Why Star Wars is Worth Criticizing

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Master Samwise

Master Samwise

Жыл бұрын

There is a fairly popular sentiment running around internet that "nobody hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans", and that "you should just turn your brain off and enjoy the show!" Both of these ideas are complete nonsense. The people who repeat them ad nauseam clearly do not put the slightest thought into what they say, they just repeat buzzwords that appease their corporate overlords and protect their products from criticism.
#starwars #disney

Пікірлер: 261
@user-xx6vy9ri8p Жыл бұрын
"No one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans" Yes because we CARE.
@diinouhothead9362 Жыл бұрын
There's a saying that goes "Loving isn't appreciating the good part, it's understanding the bad parts"
@Padtedesco Жыл бұрын
@@diinouhothead9362 It is a bad saying. Loving is having Mara Jade kicking your butt into action and stop mopping "because your nephew turn bad and you want to run away".
@mreszotnik Жыл бұрын
Yes, but we care too much and we form bad form of attachment - where we actually damage what we love.
@Kasey_Barkle Жыл бұрын
@@mreszotnik so we’ve become the very thing we swore to destroy. We were supposed to bring balanced criticism, not act like a bunch of ass hats .
@user-xx6vy9ri8p Жыл бұрын
@@mreszotnik We have no impact on Star Wars, other than petition to finish the Clone Wars, so we can't damage it.
@OhNoTheFace Жыл бұрын
"Just turn your brain off" is such a sad way to go through life
@eddiedickens4533 Жыл бұрын
How is it sad to not nitpick and criticize every single minor thing you can think of when watching something?
@HallyVee Жыл бұрын
I regard the quality of my life to be in direct correlation to the amount of deep thinking I'm able to muster during the day. This is unusual. But even I turn my brain off on a regular basis and just coast through watching KZfaq or silly nonsense. Everyone does.
@dreamerfrostbite2066 Жыл бұрын
I know right? enjoying movies for what they are despite the obvious flaws is so depressing, unlike those cool rad nitpickers and 5 hour long video essayists who are obsessed to the point where it's annoying, those people know how to enjoy life.
@teamtundra2619 Жыл бұрын
Hating everything is even sadder
@Appletank8 Жыл бұрын
Just "being along for the ride" is fine, but it is also fair to demand stories better than shovel ware, for writers to be more creative in the characters' motivations and setting. A very good story can often become better when analyzed more deeply. Because stories are written by people, stories inherit some of the writers' biases, good or ill, and it is good to reflect on how much of that message one should just mindlessly take in. Some of the more especially bad ones I've encountered in recent times is how "losing and replacing limbs with mechanical prosthetics makes you less human" is frankly an awful take, even for a villian.
@sarahpauley9517 Жыл бұрын
I completely agree with you Samwise. whatever happened to a time were criticism was constructive instead of seen as a “fandom menace”?
@mreszotnik Жыл бұрын
The problem is that "the fandom manace" is the part of fandom that does not provide real, constructive criticism - but burries it together with half-truths and manipulations.
@Puzzles-Pins Жыл бұрын
The majority of criticism I see is just denial. Or some blatant sexism. There's constructive criticism too but not a lot of it, and usually I see them get attacked by said 'menace'. Disney's saga was a sloppy rushed mess, that's mostly all people agree on.
@itsjustme6018 Жыл бұрын
because the fandom menace does not offer actual criticism, they just shout buzzwords like "woke" or "identity politics." That's not criticism, making 10 rage bait videos is not criticism. it's misplaced outrage over the smallest of problems, they want to blame the problem on "diversity" or "feminism" instead of actual criticism.
@Puzzles-Pins Жыл бұрын
@@itsjustme6018 This is exactly the problem. It's especially frustrating in cases like the Disney trilogy, where there are plenty of legit criticisms to be made. I don't disagree with them that the movies were bad, but I do disagree with their reasoning for why that's the case. It's not the "Woke Agenda", it's more the rushing them out to cash in on the franchise with no plan or even consistent vision between directors etc.
@ryanbarth6691 Жыл бұрын
@@itsjustme6018 man what does it mean to be "woke"
@PeterMcleod117 Жыл бұрын
"Lord of the Rings is prime rib." Never have more true words been said in the english language.
@84bucco Жыл бұрын
Meat is truly back on the menu boys !
@dankdudet1127 Жыл бұрын
I think the adults on earth that love me the most are my parents. My parents are also the ones that scold me the most. Because we love something we are more disappointed in it's poor decisions and are passionate about wanting it to become better
@HansLemurson Жыл бұрын
Good art gets _BETTER_ the deeper you look into it.
@CaptainMagmar Жыл бұрын
I specifically despise the argument of "its for kids, you're not meant to think about it that much". I never understand why we can't have both. 10 year old me didn't like the Umbara arc exclusively for its action scenes, I enjoyed the storytelling as well. Sure maybe I *appreciate* it more now, but implying that something shouldn't be good because its for kids is complete nonsense to me. Good stories are for everyone.
@juliangramajo7010 Жыл бұрын
yeah man, and why think that kids are dumb and cannot understand bigger arcs? ATLA had me on the seat week by week, full of emotion and it had multiple growing arcs at the same time. The way luke grew in the original trilogy, training, failing and growing, his fears and his last moment of darkness before being the hero we love, i was really young! like 8 or 9 when i watched it! 3 movies! one on tv 2 rented in blockbuster because i asked my father to please get them!
@robertbeisert3315 Жыл бұрын
"Yeah, that's why no one liked Teen Titans, Justice League, Avatar, Gravity Falls, Gargoyles, Duck Tales, or Phineas and Ferb. ...wait..."
@juliangramajo7010 Жыл бұрын
@@robertbeisert3315 oof, teen titans, the slade season was awesome!
@v.k.rt.m.6030 11 ай бұрын
Ah yes because Anakin in Revenge of the Sith burning in lava to a charred toasty 192 DEGREES Fahrenheit is FOR KIDS RIGHT? I agree Magmar. These people have lost it.
@tbgstarsend 10 ай бұрын
Like C.S. Lewis said, “No book is really worth reading at the age of ten which is not equally - and often far more - worth reading at the age of fifty and beyond.”
@JohnSmith-cb9hb Жыл бұрын
I loved Retroblasting response to the "just turn your brain off" comment. If you're okay with whatever disney puts out then why does it bother you that other people do complain. If they're complaints are heard and addressed then you're fine with that cause you're good with whatever, if their complaints are ignored then you're fine with that cause you're good with whatever, so since you don't care what kind of content you're getting, why are you bothered by people who do?
@mreszotnik Жыл бұрын
It's not that people criticise new era of Star Wars that I oppose. It's the way it is done. For example it is one thing to criticise Kenobi series, for rather cluttered plot, naive turns of events and inconsistent tone. But it is another when a bunch of trolls DMs Reva's actress some racist nonsense, the actress reacts with dismay, and the trolls hide among the crowd of real fans causing ruckus: "See!" - they say - "They are accusing ALL of Fans of being racist!" Voila - hatred and conflict is the result. Also, the shotgun approach to criticism is also unfair when I hear how awful Disney era of Star Wars is. Disney may have failed with its sequel trilogy, but when they succeed with Rebels, Rogue One, Solo, Mandalorian and Andor, it is as if those productions were not created by them.
@kingorange7739 Жыл бұрын
@@mreszotnik Rebels was at best controversial till the later seasons, Solo undersold. While I agree that some people can go too extreme with attacking, those are extremists and should be treated as such. But the problem is Disney and the shills have now tried to place all fans with those kind of criticisms and disappointments within that same category.
