What I WISH Ray Comfort would say at the end of each encounter...

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God Feels Good

God Feels Good

Күн бұрын

It is not the condemnation of God that inspires men's hearts to change, but the love of God. At least, that's what happened to me and what happened to anyone else I know who was inspired to follow God. Here's a message that I hope reaches Ray one day that many young people he talks with need to hear.
My book Carving Out Your Likeness is now released!
#raycomfort #livingwaters #streetevangelism
#christianity #jesus #lifestyle #gospel #confidence #selfcare #selfimprovement

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@dalevanderzee4086 8 ай бұрын
I cannot speak for Ray, but I think he is absolutely correct in his presentation of the gospel. You cannot tell people to turn to God using hedonistic language. They do not yet know about walking with God. You can however and Ray does speak multiple times of God’s love so much that he sent Jesus to die for us. No one repents of their sins by feel good talk. the most loving thing we can do is to tell the truth about their spiritual reality to them and allow the Holy Spirit to convict them. After they come to a place inside of “what must I do to be saved” then the solution to our problem of death due to sin can be shown to them and at that point it makes sense. Before Jesus fed the 5000, he commanded his disciples to make the people sit down. People need to be at a place inside where they see their sinful self before they will really listen and be willing to repent. People need to see their need for Jesus before they reach out to him for it. Flowery talk only confuses them. True conversion from God does not happen by telling someone to come to Jesus and he will make you feel good.
@santoscamacho3361 6 ай бұрын
I agree...this is Lukewarm And Not Biblical...Psalm 19:7 says the LAW Of the LORD is Perfect..CONVERTING THE SOUL...we are in the End Times..people That make Videos like this are Lost or of the Devil..."Hells Best kept Secret" by Ray Comfort opened my eyes..I can now Spot WOLFS IN SHEEPS CLOTHING...Persecution will come ..Look how they treated JESUS..some HATED him and some LOVED him...Not Everyone is a Child of GOD. (Galations 1:8,9) says IF any Man PREACH ANOTHER GOSPEL..let HIM BE ACCURSED ..KJV
@godfeelsgood 6 ай бұрын
@@santoscamacho3361 Let me ask you, is the gospel about where we go when we die, as Ray focuses on, or about heaven coming into us?
@godfeelsgood 6 ай бұрын
I partly agree, we could only use scripture when talking to people. Not just flowery talk. But if it were me, I'd share my testimony, which may sound flowery, but resonates with young people today who have a misunderstanding of what the words of the gospel actually mean. The devil has changed the connotations of words, even that of "repent" and "sin". We need to use discernment for each case, which is why I don't believe in evangelizing using a simple script for each individual. People thing repenting is hard, sin is pleasurable. If I simple tell them, "repent, turn from sin", so they can "know where they're going when they die", that's not encouraging for immediate change, nor scriptural. Remember, the gospel is about heaven coming into us. Eternal life, Jesus said, is "to know the father". You can't tell me Ray doesn't make the focus on death and going to heaven when we die. This is a big error and is preaching only a part of the gospel, which is not a good way to go!
@santoscamacho3361 6 ай бұрын
@@godfeelsgood preach how you want..if you wanna sugar coat the message and NOT be biblical go ahead..You will have stricter judgement...Warning people about Hell and telling them the wages of SIN is death and then Shareing the Goodnews is the only way a Sinner will ever thirst for Righteousness. The Ten Commandments bring the Knowledge of SIN..so A sinner knows they are a sinner... (Hebrews 9:27) there will be a judgment day..as True believers we should warn people what's coming. JESUS CHRIST himself Preached to FEAR GOD (Matthew 10:28) and REPENTANCE (LUKE 5:32)..if you can't see that or agree..then you don't know JESUS or the Gospel and your simply misleading people into HELL..Or you Not saved or your from the Devil..Satan disguises himself as an Angel of light so does his ministers of RiGHTEOUNESS (2 Corn 11:13-15)
@CAPEBALDY19 6 ай бұрын
Jesus tells more about hell and judgment to come rather about heaven
@MerkabaKid 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing🤍 Yes, Ray Comfort is good.. BUT I wish he would explain repentance! He is teaching people that repentance means to give up all sin first! and then you will be worthy to turn to God.. Repentance means literally, to turn towards something and in doing so, you automatically turn from something. We are sinners, we cannot stop by ourselves! We have to turn towards Jesus first and THEN we will have help to stop sinning because the Holy Spirit dwells within us 🌸🤍🕊️
@georgedragich6056 3 ай бұрын
Ray is an evangelist. His job is to introduce the Good News of the Gospel. He is not judging them he is explaining to them that God has a plan and presents the foundation and places the burden on their heart to seek the truth, to offer the "parachute". You notice he does not try to sell them on accepting all the truth and accepting Jesus as Savior then and there which in my opinion leaves the person he is talking to confused and often causes them to backslide. After they hear the news it is then up to the Holy Spirit to move them. Jesus said his apostles would be rejected by many. The same applies today. He has taken what used to be a fire and brimstone threat session and transformed it into a basic understanding, while doing his job in a polite nonjudgmental none confrontational way. I think his ministry is truly blessed. If there was one thing in today's day and age maybe he could ask for an email so that someone from a local church could reach out to them. I agree with what you say in your video but that is more of a pastors job.
@3dtutor465 10 ай бұрын
Ray is actually doing what Jesus did with the rich young ruler. He showed him he was a sinner (though he did not agree), then commanded him to forsake himself by giving up all his wealth and follow Him. Jesus did not speak of the benefits and satisfaction when showing this man how to be saved. The benefits were revealed later to those who followed Jesus: “Truly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or lands, for my sake and for the gospel, who will not receive a hundredfold now in this time, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions, and in the age to come eternal life." Mk 10:29-30, ESV. Leaving out, "God feels good" does not make the gospel any less biblical. "God feels good" is not the gospel we are to proclaim, but that God "has abolished death and illuminated the way to life and immortality through the gospel" (1 Corinthians 15:26). Ray first presents of death as an enemy, and then gives the solution. Which is exactly what the Bible refers to as the gospel.
