Why Season of Discovery is Dying- Unless Blizzard Changes something

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Hello Everyone! Today we are breaking down why SOD is dying down and what Blizzard is doing wrong again.
We are diving into the impact of Phase 2 in World of Warcraft, discussing its effects on leveling, raids, PvP balance, world PvP events, innovation, and future phases. Highlighting the fundamental shift in leveling dynamics between the original game and Phase 2, emphasizing the dominance of dungeon grinding over questing, which alters the core experience of exploring the game world.
Moving on to raids and gear, Phase 2 is credited with making gear acquisition easier, particularly with gear from BFD carrying over. Also raiding's isn't really a challenge anymore and excitement is going down due to this . PvP balance is another focal point, with observations about class balance discrepancies, particularly in world PvP scenarios.
I also break down the problems with Stranglethorn Vale (STV) event, citing issues such as layering problems and unfair engagements, and suggest improvements to enhance the player experience, like providing immunity or adjusting starting areas.
Looking ahead if Blizzard continues this way for WOW and SOD it is going to force people to stop playing and is going to create dissonance in future phases.
We are going into analysis provides, insights into areas where Phase 2 is falling, offering constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement. The goal is to enhance the gaming experience in future phases of World of Warcraft while maintaining balance and excitement for players.

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@CakeNinjaGaming 4 ай бұрын
1 thing I got wrong is the invulnerability for STV is now a thing.
@darkelectronicmusic 3 ай бұрын
Good video format, fast guides are the way 💯
@bercraftclassic 4 ай бұрын
When we start doing gnomeregan raids, the game is över already. There is just farming to exalted with arathi and warsong in game to do. Nothing else
@CakeNinjaGaming 4 ай бұрын
Yea I would love to see MORE to the world. If we arent getting 15 runes every part (which we probably shouldnt), essentially changing the way each class interacts with each other. Maybe there can be more flavor quests, dungeon changes (so we dont just have the same dungeons from 20 years ago), the new raids are always nice but after the 2nd time it becomes semi-boring.
@gxrssll 4 ай бұрын
Every raid i am raid logging because I have no interesting in leveling 25-40 for alts, gold farms are camped and overfarmed, PVP is busted, world event is underwhelming and there is no reason to do quests unless you want gold. Super boring phase, even Gnomer feels like an absolute slog to do
@CakeNinjaGaming 4 ай бұрын
And yet most people here are criticizing that it is a great experience
@didzis799 4 ай бұрын
couldnt agree more, espec for busted pvp, which prob is impossible to balance out without ruining pve, which unfortunately is 90% of population
@massivemoon7495 3 ай бұрын
Was still better than P3 imagine
@gxrssll 3 ай бұрын
@@massivemoon7495 is it?
@Momotara1000 4 ай бұрын
Hello! I do think you make some good points in this video especially about dungeon grinding vs questing, but I believe your prospective may be off. I think that your view is valid but it’s limited to a small player base of people who play sod, players that can easily put more than 6 hours a day into the game I believe the overwhelming majority of players aren’t this, id say the average sod player puts in 2-3 hours at most during the weekends and probably less on the weekdays. The facts you stated about the length of time it will take doing dungeon vs questing is on point, but most players playing Sod don’t have time to grind all of those levels even in a week. Even if we are being generous, 3 hours a day doesn’t even come close with the time it takes to set up a group and what not. So maybe they can knock one dungeon run or two and call it. The term you used to grind it saying “no life” is very appropriate haha I loved that! I do feel that you may have took this approach in the sense of what is the most optimal and time efficient for someone who can spend a lot of time on the game. there is a player base that follows this and wants to mid max what ever possible. On the other hand there are players who choose to play the game the way they enjoy with the limited time that allows them, yes maybe doing SM armory 20 times is the best, but this leads to burn out. I don’t think it’s crazy or insane for players to quest if they enjoy it, even if it’s slower. In fact I see people out in the world questing, a lot of people on discord or the forms said they had to result to dungeon spamming the first week because of the amount of people in the world. In the end my point your prospective isnt wrong, choosing to do the most optimal is one of the many routes to approach sod. I don’t think SoD is designed to be balanced and isn’t worked around doing everything fast as possible, I believe the devs are creating SoD to respect the average players time commitment to the game. It’s experimental so they are taking risk and some hit and