16 сағат бұрын
@DougWIngate 43 минут бұрын
just a reminder for anyone reading: an 'outrage' article isn't an article written by an outraged person, it's an article written to make you feel outraged. I really wish people understood this :)
@JoboGamezzz 52 минут бұрын
While I disagree with your opinion on halo I respect how you have handled all of this
@rdomnaispartan3734 Сағат бұрын
12:40 bro have u not played the last slayer gate? Its fucking nuts. It took me a good hour on Nightmare, and im pretty damn good at the game, not having too much issue with the main missions of the dlc.
@underthemayo Сағат бұрын
@@rdomnaispartan3734 it was updated to be harder after everyone said it was too easy
@rdomnaispartan3734 Сағат бұрын
@@underthemayo ah that makes more sense. that slayer gate cost me a controller.
@dudermcdudeface3674 2 сағат бұрын
No, it's not. Murphy is still a slave at the end, and yet the emphasis of the filmmaking style at that point is optimistic and Western-like. You can't call a film a particular genre based on a meta-analysis. Only the events in front of the camera determine genre. Attempts by anyone, including writers, to introduce their thoughts, feelings, and purposes into the mix are irrelevant. You said what you said and did what you did, now live with how it's perceived.
@SquidLight 2 сағат бұрын
Firstly I love the game. I know about quick swapping but I really really just don't like the look of it for gameplay. I've struggled through nightmare once and never needed it. So at least I can confirm the premise of it being necessary is not true. I can't confirm its not fun because I didn't try that. Even without it after a few playthroughs you can instinctively increase your dps dramatically. (Though not to the extent of this)
@bluevines1303 3 сағат бұрын
The thing that makes this sad about this is that it shares the same ammo of the bfg witch is so damn scarce that you dont want to waste it
@SuperiorBeing 3 сағат бұрын
I did not even attempt quick swapping once when i first played. Definitely a helpful tool but nobody absolutely need to use it
@underthemayo 3 сағат бұрын
Yeah i didn't use it for MONTHS
@cthecav 4 сағат бұрын
Few things are as satisfying as deleting a marauder in a couple damage dealing bursts with the SSG/Balista
@slayerbestband9522 4 сағат бұрын
from mocking game journalists reviews to doing the same
@underthemayo 3 сағат бұрын
Yes, game journalists and their famous calling out of games for being too easy to play stupid and win. Happens all the time.
@slayerbestband9522 3 сағат бұрын
@@underthemayo in the old doom eternal videos, you said that they don't use all the mechanics the game offers, and from what i see, you didn't too in ultrakill, thus my comment
@slayerbestband9522 3 сағат бұрын
@@underthemayo I played a lot of eternal and i enjoy ultrakill, i like the style bar because it forces you to switch between not only the weapons but their variant, move a certain way, and so on... i agree that it could be more difficult but brutal offers a good challenge imo
@sonny8686 4 сағат бұрын
It´s so great to listen to two fans passionately talk about the franchise. You guys rock!
@Fan_Of_Film96 4 сағат бұрын
Hey Mayo, do you think you'll ever do a face reveal? Keep it up with the cool content👍
@grintv6238 5 сағат бұрын
I dont even like ultrakill and think this video is retarded
@matty6878 8 сағат бұрын
the film is being made in canada for tax reasons, and the car might have giving some funds to the production like most brands do now. i enjoy the look of the first film, the second "3D" one was forgettable but i am hopeful for this one. as for the games, i really think it'll be at least decent. i dont care about the changes in terms of appearance of the characters (like who rly gives af) but the combat is something that could really make or break the game. just look at Homecoming.. that said, i probably wont buy on release and just wait for the word from gamers. if its that bad then konami doesnt need the $$$ encouragement. but if its good, then they need to know this is the direction SH needs to be going.
@BradyPartain 8 сағат бұрын
The reasons you listed are exactly whats kept me from buying this. I get easily lost and overwhelmed and this looks like a maze overload that i already know will frustrate me, thank you
@EEEEMMMMKKKK 8 сағат бұрын
I would say if you don’t have a good taste and you want all fps to be a frenetic shooter with rainbow colors like most fps in the last decade than yes Eternal is better…
@sacredbanana 10 сағат бұрын
My uncle Jeremy had died by his own hand!
@yourfacemeetsmyfist 11 сағат бұрын
You should've absolutely addressed the complaints directed towards spirits and blood maykrs. Modulating a player response using a possessed enemy and building a strategy a few steps ahead is great design. For Blood Maykrs, demanding precision from players during arenas is a core arena FPS fundamental.
