What's Become Of Batman Games? | Spot On

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Ай бұрын

With the announcement of a new Batman VR game this week, Tam and Lucy lament the fact that there's no new Rocksteady Batman on the horizon, and wonder if WB has squandered the Bat.
#gaming #batmanarkham #gamespot

Пікірлер: 81
@christar1ful301 Ай бұрын
Warner Brothers really has 0 idea what audiences want
@chasehedges6775 Ай бұрын
Too true
@averytucker790 Ай бұрын
Well when you literally never ask. Becuase you really don't care about the fans.
@fireaza Ай бұрын
...Because they didn't choose to make this game. Meta paid them to make it. Because Meta wanted a Batman VR game.
@Nighthunt01 Ай бұрын
@@fireaza the amount of people on social media that don't understand Batman: Arkham Shadow is paid for and made by one of Meta's first party game studio and does not involve WB or Rocksteady....🙄🤦
@darkshadow3871 Ай бұрын
@Marshenn Ай бұрын
I would love to see Rocksteady get a chance to do Arkham Beyond. A Batman Beyond game set in a cyberpunk high tech low life world would be an amazing evolution of the arkham gameplay. But judging by the current state of the industry and Zaslav's WB, Rocksteady probably won't even be around by 2026.
@michialharris1850 Ай бұрын
More people are playing vr now but Main stream gaming has no view. Vr games have gotten way better. Full games now. I’m excited
@devilgames2217 Ай бұрын
Sitting here waiting for a Batman Beyond game.
@LazarheaD Ай бұрын
WB are not getting any of my money, that's for sure.
@fireaza Ай бұрын
Considering Oculus Studios is publishing the game and not WB, it would be rather strange if WB got your money.
@thealgerian3285 Ай бұрын
What always happens. Greed. They thought they'd make more money with crummy live service games, and they thought they were too big to fail.
@FrenchFryCheese04 Ай бұрын
I think you owe Lego Batman the videogame a apology and it's sequels too
@vexxlnc430 Ай бұрын
I love VR games when they’re done right. They are so immersive
@tafizulu5970 Ай бұрын
No one wants a Batman- esque game without batman. We wanted a batman game with the Court of Owls with batman in it
@faresmhaya Ай бұрын
They should've just done an Arkham Beyond type game where Bruce Wayne remains in the shadows as "The guy in the chair", which wouldn't mess with Arkham Knight's ending. And what's sad is that the cancelled Damian Wayne game was sorta going off that idea. Either that or just let the franchise rest in peace, for good, and start a new Batman universe.
@rohanbrahmarouthu6956 Ай бұрын
Can we please turn the music down going forward on these
@kylereeceee1448 Ай бұрын
A beyond game and film makes so much sense. For a film to have The Batman meet Bladerunner sci-fi would be immense.
@graemehutton2433 Ай бұрын
I know WB is obsessed with getting a Fortnite ripoff to land cos if it does, you can just print money; however, their 2 attempts have failed big time and must have lost them a lot of money. They must know a good, story driven Superman or Batman game would sell really well and make them some cash back (especially if they do that greedy WB thing where you need to buy the skins). I genuinely have no idea what they're thinking. I know i didn't mention this new VR thing, but that's because it's a non-entity.
@jer103 Ай бұрын
A VR Batman Game nobody asked for, but everybody secretly wanted.
@Xagon55 Ай бұрын
RIP Kevin Conroy
@theoutlawking9123 Ай бұрын
A Max Payne style RED HOOD game with added melee combat, it literally sells itself, easy cash grab but nope instead we got SS: KTJL and ......THIS.
@crashmer Ай бұрын
Judging from recent games more like Arkham Shallow… besides there’s just no way it’s worth the price of admission into a niche platform
@ilikestuff8218 Ай бұрын
that's weird because one of the recent VR Games is a 100+ hour Action Adventure Semi-Open World Adventure in-depth Game with crafting, fishing, skill trees, mounts, followers, puzzles and side quests a lot like Skyrim and Witcher.
