10 Star Wars Controversies That Divide Fans

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From Ewoks to the 'real' Chosen One, these are Star Wars' most controversial aspects.

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@Thunderstar-ky4tf 2 жыл бұрын
Hayden Christensen is now in his 40s, the same age as Vader in the OG trilogy. So hey, maybe they can reshoot the ghost scene AGAIN!
@robbywinn8121 2 жыл бұрын
Do it!!
@benedictator4763 2 жыл бұрын
Dew it
@icecreamy521 2 жыл бұрын
The ghost of Anakin was the face of what he was before he turned into darkside so they cannot reshoot it
@benedictator4763 2 жыл бұрын
@@icecreamy521 the same anakin who killed the younglings
@icecreamy521 2 жыл бұрын
@@benedictator4763 at start of the episode he wasn’t darth vader
@killingragethrowback 2 жыл бұрын
The corruption and downfall of the Jedi are the ultimate victory of the Sith. The Jedi became so afraid of the Dark Side, that their efforts to stamp it out made them vulnerable to it.
@Lodrik18 2 жыл бұрын
I would say that the Jedi needed the Sith to guide them, like "thats wrong, we cant do THAT". They were very dogmatic and that had reasons but people dont see why if everything works fine. The "Jedi take young childs away from their families and indoctrinate them" is a perfect example. Anikan shows why they did that/what can happen if they dont do it. The Jedi were unnecessary without the Sith and took jobs that were probably better done by normal people... (I see that they can work as peace keepers and help with diplomatic issues but use them to fight crime? That compromises the Jedi too over time...
@KEVMAN7987 2 жыл бұрын
I miss Luke Skywalker's Jedi Order from Legends.
@darthgoza 2 жыл бұрын
Give it time, they'll steal that from the EU too. After the 2nd episode of Obi-Wan Kenobi, they may be working to retconning the sequel trilogy.
@boyankovachev7982 2 жыл бұрын
Kylo didn't miss them 😂😂😂
@realjoemavro Жыл бұрын
The best Jedi Order.
@gtubbs6974 2 жыл бұрын
I always thought in as Obi-Wan shouts "you were supposed to bring balance to the force" that he (and the rest of the Jedi) don't really understand what balance means - surely a balanced force has as many Jedi as it does Sith - an equal amount of light and dark side
@FreightmareFTW 2 жыл бұрын
Repent and follow Jesus! Contemplate how the Roman empire fulfilled the role of the beast from the sea in Revelation 13. Revelation 17 confirms that it is in fact Rome. From this we can conclude that A) Jesus is the Son of God and can predict the future or make it happen, B) The world leaders/nations/governments etc have been conspiring together for the last 3000+ years to accomplish the religion of the Israelites C) History as we know it is fake. You don't really need to speculate though because you can start a relationship with God and have proof. Call on the name of Jesus and pray for Him to intervene in your life. - Revelation 3:20 Revelation has been unfolding since Jesus died. The Popes are now and have been claimed to be equal to God and set themselves in Jesus' place. Vatican City (Which is its own nation BTW) have risen up to fulfill the role of the false prophet 2 Thessalonians 2:4 says “Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sits in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.” The restrainer that the Apostle Paul was referring to was the Western Roman Emperor, who held back the Popes from taking power. Once the last Western Roman Emperor was removed from power in 476 AD, the Pope was given civil and ecclesiastic authority over Rome; healing the deadly head wound, as they took the Emperors title of Pontifex Maximus, leader of the church and state. “We may according to the fullness of our power, dispose of the law and dispense above the law. Those whom the Pope of Rome doth separate, it is not a man that separates them but God. For the Pope holdeth place on earth, not simply of a man but of the true God.” (Source: “Decretals of Gregory IX,” Book 1, chapter 3.) Pope Pius V blasphemed, “The Pope and God are the same, so he has all power in Heaven and earth.” (Source: Pope Pius V, quoted in Barclay, Cities Petrus Bertanous Chapter XXVII: 218.) Pope Leo XIII declared, “We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty.” (Source: Pope Leo XIII Encyclical Letter, June 20, 1894) The antichrist sea beast of Revelation points to the office of the papacy, the Popes of Rome, who controlled the Roman beast for 1,260 years, from 538-1798 AD. Daniel 7:25 says “And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.” The Popes of Rome spoke against Elohim and proclaimed to be God. They reigned for 1,260 years, from 538-1798 AD. during which they caused tens of millions of saints to be killed. The Pope’s title is Vicar of Christ, which in Latin is ‘Vicarius Filii Dei’, and equates numerically to the number 666
@zeidyunis9659 2 жыл бұрын
Anakin Skywalker is, and always will be, the Chosen One.
@bethcallow919 2 жыл бұрын
He technically destroyed the emperor then died, ending the sith realistically so I agree until Disney ruined it
@Historicutuber 2 жыл бұрын
I agree that he is the chosen one
@collegebro85 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed, no one can or should argue that...but that also does not take away the importance of Rey and Kylo as a Force Dyad!
@madminer8041 2 жыл бұрын
Npc comment
@ethandraper4645 2 жыл бұрын
@@collegebro85 Nobody cares.
@spencertaylor-sputtaylor3937 2 жыл бұрын
As a 23 year old who grew up with the Prequels being new/the current thing and the originals I was introduced to Star Wars as having 6 movies and watched them in that order. With that info I may come as little to no surprise to hear that for me the main issue for me that I have in this list are the ones to do with the Sequels. If you liked them good for you, I really wanted to like them as well. Otherwise I absolutely love episodes 1-6 and a lot of the shows, movies, video games, and books that have been made surrounding those parts of the saga.
@WarriorofSunlight 2 жыл бұрын
Same for me. I was sitting in the theater watching TFA thinking to myself “where is the republic? Why didn’t they rebuild? Where tf is Luke? Why tf is he living as a useless hermit and not fighting this threat? Did his experience redeeming Vader teach him nothing? How tf is the empire still in power? Where did these guys even come from?” And when they brought back Palpatine later on I was like “well, there they went and took a dump on Anakin’s character.”
