The State Of Halo Infinite In 2024...

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Halo Infinite just had a new trailer released and I think it is the beginning of the end for Halo Infinite. Many have felt that dev support is going to end very soon, and with this final trailer and only the match composer update left on the roadmap, it looks like the time is coming soon where Infinite will no longer have new feature development underway. I want to talk about the new Halo Infinite trailer that was released last week, and talk about the state of Halo Infinite in 2024, the good, the bad, and the unfinished. Thanks for watching. #halo #haloinfinite
• Halo Infinite Is A Dif...
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@BeefLords Ай бұрын
It's wild to me that 343/Microsoft made the decision to go to content updates and basically end support before worlds in October of this year. Now instead of a populated game with happy players, we have a dying game where even the pros are making videos about how bad it is. Wild that they just continue to shoot themselves in the foot .
@Eastra3 Ай бұрын
I think they are doing it for content. Whenever games get dry on content, ‘game is dying’ content always surges.
@Epiousios18 Ай бұрын
Because they likely have at least one more "big" update planned for this fall once they have all of the QoL things like the Match Composer in place.
@BlastingBigLoads2 Ай бұрын
"10 year game guys!!!" 343 are such jokes
@rdowg Ай бұрын
I absolutely love the part of the trailer where it shows off all the paid-skins then goes "AND WE GAVE YOU UNGRATEFUL FUCKS ONE MK6 ARMOR CORE FOR FREEEEEEEE"
@TechnicalGamingChannel Ай бұрын
This is the nature of live service games. They're developed to be as minimal risk as possible, which means as cheap as possible to make while still delivering something playable. If that launch goes well enough and there's a good stream of revenue coming in post launch, you get games like Apex, Fortnite, Warzone, Valorant, etc that reach the "feature complete" feeling where all the promised features and depth of content is delivered, and then support continues until revenue stops coming in. With games like Infinite, where the launch goes poorly and revenue is clearly not coming in, it's a miracle they make it so long at all. At the end of the day, the version of Infinite we got at launch, combined with all the updates it's received since was likely still cheaper to produce that developing the game it is today in time for when it originally launched. Think about it. Maybe the game just needed 6 more months with the full team hammering on it to get it up to where it is now before launching it. That's 6 months of a full team of devs vs whatever support crew was put in place after launch. Studio Execs and Publishers love that, even though the end result is gambling on how accepting the players will be of a broken launch product. We will never get another feature complete, content rich game until that paradigm changes.
@jtperez657 Ай бұрын
Well put
VERY WELL said. I feel like the concept of minimum viable product has absolutely infiltrated the live service space and the players have suffered and suffered. You are correct I think with all of this.
@TechnicalGamingChannel Ай бұрын
@@BBKDRAGOON It is 100% about achieving that minimum viable product. It always has been to an extent. But things like fervent brand loyalty, the ability to patch games post launch, early access, kickstarter, etc have proven to studios that "minimum viable product" is an envelope they can push until they're practically releasing grey box versions of their games... Game development has always been about reaching gold for as little money as possible, it's just now the Executives in charge know "gold" can just mean anything really so long as there's enough there to fool players into paying for it.
@alicatdotcom Ай бұрын
Analogy: It's like a big team is painting a large house. On the last coat the boss pulls all the ladders down, packs up the paint sprayer, and tells one guy to do the last coat with a brush.. It takes more time and ends in a horrible finish.
@andrewwhite1138 Ай бұрын
Just feels so weird for this trailer to drop out of nowhere. I can't get over that.
@brup123 Ай бұрын
Halo hasn't been even mentioned by name in any of their showcases in the last two years, the Halo TV show didn't even get a mention ahead of season 1's release (maybe they knew it was hot trash before it aired), and they also cancelled the Halo battle royale. I doubt they'll mention Halo in the upcoming showcase either. By all intents and purposes, Xbox has accepted that 343i has absolutely destroyed Halo's brand and reputation, and they're just moving on with promoting their newly acquired studios instead. They're now just trying not to draw attention to how much of a dumpster fire their studio turned their best franchise into.
@Buttz2Buttz Ай бұрын
Infinite was DOA. Halo fan since day 1, moved from Sony to Xbox for Halo. Longtime customer done here, with both Halo and Microsoft.
@darrow_andromeda915 Ай бұрын
I knew as time went on this would be the last Xbox console i purchased. Spencer should step down.
@E_Chap Ай бұрын
The PS5 just has so much more to offer. Longtime Xbox fan but I made the switch. So many awesome Sony exclusives to explore.
