"Why Girls Become Boys" | Trans Guy Reacts

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3 жыл бұрын

My response to PragerU getting even more transphobic in their latest ad... that's also been appearing on a bunch of LGBT+ videos. Yay.
Let me know what you think of the vid in the comments!

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@OneTopic 3 жыл бұрын
I’ve been told this recently as well on my videos. PragerU is a bit much, just, all of the time.
@thequeertelope7941 3 жыл бұрын
oh hey fun seeing u here
@dvffYT 3 жыл бұрын
@cobrabear6497 3 жыл бұрын
I've been seeing it on your channel,this channel, Sam Collins, and Samantha Lux's channel.
@marcus.... 3 жыл бұрын
I agree, I really hated this ad.
@dvffYT 3 жыл бұрын
@@cobrabear6497 wow really?!
@3rachachuchu403 3 жыл бұрын
The fact that she just keeps misgendering me and other trans guys basically in the whole video just makes me feel so uncomfortable- she says she is worried about us but she's just trying to hurt us lmao
@3rachachuchu403 3 жыл бұрын
@@ameliasellers6396 people like that just use the "it's to protect you" card to promote their transphobic ideas and make them sound less discriminatory and ridiculous
@prageruwu69 3 жыл бұрын
god ikr- it made me so dysphoric ugh
@kitkat6549 3 жыл бұрын
shskdhsk ik I hate it so much hearing someone talk about me and my community like that makes me feel so icky
@barnibombosz1448 3 жыл бұрын
Oh come on, TERFs are not feminists and conservatives never cared for people's well-being. There's nothing out-of-character in this.
@3rachachuchu403 3 жыл бұрын
Guys I just wanted to say that you're all so beautiful and valid, one day everyone will appreciate you and love you for who you are, regardless of your sexuality or gender, you are loved and supported no matter what
@i_will_not_elaborate 2 жыл бұрын
"Gender dysphoria only existed in boys." Me, a woman with autism: why does that sound familiar?
@elibella5660 2 жыл бұрын
Omg, that's right. I forgot about them saying that!
@starfishgurl1984 2 жыл бұрын
Truth! I was never officially diagnosed in childhood most likely because of that stereotype since I didn’t fit the typical presentation so instead I was listed as having an undiagnosed learning disability, yay me! (Not sure if I’m actually autistic as I’ve yet to be tested but at a minimum I do know I have both sensory and auditory processing disorders which are the two most common cooccurring disorders amongst autistics so it’s highly likely).
@mierin802 2 жыл бұрын
This is exactly what I thought of as well. Some things can present differently depending on things like how children are socialized, how open their household is, how likely their guardians are to take issues seriously. Which has led to many on the spectrum to never be diagnosed or to be diagnosed very late in life, and others to believe autism doesn't even present in girls at all. I'm not surprised that similar things are being insinuated here.
@titansrift3885 2 жыл бұрын
I was waiting for someone to add something like this. AFAB people didn't used to be in medical studies--I can remember a paper from pre-1980s about reducing the risk of ovarian cancer in which all the participants were men--or they were considered 'hysterical'. This is why you learn the 'time' rule when citing sources or doing research: the more modern a paper is, the better it is. Hell, I had a teach from way back that told me any paper over 5 years old should be treated with extra scrutiny. The bullshit these people use when talking about sources from the fucking nineties or before makes me want to tear my hair out.
@BestFriendsWhoLiveTogether 2 жыл бұрын
Same! Everything is more common in boys…
@jamieantonsson8617 Жыл бұрын
The thing is when I came out as bi, my mother said “you’ve never been interested in women before”. I HAD been interested in women before, but I had never said anything because I thought it was wrong or weird. My gender identity is the same. I haven’t talked about it because I don’t want to be disowned or thrown out. I love my family, but they can be very conservative.
@questionableadviser 11 ай бұрын
Same, and I hope that you’re currently well ❤️
@sarahdagnall6250 11 ай бұрын
I don't think this is transphobic. But it does raise the question why is the rate skyrocketing.
@Ruparatree728 9 ай бұрын
@@sarahdagnall6250 The number of left-handed people have raised since the last century, not because of seeing more left-handed people, but because being left handed is now more acceptable. Same with being trans, people in the past did not come out much because they feared being killed or getting disowned by their parents, but since it's a little more acceptable now, more people are coming out as trans.
@elfupong 7 ай бұрын
"you've never been interested in women before" is like saying "you've never showered before" just because she doesn't see it happening doesn't mean it isn't 😭
@yaboiEchogaming 6 ай бұрын
I tried coming out as trans to my mom today and she said “but you were so feminine before” and I didn’t have energy to explain that I didn’t understand the concept of gender as a kid and everything appeared intersex in my eyes so I crawled my ass back into the closet and proceeded to cry 😌👌
@biscuit8799 3 жыл бұрын
“You teenager is just a teenager” No, your teenager is just a person with ideas, thoughts, opinions, needs, and basic human rights 🤠 please treat them as such
@onivlasbrony7432 3 жыл бұрын
"But if I can't boss around and dismiss my children, what's the point of being a parent? My parents did it to me, so it's my turn now!" _-Conservative parents_
@iambutterpuppy1143 3 жыл бұрын
I agree with the thing of "your teenager is just a teenager" but for a different reason. Your teenage child is a teenager so let them figure themself out. Support them and let them make advances and mistakes, let them grow up knowing they can be who they are and no mater what you will love them unconditionally.
@planetboy3985 3 жыл бұрын
yell it louder so than parents can hear it, please
@FeatMe 3 жыл бұрын
@@onivlasbrony7432 yeeeesh I relate to this to much. But it’s okay “they love you and are only trying to help to be more responsible, although completely ignore you when you ask to go to the doctor to be diagnosed with your obvious adhd/depression 😀”
@queenofmoons720 3 жыл бұрын
No your teenager is just a meatsack with electricity and hormones, please treat them as such
@jaistashu1560 3 жыл бұрын
"Remember that a teenager is still JUST a teenager." Ah, yes. Time to engage in Gaslighting 101.
@KK-li1lw 3 жыл бұрын
The truth makes you apoplectic with rage
@weirdwonder6381 3 жыл бұрын
So if a teenager says they're allergic to peanuts they're not really allergic to peanuts theyre just teens ooof
@imaginarypluto6719 3 жыл бұрын
Going into this video, seeing this comment, I already know it's gonna amp up my ✨little t trauma✨
@saram404 3 жыл бұрын
Me throwing up and getting sick bc of a food I ate when I was younger and my parents saying I was just being a dramatic teen, turns out I was allergic :) they did the same for my depression and adhd, let's just say my therapist was not very happy abt my parents
@Avrysatos 3 жыл бұрын
I've found that teens and older children are really good at telling you if they're in mental or physical pain if you aren't dismissing them constantly as just kids.
@peanutquest8765 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who graduated high school nearly a decade ago, I can confirm that she is 100% lying about no one knowing any trans kids in high school back then.
@dietotaku Жыл бұрын
i graduated high school 20 years ago and hadn't heard about trans people back then, but when i did learn about them later on it was just like "oh, that makes sense, ok." it was really nbd, and you know a lot of girls in my high school identified as vapid cheerleader bullies but somehow that did not magically brainwash me into wanting to be a vapid cheerleader bully... 🤔
@catebrooks6779 Жыл бұрын
I graduated nearly 30 years ago... there were certainly trans people in my school and community!
@NoThankYouToo Жыл бұрын
You can confirm no such thing and it is you who is lying
@chara7259 11 ай бұрын
i graduated like in 2014 and never saw a single trans person
@BenShapiro426 11 ай бұрын
@@chara7259well every school is different but I know that trans kids are everywhere whether they are out or not. I attend a Catholic school in very far right Florida and I know trans kids who just told their friends.
@nevergonnagiveyouup1180 2 жыл бұрын
I can tell me being transgender isn’t a phase Because you know why? No matter how many times I try to suppress it and move on or try to convince myself I’m not trans, The feelings and dysphoria always come back.
@-toby-329 Жыл бұрын
...did you just rickroll me- (same though)
@Sketchguy1248 Жыл бұрын
You could say that the dysphoria is never gonna give you up?
@derpyslurp8779 Жыл бұрын
@terewonself Жыл бұрын
Rick has spoken, and truth he speaks.
@Amara87387 Жыл бұрын
I realized I was trans when I was 19 (A year ago). To the outside, it was sudden, but in my mind it’s always been there, Amara has always been there. She was always there, but I kept pushing her back because that wasn’t manly enough. I’d done it for so long I just thought it was normal, that I wasn’t trans. A year ago, I was doing some mental spring cleaning if you will, going through my mind, feeling, and emotions, to make sure I was doing good. That’s where I found her, Amara. That’s where I found *me.* I realized the voice I’d been listening to for a long time was the voice of dysphoria. When I started listening to who I really was, I was able to push back my dysphoria. He’s still here, but he no longer has power, because I am Amara
@ls_hi0-018 3 жыл бұрын
this ad screams, “I’ve never talked to a trans person."
@rainyrouge5123 3 жыл бұрын
As do all PragerU videos
@amythistowo8377 3 жыл бұрын
I mean, if they did then they might start to realize that trans people are humans who deserve the right to exist.
@cheddarcheese8577 3 жыл бұрын
@@amythistowo8377 no we can't have that
@greendayenjoyer 3 жыл бұрын
@@cheddarcheese8577 why
@crow3467 3 жыл бұрын
@@greendayenjoyer i think they were being sarcastic
@whilenya4714 3 жыл бұрын
Alright so, hear me out: I had a cat-and I know this is a weird way to start the anecdote-who we always thought was a female cat. We had it since it was a kitten, we adored it. We thought the cat was female since it was a kitten when we adopted it, because no one in the house knew how to tell the difference. That cat was the queen of the house and everybody loved it. Then, one day, we discovered it was a male cat instead. My mom was shocked and mildly horrified, my grandma didn't much care about it anyway, but my stepfather had the worst reaction of all. Poor thing passed from being his favorite cat on earth to being worse than dirt and the punchline of every joke because it was male and it had "deceived him" its whole life or something stupid like that. He even got physical with it when it tried to snuggle with him at first until it learned better. The worst part is: the poor cat couldn't understand why everybody but me treated it differently now. _It was still the exact same cat, it had always been male,_ it's just that no one was able to see it until it grew up enough to be able to show them better. Now, since they reacted this way towards my cat… if I'd come out as transmasculine, or in my case nonbinary, what do you think would've been their reaction to _me?_ Seriously, why do people think "girls want to become boys because they're told it solves all their problems and it's easier" is _even slightly_ a reasonable argument to make?! Being trans is *_not_* an "easy fix" at all. It usually makes your life harder. You don't come out because it's *_"easier"_* you come out _to be able _*_to be yourself._*
@RedRosemary 3 жыл бұрын
Poor cat.