@mreszotnik Жыл бұрын
​@@kingorange7739 As all Dave Filoni's series the first season of Rebels was essential but underwhelming. Starting from season 2 it was markedly improved. Solo may be undersold, but it is solid, awful marketing notwithstanding. I agree that plenty of critics rise many valid criticisms of the sequel trilogy and some TV shows... but as I mentioned these criticisms are co-opted by trolls mixed together with bad faith arguments and outright lies, and give holistic impression of bad faith. To be honest as much as labeling all people who criticise the sequels as "fandom manace" is unfair labeling those who see worth in these movies as "shills" is equally counterproductive.
@kingorange7739 Жыл бұрын
@@mreszotnik And I want to clear the floor in saying I’m not claiming those who like what Disney makes to be shills. I only direct that word on those who will attack people who criticize the work.
@John-fk2ky Жыл бұрын
@@mreszotnik I’m not sure why you think “shill” is in any way inaccurate when you can literally make an analysis of each of the sequels as long as the films themselves pointing out flaws (you might find it pedantic, but the issue is still there) while the sequel defenders claim the movies are masterpieces. That’s why they’re called shills. Liking the movies isn’t a problem by itself. It’s the refusing to actually acknowledge the criticism in the first place that’s the problem.
@Hanoua2 Жыл бұрын
I feel like Star Wars grew beyond a simple movie franchise, you have multiple generation who grew up either watching the original, the prequel, the clone wars tv show, the books or the video games, its part of our culture, it tells timeless story about overcoming evil, redemption and bravery. Tons of character, different era, planets, ships and story. It all exist in this fictional universe that has been explored and expanded for more than 40 years. So yeah, when someone comes around and doesn't do his homework and create a cheap product that breaks the rule of that world, its a big deal, it affects everything, the toys, games, comic book, future movie. There's is a higher standard expected from this franchise
@dreamerfrostbite2066 Жыл бұрын
I agree with all of this
@benmalsky9834 10 ай бұрын
The thing is, they never just break the rules, they stick very close to what works.
@Tridentboy1998 Жыл бұрын
I became a Star Wars fan through The Force Unleashed. It was the story that got me to understand what a manipulative monster Darth Vader was, which was before I even knew that Vader and Anakin were the same people, thus drawing me to Anakin as a tragic hero, or that the Original Trilogy even existed. That is also the game that made me experience the potential of the Force and lightsaber combat utilized to the fullest, so naturally, that game hardwired into my mind, aside from the origin of the Rebel Alliance, what Star Wars represents and what the golden standards of storytelling should be, that it is ultimately about the Force, and everything else that happens is insignificant in comparison when it comes to the big picture of the story. I think that is why I have trouble resonating with the franchise when Disney took over, and all that they really focus on are the X-Wings and blasters and stormtroopers and have yet to tell a decent Force-user-centric story in live-action so far. Personally, I do not regard Disney Star Wars as canon or the definitive continuity. That title belongs to the Star Wars Expanded Universe in the sense of the Tolkien canon lore when it comes to Lord of the Rings. I simply regard Disney Star Wars as an adaptation and a rebooted continuity watered down for normies and addicts that are obsessed with only watching new stuff just for the sake of chasing after trends to be a part of a community, which I myself used to be guilty of, as Professor Geek always said.
@michaelisland2047 Жыл бұрын
I would argue that there's hierarchy to Star Wars canon. The OT, PT, the clone wars, & Lucas' treatments for the sequels: ABSOLUTELY CANON. Stuff made by Dave Filoni & or Jon Favreau: probably canon. The original EU: possibly canon at least in some places, or canon for an alternate timeline (Heir to the Empire trilogy, etc.). The Disney trilogy: footage of just the legacy characters probably canon, everything else probably not canon or ABSOLTUELY NOT CANON. And so on.
@yrooxrksvi7142 Жыл бұрын
@@michaelisland2047 There WAS canon hierarchy under Lucas, but what you're listing here is your headcanon.
@michaelisland2047 Жыл бұрын
@@yrooxrksvi7142 I agree there was canon hierarchy under Lucas. That supports my point. How is this just my headcanon? I think anybody would be very hard pressed to argue that SW stories written by people other than Lucas are just as much canon as SW stories written & or approved by Lucas. I argue that it's pretty clear that the closer a SW story is to how Lucas would've written it and or approved it (it's themes, it's characters, it's style, it's plot, it's worldbuilding, it's politics, it's philosophy, it's spirit in general, etc.), the more genuine Star Wars it is. I mean, what's more genuine Star Wars than what Lucas wrote and or approved of? This is the principle I used to make the hierarchy list I wrote in my previous comment. So, what parts of my list are inconsistent with this principle?
@benmalsky9834 10 ай бұрын
@@michaelisland2047Anyone who grows up with the Disney produced materials will disagree with you. Never underestimate the power of nostalgia.
@Shmethan 6 ай бұрын
Did you just unironically call people normies? Look at yourself my guy, what's brought you to this point
@sirspookingham5329 Жыл бұрын
“Star Wars is worth criticizing because Star Wars is art” … I really like that line.
@liamlinson7563 Жыл бұрын
"turn your brain off" yeah that basically describes disney star wars
@benmalsky9834 10 ай бұрын
No it doesn’t.
@benmalsky9834 10 ай бұрын
I want all the hatred to stop!
@champcpr Жыл бұрын
If you have to turn your brain off to enjoy someone, music, television or cinema... it's not worth your attention.
@dreamerfrostbite2066 Жыл бұрын
I don't have to, I like to, I don't watch something I don't enjoy, and I will never tell anyone to turn their brain instead of criticising a movie, that's fine.
@champcpr 11 ай бұрын
@@dreamerfrostbite2066 shows and movies have to make sense, even fiction is grounded in it's own universe. Things being on screen going boom & pow is nice to look at, but it shouldn't compromise the lore and story telling. If I leave a movie with more questions than answers, they failed. The bar has become so low that people praise mediocrity, hence just about everything released within the last few years bombing. Outside of Arcane and a few other hidden gems, art is now passionless.
@dreamerfrostbite2066 11 ай бұрын
@@champcpr I wholeheartedly disagree but that's my opinion
@thestarkknightreturns Жыл бұрын
Good video. Although I have to add that, contrary to what you say at 2:43, Star Wars also displays visual beauty. It shows us new worlds, new cultures, new shapes and architecture, and new technology defined by current-world trends and artforms, often in a way that mirrors and refers to classical art. And through its superb photography and camera work it has created beautiful compositions of conventional cinematography, and it has shown us some of the most iconic, beautiful and visually striking shots in cinema. Star Wars is also visual art.
@master_samwise Жыл бұрын
Very true.
@noelfisher1440 Жыл бұрын
Please never stop making videos Master Samwise! YOU ARE THE GOAT! NEVER STOPPPP
@brianalambert1192 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, most Star Wars projects for me do have an uphill battle at this point because I've seen too much evidence of a) blatant opportunities being wasted for incomprehensible reasons, b) a multi billion dollar company is putting out content of lesser quality than youtubers who can't afford to eat, and c) that they're treating this franchise as something that they don't need to put effort into because people will see it either way. And the fact that they just bad mouth their own fans whenever criticism comes up, it really comes across as "We'll make this as good or as bad as we want it, but you have to take it"
@diinouhothead9362 Жыл бұрын
Criticism is always worth it. As long as it doesn't overstep and turn into nitpicking.
@redvonmunster3731 Жыл бұрын
Or complain for nearly a decade
@Lobsterwithinternet Жыл бұрын
And how can you differentiate them? Because one person’s criticism is another person’s nitpicking.
