We HATE Unsolicited Advice In The Gym

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In this video, Drs.Feigenbaum and Baraki answer questions submitted during the most recent LA Seminar.
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@battlevain Жыл бұрын
Those who give unsolicited advice, never ask themselves if it has been asked for ? No matter how well intended it may be, it always creates a dynamic of fault finding from a complete stranger who has no right to express such an opinion on othere they don't know. Sometimes, it's more important to respect people space and privacy, than it is to share your so called sage advice with others who haven't asked for it and just don't need to be hassled by these busy bodies.
@dradilger Жыл бұрын
“I’m deaf” *puts ear buds back in.
@primrosed2338 3 ай бұрын
@kaua4970 Жыл бұрын
Last week a guy come to me saying that i should lower the weight and do a slower movement, and i was just doing my warmup
@yasinelgabrun5067 Жыл бұрын
Had a similar advice when was doing bent-over rows with 50% of my max..
@azulsimmons1040 Жыл бұрын
Bothering someone at the gym that doesn't ask is rude. I would never do that. I don't want someone bothering me. I'm at the gym to get a workout done, not chat.
@DavidW-ng5zv Жыл бұрын
Some guy tried to correct my form in the gym once whilst I was in between my set. He signalled to take my earphones out and he tried to demonstrate what to do and so I watched. After this I didn't say anything to him, put my earphones back in and continued doing it the way I was originally doing it.
@azzureone78 3 ай бұрын
This happened to me tonight when I was tired at the end of my workout and my form slipped. Wrecked my focus and made me self-conscious instead of enjoying the last of my workout. Not to be rude but he didn't exactly look like he'd stepped off the cover of Men's Health. The big noise cancelling headphones are on for a reason buddy.
@michaelmarchese3362 Жыл бұрын
This is rampant among golfers. I’m evidently good enough that I’m more likely to be asked for advice (which, if I’m deep in the middle of a practice session, can itself be obtrusive), but lots of hackers think they’ve got the secret keys. If they’re insistent about it, I say “no, I know exactly what I’m doing.” If they’re more friendly in their approach. I might say “thanks, but that’s not what I’m working on right now”.
@jpm2849 Жыл бұрын
I was in the squat rack once and saw a lady loitering behind me…I figured she was waiting for the rack so said I would be done really soon..she said, “ I just wanted to let you know that Jesus told me to tell you that he loves you.” Not “Jesus loves you” This was “He told me to tell you..” I’m all “Shit….is he benching right now??” I thanked her and carried on and she left…. Then I was like Wait….did he seem worried about me?? Or was it like fan boying…” he’s using killer form and slaying that squat so tell him I love him!” 😂 Sooooo many questions!
@powerliftingpremedcrafter473 Жыл бұрын
Love the way you handled that!
@drhjhulsebos Жыл бұрын
I told some lady to buzz off after she decided me helping my son do some contrast 5x5/5x5 squat/box jumps was child abuse.
@sloebone7399 23 күн бұрын
I’m a guy and some dude who didn’t speak English felt he needed to correct the way I was doing curls. I waived him off as politely as I could and he still stood there watching and tried to correct me again. I had to walk away before I got pissed.
@joel5956 Жыл бұрын
My unsolicited advice for people getting unsolicited advice: Wait until your last set and say "Okay, I'll give it a try." Try it and then say "AHHH MY BACK! Why would you do this to me?!?!"
@nattyfatty413 Жыл бұрын
That's actually a great reason to not give advice even if solicited: People are very sue-y in the US. Not worth it
@stormylifts Жыл бұрын
I was once approached by a coach at a commercial gym I used to train at who told me she was "so happy to see a woman lifting heavy" but then went on to warn me that my knee cave would lead to a ruptured meniscus, as she had seen in "many clients". Thankfully I knew better at the time and I kind of wish she could see me now, continuing to embrace the valgus at high intensities with my strong strong knees.
@Bodyknowledge77 Жыл бұрын
It's obviously a tricky thing. There is an ego dynamic going on with both sides, and sometimes(often) an ulterior motive with the giving side. Absolutes ain't always so cute so in certain circumstances giving unsolicited advice is appropriate and might be greatly appreciated. The giver and receiver need not be an azz about it ideally though..
