The Stupidity of EGO Exposed in the GREATEST Spiritual Story Ever Told

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Jason Gregory

Jason Gregory

Күн бұрын

In the modern world, the ego is thought of as an obstacle in a very general sense, with no real depth. Advaita Vedanta, on the other hand, takes us into the deep waters of the unknown and explains that the ego is the source of bondage and suffering, essentially eclipsing true liberation. But why is the ego the source of bondage and suffering? In this episode of The Sacred Word, I will explain an important verse from the Ashtavakra Gita, a text one is ready to assimilate after enlightenment. The Ashtavakra Gita is for those who want to absorb themselves in the presence of the Ultimate Reality after awakening.
Astavakra Samhita Translated by Swami Nityaswarupananda
The Heart of Awareness: A Translation of the Ashtavakra Gita Translated by Thomas Byrom
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@JasonGregoryAuthor 5 ай бұрын
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@MATRICULAT3D 5 ай бұрын
100% of all organic natural Native American Indian people practiced the highest concepts of High vibrational existence in their human meat suit forms. Religion is word. Intentions of heart is something else, when combined with physical action. Wetiko is a word that is virtually unknown but it’s what the (Navajos,Cherokee all tribes etc) called the “caucasian man”, a word used to describe a spiritual sickness that suggests death/evil incarnate, further details go into this spiritual sickness being that of ego. There is so much more to this than meets the eye. This sickness has left some. But this illness fell upon the humanity. As dna 🧬 manipulation has occurred throughout the past ages. The dna 🧬 manages to change itself or do corrections on its own. Hence the Divine Occurs aka Miracles.
@Hermit-lo7bw 5 ай бұрын
The ego is an extremely vulnerable and needy condition that calls for attention. It is not a solid entity but a cry for help as it feels something is missing. This feeling of lack generates the energy that drives people to seek and cling to whatever and whoever promises security, satisfaction or salvation, pleasure, power or profit, fame or fortune. In the constant search for achievement, excitement or entertainment, gold or glory, comfort or control, enlightenment or liberation, they wreak havoc with the world. An authentic teaching offers an invitation to look at life in a new way so we may discover for ourselves the reality of who we appear to be as a person, and what we are in reality. The mask of the person is easily identifiable whenever we notice ourselves trying to escape life as it is or showing resistance to life as it presents itself. This has many faces but are essentially negative mental states like anger or boredom that we can put under the umbrella term of ego-centricity or self-centredness. Clarity regarding what ego is keeps the ego in the back seat of the car rather than at the steering wheel.
@9harihari 3 ай бұрын
@IAMTHATIAM187 5 ай бұрын
My Ego is hilarious!! Now we work together. It tricks me from to time but what do I expect. 😂
@PuppetMasterdaath144 5 ай бұрын
because I have had a real awakening this title was an insta click
@psy-op 5 ай бұрын
What did you awaken to and from. You used the word "I" have you not experienced the realisation of the false I ?
@PuppetMasterdaath144 5 ай бұрын
@@psy-op As they say, there is no realization of the false 'I'; it's merely a dissipation of self-reference, a process that occurs in the default mode network. The constant self-reference is the false 'I,' which has ceased to exist. Even without it, I, as an individual, did not cease to exist; I continued to exist. In this state, one is not bound by the narcissistic grid of 'me vs them' dichotomy. I want to highlight that people who experience real awakenings follow certain protocols of unfoldment due to the deterministic causal nature of reality, including consciousness. One of these protocols involves laughing at the ego. I can't explain in detail, based on memory, the exact mechanism of this interplay, as on paper, it might sound like either a contradiction or that pieces are missing. How can there not be an 'I'? However, I'm not compelled to explain myself. I'm just letting you know that I laughed at my own ego and at the ego as a phenomenon, considering it as a construct with its function and predictable behavior.
@PuppetMasterdaath144 5 ай бұрын
@@psy-op I just wanted to support the video owner who was conveying the truth despite seemingly trash-talking egos. The truth is that the biases related to reasoning make the ego a hilarious thing. But only from the perspective of non-identification. A difficult borderline impossible-to-reach state.
