The EU May Fix iPadOS??? 😂

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@quinnsells1222 Ай бұрын
iPadOS should be a slightly altered macOS instead of a slightly altered iOS
@YourLocalZombie Ай бұрын
It should be MacOS but with the iOS UI. Having to deal with a large screen desktop UI on a small screen would be a huge hassle. Luckily MacOS already has the ability to replace the Finder app and window managers with alternatives like Raskin Surface (Named before the Microsoft Surface) or Yabai. It would also benefit from a few physical buttons. The iPod click-wheel would be fine.
@quinnsells1222 Ай бұрын
@@YourLocalZombie I agree although I think the pro should have basically full macOS but the smaller ones would def benefit from a more iOS style UI
@jaa928 Ай бұрын
I would never buy another Mac if I could get XCode on an iPad.
@sigiligus Ай бұрын
Basically what people want is Apple’s version of the Windows Metro UI that was introduced for Windows to run on Surface tablets. Unfortunately it was an unmitigated disaster. Apple may be able to do it better, but they won’t. If there was a viable way to do it without sacrificing UI, usability for normies, and/or some sort of business model, they’d probably do it.
@YourLocalZombie Ай бұрын
@@sigiligus"Apple’s version of the Windows Metro UI" That already exists, it's called Raskin Surface and it was named long before the Microsoft Surface. MacOS can use alternative desktops, window managers, and file browsers but it's still MacOS underneath. If iPadOS was MacOS but with the iPadOS UI it would be a better deal. If Apple wants the iPad to be a peripheral instead of a real computer they should use cheaper chips and price it like a peripheral. If they want to price it like a computer it should run a computer OS.
@darrylwoodbury Ай бұрын
Lol, I can't stop laughing at the thumbnail. 😂😂😂
@wasteofspace9184 Ай бұрын
@HeartsOfMold Ай бұрын
It’s already possible to run UTM on iPad pro
@bartreisender6765 Ай бұрын
I’m afraid even the EU can’t do this
@evilutionltd Ай бұрын
so so wrong.
@saifel-eslamal-labban2163 Ай бұрын
I have to dislike you, They can, they can ban apple all together.
@jamescassar5348 Ай бұрын
Oh yes they can
@bartreisender6765 Ай бұрын
I have a strong feeling none of you is an EU citizen
@philamavikane9423 Ай бұрын
@@bartreisender6765 Lol
@VoltX_1 Ай бұрын
IMO , iPadOS isn’t that broken , it’s just missing so many TINY things from macOS that add up.
@zachg3069 Ай бұрын
Agree and disagree. iPadOS isn’t that broken for iPad’s air, mini and regular iPad. But for a device that is $1500 ish after keyboard and pencil. iPadOS just doesn’t seem to be enough to justify the price. At least for me. And I was an avid iPad Pro user. I just couldn’t justify it anymore. If I’m going to spend 1.5-2.0k on a computer it needs to do more than iPad OS. Just my $.02
@calitb Ай бұрын
but I think that’s the thing to consider… the ipad pro is not the only pro anymore. The Air has pretty much the same power (see other videos in this channel, where he won’t recommend M3 over the M1 machines. You can get the Air for $500 with M1, or the $1000+ Pro with M3. No much difference there. When you get the Pro you are only paying for nice extras like a better screen. If you have the cash you will enjoy those extras, but if not, you can live without them. I think ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@VoltX_1 Ай бұрын
@@zachg3069I can see that, Here’s a few things I’d love to see come. Just off top of my head…. MULTIPLE AUDIO SOURCES LIKE MACOS, Apple TV playlist option like Mac, 3 finger drag in stage manager, let me resize dock like macOS, give me Time Machine for iPad Pro, small dot under any open app like macOS, let me format usb drives via disk utility on iPad, GIVE IOS AND IPADOS the Mac icons(depth) , battery health and more importantly optimized charging like iPhone, I could go on but I’ll stop , I feel some of those are never happening but others should’ve already been done. It’s gotten much better since 17, I had given up then I tried stage manager again and I’m really enjoying it. There is still so many things they could improve though.
