Why I Liked The Rise of Skywalker

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Focal Point

Focal Point

3 жыл бұрын

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker was released almost a year ago and has been incredibly divisive amongst fans and casual viewers. With so much hatred directed towards this film, I wanted to offer my alternate positive viewpoint, and explain why I think this instalment in the Star Wars series actually has a lot to offer.
The transcript of the video is available here - focalpointscripts.blogspot.co...
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)
Minor references to the previous films in the Star Wars Saga (1977-2005)
Blog - focalpointscripts.blogspot.com/
Disclaimer: Everything presented on this channel is my opinion. Although I aim to present both sides of an argument where possible, and try to adopt neutral language as well as I reasonably can, nothing I say should be perceived as factual.
#StarWars #TheRiseofSkywalker
Star Wars Analysis, Episode 9 (IX) Breakdown, Explained, Review

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@nope5657 3 жыл бұрын
There is a LOT of nuance and thematic depth going on in TROS. Fans will come around to it in time. If the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy wasn't, y'know, the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy all of the insane amount of hatred and vitriol wouldn't exist. Star Wars makes people insane. To the fans, there are movies and then there is STAR WARS. It's held to this godly standard it can never meet simply by virtue of its own success and legacy. Imo, it doesn't matter WHAT ST we got, what story, what characters, etc. it was always bound to be hated by a large portion of the fanbase.
@focal_point 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah the fanbase has been insufferable these last few years (and to be fair it's always been pretty insufferable, I think the ubiquity of the Internet has just made the vitriol more prominent and easier to access). I don't get why people can't just like or not like these films and leave it at that, everyone is always trying to prove that their trilogy is better than the other trilogies. They're all just fun movies, there shouldn't be this much animosity between fans.
@bobedoesthings Жыл бұрын
I try to defend this film but I am tired of being bullied by the fake fans who cannot let other people be happy. The fact that you had the bravery to have an opinion on the internet astonishes me and I love the points made in this video. Thank you for being the voice of the people who love this movie and are tired of the people who cannot enjoy a light hearted film because they take it too seriously and as something more than it really is. Subscribing asap.
@focal_point Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment! I agree, it’s genuinely insane how up in arms people have become over this film and the sequels generally which I genuinely believe to be one of the most inoffensive series of recent years
@CirclesandSounds Жыл бұрын
I enjoyed this series. Despite the politics going on behind the scenes, I find that Abrams and crew did a bold and creative thing, knowing that they’d be crucified by the loud extremists, no matter what they created. I get that it was crafted with as much care and passion as they could muster, and I thoroughly enjoyed the films, particularly vii and ix here. To me, the return of Palpatine made sense of so many things, such as Rey’s rapid rise to power, as well as did her and Ben being a dyad in the force, both of them progressing at a similar rate. About half-way through the film, as Ren and Rey were controlling the craft in the air and she struck it with lightning, I said aloud, “where did that come from?! How has she progressed so quickly in the force? And that power! The only character with that power (that I recall) was Emperor Palpatine!” So naturally it made complete sense to me, not just of this film, but the entire sequel trilogy. Personally, loved it. And I wish folks wouldn’t spew hatred all over works of art. If you don’t like it, that’s fine, and you can voice that - it’s a free right, but everyone who does in these times seems incapable of doing so in a Socratic discussion - it’s always fueled with anger and aggression. Thanks, internet.
@alexbailey5211 Жыл бұрын
I personally really love this film. I never watched the other trilogies in theaters so this was the ending of my introductory trilogy so It will always have a place in my heart. Thanks for showing it some love
@evanmiller2562 3 жыл бұрын
Darth Vader was atyrannical murderer who slaughtered children, strangled his wife and cut off his son's hand and yet Luke turned him back to the good side. How is Kylo any different? And as for the abusive manipulation, again Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader are two completely different characters. Just like Kylo Ren and Ben Solo XD
@BlueDrakma 2 жыл бұрын
I wish people wouldn’t dogpile the movies how they do. Every time I start watching star wars videos, eventually I get a ton of vids calling the trilogy terrible. I don’t get how people can spend so much energy hating something designed to make them happy.
