Thank you So Much! ❤️🙏
The end of Suffering is Now!
@theDestinationisnow. Сағат бұрын
meeeeee. Im numero uno!!!!!
@veganm8918 3 сағат бұрын
Michael Singer is one of the most enlightened living beings and he has a way of teaching awakening like no other. He also says no enlightened being would ever call themselves enlightened, and certainly has never claimed to be.
@anatureperson5551 6 сағат бұрын
The BEST enlightenment is... YOUR OWN.
@rog944 19 сағат бұрын
Thank you! Powerful message! There is an orb at 1:52 that can be seen floating on the right side of the screen. It's faint, but it's there. I see these orbs as a good sign in these types of videos. Edit: Many orbs can be seen. Maybe, it's neither here nor there. But, I see them as reassuring.
@timmccarthy6374 Күн бұрын
Yes go within. Learn from these people but dont think you have to do anything to be enlightened. It is about watching your behavior and realizing if you controll yoyrself or if you are controlled by others. If your controlled by others you arnt enlightened. Im not enlightened but i know that at least. And i know why so all i have to do is live how i think. Not easy. But possible.
@steerus Күн бұрын
Your perspective on toxic shame is thought-provoking (especially because you offer an idea - be vulnerable - as an antidote). I'd love to dive deeper into this topic with you. Would you be interested in joining @STEERus for Toxic Tuesday 7pm ET livestream as a guest to share more of your insights? Your voice would add so much value to this conversation!
@Awakehereandnow 17 сағат бұрын
@@steerus hey there thanks for you comment and invite. I'd potentially love to attend but ATM I don't have the resources as am taking time to rest with illness. If you reach out in a few weeks time it may be more possible. You can reach me via email, it's detailed in my bio. 🙏
@steerus 8 сағат бұрын
@@Awakehereandnow I am hoping that you heal quickly! 🙏
@JennyC-423 Күн бұрын
Love the part at the end about vulnerability. Sharing shameful feelings with others risks compounding the feeling of shame, so one has to be ready to be vulnerable and possibly feel additional shame before sharing. It really depends on the person with whom one shares. When it’s received compassionately with validation and support is when the healing happens. Self compassion practices are also quite helpful for healing, in my opinion. Thanks for sharing on this topic - I completely relate!
@simoninsilence1427 Күн бұрын
Thanks for this response to Simon's video. Your mention of self compassion meets a thought that emerged as I experienced the video. That is, could self compassion be useful when facing toxic shame? There are widely available guided exercises addressing shame. But, is toxic shame a 'step too far' for mindful self compassion? Hoping to hear the thoughts of others...
@poltergeistbingo9144 Күн бұрын
Thank you for making these videos. They give much food for thought and I'm sure you're helping many people just by explaining things clearly so they can recognise the patterns in their own minds. When I'm up all these things seem far away in the past and trivial and not worth bothering people to discuss. But this video made me reflect that for me the toxic shame thing is bound up with feelings of hopelessness, so when I feel down and want to reach out and share with someone, I find myself unable to speak with the effort it takes not to cry incoherently. And it's hard to do that in front of the few people I hope might bear to listen, because of fear they'll be appalled and run off. Maybe it's worth just writing it all down, that'd probably be a start wouldn't it. Like giving the rat just a little lick :) It's literally all in my mind
@Awakehereandnow Күн бұрын
@@poltergeistbingo9144 im really glad it resonates with you and I totally relate to what you're saying ❤️
@martinspiering5817 Күн бұрын
Thank you! Great topic, and, yes, allowing oneself to be open and vulnerable is a strong antidote to the toxicity of shame. I'd add one point that David Loy makes in his book "Lack & Transcendence." So long that many thoughts and actions are driven by a strong unconscious (or even conscious) belief and attachment to an independently existing, autonomous self, "not-good-enoughness" and shame will be inevitable outcomes. That's because such self cannot be found anywhere--any introspective search for it comes up empty. The ensuing feeling of confusion and deficiency is then often exacerbated by the (erroneous) belief that others have a self and have it "much more together" (I struggled with this for most of my life). One possible strategy can be to build a healthy *sense* of self/ego first before (gently) deconstructing it ("You have to be somebody before you can be nobody" --Jack Engler).
