Top Concerns with Classic Season of Discovery | Season of Mastery Classic WoW | Class Fantasy?

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My Twitch! / ebbnflowdnt
#SOM2 #Seasonofdiscovery #ClassicWoW #Blizzcon #ClassicPlus #ClassicPvP #WoWClassic

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@KalispellBarbell 8 ай бұрын
You can still play regular classic.
@robertp457 8 ай бұрын
@asch220 8 ай бұрын
I hope they scale up the mobs in the open world so it does not turn into wotlk lvling. Interesting seeing new stuff to try.
@stephenk.978 8 ай бұрын
They said this is happening in the interview didn't they?
@AnonAmbientLight 8 ай бұрын
@@stephenk.978 Mobs will have their damage increased, but their health will remain the same.
@bobuson1059 8 ай бұрын
I agree on every single point in this video. I read a few comments talking about subjectivity, and yeah ofc, everything boils down to just that - subjectivity. My take on it is; I would have been just fine with a fresh reroll of a vanilla server. Nothing more, nothing less. If I want runes, flying unicorns and demonhunters I would look up said expansion and play that. Just my two subjective cents :)
@Vrory77 8 ай бұрын
I think they are doing this is because of 2 things: 1. We are at level 25 and we have litterly no spells at that point which gives us at least 2 Buttons to press. As a Enhancer you just stand around and cast earthshock and wait for an AA and drop totems and wait and sit back and while we are oom after 3 shock-spells we just simple AA all raid/dungeon long. 2. There are speccs who are useless and nobody plays at lvl 25 Arcane-Mage or Fire-Mage if you can get the best out of Frost-Mage. The same goes for Druid or Paladin. Nobody would play a Ret-Pally who does Nothing on the DPS-Meter while beeing a Buff-Bitch in a 10 Man Raid. Yes some stuffs are Over-Powered on Paper BUT! we are at lvl 25 and have Nothing to press.
@erod8784 8 ай бұрын
"litterly no spells" - lol
@markbay9275 8 ай бұрын
Youre exactly right. At 25, there arnet enough buttons to press. Runes give us something to press.
@difidifos9900 8 ай бұрын
@@markbay9275 but ur char is under a progression at lvl 25. Your char will get new abilitys later on.
@Vrory77 8 ай бұрын
@@difidifos9900 Yes but during the Vanilla-Beta a lot of Abilities were available at lvl 30. Even Retri-Paladin were able to use crusader-strike.
@Hjernded 8 ай бұрын
My feeling is they went the right direction with the rune system (too early to know yet tho, since I haven't tried it) - but I do agree they might have gone a bit over board with for example mage healing and rogue tank etc... But making so called meme specs more viable by adding to their kit is good imo. Shaking up the meta should be fun. But, as you mention, it could be a serious problem if it trivializes the content because classes are too OP.
@robertp457 8 ай бұрын
Fresh and new can't be accomplished without changing the game. Were the previous dungeons really that difficult and do they need to be? Let's say BRD is slightly easier, and it takes 30% less time to do a complete clear, would that make it worse? I wouldn't think so. Even for new players it's not that difficult, it's just time consuming.
@silv3r222 8 ай бұрын
Classic content is already trivial. The entire "difficulty" of classic only comes down to numbers. Numbers which are beaten with gear given the time it takes you to achieve that gear. To say classic is hard is a complete misunderstanding of what actual difficulty is when it comes to the mechanics of a video game. Entire CLASSES have 1 button rotations, pull up details at the end of the raid and you have casted 3000 Frost bolts; ah yes very hard..... Adding new flavor to the game will change how the game is played and maybe somehow increase the players damage which could decrease the "difficulty" of the game. But it is something needed after 4 years of classic, I mean for just how long can you actually have fun playing a game where you only press 1 button?
@kylesmith987 8 ай бұрын
@@silv3r222 I don't think the problem is new buttons like you said. Absolutely they need to give some classes new buttons to press. The problem is when those new buttons are horribly balanced for the original identity and difficulty of the game or when the new buttons infringe on the class identity and create too much homogenization. For Example: No one is going to complain about giving ret paladins crusader strike, this is a fantastic addition that feels inline with the original identity. On the other hand giving mages abilities to heal people has nothing to do with the original identity of WoW class design. Some of the more up in the air ones were things like shaman tanks. I think this is cool because classic did fiddle with the idea of shamans being tanks but i could also understand of people don't like it. One of my other potential red flags is these new abilities removing the need to gear around specific things. For Example: all the new tank abilities for Warlock, Rogue, and Shaman give them reduced crit chance by 6%. This means these classes are immediately uncritable in a raid environment where as the traditional tanks like war still have to gear defense to become uncritable and that defense amount is MASSIVE. At end game its soo high in fact that it is impossible to get crit cap through defense without raid gear or really niche things. This gives a massive boon to the new tanks that may just straight up make the old tanks not viable if this isn't balanced correctly. You are correct that classic is numbers game but its very important that everything stays inline numbers wise for classic as this has a massive impact on the feel of the game.
@bajjanitor 8 ай бұрын
I think it looks so lazy and it synergizes awfully when they didn't change the talent trees at all. But I'm warming up to that route a bit since this makes it very easy to learn what changes they make compared to if they changed existing spells, talents and added spells. But of course insanely over the top to the point where already at level 25 the classes doesn't feel like Classic classes any longer. I feel confident that they could've made all the changes that the people want through the wand slot (or adding another slot like that if the class uses that slot) and retuning existing spells, which would've felt so much less intrusive.
@nathancasey7712 8 ай бұрын
​@@silv3r222Who said the game was hard?
@yosoyhansolo 8 ай бұрын
Good to see more videos coming from you . Can't wait for the hunter rune video
@dieuwtjin 8 ай бұрын
I think they're going about it the right way. Let's face it, the meta is completely stale and warriors dominate every aspect of it at the highest levels of any group content. Though some classes seem to get a lot more out of this system than others. As a priest main I don't really seem to be getting anything exciting on either end compared to the ability to suddenly become a tank or healer ON TOP of everything else. There really has to be something truly exciting for all classes and not just basic class abilities of later expansions for some and whole new character directions for others.