@House2017 3 жыл бұрын
Being a CIS man is certainly still easier, but trans? Nope. And yea, it’s not about “easier”, it’s about fixing a biological issue. And poor cat. Some people are just dumb. I bet Brandon Teena would loved for things to be easier when he was revealed to be trans. Let’s ask him. Oh wait. He was killed in cold blood. Yea, “easier”.
@letoila5787 3 жыл бұрын
Damn that's awful, it really sucks that they are like that and acted like that to the poor innocent cat :( He didn't deserve that
@Leo-qt9vg 3 жыл бұрын
What the fuck I thought this was going to be like saying that you are the cat and not actually a cat, but like seriously wtf poor cat omg
@nymblake3978 3 жыл бұрын
That poor baby! Even as a cis woman, I don't understand how anyone could think people "choose" to be trans for an "easy fix." It just doesn't make a bit of sense. All I hear from trans people is about how badly people treat them because they are trans. How do transphobes see that as being an out?
@shelleyjames4446 Жыл бұрын
It’s terrible that she says gender transition won’t help these “girls”. My trans son had terrible anxiety, depression, an eating disorder and basically a terrible time. He is now presenting as male and in T and eating properly and being mostly happy. It’s not that everything is perfect but the improvement is so noticeable.
@Amara87387 Жыл бұрын
Someone on Twitter said this: “transitioning doesn’t fix all your problems, it makes your problems worth solving”
@AstralNovaaa 11 ай бұрын
You're a good parent, im glad your son feels better, i wish him well ❤
@hellochildren3780 9 ай бұрын
Exactly. I suffered mentally when my breasts started growing in and I just couldn't understand why but when I finally got a binder, my life was improved immensely. Like I actually could take care of myself because I didn't have to deal with having breaths all day
@hellochildren3780 9 ай бұрын
​@@Amara87387yess that's the best way to describe it. It's part of why my dad has been so adamant on paying for my trans tape and binders
@toolatefortowerfall 5 ай бұрын
awesome! happy for your son :)
@nobodyimportant850 Жыл бұрын
You know what also gives anxiety and depression.. feeling completely alone because you can’t find anyone in real life who relates to you that’s why social media is so popular
@TerryWaryObituary Жыл бұрын
As a fellow genderfluid, i completely agree with this
@Amara87387 Жыл бұрын
Yup. I have a visual impairment that leaves me unable to drive, I live in Texas. If it weren’t for the internet and discord, I’d have been VERY lonely
@theceoofeggmansempire5214 5 ай бұрын
​@@TerryWaryObituaryI dunno if i'm genderfluid or genderflux tbh 😑🫴
@cyclops_cat 3 жыл бұрын
"Let's not listen to doctors" that is literally how the pandemic started.
@caramelwinged2536 3 жыл бұрын
Also the reason why the pandemic got worse
@niamstylinzayn2195 3 жыл бұрын
Yes omg this comment is gold
@rainyrouge5123 3 жыл бұрын
Wouldn't be surprised if there's a ton of anti-masker virus deniers working at PragerU
@mossripalextechno6450 3 жыл бұрын
Yes and it gets worse when you open up the country for Christmas. Why do we not listen to scientists?
@scarletflame8769 3 жыл бұрын
it also led to the torture of many people. medicine has honestly always been horrible, but then trying to go back to the way it was before after you made advancements is just insane.
@Liv-uz1dz 3 жыл бұрын
as a cis girl with anxiety, not once in my life have I thought: "Hey, you know what would make all my problems go away? Cutting my boobs off and grow a beard!!"
@lark677 3 жыл бұрын
exactly! their statements are so obviously flawed that they can be shot down almost instantly
@nathanfoster5423 3 жыл бұрын
I love this xomment. Its sp sarcastic
@Liv-uz1dz 3 жыл бұрын
@@nathanfoster5423 thanks ^^´
@franceshopper2728 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly! I would have been a prime candidate for "rapid onset gender dysphoria", I was insecure, had several friends coming out at the time and was fairly gender noncomforming... except I've never felt the need to question my gender because I'm not transgender!
@aceatlasska4343 3 жыл бұрын
As a cis girl who is often insecure about her body, I can say that my insecurities come from my body not being "feminine" enough, strangely enough it has never occurred to me that masculinising it with testosterone would help.
@TheGuindo 2 жыл бұрын
the "but there were never any signs!!" reaction is always so funny to me because it's always just parents in denial. i'm ftm and that was my mom's reaction when i came out to her. me, a huge tomboy my entire life, hated wearing dresses and skirts so much that when i was forced to wear a skirt for church it was an ankle-length one so i could wear jeans underneath it, she thought _that_ child never showed any signs of being trans. the "rapid onset" perception is and has always been parents ignoring what's right in front of them.
@kitpy Жыл бұрын
I’m not out to my parents as nonbinary, and my friends and therapists use they/them for me around my parents…but nah I’m still cis
@Amara87387 Жыл бұрын
For me, there weren’t any visible signs, by intention. I thought that I wasn’t supposed to feel things like that, so I locked them in a box in the back of my mind. I was a boy after all. A year ago, I was searching through my mind, spring cleaning if you will, and I found that box. Inside was Amara, inside was me. There were signs, but I wouldn’t let anyone see them. I couldn’t let anyone see them. I’m glad I opened that box and started being myself again
@ScizzoringGirlz 8 ай бұрын
It’s not really a sign tho You just don’t like dresses….. i don’t too, Does that make me any less of a woman? No
@TheGuindo 8 ай бұрын
@@ScizzoringGirlz if that was the _only_ sign then you might have a point, but i opted not to list out everything else that got written off as "typical tomboy behavior" because i didn't want my comment to become an essay. i'm not trying to say that a girl being a tomboy is ALWAYS a sign that they're actually a trans boy, but i _am_ saying that if they do eventually come out as trans, you shouldn't be surprised.
@theceoofeggmansempire5214 5 ай бұрын
I'm lost in my mind anyway 😲
@gillianc8106 2 жыл бұрын
Your patience with this stuff is frankly astounding. I’m cis, but I can’t listen to her blatant manipulation, fake concern and intellectual dishonesty for more than a few seconds without the urge to throw my iPad. Thank you for always providing a reasoned, well-sourced rebuttal to harmful nonsense like hers.
@Amara87387 Жыл бұрын
Lol I know right. I like when they say that facts don’t care about your feelings, then get mad when all the facts point to trans people being valid. Hypocrites, all of fhem
@Val-Playz 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for being an ally. We appreciate every single one of the allies just like you being on our side. Have a good day and just reply to this or something if you need help dissing out the phobes
@isaachudson294 3 жыл бұрын
i love that their caricature of a scary trans person thats turning all the "normal girls" trans has blue-green hair and multiple facial piercings. like thats me lmao
@petrfedor1851 3 жыл бұрын
You: Just chilling Transphobes: running in panic!
@mirror1643 3 жыл бұрын
me: talking to you and getting confidant to wear abnormal clothes transphobe: OH POOR BABY WHAT HAS THIS PERSON DONE!
@starrywizdom 3 жыл бұрын
Ah, so you're a brave person who is true to yourself instead of conforming to societal pressure. HOW DARE YOU lol
@patjenkins3032 3 жыл бұрын
Keep up the good work then! :)
@sparkydreamer7193 3 жыл бұрын
I m a cis girl with purple hair and facial piericings. But I mean I kinda did help my trans friend come out/change his feminine name to a shorter version more masculine nickname. And he did change his name and totally transition after 18. So I guess I kinda was the final push he needed to accept himself. But I like to call it being a good friend lmao
@basildoingthings819 3 жыл бұрын
My very conservative mother’s best friend was like, “so when girls go through puberty they get more insecure, and when guys go through puberty they get more confident, so that’s why girls want to transition and go on testosterone, to become more confident.” Mmmmm so I had to be like “kids don’t just come out and immediately get in hormones, you do not know what you’re talking about.” It’s so frustrating.
@mattmadman6728 3 жыл бұрын
so "guys" get on estrogen to become more humble?
@swimmyswim417 3 жыл бұрын
And it’s pretty dangerous to assume that boys don’t get insecure while they’re going through puberty. That’s exactly the kind of rigid gender-based assumption that contributes to men and boys hiding mental health struggles. Puberty doesn’t make someone transgender, gender dysphoria does. I’m sure puberty can make that dysphoria more pronounced but there’s a lot more to why people choose to transition than just “I guess teens these days are just sO cRaZy”.
@josephineddarling5051 3 жыл бұрын
the “girls” would be more confident but not for the reasons she is saying
@merrittanimation7721 3 жыл бұрын
@NettylSpryngs 3 жыл бұрын
Everyone is insecure during puberty. Trans people actually tend to have a bit of an advantage because they have to actively analyze their gender on a daily basis and are faced with daily confrontations with gender disphoria. Cis teens will probably be even less sure and comfortable with their identities because they haven't taken the time to get to know themselves as much. But either way, even if it doesn't balance out that way and trans people questioning tilts the scale their way for insecurity, everyone is experiencing it, and I highly doubt many people experience confidence during that time any deeper than surface level as in the way they hold themselves.
@eileen58 2 жыл бұрын
I love how she is treating transitioning like weed. It just reminds me of the anti-drug commercials. The idea that anyone would even hint that transitioning is easier than not doing it is absolutely insane, I'm a cis woman and even I know that.
@Val-Playz 11 ай бұрын
Ye LeTs JuSt HaVe A lItTlE pUfF oF tRaNsGeNdEr-NeSs!
@eileen58 11 ай бұрын
@@Val-Playz Protect your kids or they’ll get hooked on being transgender! 😂
@applecrisps5304 2 жыл бұрын
I got a Trevor project ad while watching this and started tearing up- Just a random reminder that there are a lot of good people in the world, even if a lot of others aren’t the best
@that.bluecat 3 жыл бұрын
That "be the adult in the relationship" line just screams "force something on another human being under the guise of them being stupider than you."
@RowanArk 3 жыл бұрын
I know. It sounds like child abuse to me. If anyone has parents who think like this I'm very sorry
@Tendo641 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, these are the same people who treat their children like property and think they have the right to control them like puppets.
@julzbehr6696 3 жыл бұрын
How do you keep your kids from being comfortable and discovering who they are? Well, don’t let them have contact with the outside world and don’t educate them on identity works.
@foundhorrificgames.2505 3 жыл бұрын
@@RowanArk it sounds like religion.
