Top 6 Reasons A Narcissist's Relationships Fail

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Surviving Narcissism

Surviving Narcissism

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Simply put, narcissists have great difficulty sustaining healthy relationships. Dr. Les Carter explains how they inevitably will blame you for relationship failures, but he outlines six of the most common reasons narcissistic relationships collapse due to the patterns they cannot outgrow.
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Dr. Les Carter is a best selling author and therapist who has semi-retired to Waco, TX. For 40+ years he maintained a counseling practice in Dallas, conducting more than 65,000 therapy sessions and many workshops and seminars. He specializes in anger management and narcissistic personality disorder.
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This Is Me: Setting boundaries with the controllers in your life
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@fred.k9875 11 ай бұрын
No accountability No empathy No reciprocity No apology No introspection No extrospection
@gorunsko31 11 ай бұрын
Thank you. Also no mutuality
@carefulcarpenter 11 ай бұрын
Very good! Dr. C pointed out today: narcissists lack wisdom.
@annefrazer6629 11 ай бұрын
My 39 yr old son. Has even stated I'm 70 and will be dead soon.😮
@carefulcarpenter 11 ай бұрын
@@annefrazer6629 True. A 41-year old hired me for two-weeks of hard labor and fast pace to cleanup up a wooded property in the mountains. It was steep and the weeds were thick. He took pot breaks, beer breaks, but never gave me even lunch breaks--- but I took three anyway. One day I worked at his mom's warehouse pricing merchandise. She gave me $200 for less than an 8-hr day. I gave her a hug. ♥ That bothered her son--- and he punished me for the rest of the week. I became his slave for $15-hr. and he got everything he could out of me. A week later I was still trying to get paid. He told me his mom had died of a heart attack at age 71. I gave him a hug and told him I am glad I hugged her the week before. You never know...... I am 71. ♥
@barbpaq 11 ай бұрын
Those six omissions of a narcissist are soooooo true.
@aaronkwolfe 11 ай бұрын
A giver needs to set limits, because a taker has none.
@SurvivingNarcissism 11 ай бұрын
A really good way to put it, Aaron.
@skinnyway 11 ай бұрын
amen Aaron. I figured that out a while back. but I sure did get beat up emotionally until I did. ❤
@mandycote5662 11 ай бұрын
that is completely - correct and makes perfect common - sense
@Spectre8282 11 ай бұрын
Take No Prisoners
@packards02 11 ай бұрын
Thats perfect
@plinko84 11 ай бұрын
Main points for Reasons a narcissist's relationships fail: 1. Persistent honesty problems. 2. Questionable grasp of reality. 3. Lack of vulnerability means no trust. 4. To them, people exist to be used. 5. Unable to manage conflict at all. 6. Lack of personal insight. Result: Lack of wisdom. Don't let the narcissist set the pace. You dont want to match their mood or dysfunction. You are smart, you are beautiful, you are worthy, and you have goodness in you. Stay strong.
@robinsmith4499 11 ай бұрын
So encouraging! Thank you!
@shannonsnowwhite2301 10 ай бұрын
Thank you ❤
@Lemana28021989 11 ай бұрын
1. they rush into things 2. They put people on a pedestal and then blame them for it respectively being human 3. they don't apologize and if they do day sorry they don't mean it 4. they are not able to have empathy 5. they undermine emotions and blame you for having the. 6. they expect to be adored and idolized at all times
@mandycote5662 11 ай бұрын
I concur
@oceanaoushn8803 11 ай бұрын
No. 4 No empathy is: seeing yet not believing When they play their games at the expense of their own children. And almost all if them do that
@oceanaoushn8803 11 ай бұрын
No. 6 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Not that funny, but....
@alicerice8506 11 ай бұрын
@amandaliverpool3374 11 ай бұрын
I have encountered all of this and more!
@Armygirl4Christ 11 ай бұрын
I’ll just say it. They are liars with no conscience.
@SurvivingNarcissism 11 ай бұрын
You speak on behalf of many.
@randomcertainty2079 11 ай бұрын
Metaphorically, don't let a narcissist pack your relationship parachute.
@SurvivingNarcissism 11 ай бұрын
Good way to put it.
@duromusabc 11 ай бұрын
There won’t be a parachute 🪂 in that parachute pack !
@aaronkwolfe 11 ай бұрын
Thinking they pack your own dirty laundry there, and then smirk when you air it yourself while you think you are escaping.
@tamagotchi22 11 ай бұрын
Good one❤
@kharper506 11 ай бұрын
“ Don’t let a narcissist pack your relationship parachute” 👍 The coverts are the most difficult because no matter how badly they hurt you or throw you under a metaphoric bus behind your back ) they will insist they are the victim. The coverts have flying monkeys to do their dirty work for them. They crave attention negative or positive it does not matter it is supply and you as a target are just collateral damage. They insist on “ helping you “ and then be upset you “ made them do it “. The coverts do not come with warning labels . The parachute is a good analogy and it helps break down their persona. The cv NPD will insist they know better than you and insist on doing it for you only to be upset they do so much ( it is performance it to appear as the ultimate “ giver”. You will pay a price ) The coverts insist then resent you for giving any of their time. The covert is performance and can not understand relationships as a two way give / take share street ( or that love is not a game) They “give “( breadcrumbs) for manipulation and it always has strings attached to it ( the cv NPD with sociopathic traits will insist with attached strings and accepting bread crumbs can lead up unexpected chaos / and dealing with their guilt trips and entitlement) The coverts will go to great lengths to convince you to go skydiving and then criticize you for living reckless 🙄( of course behind your back) The cv NPD will fill your parachute full of tiny holes and paint over the sabotage with glitter . The razzle dazzle is to put on a big show saying look how helpful the covert can be. They wave saying “ be safe “ and high five you ( while grinning at you with their secret wink ( As your gut sinks you look back on your way down ( you catch the grin on their face ( as you jump out from the plane. ) You pray for a safe landing and vow to never trust the persona again -( but you are not sure anyone could be so ruthless after all they did help ? And they will be steps ahead to cover up and make it all your fault ) Confusion sets in for the target. The grin of the covert on the sadistic one is in anticipation of your fall (failure ) and it is done on the sly -down low - now you see them - now you don’t - and others won’t see it - the coverts bank on the shell game. And the coverts will praise you and build up your ego while they turn to one of their fan following because they can not wait to see you fall ( as misery enjoys company. ) The coverts may not want you to fully die ( unless there is a pay off involved for them ) The cv NPD who can appear like a savour hides the sadistic traits and the hidden traits is they mostly get off on seeing you hurt and in pain / suffer so they can offer you fake cognitive empathy and play hero ( to play victim) When their performance is accompanied with cognitive empathy that is most confusing. it is mostly to prop up their image and for their audience of followers. The NPD play ultimate savour or victim . They do sabotage your parachute with hype around their hero image