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Film Threat

Film Threat

7 ай бұрын

Chris Gore and Alan Ng rant about the recent attacks they've received on X for stating what's obvious about the "The Marvels."
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Produced by Chris Gore, Alan Ng, Glenn Brown and Ms Piccoffee
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@lance134679 7 ай бұрын
The most offensive thing you can do on Twitter is tell the truth.
@saltykraken9471 7 ай бұрын
I got banned pre Elon for saying men are physically stronger than women...
@Bingo_the_Pug 7 ай бұрын
Ya gotta tickle their fancy’s, innit
@skaetur1 7 ай бұрын
If you call it twitter. You are the problem.
@bigtechisbigbrother8690 7 ай бұрын
Look how mad they just got at Elon for telling the truth about a certain group.
@SuperOmnicronsj44 7 ай бұрын
or "Telling the truth is a Revolutionary Act"
@trevorpearlharbor5171 7 ай бұрын
Imagine making a sequel no one asked for, to a movie no one liked, starring actresses no one likes, and containing a story no one cares about. Then gasping in shock and horror when you find out no one watched it.
@Dark.Shingo 7 ай бұрын
You should see the coping and the flimsy arguments in social media. Like, really, you liked the movie? Good for you. I could criticize your tastes but whatever, we all have guilty pleasures. But calling it a masterpiece, unappreciated gem and that it ONLY did bad because the misogynists made a big campaign to discredit it (I guess they held hostage the audience so they didn't show up to the cinemas with a special ray or something) it's quite the coping mechanism...
@jefe828 7 ай бұрын
You forgot to add a movie that wasn't made for you. You old white man. I'm Hispanic and this shit pisses me off.
@Xoulrath_ 7 ай бұрын
​@@Dark.Shingoyes, please enlighten the world with your cinematic masterpiece that will unite all of mankind, oh great one.
@Merkyaself1917 7 ай бұрын
Think they did that already
@silver2therescue1 7 ай бұрын
@@Dark.Shingo I didn't hate the movie. I thought it was dumb but I was able to laugh at it cuz it was dumb so I enjoyed myself by laughing at it. But even though I had a good time with the movie I also can acknowledge most people didn't like it and it's a total bomb cuz unlike these nutjobs I can actually accept reality even when it disagrees with me.
@loufher284 7 ай бұрын
Social Media is CANCER... Everyone who uses social media is always afraid of being "CANCELED" .... It's like a dystopian film nightmare come to life.
@Finn2187_ 7 ай бұрын
Disney is giving all our toys to girls and the girls don't even want the toys. It's the weirdest thing ever to happen in cinematic history
@marhawkman303 7 ай бұрын
yeah that's the weird part with their pandering.... it's NOT getting them money! the whole thing is about pushing woke messages, and nothing to do with MONEY! Which means Disney's investors are POed right now due to them wanting profits.
@pittland44 Ай бұрын
You know, I seem to recall Bill Burr talking about this type of thing several years back. 🤔🤔🤔
@TheAyeAye1 7 ай бұрын
Having experienced church culture and academic culture, I can say the people who think I'm going to miss heaven for bad theology are way more tolerant than the ones who think my politics are wrong by the political standards they have at the moment.
@danhillenburg4487 7 ай бұрын
No joke. I grew up in an evangelical Christian household. My whole family thinks the earth is 6000 years old. The Church of Woke is way more dogmatic and way less tolerant than my family.
@nottheonlydreamer9512 7 ай бұрын
And these political activist nutcases are espousing a nihilism that exists precisely because of the decline of religion. For all the church's flaws, our society was in much better shape before nihilism took over
@harrymills2770 7 ай бұрын
Liberals are the new reactionaries and conservatives are among the only liberal people out there.
@tkraid2575 7 ай бұрын
Bro, as another Christian, even the other ultra Conservative denominations of Christianity are way more tolerant than the woke crowd. It's hilarious that they are the very crazed fanatics of their own belief than, I dare say, Muslims or Christians.
