The Great Dupe of Dating

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Teal Swan

Teal Swan

2 жыл бұрын

The Great Dupe of Dating. When we start dating someone, we run the risk of duping them unintentionally. And by doing so, guaranteeing that the relationship will fail later on down the road.
Full Article here ⟶
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Teal Swan is an international Speaker and and bestselling Author. She was born with a range of extrasensory abilities and is a survivor of severe childhood abuse. Today she uses her gifts as well as her own harrowing life experience to inspire millions of people towards authenticity, freedom and joy and teaching people how to transform their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual pain.
The result when people are restored to wholeness is that the world will be restored to wholeness. Teal Swan's teachings invite people to step fully into their authenticity, knowing that this will bring about the positive change that we want to see in the world.
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@MoralGovernment 2 жыл бұрын
When I was 27 and got out of a 3 year relationship I started seriously dating for the purpose of marriage and children. I put it right on my dating profile that I was looking to get married and have kids sooner rather than later. I brought it up on the first date. I had a friend who got really upset to hear this. She shamed me for not conforming to social norms, not pretending I didn't care about kids that much, that I would scare off men. But I didn't care about the average man, I only wanted one, and I found him within a few months of intense online dating and going on many first dates. We got married within 4 months, started trying to have a baby right away. Next week we will celebrate our 9 year wedding anniversary and we have 2 kids and thinking about a 3rd. I didn't understand why it upset her so much that I didn't conform to what everyone else was doing, not pretending to be someone I'm not, to try to be more appealing to the type of guy I didn't even want. I'm glad that I stopped pretending to be someone I'm not and rationally thought about a dating strategy to get what I wanted.
@jameswalsh1522 2 жыл бұрын
Are you sure At 27 you weren't suddenly Ready to get married The wall was fast approaching And has the old saying goes the wall is undefeated the wall defeats them all
@MoralGovernment 2 жыл бұрын
@@jameswalsh1522 What are you even saying? Yes I was ready to get married, that's why I seriously dated with the intention of getting married. What did I say that made you think I am not aware that I was ready to get married? I had been ready to get married earlier but I was waiting for my manchild boyfriend to grow up for years, so that delayed me. Do you think that calling a woman's biological clock "the wall" means anything? Everyone has always known that women have a limited time to have children, it's not some secret of the man-o-sphere. And you totally missed the point of the comment. The point was that I was shamed for being honest with men about what I wanted and who I was. You know, in response to the content of the video. You've been brainwashed to repeat talking points no matter how rude or nonsensical they are to the conversation. Try to pull your head out of your ass.
@GDKLockout 2 жыл бұрын
This is a rather common story. I met my wife when I was 19, so I missed all that pressure. We are together 22 years now. 3 kids. Amongst her friend group, the independent women who didn't need no man are a fcking misery now we are all early 40s. And the women that went for relationships in their 20s are all now financially stable and getting back into their lives with kids as teenager age. Leaving yourself only 4 months to decide to marry and have kids is quite risky. But the main part of a relationship is that you both want the same family set up, and have very similar values on family issues etc. Sounds to me like you made a brilliant move, took a bit of a risk and it all paid off. I. Sure the world will be all the better for your kids being raised by dedicated parents. I continually encourage young men who want relationships to state exactly that. I had 24 boys between 15 and 17 on my farm last month with school thing, when I asked, 19 of them said they wanted a family and to be a father. More people crave a family that are willing to admit, mostly because feminism overshot the mark about 25 years ago. But hey, thats what developing culture is all about, finding boundaries when you pass them out seems all to human.
@MoralGovernment 2 жыл бұрын
@@GDKLockout When I was 18 I started dating a 22 year old who was serious about me, but my parents convinced me to stop seeing him because of the age gap. Stupidest decision of my life. It's hard to make good decisions when the entire culture including the adults are you insist that relationships should wait.
@GDKLockout 2 жыл бұрын
@@MoralGovernment I feel ya. All we can do is try be more balanced with our own kids and continually ramp up their responsibility and accountability to the point where they have the skills to be adults at 18. My.mother is 74 and deeply regrets the sexuql revolution and promoting it to my sister, who has 4 kids, 2 don't live with her and has had at least 3 abortions that totally messed with her head and now the 2 kids she is actually raising are being taught to be anxiety ridden and shameful about anything traditionally male and female. I cant really blame my parents though, they were the first generation ever to be able to control their birth rate, they were pioneers and so made mistakes. My father was beaten ritually under the guidance that this was a god thing, and his father grew up during ww2, with no therapy or support. The silent generation. So no wonder they were all so fcked up. Its on us now, I learned how to speak emotionally in appropriate settings and carry on the tradition of using sports as a positive outlet for aggression. I see my wife recognising the dangers of men and that she got lucky with me, so is showing our girls how to behave to attract a good man and not every man. It's giant effort, and as a society, we get the average of all our behaviors.
@celestialcharlotte5888 2 жыл бұрын
Speaking of socialisation I think one of the worst things we’re taught by parents is not to “talk back” therefore not teaching us to stand up for ourself when we encounter abuse or mistreatment.
@charlottekonopaska5502 2 жыл бұрын
I love your name
@tommygunn6901 2 жыл бұрын
That's cause our parents FAILED us! Boomers and Gen X set us up for utter failure, and as a result, Millennials and Zoomers are screwed
@stellaq3306 2 жыл бұрын
@@tommygunn6901 But did you consider that perhaps Boomers & Gen Xers were, themselves, also led astray, by design, thereby also set up for failure?
