rocket science needed.
@piccalillipit9211 10 ай бұрын
Long story short - I had to learn to live on nothing due to homelessness. When I got on my feet again I lived a radically different life - I no longer buy sh!t I dont need. What I need I buy second hand. It is astonishing how little you REALLY need to live a happy life. Most people buy sh!t to make up for the unhappiness in their lives. I live in Bulgaria, I work about 2 hours a day to support my life very happily. I SAVE MONEY every month.
@PorthLlwyd 10 ай бұрын
How will you get everyone to do that without laws or rules?
@viperzvapourz4738 10 ай бұрын
Why is it that the individual is deemed responsible for climate change, when the worst offenders are industry and transport. I accept there are steps the individual can take to help, but what is the point if industry is not pulling it's weight as well?
@catarinamargarido4608 10 ай бұрын
It is very frustrating but a lot of big changes start start with small steps. And I believe it's a way to stop yourself going insane with worry about not having any control
@joshl2380 10 ай бұрын
Why would the industry of factory farming stop if people keep buying meat?
@viperzvapourz4738 10 ай бұрын
@@joshl2380 If the meat (food in general) consumed is the same as the country it was produced in, you'd find the overall % from 'agriculture' would be far less than it currently is. It's capitalism on steroids. I'll give you an anecdotal example. I like asparagus, it's grown 12 miles from my house. However, when I buy it from the supermarket, it was grown and flown from Peru. This is why food has a higher % of overall greenhouse gas emissions than it should have. Stop importing and exporting so much food, create schemes to help people become self sufficient.
@joshl2380 10 ай бұрын
@@viperzvapourz4738 right but the thing about anecdotes is they're intuitively right but never Representative right? All transport is dwarfed by animal agriculture never mind just transport for food. Almost all animals are fed vast amounts of foods from all over the world too. So let's cut out the middle man, stop the grossly inefficient process and grow our own food directly where we can. Cheaper for us, the environment and the animals too. Oh and we could totally solve world hunger if we stopped force feeding 80billion land animals a year! Bonus!
@viperzvapourz4738 10 ай бұрын
@@joshl2380 Vegan eh?
@timflatus 10 ай бұрын
I don't see why I should fly every three years, where would I even go? I can't remember the last time I left the country and it certainly wasn't on holiday. Been eating a plant-based diet since 1983, it was just called being a vegetarian then, now I grow my own, what doesn't get eaten gets composted. I make my own clothes or buy them from the chazzer and upcycle if need be. I don't drive. Yes the system needs to change, so we should make changes in order to put consumer pressure on, not altruistic self-denial. Planned obsolescence isn't a theory, it's a common manufacturing policy, which needs to be challenged - demand products that last. To use a cliche it doesn't have to cost the earth, I have never had any money. It does mean having to do without some things and one of the biggest obstacles are job requirements, businesses have to stop expecting employees to be able to attend a meeting in Bristol in the morning and London in the afternoon, it means a lot more working from home or working within cycling distance. You don't need a list of rules, it's about considering the impact of your actions on the planet and also understanding how rejecting consumerism and materialism generally can seriously improve the quality of your life. I'm just going to give up thinking I don't have anything to offer this conversation.
@jameswarren2222 10 ай бұрын
I think it would be fair for everyone to have a carbon allowance. So if you want to waste it on bacon butties and driving an SUV you can or you could just lead a low carbon lifestyle and use your credits on a holiday abroad or some expensive tech. The important thing would be that everyone starts to budget for carbon rather than just based on cost as cost in money provides things like tons of single use plastics and subsidised oil.
@jameswarren2222 10 ай бұрын
Of course it would be hard to calculate the carbon value of everything so easier would be to tax the living fuck out of fossil fuels. None of that carbon offsetting bullshit. Just massive taxes on fossil fuel sales which goes back to everyone equally as a dividend through the tax system.
@alunwebber9750 10 ай бұрын
And just create another massive bureaucracy to manage it which will be corrupted and used to profit, just like the pointless carbon credits scheme? it would also be a massive invasion of privacy. Road pricing is just like that where the charging infrastructure will make massive profits, everyone will pay more and poor forced off the roads when it would be more sensible and cheaper to move the road fund licence taxation onto fuel duty so that the more miles you do and the bigger your car, the more you pay without increasing surveillance further. Electric vehicles could be taxed on the number of kWh used.