@rpgadventurer32 7 ай бұрын
You comment was spot on. They can't handle simple truths.
@alphacause 7 ай бұрын
The terms misogynist, homophobe, and racist have been employed so often, by those who want to silence the opposition for criticisms that don't fit those descriptions, that such terms are losing all meaning and seriousness. Not only does throwing those terms around so cavalierly do a disservice to those who actually experience genuine forms of this behavior, but , in the long run, it hurts the crowd who casually throws around these terms. They have trivialized these once serious accusations. The employment of such words has become the political and cultural equivalent of the boy who cried wolf. Hence, such accusations are now failing to silence the opposition.
@saltykraken9471 7 ай бұрын
Just wait until the pendulum swings in the other direction.
@TheAyeAye1 7 ай бұрын
@skaetur1 7 ай бұрын
Who is MORE racist? China or Japan.
@anttam117 7 ай бұрын
What you are saying is right about everything. Here in Spain folks have the terrible tendency of calling “fascist” at absolutely anything they disagree with. My girlfriend has that terrible mania, and we have had a couple of fights over it.
@marvinjones5000 7 ай бұрын
Facts those terms are everyday realities for many people in WORLD…it’s way deeper than fantasy Hollywood movies…
@chrissullivan6403 7 ай бұрын
The cope over this movie flopping has been a sight to behold. I haven’t been called a Nazi for clowning on a movie in years. Takes me back.
@kalesmart1 7 ай бұрын
I haven't really paid too much attention to it because literally nothing surprised me about it at all, the problems started in 2016 and it's no different now, the wokeness is worse than ever before and the quality has dropped off the planet, I remember my wife and I looking forward to our marvel Netflix series, they were decent nothing super special but it had heart and themes to explore, marvel nowadays has none of that and it's showing, despite what anyone says just look at the merch, toy shelf space, movie tickets, comic sales and Halloween costumes. It's undeniable how bad they are doing, at least creatively 😆
@retropyro 7 ай бұрын
I frequent multiple comic shops each week. The ratio of men to women in those shops is not very different than I remember back in the 80's. When 65% of the audience that went to see The Marvels is male and I can pretty much guarantee 90% of the females in the audience were brought along with a guy. The audience for action, sci-fi and comic book movies is by a large number, mostly men.
@vanessac1721 7 ай бұрын
Also, without "guy stuff", what would the tomboys of the world watch? We watch the guy stuff because we don't like girly stuff. So, the MSheU is alienating the one section of women who actually did watch all the marvel movies prior to being pandered to.
@josebrown5961 7 ай бұрын
Yes I am seeing so many non-superhero males claiming that Stan Lee was promoting comics for girls. The Marvels was seen by a majority of MEN and woman haters did not keep people from seeing it. And yes I saw it. I saw it to be able to comment about it. To me it was meh.
@randykrus9562 7 ай бұрын
Bill Burr has a great bit on women not supporting women's basketball.......which reminds me of female led super hero movies......women just don't care-its just not their jam....and that's ok.
@elrobbio1 7 ай бұрын
Like most of our other worldly existence they expect the men to do the vast majority of the hard work. They wanna support the movie but it’s better when men do it for them.
@johntardibuono625 7 ай бұрын
What is surprising is that this is not "Hollywood" has always known what the female demographic cared about in a movie. How has politics corrupted the creative process so completely?
@tkraid2575 7 ай бұрын
What's more interesting: women audiences watch more superhero films that have male leads (a bonus if they're hot).