@godfeelsgood 10 ай бұрын
I agree with all you're saying. But the problem comes when Ray's message seems to revolve around "where you're going when you die". You wrote "has abolished death and illuminated the way to life and immortality through the gospel" . From what I've felt in his videos, he seems to be constantly alluding to "going to heaven", as he repeats "you don't know when you're going to die...you could die today.. etc." But this "way to life" is, as Jesus said, "to know the father". I don't want to argue through my video that he's not following scripture. I think he ought to embrace the positive response that young people would have if they knew the real power of the gospel which is that of transformation, dying to self, and following The Way which actually WORKS! Because of how God's name has been profaned through the Earth, I wish he'd spend some time addressing the negative connotations of God and religion that many of these young people grew up with. Because of this misunderstanding of God, many are turning to New Age religions, thinking that they "feel good" and will "bring them joy". But this desire for joy and a seeking of it can not be taken from human beings. Luckily, though a paradox, the gospel is the ultimate joy and "good feeling" that young people can turn to. Many still think Christianity is a religion and not a relationship. Many still think Christianity is about where you go when you die (and Ray is constantly alluding to death) rather than the kingdom being inside of you right NOW. I'm saying that, due to the current state of young people's average perception of Christianity, we ought to speak in a way that would resonate with their hearts,. I truly believe that since his name has been "profaned throughout the nations", us simply alluding the gospel message leaves them stuck with the profaned and misunderstood name of God.
@Alx1744 10 ай бұрын
That was before THE NEW COVENANT though... you do know that, right?
@3dtutor465 10 ай бұрын
@@Alx1744 You mean Jesus' way of giving the way to salvation was of the Old Testament and now there is a new way? I don't think so.
@Alx1744 10 ай бұрын
@@3dtutor465 Before THE HOLY LAMB OF GOD had been offered-up in our stead: we had no perfect true sacrifice for our sins... only vessels to temporarily quench HIS HOLY WRATH. Isn't that THE TRUTH?
@3dtutor465 10 ай бұрын
@@Alx1744 What does that have to do with the issue of Ray supposedly misrepresenting the gospel message? What's the point of your statement? The issue is, is Ray misrepresenting the gospel? If not, the argument is over.
@Disciple793 27 күн бұрын
The Holy Spirit works in mysterious ways. As the bible declares the Holy Spirit moves like the wind. So, each person my come to faith after hearing the gospel for different reasons. Some may their sin and the conscience convicts. Others see the beauty and love of the cross and the suffering Christ went through to give eternal life. Human beings are complicated. People come to faith from different ways of evangelism. Praise God for that. ❤
@s.thomas6251 4 ай бұрын
Praise God. Thank you for this message. I needed to hear this today. Not only for the young but for those who are older and a baby in Christ. You right about killing yoyr joy as I found thqt on my walk this guilt. The over thinking and worrying we ought not to do. And to to put our trust in God who will lead the way.
@paulbeahm3891 10 ай бұрын
What Ray delivers is a biblical presentation of the gospel. We are sinners. We have broken the law and Jesus paid the fine. That's what changes the heart. Knowing that your sin was bad enough for Him to die to pay for it and He did because He loves you. Psalms says God hates all those who do iniquity. Think about that. God died for His enemies who naturally hate Him and His ways and changes them to people who love Him. God does know your heart, sir, He says in His word our hearts are deceitful and desperately wicked above all else. Biblical doctrine matters.
@godfeelsgood 10 ай бұрын
I agree he gets the skeleton of it. I'm not sure what you're trying to say though. Anyway, you agree that once saved, we are righteous in God's eyes? 2 Corinthians 5:21 "He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." I'd truly recommend checking out Dan Mohler on youtube. If you want, check him out for a while and let me know what you think. God bless
@paulbeahm3891 10 ай бұрын
@godfeelsgood I'm saying that what you call the "skeleton" is the riches of the fullness of the gospel and in our fleshly human eyes we see it as "skeleton." Sir, if you can't see this I question whether or not you've been truly saved and I don't mean that in a confrontational way, I wish I could convey a tone of love and concern over this method of communication.
@godfeelsgood 10 ай бұрын
@@paulbeahm3891 I think you're misunderstanding here. My message about Ray isn't so much about him missing out on anything.. it's that he's not addressing the skewed image of God that people are stuck with in this age. He says "turn away from your sin and trust in God like you would a parachute". But from his argument that simply alludes to where people are going when they die. People are looking for love, power and the kingdom NOW, and that's the REAL gospel. Hence "the kingdom of God is in you" and "you are the light of the world". Jesus is our savior.. not death. So his message is too focused on what happens when we die vs. the gospel message about knowing the father NOW. Jesus never said eternal life is getting to heaven when we die. He said its to know the father
@paulbeahm3891 10 ай бұрын
@godfeelsgood I think the focus Ray has when presenting the gospel isn't as much on post-mortem destination but rather on the fact that we are sinners in God's eyes and Jesus paid the fine if we will repent and believe. Trying to focus on other things with people will just create a potential false-convert. We enter through the narrow gate of His propitiatory death and that very message is what works repentance and faith. Everything after that is to be learned through His word through the new eyes we are given.
@georgeforyan113 3 ай бұрын
But Jesus and his disciples did not go around using the 10 commandments by convicting anyone that because they may lie, steal, commit adultery that they are a liar, a thief or an adulterer to convince them to follow him. He is not delivering a bible presentation according to Jesus but one of his own agenda that finger points and catches a person off guard and he feels so snug and pious as to how he does this. For Ray Comfort to ponder on!.....Jesus in his time instructed his followers, do not take the the gospel message to the Samaritan or the Gentile but only to the lost sheep of Israel (Matt. 10:5-6). These are people that have lied, stolen and have been promiscuous because all have sinned and come short the glory of God. I guess Jesus didn't seem to be concerned about these people going to hell for all eternity like Ray Comfort does. Interestingly enough Ray Comfort never speaks or explain why Jesus did this to the Gentiles and Samaritans. Why is that Ray Comfort?
@eekatikaclick 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for this. I have been struggling with issues and your message has given me peace and freedom regarding them. I'm hitting replay to listen again. Sub'd.
@godfeelsgood 8 ай бұрын
That's Awesome to hear.! Thanks for commenting:)
@chetwalley 6 ай бұрын
He is Ray is absolutely correct in his approach to street preaching. One of the best I ever see. There is NOTHING in his ministry. He doesn’t change the heart , God does. You plant the seed.