@not_vern 8 ай бұрын
Looking forward to more videos from you!!! I had a lot of the same concerns as you. I don’t think it’s been that hard to find tanks and healers so some of those added options to specs do seem on the side of breaking class fantasy. With that said though I’m so excited. The new raid / PvP content planned on the way up to 60 seems really fun. Also everyone looks OP so I’m interested to see a meta shake up. I hope it doesn’t trivialize content too much. I wonder if this is like a glorified classic + beta where they try stuff and then do a classic + release that takes the things from SoD that worked
@Ebbnflow 8 ай бұрын
Yeah I think they will get a lot of feedback from doing it as a season and they can make changes as if it was a beta. Definitely agree with you
@cjk4540 8 ай бұрын
I would like it if they added class specific tier tokens like in TBC and later xpacts. It would be nice to be able to play other specs outside of the pigeon holed specs
@robertp457 8 ай бұрын
Exactly. It would be nice if the new pre-BiS items are different this time.
@Ebbnflow 8 ай бұрын
I'm okay with the gear system they have now. But do horizontal progression with any new content. Or class quest lines to change the gear stats to hybrid or other specs
@Moonstrider 8 ай бұрын
@Cozmoz79 7 ай бұрын
The entire point of Classic+ was to expand on Vanilla content, not just reuse it and/or try turn it into some new Retail version. We need to go out on the forums as well. To increase the change someone from them might take notice. Btw Asmongold, Staysafe, Esfand and many others (myself incl) have simular concerns. That these changes are a bit too much even tho it's fine to try out new things.
@kelpie1533 8 ай бұрын
I absolutely agree that SoD is equivalent to a Classic+ Beta or Early Access. I'd also hoped for a Classic+ that didn't change anything about classes but just added content like new dungeons, raids and zones. Ideally this would have been 'familiar but different' content like raids from TBC (e.g. Karazhan) and Wrath but reworked for level 60. Also content that was originally proposed for vanilla but never happened like the Azshara PvP BG, the Gurabashi 5-man PvP Dungeon and other PvE content like a Kara crypts instance.
@Lemmings19 8 ай бұрын
I think I agree with everything you said. I'm always a little baffled when people get hyped that the class they play is becoming more overpowered than everyone else... so short sighted.
@holylipton6436 8 ай бұрын
I'm currently on the fence, I mainly play paladin and druid. I don't want paladin to be sooo stronk that they become the "meta" but i don't want them to be completely useless..So I just hope there's a fine line between.
@cps3119 8 ай бұрын
Overall I like the rune system and the staggered level caps, low level raids, etc. All good stuff. I just think the rune system may be muddying the class identity a bit. I want classes to be more viable, like paladin, and shaman tank (they were originally meant to be able to tank) but I don't want rogues tanking or mages healing. Just my .02
@AnonAmbientLight 8 ай бұрын
Why not?
@Fyrapan90 7 ай бұрын
@@AnonAmbientLight Because that's not classic WoW.
@AnonAmbientLight 7 ай бұрын
@@Fyrapan90 Then go play Classic Era.
@cps3119 7 ай бұрын
@@AnonAmbientLight I explained why I don’t like it. I’m not bitching, it’s just my .02 Overall I think the new approach for SoD is very good and I’m excited to play it.
@AnonAmbientLight 7 ай бұрын
@@cps3119 You didn't explain it. You just said, "This makes some classes do too much and I don't like that." with out explaining why it's a bad thing or why it shouldn't be experimented with. I bet if you ask any person who mains rogue if they hate the tanking option and I bet the vast majority will tell you no. You gatekeep people by telling them what a class should or should not have based on your specific vision of what you think it should be.
@Cozmoz79 7 ай бұрын
Well said! SoD is basically an experimental precursor for a classic+. Blizz dunno what classic+ should be so they're gonna experiment and let feedback guide the way for future real classic+ content. They are borderline creatively bankrupt at this point so they throw anything in there and check was sticks and "Discover" it. SoD is *NOT* Classic+ it's a beta for it. Blizzard messes up retail so more people goes to classic. These changes are just retail imports and make classes extremely broken. All those bfa runes will replace some classic talent points. My fear is that this changes vanilla too much into retail, ability wise. I would much rather like to see an attempt to rebalance the wild class disparities in vanilla, rather than give them the retail treatment.
@Dendrillien 8 ай бұрын
Class fantasy is very subjective - I don't think what they are doing is bad as who's to say what falls into each of those categories. Why can't a hunter be without a pet or a shaman hold 2 weapons, etc. A mage healing is not outside general mage fantasy going way back in games and fantasy (e.g., FF white mage comes to mind right away). Did things look too powerful, perhaps, and hopefully gets balanced after the excitement of blizzcon
@nathancasey7712 8 ай бұрын
It's just more like retail class fantasy. Everyone gets to do everything. And if you like that hey that's cool but a lot of people don't like that retail direction and that's why we play classic
@dannyp9210 8 ай бұрын
Class Homogenization is also a big concern. Mage is a superb PvP class, but give them heals and they are way too OP, for example. Classes lose their uniqueness and identity if everyone can do everything.
@Dendrillien 8 ай бұрын
@@dannyp9210 for sure a valid concern. I'd agree that it's related to class fantasy but they are also different (e.g., MoP homogenization of abilities that still maintained a good amount of class fantasy.
@platinumpepe8626 8 ай бұрын
Warcraft rts games were a thing last I checked warcraft mages didn't heal
@stiantandberg-yu8yo 8 ай бұрын
Glad to see you back ❤
@hvdiv17 8 ай бұрын
My top concern is being forced into a role you dont want to play like i play shaman and i dont like tanking i dont want to be forced to tank to get into a group.
@joshyman221 8 ай бұрын
I think there is nothing wrong with mages being able to have some time warping healing functions, so long as the hybrid tax now affects them. The biggest concern I have is just being able to change all of this on the fly. You should have to go back to your trainer to respec.
@Ebbnflow 8 ай бұрын
Yeah changing on the fly is a tough one. I see pros and cons of both
@XPISTOS-ANESTH 8 ай бұрын
You really need to do druid runes first and im glad to watch a video of yours tonight after a 13 hours long shift in the nursing home.
@Ebbnflow 8 ай бұрын
that will be the next video!
@robertp457 8 ай бұрын
@@Ebbnflow Why? It sounds like you hate these changes.
@tilttiwow 8 ай бұрын
Feral is going to get a lot more better with savage roar and mangle. I highly doubt they will have debuff limit, so you can use rip.
@blubblubwhat 8 ай бұрын
Class fantasy isnt my concern at all.
