The Original Harry and Meghan #2 “Are 16 Pictures of Your Girlfriend Next to Your Bed Too Many?”

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Cheere Denise

Cheere Denise

10 ай бұрын

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@sabsmcdabs7139 10 ай бұрын
In hindsight, Wallace was the best thing to happen to the monarchy. We got the late Queen and not the traitor moron King. Who knew?
@Joanna7428 10 ай бұрын
Yes I was thinking that also, it's such a good thing he did abdicate, the idea of him as king would have been disastrous!
@thatsfunny2051 10 ай бұрын
We would have got Elizabeth eventually anyway even if David had remained King since he never had children. Just would have bypassed her father.
@kamirobey175 10 ай бұрын
@@thatsfunny2051 true, which I think would have been a horrible shame, I do not think that King George VI gets as much praise, at least world wide, as he should. I'm also glad that Queen Elizabeth II came to the throne when she did rather than as a middle aged woman in her 40s.
@davidrees3rd 10 ай бұрын
I have said this elsewhere here. The historical "What ifs" had Edward not abdicated and Wallace remained in his sphere as mistress or wife/queen are both intriguing and frightening. How would a Edward led UK dealt with Hitler's rape of continent? I recognize the UK is a constitutional monarchy, with a figurehead monarch. But, having Simpson in the circles of influence might have further empowered Mosely. And without Britain standing alone in 1940-41, would Henry Ford, Lindbergh, Joseph Kennedy, Father Coughlin and their ilk have swayed America into an alliance with Nazi Germany? As I said, What if...
@silva7493 10 ай бұрын
@@kamirobey175 King George VI REALLY did rise to the occasion, didn't he! As did his daughter, the very young Queen Elizabeth II. Considering any training they had for the job was through osmosis till then, and King George had more than the average set of difficulties and challenges on his plate, it doesn't seem possible that anyone could've outshined either of them.
@user-tt3jb2do8m 10 ай бұрын
I think our late Queen must have been thinking Deja vu, when Meghan and Harry started their antics. It's uncanny.
@Rando15 10 ай бұрын
£800 translates to £10k. I love this book. They're are noticeable parallels between David and Harry. Both are entitled, ungrateful, selfish, and sanctimonious. I understand now why Meghan is often referred to as Walmart Wallace. At the beginning of the episode, you warned that it would be long. I wanted more! Thank you so much for your excellent review. This is definitely my favourite KZfaq channel.
@Joanna7428 10 ай бұрын
It is bizarre how many parallels exist between David and Harry, I'm astounded by so many comparisons there are - David and Harry, willing to throw away their family, their duty for a divorced American woman who wasn't really 'feeling it'. We now know that to be true of Wallace and I bet in time this will reveal itself in Meghan because I truly feel she married for status and money and does not love Harry. If she loved Harry would she have treated his family like this, would she isolate his friends? No. I think Harry will wind up being a sad figure like David, in fact neither will be happy.
@AuntClara0911 10 ай бұрын
I was actually rather stunned at how similar Harry & David actually are!
@jmama6058 10 ай бұрын
You are exactly right! Similar personalities, David and Harry. One as bad as the other.
@AuntClara0911 10 ай бұрын
While Harry & David so alike so are Migrane & Wallace who have something that men are drawn too. I won't get specific but will say I think they both had/have sailing skills that seem draw men in
@vparkerrd96 10 ай бұрын
This royal family really knows how to raise them!😢
@jaynetanner3757 10 ай бұрын
I can not believe how entitled David was but also how frighteningly similar Harry has behaved to him
@righterreeder 10 ай бұрын
He chose poorly to follow the wrong uncle’s example. Thankfully Harry was born the second child because today divorce is (sadly) so common it wouldn’t stir up the same controversy as in the past, example today both king and queen are divorced even though they had to wait until Diana died making Charles a technical widow to marry. It’s common knowledge that king & queen carried on an adulterous affair long before and didn’t care who they hurt. With this kind of role model it’s unsurprising that one son followed the example the male family members set for him but also that the young pow followed his wonderful grandMOTHER’S example as monarch. Shamefully Harry learned nothing from history including his own family history. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 🎗️🎺💐👸🏻let us commemorate the 70 * years Elizabeth II devoted to her family and country.
@leesa3140 10 ай бұрын
I think tere is special strain of crazy in that family.
@biggiemama9443 10 ай бұрын
That's kinda unfair to Chuck since he was in love with Cami when he was forced to marry D. He's been in love with one woman all this time. I don't look at matters of the heart rigidly. A lot of times people just grow out of each other or should never had married. This is definitely to be expected when a marriage is forced for whatever reason. You gotta give it to him. She was always & still is the one.😊
@here_we_go_again2571 5 ай бұрын
@@leesa3140 Not only the British royals. Royal families around the world are inbred (to a scary degree!) Thankfully, Europe now has republics and constitutional monarchies. The power of the Japanese royal family has been severely curtailed since the defeat of Japan in WW2. Not so in Brunei and a few other places. But the Japanese who value their homogeneous nation state (very little immigration allowed) still hold the JRF in very high esteem. Some may (even in this day and age) consider the emperor to be a god/demigod.
@here_we_go_again2571 5 ай бұрын
@j aynetanner3757 All royals and nobles are entitled. They believe that their bloodlines are better than those of other people.
@rikkiharcourt3868 10 ай бұрын
The incidents with Harry and Megan are too similar for us not to make a two and two together situation. I think how you are reading the book with background information is truly fascinating and remarkable. How history is repeating itself. It is infinitely shocking. I read about Wallis and Edward years ago when information was tightly battened down so I am utterly enthralled. Gin and tonic on a Sunday and an hour with you and an absurdly fascinating couple’s history is a treat indeed. Thank you for what you do so professionally and amusingly.
@felicitythomson3397 10 ай бұрын
❤😂 well said!!!!
@mezzamuddle 10 ай бұрын
Here, here 👏 👏👏
@Willowgrey31 9 ай бұрын
I’ve read that they had a ‘dom/sub’ relationship which kept them attached…
@jilljohnson9310 4 ай бұрын
Sounds so like Megan
@renekirebornrenekireborn4777 10 ай бұрын
"He has never thought the matter out" - It's crazy how much he sounds like Harry! I swear it's like history is really repeating itself! David sounds like he was rotten to the core!
@gilliantovey1014 10 ай бұрын
If anyone should query as to Harry’s father is then point them towards this book. It is uncanny how similar they are. I thought this when it became clear after they ran from the RF as Harry’s true character became apparent.
@ryanlewandowsky2077 3 ай бұрын
Well I think neither of them has the ability to think anything more complicated than an entitled tantrum, through to its logical conclusion.
@heathw5391 10 ай бұрын
Oh my word! "Slippers was a symbol of our love" ... "Those two palm trees are us, my love". Vomit!