@ButterCookie1984 2 жыл бұрын
I disagree. They are teaching you order. In the family, they are the authority and the children are not to view themselves at the same level. It has nothing to do with abuse. Modern 'psychology' want to call this abuse so that natural order is disrupted.
@MERCERENiTY 2 жыл бұрын
Yes yes yes yes yes. This is where the just be quiet pattern was programmed. Experienced ongoing severe anxiety, and spent most of life being overpowered by fear. Fear that hindered being able to stand up for self. Really struggling as an adult to rewire poison internally.
@rickaster 2 жыл бұрын
Authenticity is a shortcut to success.
@sukran96 2 жыл бұрын
It’s as simple as this: If we were abused, rejected, disrespected, heavily criticized, not accepted, nor understood, not loved, not admired, etc by our caregivers and desperately needed to be rescued we will attract relationships accordingly to recreate this trauma to be healed and to not to pass the curse to the next generations.
@azucarweber2456 2 жыл бұрын
I am sick to hear everyone blaming their parents” caregivers for their big fat ass, for their drug addictions, for their failed marriage! When are humans stop the BS and be accountable!
@sukran96 2 жыл бұрын
@@azucarweber2456 I said ‘we’ , I wasn’t talking about you
@bluebutterfly5062 26 күн бұрын
​@@azucarweber2456 its been scientifically proven that having irresponsible and neglectful parents correlates with behavioral issues and addiction in adulthood. Yes it's your responsibility to heal yourself, but having a rough childhood is what stimulates these problems in the first place
@RicciolieTeina 2 жыл бұрын
The ultimate dating tip winds up being 'just be yourself'. Not that hard to imagine.
@seymorepencilart 2 жыл бұрын
The problem is most people don’t know how to be themselves, because they don’t know who they are. On top of that, people think WHO they are won’t be enough: hence people use strategies to be seen in a certain way in order to not get hurt/rejected. Vulnerability is stronger than power though, and the former (the strategies of seduction, i.e. not being vulnerable in order not to get rejected) is related to power, not genuine love. Romance always involves the possibility of rejection, and rejection is always a possible outcome of choosing to be vulnerable. But the only way to give and receive genuine love and have a true romance and a healthy relationship, is to be vulnerable, be yourself, and risk rejection. Love in such a way, that the other person feels free.
@Carbondioxidinashvilli 2 жыл бұрын
Only works for women cause they can afford to be themselves and give thier investment in relationship building just by thier mere existence. Conclusion is don't listen to the fish, listen to the fisherman on how to catch them f*shes
@adwaarun 2 жыл бұрын
@@Carbondioxidinashvilli but fishes aren't people with emotions and preferences. that's actually a weird comparison considering that no fish actually wants to be caught anyway
@Carbondioxidinashvilli 2 жыл бұрын
@@adwaarun analogy. And yes, the fish doesn't want to get caught by anyone. Women are designed selector by nature so technically men are the fish and women the fishermen. Only problem is that over 80 percent of the fish are non edible.
@adwaarun 2 жыл бұрын
@@Carbondioxidinashvilli well I got that it's an analogy but not a really good one. maybe it's just about perspective but to believe that this is something that only works for woman is sort of...odd. considering that everyone is expected to play some role in society and a lot of us have these ingrained into us, even for us women, affording to be our selves isn't really always an option. both men and women have societal struggles that they face. and will having less financial burden necessarily mean that you can be yourself? being yourself and understanding yourself does take a lot of work and isn't really something that's available to just a certain group of people. if you choose to religiously follow those societal rules and constructs, well it's you who's taking up the burden.
@krishnakhigoswami1841 2 жыл бұрын
Then again, despite being authentic there are some people who still fall for the potential of you. Potential of the ideal image of you. Even if the reality is out there, they still get into relationships thinking theyd change us.
@FranCecy001 2 жыл бұрын
Well said. I've long abandoned every strategy to be liked and chosen. I am clear with myself about who I am and who I want and need. I feel coherence and integrity. And I am perpetually single. Ta-da!! 🤷‍♀️ But maybe authentic and alone is the best I can get.
@dzzzzzt 3 ай бұрын
Same here. Slowly learning that being authentic but single beats unauthentic in a relationship by a HUGE margin. It's more about living your life authentically as a whole because it brings much more happiness and freedom than being in a relationship.
@pocketfulofposey 2 жыл бұрын
For me, I’ve had to be very independent and when I get in relationships men find out I actually have needs. I noticed this pattern and felt like I was duping them so I decided to express a need as soon as I felt it. I do get rejected quicker but now I can’t stop because once you express your authenticity, stifling it hurts even more than it ever did. I’ve only recently realized men do this too and looking back I see how. I mistakenly interpreted it as because of me they changed but really it was the dating game and persona they put forward to get more dates that faded as soon as I responded with a whole hearted yes. I also think there is a game that as a woman you always hold a bit back so that a man will keep putting his best foot forward. But that just prolongs the facade. I’d rather say YES to what I want and have the facade come down sooner rather than later. So we can end it and move on.
@edgarbenjoseph3879 2 жыл бұрын
How does expressing a need get you rejected? I don't get it.
@pocketfulofposey 2 жыл бұрын
@@edgarbenjoseph3879 I think it’s because independence can attract men who want a woman able to do it all herself.
@queengoblin 2 жыл бұрын
@@edgarbenjoseph3879 because telling someone you need something from them means they have to step up and provide. If they're not ready to provide or if they're not looking for commitment and deep personal work that's a no from them.
