The Unknown First Impressions Are A Little Mixed - Dead by Daylight

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Scott Jund

Scott Jund

5 ай бұрын

/ scottjund

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@ThaMango1 5 ай бұрын
the goop shooting really just feels like it was an early idea for singularity's power and got crammed onto this killer lol
@Stinkdinky 5 ай бұрын
I remember interviews where they say scrapped idea they don’t like discussing cuz they get used in future ideas and projects I believe so yeah it might be
@Vgomes-go6ht 5 ай бұрын
@@Stinkdinkyyou’re correct, the devs said that they’ll come up with powers and perks for a killer and then they’ll make the art, design etc for it.
@Gragel_Fragel 5 ай бұрын
You know what’s the weirder part. The power actually suits singularity more as well like his arm that shoots his cameras looks like a grenade launcher
@shaunmitchell1225 5 ай бұрын
Think it suits Dredge tbh.
@lazypayday4476 5 ай бұрын
@@shaunmitchell1225 Nah not really, dredge's power fits him perfectly so I doubt they scrapped the idea from him and used it later.
@Pyrax-Tunneled-You 5 ай бұрын
Cant believe they made scott a killer
@ScottJund 5 ай бұрын
its true im 6'4" and jacked
@Pyrax-Tunneled-You 5 ай бұрын
@@ScottJund and you have a great chiropractor
@simplyerayn6278 5 ай бұрын
​@@ScottJund Scott, you got your numbers reversed.
@exxon101 5 ай бұрын
Uncalled for
@wsmith7918 5 ай бұрын
Hes not wrong, one time i saw mr jund on the street and he fired a purple grenade launcher at me, chopped me up with an axe, and then teleported away
@darksungwynevere8726 5 ай бұрын
yeah, I was kinda expecting him to be more stealth and confusion, less ranged attacks
@RandomName12345 5 ай бұрын
Yep he’s power feel like it belongs to another killer
@Thestrange14928 5 ай бұрын
⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠@@Tbot_2yeah if he was reskinned to be some sort of crazy soldier, like the crazy cowboy Deathslinger, that would be awesome. But nope we got a creepy jumpscare killer with a slime ball launcher.
@cadanb3610 5 ай бұрын
Instead of a projectile ability, this killer should've had a sort of scurry ability that acted as a rush. Something that recreated the lobby animation for this killer.
@RandomName12345 5 ай бұрын
@@Tbot_2 tbf I would very much prefer if this killer could have a crawl mechanic where he goes to the size he’s in in the mori and move super fast and possibly even climb certain walls but can’t attack or something Current this killer just feels like an awkward ranged nemesis
@saihiko9967 5 ай бұрын
@silentwraith2931 maybe not wall crawl but wall hugs with the right or left side of its body thus looping tighter than other killers, or just a crawler mode that's undetectable and a scream causing fear to survivors, maybe even making it so survivors sometimes will see a random survivor turn into the killer and back, as an illusion of fear, Honestly imagine if doctor illusions spawned out of a survivors line of slight and runs at them to try and swing before disappearing
@ajburlap2601 5 ай бұрын
New Scott Jund first impressions video, finally I get to find out what my opinions are.
@dumblenutz5561 5 ай бұрын
this hit different when scott's comment section is literally the only place i've seen people be negative towards unknown at
@ScottJund 5 ай бұрын
@@dumblenutz5561really? everyone i've spoken to streamerwise thinks he has some good potential but its a little underwhelming design wise atm
@dumblenutz5561 5 ай бұрын
@@ScottJund Yeah, really. Maybe i've just gotten lucky but in other places i've generally seen good reception so when i checked out your recent videos on unknown and saw everyone being generally dissapointed and negative i was surprised. No hate or anything, it's just kinda jarring. I personally find him good, his power is strong and takes some skill to use and he has a cool visual design. I'd argue the "his themes are clashing" argument i've seen is not right since his entire gimmick is he's this unknown, undescribable creature, that's why you can't fathom what he's supposed to be or why his theme can't be properly defined.
@zenkrome 5 ай бұрын
​@@dumblenutz5561ive seen almost nothing but complaints about his power. Its all over the subreddit. People seem to he pretty happy with everything else tho.
@dumblenutz5561 5 ай бұрын
@@zenkrome Dunno what's to complain about since he has mobility, chase power and skill expression i've hit some pretty sick snipes with his spit, there's definetly skillshots
@eleanorgreywolfe5142 5 ай бұрын
There is actually a lore explanation for why it doesn't make sense. The killers bio basically boils down to the fact that it is a urban legend made manifest. Anything people believe it is, it will become that thing. Some people believed it was an axe murderer so it has an axe, some believed it was a body snatcher that stole the voices of it's victims, some believed it was an alien and some believed it was a military bioweapon. It is all those things at once. It's kinda like Dreadge, Dreadge is a manifestation of dark thoughts, The Unknown is an urban legend made manifest.
@Optionalize 5 ай бұрын
Good comment.
@VeryGoodPlayer-dy6ut 5 ай бұрын
My main problem is that they don't mention this uvx in the lore in any way. Also it's interesting how in some theories he was a part of a government project very similair to doctors and both have halucinations...
@skyretiredtimetraveler2061 5 ай бұрын
Writing lore around a not so great design choice doesn't excuse the design.
@darkroads2591 5 ай бұрын
A much better way to do this thematically would be for him to have several different powers and the admins enabling or disabling certain powers. Would make it really cool to be like oh which unknown is it this game.
@Optionalize 5 ай бұрын
Lores have always been hit or miss. Spirit is great for example. Singularity is just "robot went bad". For how many killers/powers, I give them more credit for this.
@dibanhiaguirre3 5 ай бұрын
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks he could've had a scarier power like the trailer showed with the crawling.
@GorbombZombay 5 ай бұрын
I just wish he could go into a crawler mode for like a one percent speed increase/keep him from being revealed or something other wise as a Myers/chucky licensed killer main might be spending a lotta of BPs on this fugly critter 😂 I like singularity but it’s more exhausting as him at times hope this guy isn’t as bad looks fun tho can’t wait to try it out!
@dibanhiaguirre3 5 ай бұрын
@GorbombZombay yeah it's not like they can't handle a crawling killer We already have chucky! They could balance it out like they did with him, and he isn't as stressful to play as singularity so don't worry lmao. Hope you have fun with him 👍!!
@poomslayer2571 5 ай бұрын
should have been a skinwalker like killer, that would have been awesome
@dibanhiaguirre3 5 ай бұрын
@poomslayer2571 preach it brother 🙌! I 100 percent agree such wasted potential...