@Ryuk45 2 жыл бұрын
@@WarriorofSunlight yeah sorry you weren't able to write wiki articles about the star wars movie
@AmazingJayB51 2 жыл бұрын
@@WarriorofSunlight well, they explained a lot of your questions. Maybe your weren’t paying attention! lol
@wattsiswhat 2 жыл бұрын
The Disney films should not be considered canon.
@WarriorofSunlight 2 жыл бұрын
@@AmazingJayB51 yes, but the explanations were bullcrap.
@greyshadow9498 2 жыл бұрын
You got to love Oscar Issac, you can TELL during that scene the director yelled "Say the line or you don't get paid!" He just had that disgusted look that you cannot fake, which is why he actually looks away from the camera heaves a defeated sigh and says with absolutely no emotion "Somehow Palpatine returned..." You have to wonder, if THAT was the taken they left in the film, what the hell were the others like? 🤣 My overly long point is: Yes, ANAKIN was The Chosen One! As for who shot first... Lucas really McClunkied THAT scene.
@kingkusnacht 2 жыл бұрын
I kind of dislike the notion that people who like the prequels are the ones who grew up with them. Yes, I surely enjoyed characters like Jar Jar more when I was a young kid without a constructive or critical thought in my mind, but I don't feel that most people are that blinded by nostalgia that opinions don't change. Over time, my opinions towards elements like Jar Jar have changed, whereas I used to enjoy his humour, I know find it pedantic and silly. People change and it's okay to accept that things you liked as a child don't necessarily hold up.
@Lodrik18 2 жыл бұрын
I would say that you accept older issues even if you see the problems at some point (I really dislike Indiana Jones 4 and when I talked with a older friend about it, he said that he thinks its still better then Indiana Jones 2. I have no problems with Indiana Jones 2, its part of Indiana Jones but I buyed only 1&3 in the Steel Box version so there is that)
@AbstractM0use 2 жыл бұрын
I grew up in the 70's and 80's and have been a fan since as long as I can remember. In my 20's I eagerly awaited Episode 1 when it came out and I wasn't disappointed. I loved the prequels. Jar-Jar was too cartoonish, though but I didn't let him spoil the movie. I knew he was in there for the kids.
@kevinvassago 2 жыл бұрын
@@AbstractM0use hell yeah, I agree 100%! Why let a few aspects I don't like spoil the whole movie or trilogy. That just never made any sense to me. Although I can understand why ppl have a problem w/Luke's character arc in the ST. But we never even got to see his death in legends, it just went from Luke being a grown man and Jedi Master, to like a hundred years in the future with Krayts Empire. Either way the sith return and kinda broke Anakin's role of being the chosen one. But misread the prophecy may have been. So I am glad we eventually got to see Luke's death, and although I didn't agree with all the decisions made about his character, he did embody what Yoda said a Jedi truly is in Empire Strikes Back. Which I know isn't nearly as cool as a lightsaber wielding badass who kills all who stand in his way, like what was shown in the movies and the clone wars. He instead used the force for defense, not attack, and was able to defend and save the future of the galaxy without actually having fight anyone. Imo, he died embodying a true Jedi, not the bastardization they turned themselves into being political & military figures sitting in pearly white towers looking down on the rest of the galaxy. I thought that was cool af.
@usveteran9893 2 жыл бұрын
How I would love to see a Jedi use his/her lightsaber to open a can of corn.
@DarthMalaks_Missing_Lower_Jaw 2 жыл бұрын
The original idea for RotJ was to have the final battle on Kashyyk, the homeworld of the wookies. That would've been so much better and made more sense than with the ewoks.
@quake-giant1469 2 жыл бұрын
The ewoks are just young Wookies, surprised one didn't have a wooden toy bowcaster.
@stratplayr6997 2 жыл бұрын
As the video suggested, it (the Ewoks) was all a marketing ploy aimed at children. They look like teddy bears, how much more obvious can that be? Agreed, having it on Kashyyk would've been so much better.
@zozkatka 2 жыл бұрын
About the midi-cholrians: people forget about scientific achievements all the time in the real world too. The empire could easily do a campaign, that stated the Jedi were fraud or witches or idk. Also there were 10.000 Jedi in a galaxy if billions and billions sentient lifeforms. That’s not a lot. Also, my perception was that the midi-cholirans showed, how lost was the Jedi order, how fractured. Not listening to the Force, not trusting their own instincts.
@chrislandrum4032 2 жыл бұрын
You make a really good point. One thing I always notice watching the prequels is how much more advanced the galaxy seemed back then. So it always led me to believe that with the fall of the republic and the reign of the empire, technological and scientific advancements stopped. Then after a couple generations and a few billion oppressed souls later we have this gunslinger/western civilization that was surviving and flying around the galaxy off the backs of the older generation’s achievements. You can see the same de-evolution with the animals and droids too.
@mellewillems 2 жыл бұрын
Immediately thought the same. We see the same with vaccines and covid how lots of people try to seek some sort of evil plan or completely disregard all of the scientific achievements.
@AmazingJayB51 2 жыл бұрын
@@chrislandrum4032 right, my uncle and me had this same talk. He explained it similar to going from the Renaissance to the Dark Ages.
@nobodyfamousX Жыл бұрын
Especially since the Jedi like held the science used to find midiclorians to themselves. It wouldn't be something they wanted everyone to be able to do.
@Lil_Valor Жыл бұрын
Anakin was an example of falling completely to the dark side. Luke was a perfect example of someone that wasn’t afraid to tap into it at times, yet restrain himself and keep limits.
@benlevan5645 2 жыл бұрын
I actually like the whole Midicholorian bit. It explains easily why only some people can use the Force. Otherwise, Luke could have trained all the Rebels to wield by the Battle of Endor.
@imnotmike Жыл бұрын
That's not true at all. The force is strong with this one. But, this guy in the rebel alliance - the force is not strong with him. Also - too old. Too old is he, to begin the training.
@gr8oone007 2 жыл бұрын
When I was a kid, the op Ewoks was the only controversy. This was before Lucas and Disney vandalized everything.