@edgarbenjoseph3879 2 жыл бұрын
@@pocketfulofposey hmmmm idk, men naturally want to provide and meet your needs, of course if they're reasonable lol Is it possible that you come off as being too masculine when you express your needs or independence?
@edgarbenjoseph3879 2 жыл бұрын
@@queengoblin There's plenty of men that want to step up and provide. Plenty that already step up and provide lol Just make sure that you're choosing the right man and don't have that toxic trait that many women have of wanting to change a man ;) Also, it depends what you want him to provide and give to you. I get it though, there's also many men out there that don't wanna settle or don't like being told what to do. Best thing is just to ignore them lol
@sukran96 2 жыл бұрын
We are what we had in our childhood.
@VS04 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve pretending to myself as well, so I might have to embark on an internal archaeological dig before entering into any relationship again.
@johnsanders7337 2 жыл бұрын
1.7k views in 40 min. Very proud of you Teal. You have changed my life. Evidently many others too
@mattramos5822 2 жыл бұрын
I recently (well, 4 months ago) came out of a relationship that was 7 years long. Since then I have done a lot of self reflection. I realized I wasn't myself with her and never was. Partly because neither of us were are total selves at the start. Sure, we both changed, and maybe grew apart. But I don't think either of us were ourselves to begin with. I'll explain who I "was" when we met. Or what I really mean the projection of myself I decided to show. It was still me. But a version of me. I exaggerated the parts of me that made me sound interesting or "cool." The drugs I had done (we met when I was 21), the music festivals I have been to. The more party version of me. I hid a lot of what I thought was weird about myself. I've always been kind of an...animated...kind of person. But I hid a lot of that. Not because I wanted to lie, but because I thought I had to. I wasn't forthcoming about my biggest passions, because they aren't "manly". I hid a lot of my emotions. I didn't talk about them. I was able to go on this way for a few years. Being myself. But also not being totally me. Eventually we were living together and more of my true self eventually came out. As it would naturally. You can't not be yourself forever. And as the more real version came out, she rejected it. She didn't like that my biggest passion was film. She didn't like that I cried in movies or while watching TV. She didn't like that I loved musicals. That I enjoyed romantic films. Or foreign film. Or small indies. Or weird overly gory and creepy films. Films that are unsettling. She hated that I saw Lady Bird seven times in the theatre and made fun of me for it. She made fun of me for being obsessed with La La Land. She would mock me because of it. She would write off the foreign film I watched. She hated that I loved film staring women, or that had a lot to do with the woman experience. But I loved that, because I'm a straight man. As a straight man, I like getting out of that box and watching stories about experiences that aren't mine. Or gay stories. I enjoy film or TV that explores non hetero relationships. Then that seemed to make her hateful towards the LGBTQ+ community. Maybe she always was, it just didn't come out right away. Same goes for any non-white/non-hetero category. She didn't understand why I liked seeing these stories and how I still see myself in them eventhough I am straight or am white (well, mostly - if you read my name you can clearly see that it is not fully the case - but I wasn't born into the Mexican culture, I was born into a white non Spanish speaking culture in the home, sadly). She would often ask if I were actually gay. She would ask how can I see myself in a teenage girl. She would question my masculinity because of it. Question my emotions when I got emotional about something going on around me. I cry a lot. More than I would like. But it's also because I am an empath. Sometimes I see someone on the street and I get overwhelmed. I can feel them. Feel what is going on in their world. And I would want to talk about it and she hated it. She also hated how animated I was. I'm a weird person and I held that back a lot but eventually I couldn't anymore. I have weird mannerisms. I have weird quirks. I love flowers. I love nature. I love people. I love conversing with others. I love giving a stranger a compliment. All things she didn't really seem to understand. We both enjoyed going to national parks, yes. But not on the same level. I dream of nature constantly. I'm sad being in Chicago. I don't like it here. I want to live in Pheonix. Be close to the nature I love and a lot closer to the national parks I love. She was supportive of that. But she also didn't understand how not being in that city and not being closer to the parks affects me. It makes depressed. I wasn't meant to live in Chicago. I was always meant to be out there. Here isn't home and being here I will never be fully happy. She didn't understand that. Eventually we grew so far apart that it had to end. I held on as much as I could. A mistake I now see. I was afraid of being alone. And while she didn't accept me for who I was completely. At least she somewhat accepted me and settled for that because I didn't think anyone could ever accept who I full was. Since being apart I figured out a lot about me. I'm lucky enough to have an amazing friend that I have known since I was a sophomore in high school. We're both 28 now. My friend, who is happily in a relationship with someone. Our relationship is strictly platonic, always has been. But she helped me figure a lot of things out. We didn't see each other much or talk much in the last couple years of my relationship. But in the last couple months of my relationship, when things were beginning to get really bad with my ex and I, my friend and I reconnected in a big way. I apologized about not being my best self and not being the best friend I could be to her and she accepted my apology and accepted me. I was able to talk to her about the rifts happening between myself and my then girlfriend. How we were drifting apart and becoming different people. About how I don't think she likes who I am and I don't think I want to be with someone like her. Someone that doesn't share my passions, but instead shames my passions and emotions. Makes me feel small and less of a man for them. Someone who doesn't accept how weird I can be, how weird I can act, how odd my humor can be. Once my ex and I split, I really started to find myself again. I also started being 100% honest with everyone.. My family, my friends. Since being 100% honest with everyone I meet and being my genuine self I have lost some family. But become closer to my friends. Not just her, but all my friends. None of them pushed me away. They all accept me and know who I am. But because of my best friend, I learned to be my 100% honest and genuine self. Because she showed me it was okay to be. I took the plunge of being 100% authentic with her and not holding anything back and it helped me figure out a lot about me and what I want out of the next person I am with. Which starts with me, being 100% me. I always tell her "I don't want to be anything other than my 100% genuine and honest self. And yes some people will hate me for it. Some people will think I'm weird. A lot of people won't understand me. But as long as I stay true to myself and never not be 100% honest and authentic, then eventually it will lead me to finding the right person for me. The person will understand me and accept me. I'll meet a lot of people that won't but I can't let it change me again. As long as I be myself all of the time, no matter how painful it can be sometimes, it will all lead me to the right person." I doubt anyone even read this. And if you started, you probably stopped a long time ago. But if you did read it all, thanks for listening to my story. And I hope it helps you to live your most authentic life, no matter how hard it may be.