seeming to make it safe. They play victim “ underappreciated “ for all their “ hard work” . A covert will usurp your work ethic and even your work then call you “ lazy” . It is projection. And when no one is looking they find more ways to poke holes in your life ( and when caught they shame you for trusting someone ?! I mean how dense of you to allow another to pack your parachute! You will be called stupid and the idea is to make you appear incompetent or unwilling to be responsible. The coverts leave out how much time it took to convince you to allow them to help you. The NPD will brag about safety first and and then sabotage. ( they make small holes in your parachute they also calculate their sabotage as “ hard work “( they keep score and it works out for them that they believe you owe them. ) Audacity ought to be the coverts middle name. However call them on their behaviours and they will claim you are the “ audacious “ one. They will brag how much the glitter made the parachute appear extra pretty just for you ! How dare you to question them? When your parachute fails to open and you manage to survive with your half functioning parachute, the covert will feign concern and act significantly inconvenienced by you . You are a drain ! (Reminding you anything they do is “ extra” and you are such the burden ) 🪂 As you try to wrap your head around the shock of seeing the tiny holes juxtaposed to the grin on the coverts face you turn towards big tears and now the cv NPD has a reaction from you! The covert will get busy with a shame shift and the false narrative shifts the blame onto you. Your tears are “ drama “ ( and even though you nearly died the coverts will say you are so dramatic! And you did it for “ attention “) I mean what is a few broken bones?! You will be in hospital and the coverts will say you lie ( even with a cast on your bones. ) They will make it all about them. They will claim you are making up broken bones and they will cry croc tears and demand attention for their pain and suffering. Their dark shadow side feels their wounds but the false persona holds the protected self. The covert NPD will claim to their followers that your broken bones are “ all in your head “ yet demand you give them full attention for whatever ails them. It is so much inconvenience for the poor hard done by covert NPD to put up with your “ risky behaviour “! ) They leave out the part that they mostly talked you into it. But as an adult you accept responsibility for your actions and the coverts will go to town with it. The sabotaged parachute has been strategically set up by the covert to prevent you from a smooth descent or / safe landing and they will claim yet you are sloppy reckless and you brought it on yourself ( how dare you be you. ) 😳 It is all your fault and how dare you be anything or hurt or happy or human ? There is no wining with anyone who acts / thinks like this. They don’t think about others in a compassionate way. The NPD will leave out the act of themselves as the saboteurs in their narratives and to their followers they are hero or victim. After your crash landing the cv NPD will put on a show act oh so concerned (while cameras roll or medical personnel are on scene ) and yet the they will also whisper in your ear how much of a inconvenience and disappointment you are to their lives. Be sure how dare you disrupt the coverts oh so important schedule - even if it is sitting on the couch or gossiping . according to the coverts narratives no one “ works as hard as they do” or is as hard done by ( they leave out how they get others to do their dirty work. ) The metaphor sums up a covert v NPD lack of empathy and ability to spin yarn and the ones with sociopathic traits get off on seeing others suffer. 🪂 2) if you confront the cv NPD as they will project it all back onto you. The coverts will even claim that you are the narcissist / and you are being “ mean” by confronting their dangerous agenda. . The coverts will say you “ asked for it “ or create a false narrative to give the impression you “ deserve to be hurt”. The coverts weaponize your emotions. The covert NPD will use everything against you. To the NPD it is all a game to them. and yet they will say that you are the “ crazy one .. Even with evidence of the holes they will say you are lying. there is no “ winning “ with people who play head games and lack integrity and lack empathy- and exploit others as a game It may be unconsciously done up to a point but the intention does harm and it is the coverts twisted thinking to “ win at all costs “ -( the sad tragic irony is the coverts fail to see that in this situation no one “ wins”. It is a losing battle trying to reason with any of it .)
@marybollinger8668 11 ай бұрын
The more you share your thoughts, hopes, and vulnerabilities they are filing it away to be used against you in some future point. They definitely use you to get what they want, then discard you.
@thebjm1967 11 ай бұрын
Amen. I made the mistake of just saying I needed to get more sleep. An innocent enough statement. But oh no. My covert narc husband used it to say I’m a bad mom bc I was staying up all night and then he went even further to say I was chatting with men online all night!!! We’ll come up find out he was projecting bc he is the one chatting to younger women. These ppl are sick and they love to watch you struggle. They love to see you in pain. My red flag should have been thst he was obsessed with shadenfreude. I never knew what it meant but holy cow I do now. He had it as his password his whole life. I’m a healthy relationship you should be able to talk to your partner about something that’s bothering you whether it involves them or not.
@simaddiction 10 ай бұрын
I told my narcissistic ex wife things about my military experience while we were dating to reassure her that I could and would be able to protect her if her ex husband who tried to kill her got out of jail. Fast forward three and a half years and she filed a pfa against me sighting those things to get me out of "her" house and keep me from bugging her about wanting my half of the marital funds after I filed for divorce.
@deborahlea5669 11 ай бұрын
I cant stand any more. 62 years! 62 years of her!
@markmartin2292 11 ай бұрын
The narcissist never laughs with you, they laugh at you. They laugh at people’s misfortunes and your small mistake. It’s a relief laugh because they feel inferior and the slightest mistake on your part makes them feel less bad about themselves. My father had NPD and his favorite show was Gomer Pyle. “That Gomer sure is stupid” he’d laugh. It made him feel better about himself
@SurvivingNarcissism 11 ай бұрын
So sad...yet so predictable.
@fairpoet81 11 ай бұрын
Golly! 😀
@loekiekanters4295 11 ай бұрын
'The narcissist never laughs with you, they laugh at you.' And in a family system you think this is love. Until you see they don't love you at all. Maybe Dr. Carter, can you make a video about what love isn't?
@Shimmerin 11 ай бұрын
"Don't take responsibility for their ineptitude" Absolutely. That lesson took me a LONG while to learn.
@brucefrasier1475 11 ай бұрын
And for some reason...that's exactly what we do🤔! Unbelievable!!!...
@ollia 11 ай бұрын
They manipulate ppl into doing it by playing with our feelings and reactions, predatorily taking advantage of our empathy, kindness, our caring and nurturing sides. They know how to manipulate a
@mday3821 11 ай бұрын
Me too! Slow learner, I guess.
@hurricaneaquatics 9 ай бұрын
You'll look over a lot for the person you love, mainly because you think they love you in return. That's the lie, they don't love you.