@06alepea1 Жыл бұрын
For myself, I don't want unsolicited advice. I have my earphones in, and even if myself and my girlfriend are in the gym at the same time, we may not even talk to one another during our session. There is definitely a gendered aspect to this too. If we did a survey of whether women wanted unsolicited advice in the gym, I would say the vast, vast majority would say no. So why do people think it's ok? The gym is safe, leave people to do their own thing.
@karina.duerrmeier Ай бұрын
@oafkad Жыл бұрын
When I was first learning to lift I had someone point out during my overhead press that I was liable to throw my back out with the way I was contorting. I had no idea since I was new and just trying to figure things out. They gave me some tips and it felt really good after that. So at least in that instance I was appreciative.
@jonostake Жыл бұрын
“Throw” your back “out”
@Huffman_Tree Жыл бұрын
How nice of them to save you from a hypothetical scenario that they came up with themselves
@JackOfHearts42 Жыл бұрын
I always give form advice to the women at my gym. I also sexually objectify them. #homegym #marriedlife
@powerliftingpremedcrafter473 Жыл бұрын
Love it that you and your spouse train together and can use it as an opportunity to feed your attraction for each other! Way to go man :)
@vivekpsuresh 7 ай бұрын
I only ever get bad advice. And I'm a guy. Some gems: - Don't go below parallel on a shoulder press - you'll get injured -Don't bend forward when doing a lateral raise - you'll get injured -Don't touch the pad to your bum on a leg curl --- you'll never guess why(hint you'll get injured)
@chuckzuzak Жыл бұрын
A man tried to give my then fiancee advice on OHP. He thought it was too much weight to use an empty bar. I was there instructing her.
@wtfhahahaha 8 ай бұрын
Then fiancee?
@chuckzuzak 8 ай бұрын
@@wtfhahahaha she's my wife now
@svmuscle7677 Жыл бұрын
I dislike when people with Elite genetics tell me that my programming isn't right, or that I need to work harder/ lift heavier... like no, you just happen to have it easier and can run whatever program you want and get great results, this doesn't apply to me
@DrAndyStrong Жыл бұрын
I actually just had an employee at the LA Fitness where I work out tell me I should teach some kids how to deadlift. They were totally cat-backed and starting with the barbell about 6" in front of their toes. I gave them a couple tips, and they seemed to appreciate it.
@csyarid Жыл бұрын
A snappy comeback isn't necessary and only makes an already uncomfortable situation worse. Just deal with the unsolicited advice which is par for the course in a commercial gym.
@BareStrength Жыл бұрын
This video has fully convinced me that Austin is an AI generated persona
@BareStrength Жыл бұрын
He looks like he's keyed in from a green screen
@BareStrength Жыл бұрын
He is so handsome yet looks like a lizard. So suspicious
@nattyfatty413 Жыл бұрын
He's the Silent Bob to Feigenbaum's Jay
@JackgarPrime Жыл бұрын
The only time I'll give unsolicited advice is if someone is doing something actually dangerous in the sense of things like walking out the opposite way on a squat while having the hooks too high. Like that could actually be a genuine accident waiting to happen. That's the thing I'll mainly approach people about.
@canererbay8842 Жыл бұрын
Once I had a guy at the next rack ask me if he could give me some advice on my squat technique. I said (not so enthusiasticly) yes and he gave his advice which was reasonable*. The squat was admittedly ugly and I said yeah I knew I should be doing "that". *:Then I said it was a PR by the way (it was an all-time main squat single PR) so he was surprised and congratulated me. Real nice guy. Chatted at the gym here and there since then till I moved to another city.
@Zalmoxis-fj6we 11 ай бұрын
This think happend to me. I got three same with little difference opinions on cable triceps curl. Like you should stay a little more inclined. Ok. Then the second person, you should stay much more inclined and then the third person you should stay straight and limit your movement. Whatever I tried from each one, each type of what they said, my triceps worked fine, no injury, but it is annoying when you see people with different opinions. I have a friend with experience and he helped me to learn some workouts and I made also a program. Also I watched different videos with plenty of workouts, but this type of people is becoming annoying. Maybe I don't want to workout very stricted in that day? Maybe I had my personal problems and I need to find peace between machines. If I wanted advice I will ask for it. When I feel that something is not ok, I will ask. But as I said there are different types of perspectives and maybe some of the movement will work on that guy, but some of them will not work on the other guy. When this phenomenom will stop? I did't get a question like "Hi! What are you doing? How are you?", only advice, adivice, and more advice until I was at that point to stop doing the gym. For example, today, I didn't have no motivation to make the next workout. I made only three for the chest, and I was so annoyed.