@barbarak.2565 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your beautiful story.
@bohemianasylum 2 жыл бұрын
I read the whole thing :) I agree 100% I to am "weird" and embarrassed my husband all the time. We didn't know each other well, only two months when we got married, I tried to tell him who I was and he thought he could control and change me to be someone acceptable to him as a wife, didn't work out that way. I find dating difficult because my strengths seem to upset, irritate, embarrass, annoy or threaten people. Now that I'm older it's only gotten worse. But we keep plugging along don't we? Hope you are doing well.
@camelia4823 2 жыл бұрын
I just want tu Tell You that You have a beautiful soul and I read the whole thing , hope You will get better and everything would be okay . The bravery of sharing your story îs astonishing , thank You for that , hope You will find your true love
@mattramos5822 2 жыл бұрын
@@camelia4823 oh, wow! Thank you so much! I really appreciate your kind words so much! So much has changed since i wrote this! I've continued to explore myself and really figure out what I want in life even more than before. Everyday I grow so much as a person. Some days are hard too. Some days I get really lonely and just want to feel the physical touch of someone or for someone to lay their head on my shoulder. But I just don't have that person yet. I hope to one day though and it be the right person. For now I just continue to learn and grow and make improvements in my life. I don't know if I said this in my post. But my ex was the one to break up with me and did it very suddenly. I was a wreck but I was able to process it and get over her. Which i can now say I am. She got into a relationship with the person she was cheating on me with. I didn't know she was cheating on me at the time though and she still doesn't know that I know she cheated or is with that person. She reached out to me the other week though trying to get back together. I have no interest on that though. I just think she doesn't know what she wants anymore. She'll have to figure it out like I did. I feel like that's why it's important to take time to yourself after a long term relationship ends.
@camelia4823 2 жыл бұрын
@@mattramos5822 wow... I am so sorry for You , but atleast You got better and Don t need that person anymore , and trust me , the feeling of loneliness would go away after sometime . Happy that You got better and better .
@sourcehealing82 2 жыл бұрын
I would rather be alone forever than to be inauthentic again. It’s a good feeling and if someone does cross my path I will know that I’m loved for who I really am. In the mean time, I have source, myself and my pets. 🙏🏻
@aaliyahsworldxd9352 2 жыл бұрын
Lol "There's pain on all sides. ☺️ Have a good week!"
@TealSwanOfficial 2 жыл бұрын
Incase You'd Rather Read About It Instead:
@gooddoingo 2 жыл бұрын
That's great! There is a similar effect in the job market. People are so avoidant of rejection that they will accept a less than favorable position. It is a disservice for them, for the company, and ultimately, for my neighbours.
@mygollymissholly 2 жыл бұрын
The difficult part about this is that we most likely subconsciously “dupe” / “sell” ourselves… I don’t think it is usually intentional. I think a 90 day trial of dating someone before making a choice of becoming serious is a great idea because the real person will likely be well revealed by then. As always, great timing with your videos✨
@rowlandbuck2703 2 жыл бұрын
Oh it’s intentional. Our higher self is in control of our subconscious. This is where the question of free will comes into play. The part of us that is awake in physical reality is a small part and the reality is, we are along for the ride and experience of whatever our higher (full) self decides. Good and bad.
@mygollymissholly 2 жыл бұрын
@@rowlandbuck2703 very true, I meant consciously intentional in this 3D though, but I definitely get what you mean. Really has become more and more important for me to really wake up up UP and become as connected and aligned as possible with my higher self🙏💞✨
@sczdnb5507 2 жыл бұрын
for me it's difficult as I've always been more authentic, cause I didn't know that people were like that, that they faked until get the attention from me they wanted... so it was very painful for me, I felt like I was scammed. Now I understand better why they acted like that.
@user-dg1fj4jf1n 2 жыл бұрын
°TY FOR WATCHING° Make a note to Ian Mcgloin regarding BTC/ETH investment ideas.
@user-dg1fj4jf1n 2 жыл бұрын
Ŵ𝒉ạťʂ𝑨ƤƤ˂Ͳεϫϯ ±𝟏𝟼𝟏𝟎𝟐𝟑𝟐𝟗𝟗𝟒𝟏 Tell him I referred you.