@MonkeyHero 5 ай бұрын
​@@psy-opmaybe dont be a pedant?
@MonkeyHero 5 ай бұрын
​@@PuppetMasterdaath144i hope you dont feel you need to explain yourself to someone who's driving by, questioning your awakening, and asking you to explain your natural phrasing. Youre valid.
@jessicaburali2295 5 ай бұрын
Thank you very much. The hardest thing is knowing you are Brahman, but still struggling with that ego!
@krishnagondhea7428 5 ай бұрын
Ego will be there to some extent. But it’s about lessening it’s impact. A healthy ego is essential to survive. We all have feelings and emotions which need to be dealt appropriately
@jessicaburali2295 5 ай бұрын
@@krishnagondhea7428 thank you
@kindloveduder 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for your time. I’ve always wondered how so many people lack compassion and the basic idea of cooperation and sharing. Kind of like we teach our children. 😊 I am completely in love with life at this point, but man oh man is it a difficult walk staying in society. Glad you made it in my algorithm brother. Appreciate your channel more than I can express. 🤙
@annekelourdes1238 5 ай бұрын
When we are more a beautiful being, than a person, life is so much lighter ❤ shanti shanti shanti
@tobinharris8107 5 ай бұрын
I totally get the “stickiness” you refer to. So true. Thou art that 100%. 👍🕉
@Skiz13435 5 ай бұрын
These videos are always a blessing, a reminder of our true nature which can be so so so easy to forget.
@melissaqualls5774 5 ай бұрын
I was thinking about this topic before I got out of bed... about letting the ego go.. then this video appears..Thank You, 🙏❤💯
@OurKax 5 ай бұрын
same happened to me today got up really early - trying to mediate an iffy business situation that has not necessarily arisen from ego but is definitely fueled by it 🔥 ⛽️
@melissaqualls5774 5 ай бұрын
@@OurKax yes, the ego is something we tend to hold onto.
@krishnagondhea7428 5 ай бұрын
There can be the death of the ego to a certain point. But you can’t escape it all together
@krishnagondhea7428 5 ай бұрын
@@nightcoregirlprinzeugen7234 yes memories get engraved on the soul and then you reincarnate again.
@krishnagondhea7428 5 ай бұрын
@@nightcoregirlprinzeugen7234 every person on this planet reincarnates unless your soul is so evolved that there is no need for you to reincarnate. And you a liberated from the cycle of birth and death. We all have a soul since the point of birth and the that soul carries karma which needs to be worked on or experienced in the lifetime. Therefore no one is soul less. Some a younger souls some are older souls. The younger souls tend to have less incarnations on earth and therefore tend to have tendencies of young souls. For e.g., stealing cheating and such negative traits. The older soul who has been here for many many more lifetimes will have traits of a higher vibration. E.g., inclined towards spirituality, do good deeds for everyone etc.
@jamesstaggs4160 5 ай бұрын
The question that burns in mind, well one of them at least, is that if the ego and the illusion of separation are "negative" or things to be rid of, why did we bring these things into existence then? I think I have an insight into why, although I hope I'm wrong. A long time after realizing "all are one" I tried to picture myself in the position of the singular one without any "creation" or illusions. What I imagined was terrifying. The one doesn't exist in space as it is space itself and therefore cannot move at all, there's nothing outside of itself so there's nowhere to move to. There's no passing of time since time requires movement of at least two differing objects in order to be perceived, so the one has been "frozen" in place for eternity, which doesn't mean a really long Time or now and off into infinity. It's always been this way, there's no "before" and no "after". The next part is the worst. It is utterly alone in a way no human has experienced. Not only is there no other sentient being but it doesn't even have a single object that it can focus on. I think that's the catalyst for creation. I've been thinking this way for a while and a couple of days ago I learned that it's an element of the Lakota creation myth. The original spirit split itself into different parts to cure it's loneliness. Again I hope I'm wrong but it does make me wonder if trying to banish the illusion is the worst thing we can do.