@rogydante 8 ай бұрын
I trust the classic team, but I would be lying if I told you I didn’t get upset when Nora said “everybody can be everything” on stage, because that is one of the main reasons I stay away from retail. I will be playing a mage healer but I also really hope that mage healers don’t get a resurrect, if everybody can truly do everything then it’s suddenly a pserver clone and not classic imo. I know this is more game philosophy than class identity but I think that everybody being able to do everything can mess with the class fantasy.
@PearseNation 8 ай бұрын
Same here. If classic or hardcore were going away then I may feel differently, but as it stands I don’t see a problem here.
@joshw3719 8 ай бұрын
It is mine as my opinion.
@wutangfury9283 8 ай бұрын
Couldn’t agree more. This game has been out for years. Let’s throw a wrench in the works
@Rojanthal 8 ай бұрын
Opinions and a-holes. Everyone's got em and everyone else's stinks!
@iJaGSloshtt 8 ай бұрын
you've got some good points man, but at around 7m in you talk about classes being broken, pause your screen at around that time. Take a look at your raid comp and the numbers on details there.
@undacuvabrotha 8 ай бұрын
Brown as far as the eye can see
@Chopstorm. 8 ай бұрын
Damn you're right. We should just break it even further.
@undacuvabrotha 8 ай бұрын
@@Chopstorm. opening viability is literally the exact opposite...? What do you mean?
@Chopstorm. 8 ай бұрын
@@undacuvabrotha You're assuming that the game is going to be balanced? Oh you sweet summer child.
@silv3r222 8 ай бұрын
@@Chopstorm. Unbalance is the key to opening viability. You saw this during MoP (the best expansion imo) when every class was viable especially in PvP, due to the completely broken nature of the game. Every class had an way to global people, this lead to every single spec being viable at a high level. Of course there were specs which were still better than others, but the fact is every spec could at least compete. No doubt that some specs will be doing more damage than others because of the rune changes and numbers balancing. But not every one is looking to achieve perfect min max, people would just like to be able to preform (unlike classic rets and boomies) on their desired spec. I personally love the way they are going about it by increasing the power level of players. If you get 5 shot by a rouge, but 6 shot by a boomkin this is still an entirely more playable and enjoyable experience for the boomie than what they have already had. Driving everyone towards being OP is imo the optimal game design.
@desnebula5699 8 ай бұрын
Finaly someone made a video about potential negatives
@EffToyz 8 ай бұрын
I actually would love to defend retail wow a bit. It's.. not bad! Yeah, mount at level 10 but also it has 9 huge expansions out of front door, you would hate running (which you can do if you like) around till high level. And mechanics are not bad, I died several times at high levels just because I was thinking "oh retail, faceroll level of easy... whooops why am I dead" :D oh and crafting, I would love something complicated like retail has now comparing to classic
@eyl0rien61 8 ай бұрын
After 10 years of Classic (Vanilla 4 years; Wotlk 5 years; Tbc ~1,5 year) experienc with every class, but most specificly Rogue (Paladin; Mage; Warlock) i think it's safe to say Shadow Strike (New Shadow Step, but from stealth) is broken. Between the Eyes is a Ranged Kidney shot, again wasn't nessesary change. Slaughter from the Shadow actually welcomed change, cuz this allow Rogues to use Backstab for 40 energy, rathar than use Hemorhage for 35 energy, but less damage potential. It was introduced in Wotlk under the Shadow Dance cap stone talent. PvP will be broken. PvE on the other hand will be fun, cuz now we can play Assassination Mutilate/Envenom DoT Melee place style. That's my favorite spec through out WoW history, even though it didn't perform that well. Rogue Tank is interesting, cuz you gonna be able to spam Riposte and finally Ghostly Strike along with Setup talent have uses. Combat Sword only got one useable skill from rune engravings, so it might get tone down. Although i kinda love the viability of every class it, also makes me concerned, that the leveling process and raiding in end gameg will be significatly easier. I might be the minority in this one, but i think they should buff bosses defenses, maybe a the damage output a bit. That could be THE balance and it would still hold vanilla's integrity in general. I would've only give 1 PvP specific ability to every class and be gone with it. I prefer Wotlk PvP over Vanilla, but it has it's own uniqueness with it's slow paced, but more thought out PvP. PvP always been like a chess match. You have to predict the next step of your opponent, and be one step ahead. You'll need to thought out how to interact against every form of crowd control. I'm speaking of a Rogue point of view, but it applies to every class in general.
@kallmannkallmann 8 ай бұрын
My issue is the buffing of alrdy viable specs makes non/less viable specs even with similar buffs still not as strong. Looks like Spriest will still have lots of mana issue for example. But the other issue is kinda its 25 cap so ppl can allways say, next cap that thing will be fixed.
@PearseNation 8 ай бұрын
Does this really matter in a seasonal version of classic?
@Vigor8 8 ай бұрын
Good to have you back mate missed those thoughtful videos. To be fair tho, the version of wow that you describe still exists, theyre adding something else for us to try so I have no problem with it
@Qstorm88 8 ай бұрын
@Ebbnflow 8 ай бұрын
Agreed, plus I think this gives blizzard ways to test content for the future with seasonal content
@Notsidgaming 8 ай бұрын
From a surface perspective, I am not a fan of shamans getting outshined by paladins even more so and now ferals have a better windfury totem? So far not a single group buff or new totem with a new utility option for a caster shaman. I hope that shaman, mostly elemental, will get a unique utility totem to bring. The tbc version of totem of wrath or an altered version of skyfury totem would be cool and not step on warlocks toes of getting demonic pact in vanilla. Happy with overload and lava burst (cant wait to not use it in MC), but I think shaman class identity is gonna suffer the most with these runes.
@Cozmoz79 7 ай бұрын
We asked for Classic+ but we got Retail- insted. Season of Disaster is *not* Classic+. It's a beta for it. We did get some things we asked for. Shaman and Pala tanks (ever since Vanilla 2005 abilitie tree and old Devs had plans for it back then). But we did not ask for mage healers, rogue/lock tanks. All these Retailers replying "don't play it then" almost make it sound that Classic+ was about to make a "Retail Classic" or such. Blizz doesn't know what C+ should be so they throw everything on the wall and see what sticks. Too bad Chris M came back to try save Retail then work on C+. EDIT: And with less than 5 days to go we still did not get any server lists.
