These Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising Mechanics Will RUIN The Game?!

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Dashing light attack and guard cancel within granblue fantasy versus rising are two very strong mechanics. Today we will be looking over and analyzing the properties and situations in which make both of these mechanics incredible strong within GBVSR at the moment. So today I as you all the question, Will These Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising Mechanics Will RUIN The Game?!
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@Hakeemthedr3am 6 ай бұрын
My only issue with 66L os how little startup and recovery it has making the mindgames heavily skewed in the attackers favor. The range is also annoying from characters like katalina
@DuoMaxwellDS 6 ай бұрын
66L only need more recovery on whiff and I think it will be fine. Don't think GC is a problem since losing brave point is something people really want to avoid. Down to 1 BP and you already have one more thing to look out for, the guard crush.
@XastherReeD 6 ай бұрын
I agree with the increased recovery and GC points, but I would also like to see the distance 66L travels a character decreased. Frankly, some of these character fly across the screen. It doesn't have to be much, just NOT have the move literally outrange 99% of all buttons in the game.
@AresGod0fWar 6 ай бұрын
Can’t wait for them to nerf 66L and everyone complains that the game is dead.
@Knjsm 6 ай бұрын
Well I suppose the game will be left with skilled people and those who are willing to improve, rather than abusing a mechanic that makes online fights boring and redundant. If that's the price to pay, i'm in.
@willardrobersonii9061 6 ай бұрын
@@Knjsm The FGC doesn't know what it wants. We see this pattern in tons of fighting games over and over and over again. There's a couple of strong mechanics (and in this case universal btw, since I guess yall forgot that), and people overreact and automatically scream nerf instead of just playing the game to let it develop, (it hasn't even been 2 weeks yet!!), then IF those particular things get nerfed from sheer community outcry, the floodgates open... Then come more reactionary changes in the name of "balance", more nerfs, fewer options, and by the end of it, you've got stale and stiff gameplay from so much balancing/nerfing, and then people claim the is game boring (and at that point they might be right). The truth is, people don't ACTUALLY want "balance" they want to WIN, while being able to claim that their main character is "fair and balanced", so they can say "GG shake my hand" while they play the top 1 character lol... These mechanics are UNIVERSAL, everyone can use them! Miss me with the nonsense and play the game for more than 2 weeks before screaming for nerfs.
@Knjsm 6 ай бұрын
@@willardrobersonii9061 Cmon don't be overdramatic lol. No one's talking about breaking the game. It's more like balancing, which is the point of this discussion, right ? I believe something as simple as reducing, even just a bit, the positive frames of that move could make it more enjoyable for most.
@dominicwilliams214 6 ай бұрын
I don't think it needs to be nerfed you can beat it with dp
@tkm1875 6 ай бұрын
The FGC is as annoyjng and toxic as they are smelly. A game that's been supported this long and got a new version/sequel could never be dead. As if all games in general don't have a lifespan, smh. That kind of negativity is why I don't get involved with the FGC.
@tajito256 6 ай бұрын
Yoooo thanks for the video! I'm new to GranBlue so I appreciate your videos. Also, I'm sure you have been asked this question a lot but what is the name of the song at the end of your video if you don't mind me asking. Sounds like a song from Raito.
@nite9560 6 ай бұрын
I think more blockstun and recovery on 66L is enough. If it's punishable by neutral jump or spotdodge then not only it becomes riskier to throw out but also gives more time for both players to react to the situation and react properly. Its an essential tool for rushdown when they're outranged in neutral. Maybe make it even or +1
@felipeborges830 5 ай бұрын
The right thing to do in my opinion is to make it so that it is slightly negative on block, like -2f to 0f/even so that the attacking player dont get punished on block but lose its turn and on whiff it gets real negative to de point o punishment, as you metioned. This way it doesnt change the primary function of a fast offensive attack for but also adds a little bit more of strategic and risk to it, as its still mantain the benefit of comboing/converting on good damage and positioning on hit.