@dalt992 8 ай бұрын
I agree with you. My issue personally, and it JUST happened yesterday, is that when I say to myself "God, I trust in you and am will have faith that you will bring me to salvation", I get happy and feel FREE from the burden of trying to not sin every second of my day. Then, when I wake up the next morning...it's back again. BURDEN laying on me. "Why do I feel the same as yesterday morning again"? It's like I can feel that freedom and get some faith for a few hours, but then I can't sustain it.
@godfeelsgood 7 ай бұрын
Hey there.. can't believe I didn't reply to this. I see that you're "trying" to sustain freedom. God doesn't want you in that place of trying and effort.. yes he loves you and I THAT much, so he doesn't want you or I to live on in suffering. But what many miss is that for most Christians, suffering is still usually linked to sin. If you're living in freedom, you'd have no need to try to obtain it, just like when we live in love, we have no need to prove it. Here's what I ultimately found, since I had your problem too. It's all about surrender. Surrender is much deeper and more powerful than what Western religion and pastors tend to teach us. We can achieve such a higher standard, (God's standard, aka our created value), than what we've been taught. The reality of this true freedom begins when we repent of all sin, including that which most people ignore, idolatry. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and strength... love your neighbor as yourself" "deny yourself". I believe there's no other way around it.. because there is only one way to freedom. Its to truly change our heart motive, and make it solely to become like Him. This, paradoxically, solves all of our problems and brings true freedom, heaven on earth, if you will. And with all the false teaching around, the only way we can become like him is through intimacy with Him and uncovering the hidden mysteries of His love. Hope this helps!
@karenhofer8072 10 ай бұрын
What u said is so true. The Lord wants u to just let go and trust in him.🙏💞💖💕
@godfeelsgood 10 ай бұрын
Well said sis!
@arthurfleck42 9 ай бұрын
I agree chasing the things of the world will never satiate us. Isn’t the truth God IS good regardless what one feels about God. And the final authority of Scripture proves He is good. Young people today are conditioned to form their opinions around experiential living when social media inundates their thought-process so much into how they live and experience from moment to moment. Jesus as the Word has already spoken sufficiently through the Bible how we are to live as His followers.
@godfeelsgood 8 ай бұрын
So true. Dark forces are at work that are aimed at youth!
@rosegraham7045 8 ай бұрын
I think the prayer of salvation is important because it’s confession. CONFESS with your mouth, believe in your heart that Jesus Christ was raised from the dead and thou shalt be saved. Confession is important as well as Jesus said if you deny me on earth I won’t confess you in front of the angels. Regardless the thief on the cross spoke from his heart and trusted Jesus so ultimately God looks at the heart. Nothing has to be like a ritual prayer, God just wants to transform the heart.
@jimmybedding1736 9 ай бұрын
God only truly ‘works’ when you fully surrender - his presence trumps anything when it turns up - self denial is never easy but it leads to the greatest life of purpose.
@ScriptureFirst 7 ай бұрын
God is most glorified in us: when we are most satisfied in Him ~ John Piper
@godfeelsgood 6 ай бұрын
Very cool!
@marcu9111 3 ай бұрын
Amen! Ray presents the “gospel message” like no other in such short time & in biblical terms. Mark 1:15. What you are talking about is correct when it comes to discipleship! 💯🙌
@mtersch 10 ай бұрын
yes bro. The prayer is a start, teaching how to "pray and repent". Have to do it daily in fact. Even more mysteriously, I admit you should get baptized too, to show to family (and society at large) you have died to yourself. God Bless
@godfeelsgood 10 ай бұрын
Hi bro, yes indeed.. it's why Paul mentions "dying to myself daily".. putting off the old, putting on the new
@lb7625 10 ай бұрын
Were you honest in typing God Bless (not trying to be arrogant)
@mtersch 10 ай бұрын
@@lb7625 absolutely. Bless with your mouth (and fingers) and don't curse.
@DronesForGodsGlory 4 ай бұрын
Amen...to sharing the joy of Salvation✝️...it's like something you find and will sell everything you own to obtain it😁...and it keeps flowing into everlasting life🤗ALL praise, honor and glory to our Lord Jesus...Who takes away our sins...as far as east is from west😄may all learn the joy of repentance from it I pray...and may our Lord flood you in His peace and His safety I also ask 🙏
@kathrynwhitlatch9509 4 ай бұрын
Their eyes are down because they’re like the rich young ruler, can’t give up their sin and love of the world. We plant the seed, God brings the harvest.
@jeremiahkirby6552 3 ай бұрын
After the rapture of the FEW and the lukewarm left behind, they will show true nature as The Restrainer is taken out and the pestilence comes down. ALL were welcome but FEW showed up.
@dirkmoore4224 6 ай бұрын
You are correct, God does see our hearts. We must first come to a personal knowledge of the Law and how serious we have sinned against Him. If we do not have a sickened, saddened, contrite and repentent heart, what good is there in sharing John 3:16. The Law and the consquences of Gods wrath leads us to the cross. Gods Love for us. Then we will experience the Annointing and Baptism of The Holy Spirit and be Born Again. " Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is mans all." Ecc.12:13
@godfeelsgood 6 ай бұрын
Very true. I think as an empathetic person, if I were Ray, I'd adjust what I say and not follow a script every time, because although his words are correct, we can see that everyone has different, and often skewed connotations of words. Even the idea that we seriously sinned against him... to me, that's good news because it means that we matter so much that everything we do against ourselves or our brothers is morally wrong and has consequence.
@dirkmoore4224 6 ай бұрын
True, but sometimes following a script can keep one focused. We must follow the leading of The Holy Spirit with each encounter to meet the need of each person. It is The Holy Spirit who will convict and then allow us to then present The Gospel. God Bless!@@godfeelsgood
@karencampbell2760 5 ай бұрын
@1938Jeanne 3 ай бұрын
Ray only needs to ask people if they know that they are sinners! When Adam sinned death came and God could have sent us all to hell! We are all born in sin and then the time comes where Ray can share the Gospel . He doesn’t really need to ask all those Ten Commandments questions !!
@user-bz1gh9zp6q 2 ай бұрын
What do you think of the baptist church?
@LyleGriffith-be2xm 10 ай бұрын
You really don't understand denying yourself. Your happiness doesn't matter, what you get doesn't matter. How you feel doesn't matter.