@codinghusky5196 7 ай бұрын
That's idiotic. The first level of idioticy is expecting people to "support movies". It's an effing movie, you'd need to be especially retarded to "support it". Mentally sound people go SEE movies for ENTERTAINMENT. Nobody who is mentally well goes to buy a movie ticket thinking "I'm going to invest this money to support people who look like me because that's a worthy goal". Second level of idioticy is the idea that men were exploited through history to do things for women. Women were not allowed to work, they were bound to households to the point of physical mutilation (Chinese foot binding) and even in modern times were banned from doing things like run a marathon because the society feared their uterus would fall out. It wasn't their choice to be used as breeding bags for the better part of history. Additionally, it wasn't their choice to have less test and be about 30% smaller than men with about 40% less muscle mass. It's a simple fact a 200 lbs man has an easier time carrying in groceries than a 130lbs woman. Just like the woman has an easier time carrying in groceries than a 50lbs kid. Are kids exploiting women for having them do the heavy lifting? Get outta here.
@pittland44 Ай бұрын
I also remember Bill Burr talking about women not liking men enjoying stuff. I think there's a lot to that with the feminists. It's not just that they're unhappy, they have to make other people unhappy too.
@providencebreaker1558 7 ай бұрын
The irony is they basically have no choice but to close the door on Captain Marvel the same way the comic was forced to by having Rogue, a character everyone actually likes, take her powers and put her into a coma. The agenda to make Carol relevant has been going on for over 50 years and you'd think they'd have given up long before now.
@marhawkman303 7 ай бұрын
Carol has been very.... mid the entire time, or was until the MCU got started, then they tried pushing her super hard in ways that made no sense.
@AnAngelineer 7 ай бұрын
It feels like the entire world has become a recess playground : just like children, people act like they can't possibly be wrong, unable to take responsibility, own their mistakes, and take on a mindset of growth, in which you acknowledge your mistake and try not to do it again for the sake of others and society. ...You know. Like a REAL adult!
@linusgustafsson2629 7 ай бұрын
I've always considered adults to be older children, and everything since 2015 has just proven my theory. The question is why older children behaved so well in the past, and that is probably linked to them all being parents busy raising children and not having time left to waste hating people on the internet.
@luna-hw9li 7 ай бұрын
Just the truth. I always thought that they bought both franchises to get the male/boys audience specifically. It makes no financial sense whatsoever to dump this audience they spent so much money to acquire.
@Lobsterwithinternet 7 ай бұрын
On the contrary, it's been noted on multiple occasions that they believe they have their core audience on lockdown so the can afford to focus on getting more women to watch.
@SuperOmnicronsj44 7 ай бұрын
Youre right, because the social point was always , boys are conditioned to play with boy toys, we can change that by making the hero interchangeable.
@luna-hw9li 7 ай бұрын
@@Lobsterwithinternet this corporate mindset that you have to expand and grow your customer base regardless of product quality has doomed both franchises. They now have a product that the traditional core audience doesn’t want anymore.
@Lobsterwithinternet 7 ай бұрын
@@luna-hw9li That’s Financialization for you. That leads to shareholder primacy which leads the primary shareholders to change incentive structures for C-suite executives which rewards them with stock options and incentive payouts for hitting Wall Street targets. This made it more important to hit their targets than anything else and that sort of thinking just floated downward until every company is run as though they were a brokerage firm or a bank rather than an actual company. If you want to know more about how it came to be, I'd suggest you go take a look at _Makers vs Takers: The Rise of Finance and the Fall of American Business_ by Rana Foroohar.
@ANonymous-mo6xp 7 ай бұрын
@@Lobsterwithinternetoooops, well THAT didn't work.
@codycrossman5791 7 ай бұрын
I don't even watch many movies these days, but I listen to yall whenever I can because I love how well you verbalize (in real time) how I feel truly feel about so many things. The state of social agendas right now has me wondering which episode of The Twilight Zone I'm in.
@SuperOmnicronsj44 7 ай бұрын
The state of social agendas Twilight Zone with the very bad, yet clever and ominous ending. Probably the media heads start popping up like jack-in-the-boxes "It's a Good Life" episode.
@vincei4252 7 ай бұрын
Man, I thought you were going to say YT gave you a strike for reviewing the movie. The sad thing is that happening is nowhere beyond the realm of possibility.