@HypeXesk Ай бұрын
@@E_Chapthe only thing stopping me from going to ps5 is its price hike on online services that’s been unchanged since ps3, and lack of backwards compatibility (ps now is laughable)
@doggedlyhandsome8181 Ай бұрын
Personally I’ve moved on from Infinite now because it’s just not fun for me anymore with how irritating 343i is in almost every decision they make
@quiethate Ай бұрын
I miss prime bungie
@zero1487 Ай бұрын
Yea I just don’t think it’s that good a game. At least not for Halo. I’ve had fun moments in Infinite, but for the most part it just doesn’t remind me of how I feel when I play the bungie games even now. I have so much more fun in Halo 3 especially, but any of the old games. Funny enough, but I actually really enjoyed Halo 5 multiplayer. I don’t think Halo should be like Halo 5 and I much prefer H3, but if H5 had a different name than Halo, it’d have been better cuz I think it was a good game when separated from Halo. But H4 and Infinite just kinda suck imo
@theoddegg8462 Ай бұрын
@Ntwadumela89 Ай бұрын
@Sc4r1_ Ай бұрын
Yea not fun at all
@therealthirst8099 Ай бұрын
I'll always be conflicted about Infinite. On one hand I think 343 nailed the core gameplay mechanics (Movement, gunplay, sandbox, etc), but on the other hand basically everything that surrounded it was top to bottom incompetency. The game basically spent it's entire life-cycle making up the technical debt that was taken to force it out the door, so it just spun it's wheels going nowhere, and as they were getting out of the pit they call it quits and wrap up development.
@StevoStaple Ай бұрын
bleh the game is not that great halo 3 is better. 343 has fucked up 3 times halo 4 halo 5 and now infinite. In the same timeframe we got masterpieces Halo 1 to reach. Remember loading up Halo Reach ALL CONTENT is there at launch thats what 343 needs to do feature complete day 1
@ixlndvsxtc Ай бұрын
The trailer is bait for people who have not played infinite to welcome them to be the new victims for the cosmetic shop.
@KrispyBagel Ай бұрын
Halo is and will always be my childhood. When 343i took over, that ended. It sucks I still love halo but I moved on after the first year of release.
@StevoStaple Ай бұрын
same i moved on unless friends wanna play. Halo is my favorite franchise so to see 343 KILL it has been very sad. It has gotten so bad the general public dont even remember or play the older games
@TJ_mx Ай бұрын
Moved on from this game months ago - 343 is just bare minimum Halo. If they actually made a platform for the next ten years (like what GTAV or Destiny 2 has actually done) they’d have an endless money printer that’s also fun for the player. But nah they fumbled the ball yet again and 343 has essentially been disbanded, whole new studio is making H7
@thisbetayne Ай бұрын
Game is dead outside of NA unfortunately. The fact that its 2024 and you cant get decent ping in Australia for a halo is laughable
@Epiousios18 Ай бұрын
So many people assuming they aren't going to do anything for the 20th anniversary of H2 this fall is wild to me. It's absurd to think they just aren't going to capitalize on what is such an obviously easy cash grab (even if it is just a "classic playlist" and another shop update.)
@ROFLgator1 Ай бұрын
Im sick and tired of "contractors" being used to create a game or for game & shop updates. Bungie used to create the game themselves from head to toe & they delivered ALL of the content in the vanilla game from day one
@FallenGamerNica Ай бұрын
this is almost the exact same case as battlefront 2, dropped by ea at its peak
@BeefLords Ай бұрын
I'm still not over that!
@StevoStaple Ай бұрын
halo infinite wasnt at peak its missing a lot of things match composer etc
@adammatis5527 Ай бұрын
I'm afraid I'm just too disillusioned with 343. Gaming in general to be honest.
@ouroboricscribe3201 Ай бұрын
The Beta is over, the trailer is for the final release.
@bocogaming Ай бұрын
The random release of that trailer is perfectly in keeping with how Infinite has been managed thus far. We've been scratching our heads since release, constantly wondering "What is 343 doing?" I'm with you on this, Infinite is over.
@keithc8706 Ай бұрын
Halo “7” is truly 343’s final chance at redemption in the community.
@shadowninja1275 Ай бұрын
Halo 7 needs to succeed without having these annoying microtransactions and battle passes, I can't stand them. Hopefully they don't screw this up.