some fall, in interviews they stated that they do plan on drastically changing end game content, I do think most people found Gnomeregan to be harder than BFD regardless of gear. The Devs are riding in the same cart as us which I think is great, they communicate very well and it feels that we are building this version of wow together as a community To end this essay (sorry about the long read!) I’m not sure what your pvp segment has to do with the life of the game when comparing phase 1 vs phase 2. Your point is phase 1 is when it felt fresh and new but a lot of what I heard is just criticism about the ashenvale event which don’t get me wrong doesn’t invalidate your opinion on the event but doesn’t really support your argument, I for one agree that the ashenvale event was meh but 25 max level you are only doing a few quest in ashenvale to begin with and were always fully aware when it would start, being killed in a pvp server is just the result of playing on a pvp server lol not the logistics of the game. For STV I saw your pin comment so that is cleared up. My only problem is I still don’t understand your issue with the event, like you are fully right in how technical issues server wise can be frustrating to participate in and can ruin the event I’m totally there with you, but at the end of the day, these are usually fixable on a server side which we are experiencing already which we can see from your pin comment and active weekly updates like the respawn issue. In short I think it might have been better to go into what you didn’t like about the mechanics and the event itself that made it feel lack luster, you did mention it’s like a battle royale which isn’t a pvp event but it kinda confused me when you said that’s interesting it was a royale, I’m assuming you think the idea is cool but it wasn’t executed well? I’d love to hear why you think that, especially with your background in being an experienced player. Also it not being a standard pvp event I think is the appeal of it for it’s something new to experience which sod is all about. Ok tldr great video! You make some good points but at the end of the day I don’t think one can claim sod phase 2 lost its hype due to a specific play style. Doesn’t mean your play style is wrong everyone finds enjoyment from different things and that’s one of the beauty’s of sod. You can play it the way you enjoy and it doesn’t ask for you to put all your time into it. PvP part is confusing I hope to hear more of your input on it Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you see my input as just one of your viewers giving his feedback, I appreciate the work you put into your content! All my critiques are just things I noticed and. I hope you don’t see them as me being rude! Love your content!! Can’t wait to see more!!
@JoHn-if6wy Ай бұрын
Didnt really read your wall of text. But this is the problem nowdays. People taking it too seriously. People back then didnt take it serious and it wasnt a race. You were just in your own world exploring without anyone snitching on youtube telling you what is the best and fastest way to do this or that. And now all i see is like 20 addons around his map in the video lollll. People just needs to let go. It will take some time but eventually it will happen. People still playing WoW has some serious nostalgia problems not working out for them. On the other hand, i cant wait for ashes of creation to be beta. Next year hopefully.
@Blue.Diesel 4 ай бұрын
Its very noticable that sod max levels have way too few dungeons and too little dungeon loot. While simultaniously it has too much exp from dungeons. - RFD and to some extent RFK - SM is like one dungeon since each wing is small - Ulda is less than half a dungeon since there is no reason to 2/3 of it. Almost no gear is relevant and the dungeons don't matter, there is no reason to run them at 40.
@thekurtrussell4007 4 ай бұрын
This game is chasing out new players, not because of the game, not because of blizzard. It’s because of the community and the players. I had three friends start playing Sod with me all new to wow. They all quit in phase 2, because of the try hard community. One friend got booted from an SM GY for not having consumes. Don’t even get me started on how pissed they got dealing with ppl trying to get into raid groups. The game is dying because of try hards. Checking logs on a bfd run when you have 4 lvl 40 already in the group. Why? So you can get it done in 28 mins instead of 30
@sbarter 3 ай бұрын
100%. The player base ruined the game.
@TexasCoffeeBeans 2 ай бұрын
100% agreed. I quit early P2 because of gate keeping.
@Bout2 4 ай бұрын
I agree 100% about the questing. I had alot of fun leveling multiple toons in season 1. Season 2 I have only done a handful of quests then went right to the dungeons. Bring back the quests.
@nrogue9887 4 ай бұрын
1. its classic, which didnt have enough quests to get you to max anyway 2. peopple were completing many extra quests at 15 for gold obviously there will be a shortage use your brain
@nickolasredbear132 4 ай бұрын
I played phase 2 for 30 mins, got the buff from darn, got to darkshire, killed 2 mobs, got killed by 38 troll shadow priest.. GG.
