Why Awakening and No Self will not suddenly heal years of Trauma

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Awake! Here & Now

Awake! Here & Now

3 ай бұрын

Some real talk about Awakening and Trauma recovery
#awakening #spiritualawakening #trauma #traumahealing #nervoussystem #nonduality #buddha #buddhism #dharma #liberation #zen #mentalhealth
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@Alex-dg5gb 3 ай бұрын
Healing inner child, unconditional love and faith helped me a lot.
@jennynaser6645 3 ай бұрын
I am so glad you are talking about this Simon. Last year in periods of deep clarity and nondual glimpses my trauma resurfaced while doing shadow work. A couple radical nondual KZfaq speakers I had had a few private consultations with were so helpful regarding nondual clarity but no help regarding the human experience! I was desperate, felt very isolated and lonely. I didn't want to go to a conventional psychotherapist who is attached to the personality identity structure (been there, done that) but the nondual world was also no help. I feel Kundalini speakers are closer to this, as they of course address the energetics and trauma. Combining nondual reality equally with the nitty-gitty human experience is lacking in the global dialogue on this. Let's connect!!! I'll write you an email.
@Awakehereandnow 3 ай бұрын
Got your email Jenny. Thank you. I'm a bit busy for the next week or two but I'll definitely come back to you. Thanks for being so open and sharing your experience ❤️
@jennynaser6645 3 ай бұрын
Thanks! I look forward to it.​@@Awakehereandnow
@FetterMuncher666 3 ай бұрын
Well said
@mariadodds2042 3 ай бұрын
This is a really important video. I have been working toward awakening for 8 years and have been given a recent diagnosis of CPTSD. It wasn't a surprise and I agree that it needs to be healed. I discovered Irene Lyons about 6 months ago and I am going to follow her guidance. I have recently started working with a somatic therapist/healer and we are looking at inner child work and parts therapy in order to regulate the nervous system. At this stage it feels like a chapter in my journey to be embraced and not a fork in the road. I look forward to any future videos on this subject. Thank you.
@jloveandlight 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for this. I'm going to try to get my significant other to watch this. You described him to a tee in the beginning. We are both on this journey of awakening together but he has significant trauma from his childhood where I do not. Sometimes I feel completely helpless when he starts going through these periods of deep depression, anxiety just this darkness and there is nothing I can do. It doesn't help that we are both recovering addicts coming back from a relapse. Anyway, any help in this area would be so greatly appreciated. I'm so grateful to have come across this video. Perfect timing 🙏💜
@Awakehereandnow 3 ай бұрын
Thanks so much for your comment and authenticity. Yeah I feel what you're saying and I often think of the rollercoaster my partner has experienced being by my side as I heal. I know it's overwhelming, but just you being there without judgement goes Avery long way. Make sure you look after yourself also, as it can be a really heavy burden to support others, so you need time and care for yourself which is only for you and brings you some joy. My heart goes out to you both. ❤
@AlexanderSamarth 3 ай бұрын
Truth is, after awakening, you're in a much better position to heal whatever is healable, and accept what is not. Some traumas may fall away with awakening, usually some remains. I came to awakening with chronic pain, chronic fatigue, lots of traumas and am on the spectrum to begin with. A lot of pain fell away immediately, a lot of suffering ceased. But a lot of shadow work is still required, and also, some kind of physical modality in my opinion.
@ptanji 3 ай бұрын
T R E …. I shake spontaneously oddly when I get very still and a muscle spontaneously contracts … then the rest of the body shakes. It was frightening at first until I learned about the body’s natural response to trauma is to shake. Hope this helps someone.
@cheesesteakpizza 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for this Simon, so helpful
@avalonseedlings5416 3 ай бұрын
I have just returned from a retreat which uses “Dyads “ this is meditating and contemplating in pairs sharing what arises verbally as a result of asking “who am I “ This results in awakening and enlightenment but it also allows the verbalisation of past trauma with another giving their full loving attention. I have shared my deepest traumas ,joys ,shame with another over a three day period . The veil of illusion dropped and I feel heard and deeply peaceful.
@Awakehereandnow 3 ай бұрын
This is beautiful, opening up to suchness in relation with others is so powerful. Thanks for sharing this.
@avalonseedlings5416 3 ай бұрын
@ivanlysebetten 3 ай бұрын
thank you!! this is so important to be told. So many people get stuck in so called "spirituality"... Everybody on a healing path and all spiritual teachers should hear this. As a psychologist/traumatherapist I will send this video to some of my clients.