@highlifeproject 5 ай бұрын
The original spirit shouldn't feel anything let alone loneliness. It simply exist and doesn't like quantum science is trying to explain to us. Everything is there and there isn't at the same time. We observe it exist. We don't, we sleep. It doesn't. Stop giving a meaning to things just to try be alive
@MrGilRoland 5 ай бұрын
@@highlifeprojectWhat is the source for your assertion that the spirit feels nothing? It’s the opposite, consciousness is first of all “experiencing” things, even flowers have the feeling of hot/cold light/darkness etc. If there is something we can observe in nature is that everything can feel experiences. When you hit a bell, the “dong” is the reply to that “experience”. How can you tell that the original spirit doesn’t experience things? And what do you mean by original spirit by the way? You are the original spirit, you are it.
@beingstill8 5 ай бұрын
Something in me loves and smiles at your question and thought processes. Thank you for expressing your feelings. ❤ I’ve had an experience twice. Once when I was driving on the interstate 70 miles an hour. Once in the middle of a conversation with someone. The experience was that everything around me started dissolving into white light and my body did also. My last brief thoughts were “everyone is one “ and everything is one “. After that there was only a beautiful bliss of just Being. No thought processing, no feeling of body, no experience of time or place, just being the light of pure love energy. No needs, no wants, no desires, no other awareness of anything else but a oneness of being bliss. Not feeling bliss but being. In that timeless state there can be no loneliness because there are no comparisons. I’ve always had anxiety about the thought of eternity. How boring it must be. But that is only possible when time and awareness is present. It’s hard to imagine because we relate our comparisons to our human experiences but pure being needs no comparison, it’s not even an experience. It just is… I don’t understand how or why this dream/ illusion came about but I do understand that I can transcend this human experience by identifying my Self with Ultimate Reality. 🙏Namaste 🙏 By the way, I drove for miles in the state of Being pure light energy and when I came out of it I was still driving along I’m my lane , going the same speed, with morning rush hour traffic all around me. Nothing changed except my location.
@markrosinski4814 5 ай бұрын
@@MrGilRoland By the original spirit i think he ment the Absolute. Absolute is first and consciousness is second acording to Nisargadatta Maharaj. I quote some of His thouts: 38. By meditating on the knowledge ‘I am’ it gradually settles down at its source and disappears, then you are the Absolute. Your entire focus should be on the knowledge ‘I am’. Constantly, without break, keep meditating on it. When an object remains in focus for a prolonged period there is a good chance it will disappear, that is bound to happen as that is its opposite. From just ‘being’ to ‘non-being’ from ‘I am’ to ‘I am not’, when this happens nothing remains anymore, then you are the Absolute, silent , still, without any movement or experience.
@SarahDale111 5 ай бұрын
The way I see it, Source energy (some call it God) is the vibration of Love, and it "extends" itself (some call that the Son of God), and somewhere, somehow, in that extension of God's Love arose the "I" thought (in the beginning was the Word), and that I thought thought it could be something other than the Oneness of God (Adam falling into a deep sleep, dreaming of separation, other, good and evil, etc.), and thus duality appeared to appear. Seems to me, consciousness arose with thought. Only God is, so why be aware if there is nothing other than One Self to be aware _of_ ? It would be like the ocean being aware of a drop of rain that has fallen into it. It's not possible. And it doesn't make sense to ascribe dualistic thoughts and feelings to boredom and loneliness. It's not possible for a finite human mind to imagine or understand nonduality. Oneness has no awareness of this illusory dream world, and we don't have to get rid of something that isn't even real. We simply (but not easily) have to see through our thoughts and beliefs and Truth will be revealed. Life is but a dream!
@melann420 5 ай бұрын
If one is not ready they will not listen. When ready they will seek and the truth will find you.
@pramilasrinivasansrinivasa3557 5 ай бұрын
Very well explained🙏Thank you🙏 so much🙏🙏🙏 Love and Respect from Bangalore🙏🙏🙏
@eastbrecht 2 ай бұрын
The wise deals with ego through discipline, the enlightened burns it.
