The VTuber Graduation That Everyone Saw Coming

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@BlueLoveYT Ай бұрын
Gonna miss Yuko :( She was my favorite member from idol. Loved her shorts and her unhinged sense of humor. It was nice when she came back from her break, but she barely streamed since her rebrand. Wishing her the best 🫡
@wesleymcbride8084 Ай бұрын
Wait wtf I’ve been like dead for awhile pls what happened?!?!!
@AyaReikoTripleElite Ай бұрын
B/GFE is an extremely slippery slope to be on. Few have the necessary mental toolkit to handle that kind of content.
@yannoyannonono443 Ай бұрын
Well, not just the mental toolkit for that, but the social intelligence to keep fanbases like that in line. I don't think I've even seen an example of a B/GFE 'tuber that's in proper control of their community, though I'd appreciate it if people enlightened me on some.
@Winters004 Ай бұрын
@@yannoyannonono443There’s no such thing as a vtuber or content creator in general who can “control” their community, especially when it grows beyond a certain size. Parasocials are even worse in this regard because they by default have extremely warped values.
@yannoyannonono443 Ай бұрын
@Winters004 I don't mean "full control," like puppets on strings (last I checked, mind control still wasn't a thing) but at least keep a decent portion of their community in line. Naturally, there will always be crazy parasocials, and like you said, beyond a certain size, things can get out of hand easily, but I think it's disingenuous to say there aren't communities that don't step out of line as often as other communities. Not every content creator fanbase fosters those breeds as much as others. While not the best example (I can't think of anything better at the moment), the difference of the typical behavior of communities surrounding comfy vtubers VS BFE vtuber communities like Vox's is like night and day.
@darkshaman98 Ай бұрын
It's using mentally ill people for profit, you kinda get what you ask for with it.
@darkshaman98 Ай бұрын
​@@Winters004all it takes is setting barriers, a lot of streamers don't do this, play into being single then blame the audience for getting attached
@NuclearWintr Ай бұрын
Garnering a fanbase that feeds off GFE and then getting rid of that fanbase kills your momentum. I understand why she did it but she shouldn't have cut it out outright. Should have slowly phased it out. Besides, GFE fans tend to be kinda toxic.
@acertainmysteriousvirtuoso6150 Ай бұрын
@honeydarlinggaming9156 Ай бұрын
@@acertainmysteriousvirtuoso6150 Girl Friend Experince*
@nabilamisilushafirila4130 Ай бұрын
@@acertainmysteriousvirtuoso6150 Girlfriend experience, parasocial stuff
@zetaabsbs2329 Ай бұрын
​@@acertainmysteriousvirtuoso6150 "GirlFriend Experience"
@clawsthewolf89 Ай бұрын
​@@acertainmysteriousvirtuoso6150 girlfriend experience
@dettlaffvandereretein4251 Ай бұрын
If you build a fan base mainly off one thing, a sudden switch will always shit the bed views wise. Kinda feels like Idubbbz going from edgy memes to wtf he's doing nowadays. This could be successful even with removing the old content, but she'd have to take all the criticism and rebuild slowly. Most ppl can never take that sudden plummet in views and rise in critics.
@Nero-was-Right Ай бұрын
She would never succeed again. This is not hollywood. The algorithm would always favor a similar vtuber making the same content but does not have the dislikes and negative interactions. She would not rebuild slowly. A lot of youtubers in other communities have tried and no one has succeeded. People are right to be mad. Their interactions will all be logged by youtube. If youtube sees someone STOP donating $100 a month... your channel is done. This is a for profit company. Not a free speech platform.
@1318peep Ай бұрын
although smth like Im gay was funny, but I think most people watch him for content cop. But personally I cant watch him anymore is because his gf
@cheeto4027 Ай бұрын
Dont be ridiculous Idubbz didnt just change his content he called all his old fans awful people and disavowed them. All yuko did was say she didnt want to do gfe anymore
@Keirnoth Ай бұрын
This is the same issue I'm noticing with Pippa at the moment. While she's *generally* stuck to her funny edgy humor, she's expressed multiple times over the past few months that she doesn't want to be "known" for that. She's worried her audience will make her look bad if she sends us somewhere where the VTuber doesn't "understand" our humor. I know she's generally resisted the urge to outright "call out" or attack her own audience but I can feel the cracks in her mentality that she does want to 'step away' from the content that actually made her famous (dumping on Ethan Ralph and making fun of lolcows and having generally dark humor that most VTubers refuse to approach). She's doing it slowly though, and I guess I'll tolerate that considering she's still funny as hell, but I do wonder if she wants to do the bad thing of "cutting away" the part of the audience she finds - dare I say - problematic and keep the more moderate parts of it. I don't blame her but I guess it's the price you pay when you go from "niche" to mainstream. She's still the biggest Phase Connect talent out there and she'll only grow bigger so she's having to deal with lots of people yelling in her ear complaining about her opinions on things.
@Toastybees Ай бұрын
She needs to tread lightly or risk falling into what happened with idubzzz. You make edgy jokes ironically, you're going to attract the people who unironically believe the edgy things. Edgelords are a super sensitive bunch with easily hurt feelings. There's plenty of opportunity to make dark jokes without kowtowing to vile beliefs.
@Bigbigpoopi Ай бұрын
Well there's Kirsche
@hecatedraws Ай бұрын
​@@ToastybeesWell put, although I dont think Pippa will soy out as much as Ian did
@andremorr Ай бұрын
That's interesting. I agree with some of your ideas, but I think it's more complicated. I am not a psychiatrist or a therapist, so here's my psychoanalysis lol. So for many reasons she doesn't want to interact with "big shots". Instead she interacts with indies a lot. Or with other Phase girls. I think she has a lot of plans and she's probably afraid that going mainstream would mess with her plans. So that's where I don't agree with you. She's not going from "niche" to mainstream. She's expanding her "niche". Well, by doing that she exposes herself to new viewers who might not be interested in her 4chan tin foil hat rants. So what's her reaction? Well, on 333k celebration stream she did the pop-tart gun bumper sticker or whatever it is. That is a meme that new people wouldn't understand. So that's why I think she's trying to expand her space as much as possible instead of leaving it. It's like she's glad to have new viewers, but they have to learn her language. So to me all that content that "made her famous" is still there, in this space, even though she's not happy that this content is what "made her famous", you know? It's not like she made an apology and now streams only the "safe" seiso stuff. Yuko, on the other hand, wanted to throw away most of her previous content and do a sharp turn (I was there when she said it, she wanted to purge like 90% of her channel). And that might've work if she had something equally... maybe alluring to present. Something that can hard reset her channel. But I think she was depressed when she returned from her hiatus and it didn't go well. In my opinion if she was okay, there is a chance that she might've succeeded in resetting her persona and content. Sadly she wasn't Tl;dr They are not similar at all. And Pippa might probably be even more unwell than Yuko, mentally, but she's also paranoid and therefore extremely cautious in what she does and how she does it. It's not she's more intelligent though, she's just more educated in internet drama things that end up on Fredrik Knudsen's channel
@Bigbigpoopi Ай бұрын
@@andremorr problem is she befriended Jim AKA internet aristocrat. Pretty Judas to use his base then dump them when famous
@vincenttorrijos9680 Ай бұрын
On the parasociality front, things like Fauna’s “We’re not friends” talk or Kronii’ recent callouts are as necessary as they can be messy, especially when fanbases get as ravenous as theirs are. When drawing soft lines doesn’t work, drawing hard ones do, you just hope you draw them before things get too extreme. However, doing something as extreme as immediately wiping all the content that she now considers over the line is too sudden to give, well, ANYONE enough time to deal with it
@nonjaza6571 Ай бұрын
i want to pointed out that good thing is hololive don't have many weird parasocial fan as they want to keep fine line on it after certain green thing get kick off so it work in their favor a lot especially for EN while on JP side are still not better but improve quite a bit as very tiny bit it like some sort of weeding off mechanism so weirdo will not turn on them later as they grow attach to talent
@RykenInverse Ай бұрын
@@nonjaza6571 I actually feel like I see MORE parasociality on the EN side than the JP side, especially post-Rushia. No one throws fits about stuff like Sora and Matsuri hanging out with the Holostars, or Marine and Fubuki having Beatmario on their stream, while EN Live/Stars collabs got TONS of unicorn-fueled rage, and IIRC Kiara couldn't even have the guy who rigged her model appear on her stream.