@alistairbolden6340 7 ай бұрын
KZfaq is a male dominated platform and its well aware of that. You would be surprised what you can really get away with on KZfaq. This whole shadow banning myth is simply not true. Right Wing channels get a hell of a lot more views and better algorithm. Its why most Libral influencers stay off KZfaq.
@hakbash7588 7 ай бұрын
I gave up on anything coming out of Disney a while ago. I will never give up on you guys. Keep doing what you do and keep fighting the fight. 👍
@davidsanders5652 7 ай бұрын
I just saw an old quote from Lucas where he also said corporations kill creativity. Like him I take the view that unless you love film, not profit, you have no business being in the film industry. Almost nobody in Hollywood actually cares about film anymore. And THAT's why Hollywood is fucked.
@TheApplecorped 7 ай бұрын
“what’s wrong with being sexy?” - Nigel Tufnel
@SuperEgo19 7 ай бұрын
They’re not interested in making movies “better”. The entire point, from beginning, middle and end is the “inclusion”. Everything else is a distant second.
@providencebreaker1558 7 ай бұрын
Extremist agendas have a tendency to always come back full circle to become and perpetuate the very thing they were originally created to address.
@Tim_the_Enchanter 7 ай бұрын
The numbers don't like. Screaming into the void will not change reality.
@jld593 7 ай бұрын
You were ABSOLUTELY correct in your statement . No controversy, imo.
@bumbleguppy 7 ай бұрын
If Barbie 2 starred Woody and Buzz from Toy Story in a fast paced action piece riding a horse to a baseball game and then stealing a tank to get Buzz on a rocket, I think it may not do as well as the first movie. And maybe Woody had a pink hat. It's a good pitch if I do say so myself, but it isn't Barbie and investors shouldn't expect as big a return.
@guitarhero8110 7 ай бұрын
I want to see that movie.
@TheApplecorped 7 ай бұрын
Like Jack Nicholson said in that famous film “What if this is As good as it gets?” 😂
@ClericHeretic 7 ай бұрын
There's no logic in Hollywood. Don't even bother trying to find any. 🤭
@sirrathersplendid4825 7 ай бұрын
There was always the logic of earning more money. Strangely, they seem have forgotten even that.
@BigBen98-ko7ph 7 ай бұрын
I'm afraid Twitter is still a cesspool for the most part. Somehow people suddenly lost basic respect and decency, forgot it's another human being, even though maybe never met. But I guess it's been designed to encourage certain behavior, impulsive, combative, and compulsive.
@arthurmelander6224 7 ай бұрын
Reddit is even worse. I had the same experience. Someone said that families aren't leaving Disney because of Disney ideology. I said that that wasn't true. My family went to Disney movies and we don't any more. I know many many families that have given up on Disney. So the evidence to me is over 70 people who used to go to Disney movies aren't going to Disney movies. They hit me up with a ton of garbage about LGBTQ+ and a whole other host of comments. When I said I wasn't going to comment my view on those issues, because having an opinion contrary to most of Reddit gets you in trouble. They locked me out. Surprise. Surprise. I guess facts don't matter.
@JumpingJack6 7 ай бұрын
The problem is that we do not even begin to understand the depth of these people’s insanity. They do not comprehend nor accept that men and women are different. We have different bodies, different physical attributes, and we have different interests.
@ViperChief117 7 ай бұрын
I’ve lost many friends in 2016 due to politics and expressing my opinions about film. When I’ve always been ok accepting those who have differing opinions than my own.
@saltykraken9471 7 ай бұрын
so you never had many friends to begin with is what youre telling me
@ViperChief117 7 ай бұрын
@@saltykraken9471 Had plenty of friends they were just SJW’s in Hollywood. XD
@skaetur1 7 ай бұрын
And then the whole classroom cheered and clapped?
@chronoshin8597 7 ай бұрын
2016 was the right time to draw the line. Agree to disagree no longer acceptable.