@CakeNinjaGaming 4 ай бұрын
@VehemenceTV 4 ай бұрын
Clicking abilities 😅 Nice
@Steltunes 4 ай бұрын
SoD its mostly an great, and a classic+ experience can be extremely fun (look at wow ascension for example) but there is definitely a few issues and things blizzard could do to make it a much better experience. The first thing which i think was a big mistake was letting you reach exalted with AB through bloodmoon, its basically meant its close to pointless to actually do AB at all, which has removed a lot of the incentive for anyone to queue into that bg. A fix for this would be either increasing the rep gains from ab queues or adding exclusive rewards (could even be cosmetics) based on total ab wins or games. Next issue is the limited level 40 content, once you have got your runes you really dont have much to do outside of the 3 day gnomer clear and WSG rep for those who havent already reached exalted. Sone easy fixes for this would be either implementing mythic+ style content to the dungeons so theres more of an insensitive to do them (again even if they only rewarded cosmetics) or potentially even adding hardmodes for the raid tier so players have more of a progression curve and the raid isnt just instantly on farm. I expect things will only improve at level 60 when there are multiple raid tiers and additional content but its a shame that the game already feels "finished" so quickly in p2
@1TotalJabroni 4 ай бұрын
I had a shaman tank at 25 for p1, only played a couple weeks but was topping DPS in most dungeons and the initial raids. Game is a little too easy. Decided to relevel on a more popular server, spent a long time grinding out runes to swap over to a dual wield enhancement setup only to find my DPS was about 50% lower and my survivability was roughly 80% lower. Decided to stop playing. I don't really mind that certain classes will be more strong, even OP, but these changes are very poorly balanced, so I stopped playing.
@aquaberryshark5798 4 ай бұрын
I’m having a blast in sod. I believe this is the only thing blizzard is doing right imo. P1 I was shaman and sad about the dmg but p2 changed all that now im top dps in sm and ashenvale event. Pvp has not been any more fun
@CakeNinjaGaming 4 ай бұрын
P1 shaman was absolutely just a sham same as Balance Druid. P2 absolutely changed Enhance Shammy massively but the problem is that if you are getting 3 casts off and killing people the same thing is happening to you as well as everyone else. Also AB is decent IMO, have always been a fan but the STV event is so buggy that half the time you cant even do anything.
@Garthock 4 ай бұрын
PvP is horrendous. Past couple days I’ve spent time in open world to farm for some gold and it’s literally infested with bots. I’ve never seen bots being so overtly blatant before. Stv event is a technical mess - and gnomer was fairly easy with perhaps the most unfun loot table I’ve seen yet. There’s like 2 bosses that consistently drop something you’d want and you’re rolling against everyone every time. If this drags on just like phase 1, a lot of people will not defiantly quit. They’ll just move to raid logging and eventually forgetting sod entirely. This just isn’t that fun.
@CakeNinjaGaming 4 ай бұрын
definitely this. And PVP will get worse as we scale and get even better gear at lvl 50 next phase.
@zjeee 4 ай бұрын
I will be the first one to say SoD is not for everyone. Wow community can be very polarized between classic and retail. Personally loving SoD but just like everything not everyone enjoy the same things.
@AdeptFPV 3 ай бұрын
Sad that all you said they would do that would make game unfun they have now done and in phase 3.
@Skeldaa 4 ай бұрын
i was sologrinding mobs as feral from 25 to 40 and did it in 27h total, imagine doing quests while leveling
@siryizzur 4 ай бұрын
this is the way
@RandySnarsh 4 ай бұрын
I used 4 weeks from 25 to 40 with only questing
@Gotnosocks 4 ай бұрын
I see your comments (about pve) more of a critique of the current WoW culture of sweaty gaming and jacking off to high parses. Phase 1 rewarded that immensely since it was only 25 lvls. Now we’re getting up there and people have to do things and work for the things they need/want. I see your comments fit into this broader meta-critique that, in my view, will never go away because of how WoW is set up (lvl, get gear, raid, high parse, repeat).
@zjeee 4 ай бұрын
Yep also we are starting to experience that classic grind with higher levels now. Lets be fair not everyone likes classic personally love it but I know some dont.
@user-gr3jd2fi1h 4 ай бұрын
I feel like “dead” has lost all meaning. Just cause you stopped playing it doesn’t make a game dead Jesus Christ….
@eyeopening618 4 ай бұрын
Jesus didn't do it, can't blame him.