@ChaiJung Жыл бұрын
The appropriate response is "Thanks, but I'm good." That's it. People are doing it because they think they're trying to help and if you want to encourage them to help when you actually could need it, you just be polite. That's it. No fresh lip or wacky comebacks.
@darkhorse7460 10 ай бұрын
I said no thanks to a rather self-satisfied shirtless fellow that approached me about squats. I'm a gay female and he was either being genuine or was hitting on me but either way I couldn't have been LESS interested.
@kamo7293 9 ай бұрын
it's a female powerlifter. I can safely assume it's dudes giving unsolicited advice to her in a "I know more than you" way
@nattyfatty413 Жыл бұрын
Unsocilited gym advice is like r/thanksihateit in human form
@LyellWalker Жыл бұрын
Depends on how the advice is given, no? Are we so arrogant as a species that we can't take advice from someone else? IF it's done with kindness, either say "No" or listen to them and then say "no" or "yes"
@michanota4230 Жыл бұрын
unsocillited advice/critics…wow sounds just like the internet!
@allstrongfitness Жыл бұрын
Honestly I’ve only given outward advice to peoples lifting twice. They were both people who were doing Olympic lifting (not awful but far from ideal.) One of them thanked me greatly, and the other one ended up paying me to coach him. Other than that I’m pretty hands off even if people are doing stuff “wrong” in my eyes
@DM-qt8bk 19 күн бұрын
Is it always bad tho? Like I generally tried to give advise to someone to be nice and after reading comments I can see it probably wasn’t smart of me. But I didn’t do it with any ill intent or thinking I was better then them or anything like that? I personally welcome any advise but I understand we are all different, I just feel bad for giving advise to someone but I didn’t mean it in a bad way at all
@maulstar1 Жыл бұрын
I dunno. I got some incredible advice on lifting from older guys in the gym. I’m forever grateful for it.
@maulstar1 Жыл бұрын
I also got some dumb advice but they meant well, I’m never going to be rude or dismissive. I’ll say “cheers, appreciate the advice” and carry on. There’s no need to rude in any way.
@maulstar1 Жыл бұрын
The more I think about this the more strange it is to me. Thank fuck my gym wasn’t like this. People actually have a negative reaction to someone trying to be nice. What a world 😂
@jms0313 Жыл бұрын
You handle it by building a home gymn
@godzlegendz Жыл бұрын
It’s different for women, but as a beginner I received unsolicited OHP advice that was great and probably saved me an injury.
@hydroxytriptamine3554 Жыл бұрын
Why is it different?
@james3876 Жыл бұрын
​@@hydroxytriptamine3554 They get alot of attention in general. It's a different world. If someone offers you advice about something as a dude, it's probably sincere, because no one really gives much of a crap about you if they don't know you. If you're a chick, strangers tend to care about you way too much. If attention was water you'd likely get enough to drown in. There's alot of nuance to it, but basically that's it.
@Roper122 Жыл бұрын
It all depends. 9 times out of 10, no, but there is a rare occasion. I've helped people with setting up the rack and they were very grateful.
@molozful Жыл бұрын
"I see you benching the same weight every week, would you like some help?" - that dude was about to sell you something, hear him out :)
@darkhorse7460 10 ай бұрын
@ebeneezerswashbuckle3509 Жыл бұрын
I had a Guy trying to lecture me about my Bench "I used to be like you, just putting more weight on etc. you should do it like thisnthat" I told him "no I am going to Bench like I Bench" we never spoke since.
@battlevain Жыл бұрын
Unsolicited advice is often criticism disguised as help.
@casperthegst Жыл бұрын
buy home gym=profit
@ThePearguru98 Жыл бұрын
I've only been approached a few times by people giving me advice, and each time it was by an experienced lifter who saw my form was fucked up and gave me pointers. I appreciated it and no one was obnoxious
@powerliftingpremedcrafter473 Жыл бұрын
Not being obnoxious is huge!