@JasonJohnSwartz 10 ай бұрын
Psalm 34:8 New International Version 8 Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him. Philippians 4:7 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. God does feel good. No, this is not the main point of the Gospel. Repentance is the key not seeking pleasure. This man is trying to share his faith and that's commendable. His channel focuses on the joy we feel in our soul when the Holy Spirit fills the void we used to fill with worldly things. This brother isn't preaching anything unbiblical. Perhaps he focuses on this message. Our youth think being Christian is following more rules. It is good this man wants to tell youth that there is joy peace and contentment in the Lord.
@JasonJohnSwartz 10 ай бұрын
From the very beginning, God’s plan for mankind has been to bring us joy and peace. Throughout the Bible, we see stories of joy in response to God’s blessings and celebration of His promises. In the Old Testament, the Israelites rejoiced and sang songs of joy when they escaped from the Egyptians and made their way to the Promised Land. In the New Testament, Jesus brings joy to those who follow Him, and encourages others to do the same. The Apostle Paul also speaks of joy in his letters, urging believers to be joyful even in difficult circumstances. The Bible teaches us that joy is a gift from God, and that it is something to be celebrated and shared with others. Through God we can have joy and peace even among the turmoil and trials we experience. It is dying to ourselves that leaves room for the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Are you saying that the Holy Spirit within a believer doesn't feel good? It's does indeed feel good. It's what keeps a smile on a Christians face even if everything is taken away from them in this world.
@JasonJohnSwartz 10 ай бұрын
8 Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, 9 for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls
@enzocho5146 10 ай бұрын
Word of God tells us we will have joy and joy in abundance. To rejoice in all situations. I understand your perspective but don’t take it to such extremes, friend in Christ
@LyleGriffith-be2xm 10 ай бұрын
Whatever you drink, whatever you eat, whatever you do, do unto the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31 My salvation is because God chose me to worship him. Your idea of salvation is so you can worship yourself if you're looking for a reward.
@VedawatiAlbert-mi1tb 10 ай бұрын
God wants to get personal with the individual
@ejvandijk 6 ай бұрын
Hey Derek, how many times did you go and do street evangelism and preach the good news to the lost before you posted this critique on Ray Comfort?
@godfeelsgood 6 ай бұрын
I did a few times, and observed what worked and what didn't. But what does it matter? I won't repeat my problem with Ray's method, but let's just look at scripture. The fact is, Ray is focusing on "where you're going when you die". That is not gospel, nor does the condemnation of God inspire change. The gospel is about heaven coming into you. "Repent for the kingdom is near..." "the kingdom is inside you." He's not wrong, but he's missing the whole gospel, which is not a good way to go and leaves people looking the way they always look at the end of his videos. The "good news" becomes a burden to people unless they're fully told what it actually means.
@ejvandijk 6 ай бұрын
@@godfeelsgood To fully understand the good news, people should first learn to appreciate that good news. To understand why they need forgiveness of sins, Ray let's them look at themselves through the mirror of the ten commandments. Just the way Jesus did to the rich young ruler. He does not appeal to their feelings, but rather to their god given conscience. It's an honest representation of the gospel. The christian life is not marked by good feelings, rather by self denial, righteousness and suffering that ultimately results in joy unspeakable and eternal glory.
@patriciahunter1566 3 ай бұрын
@@godfeelsgood you can never understand good news unless you know first that there is bad news. People don’t feel they need a savior because they don’t think they need to be saved from anything. If you have watched Ray, then you already know that everyone he speaks to think they are good and going to heaven. He hold the “mirror” of the law and shows them God’s definition of good which is absolute perfection which they cannot achieve and they know it because of the questions he asks them. Then they are ready to hear the good news.
@dannyboy7715 2 ай бұрын
I've only watched a couple of minutes but with respect. I feel you are forgetting how powerful the plain, spoken word of God is. Its not how the gospel is presented that changes hearts. It's the power in the words through the Holy Spirit that does the changing.
@Shin-nr8ly 2 ай бұрын
It Seems he ray of the others dont Follow up on People thay witness to Pray that God teaches him that
@levi-316 3 ай бұрын
Take a hard look at James 3:1 please.
@bryanpratt5850 3 ай бұрын
Sin feels good.
@godfeelsgood 3 ай бұрын
If you believe this brother, you're believing the lie. Sin is always a twisted counterfeit to something greater. It ends in a vicious cycle of unsatisfying "lust of the flesh". Take the super wealthy Hollywood types for example and what they do in the dark. According to gospel, and in my own life, we only find real freedom when we get rid of the self (self-centeredness coming from fallen man) and live by the spirit, which is love. The Word says, there is no love in self-centeredness, and there is no self-centeredness in love.
@trishanoren2437 28 күн бұрын
In these seconds of The Age of Grace, I’ve been prompted to share the following Truth… Dear Friend, The born again ~John 3:3~ Transformed Life In Christ Now… S E C U R E S Your f o r e v e r Life with Jesus In Heaven!!!!! Praying for all those who are trapped in man-made religious denominations to believe AND accept Biblical Truth so they will be Rapture/HeavenBound!!! ⚓️⚓️⚓️ ⚓️
@duriuswulkins4324 Күн бұрын
Jesus Christ did not feel good when He was sweating blood in Gethsemane, or when the nails were driven through His sinless hands. As He said in the garden, “My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death” (Mt 26:38) Yet, He did it for the joy set before Him. (Hebrews 12:2) Truly following Christ is dying to your own desires and sacrificially loving others, knowing that He first loved you forgave you of your sins, and offers you eternal rest in heaven. We do it joyfully knowing that we can walk in His footsteps in the good works He has prepared for us beforehand, but yet we experience much pain and suffering in this life. As He says, “In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
@follow_the_way 2 ай бұрын
Eternal life in Christ is offered freely by God to the whole world and those who want that eternal life in Christ will come to know Him by obeying His commands. So anyone that says they know Him, is the one that obeys His commandments. 1 John 2:2-4 2 He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world. 3 And by this we know that we have come to know him, if we keep his commandments. 4 Whoever says “I know him” but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him
@steveg9173 8 ай бұрын
Great message 🙏
@godfeelsgood 7 ай бұрын
Thank you brother
@Shredhead 29 күн бұрын
1 corinthians 3 But I, brothers,[a] could not address you as spiritual people, but as people of the flesh, as infants in Christ. 2 I fed you with milk, not solid food, for you were not ready for it. And even now you are not yet ready, 3 for you are still of the flesh. For while there is jealousy and strife among you, are you not of the flesh and behaving only in a human way? 4 For when one says, “I follow Paul,” and another, “I follow Apollos,” are you not being merely human? 5 What then is Apollos? What is Paul? Servants through whom you believed, as the Lord assigned to each. 6 I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. 7 So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. 8 He who plants and he who waters are one, and each will receive his wages according to his labor. 9 For we are God's fellow workers. You are God's field, God's building. We must remember we are all working together to share the gospel. Ray does a good job of planting a seed by having people recognize their need of a savior. Not by their righteousness, but by Christs. May God allow us to water if we aren't planting.