@StevoStaple Ай бұрын
bruh its over 3 dead games they dont know what makes a good halo. Hire the DOOM devs fuck it
@YnDxCj Ай бұрын
I like the trailer I think it’s cool… as someone who’s had their ear to the ground since the game dropped it kinda does nothing but reinforce how much stuff is in the game and how long it took for us to get here… and the most bittersweet thing is again after all that effort we are winding down support for the game… I say it all the time but it constantly feel like when it comes to halo on if not all then many avenues, either it be 343 Microsoft, the community… halo is just a constant loop of shooting itself in the foot healing and doing it again…just hope the next game is better overall and dosent take forever to get here 🤷🏾‍♂️
@_Mutt_ Ай бұрын
On the topic of the shut downs, my concern isn't the type of games that MS is after, it's the consumers. The industry tried to hook people on gambling, but there was legal backlash and poor optics. Now they just want consumers with credit cards, not necessarily gamers. The canning of Hi-Fi Rush's studio is telling of that. The people that enjoyed and purchased that game are the exact opposite of the crowd that AAA are now going for, and it feels almost exploitative. Some people have poor impulse control, and many of these "whales" are not well-off and spending disposable income; they're just cutting deep into their personal finances without realizing it, and that's the type of people the industry is almost exclusively aiming for. Just my $0.02's (Arbiter)
@kraventhehunter1495 Ай бұрын
Honestly… there aren’t enough game modes that would bring me back to this game. Which really sucks. I think personally this is one of BEST feeling Halos in years, but… all of my brothers (all 5 of us have played since we were kids in combat evolved) NONE of them want to come back to this game. First impressions are everything in this industry, and they made a terrible first impression on my brothers. The sad reality is this game is absolutely boring to play by yourself. Halo was always meant to play with your friends or family. So disappointing.
Yeah the social element is very lacking, I agree it has such a fun sandbox and when it works feels really good.
@Eastra3 Ай бұрын
I just hopped on Infinite a week ago after dropping it for over 2 years. I’m having a blast with the BTB, but I understand that some of the modes are boring when played alone. The heavily objective based modes are only fun if you are playing with and against players who know what they are doing and how to communicate. In terms of the social element, them not having split screen and campaign 4 player co-op from the get go did hurt them a lot. I think the open world campaign was too ambitious, and no one asked for that. Most games that are actually well done open world games don’t have the best multiplayers. It was just too much over-sell and under-delivering. I’m sure that had a lot to do with the cooperate leeches. You can see a trend with OW2 promising an open world campaign, then as soon as they get what they want, telling everyone they are cancelling the campaign. I’m afraid that other games are going to do this too. Lying to their fan base for upfront money, which is why Halo promised everything one could want, but wasn’t realistic. Multiplayer wise, it’s better than most Halos except for H5 and Halo Reach, and you can argue that its in the same class as them, because the forge mode we have now is better than ever. You know, back in the day, in our childhood, online multiplayer wasn’t as dominant as it is today. Back then it was all about LAN parties, split screen, co-op, and custom games. So many games now don’t have any of that, because they lose money that way. Think about it. We talk about how many players the steam chart shows, but if Halo still used the same old formula, less people would own Halo, because their cousin owns it, and they can just go play at his house on split-screen. So we are using double standards when we talk about the old ways, and then talk about how the numbers are down. I’m not saying this to excuse Infinite of their atrocities, but we have to understand that in this age of gaming, our standards are a lot higher than they used to be. We may want a finished product at launch, but you guys realize that if that was the case, Halo Infinite wouldn’t have even been playable for the last 3 years??? I would rather play a beta state game than wait 3 extra years for a game to be finished. Then people talk about the live service model, and we know its a grimy corporate model, but you guys do remember that games that came out in finished states rarely ever had things added, or had balance patches right??? Some of the best games have been live service models. So I do not think Halo Infinite had a rough time due being a Live service game with micro-transactions. I think that the generation that grew up with Halo is older, and back then not everyone could have their own gaming system. Now kids these days all have gaming systems and are growing up with different games. Our fan base how it used to be cannot compare with the numbers of the younger generations. I think Halo simply lost it’s identity trying to pander to the younger generation. I do think that Halo should adapt and evolve to attract the younger generations to some degree, but attempting open world campaign was outside of it’s core identity. The game has finally gotten back around to what a Halo game should be, but it just needs more players. I do however think that saying the game is dead doesn’t help the game gain more players. For two months I considered if I should come back to Halo, and I almost didn’t because of people saying the game was dead, or that anti-cheat caused rampant cheating, micro transactions, etc. I noticed that I played a couple games that used Easy anti-cheat, and they didn’t have major cheating problems, so I looked up multiple arguments on the whole anti-cheat, and found out that both of the anti-cheat programs have strengths and weaknesses, but that Easy anti-cheat is far better at being able to report and ban, which is half the battle with cheaters, and that most games that use it start off bad, but end up banning most cheaters not long after. So I haven’t run into any cheaters the past week, but I haven’t played ranked yet, so we’ll see. Could run into one today for all I know. Anyways bud, try the game out first, then if you aren’t feeling it, don’t play it anymore, but give it a chance. I’m glad I did.