@dorothyyang363 Ай бұрын
@MrTigracho Ай бұрын
​@@RykenInverse Hololive EN attracted the incels of the Western hemisphere. What else can be said?
@lostnemesis Ай бұрын
Fauna hers was closer to putting a barrier up, meanwhile kronii it was "please God stop so that way people don't know me as Subway girl!" Because her bit about the boobs was a little bit extra, (as in she went hard on that guy in particular and then brought it back around to we can talk about boobs but not during moments like this which was different from the subway joke which was guys for the love of God stop, it has actively colored interactions that I have seen and gotten.) But yeah in general a lot of vtubers have to draw a line. Streamers and content creators in general some don't and it's just a unspoken thing and those in my opinion they're really talented people because they don't have to tell you about the lines that you shouldn't cross, but in a lot of cases some of these people should just draw a line you don't have to be really harsh about it you can do a fauna approach which is, it looks harsh but was really just being truthful. Because genuinely she was correct she is not your friend she is someone you watch you do not know her and the only way you could be her friend is if you were with her previously or in a situation like Sora where she knows the names of her round table and even knew when one of them died, but most people will never have that I've had one vtuber who I've had a relationship like that with Mai from AKA virtual but that isn't always the case sometimes you just can't be friends with the streamer you're watching sometimes you can't be someone who gets to hear about their troubles and talk through things with them and help them with back-end stuff almost all the time you're going to be just a chatter that they may remember.
@eddoh2701 Ай бұрын
She should've left the GFE as Legacy Content, like a Museum exhibit
@ohnoohnoohnoohnoohnoohno8737 Ай бұрын
But it made heruncomfortable…? I feel like a lot of you are forgetting that this is a about a real person and how their work made them burnt out, uncomfortable etc. This is not a course on how to perpfectly and soullessly optimize your SEO and clickbait your soul away, its the unfortunate story behind how someone made decisions they regret that ended up hurting them. Im glad shes graduating because its obviously the best choice for her and her health and wellbeing- because its the educated and thought through devision that she (a real growen adult and human being with critical thinking skills) made.
@woooonpan Ай бұрын
@@ohnoohnoohnoohnoohnoohno8737 i feel for her being uncomfortable, but one of the few times you actually owe your audience something is when they PAY for things. and they paid for that content + her dono goals. she could have at least given them a heads up to let them download the content, or store it in an archive.
@roberthartburg266 Ай бұрын
@@ohnoohnoohnoohnoohnoohno8737 It's on the internet, it will never be gone. What you do on the internet will be remembered and saved for a really long fucking time, if not forever. So removing it is pointless. If her past actions make her uncomfortable, she should have never done it on the internet in the first place. There is no second chance. If she restarts under another face people will make the connection and share what she has done in the past.
@eddoh2701 Ай бұрын
@@ohnoohnoohnoohnoohnoohno8737 you are out of touch, this is HER JOB, does it makes her uncomfortable, she KNEW VERY WELL the type of fans who consume GFE content, she isn't the first, she pander to an audience
@DALKurumiTokisaki Ай бұрын
@ohnoohnoohnoohnoohnoohno8737 I get that but what ended up happening was her deleting that stuff negatively affected her financial livelihood. It sucks that she feels uncomfortable with her old content but it was bad idea to delete just from a job security standpoint.
@fw420 Ай бұрын
the gura comparison was crazy
@akira8393 Ай бұрын
I can see this be an ending for gura. Imagine all of sudden the chumbuds felt betrayed and leave her completely. Yikes
@mouseii88 Ай бұрын
Possible, but at this point she just needs to keep a moderate non-GFE stream and join official events to slowly distance from the unicorn. She can do it part time or like a hobbyist and Cover will be happy to leave it as it is. They have several talents that basically doing that and still being popular.​@@akira8393
@DinnerForkTongue Ай бұрын
@@akira8393 The death of the viewer magic is the death of the content creator. And it's never pretty.
@akira8393 Ай бұрын
@@DinnerForkTongue it's scary to me but hey that's most content creators signing up for without reading the terms and conditions
@johnreignebaleos2613 Ай бұрын
i mean to be fair she said that gura was her oshi so i can see why they say that but shes a different vtuber to gura maybe the voice but there different
@sientense Ай бұрын
I've never watched Yuko, but damn her debut was adorable, her gen in Idol is amazing I think she needed to turn things around slowly, so the toxic fans would just drop with mild negativity, and new fans could come and become new audience. Yuko is very talented, so I'm definitely searching for her new form after this.
@NicoDoesLP Ай бұрын
I'm never into gfe or anything, but Yuko had a special brand of being annoying/bratty/childish but also really cute with it.
@jonnyrbgomes Ай бұрын
from what i read from other people that used to watch her content, not only did she switch content abruptly, she got caught talking shit about her fans, which is what i believe why the big drop happened, you don't bite the hand that feeds you
@darthmalicex4118 Ай бұрын
This, exactly. So many news channels are missing important context here, just looking at the gfe aspect. Deleting the asmrs was just the straw that broke the camels back.
@Nero-was-Right Ай бұрын
Agreed. If I go to a pizziaria and they only sell burgers now, I MIGHT buy one. If the same place has rude staff now, I will never go back.
@spikey556 Ай бұрын
I enjoyed her non parasocial content a lot, that's what got me interested. I only discovered that she did those much later and I generally ignore such content, especially if her regular content is great. I guess my brain sees it as a side hustle rather than her main selling point, if that makes sense
@PyrZero72 Ай бұрын
This might be callus of me, but I have very little sympathy for GFE content creators. If you want to swim with sharks you can't complain when you get bit.