@Awakehereandnow 3 ай бұрын
Aah thanks so much for this lovely comment. I really appreciate you sharing and thanks for the support. ❤
@thedivinemisslilybeth4149 3 ай бұрын
I love the Pete Walker book on C-PTSD, it helped me give a name to what was coming up, layers and layers of trauma revealing itself especially this past year. It has felt like open-heart surgery without anesthesia. I entered a 12-step program and have given up all my favorite mind-numbing substances so honestly there's no place to go but within and pray for Grace. I don't know if certain things will ever truly heal, but I'd be content to reach a calm acceptance. Thank you for your share... 🙏💜🦋🦋🦋
@Awakehereandnow 3 ай бұрын
Thanks so much for sharing honestly and the Peter walker book recommendation. I know how you feel, that desperate relentless kick in the heart with nowhere to run. It's so hard to describe to others that haven't been through it. There is a away through and we can truly heal. Sending lots of ease and wellness your way. ❤️
@thedivinemisslilybeth4149 3 ай бұрын
@@Awakehereandnow thank you! ❤️‍🩹🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋
@indef93 3 ай бұрын
Hi! Very good inputs! As someone that has suffered from CPTSD all of my life and having had a breakthrough-awakening 2 months ago at the age of 31, it felt like hitting hyperspace in terms of "healing". I have gone to wonderful trauma therapists for over 12 years now and awakening, in my experience, is the metaphorical bursting of a very hardened and dysfunctional callous or blister or growth of the inflicted wound. In a way it is a restart, but the old damaged tissue obviously continues to be removed while, for the first time ever, the formation of new, healthy tissue is possible without hindrance. The peace I experience is allowing me to dive deeper, the nervous system is finally allowed to hit bottom and start regulating itself. Perhaps the 12 years of somatic therapies have helped me prepare and continue with shadow work in a healthy manner, but I believe in the long run, awakening WILL lead to regulation of the nervous system if we don't get caught in any further traps of resistance and identity. For example, there is quite some potential for mania at first, especially with all of these amazing insights and sleep is hard to get. The eventual crashes, however, are deep and don't get resisted. Integration happens one way or another. We certainly should be aware of this dynamic when it comes to CPTSD and awakening and we should not give anyone false hopes as the process is individual. However, awakening is a gift and a major game changer for every part of our human experience. I'd like to ask if you yourself have had CPTSD? Thanks for the content and I'd love to hear back or even have a discussion, if you'd like. 😊
@wnathan9223 3 ай бұрын
Fantastic video, explains a lot. Thank you!
@Awakehereandnow 3 ай бұрын
You're very welcome!❤️
@Hergreenman 3 ай бұрын
Thankyou ❤🎉
@poltergeistbingo9144 3 ай бұрын
thank you, I really appreciate this. I have definitely noticed this. In the past few years I felt I'd definitely improved my state of mind with meditation and thinking about the world differently, appreciating the present moment, being more open-hearted etc. But this year feelings of constantly being on edge are still there and it feels like a set-back, but I'm starting to realise it's the way my body was trained at an early age. I've thought I shouldn't delve into it and make a narrative out of my past. That it wouldn't be helpful to do so and it's not in keeping with being present with how things are right now. I can tell myself past experience doesn't have to impact my mindset. But one still needs a way to train oneself out of the unhelpful physical reactions. I look forward to your future insights :) ❤
@momo-sy9wr 3 ай бұрын
0:30 i feel like awakening and healing trauma are actually very linked to each other. as a humanity, we need to transform our collective traumas, because as we’re awakening we gain consciousness of those traumas. and you highlighted beautifully, that this will require time, practice and education. good video!
@eerosoots 3 ай бұрын
You describe me exactly. Nice video. I found it helpful and relaxing. Thanks! One of the things I do, and I did this past weekend, is to lie down and listen to a playlist of KZfaq videos (videos like this one), which help me relax and recharge. I may doze off for a bit or I may not, but it always helps me at least when I start to go into shut down mode.
@Awakehereandnow 3 ай бұрын
Aah lovely, yes I used to do this with long Alan watts talks, just take a load off and let Alan pick up the slack..it helped me to get some peace in moments of intensity 🙏
@letang6772 3 ай бұрын
Thank you I appreciate the clear explanation of what I am going through.