@ryanbarth6691 Жыл бұрын
​@@redvonmunster3731 dude there's no time restriction for when a movie can be talked about
@xavierthomas5835 29 күн бұрын
​@@Lobsterwithinternetsimple. Nitpicking originally comes from knitting. You take a single thread and you unravel a whole creation because of ONE SINGLE OUT OF PLACE THREAD. Everything related to one bad scene, one bad installation becomes garbage. Now, anytime someone says they like the other parts, everyone hops on the hatred bandwagon and says the whole head is sick. An entire story is thrown out because some parts of it either don't make sense or don't expand enough or aren't as enjoyable. Something that's easily 8/10 becomes 5/10 off one or two bad scenes. People stop seeing past their own nose to criticize something, you know you've stepped into nitpicking territory.
@xavierthomas5835 29 күн бұрын
​@@ryanbarth6691if I hear someone complain for anything over a month about how bad a movie is, I'm convinced they have an obsession and need an intervention. Much less an entire decade. It can be deep, you can bring it up, we can rap about it, but it ain't THAT deep.
@BladeOfLight16 Жыл бұрын
There's no such thing as mindless fun. Every form of entertainment teaches us something. We learn about ourselves and about other people, and the value behind every action either becomes a small part of us or drives us to oppose it. We either become weaker and more untrue, or we become stronger and more rooted in the truth. It is wise to be aware of what a piece of any kind of art is trying to tell us, the ways in which it is intended to affect us, so that we can make a more conscious decision about its values rather than allow ourselves to be driven by the will of another.
@blackfox4138 Жыл бұрын
I 100% agree with the idea that there are some films that people do take too seriously. A good example is the Mario Bros film. People have spent 5 hour long reviews just nitpicking it when, in reality, none of that is what the film is trying to be. For me, it all boils down to this simple principle: "What is the film trying to say to me?" There are some films that legit just want me to relax my brain, and enjoy a fun little story with fun little effects. Other films really want me to sit down and think about what it is that I'm watching. I'm completely fine with both, but it all centers around what the film wants from me. Star Wars, since its inception, has always had a message that it wants its audience to listen to, and every Star Wars property since has followed suit. The OT, the Prequels, KOTOR, SWTOR, Jedi, Heir to the Empire, and yes, even the Sequels and modern Star Wars have something to tell the audience.
@barrankobama4840 Жыл бұрын
I completely agree. Thank you for put it so nicely and effectively. I really suffer the smug of disregarding art (of any kind, including literature, even comics) as just mindless entertaining.
@blackarican4523 Жыл бұрын
When you love something you want it to see it be the best it can possibly be
@c4sualcycl0ps48 Жыл бұрын
I’ve only watched a handful of your videos but you have literally hit every aspect of what art and media should be about. Edit: hell; even the “prime rib” example directly jives with my own thoughts on the games I play. I’ve often explained Destiny 2 as my “fast food” option, because I can log on, play it and find something to enjoy. Meanwhile games like Outer Wilds are that 5-star meal that is worth every penny and moment of your time.
@master_samwise Жыл бұрын
The Outer Wilds is incredible.
@c4sualcycl0ps48 Жыл бұрын
@@master_samwise holy shit. It’s a rare occasion one of my veiled recommendations to play Outer Wilds goes unneeded. Absolute legend. I shall watch your career with great interest.
@shnobby3547 Жыл бұрын
I actually think destiny 2 has mostly been better than that. I think the fast food comparison is still apt, because of the nature of live service games, but I think destiny's overall story and lore has been very good for several years now. I enjoy its story more than most tv shows that come out these days. Of course, lightfall had to ruin that streak, but still.
@c4sualcycl0ps48 Жыл бұрын
@@shnobby3547 agreed, it’s been pretty consistent quality-wise for the past 2ish years. And that is what I really mean by the “fast food” analogy. You can play it as much or as little as you want and there isn’t these wild swings in quality or experience from day to day.
@monolithichashies7477 Жыл бұрын
Always love a shout-out to my favorite game of all time outerwilds
@IstandwithIsrael236 8 ай бұрын
I love how it flashes through all the meme scenes lol
@raylast3873 Жыл бұрын
*laughs in eating Prime Rib more than ice cream“
@vast9467 Жыл бұрын
If you have to turn your brain off to enjoy something maybe it just isn’t good
@dreamerfrostbite2066 Жыл бұрын
not a good argument when I do that with every movie I watch, im not making essays im watching and enjoying a movie for what it is. if it sucks, I don't watch it, simple.
@benmalsky9834 10 ай бұрын
@@dreamerfrostbite2066I don’t think anything sucks
@gabrielcoghlan1663 9 ай бұрын
I would contest your point on the description of Tolkien and Star Wars as "Prime Rib" and "Ice Cream" respectively. I am an avid Tolkien fan, and I have much respect for his work, but admittedly, it was Star Wars that got me through some of the longest periods of my life as I struggled with chronic pain as a child. (Along with C.S. Lewis, but to a lesser extent due to lack of content) As someone who has entirely too much Star Wars information rattling around in my head, and has plumbed many a depth of Wookieepedia in times past, and read many, many of the old EU books, I would say that Star Wars has the potential to be "Prime Rib" or "Ice Cream"... Mayhaps a better example for Star Wars would be that it can be anything from a $2 Steak, to a Tomahawk Steak. As well as also being the sides that come with your choice. What I love about Star Wars, and have always loved about Star Wars is that it has the potential to be as great as Tolkien, or as okay as the Prequels. Tolkien, as good as his world is, left very little behind for us to work on as a fanbase, because ultimately it was for him, and he was simply gracious enough to share it with us. That's not to say there isn't room for other to fill in the blanks, but the epic deeds, legends, and stories, at least those that pertain to the shaping and shaking of the world as we know it have already been filled in quite well by the professor himself. He had a specific narrative he wanted to tell and establish for his world, and he did so. You can't really even modify it without it feeling lessened in some way. (I've yet to read a non-crossover fanfiction of his work that has not felt like a complete and utter mutilation, or simply put, utterly and deadeningly boring.) Whereas with Star Wars, it's so vast, that if one wanted to weave a Tolkienesque story around a singular planet, or section of the galaxy, at a time long past or future, there is that room for that. If we're being honest, the EU was in large part professionally written, officially sanctioned fanfiction, and the best of it, was of a ridiculously high tier. What it created was this smorgasbord buffet of stories that is frankly in it's totality, unmatched by any other IP that exists in Western media to date. It's the width and breadth of amazing content written by people with a high degree of professionalism, to the insane degree that they did their best to work with each other's visions and creations to create a coherent, living, breathing universe of characters and stories that makes Star Wars so much greater than just the movies. Which, on different note, is why I knew it was doomed from the second Disney bought it. Every overarching choice they made in regards to the universe and its development was expected by me, and just increase my general apathy towards it as it currently exists. But OG Star Wars, the old EU? A masterpiece that not even Tolkien could have copied, but not one I would would want him to. Tolkien is that really great birthday meal that you never regret having, and could eat every month without getting bored. Star Wars is every other meal you have throughout the year. Some good, some fantastic, some bland and boring, butit can be literally anything and everything. But let's be honest, we're going to go back and have our birthday meal every time, because while it isn't perfect if we pick it apart... it's a delightful and flawless experience every, single, time. And we love it unconditionally, and always will. It just... is.
@renard6012 Жыл бұрын
How can anyone praise something that they watched with the brain "turned off"? If critics cannot say anything bad about a stupid movie for children featuring "space wizards," then the apologists cannot say anything good. Why? Because it's a stupid movie for children with "space wizards."