@zakoid1 2 жыл бұрын
I love Star Wars.... well... mostly, but there can be a sickening side to the fanbase. The treatment of Ahmed Best and young Jake Lloyd after TPM really showed how it can affect people.
@WarriorofSunlight 2 жыл бұрын
Thank goodness we seem to have moved on past that now.
@zakoid1 2 жыл бұрын
@@WarriorofSunlight I hear you man 😔
@carlix1112 2 жыл бұрын
They should've left it at episode 6 with regards to the Skywalker/Palpatine saga. It's all about the money and exploiting nostalgia.
@TurtleSB 2 жыл бұрын
Theory that I came up with: Palpatine in episode 9 wasn’t actually Palpatine, he was a fake Sith pretending to be the returned Lord of the Sith.
@BOABModels 2 жыл бұрын
Jake Skywalker completely ruins the legacy of the Original trilogy - I'd also feel that the way Kylo Ren worships Darth Vader is pretty wrong. Surely his parents and uncle told him how he turned to the light side and rejected the mistakes he'd made?? I don't like the sequels.
@stratplayr6997 2 жыл бұрын
And where did Kylo Ren get Vader's mask from? Did Luke actually pull that out of Vader's funeral pyre?
@johncuevas7084 2 жыл бұрын
My take on the Han/Greedo controversy is Han shot first is wrong because it implies that Greedo shot second. Greedo didn't shoot at all, Han fried him in cold blood. We should need to just settle on Han shot Greedo, end of story.
@AbstractM0use 2 жыл бұрын
I never thought it was cold blooded, either. Greedo had a blaster pointed at him and was about to kill him. Han did what he had to do. Too bad Lucas disagreed and thought it was too un-hero-like. I guess he didn't think the audience picked up on the fact that Greedo said "I've been looking forward to this for a long time", indicating he was about to shoot Han. I don't even mind that he made it where Greedo shot, too I just hated how choppy the whole thing looked. They improved it since 1997, but I still prefer the original scene before the special edition.
@MrWhitman 2 жыл бұрын
I'd say that you left out Rey just suddenly becoming a Jedi. No training, no history, no study, she just suddenly knows how to use the Force.
@rickmassey1272 2 жыл бұрын
You are so right...Rey was Kathleen Kennedy wanting to further her "we are woman",female empowerment , anti-man agenda at the cost of the destruction of the entire franchise. her instant abilities completely destroyed the reason for and purpose of the Jedi council and order.
@liampd4342 Жыл бұрын
@@rickmassey1272 exactly look at Ahsoka Tano, Luminara Unduli,Aayla Secura, Shaak Ti, Adi Gallia, Stass Allie, Yaddle, Leia All these characters had flaws and shit to deal with. All they all trained and had ‘natural’ talent. Rey comes in and can do everything better without struggle 🤣🤣🤣
@slaxity6755 2 жыл бұрын
Guys ur missing something abt anakin being the chosen one, he literally tamed the dark side and light side in the clone wars and the grandfather dude called him the chosen one
@Thaumh 2 жыл бұрын
I am personally devided on the "Han Shot First" thing. On the one hand, in the original cut, it proves that Han is indeed a killer if you press him. On the other tentacle, his *dodging* *a* *point* *blank* *blaster* *shot* before firing back (and then later piloting a YT type freighter through a dense asteroid field where the Empire's Top Gun couldn't!) points to the implication that Han was an untrained Force user. He may not have believed in it then, but he obviously had some fairly strong, if subconscious, connection.
@Lodrik18 2 жыл бұрын
or maybe there is more then just "the Force" and he has great instincts (like "a galaxy far far away" is greater then the force, why must he be normal or a force user? cant there be more?)
@stratplayr6997 2 жыл бұрын
I don't think that having Han shoot first makes him some sort of killer. To me it just adds to his personality, like the time when Leia said she loved him and he replied with "I Know". Han is just a bit self-absorbed and a little cold, I think it makes a great counterbalance with Luke, who was all about the good & righteous things. But they work great together.
@DJB0X3R Жыл бұрын
For #1: Han always shoots first in self-defence. It’s in the dialogue along with the blaster always pointed at him.
@DragonZord979 Жыл бұрын
I view the whole chosen one thing as Anakin was the chosen one who successfully destroyed the sith. Even though Palpatine returned he was not at full power nor in his original body so he was no longer a sith at that time but merely attempting to revive them. By taking over Rey's body he would return to full power and thus revive the sith so the force made Rey and Kylo a diyad as a contingency to prevent that from happening. It's not great and I still hate that they brought back Palpatine as it does undermine the entire story but that's how I justify it in my head
@codenameu.arctos3747 2 жыл бұрын
there are Star Wars Episodes 1 through 6 and then there are Disney Star Wars. 1-3 I refuse to add them to Canon. The prequels for all their faults are still solid building blocks to the original trilogy. The Disney ones added nothing...might as well be an alternate universe. Though if they would have taken the path the 2nd Disney one laid out with Rey being a nobody...maybe they could have been something great. Lastly: Porgs make sense when you find out the reason was to remove the puffins that were constantly in shot. They weren't part if the plot just scene dressing.
@jewsco 2 жыл бұрын
The prequels are still bad and by your nonsense should not be counted as canon either
@YeOldeYeet 2 жыл бұрын
@@jewsco The prequels still explained a lot of lore, whereas the sequels have done nothing but replicate George’s work (unfaithfully and terribly I will add) and just drive the money cow into the ground.
@jewsco 2 жыл бұрын
@@YeOldeYeet do they? Or did it take the clone wars and rebels to really fill it in. They talked about a few great adventures but never showed it
@stratplayr6997 2 жыл бұрын
The treatment of Luke Skywalker in the sequel trilogy is perhaps one of the greatest crimes in cinema history. The sequel trilogy could've been so much better than it was.
@BigJeremyBeyer 2 жыл бұрын
I am late Gen X, and was therefore an adult with children when he Sequel Trilogy came out. I did not agree with the others of my age about Jar Jar. I like him, and I am disappointed that they chickened out on his path and hastily wrote in Dooku as being Tyrannus instead.