@Malidictus 12 сағат бұрын
I personally found Doom Eternal to be hot garbage. Doom 4 was already pretty droll and dated-feeling, but at least it was a somewhat solid game. Doom Eternal looks like a Penny Arcade parody of itself, has an absolute nonsense storyline and plays terribly. Every enemy is a gimmick, best fought by passing a gear check. Spider Mastermind? Shoot its weapon. No, not with the shotgun. No, not with a rocket. Yes, with the rifle, but you have to be aiming down sights. Cacodemon? Make it swallow a grenade. No, not a rocket, a grenade - from the shotgun. Marauder? Yeah, you're basically doing a glorified QTE with those. It doesn't make me "better" at shooters. It makes me better at finding cheese tactics. I'm glad that people are enjoying throwbacks to easily the worst period of Shooter design. I enjoyed those too, when I was younger. But that was 20 years ago. I've seen better games since. I don't see the point of digging up bad designs from the past.
@underthemayo 11 сағат бұрын
You can always spot an idiot by their insistence that you have to shoot the arachnotron turret to kill it. Bro just throw a grenade at and then use the full auto shotgun. From level one you can easily kill it like that. Use a blood punch to falter and break weakpoint and then double shot SSG. Try actually thinking.
@Malidictus 11 сағат бұрын
@@underthemayo So your solution is to call me an "idiot" and immediately defer to "try actually thinking". That's some quality content right there. Since we're trading advise, though, here's mine: try actually reading what you're responding to before you respond to it. Because if you, you may have noticed that I never claimed destroying the cannon was necessary to kill the thing. I merely pointed out that the act of destroying it is a gear check, as it can only be done with a specific weapon. Even if other weapons would make intuitive sense, only that one weapon can destroy it. This doesn't promote "gitting gud" or "actually thinking" or whatever hollow put-down you think might actually hurt my feelings. It promotes Simon Says. It promotes rote memorisation and pattern recognition, with no room left for improvisation or actual adaptation. You either fight the enemy the way it was designed to be fought, or you GTFO. I find that neither impressive nor particularly exciting. There's a reason Marauders were a major bone of contention when the game released. But sure. Anyone who has a different opinion from you must be an "idiot" who can't think for themselves. Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.
@B1it3krieg 12 сағат бұрын
24:00 he's a kid, for god's sake!
@Myer2011 12 сағат бұрын
Hi mayo love your video do you have any videos on ultra kill can’t decide to buy it or not?
@underthemayo 11 сағат бұрын
Yes I have videos on Ultrakill. It's a very good game that I recommend.
@MrMightyZ 12 сағат бұрын
Being literally middle aged now myself I can attest to the fact that I’m heavier and can lift more so my punch might hurt more but I DEFINITELY have less HP. Oh to have the energy and endurance I had in my teens and 20s again! 😁
@talesusde 13 сағат бұрын
liked the video, but the part where he complains about jill's personality is kinda dumb imo. RE characters are as shallow as they can be, women and dudes are just sexy superheroes and thats it
@underthemayo 11 сағат бұрын
You can watch the first video on Jill, or play RE3 original, to see that simply isn't true. Re3 Jill was a good character.
@DongLick 14 сағат бұрын
Unmaykr isnt underrated, it is just too expencive (bad).
@Glavenus 14 сағат бұрын
For anyone who stumbles upon this video and has never played DMC3 before. If you can, get the switch version, weirdly enough is the best version. It doesn't have half the bugs the PC version has, and it comes with style switching natively. It also runs perfectly on emulator. Peace.
@The_SUN1234 15 сағат бұрын
Two DLC's are focused to much on combat and not much about exploration and platforming. Even the main game has sections taht lock you up till you beat the NPC's. I wish we have original doom formula where you explore and spend less time battling. Battle should be secondary not primary. In two new DLC's battle is way to much. I felt exhausted and annoyed killing bunch of demons after a while, seems like thats all you do in this game DLC's. I notice a lot of games these days focus TO much on action. New Prince of Persia, Metroid dread etc... combat is focused way to much instead of being something that happens in an exploration game. I'm dissapointed about DLC's. Feels like a way to take money instead of making a propper continuation to main story and gameplay.
@justinwr092 15 сағат бұрын
I love this game. I love this channel. And I love pie. Pecan, chocolate coconut, pumpkin, apple, whatever, any kind of pie.