@itsRabbitSeasonYo 2 жыл бұрын
Very true. The interent has had a tendency to reveal peoples ugly side with the prequels as well as the sw sequels. I have had to learn to simply walk away from the negative and just like what I like.
@jacobberg373 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks For The Video! I completely agree on all your points and I'm glad that KZfaq is a little more opinionated. P.S. I also would love to see more videos about the Sequel Trilogy, that would be great!
@focal_point 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@jacobberg373 3 жыл бұрын
@@focal_point Also I can ask you a question? What did you think about the Final Order Fleet and how each Star Destroyer could destroy a planet. I was wondering your thoughts on it.
@focal_point 3 жыл бұрын
I thought it was kinda dumb but Star Wars has always been filled with stuff like that which is kinda dumb. I think it worked fine within the story as a way to raise the stakes in the climax, but maybe could have been executed a bit better. What did you think?
@jacobberg373 3 жыл бұрын
@@focal_point Well I agree that does raise the stakes, but I think it have been better if the fleet had been unleashed and they had to figure how stop it. Though I'm sure if that would have worked right in the story
@ReySkywalker2 3 жыл бұрын
I loved it too!
@focal_point 3 жыл бұрын
There are dozens of us! Dozens!
@itsRabbitSeasonYo 2 жыл бұрын
@@focal_point millions. Just youtube has been a hotbed for negative star wars. This video is a breathe of fresh air.
@StarWarsHour Жыл бұрын
I’m happy you enjoyed the movie as well.
@lionspawfilmandphoto 8 ай бұрын
I agree that many of the reactions of this are wildly overblown. Episode 9 is a weird way to end a saga and feels much more like a middle movie with a rushed ending. But there's a lot of good things about it.
@shill7852 2 жыл бұрын
For some reason they retconned Rey's lineage. In TLJ they tried to go for the whole "can a nobody be a somebody?" topic and in TROS they went for the "nature vs. nurture" topic. Therefore, Rey's journey has no through line or main idea. This entire trilogy just feels like such a mess. "but Luke's lineage was retconned too" Except the "I am your father reveal" feels way less of a retcon as the Rey Palpatine reveal because the story of Luke's father in ANH was just told by Obi-Wan in a very nonchalant and casual fashion. The scene where Kylo says Rey's parents are nobodies is told is a big, climactic twist/reveal moment. Imo, the reveal in TLJ is the equivalent to the "I'm your father" reveal except in the OT they stuck with it. In the sequels they changed it.
@focal_point 2 жыл бұрын
I'm not really sure what you're trying to say here. You're claiming that Rey's lineage being retconned made the entire trilogy feel like a mess, yet claiming that very similar retcons with Luke in the OT are fine? (Even though I don't mention Luke's retcons in the OT in my video?) Just sounds like looking at the OT with rose-tinted glasses to me and not accepting that the same flaws in the sequels are present in the originals. Rey's journey absolutely has a throughline and to say it doesn't is to misunderstand her arc entirely. Her whole character is defined by finding a family and somewhere to call home. As discussed in the video, I would argue that Rey being Palpatine's grandchild and her rejection of that lineage (which she desperately craved in Episode 7 and 8) in favour of her new surrogate family made for a compelling arc in Episode 9, as she grappled with her sense of identity.
@shill7852 2 жыл бұрын
@@focal_point 1) I explained it in the comment. 2) Yeah but the through-line is about HOW she finds her new family. In TLJ it was “can a nobody be a somebody? and in TROS it was “nature vs. nurture.” Whether the Palpatine arc IN TROS ALONE is compelling or not wasn’t what I was trying to argue in my comment - I was just trying to argue if it fit in with the rest of the trilogy. It would have been more satisfying to have them not change it to a Palpatine and leave her as a nobody so her journey of finding belonging after learning her true identity would be over the course of 1 1/2 movies, but in TROS after learning she’s a Palpatine there’s only about an hour for her to complete her arc. Therefore, it’s not as satisfying as it could have been,
@PixelGamer1428 2 жыл бұрын
I love this movie. It might be my second favorite star wars movie next to revenge of the sith.