@Awakehereandnow Күн бұрын
Well said thanks so much for sharing. ❤
@sherrilawrence662 Күн бұрын
Thank you very much ❤️ you are exactly right. Unfortunately I have spent the past 7 yrs looking for professional help and connections. I have ended up in hospital and going back to the same isolated situation. hearing authentic video's like this helps me to hang on🙏
@AlenPeh Күн бұрын
To ask oneself if my teacher is integrous, a real deal, is a great question everyone should ask. If one is serious, one should seek a high-consciousness teacher and follow his instructions - which are always to seek within and purify oneself on all levels. The real power of a true teacher is not in his words but in his presence; his ENLIGHTENED energy field. Practice still has to be done but the teacher can help a lot. We do not project perfection, perfection is here and now but many do not experience it. You are perfectly ignorant about your level of consciousness and apparently perfectly ignorant that there are levels of light/consciousness. Nevertheless, the truth is that levels of light in beings exist and one should "develop" theirs. Following a true enlightened teacher is of great help and that's why we have devotion towards such great beings. BTW, It's called enlightenment for a reason because you experience the illumination of your heart when it happens; you LITERALLY see light radiating from the body. And consequently, it becomes evident that you're experiencing yourself as Allness and Oneness... Spiritual work is being real. Ooooh, it's all love and light. No, when you see a blind man walking towards a cliff you yell STOOOOOOOOP!!!!!!. The blind man, sometimes in his pride, thinks it's rude that this guy yells at him when it's actually the greatest act of love. Best wishes. Oh, I almost forgot. ❤ & 💡 😘
@AlyciaJane Күн бұрын
I know that I don’t have any control over anything. I know that I don’t know anything. So 🤷‍♀️
@notahouse 2 күн бұрын
Great video, you did about the best one could do. Unfortunately for most Glenda says it all and leaves it up to the individual to figure it out on a personal level. Glenda told Dorothy, "You've always had the power to go home, but if I told you you wouldn't have believed me and had to experience it for yourself." Dorothy now knows should she ever go looking for her heart's desires she'll look no further than her own backyard (within). It's literally that reconnecting with oneself that opens one's eyes with a new childlike curiosity. God (Universe, Higher-self, interpretation varies) makes himself available to everyone, but not everyone makes themselves available to God. Many are trying to grow through other's enlightening experiences without truly having any of their own. It's like borrowed or stolen magic and it never last, but the magic from within is forever. It was said in a movie "Life is tough, that's the default setting" and I say If we're not here leveling up then what are we doing? The game is going to be played whether we participate or sit on the sidelines. Most people on the sidelines never experience the real game, but stepping up to the plate lets the game know you're a player and the real fun begins. Imagine having that question of what would you say to your younger self happen to you right now in the present moment from your future potential self. Once you realize your not crazy and you don't have to do this alone and have never been alone one's perspective totally changes. It's like going from 1st person to 3rd person in a video game seeing things from a higher vantage point of perspective. To any Doctor Who fans out there, it's like experience the present moment (Doctor Who) on a timeline traveling forward with your potential self (Higher-self played by River Song) traveling backwards on said timeline to create that potential. The experience is new for both parties as each has a part to play to achieve the goal. It's not about being given all knowing information (boring), but experiencing it play out together. Trust me the first time I got River Songs famous line "Spoilers" when I asked a question, I couldn't help but laugh. Obviously an oversimplification of things and there is no one size fits all to the experience. One has to be open and available for certain experiences to happen but for most being of the world has become very distracting. The path to achieve a certain level of consciousness is going to be locked behind an experience. Like in a video game the next level is locked behind a door and we need the key. Our job becomes finding the key that allows for experiences that will make us ready to experience what's behind the door. There's no skipping levels as the experience needed would never present itself for that to be achieved. It's why some people have certain revelations in their lives and others do not. Eventually we realize we no longer have to move mountains because the mountains already know to move! Sorry about all that, and please take it with a grain of salt and if none of this resonates to anyone who read all that no harm, no foul. This is the best time to be alive in this amusement park and if the ride you're on is not fun try another. Just remember the longest lines in the park aren't always the best rides so to speak, but we love to follow the masses. Good luck! 🙏❤🙏
@fcz32 2 күн бұрын
Letting go. Yup, yup, yup. The paradox that I see ignored a lot is that letting go is very similar to untangling a jumbled mess of wires. It requires a very tedious and methodical process to do so especially at the beginning. The more untangled you manage to get it, the less effort you have to put to undo the rest. So yes, someone can sit here and tell you to let go of trying to mimic anyone else’s path (just as one example), but the irony is that they themselves only learned and internalized that lesson sufficiently by doing that very thing. So although the information is “true” and shared with the best intention, the journey cannot be bypassed intellectually. If you just completely let go right at the beginning then that jumbled mess of wires will still be there sitting in front of you, untouched. This whole thing is like martial arts. Not one style is better than the other. Some will suit certain people better than others. You’re best off learning as many as you can. And you’re also better off learning the rules before you can know how to break them. If you resonate with certain teachers then follow them until you “outgrow” them.