@jasonsummerfield4505 5 ай бұрын
your thoughts about his power were exactly mine when I first saw it. His artistic design implies an unnatural creepypasta killer that instills a primal sense of fear through its movements and ability to mimic speech. I was hoping for a power designed around that. What we got was goop grenade launcher...
@toast7304 5 ай бұрын
Actually such a disappointing chapter, I really love his design just because of how uncanny he is, but his power is peak laziness
@vin8754 5 ай бұрын
This community is unbearable. You all know full well that they will NEVER be able to put a killer like that into the game because of SWF/Discord calls. A mimicking killer would exclusively stomp solo q players even harder than they do against the current cast and be completely useless against SWF
@jasonsummerfield4505 5 ай бұрын
@@vin8754 I never said the killer had to have a mimicking power in the way YOU are describing. In fact, all I wanted was the killer to have a power thematic to the design that behavior advertised. Creepy unnatural movements and paranoia through voice lines that sound distorted, but with actually gameplay impact even if minor. But sure, jump to conclusions for no reason instead of actually engaging in discussion.
@tfcbioshock 5 ай бұрын
​@@jasonsummerfield4505that's exactly what you got. unnatural movements and unsettling voice lines. Always keep your expectations low with stuff like this otherwise you'll always be left dissapointed in a comment section hoping for what could have been.
@jasonsummerfield4505 5 ай бұрын
@@tfcbioshock While yes we did get some of that, I just explained I wanted them to have gameplay impact past simply artistic design. I also don’t think that was too much to ask. I wasn’t outlining an entire killer power for exactly what it should look like, but even from the trailer the power matches nothing about what was implied with the killer.
@Runelow_ 5 ай бұрын
I could maybe forgive it's thematical confusion if it had a crawl mode like Ghostface's crouch. This way it'd add to the scare factor, be loyal to the teaser, and be synergistic with the power and trying to not be "stared down" by crawling behind obstacles. The fact that its not really a scary power and it cant crawl is so confusing to me and it is a little disappointing. The power does otherwise look fun though.
@Mazerwolf 5 ай бұрын
What is the dbd community’s obsession with a crawling killer when we already have Xeno, its one of the most brought up things i’ve ever seen, even when Sadako was revealed people were asking about her having a crawling power
@toast7304 5 ай бұрын
@@Mazerwolfprobably because this killer and xeno were shown to crawl? Xeno actually does crawl so it’s accurate but this has been one of the most misleading chapters ever, in all the promotion it was shown to crawl and rip things to shreds, instead we got a scary killer with the worst power ever, not scale wise but thematically
@vin8754 5 ай бұрын
​@@toast7304worst power ever? Lmao this community is fucking delusional, in what world is an instantaneous teleport as well as a ranged projectile that damages survivors the worst power in the game?
@mnotsam6432 5 ай бұрын
@@vin8754 he did say thematically, a teleport + M70 grenade launcher strike is really good but when the promotion for this thing shows freakish crawling and mimicry in voices its a poorly themed for its power to be essentially a grenade, but I do somewhat appreciate the teleport. I think you misread toast's comment
@professoremil 5 ай бұрын
@@mnotsam6432 Yeah it’s kind of baffling because literally the only time it crawls in gameplay is the mori - which technically isn’t even gameplay, it’s a short cutscene. Edit: Also forgot to mention the lobby animation, but-…that’s literally a fucking lobby animation. It’s cool, but no one actually cares about that lmao.
@lux4011 5 ай бұрын
I think it’s because everyone was hoping for a killer with a power that kinda resembled the fear from the trailer and the fact he looks more goofy than scary.
@dibanhiaguirre3 5 ай бұрын
Yes like why did they gave him goofy ahh clothes and goofy ahh hair 😂
@nerk1807 5 ай бұрын
It's scary how goofy it looks
@its_o9ine613 5 ай бұрын
Peter griffin ahh fit
@nailwind 5 ай бұрын
It's so goofy that it's unsettling so I don't mind it
@WinstonOfDojima 5 ай бұрын
Can’t wait until your next DBD break starting June 21st for no reason in particular!
@IsmaelTrevinoJr 5 ай бұрын
I think you are right and I’m willing to bet $40 on it! 😅
@Onlynundog 5 ай бұрын
Why tho
@Windowlicker545 5 ай бұрын
@@OnlynundogElden ring
@buckmills4159 5 ай бұрын
Dude his power not matching his theme drove me nuts immediately too. Thank you for mentioning it. I feel like it’s a miss.
@somekinnn 5 ай бұрын
His theme is supposed to be that he's an amalgamation of what people think he is. Lorewise, there's so many different theories for what he is, and it seems like he specifically takes after what people think he is, so his power is meant to reflect a mixture of the 'government bioweapon' idea in his lore and the 'bizarre visions' idea in his lore, whilst his design is meant to take after the 'mimic' idea and the axe after the 'serial killer' idea. Whether you like that or not is up to you, but I do think it makes sense and I think it's a really neat concept personally.
@toast7304 5 ай бұрын
@@somekinnnit doesn’t fit his theme at all. If in the teasers and that scary as fuck video of his breaking into the tent, it showed him using a goop or whatever to kill his victims, then it would fit, but everything showed a scary killer that crawled and ate survivors alive and stole their voice. Which is semi accurate to what we got, but its power is nothing like shown, and it’s not even mentioned in the lore that it’s used. It’s just a very boring power because it’s just another range killer with a teleport power.
@sansgamingwastaken 5 ай бұрын
@@somekinnn I think it's less that it clashes with its lore now that we can read about it and more that it clashes with the vibe every single trailer and promotional teaser gave people. The way it was spoken about and portrayed gave it the feel of an Until Dawn Wendigo-esque creature that eerily scampered around and mimicked the people around it. None of that is present in its killer power.
@buckmills4159 5 ай бұрын
@@somekinnn his theme is supposed to be penis blob grenade launcher because of imagined bioweapons? Lol. I don’t know about you but when I saw the impossibly bent horrific form of The Unknown and then saw the sweet skittering along the ground animation in the trailer I was super excited. I thought this might be a fun jump scare killer utilizing awkward movement to hide in loops and jump out at you. Not dong noob tube lol. But if dong noob tube is what appeals to you…who am I to kink shame you.