@idasvenning3892 3 жыл бұрын
This whole ad just screams ”I know my child better than they know themself and you can’t tell me otherwise”
@theomegajuice8660 3 жыл бұрын
PragerU: 10 years ago there were no trans-men Jamie (trans man who began transitioning 10 years ago): Well...
@piffling2238 3 жыл бұрын
Now we know who started it
@TheSorrel 3 жыл бұрын
"We haven't talked about it, so it didn't exist."
@MrGemHunter 3 жыл бұрын
Clearly *Clearly* he was the first
@LuckyLittleLoki 3 жыл бұрын
The greek god of trans people: "Am I a joke to you?"
@daydreamingstars2980 3 жыл бұрын
My religion is so chill 😂😂
@icetiger-4760 2 жыл бұрын
“Is being trans a fad? We asked cisgendered transphobic parents!” Is it really so hard to just ask lgbt+ people what it’s like being who they are? We don’t bite and we have cake and cookies.
@Vinni-2K 4 ай бұрын
nooo because we may be biased and they dont want that!!!1
@zvezda4701 2 ай бұрын
Speak for yourself, I bite transphobes! But that said, I do have cake and cookies for people who genuinely want to learn and be allies!
@fulloflovelust9477 2 жыл бұрын
"Social media give you depression and anxiety and will make you sad and alone" I litterally feels accepted and love by being the way i am like I've never been before
@theceoofeggmansempire5214 5 ай бұрын
It's weird to me cuz i never spoke with lgbt people irl. And here the things are opposite
@necobubbles 3 жыл бұрын
"A four year old is too young to know they're trans." most parents at their babies: dress them in shit like "i'm gonna break all the girls hearts when im a teen" "i'm gonna bring all the boys home to daddy"
@Zero_Is_Stopping_Time 3 жыл бұрын
I have a shirt that says “Bright future, strong girl” and whenever I find it in my closet I throw it because I’m a non-binary
@SirMrSir-do4dk 3 жыл бұрын
@@Zero_Is_Stopping_Time Would your family notice if you threw it out? Would you be able to come up with some excuse like 'I don't like the colours/font' or 'it doesn't fit me right' or just 'I don't like the shirt anymore'?
@Zero_Is_Stopping_Time 3 жыл бұрын
@@SirMrSir-do4dk I mean, it is a bit loose so that could be a good excuse
@BestBetterBestest 3 жыл бұрын
@@Zero_Is_Stopping_Time i'm in the same position. My mom's bf got me a "Women will save the world" shirt and I didn't know how to explain that I was not a woman. Plus everyone i was already out to was there and NOBODY corrected him.
@Zero_Is_Stopping_Time 3 жыл бұрын
@@BestBetterBestest And, that sounds pretty sexist towards men, people act like men can’t have feelings and have to be “big balls tough guy” all the time
@thatguysinjail3488 3 жыл бұрын
Transphobes: Girls don't have beards. Transmen: *Have beards* Transphobes: You're a girl.
@Evzen. 2 жыл бұрын
Make it make sense😭
@thatguysinjail3488 2 жыл бұрын
@@Evzen. ikr
@idontknowreally2474 2 жыл бұрын
lmao 💀💀💀
@idontknowreally2474 2 жыл бұрын
oo oo i have another one Transphobes: boys dont wear skirts Trans Women: wears skirts Transphobes: you're a boy
@iloveplasticbottles 2 жыл бұрын
You boldly assume transphobes have logic
@kiralonely1307 2 жыл бұрын
My mom didn't think I had any symptoms of dysphoria in my early childhood when I came out as a trans man. I...did. I just...like, didn't tell her about it? Cause I thought it was illogical and I didn't know trans men were a thing, and I got shit about making mountains out of molehills all the time. It was only when puberty hit and I had my breasts grow and I though, huh, maybe I just think they should be bigger, that's why I'm uncomfortable with them, and then my period hit, and I remember laying in bed that night staring at the ceiling and realizing at that moment that I didn't want to become a woman anymore. I didn't understand it, but I just knew I didn't like what was happening and I preferred it before. I wanted to go back. I remember wishing desperately, holding a plush, with my eyes closed tight, still sore from crying that day from panic attacks cause things got really wild when my period hit, and wishing that time would go back to that morning when I woke up, except it would be the same, without the period thing. Or, as my alternative to the universe, I wanted to just not wake up please. My mom saw a change in my behavior hitting puberty, she just didn't know wtf it was. I never told her about the time when I was a kid and I would think about how I hated being called a "girly girl" and wanted to be called a "tomboy" even though I knew I didn't fit that role all that much, and how I started trying to amplify and speak out about my more masculine interests to try and get people to go along with my wishes. I didn't know why I felt that way, but it was on and off my mind for like most of my early childhood. I told my mom at the age of 16-17 that I had thought those things, and she never fuckin' knew. Just cause parents don't see shit doesn't mean it's not fuckin' happening. I hate that bullshit concept. Like, I know that she's a dumb and just spreading propaganda about anti-trans shit, but it fuckin' pisses me off that she uses that wording, that, oh no, the parents hadn't seen any symptoms, yeah, no shit. That happens sometimes??? Especially when you're raised AFAB and you acting out or feeling odd is dismissed all the time and you're told not to be "overdramatic" around every corner??? Not all trans masc folk behave the same as children, hell, I wasn't super masculine, I was more androgynous femme-leaning in my interests. Why? Cause even now, I present androgynously, it's just how I am. But I am a man. A dude. I've literally been on HRT for a year and known I was trans for about 7 years now. Been out for about 6-7 years now. My mom and pediatrician can attest that the change in my behavior and mood and anxiety and depression and all that shit was IMMENSE. Like, my pediatrician has told me, point blank, that I'm one of the most like clear cases of how much HRT can help someone's mental health, in ways you might not even expect. She has said the general feeling I gave off before was just like a cat latched onto the ceiling, and now I'm a lot more calm, I have a lot less daily anxiety, I walk into a room with my shoulders actually straight instead of curled in like a little tortoise shell of protection, and I just overall seem more like..myself. Like comfortable with life. She hadn't even expected this significant of a change, and I suspect she probably uses me as an example of the more extreme side of like how HRT can drastically help mental health, and how being trans can impact more than just general mood or depression.
@electronics-girl Жыл бұрын
I've felt this way since kindergarten but it took me until age 47 to put the label "trans" on it. When I came out to my parents, they had absolutely no idea I'd been having these feelings for over 40 years. Because yeah, I was ashamed of feeling that way, and I didn't tell people about it.
@Herowebcomics Жыл бұрын
Wow! So by trying to go against nature and lie about what biological sex you are, you feel better now! Looks like the Prager U people are right about some things! It is a way to escape reality!
@zedzed_ Жыл бұрын
It makes sense why women in this society would 'become men'. Because they as a sex class are oppressed, and face many issues from the patriarchy, so of course they try to escape their oppression. The denial of this is pure misogyny. Women don't just 'want to become men'. They feel pressured, and want to escape this endless oppression, which you can't blame. But it is gaslighting and forced affirmation to then go, 'ah yes, these women obviously wanna become men because they're systematically oppressed, but that's probably nothing to do with it, nah, they probably just wanna become men because they feel it deep inside! Let's let them saw off their boobs, because that's definitely not the patriarchy pushing them to hate being women! Nope! Mustn't be that!'. This isn't progressive. It's the complete opposite. It's misogyny sprinkled with glitter. It's very natural for women to not want to be the sex they were born with, because let's face it, being a woman in this society sucks. But you're not a male. You only want to be a male because you know the benefits and how males are not an oppressed class. It's sad that it's now accepted to tell girls to just 'be men' instead of us all joining together to stop the source of patriarchy all together.
@OneDayArt 2 жыл бұрын
I wish you would do a video specifically for scared parents that breaks down their fears and explains it for them. You've done a lot of research and can see through the bs in a way that's is logical and helpful. I wish there was a single video that I could share to a couple people to help them see past Propaganda like this
@ZELtheIrken 3 жыл бұрын
The fact that she thinks that transitioning is a “quick fix” or the easy way out confuses and disgusts me. Pretty sure it is neither easy or quick to transition.
@DeathnoteBB 3 жыл бұрын
It seems like every transphobe thinks you can just go to one doctor appointment and get surgery and hormones next day. Like wow does it not work like that. I’ve heard like, _one_ story of someone who detransitioned and it sounded like the medical professionals they saw were extremely incompetent. I think Sammi Dodger mentioned them before? Idk my memory is shit. But yeah in 99.99% of cases, it takes months to years, and lots of therapy.
@goldengryphon 3 жыл бұрын
When you realize that these are the same people who think it only takes a minute to get a license to own and operate a vehicle, and that the DMV doesn't require amazing amounts of "proof of residency" (at least in the USA). They are also the same people who think that the already existing gun restriction and registration laws can be gotten around by any law-abiding citizen in just a couple of minutes ... It just ... why are people so amazingly stupid and refuse to do any research at all?
@stardustcrusader8890 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah cause when you know your trans first you have to research it to know how to transition then you have to come out then change your wardrobe then get hrt then you have to be on hormones for atleast a year to get any surgeries and you also have to afford tell surgerys it's not quick at all
@nicokelly6453 3 жыл бұрын
Also way overblowing and misunderstanding how transition is talked about among trans groups. Like there’s definitely issues within trans communities on how we talk about it, but she makes it very obvious she doesn’t actually know how trans communities work, what we talk about and how. Like she doesn’t actually know what trans teens might be learning from other trans people online lol.
@UlexiteTVStoneLexite 3 жыл бұрын
Yes because surgeries are quick..... I have had issues with my mammory ducts and already had a surgery when I was 18. The problem is still there and now I am in my 30s and I am tired of dealing with the problem. Oh my gosh I am having a hard time getting a problem fixed and prague thinks doctors give out surgeries willy-nilly???? No they don't!!!
@dapper-ant2634 3 жыл бұрын
She kept saying "she" and I thought for the longest time she was talking about trans woman but no she was just misgendering trans men
@dapper-ant2634 3 жыл бұрын
@Just another soapy dude yeah transphobes are not ones to look at facts or listen to reasons
@ban9693 3 жыл бұрын
They literally referred to trans boys in the video as “girls who want to transition to another ‘SEX’ “
@Petrichor_Pyroclast 3 жыл бұрын
It's so frustrating. She keeps calling AFAB trans people "girls". I'm not a "girl who thinks she's a boy", because I never was a girl.