@davidcooks2379 10 ай бұрын
As long as imports are taxed fairly according to their carbon consumption. But can one really track this for all imported products in corrupt third- world countries so that just tracking this doesn't become prohibitively expensive and carbon-consuming? I think no, unfortunately
@scottishcontentcreators 10 ай бұрын
It's not right to start by saying emissions from jet engines are not huge in percentage terms. It's to do with where those emissions are being made. A little known fact about 9/11 that caught some peoples attention is that when America closed It's airspace for 10 days after the twin tower attacks, the meteorologists noticed that the daytime temperatures went up by one degree and night time temperatures went down by one degree. It's to do with contrails from jet engines creating an artificial cloud layer at 30k ft, stopping sunlight getting in and heat getting out. One degree might not sound like much but in meteorological terms, to see that change in a week was astonishing. Now think about Covid and the lack of flying for 18 months on a global scale and it may explain why 2020 was such a beautiful summer and why we are now seeing such extreme weather events, the climate had a chance to reset itself to where it should be. .
@michaelrch 10 ай бұрын
Realistically you don't have to holiday in the U.K. to avoid flying. You can take the train to Paris and then pretty much anywhere is western Europe is a few hours away. And there are loads of sleepers if you want to be adventurous and go further afield.
@davidcooks2379 10 ай бұрын
Cheese (also yoghurt and milk in general) contains dopamines (added there by the mother nature to sweeten our first ever food in life), so people miss cheese the most
@supersonicsjm 10 ай бұрын
Did Ed clean his bathroom after sharing a bath with a tuna?
@sfshinz 10 ай бұрын
The phobias are coming out: Ed’s ichthyophobia, Ava’s claustrophobia…Oli?
@hypersynesthesia 10 ай бұрын
I've managed to cut out most new clothing (95% of what I buy is second-hand and I don't buy any fast fashion any more. Also, don't flood charity shops with crap - give decent stuff, re-use the worn out stuff as rags for cleaning etc and get the most function out of them), and I've reduced my meat & fish consumption a LOT. I could probably manage without cheese! (Vegan bread products gotta get better though, what passes for crumpets are a war crime 😞) And I resist buying new electronics. I don't look for a replacement til my phone basically stops functioning properly, and it's never the newest model. I don't drive, never have & probably never will. Travel is the hardest ask. I have a lot of beloved friends & family in the US, and going to see them once every 8 years would be hard to commit to. (Euro travel though, sure. Make the trains consistently affordable and I'll never get on a European flight again.)
@hypersynesthesia 10 ай бұрын
At the same time it really is massively galling how disinterested the people with the power to make structural change are in actually lifting a finger. We should all do what we can, but the insistence on activating new oil & gas fields & fracking, the resistence to more sustainable technology and industry, the constant greenwashing, are all dragging us backward.
@evolassunglasses4673 10 ай бұрын
Managed decline of the living standards of the working class. The Oligarchs driving this agenda will not cut back.
@timharbert7145 10 ай бұрын
Exactly! Just look at the share price of Louis Vuitton
@turbokadett 10 ай бұрын
Sounds like I'm well on the way but I'll be damned if it is mostly because living is too expensive to be a good little capitalist consumer or even have some life experiences before shuffling off this mortal coil. Flights: Can't afford holidays anymore, even in the UK (Have in the past but it cost more than a package holiday & spending). Meat: Can't afford much meat anymore. Food: I waste almost nothing, I batch cook and only have to throw food out if life has messed with the planning. Appliances: I repair unless the cost of the spares don't make financial sense. Most of my electronics are rescued or repaired. Mobile: Chosen specifically for repairability (Fairphone 3). Vehicle: Bought a broken EV for cheap, repaired it. Clothes: Worn to tatters, gradually replacing with higher quality (more expensive) clothing that doesn't need as much washing (Merino and Alpaca Wool) I'm not an angel or a martyr, I'm lucky to be mechanically minded and hate to see the amount of resources wasted on flimsy, tacky crap.