@gabetv6280 4 ай бұрын
If they dont start fixing the balancing people are going to quit
@williamvozar3139 4 ай бұрын
Remember is 2024 blizzard not care anymore - they care about sub , is business 😅
@CakeNinjaGaming 4 ай бұрын
That’s pretty valid
@Zutang777 4 ай бұрын
Dungeons should be gear rewarding not exp rewarding. Quests should have been exp rewarding. they needed to add NEW quest lines.more then 6 runes and upgraded dungeon gear.
@JustAMinuteYT 4 ай бұрын
"I don't like it!" "You're dead to me, WoW SOD!"
@CakeNinjaGaming 4 ай бұрын
pretty much 😂
@seph_f 4 ай бұрын
i cant even farm any nodes right now there are so many people
@Garthock 4 ай бұрын
@samgriess438 4 ай бұрын
we the PLAYERS can not farm them because the bots have every camp taken then we all have to fight over 2 layers while the bots are flying into trees and getting layers to themselves
@RandySnarsh 4 ай бұрын
Bots not players 😂
@seph_f 4 ай бұрын
@@RandySnarsh I have seen a lot of bots but haven’t noticed many with gathering professions tbh, it seems like they all have skinning. I think you out level herb / mining really fast and it’s not worth it for the bots to stop leveling to level herbing / mining I have got a shit load of bots banned in Arathi and I haven’t seen a single one herb, they’re all skinners
@seph_f 4 ай бұрын
@@Garthock I don’t think I have seen a single bot herbing tbh. They all take skinning
@wickid-the-rogue 4 ай бұрын
They talked about wanting people to take their time look around but don't give extra exp for expiration, no bonus xp for questing simple thing like that would help, it's honestly best to just sit in uc and spam for sm. .... the try hards really missed the point of sod now it's retail
@CakeNinjaGaming 4 ай бұрын
Hot take, I hate the exp bonus. I think they should add more things in the open world and reward them.
@wickid-the-rogue 4 ай бұрын
@@CakeNinjaGaming I don't mind it but I can't sit and play for hours a day seeing I do this thing called work, with the try hards you gotta get to 40 asap it's classic sod not classic I think people also forget this even I do... but ya it's a good thing now you can lvl alts in a flash for the no lifers and you can raid on a few toons because people that have life responsibilities can catch up. . Me myself I'm disabled and work and lost a family member recently so time I don't have helps me alot
@wickid-the-rogue 4 ай бұрын
@@CakeNinjaGaming and to the pvp stv event if it would be a actually free for all like said, it would make it more playable, being able to group ain't free for all! there would be alot of people leaving zone quickly if it's a actual free for all js , there's players that don't wanna pvp by themselves group Andy's 😉
@pokemonpeeps7829 4 ай бұрын
6 out of 10 quit already in my friend group. Theres only 4 of us left 😢
@CakeNinjaGaming 4 ай бұрын
I feel you brother. 2/3rds of my guildies left.
@mohamamdziaei5920 4 ай бұрын
I had 4 lvl 25 characters in p1 and now im back to wotlk and im starting to think maybe its better to go to some private tbc or wotlk server!
@albertmassingo4249 4 ай бұрын
Been hearing this game is Dead since wrath. Everyone knows the word dead means hits on KZfaq. I played this game from wrath without ever taking a break. Been playing Discovery since it came out, and I've never not seen tons of people wherever I go. Enjoy the KZfaq money.
@st3nu 4 ай бұрын
”Dead” 😂😂😂 prob most active wow iteration
@CakeNinjaGaming 4 ай бұрын
The dead part is more for Season 3 which has yet to come out if they dont fix anything there are going to be more and more issues. Additionally there ARE less people playing P2 than played in P1. There were 2,286,495 players that ran Gnomer in the last 3 weeks. There were 6,336,328 players that ran BFD during the first 3 weeks of P1.
@redbeard2969 4 ай бұрын
@@CakeNinjaGaming There were 6 mil CHARACTERS that ran BFD. In phase 1, you could hit 25 and hop in BFD with no issues. Lot less people have lvl 40 alts ready to raid gnomer. Bad take video and inability to understand the data you are linking.