@scathannagoodman3796 2 жыл бұрын
16:30 'just a teenager'. I saw something that said 'why are teens so angry? Because they are treated like kids and expected to behave like adults.' That's what we're talking about. Also, re: how the video says that social media is influencing people to be LGBTQIA+, in my personal experience, it just told me what it was. I recently found out I'm asexual, and I kind of always knew it, but k didn't know that asexuality was an actual thing. A random youtube video was reccomended to me about asexuality, and since I was trying to learn as much as I can about everyone in the LGBTQIA+ community i decided to check it out. Then I realized "oh wait... this is me. I'm actually a thing? There are people like me?" and it was wonderful 🖤💜🤍 So social media isn't making people LGBTQIA+, just spreading awareness and information about it, and helping people realize that there's a community for them ❤🧡💛💚💙💜
@VenomQuill Жыл бұрын
I thought I was lesbian until college, when I learned more about the LGBTQIA+ community, at which point I found aro/ace is a thing. I firmly believe that you don't "change" gender/sexuality, you just expand your knowledge and adapt the label that most fits you. Which is why it's so important to teach that in school.
@StellaPinkbird Жыл бұрын
Same experience here! I watched a video where someone was interviewing asexual people and watching it I was like "hold on, i can relate to this" so I looked more into it and safe to say I am ace ^-^
@skye9293 Жыл бұрын
Jammie’s channel is a safe space in the chaotic depths of KZfaq
@birdflox1337 3 жыл бұрын
Child: finds out they're trans Parents: shame them into hiding it because they're too young Child: represses their emotions Parents: what do you mean, you're trans? There weren't any signs!
@chancewill6910 3 жыл бұрын
I didn't realize I was trans until I was 14 and when I came out my mom said something like "looking back now I see the signs"
@planetboy3985 2 жыл бұрын
@croissant Hey! If you need some to talk to I can always give out my Instagram or Discord!
@jamestalkscomics 3 жыл бұрын
“WHY DONT THEY REALIZE IT SOONER” “THEYRE TOO YOUNG” ???? transphobes are weird 😭
@EcholocationX 3 жыл бұрын
We have one second in life on the first full moon after we turned 11 where we have to come out or be silent for ever /s
@k.c.maiale7504 3 жыл бұрын
Like- they shield us from the real world, force us into gender roles, and never even let us question our gender then wonder why we didn't say anything or exhibit symptoms sooner 🤦‍♂️
@crunchevo8974 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah literally contradicting... Such BS like she's trying to say. "teens that are developing can't possibly realize their gender identity doesn't match their assigned at birth identity when they're not toddlers. HOW DARE YOU EXIST" why tf is KZfaq allowing this on their platform?
@3ll3llyyy 3 жыл бұрын
k a r l
@3ll3llyyy 3 жыл бұрын
@@jamestalkscomics yes
@eddieandrade7942 2 жыл бұрын
I swear this ad would be absolute nightmare fuel if my mom watched it and didn’t research the statistics being mentioned because my mom is homophobic and transphobic and has untreated schizophrenia, also we live in Oregon so she would be pretty quick to believe the stuff said about Oregon
@xanderguyer7512 2 жыл бұрын
My mom claimed I transitioned as a social contagion. I was homeschooled. I DID have online homeschool classes, but every class talked about how trans people were not real, a plight on the world, and going to hell. Would have been kicked out of school, actually, if I told them. And, I fully believed it. Social contagion. I read a medical article on the internet. I love being a man, now, as an adult. It's perfect for me. Mom still says it's a social contagion. She says it was rapid onset gender dysphoria of the internet, because I didn't call myself a word until I learned the word.
@dr.foxtrotphdinbullshit7346 3 жыл бұрын
7:22 is just like "To know how deers felt about being killed in their natural habitat, we asked hunters"
@minervatanhua2387 3 жыл бұрын
So true
@Basedhistoryenjoyer 3 жыл бұрын
"So how does murder victimes felt like when they were being chased by a maniac? *We asked a murderer."*
@Nameless-wb6nv 3 жыл бұрын
yes the deers love to be killed
@Catlily5 3 жыл бұрын
You speak "deer"? (Not that you would need to in this situation).
@dr.foxtrotphdinbullshit7346 3 жыл бұрын
Yes I do. BTW They don't like being hunt, they find a bit stressful
@brianapereira2694 3 жыл бұрын
California demigirl here. That “kindergarten trans stuff” is literally just teaching kids how to address people you don’t know the gender of. My friend is a teacher (2nd grade currently) and that’s basically it for the “transing of education.” Telling kids that there are trans people in the world, and also that you should be kind and respectful to everyone? Oh, the horror! 🙃
@Ava-cw3jf 3 жыл бұрын
How dare you teach children to respect people?!? Shame on your friend!
@theomegajuice8660 3 жыл бұрын
In Britain we have Christmas Pantomimes which traditionally involve a lot of crossdressing (e.g. Peter Pan is played by a young woman, and there's usually an over the top older lady played by a fat guy with a beard putting on a silly voice, if you've seen much Monty Python you'll know the kind of thing) and most young kids don't underrstand that the actors and the characters aren't the same gender despite the fact that's part of the joke! Pretty sure a little bit of "trans people exist" teaching isn't going to rock their world
@blookysugar7592 3 жыл бұрын
New Jersey demi girl here It wasn't until middle school when it was announced we'd be talking about lgbtq history. I've always known of transgender people when I was younger, but it was mostly from the news and 2012/2013 KZfaq
@bluecritical7618 3 жыл бұрын
Just wanna know: isn't being demi means that you can only be attracted to someone if you know him personally? (Just asking)
@mr.potato 3 жыл бұрын
@@bluecritical7618 demigender is different from demisexual. Demisexual is when you only are attracted to people you have a close connection with, and demiboy/girl means that you feel only partly male/female (if I'm wrong, someone correct me)
@Asap_potty Жыл бұрын
"your teenager is just a teenager' also them "fetuses are human beings and deserve rights"
@amygriffith8224 Жыл бұрын
@wit681 Жыл бұрын
they sweep these inconsistencies under the rug, lest they have to actually think upon the inveracity or harm of their statements. because they know that anyone who notices these inconsistencies will never be convinced that those statements are true.
@yaboiEchogaming 6 ай бұрын
“Mam, that is Voldemort”
@Percy1800sDetective 2 жыл бұрын
Being called 'her' just kills me inside...I know what I am feeling, and if it doesn't affect you, leave it be.
@phoebeplague 3 жыл бұрын
I love how she said that "there was 0 research on trans men" then later basically said "something weird is happening cause theres a lot more trans men now"
@BCsenge97 3 жыл бұрын
Lol yes
@mikejeffries3333 3 жыл бұрын
"Hm, it seems that people are far more comfortable openly identifying as a thing now that it's more commonly accepted. This is clear proof that that they are only identifying as this thing because it's trendy and they want to take over the world so that they can... um... I'll get back to you on that. But it's totally because they want to take over the world, and not because they want to be happy with their lives."
@Ulysse179 3 жыл бұрын
Thought the same thing. This part is a testimony of her great stupidity. Can't even believe people can live with that level of "thinking" (assuming she ever tried to think before)
@fincheggs5867 3 жыл бұрын
"the trans men are multiplying!!!!!!!!"
@cerberus_chihuahua_the_third 3 жыл бұрын
"OMG they're just teenagers 😤 they're not mature enough to know their gender!" So you're telling me a teenager is not old enough to know their gender... But is old enough to know exactly what career they want to pursue....? Excuse me what.
@thewhitefalcon8539 3 жыл бұрын
Oh but they think all those cis teenagers are old enough to know their gender
@ettinakitten5047 3 жыл бұрын
Meanwhile, earlier in the same video she was saying that real gender dysphoria has onset in preschool. So a 3 year old is old enough to know their gender, but a 13 year old isn't?
@himikotoga2191 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah right, like if they are to young then how do they know they're cis?
@cerberus_chihuahua_the_third 2 жыл бұрын
@@himikotoga2191 yeah that's what I tell people when they say that my partner is too young to know they're genderdoe, like aren't I too young to know i'm cis then?
@lmbusiness5300 2 жыл бұрын
Bruh like seriously wtf, it's more likely to be the other way round tbh, unrelated issue but I'm so mad about how schools put pressure on kids to choose their entire life path at like fifteen
@ttintagel Жыл бұрын
I've run into so many people who don't believe young trans people should be allowed to transition, and yet fully support nonconsensual cosmetic surgery on intersex kids' genitals. I can't imagine the mental gymnastics that takes.
@BlueJayBaby 2 жыл бұрын
What’s frustrating is that most of this ad is covering about the teenage girls, almost feeling like “oh, trans women are acceptable and common but trans men are totally not real”
@alexdingley9808 3 жыл бұрын
prageru: "these medical facilities rush these teens towards 'a solution'" me, a trans man still waiting for 4+ years for the entry appointment at the gender clinic:
@stardustcrusader8890 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly they act like a 6 year old can go into a hospital and come out with bottom surgery and hrt
@mikejeffries3333 3 жыл бұрын
Wait... you mean a newly born male baby can't just waddle over to the transition ward and be turned into a 25 year-old woman with implants on all parts of her body! Ridiculous! Famed Facebooker @IHateWomenAndMinorities88 told me that they can do that, and he would NEVER lie!
@emmettmcnally740 3 жыл бұрын
Me, a AFAB non-binary person who has to go to a therapist to get approval for a non- gender related, medically appropriate, breast reduction:
@ChampiVenao 3 жыл бұрын
@@emmettmcnally740 gosh that's awful :( In my country you can buy testosterone without medical recipe but if I want the right dose and not self-medicate, you have to do a whole paperwork circus for an endocrinologist to even give you said recipe :// Same for any gender-related surgery
@jimkennedy4509 3 жыл бұрын
You are in the wrong state
@courtneymaria56 3 жыл бұрын
Also as a troubled cis teenage girl with trans friends not once did I think “I must be trans then” because that’s NOT WHY PEOPLE COME OUT AS TRANS THEY COME OUT AS TRANS BECAUSE THEYRE TRANS L I S A
@ratface2138 3 жыл бұрын
Why do transphobes think that people come out as trans because of influence from other trans people? As a cis girl I’m exposed to a lot of stuff about trans people on the internet and not once did I question my gender identity. People who do that were most likely always trans, and seeing other trans people made them more comfortable to come out.
@emytann7838 3 жыл бұрын
@@ratface2138 They dont think that siriously, its just a excuse for their hate.