@michellechristensen2354 Жыл бұрын
"OK thanks" and I put my earbuds back in. If I wanted their advice I would have asked them.
@craigwilson3170 Жыл бұрын
Well, when you see someone using a machine backwards who has no idea, and couldn’t wrack the weight and needed help getting out of the machine - you better believe that they wanted some advice. This video didn’t show an appreciation for the varieties of situations and circumstances where a person really could benefit from advice, but don’t know it.
@scottmoyer3854 Жыл бұрын
Ty for posting. This is a tiresome-enough topic to make people not use a gym membership. A gym-owner pulled this on me once. I thanked him and told him I signed the waiver so he wasnt liable if I hurt myself.
@darkhorse7460 10 ай бұрын
That's awesome
@primrosed2338 3 ай бұрын
Nope. No advice. I look like I know what I'm doing, because I do. I just get hit on and its always during set up. The only time I don't have headphones on.
@illustriousindividual1077 Жыл бұрын
Come on Jordan, we know why people don't give you unsolicited advice lol. I only go up to people to compliment, especially if they have the courage to use socially unacceptable technique
@james3876 Жыл бұрын
Guy could flip a small car
@istuff4137 Жыл бұрын
As people who know what they're doing, I think you should give unsolicited advice. Not necessarily the first time you see it or them, but use your judgement... if you see them in the gym time after time, training hard, and (like the example you gave) deadlifting with a catback, then advising them on technique for safety is only a good and decent thing to do for someone. Some arbitrary cue that's neither here nor there in the grand scheme of things is, basically, pointless. But fundamental advice, from professionals, in order to increase someone's safety... how is that not a good thing? Edit: Not saying you have to do it, or are obliged to, but it's a good thing to do. Negative comeback from such an interaction just means they're arseholes and, well, can just be ignored.
@michellechristensen2354 Жыл бұрын
They're professional coaches. They don't need to work for free.
@sloanbrian245 Жыл бұрын
The golf course is 100x worse in terms of unsolicited advice. I like "Fix your own game boy."
@williamwieczorek74 Жыл бұрын
Unsolicited advice is always a "no". Gym, golf course, etc. I suppose the only exception is giving advice to my minor children...
@alexanderhoh5767 Жыл бұрын
Gotta disagree here. Especially in commercial gyms with no or bad trainers people often have no idea what they are doing. Sure you can say it is douchey to give advice no one asked for. But many people don't ask even if they needed help. And if you get angry or annoyed at unsolicited advice i think it says more about you than about the advice giver (if it is in fact advice and not shit talk). I think we should encourage people to talk to each other more. To normies elite lifters like you guys probably seem very "scary" so they most likely will not make the first move. Also what is your reason for why you think unsolicited advice is bad? You mainly said it is bad, but not really why.
@illustriousindividual1077 Жыл бұрын
Around here, the meta is that the way you lift (aka the "form") is probably not as big a deal in hurting you. And there are no dangerous exercises or positions for the body. But I would also infer that they think people will learn by themselves and turn around if they do things that do not actually work as well for their goals. A lot of it is also concern trolling and chances are, as an observer, you do not know enough about someone's goals, training history, etc. to give judgement and I know most unsolicited advisors themselves are pretty incompetent and inexperienced. So that's usually why it's bad bad
@alexanderhoh5767 Жыл бұрын
@@illustriousindividual1077 Yeah but advice is not allways about savety. Also if the from you are used to is not injuryous...really means nothing for newbies who have not practiced any execution for a sufficient time.
@battlevain Жыл бұрын
Advice from a friend is very different to advice from a stranger. Get to know people first and their goals and then they can ask a person for advice.