@owencoles2798 3 ай бұрын
If you’re watching a show or movie, no matter what it is, never turn off your brain. Especially when that creator put all their love and time so that you can take time out of your to enjoy their product, then you should come with an open mind.
@MoviesRemastered Жыл бұрын
This gave me more have a joy than anything being served on Disney+. Brilliant articulation of actual real fans. Passion.
@benmalsky9834 10 ай бұрын
Love the Disney Plus shows! I beg of you!
@benmalsky9834 10 ай бұрын
I love the Disney Plus shows. I don’t want to be alone!
@darksidegryphon5393 18 күн бұрын
"Turn your brain off" sounds like the prelude to a «Brave New World» style dystopia. Maybe we are there already.
@jovenc4508 Жыл бұрын
My friend falls into the catigory of "it was fun, I don't care" and it irritates me.
@bjorn-kriek1954 Жыл бұрын
I have friends with similar points of view, I got annoyed at first but I try not to let it get to me anymore as I have tried to, but cannot change their mind. Some people have simpler minds I guess, but they are still our friends 🤝
@dreamerfrostbite2066 Жыл бұрын
you sound "fun" to be around
@dreamerfrostbite2066 Жыл бұрын
​@@bjorn-kriek1954 you sound like a very arrogant and pathetic friend who can't take a chill pill, and that's my problem right there, you can't accept that someone just enjoys a movie even if they may agree with you, they have to agree with everything and need to be just as pissed, annoyed, snobby, and just plain petty as you are. real people aren't like that.
@SuperFaygoman Жыл бұрын
Been slowly losing interest in star wars over the last couple years due to the content they put out. Its heartbreaking to see my childhood heroes treated the way they have been. I used to get so excited for any new project just because it was star wars and i thought that it would be fun to debate new shows with the fandom but so many normies have ruined the shows for me. I now just have to watch it on my own and leave it at that. Being engaged with the fandom that defends everything star wars literally hurts my soul.
@dreamerfrostbite2066 Жыл бұрын
I get the opposite, I literally grew up with the prequels and have been a fan since (21 turning 22 after Christmas) and everytime I talk about these movies or want to enjoy them with friends and family, they won't stfu. criticism is fine, hearing it constantly and repeatedly is frustrating and ruins the experience for me.
@InternationalAwesomeFoundation Жыл бұрын
"It's just entertainment, just turn your brain off!" As someone whose religious purpose and general form of prayer is to seek communion with the divine by consuming art, as I believe art is an extension of the human soul which is itself a small piece of divinity within us... I respectfully decline the offer to turn my brain off, and will promptly go so far as to say "Fuck off."
@nerolia_gaming8030 6 ай бұрын
Art is creation, and creation comes from intelligence, and intelligence is what made us standout among other creatures who live on the planet. So, ART IS ALL ABOUT BRAIN BEING ON, literally. People who say entertainment should be consumed with brain off need to go 2 million years back in time and evolve one more time, maybe they'll get more lucky on the second try.
@AS19Motorsport 9 ай бұрын
Great video; caring about something means being able to see its wrongs and wanting them to be fixed and not repeated. Btw, what is the background song at 3:23 called?
@Padtedesco Жыл бұрын
You choose to talk about it on the eve of some terrible loss. Few relations are more healthy then Luke/Mara, they are an example of what a true couple is, a partnership, they work for the embetterment of the other, something that nor Disney, Marvel, Fox, anything under that umbrella have, and something that we still wish to appear forward. For the next few days ahead.
@Kasey_Barkle Жыл бұрын
My wifey was also on the edge of killing me when things started off, too. Not to mention my daughter is named in honour of Mara jade
@braydonfisher9273 9 ай бұрын
I love the factorio reference! But yeah, everything is worth scrutiny.
@passionoflovers 10 ай бұрын
That argument is made by people who can't cope with the fact that there are other people poking holes in stuff they like. It's not possible to just turn off your brain with Star Wars. Not when the franchise is so deeply rooted in lore and history. Family Guy is something you'd turn your brain off when watching. By its very nature, there's nothing to analyse. Are you entertained, yes or no? With Star Wars, we're constantly forced to have a certain amount of understanding and insight into the world building. Otherwise, you'd be completely lost in minutes. When a franchise has been on life support for 30 years and keeps dangling the memberberries in your face, it is actively asking to be ridiculed and torn apart.
@calamity4551 11 ай бұрын
Honestly, honestly, I feel like the situation is exactly the same with MCU and it's fans as of right now. Effort and fleshed out characters and plot from movies in first few phases to moneygrabing, merely visually compelling media, characters getting butchered by the screenwriters and directors. And new "fans" saying to older ones "it's not that deep". I'm from loki fandom specifically and I feel like thor franchise and subsquent series like loki series is a good example of things I'm talking about. Anyway I wish you could cover mcu as well, should you happen to be familiar with/any passionate about it. I like your analyses, you're the reason I'm willing to pick up lotr after hesitating to start for so long. Keep up the good work
@benmalsky9834 10 ай бұрын
That’s not a good mindset to be in. You have to empathize with the writers and directors of the new projects. Appreciate them.
@calamity4551 10 ай бұрын
@@benmalsky9834 man, when they start showing respect to the source material and care for the characters they write about (and hopefully write a good script. hopefully), I will. Appreciating blindly people who do their job poorly just looks like a lack of critical thinking, and frankly like a cult
@JustinMatthew95 Жыл бұрын
Glad to see you also give props to COD, I may not enjoy it like I used to, but the quality has always been fantastic and there’s never any game breaking bugs at launch. You can tell the devs care…Activision and the higher ups on the other hand…
@master_samwise Жыл бұрын
That's pretty typical of AAA games these days. You can tell the developers poured their blood, sweat, and tears into the game, but the decisions made above their pay grade typically cause the game to be unimaginative, rushed and buggy, or just plain broken. Indie games that don't have the demands of a giant publisher often run so much better and are far more creative and, well, FUN. I'm planning a video that will touch on this topic.
@metal_fusion Жыл бұрын
Call of Duty Assassin Creed Halo Were the age of gaming.. Now it’s just a memory we used to know Devil may cry Metal Gear God of War Are also gems
@hydrocooledcarrot Жыл бұрын
You reminded me of the good old days when I was young and had no bills so I could afford prime rib whenever I wanted 😢
@OndenOndwaK Жыл бұрын
This was amazing man, keep up the quality content!
@aquaticlife9251 Жыл бұрын
If it doesn't makes sense, whats the point? Those people who only like sparkly things with no substance are the ones who criticize Andor for good writing and great dialogue.
@panos617 9 ай бұрын
STAR WARS used to be like Warhammer 40K. Not in grim tone. But it have lore in lore.
@ezragonzalez1495 Жыл бұрын
The problem with bad Star Wars is that it's not even entertaining when you don't even think about it
@benmalsky9834 10 ай бұрын
There no such thing as bad Star Wars to me.
@benmalsky9834 10 ай бұрын
Everything Star Wars is good in my opinion.
@markgarrett3647 3 ай бұрын
​@@benmalsky9834 Space vacuum flying Leia?
@raylast3873 Жыл бұрын
Whenever anyone pronounces the name of Harrison Ford‘s character „Hon“, it triggers me.
@DK-th5nt Жыл бұрын
Even "brainless fun" movies require a bit of basic logic, Disney's trilogy has none.
@benmalsky9834 10 ай бұрын
@benmalsky9834 10 ай бұрын
They do! Why do you keep saying that? It has to stop.
@yomanyo327 Жыл бұрын
"Turn your brain off" isn't a common argument, if it was a common opinion, these movies would still be making money. This is just the opinion of jackasses and SJWs.