@fluffysox6072 Жыл бұрын
This is why affairs are so dangerous & people who leave for their affair partner end up being deeply unhappy. When you meet your affair partner, youre almost never meeting the real them…but you’re meeting a facade - meeting them at their best. For the person who leaves their marriage for this “image”, they’ll feel duped when the real person comes to light. They realize that they never actually knew them at all. A terrifying prospect that should make it easier to remain faithful
@OhimeSama2019 2 жыл бұрын
This is one of those terrifyingly synchronistic uploads. Not only was I JUST reflecting on how I quit online dating because of the game of strategic inauthenticity (on both sides) and the heavy burden of expectations that most people place on the table before you've even met in person, BUT the example story about "Brian" was so damn reflective of the guy I'm actually in love with. I've already been doing a lot of soul searching and coming to understand why he is the way he is and what I've needed to heal within myself, but "Brian's" story is so uncomfortably spot on that it really clarifies why there is such a huge push and pull dynamic between us. On one hand, he's attracted to fact that I'm very self assured and independent (I was also raised by a single mother, and women in my family are expected to carry every burden by ourselves) and therefore he doesn't have to "father" me, but at the same time, he still believes that he has to and doesn't want that extra burden. Plus, my own upbringing and generational trauma raised me to believe "I'm a strong independent woman who don't need no man", which leaves someone like him no idea where he'd fit in my life, so why bother? Yeah, I could basically write a whole essay about how this video really supports and clarifies a lot of what I've been thinking about and working on lately, but I just want to say that WOW, impeccable timing and thank you so much, Teal! Also, as a visual artist, I must point out how incredible the colors are in this video
@queengoblin 2 жыл бұрын
If he's not pursuing you he's not the one for you! You deserve a man who makes you feel safe enough to let that "strong independent don't need no man" shield down.
@cosmicwitchfuck 2 жыл бұрын
Did you just say exactly what’s happening to me right now…. like to a T. Wow. So parallel. (Also edit: kudos to you saying strategic inauthenticity this is why I just quit online dating as well.)
@tropicaoptica 2 жыл бұрын
A man being the provider and protector does not mean he is being her father, he is simply being the man. I see men that prefer independent I don’t need a man kind of woman who will pay for dates, never ask for help and split the bills as a huge red flag. (Masculine) men want to provide and protect. They want someone complimentary in energy, not equal/the same.
@sacchitsreenivasan3487 2 жыл бұрын
Speaking as a guy here. I'd love to take care of my woman's needs. I actually kinda hate these independent women because it feels like they don't even need me in their life. Your comment suggests otherwise. I hope you meet someone who'll truly take care of you!
@sacchitsreenivasan3487 2 жыл бұрын
@@tropicaoptica agreed. Especially when you say that men and women want a complement in terms of energy. I used to be the kind of guy who wanted independent women but realized that was only a projection of my insecurities. The more I worked on myself the more I realized I wanted the exact opposite, lol.
@DezMarivette 2 жыл бұрын
You know, after listening to this (and just emerging from a short but equally duping courtship) I am realizing that I continue to attract unavailable men, that it's happened for years, and that now I have an entry point to start some shadow work on. Thank you Teal and Teal Tribe! You're doing great!
@ZerO-G-YoGi 2 жыл бұрын
People are subject to change, in everyway, everyday, whether they want to or not, On a gross level or a subtle one. There only relationship worth pursuing for me is with myself. I must say I'm getting better at it. Although a nice joint every now and then always helps. I know Teal's against loneliness, but a video on how to be alone and happy with that would be much appreciated.
@deepdiver849 2 жыл бұрын
I think majority of people will be forced to be in such situations whether they like it or not, so it’s better to get good at it as you said ....
@AtlanticSiren 2 жыл бұрын
Is it reasonable to expect a social specie to be happy alone? What you are wanting is biologically impossible and the reason you even want that in the first place is because you’ve been consistently let down by others.
@heavenlyarianator6335 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah i think teal would say not to be happy being alone but to keep trying more ways to meet good people. Im in the same place you are. But i think teal would say only to be happy alone if its natural, otherwise thats not what you really want... If you dont want to do anything to change it, maybe you are already happy
@ZerO-G-YoGi 2 жыл бұрын
"and don't spend your time looking around for something that can't be found... When you find out you can live without it and go along not thinking about it..." Well I'm still on the pursuit of happiness... Just looking for more reliable sources. Good luck with yours.
@nubianpwr 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent... this modern culture has not only disconnected us from our emotional needs, it has also disconnected us from our bodies. The basic natural sense & sensibilities of male and female natures. Peaceful & TY🙏🏿
@user-dg1fj4jf1n 2 жыл бұрын
°TY FOR WATCHING° Make a note to Ian Mcgloin regarding BTC/ETH investment ideas.
@user-dg1fj4jf1n 2 жыл бұрын
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@imcrystalzapata 2 жыл бұрын
Teal I need to thank you for your dating videos. It is a very strange game out here I appreciate you giving us your as always very needed advice love you
@clouddancer46 2 жыл бұрын
I sure hope Brian and Stacy find true love. 💯
@korennaaster78 2 жыл бұрын
So grateful for all of this. Yes, we must know ourselves, our attachement styles, values and our needs to really be authentic when dating. Most people take a long time to figure these things out, if ever! I love authenticity.