@somekinnn 5 ай бұрын
I mean I'm not saying I think the noob tube is awesome, I'm just saying that I think the idea of a monster that bases itself around what people fear may exist is way more interesting to me than just a mimic, and as long as the noob tube is balanced and fun gameplay wise, I think that's what matters most. Although TBH I think I do have a bit of bias in that I was out of the community before the release so I never even knew about the teasers until afterwards,@@buckmills4159
@milkjugs4771 5 ай бұрын
your cat playing with his tail around 3:00 lol so cute
@Veekron 5 ай бұрын
Excellent attention to details, I didn't even notice there was a cat
@Ritsu362 5 ай бұрын
I love how much of a silly goober cats can be
@tktxlegend4540 5 ай бұрын
I did some thinking and realized that Chucky's power would have been a perfect fit for this character. A normal killer when not in power, but when activating stealth, he drops down into a crawler mode, gains undetectable, and has a long lunge. On top of that, he could crawl over pallets in stealth mode, and survivors would hear non-directional distorted voices of the killers past victims (as a replacement for the random glowing footsteps that Chucky's power has). Chucky's power fits this killer so well thematically based on the teasters and trailers. I almost wish Chucky wasn't in the game because if this killer had Chucky's power, it would have been a way better Chapter.
@exxon101 5 ай бұрын
I can't get over how bad the dissonance is between this fleshy corpse dude and his bouncy grenade Even the name "UVX" sounds like it belongs on a military robot, not a gross sloppy boy
@somekinnn 5 ай бұрын
His theme is supposed to be that he's an amalgamation of what people think he is. Lorewise, there's so many different theories for what he is, and it seems like he specifically takes after what people think he is, so his power is meant to reflect a mixture of the 'government bioweapon' idea in his lore and the 'bizarre visions' idea in his lore, whilst his design is meant to take after the 'mimic' idea and the axe after the 'serial killer' idea. Whether you like that or not is up to you, but I do think it makes sense and I think it's a really neat concept personally.
@exxon101 5 ай бұрын
@@somekinnn I meant to read his lore but I haven't turned the game on in like eight months (skull merchant and knight back to back broke me. I played maybe 50 games of singularity but it ultimately wasn't enough to hold my interest by itself) "You could read the lore on the wiki" Yeah but then I'd be the kind of guy who goes to wikis looking for lore
@fpsshotty7445 5 ай бұрын
I wish the kit and the appearance were two different killers. So hyped watching the trailers and was hoping for more of a horror based killer with mimics, crawling chase, etc but got... grenade....axe... thing Edit: Ball launcher penis thing is not a sentence i thought id hear in the video
@adamj6864 5 ай бұрын
I don’t mind that they gave this power to this killer, especially the hallucination stuff, but a grenade launcher style ability should’ve definitely been saved for a soldier killer. If they just implemented the crawling into his gameplay there would be no complaints about him IMO.
@somekinnn 5 ай бұрын
His theme is supposed to be that he's an amalgamation of what people think he is. Lorewise, there's so many different theories for what he is, and it seems like he specifically takes after what people think he is, so his power is meant to reflect a mixture of the 'government bioweapon' idea in his lore and the 'bizarre visions' idea in his lore, whilst his design is meant to take after the 'mimic' idea and the axe after the 'serial killer' idea. Whether you like that or not is up to you, but I do think it makes sense and I think it's a really neat concept personally.
@toast7304 5 ай бұрын
@@adamj6864this, there is no hate towards this chapter for anything else, everyone loves the design and his theme, but everyone hates his power because it was misleading like the legion, dbd needs to step it up in the gameplay department.
@IcedPTO 5 ай бұрын
The trailers were great. They really nailed the found-footage/analogue horror aspect. Then the killer is just twisted man with axe throwing goop and you still chase people around wood for 15 minutes.
@michaelurmo7984 5 ай бұрын
The unknown stole the singularity's meat cannon and made it lethal
@StreamusTime 5 ай бұрын
This fucking comment with no context sounds so BAD ☠️
@Too-Be-Decided 5 ай бұрын
yeah my biggest problem is what we got doesn't feel at all what they teased. it's the Legion problem all over again. I was expecting a Trevor Henderson 'horror in the background' sort of thing, we got something out of Toxic Avenger
@vectormanforever 5 ай бұрын
Take Chucky's entire kit... Give it to Unknown. Now give Chucky a fucking grenade launcher. Everyone is happy~
@grenadier4702 5 ай бұрын
"His power doesn't match what he really is" - EXACTLY! I was thinking for a while what confuses me about this killer and actually it is just this simple thing as a power mismatch I thought he would have the abillity to crawl.
@Trident_Gaming03 5 ай бұрын
I'd say he's pretty great. His design is great, and although he has anti-loop, it actually takes skill and is able to be played around. That said, there are a few things that need a QoL change and a few buffs as well: His map traversal, while pretty balanced, could use some work. Not having an exact gauge for when a hallucination spawns is kind of annoying, although it's not that bad since the goo on the sides of the screen goes up pretty consistently. That being said, for a means of traversal, and based on his teasers, I feel they need something more. They should take more than a few seconds to get rid of (maybe 12 like Demo's portals) and 4 should not be the limit for how many can be on the map. His entire point is that he's always watching and attacks those who come too close, make it so if you're in the aura radius of an hallucination, you become oblivious, no killer instinct needed, just oblivious. As for his main power, buffing how long it stays on survivors and how big its AoE is could very quickly become an issue and make him too much like Knight or Skull Merchant. I also find that the logic of the goo bouncing is very inconsistent. If the goo ball hits anything other than the ground, it should bounce off. Also, if you hit a survivor directly with the goo ball, they should become weakened. That way, precise shots are rewarded, while still needing to hit them with a second goo ball. Other than those small QoL changes, I'm so glad the devs knocked it out of the park this time. The perks are interesting, the killer looks unique as always, and the map is actually good. I will say I'm a little disappointed, since the teasers got me excited for a high-movement speed stealth killer and/or mimic ability, but it's not fair to say I'm disappointed, since what we got is so great.
@thegrayghoul4638 5 ай бұрын
I completely agree that yeah I fully expected the crawling to be a part of the power, we were shown 2 separate teasers that showed such and I really thought they were trying to imply that it would be a part of the power, I was really confused when it had no crawling whatsoever with its power. I loved the marketing for this chapter but looking back now I feel it was kinda misleading tbh in terms of what it led us to believe about the killer in game.
@Helperishere 5 ай бұрын
My thoughts on the killer. The Power: its been done before. Infection mechanic on a timer. They made Doctor hallucinations have Hag traps at their feet pretty much. The projectile makes 0 sense with what they showed the killer to be. The videos show a crawling killer with fast speeds that lures people into the woods to kill them. None of that is present in his power. The Weapon: Its a fire axe. It's weird and doesn't fit the killers vibe but it's kind of passing. The Design: amazing. Top tier. Best looking killer in my eyes. So in short they tend to do this thing where they hype the audience up by hinting at a new killer like no other just to drop the ball with its end result. Teasing us 100 but giving us 70. They also just redo powers from other killers but do mashups to hide that the fact they can't think of anything different to add. Great killer design but dropped the ball with the power pretty hard.
