The Elder Scrolls Online: Is it worth my time?

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This one is a difficult one for me. I like Elder Scrolls, so will an MMO setting put me off? Difficult to say. FFXIV did a great job of maintaining a single player feel so my hopes are raised for this one.
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Пікірлер: 57
@double0chicken749 Жыл бұрын
I've been playing since off and on since launch. The inflated health/armor numbers are due to zone scaling. All zones scale your stats and NPC stats to level 50. They do this to allow you to explore any zone at any level. They could have probably handled the numbers that you see better at lower levels, but it has been a pretty nice change overall. If you're ever bored with an area, you can always go explore anywhere else you like!
@vividdaydream1516 Жыл бұрын
I normally play ESO as a single-player game, and it's a lot of fun. It helps with the immersion if you turn off a lot of the HUD stuff (at least for basic story/overland content) - the default giant floating arrows that hover over the heads of quest-giving NPCs kinda kills the fun of looking for quests on my own, so I turn them off. Not knowing which NPCs give quests means chatting up _all_ of them until I find one that asks for help, which is really immersive and ends up teaching me a bunch of interesting stuff about the local culture and area's lore.
@Taikomo Жыл бұрын
Just an FYI: the tower you saw in the tutorial isn't the White Gold Tower, it's in fact the Adamantine Tower. In lore the White Gold Tower was built as a replica of the Adamantine Tower, so that's why they look identical.
@PeteSmells Жыл бұрын
There was literally no way i would know that until reading this comment and it made me sad. Then I realised it doesn't matter because they look the same
@theskulled4265 Жыл бұрын
I have now subscribed. Your videos are good. Came here from your OSRS video.
@blackfirefox666 Жыл бұрын
Glad to see you're enjoying some mmo's my friend. Great breakdown and looking forward to the next one :D
@btedwards9950 Жыл бұрын
keep up the good work my friend love when your videos pop up on my feed!!!
@merpins Жыл бұрын
Instant kill animations come from the Dark Brotherhood questline. When you join the Dark Brotherhood, you get a passive skill that lets you stealthily kill enemies, but you get massively reduced EXP from it.
@PeteSmells Жыл бұрын
REDUCED EXP!? I don't want them then :(
@merpins Жыл бұрын
@@PeteSmells It's cause you can use it on any non-boss. So if you get to the end of a delve and see a named creature? You can instantly kill those with this skill if it's a humanoid (not a daedra). They're not considered bosses, but instead mini-bosses and can be killed by the skill. That's the reason for the reduced exp since they grant a decent chunk of exp.
@kebbit4779 Жыл бұрын
Love this series! What a noble quest
@eldenmox5525 Жыл бұрын
Eso was developed before Skyrim so it’s kinda the other way around with familiarity. Also alliance doesn’t mean anything except who you fight against in pvp. It only matters if you have friends on another alliance which btw you can change your alliance although it takes an upgrade.
@Swordhunter0817 Жыл бұрын
Do you prefer controller or kb+m for MMOs? As you continue this series it'll be less often you'll find that controllers are supported. Curious to your thoughts on various 3rd party tools to enable controller gameplay.
@PeteSmells Жыл бұрын
I never really considered it but I guess kb+m. I only use a controller for a handful of games. This is something to think about for sure
@DemethVLK Жыл бұрын
I've played it on and off for years but I can never stick to it because of the combat. I just can't get over it sadly
@kevinsims5791 Жыл бұрын
Your beginner experience was way different than mine
@Claude-Vanlalhruaia Жыл бұрын
It's a good game if you play casually but not worth your time and investment if you go for end game content and want to play serious, there are just too much problem and a disfunctional disconnected relationship between those players and dev team.
@aaronhankerhanker1833 Жыл бұрын
Will you do Albion online next in this series? It’s free to play!
@PaulEkert Жыл бұрын
Have you thought of New Worlds? I am undecided... I have thought about ESO, but it's been out for so long now I really fancy something a bit newer.
@muhammadtuaha6581 Жыл бұрын
I find new worlds way better :(
@EvelinaNinudottir Жыл бұрын
"An Elder Scrolls game on speed" is unfortunately a very accurate description x) For being a MMO, you honestly want to play it solo and away from the hot spots in order to enjoy the stories. And, by the gods, the stories in this game are AMAZING. So many engaging characters, fun lore, beautiful settings and stories with depth that actually pulls you in - that is, as long as you manage to resist the pressure to rush through *everything* just to slowly ascend your way up the leveling system, which is just not made for the more RPG-type of players. I love playing ESO like I would play Skyrim. I dislike the leveling and basically everything that has to do with experience and grinding, unfortunately.
@LurnWell Жыл бұрын
ESO is probably one of the least rushing mmorpgs in existence. Doing things at your own pace is actually the way the game is meant to be played.