@awdadwadwad1723 Ай бұрын
It even misses ton of tiny things from iOS, which is infuriating…
@VoltX_1 Ай бұрын
⁠@@awdadwadwad1723A few yes, is not know if I’d say a ton. I’m thinking StandBy(which makes MORE sense on iPad) and calculator ….. what else?
@katrinabryce Ай бұрын
Android allows alt stores and side-loading. The option is burried in the settings app. Most normal people stick exclusively to Google Play. I really don't see it being a problem, and if people do download malware, then that's on them, not something that Apple should be policing.
@chuchueat2306 Ай бұрын
Bro that meme as the thumbnail is top tier!!! lol
@csumme7 Ай бұрын
Honestly that would be a great direction for it. A simple dual boot option makes everyone happy and with minimal effort.
@jamescassar5348 Ай бұрын
Imagine an Apple customer suggesting that to be able to download apps from wherever you want on the device you spent a lot on, you have to buy an even more expensive keyboard and mouse because a version of Dex just ain't viable enough for Apple
@hazpoole1837 Ай бұрын
Surely just don’t buy it if you don’t like it??
@will.gallegos Ай бұрын
Well it's iPadOS that needs this law, not the iPad in general. If they dual boot macOS, they still need to have the iOS DMA features on iPadOS.
@jomaix Ай бұрын
Yup, I’m here for the thumbnail 😂
@Jake.brazier Ай бұрын
The best way to do it would be to merge iPadOS and MacOS together to make some sort of hybrid of the good bits of both and use that on both the Mac and iPad. They love to push the whole “iPad is a computer” narrative so it makes sense to put it on par with the Mac. However I do think not releasing any iPads in 2023 was very much intentional. I bet they will refresh the entire lineup next week ahead of what I expect will be a major refresh for iPad OS.
@Ciaolo Ай бұрын
windows 8 nightmares here
@vangogh7049 Ай бұрын
Haven’t even used my iPad since I graduated there’s literally no use for me
@menjivarTv Ай бұрын
Side loading would actually make me sell my MacBook and stick to only my iPad. Also if microsoft released the full desktop version of office in the iPad
@rafaeldomenikos5978 Ай бұрын
Would they have to do this for older iPads as well based on the law or are they forced to do it only on the new devices. I’d really like that in my M1 but don’t feel like upgrading at all
@SaveMeAzathoth Ай бұрын
Connecting a mouse and keyboard shouldn't even be prerequisites for running MacOS on iPads. The touchscreen meets the requirements for a pointing device - even if they didn't want to allow direct point and click for some reason, it could at least function as a track pad. If you're doing something in MacOS that doesn't actually require a keyboard, needing one attached to boot into it is kind of ridiculous. But also MacOS has an onscreen keyboard that could be used in a pinch if someone needed one but couldn't be bothered to attach a physical keyboard.
@jaibritz Ай бұрын
The device with the most potential and the device that is held back the most:
@InimitaPaul Ай бұрын
When my iPad Pro dies the only reason I won’t swap it for a Samsung Ultra pad will be if Apple allow dual booting into Mac, not a chance I’ll bother with another iPad otherwise.
@MorbidGod391 Ай бұрын
It’ll be funny if that’s what this new event is so about. Finally open up the iPad!
@AL1EN303 Ай бұрын
An interesting theory, but it breaks down because macOS will never be on the iPad mini. And the European government will definitely be asked for this, why not all iPads can download third-party software
@jaketus Ай бұрын
1:45 How would sideloading break anything? Sideloading would be extra option to use, not mandatory.
@anthonylethbridge458 Ай бұрын
Dual boot is the answer with magic keypad as you say. Some sort of remote access to your iMac might work partially as well? Eventually we need bigger iPad screens though. Interesting video.
@saintkofi Ай бұрын
funny thing is it’s just up to windows to make an ARM based tablet and it’s over
@csbyjw Ай бұрын
I think allowing Parallels to run on iPadOS then other OSs within that would meet these needs and would be super awesome to use!