@diegovb1145 3 жыл бұрын
I love TROS, my favorite Sequel movie :)
@invisiblemann8457 Жыл бұрын
I enjoyed the film an feel like the sequel have really great high moments but suffer from really bad lows. I was a fan of Finn an see him as a missed opportunity. I would love to see Finn an Ray story continued.
@shill7852 2 жыл бұрын
ya sorry if my last comment sounds incoherent. I was trying to say the OT argument to defend the sequels is invalid because with they way they play out, the OT only had one reveal/twist yet the sequels had two.
@focal_point 2 жыл бұрын
Again you're inventing an argument - I never said anything like that
@user-xy3ee8bw6j 2 жыл бұрын
@@focal_point that is a common counter I see and was trying to get that argument out of the way. I never said you made that argument
@Alpaslann 3 жыл бұрын
+ Who are you? - I'm Rey + Rey who? - Bouyaka! Bouyaka! REY MYSTERIOOO!
@Ncholasbloom 3 жыл бұрын
yeah i love tros while i do think finn should of had a bigger role the conclusion to rey's story was good plus she's my favorite character of the sequels
@itsRabbitSeasonYo 2 жыл бұрын
I agree. The story thread where finn was going to tell rey he was force sensitive should have been there. Possibly end the movie with rey and finn starting a new order. Other than that I loved tros. The hate is so uncalled for and really is over the top.
@Ncholasbloom Жыл бұрын
@@itsRabbitSeasonYo yeah just cuz rey's a palpatine doesn't matter in the long run cuz she chose the light
@kpro1890 3 жыл бұрын
Fantastic review, completely agree!
@focal_point 3 жыл бұрын
@xenomorph9913 2 жыл бұрын
The rise of Skywalker sucked it was worse than the last of Jedi .
@itsRabbitSeasonYo 2 жыл бұрын
That's your opinion. Sorry you didn't like it. I and others like this movie. You need to accept not everyone agrees all the time.
@shill7852 2 жыл бұрын
No. You don’t just give Palpatine a full arc in the original six films with his rise and fall, providing him with a definitive and powerful conclusion only to pull a resurrection out of your ass at the last minute. “but we need a saga wide villain.” No we don’t. In episode 7 and 8 we didn’t get Palpatine back and no one complained about not getting a saga wide Gillian.
@focal_point 2 жыл бұрын
You're inventing an argument. I never said Star Wars "needed a saga wide villain", only that it made perfect sense to me that Palpatine as a character, who was long established as power-hungry and as having a fascination with cheating death, would cheat death to hold onto power. I think Episode 9 would have worked fine without him, but this series has brought back loads of characters from their supposed deaths, so for me it wasn't a massive leap to bring back the one that is obsessed with the idea of immortality and had the means to do so. Whether you liked his portrayal in the film or not is another discussion entirely
@shill7852 2 жыл бұрын
@@focal_point 1) I put that “saga wide villain” because that’s a counter argument I hear a lot and just wanted to get that out of the way. Whether it makes sense in lore to bring back Palpatine doesn’t change that I think it’s bad from a storytelling standpoint. Bringing back other characters wasn’t as bad as resurrecting Palpatine. Lmao, Boba got like 5 mins of screen time and then dies like a pu$$y. Yeah, bring him back! Darth Maul was a bland villain who did nothing but kill qui gon. Yeah, bring him back! Neither of these characters had powerful and significant deaths so it doesn’t feel like they’re cheapening the story. Bring back Palps is basically the same as bringing back Voldemort.
@shill7852 2 жыл бұрын
@@focal_point by the way my purpose of the comment was the explain why the movie sucks, not to directly refute your points.
@CirclesandSounds Жыл бұрын
@@shill7852 Yes, you have very strong opinions and lots of time. We understand.