@arlenelewis1908 7 ай бұрын
The part of how much David felt was owed to him reminded me so much of Harry's outrage that Charles cut off his allowance after a year. What 35 year old man lives off his allowance. Neither David nor Harry thought about where their finances would come from. !!
@SorelaLanguageSchool 22 күн бұрын
All the wealthy. Do you think the children of the wealthy start off with nothing?
@What_I_Think_Happened 10 ай бұрын
Complain, whine, act foolish and call his tart: Harry really IS the exact duplicate of this man.
@mackss9468 10 ай бұрын
How on earth did Harry get all of his uncle’s genes? It’s uncanny!
@auntiezee3208 10 ай бұрын
Harry also gave signed photos of himself as gifts! The similarities are endless. Seems some Windsor men just can’t get enough women who treat them like dirt.
@ryanlewandowsky2077 3 ай бұрын
I can’t imagine what someone is thinking when they gift pictures of themselves!! I couldn’t keep a straight face on either side of that exchange!
@kellymoore6353 2 күн бұрын
I had too read this twice.. does anyone actually believe that a signed copy of themselves is a good gifts....omw🫣
@kcirtapelyk6060 5 ай бұрын
There’s been long speculation that Prince Harry is not Charles III’s biological son. But after listening to the audiobook, I’ve come to realize that Harry truly is a Windsor. He’s too much like his great-great-uncle to not be related to him. These Windsor manbabies are something else. I understand why a lot of Brits want to abolish the monarchy.
@OctoberGirl16 10 ай бұрын
Makes you wonder if Harold treated the celebrities who so generously loaned them homes and private planes for their “escape” in the same “you’re so lucky to be helping me” condescending manner as David treated people. He (and ME-Gain)seem very much cut from the same ME ME ME cloth.
@kimcolgrove4683 10 ай бұрын
❤I am so happy you are back. I am loving “Traitor” & can’t wait for the next chapter. Honestly I am shocked at how much David & Harry are alike in every way! I really believe it was a blessing to the Monarchy when he abdicated! Amen!
@marguerite9605 10 ай бұрын
George the Giant Slayer calls Meghan, Walmart Wallace lololol
@kirstyventer6019 10 ай бұрын
Your 100% correct. Wallis and her husband were con artists and the con backfired, and she got stuck with him. And good thing too. You should read his letters, a horrible whining little man.
@misscoutts6193 3 ай бұрын
Ernest Simpson got a big pay-off no doubt to keep him quiet and stop him ghosting a book.
@UrdVerdande-dt3ey 10 ай бұрын
For many years I thought it unfair that people put the blame on "the woman" in the "Mrs Simpson and the king"-scenario. Even when her letters to her previous husband came to light, I thought she was a woman trapped by the circumstances. However, it seemed she put herself in that position, which seemed a little strange. Learning a little more about it, I have become more and more convinced that she was playing her own game and that she over-estimated her cleverness and importance (just like a more recent well.known social climber). Both her high ambitions and the way she was treating David (who seems to have been as shallow, self-centered and gullible as a more recent well-known prince) seem to be strong indications of a narcissistic personality. She probably saw nothing wrong in what she was doing, and I feel more and more certain that they both thought that the reaction to him having to give up the throne for love, would be an uproar from the people with a demand that their beloved king could marry whomever he wanted, as long as he stayed. You are right about Wallis knowing that David was not cheating on her. By accusing him, though, she would keep him on his toes and constantly being worried about her leaving him. If she had let him feel that she loved and trusted him, he might not have tried to do everything to please her. Remember all the things she gave up for him... 😉
@avagrego3195 10 ай бұрын
Agree, like a cat toying with a mouse.
@elinstar6034 10 ай бұрын
Interesting... I always thought of her as a terrible example of 'be careful what you wish for' when she intrigued to get with David. Then I heard about the shocking agreement with the Nazis, which rather chimes with your analysis. If she was such a manipulator, karma really showed her her own limits. Can't help rather hoping the same may happen to Harry's wife. 🤔
@UrdVerdande-dt3ey 10 ай бұрын
@@elinstar6034 It kind of has. If the stories about them suggesting that W and H should share the title Prince of Wales (and the income from the Duchy of Cornwall, I guess) there is every chance they were thinking that they would become so popular that the people of the UK would insist on W&C stepping down and leaving the throne to the wonderful swan from the Americas and her husband... Instead they ended up having to leave the country (for unknown reasons, I suspect). Just like Wallis and David expected to set up their own "royal court" in France back in the days, H and his wife seemingly expected to be able to pick and choose their circle of friends in Hollywood. This also seems to have failed, and she is now reduced to go to concerts and try to get her picture taken with someone famous (presumably - I have never heard of them). The more people learn about her, the less they would want to be friends with or work with her. Royalty is not as exotic and interesting as it seemed in the 1930-s, so there is not much to milk out of that udder. Btw, most of this in my conclusion based on rumours and an idea about how they might think - not necessarily how it actually is.
@Overthinker50 10 ай бұрын
Perhaps she didn’t bet on him abdicating and wanted a Nazi sympathiser as king!! Probably thats why she was so mean to him later on as she got stuck with him and he was no use!
@kamirobey175 10 ай бұрын
I've always found the story of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor fascinating, because when I was a little girl, my mother told me that he'd given up the throne for the woman he loved and I thought that was so romantic...then I began to look into his story myself and I was horrified. The first thing that I discovered that disgusted me was his callousness when talking about his younger brother, Prince John's death. Then when I saw someone who had witnessed this event, talking about how Wallis had made David beg like a dog when he asked for a cigarette...this was in front of other people. By the time I found out about the Nazi stuff, I had no sympathy for him...maybe I should have a tiny bit, but I can't.
@judyholiday1794 10 ай бұрын
Whenever,David would leave a room Wallis would make barking sounds..She even went as far as doing that when he would leave the dinner table in front of all of their friends..😮
@gabbyb4493 10 ай бұрын
It is so very clear who Harry shares his genes with. How Meghan managed to channel Wallace Simpson is uncanny! God works in mysterious ways in removing evil people from positions of power. George was an amazing King and he and his wife gave us the greatest Queen to ever sit on the throne. William and Catherine will be amazing future leaders.
@yehuditcollins6783 10 ай бұрын
Thank God for Wallis Simpson. If not for her, as a Jewish child, born in the UK in 1936, I probably would have shared the fate of my people in Europe.
@thatsfunny2051 10 ай бұрын
Yep. And my Polish grandparents would not have been able to migrate to England
@lornaackerman7022 10 ай бұрын
Thought exactly this, that how fortunate for the entire world that Edward was obsessed with Wallis Simpson.
@davidrees3rd 10 ай бұрын
The historical "What ifs" had Edward remained King and kept Wallace as a concubine, much less Queen are terrifying.