@ratface2138 3 жыл бұрын
@@emytann7838 That’s true sadly. Transphobes shouldn’t be allowed to have children
@courtneymaria56 3 жыл бұрын
@@emytann7838 I honestly think some of them do, it’s really stupid but I’ve been told by some family that I’m just jumping on the bandwagon saying I’m bi to fit in! Even in the trans community some people talk about “trenders”
@emytann7838 3 жыл бұрын
@@ratface2138 Or they shut learn to convert their hat in some thing positiv. Because hat dont discriminat gender, sexuality, race , children or adults. So it wot be bether for they children to have loving parents and not parents full of hate😉😉💖💖🤟🤟🤟
@autopsyturvy 2 жыл бұрын
My mom was always very open with me about LGBT identities, as much as a child could understand of course. We had a trans neighbor, who came out as a trans dude and got kicked out, so we let him stay with us until he got a place to live. I was about 8. That was our buddy Kev! I loved Kev! Cool guy! Like a big brother to me! At that age, he didn't influence me to become trans. In fact, I never even connected the dots that he was our old neighbor [deadname] until like 3 years ago because nobody ever made a big fuss about him being trans or anything. However that openness to things like that is what helped me feel comfortable in exploring and eventually finding out "oh.. I'm trans. Weird. Makes sense what I was feeling as a kid though, I guess." I'm so thankful to my mother for that, even if she was less than stellar in literally every other area of parenting. I wish my father was more like that. My choices of having any parental relationship are druggy, bisexual mom or stable, transphobic dad. 🙄😭
@thibautsoria1956 23 күн бұрын
Justice for Kev. I know about him since 12 seconds and already consider him like a brother.
@siriusgames7730 Жыл бұрын
“If you’re a middles school girl, it’s possible you may know someone who identifies as transgender” Me: “of course I know her, she’s me.”
@thibautsoria1956 23 күн бұрын
So you’re transfem ? (If not, sorry for misgendering you. This was just an assumption based on the fact you called yourself a her)
@cam6963 3 жыл бұрын
Jamie’s videos: Wholesome trans content KZfaq Algorithm: trAnSpHoBiA
@seans857 3 жыл бұрын
In someone's twisted mind that's 'fair' and 'balanced'
@ot7biasedmashups 3 жыл бұрын
@@seans857 FACTS
@demonheart13 3 жыл бұрын
@@seans857 is it just me, or do you get creeped out by the adds on these videos. (When I'm watching illuminaughty I get loads of MLM ads, so I just feel like when. I'm looking at transphobia videos, all the companies that pop up are thus transphobic and I give them my completely irrational side eye
@Iskkkk167 3 жыл бұрын
@opiret44 3 жыл бұрын
@@Iskkkk167 You can delete videos from you're watch history, or if it's ad's click the i at the bottom and click don't show this ad.
@Aisukun 3 жыл бұрын
KZfaq: "Were trying to fight against misinformation " Also KZfaq: "Ads like this are fine because money."
@mr.x2567 3 жыл бұрын
They don’t have any actual competition
@damienm.9677 3 жыл бұрын
I’ve seen ads for Alliance Defending Freedom (lol) which is literally considered a hate group.
@shroomesh6456 3 жыл бұрын
Not related to transphobia but I used to get non vape ads that make me very uncomfortable, and when I reported them multiple times KZfaq didn’t care. All I get mostly(I still get them sometimes) stupid mobile game ads
@OrontesRM 3 жыл бұрын
same with nazifascist content
@MayMN 3 жыл бұрын
@@shroomesh6456 what's vape?
@crystalthewolf8945 Жыл бұрын
“A quick fix” Ah yes, because transitioning was quick and easy, I’ve been working towards transitioning for 4 years, and just started estrogen in January
@cukka99 11 ай бұрын
"A quick fix." "You've created a lifelong patient." She don't give a whit about what she's saying, does she? Consistency? Blah. Making sense? Blech.
@heyhelloitsmilo 2 жыл бұрын
i like how she said it was 'rushed'. it took me ~12 years to realize i wasn't female, and 2 years later to figure out i was demiboy and aroace. it's taken a long time to get my parents to accept me, and my mom's finally starting to :) baby steps i plan on getting my first binder soon, so that's great :D
@greatdate7241 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a demiboy and aroace too! I figured out I was trans when I was 13 and that I was a demiboy pretty recently when I was 18. Good luck getting your first binder, and remember to bind safely :)
@theceoofeggmansempire5214 5 ай бұрын
I'm 18 & i start to think that i'm genderfluid or genderflux
@AnadynTheCursed 3 жыл бұрын
"I'm Abigail Schrieir, author of irreversible damage..." She's right, you know. Not in the way she thinks, but she did cause a lot of damage.
@himikotoga2191 2 жыл бұрын
Luckily she didn't, most of people watching those videos don't agree with the shit she says
@sarahlelys9268 2 жыл бұрын
@@himikotoga2191 Unfortunately, the few who will watch and believe her videos will either suffer the consequences and repress their actual identity, or go on and inflict massive damage on trans people.
@abigailsaoirsefinnegan 2 жыл бұрын
I'd like to challenge her to a duel. There can only be one of us.
@lmbusiness5300 2 жыл бұрын
@Kawamura2 2 жыл бұрын
@@abigailsaoirsefinnegan So basically Highlander? lol
@MrsMelrom 3 жыл бұрын
I"m near on 50 and went to school with a trans person. She was unhappy and confused in herself, I think, for a very long time. She only came out in her late 30s early 40s. I wish she had had the internet trans community to help her understand herself sooner.
@NylaTheWolf 3 жыл бұрын
I hope she feels happier with herself now!
@OliviaWood14 3 жыл бұрын
Same for one of my mothers. It took her many, many years and I dare say it's part of why she has had depression for decades. I wish she had had the support and understanding there is today (I mean still not good enough but at least it's better)
@alrayjs 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly this! I'm nothing but happy for these kids that they have all these resources now. If I'd known I was asexual in high school I wouldn't have spent 30 years thinking I was broken.
@NylaTheWolf 3 жыл бұрын
@@alrayjs fellow ace! 🖤🤍💜
@bananasinfrench 3 жыл бұрын
@@alrayjs mood 🖤💜
@brandycarr5378 2 жыл бұрын
I had a cousin transition and our family flipped out. Several of my cousins were never surprised when this happened. We all knew as kids that my cousin was a boy. He has a happy family life now. I know it was a long, difficult journey for him. I truly hope people could keep an open mind. Everyone deserves to be happy within their own bodies.
@honeysenpai5619 2 жыл бұрын
As a trans person who has a lot of trans friends. Rapid onset gender dysphoria is not real. We all figured it out together and realized because as children we were not taught about trans people. I'm really pissed watching things that make rapid onset seem real. 😒 it's disgusting and disappointing
@credendovides20 3 жыл бұрын
PragerU: Internet is a place that is gonna make teens feel sad, depressed and alone. *PragerU proceeds to make videos emphasizing that teens should be left sad, depressed and alone*
@m0bz0mb39 3 жыл бұрын
This comment is underrated
@credendovides20 3 жыл бұрын
@isitsweet9567 3 жыл бұрын
I think the entire point people like these are trying to make is that being comfortable with your biological gender will help you with your sadness, depression, and loneliness. It's great to argue against something, but if you're not even trying to grasp what the other side is actually arguing FOR, you don't even know what you're arguing against.
@credendovides20 3 жыл бұрын
@@isitsweet9567 I am gonna trust you on that for a moment and believe that's really their entire point... It's not an argument it can debated against since it shows a complete 360° ignorance over the whole matter. For example: "biological gender" is not a thing, so they do not even know the words nor the concepts they are trying to argue against. Gender Dysphoria is "the distress a person feels due to a mismatch between their gender identità and their sex assigned at birth.", so they clearly don't know that either. Less explicitly, to claim something like that, they obviously do not even know anything biologically correct about chromosomes and intersex people. Intellectually honest debates can be held when both the parties are equally prepared over the topic of the discussion. They are not and that's why their arguments, including this one if that's the case, have no sense and don't even have the basis to be argued against. BUT PragerU is not actually arguing for that. Because we scientists, plus doctors, psychologists, trans-allies in general, are the ones that do agree completely that managing to live comfortably with your gender will help you with sadness, depression and loneliness. We have data on that. That's why people should be let free to transition physically: to live comfortably with their gender, no matter their biological sex. These transphobes are arguing against it. Not even for hate, I think. Simply medical ignorance.
@teaartist6455 3 жыл бұрын
It's especially bad because, while there is a slight correlation between social media use and depression in the group considered girls in the study*, that doesn't say anything about what causes what (ie: does social media cause depression or are mentally ill kids more likely to be online more because real life is much harder for them, or even do bad IRL connections and a lack of friends mean their main means of interaction and spending time are online) and for trans people with unsupportive families in particular the internet is often the one place they can find support. *I don't think they really looked into trans vs. cis so whether trans boys ended up being counted as boys or girls is anyones guess, probably depended on whether or not they were out
@annamroczek4329 3 жыл бұрын
DeCadE aGo ThErE wAs No TrAnSgEnDeR kIdS iN ScHooLs. OH MY, I WONDER WHYYY. Pretty sure not because people were more scared to coming out.
@autumnnal 3 жыл бұрын
I’m not transgender but I’m a lesbian, and of course I wouldn’t be openly gay a decade ago because there was so much more homophobia back then (and still today)! The spike in people identifying as transgender is something we should be proud of, as our society has become more accepting of trans people! ♥︎
@thespankmyfrank 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly! There were trans kids when I was at school a decade ago, they just didn't come out publicly until several years later. Basically, they've always been there, they're just now more comfortable with being openly trans.
@ko2vo 3 жыл бұрын
Not to mention young trans men also being at the ire of the misogyny and sexist power structures.
@gracea.3050 3 жыл бұрын
How hard is it for people to understand that WE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN HERE. The reason we’re not taught about lgbtq+ people throughout history is because people want us to believe that the lgbtq+ community just magic appeared one day and that it’s all a trend. Like look at the Greeks, they were VERY gay!
@gracea.3050 3 жыл бұрын
@@jupiterdoe3887 Oh my! I completely forgot! We all materialized from dust in the 1980’s. How could I possibly forget? (Sarcasm)
@fluffyvoid2619 2 жыл бұрын
That woman gives me physical symptoms of anger. Seriously. ‘Why do girls become boys?’ Before we’ve even started. If these so-called girls ‘become’ boys, they are boys and have been boys all their lives. It takes until teenage year to figure it out because that’s just when we start to question what our parents tell us. Literally F*ing stop calling men and boys girls. And then there’s ‘teenagers are still just teenagers. Their best thing you can do is be an adult.’ 🤮 Is this my mother talking? Insert gaslighting comments. ‘Your brain is unraveling and you don’t know how to think. It’s a perfectly normal teenage phase and I’m tired of your obsession with that lifestyle choice.’ Right. I don’t know how to think. Of course, you know my gender better than I do. ‘Gender is fluid in teenage years.’ Mother, i identify as a form of genderfluid, i know my gender is fluid, that’s what I’m trying to tell you. Then we have the ‘irreversible changes and life changing choices.’ Yes, I’m trying to make ‘life changing choices, I want my life to change.’ When I say I’m gender fluid my mum be like “oh good, so you’ll go back to being a girl right?” No. No, mother, no. That’s not how it works. Visible irritation. The woman in this video is so infuriating tho. GIRLS want to make their life have an easy fix. No. They. Are. Not. Girls. And. Being. Transgender. Is. Not. Easy. F*. You. You. Stupid. Woman. Ok, rant over. :)
@luckypunk72 4 ай бұрын
I'm finally at the point where I can send this to my mom and expect her to listen to it. Thank you, Jamie, for creating wonderful, easily-accessible, educational content.