@davidcooks2379 10 ай бұрын
How about first banning the unnecessary flights on private jet by the PM?
@SimonCollinsSirGeogy 10 ай бұрын
Great discussion thanks.
@EamonCoyle 10 ай бұрын
Go Olly, the voice is back !!
@alicequayle4625 10 ай бұрын
Interesting guest. Good to hear his stuff is based on solid numbers. And hes right. Govts wont act on climate unless the public demand it. Its chicken and egg.
@alunwebber9750 10 ай бұрын
And once it is far too late to prevent disaster, the public will just whinge that it's not their fault and that nobody told them sooner. It's the ostrich effect.
@HaHa-yl1kj 10 ай бұрын
If Tom thinks I'm going to Margate 2 in every 3 summers he's got another thing coming.
@oceantorrents 10 ай бұрын
I think I just watch for the intros
@Czechbound 10 ай бұрын
*Fast Fashion* ... In the 80's the average number of wears an item of clothing in the UK got was 200 wears. Think of anything that you have in the wardrobe that you have worn 200 times.... Buy things you like, that you can match together. Look after them. Think if they really need to be washed between wears. Store them properly. It's totally doable to get long life from even cheaply bought things. For example, before I was aware of the mistreatment of garment workers in Asia, I bought a Primark t-shirt for 3 euro. That was 10.5 years ago, and I'm still wearing it, and it looks ok.
@sabaidaniel555 10 ай бұрын
Re dishwashers, better still don't use one. Wash up by hand.
@joejanota707 10 ай бұрын
I don't holiday. Never left the UK, but I do live in the English riviera. Can't afford meat. I will eat it if offered, but it's cheaper to eat vegetarian. I eat once a day as is. Longevity of appliances is down to planned obsolescence. But I like to think I'm crafty enough to bypass that. Cloths are rarely bought but charity shops are a thing. I can't drive, so need public transport but I like walking most the time if I can. I don't do any of this with concern for the environment. I'm probably quite ignorant of it. But while I'm ignorant of it, I actually enjoy my life. So I can believe people making these changes are able to and can be just as content with life with excluding these things. Usually when we talk about personal responsibility for climate change, I struggle to understand what I can do to help it since I have no power to make impact-full changes. I guess this explains why I don't understand. I already do these things. Perspective is a wonderful thing. Could I be better? Of-course. But I don't know how. In my mind I'm living life to its fullest without sacrifice. Could this be a method of encouraging others to do the listed things without feeling like they sacrifice? It could be helpful.
@tbrooke3016 10 ай бұрын
Ayyyyy Oli has his voice back 😎
@public.public 10 ай бұрын
More time in our lives due to automation so get there by sailing ship.
@joejjj4378 10 ай бұрын
Lol tell me where these Morleys are you can feed 4 for £10 I'll be down there in an instant feeding 1 for £15
@TheStevenWhiting 10 ай бұрын
Capital J Journalist. Had to look it up, now I get it.
@aredub1847 10 ай бұрын
boursin cheese is allowed to be made out of the region it comes from. not sure if it can be imported in though.
@alicequayle4625 10 ай бұрын
Donella Meadows says worldview and goals are the 2 biggest influence on system change.
@stevanbankier707 10 ай бұрын
Only ever flew twice in my life time
@progressivedemagogue8480 10 ай бұрын
You probably like white bread
@townsendv58 10 ай бұрын
If yiu mention to people that you don't fly, they think you ard weird? Package holidays bevef appealed to me. I haven't flown for about 15 years, however, i use the car as the train system doesn't get me to where i want to get to.
@LD-ll7jn 10 ай бұрын
Has Ava got a lisp in this video or is it just something weird with the audio (or my hearing)?
@kennycube5126 10 ай бұрын
She got stung by a wasp 🐝
@nigelmoscrop9987 10 ай бұрын
I haven't flown since 2006 , passport ran out 2013 , I need some catch up !