@stopstalkingmebruh6021 Ай бұрын
​@@ilikestuff8218What game is that?
@thefearmakerlive Ай бұрын
​@@stopstalkingmebruh6021I don't know which game he's talking about, but you do have long action packed RPGs in VR,with crafting , in games like Asgard's Wrath and Legendary Tales. There's crafting and Survival in an open world in Song In The Smoke. Current VR is full of great experiences. Price is still an issue, including PSVR 2, but it's definitely a worthwhile experience. RE Village is a whole different type of experience in VR. If you like classic arcade games, there is no experience that competes with Masternoid. Gran Turismo 7 is a great game, it's Even better in VR.
@tcfilms8062 Ай бұрын
Like you said, it will come and go sadly. And if it surprises us and revolutionizes the medium, I will eat my sock.
@Alex_Logan22 Ай бұрын
There’s plenty of great VR games that only come and go cause media doesn’t play them. Alyx didn’t even revolutionize anything it just gave a budget to indie mechanics they took.
@Obskyre Ай бұрын
I'm not sure if I should be listening to a conversation or start clubbing xD
@jaakehillss1108 Ай бұрын
comparing ac nexus to arkham vr is crazy, one is an hour experience. another is a 15+ hour story game with in depth mechanics.
@mh4lly941 Ай бұрын
Never been so excited then have it ripped out of me! I’m not paying $500
@RJ_____________ 29 күн бұрын
i think it was a great video, Lucy, Tam and Gamespot Team
@itsdeonlol Ай бұрын
Well, I guess we will NEVER see another actual Batman action video game again...
@jer103 Ай бұрын
Also, I get motion sickness, only when I'm on a boat that's going up and down a lot. I'm just glad I don't get motion sickness while playing VR games. I know Kurt did a video on his "motion sickness problem", a while ago.
@rebeccamabury4140 Ай бұрын
If there was going to be another Batman Arkham game in the works, then I wanted it to be Batman Arkham Legacy but if Arkham Shadow works out then there may still be hope for Batman Arkham Legacy. But this Arkham game isn't gonna be on gaming consoles it's gonna be on Meta Quest as a VR game, only VR game that's ever been made was Batman Arkham VR. I want this game to be on gaming consoles where we see Batman move, talk, fight, and save the day.
@fireaza Ай бұрын
The game was funded by Meta. It would just not exist at all without VR.
@thefearmakerlive Ай бұрын
If you're playing VR, you get to do all the fighting, talking, investing, as Batman, yourself. You don't have to watch him, you are him.
@ArturroT888 Ай бұрын
Still keeping fingers crossed for Origins continuation, but not on VR...
@Mike_L. Ай бұрын
Great chat. Good eye on Barrett!
@bloodsin Ай бұрын
Does Lucy even ages? like bro, this isn't normal ❤
@chaseaustinmusic Ай бұрын
Remember when games were interesting and fun, i miss that feeling. Now its micro transactions, online require check ins, upselling ads, and betraying the consumers trust (example is the crew and Ubisoft). The more publishers do these tactics, the more gamers catch on and refuse to play games, resulting in another video game crash and/or possible video game depression.
I stand by my opinion that Gotham Knights is actually a good game. I played it after all the hate died down. I bought it on a sale, and combat definitely started off as slow as it looked in the trailers, but the story was pretty good and it was nice that the other heroes we love from that story actually all got to shine. The upgrades actually did make combat and traversal more engaging the nore you played as well. Co Op was fun as well though it desperately needs a matchmaking system for its dlc mode honestly.
@dylantrail8632 Ай бұрын
Take Arkham Knight, remove the tank, give him the Arkham origins suit, make it a sequel to Origins,print money. Why is this so hard
@dirtyoldmano Ай бұрын
Fish n' chips or curry? Tough choice.