@adri.progression Ай бұрын
​@@Eastra3 well said, and I haven't run into any cheaters since they added Easy. I played earlier this week, but my home internet has been acting up. I didn't grow up with the series, got into it when MCC came to Stam on PC and I've been playing Infinite since the flights on laptop mouse and keyboard. I like to make posts to r / halodripfinite and some of HALO twitter, but I solo queue, I'm the only one of my friend group that plays FPS, much less halo. I talked to my high school age cousin at Mothers' Day get together about HALO Infinite and he said that he's more keen on Valorant and Apex than HALO, plus that the botched launch and lack of modes didn't appeal to him. I like halo, i like Rythaze art on twitter too. Hopefully, things improve. I think Infinite needed to happen the way it did in order to weed out the old guard.
@Eastra3 Ай бұрын
​@@adri.progression Yeah, I understand where your cousin is coming from, because we all felt like that. It's why I dropped the game for two years. I can't speak for Apex, but Valorant has 4 game modes, and 3 of them are just variations of the main mode. Halo has a ton of good objective game modes, which is why I've been enjoying the game, but I do know that at launch, most of it's iconic objective game modes were missing.
@Austism_ Ай бұрын
Gaming in general is fucking cooked. Let's go outside.
@StevoStaple Ай бұрын
agreed its gotten so bad i would rather go for a long run or walk
@peteplaysmusic Ай бұрын
Love your videos, they're always so chill. Very welcome in the sometimes loud and very noisy world of Halo :)
Thank you very much, kind of you to say! I hope your week is going well and your music is awesome!
@fake9340 Ай бұрын
I feel we are at the end of halo infinite also. Maybe a few more tweaks on weapons. And balancing. But no new dev content. Possibly just a few more community maps and match composure..then that's a wrap
@dariusfabian6404 Ай бұрын
Smaller player base than MCC on Steam lmao, deserved.
@kivinrepoio9288 Ай бұрын
But bigger player base on xbox, mcc is not even on the top 40 on xbox and infinite is on the top 20
@dariusfabian6404 Ай бұрын
@@kivinrepoio9288 says a lot about how bad Microsoft have been at releasing games for the Xbox if something like Infinite is in the Top 20, but while it's in the top 20 it's predecessors made by Bungie were always in the top 3-5. Horrid game.
@Pedro_The_Neco Ай бұрын
On Xbox you don't need Xbox live gold to play infinite, but you need it to play MCC. To me, that's a factor, because it is the reason I play infinite over MCC
@ZyradosPlays Ай бұрын
If a difference of like 300 players 😅
@dariusfabian6404 Ай бұрын
@@ZyradosPlays yeah, between a game made not even 3 years ago and some games released in 2010 and older 🤣
@shallot4991 Ай бұрын
When halo 5 multiplayer pc port, I swear to god it’s more fun
@talosgarra1061 Ай бұрын
I hope they don't make anything new for Halo for at least 5-10 years, and maybe in that time, Microsoft somehow loses it's ownership/control over any part of the gaming industry.
@DeftTouch Ай бұрын
Theyre laughing at you with this.
@xboxgamerJ16 Ай бұрын
I have lost all hope for Halo as a franchise at this point. Campaign split screen and DLC canceled, season 4 cutscenes cancelled and leaked, dropping support for MCC, which shouldve meant more development for infinite, etc. Halo keeps going back to being a shadow of its former self. I think im just done and im gonna regularly play MCC to show support for a 2nd revival.
@StevoStaple Ай бұрын
lets revive MCC and show them we want bungie like games
@LessTHEKING001 14 күн бұрын
I haven't played Halo Infinite in months and first match today I tried to do and game crashed in the main menu. Note: I haven't had a game crash in a while and this one crashed first time that I opened, months apart from last time I played. No playable elites, removed coop, no dual wielding like Halo 2.
@BigBladeFan Ай бұрын
I think we all need to start accepting and understand infinite is nearing the end of its life. We need a new game and need to move on from infinite it is not fun, has to s of issues still to this day that are not going to be resolved. Even if they are why should I or anyone care when by the time that happens we are already on a new game.
@koyooko5160 26 күн бұрын
I remember coming into halo infinite with the mindset of "wow, 10 years of content! We're going to get every weapon and every vehicle in the halo series!" And now I havent even touched the game in 2 years
@gambiit08 Ай бұрын
i wanna love halo so bad on PC but infinite fucked up so hard.