@griffithsenvy4259 5 ай бұрын
Absolutely this, but this stupid community will eat whatever garbage they come up with instead of being honest because this is a flop. No matter how they want to spin it as I see in the comments.. “ the power is actually fun “ no. It actually isn’t. It’s stupid and jank and it’s not at all what anyone was hyped about. Very good take here.
@Helperishere 5 ай бұрын
@@griffithsenvy4259 They act like arching and ricochetting is new. Its not a good power. It's just a new plaything to hype over for a few weeks and then instantly drop. It's like this every update sadly. They fall for their lack luster gameplay designs and development. It's the Pokemon of asymmetrical horror games. They feel rushed and unituitive. Half assed. They don't have any competition so they don't see the need to better their product. You can tell this isn't a passion project by any means.
@griffithsenvy4259 5 ай бұрын
@@Helperishere omg lol you’re cooking, it’s EVERY other update with them and it’s sickening. It’s not for the lack of money either, clearly the licensing and in game transactions is paying off swell but I guess if all it takes to win over todays gamers are Iron Maiden cross overs and the idea a “ better license “ to speculate on will save the game in the future.. why not abuse the same consumer loop. It’s clear behavior have found the ultimate strategy to maintain attention on this game and with the pandering these people do on their behalf I see it stopping no time soon. IF ALIEN couldn’t retain people’s attention for more than 2 weeks I see no reason goop man will not be casted aside into the bin of forgotten original killers. New powers? Hard no. Rehashed trash original killer powers while we clickbait, bait and switch until we reveal another license.. absolute firm yes.
@poissonsumac7922 4 ай бұрын
​@hunterishere14523 You MIGHT have been able to make arching and ricocheting new, but when the power simply explodes on the ground anyways the only logical option is to just straight shot it at the survivors' feet. The ball also doesn't move fast enough to make any round the corner shots unlike Trickster's knives. It feels distinctly plastered on to give the IMPRESSION they were being creative when they absolutely didn't give two craps about creative gameplay mechanics.
@Helperishere 4 ай бұрын
@@poissonsumac7922 exactly. Spot on. It's nothing new. People just eat their ass when they release new content. Not bc the content is good but bc they are just happy to be receiving something and are use to the content being so bottom of the barrel. They took a great step in making the killers design amazing and the teasers but dropped the ball EVERYWHERE else
@killmaim4 5 ай бұрын
this killer is visually amazing!! i also do enjoy the power, but it does feel strange that it got a ranged attack. Things like the hallucinations and mechanic where you have to look at it make sense and are super cool, but if you showed me the teasers and asked what I'd think it'd have, a ranged attack is probably the last thing I would've expected (it makes more sense with the lore but isn't what I expected gameplay-wise). I was expecting a more experimental power, especially with this killer's design, but I'm still happy with what we got even if they could've done something more inventive.
@thatonetaffers 5 ай бұрын
Best way i found to use the projectile thing is to just do lob shots. relying on the bounce mechanic most of the time would just get the goop bouncing either in the opposite direction or back at me. The teleport feature is the best part of the kit tough, ngl. And on the hindered thing, kinda fells like nemesis tentacle, where it says it hinders, but if such a short frame the game don't even care? besides, by the time you leave the power use animation, the effect is over and is like nothing happened anyway.
@wisdomwielder 5 ай бұрын
Happy for the people who like Grenade Launcher Man, but I'm kinda disappointed with his power. I was hoping for a creepy stealth mobility killer. I don't really like the janky projectile thing going on here. Oh well 😔
@doug2555 5 ай бұрын
Couldnt have said it better.
@budrowconye4928 5 ай бұрын
Crazy they thought bring back ghostface reveal mechanics, one of the worst designed things in the game, back. I like that they wanted to be different with counterplay but make it something interesting that actually inconveniences the survivors. If you are weakened maybe you should have to look away from the killer to remove the effect, with the trade off being looping is much harder with the limited info you have while getting rid of it. (obviously apply this to chase only or like a 16m range so the potential for cross maps still remain)
@Aki...544 5 ай бұрын
At least this is much better executed than Ghostface. You just need to have it on your screen. This is honestly good to teach people to look back in chase, plus it helps the killer maintain pressure since the only way to get rid of weakened is to look at it
@verygayowl4199 5 ай бұрын
I think the reason they want you to look at it is to tie in the theme of "Facing the Unknown", but I think there's still a way to incorporate that idea as well. Just make completely removing the weakness apply Hindered, so survivor have to decide whether they're better off looking at it and making his ability to m1 better, or avoid looking and make themselves vulnerable to the grenade shots.
@emperorweskatine8999 5 ай бұрын
They gave us another Sci Fi killer, but with an SCP skin and lore slapped on top. Amazing direction.
@buckmills4159 5 ай бұрын
I really wish his power was the flat skitter ability. Like a charge that has no red stain or terror radius but that plays a map wide sound so ppl know the power is in use. Maybe also give the killer an ability to see the heart beats like killer instinct during this power. Make it have zero collision with a super high turn radius during the power with a short range attack and a medium to long animation recovery and like a 15-20 second cd on the power. Making it high risk high reward and moderate skill controlling, but making it super hard to see in low wall loops to make mind games fun. Also make calm spirit counter killer instinct and screams on a token system like discordance. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
@cheenyo151 5 ай бұрын
This just sounds like chucky to me
@buckmills4159 5 ай бұрын
@@cheenyo151 the high maneuverability, lack of collision, lack of stain, killer instinct, no lunge from power would be the huge difference. Like the animation of the trailer skittering flat and using arms and legs half running along bottoms of walls would make it different. Honestly I’d be open to other ideas…just know I feel the current power was in no way indicated by previews, feels sloppy, and just seemed to miss what I imagined.
@doug2555 5 ай бұрын
I mean hey anything is better than what we got. Tbh this killer design screamed something new and inventive but they completely tossed the opportunity and instead we get another lame power.@@buckmills4159
@rabbidguarddog 5 ай бұрын
I heard the same issues the Unknown has with their power(how it fits thematically, and expectations set based on previous teasers before release) as the legion when the legion was coming out.
@LaBarata12 5 ай бұрын
This killer power is the truest proof that the gameplay and the lore/visual design teams are in different buildings in different cities in different countries and never actually communicate aside from ‘Hey, story team- This is the power you’re getting today! It’s an M60 grenade launcher!’ ‘Doesn’t that not fit a wendigo dude even a little?’ ‘That sounds like a You problem!’