@PartialCollapse Ай бұрын
I think that very much depends on who had them do GFE in the first place. I find it hard to believe that idol didn’t push the topic
@akira8393 Ай бұрын
Fair enough.
@PaulBen19 Ай бұрын
That’s sad honestly cause I actually like Yuko she was the one that introduced me to Idol Corp. I’m gonna miss her
@sparxskywriter2589 Ай бұрын
Keep an eye out, you might find her later in a different skin.
@PaulBen19 Ай бұрын
@@sparxskywriter2589 I know about her other account Rye Project
@deb1950 Ай бұрын
​@@sparxskywriter2589I don't think that'll be a thing, she basically just dip out and leave her fanbase. but I hope she'll come back, I actually like her vlogging stuff
@leonrussell9607 Ай бұрын
​@@deb1950ryelsbread is her pl, I had to interrogate one of the forbidden knowledge hoarders for it
@Jonathanloh1992 Ай бұрын
Same here. I like her a lot.
@PhillyCh3zSt3ak Ай бұрын
This is really sad mainly because I saw her comeback stream a few months ago when she talked about all the irl stuff she wanted to do videos on and those seemed like they'd be really exciting. Didn't actually know of her prior to this or her GFE videos. Obviously, all we can do now is hope for the best for her in whatever she does next.
@kirbyjoe7484 Ай бұрын
It's strange how the whole "para social" thing has somehow gotten attached to Vtubing specifically when this same EXACT thing has been going on with vanilla youtubers and streamers in general for well over a decade and to a lesser extent this is something that has its roots going back over a century with celebrity culture from the silver screen era. Para social behavior as people define it these days is a streaming thing, not just a Vtuber thing.
@Ottermageguy Ай бұрын
I think it’s because it’s sorta easier to forget it’s a real person behind it and so parasocial behaviour is more common?
@gokbay3057 Ай бұрын
EN fandom basically uses "Parasocial" to mean "Unicorn"/"Gachikoi" rather than the actual meaning. Because you are right, by the actual meaning of the term parasociality essentially is a thing that happens to all content creators (or even all famous people), not something specific to vtubing or even streaming.
@arcticfox7.62 Ай бұрын
The problem with doing GFE is that its a mentally fragile community (why else would they be watching vtubers act like a gf), so making such drastic change feels to them more like they got used as a stepping stone and now that they are not needed they are just thrown away. Its true that GFE people are kinda extreme, but imagine you liked a start up business, you talk to your friends about it, donate to the Kickstarter so it can work out, and then when its finally on the market, it decides to change completely the product for something else and eliminate every trace of what made it there. Being parasocial fans is a problem of them, but I believe any type of community would feel taken advantage off.
@federicofilippini6780 Ай бұрын
Exactly it’s not a parasocial fan issue it’s more of a I didn’t care at all about your existence and u were just a cash cow kinda move that those actions felt like, any fanbase would feel like that if u pulled a move like that she pulled. Sure gfe people are fragile but u ain’t making them any less extreme by spitting in their face if at all u just entrench them more on their behaviors
@akira8393 Ай бұрын
Exactly. When you are pretty much focusing on it. You could roughly guess the whole fanbase is gonna be fragile. Some would say they're exceptions. But let's be real the bigger margin would be pretty obvious
@NChia-fr4ll Ай бұрын
I won't say fragile, I'll say pathetic, they are paying for a GFE in the first place, and you can say "she was using me for my money", yeah and you were using her with your money there was never a relationship of mutual respect there and the second she did something you didn't like it was over for her.
@TYR1139 Ай бұрын
Even the new spanish fans brough by EternalS knew this would happen... what a shame, but it happened, if the rrats are true tho, yikes
@Papa-Corn Ай бұрын
Something with the Riro thing I assume?
@arturo0727 Ай бұрын
Man that's sad. I started watching Yuko last summer 2023. I wasn't aware of her GFE content until now. As a chumbud she had very similar mannerisms as gura, so i took an interest in her. Well i wish her the best. 😊7
@holofan4994 Ай бұрын
I don't know if this will get me hate or not, but can we really just be honest about the content. Why do we brush over the fact the content is targeting vulnerable, sad and lonely people? So these people start to consume BFE/GFE to basically cope. Clearly that's not healthy. They're not processing their emotions but are instead latching onto the creator. Don't forget the creator is profiting off of it. I also understand the complexity of it's not always on just the creator these companies will push them into making content based on well profit. So I don't mean to put the blame solely on them. I'm against creators getting hate for wanting to do something different, or just in general if they're not being a pos, but I'm just saying we're asking these vulnerable people who haven't been making healthy choices to suddenly be normal. I mean it's possible I'm just way off base too I don't consume the content or anything to know. My knowledge comes from what I see when this stuff blows up.
@akira8393 Ай бұрын
I give you respect honestly. People will give so much crap reasons to say it's beneficial. Let's be real I've never seen in anyway it does. How many cases like this before people will finally accept it?
@Sequence0_Paradox Ай бұрын
Honestly? that's a respectable opinion. It's a decent insight into how much of a gray area the topic is.
@HaelDraco Ай бұрын
This was an interesting topic, I didn't really watch Yoko so I never really got an opinion on her, hopefully this will be a good lesson to other VTubers and Content Creators in general that you need to communicate your intentions to your audience and slowly shift your content, not delete all of your old videos you didn't like immediately after you announced that intention.
@achinamagi5486 Ай бұрын
Even she gone back PL her gfe fanbase will keeping hating her.
@mand0h269 Ай бұрын
Ah yes the classical deleting old content trying to pivot immediately. In other words the Idubbbbz blunder.
@Toastybees Ай бұрын
Edgelords are so sensitive when they think they've been abandoned, reminds them too much of their fathers.
@ceruleannova1155 Ай бұрын
@@Toastybees "it's the edgelords!" "it's the incels!" nah dude. it's just business. if i operate a coffee shop for a year and get a bunch of daily customers who love coffee, then one day without warning close the shop for 5 months and re-open as a shop that strictly sells discount dishwashers, the coffee customers will go elsewhere, they will not suddenly find a love for affordable appliances and give me the same patronage.
@DALKurumiTokisaki Ай бұрын
​@@ceruleannova1155yeah I feel like some people like above fail to see that this is legit a JOB. Their entertainers and people watch them for a specific kind of content. If they no longer provide the content that brought their original audience to them than don't be surprised if people leave. It's like a subscription service for a streaming site. If the site no longer has content that interests you then unsub.
@MGUM_ Ай бұрын
I discovered her a bit before her Comeback stream through Pippa and really like her vlog idea (and the video she has already done) and that she wanted to do more of it got me to sub. So kinda sad to see her go, but maybe we will see this content in another timeline. Still interesting to see the bag ground behind it.