@rorywynhoff1549 3 ай бұрын
Then you go do it!
@godfeelsgood 3 ай бұрын
Who says I'm not? I personally don't believe in first giving people the gospel or giving them God's love while filming it. That would be to my own gain. The gospel is free and people are searching in their hearts for selfless Love. If I filmed it to my own gain, it would not be selfless. Why make a person's first impression of the gospel be linked with the christians own gain?
@cbaird9028 10 ай бұрын
God feels good? Don't change scripture.... A little twist is what the serpent did in the garden.., Please reference book, chapter and verse within context please otherwise it is meant to deceive. And we are bereans.
@godfeelsgood 10 ай бұрын
It's not meant to deceive. I'll gladly make a follow-up video on this quoting scripture.
@JasonJohnSwartz 10 ай бұрын
That is not fair to the person making the video. I've already posted plenty of passages where we find inner joy, peace, and indeed agree that God fills the void we once had through the Holy Spirit. He didn't change scripture at all. Your accusations are uncalled. So quick to label. Have you forgotten your 1st love ?
@JasonJohnSwartz 10 ай бұрын
@godfeelsgood I usually start with scripture. A chapter or at least a verse and then work from it, or else you get these types. You're doing great. Keep making content. I'd like to collaborate with you if that interests you. Have you on my channel
@godfeelsgood 10 ай бұрын
@@JasonJohnSwartz thanks for your words Jason.. and yes, collaborating sounds amazing. You know God feels good.. it shows me you've "tasted and seen" the Lord is good.. I'm sure we'll have much to talk about. I'll DM or email ya
@Packhorse-bh8qn 3 ай бұрын
"Created value version of yourself." What a bunch of feel-good, psychobabble claptrap.
@godfeelsgood 3 ай бұрын
Then you don't understand scripture my friend. Adam lost the image of God in him through sin. Jesus restored that image, reuniting us back to the father, to restore "that which was lost", AKA our created value.. AKA the nature of God, which is Love. He paid the price for our image to be restored, that we may manifest God's image on Earth. This is why he said "deny yourself", which is to deny our image of Adam and take on the likeness of Christ. In fact "Christian" originally means Christ-like one. If you don't know this, you may be buying into Western mainstream Christianity that focuses on church attendance rather than truth.
@Packhorse-bh8qn 3 ай бұрын
@@godfeelsgood Oh, you're one of those. Scripture doesn't teach any such thing. You have no understanding of what sin is, or the nature of the fall, or what is worse, the nature of redemption.
@dalevanderzee4086 6 ай бұрын
where in the bible does it say the gospel is about heaven coming to us? That is heresy. In addition unless your testimony includes that you too have repented and that you are fleeing the coming judgment, there is no conversion on your part. The gospel is very clear about fleeing the wrath to come from God and believing in the Jesus of the bible for salvation. if you don’t believe your in big trouble then you’re never going to submit to Jesus as Lord and go to him for salvation. All the feel good “gospels”, (not that there are other gospels) is purely from the devil. If you don’t obey Jesus then you are not one of his and are only deceiving yourself.
@gamergeek8933 10 ай бұрын
I disagree agree with your message. I love it but I think it is off base. The heart can be deceiving. Jeremiah 17:9. The fact is sometimes it doesn’t feel good to give up Sin. The devils temptation is strong and can feel good. And sometimes like Job life won’t be perfect and be hard.
@godfeelsgood 10 ай бұрын
It doesn't feel good to give up addictions either. But after we give them up, we find a greater joy. That's why the devil is called the "deciever", wouldn't you say? He presents counterfeits of life pleasures that may seem to feel good but are substitutes to greater gifts God has for us. So when we learn to let go of the old and put on the new, we are giving up some self-seeking or sinful behaviour but we are finding something greater, higher, and more real. In my putting off the old and focusing on Love, God healed a sickness of my body, healed my anxiety, brought love into my life, gave me new abilities... and in many ways has been unlocking my created value
@JasonJohnSwartz 10 ай бұрын
@@godfeelsgood I agree brother. People are taking sections of your expression and making absolute statements assuming your now aware of the totality or truth. Do not get discouraged. Stay strong
@xaustedbrain2369 3 ай бұрын
Evangelizing is not as easy as it seems, the way ray comfort preaches the gospel is nearly perfect in my opinion ,can’t get any better than that. And no offense, but instead of trying to correct this really humble man of God, why not go out there and preach what You want and how you want it? Serious question I’m not trying to sound mean, I know your intentions mean well towards Ray.
@dekorokone 6 ай бұрын
Bro.? This was inappropriate.
@godfeelsgood 6 ай бұрын
please explain
@bryanpratt5850 3 ай бұрын
@@godfeelsgoodsin feels good.
@patriciahunter1566 3 ай бұрын
This is the biggest bunch of horse hockey I have ever heard. “God feels good”, really? I have studied scripture my whole life and I have to say this is a new one on me. God is holy, faithful, true, just, unchanging, all knowing, eternally existing, loving, merciful, full of grace, He is omnipotent, omnipresent, righteous, he is the giver of all life, creator of all things, and sovereign over all things. When we place our faith and trust in Christ alone for our salvation we have a hope that the world does not have which gives us peace and yes…joy. BUT, we are NOT promised a feel good life on earth. Do you think that as Stephen was being stoned, he was screaming God feels good? How about the disciples who were martyred? How about those that suffer today for The sake of the gospel? What a foolish and weak message. What do you think will happen to people if they hear the message God feels good and life, as it surely will, turns to crap? Illness, death, job losses, loss of property, friends, family, etc happens in everyone’s lives and you’ve given them nothing. No! You give people hope by pointing them to our savior Jesus Christ who took God’s wrath upon himself so that we, who are guilty can stand at the throne of God, not because we did anything but because Christ paid our penalty in full. We stand before a Holy God righteous because of what Christ did and we are given the credit for it.