@wall4215 2 жыл бұрын
Spider-Man: No Way Home gets a 0/10. First of all, it actually explains how the old villains are returning. It's a basic rule of screen playing that you should not explain stuff like that and instead say "Somehow ( ) returned"
@focal_point 2 жыл бұрын
Come on, Star Wars has done this loads. Darth Maul and Boba Fett came back without any explanation and fans loved that. I'd argue Palpatine's return - given his fixation with cheating death established in Episode 3, and the haphazard explanation given ("Dark science, cloning, secrets only the Sith knew"), and the fact that Palpatine, given his character in the first 6 films, would have the will to pull something like that off - makes more sense than Maul/Fett's returns. Hell, even the Marvel films have done this - Loki's return in Avengers Assemble was given no explanation after his supposed death in Thor. Bad guys returning from the dead is just a staple of fantasy/sci-fi films like this, hardly unprecedented.
@wall4215 2 жыл бұрын
@@focal_point alright, I was wrong. Sorry for the mockery
@itsRabbitSeasonYo 2 жыл бұрын
@@focal_point Excellent points about palpatine. His return does indeed make the most sense. I do wish in tros he had mentioned he learned this technique from plagueis and that snoke was just a clone of plagueis that palpatine controlled until he could fully come back. Other than that the palpatine story line worked for me.
@Delphic13 2 жыл бұрын
Well crafted? Obviously we watched two different films. As a life long fan of Star Wars I can’t bring myself to like these movies.
@user-sk1kq3rm3b 2 жыл бұрын
exactly, the rise of skywalker is such garbage
@rmn070 2 жыл бұрын
And that’s completely fine. This is coming from someone who liked the film.
@FormerlyDarth 2 жыл бұрын
Okay cool thats u lol
@xenomorph9913 2 жыл бұрын
This film sucked nothing good about it.
@focal_point 2 жыл бұрын
What a nuanced argument, you've changed my mind!
@mrsucc2138 3 жыл бұрын
I have to disagree. Good video, but TROS is filled with too many plot holes, tries to do too many things, and the characters are butchered. Those are just a few issues. I also hate that they destroyed the Knights of Ren when they hyped them up so much. Palpatine makes no sense, and although Adam Driver does great as always, Kylo's character ends up like Anakin in Episode 3. He ends up turning too fast, but it isn't too much of a problem. Also, Rey is OP. Palpatine goes head to head with Yoda (albeit in a sort of prime) who is one of the strongest Jedi, but Rey easily kills Palpatine even though he's strong enough to wipe out an entire fleet. I could go on, but I don't feel like writing an essay.
@focal_point 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching! Obviously I don't share your sentiments - with the characters I agree some were underused but I wouldn't go so far as to say they were butchered, and as discussed in the video I thought the resolution to Rey and Kylo Ren's arcs to be compelling. I disagree Kylo's turn happened too fast since his conflict was established in TFA and Rey started to see the light in him over the course of their interactions in TLJ. I also disagree that the Knights of Ren were hyped, there was a couple of throwaway lines about them in the preceeding films but honestly they worked fine for me as henchmen. Yes Rey's very powerful but again I don't think that's an issue. Like these films have always been fairly-tale-esque and about heroes finding the power within them - the scale of that power is always in service of the specific story being told rather than the continuity of the series. To take an obvious example look at how Darth Vader's power levels fluctuate between the original trilogy and the prequels and Rogue One - he's only ever as powerful as the story dictates. In TROS, with this galaxy-ending threat, of course Rey's power is boosted to match that so she can eventually overcome Palpatine. Continuity of force powers has never been the point of these films for me, if that's a deal-breaker for you then absolutely fair enough - everyone takes different things from this series - but it does make me a little sad that people can't look past that and just enjoy the story as it's presented, cos I do think there's a lot of enjoyment to take from TROS.
@Ncholasbloom 3 жыл бұрын
@@focal_point yeah force powers are always changing to keep the universe fresh besides there was no backstory behind force lighting in rotj
@user-sk1kq3rm3b 2 жыл бұрын
The Rise of Skywalker is garbage. Imagine liking such a pile of puke.
@gabrielparopa9234 2 жыл бұрын
Imagine people having an opinion.
@BlueDrakma 2 жыл бұрын
imagine being insufferable enough to look down on someone cuz they liked a movie about space wizards
@invisiblemann8457 Жыл бұрын
Imagine coming to a video titled why I liked ROS knowing that you hate it.
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