@MrMightyZ 15 сағат бұрын
I was thinking how unfortunate it is for you that this whole genre of gaming doesn't appeal to you and then I remembered! I can not stand RDR2 with its input-lag combined with ponderous movement and being forced to bathe and do chores and shave, I love watching clips of the absolutely amazing AI responding to players but I'll play that game in Hell. So I get it.
@underthemayo 11 сағат бұрын
Yeah not everything works for everyone and that's okay.
@justinjones3918 16 сағат бұрын
I could only imagine Hell as a rendition of Super Mario Bros. With its lava, spikes, and goombas strewn about.
@antynomity 17 сағат бұрын
Can I just say that the new Praetor Armor design looks awesome?
@DougWIngate 18 сағат бұрын
"Real God of War" That's a weird way to describe God of War 2018...
@Bigweave74 18 сағат бұрын
All these weak point haters forgot that Barons of Hell were the first weak point enemies.
@aeropul2627 19 сағат бұрын
You should review Amid Evil. I had fun with that one and I think other people would too if they knew about it
@danieldaw1778 19 сағат бұрын
The fact that you can block and parry is so interesting. Don't think I've ever seen that in a first person.
@Cugmacontent 20 сағат бұрын
6:46 I love how Mayo is at the 200 HP adjustment which means he was infact struggling trying to beat the Hideous Mass which he describes as a "push over"
@underthemayo 11 сағат бұрын
Lol. I just dashed in with the charged piercer and got all that back in an instant. What a struggle.
@minhlongduong6272 21 сағат бұрын
Me spamming the ssg hook + ballista/pb + blood punch combo on EVERY SINGLE heavy/super heavy encounter:
@NephilisThylord 21 сағат бұрын
The maurauder being an enemy that actually changes how you kill something is the kind of stuff I love In a game like this, “shoot it till it dies” gets old eventually
@AJBrewsky 21 сағат бұрын
I was surprised by how unsatisfied I was by this game also. I definitely feel like I lacked control and options in combat situations such as a lack of tactical leaning, point aiming for concentrated fire, and bullet spongy enemies which conglomerated into this weird feeling of you always having to be in the enemies face most of the time while feeling a lack of control in situations where they just rushed you in packs. It feels like the developers were trying to make a doom game when I feel like this game would have felt more right if it had more tactical options for the player while making the weapons more precise.
@rowge1449 22 сағат бұрын
I wouldn't have him any other way
@wxldfl4wer850 22 сағат бұрын
I love this game as much as the next person but this is one of the things about eternal that does take out some fun & creativity, and it 100% is restrictive. what if I don't want to shoot an aracnotrons turret & simply want to shoot it with the bookstick and see it explode? Gut it with the chainsaw or go up to it and just rip it apart with my hands? this is why I'm exited for TDA and I can already tell it's going to be better than eternal in every way, you're no longer bound by a bunch of gimmicks, just Rip 'n tear. I've watched some of your other videos and it seems like you're just someone who glazes the game & gets super defensive over any type of critique because you think it's flawless when it's really not dude.
@underthemayo 22 сағат бұрын
@@wxldfl4wer850 did you even watch the video? The arachnotron turret is an optional target. All you have to do is throw a grenade at him to stun him and the shotgun him to death like you said. Or dash in to blood punch and the SSG. Try sending a volley of lock on rockets for insta kill.
@wxldfl4wer850 21 сағат бұрын
@@underthemayo yea, you can do those things, I'm aware, I've mastered eternals combat & on nightmare you literally get punished for not hitting weak points & killing demons with the meta, the game is designed around you DOING those things & Hugo out of his own mouth said if you don't do those things you will die. I think he realized that a game like that will eventually get boring as well because the direction he's taking the the Dark ages seems to be what eternal needed & it's full player freedom over how they kill demons. Why would you not want to grab an imp & rip it's head off or decap it with a shieldsaw? then kick a hell knight, beat the shit out of him with a flail & then obliterate him with the boomstick? Instead of just following a script?
@yourfacemeetsmyfist 10 сағат бұрын
​@@wxldfl4wer850 "I've mastered Eternals combat" If *I* haven't, there's no way you have. What you're describing is good game design, and your inability to cope with it. Youre talking about a lack of player freedom, but I dont see anyone playing exactly how I play, and plenty of players as good as me if not better across many aspects play entirely different.