@LoneStarLady- 11 ай бұрын
1. Persistent honesty problems Lie by commission and/or omission. “What do I need to say to get what I want?” 2. Questionable grasp of reality. Unsustainable ideal. 3. A lack of vulnerability that impedes trust. Cannot reveal their humanity or vulnerability unless it allows them to play the victim card. 4. People exist to be used by the narcissist. Double standards. Their needs are paramount. 5. Cannot manage conflict. Turns any difference into huge conflict. 6. Astonishing lack of personal insight. Lack wisdom and intuitiveness. Thanks 🙏🏼 for another video with excellent content. Great advice to not take on their ineptitude or bad behaviors but to live a life with Dignity, Respect, and Civility. I can define myself.
@sanjmalik6282 11 ай бұрын
I was always told it was none of my business, the fact that I was married to him didn't matter. What he did was up to him and I had no say in it but what I did concerned him. It was single track marriage from start to end.
@Hatbox948 11 ай бұрын
My narc gets livid if you ask him any questions about anything.
@druchampion-payne1489 11 ай бұрын
Classic double-standard.
@druchampion-payne1489 11 ай бұрын
Narcissism robbed me of being close to my mother as well as my mother-in-law in the form of jealousy toward me. These relationships could have been wonderful, even fun! But no. Instead, jealousy & narcissistic abuse got the better of both of them. For years I exhausted myself attempting to make things right, not even knowing what I've done wrong and how to make things better. But then I realized you just can't make things right with someone who's so jealous of you because they actually 'enjoy' hurting you and watching you suffer. Fortunately, I've been blessed with two beautiful daughters and that toxic dynamic does not exist between us. And now I pour my energies into healthy relationships between my daughters and others.
@stephenkarla7113 11 ай бұрын
Exactly my story and I didn't know there were people out here to harm me for no reason except jealousy and to use me to get what they want.
@daynapeterson9033 11 ай бұрын
Plus they have deep deep insecurities too. They know they are lesser than you, so dragging you down to their level is the goal. Lived it for 60 years with my mom. She'd comment how ugly my new purse was, then call me a week later asking me to buy her one. Ugh!
@sleepmutterer9746 11 ай бұрын
It's like I'm reading my own story 😮
@Rockstar-kw7bz 11 ай бұрын
Amen 🙏🏽 your story sounds exactly like mine. Just know we are creating new generational footsteps for our children to follow! God bless !!!
@jeankipper6954 11 ай бұрын
Somewhere in there is also sulking, prolonged, unreasonable sulking that they held, sometimes from grade school. Never forget, never forgive, never apologize, never accept any even partial blame. Even when deliberately doing things that they KNEW were wrong. I just don't understand. Does not compute, especially stacked against their demands. And don't have to understand I guess, just get out of their way. Reasoning never worked, lordy...
@DrNancyLivingCoCreatively 11 ай бұрын
I was shocked the first time I heard him lie. I was dependent and he used me and my family. He finally bull headed his way to a wine area I took him to and he left me and moved there. Well now he has his dream. His ashes in France. I taught him to make compost which enchanted him. Now he is compost. Yes all my fault he failed to get a home there. I am so glad. I have a new life and I am so grateful Dr C and Team Healthy showed up just right....but then I am blessed and always have been. Deep gratitude. 🙏🏽🌹
@thebjm1967 11 ай бұрын
My covert narcissist husband is a master at plausible deniability. I have to have “proof” of everything and even then it’s never enough. Living with a narc is exhausting and I’ve come to realize that I need to hide everything from him and protect myself bc anything I say gets used against me later.
@matteblak6158 11 ай бұрын
I understand the needing to hide completely! It is so hard, because I feel like I’m living this double life of trying to be normal, in most circumstances, and yet not being able to share any of that with my wife, because she will go ballistic at the thought that I have somehow managed to find anything that brings me joy that she is unable to crush. Thank you so much for your comment.
@theresecote9276 9 ай бұрын
Boy! Can I relate with you! It is exhausting ans draining...I hope you have some support somewhere.
@nancytwigg4631 11 ай бұрын
Wow! Watched this video 3 xs in a row! A narcissist who trends toward failed relationships does not have to define you. Don't take it upon yourself to take responsibility for their ineptitude. Stand clear of those with astonishing lack of personal insight and persistent honesty problems whose personal and selfish gratification takes priority over integrity. Thanks for your words of wisdom Dr. C. Thanks for helping me!
@amandaliverpool3374 11 ай бұрын
Yep. These videos and this support network have helped me too!
@Xenophanes198 9 ай бұрын
There was a night where my ex and I had a difference of opinion and she got so offended by my view she created a poll on Instagram saying, "If your boyfriend said this..... would you be offended." She then shamed me for being upset that she took a private disagreement public by saying, "If you weren't ashamed by what you said then you wouldn't be bothered by this." Turns out, the people who answered her poll actually polled in my favor. She never apologized.
@anneyoung2310 11 ай бұрын
Excellent piece. Six for six: lack of honesty, reality, and vulnerability, exploitation, inability to embrace and resolve conflict, and lack of personal insight, which greatly inhibits growth and intimacy potential. Thanks, doc.
@SnarkasticSunny 11 ай бұрын
They can't be vulnerable & share real thoughts & feelings cuz' they criticize & don't dare give you anything to criticize THEM about (as if I would even do that)! Heaven forbid, they should be seen as being "human"!
@markjayw666 11 ай бұрын
Yup they leave out details that make them look bad
@sallyb4871 11 ай бұрын
I cannot tell you how much this short clip has helped me. This is 100% happening to me with my narcissistic sister. FIVE decades on… 🙄
@packards02 11 ай бұрын
And love has nothing to do with it
@inkedhaylee9527 11 ай бұрын
5 months out from my narc ex and every one of your points is 10000% true. I gave him 10 years of my life and looking back now I really do not believe I stuck this behaviour for so long. I was the one to end it I thought id crumble and take him back and again try to appease him but I didn’t and I have never felt more free.
@gracegarce8026 11 ай бұрын
These bullet points resonate with my friend whom I discern as a narcissist. Very accurate indeed. Watching from the Philippines 🇵🇭 More power to you.
@Fusilier7 11 ай бұрын
My father meets all of these reasons, his narcissism know no bounds, the result is failed relationship after relationship, and right now, he is blowing his relations with me. Dad has been trying to sabotage my life, he wants to be the only person in my life, so to do that, weaponised his narcissism that is harming my relationships with others, damaging my career, and causes me major stress and depression. However, I have my chance, despite my father's interference, my career has finally paid off, so I can move hundreds of miles away from dad, I am on the verge of liberating myself, this is perhaps the happiest I have felt in a long time, and I don't want that feeling to end. Dad fantasises about going Galt, and I don't wanna be around while he gaslights me into believing in his foolish fantasies, and although my mom is trying to convince me to have dad around, no one will ever tell me who I need, I deserve to be free from such toxic narcissism.