@Lanwarder 2 жыл бұрын
Pretty sure I was 8 when TPM Wwas released......and all the love I have for Jar Jar comes from my little brother's appreciation for that character.
@MichlVal 2 жыл бұрын
The prophecy of the chosen one is easy to get around, Anakin did kill the Sith, but nobody talked about what was going to happen AFTER the prophecy was fulfilled.
@gamestation2690 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, nothing about the prophecy ever said that the balance would last forever.
@13Joshuahun 2 жыл бұрын
Balance to the force surely means both light and dark sides are equal. Not the destruction of the dark side. Therefore Anakin has the most claim to bringing balance to the force before he turned into Darth Vader
@stratplayr6997 2 жыл бұрын
That's where the Jedi failed, they felt it meant the complete elimination of the Dark Side & the Sith.
@Chocobear555 2 жыл бұрын
JAR JAR BINKS - While I don't hate Jar Jar, I don't like him all that much. I can tolerate him in small doses. I feel horrible for Ahmed Best because of what rabid "Star Wars," fans have put him through. He doesn't deserve any of that crap. LUKE SKYWALKER ("The Last Jedi") - While I understand the sorrow he felt over what happened with Ben (Kylo Ren), I hate the fact that he became an embittered, cowardly hermit who would rather live on a random island and feel sorry for himself than actually do something to help others. However, I am glad that he finally redeemed himself. As far as his death scene is concerned, I think it was beautiful. I feel that it was a fitting end for him. THE EWOKS - I'm an adult, and I still love them. And oh, by the way! I LOVE THE PORGS! There! I said it! I love Porgs, and I am not ashamed! ANAKIN AND COUNT DOOKU - I'm sorry, but I do not believe that they were "forced," into joining the Dark Side. They *chose* to. Bit of a difference.
@clairedisapia Жыл бұрын
I felt that when they replaced Sebastian Shaw with Hayden was fine, he returned to what he was before he turned to the dark side. The Ewoks were great because they could win over the Empire with primitive weapons. Please folks let’s just enjoy Star Wars
@vDeadbolt 3 ай бұрын
Luke tapping into the dark side is actually genius storytelling. Anakin turned into the dark side due to the Jedi treating it as some boogeyman. Yoda refused to teach Luke for the same reason. But Luke's journey was designed to prove what the Jedi was teaching were wrong, especially how it was their fault that Anakin turned on the Jedi council. Qui Gon was also known for taking creative liberties with his Jedi powers as well, due to him seeing the Jedi council and what they teach as phony.
@ianoag 2 жыл бұрын
Okay then . . . . In the Star Wars Table top RPG, it's possible to "fall to the Dark side" if you accumulate too many Dark side points. Using Force choke and also using rage when in combat will get you a Dark side point per use. In the movie Trilogy Sourcebook, Luke (in the time of ROTJ) has 3 Dark side points so I'm gonna say yep, he used a couple of naughty powers there. Also, I don't care how many times Lucas/Disney/whoever changes it, HAN SHOT FIRST . . .
@robrasti Жыл бұрын
I never watched that scene as a "Force Choke" on the Gamorrean Guards, just a "Mind Trick"... But now I see how it could be perceived that way.
@danielgertler5976 2 жыл бұрын
But Luke *was* hiding on an island like a coward through the entirely of the force awakens. Ryan Jonson made mistakes, but that's one he inherited not created.
@Cyberleader672 2 жыл бұрын
We're not told why he was at the Temple in Force Awakens. He could have been learning something about the Force. Trying to get in touch with Anakin, Obi-wan or Yoda. Learning where Snoke came from. And hell, Force Awakens implies that he's the one who left the map to find him which means he definitely wasn't on the island because he had given up
@Yourmommasfavorite 2 жыл бұрын
@@Cyberleader672 facts. I remember when the force awakens came out people scrambled trying to find out why he did it. Maybe he knew what was coming and was searching for a weapon/power to help stop it. Maybe he was chasing something that would redeem Kylo or restore the order. The theories went crazy, which was why it was SOOO disappointing when the last Jedi came out and the answer was he went into exile because he lost confidence in himself or whatever… Yikes
@calehearring1712 2 жыл бұрын
LOL 😆🤣!!
@lookingforwookiecopilot 2 жыл бұрын
A war hero suffering from PTSD (as Luke clearly was) isn't really the definition of a coward.
@Cyberleader672 2 жыл бұрын
@@lookingforwookiecopilot Correct. However, refusing to help your friends and family when they clearly need you. That is what I would call cowardly. It would also be good to see more of why Luke has PTSD beyond a 30 second flashback of something that in retrospect was completely justified
@rubenmalpica2087 2 жыл бұрын
Did you record this narration with a fan on in the background?
@justanotheraviator2357 2 жыл бұрын
Darth Vader *did* kill Palps, Disney screwed the new ones and they threw George Lucas' script out the door
@WarriorofSunlight 2 жыл бұрын
@kieran7675 2 жыл бұрын
The ewok line joke is so brilliant
@Pooka_or_Puck 2 жыл бұрын
Luke used a Jedi mind trick to make the guards believe they were choking. Not dark, per se, just a little on the line.
@UncleJackOnline 2 жыл бұрын
Han shot....
@ryanmuaddib 2 жыл бұрын
And Greedo didn't.
@thepistolguy859 2 жыл бұрын
In the og trilogy the Jedi was mostly all long gone so ordinary people like han didn't know the force existed cuz he never seen anyone use it.
@nathanhawee5373 Жыл бұрын
I say the prophecy is about the Skywalker bloodline. That's why the last movie was about a palpatine killing a palpatine. Wasn't even a Skywalker, but she was taught by 2 Skywalker's and loved another (Ben). So she became a Skywalker. It's about them all
@BAZFANSHOTHITSClassicTunes Жыл бұрын
I was 9 back in 83 when Jedi came out. Old age comes quicker than the Falcon through the Spice mines of kessel.
@creativereality4212 Жыл бұрын
They kick off with the most ridiculous premise ever. Luke choking the guards was self-defense. They were coming forward to detain him. It’s like hand shooting Greedo first. Han had every right to do so because Greedo was going to kill him.