@Poochergaming 8 ай бұрын
Why are 1 button rotations and some actual boss mechanics a bad thing??
@nathancasey7712 8 ай бұрын
He didn't say it was
@lostcatastrophe0659 8 ай бұрын
first like and comment... for you and the algorithm.
@p-chan3319 8 ай бұрын
They are bringing back Metamorphosis warlock. That enough is worth re subbing for me. Even if it has nothing to do with Vanilla. And the Vanilla equation is already solved and boring as we know what to stack (fury warriors zzz) etc. At least this is new, hence "discovery". Even if this equation / meta will also get solved immediatly, it will be different and fresh. Can't wait.
@Fyrapan90 7 ай бұрын
This is not the proper way of introducing classic+ in my opinion instead what it does it change it too much and drastically for what classic WoW is and that is concerning to me. If you don't like classic WoW for what it is that's totally your right but let's not promote something that changes it for so many other players because after all there is retail for those who want something that classic does not offer them.
@harmonicseries6582 8 ай бұрын
This is retail wow in classic world, retail players would love it, classic players not so much
@difidifos9900 8 ай бұрын
I agree 100%
@Rocknrule1201 8 ай бұрын
My biggest concern is Hunters TBH. Hunters are kind of getting shafted relative to other pure dps imo. Mage gets to have heals, Warlocks get to tank and Rogues to tank. They need to introduce Aspect of the Viper, and Camouflage. If Hunters don't get another role, give them more sustain to compete better on the dps. Hunters will be the only pure dps left in the game.
@runek12 8 ай бұрын
There is no real point to just reset classic every year, I like that they are taking a risk and trying something new.
@Steve_R418 8 ай бұрын
It seems like way too much power to be adding to classes at level 25. Many will be the best abilities a class has even at level 60. Maybe for something like ret pally that makes sense but does a mage or warlock need 3 more high impact damage abilities at level 25? Pretty much every class seems to be getting at least one new aoe ability. Maybe they will be able to somewhat balance it but its hard for me to imagine you won't be 1 shotting everything when they increase the level cap in the next phase.
@Burdbrain_ 8 ай бұрын
These are bad takes and pointless hand-wringing over something that is not permanent. Let them cook. Like you said, they need to see what works and what doesn't so lets get wild. The runes are enabling class fantasy, not muddying it. You've never been on wow forums if you think no one has asked for chronomancy healing. There is still Era and private servers if you want to keep 40m raiding with 25 warriors. I meanwhile, will be waiting for the bindings to drop as I tank MC on my rogue cuz that sounds cool as fuck.
@HeavilyArmed1 8 ай бұрын
CMIIW Not even Retail Wow is silly enough to change such basic class fantasy (especially in the way they're reporting to do so) I honestly don't know what they are on making such drastic changes the first step they make towards classic plus.
@beyondgreatness1861 8 ай бұрын
I agree with u. Plus should be new content with the same exact gameplay. Or just add 1 or 2 spells for each class. So rotations could get 1 more button
@SlumpdWiz 8 ай бұрын
Yeah, im not a huge fan of the runes but they would have to fix so much for classic plus. Speces that weren't palyable, 1 spell rotations, boss debuffs ect.
@sosusavage04 8 ай бұрын
Agreed 110%
@casko9626 8 ай бұрын
Watched Esfands paladin on sod and the powercreep was kinda nuts
@robertp457 8 ай бұрын
They were in all blue gear, they were all professional wow players, and it was a level 25 raid. It doesn't need to be difficult it just needs to be fun.
@nathancasey7712 8 ай бұрын
​@@robertp457bro you don't need to be pro to spam crusader and judgement
@zoogie980 8 ай бұрын
Funneling players into mega servers and then sharding/phasing them kinda already killed classic for me. I am not opposed to them adding a new system like runes cuz the game DOES need changes but there are certain other ones that worry me more. Dual spec caters to the instant gratification that plagued retail, flying mounts would ruin world pvp, and these wow tokens and level boosts are laughable. I will give SoD a chance and I hope its good but to think that this current version of Blizzard is capable of making something good is pretty delusional.
@cbn1362 8 ай бұрын
You are back! ❤
@kristianberntsen6241 8 ай бұрын
I do not feel its negative to tweak classes and open new roles as long as there will be a challenge ahead. A critic on my part is that you talk about this "negative" while playing a 20 man with 8 wars :)
@robertp457 8 ай бұрын
Or worrying about class balance while playing a strong PVP class. Sounds more like he's more worried he won't be able to stomp all over the classes he used to.
@Ebbnflow 8 ай бұрын
Haha, very true! As stated I'm getting my concerns out of the way before I give them too much praise! The warrior classic problem might be lessened with all these changes
@bajjanitor 8 ай бұрын
@@robertp457 ??? He's a fucking druid player. The furthest from a roflstomp class or strong pvp class.
@michaelsotomayor5001 8 ай бұрын
“I don’t see players asking for mage healer” Bro for real… I’m a mage I don’t want to be a healer 😂 yes I do want a heal button because mages have none. Also I think the healing mage won’t actually queue as healer. Just a light heal spec but we will see.
@malloot9224 8 ай бұрын
There is a ton of new class fantasy, we have played the old class fantasy for ages and now can play something new. How is class fantasy an issue?!
@undacuvabrotha 8 ай бұрын
Genuine question for people in the comments section, do you have a full time job/college courses + relationship/children + social life and still have time to level 1-60, farm gold, consumes, and rank/raid?
@robertp457 8 ай бұрын
After a player has their raiding gear put together it's only a couple of nights of raiding 9 hours a week including farming for gold and/or mats for consumes. It's a good thing they put the level bands in so people can level a bit slower without worrying about being left behind after a couple of days.
@undacuvabrotha 8 ай бұрын
@@robertp457 that’s exactly my point, the leveling band allows people to enjoy the leveling process while not getting caught behind, it’s a great idea!
@Broadside388 8 ай бұрын
You say you don’t want to have to have lots of addons, yet you currently have lots of addons…. Also you started saying classes are broken, yet you only know the output of the class and not the toughness of the enemies… strength is subjective to what it’s going against, and you don’t know this! Also, 8 out of the 20 ppl in your group are warriors… so much contradiction in what you’re saying to how you’re playing!!! It really does sound like you WANT to find issues that might/dont exist, so I’ll leave you to it.
@robertp457 8 ай бұрын
"It really does sound like you WANT to find issues that might/dont exist, so I’ll leave you to it." Said much better than I've tried saying it. He wants to not like it and for no real reason.