@Awakehereandnow 2 күн бұрын
I get you completely. This video is less about letting go and going it alone from the start and is more about awareness, and recognising what drives us and whether this is routed in comparison & craving. If we can recognise craving and striving on the path then we can explore what other options are available when we don't try to get what we think that other people have. ❤
@cgdombrow 2 күн бұрын
Thats a no-brainer, DJT is the most enlightened human EVER!! No one has ever been more enlightened, not even Jesus or Buddha! 😂😂😂
@carpo719 2 күн бұрын
The most enlightened men, you'll never know.... as they don't claim to be. ❤
@sugarfree1894 2 күн бұрын
There are lots of Buddhist monks online, for example Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, who are truly enlightened and very active in the world.
@Bsowow 2 күн бұрын
i only asked myself, who is the most beautiful one...
@Bsowow 2 күн бұрын
i didn't ask myself that question 😉
@Awakehereandnow 2 күн бұрын
@user-pl6hg3og7y 2 күн бұрын
The most "enlightened" person online is not a person who professes to be enlightened, to be sure. There are endless number of paths on the pathless Path. There are now so many recognized cliches, tropes, and incentives within the spiritual community (industry!), such that it is natural for there to be an endless supply of online charlatans. Those who are awake (in relative terms) know enough to know that they (we) know absolutely nothing. I'm 51 and have been on The Path for almost 8 years. Awakening is a process that I believe never ends (in manifested human form, at least). How do you know if ANYONE online is indeed enlightened? One way might be - if they could were to leave the online community for a quiet life of devotion devoid of an audience. As I'm sure everyone watching this video knows - Truth won't be derived from an online guru (as much as I love endlessly watching Ram Dass lectures). Look within. Deeply. Silently. The online gurus are fun for pure entertainment (Sadhguru) and to feed your endlessly curious fire (Angelo or Rupert Spira), but what you are chasing is chasing you. It's all superfluous, obviously. It's all in you. No one else (there IS no one else, lol!). All light and love on your journey, brothers and sisters. Btw: Love that this video is 4:44 in duration. ;)
@Awakehereandnow 2 күн бұрын
Thanks for stopping by and sharing. If its clear that a comment is just a reaction to the Title & you've not watched the video ill probably just delete it as it doesnt promote discussion or connection. ❤
@kennethmalafy8012 2 күн бұрын
Three quick points for you. 1) The most enlightened person is not online (and doesn't exist-but that is another story). 2) Enlightenment is not a competition- you are not looking for the most enlightened, it is your personal journey. 3) You are already there, you just don't realize it. Hope that helps you on your journey.
@Awakehereandnow 2 күн бұрын
If you watch the video it may give some context to the title. It echoes the points you made.
@troytempest290 2 күн бұрын
The most enlightened person wouldn’t be posting videos.
@Awakehereandnow 2 күн бұрын
If you watch the video it kinda covers this
@paragozar 2 күн бұрын
Enilightenment is not for comparison, it's in the watching of this video. Ajahn Sumedho is 90 and has been practicing continuously since 1966 and has developed several Buddhist centers around the world and has many students who are now deep in the practice.
@Awakehereandnow 2 күн бұрын
Ajahn sumedho is one of my precious teachers and I love him very dearly. Sadhu 🙏. The video clearly explains why comparison and striving is counter productive to freedom and enlightenment.
@dakinilover 2 күн бұрын
I remember that when I was seeking Enlightenment, I was very concerned about my level of awakening, comparing myself to various teachers and concluding that I'm not at their level yet. Now, I still learn from such teachers like Rupert Spira, Adyashanti or Mooji, but I've discovered that their expression of truth is just an expression. I'm slowly learning to stand on my own feet and allowing for my own unique expression of the source to shine. I don't have to buy into other people's concepts if my own way of understanding differs. The source is the same, so there is no need for comparison. It's interesting that without the identification with form, I'm able to actually discover the beauty and uniqueness of that form.
@Awakehereandnow 2 күн бұрын
This is beautiful thanks so much for sharing ❤
@dakinilover 2 күн бұрын
@@Awakehereandnow Thank you for creating a place where I can share. You know, I think I needed that. Not only to share, but for someone to listen. Thank you for your kindness, it's a wonderful gift ❤🙏
@HunterofInvisibleGame 2 күн бұрын
Michael Singer is worth listening to
@cedq4957 2 күн бұрын
Wonderful video!