@aisukururimu7515 Ай бұрын
Honestly, it's not just GFE, but pivoting from a certain type of content you're commonly known for in general, is a high risk high reward move in any industry. When you build a community based on certain aspect, and then move away from that certain aspect, ofc people wouldn't like it, that's not why they joined the community in the first place GFE enjoyers will never stop looking like a bunch of pathetic losers in my eyes, but even so, for this case, I find their reaction to Yuko as understandable, as much as I hate harrassments
@DinnerForkTongue Ай бұрын
Yep. On a much tamer vein than Yuko's, I remember what happened to paulsoaresjr once he burned out on and dropped Minecraft from his channel. It _completely_ stagnated and he never recovered from it, and for a 1.5M sub channel, that is bad. Nowadays with his spotty upload rate he barely gets the views you'd expect from a 20K sub channel.
@Drbeattles Ай бұрын
one of the things I've noticed from people who successfully pivot their videomaking carrier is two things 1). start VERY early and just drip in the new content slowly over a long time. your viewers will either like it or not but if you blend it well most will stay and if what your moving too has a crowed than it will grow if your making good content. 2). make a separate channel for it. no joke I've seen people do this and when the old channel start winding down the 2ed channel has more subs a viewers. in the end what yuko did wasn't the right choice nuking it from orbit. she could have just started doing new streams. hell yuko was such a wild card some times that I wouldn't put an actual grass touching stream to be fun.
@DeltaAlternative-bk7nj Ай бұрын
Another 2 steps forward and 1 step back for Idol Corp. Phase is definitely winning the Small Corpo competition.
@LARAUJO_0 Ай бұрын
I didn't see this coming and this is the first I've heard of this. Wtf? Yuko???
@Cruzin249 Ай бұрын
Damn....i loved seeing her clips. I dont usually watch streams cause work so i go off of clips and shorts. Gonna miss the chaotic gremlin ghost
@micahfoley9572 Ай бұрын
Yuko's fun. Dumb as skipping stone, but really fun.
@TheProphetOfThePan Ай бұрын
I feel bad because that is the sad destiny of the gfe channels, its a momentum based growth the moment you stall or end it is a relatively quick death.
@risktorise2103 Ай бұрын
Thanks for the video,since I'm not that familiar with Yuko.
@TheTSense Ай бұрын
So, who is making raw spam with blue paint and dry burned ramen now? I just subbed after she made the change, so it was pretty short. Gonna rewatch the spamussy
@Daioblis Ай бұрын
"The VTuber Graduation That Everyone Saw Coming" WHO DID?! WHY DIDN'T Y'ALL TELL ME?!
@YouPooper Ай бұрын
The people that convinced her to stop GFE only gave her Twitter likes. She can't pay bills with that.
@TheInnocentRabbitofCaerbannog Ай бұрын
If you play into a niche, youll get loyal fans who are into said niche (ex. Fromsoft and soulsbourne) But you gotta either stick to the niche or "boiling frog" out of it Fast pivots are whiplashing (ex. New vegas to fallout 4) and would quickly divide the fanbase
@flyingfish7787 Ай бұрын
Goomba introduced her to me when she was still a small small indie. Gonna miss her.
@fosterbennington6405 Ай бұрын
I only really remember her from that one ouija board stream, but I didn’t get this kind of impression. GFE doesn’t suit these kinds of goblin creatures
@NosBlueade Ай бұрын
Haven't watched her in a hot minute but this doesn't surprise me at all. Her content was about as wild as you can get away with and it does take a certain personality to maintain that as your brand in perpetuity. Hope her green doppelganger is fairing ok.
@Captnspork Ай бұрын
Her content wasn’t my cup of team, but I’ll never forget the “lemonade stream” 😂
@ma.w1sumite Ай бұрын
Again, oh boy is not looking good for idol what’s going bad? The company which makes two of the first talents graduate
@localanime_otaku Ай бұрын
Technically 6 now
@ma.w1sumite Ай бұрын
@@localanime_otaku yeah, I know, including the originals she’s not my Oshi and I idol isn’t my favourite agency but one of my oshis is in idol conveniently this is the same year that when Pochie graduated soon after her new model
@ma.w1sumite Ай бұрын
After this graduation, they will only be 3 more talents first generation
@christopherpage2622 Ай бұрын
@@localanime_otaku 6? Without looking it up I only know of riro, pochi and now yuko so who are the other 3?
@localanime_otaku Ай бұрын
@@christopherpage2622 counting from the original gen from Katta and niki
@BassRockArchives Ай бұрын
I’ll be honest I wasn’t really active viewer, but I have seen her on multitude of times last year, but I did sort of move on once I started mentally improving and I sort of moved on from this whole Vtuber stuff this is a sad Sight to see
GFE? Ughhh Double Edge Sword of a career booster. Why did she even used it? Bet she knows what might happen if you fail the parasocial fans.
@prd6617 Ай бұрын
most likely because those "market" gave the most numbers (sub, view, donation etc) than others so there is that but it also came with a risk that i bet most dont know (or dont want to know) until to late
@akira8393 Ай бұрын
When you got nothing, doing gfe bfe is the easiest shit you can pull off now. I hope she has something else to go for.
@bobpotato1231 Ай бұрын
@@prd6617 It's the money not the views. Parasocial viewers pay BIG time. Back when Hololive was still very small and most of their members were failing, Rushia was making fucking bank...because she was pretending to be their girlfriend. You will easily make at least 3-4x more doing GFE.
@prd6617 Ай бұрын
​@@bobpotato1231 so donation are not money?
@FantasiephilosophRaku Ай бұрын
​@@bobpotato1231I dont think it was pretending
@AmuterSI Ай бұрын
Good on her for going away from GFE stuff tbh.
@firework8140 Ай бұрын
Man I hope idolEN is doing well. Having Yuko and Pochi graduating is not great
@dannyd.9932 Ай бұрын
Man I feel bad for her a little. She screwed up so badly by catering to the GFE crowd and worse the piss weirdos. Hopefully she can get her PL back up and running once she gets her head back on straight.
@DinnerForkTongue Ай бұрын
Well she's gonna have to go full in on the new content she was thinking of making. And work real hard on her sales pitch to bring in a new audience, coz the old one either won't deal with her at all or will keep orbiting in hopes that she returns to GFE content.
@darkshaman98 Ай бұрын
They wouldn't have gotten like that if she hadn't encouraged it, it's the consequences of her own actions
@CosmicFrenzy Ай бұрын
Eh, it's hard for me to feel bad for someone who gets stung after shaking a hornet's nest.
@TheBeastInBlack Ай бұрын
What was her past life?
@dannyd.9932 Ай бұрын
@@darkshaman98 part of me wonders if Idol encouraged it since so many of the Gen 1 had GFE like content
@kelvinw.1384 Ай бұрын
Yuko is a talented vtuber even withouth the gfe stuff. Im going to miss her
@firstnamelastname8006 Ай бұрын
I didn't know she was GFE, I always thought she was unhinged with Fuyo.
@devilcookie9924 Ай бұрын
GFE/BFE is high risk and high return.