@ALXXR63AMG Ай бұрын
Yes Come to Europe ! It’s the final Countdown ! For iPadOS. Dual Boot Options !
@marksapollo Ай бұрын
I just want some more powerful features in my M1 iPad Pro, a proper file system would be nice for one.
@ssaaffuu Ай бұрын
So true 😅😮😂
@Spidouz Ай бұрын
To really unlock the full potential of the iPad, we need Apple to come with an UnifiedOS, meaning running a new full MacOS that would have 2 different UI. You would have an “iPad UI mode” that would look just like iPadOS right now, easy to use with your fingers, but as soon as you would grab a precise pointer such a new Pencil, or Mouse or Trackpad, then the UI could adjust itself to look like MacOS, with of course ability to run any MacOS application, with Finder, Terminal and DevKit, so you would turn your iPad Pro into a full blown MacBook with touchscreen… It wouldn’t run two OS, but just one OS since a M2 or higher hardware could already run smoothly MacOS anyway, so potentially an iPad Pro can run MacOS… and most of the OS apps are already looking similar between iPadOS and MacOS. So we simply just need an ability to switch UI according to the pointer we’re using… if you don’t have any pointer and use your fingers, then iPadOS UI mode would be perfect… and if you have a precise pointer, then you don’t have to restrict yourself with iPadOS UI, you can use MacOS UI… by doing so, Apple can argue they’re running MacOS so the iPad Pro wouldn’t be any different from MacBook and the EU laws would become irrelevant…
@nicknorthcutt7680 Ай бұрын
Thats honestly the perfect option. Its the path of least resistance and everyone would win! Id definitely move to the EU just for that 😂
@sparky6757 Ай бұрын
Gonna wait until May 7th before I list my iPad Air 2022 for sale online and order a secondhand Galaxy Tab. My hopes aren't high but it's fun to pretend they're actually gonna make the OS better. Don't get me wrong, I think the iPad is great at what it does. I also think the models above $400 kinda don't have any reason at all to exist. The kinds of things I actually do with my iPad? A sub-$200 Galaxy tablet has sufficient processing power to do them. And buying a more equivalent device to the iPad I did buy, features can give me an actual reason to use the higher specs that come with a flagship - multitasking UI that's not frustrating or limited and doesn't discourage me to use it, sideloading lets me take advantage of whatever the heck I want to run on it (thinking about emulators mainly, though I guess Apple is getting those now?), basically it's just a lot closer to a desktop device while still giving me the opportunity to pop the keyboard off and consoom content on a really great, really mobile screen.
@KylieWagner Ай бұрын
I really hope they do this but I highly doubt they would. Also if they did wouldn’t only the eu see this change? I’d personally like to see this in the US but if they do what they did with iOS side loading it could be not available in America.
@gd12377 Ай бұрын
I lke how this vid was so much more positve then the ev video
@mannkeithc Ай бұрын
I like your dual boot suggestion and being able to switch between iPad OS and Mac OS would work for me (plus I am sure Apple have already run Mac OS on M series iPads in the lab), but I am not more hopeful for the iPad and in particular the iPad Pro because of latest the EU announcement. For a pro user, iPad OS is fundamentally flawed. First you have the awful web kit which cripples the functionality of third-party web browsers, such as Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Opera etc, so that they all end up feeling like a clone of Safari, and these days Safari frustrates me more times than it delights me. You can't run VMs - technically you could but Apple doesn't allow it. I would like to run a full-blown IDE, but that's also not possible, e.g. test your code on device emulators. You can't format, repair or image external SSD / memory cards. Plus, most apps in the iPad OS app store feel like clones of candy crush, clash of clans, hidden object mystery crap, etc. Increasingly iPad OS gets in the way of what I want to do with a tablet computer. I used to be able sideload emulators such as a Dolphin and UTM for light weight OS emulation, and used a workaround involving jitterbug, so I could run them standalone on my iPad Pro without needing to debug tether it to second Apple device on my local network, but iPad OS 17 put a stop to all that! Fundamentally, Apple doesn't really want the iPad to be able to replace a laptop, because they want you to buy both an iPad and a MacBook. Apple will continue to tinker around at the edge to appease to the politicians, playing a cat & mouse game, as each time non tech savvy politicians realise, they've been outsmarted once again and need to further tighten the rules. While this is all happening, the iPad continues to fall short of pro customers expectation, as it evolves into an even more confusing and frustrating device to use, and iPad Pro sales will continue decline. I can't see anything really changing at Apple until old timers such as Tim Cook and Craig Federighi have retired or moved on.