@user-dg1fj4jf1n 2 жыл бұрын
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@user-dg1fj4jf1n 2 жыл бұрын
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@VivianGray88 Жыл бұрын
Teal, I am so thankful for you and to you for leading me to liberate myself. I remember you explaining how to meet our own needs in one of your books: “do not go searching for milk in a hardware store”. I’ve never forgotten that and together with the Needs video, I am learning to meet my own needs. It is liberating to arrest a thought wanting to project a criticism on someone by expecting them to meet a need only I can provide. When I realised that, I began to step into self-validation, self-approval and self-appreciation. It is extraordinary how these specific values shape us internally. I have found myself explaining my perspective in discussions, not with the furious neediness of the past, but with the calm, loving embrace of self-validation. My voice has grown firmer and yet the volume lower. More and more, it is okay if someone disagrees with my perspective. Until they can provide me with ample evidence to support their claim against mine, my perspective remains as valid as theirs but I no longer need them to agree with me. And if I am presented with evidence that helps me see an alternative perspective, I am willing to change my mind without feeling diminished about the perspective I held before. This liberation is manifest in myself. I radiate and I can feel it. I am enjoying more and more things, and I am beginning to appreciate even more that twinkly little giggle you’re always sharing. I know what you’re pointing towards in this video. I sense it more than I can articulate it. I am amused, delighted and it explains my utter reticence to engage with dating. I’m going to do parts work on that aspect tomorrow and I can only imagine what she’s about to belt out. I love you for helping point me towards the love I have always been and always had for myself. You’re wicked!
@mmoviefan7 2 жыл бұрын
and now there's pain on all sides, have a good week
@deannamaldonado2506 2 жыл бұрын
Teal, you just described TWO of my ex boyfriends. I felt duped by both of them and they were angry and hurt when I wouldn't accept them for who they really were. This video explains a lot. I have not even tried to meet anyone in years because I have trust issues and I am tired of putting myself out there.
@joannaeread 2 жыл бұрын
I’m amazed by how following this advice has been helping to clear away anyone who isn’t in alignment with what I truly want to give and experience in relationship. At the same time, the clarity is allowing those needs to be met and manifested through friendships and other relationships, and I’m feeling so much more empowered and creative than ever before- as well as feeling inspired to support the Me from 20 years ago who I wish had been given this information!!
@donavonwayne1102 2 жыл бұрын
And the big needing someone is dead give way that we are tripping need more healthy get real with self time 😃 I mean we do ligit need someone. It's natural, but if it's obsessive, then time to dig deep..find out why or, dupe yourself
@camelio10 2 жыл бұрын
You know this also applies to you being authentic to other people. Did you understand her message?
@joannaeread 2 жыл бұрын
@@camelio10 thanks for your Q. The way I experience this message, authenticity and alignment from within automatically translates into authenticity and alignment with other people, and for me, this also brings clarity and guideposts around boundaries and needs- as within, so without- which is what I'm speaking to in my comment.
@joannaeread 2 жыл бұрын
@@donavonwayne1102 I don't think it's wrong to admit a need for healthy, co-regulating relationships. From personal experience I believe the messaging in the spiritual community that preaches the need to achieve complete inner union before we can be in union with another human being is incredibly toxic and keeps people stuck in black/white and magical thinking. While aloneness is incredibly vital and valuable, humans are not meant to exist in isolation. Mammals have higher health markers when they are in coregulating relationships. Right relationships are vital; doing the inner work is vital to align with right relationships. Relationships extend FAR beyond romance and yet, there is also nothing wrong with owning a desire for a romantic life partner with whom you can learn, grow, and coregulate. You're correct though, for people such as myself, and the majority of people who resonate with Teal's content, all who didn't receive secure attachment in formative years, this whole idea of "needing" someone is something to really take a look at and ultimately, take full responsibility for. I think this video sheds a lot of light on the topic of clarifying and owning our needs unapologetically.
@oglatnik 2 жыл бұрын
You just described the relationship with my ex. Thank you.
@user-dg1fj4jf1n 2 жыл бұрын
°TY FOR WATCHING° Make a note to Ian Mcgloin regarding BTC/ETH investment idea
@user-dg1fj4jf1n 2 жыл бұрын
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@alexisscarbrough4083 2 жыл бұрын
I'm putting this in my Love folder. Repeat, share, repeat. I'll get this through my head, eventually & look forwards, to the future; my loved ones AND friends closeby. Thank you Teal. ❤💔
@kaladinmckenna5133 2 жыл бұрын
Emotional Incest; what a great term. Feels frighteningly familiar to my early childhood experience.
@Chicky-C 2 жыл бұрын
Love you teal 🖤 you've helped me get insight in a lot of things. I'm so gratefull for your teachings
@niramiyoko5814 2 жыл бұрын
You are my favorite youtuber! Give merch to Beast Philantrophy ! He is giving it away to people in need and that is exactly those people who needs you!!!❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
@lenorewatts9669 2 жыл бұрын
Hit the nail on the head as usual! I think that this advice can definitely be extended to other types of relationships, such as friendships or career. It’s not easy to be honest but it’s worth it. Thank you so much Teal. ❤️
@kristaparker 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Teal, That really helped me see how how much I do exactly what you said. I really appreciate being confronted with that kind of truth 🧡
@graveyardghost2603 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent advice. Always be authentic to attract like-minded individuals, even just friends.
@user-dg1fj4jf1n 2 жыл бұрын
°TY FOR WATCHING° Make a note to Ian Mcgloin regarding BTC/ETH investment idea
@user-dg1fj4jf1n 2 жыл бұрын
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@vegankathy2583 2 жыл бұрын
Love this!! So so true. “Start as you mean to go on”
@Biracialbaddie 2 жыл бұрын
Brilliant insight always! I swear teal a GOAT 🔥 “always advertise the truth of yourself”
@user-ee5om8wy7u 2 жыл бұрын
I have been duped. A man pretended to be someone literally opposite of what he was. It hurt me because I ended up falling in love only to realize that the person I fell in love with was a temporary faker. It does hurt to be deceived. So, being true to who you are won't safeguard you from being hurt because being true to yourself only guarantees your own standards of authenticity but not other people's standards! And when you deal with other people, you never know who they are and what you get from seemingly authentic actions that they show off.. .