@genyatus Ай бұрын
It's not bad to do gfe. It's not bad to stop doing it. But you can massively fuck up based on how you do it.
@HaelDraco Ай бұрын
Exactly, I feel as long as you set boundaries on what can happen in a GFE and make it clear that you are eventually going to phase out of it or stop it all together I think it would be fine.
@ferntheinkling Ай бұрын
Exactly what I’m thinking. Honestly I think the problem I see with a lot of vtubers is they’re doing it in their own persona instead of explicitly stating when they’re acting. I think it’s important for them to separate themselves from the gf persona a bit.
@Venom1846 28 күн бұрын
What he failed to mention is the influence of Yuko's PL. She was very much a /k/ommando and that board hates weebs and anime (despite watching it and being closeted weebs). The "manual" for grooming that DN mentioned during a stream with Parrot comes from there
@gg_sam7847 Ай бұрын
Perhaps she came across some sort of traumatic experience in relation to the GFE content, such as having to deal with a stalker, and so the thought of doing more of it was potentially painful for her
@zhuljojo Ай бұрын
I remember one liver in yuko company who orange dog, what her name? Because she gone in yt and i don't know what happened... Parasosial in this company becomes all in liver, first i heard rin ron...mann...i sad about it...its hard me to feel it's was real
@Sleepy0173 Ай бұрын
Hmmm can somebody graduate a character but stay in the company? Maybe she just needs a sabbatical and then a rebranding down to her persona. It's a shame that her and Pippa never got back to a spooky collab, or that Yuko didn't really have as much of that kind of content herself since that's how I came to find out about her. Still really enjoyed her antics even if her cooking one seemed like she could have burned down the house.
@l.a.wright6912 Ай бұрын
having been there for the past 5 times ive seen small corpo giants graduate I suspect we will be seeing her as a somewhat sucessfull indie rather soon
@jayoliver3568 Ай бұрын
Thanks for the breakdown DN and chat for filling in the rest. I wish her the best. Live by the GFE, fall by the GFE.
@JJsuperJJ Ай бұрын
Question: How did this kind of rebrand go for Vox? He’s obviously lost a lot of support recently for the whole Selen situation, but before that, how did it go compared to this?
@TheFuriousMulatto Ай бұрын
Not to shit on anyone's oshi or anything, but I figured she wouldn't last very long from some of the remarks and shorts she had made. The fact that she banned Gura's name from her chat because people kept comparing them(and the fact that she admitted that Gura is her oshi and the way she behaved DID kinda seem like she was aping Gura's bit did not help things) was a big red flag for me. And then hearing that she was doing a bunch of GFE and then had to go on hiatus, only to stop doing it when she came back(something she knew a good chunk of her fanbase would not like), made me think she only had *maybe* a year left before she graduated.
@Nero-was-Right Ай бұрын
If I go to a pizziaria and they only sell burgers now, I MIGHT buy one. If the same place has rude staff now, I will never go back. People are right to be mad. She even talked bad about her fans. She would never succeed again. The algorithm would always favor a similar vtuber making the same content but does not have the dislikes and negative interactions. Ex fan interactions will all be logged by youtube. If youtube sees everyone STOP donating $100 a month... your channel is done. This is a for profit company. Not a free speech platform. She would not rebuild slowly. A lot of youtubers in other communities have tried and no one has succeeded. If you find your niche stick to it. (As long as no one gets hurt or insulted) Most creatives are not even lucky enough to find a niche. The Starving Artist is an age old trope for a reason. Every min wager is just waiting for their ( creative/artistic/entertainment ) career to get going.
@DegenWeeb Ай бұрын
I never watched any of her GFE or ASMR streams. They never appealed to me in the first place, especially when gfe content only invites trouble. Her gaming and other random streams were fun though. She definitely made a huge mistake with the way she handled her content pivot. You can't just suddenly change course and take away previous content, especially if any of the streams/vods were paid for through memberships. First Pochi graduates and now Yuko. Feelsbadman
@admiralandy1983 Ай бұрын
I do feel bad for her especially if the whole GFE wasn't her idea but it probably was. Yes it was a mistake to build an audience based on something you hate and expecting said audience to remain when you've pivoted your content. It would have been better had she doubled down on the content she wanted to make long before she cut off her GFE whales but that's just my opinion.
@leradmuiel7634 Ай бұрын
Ah the “Sounds Good on Paper” move did her in. Common. Here’s hoping she finds success in whatever she decides to do.
@WeBeGaming123 Ай бұрын
So why not talk about the real reason her fans left? It wasnt about the GFE or about the content change it was about her interacting with and supporting people who have harassed her fanbase for over a year who are mods in her PL community. It feels really disingenuous to leave this out seeing as there is 100% proof out there that she did this and supported harassment of her fanbase the entire time she was Yuko.
@no-thank-you- Ай бұрын
No... you don't understand, he HAS to make fun of "unicorns" and misuse the term over and over. Vtubers aren't responsible for their own actions and he doesn't want to actually read into what happened because that would require work instead of speculation.
@AxleTrade Ай бұрын
I’ve watched Yuko every now and then but what happened exactly on that end? What’s up with her circle of friends outside of Idol?
@psyky Ай бұрын
Well now I'm curious
@yeshevishman Ай бұрын
I've been watching Yuko since i first discovered Idol back when they blew up, and I NEVER got why people thought her content was supposed to be seen as GFE, and i feel like she was pushed towards it by outside factors. (Possibly a combination of idol management but mostly fans). I always saw her as a "memer" and most of her seemingly "GFE" content always struck me as more of a parody of the genre that many people took too far because of para socialism. In the end, I think that the graduation didn't HAVE to happen, I just think that Idol wasn't supportive of her trying to change her image, despite the fact that she never really WANTED gat image in the first place. We have SEEN the lack of actual creative guidance Idol gives to the talents in the past, which is NOT necessarily done maliciously, but more probably due to a lack of experience in the VTuber market. They were NOT able to step in earlier and say "hey, you need to be careful with how you portray yourself". As we saw with a certain "other" formal talent in the company, this was probably due to not wanting to be seen as "micromanaging" their talents (or their OTHER employees, as we saw with the lack of oversight in what was going on with between that talent and another employee.) I think they are STILL trying to figure out what level of balance works for them, and that's one of the reasons they make mistakes. However, I believe we see they are trying to learn from their mistakes, which is more than you can say for many other VTuber companies. I wish Yuko success in whatever future path she chooses.
@hoppy8008 Ай бұрын
Now, I'm concerned about Ruby in ES & that $25 ASMR tier (A price I haven't seen in Vtubing, tiers like this never exceed $10 in the JP sphere & the higher the tier the more things can go south easily), also the $100 tier outside of the hentai pic bugs me as well.
@docbenway1082 Ай бұрын
Most of Holo EN have $25 sub tiers
@hoppy8008 Ай бұрын
@@docbenway1082 How many of those are ASMR related though?