@tjdragon7993 8 ай бұрын
Class balance in Vanilla is so nonexistent that it would be almost impossible for these class changes to make it less balanced, especially since they're going to be continually tuning things and adding new runes as we hit higher levels. "Rock paper scissors" in Vanilla is a meme. Not to mention that pretty much every rune that allows classes to do new things comes with heavy opportunity costs that prevent classes from actually being able to "do everything" well.
@nathancasey7712 8 ай бұрын
I mean it's not equal but it's balanced in a sense. This is just making classes feel like retail not classic
@tjdragon7993 8 ай бұрын
@@nathancasey7712 no, it really isn't. There are only 1 dps and 1 tank (both the same hybrid class, btw, so even the bad argument for "only pure classes should be good dps" doesn't work) that are optimal in PvE. Everyone else can get bent. The only saving grace is that the content is so dirt easy that it doesn't matter that much. And in PvP, "rock paper scissors"? Please. To quote a famous video from OG vanilla: Warriors are rock. Rogues are scissors. Mages Priests Druids Hunters Shamans and Paladins are paper. Warlock is mushroom. Rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper, paper beats rock. Until rock hits level 60 and becomes an unstoppable killing machine and kills paper too, and would kill scissors except scissors is invisible and rock can't find him.
@nathancasey7712 8 ай бұрын
bro warriors get bent when they dont have a pocket healer lol@@tjdragon7993
@hotlikesauce 8 ай бұрын
if there’s no HC scene in SoD, not gonna bother. however, when Nora said “we want everyone to feel OP” I physically cringed. do I care where my heals are coming from or who’s face tanking dmg? no, not at all. do I want the threat of pulling 2-3 mobs killing you still omnipresent? absolutely.
@nickg1863 8 ай бұрын
@DraknalTV 8 ай бұрын
Class fantasy is no joke
@jessieguess9008 8 ай бұрын
I think you are missing the point. If you dont want the class tweaks then just stay in era. You dont HAVE to play SoD.
@robertp457 8 ай бұрын
14:15 You want the game to feel fresh and new, but you don't want anything to change. Small changes won't make the game feel fresh and new. This is going to make the game feel fresh and new. Also you have no idea what the full game is going to be by the time we get to level 60 so why are you so negative about it? Again, if you don't like changes, keep playing classic and keep your opinion to yourself about anything that isn't classic, because you clearly don't want anything to change. You stopped playing for months or a couple of years? If the game was so good, why did you quit? Did the number of players dramatically drop after TBC launched and after hardcore came out? Likely so. So this is Blizzard listening to the people who kept playing.
@ariklan8339 8 ай бұрын
Here are some facts that definetly were used as inspiration for these additional skills and class roles: Since early vanilla development there were going to be : - Swashbucklers (rogue) spec which used bucklers/shields so I do agree rogue tank doesnt sound fitting but that was gonna be a reality most likely. - Chronomancer (mage) also in the lore could perform some sort of healing using arcane power so the Temporal Beacon, the new Mage regen spell will actually heal targets while casting arcane spells agains enemies turning the damage done to healing done. - Paladins had crusader strike before vanilla released just functioned differently, also they had more seals etc so giving Crusader strike is only logical. - Shaman tanking was already part of Vanilla WoW but it was scraped, thats why u have "Earth Shock generates more threat", attacks while having rockbiter weapon generate more threat, stoneskin totem as these remained unchanged since the original idea of Shaman tanking. - Melee Hunter was also a possibility in early vanilla design, it even had a special melee attack that dealt small dmg and applied bleed damage which existed in 1.0 Survival Hunter talent tree and was later scrapped so melee hunters were already a thing during the design. All these additions make alot of sense and are good idea to heavily change the meta but still all the classes that are top performers of their roles in Vanilla could still continue to perform like that e.g warriors being best vanilla wow tanks but now at least ppl have option with paladin, druid, shaman etc but its not certain that they can be viable on the same level as a warrior tank, just may act as supplementary tanks for trash, offtanks etc. Getting new raids at lvl 60 is what ppl asked for right? Changing loot in low level dungeons, making low level raids etc yet we still remain in the old Azeroth so.....if they want to make classic + they have to start somewhere and what they are doing with this is basically first step and start testing with some heavy class re-balancing. Its better to make partial additions such as this and check how ppl will feel about that and then expand until u get the full vanilla game + all then new additions = classic +. P.S also not everyone will be satisfied, that is an impossible task. If you enjoy it enjoy it if you dont, well i guess sad for you. Peace.
@Ebbnflow 8 ай бұрын
Good points. I do remember the swashbuckler stuff being discussed by Kevin Jordan I believe, the shield stuff does sound interesting. I also know they had plans to make more racial class stuff like the priests have. It's true that you can please everyone. You make good points
@Simao5687 8 ай бұрын
best thing about classic+ ?? - Ebbnflow is back
@hagenisse 8 ай бұрын
Hilarious that you address these issues while showing footage of GDKP raiding, everything wrong with the endgame community of classic
@MultiAlig 8 ай бұрын
How many people actually look back at classic and think “the classes were good”? Probably no one
@sildinis 8 ай бұрын
There is simply no change they could make that wouldn't leave some people feeling disappointed. You worry that they're straying from class fantasies, but some people are finally getting support for their class fantasy. The jank in Vanilla WoW talents/abilities comes from half baked ideas. Giving support to something like shaman tanking is supporting the class fantasy i formed the very first time I read the description for Rockbiter weapon
@Ebbnflow 8 ай бұрын
Very good point. Some people will always be disappointed
@nathancasey7712 8 ай бұрын
I don't understand why not just play wrath then
@platinumpepe8626 8 ай бұрын
Healer mage isn't a half baked idea?
@kylesmith987 8 ай бұрын
I agree with a lot of the takes here however i do have a minor disagreement on your definition of classic+. Saying new systems is not classic+ i think is fundamentally flawed. Things like the Rune system they are adding now was a solution for them doing balance and class changes without needing to adjust the classes directly through things like revamping the talent trees. While i have some concerns about the runes in the rune system and their balance and effect on the game i do think the rune system in general feels very much like it was designed with classic in mind and to emphasize the things people loved about classic in the first place. Also this rune system is no were similar to anything added in retail wow so this argument that adding a new system is going to make the game feel like retail is a bit of a fallacy. Systems themselves are not inherently good or bad. It all depends on if the systems fall inline with the original identity/philosophy of the game or not. And lastly it doesn't really matter how the change happens, change is always change and enough of the change will always make something feel different then what it was. We asked for classic+ and classic+ means change, it means it is not the same and it never will be the same and it will never appease everyone. We hope to find this golden middle ground where the game still feels classic enough while adding new and fresh things to the game that keep it fun.