@Blisterdude123 7 ай бұрын
@@chronoshin8597 The way people terminally online see the world is f ucking wild, to me. How do you function in the real world?
@Ambusher1st 7 ай бұрын
“Thankfully more girls are making comic books.” Lol, why “thankfully?”
@markiangooley 7 ай бұрын
I dunno. It’s a tough business. Maybe they’ll get some experience of how brutal the world can be?
@saltykraken9471 7 ай бұрын
so they can kill marvel even faster
@Doggieworld3Show 5 ай бұрын
Romantic books?
@alrivas1477 7 ай бұрын
100% correct Chris.
@giancarlocaltabiano5184 7 ай бұрын
It's baffling to me how simple-minded, no nuance people can't understand and differentiate between saying how a product that has a Fanbase with higher percentage of males, and not making remotely interesting for them is misogyny. It's like if they take a brand like Barbie, make it all about Ken, push Barbie aside to make it more "male centric", and when it doesn't work, they'll turn around and blame the failure on the Fans and call them mysandrist. People are dumb, man..... like completely no nuance whatsoever.
@shaeleable 7 ай бұрын
calling the movie the unremarkables is *chefs kiss*
@gruntcast 7 ай бұрын
Don't let him off the hook bring it up in a very non-aggressive way when you see them😂
@saintmanuel 7 ай бұрын
The art of arguing, to have a healthy and adult conversation about topics, even if you come from different trains of thought, is a rare good. you can start on a different standpoint and even end the conversation the same way, but you have to be open to talk about it, listen to other perspectives and compare them, articulate your thoughts... Lots of people can´t do this anymore or are unwilling to confront other opinions.
7 ай бұрын
You should be counting your blessings, Chris, your real friends, and the fact the phonies uncloaked themselves finally. The reaction was appropriate. Don't get mad, don't let them rent space inside your head, just block and move on. They don't deserve any time from you, online or in RL. It's happened so many times for so many people, it's sad I know, but it's also human nature, and we shouldn't let it pull us all down. Future's bright.
@hodgemann 7 ай бұрын
I liked and shared your posts. People are so dumb. Your tweets were not rage-worthy in the slightest. Simple observations are now controversial? Humanity is doomed.
@AncestorEmpire1 7 ай бұрын
You can’t use. Logic when debating zealots and drones. Only superior firepower and an Ion Cannon from orbit.
@mikecanul 7 ай бұрын
@DanVillainFilms 7 ай бұрын
“It’s the only way to be sure.”
@mattjones7226 7 ай бұрын
​@@DanVillainFilmsThis is exactly what I was going to comment.
@dannolan2233 7 ай бұрын
Grace Randolph said the exact same thing about boy and girl brands and you get canceled
@MoeTea4U 7 ай бұрын
Hi guys, I've always liked you both and I respect you're opinion on the films you've both reviewed! plus, its saved me money on seeing bad films and also challenged me watch film I wouldn't normally watch. :)
@hailberseker5387 7 ай бұрын
In life you have 2-3 true friends who have your back, the others will throw you under the bus if they have something to gain
@jotnip2015 7 ай бұрын
They’re opportunists, Chris. It’s people looking to step on your head to elevate their profile/identity. It’s shameful.