@jbotkin47 2 жыл бұрын
You were very kind (“sort of..”) to the most recent films in their undermining of many plot elements in the originals and prequels! 😂
@Phoenix2312 2 жыл бұрын
I don't understand why Number 10 has to be controversial... Here is what I feel many who do think that Luke Channeled teh dark Side don't seem to understand and it is simple Psychology... You are stood next to a train track, Tied to one track is a Woman, tied to another is a man and you are next to the switch to change teh tracks... There is only time to save one - Who do you choose? Whichever way you go - You commit and Evil act as one person will die... The point of that Test os to show that even those with the best of intentions MUST give way to darkness at some point... So even if luke Did channel the Dark Side - He only did so as a Warning - He NEVER KILLED the Guards, Simply gave them a fright! And that in Jedi Standards would be ACCEPTABLE!
@chrisblinman9150 2 жыл бұрын
I think that was one of the points of balance to the force, Luke knew where the line between light and dark could be pushed safely after his duel with Vader on DS2. He knew he'd nearly fallen but resisted, in that moment the light and dark were united in him and when Anakin redeemed himself and removed the Emperor and himself in the process he balanced the force within Luke himself. That was another failing of the Jedi, their fear of the dark side made them omitt it entirely from their teachings and so they were never in balance themselves. Hence the need for a chosen one in the first place. The force had been out of balance since the defeat of the brotherhood of darkness, a millennium before. The Sith believed by destroying the Jedi order that they could reign indefinitely. Sidious attempted just that. This is where the sequels fail, they have simply brought back the struggle between light and dark without thinking about it. That story has been told already and better told I might add. If they had told of a different struggle, not made Rey a Mary Sue, not destroyed every original character except Leia and had better writers for the new characters then they would have added some good to an excellent saga.
@AmazingJayB51 2 жыл бұрын
The undermining the 1st 6 movies is the one for me. Although I didn’t hate the last trilogy, I though they unraveled the whole saga.
@notnathancodm 2 жыл бұрын
damn u guys r rlly close to 100k
@willhagen3385 2 жыл бұрын
Jar-Jar was using a facade that was supposed to lead up to him being an undercover Sith Lord who ends up taking down a lot of Jedi on his own.
@SargeLoki 2 жыл бұрын
Han shot first. Vader brought balance to the Force, because before him there were hundreds of Jedi and a few Sith... and along came Order 66.
@victoralmeida4955 2 жыл бұрын
As far as I'm concerned, star wars never went further than episode VI
@thegreypath1777 Жыл бұрын
Rogue One is good also.
@lukew1383 2 жыл бұрын
Han clearly shot first. If he didn't, that means Greedo missed a point blank shot from less than 5 feet away. I'm pretty sure someone who lived as a bounty hunter or henchman to Jabba or whatever was a better shot than that, or he would not have lasted that long in life. If Han shoots first, he hits Greedo and then Greedo missing his shot because he is literally in the process of dying makes a lot more sense.
@_P0tat07_ 2 жыл бұрын
Oh fuck. I never thought about Anakin’s force ghost in return of the Jedi. Wow, i never thought of how weird that was. Granted, I was raised on remastered versions and watched the saga in order, so really it didn’t strike me as odd.
@Chaos-Zakai64 Жыл бұрын
There's always the clone theory as to how Palpatine returned. That had already happened a few times in the original legends universe, Palpatine's force spirit possessing a clone body of himself. As well as a theory I've heard that Rey's father was a Palpatine clone that escaped the cloning facility and made a life for himself. Thus the Granddaughter reveal in ep9. However, George Lucas has said on record that one of the things that he never wanted to have happen after ep6 was Palpatine coming back as a clone. So never giving a proper explanation of how Palpatine returned may have been the movie makers attempting to respect George Lucas's wish.
@jonathanbint 2 жыл бұрын
I've never liked the bringing balance to the force thing. if the force Is in balance then there is an equal amount of evil to good like in that one episode of the.clone wars
@kenbrown2808 2 жыл бұрын
that is exactly the story point that people, including the Jedi council, overlooked. they thought of themselves as being on the side of balance, when they were actually one of two opposing sides.
@WarriorofSunlight 2 жыл бұрын
In the Mortis arc it’s even shown that the Son is out of control and that he’s the one who needs controlling while the Daughter is allowed to do as she pleases. The Father himself even reprimands the Son for falling to the Dark Side. There’s plenty of breakdowns of that arc that explain exactly why it’s further proof that the Light Side alone is balance and the Dark Side is inherent chaos. It’s really nothing new. It’s pretty straightforward in its symbolism.
@muddyfaygos343 2 жыл бұрын
Man I will never forgive Disney for fucking up Star Wars as hard as they did.. Palpating just "coming back" from how he died is just absolutely ridiculous. And then go assemble a fleet of star destroyers that fucking huge?! Absolutely ridiculous. It pains me to have to consider all those movies canon especially when I introduce them to my kids lmao
@majestyc0359 2 жыл бұрын
#2: to bring balance to something, you need to either increase one side, or decrease the other side. The imbalance of the Force has always been too many light-side users, for thousands of years. So, by killing Jedi, the balance between light side and dark side is more in balance. Destroying the Sith would further IMBALANCE the Force.
@johnnyriddensghost4355 2 жыл бұрын
Correct, but choose which fans you can explain this too, didn't end well for me, still can't talk to my brother over this, we Star Wars fans...
@apoplexiamusic 2 жыл бұрын
i don't think the Sith are the only Dark Side users, far from it. They're just the sworn enemies of the Jedi order.
@jymbo1969 2 жыл бұрын
That's not what is meant by the balance of the Force. I agree that it should be, but it just isn't. The Force is in balance when the galaxy is at such a state that life can prosper. The Jedi used the Force for their own ends, instead of allowing the Force to guide their actions. The Force then chose to end the Jedi through the darkside. The force responded to the Siths' growing power by creating Anakin. Destroying the Sith finally brought the force back into balance. It's not a Yin/Yang kind of balance, although I think it should have been. The key is in Qui-gon's belief in the "living force."