@Awakehereandnow 2 күн бұрын
Thanks for your lovely comment, glad it resonates with you ❤
@cedq4957 2 күн бұрын
@@Awakehereandnow I really did resonate with it :) because of that I have send you a person Email <3
@TheAwarenessUnveiledMovement 2 күн бұрын
What a wonderful seeing, and very true. I can't see how there can be any spiritual hierarchy, just integrated Beings that have recognized the Truth within, and those that have not yet chosen to fully recognise it. There is nothing to gain or want! 'It' is the very experiencing of even that, and that's so important to discern. So thank you immensley for sharing.
@Awakehereandnow 2 күн бұрын
Thank you immensely for such a lovely and expressive comment. ❤
@johnb8854 2 күн бұрын
*It is NOT possible for the human species to "AWAKEN", as there is NOT a single part of the human anatomy that is "AWARE" of anything !* *The only thing that is "AWARE" of anything is "AWARENESS", which is Non-Dimensional, and does NOT represent nor even remotely looks anything like any species, including the human species...*
@ravenwild5184 2 күн бұрын
So Great and so needing to be said! Well done Simon. Hope you are well. 🙏💞🤗
@im1337ninja 2 күн бұрын
Enlightenment is to be enlightened to profound knowledge that goes deep into truth of consciousness, and self discipline. A connection with the universe and its consciousness. The term enlightened can also be used on almost any subject matter. So the title "who is the most enlightened online" is literally non existent. There's no such thing. Can one be the most enlightened to consciousness, awareness, and self? Maybe for their own person, but experiences vary and perceptive views do also. Look at conspiracy, learning deep truths of operations that are in the shadows can be considered to be enlightened on said subject, look at religions learning every religion can be enlightening to religious context. Non duality can be a form of enlightenment. Using multitudes of perspective views simultaneously can be a form of enlightenment. The jist of this whole comment is, enlightenment can be knowledge based upon any form of teaching, it doesn't have to correlate to spirituality, awareness, consciousness, religion, truth. Enlightenment can also stand for understanding, meaning you deeply understand something, like self for instance, psychology, chemistry, biology, programming. It doesn't matter what. It's a extremely versatile word. Understanding, versatility, awareness, high levels of perceptive views. Can all correlate to spiritual Enlightenment. Does one understand self, does one understand others, does one understand conditioning. I went deep into a few things here in this comment. Using key words that holster multiple meanings. Enlightenment is a great word if used in the correct point of view on learning/ teachings of self and bettering ones self to maximum potential. But it's also great into countless aspects even myself have not yet perceived. Anyone can sound intuitive and smart upon learning and staying consistent on subject matters. But to sum this up, there is simply no most enlightened individual on the internet. For instance, let's consider AI a person, ai that has access to the internet as whole. That alone can be considered the most enlightened based upon knowledge alone. Change your perceptive view and multiply it, change it again, multiply. Continuation of such until you're able to see things as-is. Then continue to work on that, you'll only realize it's a never ending cycle of awareness, with a everso shaping view of reality. The conscious and spirit have no shape, it's like water. That everso flows based upon the mental state of self. We can all be hallucinating in a cope like fashion looking for a gateway beyond death. But that's not entirely true, the brain is a interesting thing especially if you've experienced psychedelics that alter said brain. Spirit and souls are real, but even that I can explain in a computer simulation state of being, we could all be hyper advanced ai for all we know. It's about perspectives, ones that can gather things and create puzzle pieces that can come into alignment on existing alone. However that's not true, we're in a insanely intricately conscious existence, that are microbial in size to the plane of existence we dwell upon. It's divine in nature, it was no accident. The God, the God of creation our creator.. one being that not a singular individual can even have a fraction of a microbe of understanding of. We're in a swirling vortex that's almost magical that can collapse on itself if the universe wanted to. Is that our God? Who knows, I just know 1 thing. None but itself will ever be enlightened to what it actually is.
@martinspiering5817 3 күн бұрын
Well said. I remember Jack Kornfield recounting that when he observed his teacher, Ajahn Chah (widely considered to have been a highly realised person), he found him lacking in what he (Kornfield) considered enlightened behaviour. When Kornfield complained about this to Chah, he just laughed and told him, "Good--that way you know it cannot be found somewhere out there."
@Awakehereandnow 2 күн бұрын
How wonderful Ajahn chah and the Thai forest school and very close to my heart and some of my most precious teachers so always love to hear about them. Thanks for sharing this.