@What_I_Think_Happened 10 ай бұрын
Yes. There are real repercussions to actions. Churchill was wrong when he diminished the issue and asked why the King couldn't have his 'cutie'. Integrity matters and so does taking responsibility and being of good character in positions of authority. That's why it's fundamentally important that ex-royal Harry be removed from the line of succession, from being Counsellor of State and he must never be allowed back into the Monarchy.
@rachmunshine9474 10 ай бұрын
Wow, I’m only four minutes in but I know a little bit of the history. I have a feeling there’s a lot more I’m about to learn. Not only might some of us not be here, we never would’ve had Queen Elizabeth II or any of her descendants as monarch.
@noway1593 4 ай бұрын
From some of the things I’ve read..Princess Margaret was very entitled and expected the same from whom ever she was visiting
@misscoutts6193 3 ай бұрын
It was a family trait; Queen Mary would admire objects d'art in stately homes whilst visiting and the expectation was it would be gifted to her.
@indie1179 10 ай бұрын
What’s worse, is Kitty had all her possessions & property confiscated by the Nazis, & barely escaped with her life having to seek refugee status in the US. It makes David’s abuse of her generosity & affiliation with the Nazi’s that much worse. Ultimately, his only loyalty was to Wallis.
@silva7493 10 ай бұрын
Wow! What a rat!! Actually a rat is too noble. Jeez!! How awful.
@sallypettit7156 10 ай бұрын
Not relevant, what happened to all the money the Nazi’s stole?
@northeything8568 2 ай бұрын
Was thinking the same !
@razorblade136 14 күн бұрын
Thank the Lord David abdicated!! George was a much better man & King!!!!
@Pandabaire3540 10 ай бұрын
While I'm thinking of it, the Queen Mother absolutely HAAAAAAAAAAAAAATED Wallis - and it has always been reported the anger was because the abdication forced Bertie to become King and it severally affected the man mentally and took physical tolls on him that she believed contributed to his early death. I think the woman was keen enough to see through Wallis AND probably knew of all the crown money and jewels funneling to Wallis and Ernest - Like Catherine, she saw the grift.
@dhjdmba5684 10 ай бұрын
Lacy C’s book indicates the likelihood of the Queen Mother being born from a surrogate who happened to be the cook Marguerite. In fact that was one of the QM’s middle names which was NOT a normal name for those aristos then. Some biographer’s think that David knew that and told Wallis and that’s why they called her “Cookie”. Also there is discussion that the QM wanted David not Bertie so she was jealous. Finally apparently the QM was jealous of Wallis who always looked sleek and slim and tailored whereas the QM was always in a huge frothy dress.
@dhjdmba5684 10 ай бұрын
At 38 you point out what a cheapskate he was. But in reality he, like Harry, was really a man-child who had not been brought up with the concept of money. You should find and read the Bloch book which has his actual letters which are pretty much all in scary baby talk…. Sorry for all the comments… As I’ve mentioned it’s disappointing that Lownie is sensationalizing many of these things because the truth is disturbing enough without the hyperbole.
@jessiemacgregor1357 3 ай бұрын
​@dhjdmba5684 If this is true "that the QM fancied David first, she must have been so delighted she missed a bullet as we all did. She finished having a good and really genuine kindly guy in King George VI a true family man, and they were loved as a couple and admired all through WWII
@lizl4158 2 ай бұрын
@@dhjdmba5684 Lady C knows nothing of the birth of Elizabeth Bowes Lyon who seems to have had the measure of that ‘Lady’ too. Elizabeth was not born of a surrogate, and to call her ‘cookie’ is to be as low as Wallis who invented the name when she failed to manipulate Elizabeth.
@IridescentTea 10 ай бұрын
Oof, never ever ever will I ask again whether the Queen Mother wasn't too harsh towards this unbearable man. Way too decent and graceful she was!
@camriley 10 ай бұрын
She refused to be in the same room as "that woman" (as she called Wallis).
@silvialesko8261 10 ай бұрын
Re: napkin rings…in some households, to save money on linens and wash water, each family member would be issued a napkin for the day. At the end of the meal, family members would put their napkin in their individual napkin ring so that they would use the same napkin at the next meal of the day. The British Royal family is known for their economy, especially with the children, so I’m betting that was the practice in David’s nursery, and he was perplexed napkins were being reused in restaurants.
@cheeredenise 10 ай бұрын
This is so helpful!!
@alexsilva-vn7jc 10 ай бұрын
Brilliant, I get it now! Thank you!
@BogusBambini 10 ай бұрын
David had someone over for lunch when he asked the question about napkin rings - they weren't in a restaurant. Ew!
@Joanna7428 10 ай бұрын
I've been listening to a lot of this whilst cooking at work! Brilliant video Cheere Denise - I still think it's so strange how there are so many parallels between the contemporary breakaway royals to these two. A mis match of love, iffy connections - a nazi costume and the Nazis! No seriously the blood diamonds as worn by Meghan Markle, the sheer greed of David and Harry, the entitlement, the fakery of Wallace and Meghan. The treatment of staff, past then present. The callous disregard of familial feelings. The more you look the weirder this is! David sounded like a pretty awful person, he sounded incredibly spoilt and immature, even worse than Harry! Going to listen again properly later on my dog walk, loving your videos ! 🤗🤗
@carolynscheick1471 10 ай бұрын
This is a great series. Thank you so much. Thank God that William was born first. David sounds a lot like Harry. the only difference is that Walis was much smarter than Meghan. It's amazing how history repeats itself. Thanks again for this book club.❤
@Joanna7428 10 ай бұрын
He does, I can't believe the amount of similarities. They sound so alike it is surreal.
@Wanda711 10 ай бұрын
First time as tragedy, second time as farce. Wallis definitely had something to her; she could converse intelligently with serious men, which is not true of Meghan.
@Nana-Sheri 10 ай бұрын
I started to say, but what if Harry was firstborn and Meg drew him away to US just like D&W. Then I shuddered at the thought of how much he and his wife covet the throne for selfish desire and ugh, what a mess that would be. 😮
@marlenewolffe-ee9xs 9 ай бұрын
Just wait. Megan will write a book comparing herself with a long suffering Wallace!
@THATBossCricket 4 ай бұрын
@@Wanda711 I’ve seen Interviews with people who knew Wallace and Edward that said she was very intelligent, charming and captivating. Her personality, unlike Edward’s, was very extroverted and with her wit and humor she kept him and others enthralled.