@bingo1232 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for the discourse on the Dharma. Always refreshing to encounter clarity!
@TheRiverNC 5 ай бұрын
Thank You Jason. As always I enjoy your videos
@CaptainSanchez 5 ай бұрын
Bravo! Fantastic video on explaining the illusion of ego and lifting the veil to reveal our true nature which us ever present. Thank you! Be blessed Jason and Gayoung
@TheRakrom Ай бұрын
Your words feels like nourishment to a fallen soul.. Thank you for sharing such beautiful verses from the Ashta vakra Geetha .. The explanation came from such a focused yet totally relaxed state. Love your work, God bless ❤
@EliseCantrell 5 ай бұрын
I always appreciate your videos! Thank you for all you do to to keep the inspiration flowing!
@beingstill8 5 ай бұрын
Beautiful ✨ Thank you so much for this flow, this bath of high vibrational energy 🙏 Namaste
@Insanity889 5 ай бұрын
Man your one of the best at describing these things in the simplest terms possible. Half way threw listening i was thinking you should write a book. Then i seen where you did. Il be ordering it next. Keep uo the good work. Finally a book i might be able get my christain friends to read and hear the message they may be missing.
@ShineMedia1 5 ай бұрын
Thank you Jason, you always explain in a very clear way. ❤❤❤
@MusashiHeaz 5 ай бұрын
"Pointing the Staff at the Old Man" 🙏🏻
@m.pearce3273 5 ай бұрын
I'm in great thanks for this another thought provoking video on what I have understood for a good while as my Ego crops up and I immediately politely to leave the way it came In. This works wonders and know I have fuel to add to my discussing this with a few I help along
@kursk124 5 ай бұрын
@merryespinosa4893 5 ай бұрын
Thanks to you every breath I take shows me what I truly am. Present 🎉
@MonikaHeath-in9ex 5 ай бұрын
Learn to seed the waves and be happy. This needs taught in every home everywhere. Learning to flow with music Atman
@bill5742 5 ай бұрын
I am afraid that if i leave my ego people will take advantage of me. It is a defensive survival mechanism, our default system which helped us evolve.
@gandolfthorstefn1780 5 ай бұрын
If there is no me who can they take advantage of. 😊
@catherineszajer9599 5 ай бұрын
Ego literally means "I". Anyone who says you need to lose it is not to be trusted. "I am" ...."Ego sum". We are all individual,sentient beings.Without an Ego you cannot truly know yourself.
@pauloabreu6388 22 күн бұрын
In the end we are divinity.
@universalbeing1289 5 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@martiebresler5453 5 ай бұрын
"Impermanence is the only Truth, nothing is permanent. All is changing, in Every Instant. Therefore, even permanence is impermanent" Neale Donald Walsch CWG 3 page 144 ❤
@Lili-Benovent 5 ай бұрын
The largest barrier all thinkers have to overcome is ego, this must be conquered at an early stage or progressive thinking stops at that barrier, some thinkers have managed to keep part of the ego and progress to a point where they will impress most people, but invariably it will ultimately lead to their downfall. The ego barrier is where most Christians stumble or stop and it allows them to take the easy way out, accept specific dogma and stop the thinking process, no matter how illogical the dogma therefore keeping the ego intact, but if the desire to progress is strong then there are ways to overcome, subdue or even kill the ego which will enhance the thinking process. Most people do not want to tackle the ego problem because quite frankly, they like it, ( I am smarter or better or stronger than others ) and it gives them comfort, if there is thinking involved they can simply refer to their chosen dogma for all the answers and indeed some have studied that dogma to a point where they are experts in most of the texts and their ego remains intact, They will not progress further. The first stage in overcoming the ego barrier is to recognize it and admit that no matter how intelligent you think you are, you are not even in the first class of thinkers and you must change, people who have stopped at the ego barrier will immediately accuse you of being elitist ( therefore submitting to ego ), possessed by demons etc. etc. ignore them, recognize them for what they are, people who cannot cross