@yuukihoffner8433 11 ай бұрын
Thank you so much, dear Dr. Carter. You have already helped me so much with your kind and insightful words. Two weeks ago, I was finally able to establish my boundaries with a lifelong 'friend' who never stopped to put me down. She reacted with foaming fury, but I finally felt that her sorrows and bad behavior were not my business any longer. I am free, and she can do whatever she wants to do. Without me. Thanks again.
@SurvivingNarcissism 11 ай бұрын
You are so welcome, Yuuki. Keep learning and thanks for including me on your journey. I'm honored.
@ginafarley6190 11 ай бұрын
Good for you! Setting boundaries gets easier and you can even do it in a calm or gray rock way!
@susanmunoz7688 11 ай бұрын
I am so happy for you, I know how relieved you must feel. God bless you and stay strong Team Healthy 🤗
@flightydancer 11 ай бұрын
Chronic dishonesty and secrecy has no place in loving relationship.
@tamagotchi22 11 ай бұрын
There's no love to be had.. I live with one (not my partner) and genuine love care and empathy are taken for a game.. The pretence the power play the manipulations and ohh the lies.. She's a chronic liar and can go from fabricating entire fake scenarios to telling really insignificant and inconsequential little lies. I grey rock her when she tried to harm my relationship.. They are emotionally handicapped and the only time they may feel sorry is for themselves when they do not get what they want.. Shaming, smear campaigns and terroristic raging episodes over nothing like a spoilt little kid.. to induce fear and threat if they may.. imagine a mature adult doing that.. That's mask off phase ofc
@flightydancer 11 ай бұрын
@@tamagotchi22 Thank you for sharing your story. These pretentious people really do damage to others. It was heartbreaking when I realized everything I believed in are actually lies and games.
@darrynreid4500 11 ай бұрын
I think the most failed relationships of all are those that linger in endless pathological dysfunction. In my experience, people who are very high in narcissistic tendencies are incapable of happy healthy relationships, so besides leaving the trails of broken relationships of the have-nothing-to-do-with kind that we all know and love, they may hang onto a few failed relationships of the malignantly-twisted-with-endless-drama kind. Without a doubt, that's by far the worst kind.
@brendataylor7524 11 ай бұрын
My brother is a malignant 🔺️ triangle narcissistic sociopath. He has never been able to stay in any relationship, and he got a divorce several years ago, in 2018. He had a sweet pea, but this woman wasn't stupid. She left him because she knew he was too controlling and abusive. In 2029, he came down to my mother's place to get his treatments. His dog, Moss, came up to me, and he started biting on my cuddle coat, which coats $40.00. And I didn't want it torn. So I pushed him away with my hand, but he kept on doing it. So I took the bottom of my foot and gave him a push toward the hot tube room. As a result, the malignant triangle 🔺️ narcissists came up behind me , put me in a chock hold, and dragged me to the couch and pinned me down and stucked the air out of me be chocking me. My necked hurt so bad. I did go to the doctor to have an MRI. My mother didn't want me to turn him in to the Sheriff's Department. But last year, this same narcissists beat the shit out of me by throwing me down on the ground and pinning my arms and legs. And checking me and used his other had and pushed me three times in my left eye. I had bruses and a huge black eye. Too bad that my mother couldn't protect him this time, because I went to the Sheriff's Department and to my doctor. Have pictures and court papers on him. Andvhecis docked at the Sheriff's Department. He is a charmer, and he is supposed to be a Christian.
@mommymoves6365 10 ай бұрын
Good comment
@francesbernard2445 11 ай бұрын
What gets me most is how a makes unilateral decisions to meet their goals without being honest up front about them right from the start. All of their goals how designed to benefit them only no matter how much it may be holding back others from their personal goals already stated. Everyone else according to the narcissist is supposed to be okay with how their actions are hurting others on the way to meeting their goals and if the narcissist knows ahead of time others will not be okay with their goals they lie a lot.
@LenaBLOG-go5yq 11 ай бұрын
Narcissists don’t have relationships. They might seem to have one, though, for decades.
@lynnebucher6537 11 ай бұрын
Massive disrespect is a biggie
@sonjabryant2567 11 ай бұрын
What if the narcissist is your adult 55-year-old son that treats you like your dirt beneath his feet and talks so disrespectful and everything has to be his way or no way at all. I’ve tried so hard to get along with him we have not talked very much since 2016 and every time I tried to talk with him it never changed he blames me for everything his younger brother told him one time get over it the same Mother that raised you raised me and our sister he has never wanted to work so don’t blame Mom for your mistakes. I’ve had to stop letting him keep me so stressed I’ve had to live him from a distance he is too toxic he would text and call leave all kind of hurtful things so I blocked him on my phone
@sclogse1 11 ай бұрын
He wants you to be guilty so you'll serve his needs.
@sonjabryant2567 11 ай бұрын
@@sclogse1 thank you for the info that’s exactly right but iam not going to do that. Iam too old and life is too short for his Toxic behavior.
@DJH97 11 ай бұрын
Wow. This was 💯 from my experiences. I was so exhausted from being blamed by so many people that I just quit trying to even talk about anything. Cause I knew what was coming. So thankful I escaped most of the toxic relationships that I put up with for decades. Thanks Dr C. You’ve been such a blessing.
@fairpoet81 11 ай бұрын
Unless we're willing to be a doormat, there is no future with these men & women. Might I add: in today's weird dating world, if the other person has a "high body count", they cannot pair bond.
@theyellowshoe 11 ай бұрын
When my husband was on his 50's he cheated on me via Facebook & dating websites. When i confronted him he claimed he was "just playing" & he didn't know how the dating websites got his number. He, to this day will not "own" his actions. Right now hes just an annoying roommate, i just dont have to funds to leave & have my own place, also my extended family want to help but they cant financially help. I have stopped caring a few years ago.
@missliberty10 11 ай бұрын
I know the feeling ,the only way for the moment is build your own life as much as is possible without him ,💚
@Cazgirl-hq4hi 3 ай бұрын
It’s easy for other to say get out be ur own boss if u like.lbut they don’t realise it’s not that easy if u live and have no own bolt hole to go’s financially difficult at times,not everyone has trophy jobs and another pad to go too. So it’s a case of trying to find some sort of support somewhere,lift every stone and hope something turns up..or get the idiots removed from ur main house of stay if they are that bad or get violent ..get hem arrested for being a vile .thses inhuman creatures don’t deserve normality,they are too far stretch from it .