@Rikuto01 6 ай бұрын
66L is a problem, I dont see guard cancel as a problem. I mean, is having somebody spam this and eventually start taking 50% more damage really something that bothers you? It sounds more like they are trying to die faster. Doing it twice is like giving your opponent a free combo and doing it three times is a checkmate. I love when people do it against Vas, it makes his throws actually hurt.
@DaikenFGC 6 ай бұрын
I think your failing to see how a get off me tool with little to no counter play is crazy. It also does damage can can lead into a chip finish. Also raging strike is never guaranteed when they are 1 or below as it can always be spot dodged and DP’ed. also keep in mind super regenerates a bravery point as well and takes yours. Getting full hard knockdown oki from a setplay character off a tool like this can spell the end of a round. I would definitely not sleep on this mechanic if I were you
@Rikuto01 6 ай бұрын
​@@DaikenFGC I guess I just can't agree that the additional damage isn't already built-in counterplay. Those numbers get really nutty.
@SH1NK1R01 6 ай бұрын
@@DaikenFGCwith all due respect. I think you are assuming way too much here. Guard cancel doesn’t lead to a hard knock down oki setup from anyone. And you can’t even follow it up with more than 66l unless the opponent was already in the corner. So you are basically just assuming the absolute worst case scenario from every gc. An option being strong and an option being problematic are not the same thing. I don’t think you are making that distinction at all. You are just marking them all as problematic just for not being garbage. You are also really downplaying the cost of the gc as if landing a super is guaranteed so losing a bp doesn’t matter. It’s a little weird.
@DaikenFGC 6 ай бұрын
@@SH1NK1R01 This entirely false information what? lmaoo You can 100% get stuff besides 66L on a +54 hard knockdown. Not to mention + on block and spot dodge? That is not ok like what? lmao. if you honestly cant see how these mechanics in there state are problematic I honestly don't know what to tell you
@SH1NK1R01 6 ай бұрын
@@DaikenFGC at the distance it knocks you away any oki setup is inherently weaker. The false information is you convincing people that you are gonna get some crazy difficult to deal with mix from near full screen. That gives you barely enough time for a single meaty attack or a single setup from a set play character at best. This is also the only defensive mechanic in the game that is universal. This has the same energy as the people who bitched about drive rush and perfect parry. It’s always problematic unless it’s garbage. Nothing can be strong if it’s universal. And again, you are severely underestimating the cost of a gc. You get to use it maybe a single time at no cost. Any additional uses puts you at a massive disadvantage both defensively and offensively. So yeah you steal your turn back but you also functionally give your opponent the life lead for doing it. If it didn’t give advantage then it would suck as a get off me button.
@lesbonsamis8171 6 ай бұрын
About 66L, I would like if blocked we are pushed back enough so we can’t auto combo after it. Another possibility is to get a longer ending frame if dodged. Or make it not hit when the opponent jumps. For the Gard Cancel, it would be interesting if we get a hard down only if we GC heavy attacks or specials.
@IchiExorz 6 ай бұрын
Granted i'm new af to the game and haven't played the previous game. But generally I'm not too bothered by certain mechanics being really strong if they have a limited use with a decent drawback. 66L is a bit too oppressive tho. But I think having it's range decreased maybe would be enough? I'm fine with it being a fast & safe poke but it shouldn't go so far imo. Nerf range, make 66M a bit less punishable (not positive) About GC... I can't talk about how good players punish you after GCing you but how far the enemy falls it doesn't feel like it's too bad. They can close the gap and start their offense sure but that's the reward you get from landing it I guess considering it costs a BP. I do feel like it being + on block and even on spot dodge is a bit too much though. Maybe it should be even? It shouldn't be negative imo because already missing or having it outplayed already gives you a disadvantage to being a BP down. I feel like those mechanics need some small nerfs from what i've seen so far.
@squalace_ 6 ай бұрын
I don’t mind the BP mechanics, since most people don’t wanna drop below 2, but the 66 attacks seriously need their own cooldowns. It’s like giving the entire cast a spaced Gran boot without a CD, plus it’s way better on some characters than others.
