Classic Game Postmortem: 'Karateka'
We Need to Talk About Games Leadership
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'Farming Simulator' Postmortem
@wicgamesdev 19 сағат бұрын
How in the world did i wait 1 year to watch this?
@ashdjones 21 сағат бұрын
Unmodded footage, i'm being ddosed by 4000+ paramilitary.
@rivrr1555 Күн бұрын
what a good talk
@Soul-Burn Күн бұрын
Excellent talk! And this doesn't even touch on the crazy pseudo-programming that goes into wand building. Wands are implemented as a whole deck building game behind the scenes, flush with deck, hand, and discard piles. Some creative spells make use of these features as you would expect in a game built around deck building.
@sadinoelsouza574 Күн бұрын
Buzz Godzilla Back Please
@EurojuegosBsAs Күн бұрын
My kids find hard to believe that back on those days games came in books and you had to type them yourself. I know I did 😂
@Yu-Fei-Hung 2 күн бұрын
Are there any technical books regarding the technical problems he solved?
@MorbidManoeuvres 2 күн бұрын
the guitar parts are the main reason i'm watching this and thus hooked on Mick Gordon. but i would like to add he is also a modern day wizzard with processing and creating gorgeous textures / audio designs . Thank you
@42hrod42 2 күн бұрын
Great talk!
@NatalkaSemenova 2 күн бұрын
Create a champion ghost girl - Aphelios' sister! Aluna. I think this is a great idea!
@RsouthR 2 күн бұрын
Is it still true today ?
@YoutubePizzer 2 күн бұрын
though these specific techniques for a game of this fidelity may be dated it’s still cool hearing their approaches to problem solving and using existing tools to create convincing effects
@xChikyx 3 күн бұрын
no wonder why wizards care only about the player's wallets, when then entire "design" phylosophy is based on exploting players addictions....
@bronson8x993 3 күн бұрын
Real artists SHIP.
@BrianBeeby 3 күн бұрын
I wanted to like Vogel. I'm seven years his junior and have known about him since Exile was fairly new. I've wanted to be a for-profit "indie" PC game developer forever. I'm finally on my way to making that happen, and one of the reasons for the big holdup was listening to really bad and misleading advice over the years. Don't let Vogel fool you. He's not iD or Apogee/3D Realms, but he's well renown in the Shareware "indie" PC game industry. He's done a lot of writing about the field for a long time and has long been a go-to authority for would-be "indie" game makers hoping to get their careers going. Most, if not pretty much all, of the time, when Vogel writes or talks about the indie video game biz, it's to DISCOURAGE OR DRIVE OUT would-be "competitors." As if this lecture wasn't indicative enough, go to the Spiderweb company site and find the links to Vogel's articles and blog, "The Bottom Feeder." His Bottom Feeder articles date to 2009. From there, look for "The Indie Bubble Is Popping" in May 2014 to get an idea what this guy's all about. On one hand, it seems all this guy does is spew endless negative, dark, and discouraging drivel about indie video games, the indie game industry, the "mainstream" video game industry, other peoples' games (and some bad design advice like always being able to cheat no matter what), and the dark, disparaging, and hopeless life of the average indie game developer. On this side of the coin, Vogel cites his own career as a small miracle that he is still around doing the same thing he was doing in 1995, more or less. He groans about how making a shareware ripoff of Ultima IV for the non-existent game market known as the Macintosh and how it sold well due to lack of competition more than anything else was like surviving the first-wave landing on Omaha Beach. He wails about how excruciatingly tough and expensive being a shareware game author was in the Bad Old Days. He had to Do Everything Himself like take credit card orders over the phone, buy a Power Mac 6100 which cost twice the price of his 386 or whatever PC he had which had an OVERSTOCK of period rpgs he was ripping off, and Build A Website By Hand in 1997. I remember when everyone had one! Still on the same coin, Vogel cries about how there are Too Many Indie Game Developers making Too Many Indie Games which make profit margins so thin in an "overcrowded" industry. How can the internet with video games for sale be "overcrowded"? Anyway, he drones on about how he is one flop away from going BANKRUPT. Really, with his 30-year back catalog that he keeps re-releasing over and over? He wrote about how he tried to "innovate" with his Nethergate series and how he almost lost his shirt (?), as if trying to emphasize how risky, dangerous, and cutthroat the indie game industry is. He would write about the GRUELING workload of indie game development, like a non-stop 24/7/365-a-year process it was, and once his game shipped, he'd