@tolhumexy6706 10 ай бұрын
I pretty much do all these things already-coz I'm poor! 🤔
@Littlebeth5657 8 ай бұрын
I guess not much is talked about cars and public transport. We just moved house and now can sell one of the cars and use much less petrol as I can walk to the train station. Some people can choose to live nearer public transport and should make a big difference
@sprobablycancr4457 10 ай бұрын
This show helped me drink after 15 years of sobriety.
@zooblestyx 10 ай бұрын
"Drinking doesn't count id it's an event." What if drinking IS the event?
@C05597641 10 ай бұрын
Id take my last flight out of this country. Dont want to be trapped here.
@susanb4816 10 ай бұрын
I go for one flight per decade and staying in your own country otherwise
@CyHumphreysWxm 10 ай бұрын
What rave in Rhyl was it?
@matty506 10 ай бұрын
had the iphone 4s from new to 2018. it can be done.
@Czechbound 10 ай бұрын
*"It's very nuanced"* ... The problem is that it is a climate emergency. There is no time to wait to "nudge" the system. In the past, the societal changes that lead to increased greenhouse emissions eg the Industrial Revolution (mainly) were driven by scientific breakthroughs, and access to capital and cheap labour. Society had to mould itself around these developments. To say that it happened at the same time forgets to mention that it was involuntary. An independent (of politics) civil service branch should be tasked with managing the response to the climate emergency, whatever that might mean : planning for energy generation model; planning that man transport model etc. If that means a cap on the number of flights, then do it. If that means closing sections of motorways and diverting the money saved into an efficient and cheap rail network, do it. If that means buying up farms, or banning cow rearing, then do it. Things have to get radical and fast. This isn't something that "we can look back on in 50 years and say 'Wow, the change'." We need to make the changes real in the next 5 years.
@Lezzyboy87 10 ай бұрын
If you only have one flight every 3 years, how you getting home?
@tomwhite7983 10 ай бұрын
"One return flight every three years." You missed out a word.
@chrissilver7719 10 ай бұрын
Return flight . 1 short haul every 3 years and 1 long haul every 8 , given 3.2 million are one pay check away from losing their home , limiting international travel might not be the biggest issue.
@Lezzyboy87 10 ай бұрын
@@tomwhite7983 just going off the thumbnail...
@alanbarker2279 10 ай бұрын
Small boats...
@davidbates3057 10 ай бұрын
@@chrissilver7719 Exactly. As always, this feels like a policy blaming everyday people when a far more logical beginning point would be to ban privatised jets as a form of travel. But we all know that while such a policy for the little man in commercialised travel may well come into place, there will undoubtedly be an exemption for those owning private jets because that's just their own personalised form of travel that couldn't possibly be legislated against since it would be impeding their rights.
@tommynocash2419 10 ай бұрын
diversity of tactics
@huwzebediahthomas9193 10 ай бұрын
Did a clip just this morning discussing this. Anyone got USA stats when flights were grounded after 9/11? But economics interferes, airline Capitol Hill lobbyists etc..
@RocketGameCorner. 7 ай бұрын
Hmm, I mean, I'm no expert, but one of the key selling points, specifically of white goods, is their improved energy efficiency. So, saying a washing machine from the 80s still works and therefore shouldnt be replaced sounds kind of dubious; after x washes to account for the energy cost of its manufacture then it would be better for the environment than continuing to use old tech.
@samdegoeij6576 10 ай бұрын
We can only do what we need to do as a society if we force the rich to reign themselves in. In the case of the Global North countries it's going to be a bigger a shift. To make space for the Global South to develop.
@alicequayle4625 10 ай бұрын
We need vintage clothes to become cool.
@ian_strachs 10 ай бұрын
They are already!
@gsiicam 10 ай бұрын
vintage thongs anyone?
@alicequayle4625 10 ай бұрын
@@gsiicam happy for them to go out of fashion.
@formulavon 10 ай бұрын
Promoting anti-consumerist policy whilst wearing a Nike T-shirt, probably made in a sweat shop, made by a brand that epitomises consumerism. If that's not hypocrisy what is?
@stpirate89 10 ай бұрын
The clothes one is perhaps a bit misleading - I have to buy new socks and boxers every year as they just don't last, so that would easily be 25 new items of clothes a year alone. I find t-shirts and shirts don't last as long as they used to either, so just have to replace them more often.