@kenamada5451 6 ай бұрын
I was doing this to my friend. 66L into 66L into 66L and my friend was asking "What is this!?" I laughed and replied "Welcome back to throw loops!" The whole voice call screamed in horror. Lmao, for those who dont understand why 66L is an issue and is coming from street fighter. 66L once it lands the first time puts you in a similar situation to throw loops. Now, it's not 1 to 1. You can mash! So its not "true" like how throw loops are (can dp out of TL, but not jab) However, damage in this game is absolutely ridiculous. So, just like throw loops, pressing something is a massive risk to you as the defender. So it's either you hold these 66L's till you're in the corner OR you mash, I bait you and now you're stuck in a 3BP combo for 70% Medium or heavy starter. It's like getting shimmied in street fighter! Nostalgia! I won't just doompost though. All they need to do is extend the recovery a smidge. Keep it plus, some characters need the tool, but adding more recovery makes it more discernable if people are trying to steal their turn with another 66L. Since 66L into 66L is not true, it's just scary if they decide not to 66L and hit medium instead.
@fatliquor7856 6 ай бұрын
It's an easy fix. PUT A COOL DOWN ON 66L. DONE! Easiest and quickest fix. First 66L is plus, during the CD any consecutive 66L puts you in minus or you just can't do 66l until CD ends. In my opinion Guard cancel is easy to fix as well. Lots of options you can reduce frame adv. Only able to guard cancel on second or third hit, force back to neutral. The scaling needs to be looked at as well. taking 50% is too much. maybe scale from 10/20/30? I feel making one mistake and getting punished for 99% of your health is not enjoyable. Especially when this game is so aggressive and your defensive options are limited.
@Gang3rs 6 ай бұрын
a 66L nerf would be nice, especially on chars that has it better than others. As a Vas main once you do 66l against him he gotta hold EVERYTHING. theres nothing he can do since he got alot of slow buttons. a good idea guard cancel might be (on top of it not being plus on block) if you manage to spotdodge it treat it just like when you spotdodge a guard break with the slowmo and maybe add the penalty of losing another brave point.
@jonahhinz5208 6 ай бұрын
I don't think I really agree on the 66L take, it's made offence really fun and while this is a slower game it's also still an anime game, offence being better then defence is by design. I think if you were going to make a change maing it punishable on whiff maybe? or a slight decrease in range but nothing major else you make zoning really hard to beat for some characters. I certainly don't think they should do both. I thought the counterplay to guard cancel was delaying attacks to make them do a raging strike instead? I haven't practiced that aspect myself yet but that was sorta my impression of how I would do that
@garethcf1016 6 ай бұрын
I really feel like the state of 66l currently kinda requires GC to be strong, especially for characters who have their defensive options locked behind meter and especially for said characters with very slow normals, especially since the price of GC is higher than 66l which lets u reset pressure for free. So both either 66l gets nerfed first or both are nerfed in tandem. But characters with setplay should be able punish GC as is if done right as is thanks to their setplay options. Xyzzy did it by spotdodging while the opponent had gigi on them. Ofc that requires a hard read and quite a bit of luck
@lerey74 6 ай бұрын
3:31 I guess 66L would need a cooldown to avoid the "spam"
@Jrrj100 6 ай бұрын
I didn't play much of the original game but ive been having a lot of fun with Rising. Personally don't see a huge issue with run L being +2. I'd maybe be fine with the range being lowered idk its not really that big a deal to me I think it makes pressure kinda fun. As for guard cancels personally I'm into them being really strong but I think they should always be able to be baited so having them be +6 on block is a no go for me personally but I'm fine with them giving hard knockdowns. But idk I wouldn't be too mad if the guard cancels got nerfed a bit. I just hope they don't become worthless as games where the guard cancels feel really bad feel lame to me. Thats just my perspective as a new player tho im not really super competitive or anything I come mostly from Strive. To be honest I find Drive Rush in SF6 far more annoying than running Ls in this game but maybe its just cause I haven't played enough yet against really good players.