@indie1179 10 ай бұрын
There’s a KZfaq video I watched recently where a historian found letters that Wallis had written to her friends & ex-husband Earnest. They were quite revealing in that she didn’t want to divorce Earnest, how she loved him, how dull she found David & he wanted like a ‘lapdog’, & seemed to revel in being treated poorly by her. The worse she demeaned him, the more pleasure he seemed to enjoy. It detailed how she became lovers with David (one of his regular mistresses who had to return to the US for several months set them up). Earnest was fully aware of the relationship, & it was about social climbing & building better business relationships for Earnest (Wallis simply wanted to circulate in higher society, & enjoyed the expensive gifts her lovers - especially David - lavished on her). At first she loved that she had the King’s total affections, thinking she would become Queen. As soon as she learned about the abdication, she wanted out. She wrote to Earnest ‘what a mess I have made, my dearest’. I suppose Wallis had at least the loyalty to stay with David the rest of her life. I doubt M will do the same…
@ehilton96 10 ай бұрын
I think Ernest was plan b when she realised she wasn't going to be queen but still stuck with pow
@cleverkittn 10 ай бұрын
I don’t know if it was loyalty to him so much as desire to maintain her position. As his ex she would be back to being a poor insignificant.
@Wanda711 10 ай бұрын
I think she realized it was David or nothing after the Abdication. She wasn't a woman who could just settle down to a quiet life, playing bridge with a few friends twice a week. She needed to be in SOCIETY - she thrived on it, both the money and the attention. If she dumped David, she'd be completely ostracized by high society she valued, branded as a gold-digging user and a shallow, bed-hopping flirt. 'The greatest love story ever told' was her shield against such accusations; if she abandoned it, she'd have nothing.
@kathleenmilligan5408 10 ай бұрын
I think also that Wallis never public ally trashed the monarchy whatever she said or wrote in private.
@indie1179 10 ай бұрын
No, I don’t think Wallis did ever trash the Monarchy. Ultimately though, a motive for this may have been to retain the income & lifestyle to which she had become accustomed. When she passed away, look at some of her belongings that went up for auction. Like MM, she wanted all the top designer brands, trinkets, jewellery, etc. In terms of love & happiness her life was ultimately a disappointment with David, but in regard to crass materialism, it was a winning goal. As an interesting fact, Dodi’s father bought Wallis & David’s property, thinking that it would be the perfect home for Diana & his son (I think after they died?)
@Pandabaire3540 10 ай бұрын
Really enjoying this series! David passed long before Harry's birth. Wallace only passed in 1986 when Rachel was already here on this earth. Had she passed prior to Rachels' birth i would 100% believe in reincarnation with these 2. lol
@Aussie_Nonna 10 ай бұрын
How eerie that H & M ended up living within the same grounds as David & Wallis were buried. Ironic that QE2 made available to MM on the spectacle (I mean Wedding day) the same car that drove Wallis to David’s funeral….. LOL 😂 both very strategic moves by HMQ.
@ThePrinceandPrincessofWails 10 ай бұрын
What's blown my mind most is how interesting you have made this book so far . Maybe Herman is Wallis version of Meghan's Markus Anderson
@cheeredenise 10 ай бұрын
Yes!!! An exact replica of that situation!
@olwens1368 10 ай бұрын
It has to be said that Churchill was an old fashioned romantic (about life, not just about 'affairs of the heart'). This wasn't uncommon in people of his age- they were brought up on the great stories, true or not, of 1,000 plus years of English/British history, glorious battles won AND lost, larger than life men and women, strength in the face of disaster. He would have been right there with Sir Walter Raleigh throwing down his cloak for the first Elizabeth to cross a puddle or applauding as Sir Francis Drake was knighted by her on the deck of his own ship. He also wept fairly easily. This was partly what made him a successful leader in 1940- he was able to tap into the collective 'soul' of the nation.
@Wanda711 10 ай бұрын
He was also a historian, and had written books about English history. He really had a romantic idea of monarchy and the long line of kings and queens that had ruled England. I read 'Edward and Mrs. Simpson' years ago, and remember feeling very impatient about Churchill's stubbornness over Edward and his floozy. He was trying to cram Edward into a familiar box that just didn't fit. He came round pretty quickly though, and I think he saw getting rid of Edward as a godsend, considering how adamant he was about opposing the Nazis.
@kaitlinconnors7413 10 ай бұрын
Also he was emotional bc he was most likely Bipolar. He called his depressive period “his black dog”. I think he used his mental illness to his advantage to show he wasn’t an unfeeling politician.
@elinstar6034 10 ай бұрын
@seemomster 10 ай бұрын
NAPKIN RINGS were originally used so that, after the meal, the napkin could be rolled up in it and left on the table. It would then be reused by the same person for several meals in a row. Each person had their own distinctive ring (often with their name or initials engraved) so they would know which was theirs. It was more of a middle class tradition, used before household appliances were common, when washing linen daily was a luxury. Nowadays, napkin rings are strictly decorative and sign of elegance.
@silencedogood9747 10 ай бұрын
I think the reason Churchill was so upset about the abdication was that he thought it would be demoralizing and destabilizing to the British people. Like any other political system, the British government system works because enough people believe it works. When people stop believing in the government, or at least stop being resigned to it, that's when it all topples over. To lose two kings within a year is a really big deal, and from what I understand, Bertie didn't have the benefit of good training for the job beforehand. That would be incredibly concerning at any time, but especially during this historical period with so much political upheaval in Europe.
@onmylastnerve282 10 ай бұрын
I grew up hearing many of these tales. My mother used to regale me with the sordid gossip about David & Wallis & it sounds as though what she was telling me was more accurate than I had thought. She also shared the stories about the '"romantic" skills Wallis supposedly learned while in China & how they helped her to entice & eventually trap the little weasel, David. His stepping aside was without a doubt the best thing that could have happened to the British monarchy. Those two deserved each other.
@Nana-Sheri 10 ай бұрын
Wow, that's interesting. Do you remember any details? Fascinating.
@amylouise9853 8 ай бұрын
Everyone in my family in my fathers generation and before had their own silver napkin rings with their monogram. The idea was for normal family meals you’d keep your napkin in your own napkin ring so you’d know which one was yours so they could be reused for a few meals. If you were upper class let alone Royal it would have been considered an extremely middle class and bourgeois thing to do.
@ragwortrattle8798 10 ай бұрын
Churchill supported Edward 8th to the extent of shouting at Baldwin in the Commons that he, Baldwin, wouldn't be satisfied until the King was broken. And Dear David repaid him with mockery. That tells you all you need to know about David's character. Very good video today. 🌹
@elizabethturner2194 10 ай бұрын
I bought and read the whole book since your last video. (which is probably why I'm not allowed in book clubs) I kept seeing the parallels to the Harkles through the entire thing.. Love this channel!
@allannagh232 10 ай бұрын
We can be your book club! Club Cheere
@boozle5012 10 ай бұрын
This has just made my Sunday, thank you lovely girl, you are such a ray of sunshine. ❤
@michelegraham9044 10 ай бұрын
For me too 👍🇦🇺
@shabbysuzannah3702 10 ай бұрын
@@michelegraham9044I agree, I miss the shed but the new background is very acceptable
@pameladigaetano8119 8 ай бұрын
Yes, she is. So hilarious 😂. And I would LOVE to have her magnificent, long , shiny hair!!!
@TLouise1959 10 ай бұрын
Only you could make such a boring example of a man so interesting and entertaining. Thank you so much.