@ukaszdorocinski9492 3 ай бұрын
Hey, thanks for discussing it. I had a very intense period of wondering "what's wrong with me," because I was unable to answer the question "what do I want." Starts with questions like what do I eat, where do I go, what do I do with myself and ends with big questions like do I love them etc. I was very determined and my inquiry made me do the three day retreat which was so so difficult but I just wanted to "get it over with" and "find the answers." After three days I had it: these are all just thoughts. I felt such a relief I just wanted to call everyone, tell them I'm here, I'm back. It felt so good that I didn't even feel like doing anything. But then... it all kicked back in. And I felt like there is no refuge. A non-stop fear for like 4 months, all the mind patterns in front of me, moments of terror and then me knowing everything is all right but just not feeling it. The weirdest feeling ever. And pretty difficult because of the "nowhere-to-hide" aspect. Like there was no longer a way to "talk myself out of it," nub myself with TV. So I decided to just be with it. Every single day. Limiting distractions and learning to find the heart's voice among all the scared voices. To all of you out there, we'll be fine. We just need time, even if it does not exist :D Thank you once again. The video gives me hope as I am totally guilty of endlessly chewing on all those "just wake up" phrases. I know. I know I'm not my thoughts, I see how useless, how funny they might be and irrelevant but the moments of ease, peace, joy, and spontaniety are feelings right? Well, as you say, the body learned to feel something else. I wish all of you the best. If you are amid the dark time, let this be a sunshine ray that will remind you that in the end you will feel safe and joyfull.
@ukaszdorocinski9492 3 ай бұрын
In terms of suggestions: Yoga Nidra all the way. It was not until I started practicing it that I started feeling some joy. Another major obstacle is an endless search for methods. I've read sooooo many books trying to figure out my problem and for now I feel like it's just such an opposite of body work. Oh, and the pain that comes with "letting go," "beeing kind to yourself" etc. That's all important, so important but... I just could not do it. I needed many many weeks of continuously putting my attention in the body to go from "I don't knwo what I feel" to "my god, I am so frozen." Yeah, I am still in the early month of my healing journey but I will gladly share my experiences and learn from more of your videos.
@DarkHorse2083 3 ай бұрын
Thank you, I needed to hear this today.
@SamRoff 3 ай бұрын
Well said Simon ❤️‍🔥
@green-eyed_girl88 3 ай бұрын
Thank you Simon. I’ve been really struggling with how to get thru my nervous system issues. I find I go from bliss to terror on a regular basis. Would love to hear more. 🙏🏻❤️
@kenkaplan3654 2 ай бұрын
Thank you. This a rarity among these types of teachers. Most of what gets talked about in relationship to trauma is spiritual bypass. Many people who cannot "just observe thoughts" or "disengage from sense of self" can be easily shamed by philosophy or practice or teachings that do not address the reality of a damaged emotional and/or mental body.
@Awakehereandnow 2 ай бұрын
Beautifully expressed thank you 💔
@saartjerobbrecht6350 3 ай бұрын
💛💜💫 thank you
@hugle64 3 ай бұрын
I've found tonglen has saved my life numerous times. Happy to talk privately.
@kazumawarren 3 ай бұрын
Thank you Simon. It would be great to speak with you! I'll have to setup a session soon. Always appreciate your work
@maloryhope6075 3 ай бұрын
@mrtumnusmusic 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for this video. I had a false start a few years ago with spirituality, I discovered something I thought was true but my nervous system couldn't handle it. Having done a couple of years of trauma therapy and developed a few practices, I'm approaching it again and having pretty amazing results. There is trauma at every turn but so far I'm handling it very well. Would love to hear what your practices are.
@jdea419 3 ай бұрын
Thank you, looking forward to more videos on this topic!!
@sunyata7777 3 ай бұрын
Thanks Simon. Very important topic in my opinion and glad that you're speaking openly like this and sharing resources. ❤ I experience what you describe. There was recognition of no self last year after 20 years of meditation and self inquiry. But these practices did not fully heal complex childhood trauma. Am finding TRE and EMDR very useful to restore regulation. This is bringing greater peace to non-dual clarity. It's a gradual process I find that will probably take a few years. Would be fun to chat if you'd like. Much love-- Jake
@Davidmcdonald1 3 ай бұрын
Amen 🙏
@OffGridMind 3 ай бұрын
Thank you, this is an important and useful message. I must be very lucky; from the very first time I chanted Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha I began to heal. It was rapid. I was 48 years old and what I later realized was CPTSD had been baked into me, mind and body, my whole life. As I say, for me, the process of healing was rapid and continues to this day, happier and happier.
@Awakehereandnow 3 ай бұрын
So beautiful, Taras compassion is extraordinary that way.
@FetterMuncher666 3 ай бұрын
This great. I'm at the point where if I come across a Non Dual speaker who is all insights but dodges the shadow aspect then my right eyebrow flexes upward into an arch shape and my face becomes like an ostrich
@alienoverlordsnow1786 3 ай бұрын
@siobhanmacm 3 ай бұрын
I do kundalini yoga which aims to balance the nervous and endocrine systems. It also has amazing meditations/chants for bringing up and healing material from the subconscious. It's a synergy of breathwork, physical practices and meditation/chanting which I find quite magical.