@Eilonwy95 Жыл бұрын
Excellent points!! Nothing wrong with constructive criticism.
@malakimphoros2164 Жыл бұрын
The Bannister Station comic was a nice, epin, character driven story
@drdynanite Жыл бұрын
There is no way any opinion about anything should be shamed, especially if the author provides a reasoning for his opinion. And this applies to anything, not only Star Wars. People who try to write off any opinion on Star Wars products with npc phrases are just infantile. They think their opinion is the only valid one, and for some reason make a big deal out of it. But since we live in a world, where different opinions have right to exist, there is not much they can do to eliminate other people opinion, and the only option they have is to shame people for what they think. People just need to realize opinions are opinions, and there are a lot of cases, where there is no correct one. They need to accept that different people think differently and stop downplaying other people just because they don't think the same way.
@benmalsky9834 10 ай бұрын
Creativity and imagination will NEVER run out. It will ALWAYS be around.
@bubblecat9231 10 ай бұрын
Does anyone know the song playing in the background at 3:58 ?
@master_samwise 10 ай бұрын
For What Is Right - Trevor Kowalski
@maunz5791 Жыл бұрын
Wise words, Master Sam. 👍
@AlMcpherson79 11 ай бұрын
driving a car is just to get me from a to b so therefore I should turn my brain o- *crash sounds* *mess of voices* *coma sounds intensify*
@damalona Ай бұрын
I just wanna point out that even if you turn your brain off watching something you can still end up not like it just wanna point that out. This is becuse even watching a film casually you can still point out what you like and didn’t like about a film
@sneeson Жыл бұрын
How about turning your brain on and calling out $hit writing? That's something Star Wars didn't used to have. Character depth and arcs, intelligent plotting and stakes are vital parts of the greatest Star Wars tales. THE OT THE CLONE WARS REBELS THE BAD BATCH (season 1) THE MANDALORIAN TALES OF THE JEDI Most of the EU. Everything else has failed to engage audiences and if you don't care, you're neither a fan of quality or Star Wars. I've no interest in following your lead.
@B_Dub3 Жыл бұрын
👏👏👏 Fantastic video. Can't help but also feel this way about DC today tbh.
@profoundpronoun4712 Жыл бұрын
Loved this!!! Totally agree!!!
@manleeman5212 Жыл бұрын
Mad good video my dude
@inthegardenofmymind Жыл бұрын
Incredible video! Thank you for sharing 🙏
@optillian4182 Жыл бұрын
Unless you criticise the prequel trilogy, as doing so will get the Reddit nerds angry.
@ukaber7227 Жыл бұрын
Fantastic video, Dude!!
@michaelman957 3 ай бұрын
100% agree
@musicaluprising924 Жыл бұрын
Well said.
@FolkWalkCZ Жыл бұрын
Such a well made video. One of those which put into words what I've been thinking for a long time but couldn't explain it so eloquently.
@redvonmunster3731 Жыл бұрын
Well, it's been nearly a decade, if you can't put your thoughts into words in that amount of time...
@itsjustme6018 Жыл бұрын
Hey man what's up, I've been a casual Star Wars fan and have recently jump back into the Star Wars. I'm not gonna lie when I say the Star Wars fandom isn't one of the most toxic internet fandoms, like seriously the harassment of actors to the point of suicide and blatant racism is where I cross the line and to ignore that part of the fandom would be ignorant. That being said I agree that criticism is sometimes brushed off as "toxic", my biggest problem however is with the fandom menace. Now there's a reason these channels gets views (besides outrage farming off a nerd boy over anything) it's because fans are not satisfied with what's been put out. But it's misplaced outrage, in order for something to be fixed you need to pinpoint the problem with actual constructive criticism. The Fandom Menace doesn't do that, they just shout buzzwords like "woke" or "identity politics" or making the same rage bait videos over and over again just whining. I'm sorry but it's just whining and complaint over the smallest of meaningless crap. "Woke" isn't criticism, so called "forced diversity" isn't the problem, "shoving politics down our throats" is not good when media whether it's been comics,movies,games, has always been political. Actual constructive Criticism is needed, when you are criticizing something, you are doing it because you want it to be better. Criticism should come from a place of love for the media not from outrage. Critiquing something should come from how you are feeling, "I didn't like this because it felt rushed and didn't have time to flesh out" or "this character wasn't very interesting and felt kind of bland." Constructive Criticism should come from a place of respect.
@markgarrett3647 3 ай бұрын
Adding new female characters and have them be all of a sudden great at everything and not have character flaws is forced diversity. Don't deny the objective truth.
@maxotto9877 Жыл бұрын
Star Wars was founded in a political criticism of the American war in Vietnam, adapted from Lucas's Apocalypse Now (as well as Flash Gordon and other influences) The original Trilogy is an incredibly subversion of The Hero's Journey in context to the reinforcement of political systems, where the Hero of noble blood, destined for the throne rejects his unjust position of power and puts his trust and love in his friends and family to support and save him. These movies are not turn your brain off entertainment. They have a lot to say about people and the world around us. Luke is one of the greatest protagonists of all time not because he has special powers and an important dad, but because of his values, he is willing to die to save those he cares about and stand up against unjust systems. For Disney to reduce Star Wars to mindless entertainment has been such a disservice.
@benmalsky9834 10 ай бұрын
They did NOT reduce it to mindless entertainment!
@benmalsky9834 10 ай бұрын
Anyone who thinks that clearly has no idea what makes them so good.
@maxotto9877 10 ай бұрын
@@benmalsky9834 What?
@benmalsky9834 10 ай бұрын
@@maxotto9877 Please don’t blast me, I believe there is no bad Star Wars content. I love the franchise as a collective whole.
@benmalsky9834 10 ай бұрын
@@maxotto9877 Can you please just lighten up and think about what does make them good?
@eddiebanks3583 Жыл бұрын
Just turn your brain off and enjoy was what I said about Bay’s transformers but people decide to pick that apart
@bridgerhibbert2993 Жыл бұрын
What you say sounds ideal. The problem is, not all criticism is constructive, especially in the Star Wars community. It's not always about WHAT is being criticized, but HOW it is being criticized. Yes, people can have their objective opinions on whether a movie is good or bad (or even if it exists or not), but there are also others who can unfairly critique something subjectively because they don't stand for anything and therefore have nothing to fall for. The irony is, those kind of people will hate-watch something to prove their points as though on some holy moral crusade, but doing so supports the project (especially if they watch it on the first day it releases) and (because studios care about the numbers, not the voices), the result is a call for more mediocre projects. How people lost the common sense to not know that you don't need to roll in mud to know that it is dirty is beyond me; if they don't want to get muddy, they should stay away from it completely and do something else. Unfortunately, there is no point in telling people to turn their brain off to enjoy something they clearly enjoy hating when they've already hit their off-switch. On the other hand, if the projects that they enjoy are THAT GOOD, then they should have no problem acknowledging both the flaws of the things they do love watching as well as the good things in other projects they hate.
@imnotatroll6301 Жыл бұрын
NO PIECE OF ART IS COMPLETED UNTIL IT FACES THE JUDGEMENT OF THE AUDIENCE. And the audience is obligated to judge every piece of work presented to them, and that applies to youtube videos too.
@Mr.StevenKerr 10 ай бұрын
While I think fandom in general has gone too far, I agree that not demanding more from anything you give your time to is such a sad way to live.