that first barrier. There are successful ways of subduing, or even destroying the ego and these should be studied on the way to opening up the mind. Education and exploration is essential for thinkers, however most educated people are not thinkers, they have learned but have not challenged what they have learned, just accepted it because they assume that previous thinkers formulated whatever they have learned and it can be taken no further, this misconception is the second barrier. Overcoming ego was very difficult but exploration is easier, assume that the original thinker had reached a further barrier and was comfortable to stop at that point, you must reach that point, recognize the barrier, overcome the barrier and expand the concept to a point where you are satisfied your thoughts have reached a limit, but they haven`t, you must search out other thinkers who have crossed the next barrier, and study their thoughts, Thinkers are not religious and any hint of religion can hamper you, religious scholars are stuck at the ego barrier and have no idea of what is beyond. Their world is limited to Gods and Demons, good and evil and seeking solace with each other, until they drop the ball and chain of religion they cannot move. Applying this train of thought to your chosen discipline, Philosophy, Mathematics, Science, Astronomy etc. will enable you to expand your mind without the hindrance of fear and superstition, which by their very nature limits the thought process and attempts to steer the mind inwards, imagine the gray, backwards world we would have without the great thinkers, Marie Curie, Einstein, Khayyam, Vera Rubin, Nietzsche, Newton, Marx, Turing, Grace Hopper, Leibniz, DA Vinci, Voltaire etc. and what it would be like if we had the likes of Kim Jong Un, Donald Trump and the Vatican to look up to and base our thinking upon.
@johnwhite7320 5 ай бұрын
That was heavy, man. I'll try to understand. Thanks
@drmanishkadaveofficial 5 ай бұрын
@daryljohnson3945 5 ай бұрын
That death he speaks of may be painful.
@KARIS1961 5 ай бұрын
Identify with the equipment. Nice! ❤ this channel.
@andrewdyrda8012 5 ай бұрын
All that is now All that is gone All that’s to come and everything under the sun is in tune but the sun is eclipsed by the moon. Lyrics by a young R Waters. If transposed into the Ashtavraka Gita, the much maligned mOOn would be pretty Maya sheltering the unprepared Jiva-ego from the truth.
@FrancisFurtak 5 ай бұрын
Very good!
@jg3381 5 ай бұрын
Great explanation
@chriss6971 5 ай бұрын
Reading the Christ mind trilogy ATM, similar concepts just different language to describe it. Love how the truth finds a way to everyone in different ways.
@williamkauffman5745 5 ай бұрын
@user-ru1vs7cs9w 5 ай бұрын
@chrisryder1073 5 ай бұрын
Wanting enlightenment is the ego wanting enlightenment, the seeker is the ego, enlightenennt is when the seeker comes to its end but the ego cannot bring about its own ending, meditation begins when the meditator ends, that is why it is said "Do Nothing," and that is why enlightenment is called the grace of God because it happens when one is NOT trying to achieve it.
@ganeshnh 5 ай бұрын
Have to keep windows and doors open
@Insanity889 5 ай бұрын
Very well said! Off i go to meditate now!
@miguelatkinson 5 ай бұрын
@chrisryder1073 if wanting enlightenment is bad then what is the point of pursuing by it's own nature is that not pointless
@chrisryder1073 5 ай бұрын
Yes wanting enlightenment is pointless because wanting is desire, it is the ego that desires enlightenment which it cannot get because enlightenment is the dissolution of egoic consciousness and the ego cannot dissolve itself and that is why it has been said that when someone sticks a pin in your ego you should thank them. @@miguelatkinson
@miguelatkinson 5 ай бұрын
@@chrisryder1073 literally everything we do can be linked back to desire even the desire to do nothing is a desire
@user-gg2zw3mc2l 5 ай бұрын
Simply, the ego is what we think we are (the false self) as opposed to what we are (the true self). The true self is equanimous, impassive, terse in its expression, detached and disinterested. It does not identify with the body and it is our source of Love and all virtue.We are presently unaware of the simple name of the true self.