@frost_6836 Ай бұрын
I had a good time with Infinite (mostly), but ever since Seasons got scrapped, I've felt very spurned by 343, and my interest in it has tanked. Haven't played it in weeks. I'm curious as to where Halo goes from here, and how long it'll take for the next instalment. I see a lot of people talking up how there's gonna be a surprise 2024 release of the Certain Affinity title, and I just don't buy it. We probably won't be seeing Halo again until 2027 at the earliest, and that's just demoralizing. I've also never understood their marketing strategy with Infinite. Every trailer or post they made was contained to 343's Twitter or KZfaq, and there was never any attempt to try and broaden that reach - for example, I think there was an Xbox Showcase less than a week before Season 4 dropped... And there just wasn't any mention of it. No trailer. No nothing. And now this latest trailer... Why now? Why not make this a year ago? And you made a great point on the Forge maps. These maps are truly so good, and it's nice to see them getting into matchmaking - but I recall 343 saying it takes 6+ months to get them ready to go live to matchmaking. I get needing them to be polished and to run well, but dropping ONE Forge map in the recent operation just isn't the pace it needs to be.
@StevoStaple Ай бұрын
i didnt you got low expectations if you did or you didnt play PEAK Halo 1 to reach at their peaks. If the game launched how it is now I think the game woulda survived
@frost_6836 Ай бұрын
@@StevoStaple I started playing Halo in 2003.
@StevoStaple Ай бұрын
@@frost_6836 yea so u know 343 can do better
@decoyfox Ай бұрын
That trailer really needed a coming to PS5 at the end
@TQuail Ай бұрын
They could make a comeback like battle front 2
@Bytrl Ай бұрын
Halo 3 remastered would break the internet. All they need to change is nothing. Og menus, og service record & xp system (per match + playlist), og 0-50 ranking system, og pre/post game lobbys, fresh population. Id pay anything if it meant this new generation could just experience 07-10 halo. Actual Halo. Even the reach generation just doesn't understand frankly.
@danjjjatest Ай бұрын
Na the PC community will ruin it with their hacks. Halo 3 was peak on the 360 lets just leave it as that.
@StevoStaple Ай бұрын
then no one WOULD play 343 halo lol cus it would be superior
@Act10nJacks0n88 Ай бұрын
i felt like halo infinite was a fun game to play. they just fumbled the ball massively with content. sadly I ended up playing a good bit of destiny when witch queen had launched. still play destiny even though they've had their many bungie issues lol
@StevoStaple Ай бұрын
lets hope final shape is good im losing faith in bungie now as well
@spadschannel999 Ай бұрын
I’m honestly waiting for the match composer so I can constantly play ctf btb lol and please 343 should add a pve solo experience
@StevoStaple Ай бұрын
firefight NO HILL I want in matchmaking
@spadschannel999 Ай бұрын
@@StevoStaple yessss oh my and solo Que it
@StevoStaple Ай бұрын
@@spadschannel999 hell yea i will defs come back if they add classic
@EpicGamer681 Ай бұрын
I honestly hope this isn't really the end for infinite. In spite of its obvious flaws, I still enjoy the game.
@adri.progression Ай бұрын
I have made peace with Halo Infinite going the way it did. Here is my feedback as someone who's played since the flights and didn't grow up with the series. No nostalgia, I got into halo when MCC came to Steam PC. I play on laptop mouse and keyboard. I like: - Fun in short sessions a couple times a week. Once I start getting worked up about SBMM I know I need to hop off and do creative hobbies. - Performed terribly enough to weed out the old guard at 343. Pierre did a lot for MCC, and it seems getting Infinite to an ok. - Made a solid attempt at reaching "seasonality", nice to root for the underdog aka small indie dev 343i - Really cool Forge content, hopefully they get the dev tool out even though I heard it's buggy and hard to work with. I wish: - Forgers were compensated monetarily, like 1500 per 4v4 map, 3000 per BTB/SB map and I mean like arted well, like Infinite Forges level. - "Social" features were available in game, such as maps and file browser of cool screenshots. - Customization UI screen layout improvements. Our Spartans on the right side like the 'Body and AI' with hotspots that the camera zooms in on. Right side is a grid layout of customization items per attribute. E.g. I click on Visor and camera zooms in on right side to the visor preview, left side of screen has the lore/context on the top third of its panel, with vertical scroll of the non-selected visors and their filter options. - Helmet and armor attachments inheriting coating values as well as multi-equip across zones. For example: Mark V Zeta with the faceplate (Visor zone, Mouth Zone) and Cat ears (Top zone). Also, Cavallino with the Fascinator (Right zone) and UA (Brim zone) I wonder: - what they're cooking. New team kinda. - what the heck happened to Infinite's development. We hear snippets from RebsGaming but man I am curious, fly on the wall to find out what caused Infinite to be such a fumble but hey, NDA's am i right? - why we haven't gotten Operator, I mean even like 'Hazop' smaller paywall type beat. Anyways, hope this helped from a newcomer (kinda) to the franchise. I make posts to r / halodripfinite and the r / halomemes, but I'm glad I have a life not like the angry basement dwellers. I choose to move on. Either way, have fun, play HALO 💫💫
@StevoStaple Ай бұрын
3 failed games from 343 i would not bother waiting for next one
@andershagstrom7608 Ай бұрын
If I had a penny for every time I heard "the next Halo needs to drop content-complete"
we're getting too old for this lol
@StevoStaple Ай бұрын
we gotta keep telling them til they realise
@sargeman Ай бұрын
We’re still missing some weapons, vehicles, emblems, etc
@shadowninja1275 Ай бұрын
And I'm tired of these battle passes and microtransactions every time.