@zenstrain6647 3 жыл бұрын
“16 year olds are able to get top surgery without even a therapist’s note.” Me: 🧐 a 40 year old who has to have a therapist’s note before I can get top surgery.
@maximummax7232 3 жыл бұрын
Dang, I wanna live in that fantasy land where I can get top surgery without waiting several years
@Marsinstars 3 жыл бұрын
@@maximummax7232 ikr, underage too 😩
@bluebelledarling 3 жыл бұрын
I am so sorry to hear this. If you’re in the US and you pay for surgery why do you need a note to say you’re allowed. You don’t need a note for a breast augmentation. I can understand a little more in the U.K. when it is a free procedure as you need a health care referral for most things but if you wanted to pay and go private I just don’t see the issue...
@six4655 3 жыл бұрын
@@maximummax7232 me too, I’m not trans but I’m genderfluid and I definitely don’t feel comfortable with my chest so that kind of world would be amazing
@zenstrain6647 3 жыл бұрын
@@bluebelledarling, yes I’m in the U.S. and I’m paying 100% out of pocket. It’s ridiculous. But I could walk in there for the opposite and no questions. lol
@robinchesterfield42 3 жыл бұрын
I have a trans-man cousin whose life got measurably WORSE after coming out, to the point where his familly kept constantly trying to guilt and Hell-fear him back into becoming "our true little girl again". Transitioning makes your life easier? HA!
@Damascene_ 3 жыл бұрын
oh. please tell him that they shouldnt dictate his life
@altosynesthesia 3 жыл бұрын
I’m enby, and I have a trans friend, so sending some (platonic) love for your cousin, hope he feels better.
@Damascene_ 3 жыл бұрын
@@ironandzinc being imaginative is not the same as hating your body because it feels wrong, no matter what you force yourself to think. believe me, if trans people could choose, they wouldnt be dysphoric
@ironandzinc 3 жыл бұрын
@alascow its a mntl dis order. Clasified in the DSM-5
@ironandzinc 3 жыл бұрын
@@Damascene_ its a mntl dis order. Nothing to mutilate your body for.
@AmbroseOnline 2 жыл бұрын
There is a trans Male in my class and even tho we aren't friends I still feel bad if I accidentally misgender them because I know its horrible to be dead named and misgendered the one time I did misgender them I pratically died inside because I felt so bad. - Jayden if you are reading this have a good day :)
@choccymilkconnoisseur2775 2 жыл бұрын
You just did misgender him. You said he was a trans guy then called him ‘them’. That’s misgendering.
@chaocolide Жыл бұрын
@@choccymilkconnoisseur2775 What do you even want to say?
@electronics-girl Жыл бұрын
@@choccymilkconnoisseur2775 No. Lots of people will identify as transmasculine or transfeminine, but still use they/them pronouns. The only way to know someone's pronouns is to ask them.
@CreeperMan-dr6ql Жыл бұрын
@@choccymilkconnoisseur2775 pronouns =/= gender. I knew a cis woman once who went by they/them pronouns. The only way to know someone's pronouns for sure is to ask them yourself.
@SCP_Wandsman13_13 Жыл бұрын
@@choccymilkconnoisseur2775 Isn't "they" a gender-neutral pronoun?
@elenachristian9860 Жыл бұрын
Gee, I wonder if those "girls" DID display ev8dence of gender dysphoria sooner, but were punished for it and quickly learned what everyone raised female does--sometimes the cost of self expression is very high
@austinluther5825 3 жыл бұрын
"Quick fix." Really. Years of therapy, doctors, referrals, legal document changes, misgendering, erasure, bullying, harassment, threats of violence, DO I REALLY NEED TO KEEP GOING.
@Mizugi7 3 жыл бұрын
that she said the process is "rushed" was so funny to me. it took me 13 years to figure out and accept myself, 2 years to actually come out to everyone, 1 year to get T and now more than 2 years to get top surgery. Like, honey. I wish it was rushed so I didn't waste like half my life, geez...
@remusteahan3521 3 жыл бұрын
Friendly reminder to you you didnt waste half your life, all of that waiting, no matter how shit that waiting felt, every brilliant thing you did and every moment you spent in those years culminated in the brilliant person you are today, who has the words and knowledge for you are, or at least has more and better words and knowledge, certainly not a waste in my eyes
@aero4687 3 жыл бұрын
It wasnt wasted if its what makes you happy for who you are
@totallyoutofit6989 3 жыл бұрын
Literallyyyy when i was still figuring myself out, i would sometimes beg to whatever god-like being that was out there to just give me a slip of paper telling me what my gender was 😭
@livl3074 3 жыл бұрын
yea i’m 14 and just started questioning and i’m out to some friends as bi/pan but 3 people know i’m also questioning my gender and one of them only knows because i had to explain something to them. i’m only out to 5 people in total and 2 of them are part of the community, another one is one of my best friends for almost 8 years, someone who is like as sister to me, and the bf of one person i already told. i just found out my best best friend is homophobic today and might be transphobic tho :(
@cheeselover5540 2 жыл бұрын
I love ur pfp
@louisesumrell6331 Жыл бұрын
"A decade ago" kids were terrified to tell anyone. You knew trans men, and women, they were just invisible because they were afraid to tell anyone. 😔 I know. I transitioned in 1993. -weezi-
@EvanBateman1 Жыл бұрын
people like Abigail are the reason my mum wasn’t supportive when i came out, and still isn’t. I’m starting testosterone in a month (hopefully) but because of my mum, i haven’t been able to start it sooner than this. This is why i ended up in hospital for several suicide attempts, because i never believed i would be able to be happy because my mum was actively denying me happiness and would rather that i was dead than transgender. If you didn’t already assume this, i definitely don’t live with my mum and have no contact with her anymore :)
@alicecain4851 Жыл бұрын
I'm very glad you're no longer in that atmosphere, Evan. It's very draining. I hope suicide is no longer at the top of your list of options and that you have better choices. If not now, I'm hoping that you can see a light at the end of your tunnel. If you read the comments, you'll quickly find out that there are many with stories enough like yours - so that you can take heart! Opportunities and change is definitely coming! I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
@EvanBateman1 Жыл бұрын
@@alicecain4851 thank you so much for your response, and no, suicide is no longer on my mind. i am so happy to say i am finally recovering and getting better from a year and a half of depression. honestly it’s the most amazing feeling.
@cukka99 11 ай бұрын
Funny, when you said Abigail I automatically thought of Abigail Thorn (of Philosophy Tube) and wondered why, what has she ever done to cause a parent not to support a trans child.
@creativecthulhu 3 жыл бұрын
Me, genderfliud: (finally comes out) Mean kid at school: (trys to misgender me on purpose) Me, accepting all pronouns: *jokes on you im into that sht* Edit: oh crap yall we trans Edit 2: im out now Edit 3: dealing with bullies well still! Not my fault u got a 2nd grade knowledge of gender
@roofogato 3 жыл бұрын
@Sly-Moose 3 жыл бұрын
@Sly-Moose 3 жыл бұрын
@yellobanana6456 3 жыл бұрын
Your bullies aren't smart enough to bully you
@afellowmemestealer3155 2 жыл бұрын
Power move
@monodramatic_ 3 жыл бұрын
“youve created a permanent medical patient” EVERY HUMAN EVER IS A PERMANENT MEDICAL PATIENT
@wagerword 3 жыл бұрын
@lunietoonies 3 жыл бұрын
@mikejeffries3333 3 жыл бұрын
"What do you mean "my body is made of living systems of organs, cells, hormones, tissues, etc?" My doctor never said I have autism! I'm not some medical person!" -These people, probably.
@tactical_slime4608 3 жыл бұрын
So basically anyone with a chronic disease and must take medication is just as bad to them lol
@Anilmky-JUNO- 3 жыл бұрын
People that rarely go to a hospital be like:
@1st1anarkissed Жыл бұрын
I was asserting my transness from age 4, but nobody listened, or they laughed and warned me not to keep talking about it lest I be "locked in the nuthouse." These horrible people are ignoring my existence, my pain, my traumatic history, and the same of many other transmen How about historical transmen whose voices exist in their writings? The only reason transmen seem invisible is because of the patriarchy's general suppression of all AFAB or feminine persons. Instead of beating me to death and hanging me on a fence, they suppressed me with shouts of "crazy" and threats of institutional violence. I'm 59, transitioned, and still having to deal with my dead name and transphobic attitudes. The cruelty is overwhelming and a lot of transmen die unheard of violence or self erasure at an early age.
@Miyori999 Жыл бұрын
My youngest cousin is transgender and came out at 13 and all my older relatives are like "oh it's so sudden!" Like does no one remember this kid screaming bloody murder when we put him in an angel dress for his first Halloween at age 4? Or when he was 6 and begged for a short haircut and pouted for like a week when it was just trimmed? I noticed. Just because both boys and girls wear pants, have interests in cars, TMNT and more stereotypically *masc* things, the cues aren't as noticeable to folks who aren't aware. I was a tomboy with a bob cut growing up, I can kind of get the confusion, but I was also vaguely aware the kid might be trans when he was like 9.
@JennaGetsCreative 3 жыл бұрын
"But if you graduated high school over a decade ago chances are you didn't know any." 2006, my school had an LGBT Alliance, the principal was out as a lesbian, many of my friends were bi and dated accordingly, and one of my close friends was non-binary.
@hussainbedair7676 3 жыл бұрын
man I wish that was my school now
@nyandoesthings 3 жыл бұрын
My mom is bi and literally hung out with so many lesbians when she was in highschool (I think her last year would've been 2005-2006, I know she had me in her first senior year then had to retake it so I think that makes 2006 her graduation year)
@sarahstardust 3 жыл бұрын
I graduated in 04 and know someone... It's me 😅 lol. I'm nonbinary, I just didn't have the words for it until about ten years ago.