@harmonicseries6582 8 ай бұрын
The new system is not classic, literally taken out of retail abilities and class homogenization. Since it is not classic, it is not classic+ either. This is retail in classic world, fine if you like it enjoy
@kylesmith987 8 ай бұрын
@@harmonicseries6582 Anything new is not classic. That is the very definition of changing anything. The reason people call it classic+ is because its classic plus new stuff. So by this very definition it is classic+. I accept that it may not be the classic+ you want and i am also hesitant as well with some of the stuff being added but i don't agree that the rune system is fundamentally bad, yet. Also you cannot tell me that there are not some abilities added with this system that you wanted in classic+. For example, crusader strike, there isn't a single person i talked to about classic+ that didn't want crusader strike. Just because an ability was added in a later expansion does not inherently make it a bad ability for classic+. Obviously it needs to be balanced appropriately so it fits into the feel of classic and ill make my judgement on how it feels when i get a chance to play it. A lot of the reasons for a lot of these abilities being added was because a major complaint about classic was 1 button rotations. You'll also notice that vast majority of abilities added are from TBC and WOTLK which is still widely considered part of classic as most the classes still follow the foundation that was created in Vanilla.
@markbay9275 8 ай бұрын
This isnt Classic+. Its SoD. Many of your ideas dont change the Meta. Its just more of 25 warriors in a 40 man raid. Class fantasy isnt being deserted in SoD, just altered a bit. SoD needed a big splash to bring players in. The Devs are making the right decisions here.
@Chaoseater93 8 ай бұрын
As Garrosh once said. "Times change" I love vanilla/classic wow BUT classes did feel clunky. Tanking as a shaman sells me hands down
@platinumpepe8626 8 ай бұрын
Who tf has been asking for mage healers? Melee mages maybe but really who asked
@g.g.2359 8 ай бұрын
Bro .. this is not meant to be a proper expansion with intention of perfect balance or preservation of vanilla spirit / class fantasy.... this is A SEASONAL SPIN OFF based on classic that can get very unbalanced or crazy in favor of FUN ! Nobody ever said or claimed this would be anything permanent , think of it as diablo season but longer... why would u even expect to have balance , and fantasy kept is beyond me. Also.. classic is classic and it exist in the form of era...which will get the reset at some point for sure... this is a seasonal spinoff and i welcome craziness
@nasigoring1525 8 ай бұрын
“The first thing I want to do is be as negative as possible”. The wow community in a nutshell.
@Ebbnflow 8 ай бұрын
didn't think I was even very negative
@aknaton6349 8 ай бұрын
I very much agree on the class fantasy concerns. It is one of the important pillars that make classic vanilla a true mmo.
@golvellius6855 8 ай бұрын
All this concerns, concern me about how much unnecessary concern you putting into the game. Just enjoy the trip
@SamMaki 8 ай бұрын
Complaing about any changes in a NON permanent 1 year-long realm is crazy. Literally let them do whatever the fuck they want, let them get whacky with shit and stop complaining. It's not permanent, it will not hurt you. It is a 1 year experience, you do not need to act like you're "concerned" about a video game.
@Rob19xx 8 ай бұрын
If u dont like the season Do not play the season and stick with classic "normal"😅
@johannordin6534 8 ай бұрын
My fear is that pvp elitists will complain and destroy what would be so interesting in pve. I also feel that elitism should not have room in wow. I do not want must have talent specs, professions and gear.
@nathancasey7712 8 ай бұрын
You need both so if it makes no sense in PVP it should be balanced properly or changed
@christopherneil8265 8 ай бұрын
Vanilla wow having clunky classes and mechanics is not class fantasy, it’s nostalgia for vanilla. As far as I’m concerned, the runes allow you to actually play your class fantasy that vanilla couldn’t deliver.
@silv3r222 8 ай бұрын
Unbalance is the key to opening viability. You saw this during MoP (the best expansion imo) when every class was viable especially in PvP, due to the completely broken nature of the game. Every class had an way to global people, this lead to every single spec being viable at a high level. Of course there were specs which were still better than others, but the fact is every spec could at least compete. No doubt that some specs will be doing more damage than others because of the rune changes and numbers balancing. But not every one is looking to achieve perfect min max, people would just like to be able to preform (unlike classic rets and boomies) on their desired spec. I personally love the way they are going about it by increasing the power level of players. If you get 5 shot by a rouge, but 6 shot by a boomkin this is still an entirely more playable and enjoyable experience for the boomie than what they have already had. Driving everyone towards being OP is imo the optimal game design, and one which will bring out a new plethora of options and viability to this 20 year old expansion.
@silv3r222 8 ай бұрын
Also in response to the difficulty of raids becoming obsolete. They can just tune up the health and damage of mobs, its not a hard fix. I doubt if this does become a problem their first instinct will be to add in retail like mechanics and clutter. It would be much easier, as well as less financially strenuous for them to just buff the health and damage of mobs. Then It will keep all the feel of classic with the same mechanics you love, but instead of Rets being obsolete and mages spamming 1 button the entire raid; rets can play, and mages might have to press 2-3 buttons.
@Ebbnflow 8 ай бұрын
Yeah you make some great points, being able to compete is definitely nice.
@megamanx627 8 ай бұрын
Ok Speaking from somebody that plays df and wrath and Been playing the game sense 2004. this is classic + We've been begging blizzard for a year To take a risk and now the fact that they're finally doing it. You really want to complain about The fact that it's not just vanilla again ? On top of that it's a season Who cares if overpowered who cares Classic balance was good to begin with really ? I would rather see people have fun Better everybody be overpowered than just warriors and Rogues On top of that this shakes things up Because we don't know what it's going to look like at 60 and ya its bata and 25 On top of that. I can't tell you how many times of her people say I would love to tank as a Shaman And I would rather see all the specs be good Instead of ninety percent of them Just worthless. On top of that if people really want just Classic They have era And I disagree extremely I don't want them to be items I would much rather be the system that blizzard put in. It encourages exploration And it's not just oh this drops you may get it you may not That's so boring No granted we don't know How we get all these, but still, they really good hint at out in the world. You can't get upset a blizzard when we from begging them For years to take a risk And now that you do it all you can do is net pick ? It's not supposed to feel just like vanilla It's supposed to be classic +
@Ebbnflow 8 ай бұрын
Oh, I have tons of hype for SOD and I'm happy blizzard is trying new things. However I wanted to get my concerns out of the way before I make a bunch of videos hyping things up because I think it's good to look at both sides. You make some good points though!