@Jorda5s Ай бұрын
That’s funny I just commented that we need a Mac OS emulator for iPad now. I definitely see it coming eventually. Hopefully this revives the jailbreak community if apple finds ways to stop Mac OS on iPad.
@Sacto1654 Ай бұрын
I expect iOS 18.0 and iPadOS 18.0 to support a lot of third-party functionality, and it will be in a far more integrated manner than in iOS 17.4 and (soon) iOS 17.5.
@Jonathantuba Ай бұрын
I so hope this does happen. The iPad for me is the perfect device, except for its software limitations
@BeardsBaconTech Ай бұрын
Will side loading ever come to Apple products in America
@bruceinmyheart Ай бұрын
No, never. Apple don’t want you to have this.
@Marcus-ll2bt Ай бұрын
I don’t have inherent issues with iPad OS. I think if you’re buying anything up to an iPad Air, iPad OS is capable enough and most people will be buying it desiring a mobile first experience and it does that stupidly well. However…. iPad OS on the expensive Pro line which is due to go up in price and prices above a MacBook Air. It doesn’t cut the cheese.
@MaxPowers1245 Ай бұрын
so the EU all wear sunglasses?
@mentalstatement Ай бұрын
iPad Pro should be able to run MacOS applications
@harshtalk007 Ай бұрын
Eu must look towards watch os also so we don't need to pay subscription for apple music
@hamodalbatal464 Ай бұрын
The EU gonna save us
@michaelhall9146 Ай бұрын
No it’s not 😂🤦‍♂️
@aaronbakerbcg3984 Ай бұрын
@riccardopezzani Ай бұрын
Step 1: make macOs work with touch interface. Step 2: seel macbooks with touchscreens. Step 3: add dual boot on ipad Pro's
@justincampbell2971 Ай бұрын
That thumbnail game tho!
@JeZuse777 Ай бұрын
Got the wrong IPad Pro 🤦🏾‍♂️
@deatondavid Ай бұрын
Calculator 😂😂😂
@techanthrop Ай бұрын
iPad should get Desktop Class Experience and Applications. If not, there is no really a reason to being anymore. Before 10 years it was a cool device but now it is not. If you really want an iPAD you have to get one of the Pros but nowadays just for Touch Screen and a crippled OS would i not pay a Macbook price. Instead, i would buy a refurbished or old Generation M Processor Macbook.
@paulj.elliott2112 Ай бұрын
What ithe iPad needs is AI capability and a smarter Siri. What is all the hype about the M4 anyway? Is it a hybrid chip that is less likely to throttle, or is Apple going to put tiny little fans in the new iPads?
@JosephRawsthorne31 Ай бұрын
I would like iPad to be able to IOS updates via hotspot first ahahah
@HinaCabina Ай бұрын
So you basically want apple's version of the Microsoft surface?
@DomainObject Ай бұрын
Yes. From a hardware perspective, iPad Pros are MacBook Airs with a touchscreen. Having them run macOS effectively is a no-brainer.
@BeardsBaconTech Ай бұрын
I don’t really care about sideling at all I really want the iPad to be able to do that. The Apple computers can do is I just wanna be able to run steam on the iPad so I can play my steam games on my iPad I know the iPad is not as powerful as a computer I get that, but those games could still run on an iPad if they would allow it
@techbysteff4829 Ай бұрын
If your mobing to europe come to ireland 😅🤣
@SaiyanJin85 Ай бұрын
yeah man, keep on dreaming...
@frankkatabi7823 Ай бұрын
How does that relate with the Pope?