@nattyfatty413 Жыл бұрын
I just ignore people, outside of "How many sets you got left?" kinda conversations. If someone ever did give me unsolicited advice I'd just nod along then go back to what I was doing, unless they were persistent or were talking to me during a set. That would get a polite but stern "Leave me alone" type of response. Thus far no one has ever done that to me though, the few non-standard confrontations I've had with people was me telling them not to unnecessarily slam weights, because damaging equipment or almost breaking my foot with weights they're throwing around isn't cool and I don't care if they get mad about it
@DrTopLiftDPT Жыл бұрын
I don’t give women any advice. Lol that’s asking for trouble 😆 with todays modern woke wo man. I’ll give guys advice all the time most are quite appreciative. I’m a physical therapist it’s hard not to but I’m very concerned about being annoying
@brianhopkins5251 Жыл бұрын
This is so sad. What an unfriendly, lonely society we have become. A gym used to be camaraderie and you kinda "knew" everyone who worked out the same time as you. Say hI, looking good, nice lift, you getting bigger/stronger, hey can I get a spot/do you need a spot, can i work in and the big guys and even trainers (yeah yeah, hit or miss) might have a tip here or there if they see you struggling. Sure today everything is online and how to do whatever exercise but it wasn't 30 years ago. Pretty sad, a whole room full of phone zombies, 90% making no progress, some doing dangerous stuff (that they don't really realize is dangerous) and all afraid to talk to each other. Sad.
@battlevain Жыл бұрын
The important part of your post is that everybody knew one another. You have to earn people's respect and friendship before attempting to advise them.
@AG-po7bl Жыл бұрын
if you see a young man pushing weights that can hurt him why wouldn't you interfere? there are ways to explain a new lifter the mechanics of an exercise without looking down and being a douche. isn't it what 'community' is all about?
@ggrthemostgodless8713 Жыл бұрын
Exactly!! This guys' comments that "only if they ask you" is bullsh!t.
@chwillsie Жыл бұрын
What mechanics would you want to inform them about though?
@ggrthemostgodless8713 Жыл бұрын
@@chwillsie "mechanics"?? I didn't say that... I said if someone (nojrally a new person man or woman, though women are iffy since ANYYY approach is seen as a come on, but if you see a person about to hurt himself or herself you must interfere, it is the moral thing to do... or should you just laugh at him after like all the stupid vids on the media??
@ultramat2049 Жыл бұрын
Nah man. If someone wants your help they will ask you.
@chwillsie Жыл бұрын
@@ggrthemostgodless8713 ok so can you give me an example of a scenario in which someone is in clear danger of hurting themselves that would make you want to talk to them about it? Other than something like a machine is breaking, something is going to fall on them, etc.
@ggrthemostgodless8713 Жыл бұрын
Giving advice randomly at everyone is not good of course... but I see some kids doing incredibly stupid things that WILL HURT them if they continue, one of them put 315 on the smith machine and got under, of course after unhooking his legs were trembling and he started to go down, I DID INTERFERE telling him he would hurt his back since it was obvious he couldn't lift that much weight and his feet were UP FRONT of the bar, plus the stops went in place... what is one to do men?? let him kill himself?? Laugh after he is under the bar like most such videos do?? These guys are simping maybe because of all the recent videos of yoga pants girls posting them and saying that NORMAL AND FREQUENT male behavior in such situations is "icy" or "creepy" but it is them and not the men really... I imagine you don't like the word simping, but call it what you want, it is kissing the wrong females' ass since that encourages them to continue accusing men for just LOOKING in there direction!! I know it is not currently fashionable to tell women that if they don't want men looking at them 'like that" to not dress like that, since males can hardly help looking at such things, and most times it is IN PASSING that it is done, and they don't compare THAT to how much men see or talk to them if they are NOT dressed like that... so grow a pair and at least be more broad in the comments about it, just like any other subject you guys normally talk about, NUANCE the hell out of it. Jesus!! Sure more woman don't go to the gym looking for talk or friendships, I get it, but SOME DO... no need to be a B about it. And again even some women do that... they do it differently, but they get close to each other and talk about men in the gym, and closer and whisper in each others' ears. Is no big deal and is part of normal LIFE, Jesus how protected do people need to be nowadays!! Still, if I see a dangerous thing going on I interfere precisely because I would not feel ok if the kid kills himself and I didn't do anything because it is "unsolicited", what is the moral position about that here?? I see a small kid crossing the street looking at his phone, a car is coming fast., obviously the kid is in danger.. oh don't interfere his/her parents might not like it, let him get killed??
@slowfuse Жыл бұрын
The whole comments section is just dudes talking about how much like love receiving unsolicited advice. Are you just being contrarian or what. If |'m in a gym, I have my headphones on, just leave me the fuck alone.
@james3876 Жыл бұрын
Looking at the comments section for myself,it's a mixed bag. One could even say it's nuanced
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