@megamanx627 8 ай бұрын
@Ebbnflow I guess the point i'm trying to make over all How does blizzard make a good Classic + ? Wen the wow Player base I'll have different definitions of what that is and should be ? Some people just want Is effectively just vanilla fresh Is with mainly minor tweaks But so many people would just find that boring. season of discovery It's not just grabbing classic people I've seen a lot of retail people too say this looks awesome. I'm not seeing vanilla is bad If but I am saying it does have problems But the some people that's the charm. But then you have people like me A lot of others That wants something new and we keep asking blizzard to do something bold And that's what this is. On top of that Class identity Is subjective I'll be honest when I play a palatin in classic I don't feel like a paladin I don't feel like terrelion uther The light bringer. I don't feel cool Or epic I feel boring o Is judgment every 10 Seconds Oh so much fun Like anything that's subjective though. But to quote the developers I would rather have everybody be op then Just warriors and rogues for the If whatever number of interration of vanilla this is again. That's what i'm trying to say
@Ebbnflow 8 ай бұрын
@@megamanx627 Its a hard thing to get right, you will never make everyone happy. Making classes too powerful just ends up with you playing cata/wrath with level 60 content. But everyone has a different opinion on the matter
@Tode666 7 ай бұрын
hated... this .. QQing for the sake... let them cook and enjoy it
@blubblubwhat 8 ай бұрын
Dont be a party pooper this is gona be good.. have a little faith
@robertp457 8 ай бұрын
If it sucks after it comes out then complain, but not before anyone's gotten to actually play the full release. It could be awesome and then all the worry was for nothing.
@bajjanitor 8 ай бұрын
There will be plenty of content praising this game for you to consume. Just avoid the videos that have "concern" in the title if you don't want to hear it.
@Aliexei 8 ай бұрын
I don't think that aighter class fantasy or difficulty is a problem. Chronomancy doesn't break mage fantasy at all, or warlock tanking in demon form. As for difficulty, that's not what classic is all about anyway. Runes should be toned down a little imo but its not a bad system.
@robertp457 8 ай бұрын
I don't agree. The game is the most fun when you can do fun stuff not 1.5% more damage or healing.
@silv3r222 8 ай бұрын
@@robertp457 The entire point of the runes is to "do fun stuff", no? I'm not understanding your view on the numbers tweaking here, especially when almost every rune we have seen is an ability of some sort. Inherently adding to your "do fun stuff" statement. Or is spamming one button as an entire rotation like current classic, your idea of "fun stuff."
@eply995 8 ай бұрын
I think they are nailing the class fantasy. Classes in vanille were not pure, they felt incomplete, it's a huge difference. The first time they felt complete was in wotlk imo. That being said, I just wish they preserve the mana management problems amd similar things that made you worry how you play and how you spend your mana while still having these abilities that make your class feel complete. For example, Fury of Stormrage and Crusader Strike are cool, but what they do for mana management does seem overpowered for vanilla content to be honest. I don't see a reason why a balance druid should not take Fury of Stormrage for the 100% mana cost reduction on Wrath alone.
@Ebbnflow 8 ай бұрын
Hmm, I actually kind of agree. Mana issues need to be something players need to manage
@Fyrapan90 7 ай бұрын
They should work on getting some of the meme specs up to the same level as other specs in the game, but I disagree that they feel "incomplete" otherwise. We don't want more buttons to press, new talents that changes the class design etc. We have that in retail, please let classic be classic because we don't have anywhere else to go to play that. We also want classic+ that still respects the core aspect of classic WoW but still provides with new zones for questing, addressing issues with meme specs, and certain gear need to be more viable for example Paladins so they can finally use plate gear as they are supposed to do and many more things like this, that should be their end goal with classic+. We start adding rune system that gives new abilities and spells from other expansions and even new stuff that can't be found in any expansion, as well as other changes like windfury now is available for the Alliance and Kings for the Horde we are well ahead in the path towards retail 2.0. Next change will be Paladins can be played by the Horde and vise versa with Shamans for the Alliance. This is the same mistakes that happen back in the day, and now retail is what it is. Let's not repeat it shall we? Like he said in the video, this is not an expansion but extra content for classic WoW.
@eply995 7 ай бұрын
@@Fyrapan90 i wasnt talking about complex rotations. I like simple specs. But come on, affliction warlock weak dots, that is not an affliction warlock. Balance druid had no theme whatsoever, almost as if he was designed to be a meme on purpose. Same with arcane mage. And what the hell was survival hunter supposed to be in vanilla? Just some of many examples. Let's not kid ourselves and say it was a good design.
@thebghero 8 ай бұрын
I think if they limited players to one rune max at L25, this wouldn't be a big deal. Three is overboard, especially since they impose not corresponding cost to current abilities. If you are a healing mage, your dps should be lower.
@Ashley-tq5fj 7 ай бұрын
"Promo SM"
@whyme4476 8 ай бұрын
It’s classic + why complain? If all you want is classic. Play classic. Ffsakes.
@GalloPhilips 8 ай бұрын
Class fantasy? Where a plate wearing paladin opts to sit on the back line in a dress and throw out heals? Yeh nah dog, you just need to take the blinders off for a second and give it a chance.
@Ebbnflow 8 ай бұрын
Ehh but in pvp paladin plays much like it's class fantasy, not all the classes are perfect I agree.
@HasXXXInCrocs 8 ай бұрын
I have to disagree. While it might not fit the ORIGINAL class fantasy that a mage can heal or that a warlock can tank, I think it does fit the overall narrative fantasy of what those classes offer. Mages have always had arcane time controlling abilities that were never explored or properly implemented. This is what we asked for, “what if vanilla went a different direction?” Well, this is that direction! Add new roles to the classes that are varied and interesting while still feeling like they could fit into the classic wow world. I think from what we’ve seen so far, it’s been a success.