@LevelUpYourLife 2 жыл бұрын
This is spot on. I have been so emotional watching your videos because it’s all so true 😭❤️🙏
@rudel1950 8 ай бұрын
I just love your examples,... they make things unmistakably clear,... thank you!
@sophiakakueva1710 2 жыл бұрын
I love you so much Teal Swan! Thank you for the truth Thankyou for existing, Thankyou for being you, and Thankyou for helping me
@yanavandijk273 2 жыл бұрын
still hoping together with my neighboor, that you will be giving a workshop in the Netherlands one day. Thanks for your amazing videos and lots of love from holland!!
@thehari75 2 жыл бұрын
Please come to amsterdam teal
@azucarweber2456 2 жыл бұрын
This blow my mind, I am truly authentic and honest with my dating technique, no strategic at all! But I am picky! 🙁
@noirnoiam3683 2 жыл бұрын
Nobody knows themself. People will always change, even in relations. No promise is binding.
@djernounerochaid1860 2 жыл бұрын
Allways speak straightforward with open accurrated mind with a honest and faithfull hart ,Thank you . Kind regards Teal Swan .Greetings from Roch...
@16andLaggin 2 жыл бұрын
Transactional relationships where people are at each other's disposal based on whether or not a better deal is available is mistaken for love.
@angelotelles7277 2 жыл бұрын
You are sooo pretty, love the background painting!! Xoxo
@Embodied.bliss.somatics 2 жыл бұрын
This is so key ! All of it. Good for relationships: romantic and platinic
@emzwulf3093 2 жыл бұрын
Video came right on when I am dating and meeting other women interestingly. It also looks like the old Teal videos , like the way how she showed up in the beginning.. so raw and real!
@allinone-qz2gi 2 жыл бұрын
This video is priceless. I'm actually going to go and do the exercise she suggests near the end of the video. So good!
@nedakhan5307 2 жыл бұрын
Wow! This is one of the best uploads hands down!
@eaf888 2 жыл бұрын
one of my favorite videos of yours! Thank you!
@NargeseMast 2 жыл бұрын
Wow. Really needed to hear this. Thank you💘
@immanuel7776 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for really teaching us the truth 🙏🏽
@enrikadaubaris Жыл бұрын
Teal, I'm super grateful for this knowledge
@lanalanza1921 2 жыл бұрын
Oh my god! You are so right, I wish I knew that earlier this way I would avoid painful relationships.
@AXharoth 2 жыл бұрын
this video is fire , we needed this
@lillyfahey1921 3 ай бұрын
WOW! This Video Is Intelligent, And Absolute Gold! Must Watch!
@nicholasblakiston6297 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Teal, this is spot on. May the rest of the planet understand it one of these days
@ChiDante 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, thank you teal. Love your hair❤️
@ioanekirarahu951 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, very sunchronistic for me too. Good job teal, you are getting input from your third eye chakra.
@evantochydlowski4787 2 жыл бұрын
Can always count on a new Saturday morning video from Teal 👏🏻☺️
@user-dg1fj4jf1n 2 жыл бұрын
°TY FOR WATCHING° Make a note to Ian Mcgloin regarding BTC/ETH investment idea
@user-dg1fj4jf1n 2 жыл бұрын
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@dorothylake-munk1997 2 жыл бұрын
This was amazing. Thanks for really showing those details. I have experienced those scenarios in my life.
@user-dg1fj4jf1n 2 жыл бұрын
°TY FOR WATCHING° Make a note to Ian Mcgloin regarding BTC/ETH investment idea
@user-dg1fj4jf1n 2 жыл бұрын
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@Embodied.bliss.somatics 2 жыл бұрын
Teal, 1.11m followers, congrats 💫
@mn5900 2 жыл бұрын
omg Teal I love you, you always do something ultra mega helpful
@user-dg1fj4jf1n 2 жыл бұрын
°TY FOR WATCHING° Make a note to Ian Mcgloin regarding BTC/ETH investment ideas.
@user-dg1fj4jf1n 2 жыл бұрын
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@IiHikarii 2 жыл бұрын
Great video!
@SvetlanaMiky 2 жыл бұрын
thanks for reminding me 🌸
@stacey_1111rh 2 жыл бұрын
This is why I don’t “date” thanks for the vid Teal ✌🏼
@arbividz 2 жыл бұрын
@s3dghost 2 жыл бұрын
@arbividz 2 жыл бұрын
@@s3dghost ❤️
@Fer-De-Lance 2 жыл бұрын
Honesty with tact is the best policy.
@Blake4625kHz 2 жыл бұрын
@jessicabarlow7412 2 жыл бұрын
Wow,this was so good!
@benjaminblack5985 2 жыл бұрын
It would be nice to get somewhere with this. I guess I get so exhausted after self care, travel and work. I seem to get enough recovery time and then back to the grind stone. Society has failed to provide me with a partnership. So, yeah lonely but, I do my best to be honest and Authentic with others. This is a good video. Appreciate the work of teal swan in this effort. Thanks all.
@user-dg1fj4jf1n 2 жыл бұрын
°TY FOR WATCHING° Make a note to Ian Mcgloin regarding BTC/ETH investment ideas
@user-dg1fj4jf1n 2 жыл бұрын
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@thereawakener9554 Жыл бұрын
Blame society much??