@caroleminke6116 11 ай бұрын
Their emotional scale is limited to lower level fear/rage/envy 🤦‍♀️ the higher, more altruistic level never reaches the heart ❤️ they cannot get past people pleasing just to make themselves look good
@Songe467 11 ай бұрын
My ex was great at mythical thinking, he had big ideas and big dreams. It sounded really good to me in the beginning, particularly in that period of my life where I felt stuck, lost, directionless and struggling. If only he could find people to fund him, listen to him, believe in him. The problem been he never took any real, sustained personal action to try an achieve his supposed goals. He didn't trust other people and yet he expected blanket trust from everyone else. Somehow it became my responsivity to try and do this for him, raise funds, talk to people, get a business degree and and my fault and my laziness when nothing eventuated. I was quite happy just to putter about and do my thing and didn't really want to get involved. For awhile I was angry to have wasted so much time and effort on someone who didn't deserve the attention he demanded. It took over 6-7 years of my life. Yet he has been like this his whole life and probably still like this and will be like this until the end. An entire life wasted running around in circles achieving nothing because he will never have the realization that he could get a lot further if he set made easier, simpler and more achievable goals and stopped expecting everyone to run around and do the work for him. It has been a great life lesson for me though, to stop dreaming and pretending something is going to happen unless I do something about it myself. To slow down, live a simpler life and taking small, achievable steps each day to work towards having a more comfortable, drama free life.
@kathleencondit1660 11 ай бұрын
That's it, persistent honesty problems.
@MacJank7 9 ай бұрын
My wife and I both have severely narcissistic exes and I can’t get enough of these videos. Every time I think I’ve heard it all there is another one that pinpoints their actions.
@duromusabc 11 ай бұрын
Dr C is this the main reason why America nowadays has a 50% divorce rate among married couples? Thanks
@SLR.e14 11 ай бұрын
True . I believe the percentage is way higher
@SurvivingNarcissism 11 ай бұрын
In a high percentage of cases, yes.
@evelynarocho6241 11 ай бұрын
Good, why live in misery...
@LiveforHim73 11 ай бұрын
-Dishonesty….. omission, will Not tell you what needs to be known about a situation. -Grasp on reality… mythical thinking, need grand attitude towards themselves! -Lack of vulnerability to trust. Narc, you exist to be used , needs to be gratified by what you can do for them --unable to manage conflict, they can’t not sit down and talk about it. Have major anger issues. Passive aggressive. - No personal insights.
@nicksflicks9592 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for your terrific videos. Very helpful. I learned about NPD nearly 30 years ago when my brother married a bizarre woman with delusions of superiority and domineering behavior at social gatherings. I realize she was very odd and told my brother. She got annoyed and ramped-up a campaign against me behind my back. I eventually got excommunicated from my entire family because she turned my mother and all of my siblings against me. LOL But, worse still, I just realized that my ex-wife is also NPD. She destroyed my life through physical abuse (she punched me in the nose on our honeymoon and kept punching me for 17 years) and humiliation (on social media). Fortunately, she is now gone. After I had the audacity (!!!) to take her to counseling, she abandoned me (and our son) in VA in 2015 to move back home with her mother in CT then filed for no-contest divorce. I had, for years, tried to get to the bottom of her physical abuse and even asked her older brother (shortly after the honeymoon) if she had been abused as a child. He quietly said "no" and walked away from me. A decade later she finally admitted to me that her brother had abused her when they were teens (after their father had died). So he had stonewalled me. He was a lawyer at the time I confronted him. When she finally divorced me he was a Superior Court judge in CT. Her widowed mother and sister are also malignant NPDs. Very into humiliation of the men in their lives. So glad to be rid of her but the humiliation continues as she has poisoned our only son against me. Despite being granted joint-custody by the divorce court, our son hasn't spoken to me since shortly after our separation 7 years ago. He was 14 years old and turns 22 next week. It is very difficult on Father's Day when you had given your life to coach your son, year-round, in all of his sports and Boy Scouting. I am a Christian and I feel as though his court-assigned therapist was complicit in coaching him to hate me due to this woke, anti-Christian-white-male globalist agenda pouring down upon us. When she left I had been unemployed for 2 years. I lost my job as an executive engineer because her abuse at home affected my sleep and my job performance. After she left me I gained a ton of weight (nearly 400lbs), living alone for 3 years in a foreclosed, mouse-infested condo, often without water or electricity. I was on food stamps, Medicaid & Medicare and unable to walk (arthritis & diabetes) until my disability claim was finally approved (after 4 years). I have since had 4 surgeries (knee replacement, bariatric, heart ablation) and now lost 145 lbs and living with a friend in SC. Still trying to understand this horror but the best cure for me has been in Bible study.
@SurvivingNarcissism 11 ай бұрын
Keep learning, Nick! Glad to be on the path with you.
@cynthiae6230 11 ай бұрын
Good for you ! I'm being helped by a healing prayer group that uses books such as Be Healed and Unbound. 🙏💝
@turtleanton6539 11 ай бұрын
@josereyes1148 10 ай бұрын
Mythical thinking. My narcissist would constantly tell me he was buying a house soon and would expect me to praise him and get all excited for him, talk about all the details and make him feel important. He had like a 300 credit score and $0 in the bank. When he makes fun of everything it was hard to be happy for his made up scenarios. If I didn't though I'd be accused of not being happy for him. It's just all a jumbled mess.
@susandagostino7900 10 ай бұрын
I've noticed they Always start a sentence with "I need you to...", as opposed to "Will you please...", as if They are in control. Their needs must always come first. 😳 Another one is "I'm probably going to ask you to...", rather than just coming out and saying "Will you please (fill in the blank) because, I have something else I need to do at that time", when they Fully Intend to ask/tell you to do whatever it is that they want.
@Bianca-sw5id Ай бұрын
Secrets and lies , like a poison they have the antidote to but nobody else
@lionheartklaric3729 11 ай бұрын
This video is important today. 1 year out of the narc relationship and I was thinking why couldn't this work. I wanted it to work. This video says it all. It hurts but its the truth. I have never had such a short romantic relationship. With the last narc is was 7 months. We were supposed to love each other so how on earth did it end up so badly? it was just a cycle of abuse, rage and gaslighting. The narcissist was the most emotionally unintelligent person I have ever met. It still hurts what happened after a year. I am empathic, caring, respectful but I couldn't make it work. It sucked the life out of me and all his paranoia, selfishness and abuse was my fault of course. So sad and pointless all of it.