@DarthMalaks_Missing_Lower_Jaw 2 жыл бұрын
Not entirely correct. The Jedi (if you believe their jargon) are protectors of the balance of the Force. The Sith try to push the balance to favor the Dark Side.
@Lodrik18 2 жыл бұрын
You assume that the Jedi are strict white side force users and thats incorrect. Some are but they would have to destroy the whole underworld, syndicates and all that if they wanted are pure white side aligned galaxy.
@ursatzotschew7541 2 жыл бұрын
I really don't think Luke used the dark side of the force on the Gammorean gaurds because he wasn't using dark side aspects. He wasn't really channeling anger, hate, or selfishness when he was choking the gaurds, it was kind of neutral to me. Also, Yoda says that light side users use the force to defend not attack, he's the one to talk! I used to have not much of an opinion about midi-chlorians, but now I think they are real kill-joy. Jedis & Sith were kind of thought to be mystical and wise beings who I guess unlocked the power of the force in the OG trilogy, but in the prequals it just told us, "Everything has midi-chlorians, which make up life, and those with a lot of midi-chlorians can become over glorified monks! No matter how careless!" I'm a prequal defender, don't get me wrong, but that is one of the many flaws the prequals had Jar-Jar is king!
@AbstractM0use 2 жыл бұрын
The force is still a mystical energy field created by all living things, as Yoda and Obi-Wan explained it in the originals. The midichlorians are how beings can use it. In a sword and sorcery tale, we don't really need to know how a wizard can use magic and others can't. However, this tale is in an advanced civilization, so it makes sense that the Jedi would know why some people can use the force and others can't.
@Huamogus501st 2 жыл бұрын
tbh I find Luke tapping into the dark side okay...after all he broke free of the traditional jedi code and in Legends he allowed Jedi to marry and learn abt the dark side. He was more of a grey jedi after all
@kenbrown2808 2 жыл бұрын
in the novelization of ROTJ he was very conflicted about what constituted going over to the dark side, and in the palace scene, he used the force to back the guards off, not to do permanent injury.
@Huamogus501st 2 жыл бұрын
@@kenbrown2808 gee I haven't read the novelisation in a while
@kenbrown2808 2 жыл бұрын
@@Huamogus501st I figure most people haven't.
@Huamogus501st 2 жыл бұрын
@@kenbrown2808 I had a copy but idk where it is now
@kenbrown2808 2 жыл бұрын
@@Huamogus501st top shelf in the spare bedroom. left hand side. not sure why I have the star wars books outside the alphabetical shelving, but I do.
@JamesLundquist 2 жыл бұрын
It doesn't matter who shot first. All that matters is which shot connected with its target!!!
@michaelrue1400 Жыл бұрын
Yoda defined the Force as the energy that exists in and around everyone and everything. As I understood it, the number of midichlorians in ones bloodstream determined how well a person could tap into and manipulate that energy. So I don't see any contradiction there.
@AugustThor438 Жыл бұрын
Why wasn’t Ewan Mcgregor as Obi Wan force ghost if Hayden Christensen was as Anakin?
@adrianhjordan1981 2 жыл бұрын
Why is it that wiping out The Sith is seen as "bringing balance" to The Force? Surely that makes it imbalanced in favour of the Jedi? I actually thought it was meant to be that Anakin DID bring balance to The Force when he wiped out all but a handful of Jedi - thus making The Sith and Jedi more balanced.... The Jedi were just THAT arrogant that they thought the prophecy meant wiping out The Sith.
@lnVINCEibIe 2 жыл бұрын
I feel most fans overlook that the Force requires light and dark to be balanced. The Jedi didn’t even look into the dark side due to their fear of losing themselves to it (one of the main reasons one sith was able to use politics to overthrow the entire order from under their noses) and the sith were down to a very small number when Anakin was brought into the order. Thus having the scales way tipped towards the light. Qui Gon was a servant of the force above all which is why he never made the counsel and was always at odds with them. I would go as far to say that Qui Gon may not have seen the horrors Anakin would create, but knew anakin would be the one to balance a Galaxy that was overpowered in the light thanks to the Jedi. So it was implied that while I don’t think Qui Gon would be ok with the slaughtering of children (Anakin’s dark deeds) he knew it was imperative that the force be balanced and Anakin was the guy to do it. Got a little side-tracked there but I think people overlook that Anakin balanced the force (fulfilled his duty as the chosen one) when he decimated the Jedi. Killing Palpatine was just a father not being able to watch his only son be torture killed to death in front of him. Yoda does say in episode 3 “a prophecy which misread could have been” not necessarily indicating that someone else would destroy the sith (aka Luke) instead of Anakin, but that the act of destroying the sith was not achieving balance, thus destroying the sith is not the actual duty of the chosen one - that was just what the Jedi arrogantly believed it would be “from a certain point of view”.
@jayluck8047 2 жыл бұрын
6:23 - Yoda’ force ghost drops a foot, and looks squished not sitting.
@briannab.1712 Жыл бұрын
I always figured that the Jedi in the prequels had fallen far from what they were originally supposed to be. Fear of the dark side drove them to do these morally ambiguous things and destroying this order was part of Anakin's destiny as the Chosen One so that the Jedi could return to their roots before they got bogged down in dogma. Although, he didn't have to do it so violently.
@Macapta 2 жыл бұрын
I wonder how JJ would have treated Luke on the island seeing as he was the one who put him there. Like what reason would he have given Luke to stay hidden and avoid the fight for so long that wasn't similar to what Ryan did. Maybe he started a more hidden Jedi order that he wanted to keep safe from prying eyes after the last one was compromised by outside forces.
@gK-ih2ct Жыл бұрын
Wish they would offer a choice of the untouched, some changes and George’s complete changes blue rays. That would be a great collection. More money for Disney!
@col.mustard1233 2 жыл бұрын
The Holdo Maneuver was a direct rip off from Star Trek 2009 when Kirks father rammed the Narada, as well as when the Enterprise rammed the Romulan Scimitar at the end of Star Trek Nemesis!