@marktombazian6490 5 ай бұрын
Ego is not an obstacle. Ego is Ego. Everything is Ego. I am is Ego. God is Ego because Creation is ego based. Of I am. The misconception is that the Ego is, it's a qualification of the I am. The contracted aspect of the expanded I am. You can say I am the ocean....but you will always become the wave...the wave is the qualified aspect of the Oceans Ego of I am. And that is the bottom line...that is truth. So you will return to the ocean but when you are the wave, you are the wave of the ocean. Still of the ocean, still the ocean itself, but for that moment when you become the wave, you are the wave thinks "I am the Ocean"...the wave knows it is the ocean and is completely invested in being the wave. And the wave breaks upon the shore and becomes liberated,, becomes nothing then returns to the ocean....the ego of the ocean. And the wave that was I am the wave becomes I am the ocean. Ego merges into Ego...duh. so says Shivaram Baba.
@bastianbarria1134 5 ай бұрын
@sugarfree1894 5 ай бұрын
About three months after starting daily chanting of the mantra of Green Tara this became clear. I laughed out loud.
@williamburts5495 5 ай бұрын
Aham Brahman ( I am spirit ) that our true identity Ahankara - that is false ego, false ego is grounded in our present circumstances created by our karma lifetime after lifetime
@widipermono854 3 ай бұрын
@krishnagondhea7428 5 ай бұрын
Well because we are here now we can’t escape the ‘I’. It’s impossible to escape the ‘I’ even if you realise this is not permanent
@richardbond4496 5 ай бұрын
The ego doesn tdie as long as you are on the planet and that includes so called enlightened souls one purifies the ego and attains mastery over it identifying with the true identity or ones presence
@petracotes6308 5 ай бұрын
@acetaminophetus 5 ай бұрын
The waves are in the ocean and the ocean is in the waves, and yet there is no ocean or waves.
@samsmells210 5 ай бұрын
Many people also believe there is a pathway to enlightenment. The spiritual ego will also continue to seek. But isn’t both the pathway and enlightenment itself just another thought form of the ego mind ? Enlightenment is just another form of conflict and duality. As it points to a place that I am not, a place to strive towards, a place to be. Once again this takes us away from reality and perpetuates the ego suffering.
@jeffxanders3990 5 ай бұрын
Embrace the ego. Acknowledge your divinity. What do you really want?
@No2AI 5 ай бұрын
To join the upcoming hive , the ego must go …. !
@aaronmittermayr6371 5 ай бұрын
We have to remove the I out of existence? Who should do that? Maybe I? I am still trying, therefore I am. There is no way around I am. If you think you transcended it, you still think, therefore the illusion of I am, which is actually something you experience, is still experienced. I don´t care if it is a illusion or not, it does not make any difference.
@Ozoal 5 ай бұрын
Dear Jason, the more I hear you talk about the Ego, the more i'm convinced that when we inevitably change in life, our Ego dies and gets reincarnated into a new Ego. As soon as you realise you're Ego is just an illusion (or a mere tool to be used for social purpouses), you break the cycle of reincarnation, and become one with the universe. Do you think that is the real hidden meaning of the concept of reincarnation?
@rep.temple 5 ай бұрын
How does one continue to feel ambition for worldly success after having this realization?
@thego-o-dstuff1036 5 ай бұрын
The true Ocean is Infinite space Infinite time Infinite matter Infinite consciousness There is no escape from existence . There is no escape from suffering .
@HPWNorge 5 ай бұрын
What do you think about prison planet theory?
@tobykennedy6791 5 ай бұрын
I’m just curious about the quote at the start it states how we should refrain from accepting or rejecting anything, what exactly does the accepting and rejecting mean, like say no to everything that comes across my path, I LOVE this topic but I suppose maybe because I’m recently new to it, it’s harder to understand, I understand most of it, but at times it’s somewhat difficult maybe that’s just me
@geertmeertens-sk7lv 5 ай бұрын
You are one of the very few that ADMIT they don't understand. The majority will never admit it because that would hurt their ego. So it is not just you for which it is difficult. Before I get to the point, a little detour: in every dream you ever had you identified with the person (ego) and regarded the rest as other/others which can be very frightening. After awakening from any dream you can realize that your personal perspective was wrong and the cause of all your fear: you were the whole dream, ALL of it, so what to fear? Suppose you could dream that dream again with ONE difference only: now you KNOW that you are dreaming. Would there still be an egoic rejecting or grasping (the quote you mentioned)? Now here's my point: what if you make the same mistake in the dream called life and identify with the ego only?