@nrogue9887 4 ай бұрын
this comment is just brain dead tbh@@CakeNinjaGaming
@Toastyy911 4 ай бұрын
@cakeninjagaming it doesn’t mean there’s less people playing. It means theres less alts clearing gnomer than bfd. we’re only a couple weeks into p2, so you can’t even compare the data lmao
@st3nu 4 ай бұрын
Yeah cant compare that data. In p1 i had 3 chars running bfd in first weeks. Now only 1. And there are alot of ppl that have only one or none chars at lvl 40 atm
@dd-tc6ip 4 ай бұрын
if you didnt run Ashevale in Phase 1, you dont understand the greatest accomplishment Blizzard has ever done. We had battles everday! with over 1000 people involved in large scale World PVP and no LAG Amazing! Blizzard should not go away from this! Was easy to get into raids! !!
@CakeNinjaGaming 4 ай бұрын
I agree it was FUN when it was balanced. However when its too easy of a fight it takes the fun away.
@88Vrus88 4 ай бұрын
All this complains only comes from a powerplayer perspective. Most of the people in sod are filthy casuals (like me) i quested my ass to 40 just last week and now am farming my bis gear completly chill. i enjoy the questing, searching for the runes actually not having stress to experience everything as fast as possible like the most people. hack even phase one i started raiding when the most people already raiding with their alts. all the people are already bored with the game should go outside and touch grass or something because classic wow is not about progress its about the journey.
@samgriess438 4 ай бұрын
the forced us all onto 2 layers so their stupid pvp events seem more popular now we are all forced to farm and level and play literally on top of each other everywhere in the world you cant do anything now, they destroyed the game to please these worthIess streamers who sit there all day and kill people farming
@WhatKenPlays 4 ай бұрын
I’ve been No-Lifing SoD and blasting through the content. I got 3 level 40s & and 3 level 28s. Balanced, unbalanced… dead, not dead. Who cares! Just have fun 😂
@CakeNinjaGaming 4 ай бұрын
lol very true. I just wish blizzard did something about pvp balancing (or hell even just give us Stam gear). Also I hope they add things to the game instead of just changing 1 dungeon to a raid and adding 1 pvp event
@WhatKenPlays 4 ай бұрын
@@CakeNinjaGaming yeah feels like there’s nothing to do but raid lockouts every single phase
@CakeNinjaGaming 4 ай бұрын
The orignal reason that we LOVED WoW wasnt because of the raids. It was because of the exploration. Even if they cant give us a fully new world, thats fine. Just give us some new flavors of the existing world. Add some quests, change up some of the dungeons. Just give us Classic +@@WhatKenPlays
@danielc2694 3 ай бұрын
none is doing dungeons right now,, and i find most of the players pretty toxic at the same time the few online. why not add RDF so new players can enjoy the dungeons.. Blizzard team should worry and find a solution, find ways to include new players, and other players as well to the full content, at some point the consumers should have access to what they pay for. , The increase in the XP from quests and the rate and gold from quests make fewer people want to do dungeons. Players are not experimenting with the full content at the level they should be. Is insane how the developers focus on increasing the leveling to 40, motivating people to reach level 40 ASAP, But when you get there .,,, you will have no chance to enter gnome with the gatekeeping mentality and,, you have missed at the same time all the good parts in low-level dungeons done the correct level. We are back on the same mistakes made before and just incredible that this new team has managed to make the same mistake again., There is no community. is only in Blizzard's imagination.. people pay to play the game and to get access to the full content and not by an arbitrary decision of another player based on third-party applications. Why are we paying for something that we can't fully access?? RDF at least will make it possible for players to enjoy a very important part of the game. that should be decided by Blizzard in game programming and not by another player. Why pay?? Like paying for a washing machine and you just can use programs 1-4 the and rest 10 programs you are not allowed to use, you need to contact technicians who will evaluate if you are prepared or not to do that..
@The_berserk_guts 4 ай бұрын
P2 is good , but just lag
@yougoltab 4 ай бұрын
Its not.
@Dbars19 4 ай бұрын
The leveling is the worst issue atm. Not enough quests not enough zones. grinding SM again after lvling your main? FK THAT
@CakeNinjaGaming 4 ай бұрын
100% this. Once you get a lvl 40, you dont really want to do it again. Spend another 30 hours spamming SM or spend 50-60 hours questing in the open world per char?
@zjeee 4 ай бұрын
Welcome to classic wow. The higher level you get the more you will realize a lot of your time spent will be getting to max level.
@idkidgaf 2 ай бұрын
Warriors 1 tapping people in phase 1? What is this dude smoking
@jasonmorgan27 4 ай бұрын
The BIGGEST problem with STV event is the lag, it is totally 100% unplayable and it sucks. On the bright side everyone in STV event got a new ability...blink
@CakeNinjaGaming 4 ай бұрын
dont forget about the party of mages standing on the blood altar casting mass AOE spells and farming anyone there.