@mreszotnik Жыл бұрын
I am all for analysis and criticism of our Star Wars. For one, if not inhibited but bad faith and negative emotion it is a fun excercise with fellow fans. Secondly, it helps the audience be very precise in voicing what they want. But I have a bone to pick with the criticism of the sequels and some of recent SW shows... namely many of them are done: 1) Not consistently - for example, the criticisms apply to the sequels... but also to ALL Star Wars mainline movies, but for the former they are unforgiveable, for the OT and the prequels they are excused. 2) in bad faith - the criticisms are done not really to point out a flaw, but to spark a controversy, to troll, to cause people to argue and generate clicks and engagement under article, fake as it is. 3) and blown out of proportions - the flaw might be real, but is nowhere as serious and damaging as the critic suggests - this is also done to generate controversy or to virtue-signal to people who express similar sentiments in order to feel like a part of the same tribe. There is nothing wrong with SW fan criticising e.g. Kenobi series, for rather cluttered plot, naive turns of events and inconsistent tone. But it is another when a bunch of trolls DMs Reva's actress some racist nonsense, the actress reacts, and the trolls hide among the crowd of real fans causing ruckus: "See!" - they say - "They are accusing ALL of Fans of being racist!" Voila - hatred and conflict is the result.
@master_samwise Жыл бұрын
Well put. I think it's easy for fans to fall into group think that generalizes an entire movie or show as good or bad, and thus above any criticism or not deserving of any praise. Good stories have their flaws and bad stories have their bright spots, but that kind of nuanced viewpoint isn't always appreciated, especially on the internet.
@kingorange7739 Жыл бұрын
1. What criticisms are going to try to apply to the other movies that you feel people have only criticized the ST for?
@mreszotnik Жыл бұрын
​@@kingorange7739 For example, 1) the sequels are accused of inconsistency within the story. However, this criticisms can leveled against ALL mainline SW movies. Examples include but are not limited to: - When heroes escape Naboo in ep 1 they have to deal with blockade... but when they return to that planet later in the movie they just end up on the planet undetected with no confrontation - Imperial officer not shooting down/ tractor beaming the escape pod with R2 and 3PO at the start of the New Hope because there are no life signs... in a galaxy full of droids, computer systems and wireless modes of communication. - Leia somehow remembers her mother's face... even though she was a blind baby... the force does wonders, I guess. 2) plot contrivances: - In episode 2 Jango uses the only weapon that could reveal Kamino to kill the Assassin he himself hired. And clearly this is not his plan judging from how unprepared he is for Obi’s visit. Not to mention the roundabout way in which the assassination was executed. - So Kaminoans were making clones for the Republic. Ok, but where on earth did all those ships, landers, tanks, etc. come from? The movie even states that the Republic is not militarily prepared for war. - When the team escaped Death Star Leia suspects it was too easy and that the Empire let them escape… and yet they fly straight to Yavin 4 suspecting they are tracked, endangering the WHOLE REBELLION. Should they not consult with someone first? - AT-AT are the most nonsense machines ever with no ability to shoot target above or behind them... but they somehow succeed defeating flying speeders… - oh, and AT-ATs can be defeated with TOWING CABLES… - but speeders never use them to attack AT-ATs from behind. - BTW, where are the X-Wings to bomb the shit out of them? Oh yeah, they are protecting transports that do not need protection because the Empire does not deploy Tie Fighters for some reason, and Ion cannon is OP. - Teddy bears defeating "the finest Stormtrooper legion" is so much fail. I can do this all day. If you bring stuff like that the sequel critic, you'd be "nitpicking" - which is an argument I agree with. It is pretty petty. But when you point out they do the same with the sequels, all hell breaks lose.
@kingorange7739 Жыл бұрын
@@mreszotnik “1) the sequels are accused of inconsistency within the story. However, this criticisms can leveled against ALL mainline SW movies.” - I will agree with that, however criticisms are going to somewhat be based on also on how much they happen and how much they impact the rest of the story. “Examples include but are not limited to: - When heroes escape Naboo in ep 1 they have to deal with blockade... but when they return to that planet later in the movie they just end up on the planet undetected with no confrontation” - This was explained in the movie itself that the rest of the fleet withdrew and they left only one droid command ship left. “- Imperial officer not shooting down/ tractor beaming the escape pod with R2 and 3PO at the start of the New Hope because there are no life signs... in a galaxy full of droids, computer systems and wireless modes of communication.” - This isn’t an inconsistency as much as it is simply a bad decision on the officer’s part. Which while dumb was not out of character within imperial arrogance, an oversight Vader himself corrects just a few minutes later. It is likely they assumed the ship did not have droids on board or at least not any capable of operating an escape pod. “- Leia somehow remembers her mother's face... even though she was a blind baby... the force does wonders, I guess.” - Ok, this one I will give you. However this is an inconsistency with ROTS more than ROTJ. But I will agree with it. “2) plot contrivances: - In episode 2 Jango uses the only weapon that could reveal Kamino to kill the Assassin he himself hired. And clearly this is not his plan judging from how unprepared he is for Obi’s visit. Not to mention the roundabout way in which the assassination was executed.” - Ok this is clearly explained that any time Jango is not on bounty missions, he stays on Kamino to keep being a donor for the clones. While it isn’t explicitly stated, it can be logically inferred that Jango bought and or borrowed weapons of Kamanoin design, probably banking on the idea that the Jedi were not yet aware of Kamino’s existence. “- So Kaminoans were making clones for the Republic. Ok, but where on earth did all those ships, landers, tanks, etc. come from? The movie even states that the Republic is not militarily prepared for war.” - The ships were already on Kamino when the clones were being loaded on board. Again, while not explicitly stated, it would be pretty worthless for the Kaminoins to produce an army for the Republic without a means of transporting said army. “- When the team escaped Death Star Leia suspects it was too easy and that the Empire let them escape… and yet they fly straight to Yavin 4 suspecting they are tracked, endangering the WHOLE REBELLION. Should they not consult with someone first?” - Yeah this one I will also give you. There were tight circumstances behind the scenes for this, but I agree that the fact Leia just led the Empire to Yavin never sat right with me and probably stood as the only major flaw of ANH. “- AT-AT are the most nonsense machines ever with no ability to shoot target above or behind them... but they somehow succeed defeating flying speeders…” - Clearly that isn’t the case. As the AT-ATs have been able to shoot against flying targets. Also this is a design criticism rather than an issue with the plot. Of course I know why you are doing it, you are making a comparison to the bombers in TLJ. However while the AT-ATs were still showcased to be extremely effective at what it was designed to do. The bombers literally had no shields from enemy fire, had no failsafe to prevent that one ship’s explosion caused a chain reaction that destroyed half the bomber fleet, and the fact that the bomber does not even move fast enough to get out of the way of the explosion after it hits. Meaning they were going to get killed no matter what. “- oh, and AT-ATs can be defeated with TOWING CABLES… - but speeders never use them to attack AT-ATs from behind.” - Given there were multiple columns of AT-ATs in the movie, it was likely they would be shot down from behind if they tried to do that. “- BTW, where are the X-Wings to bomb the shit out of them? Oh yeah, they are protecting transports that do not need protection because the Empire does not deploy Tie Fighters for some reason, and Ion cannon is OP.” - The Rebels did not know whether or not the Empire would deploy Ties during the space engagement, something Han, Leia, and Chewy learned the hard way when post battle Ties were chasing them all over. I will agree it was dumb on the Empire’s end not to deploy Ties earlier, but as mentioned, the Empire’s biggest weakness in all three movies was their arrogance. However it is fair to state they did not know of the Ion Canon till after one Star Destroyer got hit by it. “- Teddy bears defeating "the finest Stormtrooper legion" is so much fail.” - You are aware they defeated our main heroes too. Contrary to misguided notions, the Ewoks are not to be underestimated, this was intentional to serve as an allegory to Vietnam. I can do this all day. “If you bring stuff like that the sequel critic, you'd be "nitpicking" - which is an argument I agree with. It is pretty petty. But when you point out they do the same with the sequels, all hell breaks lose.” - Actually I think it completely fair to point out flaws in relation to the older movies when it is in the same context, as long as you are doing it understanding that you are not making the material you are trying to defend look any better. It is only making the other stuff look worse. However something many people get wrong including you to an extent as that the criticisms weighted against the ST are not under the same context as those that could in theory be weighted against the OT or PT. Both within the universe and in real life.