@renesoucy3444 5 ай бұрын
Life wants to live and, ô surprise, we are threatened by meteors and comets. Life built a reasoning chimp that unveiled the dangers of space and Life gave us a purpose to defend the planet. Life always find a way!
@TheEmpressPalpatine 5 ай бұрын
There is a question I have. Since ego is a trap, why does our world even exist? Why did Brahman manifest our world? I was told in the church years ago that God created the world such that we would have free choice, and to have that, there was both good and evil. God wanted us to choose Him of our free will because he did not want us to be robots. That, of course, is a more Judeo-Christian explanation. What is the Hindu explanation for why we have a world with all these choices and preferences? Why does such exist?
@ganeshnh 5 ай бұрын
Yoga Vasistha is an important text here. Read translation vy venkateshananda
@Insanity889 5 ай бұрын
I heard an explanation I liked very much just last night as I too keep asking that and also what could be these lessons people keep saying we are here to learn? The answer was consider ourselves like baby gods and godesses. We can not being given power untill we have learned how to use it for good and not harm others with it. Il find and post the link to the video if anyone reading this wants it. I cant recall her name without going back and looking. But I saved it! It was from an enterview with her. Karen C? She now paints Murrels. It was her NDE experience. And I beleave she is correct on everything she says. And she explains things very well.
@Insanity889 5 ай бұрын
Lol very next video i clicked.. Here's our answer!! Desires alone are the world. Do you therefore renounce them all. The renunciation of desire. Is the renunciation of the world. Now you may live anywhere. (Ashtavakra Gita)
@Absolutely-nothing80 5 ай бұрын
Lets not get stuck with words like atman and Brahman. These are new traps of the mind and new concepts to hold on to.
@darkcylander 5 ай бұрын
At 4:23 you say that people believe that they are permanent. Who thinks that? No one I've ever met, the idea of mortality is pretty universally understood, even by children.
@hertzeauxduclaire7689 5 ай бұрын
Summary: Graded exposure to a less self centered perspective, with the incentive of becoming something greater. Seems like an attempt at helping a very large number of narcissistic people to begin self therapy. "When you have sufficient understanding of paradoxes, you realise cogito ergo sum may be false." - Rene Descartes 😮
@2biicoachingformndkarlotto317 5 ай бұрын
Isn't it impossible to understand this with your mind ?
@meera-mairui 5 ай бұрын
@Hermit-lo7bw 5 ай бұрын
The mind which is based on and bound by time cannot understand that which is timeless and undifferentiated. The limited cannot know the unlimited. What we are in reality is not an object in time and space. On the contrary, objects in space and events in time happen within the space of non-dual awareness, which is just one way of labeling the Unborn Absolute or Source that we are. Therefore, the mind can understand and gain clarity through an intellectual investigation that may give the seeker the confidence and courage to persevere in exploring their true identity but it cannot reach that which cannot be defined. This is where the difficulty lies with many seekers; they expect and sometimes demand that what applies to the conventional reality of things should also apply to the ultimate reality of no-thing in which everything appears. They end up confused and frustrated when the answers to their questions do not satisfy their minds as the language of truth is paradoxical. We can talk about qualities and characteristics that may point towards our natural state so our view is clear regarding our self as a person and our true self which is impersonal but this takes us to the brink of revelation only.
@kis4778 5 ай бұрын
Yes, I found my true nature many times but took myself away from it by following the mind, the ego is so very limited in its tunnel vision, the mind can not even know any of this, start living with your heart instead
@melvynasplett3399 5 ай бұрын
Could it be our guides, angels,spirit helpers and spirit hindered are also obstacles to overcome before we reach the real truthfulness of this vast cosmos
@SL3315 5 ай бұрын
Move from some-thing-ness into a state of nothingness.