@yevgeni10 4 ай бұрын
And the items sucked.
@snakie413 4 ай бұрын
Damn, this vid is litterally just bad take after bad take after shit take. Only good take was the one about scaling dungeon bosses
@CakeNinjaGaming 4 ай бұрын
Well sorry that you didn’t like it
@snakie413 4 ай бұрын
@@CakeNinjaGaming its ok man, its ur opinion.
@cedrickrail4621 4 ай бұрын
think less - smoke more
@shjelde660 4 ай бұрын
Pvp has gone to shit, 100% one-shot meta
@CakeNinjaGaming 4 ай бұрын
He gets it
@col.hanslanda2013 4 ай бұрын
Just have daily lockout on every dungeon.
@CakeNinjaGaming 4 ай бұрын
They did on Hardcore WoW...
@RunAwaylilGirl 4 ай бұрын
The idea was to send players in dungeons so they wont find out that bots are running the show and it works, Sod players have no idea that 80% of population in game are actual bots.
@CakeNinjaGaming 4 ай бұрын
I wouldn’t say 80%. But I think it’s definitely close to 40/50% which is insane if you think about it.
@zjeee 4 ай бұрын
80%? You are dreaming.
@Kupoinfo 4 ай бұрын
You're crazy, the world is flooded with people, and all the quest zones were swamped. It wasn't fun leveling at all questing. Now you have a to find an instanced farm spot cause all the 40ish areas are heavily farmed by bots/people.
@brianmarkland5772 4 ай бұрын
Yall need to touch grass I haven't even hit 40 yet just enjoy the game ffs
@CakeNinjaGaming 4 ай бұрын
If you are enjoying the game, Please keep enjoying it and have fun with it! Im just trying to give a warning here of the problems that are soon to come up.
@brianmarkland5772 4 ай бұрын
@CakeNinjaGaming It just sucks cuz as an older casual now the way they are phasing everything and adding new shit to classic im fkn stoked for sod but I can already see all the min maxers and streamers tryna advocate the same shit that led them away from retail and makes versions of wow like retail and wotlk unplayable for people like me let sod be for the casual dads etc and tske all the min max toxic meta pay to win sht to another version. And BTW I'm just speaking generally not coming at you any kind of way
@CakeNinjaGaming 4 ай бұрын
@@brianmarkland5772 no I get you. Also I take no offense even if you were coming at me. The main problem is that while you are enjoying p1 & 2 if they don’t fix it there is going to be a very real problem in p3 and p4 with raid and pvp scaling.
@brianmarkland5772 4 ай бұрын
@CakeNinjaGaming I'll def give you that but blizz has a pretty bad track record for that especially pvp it would be alot better if people weren't chasing the meta so hard and would just have fun with it who cares if a spec is a few % behind its classic none of the content is extremely challenging need more people to advocate for that like it was back in og wow
@eyeopening618 4 ай бұрын
@Toastyy911 4 ай бұрын
you farmed gear to clear BFD?! you’re having a bad time man. i don’t think the game is dead by any means, and the world is alive very much so on Crusader Strike US.
@Rizz_The_One 4 ай бұрын
wow community is most complaining community in game world, classic dead omfg wtlk dead i cant play sod dead all dead, stop plaing the game and get ur wife to restaurant
@86Corvus 4 ай бұрын
It is, since years. The development going in direction of removing leveling and making things easier to acomplish simply tells people not to bother because the rewards are easy, and eventually will be devalued from whatever minor value they had by making them even easier. Why work at progressing that character when you can just wait and have it progressed for you by desperate blizzard devs thinking youl give them a dolar for a skip of content you paid for. Now isnt that insulting? And isnt that true? And is its insulting and true and the playerbase is full of idiots who fall for this why would you want to associate yourself with them in any way?