@malapropist 3 күн бұрын
Also, any thought ABOUT enlightenment or nonduality, is not IT. But that's okay.
@malapropist 3 күн бұрын
I kinda think of enlightenment or nonduality as touching the bottom of the pool. It's helpful as a reference, it's refreshing in the moment. But I can't stay down there all day every day. And I keep waking up back in a body mind that's somewhere else in the middle of the pool of illusion. Angelo Dilullo is definitely a clear instructor tho.
@silverhandle 2 күн бұрын
In my experience, he is the clearest.
@falconjames126 2 күн бұрын
Yeah he is awesome. His book is quality
@simoninsilence1427 3 күн бұрын
Humility and compassion. Acceptance contra striving for perfection (in others and Self). Beautifully provocative.
@OffGridMind 4 күн бұрын
There is an injunction in Tibetan Buddhism, which is that one must not teach 'emptiness' - the wisdom of non-duality - to those whose minds are not prepared. There are so many people breaking this injunction (whether they know it or not). Preparing the mind through what you talk about here, and what I've talked about for years on my channel, i.e. basic meditation does not, as you say, attract people. But it is the best and, ultimately, only way to do this stuff properly.
@christinegorman3629 8 күн бұрын
While the idea to take thinga slow and be kind to ourselves is lovely, honestly find messages like this frustrating. I came to the non-duality rabbit hole via deep suffering and after exploring a million other ways out of the pain. Had no idea what I was getting into and it been an absolute nightmare…for the mind. Dark night of the soul on steroids. Wishing so many times what has been seen could be unseen and I could go back to not knowing the truth of who I am conceptually. Well more than conceptually because there is a knowing of what’s true but thoughts still struggle to not identify with thoughts. But here’s the rub… there is no person making the choice whether or not to do this work. No separate self deciding whether or not to watch videos or read books. It’s just happening. So when you or others say it’s dangerous to dive into this unprepared, who are you talking to? Infinite consciousness? Because if the sages are right, that’s all there is here. Nothing to do but keep watching the unfolding. Keep seeing that who I AM is just watching the fear and struggle. Even that is overstating the doing. Have found a supportive community and it feels as though things are starting to unwind but who knows. It’s just the mind telling the awakening story that it can’t possibly know.
@Awakehereandnow 7 күн бұрын
@@christinegorman3629 I'm so glad you have found a supportive community to be along side you. I know this path can be frustrating, and this is where patience goes a long way. By gently tending to frustration with mindful attention we get to explore the conditioning underneath. Wishing you wellness and ease 🙏
@indef93 7 күн бұрын
I feel you. It seems like all this chat about awakening is just after-the-fact, would-have-been-nice insight-gibberish. Nothing can be the way it isn't. It will go how it will. And even then, I think these messages are... nice. Even if not very effective for those that are just in the thick of it, where gentleness isn't in the direct experience. Every corner has it's own set of rules, so to say. Maybe one day you'll see the appearance of an obstacle that does respond to gentleness. ❤
@LaurenEhle 8 күн бұрын
Love this. Just did a guided TRE session. I had moments of really being in the room-actually *seeing* the specks in the tile ceiling-and then moments of getting lost in a thought reverie-and then moments of realizing how thoughts keep me from really being where I am. Still not sure what to do with this, how much to interact with the content of the thoughts that pull me away (or what material they’re pointing to) and how much to just attempt to reorient to the present.
@ravenwild5184 8 күн бұрын
Yes ❤. The more acceptance of what's arising and staying with the physical sensations in a gentle and kind way has provided so much healing here. What you called freedom dear Simon has been being experienced as Contentment here. For years I had been seeking enlightenment believing it would have a 'big bang', bells and whistles explosion 💥 In my mind Contentment sounded boring. Now, in experience, it's such a restful and beautiful space. In appreciation of your sharing the grounded way of being. Much love dear brother 🙏💕😘
@manifestbigmuscles 6 күн бұрын
Enlightenment is a feeling. Ketosis will get you there because it gets you out of your head. Enlightenment is achievable. The body is the best pharmacy:) No body or brain inflammation.
@Mimi-xs7gi 8 күн бұрын
@SamRoff 8 күн бұрын
Good stuff Simon! Love how you come back to the foundational stuff. This has also been my experience.
@karimsabry9502 8 күн бұрын
Top tip ❤ champion 🏆
@user-pe7jy9ww6v 11 күн бұрын
Very well explained No self..... No problem. Beautiful blue eyes by the way. James
@Awakehereandnow 11 күн бұрын
Thank you for the lovely comment ❤