@R_o_o_k_i_n_g_t_o_n Жыл бұрын
my opinion is its good and while i think that old school TES fans who loved and are used to morrowind and oblivion and also maybe are old school fallout bethesda fallout fans on top of that will LOVE the single player main faction quests the first few times through and clearing all the faction zones and more of the zones that were added after that cause its pretty fun and cool but my standing after over 1500 hours is that the endgame can get stale as while there is in my opinion the best take on endgame progression, that being horizontal progression where each set you get can only get to gold level at max and even enchants and traits have a similar limit but the fun thing is that every set can be useful on any character for various reasons and certain bosses or dungeons or pvp vs pve will require you wear different sets meaning no matter what they will all have use and the fact all your toons share a bank means you can give some max level armor to another toon rather than having to earn it all over again which can be time consuming and tedious and if you got all the armor already but sold it you can get it back through the transmutation system but still the fact that you can solo vet dungeons and that trials only vaugely give a proper MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER ONLINE feel sucks bad once you really pay attention to it cause there really isnt any ignoring it after you see it and the dungeon finder gutted any possiblility for fun social interaction in finding dungeon groups especially since you dont even have to go to the dungeon to do a run of it meaning that you can just push a button and stand in solitude while ya wait until eventually you come back at the perfect time to pop into a random dungeon where you and your group wont say a word to eachother and it will feel more like you all are just in the same area rather than are a actual team.
@R_o_o_k_i_n_g_t_o_n Жыл бұрын
basically i totally feel that if you want to play the story stuff and taste the endgame you'll love it but if you want a true MMORPG than just wait for either the ashes of creation alpha 2 through beta 2 or ashes of creation full release because that one is going to actually embody a true MMORPG where you will have to work as a team and there wont be things that literally throw social interaction right out the window and even the plauge of meta mentality wont be the case because the node system will mean that farming spots for levels, resources, and lower level gear will be constantly changing and the open world pvp will mean that while you still dont have to work in a group, you will probably decide hiring some players as bodyguards will be a good idea to keep ya safe while you gather resources to than be able to make max level gear as you can only get max level gear by having anohter player or yourself craft it and crafters arent gonna have the skills needed to first gather and than refine resources meaning no matter what you will need to get the help of other players to make the best gear in the game.
@R_o_o_k_i_n_g_t_o_n Жыл бұрын
yea it is a bit fast paced but the thing is that there are 2 different types of quest markers with the first being a slim arrow with a dot on the top being your normal side quest type jobs and than there is the big fat arrow with all the little arrows facing down in it which are you zone main quests. personally i feel that doing the main quest is the sort of thing you wait to do till you got all the side quests in the immediate area done with than you go to the next area and do all the stuff there and explore all the places before repeating on and on through zone to zone.
@brandonslone1025 Жыл бұрын
I feel like I'm trying to read an elder scroll. But I agree eso is👌
@Noel_Tamura Жыл бұрын
First of all, great video, although the question of the title hasn't really been answered and is simply too broad to be answered in a short video like this. Also a few little remarks: [ 1:40 ] The only thing your alliance is going to change is the starting place and faction you'll be fighting for in PvP, so to answer your concerns; it will not change your type of story or affect you in any kind of really impactful way. Also, there IS a way to play any race in any alliance but it's sadly locked behind a pay wall. (which wasn't always the case) [ 1:54 ] It isn't really weird in my opinion. You'll be spending 100s, potentially 1000s of hours so why not make sure your character looks exactly how you want them to look from head to feet? [ 4:14 ] That feature is available through one of the DLCs. [ 6:03 ] That is in part because the game isn't really made for first person play. It's totally possible to do so as you have shown but in my opinion the game really shines when played in third person, for it gives far superior overview, which is important later on and in endgame because you'll be dodging a lot of stuff.
@PureDrPerry Жыл бұрын
Reviewer #2, is this you?
@mobius4247 Жыл бұрын
looks like you're far more at home here than the other games. hope you find the right fit eventually.
@madmantheepic7278 Жыл бұрын
Wow, the combat doesnt look half bad, i can’t imagine myself playing an mmo in 1st person however.. well i said the same with Skyrim so who knows.
@jef89 Жыл бұрын
I was just about to comment something along this line. You are able to change the view to 3rd person. In fact, I do not know a single person who plays it in 1st person. I assume it would be too hard that way, specially the end-game. The combat in 3rd person is awesome tbh.
@andyh2783 Жыл бұрын
ive been playing eso for two months on pc coming from ff14 and destiny 2.......cant recommend enough to fans of elder scrolls or just quality mmos in the less weeby darker vibe eso has over ff14 and to be honest im very much enjoying my time far away from destiny 2 as well........ive hit the mid game pretty much and just the massive variety of things to do is overwhelming and refreshing all at the same time.
@RoxiieReadsLore Жыл бұрын
Hell yea. A fellow d2 refugee. Game is hot dogass righr now, desperately looking for something else to play.