@DaFreezeey 4 ай бұрын
"Dead game" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 but I get ganked instantly by 10 alliance the second I step foot in STV... Yup, dead game 🤦🤦🤦
@lordovthorn2747 4 ай бұрын
Gnomer is way too hard for the Classic Andys, this phase sucks (edited to included my points from this thread in the main comment) I'm just raaaaging because PUGS aren't clearing Gnomer and I do not have time to organize and I am frustrated that the bosses have the same amount of armor as bosses in Nax I think it's over tuned, not VERY over tune! I think a hard cut of 5% armor from the final 3 bosses and "3 stacks kill you" on E6k are safe but still reasonable changes E6K has been ruining my week because these PUGS just cannot get past the guy. If it was 3 stacks and 5% less armor this would be HARD but possible. I think that there should be more indication on when Crowd Pummeler is gonna blast, what I mean is, which direction less so than a telegraph of when he is going to fire. I think the first boss is fine, could be harder, second boss is perfect. Crowdpummeler is close just needs a way to telegraph the direction better and yeahyeahyeah I know look at his feet but sometimes you can't when you're dodging the gears and managing the heals for the raid, it's doable but it's tricky just something to telegraph the direction of the blast a little better would be great, leave everything else about him the same including armor and DPS and all other mechanics, if anything, just make it so you don't instantly die when the fight begins and you aren't in the "arena" thingy. Menagerie is nearly perfect just make the Dragon have a little less armor, everything else is fine Thermo is pretty much fine just would like him to have less armor so it stops cucking melee classes out of raid spots because my warrior can't get a single PUG and I only get in on my priest because, well, people need a healer. And before anyone nitpicks about how I want to nerf tf out of E6k it is because E6k is not the final boss, Thermo is! He SHOULD be difficult! My biggest complaint about BFD was how Kelris was the hardest encounter rather than Aku when dudes literally the final boss and his mechanics are literally so easy a caveman could do it leading to the problem of many bad players entering PUGS which makes them 3/6 or 4/6 the instance leaving skilled players feeling incredibly defeated because we know it wasn't us that caused the non-clear.
@CakeNinjaGaming 4 ай бұрын
Gnomer is easy. If you just get rid of Melee, which seems kinda dumb. You need 8 casters and 2 tanks (1 of them being a warlock). Melee were massively cucked this raid.
@lordovthorn2747 4 ай бұрын
@@CakeNinjaGaming once again reminding you that scumbags censor Gnomer is too hard and the people saying it's not are e sports sweats who play the game for 10 hours a day and have no social lives some of us work and have kids and dont wanna dump every waking moment of our lives into a time sink like WOW just because you think we should anyone who disagrees can try sepukku :)
@CakeNinjaGaming 4 ай бұрын
@@lordovthorn2747 I work 8-6 m-f and am married. Don’t have kids yet but I understand ur pain. I don’t quite understand ur comment on censoring however.
@lordovthorn2747 4 ай бұрын
@@CakeNinjaGaming SOMEONE's deleting my comments be it you (unlikely) or youtube mods (far more likely)
@CakeNinjaGaming 4 ай бұрын
@@lordovthorn2747 gotcha.
@86Corvus 4 ай бұрын
even without hindsight i could tell you that htey are probably gonna lower the experience needed to level or increase rate of it gained or both and thus accelerate the games decline...
@CakeNinjaGaming 4 ай бұрын
True. But personally I would rather have there be new stuff in the world. The Exp boost is just the cream on the top but they are making it seem that it is the whole meal.
@JaredGofftheman 4 ай бұрын
If they just limited dungeons to once a day then all the problems would be solved
@CakeNinjaGaming 4 ай бұрын
That would definitely handle part of it. But there is also a point that the majority of the people playing this game will play it 2-3 hours a day and will be completed with the content in 2-3 weeks. Especially if they only add in 1 raid.
@JaredGofftheman 4 ай бұрын
Okay I got the solution. Before max level make dungeons once per day. At max level, make it like TBC/Woltk. Give us heroic dungeons with the badge system for some raid level loot. This way dungeons will still be run at max level and content won't be completed so quickly. @@CakeNinjaGaming
@JaredGofftheman 4 ай бұрын
@@CakeNinjaGaming I got the solution. Make it so pre max level the dungeons are limited to once per day. At max level, make it like TBC/WOLTK and give us heroic dungeons with the badge system and raid level loot available. This would keep leveling to a mix of questing/dungeoning and would keep max level dungeons relevant as well as expanding the content to more than just raid logging.
@jamesofallthings3684 4 ай бұрын
All the shit coping shit talkers yet people are dropping like flies and it's an objective fact. I know of many people who have stopped playing. Just because it's not dead yet doesn't mean it's not dying. They've totally ruined pvp, the stv event is trash, melee is horrible in raid (unless you're a HUNTER), there's only one short dumb raid that's basically a dungeon so nothing to do other than a miserable pvp event and short raid for months on end.