@Alex_Logan22 Ай бұрын
Would’ve been a PSVR2 exclusive if Sony acquired them after Iron Man like they should’ve. Ryan Payton have been talking about wanting to do Batman since Iron Man so it’s definitely developer-driven. They couldn’t port Iron Man to Quest 2 and had to get another team to do it, so it’s no surprise Batman is Quest 3 only, they can’t work with Quest 2 limitations. Iron Man’s flight was very well done for motion sickness so surely they’ll nail Batman’s slower gliding, I wouldn’t worry about that as I get motion sickness too. It’ll probably be more melee combat and detective gameplay anyway. Also, Nexus was the most exciting AC game I’ve played in years, people who don’t play enough VR shouldn’t really be talking about VR, they end up coming off as (unintentionally) spreading misinformation. I could just as easily say Alyx “came and went” when that’s the only game media pundits ever respect. Wait for the proper SGF reveal before having conversations like this off a tiny CG teaser.
@MetalDeathHead Ай бұрын
No it wouldnt, the iron man team doesnt own the batman licence so no it wouldnt be a psvr2 exclusive.
@Alex_Logan22 Ай бұрын
@@MetalDeathHead Clearly Meta didn't need to own the IP, WB was willing to accept Camoflaj's pitch which would've happened regardless of the publisher/platform.
@MetalDeathHead Ай бұрын
@@Alex_Logan22 they were willing to accept BECAUSE they got alot of money from meta, something sony wouldnt do.
@Alex_Logan22 Ай бұрын
@@MetalDeathHead Hence my initial point of them not aquiring Camoflaj when they had the chance to begin with.
@fireaza Ай бұрын
1) This game was funded by Meta. Without VR, it would not exist at all. 2) Motion sickness in VR has been vastly overblown. It's not a case of "you get it, or you don't but most people get it." It's more complicated than that. People who are truly sensitive to motion sickness, also have trouble playing regular games, especially FPS games. If you can play FPS games without getting motion sick, this is not you. Modern VR is well-past the point of the hardware itself being the cause motion sickness. However, that doesn't mean you can jump in and play any VR games you want. While simple VR games, where you stand in place and walk around using your real legs, won't cause any problems due to there being no disconnect between your eyes and inner ear, that's not the case with "advanced" VR games, where you move yourself around using the thumbstick. This is the origin of most people's "I can't play VR, I get motion sick" belief, advanced VR games, due to the disconnect between your eyes and your inner ear, require your body to go through a period of adjustment. This is something everyone can do, it's the same process that causes the motion sickness people experience in cars and on ships to go away. All you need is gradual exposure. Play an advanced VR game for a little bit until you start to feel a bit queasy, then stop and take a break. Repeat, and you'll be able to play for longer and longer until the problem goes away entirely. This is something everyone needs to go though to be able to play advanced VR games, and it's someone everyone can do. It can take time, it took me about one month before I was able to successfully play through the airboat section in Half-Life 2: VR!
@MrWolfchamp-xi3cu Ай бұрын
Just give us a new one Same as the previous ones but with more. Like Cinematic takedowns. Ones that you can do without the environment. Imagine Batman shooting his grapnel gun up in the air while holding an enemy and then slamming him down in Cinematic fashion. And more.
@chayserzzz Ай бұрын
I thought batman died tho in the arkham knights game?
@CaptainFram Ай бұрын
@charno_zhyem Ай бұрын
It being a Meta exclusive is a big problem. Exclusivity is one of the major obstacles in the world of VR, you have to triple check each game: - 1st is it an exclusive - 2nd can your PC play it? - 3rd does it have accessibility options for VR newbies (teleportation please)
@fireaza Ай бұрын
Point one is only the really pressing one. But since Meta headsets dominate the market, that's honestly not much of an issue for most people. Point 2 hasn't been a major issue in years, a modern mid-range gaming PC can handle most VR games, save for power-hungry outliers like MS Flight Sim. Point 3 is pretty much a standard feature in any studio release, it tends to only be smaller indie games that don't include any comfort settings.
@charno_zhyem Ай бұрын
@@fireaza Well not everyone has a modern PC. Also VR games really need high framerates which does require a beefy PC. I'm a newbie for VR, bought my Pico 4 three months ago. Plenty of people enter the VR market either through budget VR like Pico 4 or premium VR like Big Screen Beyond, and thus will be out of Meta ecosystem.