@davidbennettracing538 2 жыл бұрын
Has anyone else noticed that the final battle between the Emperor and Rei is almost exactly like the final fight between Voldemort and Harry Potter..?
@lloydshanahan154 Жыл бұрын
The real problem with the Star Wars fandom is that it is venerable to falling into trends and people tend to listen to who ever has the most power in the fanbase. And it's because of this no one has the ability to have a civil debate or even listen to the other side of the argument. And the internet has only made it worse. for instance. 10- I like the fact that Luke has a dark side to him and was willing to do that stuff. 9- While it does ruin the mystery of the Force, at least It doesn't break rules of the force (like certain character later on would) 8- I totally get the hate behind Jar Jar, but I also think it's exaggerated too. ...And I think Rey is worse. 7- I would argue ...YES. It may look cool but it's bad writing on Ryan Johnson's part. 6- While I do agree that Shaw's Anakin should not be removed, I will admit seeing Hayden does make the ending feel more powerful. 5- I Have no problem with Luke being flawed or doing what Obi-Wan did, but being on that island "to die" is a big story problem. That's the part that is not in character for him. 4- I think the Ewoks are fine, and I love the part where they fight the Empire. Besides Star Wars has always had weird and cute characters. Men are too insecure about their image these days. Ewoks are made to sell toys, eh? ...looks at Boba Fett. 3- I agree The Jedi in the prequels had a problematic system that contributed to Anakin becoming Darth Vader. It makes sense when you put it that way. The problem though was that the prequels didn't frame it that way. 2- Short answer, yes. Lucas wrote that plot point and said it himself in many interviews. 1- Yes it's a dumb change that looks bad , but it's only one-second-long people. grow up already.
@Macapta 2 жыл бұрын
The greatest dispute I've ever had with my friends over midiclorians was how you pronounced it.
@jackdubz4247 2 жыл бұрын
These days just having a non-White, non-Male, non-Hetero character in Star Wars is deemed to be controversial. In 2022. FFS.
@calehearring1712 2 жыл бұрын
Ya cause people are tired of having that crap jammed down their throats. Those who make the biggest deal about it are the biggots
@harreh2843 2 жыл бұрын
idk the Holdo one is a bit dodgy, it’s set in a galaxy a long time ago, yet they’ve mastered space travel, almost every planet is inhabited with some form of organism, they have an intergalactic senate, heck they have battle stations the size of moons that have the capability to destroy planets. I think the logistics of the Holdo Manoeuvre aren’t what make it more uncommon, it was simply an addition to the movie to make it “look nice”.
@josephharrison5639 2 жыл бұрын
Holdo commiting the ultimate sacrifice and finally getting offscreen where she should’ve stayed
@arkex9167 2 жыл бұрын
mace windu used dark side too
@harrydresden4661 2 жыл бұрын
Who is hen solo?
@GabrielCCCP 2 жыл бұрын
Disney simply slaughtered the franchise
@WarriorofSunlight 2 жыл бұрын
What they did to The Clone Wars is unforgivable.
@huntersutton5489 2 жыл бұрын
I loved Jar Jar!
@quake-giant1469 2 жыл бұрын
I wonder just how many 'chosen ones' there had been before Anakin...
@ryandegrave8978 Жыл бұрын
On the subject of midichlorians, what is stopping a person in the Star Wars universe from isolating these creatures and simply injecting them into their body to give themselves a stronger connection to the force?
@sttrooper-lt7xp 2 жыл бұрын
The Last Jedi should be number 1 although I don’t know anything good about the last Jedi other than it being Carrie Fishers last performance or the visuals comment if there is anything else that was decent
@Lodrik18 2 жыл бұрын
I didnt like JarJar from Episode 1 when I was 11 and I dont like him with 32, it feels forced and I knew with 11 that he was made that way to get laughs and it will forever feel patronizing... I will also admit that he worked far better in Episode 2 (but here I dont understand how someone that stupid could get the position of diplomat for a star system) It would also have been interesting seeing Padmes reaction when she heard that he destroyed her work of the last 2? years. Lastly: I only saw a few Clone Wars Episodes and stopped because I had the endure one episode with a full one Episode 1 JarJar...
@kenbrown2808 2 жыл бұрын
keep in mind Gungan society is not a meritocracy. the bosses rule by fiat and whim; and JarJar was an accidental hero, but a hero, nonetheless.
@ecrradio7620 2 жыл бұрын
@Ken Brown Still annoying hero or not
@kenbrown2808 2 жыл бұрын
@@ecrradio7620 which explains why Boss Nass sent him away to Coruscant.
@My_mid-victorian_crisis 2 жыл бұрын
in 83, I wanted the Wicket backpack!!
@RavensSoTired4081 2 жыл бұрын
the force ghost didnt piss me off in the special edition of return, his ass changing the music did I was 10 when the original rotj came out I'm almost 50 and still love the ewoks so claim it is "age"🙄
@lookingforwookiecopilot 2 жыл бұрын
I loved the Ewoks too back in '83, when I was twelve. Since growing pubes and discovering girls, I started to dislike them more and more as the years went on.
@napoearth Жыл бұрын
Han shot first. It shouldn't have been changed. You don't have to be shot at first to know your life is in danger and defend yourself.
@TobyBarrows 2 жыл бұрын
Got to wonder if the David Prowse/George Lucas feud is the reason Lucas decided to make the change
@wattsiswhat 2 жыл бұрын
You missed many, like how Anakin had a green light saber in Revenge of the Sith, but, Ben gave Luke a blue one. Then there's the guy that Vader gave the choke hold too in a New Hope being the actual architect of the Death Star, which entirely crushes Rouge One. Then there's Ben telling Luke in a New Hope about Anakin and Owen's relationship as if they were actual brothers. Then of course there's the whole R2 and 3PO thing with Ben and Yoda not knowing them and R2 definitely not knowing Yoda when they meet in Empire. Also Vader didn't know 3PO in Empire? Okay, there are many protocol droids that look similar, but, the voice should've clicked in his head. After all, he supposedly built the droid.