@user-cg9sj2ry9r 10 ай бұрын
Loving this book! And didn't Harry give someone an autographed copy of Spare as a thank you gift?? Really, the parallels between David/Wallis and Harry/Meghan almost makes a case for reincarnation. It's eerie. This is really MY favorite channel.
@ritafairclough6470 10 ай бұрын
My conscious bias tells me this is their class traits. Entitlement, snobbery and disregard. This chapter gives me a lot more understanding and respect for QEII oath of a life of service.
@THATBossCricket 4 ай бұрын
Just like Harry and Megamess, ALWAYS happy for SOMEBODY ELSE to pick up the Tab!
@jaegar67 10 ай бұрын
So glad you chose this book. I knew next to nothing about them. It looks like they did a copy and paste job with H&M. David was a sniveling crybaby and mooch who could do no wrong and Simpson was behind the scenes pulling his strings. Their sympathies for the Nazi party are truly shocking. As many have said before, Thank God David abdicated and the world got Queen Elizabeth!!!
@Wanda711 10 ай бұрын
What a great way to start the day! And I got my copy of 'Traitor King' from the library day before yesterday, so I can actually read along this time! Hard to believe this guy was over 40 when this was happening; complete case of arrested development, and I'm sure the British public had no idea. They just saw the image of the slim, breezy 'eligible bachelor' who'd somehow managed to get to middle age without being able to land a nice woman who didn't already belong to someone else.
@debranielsen2002 10 ай бұрын
Sounds like someone else I know, only this one went lower than Wallis, way lower.
@lizziestevenson1908 10 ай бұрын
He was an absolute horror. What child. Why do they all enable each other, these rich, elite individuals? Keep the establishment afloat I guess. Just churns my stomach. Oh.,,and great to see you! Love your book hours!!
@elinstar6034 10 ай бұрын
It was astonishing to see Harry's true character emerge from the clouds of 'cheeky lovable rogue' the Palace had wrapped round him. No wonder their pr is so effective, they've been practicing for decades. 😮
@happysmith6666 10 ай бұрын
I’m really loving this book and your telling of it. It’s hard not to draw comparisons between D/W and H/M. If anything, Harry should have known enough of his family history to avoid repeating it, even though we all know he’s a terrible student. But his grandmother could have told him plenty. No wonder they all saw M coming a mile away. 🤯
@ryanlewandowsky2077 3 ай бұрын
I can’t believe the nerve of giving your hosts your bills to pay! Maybe it’s cause I’m American but I won’t show up to anyone’s house empty handed. I feel like with David you need to check his luggage for your good dishes!
@DebbieSandford-1807 3 ай бұрын
How many bells is all this ringing with everyone?? History repeating itself!
@kate2create738 10 ай бұрын
Well, like I said in the last video David and his siblings were raised messed up. Going to try to brief it as best as possible but it goes back, their father, King George V, was a strict man who once was in the Navy and commanded the same authority especially over his children. His own background is that he was the second son of Edward VII, the playboy king who was the son of Victoria and Albert. Growing up Albert had standards that he wanted Edward to live up to, but Edward refused to meet the basic requirements, a clash of ego personalities. Albert was raised in a broken home where his mother was prevented access to him and his brother and they lost her to death in their childhood, meanwhile his father was an adulterer who never really spent time with Albert. Mix that with Victoria’s mother who isolated her from the basics of standard living, sheltered that it was as if she was living in a prison, together they transformed the UK’s monarchy to symbolize family unity that Hanover dynasty failed to act upon with their own history of dysfunctional family relationships. So we have Albert wanting to make the effort to have children to care for and to make sure that they embody the virtuous principles that he’d hoped they would carry. Edward was maybe that 1 child that resented the notion he had to behave, and of course he was the oldest son, thus heir. It was his defiance of having an affair with an actress that led many, especially Victoria, blame Edward on Albert’s premature death because he caught a fever riding to have a serious talk to Edward about the rumors of the affair. To be fair, Albert had signs he could have had something else more dire like Crohn’s disease or a failing kidney. After Albert’s death, Victoria resented Edward and Edward just continued to be Edward. Then George was the second son of Edward, who likely knew of his father’s affair of his mother, probably wanted some standards to his life, and so he found that in the navy. His older brother, Albert, was to be married to Mary of Teck but he too died prematurely at the age of 28, as George was now heir and offered to marry Mary instead. A union that grew to admire each other and be dedicated to one another, however they really messed up their children, specifically David and Bertie. With George’s background, he wanted his standards met for a united image, Mary never thought twice how harsh George was to the children and allowed him to break down their confidence. It didn’t help matters that David and Bertie’s first nanny was too favorable too David and was abusive to Bertie that Bertie likely got his stammer because of the trauma that nanny put him through. It went undetected for too long before George and Mary fired the nanny, and by then it was too late for Bertie. So David’s background was a harsh and commanding father and a mother that didn’t really give the comfort children needed that made him warped. While Wallis was likely attempting to make her standards unbearable hoping he likely leave, it just made him clinch on as he never understood the affections of real love, the love language he knew was overbearing and harsh. Bertie was beyond lucky he found Elizabeth (the Queen mother) and while he deflected his proposal more than once, it was one of the few things he stood by on believing she was the one, and she really was as she had her own standards but they were not harsh and she was such a gracious supporter to him. Bertie blossomed because of Elizabeth and she gave him the strength to carry on the responsibility of king that he greatly needed, as well as gave him and her children the happiest family life they could have despite the circumstances of the world around them. Long comment, again, ugh. There is just a lot to study the history of this family’s relationship within the generations. And how many seems to have a pattern and habits of admirable and respected monarchs and the clown children or fathers that they gave to deal with. Most of what you described about Edward, a lot of it is stuff that Harry himself has done. Just like Chris Cristy mentioned that Harry thought it was a considerable gift to give the governor of a site where a horrible hurricane hit was a signed and framed photograph of himself. I think if you caught up with Harry just based on how things are shown in real life through the media, you’d see that Harry us another version of Edward VIII, both sincerely thought they could get paid for not doing the job that they stepped away from.
@alisonvanschoor730 10 ай бұрын
The psychology of the D&DoW is fascinating. She was of good stock, but born in the poor branch of the family. She watched her mother live on the goodwill of various uncles after her father passed away. She was jealous of her well-to-do cousins and their apparent advantages. So she grew up to spend her life taking advantage of men and craving every luxury to bolster her feelings of security and worthiness. She once said: "I knew I would never be the prettiest woman in the room, so I decided I would be the best-dressed and most interesting" On the other hand he was deeply scarred by his childhood, terrorized by his father and surviving a sadist of a nanny, who would beat him and starve him and pinch him just before his parents visited, so he would always be crying when they saw him. It is believed that this abuse of the royal children by their nanny also resulted in poor Bertie's stammer. So David grew up to crave being bossed about and talked down to, because his mind had been warped to believe that this was love. A very sad little pair, but ever so interesting!