@stanislavkuzmanov21 Жыл бұрын
Bro i really enjoyed the vid but trust me there's no way to have fun without watching a beginner guide and you will be disappointed bc this game has nothing to do with the series exept the name and world i didn't like it the first time but when i watched a guide i was like this game is soo good
@mzawadzk 3 ай бұрын
First person that play as first person
@edvin1537 Жыл бұрын
The only thing that got me into this game was the lore lol
@zedorda1337 Жыл бұрын
I am a long time MMO player from the EQ1 days before the in game friends list. I have played so many different MMO over the decades that I found where the problem lies and why I don't play MMO anymore. PEOPLE! Back in the day when it took more than 2 brain cells to run a computer and find and play an MMO. You ended up with a generally high quality community where the coined term "troll" was a rarely heard about problem. Now half a server are trolls while the other half are trying to be trolls. Once in awhile I will explore an old dead MMO without many people playing it so I can go solo it for the content experience boxing multiple accounts.
@marktazz4521 Жыл бұрын
Any race/Any faction: that's the ticket.... Cosmetics are OPTIONAL... so don't worry about that... The "no Gear" option allows you to see your character without those "janky" cosmetics "defiling" the look, you perv.... 0:22 There's your problem, right there... If you try to play ESO like Skyrim or Oblivion or any other single-player ES game you'll be disappointed... so maybe don't do that... ESO is an MMO... learn to use the advantages (such as synergies and other group mechanics...) of playing in a group... 1:00 That's actual in-game footage, so yeah it kinda does match up to it... 1:13 What don't you understand about the term, "optional??" I don't know if you're familiar with the term, "marketing," but that's what that is.... I appreciate the fact that upgrade OPTIONS are prominent... There have been times in other MMO's when I have no idea how to upgrade something, if I can get there from in the game at all... 4:38 I think that's the Direnni tower, or something to that effect... At any rate, you're far from the White-Gold Tower.... 10:54 When you look at the entire map of tamriel, you'll see why the pacing is so fast... Western Skrim is about 1/20th of the size of ESO, so you have a lot to do...
@greenarcangel Жыл бұрын
interesting, they change the intro that i played.
@PeteSmells Жыл бұрын
Was the one you played better?
@greenarcangel Жыл бұрын
@@PeteSmells it was similar in nature, as it was a tutorial of how to play it, but it was supposed that you were escaping from the realm of one of the gods of elder scrolls, there were no portals and you end up in a ship that shipwreck in the initial zone. From there it was similar to vanilla wow, a zone were you level up and so on. I guess that that's how they decided to handle the new player experience to many many expansions and level difference. I like how they handle the fact that you can play all the game and they just level you up and down to let you play all the content.
@kirkwallmage Жыл бұрын
Great video 🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕
@PeteSmells Жыл бұрын
No you're great
@xezzee Жыл бұрын
GW2 has also underwear button and when you make Sylvari you can turn the lights off to see the night markings .... which you never see 😂 but hey! They are there ... and you can see them requiring you to press two buttons Underwear and Lights Off 😁
@thebloodyhand586 Жыл бұрын
I played it for a few years but after a while the game gets boring and tedious
@Nova-Six Жыл бұрын
@femboyclearly5181 Жыл бұрын
I didnt like ESO. As a long time fan of elder scrolls, i found the gameplay of eso extremely jarring, from enemies shooting through any obstacles and walls, to very limited playstyles and variety early on.
@Cytl-bu3nq Жыл бұрын
Oh Please, even the older game could get glitchy and have projectiles shot through walls, it's not just ESO, so don't go and make a case when you haven't got all the information.
@berkan7662 Жыл бұрын
3:49 the reason why I hate mmorpgs.
@Alpha1598753 Жыл бұрын
Just gonna have to bring a bad news, you can perform takedown on unsuspecting enemies (restricted to target that aren't : guards, undead, not humanoid, elite enemies. Basicaly only humanoid trash mobs and non quest/vendor civilians are valid) But its paywalled as a passive from the dark brotherhood DLC
@thefilmdirector1 Жыл бұрын
do not play this in first person, you will be laughed at.
@PeteSmells Жыл бұрын
Go ahead and laugh! I'll do as I please!
@Cytl-bu3nq Жыл бұрын
Looks like once again someone failed to do their homework about an MMO and decided to make a video without knowing what they are talking about. Again if you had done your homework on the game you would have known about the Any Race, Any Alliance package, but no, why bother doing any work at all so you can be snippy.
@PeteSmells Жыл бұрын
As a counter point, you could do your homework on what the point of the video was.
@InimicusSolitus Жыл бұрын
ESO is very shallow game. Everything is level synced, which I hate. There is really no sense of progression once you unlock all the abilities, which doesn't take long. The game just feels bland and generic.
@Cytl-bu3nq Жыл бұрын
Kinda like your response, bland and generic.
@nicktaylor935 Жыл бұрын
It's funny that you make the decision to play first person before you play the game not knowing anything about it seems restrictive and close minded try all view styles if you like the game as this can make the game different and for most better. And you have to animation cancel in this game otherwise your not playing it right. So this you have to look up and figure out for yourself.
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