@papasmurf2678 Ай бұрын
Showcase is in June. Everyone has said all this because it’s easy content.
@SHDWPN Ай бұрын
Anyone who hasn’t played in a while should play again at least a few modes
@esteban5628 Ай бұрын
Very good reflection, and opinion thank you for posting
thanks for watching!
@RenegadeElite101 Ай бұрын
I played infinite quite a bit when it dropped but have not played it much recently. It’s not a bad game, but I have very limited time to game and the few games that are more interesting to me gets what time I have. If it had all this at launch or in the first 2 seasons I can only imagine how massive it would be
@StevoStaple Ай бұрын
thats the issue Renegade every 343 game has potential and they take too long to get it good over 200k players i believe they messed up not launching feature complete again
@purifiedst0rm Ай бұрын
Halo 7 here we go!!!!!!!!
@Hollowtide Ай бұрын
i think the state of infinite is like the state of florida. take that as you will
@1Ebenezer1 Ай бұрын
@trayscott4945 Ай бұрын
As a Floridian I can confirm
@doublejumpvideogames.... Ай бұрын
Needs more gators
@Eastra3 Ай бұрын
Needs more snow birds
@discoprince9065 Ай бұрын
So, as a person in NY state... all I'm hearing is that the shit still has not hit the fan yet.
@TFconfused Ай бұрын
I've put a lot of hours In Halo Infinite. Just over 500. I've enjoyed most go that time and think from a gameplay standpoint it's the first time 343 have really nailed it. But after everything that 343 and Xbox/Microsoft as a whole has been doing lately I find it really hard to get excited about anything in the future. If the next game is F2P I'll probably just skip it entirely like I did 4 and 5s multiplayer
@StevoStaple Ай бұрын
they did not nail it bro fuck all content after release just like bf 2042
@dewdusmaximus7692 Ай бұрын
I wish I could’ve gotten into Infinite. It just never felt right or fun for me personally. But I guess I’m probably considered an old fart due to my “heyday” being Halo 2’s reign. Oh well. 🤷🏻‍♂️
@PROonTOP13 Ай бұрын
Theres 70+ maps? Literally played the same 8 ish maps and half of them are trash and dreadful lol
@Cpenguiner123 Ай бұрын
BF2042, Battlefront 2, Halo Infinite, BF V. these 4 games lost support when they got things going, this is so unsettlingly weird and irritating.
@StevoStaple Ай бұрын
2042 is crap tho
@tkmattisawesome Ай бұрын
I managed to talk in person with a 343 dev team employee. Halo Infinite is literally a never ending project, and a clue has been given by the multiplayer launching free to play. They might* be developing some kind of spin off (*but he couldn't talk about it, so it's just what my mind captured out of his words), just like odst was, but infinite is the multiplayer platform halo has and will have for probably a long time, he said probably at least 10 years. And he knows the shop is greedy as fuck, but they, the whole team, can't do shit about it. It's all about the company owners demanding such things to be PREMIUM. There are lots of people complaining for the greedy shop, surely the most player base, but many do pay those skins like gold, and that's what they care the most.
@StevoStaple Ай бұрын
the game is so mid
@taylorprimack4140 Ай бұрын
Videogames have been cannibalized by corporate greed. It's very sad. HellDivers 2 is a final stand but it's one of the last. It's pathetic what's been done.
@TOAOM123 12 күн бұрын
Ok, doomer
@_MaxHeadroom_ Ай бұрын
On the bright side, the less they focus on infinite now the better the next game will be
@Woolston94 Ай бұрын
I love Halo, but it's been a rough time since 343 took over. The game feels like it gets close to finally get going again, and 343 shoot their selves in the foot again. It's frustrating. I wish I could go back to Halo 3 days when everyone played :D Unfortunately, people don't care anymore, in mass anyways.