@Jrrj100 6 ай бұрын
@@EnardB lmao I understand that being + is good
@kylematthiesen4097 6 ай бұрын
@@EnardB I think if you want to make an argument regarding 66l being too strong it’s not the fact that it’s plus more so the fact that it’s so far forward advancing. Generally most characters c.l is actually more plus than 66l so it’s not the plus frames that are the problem it’s how you can get plus frames from so far away. Yes being plus is strong but it’s not a new phenomenon.
@fel524 6 ай бұрын
​@@EnardBpeople like you are the worst
@Jrrj100 6 ай бұрын
@@kylematthiesen4097 agreed thats why I said Id be fine with a range nerf cause it feels like you can just unga bunga down the whole stage to get in for free. But the 22L being plus itself isnt that big a deal imo
@Rikuto01 6 ай бұрын
Being plus is fine. Being plus with an 8 frame move that goes half screen for most characters from only 1 frame of running is atrociously bad. Like, crazy crazy bad concept. Not good at all.
@felipeborges830 6 ай бұрын
The Guard Cancel for me is one of the best mechanics and very welcome adition to Granblue, in my opinion, because it function just like GC/CD in KOF. You usa one precious resource to get the pressure off from you effectively, as it shoud. But I do agree that it doesnt need the counter hit +50f and being + on block situation (it could be -2 on block and -5 or -7 on whiff). But the very real problem is 66L, it takes about 8f startup, travels far and lighting fast, it leaves you +2 on block and has a total frames of 20f, which functions like normal dash in many games and is very hard to punish on reaction. Another thing that I really think it needs adjustments as the 66L are some many of the Ultimate Skills. But this game is real good. It is the best we have in this generarion of FG right now.
@qv-gts 6 ай бұрын
I can deal with Guard Cancel given how many ways we've found to bait it at this point, though it could definitely use a nerf on it's guard frames. 66L though is out of control, at least let me punish it if I get a hard read and spot dodge, lol.
@Karma-Larma 6 ай бұрын
Just make 66L dodgeable punish
@VinHerrera-ck3yg 6 ай бұрын
You can parrybthat though.. Without it zoners are going to have a feast and rushdown characters like Soriz dies even more.
@cothrone3651 6 ай бұрын
Imagine if you burst baited in strive or blazblue and because of the hard read you just did you are now minus 10
@legendredux1291 6 ай бұрын
I suck at using 66L in a row do people dash button for this
@user-cd5fm3hh9k 3 ай бұрын
I use just 66, one thing - you should press 6 and 6+L, if you press L earlier - it will drop. Personally, i just hold second 6 and release it after L connects and animation of 66L already started
@riesbyfe7511 6 ай бұрын
I definitely think guard cancel needs a nerf to be baitable as any other burst in fgs. In regards the 66L, what is the counterplay if you don't have an invincible exDP? I know i'm not that good, but I play Ferry and is kind of a pain having a Gran 66L me into the corner and keep doing it into a 5M or grab mix. I usually wait for them to make a mistake because I'm blocking and they get desperate, but I'm not sure what to do besides Skybound when I have 100% meter. 66L should not be +, or cover that much space imo.
@DaikenFGC 6 ай бұрын
In therory you can spot dodge re attempts at a 66L but it is extremely risky and highly dependent on when you and your opponent inputted both actions so frame date and results will vary. Besides that it’s just guessing lol. 66L into 66L or 66L into run up button/throw can be mashed but a button immediately after a 66L will beat your mash. It’s a rough mind game for the defender
@SH1NK1R01 6 ай бұрын
You are playing a long range character who is weak to rush down and are claiming that 66l shouldn’t be plus…..ok man. Even without 66l gran would walk you down and pressure you anyways. If 66l isn’t plus then the move is useless. Which was the exact feedback from beta 1 and why they buffed it. It just shouldn’t be 8 frames. Having it be that fast makes mediums unable to contest them at long range.