@ArtisticallySpoken 3 жыл бұрын
I wish I went to your school omg. The only thing we had close to an alliance of any sort there was the Anime Club.
@olaa6161 3 жыл бұрын
Y'all have clubs?? lmao
@Heroshii15 3 жыл бұрын
The impression I get from this woman is that she sees parents as the ultimate, all-knowing authority in their children’s lives, which I find weird for someone who doesn’t have kids.
@JoMartinPhantomhive 3 жыл бұрын
But what I find insulting is not one set of parents she spoke to are LGBTQ friendly. Says it all really.
@essr4580 3 жыл бұрын
Conservatives usually believe that kids are basically the property of the parents, and legally they’re mostly right, unfortunately
@JoMartinPhantomhive 3 жыл бұрын
@@essr4580 sad but true
@kiralonely1307 3 жыл бұрын
@@essr4580 I will add, it's not only conservatives though. My mom may be transphobic in her past and still...questionable, but she saw me as her puppet/doll to do with as she pleased for 16~ years. She was TERF-y and is a second-wave feminist iirc. Always voted democratic and holds mostly democratic views. Sadly, depending on the area, it can actually be the majority mindset of adults/parents in said area, for example, my state as a whole, oof.
@drjp4212 3 жыл бұрын
You believe ppl are born trans. She believes ppl are turned into trans...and she doesn't like the fact some ppl are not adapted to their genetic sex, independently of its source. So, she wants to "protect" ppl to be turned into transgender, while you argue ppl were already trans since the beginning... Is there any scientific method to achieve a solution for that? Conservatives claim that destroying the classical family design is the ultimate goal of ideologies like gender identity, gender disparity/feminism, racial conflicts, poor-rich conflicts, etc, because all those things make ppl argue and fight each other to achieve some kind of justice/repair violence offered from Governments, turning the latter into a even more powerful institution.
@notcreativetocomeupwithani8756 Жыл бұрын
14:45: she literally called being trans a trend - the audacity. I’m not trans myself but I do have trans friends- I think being trans is not something people can do for fun. This is a major decision in their lives and now people are more accepting and understanding is a great thing, since it lets people be more comfortable and confident at how they feel. I have a friend who identify themselves as trans and received a lot of hate from it, and some even told others they’re an attention seeker, but she still stood her ground. I have genuine respect for her then and now I’m happy for her since more and more people accepts her for who she is.
@IbishuCovet Жыл бұрын
exactly!! im mtf trans and it is not a fun experience. my life has really been a mess ever since i found out that im trans, and i didnt choose become trans because its a trend. i didnt choose become trans because i just wanted to. i just didnt choose to be trans. and i dont get why people just cnat understand that. i would definetly turn cis immediately if i could, but i just *cant*. ty for speaking out about this!
@juliusescarzaga6367 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve heard everything she said at 11:12 about the whole “they’re not ready to make that decision for themselves yet” from my mom thousands of times. What’s worse about it is that every time she says that, she turns around and says that she’s not trying to invalidate me. That’s literally exactly what you’re saying is that I’m not ready to make this decision for myself. Nope. Gender dysphoria kicking me in the a** for 6 years now doesn’t make me able to make the decision to go with the solution I found after 2 years that actually works (mostly, though I have yet to try body modification or binding, so that might end up helping more).
@juliusescarzaga6367 2 жыл бұрын
Hello I’m back two days later to actually shed some light that I learned about the “information” she shared at 4:50 and clear that up. The research did, in fact, exist at one point before 2012. Unfortunately, why it isn’t around anymore is the Nazis. The research was been found in the Institute for Sexual Science in Berlin, a combination library, archive, lecture hall, and medical clinic founded by Magnus Hirschfeld in 1919. The Nazi’s burned all the books in the Institute in 1933. Unfortunately, because of that we don’t have any of the information that was contained in the Institute, but we do know that they did surgeries for transgender men and women. So yeah, blame the Nazis for this one along with everything else they can be blamed for. Additional fact I learned when learning about this: Hitler himself personally condemned Hirschfeld as “the worst of the Jews.” If you want to know my source, I got this information from the Revised Edition “Transgender History” by Susan Stryker, a transsexual woman who is Associate Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies at the University of Arizona. She has 26 pages with her sources in her book.
@douma_upper2 Жыл бұрын
i came out at 11, and my mom scolded my sister bc she was being a lil fck like usual, and said that i was ready to make this decision. the fact ppl think children are incapable of making decisions.
@wrenholt1958 3 жыл бұрын
With the whole 2% statistic, it reminds me of something. Teachers in schools used to forbid children from writing with their left hands, and even discipline them for doing so. It’s hard to be accurate, but it’s estimated that about 1% of children in that time period were left-handed. Once that practice stopped, the rate began to increase. It is estimated that 10% of people are left-handed today. Gosh, I wonder if the increased support of the LGBTQ community has anything to do with an increase of children and teens being educated about gender identity who feel safe and accepted enough to come out. /s
@shadowlynx1958 3 жыл бұрын
I can vouch for the teachers trying to force left handed kids to write right handed. I was one of them back in 1965 in first grade. Luckily for me, my mom (who was also an elementary school teacher) firmly told my first grade teacher that she was NOT to EVER even try to make me write right handed. My teacher's petty revenge was to make me slant my paper the same way as the right handed kids and to this day, I write left handed with a severe "hook" positioning of my hand.
@lululegall9260 2 жыл бұрын
My grandpa was left-handed and wasn’t allowed to write with his left hand and now he just writes with his right hand as well as his left and I think that’s a shame because I’m left-handed and I still get to write with my left hand. Also gays come in packs 😂
@private6549 2 жыл бұрын
My school did that to me when I was in kindergarten or maybe first grade when I was just learning to write. My teacher told me I was writing "with the wrong hand" and made me write with my right one. I did turn out ambidextrous because of this so not entirely horrible but still.
@faorle2020 2 жыл бұрын
I am left-handed at birth, born in a family of teachers. By my grandpa's influence, I was forced into being right-handed. Sometimes I think that's the reason I'm so clumsy.
@rainbowtheythemshe1115 2 жыл бұрын
Also, it makes perfect sense for trans men to come out of the closet before trans women. As society is pretty accepting of "tomboys" but not of "effeminate boys".
@bquncy550 3 жыл бұрын
I love how one of the scares they tried to list was “infertility” and I bet that a bunch of tokophobes like myself just leaned back in their seats and went “you tried. And you failed”.
@36ford5w 3 жыл бұрын
@Itri_Vega 3 жыл бұрын
Pregnancy-related subjects give me massive dysphoria so the "you hold no power here" energy was strong when she brought that up. Also why is she so keen on the fertility of children? Gross.
@MazTheMeh16 3 жыл бұрын
@@Itri_Vega I mean they're the kind of people to want u to start making good Christian babies at like 14, as if that isn't incredibly creepy. Just another layer of bad on this rotting pragerU onion
@averytischer2144 3 жыл бұрын
Is tokophobia the fear of getting pregnant, cuz I think I have that
@iambutterpuppy1143 3 жыл бұрын
@@averytischer2144 It is, I just looked it up. Oh my god im dying of laughter at what I saw tho. there was a 7 signs of tokophobia, there's what you would expect and then "7.they have a fear of death". I know they prolly meant like resulting from you know, but I cant help imagine they meant just in general they fear death.
@GetAwake2024 2 жыл бұрын
It’s not only teenagers that are finding out they can transition, some are finding out in their 40s thanks to social media! Thanks! 😊
@ethano9688 Жыл бұрын
I just woke up. I went into youtube, saw a picture of you on the thumbnail and freaked out bc I slept in my binder accidentally
@lellow19 3 жыл бұрын
Can we appreciate that the "friend's suggestion" is coming from a character of ambiguous gender, with unnatural colored hair, and facial piercings? I just love stereotyping and "subtle" visuals that demonize people that are "different". 😠
@francescasanna1347 3 жыл бұрын
Honestly if someone like that could help me figure out my gender/sexuality they would be like my edgy fairy godparent. How cool is that?
@ceruleane 3 жыл бұрын
When I came out as enby to my mom, she basically said “no you’re not” then sent me to a therapist to be told that I’m not valid and that enby people don’t exist (edit: so apparently a lot of people are confused, my therapist is the one who told me that enbies don’t exist, not my mom (shes supportive of enbies?? but still refuses to believe that I am one??)) (edit 2: I’m going by he/they now haha, now I’m even more scared)
@Bailey-the-Domain-Keeper 3 жыл бұрын
You are valid no matter what they say, from one enby to another, you are valid 💛🤍💜🖤
@ceruleane 3 жыл бұрын
@@Bailey-the-Domain-Keeper thank you, this means a lot :))
@beanamean880 3 жыл бұрын
I hope she sees you for who you are soon, just know that you are valid and we see you🥰
@zabbee2323 3 жыл бұрын
You are valid, and no ounce of ignorance or hatred in this world can change that. Hopefully one day you'll be able to live as your true self and the people around you will love you as that.
@John_Weiss 3 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry. Hang tight, write down every hateful this she says, with the date, say nothing further about gender, and bide your time. Wait until you are independent financially. Then and only then: 1. Come out again to her as enby. 2. Take that list you used to keep track of the hateful thing she's said and send her a copy. 3. Tell her that this is why you need to cut contact with her for at least a year, if not two, so that she can think about what she's done. 4. Follow through and cut communication for the length of time you chose. We gay men and lesbians had to do things like this in the 1990s. Learn from us; learn to do the same.
@catsharkcreations0w0 2 жыл бұрын
just wanna say: your voice is so calming and it just makes me relax even when a video is about horrible anti-lgbt people lol.
@TheTeamWildfire Жыл бұрын
Dude, if peer pressure could make someone trans, there would be no trans people! People who supported me being trans during my school years: -3 online friends max. People who opposed me being trans: -3 bullies that targeted me for god knows what reasons every day -a dozen of teachers who didn't support or at least didn't understand me being trans -my parents, who threatened me for wearing makeup And man, I wish I could get hormones or surgery "without even a doctors note". Three years therapy and not even hormone blockers are anywhere in sight! How about we focus our efforts on fixing actual issues? For example, most people in my class had alcohol and some even drugs by their 16's. I will forever remember this one thing I overheard one of my bullies say: "When I grow up, I want to try all sorts of drugs. Meth, pills, coke, I wanna try them all". But yeah, me not getting uncomfortable just from every mention of me is the issue, sure.