@theoddegg8462 Ай бұрын
Honestly infinite is just a forge mode game at this point. I hate playing online matchmaking and i hate the stupid store and i hate all the broken promises and the strange silence and the backpeddling and the lack of transparency. Its a 10/10 game with 3/10 support. Nuff said, ill be over here playing warframe and helldivers
@Jackoooloop9456 Ай бұрын
I just don't get it. All the tools are there, the spaghetti code is hard to work with, but a lot more figured out. Why not release this trailer and give infinite another 3 years. New weapons, new modes and new vehicles. Unlock more customisation. Use the massive open world to release more Campaign DLC. So much potential. It's like watching a cafe throw away all its good food at the end of the day, not because it's gone bad, but just because they make new stuff tomorrow.
@FuriousGerbil5 Ай бұрын
Deleted 2 weeks ago. Will not download again cause I already know what it’ll be like once u redownload. Play 10 games of btb and replay the same maps half the time. Then get bored so switch to ranked snipers only to realize I gotta wait 20+ minutes just to find a ranked snipers game so then I go to fiesta only to find out it’s boring also. Nobody to talk to or game chat nobody to replay with after it’s over or lobby up. Game only cares about your money and it’s sickening
@UnitedBJJCobourg Ай бұрын
It's a great game.
@brandona9326 Ай бұрын
I stopped gaming daily because of how bad these games have been and I'm genuinely a much happier person. Excited for the Elden Ring DLC though.
@Tailsxcosmo2122 Ай бұрын
It just goes to show that, Halo, even probably when Halo 7 comes out.. The series is just never going to return to how it was and how it was handled since Halo 1-reach... Sure the unreal engine might be cool for Halo 7 but like.. I've been playing Master Chief collection again recently on PC, And everything in almost everything about those games and how that game is. Is what the future of Halo should be, But it's modern gaming era now. It's all about whatever you can do to make the money out of the game not the art anymore... And everyone here is trying to live on hope and copium for it to be like that again but sadly I don't see that
@StevoStaple Ай бұрын
agreed halo bungie was masterpieces esp Reach that last mission was so haunting and i love how it ended where halo 1 began. Why cant we get halo reach customisation, Halo 3's ranking system and ODSTs atmosphere in one halo game
@rmw9420 Ай бұрын
this game hasn't turned around, it's still going in the same garbage direction it's been headed for the past 2 years. 90% of the turn around is just community made content and it shows since the sandbox and over all game play loop are still the same. this game had infinite potential only for it to be pissed away.
@StevoStaple Ай бұрын
agreed agreed agreed if bungie the original bungie was working on this it would be a banger
@StevoStaple Ай бұрын
this game was mad dissappointing its not just nostalgia bungie Halo was 10x better. Still baffles me why they didnt hire Marty to do the music at least that would be great
@OddEyeGuy Ай бұрын
Pretty sure 343 is done with this game
@_lalapop Ай бұрын
season 5 was pretty good. after it they fumbled it as always
@BankingClan Ай бұрын
@okccitizen4400 Ай бұрын
#haloinfinite #halotvseries #josephmorgan #haloinfinite2024
@Blu3Bandit Ай бұрын
Why are people still fucking taking about and reviewing this shit game…
@StevoStaple Ай бұрын
fr wtf
@commanderlouie8921 Ай бұрын
GAME OVER................
@dr.wolfstar1765 Ай бұрын
Xbox is dead It is time for Master chief collection to come to switch and let the series live on their
@StevoStaple Ай бұрын
fuck it put it on ps5 too if more players play MCC i will be happy
@haydentravis3348 Ай бұрын
It's cheap trash that Microsoft doesn't care about, I've add Microsoft Game Studios and all their derivatives like 343i to my boycott list. Way to many indies and genuine game developers out there to waste time on corpo scum like that.
@StickyGeko Ай бұрын
Love Halo but theg screwed up hit detection
@BigWrangler Ай бұрын
Why do i feel like xbox is about to be over entirely. :(
@longinus4617 27 күн бұрын
@BigWrangler 27 күн бұрын
@@longinus4617 hope youre right. I had a ps5 and sold it cos it just wasnt for me
@5hane9ro Ай бұрын
Id argue this is one of the best live service games on the market (I don't even mind that most new content is forge content). So it's a shame it isn't getting the love it needs.
@StevoStaple Ай бұрын
cus 343 took their sweet fucking time finishing it #fire343 and hire someone good like ID
@kwest4204 Ай бұрын
"Funky journey" you are far too kind to 343. They've literally slaughtered our boy and the dismissive aditude to this failure will only insure they continue to parade around the corpse of this once great ip. RIP Halo you deserved better and 343 deserves to be in tangos place. Absolutely pitiful. Love your channel but goddamn bro. I fun for the first few thousand matches but this game is everything wrong with the industry.