@maremartini4230 Ай бұрын
Oh wow, how interesting and sad to learn about his childhood, that makes sense. We know from all european roayal families that the children were treated awfully throughout the last centuries (mostly for educational reasons) and often had deeply wounded souls and then developped strange, pathological behaviours & habits. I'm thinking of the Habsburgers here, in general but especially the family of Franz Joseph I and Elisabeth. I guess it all reflects this special time and its spirit.
@mimib95 10 ай бұрын
Isn’t it strange that we went from the possibility of having to suffer from the worst king of all time to recently losing the greatest monarch of them all. I’m enjoying learning about this story in more depth so thank you.
@ariellagoichman3513 10 ай бұрын
It's funny how king George moved David's belongings to Frogmore, which is the home queen Elizabeth gave to Harry and Meghan. I also read that queen Victoria moved her mother to Frogmore when she wanted her out of her life. Frogmore seems to be where the royal family have been stashing their "problem relatives" for centuries 😂
@Jeanie399 10 ай бұрын
@rebeccadonovan934 18 күн бұрын
I wonder if we need to send Harry a copy of this book, he can put it next to Spare on his bookshelf.
@Nicstewert 10 ай бұрын
I think the issue with Balmoral and Sandringham is that they aren’t CROWN properties, they belong to the sovereign personally, thus, I think they are passed from king to king in their wills. So, I think Edward technically did own them since they were left to him by his father. Dad having never imagined the shit show that would ensue.
@dhjdmba5684 10 ай бұрын
This is correct. They belong to the sovereign personally so he sold them to Bertie.
@debbrand8106 10 ай бұрын
They made his character so glamorous in Downton Abbey! This story makes me want to watch The King’s Speech again (when his brother George had to take over the throne)
@bleuberry123 10 ай бұрын
Th autographed picture made me laugh out loud. Harry gave out hand signed books to flight attendants. Both very spoiled boys.
@user-gr5bs8gm8r 20 күн бұрын
I thought the royal family weren’t allowed to sign autographs. This seems to be stupid and dangerous, did he not learn from is uncle Andrew autographs, pictures could be very costly. 😂
@jeanniemiller3274 10 ай бұрын
Edward is one of the most entitled unlikable characters. Enjoy your videos!
@anniep855 10 ай бұрын
Eclipsed only by Mr. & Mrs. Markle!
@raffaellaricciardi8517 10 ай бұрын
You are creating a very positive community, and it starts from you: you look such a good, strong person, with a beautiful brain and you're lovely. I love your videos. Hugs from Italy. ❤
@alexsilva-vn7jc 10 ай бұрын
That Herman is kind of a parallel to Marcus Anderson, isn´t he?😂 I keep drawing parallels between the two couples, I can´t help it! Also thanking UKs lucky stars that Harry wasn´t born first. I had no idea David (Edward) was such an utter nob. Keep going Cheere, this is great entertainment!
@ehilton96 10 ай бұрын
Mrs Simpson, ain't she sweet, See her walking down the street, She's been married several times before, Now she's knocking on the old Kings door As told to me by my 96 yrs old mother❤
@gonefishing167 10 ай бұрын
Mum had a sense of humour - or derision. At her be she would have lived through it , or close to. I was born in 1948 and it was close enough to it. To my generation the First World War was still close enough in family memory. FhNk goodness we ended up with who we did during the war, Sounds like Harry is a tad like great uncle. ( that’s right, or great, great- it’s great , great). Y way, apple didn’t fall far from that branch. Great , great uncle actually chose a better class of woman! 🙏🙏👵🇦🇺
@MaryB-tx2xq 10 ай бұрын
Another song “I danced with a man, who danced with a girl, who danced with the Prince of Wales”. He was so popular when he was young, people thought he was so fashionable and handsome they wrote songs about him … and then he met Mrs Simpson and it all came out. People did blame her, they didn’t know any better, and it was all very romantic until the truth came out. Particularly their association with Hitler
@catherinehull3916 13 күн бұрын
It always amazes me how well we have done recently with our kings and queens. George not Edward, Elizabeth not Margaret. William and not Harry!! Thank the Lord! Thanks Cheere, I’m late to the traitor king but I’m loving it 🥰
@karinagoulding8499 4 күн бұрын
Great point! 😊
@olwens1368 10 ай бұрын
Napkin rings- I am just old enough to remember when you had your own napkin ring. So a family of 4 would have 4 slightly different ones, perhaps with initials engraved or with some tag attached. Thus you could identify your napkin at the next meal....and the next. They would all be washed after a few days, or of course earlier if they were badly soiled. This was often regarded as terribly lower middle class by the upper middle classes, and of course the aristocracy who expected them to be laundered after every use because a) they had the staff to do it and b) they had vast quantities of linen anyway. I suppose being reasonably well off and using napkin rings would be regarded as rather odd or worse being (shudder) nouveau riche..
@KathiLou1980 10 ай бұрын
I am not so old but with a large family using a cloth napkin for more than one meal ( left in a ring or folded neatly at your place at the table ) is necessary and the frugal thing to do - and fabric is much nicer than paper !
@olwens1368 10 ай бұрын
@@KathiLou1980 Much nicer and we still use 'proper' napkins, paper only for picnics.
@vickiebrezee2799 10 ай бұрын
So good to see you again. I love your new book nook. 😊 I could listen to you for hours. Wait, I have! Haha You are a dear Cheere.❤
@rebalspirit 10 ай бұрын
I bought the audio version of the book. I thought I'd listened well to this chapter. Oh, my! What you caught, I missed entirely. Like, where was my mind when I listened? I'm headed back to the audio book to listen again. I want to be as indignant as you were 😂😂. I love your passion and your sharp analysis. Thank you.
@cheeredenise 10 ай бұрын
Audiobooks tend to be hard for me to focus on. I catch maybe 75% of it.
@rebalspirit 9 ай бұрын
​@cheeredenise - I learned that lesson listening to audio bible. I must be getting old given my inability to extrapolate my learning to other books. 😂🤷
@BrookeACrowe 10 ай бұрын
If y’all were intrigued by this chapter, keep reading… you’ll be “blown” away by the upcoming chapters.
@clarefenton6246 10 ай бұрын
Oh my goodness Cheere, this is great. I must say that we British have had some right high profile weirdos in our history lol
@vickiebrezee2799 10 ай бұрын
I love Queen Elizabeth's low-key sense of humor. David's things were moved to Frogmore. Haha Now I know why the Queen let Harry and Meghan stay there.😂
@DavinaWilson58 10 ай бұрын
Not exactly. Harry and Harry's Wife were given the use of Frogmore Cottage, not Frogmore (House). David's belongings would have been moved out on instructions from Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother.
@vickiebrezee2799 10 ай бұрын
@DavinaWilson58 Yes, but since H ,& M don't know their history and Queen Elizabeth did, only she would understand the parallel.