@alicequayle4625 10 ай бұрын
Said the 6 a bit fast.
@Z_Snowball 10 ай бұрын
"...what's good about this, is that we can't actually afford to do it anyway." -Ava Santini💀 that deadpan delivery is killer! 😆
@ljt3084 10 ай бұрын
Air travel is a massive contributor to the pollution issue. London has 6 airports, one of which is the busiest international transport hub in the world. Heathrow. Much of its air traffic is freight demand. Stop expecting that Amazon parcel next day delivery would be a better start. Ask an Aerospace engineer on the level of pollution a jet engine produces in comparison to a modern ICE with emission control systems fitted in a car. Instead the focus is on private ownership of cars. There are no emission delete systems on a jet turbine. This is the most ill informed conversation ive witnessed recently and its focusing on having your cake and eating it on an individual basis. Limiting personal flights in no way equates to removing pollution from airliners when air freight demand has never been higher. You haven't even factored in the increasing demand on electricity grids and therefore fossil fuel usage just to provide power to enormous server farms for social media users to needlessly post pictures daily or pointless debates such as this one. If you want to reduce fossil fuel usage, start by reducing the needless server traffic/global electricity demand. Digital connectivity is killing the planet too. As for eating less meat, yes it has a possitive to the environment but Britain imports approx 50% of all its food requirements and is limited by how much arable land it has. You can't grow crops on a hillside, mountain, wetlands in a town or city etc. Britain already imports the majority of its grain from Canada, the US and South America via oil burning sea going tankers the size of container ships. Its fruit and veg from southern Europe and the middle east often out of season and you believe increasing that demand will be better for the environment.
@LeeCharles1993 10 ай бұрын
So only 1 short haul flight every three years and 1 long haul flight in 8? So what is gonna happen regarding the Olympics, World Cup, and other major sporting events? Let alone medical research and business or visiting elderly relatives abroad
@piccalillipit9211 10 ай бұрын
Are you being deliberately th!ck...???
@django3422 10 ай бұрын
Wouldn't be hard to create dispensation for legitimate medical research. As for the rest... what about them? Less people can travel abroad for them.
@kdog4587 10 ай бұрын
Also, regards travel and public transport usage. Its TOO EXPENSIVE normal people cant do it. Its so much cheaper to drive. We're going as a family ti Bristol for my birthday for the weekend, to drive our ev its peanuts, even booking 3 months in advance, its £248 for 2 adults and our son is free. The hotel is only £80 for 2 nights. Plus if you don't drive when you camp, you can't carry all your stuff? So its just inconceivable.
@PorthLlwyd 10 ай бұрын
What stuff are you bringing to camp, why can't you carry it rucksacks? I've done it plenty of times. Where are you going from to get to Bristol? Have you looked at coaches, they are pretty cheap. You have an EV anyway, so I would worry too much.
@Sdween 10 ай бұрын
Yes, public transport in a lot of areas is not affordable. However, many people may not be in a position to afford an electric vehicle, or a car, if even a licence. Things are tough for young people unless they have parental/partner support. Whereas they may be able to source enough for a train or coach ticket. Travelling with a lot of cargo is indeed difficult, especially on public transport which is mostly built for commuting and not for moving, or does not take into account self employed people who travel to work with lots of cargo. Nor does it consider people with disability or chronic illness. So indeed, the conversation around moving away from the personal use of a car to the use of public transport is a complex one, but definitely one to be had.