@mreszotnik Жыл бұрын
​@@kingorange7739 You see what you are doing - you are coming up with the ways to explain the inconsistencies in the plot of OT and PT. Which is a fun exercise and something that us fans do. And I applaud that (even though you are factually wrong about several of your hypotheses). But for some reason all too often people are not doing to do the same service to the sequels. And to be frank, they were not doing the same for the prequels either - only recently the sentiment changed. To be frank, I do not understand your argument about different context for the ST. How is it different? To my mind all mainline SW movies have always been Space Operas. And Space Opera and its progenitor genre - the Opera - it does not care so much about consistency as about moral message and spectacle. This is baked in, in the genre. Hell, back in the day the prequels were hated partly because George Lucas retconned Heir of Empire trilogy - so true to its roots, the prequels were not big on consistency. I know, that many novels and other media that represented other genres came up over years - sci-fi military fiction, detective/mystery novels, thrillers, even light-horror stores, and such. And they might have been more consistent, because they were playing to the strengths of their respective genres. But guess what - Space Opera cannot easily use the devices that belong to different genre, and remain true to itself. And as such I find most "consistency" and "coherence" type of accusations leveled at the ST to be missing the point. It is as if people wanted the imagery and trivia of the old movies, but god forbid their silliness and adherence to spectacle. In other words, they'd like Star Wars to reflect their more mature sentiments. And that's fine when you make something like Rogue One, which is unlike any other SW mainline movie. It is ok to explore the other genres. But maybe we should leave the mainline Sage true to its roots. This is not to say the ST is not flawed. There are all kinds of issues with the movies such as, characterisation of the main cast, pacing problems, singular movies not really complementing each other, etc. But these movies are nowhere near as awful as people make them out to be.
@peteypiranalover Жыл бұрын
I am not sure the ice cream analogy is that accurate
@briceboyee8536 Жыл бұрын
that's why it's an analogy
@starkoonbuiltdifferent Жыл бұрын
And ironically the painting are weird and bad
@Dead_Zead Жыл бұрын
Disney should just hire you to write all of their star wars material. You are obviously passionate about writing, storytelling and star wars, I'm sure that we the people would enjoy "modern" star wars a lot more if someone like yourself was responsible for it's legacy. BUT DISNEY IS DISNEY AND THE IDEA OF THEM HIRING A PASSION WRITER IS JUST A JOKE 😢
@blizzardwizard6067 Жыл бұрын
Somebody: sees anyone giving any kind of review analysis that does the bare minimum of understanding Star Wars Also somebody: OMG! You should be hired to write all of Star Wars! There’s probably a reason why you don’t see random people on the internet get hired to write for popular franchise.
@Dead_Zead Жыл бұрын
@@blizzardwizard6067 I made the statement as a joke. As if to say that random fans and critics on the internet are better than the current "writers" at Lucas Film, and Disney couldn't care less.
@benmalsky9834 10 ай бұрын
You really should appreciate Disney’s projects more. They honestly are really good.
@benmalsky9834 10 ай бұрын
Wake me up in a few years when enough nostalgia has built up for people to like the films and shows from Disney as much as I do.
@Dead_Zead 10 ай бұрын
@@benmalsky9834 I appreciate Disney for there great films but this modern stuff they're pumping out is just disappointing
@dreamerfrostbite2066 Жыл бұрын
i am perfectly fine with me and other people just enjoying art, you don't have to go any further than that and there is no obligation to. that being said I can enjoy rise of Skywalker (which I do) and still understand/critique it's flaws, which there are a lot of, seriously a lot. my problem isn't with fans turning their brains off to enjoy a work of art, my problem has always been the bad industry, toxicity, nitpicking, and the people obsessed with being right (which ironically causes people to turn off their brains), anyone can make valid criticism, it's the attitude that comes with it that's the problem.
@markgarrett3647 3 ай бұрын
Toxicity is an ignorant slur used right now to disparage genuine and logical criticism of anything Disney Star Wars.
@dreamerfrostbite2066 3 ай бұрын
@@markgarrett3647 no mate it really isn't, im all for critique like I said but that's a silly take from you. there is a clear difference between having a valid disagreement or criticism about a form of art, and having an obsessively negative attitude towards said art.
@swolecapybara Жыл бұрын
I freaking love this. The reason Star Wars fans get up in arms about Star Wars is because we care so much about it, and seeing it shortchanged is truly frustrating to see. I don’t think any reasonable person goes into a new movie or show actively looking for a reason to hate it. I was so excited for the sequels and most of the TV shows we have now. But they weren’t given proper attention, nor were they given the nuance that the OT had. I genuinely wanted to like them, I really did. But their character work-among other things-was extremely lacking and not enjoyable for me. Star Wars fans aren’t critical because we hate Star Wars. We’re critical because we know what good Star Wars is, and we call it as we see it.
@benmalsky9834 10 ай бұрын
Yes, they WERE given proper attention and DO have nuance.
@benmalsky9834 10 ай бұрын
You have to just suck it up and see the value in the new projects.
@swolecapybara 10 ай бұрын
@@benmalsky9834 If you wanna mindlessly consume anything that has the Star Wars brand slapped on it, be my guest. I know Star Wars can do much better than sludge like the sequels, Kenobi, and TBOBF.
@wotaj Жыл бұрын
If I want to turn off my mind, it means I wanted to sleep, for that I'd take melatonin.