@glupshitto7402 5 ай бұрын
It's not a Wendigo though lol
@LaBarata12 5 ай бұрын
It’s a malformed human-shaped skin puppet that’s not sure how it’s supposed to fit together and poorly pretends to be its previous victims to lure folk in and eat them, that’s a skinwalker in everything but brand name
@glupshitto7402 5 ай бұрын
@@LaBarata12 That's not what a skinwalker is, they're just evil shamans who can turn into animals. What you said is just the internet fanfic version of skinwalkers.
@SMart_Fella1 5 ай бұрын
Junkrat from overwatch had a similar problem, where people expected his nades that he launched to bounce, but they didnt bounce enough to the point you would never richochet them off walls. They fixed it by increasing the veloctiy of the nade after hitting off the wall and it felt great I think something similar would work here.
@floofzykitty5072 5 ай бұрын
Even just changing the aesthetic of the projectile would massively improve how the power feels to me. If it were a ball of static that explodes into glitchy particles would be much better than the goop. I also think that there should be more visual cues for the projectile, something like the projectile changing colour once it's past the "bounce point", then as the killer you get some visual feedback.
@zachtemoro2116 5 ай бұрын
Someone said somewhere this killer reminded them of Fiddlesticks from League, and I completely see it but it makes me even more upset that he still has no crawl mechanic. I’m not one who likes random loop mechanics in killers, but having a stealth mechanic of crawling on all 4 makes way more sense to me than the grenade launcher. Idk he just doesn’t feel right without it, maybe if they want to not include it in his chase they can have it be as soon as he teleports?
@coolshirtkid 5 ай бұрын
i agree i felt like his power was really out of place for the way he was set up, i was definitely expecting stealth/crawling to be a factor
@TheWalkingBreasts 5 ай бұрын
The Unknown is definitely 2-3 different propositions for killers rolled into one.
@tfcbioshock 5 ай бұрын
My personal ideas for some changes to The Unknown: 1. Slightly increase how long it takes for a survivor to have to look at The Unknown before losing "weakened" 2. Either increase the projectile ricochet intensity or remove it 3. The blast radius lingers for another half second or so before dissapearing. 4. (*Not needed but i would have loved) change so hallucinations follow weakened survivors with terror radius to unnerve or scare survivors into second guessing whos the real killer.
@Mickeymouse7727 5 ай бұрын
I like the idea of aliens like from the movie signs. Or maybe have him crawling around on the ground sometimes like in that 1 video. They missed so many opportunities to actually make this thing scary
@patsca_ 5 ай бұрын
i think they should have made it hurt you to look at him during chase. force people to choose whether they want to see what the killer is doing at some cost.
@Veekron 5 ай бұрын
Hm, that's interesting idea. Maybe they can do something like that with another killer
@helion_ut 5 ай бұрын
Honestly, that sounds really cool? Like hell yeah! And I mean, it makes sense. If you look at such a disgusting thing your "weakness" remains while looking away sorta gives you your strength back
@lred1383 5 ай бұрын
that seems like it would be incredibly annoying to deal with lol. Imagine trying to loop the guy, except you can't know what he's doing because looking at him for a few seconds costs health. It's spirit levels of non-interactivity, except now there's even less skill involved on the killer's part
@patsca_ 5 ай бұрын
@@lred1383 i should have been more specific. i didn’t mean literally take a health state. but maybe looking too long might cause the debuff that comes with his power or something like that. i agree though that being damaged by looking at the killer would be too much.
@David_Hypnos 5 ай бұрын
I think the hallucinations should be tied to his power rather than the “weakness” mechanic. I like that he leaves hallucinations automatically and can teleport to them - I’d leave that. Then I’d make it so that survivors have a timer - like with Freddy’s timer counting down to sleep - that puts them in a state similar to madness where hallucinations will appear near them intermittently. The killer can see these hallucinations too and teleport to them as well. The staring down is a cool mechanic and I’d leave that - survivors can use it to remove the effect and stop hallucinations from appearing which would then put the timer on a cooldown before it fills up again. This would mean rather than another ranged killer we get one that survivors have to interact with in order to remove his ability to pretty much teleport to their location through their hallucinations. You can’t use a map feature to remove it (like Plague’s pools or Pig’s boxes), you can’t do a special action to remove it (like Doctor’s snap out mechanic) instead the only way to remove it is to stare down the killer meaning you either have to engage with him or stake him out without being noticed. Definitely would give the killer a scarier feel in my opinion. It’d be strong for the killer because there’s far more map coverage but fair imo because there’s a counter to his power that requires some actual risk for survivors.
@poissonsumac7922 4 ай бұрын
Bro's cooking here! But that seems like far too much creative work for the current....erm.....creative team.
@DillonMeyer 5 ай бұрын
On paper, the grenade launcher neck toxin makes sense. It's what it uses to cause people to hallucinate. In practice, it feels tacked on because they already made a robot killer, and having another robot but with a grenade launcher would be redundant. Personally, I love to use the hallucinations, so they're a fantastic addition to the game. Both for teleporting, and using with Insidious (and other undetectables) to set up jumpscares. A second part of the power that would be more satisfying than the grenade launcher would be the ability to go undetectable and move at an extreme speed, crawling around on all fours creepily; while doing so, you can't attack so it's primarily a mobility ability. Naturally, you could have the aura that the hallucinations have, and through enough proximity, survivors would become weakened so that you can spawn more hallucinations. With it, I would remove the cap on hallucinations, allowing you to spawn as many as possible making it potentially a nightmare if survivors let it go unchecked. They teased this being a stealthy, creepy killer, and in some aspects it delivers, but at no point does a hallucinogenic venom blast make me think creepy crawly monster immitating human. The thematic for this character is a 10/10. The voicelines are perfect, both in game and in menu. In menu, it sort of builds a story that it's been around for a long, long time. So long that it used to be in dungeons pretending to be chests or maidens to rescue to lure in unsuspecting adventurers; a literal D&D mimic. The in-game voicelines give the impression that they're not voices of people it's devoured, but rather just phrases used to lure people and catch them off guard. "Can you help me find my dog?" "Help... help me with this." "Want some... free candy?" "You're gonna wanna come look at this." and other similar phrases. When it moris people, it drops the act and directly confronts them, revealing its potentially high intellect. "Now, I'm mad." "Die." "Here's to looking at you." It's like it is disgusted with people as much as they might be disgusted with it, and simply looks at them like animals to be eaten; the mori leaves no trace, tongues come out of a mouth on the back, so it's very clearly eating the survivors. There's even some hidden parts of the power that aren't in the description that can be used, which is always nice. Like Chucky's third person view is a power in itself, this killer's voicelines are part of the power. When survivors are within a certain range, voicelines will be said in an attempt to lure the survivors. It's like a reverse lullaby that both parties can hear, and it can help notify that a survivor is close for the killer. The hallucinations also make voicelines, but they do so at intervals and not because someone's getting close; it's a way to prevent survivors from listening for voicelines to know it's close. Very well thought out, and potentially really useful. Additionally, Unknown can stand atop his hallucinations to make them turn invisible. This allows him to disguise himself as one of them, as the aura will still be present and survivors can even interact with it while you're there. My only major gripe is that it takes a perk slot to really utilize the full potential of this ability for misdirection, similar to Doctor. If the grenade launcher gets untouched, I'd want the interaction with standing over a hallucination to change to give you automatic undetectable; even if it's just an add-on. Anyways, I find the killer very fun, grenade launcher and all.