@AirventOS 6 ай бұрын
You do have an invincible reversal for 50% meter, 623U. You gain meter fast you can do that
@riesbyfe7511 6 ай бұрын
@@AirventOS oh I had no idea that was an Invincible reversal, thanks! That's good to know
@jonahhinz5208 6 ай бұрын
if your playing a character like Ferry blocking 66L is already a bad spot to be in tbh. Don't get me wrong 66L is really good but your best defence to it is preventing it from happening, playing an active roll and taking up space has produced good results on Zooey for me, figure out what buttons you can use to check them on the way in and don't let them do it for free. Once they get in you are playing defence though, so either spend the meter/bravery points or hold the mix and break out, that's character dependent so you'd have to lab specific answers
@TychieJDK 6 ай бұрын
from how much ive played the game everyone literally mashes at low lvl game play nd it sucks ass no matter plus frames lool. Great vid btw.
@SeanTheShinigami 6 ай бұрын
66L just needs more recovery/punish opportunity on whiff but the concept itself is fine. It allows everyone to have a similar sense of offense and with the nerf mentioned, allows interactive play with multiple defense options (dodge, guard cancel, DP/reversal or parry). For GC's issue, it definitely does need some sort of bait ability so that if it's blocked, the opponent is left negative like crazy. But I think GC idea is also fine in this game (as it is in so many other games) since it's another defensive tool for every character.
@inksword6029 2 ай бұрын
these mechanics are literallynot bad
@eastcoasttone3952 6 ай бұрын
This whole time I was sitting here thinking I was doing something wrong by never being able to successfully punish guard cancel even if I block it. Turns out there basically isn’t much counter play to it after all lol. Honestly I’d be cool with them letting 66L cook if they make some adjustments to guard cancel.
@amurjoeray2790 6 ай бұрын
I really don’t see an issue with this mechanic? Literally you can stick a button out and stop this.
@silvertaken 6 ай бұрын
I think it's a bit overractionary to talk about nerfs to this mechanic. We've seen this pattern where the community overracts and then the game becomes boring with all nerfs just because the fgc can't adapt, but only demands nerfs. Don't let this happen again.
@FourthMan82 6 ай бұрын
Personally, I think the 66L should require more distance for the frametrap to be applicable. The fact that you can do it while literally glued to your enemy is annoying because with some characters you don't have time to see if they did the dash or not. Also, the game's training/tutorial mode is utter garbage - it teaches none of the basics that veterans of this game series (can I call it a series when it only has two games so far?) are well aware of by now, requiring new players to go and trawl the internet to get some answers. Otherwise I do feel this game is one of the most - if not the most - balanced fighting game on the market right now. But do I believe these mechanics will ruin the game? No, I do not. These are things that you just need to study and learn how to counter. I know, I know - not many players start playing games that require them to study. Most want to play videogames just to have fun. Unfortunately fighting games - especially in online - do not cater to that demographic; at least not serious fighting games, which Granblue is - although barely. I personally consider fighting games like Tekken, Streetfighter, Guilty Gear and Mortal Kombat to be more serious fighting games due to their technicalities. True, Granblue has some, but nowhere near the level the ones I just mentioned. Long rant short, if you wanna get good at fighting games and don't have any innate talent for them, your only answer is study, practice, spar and then rinse and repeat. And sometimes you just can't win no matter what you do. For example, I have a friend who can parry me in SF3, SF6 and Just Block me on Granblue each-and-every-goddamn-time, because he can see the effin' frames (his brain just works faster than average, apparently) and can react accordingly. Whenever I fight him, my heartrate is up around 120~130, while his is 60~69 at worst. Most fighting games are boring to him because of this.
@DirectorDead 6 ай бұрын
a 66L nerf across the board would be welcome.
@invisableLiquid 6 ай бұрын
Do you really think these mechanics are too good? or are they just fun and good? I dont think were used to having good mechanics in fighting games, now anything thats good people scream nerf until the game is back to boring old vanilla GB. The nerf is built in, they take more damage as they lose stocks, AND they cant guard-break counter either as far as alpha counter is concerned. Also 66l is beatable you can poke it out once they get too far and punish them for running in. If they nerf 66l goodbye pressure. the game is hard enough for offense without having a real overhead (that you could combo off of in the original gbvs), if they nerf pressure techniques the game is gonna get slower and less fun. Lets hope they dont nerf anything in the game, and just slightly buff others.