@kaedees9135 3 жыл бұрын
I tried explaining that I am non-binary to my 8 year old sister and she was like wait wait wait.. you people can turn invisible?!?! She thought I said translucent not transgender 😆
@lucascattai9447 3 жыл бұрын
Ok that's the cutest thing
@at-citie 3 жыл бұрын
Little kids and LGBT terms are so wholesome. When I was a kid, I HATED going to my aunts house, not because they where lesbian but because they where never going to have kids and I would be bored in their house
@lylaiscooler 2 жыл бұрын
Reminds me of the story where my four year old brother brought my phone to me. This was a month or so after I came out as non binary. He goes, “I got them phone.” Later he says, “I say them now.”
@rivn1855 2 жыл бұрын
@@lylaiscooler awwwww thats sweett, people really do underestimate how understanding kids can be
@hannajung7512 2 жыл бұрын
@@at-citie I am a daughter of a lesbian, and I have two sibblings of the same mother, her partner during huge parts of my childhood was a mother of four. Lesbian women can and do have children. But the greatest fun I had when her lesbian friends came over to babysit us, or took us for a weekend. BECAUSE they had no children of their own they where super invested in giving us a good time. I think you might have missed out on some great time with your aunts.
@katemiller5411 3 жыл бұрын
I got outed as trans. It’s definitely not a “quick fix” with parents like that let me tell you
@TheLucyblades 3 жыл бұрын
That's shitty, I hope you're OK.
@oliawhale5018 3 жыл бұрын
Oh no! I'm so sorry :( are you ok? Just know we support and love you!
@syd8526 3 жыл бұрын
Hey I was in the same boat when I was 12 by my mom. It was very hard on me I get it and I hope you’re doing well at the moment. Keep going I promise it gets better.
@MrFishio Жыл бұрын
Can people not be transphobic for 5 minutes??? 💀💀💀
@angelaplangg 2 жыл бұрын
"The most loving thing you can do is to ignore your kid's needs and feelings completely." .... thank you for this valuable lesson... -.- *facepalm*
@Crow.c 3 жыл бұрын
trans people talking to children: "i'm a boy born in a girls body" kids: "oh that's cool! i think im a girl in a girls body" no confusion whatsoever. teach kids about gender so that they don't suffer.
@zukutodoroki3071 2 жыл бұрын
@@unknowunknown9096 what
@jamie6673 2 жыл бұрын
I told my 6 year old cousin that being a girl made me feel sick, but being a boy didn’t make me feel better. So now I’m non binary. They asked me if I felt better, I said yes. They then asked why I didn’t have ice cream. I said that milk makes me sick. They then asked if I could help make their lego house.
@Lkat. 2 жыл бұрын
Why did this remind me of that scene in the elf: “I’m a human raised by elves” “I’m a human raised by humans” (Not an exact quote but close enough)
@boywithhairlikethis 2 жыл бұрын
I told my friends little brother that I’m trans / I’m a boy but I’m stuck in a girls body he fr just said “ I never heard of that, im happy being a boy”
@juliefarrell6688 2 жыл бұрын
6yo me: Why do you sound like a boy? My mom's friend: I'm a girl stuck in a boys body. Sometimes I take pills to help me be a girl. 6yo me: Oh cool!
@spamseller 3 жыл бұрын
This woman gives me severe anxiety, and whenever Jamie comes on screen, he calms me.
@ink1018 3 жыл бұрын
@prageruwu69 3 жыл бұрын
@shadowofthedarkness7321 3 жыл бұрын
@ML-do5ii 3 жыл бұрын
Watching this video really do be like: Kalm PANIK Kalm PANIK Kalm
@pandemoniumproductions7836 3 жыл бұрын
Perfectly balanced as all things should be-
@philopharynx7910 2 жыл бұрын
It's always amazing how you can scrape and ad like this off of the bottom of your shoe and then come up with a hopeful, positive and educational response. Thank you for making the world a better place. You are awesome.
@katiarepublic7057 2 жыл бұрын
“Irreversible Damage” sounds like it should be the title of her biography
@aliengamer6668 2 жыл бұрын
It started at birth, when she was dropped on her head lol. That book is a joke.
@squano9440 3 жыл бұрын
I am a cis girl who has consumed hours upon hours of content made by trans creators, has multiple trans friends, and has done lots of research on trans individuals and look, I’m still cis, I just disproved Pr🅰️gerU’s entire argument 😂 2022 update: this aged very poorly 😅
@isitsweet9567 3 жыл бұрын
How? Do you experience gender dysphoria or hopelessness? If you were biologically male, would you be transgender?
@redacted7851 3 жыл бұрын
@@isitsweet9567 They literally just said "I am a cis girl". That doesn't sound very biologically male to me.
@isitsweet9567 3 жыл бұрын
@@redacted7851 And I literally just said IF you were biologically male. They probably would be transgender if they were male, wouldn't they?
@squano9440 3 жыл бұрын
Is it Sweet? I don’t experience any gender dysphoria, I was born female and identify as female. If I was born male, I probably wouldn’t be trans simply because I would be just as comfortable identifying as male. I’m not quite sure what point you’re trying to prove here.
@isitsweet9567 3 жыл бұрын
@@squano9440 If you would identify as whatever your biological birth sex was, you'd be arguing against the entire concept of "gender identity" which states that gender is deeply ingrained into the inner self and overrides that of the restrictive shells that are our bodies. Hence, either you don't believe in the whole transgender thing and your comment above is lying for some reason, or you do believe in it and doubtless your intensive exposure to it while probably having no exposure to opposing philosophies had something to do with that, just as PragerU says. I know you're proud of it, but the idea that "PragerU is saying everyone who supports our society's views on gender IS trans" is a straw-man argument that doesn't even make sense. Like do you see "there's no such thing as a cis believer" anywhere in there? I wonder why you would feel you needed to construct straw men...
@bruh-hm2wo 3 жыл бұрын
They're always talking about us but they won't even do proper research.
@70Lu07 3 жыл бұрын
Why are people transitioning? We asked Cis conservatives!
@justaperson5677 3 жыл бұрын
Because they think everyone who knows what they're talking about is "influenced by the radical left" or something. Like, just say you have no facts, hate science, and go 😂 (them, not you)
@justaperson5677 3 жыл бұрын
@@70Lu07 Honestly lol
@GoldOatMilk 3 жыл бұрын
MMMMMMM I think they are jealous
@JoMartinPhantomhive 3 жыл бұрын
Worse it seems citing sources is an issue for them because they know their sources are either invalid or debunked because the source is anti trans to begin with.
@craycrayallday4285 2 жыл бұрын
As a demigirl who's danced around the transgender side of youtube, I've never had the desire to transition. Even though I watch a lot of transgender (FTM & MTF) KZfaqrs.
@Blackade2000 Жыл бұрын
Social Media isn't perfect and all that, but tbh I feel sad, ugly and alone irl more than I do online lmao
@ashemarlow6471 3 жыл бұрын
She did not seriously suggest that people treat their children like prisoners to keep them from transitioning. "Limit their exposure" no honey, that's gonna cause more problems when the kid gets upset because of all the pointless rules in the house.
@bruce8443 3 жыл бұрын
Technically, her comment on this was not just attacking trans kids: she was effectively saying we should prevent ALL kids, cis and trans, from seeing any social media. It’s the same craziness that pretends if we say condoms don’t exist, then no teens will ever have sex.
@teaartist6455 3 жыл бұрын
It's especially bad because, while there is a slight correlation between social media use and depression in the group considered girls in the study*, that doesn't say anything about what causes what (ie: does social media cause depression or are mentally ill kids more likely to be online more because real life is much harder) and for trans people with unsupportive families in particular the internet is often the one place they can find support. *I don't think they really looked into trans vs. cis so whether trans boys ended up being counted as boys or girls is anyones guess, probably depended on whether or not they were out
@Sly-Moose 3 жыл бұрын
Sheltered children are more susceptible to being preyed on and killed by predators! 👏👏👏
@juliaguzak8005 2 жыл бұрын
It's also more likely for the kids to become more secretive and hide more things from their parents because they don't trust them
@Me-io3wg 2 жыл бұрын
No because that's not going to do shit. All that will happen if you restrict your kid's social media is they'll start looking at it behind your back, and if god forbid they get groomed, doxxed or cyberbullied, they won't come to you anymore out of fear of being yelled at for using social media in the first place. It happened to my cousin, she was found in a drunk coma on a balcony. Thank god my parents don't fuck with that shit, that could've been me had they not been open with me about what I can and can't do on the internet
@planetboy3985 3 жыл бұрын
As a transgender boy, I was put into therapy because of other reasons, a year later I came out to my mum, she wasn't that supportive, then a few months later, I came out to my dad, he was hella supportive, but within those few months my mum learned more and grew to really supportive. and now I got my first binder last week and most of my mum's family knows. Just thought I should share some good news! (and my therapist is a literal queen tho, she was the reason I came out to dad) Edit: I have finally looked back on this old comment. A lot of things of changed sadly, I now use They/Them, My mom is still supportive as always but my dad isn't so much. Also thank you to everyone so much! Thank you for 700 likes, like wow-
@solaridastoobid 3 жыл бұрын
:0 good to hear :D
@BlueTheCartoonAddict 3 жыл бұрын
So glad to hear that!
@lampekartoffel 3 жыл бұрын
I know it's been 2 months, but I'm just so happy for you! Please stay safe out there and may great things come your way💙
@Lyralye23 3 жыл бұрын
Glad to hear so! I hope your life only gets better from here! For me its personally been the opposite experience. I am a trans girl, but still not out to everyone, my mom knows and is supportive, but my dad is massively transphobic, so I can't let him know or I risk my dad trying to kick me out and possibly causing a massive fight with my mom.
@BlueTheCartoonAddict 3 жыл бұрын
@@Lyralye23 I hope that things get better for you too! As an adult you get a lot more control over your life and stuff. Just keep on going!
@Mentally_Unstable_Fangirl 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a cis straight person and this lady is driving me insane. My best friend came out to me as gender fluid(she/they) and they think these people are ridiculous. She also said the reason trans/gender fluid people sometimes hang out is because they either like the same things or they can relate to each other. So the whole "they get influenced by others" is dumb
@StephenBoothUK 2 жыл бұрын
When I was 12, my younger sister and I saw an interview with Caroline Cossey, the trans woman who had recently been outed by the Sun after appearing in a Bond film. She had also done a number of print ads for Smirnoff vodka (most famous probably being one showing her waterskiing in a bikini being towed by the Loch Ness Monster) among a variety of other modelling and presenting job. This was the first time we’d really come across a trans person talking about being trans. For months after that my sister pestered me to transition, she would prefer an older sister than older brother, I think it was the idea of an expanded wardrobe to raid. Surely if the claims of peer pressure leading to rapid onset gender dysphoria were true then months of sustained pressure would mean I would have transitioned by now? I haven’t transitioned, it’s been nearly 40 years.
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