@gireeshneroth7127 3 ай бұрын
You are consciousness ignorantbeing, mindbeing differbeing,, egobeing and worldbeing itself. Exclusively a consciousness activity. It takes consciousness to beat its egobeing.
@jlo1195 5 ай бұрын
WoW...I just got an ad about TINNIEASE and they used a clip of Keanu Reeves talking on a nite show dubbed by an AI to speak for him HAHAHHA you can see the AI mouth pixelate..WTF
@MATRICULAT3D 5 ай бұрын
100% of all organic natural Native American Indian people practiced the highest concepts of High vibrational existence in their human meat suit forms. Religion is word. Intentions of heart is something else, when combined with physical action. Wetiko is a word that is virtually unknown but it’s what the (Navajos,Cherokee all tribes etc) called the “caucasian man”, a word used to describe a spiritual sickness that suggests death/evil incarnate, further details go into this spiritual sickness being that of ego. There is so much more to this than meets the eye. This sickness has left some. But this illness fell upon the humanity. As dna 🧬 manipulation has occurred throughout the past ages. The dna 🧬 manages to change itself or do corrections on its own. Hence the Divine Occurs aka Miracles.
@AndyHead 5 ай бұрын
What about - "I am"?
@nickturner4150 5 ай бұрын
Mu. 😊
@sharon_rose724 5 ай бұрын
Isn't calling ego "stupid" a judgement of the ego?
@gonzothegreat1317 5 ай бұрын
Why differentiate between Atman and Brahman? What is different between them? Honest question.
@andrewdyrda8012 5 ай бұрын
The wave vs the Ocean. The wave is localised in time and space and so has a transient nature. The Ocean is all and unchanging.
@Quranavirus786 5 ай бұрын
Brahman like ocean and Atman like drop of water from the ocean.
@gonzothegreat1317 5 ай бұрын
@@Quranavirus786 When the drop of water evaporates, where are you?
@1invag 5 ай бұрын
Pharoe let my people gOoOoOoOo. *Waggles crooked stick* 😂
@2010RSHACKS 5 ай бұрын
@abcabc9893 5 ай бұрын
Without an ago you're psychotic.....ego means "I"..... misinterpreting ancient texts by naive people is the problem.
@garyroberts5452 5 ай бұрын
I am confused, if there is no self who are you talking too and why? This seems paradoxical to me, who is the "I" that lets go of the ego self, if there is no "I"? You seem to be addressing this to someone then you say there is no one, so why bother? Seriously, how can a non player character do anything including letting go of itself? It would seem to me the higher self has to drop the ego self because it doesn't seem possible for the ego self to drop itself. And why would it, that would be like suicide would it not? Would the ego self voluntarily dissolve, it seems to me it would fight for its existence. I guess I am trying to ask you how the ego gets out of its own way? By trying to do anything including seeking liberation (getting out of its own way) isn't that the ego getting in its own way? It seems like a catch 22 to me, anything the ego self does strengthens the ego self including trying to find liberation from itself. Wouldn't you have to already be operating as the higher self to even be able to drop the lower self, if it can't drop itself? It might sound like I am trying to be adversarial but I am really struggling with this concept. How can the ego self be trapping the true self if there is no ego self? Would it not be that the higher self must realize there is no ego self, and drop the illusion of it? You kept saying "you are not the ego self" but so who is the "you" then (that you are addressing) that is going to drop the ego self? I just don't get how something that doesn't exist can do anything, and why address it as if it can?
@SketiSquad 5 ай бұрын
The greatest story ever told? Sure you’re referring to the Mahabharata
@brianpan6453 5 ай бұрын
I've been studying metaphysics and spirituality for decades. You are just spouting theories with absolutely no factual evidence / backing. Tell me why I should believe you and not the YTuber saying Satan is the real God and this is why you should believe me. Because Arma-Li-Tsan says so.
@Shell-_-Abraham 5 ай бұрын
Experience over written theories. Once you experience this egoless state, all your doubts would vanish.
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