@eileen945 3 ай бұрын
Hello Simon, thank you dear friend❤ Yes…. This is me. At 70 now, The journey back to “ myself” started in 2015 when ALL things hit that preverbal wall. Healing does NOT happen quickly, NOR should IT. Where are the lessons in that? In a simple manner of thinking, to this complex web, I say this sometimes to myself, I was born with a fearful nature… and life was built around that. There are more symptoms like codependency, many many many relational issues… underachievement, over achievement , GAD& panic. It goes on and on and on. I ve had to look at ALL of these… and more. I have been experiencing dizzy sensations and symptom ( and more) now for 6 years, and I am peeling back layer after layer after layer of hard wired behavior in my sensitive nature. The body… mind… and soul have to heal together as divinely intended, And that can make it hard work. AND the most rewarding. The Lotus needs the mud… yes? I’ve had MANY good teachers. Some secular… some spiritual. Which have been the best??? ALL. because we need what we need at any given time. It’s a “ new path” to walk…. And often alone, but something in the deepest parts knows and can still see this beauty of peace. Not perfection… but peace from all that was so tightly bound. There is ALWAYS a great and uncomfortable deep deep despair and grief energies we uncover, when we meet up with our shadow self…. and crying can help to wash away the decades of sadness, sorrow, regret AND humbling contrition. I have been on my knees honoring my emotions many many MANY times these years and I am finding the more I allow myself to explore and meet the more authentic Eileen, the more heart healing comes. It’s to be respected … not rushed, nurtured and cared for as we carry on. The journey to oneself is a sacred space…. It is an Honorary Phd in achievement for all who wish to find health…. Body… ( mind) and soul. ☮️☮️❤️❤️ I WILL continue to be a student, to heal, and breathe and watch and listen. 🙏
@thistoo 3 ай бұрын
Eileen thank you so much for your caring wisdom. I bow down to your courage and humility. I am on a similar journey and your words are helpful in not feeling so alone 💞🙏
@thistoo 3 ай бұрын
Simon, a deeply appreciate what you’re sharing and look forward to more 🙏
@Awakehereandnow 3 ай бұрын
Thanks Eileen again for your beautiful authenticity and sharing here. Sending you lots of well wishes and peace. ❤
@eileen945 3 ай бұрын
@@thistoo so nice to meet you . We ARE in this together and I too feel alone often . I just watched a great teacher say this, Community now … is golden. I thought this was a beautiful way of putting what we have just experienced. The holding hands of a soul in need of compassion. ❤️
@jamil1418 3 ай бұрын
you're right, trauma is trapped somewhere in the body and when it comes out it is not pleasant at all and it can last for days as far as i'm concerned, the only difference is that you're aware of the process moment to moment and there's nothing you can do to escape it, you just can't, you have to feel everything. Last time it happened to me very strongly was end of march 2022, very deep anxiety, and grief, afraid of losing loved ones (still am), i could literally feel the fear and anxiety in my stomach. But i think to heal you must feel, that's the only way, you must go through it
@Awakehereandnow 3 ай бұрын
Thanks Jamil. I agree and there's a way to invite gentle healing which is less intense and less disfunctional and encourages the body to learn new ways of being. The work by Peter Levine, Irene Lyon, and ally wise have been really helpful for me in learning ways to gently regulate healing as opposed to being overwhelmed by trauma when it comes up. Thanks so much for sharing your experiences. ❤️🙏
@annele2097 3 ай бұрын
Pete Walker CPTSD book is incredible to understand about behaviour patterns and stress/trauma responses. Peter A Levine books are amazing, all about somatic trauma healing. "In an unspoken voice" "Trauma and memory" also "Healing trauma" "Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors" by Janina Fisher, "Healing developmental trauma" by Laurence Heller and Aline LaPierre
@Awakehereandnow 3 ай бұрын
This is amazing thanks for sharing Anne❤
@annele2097 3 ай бұрын
@@Awakehereandnow 🙏💛 thank you for bringing up this very important topic.
@SilentWordsOfWisdom 3 ай бұрын
Amazing video. Please do continue on this topic, it's important 🙏
@Truthfull 3 ай бұрын
Thank you Stephen. 🙏🏼 Did you eat the egg. 😊
@Awakehereandnow 3 ай бұрын
Simon scoffed the egg last night hehe
@bananaallin3597 2 ай бұрын
somatic experience is the same as meditation? or whats the difference?
@Awakehereandnow 2 ай бұрын
Somatic experiencing is a type of trauma informed therapy aimed at helping to treat trauma at the nervous system level. It's Grounded in research and is seen to be very effective.
@bananaallin3597 2 ай бұрын
@@Awakehereandnow thank you for your help
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