@artimus142 8 ай бұрын
I hate fun too.
@Ebbnflow 8 ай бұрын
Sorry :(
@jinobi8026 8 ай бұрын
If we want to be able to fill every role and and feel super OP we have retail… this is not classic + to me …. Big fail in my book
@Chopstorm. 8 ай бұрын
I 100% have a doomer attitude about it. This isn't what people wanted when they talked about Classic +. Once you start messing with core class mechanics, and then having to completely change raids and dungeons to compensate, what makes SoD any different from retail? It's not Classic with a few changes and additions; it's a completely different game.
@Ebbnflow 8 ай бұрын
yeah it might end poorly, I guess only time will tell!
@partizaans9597 8 ай бұрын
Dont say people, say "me" cuz for me this is exactly what i wanted
@XPISTOS-ANESTH 8 ай бұрын
Actually this is what i really wanted if i want to play a safe classic+ already got twow and onyxia soon i agree with partizaans this is what i wanted a revolutionary classic+
@1999evo 8 ай бұрын
what did u want ? they are giving us original content and class changes. those were the two largest asks by far
@ryanlapeer4230 8 ай бұрын
​​​@@1999evomost people wanted a classic plus with updated talents, so ret paladins, enhancement shamans, balance druids, and shadows priest are not a joke. More raids and dungeons with the dot limit taken off ect but not this. If you want this fine good for you but alot of people are either pissed or indifferent to whatever this is.
@kostax90 8 ай бұрын
Classic has been exposed at the start of phase 2 , its easy and unbalanced. for me personaly TBC and Wrath pvp is much better,i mean it is better, there is no debate, but classic has WOLRD PVP and thats why people play it , i like the changes introducing spells from later expansions , but this might be a overkill, still better then fresh som tho.
@robertp457 8 ай бұрын
Overkill is exactly what the game needed: an injection of fun.
@Kosme88 8 ай бұрын
I don't really like their aproach but I'll give it a try. I really hope this is the first step for classic plus. I rather play this for a year and them wait classic plus for a couple of months than wait two years with nothing.
@Destradamose 8 ай бұрын
This guy has no clue. Just whining to make content
@tw0spoonz 8 ай бұрын
turtle wow is doing classic plus the way it should be done blizzard is just messing up imo
@Ebbnflow 8 ай бұрын
I have heard great things about turtle WoW!
@Demane69 8 ай бұрын
I do not agree. Turtle Wow has bloated the hell out of the game. Classic's charm partly comes from it's open feel. Some class changes attempted to take away core functions (i.e. feral druid) because some random person didn't like it. Yes, new content is nice, but much of Turtle Wow's content is quite amateur in it's implementation. I also do not like the near infinite challenges in the game. A primary reason why Blizzard put out Hardcore Classic is because it's popularity created a split in the player population. If players want SSF, there should be an SSF server. Providing players more reason NOT to group together and contribute to a server community is anti-mmorpg in concept. Catering to the solo cry babies is a core principle of why mmorpg's have died over the years. They were always meant to be niche, and not cater to multiple play styles on one server. Blizzard will do what they usually do, take one step forward, and 2 steps back. Directly copying TW ensures this, because TW is terribly flawed too.
@undacuvabrotha 8 ай бұрын
I disagree, twow has some very obvious flaws
@tw0spoonz 8 ай бұрын
ive loved it so far its got real love and care into it it@@Ebbnflow
@tw0spoonz 8 ай бұрын
twow has some flaws to it but its also like a fan made private server its not gonna be perfect i just also feel blizz was very lazy with this they had the ground work laid out infront of them with twow and coulda done a better classic plus and instead they are giving us mage healers and warlock tanks?@@Demane69
@robertp457 8 ай бұрын
Classic wow has had it time, you can still go back to it at any time you want. Classic wasn't balanced, so it doesn't matter. How can you propose classes are going to stomp through content that you don't know anything about? If you think classic is turned into retail just with a few spells, you haven't played retail and classic recently, it's not even close. What you are saying is ridiculous hyperbole. Write a script before doing a video. Then perhaps you'll see how weak your arguments are. You are complaining about a situation that doesn't exist. Why are you worrying about difficulty in a game that isn't out yet? Why are you introducing each topic with "now here is something...blah blah blah not mentioning what the next topic actually is" Write a script. Classic wasn't balanced, so these changes don't matter. If anything class balance will be better. How can someone who's playing a shaman in classic complain about class balance being ruined? I played a Paladin in Vanilla and forgot how crap the design and scaling was and played another one in Classic and the class had the least amount of development time spent on it. Stop it with the slippery slope crap. Go level up a paladin and see if it could use some changes. Class Fantasy or a game that's more fun? I'm going to go with more fun. You don't like the changes. Good. Don't play SOD. Go play Classic. Stop making up BS reasons why you don't like it, none of them were legitimate reasons.
@americanvirtues 8 ай бұрын
blizzard only knows retail and all the people that work for blizzard hate classic. it threatens their jobs.
@robertp457 8 ай бұрын
If Blizzard only knows retail than what have I been playing since 2019?!
@byteme0000 8 ай бұрын
Exactly. Bingo! Blizzard... please stop screwing with Classic. Call it something else if you insist on doing stupid things with the Vanilla-based game. Please save all of your bad ideas for retail.
@montanafreedomhomestead3949 8 ай бұрын
Copying and pasting abilities from other expansions is not classic plus.
@robertp457 8 ай бұрын
It's classic plus class improvements. Did you expect Blizzard to spend 5 years developing a brand new world, brand new classes, brand new spells and talents, brand new raids and dungeons in the time between the last seasonal server and this one?
@montanafreedomhomestead3949 8 ай бұрын
Not classic plus@@robertp457
@danburke6568 8 ай бұрын
​​@@robertp457what classic plus was before this... Small class changes, like pally DPS,or tanking(gear for them too) Druid tank/DPS same..boomkin/ Shadow priest more playable etc Complete unfinished questlines, Loot for the classes above in old 5mans, raids and new. New crafting items, for pre raid bis,fun and raid. No power jump etc just more complete. Classes need to keep their role, be the best in one area at least. Hybrid classes not op but useable etc. professions could do with more end game items. Fun quests etc Many long lore rich storylines. Now after seeing what they are going for, I do think it missed the mark lol
@halfbakedga 8 ай бұрын
I think they are making classes more powerful because they will make raid size 25 instead of 40man
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