@nudemanonbike 5 ай бұрын
I'd like to see the goop shot have a cooldown that varied based on how far away it launched; If you play it safe, current cooldown, but if you go for those distant skillshots, much faster cooldown
@Spudmay 5 ай бұрын
Each bounce should have a blast area, and there should be add-ons to modify his actual power more. Like shooting two in a V, getting a 3rd bounce, losing a bounce but having like snipe range... I think giving him some "run n gun" inspired add-ons for his power would feel great
@izzywn5802 5 ай бұрын
I'd love for it to have an alternate crawler mode you can switch to at will, that makes you slightly slower and lowers your terror radius but increases your voice line frequency, while also making your m1s take more time to use like a charge up, and blocking access to your power. The idea being that you gain some stealth ability, but also can make yourself harder to see during chase, at the cost of being worse in the chase. This would give you the choice of looping in crawler mode entirely, or switching between the two to make better use of your power.
@MelancholyAstronaut 5 ай бұрын
The way the killer looks and from the trailers and his red tentacles things I thought he was going to be similar to Wesker
@DulfyBee 5 ай бұрын
That was my first thought! His power doesn't match the advertisements and teasers and trailers at all. They made him humanoid and gave him mimic-like human voices, but his power has NOTHING to do with deception or pretending to be human. What was the point of all those teasers??
@DulfyBee 5 ай бұрын
Also, what's the point of designing his mouth to be huge, bloody & scary if he doesn't use it to attack in his own mori animation 😭He doesn't even consume the survivor, just tongues them with his back.
@chattychatotchannel 5 ай бұрын
@@DulfyBeehe’s an absolute mess of a design. We were taught to make the most important parts of designs to convey the most prominent. With him I would have expected his mori to involve his body untwisting or him ripping their skin off with his teeth or something. It would have been cool if more of the red tentacle monster underneath showed like sneaking through the skin suit at times when he moves as a reminder that it is donning the skin like a cloak
@ajkcool 5 ай бұрын
The thing with hitting directly, is that when you hit them, they are Hindered, but you are also slowed as you put it away, so it ends up not doing anything
@fosterbennington6405 5 ай бұрын
Because of only seeing his head in thumbnails, I was hoping he would be a spooky worm man, I was kind of disappointed to find out he’s just a spooky guy (it is still good though)
@MoffeeA453 5 ай бұрын
First Impressions Overall Mixed - Feels that his power doesn't match what he is. - Doesn't thematically fit. - Rubbed Scott the wrong way. - Power feels awkward. - Feels clunky to use. - Skill ceiling is extremely high. - Doesn't think many people will play it. + Teleport feature feels incredibly good. + Fast as a hag teleport, but can do on demand. + Some skill involved in placing drones/hallucinations. + Aesthetically, Killer is incredible, Mori is awesome. - Just the projectile thing, it just doesn't feel quite right. Not sure how to describe it. Not able to figure out pattern in what causes it to bounce or not bounce. - Takes long to take your tenticle/ball/penis thing. - Slows you down a fair amount. Not quite smooth. + When you do get a sweet mortar shot, it feels awesome. - But the first four or five games, lost every game, did not do well at all. - Changed play style, was trying to ricochet off things. Not worth it. + Play as Nemesis with the tentacle. Much easier. - Reveal Mechanic wasn't that great. This window lasts for a really long time. Only have to look at Killer once every 3 seconds while running. Ends up taking a long time against competent players. + Killer is an absolute baby stomper. - Not super great against experienced players. + Safe shots are really the best idea so far. Overall the killer is "KINDA DECENT" ... - Scott Jund Just wishes the reveal requires more looking at the killer. -Too Forgiving -Direct Hits do basically nothing -Projectives bouncing are very lackluster HAD MORE FUN TRYING OUT PIG AND DOCTOR. Overall he's a B for me right now. Not something unsalvagable like Skull Merchant. Bouncing Power needs to be more prevalent.
@Doobadoobapp 5 ай бұрын
I would like the bounciness of the projectile to scale with how long you hold the fire button. I feel like that would make the power more versatile and a bit more skillful, while making the ricochet mechanic more prevalent.
@Fisshy0106 5 ай бұрын
"An absolute baby stomper" -Scott, 2024
@jamesfilyawDigginGabe 2 ай бұрын
I adore all of the confusion around his power back when he came out, because that very confusion perfectly proved why it was the power of 'The Unknown'
@ContainIsolation 5 ай бұрын
I'm willing to give them a pass if they make it so that The Unknown gets on all fours while the UVX is ready, now of course there would be a downside in terms of sight. But I dunno any power rework that would fit the Unknown off the top of my head.
@Maxuily 5 ай бұрын
The direct hit does something but it’s basically nothing, it does apply hindered but it’s either bugged or the hinder is like .01% so it basically doesn’t do anything because I’ve been direct hit before and it feels like I wasn’t hindered at all
@RampagingRice 5 ай бұрын
Yo Scott did you test the purple addon that doubles the bounce strength? Do you think that feels more in line with how you want the projectile to bounce?
@freefallfirebat4218 5 ай бұрын
Definitely should have saved this power for like a frog man killer or something that could shoot out blobs. The unknown definitely should have been like a crawling stealth killer because his animation in the lobby looks great in game it probably would be scary as hell.
@AdrianClarson 5 ай бұрын
Holding your power should make bounce stronger tbh like clown throw
@UltiNateum 5 ай бұрын
I'm so happy you made it into Dead By Daylight!