@jamescassar5348 Ай бұрын
Although iOS and iPad OS are broken without repair, the European union are truly making waves into fixing Apple even though they are adamant on not fixing themselves
@failuretolaunchdrums Ай бұрын
Honestly I regret buying my iPad Pro. It fucking sucks. It does nothing but watch youtube and movies. Biggest waste of money. Please allow dual boot into MacOS for fucks sake
@andyH_England Ай бұрын
It is more complex, as all it would do is damage Mac sales. Apple has done the number crunching and knows that the outcome would be a net crapfest for shareholders, who are their employers. That is why we do not see WOA dual-boot on Android, as those who made Windows Tablets found out the hard way that the net result was negative.
@failuretolaunchdrums Ай бұрын
@@andyH_England yes it does fatten their pockets but it irritates their customers. Leave the iPad Mini and the iPad Air for the basic iPadOS stuff and let the iPad Pro’s run MacOS. Or just take the leap of faith and fully merge the MacBook Air and the iPad Pro, come out with a new detachable keyboard, and phase out the old models. Keep the M# Pro M# Max M# Ultra and beyond exclusive to the MacBook Pro line and desktops. It might hurt sales at first, but the true innovation lies behind the door they’re scared to open.
@JonasViatte Ай бұрын
Apple should just allow sideloading, with no strings attached, on iOS and iPad OS, and stop behaving like a dishonest child (who also bullies all their classmates). Until they do that, they will keep being slapped around by the EU and the US and other governments.
@_Digitalguy Ай бұрын
MacOS emulator on the iPad? Sounds like an HackPadintosh
@drodriguez1724 Ай бұрын
The thumbnail is sacrilegious to Christians. The bread which represents the body of Christ is replaced with an iPad.
@manart6506 Ай бұрын
What would actually happen if Apple can not sell iPads in the EU?… don’t tell me European people won’t get iPads, really?, wouldn’t they buy them from America or Japan or something?… maybe too expensive and people would get Samsung tablets.
@Fredrik871 Ай бұрын
I can already catch a round trip flight to NYC, buy it there and fly back to EU and the total cost will be around the same as it would be to buy it in my country, that's for many of Apples products, iPad Pro 12.9 for example, even the cheapest 128gb wifi.
@bobweiram6321 Ай бұрын
@BeardsBaconTech Ай бұрын
Yes, please macOS on the iPad please
@alanbeunboxingsandMore Ай бұрын
hey tailosive tech so in six months it’s november 1st,2024
@molarrr Ай бұрын
I hate the EU
@kylecastellino6402 Ай бұрын
95% of us are here cause of that thumbnail
@ThierryC-te3rx Ай бұрын
iOS (iPadOS) is macOS from the beginning. It just a macOS version adapted to touch screen. So no need to download macOS, but a desktop skin for iPadOS that is activated with mouse and keyboard for example, as You said.
@renaldy1234 Ай бұрын
I like how you always oversimplify and make the law seem way easier than it is, which also makes me question whether you spent time researching the topics before making the video, the UE requests Apple to open the iPad App Store so that developers can add third-party apps store to iPad OS, you suggesting that Apple could just add Mac OS to ipad as a dual boot doesn't comply to the main request which is installing other app from other app store to ipad os, them adding mac os is not gonna fix that, not sure where you got that logic from
@TailosiveTech Ай бұрын
iPadOS is not a product. It’s the iPad that they sell
@renaldy1234 Ай бұрын
@@TailosiveTechfrom your logic then they could have added Mac os to iPhone as a dual boot to avoid also not having to open IOS
@renaldy1234 Ай бұрын
Quote from the EU Commission “The European Commission has today designated Apple with respect to iPadOS, its operating system for tablets, as a gatekeeper under the Digital Markets Act (“DMA”). Apple now has six months to ensure full compliance of iPadOS with the DMA obligations.”