@CakeNinjaGaming 4 ай бұрын
I really want to see the game expanded on. Not necessarily new zones, but maybe new quests, new dungeons, maybe new mechanics in dungeons. If they aren't going to scale down the PVP at least maybe give us massive +stam PVP gear to not have the fights be decided in 2 GCDs.
@SergioSanchez-ig4uj 4 ай бұрын
Sod is in fact NOT dead 😂💀
@cameroncase5361 4 ай бұрын
It’s not dead nor dying. This is a click bait title
@CakeNinjaGaming 4 ай бұрын
Well I guess we'll wait and see.
@ljubisaavakumovic2835 4 ай бұрын
I'm amazed how out of touch your oppinions are.
@CakeNinjaGaming 4 ай бұрын
To each their own friend.
@dudelove111 4 ай бұрын
@user-rq3hm6zm5k 4 ай бұрын
"sod is dead" 2.2 million players say otherwise....
@CakeNinjaGaming 4 ай бұрын
While it is the most popular version currently, thats about half what it was the first 6 weeks. I personally know of over 50 people that just stopped playing cause they got bored in P1 and dont even want to play P2 because they didnt add much.
@fittiskogen 4 ай бұрын
Dead????? Theres too many players everywhere ffs😊
@danielmccormack1143 4 ай бұрын
This video is so pointless your saying the games dead yet your advising people to speed level and skip loads of content. Just so you know the games not dead there’s so many people running around doing all sorts. This guys totally wrong. And also there was no facts about why the game is dead It was just him complaining that he rushed the game. Pritty cringe if you ask me.
@CakeNinjaGaming 4 ай бұрын
The game has been the same for 20 years adding 2 things to it, isn't really much innovation now is it?
@danielmccormack1143 4 ай бұрын
@@CakeNinjaGaming I think you need to have some maths lessons bro as there’s more then just 2 things added to the game. For some reason your just being salty about a game your not even playing. And if you are playing the game still then stop becuase your clearly not enjoying yourself
@CakeNinjaGaming 4 ай бұрын
Sorry for not answering you earlier, I was at work. 1. I definitely still play the game, hell, I wish I could play it more. Im just not having as much fun with it. But now that Blizzard announced a change in the leveling speed it might change some things. However they still need to fix the power scaling aspect of it and hopefully add in more in later phases.@@danielmccormack1143
@gatocosmico1760 4 ай бұрын
NO GDkP + Infinite Bots
@CakeNinjaGaming 4 ай бұрын
true brother. True
@dommart4697 4 ай бұрын
@CakeNinjaGaming 4 ай бұрын
@kylechaos6124 4 ай бұрын
Lmao dead? I don’t think it’s anywhere near dead.
@dudelove111 4 ай бұрын
This video seems to just be titled to get clicks. Please don't join the SOD doom and gloom meta train for views.
@CakeNinjaGaming 4 ай бұрын
Dont get me wrong. ALL in ALL, I am decently enjoying SOD, but I feel that they severely backpedaled on what they were planning for P2, so instead of creating new and better things, its just the same with a little bit of pepper added. It could be SO MUCH BETTER.
@dudelove111 4 ай бұрын
classic players get pissed if they change their beloved game@@CakeNinjaGaming
@tannervonstein3382 4 ай бұрын
not even gonna give you the satisfaction of watching your video with that shite title. SoD most played version of wow right now lmao
@CakeNinjaGaming 4 ай бұрын
doesnt mean that it hasnt lost over half the players since it launched.
@johannsteeler6689 4 ай бұрын
Bad video. Straight up.
@CakeNinjaGaming 4 ай бұрын
Whatever floats your goat.
@anttttmannnn 4 ай бұрын
How can you dungeon grind to level then cry and say the whole point was to level through questing lmfao. YOU'RE the one playing you can decide what you want to do
@jordanperkowski941 4 ай бұрын
SOD isnt dying. Alts are dying. Very bad analysis of simple data.
@cynnful3461 4 ай бұрын
bad take and clicking skills, yikes.
@eyeopening618 4 ай бұрын
Some people are pretty decent at it. I don't click anymore but that's how I played in vanilla. Retail has ruined my clicking abilities .
@SpicySharp 4 ай бұрын
The only people who I see complaining are people who make KZfaq videos
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