@kdog4587 10 ай бұрын
@@PorthLlwyd our sons 18 months so carrying all the gear is just too much, maybe when he's older but we use a carrier for him when he gets tired so it's a nightmare trying to carry him on the back and rucksack on the front. Yeahh I know, I'm glad we got the ev because it at least offsets it, coaches will be good when he's a bit older but I'm conscious of not being able to get up and walk around like you can on a train or stop when he gets upset and people can be a bit unforgiving when there's an upset kid in close quarters so I'd rather not cause any hassle. A few years time well definitely consider coaches though or backpacking. But the ev will do for now :)
@kdog4587 10 ай бұрын
@@Sdween absolutely, we only have the ev because my husband gets it through work otherwise we'd never have been able to afford it. Very true about disabilities etc and luggage, we'd love to do most on the train but with a toddler in tow, and all the extra luggage that creates especially with the weather being so unsettled and the thousands of clothing options for varying weather conditions for a very young child, it's just too much to carry. While I carry a backpack and our son in the carrier, my poor hubbie ends up carrying so much stuff it's just awful haha. Important to put the structures in place so we are able to move to less private car ownership but until then I don't see it being achievable. Even with new housing developments, or sprawling towns, we live in an old semi on the outskirts of town and we cycle into town when we need little bits, but a full shop, or to get to and from nursery.. with working hours, I can't get back in time to start or pick my lad up in time before nursery closes unless we use the car.. there's a lot of things that need to change for us all to get to the next point.
@PeleSahota 10 ай бұрын
How is personal responsibility unimportant? The idea that corrupt oligarchs, psychotic barons and pathological narcissists will steer the vessel for max. common weal is NOT going to happen. Personal consumption matters. Reduce meat at the least.
@ian_strachs 10 ай бұрын
I was discussing this with my Dad recently in a car journey. We are both very environmentally concerned but very keen on travel. He's in his 60s and hardly flies anymore but flew A LOT for work when he was younger and saw much of the world, whereas I love travelling but cant afford to do it very much because of aome career setbacks. We were saying how a few flights per year per person seems fair, or there shouuld be an airmiles allowance so you can decide how to use it, or can buy or trade carbon credits or whatever by paying for offsetting or similar. To me, 2 or three short-mid haul (same continent) flights for recreation per year seems fine, it just does make me feel funny seeing people flying to 5+ long haul destinations per year purely to drink cocktails and take instagram pictures at the beach. Is this really a good thing to destroy Earth for? Living in the UK becomes much more palatable when able to travel once or twice to actually see the sun, and I'd be willing to limit to one or two per year, but flying once every 3/8 years is not gonna cut it for me personally.
@piccalillipit9211 10 ай бұрын
Yeah sorry but that is going to be the reality fo flights. BUT, they can improve the train. And travelling by train across Europe is wonderful. Flights are just going to have to be a rare thing.
@ian_strachs 10 ай бұрын
@piccalillipit9211 I have no particular attachment to flights, it's the sorry state of train travel both in terms of cost and time efficiency. I'd be very down to take a boat even, doesn't bother me at all, just would really like to see these services become reliable and more affordable. Many European countries have brilliant train travel and I've done it when I was younger, trains are great, just currently not really a viable 1:1 swap
@PorthLlwyd 10 ай бұрын
The reality is you have to fly a lot less, the climate doesn't care about what you feel is "fair". The reality is you've lead a privileged life and you're having withdrawal because it's being suggested you need to change your behaviour.
@piccalillipit9211 10 ай бұрын
@@ian_strachs - YEAH we just have to make trains better. Very soon the high speed line to me in Burgas Bulgaria will be open and Im going to take the HST to Sofia and then the slow sleeper train to Istanbul for a couple of days and then the sleeper back and the HST home, The holiday is the whole thing. The train is PART of the holiday and flying never is. "trains are great, just currently not really a viable 1:1 swap". if you look at door to door times its really close.
@ian_strachs 10 ай бұрын
@piccalillipit9211 Yeah that's fair enough, Europe is pretty affordable and well objected train wise, but living in the UK just adds a big obstacle at the moment. I'd love to move to Europe full time but can't really do it right now
@nomoreheroes93 10 ай бұрын
I've worked in sustainable engineering for 8 years and think this is a bit rubbish - schemes need to incentivise people to change behaviour, not guilt them into it. For example no one wanted a Nissan Leaf but then Tesla made electric cars cool and everyone wants one. Same needs to happen with better public transport, cheaper vegan food, more sustainable clothing etc. The responsibility isn't with the "consumer", it's with Governments and corporations.
@MegaZayd1 10 ай бұрын
These rules scream privilege. Mate the solution is to get legislation to curb industrial abuse of the environment not have individuals (the majority of whom are poor) to make personal choices
@chuzzbot 10 ай бұрын
Church traditions? How enlightened. Opinion of panel plummeting.