@TheRealDeclou 5 ай бұрын
it looks good and the build up was really good but that power is such whiplash to a re monster
@ramen6171 5 ай бұрын
I feel that the easiest way to make this killer more inline with what we saw in the trailers is to change just his teleport into a crawl ability and he can keep the launcher, I feel like that would make him perfect
@ghostcatboy77 5 ай бұрын
hey scott, IDK if you're the right person to ask, but my friend challenged me to a knight winstreak challenge, and I really wanna win over him, so is pain res a better regression perk or pop (on knight). I need to only choose one, and I want the better one. Pop is more consistent but pain res can help me delay the first pop, what are your thoughts?
@djphatman2153 5 ай бұрын
Where did ypu hear about the change to wicked?
@XenoVT 5 ай бұрын
I would gladly exchange the word projectile for a fast scuttle that works like a blight serum, you gain TONS of distance but there's a small delay before hits, and maybe adjust it so it won't feel too horrible. I'm so sad he only crawls in lobby and mori
@bryanE26 5 ай бұрын
I feel like they should adjust the way it bounces. But with that huge hitbox it may be a mistake lol. It would be like letting the gas from clowns bottles count as hits
@noahcollins1211 5 ай бұрын
I think a really simple buff would be if the orb would hit a survivor it explodes no matter what and just get rid of the hinder that it gives if it passes through them. Just seems pointless to have to do all this calculations for it to wide up missing anyways. It would allow for cooler things. Like yesterday you were on pale rose and you were under the gen and you shot at the gen and it just bounced off the ceiling like that's such a smart tactic but it's not allowed cause it's detonation is random
@midasthestallion4105 5 ай бұрын
Looks like something I'd find in Lethal Company
@Emeowy 5 ай бұрын
Big fan of buddy in the background
@LesbianJumpscare 5 ай бұрын
I think it'd maybe be cool where bouncing it increases its velocity and makes the aoe a tiny bit bigger. Might make it more worth to go for ricochets
@anunusualstoutshako728 5 ай бұрын
Scott, I'm curious, what are some quick thoughts on what the killers power *should have* been, seeing as you don't think the current one is very fitting, anestheticly at least?
@pigeon_chest 5 ай бұрын
I have no idea why they require the big bubble to apply the effect- hitting someone directly should give it as well.... I think that would be a huge step to removing the clunk
@Flint0725 5 ай бұрын
Can you possibly discuss the idea of him being a hit and run killer with his power? I think that was the intention… with the teleporting husks and the power punishing you staying around survivors that know where you are.
@Kusirk 5 ай бұрын
something you didnt mention scott is that the explosion can be used to wall bang people so theres a whole different thing that increases his skill cap and to me it the killer didnt seem to hard to pick up. to me the gameplay w;as pertty much shoot the ground and make it bounce into their feet. but then i started to bank shot off of walls trees ect and try to hit thru walls on places that block LOS. i do think they should make the bounce a bit farther to allow bank shots to me performed to make him viable in other places too
@grayrim 5 ай бұрын
I agree that his power does seem kind of out of place. I thought he would be able to crawl around like he does in his menu animation and the teaser, and it would’ve been fitting for him especially with how creepy it is, even if it’d be similar to xeno’s power
@djandjb1 5 ай бұрын
I do t know if its only because I got open maps exclusively, but from what I’ve seen his power actually seems extremely forgiving and not hard at all to get shots. Just feels like slightly tighter clown bottles, idk if I played really good survivors tbh tho
@MamaBearKS 5 ай бұрын
My opinion is that I really enjoy what we got from the chapter (besides a couple of the perks) but overall positive. I keep seeing people say they'd want to have the crawl be a thing he can do constantly but honestly I don't know what would make it special versus other killers who have a crawl or crouch ability that also doesn't just break stuff like balance or fun on both ends. It'd be amazing to have a killer fully able to climb on walls but at that point we'd be getting to a Nurse level of tile ignorance, and other ideas would most likely just be rehashing the same old stuff. A curse that I see all too many live service games have (R6S, Overwatch, LoL, etc.)
@Veekron 5 ай бұрын
Spot on, man, alot of killers are remakes or remixes of the already existing ones. Like giving him stealth in crawl mode? Its just Wraith again, but he's at least invisible from afar.
@cornyboi932 5 ай бұрын
I haven't any troubles with the projectile, it has a decent skill ceiling but nothing Singularity level IMO, I guess different people will feel differently about it
@Veekron 5 ай бұрын
Yes, Singularity definitely in his own league.
@bootychief3484 5 ай бұрын
Honestly I wish it was like blight but with no collision to make turns. It get on all fours and move around loops and window with quick speed maybe like 5/6 charges max and it would leap /jump at you for the attack. In my head this sounds cool and it will give you vibes from the trailer. The trailer was giving it speedy stealth vibes but instead we got a singularity/plague killer
@dyn7006 5 ай бұрын
after reading on the lore of the new killer its honestly brilliant how they designed this thing. the killer's appearance is actually an amalgamation of ALL the urban legends surrounding him? His grotesque appearance: Rumors of a monster or a failed experiment lurking in the woods, with the addition of the famous drawing that Olivia had made to imagine who the Unknown would be The axe: Rumors of a serial killer using this weapon The mouth on his back with tentacles: Rumors of aliens Its mori which assimilates the survivors without leaving anything: the rumors of people who have disappeared. Its power, UVX (Unknown Venom X) : Rumors that the ORSS would use an exotic specimen to create a biological weapon. Lures/Hallucinations where he can teleport : Rumors of a program in the 70s to create a hallucinogenic gas who can create horror things to terror the subjects The voices it reproduces: the rumors of voices heard in the darkness in a movie theater Almost all of his voicelines in the Lobby are mocking the players, he knows that outside of Dead By Daylight, in reality, people wonder what he is. The "I, the Nameless legend", "Terribly frightening, isn't it ?" or "I will not be denied my happiness" reinforces this idea that he is aware of the rumors, and that he plays on them. You will have understood, no theory surrounding it will be true or false, we do not know what it is. And he would obviously have no connection with the Entity. His origins are UNKNOWN. thats why the chapter is called “All things Wicked” Maybe that's what the teasers actually meant. They were as vague as possible so that we would make up our own theories and feed The Unknown with new ideas. If this killer seems like an amalgamation of a lot of random things, it's because he is exactly that. It is an alien that shoots goop. It is a serial killer with an axe. It is a woods monster that steals the skin of it's victims. It is hallucination. It is an amallgamation of it's favourite horror tropes. Like the ARG teaser actually makes sense if you focus on it being an ARG rather than the individual elements. Like, the teaser was the mystery, the speculation, the suspense of the ARG, not the voices in the woods, the mimicry, or the creepy descriptions. That would also explain why he looks at the player whenever we select him its aware we are there it knows we are feeding it thats some 5d marketing so 5d it flew over the entire fanbases head This also makes it probably the MOST evil killer they have ever made It knows its in a game designed around an endless loop of torture and pain and all things dark and it revels in it and taunts the survivors about it this is like heaven for this monster just like how the fog is heaven for the new survivor they fit really well together Thats why to beat this thing and dispel its power you must look at it and face it head on thats the only way to beat its hallucinations and dispel them and weaken its power Peak design
@yifenifen5709 5 ай бұрын
The one thing I’d change is that landing a direct hit should trigger the blast, getting the slow on top of the damage effect should be a reward for precision, not giving one effect over the other, and seeing it bounce off then is just annoying
@notevoms 5 ай бұрын
should be able to select how many bounces you want up to x amount before launching the projectile
@everybodyeditsuser 5 ай бұрын
They should make it kinda like Sova's arrows in Valorant Activate power and then you add how many bounces you want the projectile to do. Think it'd be a nice change
@rileyp1506 5 ай бұрын
I could be wrong but it feels like you get a little bit of sensitivity slowdown shooting the goop ball
@timothylau4248 5 ай бұрын
I think it should be able to crawl around like general grievous does
@ObcasusINL 5 ай бұрын
On the whole lore thing involving ‘fitting’ and whatnot: It’s all in the rumors surrounding it in the lore, and how it’s literally “The Unknown” - axe serial killer rumor, body snatcher rumor, aliens rumor (tentacle), chemical weapon rumor (grenade) - this character is an amalgamation of every rumor involving it in the lore.