@godfeelsgood 3 ай бұрын
This is probably the last reply I'm making to these comment on this video. People are getting presumptuous very quickly. Let me ask you something, does healing feel good? Do all those qualities of god you listed feel good? Does loving people feel good? Does being healed feel good? Does getting sin out of your life feel good? Does the fact that He loves us enough to die for us feel good? The answer to all of these is yes. So does God feel good? Yes. Does living the kingdom feel good? Of course, it IS freedom, as we are "free indeed". The suffering comes when one denies themself (free from sinful nature) and lives in a world of darkness. All the negative "life stuff" you listed strongly affects those who are not saved, whereas those who have denied themselves have already found their life and their God. It means they "love not their own lives onto death." Thus a loss of property, for example, should not affect a Christian's disposition. Why? They aren't finding their identity in the things of man. An unbeliever could even kill themselves if they lost their property if that's where they found their identity. This means the "fruit of the spirit" such as inexpressible joy, peace, etc is found in Christ. You're assuming that "god feels good" is all I'm saying. NO, I'm saying this because God's image has been "profaned throughout the Earth" and young people, like the ones who Ray approaches, think that turning from sin means turning away from what feels good, and turning to some strict, militant life. Many young people these days are just doing what "feels good" to them little knowing that they are believing the lie. They turning to the Christian life as a burden, not a privilege. I've said it a hundred times now: The problem is our focus on heaven and what God can do for us, rather than on the real gospel message of transformation that, yes, does feel good. Letting go of worry feels good. Not thinking about tomorrow feels good. This is Jesus' teachings, and God wants us to be ambassadors of his image throughout the Earth, and his image is unconditional love. Love heals, covers all wrongs, and (when self-centeredness is not behind it), does feel good.
@patriciahunter1566 3 ай бұрын
@@godfeelsgood I do not live my life based on feelings. Feelings come and go. Some days I feel great and some days I don’t. It has nothing to do with my spiritual walk and my faith. I love Christ despite how I feel at any given moment. So when you ask me does this or that feel good, my answer to that is who cares? Don’t ask me how I feel….ask me what I KNOW! I base my faith and life on what I know to be true otherwise my faith would be flopping around in the wind. When you can stand on your faith in the middle of the worst crisis in your entire life and say I Know my redeemer lives and He loves me beyond measure and nothing on earth can ever rip me from his hands,….now we are talking about true and lasting faith.
@ClearWaters-kv8bn 4 күн бұрын
The irony of your channel, is that "Feel good" is your real GOD and not GOD. You follow "feel good", not GOD. That is why some non believers look at believers as dishonest people. If you are a believer, you are not really able to see what Ray Comfort is doing. On every single video of Ray Comfort, he is after one thing and one thing only, him feeling good. Go watch a Ray Comfort video right now and see the emotional manipulation for yourself. If the person wants to hear about GOD or not, he could not care less, because the process is the same. If you feel good and don't want anything to do with GOD, he will do anything he can to make you feel bad so he can offer you a feel good solution. And this process, makes him feel good. Some people describe it as "ego feeding." I ask you a question. What would happen to you, if GOD, no longer feels good?
@godfeelsgood 4 күн бұрын
Brother, I don't understand your comment. He's after one thing only.. to feel good? You mean Ray is doing this to feel good? I can answer your question in different ways. If the God I claim to know is really the creator of our hearts, bodies, and souls, than he has the answer to the freedom of my heart, the healing of my body, and the liberation of my soul. If following the gospel doesn't do that, I'm either believing wrong (as 90% of Western Christians are), or I'm following the wrong God. But consider this: Jesus said "Your sins are forgiven" while he HEALED people. Repenting of sins brings health to the body, wherein we let go of unforgiveness and like. Guess what else does? Denying yourself, as Jesus said. We deny the lusts of the flesh which makes us free, and "he who is free is free indeed." Guess what else makes us feel good and feel free? A clean conscious. The gospel is about becoming one with God by denying ourselves and surrendering daily. Yes, it' about Righteousness. Guess what else? Loving God with all your heart. This is getting rid of idolatry, because the insatiable lust of the flesh and the constant unease of our existence is suffering. My problem with Ray Comfort's method and people's wide acceptance of it? He still maintains the whole "Christianity in order to go to Heaven" idea, in which we become a Christian for ourselves. We are created for his great name. Ray is leaving out the good news of the gospel and focusing on the condemnation of God, when it's the goodness of God which leads men to change. "Judge no man according to the flesh". We can do all the ministry in the world and become famous on youtube, but at the end of the day, it's our motive that counts. Ironically, people can build ministry with self-serving motives. I for one would be weary of making it a habit to present the gospel, in which god is GIVING, to someone while I get something in return, like youtube views. In response to your question, if Jesus lied when he said, "My burden is light", and if denying yourself means taking on more burden, sickness, and any other thing (which is all a result of sin), making me not feel good in the end, then no I wouldn't follow this God, who created my body to be healthy, and created me to shine.
@ClearWaters-kv8bn 4 күн бұрын
@@godfeelsgood You look like a sincere person and I know you are trying to spread good in the world. Regarding Ray, yes you got it right. He loves the "feel good" he gets from doing this emotional manipulation with people. Its just dishonesty made to look as if he is trying to help people. In regards to the rest of your response, you are preaching. And that is understandable because spreading the good word and repeating things you read on a book, guess what, makes you feel good. Right?
@user-wz7fe2bq5c 3 ай бұрын
Put a sock in it with that psychobabble. You obviously missed the gospel message. I come across MANY people like you at least youre honest most of them dont even know why they say the thing they do. Thanks for sharing but no thanks Im not buying what youre peddling.