@DavinaWilson58 10 ай бұрын
@@vickiebrezee2799 👍
@sagrammyfour 10 ай бұрын
At 12:18 you refer to Walllis' "terrible fate" "a love you don't feel," "a middle aged boy with no other purpose in life than a possessive passion for you." They are the same--greedy, selfish, amoral alley cats. However, Methane's degree of selfish avarice, jealousy, vindictiveness and cruelty far outstrips the amateur, Wallis. Methane is a category 9 hurricane of hate and destruction while Wallis is just a mediocre category 5. Methane knows how to put her pure evil unto action, especially when it comes to family, and sadly, even children and old folks. .
@thatsfunny2051 10 ай бұрын
Yeah plus Meghan was DESPERATE to marry Harry, while Wallis wanted to avoid marrying David
@lisaupton7610 10 ай бұрын
“Put the cherry on top of this creepy sundae”. 😂😂😂😂
@partlycloudy3519 10 ай бұрын
The Queen mum told her husband bertie aka king George VI to not grant HRH to wallis . That motto should have applied to meghan & harry . To not recieve titles & HRH
@missanne2908 14 күн бұрын
Napkins rings were originally used to identify an individual's napkin. Each member of the household would have their own napkin ring with their initials or monograms engraved on them. At the end of each meal they would roll up their napkin into their napkin ring so that it would be ready for the next meal. The use of napkin rings would indicate that fresh napkins were not supplied with every meal. Decorative napkin rings were a later development.
@shabbysuzannah3702 10 ай бұрын
Hello. So happy to see and hear from you 🇬🇧 Thank you for talking about the first Traitor. I’ve always been a bit anxious about dear, not so little, Prince George who resembled the original traitor far too much for my liking. But I have noticed that in more recent photos the facial resemblance is fading and I am pretty sure that his personality is nothing like that man. My recently deceased father told me a couple of months ago about his memory of the abdication and he said that his family and the country were distraught and absolutely devastated when he went but they absolutely very much disliked his wife and blamed her for everything. Personally I am not so sure, we all loved the Traitor #2 but only because his true personality and nature were well hidden by the Palace, I suspect it was the same for the not so nice but very dim David 🇬🇧 has anyone done a DNA connection to the current traitor’s wife? 😂
@marileearsenault4749 10 ай бұрын
Totally in agreement with you
@lynn6221 9 ай бұрын
Napkin rings in the old days were for re-use of napkins that weren't dirty. If you used napkin and it wasn't dirty, it was put back in ring to use again during that day
@beebeebird2878 10 ай бұрын
His flirtation with the nazis would not have lasted in Great Britain. Had he not abdicated and she tried to steer him in that direction, the home office, I’m sure would’ve quietly taken care of it. The British royal family had to give up one of Queen Victoria’s grandchildren to the nazis. Without trying to get him back.
@lindat9522 10 ай бұрын
This is a great book so far!! So glad you’re back! David was a fool and stupid are the ones who agreed to pay his bills.
@jessiebassil7887 10 ай бұрын
Hi Cheere Denise, so good to see your video up this morning. I honestly believe that David was so obsessed with Wallace precisely because she didn’t love him. Thank you for doing this. 🌻
@cliftafrizzell4687 10 ай бұрын
I read a book some years ago (don't remember the title) that suggested that David got a weird kick out of being bossed around and humiliated by Wallis...well, whatever floats your boat ⛵
@Nana-Sheri 10 ай бұрын
I read somewhere that it's mommy's fault. 🙄 These grown men needed a lot less entitlement and a lot more reality in their lives.
@sueannnatter5295 10 ай бұрын
Or...he was obsessed with marrying her was because he knew he could not marry her and keep the throne which he wanted out of. That is why he never had single women as girlfriends. Wallace was his perfect out.
@debbiegraham5309 10 ай бұрын
Missed you over the summer, so glad you and your family are now settled. Really looking forward to an Autumn of your vids with this book. 😊
@lesleyoxspring9655 10 ай бұрын
David comes over as very needy. I would say there was co-dependency in the mix.
@MaryAnneRosato 10 ай бұрын
As I said last week and will say again, the world really needs to stop romanticizing this toxic relationship.
@xhogun8578 9 ай бұрын
The napkin rings, in those days when items were washed by hand. Often the napkins would be used more than once before washing. Because of this often each napkin ring would have a unique pattern or the persons monogram on the ring. That way you wouldn't get someone elses soiled napkin. Usually this would apply to middle class or less well off households. It's something Edward may not have come across before. So it woukd be strange for him to out his napkin back into its ring. In reference to Balmoral and Sandringham they are private property they don't fall under the crown estate as Windsor and Buckingham Palace do. Therefore he had inherited the properties as the oldest son not as the kings successor. The duchy's of Lancashire and Cornwall belong to the family but the way they are set up is the duchy of Lancashire belongs to the sovereign and Cornwall belongs to the heir apparent which was established in 1461 by King Edward IV where he confirmed that the duchy would be inherited by the monarch, but held separately from the Crown Estate.
@robertamaxwell9653 10 ай бұрын
Thanks Cheere, I am really enjoying this book. I never cared for David Winsor and Wallace Simpson but there are things that I never realized. I totally agree that he acted like a monster to his hosts, he certainly acted like an entitled little child. I have watched many documentaries about them over the years and its pretty plain that he was a man that needed or wanted to be made to feel like a subordinate to his lover. The parallels between him and Harry are astounding.
@persephonewildfox9128 10 ай бұрын
£800 in 1936 now worth £72k. Really enjoyed Chapter 2. Thank you.
@maureenormston8356 10 ай бұрын
We were never taught modern history at school (I'm 68 and the furthest we got was the industrial revolution which I personally found yawningly boring) and your reading and interpretation of this book is riveting for me, I'm thoroughly enjoying it. Some of the parallels with the Gruesome Twosome are striking and uncanny although obviously no Nazi connections apart from Harry's faux pas with "that" uniform 😳. Wallis's connection with the Rodgers seems very dodgy (being polite here 😂) and looking forward very much to the next episode to see how it pans out. Oh and I spotted a hardback copy of Spare in the window of my local charity shop, priced up at £5.00. It's still there 3 weeks later 😂.
@dukeofmontdeceito 10 ай бұрын
Cheere, you are a shining example of what people should aspire to be. People are very lucky to have you teaching their children. You are also exquisitely naturally beautiful
@cheeredenise 10 ай бұрын
Thank you!! How kind!!