@juliangramajo7010 Жыл бұрын
If you want to turn your brain off watch wathever netflix series is on fashion, do not destroy the franchise that i love and has always had tought and love put on it. We care about star wars because the movies are forever in our minds and hearts since 1978. If george lucas had put the effort for star wars that has been put on kenobi we would not be discussing anything today
@dreamerfrostbite2066 Жыл бұрын
no I kinda like and enjoy star wars, I don't feel obligated to criticize it, even if a have an actual book of pages with critiques on star wars. im just gonna have fun :)
@DoremiFasolatido1979 Жыл бұрын
The problem isn't either of those things. It's the cherry-picking that both do with regard to the originals. They're mediocre crap, but everyone acts as if they're "masterpieces". Almost no one back then, or now, seems to have even the most vague understanding of what a "masterpiece" would be, if one existed. Most popular or "classic" things suffer from this simple fact. Almost nothing is as good as some make it out to be, and relatively few things are as bad as everyone whines about. There are exceptions, but they're rare, and still not that extreme. Luke is as much a Mary Sue as Rey is, for example, but somehow Luke's hodge-podge of half-assed training for a few days is considered "sufficient" compared to Rey's apparent subscription to Jedi skills on Star Wars: Skillshare. Is one worse than the other? Sure. Is the "not worse" one somehow acceptable in that case? Fuck no. Any such instance of that kind of shit storytelling is unacceptable, ever. No matter the degree of the infraction, nor its style. Another problem throughout, that began early in the original trilogy, was the shark-jumping. Lucas himself is guilty of the very things people bitched about in the sequels. "That's just a bigger Death Star, and that's just a bigger Star Destroyer." It's just that people were comfortable with it the first time around because it was wasn't a pattern yet, because he hadn't gotten that far in the stupidity of it yet. But he made exactly the same mistakes Abrams and Johnson made. Instead of doing anything interesting, he just kept piling on more bullshit, and ramping up things he'd already done. So now, instead of the Force being subtle and mysterious, it's fucking Dragonball Z (though, to be fair, much of it is due to those absolutely garbage novels and comics). Instead of the Empire being complex and nuanced and evil in the sort of way that makes us afraid that WE might be evil, it's just a pile of cartoon villains that are logically doomed to lose from the start and only succeed through incredibly bad writing (though, Andor did at least attempt to ameliorate some of that issue). And because of all that, there are an absolutely stupid variety of powers and many other things related to the Force and Star Wars tech, which means everyone has to either constantly be in training to learn it all, or just has to be instantly good at it for no reason. And, in that...Luke is functionally good at it right away for no reason. He "masters" abilities that took anyone else years of absolutely dedicated study and practice, as well as brand new abilities that even those masters couldn't use. Rey just takes it to an even more stupidly absurd extreme, but that doesn't absolve Luke of being a shitty character. Somehow, this teen farmboy who didn't even know the Force existed and had clearly never even felt it, somehow becomes good enough with a 'saber to defeat an enemy more powerful than Yoda, and with decades of training in both the Light and Dark sides of the Force...with little more than a couple of pep-talks, a few tips, and a run through a fucking swamp. Luke put in the work? Go fuck yourselves. Now...I like Luke well enough overall. He's a good kid, who mostly grows up to be a good guy, and he does what he can to do the right thing. I like that. They just rushed everything about him, and his capabilities by the end make zero sense. And everyone just overlooks it...because they like Luke. Me, I don't give a shit if I like something or not. If I like something with flaws, I'm still gonna tear it down. Nothing is sacred to me...especially not nostalgia or tradition. Nothing. I'll attack it all...in the pursuit of forging whatever it is into something better. What pisses me off, is that they did almost exactly the same thing with Rey, and she's ostensibly the same level of quality as a character...but everyone's balls seem to crawl up into their pelvis because of it...and they all turn into whiny little dipshits. Instead of being objective and logical about the storytelling techniques and quality, they just give Luke a pass, and bitch about everything else for "reasons". It's like when people say Hitler was pure evil, but Stalin was ok. They did almost exactly the same shit...for exactly the same reasons. They're both equally evil shitbags. Star Trek, Marvel, and every other fandom are the same way. You're so obsessed and your perspectives so distorted, that you can't even recognize how shitty the things you like, really are. And what's an "opinion" is whether or not you like them, and why. What's an objective fact, is that they're still poorly contrived crap most of the time, maybe turning out mediocre once in a while, and being genuinely good once in a blue moon. But, just like religion, your own pride and personal investment in your obsession over it, lead you to refuse to accept anything other than that your interpretation is correct and good, and that all others are bad and wrong...on zero basis.
@matthejna Жыл бұрын
I agree. Star Wars(1977) is worth criticizing. The prequals aren't though unless you read all the books on ring theory. Those movies saved the franchise. Make a video proving me wrong you coward!
@master_samwise Жыл бұрын
Shouldn’t you be watching Troll 2 or something?
@BatsBats38 Жыл бұрын
First NO WAIT i mean view
@parkaller7959 Жыл бұрын
@BatsBats38 Жыл бұрын
@@parkaller7959 I actually was the first person to view the video
@parkaller7959 Жыл бұрын
@@BatsBats38 Yes, cool. Your comment was just written in a confusing way.
@matthewgaudet4064 Жыл бұрын
Star Wars hasn't been good since 1983. I wish i could be one of those people who really loved the prequels or the Disney movies.
@kingorange7739 Жыл бұрын
I mean do you not even find Star Wars the Clone Wars or some of the games good?
@HansLemurson Жыл бұрын
That's what I thought until I saw Andor. Somebody accidentally let talent loose on the universe!
@mihaylov131 Жыл бұрын
Revenge of the Sith is a better movie than Return of the Jedi. Rogue One atmosphere is very close to the OT.
@peteypiranalover Жыл бұрын
I believe literally anything created by a living being can be classified as art if the creator considers it so. You look in the toilet bowl and find your poo fascinating it can technically be considered art. It is all about figured out an Art scale of what we are measuring the quality of art by.
@malakimphoros2164 Жыл бұрын
This is a certified realistic dadaism moment
@paulsteinhauser434 Жыл бұрын
The only way to return something back to greatness is to cut out or in this case remove the evil plaguing star wars. I.e. Disney, Kathleen Kennedy, Lucasfilm story group, and the woke nut cases attacking star wars.
@adamboof6769 Жыл бұрын
My issue with star wars fans, is that they ignore the gaping issues with the movies they loved as kids, just to turn around to criticize the fuck out of those same issues in modern shows/movies. All of star wars is severely flawed.
@yoshijb9428 Жыл бұрын
What fucking star wars are you watching?
@RoaryUK Жыл бұрын
No!! All of Star Wars is NOT "severely flawed" at all. Yes there are flaws in all the movies, but what Lucas had created was enjoyable to the point those flaws never mattered, that's why his movies still hold up today despite their flaws, something the Disney machine seems to have forgotten about or deliberately put aside, but to suggest what we all enjoyed as kids is on the same level as the so called "modern movies" of today is ludicrous.
@mreszotnik Жыл бұрын
@@RoaryUK Bro, the hate Lucas received for the prequels proves that not all that "Lucas had created was enjoyable to the point those flaws never mattered". I am glad that these days people started showing more love for the prequels... but I am dismayed that they do so at the cost of: 1) being completely blind to its flaws to the point of being hypocritical about them; 2) finding a new witch to burn instead; 3) not even trying to engage with the positive side of the new SW content including the sequels. Judging from the fact that people started changing their minds about TLJ, it may be anticipated that in some time, the sequels as well are going to be seen as "enjoyable despite their flaws". Here are some examples of KZfaqrs who changed their opinion on TLJ: kzfaq.info/get/bejne/mslke9iCnN3bmYk.html kzfaq.info/get/bejne/hdaeh5WrtJfHqIE.html kzfaq.info/get/bejne/p9J_oa6IxM2qfHk.html
@benmalsky9834 10 ай бұрын
Here’s an idea: Stop hating everything Disney produces for Star Wars and we can all get along.
@markgarrett3647 3 ай бұрын
Here's an idea: Stop defending lousy character development, plotlines, special effects, OG portrayals and script writing.
@benmalsky9834 3 ай бұрын
@@markgarrett3647 Here’s another idea, accept other people’s opinions.
@benmalsky9834 10 ай бұрын
How are we supposed to take this video seriously when everything Disney has produced for Star Wars is getting so much hatred? Everyone deserves to love those films too! You people just love to hold old things in high regards but hate on every new thing that comes out. This is the sign of people just being bitter old people.
@master_samwise 10 ай бұрын
Everything, huh? Like how everyone hated Andor? Right? No, no, it can't be that Disney just doesn't give a shit anymore and just pumps out 95% sludge because they know they don't have to try that hard to get people to watching anything Star Wars.
@benmalsky9834 10 ай бұрын
@@master_samwise Why won’t you see things from my perspective?
@markgarrett3647 3 ай бұрын
Yeah why do people hate it when their movies take a massive nosedive in quality all of a sudden.
@benmalsky9834 3 ай бұрын
@@markgarrett3647 They never do in my opinion.
@markgarrett3647 3 ай бұрын
@@benmalsky9834 The strong negative response to the Prequels and other movies proves what you just said to be wrong.
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