@SidNasir 11 ай бұрын
The immense growth. Self actualising that you are are a good and empathetic person. If it wasnt for the narcissist i may have never known.
@lindabell2940 11 ай бұрын
Send good encouragement, im hurting cause my reason of turning on a narcissist will make me go mad, please help the hurt folks Doctor, they have moms and dads like this, my parents was not like this, but my older sister is full blown, its bad, how we can hurt our own selfs in this cesspool of madness, peace is coming like some of the folks said, i guess dodge them now, yea i finally exploded, and turn ugly, my reason to live so i can consume the rewind button, peace man please
@Rachel-mz8ko 11 ай бұрын
My momentary suggestion would be to find something constructive to do that will take your mind off of it.
@alimccreery755 11 ай бұрын
Just want to let everyone know that the narcissist in my life can no longer hurt my little dog just to get to me because she passed away today. I will never miss them as much as I will miss my companion Fumi. Love you forever my little friend. I could care less if those two people drop f****** dead 🤬
@440SPN 11 ай бұрын
@ali McCreary💐💕🐈
@alimccreery755 11 ай бұрын
@@440SPN thank you, I feel alone except for my cat. Fumi has been my companion for almost 13 years. I feel bad that I couldn’t protect her.
@440SPN 11 ай бұрын
@@alimccreery755 I also am alone with my 🐈. Peace be yours. Love from a friend across KZfaq 💕🐈
@alimccreery755 11 ай бұрын
@@440SPN thank you, my heart is breaking right now and I wish I could stop crying because my rig is in the shop and I can’t get Uber right now until I get it together as my eyes are swollen. I’m sure I will stop at some point.
@denicehaley9902 11 ай бұрын
Ali, my heart is broken that your fur baby has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. 😢💔🦮
@wren1114 11 ай бұрын
Thank you Dr. Les Carter!💛
@SurvivingNarcissism 11 ай бұрын
You're welcome!
@CL-lo4wd 11 ай бұрын
When I confronted him for the last time, after I found undeniably incriminating pictures of him which he denied anyway, he literally said “my relationships are strictly on a need to know basis”. I’m still in shock, but your video, hearing you say all this so clearly, Dr. C, is very helpful.
@SurvivingNarcissism 11 ай бұрын
His comment was him saying "I'm a conniving, secretive person."
@CL-lo4wd 11 ай бұрын
@@SurvivingNarcissism Yes, Dr. C. And the only question I’ve been left with now is “how many lies did he tell me?” Or rather “Did he ever say anything that was true.” Because since then I found out so much going back to the beginning. It’s been so heartbreaking because I thought I had grown through all the therapy I had done and was better able to discern. Yet in reality it seems that if I did grow, it was nothing compared to the skill of this narc’s lying and dishonest behavior. I truly feel that I will never be able to have a relationship at my age because every man I meet just lies. One is worse than the other. I’m 54. I was in a horrendous marriage to a psychopath, got out of it after 25 years financially ruined and emotionally destroyed but I somehow felt hopeful that at that point, 45, I could rebuild. But 9 years and a lot of hard work later, I feel really, really more hopeless than ever. Because, at least where I live (I cannot move), there just aren’t any good men. As in the case of this man, they all have their secret lovers, usually 30 years younger than themselves and me. Your videos help me. But I still feel hopeless. I will die without ever having experienced love.
@chicagogal 11 ай бұрын
@CL-lo4wd I'm 54 and still waiting to get married. Last Sept. I ended a 4.5 year relationship with a Chicago cop. He was never happy and hated his mom. He tried to make me miserable all of the time.
@jamielake-boyd3600 10 ай бұрын
I disagree with the isolation. I get my greatest strength from isolation. True story.
@Teacher369 11 ай бұрын
Thank you, Dr Carter ☀️ Hearing your voice and words of wisdom brings me peace. 🙏 ❤️ ☮️
@SurvivingNarcissism 11 ай бұрын
So pleased, Karen. #TeamHealthy
@missypowell1150 11 ай бұрын
Me 2 ❤
@vagabondv1250 8 ай бұрын
As a friend so beautifully put it; a narcissist doesn't have friends, they have staff.
@loricrockett-owens5117 11 ай бұрын
Hey Dr c hey Gus hey everyone. Good morning have a great day.
@mandycote5662 11 ай бұрын
Hey Lori - good morning and I hope you have a good day as well - Mandy🇨🇦
@SurvivingNarcissism 11 ай бұрын
Thanks, Lori!
@loricrockett-owens5117 11 ай бұрын
@@SurvivingNarcissism you're quite welcome dr.c. hope you're doing well
@theresecote9276 9 ай бұрын
With time, I realized that when my narc husband asks a question to me, or one of the children, he already knows the answer, he's just testing and checking your answers.
@SparkleLuna77 11 ай бұрын
You’ve helped me so much Dr C. I just get empowered now by messages designed to grind me down and hurt me. They are trapped in their broken way of thinking and it doesn’t affect me anymore. I’m now a person of peace 🥰. Thank you.
@kimberlymccracken747 11 ай бұрын
Meet the parents and many like them in my human history. And, they all love to scapegoat me after they've finished getting whatever they want or need. 🤷‍♀️👍🏧❤
@sarahwalters7701 11 ай бұрын
Good afternoon, Gus! He looks comfy!
@SurvivingNarcissism 11 ай бұрын
@Rachel-mz8ko 11 ай бұрын
I'm so glad your materials are recorded. I'm able to touch base with you multiple times a day if need be and often times I don't get the full message without multiple listenings. To this point in time, your teachings have taken a big bite out of my recent, yet ongoing, existential confusion. I think I can at least think about prioritizing my issues now but thery're still probably overlapping a bit. Thanks a bunch.
@SurvivingNarcissism 11 ай бұрын
You are quite welcome!
@vanessakirchner3503 6 ай бұрын
They are not enjoyable to be around and once they get to know you you have to walk on eggshells. NOT worth the time!
@marcfilion 11 ай бұрын
The only friend a narcissist has is the person they see when they look at a mirror.Avoid them like the plague.
@gwendolynwehage6336 11 ай бұрын
This is absolutely right! The narcissists I have known must argue to win no matter how wrong they are about what they are saying or doing. They seem to be woefully ignorant of simple observations that would make things clear. They even cannot answer a simple question without going back to the original thing they said instead of just saying; "Yes or no." I have asked a narcissist to give details about what they are saying and they either refused or went back to repeat what they said as though they never heard me at all. To answer my questions would be me in control, in their mind. They know they were wrong about something and refused to answer knowing the answer would prove me right.
@123raven4 6 ай бұрын
A lack of vulnerability means no trust! They have a form of paranoia! People exists to be used! Unable to manage conflicts at all! Astonishing lack of insight!