@godfeelsgood 3 ай бұрын
Tell me where I'm wrong here, and really, tell me scripturally where I'm wrong. Jesus said eternal life is the restoration of the relationship with God, "knowing him". We've made it about the destination. New life thus begins when you're born again. This is just one example, and I could give many that show why, again, focusing on heaven as our goal is not the gospel. That never gets us out of being Chritian for our own sake, not for His great name. Pointing out people's sin and telling people to trust in Jesus so that when they die they don't go to hell doesn't change hearts. Why? Because it leaves out their created identity and value that Jesus came to restore, as he came to restore "That which was lost" (not who). They don't just need to let go of sin to not go to hell (again, it's self-serving). They need to know that their identity in Christ, their created value, was lost, and God wants to restore it, so that they can be transformed into his nature. Focusing on the self-serving aspect will get good church attendance, and might help a video get views, but it won't transform the lives of people who certainly need a life-changing revelation.
@user-wz7fe2bq5c 3 ай бұрын
@@godfeelsgood Justification BY THE FAITH removes from you the penalty of sin, Sanctification which takes your whole life overcomes the power of sin its ability to cause you to sin and then when he calls up or out of the grave we are then and ONY then glorified and the presence of sin is removed from us. You have the wrong tense and thusly build a false view of how it works even though the scriptures you use are true. you misapply them. Your heart at the point of justified by faith isnt changed, that doesnt happen until you can receive it. its so obvious from the scriptures why else is it writter that we have a high priest in Christ? After the order of Melchizedek. then also that if we sin we confess and repent and God is good and faithful to forgive us. You act as if Ray can perform the office of God himself, He cannot and you chide him for it. What are you trying to make yourself here GOD? Come off it get off your high horse and instead of using scripture like a weapon get the WHOLE council of God before you wiggle your fingers with poor cognition. This is why you use flowerly language as if its a fun and fuzzy. The bible calls love a sacrifice, the FIRST time it mentions love its " Take thy son whom thou lovest and make of him a sacrifice unto me" Gen.22:2. You know NOTHING of what you SHOULD know and that makes you either mistaken or antichrist. I pray it is the former. Good day sir.
@sharonortedschempp8759 3 ай бұрын
No, no, no Brother, your perspective is quite a bit "Off..." God doesn't need to "Feel Good"... He is totally justified in "Hating all sin" and His justified judgements are about to poured out upon the Earth..... Just read every word in the Book of Jesus' Revelation...... God only "feels good" is when sinners genuinely repents of their sins..... every one of them.... Please stop with presenting "A Fell Good Gospel....!" You are really fun of "Poo Poo Kaka...... (B.... s....t!). Ted Schempp, Nashville
@godfeelsgood 3 ай бұрын
Bro or Gal, you're being presumptuous about my message. Revelation talks about God's justice, and it doesn't contradict my point. Going against God feels bad (sickness, pain, hell, etc), but society today is believing a religious lie about what it means to follow God. The problem is that Satan has confused people these days and they associate positive feelings with sin, and negative feelings with God. I could argue this from a thousand angles. Jesus HEALED, which he always accompanied with FORGIVING SINS. You said it yourself that God 'feels good' when sinners repent. I've said this before.. but my problem with Ray's message is that it leaves people feeling like they have to give up what fulfills them in order to "get to heaven", rather than the real gospel which is about knowing the father, heaven coming into us, so that we will have "life in abundance". It's the goodness of God that leads men to repentance, not his condemnation. But overall, the gospel is "good news" which is what "gospel" literally means. So why don't we present it as the "new life" that it is, while trusting God that it fulfills the "infinity of men's hearts" to know him?
@DMTFLTV 10 ай бұрын
Ray gets some stuff right and I do technically like him (though I did unsubscribe from him), but he can be unbiblically stringent at times with his approach and he seems to misunderstand the concept of how repentance works. He seems to deny the idea that you get saved and then the Lord helps you turn from sin, he talks about turning from sin prior to getting saved which is a very works-based reform viewpoint on salvation, denying the concept of salvation through faith by grace. Ray implies that the transformative nature of Jesus is not applied until we attempt to transform ourselves. This is a wrong way of preaching the gospel.
@hoopmania9912 10 ай бұрын
That's not at all what it is. In order to be saved we need to "repent and believe". Turning from a life of sin and facing towards God is important in our salvation. But in the journey we need the Holy Spirit, there may be a struggle, and we need a whole of grace and transformative power, but that doesn't change the fact that we initially had to turn. This is important because many play the hypocrite. Go to church once a week and live a sinful life the other 6 days. This isn't true repentance or faith.
@JJs2121 10 ай бұрын
no he does not say that ray is true
@abelv4146 10 ай бұрын
Actually he says the opposite. When you get born again who God does America land puts new Desires in your heart. You're saying the exact opposite
@NickGagnon942 10 ай бұрын
I wish he would stop being a pervert and stop asking sexual questions to strangers. Especially young people.
@godfeelsgood 10 ай бұрын
I honestly don't think he's being perverted.. sexuality is such a big issue.. being sexually pure is usually the first thing brought up in Christian conduct in the gospels, so I think it's good he addresses it at least. But the same problem, he doesn't offer the solution. If I were him I'd go into how the devil offers a counterfeit of something originally so beautiful and satisfying and how we ought to believe God that in getting rid of the counterfeit he will bring us the amazing sexual gift in covenant between our spouse and God. The young people in the videos are left with "ok so I have to give up sex" and thats it
@NickGagnon942 10 ай бұрын
@@godfeelsgood Yeah but Ray can really be perverted. I mean when he openly defended Josh Duggar. That was unforgivable.
@galenspring8019 17 күн бұрын
Does it feel good to get martyred? Does it feel good when the world mocks us and persecutes us? Does it feel good when we acknowledge our sins and understand the horrible suffering Christ had to go through to redeem us? God gives us peace and joy in the promise of eternal life. In heaven there are pleasures for evermore. But here on earth we should not be led by what "feels good", because then we will fall away as soon as trials come, because sin "feels good" and enduring trials "feels bad". "Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith." (Galatians 3:24)
@godfeelsgood 7 күн бұрын
A human being would only be martyred for something that is good in every way, even in feeling.
@Lablbobla 26 күн бұрын
The problem is the logic and skepticism of the world is so pridefully confident and thinks it's so ultimate but doesn't realize it's actually narrow aka not complete/true logic. Yes it's far above the basic caveman religiosity, but it's just a more advanced version of caveman religiosity. It's not high enough to realize proper logic actually aligns with faith in God. It's like this quote: "The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will make you an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you."
@wondery6693 3 ай бұрын
Street preachers are important. Not enough people are reached out to. I feel what Ray does is what I would call 'Militarized Religion'. He tears people down before he tries to lift them up. Even this video points out the looks on peoples faces.