@saladinho1st 7 ай бұрын
I've had a couple of great exchanges with Chris over the years on Twitter, it's been a while and I'm sure he won't remember, but I remember one of them was on how angry women online were at the news that Peter Capaldi had been cast as the Doctor, and how the women were upset because Capaldi was too old and not cute. I remember complaining to Chris that geek stuff was being framed more and more as something for women and girls (because no one in the media attacked or insulted the women complaining like they did whenever men complained about anything especially regarding a woman's looks), and how annoying it was, because the Tumblr fangirls complaints were treated as valid, whereas, in reality, the Doctor only started getting younger and more handsome with the reboots, and Capaldi was a much more genuine casting choice, at least physically. Chris agreed in the most reasonable way, while also acknowledging how many women had gotten into the hobby, and did it without making either me, or them, sound like crazy people, or invalidating our stances. It's galling to see you guys being attacked, despite how reasonable you both have been about this -- especially when it's clear you're actually trying to help the brand/genre succeed -- and yet you're still being dismissed as hateful. I don't even know Chris Gore, and from just the few exchanges I had with the man, I know how well meaning and passionate he is about this stuff, so it sucks to see people who've known him personally just throw him over for a dopamine hit. He was always the best thing about G4's Attack of the Show (Olivia Munn's looks notwithstanding heh), and to see you guys being dumped on makes me even more depressed for the future of popular entertainment, and art in general, because just like how superhero comics propped up the comics industry for so long, allowing indies to thrive, I don't know what's going to happen to film in general since these studios seem no longer interested in doing what's worked in the past, just to appease people on Twitter, and in their offices, who care more about their pointless agenda than stopping the tide of dismal failures.
@deborahsoutar6308 6 ай бұрын
Fact is this movie was a dumpster fire. It was delayed over and over and over again because it was SO BAD they couldn't release it. This is just another nail in an already overly secured coffin.
@paularangio8133 7 ай бұрын
Alan Ng for Supreme Leader!
@diamondplate 7 ай бұрын
You're statement is factual. People don't like facts when floating in a fantasy world. We are your friends anyway C&A. Bravo Zulu.
@stingraystingray4766 7 ай бұрын
And on this day Sony said to Marvel cinema, “Hold my drink” and released the trailer of Madam Spider. We got generic bad guy Spider Man and another team no one cares about.
@kevinhardy8997 7 ай бұрын
Instead of going out to a modern movie tonight, I watched Airplane! Would you like some light reading? Here’s a pamphlet of…. Ahhh, if you told that joke today, you would be cancelled
@CC-dw9ch 7 ай бұрын
When truth is attacked, where must we go next?
@sirrathersplendid4825 7 ай бұрын
Comedy? South Park’s Panderverse special was a huge blow to their egos.
@Clayton76 7 ай бұрын
Respect for honest opinions and if friends disagree it shouldn't change the friendship.
@rere1990 7 ай бұрын
They don’t want to fix it😔. Like you said just the facts. For those who can’t handle the truth. Sorry.
@serge9786 7 ай бұрын
I am glad never bothered with Twitter / X and never will.
@ViperChief117 7 ай бұрын
Been saying it since the movie first released that The Marvel’s was going to be a massive box office disaster for Disney. I’m not seeing this film no matter how much they try and guilt trip me into watching said movie. Lol
@mhc706 7 ай бұрын
i love how their logic is: ok every movie makes less money, we insult the male audience and ignore the females that also hate the films. this has repeated for over 10 years now. .... insult them again! its like how movie reviews used to always say "THE BEST MOVIE OF THE YEAR!" every time. except now its "record low at the box office"
@kennethkeith3238 7 ай бұрын
Keep it up fellas!! You’re doing great work!
@stormcrow3642 7 ай бұрын
Great tweets boys. Way to kick arse!
@williamthompson5504 7 ай бұрын
To find out who your real friends are, just tell them the truth. They'll either leave or respect you.
@default_doppelganger 7 ай бұрын
Spot on
@loufher284 7 ай бұрын
They can say whatever they want......numbers don't lie.
@jmphome9793 7 ай бұрын
💯👍✌️I will only go to movies you recommend. Thx Chris!!
@fellowchucker7224 7 ай бұрын
Just had the same type of conversation about the current political climate. I've come to the conclusion that we're all doomed. The social media bot mentality has fully permeated the collective zeitgeist. Everyone walks around, ready to jump down each other's throats. To week of mind and character to have actual discourse. In short come on Comet! ☄️
@jamesstewart8376 7 ай бұрын
They made 1 billion with a gender swapped Marvel. If he had been comic accurate probably woulda made 3 b from now and millions in merch.