catch his breath for a couple days, then plunge back into the indie game shark tank for another year - back to back. In another Bottom Feeder post, he wrote it was INEVITABLE that he would produce a flop and - that's all folks. That's the end. Time to declare bankruptcy. Or at least go out of business. But yet he remains an indie game dev because It's Who I Am, as if it's his solemn, chosen death wish. Would-be indie game devs, beware! Flipping the coin, Vogel then contradicts himself by gushing about how awesome and terrific his life and career are. Being a mom-and-pop shareware game developer and claiming to gross an annual $200,000 over most of a 30-year career by making "low-budget" Ultima IV clones sounds like utter bliss. Over time, I became more and more skeptical over Vogel's claims about how "great" his career was and how much cash he was raking in. He finally went off the rails for me a decade or so ago when he claimed he Almost Went Out Of Business (again?) like in this video, and then, lo and behold - Steam partnership! He really grossed that much in 2011? What about all the living life on the Razor's Edge, one relative flop away from utter disaster? Why is he so tense in the video, and why does he bring up the concept of indie game devs being in competition with each other on the internet, especially when the topic of online retail middleman sales spots comes up? The truth is likely somewhere in between Vogel's claims of extreme highs - and lows. Especially with the saving grace of Steam partnership. A place where a long-time industry heavy like Vogel can attempt to maintain or regain market share. I tried playing the Geneforge demo a long time ago. It was a little clunky in its interface and implementation. I actually preferred the look of the original Exile which looked like it used VGA Mode 12h with high-res 16-color graphics. Mostly though, these old-school rpgs have never quite been my bag, but I am interested in them and have plenty of them on CDs and floppies. I just need to get around to them. But if I want to play one, I want a GOOD ONE. I think I'll finally get around to playing Ultima VII.
@TheChronozoan 4 күн бұрын
God what an excellent talk! I wish I could hear an updated talk from him, speaking of where Path of Exile is now versus then
@yunggolem4687 4 күн бұрын
References are good for speed, but you need to reference outside of your genre & ideally outside of your medium (gaming) or else it will always end up feeling too derivative (because it is).
@yunggolem4687 4 күн бұрын
We Need To Stop Wasting Time With "We Need To Talk"-style Public Struggle Sessions None of this is determined by developers. The level of tolerance for corporate bungling & corruption is determined by the paying customer & the company owners. The input & output of the money that flows through developers & spins them like an electric motor. Devs need to focus on making great & novel games rather than cargo culting the same tired genre tropes until the horse's corpse is beaten to powder.
@skope2055 4 күн бұрын
Great presentation!
@StorytellerDan 4 күн бұрын
Very cool
@ScottSpadea 4 күн бұрын
Cross product is helpful for electromagnetism. A charged particle moving relative to a magnetic field, will be pushed in the cross product direction, which acts as a steering force. Its useful for designing electric motors.
@2fifty533 4 күн бұрын
in geometric algebra, the magnetic field is a bivector instead of a vector, and the cross product you're talking about is actually the inner product this explains why the cross product of the magnetic field with the current doesn't yield a pseudovector, and why it uses the left hand rule instead of the right hand rule
@EccentricTuber 4 күн бұрын
Going off what @2fifty533 said, there are also different algebras in the "realm of Geometric Algebra." For example, within the Spacetime Algebra, there is a cross (Hodge dual to the commutator) product between timelike (relative) bivectors!
@Tannz0rz 4 күн бұрын
@@2fifty533 This is true for the non-relativistic EM formulation in the 3D Algebra of Physical Space. In the Spacetime Algebra the electric field consists of timelike bivectors and the magnetic field consists of spacelike bivectors.
@bxnny0374 4 күн бұрын
This is a fantastic talk. I don't have anything to add, I'm just commenting to help the video continue to grow and reach more people.
@Yanquii 4 күн бұрын
Idk why but i feel like the team might have been a bit inspired but Tekken when is see the setup reactions
@haydencolonel1695 5 күн бұрын
the stank face I made at 36:46
@stevetaylor5290 5 күн бұрын
That was one hell of a talk - funny but technically solid, specific but broadly applicable. I came for the game AI but stayed for the canny discussion of the problems I face every day in my non-game job. Would love to hear more by this speaker.