@DanaP3335 11 ай бұрын
Thank you Dr C, I am really going through it and your words help bring me back to what is right and reasonable in relationships. You are the best.
@SurvivingNarcissism 11 ай бұрын
So pleased!
@izawaniek2568 11 ай бұрын
You have nailed it dr Carter. Nothing else to say. It is impossible to have a relationship with a narcisist. Full stop.
@user-rh5mz2td6r 21 күн бұрын
I love this video Dr C. I had no idea that the narcissist was mirroring me and needed me to regulate him. At the beginning of 2021 I began to recognize all kind of things going on with this person and I disengaged and became indifferent. No longer did I regulate him, no longer did I listen to anything that he had to say because he were sounding very crazy. I got discarded and then I started to watch your KZfaq channel DR C and this person checked off all of the boxes of a person with NPD. I never went back. It's been a little over 3 years and I am no longer responsible for him or anyone else that won't take responsibility, accountability and are just downright selfish and self-centered.
@Xaxtarr_Neonraven 11 ай бұрын
To paraphrase: Because "strong" narcissists can be selfish, entitled and controlling, relationships with narcissists most probably won't fulfill your wants: for going well, for being mutually beneficial or for feeling good,. Relationships with narcissists are more likely to fail. These relationships usually don't support interrelationship equality; and thus, you may be "burned" with blame; so, we need to manage them and ourselves. Narcissists can be dishonest, manipulative, delusional, ego-biased, defensive, distrustful, exhibit a superiority complex (infallible, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent), exhibit a victim complex, can have an situational- (non-rule, non-law) ego- (non-community, non- altruistic) based morality, exhibit emotional non-resilient, can be frustrated intolerant, unforgiving, uncompromising, angry, rageful, vindictive, aggressive, full of contempt, ill-willed, exhibit lack insight, can be ridgid, judgemental, unwise, inept, immature, unwilling to grow, ill-tempered, and fixated. (Did I miss anything?) If you want to be healthy, don't be any of those things and show "dignity, respect, and civility" of course. (Thank you for the enjoyable discussions. Hopefully, I have learned a lot, and it has helped me to recover and to move on. One important thing we must never forget: Narcissists have a personality disorder, they are not a personality disorder. They are a person, and ostracism and stigma are real issues in healthcare.) 2023 American Psychiatric Association: "What are Personality Disorders? "Personality is the way of thinking, feeling and behaving that makes a person different from other people. An individual’s personality is influenced by experiences, environment (surroundings, life situations) and inherited characteristics. A person’s personality typically stays the same over time. "To be classified as a personality disorder, one's way of thinking, feeling and behaving deviates from the expectations of the culture, causes distress or problems functioning, and lasts over time.1 The pattern of experience and behavior usually begins by late adolescence or early adulthood and causes distress or problems in functioning. Without treatment, personality disorders can be long-lasting." "References "1 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5-TR). American Psychiatric Association. (2022)." "[Middle English personalite, from Old French, from Late Latin persōnālitās, from Latin persōnālis, personal, from persōna, person; see person.]"
@SidNasir 11 ай бұрын
It is so scary to think that they’ll most likely stay that way forever… Agonising. Especially if you cared for a narcissist and bought the sob story.
@maryshkamiceli8388 11 ай бұрын
Is there any way to "break through" to a narcissist? Can a narcissist be helped -- like is there one cause in their past that "flips the switch" that can be "rewired"?
@aaronkwolfe 11 ай бұрын
It is rare, but possible. They almost need a "Come to Jesus" experience
@SurvivingNarcissism 11 ай бұрын
There are a couple of videos that address this. Can A Narcissist Change? and A 7 Part Plan For Overcoming Narcissism. OI hope they will shed some light on your question.
@SLR.e14 11 ай бұрын
Unfortunately not They’re good manipulators Don’t trust them They will have their own agenda
@tamagotchi22 11 ай бұрын
Relating to this question I really wonder if there is a difference between those who are persistent in their ways as described and those who maybe inherited some narcissistic traits and behavioural patterns due to being brought up in a dysfunctional family environment by one or more narcissistic parents? This is such an excellent and relevant video btw I've been listening to at least a few times to really let it all sink in like a setting in stone what I already know to be true in my heart. Thank you very much.
@elainesmith5313 10 ай бұрын
Dr. C. Thank you for your wisdom! Leading all of us out of the darkness of Narcissism has been a blessing. You and many others plus a good therapist has my saving grace for the last 19 months. The sun is shining and the sky are clear now. I CAN SEE CLEARLY NOW. FREEDOM FROM THE NARCISSIST AND HIS FAMILY CULT is invaluable. Grateful everyday to God and all of you that brought light to a dark World.. Thank you is not enough to say. Tears of gladness and joy, you did for me what I could not do for myself....God's Grace, love and Truth. Truth Will Set you Free!🐾🐾🐾
@SurvivingNarcissism 10 ай бұрын
Thanks so much, Elaine!
@florenceayek 11 ай бұрын
They fail,because I found your texts& lessons,Doc. You saved me & countless others,Thank you for your time,& patience & loving info We Need to get heck out of crippling Dodge. We don't know how to thank you enough..All you Healing Doctors. ❤... We are staying clients,because Someone finally got us !!!... What a harrowing journey,!Trying to explain to what doesn't seem true & them not knowing the Cruelty you relive every day & night. You came along & released us from Hell on Earth...!! ♨️Thank you. ❤💜
@SurvivingNarcissism 11 ай бұрын
Go get 'em, Florence.
@florenceayek 11 ай бұрын
@Surviving Narcissism omgosh,did not expect a real response from you Doc,sorry,does not sound like what I texted,just so quickly was your response I Guess those damn Narcs.! Trained us well !!😁We got used to Nooooooo responses!! Welcome back to real humanity,Flo. !! 🫠
@christanatwork 11 ай бұрын
I wish I had watched this back in 1997...
@andreacook6000 11 ай бұрын
Just watched 2 older video of Les that have helped me so much. Les I just have to say again and again how much you have saved my life and save me every day. Your love and kindness and your huge depth of knowledge on this subject just propel me along when I feel like giving up sometimes. I’m so grateful for you.
@SurvivingNarcissism 11 ай бұрын
You are quite welcome.
@CL-lo4wd 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for this video. The timing is perfect. Just cut the cord last night on a relationship with a narc after 4 years and 2 months. So much back and forth despite tons of therapy and videos like yours. It’s not always easy or possible. In any case, finally did it, but I feel horrible. Like it was all my fault, I failed. This video is perfect.