@AmazingJayB51 2 жыл бұрын
All the trauma he went throw, how the heck you expect to remember a droid. The PTSD from being cooked alive is enough to scramble memories! lol
@wattsiswhat 2 жыл бұрын
@@AmazingJayB51 Fine, show compassion for the guy, but, what about the others mentioned?
@stratplayr6997 2 жыл бұрын
One more to add: during Episode IV, when Obi-Wan & Luke go to the cantina to find a pilot to take them to Alderaan - do you think that Obi-Wan and Chewbacca knew each other from before? Chewbacca was definitely close to Yoda in Episode III, so he had Jedi ties. Perhaps Obi-Wan finding Chewie and Han was not by coincidence? - Did Vader & C3PO actually cross paths in ESB? Somehow I don't think that they did. I know they didn't in Ep IV. - Obi-Wan lied to Luke about not recognizing the droids (like how he lied about how Anakin died). Since their memories were wiped at the end of Ep. III, they had no memory of him.
@wattsiswhat 2 жыл бұрын
@@stratplayr6997 Hells yeah! Nice one!
@ronlewis8601 Жыл бұрын
Cassian Andor is fairly unsavory in doing what he must ifor the sake of the Rebellion in Rogue One. So….regarding Hans Solo shooting first, it shouldn’t be that much of a big deal that Hans may have had a checkered past and shooting first would have made his redemption as a rebel even more interesting!!! I like that he may have shot Greedo…..he had issues!!!
@YoMateo. 2 жыл бұрын
Whoever's reading this, i pray that whatever you're going through gets better and whatever you're struggling with or worrying about is going to be fine and that everyone has a fantastic day! Amen,
@jimmynorris919 2 жыл бұрын
Pathetic attempt at gaining subs.
@onimi66616 2 жыл бұрын
The OT has *nothing* to do with the "Chosen One" prophecy. The only importance of that prophecy is how the characters in the PT react to it - like a Shakespearean play which uses prophecy as a dramatic engine, "the Chosen One" only ever mattered in how it influenced the characters - it gets QuiGon (and Palps) to notice Anakin, gets ObiWan to train him, gives Anakin reason to have such an ego, etc. It's a self-fulfilling "prophecy" that can be interpreted in many ways - Yoda expresses doubts in ROTS, and ObiWan in Rebels calls Luke "the Chosen One". It's just dogma adding context to character actions - yet the fandom has latched onto it as a literal prophetic Force guiding the entire narrative, which sounds fine until they also use it as "proof" of what is "wrong" when stories don't treat those scant few lines of dogma as absolute truth. It's....exhausting. I've been a fan since before the '97 theatrical releases, and I've seen in real time how the fandom has been warped by this.
@LightsaberGoBrrrrrr Жыл бұрын
I really like this perspective, the only issue is George Lucas himself has stated that Anakin IS the chosen one, outright. So now I have to fit that within your narrative, which again I do really like. Not a lot of people catch that Obi Wan line in rebels. Maybe he believed that after all the experiences he had Anakin wasn’t actually the chosen one and it really was Luke. That’s possible
@onimi66616 Жыл бұрын
@@LightsaberGoBrrrrrr The problem with what George says is he has "said" a lot of things -> especially when he was making the PT, every single interview was, in a way, him marketing the new films. So of course he said Anakin was the chosen one and all 6 movies are about him - he wanted people interested in the new films with Anakin as the protagonist. If you really look into his quotes he contradicted himself more often than not - fair enough for someone who was running the company while also trying to direct and micromanage the "new" films. So I take GL's words with much salt - I'd never call him a liar, but he has been known to twist his words to fit the interview. (See -> his public reactions to TFA vs what we've now heard via Bob Iger's tell-all.) Ultimately, the real answer is in the story - and having the Prophecy be a literal guiding "force" over all events just is not all that interesting from a storytelling perspective. Far meatier a concept, and truer to the Joseph Campbell archetype from which GL directly pulled when writing the original Star Wars, is a mundane "prophecy" that many characters place their differing beliefs upon and how those interpretations charge and fuel their interactions. So Anakin "is" the Chosen One....from a certain point of view. From another, it's Luke; another, Rey. From another, they're all "the chosen one" for their respective times; from another, none of them are and the whole cosmic dance is a farce perpetrated by crazed mystics wielding unstable plasma swords. It's in these different perspectives that the actual story lays - how boring it would be, and has been when filmmakers play into this, if there were only 1 set of guiding rules in the story - 1 cemented "power ranking" that turns all conflict into Rock/Paper/Scissors. This is what the people who harp about The Chosen One want - they think Anakin should be "the most powerful" and anything any character does to show otherwise is, in their eyes, an absolute sin....all because GL likes to hype-up the project he's currently working on.
@tigman685 2 жыл бұрын
Midi chlorians did not bother me that much but the ridiculious force power levels in sequel trilogy was painful thing (one of the many) to watch. It became like harry potter wizardy level if not even more.
@benmiller3252 Жыл бұрын
I have nothing against Darth Sidious returning in The Rise of Skywalker I just wish they went into a bit more depth. If they do a Luke Skywalker series set between Return of The Jedi and The Force Awakens maybe this could be The way of going in depth of how Darth Sidious came back in the flesh in The Rise of Skywalker
@heyhandsomewill 2 жыл бұрын
11:51... um... why is General Grievous being lumped in with the Ewoks?
@marshalllatta2073 2 жыл бұрын
No one can beat star wars
@geoffroi-le-Hook Жыл бұрын
Why isn't like wearing his glove when he persuades the Gamorrean guards?
@Paradox-es3bl 2 жыл бұрын
"Too complex" ah yes, piloting my ship right at my target and engaging the hyperdrive is too complex. Certainly not even something DROIDS could do. Anyone who uses that excuse probably can't breathe unassisted.
@PopeyeBjj86 2 жыл бұрын
Yeahhhh Jim Jam Bongs
@billfairbanks9588 2 жыл бұрын
Oh he definitely force choked those guards. They whole story was about him struggling to not become his father. In his mind the ends justified the means at that point.
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