@carlanfoltz8536 26 күн бұрын
“God feels good?” I don’t think so 😮! Ray Comfort’s way is beautiful
@tasiaflynn3549 2 ай бұрын
@gregbradfield1686 2 ай бұрын
Ray does not Hate he may dislike the Catholic institution and its teaching but loves each and every Catholic person. So it should be. We as Christ followers should dislike all that is not from him. The relegions of Muslim, Hindu etc are not from Christ so dislike them but love the person following them and lead them to the light in which ever way the Lord has seen fit to lead you in.
@mark.walkin3416 10 ай бұрын
Ray. Comfort. Is. Not. Saved.!
@rea7203 10 ай бұрын
How do you know, do you know his heart, are you God?
@Alx1744 10 ай бұрын
Yep, he doesn't know about THE GRACE OF GOD, and so: he cannot be saved and needs to repent from believing in his own works.
@mark.walkin3416 10 ай бұрын
Ray. Teaches. Repent. Wrong. And. Teaches. Works. With. Salvation. ! He. Is. Hell. Bound. ! I'm. Saved. By. Grace. Thru. Faith. R. U. Saved. Saved? I. Doubt. It.
@mark.walkin3416 10 ай бұрын
@@Alx1744 I'm. Saved. By. Grace. Thru. Faith. Only. Ephesians. 2:8,9. John. 3:16. Galatians. 2:16. Read. Those. Verses. And. Get. Back. To. Me. If. You. Understand. Grace. At. All
@Alx1744 10 ай бұрын
@@mark.walkin3416 That is what I am saying: GRACE BY FAITH, not wage by works as ray comfort preaches!
@danielcrowell8143 2 ай бұрын
My problem with Ray is that he doesn’t get the truth about hell fire
@Quint-ib4nf 10 ай бұрын
Ray should just go away. Hes no good.
@JenniferJestley 8 ай бұрын
Wow! You are clearly not a true Christian! No one who has come to a saving knowledge of Christ would EVER speak about another person in that way. Years ago, God gave me the opportunity to pursue my gifts and the time in which to do so. Over the past 35 years I have accrued a library of over 6,000 books concerned with almost every facet of the Christian faith, left my career in Europe to spend two years at a Bible training center in Oklahoma, and spent 12 YEARS FULL-TIME completing a PhD degree, during which time I got run over by a car, walking in an intersection, and spent three years learning to walk again, and after that event, broke my back. One person told me that God mustn't exist, given such a track record. But I never quit. And I absolutely believe God's Word is 100% true. He did NOT promise a wonderful life which is, sadly, that approach that began being used by believers in the 20th Century to approach people. As for your claim that Ray is 'not good' and should just 'go away,' on what basis. I haven't followed the thread with your name, but I suspect if you wrote something, it was negative. You have just said something -- "hes [sic] no good" with nothing to back up why you believe that way. How on earth did you come to that conclusion? The very FIRST thing I learned when I started my PhD degree is that you NEVER MAKE CLAIMS THAT YOU CANNOT SUPPORT. But you boldly state that Ray should "go away." How merciful of you. LOL God's Word is clear that you will stand before Almighty God and give an account for EVERY IDLE WORD you have uttered. At this point in time, it appears that you are deceived and therefore CANNOT see the truth which is why you wrote such a pitiful comment, bearing false witness (telling a lie) about Ray Comfort. You actually NEED to hear Ray's message, but your sin has squelched the truth in unrighteousness. If you ever did know the Lord, you need to repent and come back to Him. I have followed Ray Comfort for years and use his materials every single day when I talking with people I meet out shopping, etc.. There is NOTHING in his message that is unscriptural concerning what is needed to restore fallen man's broken relationship with God. He CLEARLY speaks the ESSENCE of what is involved in salvation, yet you apparently cannot hear the message. There are many people who hear the words, but the seed doesn't get planted. They spend no time investigating what they heard and continue in their pleasures. Ray clearly asks people if they are doing something they know is displeasing to God. Many say yes. They are watching porn or sleeping with their girlfriend, etc. Because you wrote (above) such an unthoughtful and untrue statement about Ray, I for one am left to conclude that you yourself are in rebellion towards God and unwilling to give up your sin. God has PROMISED to give anyone who comes to Him a NEW heart that is CAPABLE of loving others, but that is ONLY possible when you acknowledge your sins and express (to Him) that you are sorry for your waywardness. AFTER you are truly born again and spend time with Him, He will show you the truth in grace. When you see what YOUR sins, you will fall more and more deeply in love with Jesus. And the more you spend time, with an open heart, WAITING TO HEAR FROM GOD, He has PROMISED to reveal Himself to you. But people who come to the Lord based on the idea that God loves them and everything is going to so much better if they would just invite Him into their life, very often end up false converts because they didn't know why in the first place they were to come to Him. I've heard over half a dozen ministers who think it possible the 90% of the church are false converts! So simply being told that God loves you and is going to really change your life (people always naively think for the better) is simply not true. Jesus's promise is that He will be with us always. That's it. That is not to say some people who pray a simple prayer don't enter the Kingdom. But MANY people who pray this way, without any idea exactly WHY they are doing so, will likely leave the faith sooner or later because "it didn't work for me." MANY ministers address this issue, having seen for themselves thousands of people who "prayed the sinner's prayer," never to be seen again. Instead of criticizing Ray Comfort who is LOVED BY MILLIONS all over the world, you should be asking yourself more questions, dig into it deeper. I went through a brutal doctoral degree, but I didn't give up. I didn't believe in Jesus when I was first challenged by my brother in my late 20s, but they kept praying for me which led me to finally wander into Christian bookstores looking for answers. I didn't of course even know what the questions were, but I was led into the apologetics section of bookstores all over the world. Ray Comfort USES JESUS'S APPROACH every time. If you have a problem with that, you need to get born-again and speak to HIM about it.
@intentionally-blank 6 ай бұрын
I didn't listen to your entire video advertising your book. I came here because you mentioned @raycomfortjustwitnessing. What little I did listen to I would quite find at odds with scripture and Yeshua/Jesus had to say. I'd recommend you and everyone else watching /watch?v=_T2tKj7zdqQ and many other great examples on @LivingWaters of sharing the gospel.
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