@susanm2804 11 ай бұрын
You didn't fail. Remember they choose nice people, honest people to suck into their sickness. You won ...your out. Stay strong🇨🇦❤
@SeaStarGazer1111 11 ай бұрын
It's unfortunate how they conduct themself, the former overt in my life, thankfully was so obvious, it was easy to connect the dots, see the many red flags and get out of that exhaustive chaos. Life has been peaceful since!
@snowbear1877 11 ай бұрын
All their hatred and anger is directed at me, not their spouses.
@Spectre8282 11 ай бұрын
Take No Prisoners
@martinmargerrison2300 9 ай бұрын
Greetings from Slovenija Dr C. In Tarzan's case the (minimum of) 6 reasons are:- 1. She finds out he's still married despite lying that he is divorced. 2. Concubine No 1 meets concubine No 5 at the relationship counselling service. 3. Concubine No 3 becomes suspicious when he calls her the wrong name(s). 4. His wife/other concubine(s) shows up unexpectedly at the restaurant he's booked for a "romantic" meal. 5. Concubine No 2 shows up with a lie detector machine she's borrowed from concubine No1. 6. Perm any of 1-5 in any order. Keep on rockin' 😂
@snowbear1877 11 ай бұрын
But I've found their relationships DON'T fail! It's MY relationships that fail! My parents stayed married. They weren't happy but denied it. My sister and her husband stayed married. They're not happy either, but appearances are what it's all about for them. My nephew, who is a narcissist and a born again Christian, has been married 16 years now and will never divorce. He seems happy enough under the financial control of the Christian cult that he's in. As for me, I am divorced and childless, although I've been in a relationship for over 30 years now. But outwardly, my narcissistic family members have long standing relationships, although the are not happy.
@Armygirl4Christ 11 ай бұрын
👋👋 Dr C and Mr Gus 💕🦴🥩 Thank you for more wisdom for us!
@lizapedersen8435 11 ай бұрын
So true and so so sad😢
@CL-lo4wd 11 ай бұрын
Omg. “Persistent honesty problems”. Indeed.
@carefulcarpenter 11 ай бұрын
"Lack of wisdom" Dr. C. Brilliant!
@phyllistouchstone7136 10 ай бұрын
I have been praying to God to please expose them for what they really are.
@iwonasosnierz1421 18 күн бұрын
How nice to attend your lecture and see your dog. I believe he also knows how wise you are and feels very special. Thank you and have a nice day. Greetings from Poland.❤
@SurvivingNarcissism 18 күн бұрын
I thank you and Gus thanks you.
@julienatoli8561 11 ай бұрын
Excellent video Dr Carter. My take away is this ... BOUNDARIES, BOUNDARIES, BOUNDARIES!! 😁😁 and remember team healthy that trust needs to be earned! God bless you Dr Carter and Gus! 🐾🐾❣️
@michelleharkness7549 11 ай бұрын
In Thanksgiving: ( USA 🇺🇸) : btw: The Presentation ( Awareness- Mental Health) is wonderful: again: wonderful
@fairliescott3073 11 ай бұрын
My late husband died as a result of the actions of a narcissist that he thought was his best friend! This was well planned and caused 2 1/2 years of suffering - no doubt delighting the sadistic perpetrator!
@erniet 11 ай бұрын
Great summary of the salient points. Wonderful Dr C.❤
@SurvivingNarcissism 11 ай бұрын
Thank you kindly!
@rogerhansen2758 10 ай бұрын
This is all so true. Being with a narcissist breaks a person. These videos are life saving, as are the comments from others who have suffered at the hands of a narcissist.
@jaywalker6229 11 ай бұрын
Thank you… this video helped me process my emotions this morning. I am thankful the relationship is over, but I’m severely hurt by the abuse.
@BohoWarriorYoga444 5 ай бұрын
you are the dad I always wished I had! Unfortunately mine is a malignant narcisist
@SurvivingNarcissism 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for the good vibes. I'm honored.
@sudeepparaghamian7468 11 ай бұрын
Absolutely! They can not manage conflict. Rages yes! Hard freeze yes! Boy great all points! Personal insight is non-existence!
@babysleeplady 11 ай бұрын
They lie. Outright and by omission. Need for control.
@maxwellcoleshow 11 ай бұрын
The final statement was spot on. These lists are such good resources. 💯 Thanks Dr. C.
@bettykirkes7491 10 ай бұрын
In my experience I’ve seen, people stay on the relationship for long periods but the relationship has failed even though the person stays.
@TorrinCooper 11 ай бұрын
So good! 🔥💯
@RadAngelDMV 11 ай бұрын
Oh they DO wanna know about you....if they know they can get something out of it.
@RatedArggg 11 ай бұрын
I've known narcissists whose relationships lasted forever.
@socialstudiesteacher115 11 ай бұрын
Some people get used to living with the dysfunction. The narcissist won't end the relationship to keep the status quo and the other person (like me) becomes codependent. Until he or she (like me also) realize that there's nothing to do. You need to move on, heal, reconnect with old friends, and enjoy again the experience of living in peace and with joy.
@tamagotchi22 11 ай бұрын
I have known one who divorced the husband of her youth to be with someone 20 years older for a more fashionable lifestyle but she still keep the first hanging there, ran back for days when she has "quarrels" with her second husband, he still refers to her as his wife to the day he died.. She was in a relationship with the second husband (who btw have had 7 wives) for over 30 years, she feeds of daily drama chaos power play and yes total fabricated scenarios to whoever might believe.. Narcissist can only pair well with narcissist. Much like like Melania has a marriage contract in addition to her vows with Trump.😊
@pamelafrancis6086 11 ай бұрын
Great video Dr.C, this summation is perfect.
The Insanity Of A Narcissist's Many Cravings
Surviving Narcissism
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The High Cost After Disconnecting From A Narcissist
Surviving Narcissism
Рет қаралды 71 М.
How Narcissists Double Down On Their Toxicity
Surviving Narcissism
Рет қаралды 38 М.
10 Ways To Tell A "Normal" Relationship Vs. One With A Narcissist
7 Signs Of An Oblivious, Clueless Narcissist
Surviving Narcissism
Рет қаралды 102 М.
8 Signs That A Narcissist Cannot Change
Surviving Narcissism
Рет қаралды 58 М.
Your Path Away From Narcissistic Trauma
Surviving Narcissism
Рет қаралды 43 М.
Is Narcissism Mostly Unconscious?
Surviving Narcissism
Рет қаралды 47 М.
Narcissistic Abuse In Small Doses
Surviving Narcissism
Рет қаралды 49 М.
ХОТЯ БЫ КИНОДА 2 - официальный фильм
Рет қаралды 2,7 МЛН