@minibuns5397 2 жыл бұрын
This is my favorite channel.
@storagebox1793 2 жыл бұрын
This was brilliant!
@TT-gg6dn 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Teal ❤
@jodipanczak9822 2 жыл бұрын
Holy crap watching this makes so much sense. As to why my Xhusband is my X. This an so much more but it really made a lot more clear to me as to how I was duped into thinking he was one thing but he was really the other. Thank you im feeling better about myself now. He had me convinced for a long time I had done him wrong. Infact he was truly looking for somebody different then who I am. Thank you
@pamelasupanick2620 2 жыл бұрын
Its helpful to notice how the person is when you’re working on a project together or traveling together or interacting in groups, as these situations will show you something significant about how getting along with them is in actuality. Typical going out on dates really doesn’t give you much of this kind of intel and just heightens sensual chemistry or lack thereof. Dating is awkward and we often are at a loss on how to fill those awkward spaces and we feel put on the spot; so often people do develop some kind of an artificial strategy, and in this video I just found “strategies” discussed. Successful coupling is not really going to be about strategies or machinations. It does take an incredibly lengthy amount of time to unearth the fullness and totality of who someone is, a lifetime, really. Successful coupling is more about do you like having the person around in close proximity to you, does their presence give you comfort and the feelings you like, can you work well together, do you have similar goals and interests and morality so that there is lots to converse about and do together, and can the person leave you alone when you want that (do they heed your boundaries), and respect your other needs, and how are you in handling their boundaries and needs. Also do they interpret you in an accepting, friendly and forgiving manner and do you do the same for them? Do you “get” him, does he “get” you? How much do you respect the person and they, you? Thank you so much Teal for the thought-provoking video.
@FaustNemesis 2 жыл бұрын
Teal Swan for president!!
@kawikakon2646 2 жыл бұрын
Aspects and making space also"upping your game" and strengthen an aspect for ones self an relationship.. Emotion,action!, speech and form. Braking in the relationship at the 1st year. I hope it helpt you teal .Peace
@eaf888 2 жыл бұрын
I realized my ex husband, i had met him on tinder, and i realize now after years of being divorced that when i said to him, we probably wouldnt have met normally, he wouldnt have spoken up to actually say hi. So now i realize he was never going to provide what i needed.
@MotherIsRising 2 жыл бұрын
Amazing as always
@elartistaenelsuenolucido 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you teal💙
@staceydalyn2947 2 жыл бұрын
This video reminds me of The 5 Love Languages. The book helps you find what you want most in your relationships. Mine is when my partner does chores around the house or acts of service. His is words of affirmation. Interesting I don't care for words. I feel action speaks louder than words. A good read for couples.
@QuontumGnosis 2 жыл бұрын
We walk again. Make our pathway clean. Please. 👁SEE ALL .
@kennethwillandt830 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Teal, always could use a refresher...
@user-dg1fj4jf1n 2 жыл бұрын
°TY FOR WATCHING° Make a note to Ian Mcgloin regarding BTC/ETH investment ideas.
@user-dg1fj4jf1n 2 жыл бұрын
Ŵ𝒉ạťʂ𝑨ƤƤ˂Ͳεϫϯ ±𝟏𝟼𝟏𝟎𝟐𝟑𝟐𝟗𝟗𝟒𝟏 Tell him I referred you.
@themission7172 2 жыл бұрын
Well said, Teal!
@anthis4297 2 жыл бұрын
So eye opening 🙏
@puputsarifudin7950 Жыл бұрын
After understanding this I feel like I'm no longer the victim of the heartbroken that I had. I'm as bad as they are for not being honest enough about what I really want out of the relationship rather than just put society expectations as my standard. I wasn't being my authentic self just because I want to keep some relationship. It's a recipe for disaster. Finding someone who truly compatible is more important than rushing to make connections that give us butterflies work
@ramandala444 2 жыл бұрын
this is so deep and powerful
@mkartmkart6335 2 жыл бұрын
Great video. Ive done dating. But since I dont live in a cave, socialisation is necessary. Not too many teachers who dare stepping into the relationship-era. We all seek unconditional Love. But to have is to give.
@adammiller6606 2 жыл бұрын
Really liked the video. Have a great week ms swan.TY
@user-dg1fj4jf1n 2 жыл бұрын
°TY FOR WATCHING° Make a note to Ian Mcgloin regarding BTC/ETH investment ideas.
@user-dg1fj4jf1n 2 жыл бұрын
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@cosmicwitchfuck 2 жыл бұрын
Teal you just put me and all my partners on blast so amazing thank you sooooo much
@user-dg1fj4jf1n 2 жыл бұрын
°TY FOR WATCHING° Make a note to Ian Mcgloin regarding BTC/ETH investment ideas
@user-dg1fj4jf1n 2 жыл бұрын
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@seanbernicek 2 жыл бұрын
Blessings blessings abundantly magnificent teal
@emiliacarlotta7074 2 жыл бұрын
Beautiful background :)
@Mariani_ 2 жыл бұрын
I love you, Teal! ❤️🙏🏾
@louisa3928 2 жыл бұрын
Much love ❤
@donavonwayne1102 2 жыл бұрын
Great pt on how much energy do you want to put into duping each other Thank you for yo awesome wisdom. Clarity in insane world valuable Survival in wilderness, same rules don't expend more energy then you get in return kinda thing, and if you aren't being real, you might space out get hurt, sick, or' lost'
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