@Nahan_Boker94 Ай бұрын
Do we will ever see the guy under you lol? Yuko Yurei graduations compared to others seems like excitements. Idol itself still have questionable drama like the famous one Riro Ron/Kyoresu and accusations from Pochi Wanmaru that they are taking her money. But other talent so far seems doesnt have issues. So let's hope Idol isn't Niji/Wactor timebomb that waiting to blow up.
@YTDariuS-my6dg Ай бұрын
Be on laptop when phone is notif. "Yuko Yurei is kill" "No" Man, I'm not big on staying up to date on chuubas but I liked her shorts a lot, they were goofy and fun.
@angeldust9879 Ай бұрын
What's GFE?
@_Sakamichi_ Ай бұрын
When a girl role play as your girlfriend - girlfriend experience, GFE.
@renebaan7430 Ай бұрын
Nousagi it seems your dodging the real reason her fanbased left Why not mention her PL "friends" constantly attacking her fans and her supporting this? Why not mention her PL "friends" being criminals with p3do charges ? Why not mention the grooming allegations of her PL "freinds" that her fanbase wasn't comfortable with? This seems to skip all the important and vast complex part and seems to just simplify to "GFE" when in reality it's much more complex and nuanced than you think.
@YouPooper Ай бұрын
Everybody that has covered this so far has been bitchmade on this part. "GFE bad, unicorns reeee, parasocial cucks" is the low hanging fruit.
@Wazaraku Ай бұрын
While that's interesting... and quite shitty if true (which I can believe) you're honestly asking at the person that was kicked HARD in the vtuber community for talking about PL in the past why he doesnt use PL information for this? I'm not saying your point is invalid. I'm saying DN most likely wont bring it up because people gave them shit when he used shit like that in the past... I could be wrong, but I can't help but finding the irony hilarious
@renebaan7430 Ай бұрын
​@Wazaraku you're actually 100% correct with that point, and I didn't really consider that. Very good observation
@HaelDraco Ай бұрын
Did this actually happen? Since if it did that makes this situation far more complicated then I originally thought it was.
@maxtech23 Ай бұрын
I don't blame yuko for wanting to do different content, gfe/bfe content is a double edged sword, you may get some people who will throw tones of money at you for that content but then you tend to get some unhealthy people in your community and those kinds of people get really toxic when you don't give them what they want, the money isn't worth it when you gotta deal with those kinds of people, hopefully yuko get's a good send off with her last stream.
@megalodon7916 Ай бұрын
Honestly, I don’t think it’s wise for any VTuber to specialize in The Girlfriend Experience (TGE). It encourages the wrong sort of parasocial relationship with viewers, and can have drastic consequences down the road. Once you attract that type of crowd, you kind of get stuck with them. Once you become known for TGE, that’s what everyone starts to expect of you, and eventually it can become all they want from you. If you decide you don’t want to do that anymore and instead branch out, you’ll lose your core fanbase, and you may have trouble attracting a new fanbase because everyone knows you for TGE. If you stick with TGE, then it may only be a matter of time before what happened to Rushia happens to you. All it takes is one innocent little slip up, one vague hint that you’re seeing someone, and it could be all over. It may lead to quick growth in a short amount of time, but in the end it could limit your growth as a streamer in the long run.
@TYR1139 Ай бұрын
For a Rushia to happen you need to screw up on multiple points
@DinnerForkTongue Ай бұрын
Not even specialize, they're better off not dabbling into it at all. It's a more slippery slope than a tilted telescope lens coated in graphite powder.
@megalodon7916 Ай бұрын
@@TYR1139 Actually, I’d say everything that happened afterwards was just a chain reaction stemming from that one little message on the GTA stream. Also, The Girlfriend Experience is a lot worse for Japanese streamers due to the way idol culture works. You REALLY don’t want to screw up there.
@thenoisyninja Ай бұрын
It just invites chaos
@Aru_im Ай бұрын
Why are you inventing a new term(TGE) when it has already has a still properly widespread used and literally the same term(GFE)?
@aaaaaaa_69 Ай бұрын
what’s GFE?
@BassRockArchives Ай бұрын
“Girlfriend Experience”
@lorddpod Ай бұрын
@major-1168 Ай бұрын
is she going bacc to being Rye?
@TheInnocentRabbitofCaerbannog Ай бұрын
Ayo? Real major? Well, she uploaded a vid to ryeisbread recently Apparently, she will look like a rabbit vtuber now
@ascrein5247 Ай бұрын
Yuko made a number of wrong decisions I guess. I will miss her humor in idolcorp. Her nickname of Bin BenBose will live on in Rin Penrose. Also, rip to Idolcorp and E-Sekai generation after losing Pochi Wanmaru then Yuko Yurei.
@RyanHolcombeRyan2Gamer Ай бұрын
What the hell are you talking about unicorns and whales what the hell is that and what is a GFE and since when did this news come out she's graduating this is news to me I guess I wasn't keeping up with her
@hallowvenixya9215 Ай бұрын
Terms. Unicorns are fans of things like idols and such and they specifically hold the belief that the person they're a fan of should be pure. Whales. People who are willing to sink money into otherwise unpayed experiences. GFE is The Girlfriend experience. Which should be pretty self explanatory.
@fadlanal-amsi9839 Ай бұрын
hit me like a jumpscare with that one
@70galaxie Ай бұрын
whatta strange behavior/circumstance w/o actually knowing behavior/circumstance. easy to guess,impossible to see. most grads are not scandal&or trash talk,individuals just show up on another service/platform. Back in the day,only a short while ago,grads disappeared w/o ah trace. jobsa job,downtime is downtime. companies will suffer more&more,when top tier sub counts just step away or change companies. let alone if a management service comes along that is useful to"indies"
@wisefelipe Ай бұрын
I really don't understand why people feel entitled to content... I guess I just don't understand how these people think.
@roninshinobi Ай бұрын
Had bad feeling about the rebrand once she deleted her old content. Had hoped though it would all work out for her. Sad to see it wasn’t the case. Wish her the best moving forward.