@johnterpack3940 5 күн бұрын
Funny how perspective matters. He sees the negatives associated with the choices in the mouse game as "interesting back and forth". I see it as Pavlovian conditioning, "stay on the path we decree as righteous or be punished". There is a very real difference between choices mattering and choices mattering. By which I mean, if I do choose to be greedy too often it is entirely plausible that others will no longer want to be around me. It is entirely implausible that being greedy too often should mean I am never again capable of being not greedy. I see nothing of value in that game. Especially not the idea of rewarding players with XP for simply acting on instinct even when that instinct is counter to your current goals and needs. Similarly, he sees flashbacks as a way to open up a "rich tapestry of possibilities" while I see it as a cheap way of letting players cheat their way past an obstacle they otherwise couldn't deal with. But, this is why there are so many games. What appeals to some annoys others.
@dreamisover9813 5 күн бұрын
I'm looking forward to the game a lot! Interesting to see a talk about this as well
@jamescheetham6091 5 күн бұрын
This. Is why I want to become a tech artist
@stevetaylor5290 6 күн бұрын
Happy to see the thumbnail for this is from the old Sinclair Spectrum “The Hobbit” game!
@AesirAesthetics 6 күн бұрын
about that Crate document tho.....
@Mitsuraga 6 күн бұрын
Panzer Dragoon might be the only Saturn game that actually _benefitted_ from the delayed Saturn devkits. *Take down the PlayStation!*
@levinmenekse1912 6 күн бұрын
When I replayed Ghost last year, I went with the Lethal difficulty and it was the most fun I had in a game in a long time. The encounters were tense but rewarding. Moreover, I actually used more of the Ghost tools and had to adapt to playing with stealth because being swarmed by enemies was suddenly really dangerous. This gradual shift in my playing style made the story beats "click" for me, far more than how my first playthrough went. Really great talk and I wish more companies designed their combat with this level of precision. I hope the sequel will launch with Lethal difficulty baked in.
@nomad_1997 6 күн бұрын
This guy is an absolute genius of a game developer. I would love to have a chance to just to talk with him and hear all his fucking ideas. It's incredible how efficient he is, he identified exactly what parts of the game need to be prioritized, and what parts of the game you can minimally invest in. This one guy and his small crew are more talented than the AAA corporate garbage that is constantly spewed out.
@noxyk 6 күн бұрын
And within 8 years since this video, they managed to destroy that same game
@OmerFaruk-gs7db 6 күн бұрын
supercell brink back the boxes.................................................................................................................................................................
@finallysaved 6 күн бұрын
It's really interesting seeing how the early concepts were formed into extremely polished final works. Amazing game, I hope to work on something as great as Portal someday
@dukiwave 6 күн бұрын
12 minutes of a 1 hour talk is a lore dump for a card game lol
@sonictimm 7 күн бұрын
Very informative talk, thank you!
@hhhpestock951 7 күн бұрын
i imagine the dude with the leg tattoos is also holding a beer in each hand and wearing really bad sunglasses
@brandonscott3012 7 күн бұрын
Lol I'm glad I'm not the only one who is very triggered by the nonstop swallowing and lip smacking sounds. Useful insights though.
@FizzleFX 7 күн бұрын
Soundtrack is great and gameplay addictive. However it gets dangerously complicated
@SubzeroBlack68 7 күн бұрын
I have a question I hope someone can answer. Can Twitch Integration work in the other direction? Where they players fill a server and the Streamer is the one who plays God and effects the game world/server?
@TheAIEpiphany 7 күн бұрын
you mentioned that int (positionX) overflowing easily is a feature not a bug, but given that int overflow is UB how can we know the behavior across platforms is what we expect it to be?
@fox__rich4734 7 күн бұрын
@diribigal 7 күн бұрын
The "sandwich product" aka conjugation is such an important concept. I hate that (in the US) it's basically only taught to a few STEM majors, and often without a memorable application.
@theRiverOtter 7 күн бұрын
@codemonster8443 7 күн бұрын
@rohanphaff2640 7 күн бұрын
Awesome talk! Even included development footage in the mix and included some extremely interesting technical aspects of the game. Haven't played it myself but am excited to do so now!
@ColdRoland 7 күн бұрын
That sounds like he is as much of an electrical engineer as he is a sound one. I'm an electrician, and really jealous of that ingenuity. Using compressors like that is ingenious. Now do capacitators! xD