@BadHostile Ай бұрын
@@charno_zhyem What nonsense, this game won't require any PC. Meta Quest 3 is a standalone headset.
@matthewsmith3817 Ай бұрын
What happened? They followed trends and nobody was home when they delivered the products. You are rarely late to the party if you simply focus on making fun games with none of the extra BS attached. Just ask Nintendo.
@Alex_Logan22 Ай бұрын
VR is no trend though, the devs just wanted to make it.
@ilikestuff8218 Ай бұрын
I'd say it's more like trying to figure out trends and getting there before it happens, that's also what Nintendo is doing. The Switch when it was announced was getting a lot of hate as well.
@MetalDeathHead Ай бұрын
VR is not "extra bs attacched", its the future, get with the times
@matthewsmith3817 Ай бұрын
​@@MetalDeathHead It won't be the future until it moves beyond these types of headsets. It is still much too early for mass adoption. Meta Quest 3 is just one of many steps towards the ideal. Got to start somewhere, though.
@MetalDeathHead Ай бұрын
@@matthewsmith3817 eventually it will be mainstream and billions will use it daily, gamers and non gamers, all ages.
@joaquinvelasquez6252 Ай бұрын
VR could never revive an existing IP. The platform is too niche. There wasn't much to talk about here.
@alberteinstein7017 Ай бұрын
This game has no purpose to revive anything. this game is made and financed by meta to promote their helmet. The development of a regular game does not depend on them in any way
@ThatReplicant Ай бұрын
There's nothing wrong with the quest 3 community getting a Batman game. VR deserves exclusive games, too. Everyone needs to stop crying and just buy the q3 if you want to play it like it's always been for every exclusive game and every console.
@deshaunfortune912 Ай бұрын
I want Superman and Flash games more than Batman rn
@Mindwalker030 Ай бұрын
To be fair, gamers don’t „deserve“ anything though.
@thatRyzzle Ай бұрын
I don't know. Unless I get to experience VR games much in the same way as the characters do in Ready Player One, VR games just aren't going to do it for me. The cables are cumbersome; setting up the required cameras/sensors around your room is a hassle; and you need a dedicated space to move around in, which in this economy is a luxury I'm not willing to have.
@alberteinstein7017 Ай бұрын
what cables are cumbersome and sensors are you talking about? This problem no longer exists for 4 years with the advent of Quest 2. and Batman goes on quests where you only need a helmet to play
@BadHostile Ай бұрын
@@alberteinstein7017 This is what average people think about VR... They have no idea how far this technology has come.
@crazimax Ай бұрын
GROW UP! It should be illegal for anyone to say Arkham asylum or Arkham city is better than Arkham knight.. how can anyone in a court of law? Can you present the evidence in terms of combat in terms of polish in terms of variety..how can you hate the Batmobile when it’s the best car combat mechanics (twisted metal wishes it had) with freeflow mechanics injected into car combat.
@Reezy884 Ай бұрын
Absolutely no one asked for this.
@fireaza Ай бұрын
That's... Not how game development works, my man. No one "asked" for for a shooting game, but you view the game through the player character's eyes. But regardless, Wolfenstein was made, which birthed the FPS genre. No one "asked" for a reboot of the 2006 game "Prey" but we got one in 2017, and it was incredible. Only making the games people already want leads to stagnation.
@quirky_hehe Ай бұрын
She's really cute
@aliali-ce3yf Ай бұрын
I have zero interest in anything VR. In general games feel like they stagnated. Its rare to come across something truly interesting anymore.
@fireaza Ай бұрын
If you feel like games have stagnated, then you *SHOULD* be interested in VR. Since VR is very different from regular games, the devs can't coast and simply do what they did in previous games. They're forced to think of something new.
@Alex_Logan22 Ай бұрын
The most ironic comment ever, given that VR is the answer you’re looking for.
@MetalDeathHead Ай бұрын
Ironic comment since VR is the MOST interesting thing ever.
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