@NVFerost Ай бұрын
I always have trouble feeling sorry for B/GFEtubers in situations like these. Not because muh idols muh pure virgins (which, if you actually do want to dedicate yourself to that stressful kind of career, no hate, just know the dangers going jn), but because of the kind of people who DONT want to do that and become B/GFEtubers You don't even need a psychology 101 course to tell you that the toxic parts of the B/GFE fanbase are by and large mentally ill, and that shouting at them about how toxic they are or boundaries isn't going to change a thing. Because of that, you generally only see 5 kinds of people try to become as such from the get-go. Type 1, the manipulative abuser that chooses to target B/GFE for easy money, knowingly or subconsciously and instinctually taking advantage of the mentally ill. Either directly as a source of income or to build an initial audience. Type 2, The exceptionally lonely. Type 3, the exceptionally stupid thinking they need to and are capable of sanitizing the scene by changing the people Type 4, those who crossover with 2 and have the same issues as their audience. Type 5, those who actually want to try to do the idol thing. Types 3 and 5 are principally rare, there's crossover at all levels, with 4 and 2 or 2-into-1 once they become more confident being the highest crossovers. By and large, however, the majority (especially of successful B/GFEtubers) are the ones who think and manipulate their way to the top, especially in the current business climate, especially in as clique-centered a field as vtubing. Type 1. I never watched Yuko personally (you can probably guess I dislike B/GFE on principle), but I *have* seen 3 or 4 leaked things she said outside of her chat and have a pretty decent idea for an outsider thanks to people who do cover or follow her on how she handled the situation, and can say without a doubt that even if she was the lonely type or some other at one point either when she started with Idol or in a past life of hers, she was the type to take advantage of them by the end. Yes, they are toxic, and awful, but that is a known commodity going in and has been for years, hardly something unknown by the time Idol released their first talents. That is the risk you take if you want to take money from those who can't help themselves. From what I've seen, she chose to take the GFE path when she entered Idol, she chose to badmouth them behind the scenes, she chose to cut the addicts off cold turkey. I can feel the basic level of empathy in dealing with an unreasonable mob, but, as someone who has helped those who couldn't help themselves re-enter society and seen how people took advantage of some of them... I can't feel truly sorry for her.
@Drbeattles Ай бұрын
i never watched her GFE for GFE. I always was waiting for it to go off the rails with her crazy humor and just enjoy the show. to be honest some times it felt like a strong parody of GFE at points. its a shame this happened cause she was a fave out of idol. Ben Binrose was good but then I just drifted from her and juna is great but isn't as off the wall nuts as yuko.
@adamzasadni4221 Ай бұрын
Dafaq is a unicorn?
@leonrussell9607 Ай бұрын
The guys who don't like female vtubers interacting with any men whatsoever
@Jonathanloh1992 Ай бұрын
Those Unicorns is the most problematic fans that can kill any idol vtubers. And people now hates them for being an asshole to their oshi and get them in trouble.
@Akrilloth Ай бұрын
Part of the myth around unicorns is that they are aggressive against anything outside virgin human women, which they instead help and bless with all sorts of magic and whatever. So it kinda weaves into how they tend to get upset if any sort of male is mentioned or is featured in a stream, hence they are "no longer pure" and no longer has the unicorns fancy.
@Papa-Corn Ай бұрын
A horse with a horn.
@federicofilippini6780 Ай бұрын
It might sound heartless of me but sincerely, she goes into gfe decently hard and u think they were gonna follow u after u dump them like trash on the side of the road? Like people I get one stuff is to wanting to change content but u know deleting stuff the old fans loved and also u know payed for too and not even letting them keep those cause u wanted to “”””change image”””” it’s such a dick move, yes she had the right to want to change content but guess what litteraly going: by the way all the stuff u payed for I am taking it cause dosnt match my image anymore. is so scummy, also heard of the rumors that she is attacking her old fans by using her remaining ones if that is true, I sencerly hope she fails miserably cause as much as gfe fans sure are people that are not well in the mind,her pulling this litteraly makes them cement even more in their beliefs, also it’s scummy in the first place cause u know it shows how u much actually cared about your fans which is not a lot and u just did it for money, if the rumor ain’t true than I hope she can reinvent herself outside the agency but if the rumor is true I say she deserves it . U know the right move would have been to keep the old content on the channel for people that wanted to keep at least the good memories and slowly phase out the gfe stuff so they would gradually lose interest and it woudnt feel like someone suddenly punching u in the face, I get the burn out but come on its like taking a Granade in hand pulling the pin and dropping at your feet and saying: oh it wasn’t my fault that I blowed off my own legs with this granade. And this is coming from someone that dislikes the gfe content stuff because 99 percent of the times people that pull it don’t actually care and I don’t like the gfe fans either cause of them behaving how they do usually, but I will call out scummy stuff when I see it and making u pay stuff that than u just delete out of the blue is just a scummy move and it dosnt matter on who u pulled that move on, people still payed for it,and no matter on what fanbase u would pull a move like that in , it’s bound to be hated cause it’s just scamming at that point that would get anyone mad. Sorry for the rant but this situation really rubbed me the wrong way cause as much as I don’t like gfe, the oh yes gonna delete all content related to said stuff I did plus also the payed content too out of the blue, really rubbed me the wrong way , sure u could say if u were a true fan u woudnt mind the change of content but the problem isn’t the change of content it’s the fact u so casually negate what u have done in the past with such a dissimissive attitude and that just rubs me the wrong way and I feel many people too also felt that way cause it becomes a break of trust at that point , who says u ain’t gonna pull that again in the future? But yeh as much as I dislike gfe fans I can understand them cause most of them are just desperate people that need help to get out of a dark mindset but pulling stuff like this ain’t going to fix them at all it’s just gonna make them get more extreme than they already are and more annoying.
@FireHill20 Ай бұрын
She also friends with pedo and other crimes from PL, you forgot to mention her fanbased from her PL was harassed her fanbased while she agree with them didn’t do anything it’s a lot more than the “unicorn/whales” it was steps after steps breaking down her community trust to please her old one. Please do more research
@Panopticon83 Ай бұрын
Weird how success can be the best and worst thing to happen to a talent. Even if your brand no longer carries the weight it used to its still your brand, you can change it over time, yeah it's a lot of work and it may never be the same again but this feels like abandoning a new car because it ran out of gas and you're stuck on the side of the road and you just told the last person to pass you by and offer help to get F'ed. It's not unsalvageable, its just difficult. I don't know if she'll ever see the success she had but I wish her luck. Seems like a shortsighted decision based on short term issues.
@holonet1 Ай бұрын
I haven't followed her closely. This is definitely a shame! I guess she won't be the Gwar Gura of Idol. .... .. Just like the sudden death of Holo-Death, there goes the Brat-Cast. It's an extra blow, when it's a streamer when who rose so big, so quickly. The previous ones in her position, that went indie never even got close to their former glory.
@edenromanov Ай бұрын
Back to the normie world for her now it seems, poor girl imploded her own career smh Edit: I'm surprised you didn't cover the rrat about her attacking her fans/her supporting people attacking her fans.
@DinnerForkTongue Ай бұрын
I'm not sure DN dabbles into rrats anymore. Too many tools take that stuff as gospel and he doesn't want a boomerang effect straight in the nose.
@Tiananmen1989FreeTibetHK Ай бұрын
@tripdrakony869 Ай бұрын
shot herself into the foot, complained that it hurts, leaves. (cuts out her gfe contentt/cies about it/graduates) it was her own fault, she should've been more strikt with it, oh well
@bloxhead7545 Ай бұрын
Humans make mistakes. You can’t just know things from the start, you learn them throughout your journey and the universe has decided long ago when, where and with whom everything living inside it can learn small parts of their lessons from. She was just blundered her move and that’s okay, at least she entertained the universe and a tiny group of its incomplete clones a little bit.
@jonnyrbgomes Ай бұрын
plus she was talking shit about her fans in another stream (not as yuko), it the internet people will find out where you "hang out", especially the Vtuber sphere were many want to know who is the person behind the model.