@galasitygaming Ай бұрын
@@renaldy1234 That’ll be handy, imagine a MacOS version that runs iPhone, similar to Dex. I say, why not? Give us the option to run different softwares on the device we pay well over a grand for
@Dani-kq6qq Ай бұрын
​@@TailosiveTechLol, the EU law outright mentioned IpadOS, your argument makes no sense
@00z53 Ай бұрын
the thumbnail and the skit 😆
@doomy_doomy2225 Ай бұрын
Just want my new iPhone color and see if we get a red 15 pro so I can regret my 15 pro titanium.
@BenCadetThePastafarian 17 күн бұрын
apple should just make a touch screen mac to appease you dorks
@philamavikane9423 Ай бұрын
Though it may be a viable option, I just don't think it's the right move having macOS on iPad. Especially business-wise. But let's see what happens🤷‍♂🤷‍♂
@dlsme Ай бұрын
This definitely speaks “Give a mouse a cookie. “ it’s not like Apple is forcing people to buy their products
@jamescassar5348 Ай бұрын
No they aren't, but they shape and skew market how they see fit because their customers they can't see what's infront of them; theft
@markgriffin2285 Ай бұрын
There's the problem! The only problem with Apple Products is that they have Apple's Operating System. And you really can't operate Window's programs without an emulator program. Which is not that good to begin with. Would love to know if one were to remove all apple software off of their Mac Drive and replace it with windows, would it actually work just as well if not better?
@Mumble8988 Ай бұрын
Why is the EU making all these rulings for a company that isn't even a part of Europe? I mean sure they sell their products their, but Apple is an American company, not a European one, so why should what the EU says mean anything to Apple?
@Odinsday Ай бұрын
Apple is an American company selling to an international market. If they want to sell their services and devices to the European market, they have to play by the EU’s rules. That’s how market regulation works. Also, idc really that the EU is forcing Apple to update their systems and devices because these updates are just objectively great. USB-C on iPhones, allowing emulators and 3rd party apps onto the App Store, future rulings on removable batteries etc… The EU is forcing Apple to be even better lol
@ruschein Ай бұрын
So do you think that foreign companies should be allowed to sell crack cocaine in the US? If not, why not? Why should the US make rules for foreign companies that sell in the US market? Did you even think for 5 minutes before spewing your nonsense?? Why shouldn't governments be allowed to make rules for the markets in their own countries? Wait, think first before replying!
@BardhokNdoji Ай бұрын
EU have got lot of issues of it's own to fix, and I mean huge issues that are plaguing Europe, before starting to tell cooperation's how to design their products, what color to use, what materials and what sizes. You probably are not aware but EU is one of the most bureaucratic system that exists worldwide.
@Supreme176 Ай бұрын
Government regulations are almost never the answer. I’d rather have a boring iPad.
@elijahrain Ай бұрын
@PolloMoncada Ай бұрын
@Mr.J_2003 Ай бұрын
@shawnsoap Ай бұрын
@alanhughes8152 Ай бұрын
Switching back and forth between two different OS on the same device is a a terrible idea and completely unnecessary, Apple just has to stop preventing iPadOS from functioning properly. Simple.
@Bloxxness Ай бұрын
Pin pls
@Anrylla Ай бұрын
The skits of this channel are absolutely amazing. 😂
@gdmoore Ай бұрын
OK, so I download a malicious app and it steals all of my banking information. I'm completely wiped out. Who do I blame Apple or the EU?
@AdmiralBison Ай бұрын
yourself. You want to use that stupid argument? When installing malicious software on a Mac or PC?
@TheQuangBang Ай бұрын
MacOS on the iPad, that's the dream
@jamesnyers1721 Ай бұрын
To be able to run MacOS on an iPad, it needs to drop the touch capability. MacOS would have to be rewritten entirely to keep being MacOS and have touch input at the same time.
@DarkOps4 Ай бұрын
Drew you can’t seriously think it’s a good idea for the E.U to keep stepping into Apple’s garden and essentially ripping down the walls that keep the ecosystem the way it is
@TailosiveTech Ай бұрын
If Apple doesn’t do anything interesting but is forced to do something cool from a government then I’m for it. I’m for getting better products. Usbc is my favorite part of iPhone 15
@BassRukarioGuerrero Ай бұрын
@@TailosiveTech We are assuming government will never do anything that's not in everyone's interests :v. We are also assuming it won't go against other companies and will potentially make some businesses close. We are also assuming it's good that it's happening to Apple because we get short term good stuff.