@Aki...544 5 ай бұрын
Yeah, but before the one sentence about any of these things, we got a lot of description about how the Unknown is just mysterious evil and darkness. To me, the axe is just not it. Makes it seem like they ran out of ideas for a weapon
@somekinnn 5 ай бұрын
@@Aki...544 Eh, the addons reflect the 'amalgamation idea well too with all of them being completely disjointed and conflicting 'evidence' of... something. In a good way.
@Aki...544 5 ай бұрын
@@somekinnn Yeah, I honestly like the concept, but I hate the axe, a lot. First impressions are very important if you want to sell something, and the axe sticks out like a sore thumb
@MamaBearKS 5 ай бұрын
Exactly, it's a homogenous manifestation of people trying to understand it and fear, thus the more they theorize and try to ask what it even is the more they are feeding the "Unknown", adding more to it's arsenal. Also just my take but I love how they designed him and that he does actually have clothes on, it could be your next door neighbor, chatting with you into the late evening hours one minute, then as you are left unguarded and unaware, suddenly it starts to reveal that this was merely a way to get you where it wanted you as it contorts and shifts from your neighbor to this abomination, still talking as though as if it were still your neighbor the whole time before swiftly eviscerating you.
@Aki...544 5 ай бұрын
@@MamaBearKS And notice how you don't need the axe to make the concept good. (Yes, I absolutely hate the axe)
@mythos951 5 ай бұрын
I think the look of the grenade launcher power would be better if it was red and looked more like an explosion that is a messy blood ball rather than purple energy ball.
@Tttx1 5 ай бұрын
I think it would be better if the effect from the goop ball was deactivated by interacting with the clone things, might make it more interesting.
@thegame346 5 ай бұрын
Everyone focused on Scotts interpretation of the killer. Me focused on the fact he got the nomenclature of a grenade launcher wrong
@f1ollower140 5 ай бұрын
Still wondering what the unknowns grenade shoots out of
@dumblenutz5561 5 ай бұрын
the neck
@WyattOShea 5 ай бұрын
His cloaca
@nurb1221 5 ай бұрын
it would be nice if they made the unknown more teleport orientated by buffing hallucinations, it fits the character more and its just more fun (though they def should make the projectile better in some way)
@Tilyaf 5 ай бұрын
Something I noticed on Tofu's VOD is that you aren't slowed down nearly as much when you just tap the button as opposed to canceling when fully charged. This makes the ability control where your hallucinations are placed way less punishing than previously thought.
@lazypayday4476 5 ай бұрын
Regarding direct hits, they do apply hindered. I was watching a vod where I got a direct hit and they hot hindered, but it's gotta be like Nemesis where it's so insigificant that it makes no difference.
@triggeredcripple8668 5 ай бұрын
Hope you make a video about the huntress changes. They felt really good (as a huntress player) and I actually think they'd be fine if they changed the capacity add-ons to a max of 8 hatchets. The movement and windup felt really good, but not super strong, more like a nice quality of life thing (don't get me wrong it's a big buff tho) I'm interested in what other people thought
@EvilDuckOfDoom 5 ай бұрын
I kind of adore the new stretchy fool. It was the first PTB in a while that I wanted to keep playing even after doing like 4 or 5 matches of him. I love his creepy asthetic, his voice lines that kinda take the piss out of you sometimes. And the teleporting is so quick and feels so satisfying if you manage to use it in chase to get a hit. I do think the blast radius of his power shouldn't hit through walls though. That seems a bit unfair.
@Factye 5 ай бұрын
Killers power should be crawl on all 4’s with no terror radius that would be terrifying
@Nolandiscool 5 ай бұрын
Hot tip with his power: at small loops and most rock loops, shoot the pallet. It will almost always hit the survivor. Free downs
@irontarkus6515 5 ай бұрын
Either reduce the cooldown of the UVX if you don't weaken/injure someone so you don't get punished so much for missing. And make the milk carton base kit.
@gaz5396 5 ай бұрын
Would it be too busted if direct hits took a health state? And bank shots took one and couldn’t down (put them in deep wound)? I haven’t played as/against this killer enough but I would love to hear other opinions. Maybe even if you hit a direct shot they couldn’t dispel it for 15-20 seconds
@gabelachenman408 5 ай бұрын
I pretty much agree. I wish they made him more stealth and less anti-loop, definitely would’ve fit more with his vibe. The teleport looks amazing though.
@pvdg3515 5 ай бұрын
in regards to the bouncing being a wet fart......there is an add on that increases the bounce by double. Making it bounce more as base kit would be terrible. It would make hitting shots harder.
@enderbunny1609 5 ай бұрын
I feel like the the issue with his projectile would be fixed if they made it look less like a sifi energy explosion, i feel like it would make more sense if it looked more like the half life bug bait or something
@cookiecreep9204 5 ай бұрын
I feel like i'll play it a lot, since it has what i like in singularity, but without the extremely taxing job of watching cameras at every moment i can and setting them up. Feels a little like an easier Hux, with a bit less power but i'm fine with that.
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КОНЕЦ АЛЬЯНСА | Сюжет skibidi toilet 76 (part 2)