@deenabeauchamp5290 3 ай бұрын
There is an interesting documentary on TIMELINE … SECRET LETTERS OF THE DUCHESS OF WINDSOR . The letters found upon her death. The letters were very telling and quite sad. She still loved her husband Earnest. The end of her life was very sad. David passed in “ 72 she passed “ 86. The last 14 years she remained a prisoner of her home. Had many falls many broken bones, broken hip twice . Diagnosed with dementia and was a lonely recluse. The estate known as Villa Windsor was purchased by Egyptian billionaire Mohamed Al Fayed …. He was saving it for his SON DODI !!!!!! HOW IRONIC…It is now owned by city of Paris. It is being restored and to be ready for historical tours this year 2024. It is quite a story NOT A LOVE STORY. The RF collected David’s body and burried him on Royal burial grounds of Frogmore ….. years later Wallis’ body collected she was given a funeral at St. George’s and buried beside him. I LOVE ROYAL HISTORY !!!!! Wallis never spoke ill in public of RF . She never publicly disrespected the RF. She courtesied and bowed to Queen. There is no parallel between she n Meghan. The stories are not at all the same. Harry’s position was nothing of David’s when he left. I never understood why people drew comparisons.
@renatatarnawski5974 8 ай бұрын
David is the 1 Who designed golf pants 2 have a lining
@karencap1690 10 ай бұрын
This is a great group
@jenniferloporto5383 10 ай бұрын
The dog symbolizing their love sounds eerily similar to a certain pair of entwined palm trees in Montecito… “My Love…It’s us!” 🤢 🤮
@anneselby2293 10 ай бұрын
These readings are amazing, love the Hunter stories and I've long thought that Edward and Wallis could do with some scrutiny. I am enjoying it all, as much for your way of retelling these and your comments as anything else. ❤ We had a very narrow escape with David. He was an extremely selfish, self obsessed man, and his attitude was exactly the same as another royal.
@viviennelogan6129 10 ай бұрын
What a great chapter! Love your take on things. You are a natural storyteller. David seemed to live in his own world where everyone else had to sing and dance to his tune. His sense of entitlement is off the charts. He had a serious lack of self-awareness!
@lizroberts1569 10 ай бұрын
Duh of course he was entitled he was the King, ok just constitutionally no actual power but of course. Oh and money was always an issue for Royalty until Queen Elizabeth took over, she was incredibly financially astute.
@lindalaker3665 10 ай бұрын
My father-in-law, worked on the ship Queen Mary, in which David used to travel, my father-in-law was chief steward at the time and he used to relate how David never paid for anything. Very entitled. My father-in-law has long passed.
@lisalivingston6473 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for another great episode, Cheere Denise! What an embarrassment David must have been to his family. Britain is so fortunate that this man abdicated the throne. His sense of entitlement makes me sick to my stomach. In contrast, his brother Bertie became a much beloved King. How strange that two brothers could turn out so differently?
@GH5050-SO 10 ай бұрын
Great to see you again! As others have commented, I think Wallis was the best thing to happen to England. He is a wretched man child for sure. I've watched some documentaries and knew he wasn't a good man, but this goes into much great detail, all I can say is....Wow, what an entitled creep. Some question if Harry is actually Charles son, I think now we see he definitely has the royal bloodline, unfortunately he got too much David and not enough of his great-grandfather King George VI. Thankfully William was the first born. As I'm listening today, I think being Wallis was Meghan's ultimate goal, and not to be Diana. She used Diana to capture Harry, but she's emulating Wallis far more than Diana.
@nancytrowbridge3085 3 ай бұрын
I believe some people said that there should be a statue of Wallis in the middle of London as thanks for getting rid of David.
@ShirTuck 10 ай бұрын
Winston Churchill was devastated because David would have been a Monarch he could easily manipulate and control.
@jannaparks6132 9 ай бұрын
Historically, napkin rings WERE meant for the user of the napkin to refold and insert for use at the next meal.
@kaken3137 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for selecting this book, Cheere. Very interesting. The parallels to Harry & Meghan are mind blowing!
@margaretcastell9429 18 күн бұрын
My parents were born in 1903 and 1907. My father gave me his love of history among other interests. A long time ago we were talking about David. He told me how incredibly loved and popular he was. Women threw themselves at him. He was also very good looking when young and not remote from the public as were so many royals at that time. With limited publicity about him, no television, just the ewspapers which were very tightly controlled by their owners. I can think of Lord Beaverbrooke as one at the moment and thus much was kept from the British newspapers compared to the American. He visited the coal miners one day who were living in dire poverty. Owned by the mine owners for everything. Housing, company shops for food, poor wages, horrible safety conditions. A strike was being considered as they were starving, a high birth rate and he stood in front of these men and families and said 'Something has got to be done! This is disgraceful, etc'. Well, everyone went mad for him. His popularity soared, his jocular smile, waving and although he wasnt king yet it was eagerly awaited. There was even a tremendously popular song written about him, a line went ...I danced with a girl who danced with a man who danced a girl who danced with the Prince of Wales. Of course all this time he was seeing Wallis and avoiding Queen Mary and King George V who had treated his children brutally and very little love from the Queen. To finally get to the point that his father died from constant smoking, David went into a panic and those poor miners never did get what he so cheerfully promised. How very much like Harry he was. Wallis was panicked as her husband was her lifesaver and knew of the affair. I too don't know why she didn't run for the hills. She received beautiful jewellery from him but wasn't avaricious like Markle. He like Harry needed a mother. All his mistresses were older married women. The whole story is one you can't put down. Matriarch by Anne Edwards is excellent telling the children's story from the beginning and explains a lot. It just gets better Cheere! So pleased to hear you. I've banged on too much but did want to get across how much he was adored at one time. He was rotten at the core though and I put a lot of blame on the father who vowed to make his children as terrified of him as he had been of his father. Britain was, I believe, the last country to know about Wallis. We were so lucky ultimately having dear Bertie, George VI as king giving us Queen Elizabeth for all those years and no German invasion. So sorry for the length but it is a great story.
@michelejashinsky8409 10 ай бұрын
Seems whatever was ailing David as far as rudeness immaturity and letting a woman totally control him is possibly genetic bc it’s H&M all over again! 😱 Even Marcus Anderson living w them??? Supposedly….. allegedly. I can’t imagine his rudeness and that his hostess tolerated it‼️ My conclusion it’s definitely not an advantage to be born in privilege. Thanks Cheere loved ur narrative 💙💜❤️
@karenburke2257 10 ай бұрын
The parallels between Edward & Harry & Wallis & MM are astounding. Thank you for your excellent channel. Wish it were more frequent than every week.
@hayatahmed7163 10 ай бұрын
The reason David had a claim to the estates after he had abdicated was because back then the oldest would automatically inherit everything upon the late kings death as they would now be the monarch. It had never occurred to the crown that the oldest would abdicate and so the inheritance did not distinguish between monarch and heir as that was always the same thing. Bertie had to negotiate and get those properties back and from then on the wills likely do explicitly bequeath the private estates such as Sandringham and balmoral upon whoever is monarch
@lilyliz3071 10 ай бұрын
My goodness if it wasn’t for the different names I would swear you were talking about a more recent royal couple , the similarities in parts are quite astounding
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