@DaikenFGC 6 ай бұрын
Yes I think the mechanics are a little too good. A lot of players reaching master have also expressed their concerns with them. you said the guard cancel has the "nerf" is built in but where is the counterplay? You cant react to it and its plus on block. Raging striker when low in bravery points is NOT guaranteed it can be spot dodged or DP'ed. Dont forget that SSBA removes to from your opponent and you gain additional bravery point. This mechanic Hard knockdowns which garuntees chips kills/setplay with certain meaty setups like Lowain supers, Ferry meaty gigi on your wakeup or Anilia 4 sheep ultimate skill. You cant avoid these situations on meaty. If your low life your dead off of something you couldnt avoid. As far as 66L yes you can "poke out" if they do a certain option but the risk reward is not in your favor. Also did you not see the distance it covers? Keep in mind this is a lunging forward 8 frame + OB move... That is extremely fast and 100% is not reactable, It is pure guessing. HKD were removed for one mechanic to take its place in such a commanding fashion? I don't think that was the intention. 66L can be plus bit it doesent have to be in c.M auto attack range. Thats where the big reward is coming from. Again im not the only one expressing their thoughts about these mechanics prominent strong players in the community are also voicing their concerns as well.
@silvertaken 6 ай бұрын
Balancing the game only considering what the top 10 says is also extremely bad tho. We have tons of examples of games becoming even worse in general when this happens. Let's see what the devs have in mind, but I don't agree that the should only cather to only what top players say.
@Stroggoii 6 ай бұрын
CyGames was very active balancing VS so do voice your concerns but don't despair if we run into something truly detrimental to the game. It will get better constantly and consistently. 66L is most likely gonna get some changes since it threatens new player retention. New players are 100% gonna be mashing on it, and while defending from 66L takes a deeper understanding of fighting games, it takes one minute in training mode for some griefer to learn they can spam 66L and completely deny inexperienced players the chance to play at all. I think it should be massively minus on whiff so that you can use it to pressure turtling opponents, but if you get read spamming that shit you get owned.
@blastimbre 6 ай бұрын
I feel like 66L is honestly fine. Maybe decrease the range, but i feel like it's just sol f.s all over again. People are being a little over dramatic. Guard cancel should just be negative on block. Not sure if the counterhit properties should stay.
@AlexanderMartinez-kd7cz 6 ай бұрын
guard cancel being positive on block makes no sense whatsoever. it's supposed to be a defensive tool that resets to neutral, why would succesfully baiting and blocking it leave you at disadvantage? like what the actual fuck?
@akaj2013 6 ай бұрын
I didn't realize how strong Guard Cancel was. Yikes. The amount of pressure resets can get exhausting. But if Dash L is nerfed and Guard Cancel isn't, that could be bad. I agree. It should not be plus on block or dodge. As for 66 L, nerf the startup and recovery. It shouldn't be such a strong neutral tool. It makes pressure characters even more obnoxious. Looking at you Seox.
@RX7jkr 6 ай бұрын
They listen to fans for the most part so they'll probably nerf both. 66L gets really nutty when it has a big vertical hit box like Siegfried's and you're cornered. Brave Counter should be 0 on block at the absolute most and punishable on spot dodge. Imagine hard baiting a Brave Counter with a spot dodge and still being minus on block lol.
@azelhart180 6 ай бұрын
They should remove the hard knockdown from GC and make it negative on block. I think they could make 66L have more start up or recovery on whiff so it can be stuffed and punished more easily while still being able to be an advancing move for pressure. They could also add damage scaling to 66l to encourage players to use other starters for more damage.
@illuno--bf8dx1bw5j 6 ай бұрын
4:52 Wtf 😂😂😂 +54? That is not okay even if it was a counter
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