@SWOBIZ Ай бұрын
I’m waiting for the EU to require iPhones to run Android. Yup, big government looking out for the people.
@gokkiyoutube Ай бұрын
@@TailosiveTech I upgraded from an 8 to a 15 Pro Max, it's an insane change, and USB is super nice, i was able to do M.2 SSD recordings or HDMI cable use for presentations.
@LuuthianTM Ай бұрын
So far as we've seen the ecosystem has remained largely *exactly* the way it is, but with more consumer choice. So long as that continues this is a net benefit despite whatever small drawbacks there may be in the initial process of setting up the phone. Everyone throws around the word "government" like we should be scared but once in a while the government does exactly what it was designed to do and it protects consumers and offers them better competition and choice. Until these forced changes to Apple's devices result in large and devastating problems, i think we should all step back and appreciate the good that's come from them so far and worry about the bad if we ever even get there
@dlsme Ай бұрын
There’s an old expression that says be careful what you wish for you just might get it. For the EU to force their ideology of how they think something should be done on a company for a product that they didn’t create is crazy. There is plenty of choice in the market, you don’t have to use Apple. If people want all of this, maybe they should create their own product.
@bruceinmyheart Ай бұрын
Apple has a choice. They can simply choose to stop selling their Chinese products in the EU. Complaining solved.
@Jolanda789 Ай бұрын
And anarco-capitalism Is bad
@andyH_England Ай бұрын
@@bruceinmyheart The EU are doing the same thing to Google and Meta, so should they leave the EU as well?
@dlsme Ай бұрын
Though it won’t be fair to the people who actually like Apple’s,Google’s and Meta’s products. It set suppressant when you allow others to influence something that they didn’t take part and creating. You give a little bit and overtime they take a lot maybe Apple google and Meta should leave the EU.
@aaronbakerbcg3984 Ай бұрын
Apple needs to tell the EU to f#%k off.
@bruceinmyheart Ай бұрын
Ridiculous comment. Why should Apple be the only company in the world that doesn’t need to adhere by the rules and regulations in a region they do business in?
@Yasso0ry33 Ай бұрын
I hate when people want the iPad to be a Mac!!! That’s quite ridiculous just buy a Mac. Leave the iPad alone
@alexabihabib8215 Ай бұрын
That’s no way to depict the Holy Father. Christe Eleison.
@DanilSay Ай бұрын
macOS on iPad is the worst idea that I ever heard
@RicardoBryanOfficial Ай бұрын
I would love to have macOS on my iPad when I need it. So the normal layout when you’re using it as a tablet, but if you want to be productive you can switch to the macOs lay-out.
@rudolfburgaj Ай бұрын
Many people may find the thumbnail cool. But it's nothing else rather than an offense for all Catholics. And this is NOT cool.
@Duffster115 Ай бұрын
I would be nice to see the iPads get more cable but I have always and will always be against the EU Forcing apple to do things and breaking apple and the reasons we chose them over the competitors in wich BILLIONS EXISIT IDIOT EU, I just wish they would notice the truth and leave them alone rather than wrecking everything that makes them different and taking away all options that make us chose them over the competitor's! I wish the EU would focus on actual problems in there country rather than attacking apple
@bruceinmyheart Ай бұрын
You have the choice to not toggle the switch to on for third-party app stores in the settings - instead of feeling sorry for a greedy company 💁🏻‍♂️
@andyH_England Ай бұрын
@@bruceinmyheart, The EU Law will have any toggle on by default, so you have to toggle it off if such a switch exists. For example, the browser must have a splash page by default when setting up the phone.
@Faye_Wong Ай бұрын
As everyone knows, there is no thing EU can’t do, except fixing their own economy😂
@ruschein Ай бұрын
That doesn't exactly differentiate them from every other government! Also whatever you mean by "fixing" depends a lot on individual views!
@ssaaffuu Ай бұрын
So true 😅😮😂
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