@providencebreaker1558 7 ай бұрын
Captain Marvel has always been a woman. Unless you are confusing her with Shazam or something. Regardless, she was always unpopular even in the silver age of comics. They never had the courage to completely get rid of her though, hence the coma thing.
@mladenkulic446 7 ай бұрын
Being honest and reasonable is hard to find on X/Twitter. That's one of the reasons I'm no longer on Twitter.
@idiot_city5244 7 ай бұрын
Agreed, always VERY interesting finding out who your real friends are
@alexandermcgill7250 7 ай бұрын
Rage Tourism , whole lot of people need their victim batteries charged daily. it is not just that the general public have left the building , they are not even on the same street anymore, the Marvels is down some no go alley and smells like a hobo's bathroom. and the twitterartsy now only represent that same smell.
@resurrectionevil6581 7 ай бұрын
Im a 27 year old woman. I like star wars, and im more of a DC fan (but mostly for batman), i love video games, i always have since i was a child. That being said, these are all male dominated areas, and thats ok. I still find contnent i enjoy out of each of those areas without having to change the source to fit me. Thats the beauty of free market; theres something for EVERYONE to enjoy. These CEOs and writers that buy these IPs, that THEY didnt create, have to learn to respect what came before and stop trying to change it for themselves because theyre bitter about something. Bring back GREAT entertainment
@highiqkong7419 7 ай бұрын
Chris Gore made the same comments and criticisms about Disney’s Star Wars Trilogy, The Marvels is not his 1st time, so how on God’s blue Earth did the fake friends in his life miss that the 1st time around? Chris’ remarks on Disney’s Star Wars is what made him popular online to begin with!
@element7821 7 ай бұрын
I'm starting to think that the Two Minutes of Hate maybe more relevant today than the very much known surveillance topic in 1984
@Sam-uz4iy 7 ай бұрын
You are right about the Marvels - it IS a chick flick in the skin of a formerly boy's franchise. It has all the markings of a chick flick geared towards adolescent girls - it has jewelry, girl power friendship and cats in it. They don't dare to advertise it as just a chick flick though, because that limits the target audience and they already spent 300m on it - so they try confuse us with their marketing.
@RVDDP2501 7 ай бұрын
This sounds a whole hell of a lot like what happened to the He-Man toy brand, they shifted focus to She-Ra and killed the brand as a whole
@pokalen4963 7 ай бұрын
I think you are right!
@evalramman7502 7 ай бұрын
Most friends are either maliciously phony or very fair weather.
@iragravatt6717 7 ай бұрын
8:15 there will always b another set of jangling keys. . . . . . So sadly true
@MMAallday- 7 ай бұрын
Don't feel bad Chris. I've never met you, Gary, Drinker or 1/4 black and I'm closer to you guys than people I've known all my life!! I'd rather have no friends than 20 fakes. Keep up the good fight!
@dczhen4358 7 ай бұрын
Henry Cavill never calls fans toxic ..these marvels people does
@CynsCorner 7 ай бұрын
I just watched a documentary tonight called "Rise of the Superheroes" which came out in 2018, well before the noticeable and pathetic decline in MCU movies. ETA - Ant-Man 2 came out the year before Captain Marvel.
@kingswing00 7 ай бұрын
Women and other activist groups just want to tell you these types of things need to exist, insist on it, just as some moral victory even though they have no intention of supporting it. These are basically entertainment versions of the WNBA. You should like a product that doesn't appeal to you on principle. If not you're an enemy to the cause and they'll never shoulder the blame for the product's failure because supporting it morally, to them, is even better than supporting it financially.
@younghan3573 7 ай бұрын
You said it Gore. It's show business. Not show friends
@omarfoudeil2497 7 ай бұрын
We need Alan on Open Bar!
@Thesyndicate11111 7 ай бұрын
Great rant!