@DrSomhairle 10 ай бұрын
Still hate the intro!! But the content is generally good 😢😊
@kennycube5126 10 ай бұрын
I get the impression there are quite a few with a similar view. I’m indifferent 😐
@glenndavid8725 10 ай бұрын
3 minutes of listening to these fools is enough.
@kennycube5126 10 ай бұрын
Did you carry on listening though? Enough for who? You? Everyone? Just ginger kittens? You’re pretty cryptic you are mate. Keep it up 👍
@rorycathcart3281 10 ай бұрын
so this was amazing, really interesting and inspirational. Thanks for featuring this guy!!!!
@mansnotbot4160 10 ай бұрын
I love this podcast, but hese are the type of ideas a sixth former would could up with.
@PERRITOCBA 10 ай бұрын
Limiting flights is such a European centric approach. This is a very small piece of land very well connected - at least Western Europe. Would this approach work in other continents such as the Americas, Asia or Africa? Anyone who has lived in any of these continents knows the answer.
@petestan5186 10 ай бұрын
Great document....check the new stuff, from the top team...lacking.
@jamespaul6315 10 ай бұрын
Stop travel? Naw 😂
@kennycube5126 10 ай бұрын
Nope! You got that totally wrong. You can travel as much as you like as that is your right. You have zero rights when it comes flying. Unless you grow your own wings.
@jamespaul6315 10 ай бұрын
@@kennycube5126 gonna take flights anyway lol. Stay mad!
@kennycube5126 10 ай бұрын
@@jamespaul6315 That's fine man. And i honestly hope you have a great time on your travels. What you seem to have totally missed is the only point I've made in this discussion. Which is, you do not have a RIGHT under any law, convention or treatise to fly.. If you haven't got it by now, just stay stupid. lol
@nopaynenoparty 10 ай бұрын
The argument that rich people can afford to be consumerist in a sustainable way whilst poor people can't and that's therefore unfair is... a weird take. If you want to be consumerist and can't afford to... you can't afford to ethically do so... so don't. And to be clear that's different to poverty and only having the money to buy unsustainable stuff... that's obviously awful... but choosing to have an unsustainable hobby is a choice and if you can't afford for it to be sustainable that's not unfair in any reasonable objective definition of the term.
@evolassunglasses4673 10 ай бұрын
This is the managed decline of working class living standards. Both Left and Right should oppose this.
@coolbanana165 10 ай бұрын
Yeah, it's unfair that people can't afford to do so more ethically. People should have higher wages and better services.
@Christinebanks11 10 ай бұрын
Fo not Tel me how to live my life .
@kennycube5126 10 ай бұрын
No! You will live your life just as they say. And stop winging about it. Or I’ll tell ya mum.
@cynicalpenguin 10 ай бұрын
"Fo not Tel me to stop touching kids" - @MrStarsuicide
@mathewisherwood1095 10 ай бұрын
"I suck at eating everything I buy" If you invest in a chicken coup and get a couple of chickens, if you are already buying green they will happily eat what you don't and you get eggs as the reward. Sell or trade the eggs if you don't eat them. Almost no food waste this way. This has already worked in France, Belgium and other countries.
@alunwebber9750 10 ай бұрын
Feeding kitchen waste and food scraps to chickens, even domestic ones is illegal in the UK. Google APHA kitchen scraps poultry.
@Deedumdee 6 ай бұрын
love podcasts hating answers it's the politics joke podcast ladies and gentlemen
@nathanaelsmith3553 10 ай бұрын
This is half a solition. Without wealth redistribution and reform in labour relations its just middle class people cosplaying the working poor, who then loose their jobs.
@jim-es8qk 10 ай бұрын
Consumerism is good. It creates wealth, keeps people in jobs and creates taxes which pays for services like our NHS.
@Zemmmmmmmm 10 ай бұрын
I have a different perspective: under capitalism, consumerism necessitates exploitation of workers and of the planet.
@alunwebber9750 10 ай бұрын
Yes, consumerism is the best way to bring on all the climate and societal disasters after which the main industries will be catching rats for food.
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