@StevoStaple Ай бұрын
agreed and i see u got the original xbox logo so you mustve been playing since around then as well. 343 Halo is pathetic
@jorge8108 Ай бұрын
Sucks how always the good things they manage to do are rightfully overshadowed by the bad decisions they take. 343 effectively turned halo into a niche game series.
@StevoStaple Ай бұрын
we went from halo ODST to this shit
@Eastra3 Ай бұрын
Operations are better than seasons right? You get good armor in less levels, a lot less fluff.
@soniccsdmv3 Ай бұрын
@Itz2Cat Ай бұрын
£60 to remake my reach spartan
@durandol Ай бұрын
I still can't remake mine, no Gungnir shoulders
@ZyradosPlays Ай бұрын
I've played all the Halo games, but none of them as much as Infinite. I really love this game and I'm curious about the future of Halo 😀
@ks_carri3d571 Ай бұрын
Halo infinite has made a come back in my opinion
@KevinKoolx Ай бұрын
Just a rough time because it's too early for 343 to reveal but can't announce shut down of Infinite because there would be nothing for Halo.
@evdoggster Ай бұрын
Nothing is better than what 343 makes. They should stick to the mcc and just take care of actual good halo games as they are not capable of making anything half as good as bungies halo.
@StevoStaple Ай бұрын
@@evdoggster FR 343 halo is like waiting for someone to improve but they keep failing at everything ive tried to like 343 Halo but they arnt doing enough
@opulenthalo Ай бұрын
R.I.P. Halo Infinite, you tried
@user-tz7gj3if4t Ай бұрын
Never did.
@Neo...... Ай бұрын
I really enjoy this game.I'm playing pretty much everyday.And I have put a lot of money into it.I'm hoping for the best
@StevoStaple Ай бұрын
ur part of the problem do not spend money to them
@dylancourville8708 Ай бұрын
If you just play the game and forget the rest of the bullshit it is extremely fun. Just saying…
@Wonser Ай бұрын
I moved to splitgate
@StevoStaple Ай бұрын
which stopped support
@MetroidFREAK21 Ай бұрын
I've kinda just moved on... it was great for a little bit, but it's just not worth going back to
@Cole_Zulkowski Ай бұрын
halo mcc is way way better than this halo game in so many ways so i feel like its a good time for halo infinite to die and halo mcc to hopefully live even longer with hopefully more support to it
@StevoStaple Ай бұрын
if we were in a good timeline MCC would still have more support custom game modes etc more stuff like halo online
@aliensquid Ай бұрын
Bandit Evo is a trash ranked weapon that’s my only problem with Halo Infinite. Pee shooter gun that sounds and shoots like 💩
@cyberbfostar Ай бұрын
Xbox is so bad at advertising their own games. They don't have 1 post about Halo this year on their IG. Not 1 😢
@ReyRey277 Ай бұрын
0:34 this wasnt a turn around. This was them virtue signalling air.
@AsakniGames Ай бұрын
I think what makes halo infinite boring despite the updates is the lack of weapons/vehical variety. Most the weapons in my opinion are just plain boring to use. Im also tired of armors in the shop and maps as updates....
@StevoStaple Ай бұрын
yea no shit like the game needs more vehicles and weapons. Halo finite honestly the whole thing is just a mess. All the old halo fans and new fans were hyped for infinite and they dropped the ball again. Why the fuck is plasma rifle, brute shot not in the game wtf? Spiker as well brutes are literally in the game. Makes me so angry these idiots hold one of the greatest IPs
@sinisterisrandom8537 Ай бұрын
Problem with Infinite is more of the case that after the morons who ran it went poof, it was left to recover from nearly a 12 year/a decade and a quarter of damage. With the first 1 and a quarter years after 2022 being recovery. Only now getting back onto its footsteps. But still no where near ready.
@StevoStaple Ай бұрын
sounds like your coping. Once the bad bosses left they still aint doing shit to improve it faster .... halo is fucked. Xboxs new mascot is COD now RIP Halo 2001 - 2010
@leifparon1561 Ай бұрын
The reason the custom games browser is not used alot is because its awful to use. Its slow and ugly. That + the custom games UI is also garbage...
@ReyRey277 Ай бұрын
It's not being used bc the game is dead.
@Eastra3 Ай бұрын
I would say that there are a lot of games doing way better than Halo on steam, and they have way more expensive micro-transactions.
@Giggles_iJest Ай бұрын
In short: it's eh
@marcosrocha3796 Ай бұрын
Gosh you guys still play infinite? Your part of the problem
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