@akira8393 Ай бұрын
​@@bloxhead7545yeah tell that to my dad. He'd whipped out his belt smack right at my face if i said that😂
@tripdrakony869 Ай бұрын
@@jonnyrbgomes forgot to mentioned this, thx for adding to it
@cuotsuyoi-6836 Ай бұрын
​@@jonnyrbgomesWait... So she basically pulled a Nyanners or a lesser version of it?
@YouPooper Ай бұрын
All of the vtuber commentators are just going to say "it's the unicorns fault" and move on.
@takenname8053 Ай бұрын
Dam :(
@Archedgar Ай бұрын
Same old story; Some whoar whoarz too hard and then betrays her audience.
@PreshaOrion Ай бұрын
As an enjoyer of gfe I do get it. But I don't think this will be a long term massive blow to Idol. During this time a lot of their medium sized talents have grown by 10-20k, and I believe based on what I see on Twitter that their Invaders and ES branch has a lot of potential to pick up EN slack.
@lostnemesis Ай бұрын
I'm a little conflicted because I haven't went back to see if the timetables lineup or not, because right now I don't remember if she got rid of the girlfriend experience stuff after the very bad situation with that chickadee or if she did it before, But no matter what she failed in a lot of ways when it comes to being that type of content creator. Some people brought up other Vtubers I don't like bringing up kroni because the subway joke that had purpose the talking about boobs it was more her going after that one person then actually disliking the talk about her models giant boobs, Back to the girlfriend experience thing. You have to put up a wall between yourself and the viewer, or you make it so unbelievably different from yourself in a Belle Delphine way that no one thinks that's who you really are, and then when you get enough money and you have a boyfriend or a partner in general you can just step away and you're Gucci, I find a lot of the relationship experience people in the vtuber space never put a barrier between themselves and the viewer, they never draw the line in the Sand. Because you have to let the viewer know "hey numbnuts you can listen to it feel how you want to feel but outside of this none of this shit carries over" some people do it in varying ways like as vtubing has gotten bigger we have seen more married women come into the vtubing scene so they act a little scandalous on the stream but as soon as their husband comes around it's like "yeah guys the characters off right now I'm going to talk to my husband" and then you have others who never play it anything more than "I am literally going to act like I'm your mother a sexy anime mother but a mother" some people can find a way to draw lines without ever stating it clearly, And those people to me are the really special ones because they don't have to be I want with their viewers it's just a feeling mixed with some words that tells you this goes no further and it allows no misconception from the freaky people, But man she on the other hand went down the path of GFE but didn't put up any barriers any lines in the sand or even rules that appear in the chat to tell you" hey you can have fun you can enjoy it but as soon as this stream ends it's over." It's been awhile since I thought about the GFE experience myself so I don't have all the names I used to that I could just pull up as a Rolodex of people but there are people who can manage it well it just seems like she didn't and it caused it to be incredibly draining for her.
@user-nt8wh3cg8r Ай бұрын
Honestly, I think she deserves graduation. Disrespecting her fans so much, especially ones who payed their money for the content deserves consequences.
@BassRockArchives Ай бұрын
there was also that supposed lemonade stream last year…
@Darksonic73 Ай бұрын
I think GFE content is extremely hard to manage for both talent and fans. Whether you're a fan of GFE content or not, it's easy to see it actively encourages parasocial behavior. In my personal experience, Idol corp should have NEVER let Yuko do this, I don't know how young she is, but from the content I've seen, she seems maybe in her early 20s. As a corporation with a young talent who isn't looking at the long-term effects, it can go wrong extremely fast if she decided it made her uncomfortable later down the road (which it seems like it did). There's nothing wrong, in my opinion, with a little GFE like content in moderation, some of the most successful vtubers (Fauna, Rin, Doki, etc) do have some aspects of it it's just a part of the vtubing community. The biggest difference is Fauna and others did it on occasion and actively try to discourage parasocial behavior. Yuko gained ALOT of success from it and probably felt pressured to continue or lose her fanbase (unfortunately she was right). I genuinely think Idol is corp is in the wrong their managers should have seen the signs that her audience was growing parasocial and warned her to stop that is part of their job after all to MANAGE her and her audience.
@Sceptile24 Ай бұрын
W H O ?
@clintongriffin2077 Ай бұрын
It's like dirty non story telling comedians. They explode on scene and then just fall off
@Nicole_whatsgood Ай бұрын
BFE and GFE are really sad, theres no way fans of it can interact with it in a mentally healthy way. Its parasocial to the worst degree. And the content creators just cultivate extremely toxic audiences that pretty much always leads to problems
@akira8393 Ай бұрын
Because it's never healthy. I'll never get who would say it with a straight face that it is beneficial. Drugs can take care of diseases temporarily but it's not gonna cure you.
@SenseiRaisen Ай бұрын
I don't blame her either. It was a risk and she knew it. In the end didn't pay neither the cost of abandon that type of thing out of the blue. While is understandable, is also understandable that reaction to be happen too. Is like using a bomb to get rid of a locus plague. YEAH! you got rid of them but in the process it cost you the entire field to be whipped out and barren.
@akira8393 Ай бұрын
She went nuclear. There wasn't a risk. I knew it was pretty much suicidal career
@Lucasxd331 Ай бұрын
Context: The Vtuber fanbase is filled to the brim with people that, for the most part, see the girls as their ideal friends/girlfriends, and some Vtubers choose to target that part of their community, the "unhealthy-obsessive" type, to feed off of. These fans are the types that give these Vtubers gifts, big super chats, are always there giving them views, likes, and supporting every new project these Vtubers participate in, etc. But when the Vtuber starts to move on from that type of content, when they either start to few unconfortable with it, or when their desire was never really to delve too much into that fanbase and they start to change their content, these types of fans will become their worst haters. Yuyu very likely got herself a boyfriend while still doing "Girlfriend Experience" content for nearly one and a half years, and she abruptly moved on from that type of content to avoid upseting her boyfriend, doing so turned most of that fanbase she cultivated into a horde of upset fans. She doesn't deserve to get harassed for alegedly having a boyfriend or for no longer making the type of content her old fans watched her for, but noting as she cultivated that fanbase herself over the time she was active, the issues her decisions caused should be something she expected, but ultimately she wasn't able to handle the pressure.
@renebaan7430 Ай бұрын
Bruh you don't have the full story Her former PL "friends" constantly attacked and harassed her fanbase and her former PL "friends" are known p3dos with criminal records this isn't as simple as "jealous boyfriend" it's much more complex and vast
@deb1950 Ай бұрын
so, idol corp fell off?
@JustVeryTired. Ай бұрын
Not really, not yet anyways
@brandonhowell5096 Ай бұрын
I give it another 1-3 years and the company will probably close down
@somerandomdude184 Ай бұрын
Chill bros its still going to survive with the new lads no?
@deb1950 Ай бұрын
@@somerandomdude184 fell off but still around, not bankrupt
@kenzor4953 Ай бұрын
deserved lol
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