@theskycavedin 7 ай бұрын
@tommylatham9868 7 ай бұрын
It's controversial in the way it's controversial to tell your wife to relax or to ask why a women's league needed to be created in the first place if men can just dominate it.
@linusgustafsson2629 7 ай бұрын
It is controversial to think and speak, but not controversial to hate on others and exclude them from society.
@BlackWolf-uk2yb 7 ай бұрын
How in the hell did we create sooo many fragile people? They must laterally go through each and every day terrified of wrong footing themselves and themselves falling victim to the Borg! Or perhaps they are literally so dumb that they haven't figured it out yet! I GREATLY appreciate challenging conversations and exchanges of ideas and beliefs. Its how I grow and test whether what I believe is accurate! Why in the hell would I want to have spent ANY amount of my life believing something that isn't true!!! You only have to look at their 'popular' Influencers. They laterally 'learn' nothing but insults, straw men arguments and ad hominems! The level at which it is seemingly sooo easy to manipulate human thought is frightening!
@animegeek6118 7 ай бұрын
Marvel lost there creative drive when the infinity gauntlet saga wrapped up. Been nothing but downhill since then.
@ferrarriohh 7 ай бұрын
After Endgame, they could’ve used Secret Invasion as a layover phase while they also wrapped up a few loose threads. Then work towards a new direction. Instead they slapped ‘Multiverse’ on it and pooped out Phase 4 “content” and rapid fire movies
@All-Fur-Coat_No-Trousers 7 ай бұрын
You guys cant just go around making excellent points using sound reasoning and a lifetime of experience! HERESY
@Infinitiivinen 7 ай бұрын
They say, we are going to make this female. Then somebody points that out, and they get mad?
@natey3455 7 ай бұрын
Its not about getting the last word...its about making sure the last word is their own
@ithurtsbecauseitstrue 7 ай бұрын
they put it in the comics TO put it in the movies and then point to the comic to legitimize it. Its a shell game
@MultipleGrievance 6 ай бұрын
The single most cowardly and scumy thing a person can do is to rip you a new a****** on social media. But then block you from responing. Nothing reveals your character more than that!
@short72hp1 7 ай бұрын
business as usual Gary and Drinker got it also
@trancendental5373 7 ай бұрын
When i read Marvel comics as a teen, the Kree vs Scrulls was usually off frame, mysterious, and interesting. It wasnt done to death like Krypton. The movies have killed the mystery.
@psully212 7 ай бұрын
I can see light
@sassy7766 7 ай бұрын
I’m a nobody but I definitely publicly agreed with you. I’m a lifelong female fan of “boy franchises “. I hate this new crap.
@kenjifox4264 7 ай бұрын
The thumbnail of this video is so good I’d buy it if they sold prints.
@lance134679 7 ай бұрын
Alan drops so much wisdom in this video.
@Gengh13 7 ай бұрын
Chocolate is clearly superior, vanilla is too vanilla(pun intended).
@rexstetson1717 7 ай бұрын
If a film production company decided to turn Jane Austen novels into men’s movies, would it be sexist to criticize such a stupid move?
@Mr_Flerb 7 ай бұрын
It’s interesting to see this. I’m very sorry it happened to you, but I’m glad you got to see it first hand. THIS is what anti-wokeness is about. It’s not about bigotry and it never has been. It’s about objecting to people who insincerely espouse progressive values as a mask for their own narcissism. Their motivation is rarely kindness, it’s ego, and if you challenge anything they say they will devour you. No one believes the people who say “I don’t have a problem with female characters,” because it’s easier to believe they’re lying. But the mob comes for everyone eventually. They’re quite literally looking for a reason.
@BalrogUdun 7 ай бұрын
Social media has become Orwell’s 2 minutes of hate
@darkadd 7 ай бұрын
Turning a BILLION dollar franchise into a MILLION dollar franchise and still have a job???
@Satch_4_Hogs 7 ай бұрын
I am a 40 year old white guy. I don’t go watch movies made for 12 year old girls. I’ve never watched Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 👖
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